A Swamp of non-SUSY Vacua: UUITP-28/17
A Swamp of non-SUSY Vacua: UUITP-28/17
A Swamp of non-SUSY Vacua: UUITP-28/17
4 Discussion 19
1 Introduction
String theory as a candidate theory of quantum gravity requires UV supersymmetry to be
realized for its own consistency. Therefore, the most important challenge that arises in
this context is that of understanding viable dynamical processes that cause supersymmetry
breaking at lower energies. This would allow us to incorporate effective descriptions such
as cosmic acceleration as well as the standard model physics at the electroweak symmetry
breaking scale, within a UV-complete theory.
While it was originally argued in [1] that non-supersymmetric vacua are statistically
abundant within the so-called string landscape, the seminal work of [2] has caused a
major paradigm shift in our way of analyzing the intimate relation between UV and IR
physics. In particular, the weak gravity conjecture (WGC) proposed by the authors of [2]
may be viewed as a bottom-up criterion that singles out those effective low energy models
that can be successfully UV-completed in string theory thanks to their consistent spectrum
of excitations. Only such models should be referred to as parts of the landscape.
Concretely, the WGC invokes the existence of microscopic states in the quantum spec-
trum of a system, whose mass is smaller than, or equal to, the charge. Recently in [3], a
stronger version of the WGC was proposed according to which the mass/charge inequality
may only be saturated by BPS objects in a supersymmetric vacuum. The main consequence
thereof is that each and every non-supersymmetric AdS vacuum must be non-perturbatively
unstable w.r.t. the emission of microscopic charged objects (see also [4] for a similar analy-
sis). Further checks and explict realizations/counterexamples of the above idea in a stringy
setup may be found e.g in [57].
Still inspired by the idea of studying universal instabilities of non-supersymmetric AdS
vacua in string theory, but from a somewhat complementary viewpoint, a mechanism was
proposed in [8] that generically predicts tachyons for all non-supersymmetric vacua admitting
a so-called bran e picture [9]. These tachyons are associated with the extra matter fields living
on the spacetime-filling branes participating in the above brane picture. These instabilities
crucially rely on the coupling between closed- and open-string modes. Therefore, the above
claim should not be viewed to be in conflict with the recent analysis in [10] (and in particular
used, e.g. in [11], for holographic purposes), where some classes of non-supersymmetric AdS
extrema in massive type IIA compactifications are found to be even non-perturbatively
stable. This analysis is restricted to the closed-string sector, whereas the main take-home
message in [8] is that one should worry more about open-string modes when it comes to
stability of non-supersymmetric vacua. The aim of this paper is precisely that of further
elaborating this proposal by giving concrete examples where the presence of such tachyons
can be explicitly shown. The models chosen here are exactly those of [10], which were argued
to be fully stable within the closed-string sector.
The paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we review the N = 1, D = 7 gauged
supergravity description of the (non-)supersymmetric AdS7 solutions of [1214] found in the
context of massive type IIA supergravity. We will start by studying the theory that accounts
for all closed-string zero modes and subsequently move to deriving the D6-probe effective
potential directly from the 10D perspective. Finally, we will consider the 7D coupling with
extra vector multiplets describing the position moduli of spacetime-filling D6-branes and
match the resulting mass spectra. In section 3, we start by reviewing the N = 4, D = 4
gauged supergravity description of the (non-)supersymmetric AdS4 solutions of [15] obtained
from massive IIA reductions on twisted tori with fluxes. The above supergravity model ac-
counts for all closed-string zero mode excitations. Subsequently, we will propose an extended
4D theory obtained by the coupling with extra vector multiplets in order to describe position
and YM moduli for the spacetime-filling D6-branes. In both the 7D and the 4D case, we
will encounter tachyonic modes within the open-string sector. Possible end-points of these
instabilities, and their relevance for a consistent theory of quantum gravity, will be discussed
in section 4.
