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Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
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in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

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Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
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IS 3938 (1983): Specification Electric Wire Rope Hoists

[MED 14: Cranes, Lifting Chains and Related Equipment]

! $ ' +-
Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
Invent a New India Using Knowledge

! > 0 B

Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen
Third Reprint SEPTEMBER 1997 IS : 3938 - 1983
UDC 621.876.1-83 I 677 *72 1
( Incorporating Amendment No. 1 ) ( Reaffirmed 1992 )
L 1

Indian Standard (Reaffirmed 2003)

(Second Revision)



Section I General .. .. .. .. .. 2

Section 2 3 Mechanical Requirements .. .: .. 3

Section 3 Electrical Characteristics .. .. .. 8

Section 4 Tests, Certificate of Test and Compliance .. I3

Section 5 Marking and Supply .. .. .. I4

Explanatory Note .. .. .. .. .. 14

Appendix A List of Indian Standards for Materials and .. 15

Equipment, and Codes of Practices Relevant
to the Manufacture of the Electric Wire
Rope Hoists

Appendix B Information to be Supplied with the Enquiry or Order .. I8

Appendix C Selection of Motors for Hoists .. .. I9

Appendix D Rating of Resistors . . .. .. .. 22

Appendix E Information to be Supplied by Manufacturer .. 22

Adopted 24 Februaty 1983 Q Au&t 1997, B/s Gr9

NEW DELHI 110002
IS:3938- 1983


I. Scope-Covers the design, testing and operation of all industrial service electric wire rqpe hoists, up
to 16 t capacity, of the following types:

a) Lug suspended,

b) Hook suspended,

c) Trolley suspended, and

d) Base mounted.

.I:1 This,standard also lays down the minimum requirements compatible with safety.

2 Terminology - For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions shall apply.

2.1 Electric Wire Rope Hoist-An electro-mechanical appliance whose principal function is the lifting or lowering
or both, of loads and having a wire rope fixed between the rope drum and the load block used for lifting
the load.

2.1.1 Lug-suspended hoist - A hoist whose upper suspension member is lug.

21.2 Hook-suspended hoist-A hoist whose upper suspension member is a hook.

21.3 Trolley-suspendedhoist-A hoist whose upper suspension member is a trolley for the purpose of running
the hoist on the bottom flange of a runway beam.

2 I A Base-mounted hoist -A hoist similar to a trolley suspended hoist except that it has a base or feet and
may be mounted overhead, in a vertical plane or in any position for which it is designed.

22 Capacityor Safe Working Load - The maximum safe working load in tonnes that the hoist is designed to
carry in service. This shall be specified by the manufacturer of the hoist and marked boldly and clearly on the
hoist and the load block. Applied loads shall include all handling devices, such as buckets, magnets, grabs and
slings used for lifting the load.

23 &sic and Permissible Stress -All permissible stresses specified in IS : 800-1962 Code of practice for the
use of structural steel in general building construction ( revked) ', IS : 80& 968 Code of practice for use of
steel tubes in general building construction (first revision) , IS : 816-1969 :: ode of practice for use of metal
arc welding for general construction in mild steel ( first revision) ',and IS : 10241979. Code of practice for use
of welding in bridges and structures subject to dynamic loading ( first revision ) * are basic stresses for the purpose
of this standard and the permissible stresses in this standard are basic stresses multiplied by the applicable
duty factor (see 5.2).

24 Range of Lift - The distance between the upper and lower limits of the travel of the ioad block.

25 Hoisting Speed - The velocity in metres per minute at which the hoist will lift the rated load.

2.6 Traverse Speed - Speed of hoist along the track.

27 Head Room -When measured with the load block in the highest position with full load, it is the distance
between the saddle of the hook of the load block and the following points:

a) The top of the lug or centre line of suspension holes on lug suspended hoists,

b) The bottom of the beam or rail on trolley suspended hoists, and

c) The saddle of the top hook onhook-suspended hoists.

28 Trolley -A truck or carriage on which the hoist is mounted. The trolley may be push, hand-geared or
motor-driven type.

29 Drum -The cylindrical member around which the ropes for raising and lowering a load are wound.

210 Electric Brake-An electric motor acting as a brake by regenerative-counter torque or dynamic means.

21 I Electrically Operated Brake - A friction brake actuated or controlled by electric means.

212 Limit Switch -A device to cut off the power automatically at any desired limit of travel.

213 Electrical
Characteristics -Clearly specified electrical characteristics consisting of voltage, phases, cycles
if QCis used, and voltage only if dc is used.

IS : 3938 - 1983

3. Capacity and Lift Ratings - Industrial electric wire rope hoists shall preferably be rated according to
capacities as follows:

0.25, 0.5, 0.8, I-0, I *6,2-O, 3.2, S-0,6.3, 8, IO, 12.5 and I6 t.

4. Classification -The hoists shall be classified in four classes with respect to the frequency of application
and variation of magnitude of the load (see 5.3 and Table I ) and the effect of impact [see IS : 807-1976 Code of
practice for design, manufacture, erection and testing ( structural portion ) of cranes and hoists ( first revision) 1.


5. Design and Fabrication

5. I General -The material used in the construction of hoists shall be properly selected for the stress
encountered when the equipment is used in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations. The design
of the component parts of the hoist shall include due allowance for the effects of the duty which the mechanism
will perform in service and shall be in accordance with the requirements of 5.2 and 5.3.

5.2 Design on Strength Basis - In the design of a component on the basis of ultimate strength, the value of the
stress factor used shall be the basic stress factor multiplied by the duty factor for the appropriate hoist class;
where basic stress factor shall be not less than 5 and the duty factor shall be as given in Table I for the appro-
priate hoist class.


( Clauses4, 5.2, 5.3.1,7.1.3 and 7.3.3)

ClaSS Duty Factor 1 Average Life

Strength Running Hours Total Life
Per Day Hours
(1) (2) (4) (5)

I I -0 0.5 Over 2 500

2 I .2 I a5 I, 9ooo

3 I .4 3 0 2Oooo

4 I .6 Over 6 .t 4oooo

5.3 Design on Life Basis - Components designed on the basis of life shall have a rated life of not less than 20 years
of 250 days per year for Class I, 300 days per year for Class 2, and 333 days per year for Classes 3 and 4.

5.3.1 The running hours per day or the life in hours used for the purpose of the design of the components
shall be the value specified in Table I for the appropriate class.

5.4 Welding - Steel parts may be joined by any fusion-welding process provided the welding is in accordance
with the relevant Indian Standards (see Appendix A). The design shall be such that the maximum permissible
stress in the welds does not exceed those given in IS : 816-1969, and IS : 1323-1966 Code of practice for oxy-
acetylene welding for structural work in mild steel ( revised) .

5.5 Bolts and Nuts -All bolts and nuts shall comply with the relevant Indian Standard (see Appendix A).

5.5.1 Bolts in tension shall be avoided wherever possible. Black bolts shall not be used for transmitting lifting
loads. Bolts and set screws in rotating parts shall be locked.

5.6 Keys and Keywoys - Keys and keyways shall comply with the relevant Indian Standards (see Appendix A)
and the bottom corners of the keyways shall be radiused. Keys shall be so fitted or secured that they cannot
work loose.

5.7 Hoisting and Traversing Speed - The actual speed shall be within f IO percent of specified speed.

IS : 3938 - 1983

6. Lifting Tackle

6.1 Rope Drums and Wire Ropes

6.1.1 Drums -Grooved drums shall be used to provide proper support for the ropes and to minimize
abrasive wear on the ropes. Grooved drums shall be of such size that there is not more than one layer of rope
on the drum when the rope is in its fully wound position. The drum shall be of such length that each lead of rope has a minimum of two full turns on the
drum when the hook is at its lowest position (see 6.1.6) and one spare groove for each rope lead when the
hook is at its highest position. The drum shall be flanged at both ends if rope guides are not provided; in which
case, the flanges shall project to a distance of not less than two rope diameters above the rope. A spur or other
wheel secured to the drum may be regarded as forming one of the flanges. The fleet angle of the rope, that is the angle between the rope and a plane perpendicular to the
axis of the drum shall not exceed 5 ( I in 12).

