LMS Network Asset Management Guidebook PDF
LMS Network Asset Management Guidebook PDF
LMS Network Asset Management Guidebook PDF
Introduction to
Network Asset Management Guidebook
I was delighted to be asked to write the foreword to this guide which I hope will provide practical
guidance to help organisations in the electricity industry on their Asset Management journey.
When I first visited the region a few years ago, not many people were talking about Asset Management,
let alone implementing Asset Management Systems in accordance with PAS 55. There were a few early
adopters like MTR and CLP in Hong Kong but these were the exceptions not the rule.
Over the last few years we have seen a significant increase in activity. I was pleased to present to the
6th LMS Harmonisation Forum on Asset Management in Bangkok in 2012. It was clear at that event that
interest in Asset Management was increasing across the region and this guidebook is a timely document
to support organisations in the region.
The IAM has been at the forefront of the discipline of Asset Management for 20 years and is committed
to the development and dissemination of Asset Management knowledge, training and good practice
wherever in the world there is a demand. We were delighted that our first international chapter was
launched in Malaysia in 2013 which represents the culmination of a number of years efforts from people
and organisations committed to developing Asset Management in the LMS Region.
Asset Management can play a vital role in addressing many of the challenges being faced by asset
intensive businesses around the world. These challenges include:
The development of an Asset Management approach that follows the framework described in PAS 55 or
ISO 55001 can significantly help asset intensive businesses to address these challenges.
I very much hope you find this document a useful guide in developing your asset management approach
and I look forward to the IAM supporting the LMS Harmonisation Programme in the future.
Richard Edwards
Institute of Asset Management
St Brandons House
29 Great George Street
United Kingdom
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
1. Late Mr. Hardanjit Singh Gosal: An Asset Management Expert who guided LMS Technical Working
Group #4 (Asset Management); laid the foundation of this guidebook by conceptualising its key
contents; and wrote three chapters.
2. LMS Technical Working Group #4: The following members of TWG #4 (Asset Management) were
involved in reviewing the first draft of contents and sharing their insights, which all helped to
improve this guidebook by many folds.
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
The harmonisation of technical specifications together with the development of this guidebook is taking
the process a step closer towards the realization of the objectives as set out in the strategic roadmap for
the harmonisation of power distribution systems in the LMS.
Strengthening regional cooperation to build the capacity of both technical and functional staff would
not have been possible without the endorsement and support of:
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Table of Contents
Foreword 1
Acknowledgements 2
Preface 10
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Fig. 1.1: Structure of Guidebook 16
Fig. 2.1: Five Types of Assets 19
Fig. 2.2: Focus of Guidebook Medium Voltage Power Distribution Assets 19
Fig. 2.3: Hierarch of Assets 20
Fig. 2.4 Asset Management Striking a Balance between Cost, Performance and Risk 21
Fig. 2.5 Power System Losses (LMS utilities) 24
Fig. 2.6 Growth in Demand of Power in LMS Utilities 25
Fig. 2.7: Asset Management Leads to Performing and Sustainable Organisation 26
Fig. 2.8: Key Principle of Asset Management: Line of Sight between Organisations
Strategic Plan and Asset Management 27
Fig. 2.9: Key Principle of Asset Management: Lifecycle Management of Assets 27
Fig. 3.1: Overall Framework of Asset Management System 31
Fig. 3.2: PDCA Framework of PAS 55 38
Fig. 4.1: Key Enablers of Asset Management Programme 41
Fig. 4.2: Three-Part Asset Management Organisational Model 43
Fig. 4.3: Risk Management Process 47
Fig. 5.1 Asset Life Cycle 53
Fig. 5.2: Alignment from Corporate Objectives Down to Life Cycle Strategies of
Network Equipment 54
Fig. 5.3 Maintenance Strategies Based on Asset Condition and Importance 59