2 Massive type IIA on AdS7 S 3
The goal of this section is to analyze the different behavior of the open-string sector in the
supersymmetric and the non-supersymmetric AdS7 solutions found in the context of massive
type IIA supergravity on S 3 . To this end, we will first review the form of the 10D solutions
and subsequently we will move to their gauged 7D supergravity description. The closed-
string excitations will be accounted for by considering the gravity multiplet coupled to three
vector multiplets. Then we will move to the study of open-string excitations by calculating
the effective potential of spacetime-filling D6 probes. In the non-supersymmetric extremum
the position of the D6-branes will turn out to be tachyonic, while it will be above the BF
bound [16] in the supersymmetric solution. Finally, we will be able to recover exactly the
same result by computing the mass matrix of the corresponding 7D gauged supergravity
theory when coupled to N extra vector multiplets.
w 2 + X 5 1 2 ,
L 8 15 X 4 (8X 10 + 8X 5 1)1/2 . (2.8)
9 e3A
dr = dy , (2.9)
which allows one to analytically describe a family of solutions in terms of a function =
(y). In terms of the y coordinate, the north pole of S 3 is located at y = 2. The case of
our interest is the AdS vacuum supported by a stack of D6-branes located at y = 2, which
corresponds to the following choice
= (y 1) (y + 2)2 , (2.10)
y 0
2 = , (2.11)
4 y 0
0 1/4
eA = , (2.12)
3 y
0 5/4
1 0 1/2
e0 = (4 y ) . (2.13)
12 y
Note that the above background is a complete solution to the set of 10D field equations in
appendix A, provided that the scalar X satisfies
1 3X 5 + 2X 10 = 0 , (2.14)
where j(3) denotes a 3-form current. Such D6-branes would then fill AdS7 and be fully
localized at y = 2 inside S 3 .
In the next subsection we will review the 7D effective description of the above AdS vacua
within N = 1 gauged supergravity coupled to three vector multiplets. This will immediately
allow us to identify those with the critical points of the ISO(3)-gauged theory found in [17].
as a global symmetry, and its 64 bosonic degrees of freedom are arranged into the metric, six
vector fields, one two-form potential and ten scalars. Such 7D degrees of freedom encode the
full amount of information concerning the spectrum of zero modes within the orientifold-even
sector of closed-string excitations. The explicit dictionary is given in table 1.
Table 1: The effective 7D bosonic field content of type IIA supergravity on a compact 3d
manifold. Please note that the orientifold truncation selects the field components which are
even w.r.t. the O6 projection. After dualizing the 3-form into a 2-form, the counting exactly
matches the bosonic part of the 7D field content.
SO(3, 3)
R+X , (2.16)
|{z} SO(3) SO(3)
X | {z }
where A, B, . . . denote fundamental SO(3, 3) indices. The kinetic Lagrangian for the scalar
sector reads
5 1
Lkin = X 2 (X)2 + MAB M AB . (2.17)
2 16
The set of consistent embedding tensor deformations that we are interested in comprizes a
three-form fABC parametrizing the gauging of a subgroup of SO(3, 3), and a Stuckelberg-like
mass deformation for the two-form, which we denote by . By means of group-theoretical
considerations, it is possible to single out the parts of f and which describe all parameters
giving rise to non-trivial contributions to the scalar potential, i.e. the S 3 extrinsic curvature
ij , the H(3) flux and the Romans mass F(0) . This results in the embedding tensor/fluxes
dictionary spelled out in table 2. With this identification, in cartesian coordinates fABC can
IIA fluxes components
F(0) 2 q
Hijk 1 ijk
ij q ij
Table 2: The embedding tensor/fluxes dictionary for the case of massive type IIA reductions
on S 3 . The underlying 7D gauging is generically ISO(3), except when q = q = , where it
degenerates to SO(3) [17].
be written as
fABC = [(3q q) ABC456 + (3q + q) 123ABC + (q q) (1BCA56 + A2C4B6 AB345C )
4 2
+ (q + q) (A234BC + 1B3A5C 12CAB6 )] . (2.18)
2 8 2 3 ABC
+ X 3 2 X fABC M ,
where AB denotes the SO(3, 3)-invariant metric, M AB is the inverse of MAB , and
in terms of the vielbein V defined through VV T = M . Note that the above contraction is
only on SO(3)timelike .
