Conplast WL
Conplast WL
Conplast WL
Uses Properties
To minimise permeability and increase the waterproofing Chloride content : As per IS:2645-2003
properties of concrete and cement sand mortars for critical
applications like roof slabs and screeds, basements, external Compatibility : Can be used with all types of
plastering, bathroom floors, water tanks, sumps, drains etc. cements,including pozzolanic but not High Alumina Cement.
Liquid admixture: Instant and complete dispersion Setting Time: No significant effect on setting time of concrete
throughout the mix. Uniform waterproofing throughout or mortar.
concrete matrix.
Compressive Strength : Maintains compressive strength
High efficiency: Dramatic reduction in permeability of equal to control concrete or mortar and can even improve on
concrete/ mortar strength property if full advantage of water reduction potential
Improved workability: Improves compaction of concrete is utilised.
and mortar, even where harsh sands or aggregates are
Workability: Improves workability at reduced water cement
Improved concrete quality : Minimises porosity and honey
combing. Produces dense homogenous concrete. Application instructions
Standards compliance
Mortar: Conplast WL is ideal for use with all sand/cement
mortars where it is required to reduce permeability to a
Conplast WL conforms to IS:2645-2003. minimum.
The total amount of water added per mix in the initial batches Precautions
shall be maintained for the remaining batches.
Health and Safety instructions
Note: Mixes using Conplast WL will require much less water
than normal mixes for the same workability. Water reduction Conplast WL is non-toxic. Any splashes on skin should be
may be as much as 15% or more. If the moisture content of washed well with water. If contact with eyes occurs, it shall
the sand or aggregate changes i.e., it becomes wetter or be washed well with plenty of water and medical advice
dryer, then the amount of water used must be reduced or sought immediately.
increased to give the original workability.
Conplast WL is non-flammable.
Additional information
Ahmedabad : (079) 26762799 Ankleshwar :(02646) 220704/224687 Bellary: 09845891690 Bhubaneshwar : (0674) 2521176
Chennai : (044) 24899949/24853383 Chandigarh : (0172) 2639360 Cochin : (0484) 2347465 Coimbatore : (0422) 2472966
Goa : (0832) 09423058696 Guwahati : (0361) 2462866 Hyderabad : (040) 27662324/27662425 Indore : (0731) 4049339
Jaipur : (0141) 2336103 Lucknow :(0522) 2239044 Nagpur: (0712) 2753510/2563242 Visakhapatnam : (0891) 2564850 / 2707607