Fig. 5.4 Two-Tier Condition Based Maintenance Programme 61
Fig. 5.5 Transformer Health Index 61
Fig. 5.6: Transformer Criticality Assessment 71
Fig. 5.6: Transformer Criticality Assessment 72
Fig. 6.1: Mapping of CLPs PAS 55 Assessments 84
Fig. 6.2: Impact of Asset Management Program on CLP Powers Performance 84
Fig. 6.3: Chugokus Maintenance Cycle for Existing Assets 87
Fig. 6.4: Chugokus Countermeasures for Aging Assets 89
Fig. 6.5: Escalation Process for Excessive Moisture in Transformers 96
Fig. 7.1: Asset Management Maturity Scale 98
Fig. 8.1: Process for Establishing Risk Management Framework 128
Fig. 8.2: Map of GAP Analysis (PAS 55) 130
Table 4.1: Areas of Competency for Asset Management 44
Table 4.2: Categories of Risk and Response 49
Table 5.1: Status of Maintenance Strategies in LMS utilities 62
Table 5.2: MEAs percentage of transformer failure rate 70
Table 5.3: MEAs failure cause assessment 70
Table 6.1: Criteria for Replacement 88
Table 6.2: Asset Registry 88
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
The application of asset management in power utilities dates back to 1990s when it was first introduced
for managing power generating assets. For transmission and distribution (T&D) side of the business,
however, it was early/mid 2000s when utilities started considering asset management as one of the
strategic priorities. With the publication of PAS 55 specification on asset management by British Standards
Institution (BSI) in 2004 and the subsequent revision of this specification in 2008, asset management
became a recommended practice among all utilities (including gas and water utilities). In Asia, CLP Power
of Hong Kong is credited to be the first Asian utility to receive PAS 55 certification (2007). In 2014, the
first ever series of ISO standards on asset management (ISO 55000) has been published.
The publication of this guidebook is, therefore, timely, and in step with the evolving importance of
asset management for asset-intensive industries. Today, asset management has progressed to a level of
maturity where an ample body of knowledge on proven asset management principles and practices is
now available and can be used applied beneficially.
The challenge, therefore, is not the lack of information on asset management, but rather too much of
it, often distributed across hundreds of articles, presentations, web sites and books. In addition, the
available information can often be generic (like PAS specifications) or applicable only to the developed
countries and not contextualised to suit the specific needs of the LMS power distribution industry.
Further, the information may be presented in a complex manner or in a much too simplified manner (like
bullet points in PowerPoint presentations).
The purpose of this guidebook is to overcome the above challenges and provide the power industry
professionals from the Lower Mekong Sub-region (LMS) with the most relevant knowledge on asset
management in a consolidated, easy-to-understand and systematic way. With this guidebook, the LMS
professionals can quickly get up to the speed in their understanding of what asset management is all
about; why it matters and what exactly needs to be done to implement a full-fledged asset management
As LMS professionals gain new knowledge on asset management and implement its principles and
practices, the LMS power distribution utilities, in turn, stand to benefits in at least the following ways:
As each of the LMS utilities moves to the next level of asset management, together they would also
achieve a bigger goal: Greater harmonisation among LMS power distribution systems.
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
The Lower Mekong Sub-region (LMS) is shared by Cambodia, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic (Lao
PDR), Thailand and Vietnam, the four countries that also have strong economic inter-dependence.
Recognising that harmonisation of the power distribution systems among the LMS countries can
accelerate their economic growth, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed among six
partners in 2005. Under the MOU, these partners agreed to work together towards the harmonisation
of power distribution systems in the four LMS countries: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam.