By performing the specific choice of embedding tensor in table 2 with q = q = , one
finds two AdS extrema which exactly coincide with the massive type IIA solutions of the
previous subsection. Thanks to their gauged supergravity description, one can now calculate
the mass spectrum of the closed-string zero-mode excitations. The results are collected in
table 3.
While the above results suggest full perturbative stability for both solutions, regardless
of supersymmetry, our next step will be that of following the lines of [10] and look for
perturbative instabilities within the open-string sector. We remind the reader that such a
sector cannot be consistently disregarded since D6-branes crucially support the solutions,
and hence they naturally carry open strings attached whose dynamics has to be taken into
id X MAB m2 SUSY m2 m2BF 35
15 (1)
0 (3)
1 1 16 16
4 4
0 (8)
1/5 4
2 2 16 5
(1) 8 4
Table 3: Properties of the two AdS7 S 3 solutions in the closed sector. The values of the
squared masses are normalized to the cosmological constant and the correct (non-canonical)
kinetic metric is taken into account. The two critical points can be identified by the value
of the modulus X. The fifth column shows whether the solutions are supersymmetric (4) or
not (8), while the last one whether all the masses of the 1 + 9 scalar dof s are above the BF
bound (4), or not (8).
where ...| denotes the pullback of the corresponding fields over the brane worldvolume ,
p is the tension of the brane, F is the field strength of the worldvolume gauge field and
C n C(n) is a polyform introducing the formal sum over all RR potentials.
Spacetime-filling D6-branes are localized at the north pole of the S 3 and fluctuations
depend only on the motion along the fiber. We have parameterized this direction with the
y coordinate, which will be now promoted to a field Y (x ) = y + 2 describing the brane
excitations around the critical point y = 2. The first thing we need to do then, is to
expand the 10D fields around y = 2. This procedure yields
2 3/4
(m)1/4 (y + 2)1/4 + . . . ,
eA = 2 3
2 = 1 (y + 2) + . . . ,
dr2 = (54m)1/2 (y + 2)1/2 dy 2 + . . . ,
e0 = (24m3 ) (y + 2)3/4 + . . . ,
and g is the unwarped metric of AdS7 . Interestingly, the mass term for the SUSY point
comes solely from the WZ term while the non-SUSY point mass term comes from the DBI.
We want to evaluate the mass of the Y mode normalized to the cosmological constant,
which is = 60L2 . The normalized masses, by also taking the kinetic metric into account,
are then given by (
1 15 , for sol. 1 ,
m2Y = 2X 3 ||
= (2.27)
45 , for sol. 2 ,
where the latter (non-SUSY) solution is tachyonic, since the BF bound in 7D is 35 .
2.4 The coupling to (3 + N ) extra vector multiplets
Now we would like to reproduce the same result of the previous subsection by using gauged
7D supergravity as a tool. As we said earlier, the theory with three vector multiplets only
contains information concerning closed-string excitations. Hence, if we want to capture the
dynamics of the D6-brane position moduli, we have to consider an extension of the theory
in subsection 2.2. Since each spacetime-filling D6-brane carries a 7D vector multiplet, the
correct extended description should be the one where the gravity multiplet is coupled to
(3 + N ) vector multiplets in total, where N is the number of D6-branes.
The unique peculariaty of supergravity theories with 16 supercharges is that of having
to coupling to vector multiplets completely determined by supersymmetry requirements,
regardless of the amount of vectors that one wants to include. This means that our new
theory will now have
G0 R+ SO(3, 3 + N )
1| {z
+ 9} + 3N
|{z} ,
closed string open string
where the new 3N scalars are denoted by Y Ia I=1, ...,N and each of them parametrizes the
position coordinates Y a of the the I-th D6-brane.
