Conplast WL

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Conplast WL constructive solutions

Integral waterproofing liquid admixture for

concrete and mortar

Uses Properties

To minimise permeability and increase the waterproofing Chloride content : As per IS:2645-2003
properties of concrete and cement sand mortars for critical
applications like roof slabs and screeds, basements, external Compatibility : Can be used with all types of
plastering, bathroom floors, water tanks, sumps, drains etc. cements,including pozzolanic but not High Alumina Cement.

Permeability to water : Less than 15% as compared to 50%

max. allowable under IS:2645compared to control sample.

Liquid admixture: Instant and complete dispersion Setting Time: No significant effect on setting time of concrete
throughout the mix. Uniform waterproofing throughout or mortar.
concrete matrix.
Compressive Strength : Maintains compressive strength
High efficiency: Dramatic reduction in permeability of equal to control concrete or mortar and can even improve on
concrete/ mortar strength property if full advantage of water reduction potential
Improved workability: Improves compaction of concrete is utilised.
and mortar, even where harsh sands or aggregates are
Workability: Improves workability at reduced water cement
Improved concrete quality : Minimises porosity and honey
combing. Produces dense homogenous concrete. Application instructions

Standards compliance
Mortar: Conplast WL is ideal for use with all sand/cement
mortars where it is required to reduce permeability to a
Conplast WL conforms to IS:2645-2003. minimum.

Description Concrete: Conplast WL is recommended for all general mass

concrete work where, due to harsh aggregates, difficulty of
compaction or mix control, the risk of porosity and permeability
Conplast WL is a dark brown liquid based on
must be minimised. Eg. Basements, bund walls, tanks,
lignosulphonates which mixes readily with water and
balcony, floor and roof slabs.
therefore disperses evenly.
N.B.: The minimum dosage is 125ml and the maximum is
Conplast WL waterproofs by improving the quality of the
200ml per 50kgs of cement. If maximum dosage is used a
concrete or mortar. It reduces the water demand for required
minimum of 15% water should be reduced to ensure no loss
workability and minimises segregation and bleeding. Thus
in strength. Site trials shall be carried out to arrive at the
it is more efficient compared to traditional powder
optimum dosage.
waterproofers as its use results in two fold improvement of
concrete or mortar. The required quantity of Conplast WL is measured and stir
into the first or second bucket of water.
Technical support
Conplast WL water mixture shall be added to the concrete or
mortar and mixed thoroughly.
Fosroc provides a technical advisory service for onsite
assistance and advice on admixture selection, evaluation Mixing shall be continued and further water shall be added
trials and dispensing equipment. Technical data and until the required workability is obtained.
guidance can be provided for admixtures and other products
for use with fresh and hardened concrete.
Conplast WL
Conplast WL

The total amount of water added per mix in the initial batches Precautions
shall be maintained for the remaining batches.
Health and Safety instructions
Note: Mixes using Conplast WL will require much less water
than normal mixes for the same workability. Water reduction Conplast WL is non-toxic. Any splashes on skin should be
may be as much as 15% or more. If the moisture content of washed well with water. If contact with eyes occurs, it shall
the sand or aggregate changes i.e., it becomes wetter or be washed well with plenty of water and medical advice
dryer, then the amount of water used must be reduced or sought immediately.
increased to give the original workability.
Conplast WL is non-flammable.

Additional information

Conplast WL is supplied in 125ml, 1, 5 , 20 and 200 litre

containers. The Fosroc range of associated products includes high
strength cementitious, epoxy grout, polyester resin based
Storage mortar for rapid presetting of steel shims to level or for direct
bedding of small base plates; Resin Anchoring systems for
same day anchoring of bolts in drilled holes in concrete or
Conplast WL has a minimum shelf life of 12 months, if kept
rock. Also available a range of products for use in
in a dry store in unopened containers.
construction; viz., admixtures, curing compounds, release
agents, flooring systems and repair mortars.

Separate datasheets are available on these products.

Denotes the trademark of Fosroc International Limited

Important note :
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject
to its standard terms and conditions of sale, copies of which may be obtained on request. Whilst
Fosroc endeavours to ensure that any advice, recommendation specification or information it may
give is accurate and correct, it cannot, because it has no direct or continuous control over where
or how its products are applied, accept any liability either directly or indirectly arising from the
use of its products whether or not in accordance with any advice, specification, recommendation
Fosroc Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. or information given by it.
Head Office
telephone fax e-mail
Vishnu Chittam, No. 10, 2nd Floor
Sirur Park B Street, Seshadripuram ++91 80-2334 3188 ++91 80-2334 3178
Bangalore 560020 Regional Offices
Bangalore Mumbai Delhi Kolkata
Vishnu Chittam, No.10, 1stFloor 208/209, Persepolis 109-113, 1st Floor, Vikrant Towers P-569, Lake Terrace Extn.
Sirur Park B Street, Seshadripuram Sector 17, Vashi 4, Rajendra Place First Floor
Bangalore 560 020 Navi Mumbai 400 703 New Delhi 110 008 Kolkata 700 029
Ph:080-2334 3188 Ph:022-2789 6411/12 Ph:011- 45062000-5 Ph: 033 24650917 / 55343188
Fax : 080-23368667 Fax: 022 - 2789 6413 Fax: 011- 45062001 Fax: 033-24650891

Ahmedabad : (079) 26762799 Ankleshwar :(02646) 220704/224687 Bellary: 09845891690 Bhubaneshwar : (0674) 2521176
Chennai : (044) 24899949/24853383 Chandigarh : (0172) 2639360 Cochin : (0484) 2347465 Coimbatore : (0422) 2472966
Goa : (0832) 09423058696 Guwahati : (0361) 2462866 Hyderabad : (040) 27662324/27662425 Indore : (0731) 4049339
Jaipur : (0141) 2336103 Lucknow :(0522) 2239044 Nagpur: (0712) 2753510/2563242 Visakhapatnam : (0891) 2564850 / 2707607

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