Art Drawing
For Beginners
By Emily Ricker
Copyright2016 by Emily Ricker
All Rights Reserved
Copyright 2016 by Emily Ricker
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Since humans began to engage in art, one thing became absolutely clear - there are people
who can effortlessly sketch an object and there are those who toil for hours to draw the
right angles and proportions to the extent that their drawing gets ruined.
Drawing is a great hobby, but it can be more than that. As a hobby, drawing offers a lot of
pleasure and every moment of drawing will fill you with joy. As a hobby, drawing needs
only the basic tools and does not cost much. Drawing can be more than a hobby - it may
Recent studies reveal the answer to this question which was first asked a long time ago. It
seems that the ability of realistic drawing depends on several things, including the way in
which a person experiences the reality.
If you are stuck at drawing figure, according to researchers from the University of
London, good news is that all these mental processes can improve with practice. Firstly,
people who cannot draw do not see the world as it really is. When we see an object, our
visual system automatically misjudges attributes such as size, shape and color, so some of
the misinterpretations become mistakes in drawing.
Paradoxically, in some other situations, the misinterpretation will help us to feel like
everything makes sense. For example, the building looks bigger when it is near than when
it is far away. Even then, the visual system uses a constant size to perceive an
approximate size, regardless of how the object is located. The visual system knows that
the distant object is larger than it looks and the brain sends false information about what
However, the wrong perception of the image is only part of the story, said psychologist
Rebecca Chamberlain of the University of London. She and her colleagues conducted
experiments investigating the role of memory in the process of drawing. They believe that
the skills of drawing in part the result of memory abilities of simple relationships between
objects, such as the angle between two lines, from the moment of perceiving the angle
until the moment they start drawing. They came to a conclusion that the ability to change
the way of looking at things is a good foundation for being successful at any kind of art.
That means that the only problem that stands in your way to becoming great in drawing
interesting pictures can be solved easily. You just need to open your mind and try hard.
Still, to make the things even easier for you, we explained how to draw simple drawings
taught. Chamberlain adds that there are some people with natural ability for beautiful
drawing. But, there arent many of those with such talent. A huge majority of people need
However, the problem is in the details, so researchers continue to work on the interaction
of all the factors affecting the accuracy of drawing. However, they can also learn. There
In a study presented a few years ago at the Columbia University, Chamberlain has
revealed that practice significantly improves the ability of drawing during the time, which
Based on these studies, psychologists recommend the following techniques to draw better:
focusing on scale drawings to fit on the paper size; ensuring that the object is placed in
your environment to the appropriate place in space; to the focus on the distance between
the elements of the subject and their relative size; to the focus on the size and shape of the
negative space, i.e. the empty space between the parts of the building. Finally, they
recommend thinking about the lines in the way they really are the lines are actually the
Kris McManus, a member of the research team points out: There arent many skills that a
We realized that plain practice without guidelines is fruitless. Thats why we decided to
write the book in the first place. Once you know exactly what you need to draw and how,
you will not spend too much time trying and failing to draw an awesome drawing.
But, practice drawing can sometimes be boring. That is not the case if you decide on
drawing interesting objects and creatures. If youve always been a fan of fiction and
legends, your choice should be drawing mythical creatures. You can relive your childhood
and let your imagination loose, drawing all sorts of scary monsters and fairies. Make your
own fairytale or stick to the most famous epic stories.
If you are not already a fan of mythical creatures, you should keep on reading the book as
there you can read the stories of griffins, elves, dragons, mermaids, gnomes and centaurs,
which will make you fall in love with these fantasy creatures. Hopefully, the myths about
these beings will spark your imagination and help you come up with fictional universe of
your own.
So, there is nothing that is stopping you from learning to draw fantasy creatures right
away. The only thing you need is a piece of paper and a pen. Surely, before starting to
draw, you first need to read this eBook. Finally, have one thing in mind theres not book
that can help you learn to draw amazing fantasy creatures if you dont have the will to do
Chapter 1 How to Draw a Griffin?
Grffin is a mythological beast with the body of a lion and the head of an eagle. The lion
used to be considered the king of the animals in the ancient times, while the eagle was the
king of the sky for many of the ancient civilizations. As the combination of the two
animals, griffin became an important mythical creature, both powerful and magical.
It is a common fallacy that the ancient Greeks invented this creature. They did make it
very popular, for which there are hundreds of thousands of proofs. However, the Greeks
didnt come up with the concept of lion-eagle in the first place, but Scythians. This
nomadic people rode horses all over the world and once they come from Asia to Europe,
they brought their culture and legends with them. The Greeks loved many of those,
particularly the myth of the griffin, which later became one of the pillars of the Ancient
Greek mythology.