As we argued earlier, the form of the kinetic Lagrangian (2.17) and of the scalar potential
(2.19) will be identical in this case, except for the fact that now all contractions will now be
taken over (6 + N )-dimensional indices, i.e. promote
fABC fM N P ,
where M A I. Now just stick to the embedding tensor deformations of the previous
case, i.e.
f from table 2 , if [M N P ] = [ABC] ,
fM N P = (2.29)
0 , otherwise .
SO(3,3+N )
Then we adopt the following explicit parametrization of the SO(3) SO(3+N )
coset [18]
e e1 B + 12 AT A e1 AT
V = 0 eT 0 , (2.30)
0 A 1N
e1 /2 1 e2 /2 2 e3 /2 0 4 5
e 0 e2 /2 3 e3 /2 , and B 4 0 6 (2.31)
0 0 e3 /2 5 6 0
complete with X the set of closed-string scalars, while A Y Ia are the open-string
scalars. With this parametrization, in the going to the origin formalism we chose all the
closed-string moduli to evaluate to 0, except for X which becomes 1, for all critical points2 .
By plugging the above expressions into the scalar potential through M = VV T , we can
check that Y Ia = 0 is a critical point for all D6 position moduli. In fact, the equations of
motion are polynomials in terms of the fluxes and accept an exact algebraic decomposition,
allowing us to claim that these are the only critical points with an SO(3) gauging. While
the complete scalar potential (2.19) is a relatively complicated expression that depends on
the 1 + 9 + 3N moduli and the fluxes and , we provide here the effective dependence up
to quadratic order in the moduli for the N = 1 case,
1 1 1
22 4 2 (X 1) 82 6 + 2 + M2 + O 3 , (2.32)
V =
128 64 2
where we have put together the moduli in the vector
n o
= X 1, 1 , 2 , 3 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , Y1 , Y2 , Y3 , (2.33)
In this presentation, we have made a change of basis for the a , picking instead the mass
1 1 1
1 = (1 + 3 ) , 2 = (1 22 3 ) , 3 = (1 + 2 3 ) . (2.35)
2 6 3
As it can be seen, the equations of motion are trivial except for the one for X which is given
by the quadratic equation 82 6 + 2 = 0. The only solutions for the complete set of
Notice the difference with the description in sections 2.1 and 2.3, in which each critical point corresponds
to a different point in the moduli space.
1 + 9 + 3N equations of motion are then = 4
and = 2 , and correspond to the SUSY and
non-SUSY solution, respectively. At the origin, the kinetic lagrangian becomes
1 1 1 1
Lkin (O) = 5(X)2 + ( a )2 + 2 2
(m ) + (YIa ) . (2.36)
2 4 2 2
With these, it is straightforward to compute the normalized masses for the moduli: the
masses of the closed-string moduli are as shown in table 3 while for the open-string sector
we found perfect agreement with the probe calculation, i.e.
4 15 , for sol. 1 ,
m2YIa = |22 4 2| = (2.37)
45 , for sol. 2 .
d a = 21 bc a b c jka j k ,
d i = bki b k ,
The explicit 10D background reads [19]
ds210 = ds2AdS4 + 2 a a + i i ,
ds2AdS4 = e4z/L ds2Mkw3 + dz 2 , (3.3)
F(0) = m , (3.4)
F(2) = f2 ai a i , (3.5)
F(4) = f4 ai bj a b i j , (3.6)
F(6) = f6 vol(6) , (3.7)
H(3) = h1 ijk i j k + h2 abk a b k , (3.8)
= 0 , (3.9)
where , 0 , m, fp , and hl are all suitable constants that satisfy some algebraic constraints
in order for the above background to solve the field equations in appendix A. The above
background describes both SUSY and non-SUSY AdS extrema, depending on the choices of
the constants in the flux Ansatz. Upon using the dictionary in [20], these solutions may be
interpreted as those in [21, 22] obtained via SU(3)-structure compactifications.
