COMM 222 Outline
COMM 222 Outline
COMM 222 Outline
COMM 222
Organizational Behaviour and Theory
Section EC
Winter 2017
This syllabus is subject to change and any changes will be posted in the Announcements section of
your eConcordia portal.
Disclaimer: In the event of extraordinary circumstances beyond the University's control, the content
and/or evaluation scheme in this course is subject to change.
Barbara Reda
Course description
This course is designed to provide you with an opportunity to study individual behaviour in formal organizations. Through
theoretical, case and experiential approaches, the focus of instruction progressively moves through individual, group and
organizational levels of analysis. Topics in the course include perception, learning, personality, motivation, leadership, group
behaviour, and organizational culture.
Prerequisites: COMM 210, 212 Note: If you have received credit for MANA 202 you may not take this course for credit. If you
are registered in the Bachelor of Commerce program at John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, this is a core
course in this program (3 credits).
Textbook: (Johns, G. & Saks, A. M. (2016). Organizational Behaviour: Understanding and Managing Life at Work, Tenth
Edition, Toronto, CA: Pearson Education)
Lectures with discussion and activities: The lectures will take on various forms photos, online websites, videos, podcasts, and
so on. All discussions and activities will focus on the important materials included in the lectures and the textbook.
The following URL: allows you access to the shared virtual meeting room. The
dates are posted in the course Agenda.
If you cannot participate in the online session, you will be able to view it at a later date. An archived recording of the sessions
will be made available for all students unable to attend the original session.
Learning Outcomes 1/8
Discuss the major concepts relating to human behavior in organizations and the interrelationships between these
Evaluate these concepts critically in terms of their utility, applications, and limitations.
Diagnose and solve organizational problems by applying material learned in the course.
Communicate ideas related to organizational behavior, both orally and in writing.
Effectively collaborate on team projects.
Learning Objective Exercises/ Assignments Examinations
Acquire basic Integrate OB Multiple
knowledge of OB Exercises, self- theories and choice and
terminology, theories assessments, inventories concepts into short essay
and concepts. project questions
Analyze organizational Application-
Case incidents,
situations by applying Case analysis based exam
assignments, group project
theories and concepts. questions
Work effectively in Peer evaluation
Case analysis
teams. techniques, group project
Communicate ideas
Discussion board, case questions,
related to OB, both
analysis, assignments case
orally and in writing.
Understand and Discussion of videos, case Multiple
appreciate the incidents, Self-assessment choice and
importance of ethical tools via the discussion short essay
issues in organizations. board questions 2/8
Type Percentage
Discussion Board Participation 10%
Group Project 25%
Midterm Online 25%
Final Exam 40%
After each module a case study will be posted where you will need to respond through the Discussion Board. The case study
will be posted in the assessments section of the course website. You are required to participate in 5 of the 12 case studies.
If you are having trouble accessing and using the Discussion Board, you should contact us immediately as well as
eConcordias helpdesk: so that you dont miss any posts
To save time and as back-up, you are required to keep a record of all of your postings. To facilitate the reading for others and
to avoid spelling and grammar mistakes, you should prepare your postings to the discussion in a Word document first and
then copy and paste it to post it online.
A. The participation grade is determined by WHAT you say, not necessarily how MUCH you say. In other words, choose your
words carefully, check spelling, and be concise. We are interested in your opinions but they should be based on readings and
thoughtful evaluation, not just predisposition. Limit your responses and debate contributions to one paragraph each,
approximately 140 words. Try to build on other's responses as you add your own, and engage in debate if you disagree with
others. Although we expect a high frequency of participation, quality remains more important than quantity. Always respect the
integrity of your fellow students; you don't have to agree with them, and you should always respond in a respectful and
professional manner.
B. Please do NOT send any attachments with your messages! This is to protect everyone from possible viruses and to limit
the traffic flow of information we will have to deal with. If you wish to refer the class to an Internet source, include the link in
your message and your colleagues can go from there. DON'T take up valuable space by pasting long articles directly from the
The midterm will be accessible through the assessments tab on your eConcordia portal. The midterm will consist of multiple
choice questions. Lessons 1 (Personality) to 6 (Motivation in practice) will be covered. You will have 60 minutes to take the
midterm. Please check the agenda for the date of the midterm.