6. I .2 Grooving of drums -The depth and flare of the groove shall be so chosen as to ensure that the rope
is not jammed against the groove flange when entering or leaving a groove. The bottom of the groove shall be
a circular arc over an angle of not less than 120 and the sides of the groove shall be flared with an included
angle of 30 to 45. The groove shall be smoothly finished and free from surface defects liable to injure the rope. It is recommended that the groove radius is equal to 0.53 times the rope diameter. The depth of the groove shall be not less than 0.35 times the diameter of the rope. The grooves of the drum shall be so pitched that there is a minimum clearance between the adjacent
turns of the rope as given below:

Diameter of Rope Minimum Clearance

Over Up to and including
mm mm mm
I *5
12 ;;
29 5:;
;; - 3.0

6.1.3 Material for drums -Drums shall be made of cast iron, cast steel or mild steel as suitable for duty
conditions. The material shall conform to the relevant Indian Standards (see Appendix A).
6. I .4 Strength of drums - Every drum shall be designed to withstand the compressive stress caused by the
wound-on-rope. The local bending stress caused in the drum at the groove when the rope is winding, may be
neglected. The bending stress due to the beam action of the drum shall also be taken into consideration.
6. I .5 Diameter of the drum -The diameter of the drum, measured at the centre of rope shall be not less than
the appropriate value specified in Table 2 according to the construction of the rope used and the classification
of the hoist.
6. I .6 Rope anchorage -The end of the rope shall be anchored to the drum in such a way that the anchorage
is readily accessible. Each rope shall have not less than two full turns on the drums when the hook is at the
lowest position.
6. I .7 Wire ropes -The hoisting rope, unless otherwise specified or agreed to by the purchaser, shall comply
with the relevant Indian Standards (see Appendix A). Arrangements entailing reverse bends shall be avoided
as far as possible. Suitable design measures shall assure that the leading rope taken by the drum does not slip
sideways when slack and it is not caught between the gear wheels.

6.1.7. I Factor of safety -The factor of safety based on the nominal breaking strength and safe working load
of the rope shall be not less than 4.5 for Class I hoists, 5 for Class 2 and 3 hoists, 6 for Class 4 hoists and 8 for
hoist handling hot metals.

Note -The duty factors specified in Table I shall not apply to these factors of safety.

6.2 load Blocks -The bottom block shall be of the enclosed safety type and shall guard against the rope jamming
in normal usage. Its sheaves shall be carried on suitably sealed or shielded anti-friction or sleeve bearings.

6.2. I Sheaves

6.2. I. I Grooving - The sheave grooves shall conform to the requirements of 6.1.2 and as regards
the groove diameter, flare and finish. The depth of the groove shall not be less than I.5 times the wire rope

IS : 3938 - 1983 Diameter of sheave -The diameter of the sheaves at the centre of rope in the sheave shall
be not less than that of the drums as specified in Table 2.


( Clauses 6. I .5 and 6.2. I .2)

Minimum Diameter of Drum for Hoists of Class

Rope Construction ~
I I 2 and 3 I 4

~ sx19(12,6+6F,l)
[ Iid 1 17d 1 22d 1
6 x37 ( 18/12/6/l )

/ 8x19(9/9/1) Id l8d 24d

i 34x7

~ 6x I9 ( 12/6+6F/l ) l8d 2Od 23d

, -_-
j 6x19(12/6/1) -
17x7 (6/l ) l9d 23d 27d
i 18x7 16/l 1
, d- Diameter of rope.

Note -It is recommended that larger diameters be used wherever possible.

6.2. I .3 Fleet angle - The angle between the rope and a plane perpendicular to the axis of the pulley shall
not exceed 5 ( I in 12).

6.2. I .4 Sheave guards - Sheaves shall be provided with guards to retain the ropes in the grooves.

6.2. I .5 Equalizing sheaves -When the load is supported by more than one fall of the rope off the drum
and bottom blocks are used, the rope system shall be equalized by using equalizing sheaves or bars. The minimum diameter at the bottom of the grooves of an equalizing sheave shall be 9 times the
diameter of the rope used for Class I, I2 times for Class 2 and 3, and I5 times for Class 4 hoists.

6.2. I .7 Material fir sheaves -Sheaves shall be made of cast iron, cast steel or mild steel as suitable for duty
conditions and shall conform to the relevant Indian Standards (see Appendix A).

6.3 Lifting Hooks

6.3.1 Lifting hooks shall comply with the relevant Indian Standards (see Appendix A).

6.3.2 Mounting - Swivelling hooks shall be mounted on thrust bearings and protective skirt shall be provided
to enclose the bearing. The hook shall swivel freely through 360 rotation with full load. The swivel hook nut
shall be locked with set screw or a split pin to prevent it from coming out.

6.3.3 If required by purchaser, the hoist hooks shall be provided with safety locking arrangements to prevent
accidental unhooking.

7. Transmission Devices and Ancillaries

7. I Bearings

7.1.1 Permissible types -All running shafts and wheels running on fixed axles or pins shall be fitted with
ball, roller or bushed bearings unless otherwise specified,

7. I .2 Design - Due allowance shall be made for impact and side thrusts and. where necessary, spherical
seatings and separate thrust bearings of suitable dimensions shall be used. Ball and roller bearings shall conform to the relevant Indian Standards (see Appendix A). Plain
bearings shall, where practicable, be of the adjustable cap type.

IS : 3938- 1983

7.1.3 Ball bearings and roller bearings - Ball bearings and roller bearings shall have a rated life of not less
than 20 years, calculated in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations and based on the equivalent
running time given in Table I.

7.1.4 Bearings pressure for plain and bushed bearings - In the case of plain and bushed bearings made of brass
or its alloys, the bearing pressure shall not exceed 687 N/cm* ( ~70 kgf / cm* ) of projected area. In case of
bushes made of other material, the manufacturers recommendations may be followed.

7. I .5 Lubrication of bearings - Provision snail be made for lubrication of all moving parts and bearings, while
the hoist is in service except where life-lubricated bearings are used. Ball and roller bearings shall, in addition,
be lubricated before assembly. Lubricating nipples and adapters shall be easily accessible and shall generally
comply with the relevant Indian Standards (see Appendix A). All exposed bearings shall be suitably sealed or
shielded. Lubrication arrangements shall be such as to require infrequent attention.

7.2 Shafts

7.2. I General -Shafts and axles shall have ample strength and rigidlty and adequate bearing surfaces for
their purposes. They shall, where necessary, be finished smoothly and, if shouldered, shall be provided with
fillets of as large a radius as possible or be tapered or both to suit.

7.2.2 Material -All shafts shall be made of steel of suitable composition.

7.2.3 Shaft keys - Where practicable, keys and keyways and splines shall conform to the relevant Indian
Standards (see Appendix A).

7.3 Gears

7.3. I Types -The gears used. in electric wire rope hoist shall be machine cut (see IS : 3681-1966 General
plan for .spur and helical gears and IS : 4460-1967 Method for rating of machine cut spur and helical gears) and
shall conform to the relevant Indian Standards (see Appendix A).

7.3.2 Material - All gears shall be of steel except as provided below:

a) Wheel rims may have steel rims secured to centres of cast iron conforming to Grade 25 of IS : 210-1978
Specification for grey iron castings ( third revision ) .

b) High speed pinions may be of bonded fabric or bronze, and

c) Worm wheels or worm wheel rims shall be of bronze or brass and worm of hardened steel.