All solutions of this type, even though consistent with the presence of the following types
of spacetime-filling O6-planes,
0 1 2 3 a b c i j k
O6|| : (3.10)
O6 :
have a vanishing O6/D6 tadpole in all directions, with the O6 and D6 cancelling eachother.
This implies that they admit an embedding into three different 4D theories, with different
amounts of supersymmetry, namely N = 1, N = 4, and N = 8. The minimal supergravity
description in terms of a flux-induced superpotential [23] is the one valid in the most general
case where all O6 contribute to the tadpoles. When only the one corresponding to O6|| is
non-vanishing, the underlying minimal model may be regarded as a truncation of a gauged
N = 4 supergravity. When there are no contribution from any O6 at all, the effective
supergravity description can be obtained as a truncation of a gauged maximal supergravity.
In the next subsection, we will present the effective 4D N = 4 description, where the full
information regarding the closed-string zero modes consistent with the orientifold involution
are contained in the theory coupled to six vector multiplets.
3.2 4D gauged supergravity description
Massive type IIA orientifold reductions on twisted tori with fluxes down to four dimensions
are known to admit a 4D half-maximal gauged supergravity description [19, 24]. As already
mentioned above, one has to consider the coupling of the gravity multiplet with six extra
vector multiplets in order to comprize all of the closed-string zero modes. This supergravity
theory enjoys
G0 SL(2, R) SO(6, 6)
as a global symmetry, and its complete set of bosonic degrees of freedom includes the metric,
12 vector fields and 38 scalars. The dictionary between these 4D degrees of freedom and the
10D orientifold-even sector of closed-string excitations can be found in table 4.
Table 4: The effective 4D bosonic field content of type IIA supergravity on a compact 6d
manifold. Please note that the orientifold truncation selects the field components which are
even w.r.t. the O6 projection. The counting exactly matches the on-shell bosonic part of the
4D field content.
SO(6, 6)
SL(2, R) , (3.11)
| {z } SO(6) SO(6)
M | {z }
where M, N, . . . denote fundamental SO(6, 6) indices. The kinetic Lagrangian for the scalar
sector reads
1 1
Lkin = M M + MM N M M N . (3.12)
8 16
The set of consistent embedding tensor deformations that we are interested in are all con-
tained within an object in the (2, 220), denoted by fM N P , parametrizing the gauging of a
subgroup of SO(6, 6). By means of group-theoretical considerations, it is possible to single
out the parts of f which describe all parameters giving rise to non-trivial contributions to
the scalar potential, i.e. the internal curvature, the H(3) flux and the RR-fluxes. This results
in the embedding tensor/fluxes dictionary spelled out in table 5.
Table 5: The embedding tensor/fluxes dictionary for the case of massive type IIA reductions
on a twisted T6 with gauge fluxes. The SO(6, 6) index M is further split into its light-cone
directions (a, i, a, i). Adapted from [25].
The underlined indices here are time-like rather than light-like, and are related by the change
of basis !
1 16 16
R= . (3.15)
2 16 16
By choosing the embedding tensor as in table 5, one finds a set of (non-)SUSY AdS
vacua which exactly coincides with the one described in the previous subsection. From the
viewpoint of N = 4 supergravity, the different sixteen critical points are grouped into four
families (1 4), and within each family, four discrete sign choices for the fluxes are possible.
These choices are labeled by {s1 , s2 }, with si Z2 . However, these solutions only happen
to be all inequivalent within their N = 1 description, while within N = 4 the s1 sign flip is a
symmetry. Finally, if viewed as solutions, of maximal supergravity, both Z2 s are symmetries
and one can only talk about four different AdS extrema.
By using half-maximal gauged supergravity as a tool, the spectrum of the closed-string
excitations was computed in [27], and the result is summarized in table 6.