The myth of Griffins was born in the areas of Assyria, Persia (present day Iran), and
Phoenicia. The archaeological discoveries in the late 19th and early 20th century, led to
the discovery of the majestic ancient cities in these areas: Uruk, Babylon, Nineveh,
Nimrud and many others close to the Euphrates and Tigris River (Mesopotamia), the
Persian Gulf, etc. All of these areas are now parts of Iran, Iraq and the surrounding
The first findings were fascinating and simply pressured the archeologist Henry H. Layard
and others to investigate further and further. The first statues of griffins that they saw
were, unfortunately, simply disintegrated! Some of them lay under layers of sand, earth
and diverse material for ages. Still, due to a high number of griffin sculptures, many of
them were intact. Most of those can nowadays been in many history museums around the
Griffins have been the source of inspiration for many artists for dozens of centuries. The
symbol was used for the coat of arms of royal families, emblems of armies, etc. These
days, many sport teams use it for their mascot, like the ice hockey team, Grand Rapids
Griffins or the football club Suwon Samsung Bluewings.
If you also find griffins fascinating, you should learn how to draw them. And the best way
The step one is to draw three circles, which would later become the griffins head front
Bold the lines making the contour of the griffins legs, head, back and tail.
Finish the tail and start drawing feathers bellow the head of the griffin.
Now finish drawing the head of the griffin, which is actually the head of a bird. Also, draw
Add more details to the griffins body and face, like beak, feathers and the wings.
Finally, make bold all of the lines of the griffin, while deleting those you dont find to
belong there. The final version of the griffon looks like something that could be used on
coat of arms of medieval knights. But, if you wish, you can make the creature look more
benign or just the opposite, scarier. The sky is the limit feel free to unleash your
Chapter 2 How to Draw the Eye of a
Scary Mythical Creature?
about this beast is that it has been featured as a part of many different ancient cultures,
from all around the world. Dragons were part of ancient Chinese, Indian and Japanese
culture, but also were inspiring ancient artists from Europe and North Africa.
In fact, all depictions of dragons can be separated into two distinctive groups, European
and Chinese. The European dragon comes probably from the Ancient Greece, who
transformed many different myths of Middle Eastern people into one. The name dragon
Actually, in the ancient times, dragons were almost exclusively depicted as big serpents.
The idea about dragons being lizard-like creatures comes from the Middle Ages. The
modern depiction of a dragon is a big scary reptile with a pair or two pair of legs, bet-like
wings and ability to spit fire.
The inspiration for the later feature of the dragon most likely comes from cobras, which
are able to spit poison, in the same manner the dragon spits fire. What made people think
about dragons in the first place might be the evidence of dinosaurs or found skeletons of
large crocodiles and whales. Actually, in 300 BC, a dinosaur skeleton was discovered in
Dragons have always been inspiration for artists. In the Middle Ages, dragons were
symbol for strength and bravery. In fact, the real Count Dracula was a member of the
Dragon society and had this symbol on his crest. Even his name comes from this creature
Dracul means dragon in Romanian.
If youre looking to be one of the millions of people who have been drawing dragons, pay
close attention to what comes next. We are going to shows you the easiest way to draw the
Follow the eye line, drawing two leaf-like objects, one above, the other below.
Draw the pupil of the eyes, as well as the eyelashes of the mythical creature.
Erase the lines you dont find to look nice and make other lines bold, before finishing.
This is how the final version of the drawing should look like. It should appear vicious with
the pupil of a reptile thats looking to catch a prey. Of course, feel creative and add a
personal touch to the drawing.
Chapter 3 How to Draw an Elf?
Unlike the previous two entries, elves are not scary theyre the good guys. The elves are
mythical creatures that bring people luck. Celtic people relate them to happiness. Its
believed that the elf came from the dragon Hydra, who eats nothing but shamrock. An elf
Apart from Celtic version, there is also the Germanic elf. These elves are the most
beautiful creatures in the world and are mentioned in hundreds of stories from the Middle
The elf is a human size creature, with no beards or mustaches. The only physical trait that
makes elves distinguishable from humans are their long pointy ears. The elves from the
works of J.R.R. Tolkien, like The Lord of the Rings, for example, are immortal beings that
Learning to draw elves, means learning to draw beautiful people. You can use these skills
in the future for drawing the portraits of your friends and family. Of course, do not forget
to do different kinds of ears! So, here is how it goes.
First draw the contour of the elfs head, which should be just a simple circle-like object.
Start bolding the lines, adding elements to create the nose and the lips.
The next step is to make lines thicker and add details such as eyelashes.
Now its time to add more details, drawing hair and finishing with the face features. At
this point, you should see that an elf is on the drawing.
The final step is to make all of the lines thicker. Now you have it the drawing of a
beautiful female elf. Still, you can let your mind go and draw the lady elf your own way.
Remember, elves are thought to be the most beautiful creatures ever, so try to draw them
beautiful. You can add more features to the drawing like piercings and more earrings if
you want to.
Chapter 4 How to Draw a Mermaid?
Mermaid is a mythic creature that is half female human half a fish. The head and the upper
body of the mermaid is of human, while the lower part is the tail of the fish. The myth of
the mermaid has been around since the ancient days. It is not certain which culture first
developed this myth as the evidence of mermaid stories can be found all over the world.