7.3.3 Design - Gears shall be designed for proper strength and surface durability in accordance with the
relevant Indian Standards ( see Appendix A) using as a minimum the duty factor given in Table I for the appro-
priate class of mechanism.

Note-Total life hours indicated in col 5 of Table I does not refer to gears.

7.3.4 Keying - Keys in gear trains shall be so fitted and secured that they cannot work loose in service.

7.3.5 Lubrication -All gear drives with the exception of travel runner wheels of geared type and their
driving pinions, shall be enclosed and provided with means for ample lubrication. The oil bath lubrication shall
be preferred.

7.4 Friction Drives -They shall be capable of transmitting a torque of 50 percent greater than the torque trans-
mitted when the hoist is lifting its safe working load applied as a direct pull on the drum at the appropriate

7.5 Brakes

7.5. I General Every electric hoist shall be fitted with a brake of fail-to-safety type. Hoists handling molten metal or dangerous liquids shall be fitted with an additional brake on the
hoisting motion. If electro-mechanical brakes are used for this purpose, they shall be of the delayed action type. Provision shall be made to control with safety the lowering of any load up to and including the test
load. Brakes shall be provided with a simple and accessible means of adjustment to compensate for wear.

IS : 3938 - 1983 Suitable provision shall be made for holding the load in the event of the stoppage of the motor
or failure of the current. The operating arrangements shall be such that the brakes cannot be released accidentally.

7.5.2 Capacity of brakes -The brake, when applied, shall arrest the motion and sustain any load up to and
including the maximum safe working load at any position of the lift. The brakes shall be capable of exerting a
restraining torque 50 percent greater than the torque transmitted to the brake drum from the suspended
maximum safe working load, the friction in the transmission mechanism between the load and the brake not
being taken into consideration. Traverse brake shall be rated for 100 percent of motor torque.

7.5.3 Brake components Brake drums and shoes -The wearing surface of all brake drums shall be machined. It shall be
cylindrical, smooth and free from defects. Brake linings shall be effectively and permanently secured to the
brake shoes during the effective life of the lining. It shall be protected from water, grease, oil or other adverse
effects. Under service conditions, the temperature of the rubbing surfaces shall not exceed 100C with wood
or fabric lining or about 200C with asbestos or metal lining. Springs - Springs for electro-mechanical brakes shall be of compression type and shall not be
stressed in excess of 80 percent of the torsional elastic limit of the material. Weights - Brake weights, if provided, shall be securely bolted to their levers and locked.

8. Trolleys

8.1 Types -Trolleys shall be push, hand-geared or motor-operated type.

8.2 Gears - Hand-geared trolley track wheels may have gears with cast teeth.

8.3 Brakes -The trolley shall be provided with a brake if the rated speed of the trolley exceeds 35m/min.
For special applications, if so specified by purchaser [see B-9 (b) ] brakes shall be provided at lower speeds

8.4 Track Wheels

8.4.1 Track wheels may have cylindrical or straight tapered or spherical tapered tread with flange or any
other means to guide hoist trolley effectively to prevent derailment. The wheel shall be mounted in such a
manner as to facilitate removal or replacement during maintenance.

8.4.2 The track wheels of hand operated trolleys, shall be manufactured from cast iron conforming to Grade
FG 200 of IS : 210-1978 Grey iron casting ( third revision) . Track wheels of power operated trolleys, shall be
manufactured from cast/forged/rolled steel suitably heat treated to have a hardness of not more than 200 HB. For Class 4 duty hoist, the back beam shall be provided with wear plates. The thickness of wear
plates shall be not less than 8 mm. The back wheels shall have a minimum hardness of 250 HB.

8.4.3 The minimum diameter of the wheel may be calculated from the following formula and shall conform
to R IO series of IS : 1136-1958 Preferred sizes for wrought metal products commencing from 100 mm.

D= I.5 W
D =Wheel dia in millimetres,

W= Maximum wheel load in kilograms, without impact, and

a=Maximum engaged tread width of the track wheel in millimetres.

8.4.4 The depth and thickness of the flanges of the guiding track wheel shall be not less than the values
specified below.

Diameter of Wheels Depth of Flange Thickness of Flange

mm mm mm

Upto and including 250

Over 250 and including 315 I! I56

IS : 3938 - 1983


9. General -It is necessary that the following precautions are observed in installation and operation of
electrical equipment of the electric wire rope hoists so that safety in operation is ensured:

a) The voltage used on a hoist shall be in conformity with IS : 585-1962 Voltages and frequency for (IC
transmission and distribution systems (revised) but in any-case, it shall not exceed 500 V;

b) All motors, controllers and switch frames shall be earthed;

c) All electrical equipment shall be thoroughly protected from dirt, grease and oil and where exposed to
the weather, shall be protected against the weather;

d) Guards for live parts shall be substantial and so located that they cannot be deformed SO as to make
contact with the live parts; and

e) Name plates shall be fixed in such a manner that it is difficult to remove them.

IO. Motors

IO.I Rating and Enclosure - The rating shall be such that, under the specified service conditions, the temperature
rise does not exceed the limits specified in IS : 325-1978 Specification for three-phase induction motors (fourth
revision ) , IS : 4722- I968 Specification for rotating electrical machines or other relevant Indian Standard.
This shall not preclude the use of intermittent motors, if required.

10.1.1The enclosure (see IS : 4691-1968 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for rotating electrical
machinery) shall suit the specified working conditions and shall be stipulated with enquiry or order.

10.2 Torque - The pull-out torque of any motor supplied at rated voltage shall be not less than 2.25 times the
rated torque for Classes I, 2 and 3, and 2.75 times for class 4 hoists.

10.3 Design and Construction - Motors shall be suitable for purchasers requirements which shall give the details
about reversals, braking and starting (see B-2).

10.4 Mounting - Motors shall be so located that the brushgear and terminals are accessible for inspection and
maintenance, and do not restrict the normal ventilation.

10.5 Limiting Speeds - Limiting speeds for motors shall not exceed those specified by the motor manufacturer.

10.6 Terminals - Motors leads shall be brought out from the motor frame to terminal in the terminal box
fixed to the motor frame.

10.7 Selection of Motor Sizes for Hoisting and Traversing

10.7.1When the duty cycle can be adequately assessed for any hoist motion, the motor may be selected SO
that the temperature rise in actual service does not exceed the permissible temperature rise taking into account
the ambient temperature and class of insulation.

10.7.2 When duty cycle can not be assessed the selection of motor shall be carried out as specified
in Appendix C.

II. Pendant Control Switch

I I.1 General - Hoists shall be designed so that remote control may be effected by means of a push-button
pendant switch or by means of a hand rope or chain so that the release of the hand rope or chain or push button
immediately and automatically causes the brakes to function. Push button pendant switches are preferred to
hand rope or chain for hoist block operation and wherever possible, use of hand rope or chain shall be avoided.
Pendant control switches shall be adequately protected to prevent accidental contact with live parts.

I I.2 Operation - Push-button control shall consist of fully magnetic reversing type contactors operated by a
momentary-contact type push-button station. The push buttons shall return to off position when pressure is
released by the operator. A separate button or a single button with suitable arrangement shall be provided
for obtaining each speed of multispeed hoists. The contactors shall be mechanically or electrically interlocked.

Il.3 Accessibility - All push button actuators shall be so disposed that the contacts and terminal arrangements
are readily accessible for inspection and maintenance purpose.

Il.4 Pendant Push-Button Control Switch -The pendant switch shall be capable of withstanding rough handling
without being damaged and the cover shall be effectively secured.