? ?
id SUSY ? m2 m2BF 34 id SUSY ? m2 m2BF 34
1(s1 ,+) 4 4 1(s1 ,) 8 4
2(s1 ,+) 8 8 2(s1 ,) 8 8
3(s1 ,+) 8 4 3(s1 ,) 8 4
4(s1 ,+) 8 4 4(s1 ,) 8 4
Table 6: Properties of the eight different AdS4 S 3 S 3 solutions within the closed-string
sector. Inequivalent solutions are labeled according to the sign s2 . The second column shows
whether the solutions are supersymmetric (4) or not (8) and the third whether all the masses
of the 2 + 62 dof s are above the BF bound (4) or if some are below (8).
Just as in the previous seven-dimensional case, the analysis within the closed-string
spectrum of excitations would let us conclude that there exists non-SUSY, but nevertheless
stable, AdS vacua, such as the ones within the family 3 and 4. Here, as opposed to the
7D case, one even has the option of interpreting the above vacua as solutions of N = 8
supergravity, since they exhibit all vanishing tadpoles for spacetime-filling sources. This
approach was adopted in [25], where the full mass spectrum in N = 8 was computed for the
various solutions. Interestingly, the ones within the family 4 were found to be completely
tachyon-free. Even more interestingly, in [8], still within this effective description, they were
even found to be non-perturbatively stable.
To understand what is going on, one should recall that the only descriptions of the
above AdS4 solutions that actually makes sense, have just the right amount of D6 branes
parallel to the O6-planes introduced in (3.10), so as to produce a vanishing tadpole in all
directions. However, given these UV realizations of our solutions, one would have to consider
the dynamical degrees of freedom living on all D6s in order to claim stability at the full
quantum level.
In the next section, we want to make use of the coupling of half-maximal supergravity
with (6 + N ) extra vector multiplets in order to compute the mass spectrum of the open-
string scalar degrees of freedom living on the D6|| sources. Note that these are the only ones
that may be consistently incorporated within a theory with 16 supercharges, while the rest
of the open-string modes will require further explicit SUSY breaking.
SL(2, R) SO(6, 6 + N )
, (3.16)
SO(2) SO(6) SO(6 + N )
where the new 6N scalars are divided into 3N position moduli describing how each of the
D6-branes is placed in the transverse ijk directions, and 3N YM moduli accounting for
the different ways of wrapping the YM vector field on each brane along an S 1 in the abc
directions to get an axion.
By adopting a similar parametrization as in (2.30), and an analogous prescription for
promoting all the previous objects into tensors of SL(2, R) SO(6, 6 + N ), one may just
use (3.13) to compute the effective potential. Furthermore, by following the analysis of [28],
we could evaluate the whole mass spectra of the theory with (6 + N ) vector multiplets for
all the AdS solutions presented earlier here. The results are shown in tables 7 and 8.
1(s1 ,+) 2(s1 ,+)
23 (1) 54 (1)
0 (10) 52 (1)
4 6 (1) 0 (10)
p 1
1 77 5 145 (5)
89 5 145 606 30 145 (5) 15
1 (3N )
13 34 (3N ) 5
4+ 6 2 (1)
(1) 2
31 145 (5)
89 5 145 + 606 30 145 (5) 15
13 + 34 (3N ) 15
6 16
29 5
(3N )
47 159 (1) 15
p 2
31 + 145 (5)
89 + 5 145 30 145 + 606 (5) 20
47 + 159 (1) 1
9 77 + 5 145 (5)
p 15
89 + 5 145 + 30 145 + 606 (5)
Table 7: Normalized masses for the solutions in the extended theory with s2 = +, in increas-
ing order. The masses related to the open-string sector are shown in blue.