Please note: There are NO make-up midterms! If you miss the midterm, you will need a university- validated document
explaining the reason for missing the midterm. If this cannot be provided you will receive a grade of ZERO for the midterm.
Group Project
You will be assigned to a group to do a group project based on a subject related to the course material. The group
information will be posted in the Assessments section of the course website. A folder for each group will be created on the
discussion board. Only members of the group will have access to the folder. This is where you can exchange contact
information and/or use the board to discuss and communicate about your project.
You are expected to know how to search for appropriate literature for your assignments (scientific and general) at our library. It
is strongly suggested that you attend the librarys online workshop info research 101 (on the library website) or Finding
books and articles for your assignments which are regularly held at the library (check the website for schedule).
You can also access the Concordia Library Citation and Style Guides (
The final written report will be due at the end of the semester.
Additional details about the virtual group projects will be posted as the course progresses. Please note that all deadlines are
real! No late submissions will be accepted. 3/8
Final exam
The final examination is a common, in-class, hand-written exam, given during the exam period to all students enrolled in
COMM 222. It is a cumulative exam, with more emphasis on the chapters covered in the second half of the term. It will
contain both multiple choice questions and short answer/essay questions.
The Official Exam period is determined by Concordia University. It is your responsibility to verify the date/time/location and
room assignment for the final exam posted in their MyConcordia Portal. The final exam date will not be posted on the
eConcordia website. The Examinations Office administers the final exam, and any legitimate problems with the date should be
communicated to this office.
Do not schedule flights or vacations until the official examination date is released. Vacations and travel plans are not
considered a valid reason for a deferral request.
The Department of Management invites students enrolled in COMM 222 to participate in research conducted by the
department faculty and graduate students. Participation allows you to gain valuable insight into how management knowledge
is built. This is not a requirement, but an opportunity to earn some extra points toward your final grade.
The studies might involve completing an online questionnaire, working on a task in a lab, or taking part in an interview. In
exchange for your time and effort, researchers agree to fully explain the project and give you a sense of the results whenever
possible. You have a right to understand the research in which you were involved; feel free to ask the researcher any
question you may have. If you feel that a researcher is unwilling to discuss the research purposes or has treated you poorly in
any way, you should notify the subject pool coordinator. An ethics committee has approved all studies being run in this
system. This is a voluntary activity, and you are free to withdraw at any time from a study, in which case you will receive pro-
rated points.
General Rules
Please note the time and place of your session, and the researchers contact information. If you do not show up
for your session, you will not receive your credits and the researcher is free to refuse to schedule a second session with
After participating, the researcher will give you the points you earned by completing the study, and your instructor will
download your points at the end of the term and add them to your final grade. If you sign up for the wrong COMM222
section, your instructor will not be notified of your points.
Researchers will review whether you have adequately completed the studies for which you signed up. If you sign up for
a study, but do not show up to complete it (or do not go to the online survey website and complete the survey), a no-show
will be recorded and you will not receive your points. If you respond carelessly and the data you provided were of low
quality, full points may not be granted.
For in-person studies, should the researcher fail to show up (at least 15 minutes late), please notify the subject pool
coordinator by email with the time and date of your appointment and the researchers name (or study title). If the
information is confirmed, you will receive one half of the points you would have received for participation in that particular
For online experiments, you may print or take a screen shot of the screen you get upon completing the study (thank
you for participating), for your files.
Before contacting your instructor or the subject pool coordinator with question or concerns regarding this system,
you are invited to consult the document Research Participant Documentation.pdf posted on your courses Moodle
website. If questions remain, you can contact the subject pool coordinator at
Tutorial Companies
Please note that private tutorial companies, some of whom aggressively promote their services on and off campus, are not
authorized by Concordia University to distribute flyers on University premises and may not use Concordia University facilities
to promote or provide their services on some flyers.
Concordia University and its academic departments do not have any affiliation with these companies even though names such
as JMSB, Concordia, or references to specific departments often appear in a visible way. If you are interested in the
Universitys approved tutoring services, all you need to do is ask your Professor or consult the services listed in your course
Important Information
Communication Communication
eConcordia Information eConcordia Information
Final Exams Information Final Exams
Plagiarism Academic Integrity
Refunds Refunds
Access Centre for Students with Disabilities ACSD
Technical Issues Technical
Concordia Library Citation & Style Guides Citing - Help & How-to 5/8
8/14/2017 8/8