SLR Planning Danial (I161059)

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COTS integration
techniques and issues in
Software Architecture

Danial Zafar[i161059]
1 Review Plan:
In this section, steps for planning a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) are defined.

1.1 Research Objectives:

To develop an understanding for component base software architecture through a
systematic literature review.
To identify problems related to the unification of a separate component(s) into the
architecture of the existing software.
To identify problems that may occur during the use of the existing tools and technique
proposed for the unification of component(s) in the architecture of the existing software.

1.2 Research Questions:

RQ1. Which issue we face for integration of COTS in an existing architecture?
RQ2. Which techniques are used to integrate COTS?

1.3 Search Strategy

The table below describes the resources used for this research paper:

Table 1

IEEE Xplore
ACM Digital Library
Source of Research Papers Electronic Databases
Science Direct
Conference Papers
Search Items Workshop Papers
Full Text To avoid missing any papers that
Search Applied on might in some way be related to the searched
Language English
Publication Period From January 1998 to July 2016

1.4 Search Criteria:

After defining our research goals and questions, we started with the formulation of a formal
search strategy to analyses all available empirical materials specific to the objective of this
review. The plan involved defining the search space, which included electronic databases and
printed proceedings as shown in Table 1. The studies were initially retrieved from the electronic
databases and then analyzed to identify other meaningful studies through reference searches.
Search criteria

The search criteria for this review consists of three parts C1, C2 and C3.

C1 is a string of keywords made of synonyms of Technique such as method and

C2 is string of keywords made of synonyms of issues such as problems and difficulties.
C3 is string COTS Integration
C4 is string Software Architecture


("Methods", "techniques") AND ("issues", "problems) AND ("integration", "COTS",

"components") AND ("Software Architecture").

1.5 Inclusion & Exclusion Criteria:

To determine whether a study should be included, the following inclusion and exclusion criteria
were used: Inclusion criteria:

Inclusion Criteria:
(I1) The study is in English
(I2) The study is a peer-reviewed publication.
(I3) It is relevant to the search terms defined in Software architecture and COTS integration.
(I4) It is an empirical research paper, an experience report, or workshop paper.
(I5) The study is published between January, 1998- July, 2016.
(I6) Contents of the paper are relevant to the topic searched.

Exclusion Criteria:
(E1) Studies that do not meet inclusion criteria.
(E2) Studies that present a viewpoint, keynotes or discussion, opinions, editorials,
comments, prefaces, tutorials and anecdote papers and presentations in the form of slides
without any associated research papers.

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