Angels Are Aliens, Aliens Are Angels - August 2017
Angels Are Aliens, Aliens Are Angels - August 2017
Angels Are Aliens, Aliens Are Angels - August 2017
November 2017
However, since those beings and vehicles are supernatural in na-
ture they are not susceptible to non-supernatural occurrences such as
accidents or death, like the one publicized at Roswell, New Mexico,
July 3, 1947. Angels do not die or have mortal accidents. Superna-
tural aliens do not die or have mortal accidents.
The occurrence at Roswell in 1947 was of a supposed alien
spaceship crashing and 5 dead alien bodies found, small bodies with
big heads. This occurrence was clearly much different than the super-
natural alien encounters reported at other times and places. It was
also covered up by the US government so that no outsiders could see
what really happened. The Roswell incident was clearly non-super-
natural in nature..... And as an alien encounter, it was a deliberate
hoax. Angels can't die. Luke 20:36 ......Neither can they die any
more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God,
being the children of the resurrection.
Those aliens at Roswell were as much real aliens as the Phan-
tom of the Opera was a real ghost. As soon as the Phantom of the
Opera demanded money from the owners of the theater he identified
himself as a mortal person. Real ghosts don't have any need for mo-
ney. And if they wanted any money, they could take it without asking.
They could take it right out of a safe without opening the door of the
safe. (Acts 12:1-19)
When a real ghost is seen by a human being, the common re-
action is that the person's hair stands up and they tremble. Job 4:13-
15 In thoughts from the visions of the night, when deep sleep falleth
on men, 14 Fear came upon me, and trembling, which made all my
bones to shake. 15 Then a spirit passed before my face; the hair of
my flesh stood up:.... also Dan 5:5,6 ....In the same hour came
forth fingers of a man's hand, and wrote over against the candlestick
upon the plaister of the wall of the king's palace: and the king saw the
part of the hand that wrote. 6 Then the king's counte- nance (face)
was changed, and his thoughts troubled him, so that the joints of his
loins (mid-section) were loosed, and his knees smote one against
another...... (A hand without a body appeared and wrote something
on the wall. This is the origin of the phrase: the writing is on the wall
....... meaning that what is written is a definite prophecy that absolutely
will happen. Please read all of Daniel 5.)
The Bible clearly states that one of the most important reasons
why God sent the flood, in the book of Genesis, was that those an-
gels, rather fallen angels or demons, were openly and regularly
inter-mingling too much with human beings. It even says that they
were inter-mating with human women and producing children that
were half human and half demon. Those half human children were
treated as royalty by the regular people. Gen 6:4 There were giants
(great, mighty men) in the earth in those days; and also after that,
when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they
bore children to them, the same became mighty men which were of
old, men of renown. Hercules was an example of one of those half
human offspring. The Egyptian and the Central American Mayan an-
cient writings claimed that their royal dynasty was started from this
type of half human/half god offspring. The Nazi-Arian culture
claims that their entire society is a product of this type of inter-mating
with those spirit beings. This is why the Nazis thought that they were
the master race during WW2.
After the flood those angels, rather demons, were forbidden to
inter-mingle with humans the same way they did before the flood.
Some of them were even placed in a spiritual prison which God made
especially for them. Jude 1:6 And the angels which kept not their
first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlast-
ing chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. This
explains why, after the flood, those beings no longer related to people
the same way they used to, before the flood. The History channel
documentary Ancient Aliens gives many historical examples of that
inter-mingling and inter-mating. However, that History channel docu-
mentary offers no explanation why the inter-mingling stopped. (Note
it stopped on an open/constant contact basis. However, even until to-
day there are occasional rare reported cases of it happening in a non-
public isolated individual manner.)
In the History channel documentary Ancient Aliens they present
an enormous amount of evidence that many years ago there was re-
gular open public contact between humans and those fallen angels,
who were referred to by the common people as gods.... And their
offspring from human women were treated as royalty, as though they
were descended from the gods. The History channel documentary
calls them extra-terrestrials. The documentary also presents a lot of
evidence that the people back then had advanced technology, which
was taught to them by those extra-terrestrials. (Keep in mind that
almost all of our present day technology was developed within the last
one hundred years (a short time), without any outside assistance.
