ADD Special Report PDF
ADD Special Report PDF
ADD Special Report PDF
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ADHD: Childlike Behavior or Serious Condition?
If you have a child who suffers with ADHD or ADD, or are an adult with this challenge,
this report will provide you with powerful insights that will help you take control of this
problem without expensive or dangerous medications.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), ADHD is diagnosed in the
U.S. in an estimated 8 percent of children aged 4-17, and in
about 3 percent to 4.4 percent of adults.1
The term ADD has largely been replaced with ADHD, as it describes two of the most
common symptoms of the condition, inattention and hyperactive-impulsive behavior.
Most children display a combination of these two traits, and may show the following
symptoms:3 Page 1
As you can see, many of these symptoms could describe most all children at one time
or another. As such, those who display these symptoms at school but not at home or
with friends are not considered to have ADHD. Likewise, with children who display
symptoms at home but not at school.
Only children who struggle with inattention and hyperactive or impulsive behaviors
around the clock are deemed to have ADHD, and if not dealt with properly the
symptoms can continue well into adulthood.
Many parents and spouses are at their wits ends trying to cope with the relentless and
upsetting behaviors caused by their unhappy, troubled children, teens, or adults. Adding
to their frustration is not knowing the cause of the symptoms, nor what to do to fix them.
It is no surprise that those dealing with ADD/ADHD-affected individuals can become
desperate for answers.
One theory behind ADD/ADHD is that it is caused, at least in part, by inherited genetic
factors. Some scientists are now aiming their research at finding genes that may make
a person more susceptible to this disorder.4 Page 2
If you are a nutritionist or dietician, you will know this is a recipe for disaster. You simply
cannot have a child or adult with a healthy functioning brain, when the proper
ingredients to develop or maintain a healthy brain are not being given!
Renowned children's health expert Dr. Lendon Smith, who passed away several
years ago, was really one of the pioneer physicians in this area, and he had been
effectively using nutrition and dietary interventions to help relieve the symptoms
of ADHD for decades.
He realized that drugs like Ritalin were not the answer for ADHD right from the
start. As he said in an interview I did with him back in 2001:6
According to Dr. Smith, stimulant drugs like Ritalin have a calming effect in children with
ADHD because there is not enough norepinephrine, a hormone and neurotransmitter, in
their limbic system, the part of the brain that is supposed to filter out unimportant stimuli.
In addition, a number of people may be allergic to the chemicals that are added to
clothes in the manufacturing process, such as permanent press or stain-resistant
products. These too may initiate ADHD or ADHD-like reactions in sensitive individuals. Page 3
Would You Give Your Child Cocaine?
For years, drug companies have been churning out various medications to try to stem
this growing epidemic.
Ritalin, Concerta, Adderall, and Strattera have been the main drugs of choice.
Both drugs showed evidence of addiction in the brain, although each drugs pattern of
expression was unique. Interestingly, in some cases, methylphenidate produced even
greater effects than cocaine!7
Ritalin has the same pharmacological profile as cocaine, yet its effects are even more
potent. Using brain imaging, scientist have found that, in pill form, Ritalin occupies more
of the neural transporters responsible for the high experienced by addicts than
smoked or injected cocaine!
Strattera, which contains atomoxetine hydrochloride, carries the warning that use has
been linked to an increased probability of suicidal thoughts and behavior.8
Possible side effects include nausea, constipation, dry mouth, sexual dysfunction, hives,
problems urinating, problems sleeping, liver problems, blood pressure problems, and
heart irregularities.9 Page 4
Meanwhile, a 2006 U.S. statistical report showed 3 million prescriptions being written for
ADHD drugs every month2 million for children, and 1 million for adults.10
This should be a telling statement for anyone under an illusion that these drugs are
created for the betterment of society.
Every year there are 6 million prescriptions filled for Ritalin. U.S. pharmacists distribute
five times more Ritalin than the rest of the world combined, according to Dr. Samuel
Epsteins Cancer Prevention Coalition (CPC).