Currently, the harmonisation programme includes the following 10 partners:
Electricit du Cambodge (EDC)
Electricit du Laos (EDL)
Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA)
Provincial Electricity Authority of Thailand (PEA)
Central Power Corporation (EVNCPC)
Hanoi Power Company (EVNHanoi)
Ho Chi Minh City Power Company (EVNHCMC)
Northern Power Corporation (EVNNPC)
Southern Power Corporation (EVNSPC)
International Copper Association Southeast Asia (ICASEA)
Customer service
External funding
Functional training
Loss reduction
Power quality
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Next, a strategic roadmap (for period 2005/2006 to 2014) was prepared, which envisaged the
development of standard processes along the following six tracks:
Track 1: Transformers
Track 2: Power cables
Track 3: Underground cabling design, construction and installation
Track 4: Conversion of overhead to underground cabling
Track 5: Asset management
Track 6: Demand Side Management (DSM)
To date, four technical working groups have been functioning on the above tracks:
1.2 Guidebook: Key milestone for Technical Working Group (TWG #4)
The objectives of TWG #4, which is responsible for the Asset Management Best Practices,
are as follows:
To meet the above objectives, TWG #4 has adopted the following strategy:
Step 3: Seminars
A series of workshops/seminars to be organised for staff of the nine power distribution
utilities in the LMS to explain the contents of the guidebook.
With the publication of this guidebook, TWG #4 has achieved one of its important milestones.
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
How effectively these utilities overcome the above challenges would also influence the trajectory of
the economic development of the LMS region. Stakes are high.
This guidebook, which contains eight chapters, offers understanding of the following key aspects of
asset management:
With the hope that this guidebook would help to fulfil TWG #4s original intent as mentioned above,
here is one final note:
One of the most important aspects of asset management is that it cannot be something the utilities
do on the side as one of their multiple activities; rather it must be the way the utility does business.
Asset management thinking must underlie every activity, every action and every decision that a
utility undertakes.
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Chapter 1: Introduction
1 Objective and target readers
The main objective of this guidebook is to raise the awareness about the key principles, benefits and
practices of asset management across power distribution utilities in the LMS region. By raising the
awareness, this publication aims to serve as the first step towards application of asset management
principles in their simplest form.
Based on the range of topics covered and the simplified way in which many of the complex issues
have been explained, this is a useful resource of all professionals, from top management to the
functional-level staff. For the top and senior management, it provides an understanding of the
overall framework of asset management and its benefits, and how asset management is directly
coupled with an organisational strategic plan. For middle-level management and functional level
staff, it provides insights into key asset management practices, such as life cycle based management,
risk management, asset registry, condition based maintenance, reliability centred maintenance, etc.
2 Scope
The scope of this guidebook is defined below from three different angles: Depth and breadth of
contents, types of assets and reference standard.
Instead, the scope of this guidebook is limited to the basic principles and practices of asset
management. In that sense, its a beginners guide, which offers readers foundational
knowledge on the following key topics:
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Human assets
Financial assets
Information assets
Intangible assets (reputation, image)
This guidebook, however, is focused on the physical assets, and more specifically, on the
following key assets that typically form part of power distribution networks:
MV distribution transformers
MV overhead and underground cables
MV switchgear (circuit breakers, protection relays, etc.)
Chapter 2 covers more information on the prevailing specifications and standards on asset
3 Outline of contents
The guidebook includes eight chapters, which are arranged in the following structure:
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
With the above understanding, readers are ready to appreciate the next layer of knowledge,
which is how these principles are being successfully applied in other utilities.
Chapter 6 includes four case studies of the successful implementation of asset management
principles in four different regions of the worldJapan, South Africa, Hong Kong and Australia.
The objective of this chapter is to move the readers from theory into the world of application
and enable them to see how asset management principles are already being successfully
applied by other utilities.
This step shows how far each of the nine LMS utilities has progressed in the journey towards
full implementation of asset management programme.
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
To get best value out of this guidebook, please read, reflect on it and then act.
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Plant, machinery, property, buildings, vehicles and other items that have a distinct value to the
Although PAS 55-1:2008 is primarily focused on physical assets, it also recognises that an
organisation holistically owns five different types of assets. Besides physical assets, the other four
assets are human assets, information assets, financial assets and intangible assets (reputation,
morale, intellectual property, goodwill, etc.). Fig. 2.1 shows the interdependence between physical
and other assets, and how the five types of assets fit into the overall business context.