1(s1 ,) 2(s1 ,)
56 (3N ) 45 ((1 + 3N ))
23 (1) 25 (1)
0 (10) 0 (10)
4 6 (1) 15
77 5 145 (5)
p 8
89 5 145 606 30 145 (5) 5
(3N )
1 2 (1)
4+ 6 (1)
p 2
31 145
89 5 145 + 606 30 145 (5) 15
5 15
(3N )
29 15
1 31 + 145 (5)
47 159 (1) 15
p 20
89 + 5 145 30 145 + 606 (5) 1
77 + 5 145 (5)
47 + 159 (1)
89 + 5 145 + 30 145 + 606 (5)
3(s1 ,) 4(s1 ,)
1 (3N ) 3
1 5 (3N )
0 (11) 0 ((16 + 3N ))
2 (2) 3
19 145 (10) 2 (4)
3 (3N ) 3
(3) 6 (6)
20 20
(2) 3
19 + 145 (10)
Table 8: Normalized masses for the solutions in the extended theory with s2 = , in increas-
ing order. The masses related to the open-string sector are shown in blue.
As one can see from the mass spectra given in the tables, the wrong sign choice s2 =
, which turns sol. 1 into a non-supersymmetric one, introduces tachyonic modes within
the open-string sector living on the D6|| . Moreover, it also turns out to produce similar
instabilities in all four families. All of these solutions should therefore be removed from the
landscape of non-SUSY AdS vacua. However, no analogous conclusion can be drawn for
the non-SUSY critical points corresponding to the s2 = + sign choice, where no tachyons
show up in the open-string sector living on the D6|| . On the other hand, one would have to
consistently include the rest of the open-string modes associated with D6 , before claiming
full stability. This should be done within the framework of N = 1 supergravity in four
dimensions, and hence it requires some extra work to fix the form of the coupling between
this new sector and the rest of the theory. Our expectations are that new tachyons will
appear there for this other sign choice rather than in the sector considered in our paper,
such in a way that it would be impossible to get rid of both tachyonic sectors at the same
time once you give up on SUSY.
4 Discussion
Assessing the (non-)existence of a non-supersymmetric AdS landscape in string theory is
an issue of utmost importance, both in order to test it as a consistent theory of quantum
gravity, and in order to discuss holography in a more general context where one no longer
relies on supersymmetry. With the above motivations in mind, two different classes of
massive type IIA compactifications were studied in this paper, which are known to give
rise to non-supersymmetric AdS extrema. Both of the above examples were already known
in the literature and admit a lower-dimensional gauged supergravity effective description
capturing the closed-string zero-mode excitations thereof. These non-supersymmetric vacua
were found to be perturbatively [25] as well as non-perturbatively [8] stable within the
closed-string sector by exploiting such a gauged supergravity description.
However, according to the proposal in [10], non-supersymmetric AdS solutions generically
develop perturbative instabilities associated with the presence of extra matter living on
spacetime-filling objects. This idea generalizes the typical instabilites discussed in [2931],
for the AdS2 S 2 near-horizon geometry of a Reissner-Nordstrom black hole due to the
presence of extra fields fluctuating around the horizon. In particular, according to the brane
picture, the AdS7 solutions we have studied can be thought of as part of AdS7 S 2 near-
horizon geometries of black five dimensional objects in the world volume of D8-branes.
In our present work we took steps towards verifying this picture by explicitly adding the
open string degrees of freedom to the theory. We considered the coupling between the closed-
string sector of excitations around the non-supersymmetric AdS vacua and the open-string
sector living on the spacetime-filling branes supporting the vacuum. We computed the mass
spectra of the open-string excitations and found indications for universal tachyonic modes.
