Flood Observatory and Management System: Scenario
Flood Observatory and Management System: Scenario
Flood Observatory and Management System: Scenario
Server : RM1,500
Arduino: RM250
Rain sensor: RM50
Water level sensor : RM150
Relative Humidity
sensor: RM150
GSM system :RM1,000
Notification and
Block diagram
FOMS is deployed in the city center area of Kuching depicted by the map. FOMS observes the water levels in the drain of the roads that usually gets
flooded as well as monitors the water level in the Sarawak river also the dew point is measure and rain detectors are placed around Kuching.
The following roads,identified in the literature review, are taken to be at high risk to be flooded:
Alerts are given to people who park their cars on those roads when the river water level or the drain water level reach certain levels which indicate
there might be a flood. These roads are closed when a certain condition is reached to prevent casualties or further property losses.
Three types of people are described for simplicity
Principle of operation:
Person type 1 Person type 2 Person type 3 1. Two systems are implements. A SMS alert system and notification system using
Has a job on higher grounds Has a job on Has a job on LabVIEW and MATLAB.
for example lower grounds on lower 2. Different sensors, such as rain sensors, humidity sensors and water level
in the Plaza Merdeka in the those roads grounds and sensors are spread around the part of the city .
city center and does parks 3. These sensors are wired to Arduino boards for data collection.
parks his/her vehicle on one not park his/her his/her car on 4. Arduino are graphically programmed via LabVIEW and MATLAB for analysis of data
of those roads that were car on those roads. those roads. collected by the boards in real -time.
identified as 5. Conditions as described and are programmed on LabVIEW and MATLAB.
dangerous for the day. 6. When conditions are met, SMS alerts are sent out to the entity described
Authorities such as the Police and the Emergency response team are given alerts when the dew point is reached, that is rain might start falling or rain has started
falling and when the drain and river water level has started rising above a certain level to give them time to prepare for any eventual evacuation. The EEV
(Emergency Evacuation Vehicle) is a vehicle that will be sent out to a certain location in to prepare for an eventual flood and people who have been registered as
working on lower grounds and having no vehicles should make their way to that location once they receive the alert to evacuate.