IS : 3938 - 1983

I I .5 Suspension of
PenduontSwitch-The weight of the pendant shall be supported independent of the electric
cable bv means of chain or wire rope. If the pendant is metallic, it shall be effectively earthed. A chain or hook
does n&t provide an effective earth connection and should not be relied upon For that purpose.

Il.6 The push-button station shall be clearly marked as Follows to indicate the Function of each button. Push-
button control voltage shall be not more than I I5 volts For ac; 250 volts is permissible on dc or special appli-



/ t I f I


LEFT 1 0 1 _


RIGHT (71 _


12. Controllers and Resistors

12. I General -Controllers and resistors, where provided, shall be adequately protected to prevent accidental
contact with live parts, and shall comply with the appropriate requirements of IS : 1822-1967 Specification
for UC motor starters of voltage not exceeding I 000 volts ( first revision) .

12.2 Rating - Controllers and resistors shall be rated such that the temperature does not exceed the limits
specified in IS : I822- 1967 during the operation of the hoist under service conditions.

12.2.1 Resistors, where provided, shall be rated according to the service conditions and the class of the hoist
and shall preferably be intermittent rated. Short time rated resistors may, however, be used. The rating of
resistors shall be not less than that given below:

c/assof Hoist Short Time Rated intermittent Roted

Resistors R;;stors, Seconds
Min Off

I 2 IO 35
: z 1: 30
4 IO I5 I5

Note -See Appendix D for resistor ratings.

12.3 fittings - Unless otherwise specified, resistors shall be enclosed in well ventilated housings and wherever
necessary, fitted with suitable covers.

13. Controls

13.1 Control Circuits -IF the main supply is ac and the control circuits are supplied at reduced voltage, the
supply to these circuits shall be From the secondary winding of an isolating transformer or an isolating trans-
former and rectifier. One pole of this supply shall be earthed and the contactor and relay coils shall be connected
to this pole, or other equally effective means shall be adopted to prevent maloperation owing to sneak circuits
or earth faults.

IS : 3938 - 1983

13.2 Control for DC Supply -When a dc control circuit is so designed that the motor acts as generator in the
lowering direction, the control shall be such that:

4 with maximum load on the hook, the motor may not exceed predetermined maximum rev/min;

b) progressive degrees of braking are provided in the various steps of the controller;

4 adequate light hook lowering speeds are provided:

4 arrangements shall be made to prevent the brake from being released by the back emf of the motor
when the power supply has been interrupted: and

4 the electro-mechanical brake is automatically applied when the circuit breaker of contactor attached
to the hoist is opened.

13.2.1 All controls of a hoist shall be so arranged that no motion is inadvertently started when the power
is supplied after an interruption.

14. Braking-The braking may be electrical ( electro-dynamic), electro-hydraulical or electro-mechanical.

14. I Electrical Braking - In addition to the specific requirements of this standard in regard to the provision
of brakes and irrespective of the supply current, electrical braking is permissible on all electric wire rope hoists.

14.1.1 When electrical braking is used, provision shall be made to limit the current on reversal to a safe value.
Effective means shall be provided for stopping the motion in the event of a power failure and in the case of an

14.2 Electra-Hydraulical Braking - Use of electroyhydraulical thruster-operated brake is also permissible on

all motions of the electric wire rope hoist.

14.3 Electra-Mechanical Braking -The electro-mechanical brake(s) used, shall apply automatically when power
supply fails or when the supply to the respective motor is put off.

14.4 Brake Magnets -The terminals of brake magnets shall be protected from accidental contact and the
connections and windings shall be effectively protected from mechanical damage. When necessar , magnets
shall be provided with an efficient cushioning device. Two duties are recognized for both ac and J c, namely:

a) Continuous or heavy duty, and

b) Normal duty.

14.4.1 Since, with an alternating current brake magnet, the current in the coil is greater for the open
position than when closed, the ratings for ac are slightly different from dc as shown in Table 3.

14.4.2 The brake magnets shall operate, for both operations at the current and voltage given in Table 4.


( Chuse 14.4. I )
Duty dc Magnets ac Magnets

Heavy duty Suitable for being in circuit for not Suitable for being in circuit con-
more than 7.5 minutes out of tinuously where the brake coil
every 15 minutes operates infrequently

or cr

240 operations per hour For 240 operations per hour

where the time for which the
brake coil is in circuit is not
more than 5 minutes out of
every I5 minutes

Normal duty Suitable for 240 operations per hour Suitable for I20 operations per
where the time that the brakecoil hour where the time that the
is in circuit is not more than brakecoil is in circuit is not
5 minutes of every I5 minutes more than 5 minutes of every
15 minutes

IS : 3938 - 1983


( Chse 14.4.2)
_-... -.
Winding dc Magnets ac Magnets

For series I
Lift at 60 percent rated current.
resistor control
Hold at 15 percent rated current ,
Lift * at 90 percent rated voltage Lift at 90 percent rated voltage

Hold * at 50 percent rated voltage Hold at 50 percent rated voltage

Note -Arrangements shall be made, where necessary, to prevent the brake magnet from being energized by the back
emf of the motor when the supply has been interrupted.

*This is intended to apply with coils at temperature corresponding to the duty cycle at rated volts. The temperature rise
of the brake magnet shall not exceed that allowed for the control eqlJipment fitted.

14.5 Brake Release - Appropriate mechanical, electro-hydraulical or any other alternative brake releasing
gears may be used instead of brake magnets, if desired.

15. Limit Switches

15.1 Limit switches shall be of the totally enclosed quick-break type and where wired to three-phase motors,
shall interrupt not less than two phases for series type limit switches. Those incorporating a spring to provide
quick breaking of the contacts shall be so designed and constructed that failure of the spring does not affect
positive opening of the contacts.

15.1.1 Limit switches shall be of the series or shunt type and shall permit the motor to be operated in the
reverse direction, when the limit switch is opened. The limit switch after being tripped shall automatically
reset itself within a reasonable distance travelled in the opposite direction. This does not prevent the use of
the change over type limit switches, where the resetting is achieved by striker when moving in the opposite

15.2 Hoist Limit Switch -When the hook has risen to a predetermined level this limit switch shall act and
prevent over hoisting and consequential damage arising therefrom to the hook or hook block, ropes and
mechanical equipment. The design and adjustment of over hoisting limit switch shall be such, that after opening
of the switch under conditions of maximum hoisting speed and no lozd:

a) there shall be an overrun which measured in metres shall not be more than one-fortieth of the maximum
speed in m/min; and

b) after cessation of motion, there shall be not more than 25 mm of available movement of the hook.

15.3 Limit Switch for Lowering-This shall be fitted to prevent overlowering.

15.4 Hoisting and lowering limit switches shall be automatically reset when the hook is returned to the normal
operating zone.

16. Electrical Protective Devices

16.1 Contactor-Circuit-Breaker Operated - As minlmum equipment of protection, an electro-magnetically

operated contactor with inherent under voltage protection together with overload devices shall be provided.

16.1.1 The overload protection provided in the hoist may be of the following types:

a) electro-magnetic type, with time delay;

b) thermal overload relays with high rupturing capacity fuses; and

c) thermal sensing devices, sensitive to motor temperature or to temperature and current, in contact
with the motor windings.

16.1.2 The number of overload devices and their position shall normally be in accordance with one of the
arrangements shown in Table 5 but if specified by the purchaser, other arrangements giving protection of not
less than any of these shall be considered as complying with this specification.

IS : 3938 - 1983



3 Phase ac Supply
Neither Line Earthed One Line Earthed

2 in separate phase wires

One in each line One connected in the I in the common return line
non-earthed line
3 in separate lines

IT. Cables and Conductors

17.I Cables - Rubber, PVC or varnished cambric insulated cables used for hoist wiring shall comply with the
relevant Indian Standards (see Appendix A). All tables shall be adequately protected against mechanical damage
and from damage by weather. When metal conduits or flexible tubes are used, their ends shall be screwed in
adequately, to prevent ingress of moisture.