In fact, CPC states that the United Nations International Narcotics Control Board has on
two recent occasions written to U.S. officials expressing concern about the six-fold
increase in Ritalin usage since 1990.12
In all, 60 percent to 90 percent of U.S. kids with attention deficit disorders are
prescribed this powerful drug, which amounts to 3 percent to 5 percent of U.S. children
and teens on Ritalin.
By definition, Ritalin stimulates your central nervous system, leading to side effects such
Increased blood pressure
Increased heart rate
Increased body temperature
Increased alertness
Suppressed appetite Page 5
Further, when taken over a period of years, as Ritalin often is, the drug may cause even
more severe health problems such as cancer.
Meanwhile, while researchers used to believe that Ritalin was a short-acting drug,
studies have shown it has the potential for causing long-lasting changes in brain cell
structure and function and may lead to stunted growth.14
Ritalin is the drug prescribed most often to kids with ADHD, but again there are others,
with equally disturbing risks. ADHD drugs other than Ritalin have been linked to
hallucinations, heart attack, stroke, increased aggressive behavior, suicide, and even
sudden death!
ADD/ADHD can be hard to diagnose due to its many diverse symptoms, leaving it open
to much interpretationor misinterpretation. That means that countless numbers of
children or adolescents who could simply be bored or immature may be misdiagnosed
with ADD/ADHD.
For example, a teacher in charge of 2 to 4 year olds in a daycare setting may ignore a
particular childs developmental needs in preference to maintaining a prescribed level of
classroom conformity. Children who act up are seen as problems that need to be
With the advent of drugs such as Ritalin and Concerta, it is easier than ever for a
teacher, caregiver, or doctor to decide that a merely restless, distracted student requires
drug intervention to solve their behavior issues.
Few caregivers know enough to challenge a doctors diagnosis even if it were wrong,
and even fewer want to spend additional time trying to solve the complex problems of a
hyperactive or otherwise bothersome child. Page 6
That's when suppressant drugs can be inappropriately prescribed and other therapies
In one study, after three years of treatment the researchers concluded that drugs such
as Concerta and Ritalin worked no better than behavioral therapy. In fact, the co-
author of the latest study, Professor William Pelham, said there was no indication these
drugs worked any better than nothing in the long term.15
Further, there is a growing body of evidence showing these drugs are more than just
ineffectivethey are harmful.
The long list of side effects from taking them include stomach problems, insomnia,
fever, aggression, restlessness, high blood pressure, headaches, and irregular
heartbeat, to name just a few.
A Michigan 14-year-old named Matthew died suddenly on March 21, 2000. According to
Dr. Ljuba Dragovic, chief pathologist of Oakland County, Michigan, upon autopsy
Matthew's heart showed clear signs of small vessel damage caused from the use of
methylphenidate (Ritalin).
The cause of death stated on Matthews death certificate? "From long-term use of
methylphenidate, Ritalin."17
In 2006, the FDA recommended a black box warning on Concerta and Ritalin,
among other drugs, after the public release of a 2004 FDA report stating that 25 people
taking ADHD drugs between 1999 and 2003 had died suddenly, and 43 had
experienced serious cardiovascular events including strokes, cardiac arrest, and heart Page 7
palpitations. Children accounted for 19 of the deaths and 26 of the nonfatal
cardiovascular conditions.18 Statistics also showed 51 total deaths from patients taking
Ritalin or related medications since 1999.19
In the U.K., nine children reportedly died in 2005 after taking ADHD drugs.20
Yet despite the utter failure of these drugs, medical and press reports from drug
companies remain glowing and positive.
In contrast, the vast number of children and adults being harmed, perhaps for life, by
the unnecessary drugging of this condition is truly heartbreaking.
Maybe, a small percent, like 10 percent or less of "hyper" children, may need the
drugs to calm them, mainly because they have had some sort of injury to their
nervous system that diet will not touch.
There are so many side effects from the stimulant drugs, I would recommend that
diet modifications should be tried first. These children realize they are not so
bad and will even start to smile and laugh.21 Page 8
They also found that:
After seven months, the children were
not as restless and showed
improvements at school
Children taking placebo capsules were later switched to omega-3 fats, and
subsequently also experienced improved behavior.