In the case of the AdS7 solutions, the effective description is given by N = 1, D = 7 gauged
supergravity coupled to three vector multiplets. The solutions are all supported by a stack
of N spacetime-filling D6-branes. The calculation of the masses of the 3N position moduli
was carried out in two independent ways. The first one consists in treating D6-branes as
probes within the AdS7 S 3 background and computing the effective probe potential for
the position moduli from the DBI and WZ brane actions. The second approach is that of
considering the coupling of the above 7D gauged supergravity theory with N extra vector
multiplets and identify the correct masses for the new modes from the universal form of the
scalar potential for theories with sixteen supercharges. The two methods give full agreement
on the final answer, i.e. the open-string modes are tachyonic in the non-supersymmetric
AdS extremum, which should be then no longer be considered as part of a non-SUSY string
Moving to the AdS4 case, the different critical points may be embedded within various
effective 4D supergravities. This is due to a vanishing tadpole for spacetime-filling O6/D6
sources in four different directions. Regarded as backgrounds with no orientifolds, and
hence no branes, they admit an embedding in N = 8 supergravity, and as such, they are
fully stable. However, thinking along the lines of [32], one could argue that the decoupling
limit between closed and open strings, which would yield N = 8 supergravity, actually is
inconsistent at the level of quantum gravity. The alternative, and correct, description for all
compactifications yielding theories with sixteen supercharges, should then include parallel
O-planes and D-branes with vanishing net charge. This agrees with what one expects from
anomaly cancelation requirements for type I supergravity in ten dimensions, where its brane
realization is given by O9-planes and D9-branes. By applying T-dualities, this can be related
to all backgrounds with Op/Dp sources. Our conclusion is that these open-string instabilities
are once again universally present whenever giving up on supersymmetry.
The first natural issue to be addressed concerns end-point of such an instability. Since
in both of the cases analyzed here, the tachyons are related to D6-brane physics, we expect
this to be realized through brane polarization via the Myers effect [33]. More concretely,
any other positions of the D6-branes in internal space than their original one, involves a
wrapping of a 2-cycle of finite size where they have polarized into D8-branes [34]. This is
in line with the supporting D8-brane developing a the near horizon AdS7 S 2 throat. We
checked explicitly that there is no other real minimum of the effective potential when the
closed-string moduli are held fixed. The most natural option is that there could be a new
solution crucially involving non-zero F gauge flux representing dissolved D6-brane charge,
in the spirit of the non-supersymmetric AdS7 solutions found in [35]. On the other hand,
these constructions heavily rely on the interplay between closed and open strings and hence
they are genuinely stringy, since such competition may only occur at finite 0 . This makes
the actual stability of those solutions an extremely delicate issue that we wish to come back
to in the future. In fact, the application of the WGC advocated in [10] suggest that they
indeed are unstable.
Finally, the other relevant issue that arises from our present analysis, concerns the impact
of our results on non-supersymmetric holographic constructions. In [3], the instabilities were
viewed as a direct consequence of the WGC, and argued to destroy the holographic dual by
shrinking the lifetime of the boudary CFT to zero. Our analysis suggests that the issue is
much more subtle since the instabilities are only visible when retaining the coupling between
open and closed strings. As suggested in [10], the holographic correspondence might then
work in a limit where these two sectors can be consistently decoupled from each other.
This is not possible in string theory, which could imply that non-supersymmetric duality
never is exact but breaks down at small scales. We therefore believe that the fate of non-
supersymmetric holography needs to be investigated further.
We would like to thank Thomas Van Riet and Suvendu Giri for very stimulating discussions.
The work of the authors is supported by the Swedish Research Council (VR).
We will now review here set of 10d equations of motion (EOM) and Bianchi identities (BI)
which follow from the action (A.1). The equations of motion for B(2) , C(1) and C(3) are
respectively given by
d e2 10 H(3) = 0
d + H(3) (10 F(p) ) = 0 (p = 2, 4) ,
whereas the one for the 10D dilaton reads
||2 + 41 R H(3) 2 = 0 ,
where R is the 10D scalar curvature and is the ten-dimensional (curved) Laplacian oper-
ator. The 10D Einstein equations take the standard form4
RM N 2
TM N = 0 , (A.5)
dH(3) = 0 ,
dF(0) = 0 ,
dF(2) F(0) H(3) = 0 ,
dF(4) + F(2) H(3) = 0 .
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