17.2 Minimum Size of Cables - Cables having conductors complying with the relevant Indian Standard, smaller
than 2.5 mm2 nominal equivalent copper area of cross-section shall not be used for the power wiring to the
motor. For control circuits and auxiliary wiring, cables having a sectional area smaller than I.5 mm* tiominal
equivalent copper area shall not be used.

17.3 Multicore Armoured Cables - Multicore armoured power and control cables suitably clamped may be used
to avoid conduits and troughings. Suitable clamping glands shall be provided at both ends of each multicore

17.4 Outdoor Hoist Wiring- For outdoor hoists, except where flexible unarmoured cables are essential, cables-
shall be either armoured or enclosed throughout their length in galvanized trunking or conduit, either flexible
or rigid. A flexible metallic tube or duct may not form an effective earth connection and shall not be used for
that purpose. Taped, braided or varnished-cambric insulated cables shall not be used for outdoor hoists.

17.5 Current Rating - Ratings of the cables shall comply with the relevant Indian Standards (see Appendix A).
Where hoists are equipped with 40 percent CDF or I hour rated motors the cables or armature cables may be
uprated by a factor of I.4 above the ratings for continuous duty. Similarly, for hoists equipped with 25 percent
CDF or half an hour rated motors an uprating factor of I.7 may be used. Where the hoists are equipped with
intermittent duty rated motors the factor for uprating the cable is equal to IO where IDF Is the intermittent
duty factor. JE

17.5.1 Rotor or armature resistor circuit cables carry current during accelerating periods only and, therefore,
may be still further uprated. For IO minute and 4 minute rated resistors, the uprating factors of I.5 and 2 respec-
tively may be used.

17.5.2 Consideration shall be given to such factors as the ambient temperature, grouping and disposition
of the cables, and to the limitation of voltage drop which influences selection of suitable cables.

18. Earthing

18.1 The hoist structure, motor frames and metal cases of all electrical equipment, including metal conduit or
cable guards, shall be effectively connected to earth.

18.2 Where the hoist is connected to the supply by flexible cord or flexible cable, the hoist shall be connected
to earth by means of an earthing conductor enclosed with the current carrying conductors within the flexible
cord or flexible cable.

19. Guards

19.1 Where there is any possibility of any person coming in contact with an exposed part of an electrical circuit,
other than one operating at extra low voltage, such part shall be effectively guarded.

19.2 All reciprocating and moving parts which might constitute a hazard shalt be guarded.

19.3 All guards shall be securely fastened so that vibration will not loosen them.

IS : 3938 - 1983


20. Tests at Manufacturers Works

20.1 All electrical and mechanical equipment shall be tested in accordance with the appropriate Indian Standards
at the hoist or equipment makers works.

20.2 The hoist shall be run 5 times. The testing shall start with the first run at 125 percent safe working load.
Second, third and fourth run with safe working load shall be conducted without any pause. Fifth run shall be
conducted with 125 percent safe working load. The motor currents shall be checked and shall be within the
rated full load current of each motor at safe working load. Normal speeds shall be achieved during full load tests.

20.2.1 The hoist shall be tested in accordance with 21.2 at manufacturers works at 125 percent of the safe
working load. The hoist shall be capable of lifting load from mid-air.

20.2.2 Brakes -The brakes shall be capable of holding a load 25 percent in excess of maximum safe working
load when the load is suspended by the hook.

20.2.3 Safety device - Test for the effectiveness of the automatic device to limit the upward and downward
travel of the hook.

20.3 Any test required by the purchaser beyond those called for in the appropriate Indian Standard shall be
subjected to mutual agreement and shall be carried out at the purchasers expense.

20.4 Insulation Tests - Before the hoist is connected to the supply, the insulation of the electrical equipment
shall be tested by a suitable instrument and any defect revealed shall be rectified.

20.4.1 The voltage required for the insulation resistance test shall be dc voltage not less than twice the rated

20.4.2 Any reading less than 0.5 MCI obtained with an insulation resistance tester of the unregulated type
shall be disregarded and the wiring under test shall be subdivided until a reading higher than 0.5 MR is obtained.
Failure to obtain a higher reading shows an unsatisfactory state of the insulation.

Note -A reading below O-5M Q obtained with such a tester may indicate that unduly low proportion of thq prescribed
test voltage is in fact being applied.

20.4.21 If an installation has been subdivided for test purposes, each subdivision shall meet the require-

20.4.3 The insulation resistance of each wiring circuit exclusive of connected apparatus shall be not less
than 2 MR. If necessary, it shall be permissible to disconnect individual items of equipment while making this

21. Tests at Site

21.1 Test for Operation -After the supply has been connected, tests shall be carried out to prove the following:

a) The satisfactory operation of each controller, switch, contactor, relay and other control devices and
in particular the correct operation of all limit switches under the most unfavourable conditions;

b) The correctness of all circuits and interlocks and sequence of operation; and

c) The satisfactory operation of all protective devices.

21.2 Overload Test

21.2.1 After test but before the hoist is put into service, it shall be tested with overload relays appropriately
set, to lift and sustain a test load of 125 percent of the working load.

21.2.2 During the overload test, the hoist shall sustain the load under full control. The specified speeds need
not be attained but the hoist shall show itself capable of dealing with the overload without difficulty.

Note -Test load and necessary lifting tackle shall be provided by the purchaser.

22. Certificate of Compliance and Test Certificates - A certified record of the test figures including
the speed of the lift for safe working load shall be supplied to the purchaser and recorded on the test certificate
which shall also indicate whether the electric wire rope hoist complies with the standard.

IS : 3938 - 1983


23. Condition - Unless otherwise required by the purchaser, every hoist shall be given at least one priming
and one finishing coat of paint. Prior to painting, the metal work shall be thoroughly cleaned, dried and shall
be free from welding slag, rust, oil and grease. Metal surfaces bolted or riveted together shall be primed before
assembly. Paint may be applied by spray gun or brush or by dipping.

24. Marking

24.1 Capacity Marking -The rated load of each hoist in tonnes shall be marked plainly on the hoist and load
block, so as to be clearly legible from the flour below the hoist.

24.2 A name plate containing the following information shall be provided on the hoist at a prominent place:

a) Manufacturers name, trade-mark or identification mark;

b) Type or catalogue number;

c) Capacity;

d) Maximum lift:

e) Voltage:

f) Power requirements in kilowatts at minimum ratings; and

g) If ac, number of phases and cycles.

24.3 Certifiedion Marking - Details available with the Bureau of Indian Standards.
25. Data to be Supplied by the Manufacturer Along with the Hoist

25.1 Test Certificate-A certified record of the test figures shall be supplied to the purchaser with the hoist.

25.2 Installation, Maintenance and Operatlonal lnstructlons - Each hoist shall be provided with instruction sneetr
containing full information on the method of installation, operation and electrical wiring of the hoist and the
components. Each hoist shall be provided with a manual containing maintenance instructions and information
regarding ordering replacement parts.

25.3 Wiring Diagram -A wiring diagram of the hoist shall be supplied with each hoist. The diagram shall give
the rating of the motor, the cable sizes and such other information as will tend to fecilitate inspection and
maintenance of the hoist. In case of contactor controlled hoists, a schematic diagram shall be supplied.


This standard was first issued in 1967 and revised in 1979. This revision has been undertaken to incorporate
the requirements regarding track wheels (see 8.4) and selection of motor sizes ( see 10.7).

This standard seeks to establish uniformity in engineering practices in India with respect to electric wire
rope hoists.

The standard is in general agreement with the applicable requirements of IS : 807-1976 and IS : 3177-1977
Code of practice for design of overhead travelling cranes and gantry cranes other than steel work cranes,
( first revision ).