Even as recently as 1985, in the Back to the Future movies,
they couldn't imagine a laptop computer or the Internet, when they
tried to depict how life would be like in 2015. More emphasis was put
on flying cars, which still has not been attained as it was in those
movies. They even mentioned that the postal service was inferior to
the weather service, because they had no concept of instantaneous e-
mail on the Internet..... and our weather service still isn't as good as in
that movie. As late as the mid 1990's most people would not have
imagined a small pocket-sized portable music playing device without
discs that is capable of storing and playing an enormous amount of
music. And how about small pocket cellular phones? Before the nine-
ties they were like something out of Star Trek.)
The most famous evidence of advanced technology from the era
long ago is the pyramids in Egypt and Mexico (Teotihuacan). Those
pyramids were made with giant blocks of stone, brought from far away
and cut with super precise advanced machinery. (Superior to modern
machinery.) Our modern technology would have difficulty accomplish-
ing such a feat...... and modern technology would take a long time to
do it. In other words, our modern technology is inferior to whatever
technology they were using. It is even said that they had the power of
levitation (anti-gravity) in order to easily and quickly move those giant
blocks of stone into place. They even made giant sculptures of
Pharaohs cut from single stones, somehow moved into place, which
are so heavy that our modern technology is not capable of moving
They also had highly precise hieroglyphic images cut in stone
that look so highly precise and identical that they could only have
been done by very advanced stone cutting machinery. It doesn't
seem possible that a hammer and chisel could ever have done what
they did with super high precision, even cutting tiny deep holes and
thin deep lines perfectly straight into the stone. Their giant images of
Pharaohs were also cut super precisely with absolutely identical
symmetry. Pieces of very old electric batteries have been found.
In Peru, South America, in the Andes Mountains, in the ruins of
the ancient city of Ollantaytambo there are six gigantic perfectly cut
blocks of stone positioned in a line near the top of a mountain, 9,000
feet above sea level, brought from another mountain, which are so big
and heavy that our modern technology could not move them, much
less get them up to the top of a steep mountain. Their knowledge of
astronomy surpasses our modern astronomy, with our giant highly
precise telescopes. The list goes on and on.
But, all that advanced technology was lost after the flood. The
History channel documentary Ancient Aliens offers no explanation at
all for why the old advanced technology was lost. Obviously, Noah did
not continue using their advanced technology after the flood. It is
quite probable that after the flood people had a negative mental asso-
ciation between advanced technology and evilness. Mental advance-
ment was considered to be vanity, arrogance and anti-religious. After
all, what good is advanced technology if people still die and go to hell?
This negative mindset toward technological advancement can be
found in writings all through history, since the flood. The modern
technological advancements within the last century are due to the
removal of that mindset.
The big question is, what is the difference between the angels
spoken of in the Bible and those aliens presented on the History
channel documentary? First, concerning the ability to do things, there
is no difference. The angels from the Bible could do everything that
those aliens could do. Second, the purpose of the angels has al-
ways been primarily religious, whereas those aliens (demons) are pre-
sented as being very non-religious and strongly atheistic. It is stated
over and over in those History channel documentaries that every re-
ference to religion in the Bible was simply a misunderstanding of
people long ago who just didn't understand advanced technology. In
other words, they say that the people who wrote the Bible who could
not understand advanced technology invented a false religious ex-
planation for a very natural super high-tech phenomenon that they
could not comprehend any other way. They also ignore the fact that,
what they call advanced technology, is not technology at all, it is
supernatural. Even to this day it is understood that almost all of the
supernatural occurrences in the Bible are impossible to be explained
by advanced technology, like how Jesus walked on water.
Sometimes, those History channel documentaries even go as far
as to say that the aliens are really super advanced human time travel-
ers visiting us from our own future. It should also be noted that the
majority of the religious messages in the Bible are about religious
teachings that are completely unrelated to anything that could be in-
terpreted as pertaining to advanced technology. Most of the messa-
ges in the Bible are about a spiritual relationship with God, which has
nothing to do with unusual physical phenomenon.
The angels should be understood as created the way they are
from their birth. They were not advanced human time travelers. Cha-
meleons are born with the ability to change colors at will. Did those
animals have to learn advanced technology to do that? No..... and
neither did the angels have to learn advanced technology in order to
change their form or go back and forth from the spirit world, in another
dimension, to the natural world. They can change their bodily form
with no technology whatsoever.