The first recorded story about a mermaid comes from the ancient Assyria.
Mermaids are sometimes presented as benevolent creatures, while sometimes they are
maleficent. For example, in Homers Odyssey, mermaids or sirens are evil. On the other
hand, the mermaid in Hans Christian Andersens fairy tale The Little Mermaid from
Usually, in visual art, mermaids are depicted as beautiful women. There are thousands of
paintings with mermaids in focal point as these creatures were the inspiration for artists
from the ancient times to the modern era. Some of the most famous paintings and
sculptures are of mermaids. You are probably familiar with Disneys version of this
fantasy creature and in the next part, we are going to teach you how to draw a beautiful
The first step is to draw three objects a circle for the head of the mermaid, a half circle
The next step is to draw the whole contour of the mermaid, from the head to the tail.
Add more details to the drawing of the mermaid, like the hair for example.
The final step is to make all of the lines thicker. In the final version, the face of the
mermaid is not seen as she is facing the other way. But, if you wish you can draw the face
of a beautiful woman.
Chapter 5 How to Draw a Gnome?
Gnomes are fictional creatures that often appear in fantasy novels. Most often they are
small creatures that live on or in the ground. They are often identified with garden dwarfs,
but they are often imagined as a small bearded little wizard in mens clothes.
In the trilogy Lord of the Rings they are presented as benign shy creations living
underground. According to Tolkien, they are great mechanics and engineers. They create
many machines. Their main vehicles are mechanical walkers. Their city was destroyed by
the underground monsters and since then, they live together with the dwarfs.
They are also appearing in the Harry Potter novels of J. K. Rowling, who presented them
as small dumb creatures with brownish skin and head shaped like potatoes, which live in
large gardens. They usually live in groups and do not have magical abilities. Rowling
mentioned the process of de-gnomification, i.e., cleaning the gardens of the gnomes.
Thats done by taking gnome and hurling it far away, so it wont know how to go back to
the garden. That should be done quickly because otherwise gnome can bite the person
throwing it.
Gnomes are fairly easy to draw, but only if you know how. So, carefully read the next part,
in which we will show you how to draw a gnome.
Draw three simple objects, a big circle in the middle for the head of the gnome and two
Add face features, like the eyes, nose and the mouth. In this step, you should also draw the
Draw the hair of the gnome, as well as the hair, while making bolder the lines that make
the face features.
Add all of the remaining details, like the features of the toy. Also finish with hat and the
Finally, make all the lines more thick. You should get a cute drawing of a baby gnome.
The final drawing should make you feel sympathetic, but its only our suggestion. If you
wish, you can make the little gnome look evil. Its totally up to you.
Chapter 6 How to Draw a Lady
Centaurs were mythical people, half man half horse, who lived in Thessaly. With few
exceptions they were wild creatures, hostile to humans. The oldest myths do not say
anything about their origin. The poet Pindar claimed that the father of the first centaur was
a man named Centaur, who was allegedly the son of the King Ixion and Daphne, the
incarnation of clouds. The young generation of centaurs lost its rawness and wildness and
Centaurs in the ancient mythology could be either male or female. The female version of
the centaur is called the centauress. Centaurides can be found in lots of ancient Greek art
pieces and Roman mosaics. Later, female centaurs draw inspiration of artists in
If you want to learn how to draw a lady centaur, keep close attention to the next part.
You start drawing a centauress by drawing objects that would become its head and the
Add more details to the upper body of the creature. Draw the breasts and the hands of the
Make the lines thicker which make the legs and the lower part of the creatures body.
Add details to the head, like the horn and the hair. Also, make lines of the tail more thick.
This is how the final drawing should look like. You should get the drawing of a lady
centaur with beautiful face of a woman and strong muscular body of a horse.
Dear reader, congratulations on finishing the book. Now, you are familiar with the ways of
easy drawing the drawings of several different mythical beings, but not only that, if you
read the short story about every of the creatures, you learn about where theyre coming
Hopefully, you had fun reading the book as our goal wasnt simply to make you familiar
with the techniques about how to draw mythical creatures; we also wanted to make the
reading fun by talking about each being separately. Our reasoning was that if you get to
know these fantasy creatures better, you will fall in love with them. And once you love
them, you will be more enthusiastic about drawing them.
Remember, after reading this book, you have learned the basics of drawing the mythical
figures. But, this is just the beginning. If you wish to be successful in drawing or simply
improve a bit, you must not quit doing it on regular basis. Practice is the only way that
So why should you keep on drawing even when youre done reading the book? Well, apart
from its awesome to draw mythical creatures like elves and centaurs, it is also very good
for you. Drawing sets your mind free and makes you relaxed. This is a great hobby to
forget about all of your everyday problems and let it go. Once you get into the state of
flow, the only thing that will be on your mind is drawing.
Thank you!
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