A list of Indian Standards relevant to this standard is given in Appendix A.

Desirable information to be supplied by the purchaser with the enquiry or order and by the manufacturer
to tl-e purchaser is given in Appendices 6 and E respectively.

IS : 3938 - 1983



(Clauses5.4, 5.5,5.6,6.1.7,,6.3.1,,7.1.5,7.2.3,7.3.1,7.3.3, 17.1, 17.5 and Explanatory Note)

A-l. Materials
A-l.1 Ferrous Material
a) IS : 210-1978
Specification for grey iron castings ( third revision )
b) IS : 226-1975
Specification for structural steel ( standard quality ) ( fifth revision )
c) IS : Specification for structural steel ( high tensile ) ( second revision)
d) IS : Specification for steel castings for general engineering purposes ( second revision)
e) IS : 1387-1967
General requirements for the supply of metallurgical materials ( firstrevision)
f) IS : 1570-1961
Schedules for wrought steels for general engineering purposes
g) IS : 1570 ( Part
I )-I978 Schedules for wrought steels for general engineering purposes: Part I Steels
specified by tensile and/or yield properties ( first revision)
h) IS : 1570 ( Part II )-I979 Schedules for wrought steels for general engineering purposes: Part II Carbon
steels ( unalloyed steels ) ( first revision)
j ) IS : 1570 ( Part III )-I979 Schedules for wrought steels for general engineering purposes: Part Ill Carbon
and carbon-manganese free cutting steels ( firstrevision)
k) IS : 1570 ( Part V )-I972 Schedules for wrought steels for general engineering purposes: Part V Stain-
less and heat-resisting steels ( first revision )
m) IS : 1865-1974 Specification for iron castings with spheriodal or nodular graphite (second revision)
n) IS : 2004-1978 Specification for carbon steel forgings for general engineering purposes (second revision )
p) IS : 2062-1980 Specification for structural steel (fusion welding quality ) ( second revision)
q IS : 2107-1977 Specification for whiteheart malleable iron castings ( first revision)
r 1 IS : 2108-1977 Specification for blackheart malleable iron castings ( first revision)

A-l .Z Threaded Fasteners

a) IS : 1367-1967 Technical supply conditions for threaded fasteners ( first revision )
b) IS : 1367 ( Part I )-I980 Technical supply conditions for threaded fasteners: Part I Introduction and
general information ( second revision )
c) IS : 1367 ( Part II )-I979 Technical supply conditions for threaded fasteners: Part II Product grades
and tolerances ( second revision)
d) IS : 1367 ( Part III )-I979 Technical supply conditions for threaded fasteners: Part III Mechanical
properties and test methods for bolts, screws and studs with full loadability (second
revision )
e) IS : 1367 ( Part V )-I980 Technical supply conditions for threaded fasteners: Part V Mechanical pro-
perties and test methods for set screws and similar threaded fasteners not under tensile
f) IS : 1367 ( Part VI )-I980 Technical supply conditions for threaded fasteners: Part VI Mechanical pro-
perties and test methods for nut with specified proof loads ( second revision )
g) IS : 1367 ( Part VII )-I980 Technical supply conditions for threaded fasteners, Part VII Mechanical
properties and test methods for nuts without specified proof loads (second revision)
h) IS : 1367 ( Part IX)-1979 Technical supply conditions for threaded fasteners: Part IX Surface dis-
continuities on bolts, screws and studs (second revision)
j ) IS : 1367 ( Part X )-I979 Technical supply conditions for threaded fasteners: Part X Surface discontinui-
ties on nuts
k) IS : 1367 ( Part XVI )-I979 Technical supply conditions for threaded fasteners: Part XVI Designation
system and symbols ( first revision )
m) IS : 1367 ( Part XVIII )-I979 Technical supply conditions for threaded fasteners: Part XVIII Marking
and mode of delivery (second revision )

A-l.3 Wire Ropes

a) IS : 2266-1977 Specification for steel wire ropes for general engineering purposes (second revision)
b) IS : 2365-1977 Specification for steel wire suspension ropes for lifts elevators and hoists ( first revision)
c) IS : 3973-1967 Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of wire ropes
d) IS : 65941977 Technical supply conditions for wire ropes and strands (first revision)

A-l.4 lifting Hooks

a) IS : 2758-1969 Specification for mild steel point hooks for use with wire rope thimbles
b) IS : 2759-1969 Specification for higher tensile steel point hooks for use with wire rope thimbles
c) IS : 3813-1967 Specification for C hooks for use with swivels
d) IS : 3815-1969 Specification for point hooks with shanks for general engineering purposes
e) IS : 4164-1976 Specification for lifting C hooks with eye-capacity : 2 to 25 tonnes ( first revision)
f) IS : 3822-1966 Specification for eye hooks for use with chains

IS : 3938 - 1983

A-2. Mechanical and Fabrication Details

A-2.1 Keys and Keyways and Splines

a) IS : 2048- I975 Specification for parallel keys and keyways ( first revision )
b) IS : 2291-1981 Specification for tangential keys and keyways ( second revision )
c) IS : 2292-1974 Specification for taper keys and keyways ( first revision )
d) IS : 2293- I974 Specification for gib-head keys and keyways ( first revision )
e) IS : 2294-1980 Specification for woodruff keys and keyways ( first revision )
f) IS : 2327-1963 Dimensions for straight sided splines for general engineering use
g) IS : 3665-1966 Dimensions for involute sided splines
h) IS : 6166-1971 Specification for thin taper keys and keyways
j) IS : 6167-1971 Specification for thin parallel keys and keyways

A-2.2 Gears

a) IS : 3681-1966 General plan for spur and helical gears

b) IS : 3734-1966 Dimensions for worm gearing
c) IS : 4460-1967 Method for rating of machine cut spur and helical gears
d) IS : 7403-1974 Code of practice for selection of standard worm and helical gear boxes
e) IS : 7443-1974 Methods for load rating of worm gears

A-2.3 Ball and Roller Bearings

a) IS : 2398-1967 Identification code for rolling bearings

b) IS : 3090-1965 Code of practice for installation and maintenance of rolling bearings
c) IS : 6454-1972 Specification for self aligning roller bearings
d) IS : 6455-1972 Specification for single row radial ball bearings
e) IS : 6456-1972 Specification for double row radial ball bearings
f) IS : 6457-1972 Specification for single row cylindrical ball bearings
g) IS : 6458-1972 Specification for double row cylindrical ball bearings
h) IS : 7461-1980 General plan of boundary dimensions for tapered roller bearings ( first revision)

A-2.4 Grease Nipples

a) IS : 4009 ( Part I )- 1981 Specification for grease nipples: Part I Button head grease nipples ( first revision)
b) IS : 4009 ( Part Ii )-I981 Specification for grease nipples: Part II Conical head grease nipples (first
revision )

A-2.5 Manufacturing Practices and Design

a IS : 800-1962 Code of practice for use of structural steel in general building construction (revised)
b1 IS : 806-1968 Code of practice for use of steel tubes in general building construction (first revision)
c) IS : 807-1976 Code of practice for design, manufacture, creation and testing (structural portion ) of
cranes and hoists ( first revision )
d) IS : 816-1969 Code of practice for use of metal arc welding for general construction in mild steel
( first revision )
e) IS : 818-1968 Code of practice for safety and health requirements in electric and gas welding and
cutting operations ( first revision)
f) IS : 1024-1979 Code of practice for use of welding in bridges and structures subject to dynamic loading
( first revision )
g) IS : 1323-1966 Code of practice for oxy-acetylene welding for structural work in mild steel (revised)