Improvements were still being seen after the study ended, which suggests that animal-
based omega-3 fats may have long-term effects.
I used to recommend taking fish oil (and I still do in some cases), but aside from the
potential of mercury contamination in the oils, both fish oil have other drawbacks, which
Ive covered in more depth in previous articles.
With fish oil you have the issues of over-fishing, along with it being low in antioxidant
content (and by consuming fish oil you actually increase your need for even more
antioxidant protection).
And as for cod liver oil, Ive recently updated my recommendations and am now
advising against it in most cases, as in addition to omega-3, modern cod liver oil also
contains vitamins A and D, but in inverse, and potentially unhealthy, ratios to each
Many natural health advocates have started promoting green mussel extracts as the
latest and greatest source of healthy omega-3s.
Some are even going so far as to try to convince you that youre starving wildlife if
youre taking krill oil supplements, in an effort to get you to make the switch to mussels.
I recently wrote about the flawed assumptions that led to that misguided warning.
In my view, krill oil is clearly your best option. It contains essential EPA and DHA in a
double chain phospholipid structure that makes it far more absorbable than the omega-
3s in fish oil. Page 9
Krill oil also contains vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin D and canthaxanthin, which is a
potent antioxidant. Research has shown the antioxidant potency of krill oil is, in terms of
ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorptance Capacity) values, 48 times more potent than fish
When I became familiar with nutrition, I found that if a stimulant drug had a
calming effect [as is the case with ADHD], it meant that the child did not have
enough norepinephrine (a stimulant) in his limbic system, and that I could help
with a good diet and some supplements which should shore up the enzymes in
his brain that make that neurotransmitter.
If he had ever had ear infections, I stopped his dairy products, and added
calcium -- 1,000 mg -- usually at bedtime.
If he ever had eczema or dry scaly skin, he is to take the essential fatty
acids [omega-3 fats like krill oil].
If he had dark circles under his eyes, he was eating something to which he
is sensitive. Milk, wheat, corn, chocolate, eggs, citrus. Usually it is his
favorite food.
So in place of harmful drugs, if you are a parent of a child with ADHD, or struggle with
the symptoms yourself, these are excellent pearls of wisdom to try out. Page 10
The following powerful dietary and lifestyle suggestions can be extremely helpful as
Increase omega-3 fats by taking an effective form of omega-3 oil. Again krill oil is
my favorite because it contains a range of antioxidants, andthe antioxidant
potency of krill oil is, in terms of ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorptance Capacity)
values, 48 times more potent than fish oil.24
Minimize your use of nearly all processed fats, especially trans fats as they
disrupt nerve cell intercommunication --
Avoid all processed foods, especially those containing artificial colors, flavors and
preservatives, which may trigger or worsen symptoms.
Also, be cautious and read labels carefully when you buy clothing for someone
diagnosed with ADD/ADHD. Chemicals are often added to fabrics in the manufacturing
process that can cause allergic reactions similar to ADD/ADHD symptoms. The
persons symptoms may even subside after the clothing is out of contact with their skin.
After one hyperactive, very difficult 5-year-old had his clothes gently removed, he was
instantly a calmer child, sucking his thumb and going to sleep in his mothers lap! He
bore no resemblance to the angry and aggressive child that had been previously
wreaking havoc all over the room.26
This is clearly an allergic reaction, not ADD/ADHD, when symptoms are only present
when clothing containing chemicals or even soap residue, is touching the skin. Or
likewise when symptoms arise after eating a certain food or food group (such as
pasteurized dairy). Page 11
For further information in this area it would be wise to review some of the many books
that Dr. Doris Rapp has written on this subject. She is a pediatric allergist who has
specialized in the treatment of ADD and has had success with many thousands of
patients. She is also one of my early mentors.
Here are some useful suggestions to further help you in improving many ADD/ADHD
If your child or other loved one has been on drugs for an ADD/ADHD disorder, have the
drugs really solved their problems, or only made them worse? Perhaps you are reading
this because the drugs have had disappointing results. Its never too late to switch to
natural therapies, and once you have, you will be very glad you did.