Did Moses have to learn advanced technology before he parted
the red sea? (Exodus 14) Did Jesus have to learn advanced techno-
logy before he walked on water? (Mat. 14:25-33) (Jesus wasn't wear-
ing a jet-pack flight suit, you know.) Or, when Jesus commanded the
storm to stop, and it stopped instantaneously? (Mark 4:37-41)
that the first sin in the Garden of Eden was the pursuit of knowledge.
The serpent deceived Eve by telling her that the real reason why God
prohibited the forbidden fruit was: Gen. 3:5 ....that in the day ye eat
thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods,
knowing good and evil. The knowledge of good and evil is a direct
reference to conscience. Conscience is a mental revelation of the
difference between right and wrong without even having to be taught
what is right and what is wrong. Before they ate that forbidden fruit,
they did not comprehend that they were naked. (Gen 2:25) After they
ate the fruit: Gen 3:7 .....And the eyes of them both were opened,
and they knew that they were naked;.....
The human mind is supposed to be guided by the spirit. All
knowledge is supposed to be used to follow God's will, not as a guide
by itself. By itself, knowledge leads people to death and eternal hell
fire. Throughout human history, since the flood, there has been a con-
stant mental association between advanced knowledge (technology)
and evilness, arrogance and vanity. This explains why technological
advancements had not been pursued for a long time. Obviously, our
present advancements in technology within the last century are due to
the removal of that type of mentality. The truth is that technology is
evil and in the end will bring the human race to Armageddon. (Rev.
What good is it if the human race obtains enormous advance-
ments in science, medicine and technology, if they cannot overcome
death? Why do so many people live as though they will never die?
Why do people live as though they will never face God's judgment
after death for their rebellious actions now? Matt 16:26 For what is a
man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Heb 9:27 And as
it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: (see
article on: Salvation)
Technological advancement is kind of like re-arranging deck
chairs on the Titanic. Does it really matter so much if you go down on
the first part of the ship as compared to going down on the last part of
the ship? The real issue is whether you get on a life boat (salvation),
not staying on the ship just a few minutes longer. Anyone who could
not get on a life boat should have been looking to grab hold of some-
thing that floats enough to stay above the freezing water,..... not get-
ting to the rear end of the ship. (Notice most of the people in the
water did not die of drowning, they froze to death.)
Technology and advancements in medicine will never stop death;
they can only delay it, like the passengers on the Titanic staying
aboard just a little longer by moving to the rear of the ship. (Most of
those people at the rear of the ship probably drowned from the Titanic
sucking them far below the surface as it went down. That was an ap-
propriate ending for people who have such a delusional perception
that moving to the rear of the ship will somehow save them; equally
as delusional as people who put so much confidence in modern tech-
nology and medicine to save them. None of the people who stayed on
the ship survived. There was no moonlight that night. None of the
people that survived on the lifeboats knew that the ship broke, it was
too dark to see. Nobody know it broke until they found it in two pieces
on the bottom of the ocean.) Technology cannot provide salvation for
the human soul; in fact it gives a false counterfeit illusion, which de-
ceives people and sends them to hell.
sure to produce more episodes than they can handle. The Ancient
Aliens Debunked spends so much time debunking part of the An-
cient Aliens errors that they ignore the stuff that can't be debunked. It
is important to distinguish between the things that can be debunked
and the things that can't. Nobody throws away an apple because they
don't want to eat the core.
Both the Ancient Aliens and Ancient Aliens Debunked seem to
be right in part and wrong in part. For example: Ancient Aliens al-
ways assumes that all the ancient stone cutting was done with exclu-
sively advanced tools, whereas Ancient Aliens Debunked demon-
strates that much of the stone cutting could be done with simple pri-
mitive tools, and even shows ancient depictions of workers using
those simple tools. (After all, don't forget about the high quality artistic
sculptures made back then with only primitive tools. Michael Angelo
didn't have advanced tools, and look at his high quality sculptures.)
However, Ancient Aliens Debunked ignores some of the giant stone
cuttings that could not even be done or moved even by our modern
machinery. They also ignore all of the advanced knowledge of astro-
nomy written about in those ancient writings, more advanced than our
modern astronomy. Also, things like the distance markers at Teotihu-
acan and Hedge-stone that show the exact distances to all the planets
in our solar system, which could never have been done by primitive
man. They also ignore the writings about the regular contact, and
inter-mating those Angels were having with the people back then,
which is even mentioned in the Bible.
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