A-2.6 Springs

a) IS : 7906 ( Part I )-I976 Helical compression springs: Part I Design and calculations for springs made
from circular section wire and bar
b) IS : 7906 ( Part II )-I975 Helical compression springs: Part II Specification for cold coiled springs made
from circular section wire and bar
c) IS : 7906 ( Part III )-I975 Helical compression springs: Part Ill Data sheet for specification for springs
made from circular section wire and bar
d) IS : 7907 ( Part I )-I976 Helical extension springs: Part I Design and calculation for springs made from
circular section wire and bar
e) IS : 7907 ( Part. II )-I976 Helical extension springs: Part II Specification for cold coiled springs made
from circular section wire and bar
f) IS : 7907 ( Part III )-I975 Helical extension springs: Part Ill Data sheet for specification for springs
made from circular section wire and bar

IS : 3938 - 1983

A-3. Electrical Details

A-3. I Motors

a) IS : 325-1978 Specification for three-phase induction motors ( fourth revision )

b) IS : 585-1962 Voltages and frequency for ac transmission and distribution systems (revised)
c) IS : 900-1965 Code of practice for installation and maintenance of induction motors (revised)
d) IS : 4029-1967 Guide for testing three-phase induction motors
e) IS : 4691-1968 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for rotating electrical machinery
f) IS : 4722-1968 Specification for rotating electrical machines

A-3.2 Cables and Conductors

a) IS : 693-1965 Specification for */arnished cambric insulated cables ( revised)

b) IS : 694- I977 Specification for PVC insulated cables for working voltage up to and including I 100 V
( second revision )
c) IS : 1554 ( Part I )-I976 Specification for PVC insulated ( heavy duty ) electric cables: Part I For working
voltages up to and including I 100 V (second revision)
d) IS : 1596-1977 Specification for polyethylene insulated cables for working voltages up to and including
I IO0 V ( second revision )
e) IS : 8130-1976 Specification for conductors for insulated cables and flexible cords
f) IS : 9968 ( Part I )-I981 Specification for elastomer-insulated cables: Part I For working voltages up to
and including I IOOV
g) IS : 9968 ( Part II )-I981 Specification for elastomer-insulated cables: Part II For working voltages
from 3.3 kV up to and including I I kV

A-3.3 Conduits

a) IS : 1653-1972 Specification for rigid steel conduits for electrical wiring ( Jecond revision )
b) IS : 2509- I973 Specification for rigid non-metallic conduits for electrical installations ( first revision)

A-3.4 Switchgear

a) IS : 1818-1972 Specification for alternating cuttent isolators (disconnectors) and earthing switches
( first revision )
b) IS : 2147-1962 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for low voltage switchgear and control
c) IS : 2516 ( Part I and II/Set I )-I977 Specification for alternating current circuit breakers: Parts I and
I I Requirement and tests, Section I Voltages not exceeding I 000 V ac or I 200 V dc
( first revision )
d) IS : 4064 ( Part I )-I978 Specification for Air-break switches, air-break disconnectors, air-break switch-
disconnectors and fuse-combination units for voltages not exceeding IO00 V ac or
I 200 V dc: Part I General requirements ( first revision )
e) IS : 4067 ( Part II )-I978 Specification for air break switches, air-break disconnectors, air-break switch-
disconnectors and fuse-combination units for voltages not exceeding I OOOV ac or
I 200 V dc: Part II Specific requirements for the direct switching of individual motors
( first revision )
f) IS : 5124-1969 Code of practice for installation and maintenance of ac induction motor starters ( voltage
not exceeding I 000 V )
g) IS : 5987-1970 Code of practice for selection of switches ( voltage not exceeding I COOV )
h) IS : 6875 ( Part I )-I973 Specification for control switches (switching devices for control and auxiliary
circuits including contractor relays) for voltages up to and including I 000 V ac and
I 200 V dc: Part I General requirements and tests
j ) IS : 6875 ( Part II )-I973 Specification for control switches ( switching devices for control and auxiliary
circuits including contractor relays ) for voltages up to and including I 000 V ac and
I 200 V dc: Part II Push buttons and related control switches
k) IS : 6875 ( Part Ill )-I973 Specification for control switches (switching devices for control and auxiliary
circuits including contractor relays) for voltages up to and including I OOOV ac and
I 200 V dc: Part Ill Rotary control switches
m) IS : 8544 ( Part I )-I977 Specification for motor starters for voltages not exceeding I OOOV: Part I
Direct-on-line ac starters
n) IS : 8544 ( Part II )- I977 Specification for motor starters for voltages not exceeding I 000 V: Part I I
Star delta starters
p) IS : 8544 ( Part III/Set I )-I979 Specification for motor starters for voltages not exceeding I 000 V:
Part III Rheostatic rotor starters, Section I General requirements
q) IS : 8544 ( Part III/Set 2 )-I979 Specification for motor starters for voltages not exceeding I 000 V:
Part III Rheostatic rotor starters, Section 2 Additional requirements for ac rheostatic
rotor controllers
r) IS : 8544 ( Part IV )-I979 Specification for motor starters for voltages not exceeding I 000 V: Part IV
Reduced voltage ac starters: two-step auto-transformers starters

IS : 3938 - 1983

( Clauses 8.3, 10.3 and Explanatory Note )


B-l. Number of Hoists Required

B-2. A brief description of the work to be accomplished including the number of lifts per hour or day

B-3. Capacity in Tonnes

B-4. Type of Suspension

a) Lug,

b) Hook,

c) Manual push trolley,

d) Manual geared trolley,

e) Motor driven trolley, cr

f) Base mounted.

B-5. Head Room - Maximum head room dimension permissible

B-6. Maximum Lift in Metres -The distance between the upper and lower limits of travel of the load


B-7. Desired travel speeds in m/min I

B-8. Method of Operation Pendant push button

or pendant rope
B-9. Speed Control

a) Hoist - Single speed, two speed or variable speed

b) Trolley - Single speed, hand-operated or motor-operated with or without brakes

B-IO. Type of Hook Required

B-l I. Operating Current

ac -voltage, phases, cycles and number of wires

dc - voltage

B-12. Whether thermal sensing devices (thermistors) are required to be embedded in motor Yes/No

IS : 3938- 1983

8-13. Beam or rail size for trolley mounted hoists: height, width, mass per metre and minimum radius in track

B-14. Special condition, if any, that is, heat, dust, moisture, hazardous atmosphere, etc, -explain fully

B-15. Statutory requirements applicable

B-16. A statement that the hoist shall comply with IS : 39381983 Specification for electric wire rope hoists
(second revision) .

( Clause 10.7.2 )


C-l. Motors for Hoist Motions

C-l.1 Director Current Motors -The motors shall be so selected that its one-hour power rating in kilowatts
at 25 percent duty factor for class I, 2 and 3 hoists and 40 percent duty factor of class 4 hoist is not less than
that computed from the following formula:

K=service factor depending on the electrical service class of hoist;
M=mass of the rated load on the hook plus mass of the hook block and the wire ropes in
V=specified hoisting speed in m/min;
E=combined efficiency of gears and sheaves
= ( 0.94 ) + ( 0.98 )m for sleeve bearings
=( &96) + ( 0~99)m for antifriction bearings;
n=number of pairs of gears; and
m=total number of rotating sheaves between drum and equaliser passed over by each part
of the moving rope attached to the drum.

C-1.1.1 Recommended values of K for series motors operated at 230 V are given below:

Duty Cycle Electrical Service

Service Class Factor K

Not more than 20 percent time ON and not more than

I5 cycles per hour I 0.75

21 - 30 percent time ON or I6 - 25 cycles per hour 2 0.75

31 - 40 percent time ON or 26 - 35 cycles per hour 3 0.82

41 - 50 percent time ON or 36 - 45 cycles per hour 4 0.96

C-1.1.2 For voltages other than 230 volts, use the one-hour ratings at the selected voltage, as established
by the motor manufacturer.