A good portion of the drugs that make up the multi-billion dollar industry of
pharmaceuticals are simply doing nothing, and many are making us sicker.
Unfortunately, most of the population has been brainwashed to believe that taking a pill
will make them feel better. But once you become dependent on a drug, you then require
it just to feel normal.
While it may not always be easy to choose the drug-free approach for problems like
ADD/ADHD, using natural therapies will ensure that you treat the whole person rather
than just a set of symptoms.
Most cases of ADHD will resolve naturally when you follow the recommendations
above. So rather than relying on a dangerous quick-fix like Ritalin, teach your child that
they can excel in life, and overcome their symptoms, by taking control of their health. Page 12
Remember to be patient when making these dietary and lifestyle changes, as the
beneficial effects can take days or even a few weeks to kick in. But in exchange for a bit
of patience, you will not only be avoiding the dangerous side effects of drugs, but will be
assisting in the natural and healthy healing process that nature intended.
Stimulant ADHD Medications, June 2008,, (Accessed February 23,
ADHD Numbers Increasing in Older Kids,, (Accessed February 23,
3 Attention-Deficit/hyperactivity disorder (Accessed May 21, 2009)
WebMD, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Cause,
hyperactivity-disorder-adhd-cause, (Accessed February 23, 2009)
ADHD Linked to Lead Exposure and Smoking During Pregnancy,, (Accessed February 23, 2009)
Non-Drug Treatment of ADD/ADHD, Interview with Lendon Smith, MD, January 2001 (Accessed May 21, 2009)
NIH News, February 2009, NIDA Study Shows That Methylphenidate (Ritalin) Causes Neuronal Changes in Brain
Reward Areas,, (Accessed February 23, 2009)
Strattera Drug Information,, (Accessed February 24, 2009)
Strattera (Atomoxetine HCL),, (Accessed February 24, 2009)
Ritalin Heart Attacks Warning Urged After 51 Deaths in U.S.,, (Accessed February 23, 2009).
Drugs are Not the Answer to ADHD,, (Accessed
February 23, 2009)
Cancer Prevention Coalition, Ritalin: Stimulant for Cancer (Accessed May 21, 2009)
Cancer Letters Volume 230, Issue 2, 18 December 2005, Pages 284-291
Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in San Diego November 11, 2001,, Ritalin Changes
the Brain Long-Term
Drugs are Not the Answer to ADHD,, (Accessed
February 23, 2009)
Free Press, December 2008, ADHD:Tampa Dr. Nelson Mane Warns, Are you aware that ADHD
medication may stunt your childs growth?,,
(Accessed February 23, 2009)
Death from Ritalin: The Truth Behind ADHD,, (Accessed February 23, 2009) Page 13
Medical News Today, February 2006, FDA Panel Suggests Adding Black Box Warning to ADHD Medications about
Risk of Sudden Death, Heart Problems,, (Accessed February
24, 2009)
Ritalin Heart Attacks Warning Urged After 51 Deaths in U.S.,, (Accessed February 23, 2009)
Fish Oil Treats ADHD Better than Ritalin,
adhd-better-than-ritalin.aspx, (Accessed February 23, 2009)
Non-Drug Treatment of ADD/ADHD, Interview with Lendon Smith, MD, January 2001 (Accessed May 21, 2009)
Fish Oil Treats ADHD Better than Ritalin,
adhd-better-than-ritalin.aspx, (Accessed February 23, 2009)
Is Krill Oil 48 Times Better Than Fish Oil?
times-better-than-fish-oil.aspx (Accessed May 21, 2009)
Is Krill Oil 48 Times Better than Fish Oil?., (Accessed
February 24, 2009)
80 Percent of Schools are Applying Pesticides,,
(Accessed February 23, 2009)
New Effective, Non-Drug Treatments for ADHD,
treatment.aspx, (Accessed February 24, 2009)
Spending Time with Nature, A Natural Remedy for ADHD,, (Accessed February 24, 2009) Page 14