C-1.1.3 For duty cycle of more than 50 percent time ON or 45 cycles per hour, the requirements should
be submitted to the motor manufacturer for selection of adequate ratings.

IS : 3938 - 1983

C-l.2 Alternate Current Motors -The motors shall be so selected that its power rating in kilowatts at 25 percent
duty factor for class I, 2 and 3 hoist and 40 percent duty factor for class 4 hoists is not less than that computed
from the following formula:

6.12 E
K=service factor depending on the electrical service class of hoist,
M=mass of the rated load on the hook plus of the hook block and the wire ropes in
V=specified hoisting speed in m/min,
E=combined efficiency of gears and sheaves,
=( O-94) + (0.98) for sleeve bearings,
=( 0.96 ) + (O-99 ) for antifriction bearings,
n=number of pairs of gears, and
m=total number of rotating sheaves between drum and equaliser passed over by each part
of the moving rope attached to the drum.

C-1.2.1 Recommended values of K for ac induction motors are given:

Duty Cycle Electrical Service

Service CIoss rector K

Not more than 20 percent time ON and not more than

I5 cycles per hour I I

21 - 30 percent time ON or 16 - 25 cycles per hour 2 I

31 - 40 percent time ON or 26 - 35 cycles per hour 3 I.1

41 - 50 percent time ON or 36 - 45 cycles per hour 4 I -2

C-2. Director Current or Alternate Current Motors for Trolley Traverse

C-2.1 It is assumed that the drive mechanism from the motor to the track wheels will use totally enclosed
gearing mounted on antifriction bearings and that the efficiency of the drive end track wheels using antifriction
bearings is expected to vary between 0.85 to 0.90 and an average value of 0.875 will generally be adopted in
making calculations for motor power and torques.

C-2.2 In general the track wheel bearings shall be antifriction type, in which case rolling friction at these bearings
plus the friction between the track wheels and-the rails may be assumed at 7.0 kgf / t of mass moved, which
with a drive efficiency of O-875 gives an overall friction factor of 8.0 kgf / t for calculations of motor power or
torque. Note that the mass moved is the mass of the load plus the mass of the trolley.

C-2.2.1 Some purchaser, however, may specify that the track wheels are to be mounted on plain bearings.
In this case the friction at these bearings plus that between the track wheels and the rails may be assumed to
result in an overall friction factor of 13.0 kgf / t of mass moved.

C-3. Selection of Frame Size for Director Current Motors

C-3.1 The selected motor shall have the one-hour power rating which is not less than that computed from the
following formula:

Selected power in kW=O*745 7 KMVS

K=a factor which is included for power to overcome friction, to give linear acceleration to
the mass moved, and the angular acceleration to the motor armature and the rotating

W=mass moved in tonnes;

V=specified free running speed in m/min; and

S=a service factor aimed at providing adequate motor heat dissipation capacity to cover for
the severity of the expected duty cycle.

C-3.1.1 Recommended values for K and S are given in Tables 6 and 7.

IS : 3938 - 1983


(Clause C-3.1.1 )

Acceleration Whilstj- Track Wheels on Track Wheels on /

on the Resistor Antifriction Bearing Plain Bearings
__--------___-_-------_ ---
(1) I (2) (3) I
(cm/s*) I
0,002 5 0.003 3
:; 0.003 5 0.004 4

Note - For other values of acceleration between two figures, intermediate values of K may be taken.


( Clause C-3. I. I )

~ Duty Cycle Electri;$Service Trolley Service


Not more than 20 percent
time ON and not more
than I5 cycles per hour I .2

21 - 30 percent time ON or
I6 - 25 cycles per hour I .3

3 I - 40 percent time ON or
26 - 35 cycles per hour I .4

41 - 50 percent time ON or
36 - 45 cycles oer hour I.5

C-3.1.2 At trolley free running speed, the acceleration becomes zero and hence the power to be furnished
by the motor is:

Case I Track wheels on antifriction bearings

Power required 6 MV
=4== 0.001 30 kW

Case I I Track wheels on plain bearings

Power required 9*7 MV

=4562= 0.002 12 kW

C-4. Selection of Alternate Current Motors

C-4.1 Alternate current motors for trolley traverse shall be so selected that its power rating at 40 percent
duty factor is not less than that computed from the following formula:

Selected power in kW=


M=mass moved in tonnes including safe working load and weight of hoist;
V=specified free running speed in m/min;
S= service factor as adopted for selection of dc motors;
T=A factor introduced by the permissible motor torque during acceleration exceeding the
motor-rated torque. As a general guidance, value of T may be taken as I-3 to I .7 for motors
having pull out torque of 225 percent fullload torque. Lower values of T should be taken
for corresponding lower values of pull out torque;
F=overalI friction factor according to C-2.2 and C-2.2.1 and having a value of 8.0 or I3.0 kgf/t
for trolley wheels on antifriction or plain bearings respectively;
E~mechanical efficiency of gearing which may be taken as or 0.97 per reduction; and
a=average linear acceleration of trolley in cm/set upto 90 percent of the free running speed
and will be as given in Table 7 for dc motors.

IS:3938- 1983

C-4.2 At trolley free-running speed the acceleration becomes zero and hence the horse power to be furnished
by the motor will be as given in C-3.1.2 for dc motors.

( Note under clause 12.2. I )


D-l. Two-Minute Rating - A resistor having a two-minute rating shall be capable of being left in circuit
for a period not exceeding 30 seconds on the first section, and for a further period of 90 seconds equally divided
between the remaining sections of the resistor, followed by a period of rest of !3 minutes, this cycle being
repeated until a stable temperature is reached.

D-2. Five-Minute Rating-A resistor having five-minute rating shall be capable of being left in circuit
for a period not exceeding 2 minutes on the first section, and for a further period of 3 minutes equally divided
between the remaining sections of the resistor, followed by a period of IO minutes; this cycle being repeated
until a stable temperature is reached.

D-3. Ten-Minute Rating - A resistor having a ten-minute rating shall be capable of being left in circuit
for a period not exceeding 4 minutes on the first section and for a further period of 6 minutes equally divided
between the remaining sections ofthe resistor, followed by a period of rest of 5 minutes; this cycle being repeated
until a stable temperature is reached.


( Explanatory Note )


E-l. Description of unit

E-2. Type and class of hoist

E-3. Safe working load in tonnes

E-4. Motor power kW at min rating.

E-5. Operating Current:

AC-Voltage, phases, cycles and number of wires

DC -Voltage

E-6. Head room

E-7. Type of suspension

E-8. Maximum lift in motors

E-9. Speed control -single speed, two speed, or variable speed

E-IO. a) Hoisting speed

b) Type of trolley - If trolley is supplied - Hand operated/Motor operated

c) Speed of motor operated trolley m/min.

E-l I. Methods of operation Pendant push button/pendant rope.

E-12. Type of drive - If geared, what type?

E-13. Type of Drum: Plain or grooved

Diameter of drum
( If grooved)at bottom of the groove - mm.

IS : 3938 - 1983

E-14. Number of brakes : Types of brakes

E-15. Wire Rope - Diameter in mm, construction, grade, number of falls, and minimum breaking load -

E-16. Beam or rail size for trolley mounted hoists

E-17. Factor of safety

E-18. Beam or rail size for trolley mounted hoists -height, width, weight per metre, and minimum radius

in track

E-19. Net weight

E-20. Any special features

E-21. Precautions to be taken in operation [applicable only if thermal sensing devices (thermistors) are

embedded in motor grindings ]

E-22. Statement to the effect that the hoist conforms to IS : 3938 - 1983

E-23. Tools and accessories supplied

E-24. Drawing ofgeneral arrangement and spare parts list

Prlnted at Slmco Prlntlna Press. Delhi. lndls


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