When it comes to power distribution utilities, the focus is on medium and low voltage distribution
of power that flows in from high voltage transmission network, and goes out to households and big
consumers like industries (Fig. 2.2). Their main physical assets are:
MV distribution transformers
Primary (e.g., 33/11 kV)
Secondary (e.g., 11/0.4 kV)
MV power distribution cables (overhead and underground)
MV distribution switchgear (circuit breakers, protection relays, etc.)
SCADA control system
Other assets (building, test instrument, etc.)
The focus of this guide is on the top three assets listed above.
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Important interface:
life cycle costs, capital
investment criteria,
operating costs, value of
asset performance
Transmission Lines
Power Plant Carry Electricity Distribution Lines
Generates Electricity Long Distances Carry Electricty
To Houses
Transformer Neighborhood
Steps Up Voltage Transformer Transformers On Poles Step
For Transmission Steps Down Voltage Down Electricity Before It
Enters Houses
Source: PAS 55-1:2008, Asset Management (Part 1: Specification for the optimised management of physical asssets), BSI, 2008
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Further, as shown in Fig. 2.2, depending on the scope of operations of a power distribution utility,
the focus of its asset management programme would vary from individual assets (e.g., individual
transformers, distribution circuits) to asset systems (e.g., networks comprising transformers, cables
and switchgear serving specific villages or towns or factories) to asset portfolios (the whole fleet of
distribution networks under several divisions of a company).
Asset portfolio
Asset systems
Individual assets
But in the context of power distribution utilities, both the nature of assets and the goal of asset
management differ considerablyand so the processes required. Unlike financial assets, assets
of a power distribution utility are complex, long-life, static physical assets (transformers, cables,
switchgear) that cant be sold or bought easily. And these assets continuously depreciate both
in financial and physical sense, and need to be actively maintained, refurbished and replaced,
which requires money beside other things like manpower, instruments, etc.
Further, the purpose of asset management in the case of utilities has an added dimension (in
addition to cost and risk): performance. Utilitys assets are supposed to deliver a specified level
of performance (i.e., availability of power of right quality without interruptions) to customers.
Finally, power distribution business carries inherent safety, environmental and other risks.
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
In essence, asset management for power distribution utilities is about achieving a balance
between three key parameters: performance, cost, and risk. Performance means quality,
reliability and availability of power. Cost covers the complete life cycle from acquisition of
asset to operation and maintenance to disposal. And risk involves not only the risk of failure
or non-performance, but also the risk of safety, environmental and other regulatory non-
compliances. The three parametersperformance, risk and costinterplay with one another.
So attempt to achieve very high level of performance can jack up the cost while increasing risk
appetite can reduce the cost. Similarly, squeezing the cost, say maintenance cost, can affect
the performance as well as increase the risk.
Fig. 2.4 Asset Management Striking a Balance between Cost, Performance and Risk
But its important not to view the goal of achieving the balance between cost, performance and
risk as not an end in itself. This balancing act is a means to a bigger goal, which is to enable a
power distribution utility to achieve its strategic business objectives.
Systematic and coordinated activities and practices through which an organisation optimally
and sustainably manages its assets and asset systems, their associated performance, risks and
expenditures over their life cycles for the purpose of achieving its organisational strategic plan.
Dissecting the above definition, asset management breaks down into the following key
The purpose of asset management is to help an organisation achieve the objectives of its
strategic plan.
Asset management involves striking a balance between three conflicting priorities: Asset
performance, risks and expenditures.
Asset management covers complete life cycle of asset and asset systems. In that sense, it
is not limited to one specific phase of asset life cycle, say, maintenance or operations.
In the end, it is a set of systematic practices or processes.
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
What assets we have? Where they are? What condition they are in?
What function do they perform?
Whats their useful life and remaining life?
Do we have enough or over or insufficient capacity in our asset portfolio?
Do we have some assets or asset systems that have become redundant or underused or
What do our customers expect from us?
Whats the contribution of our assets to the value organisation creates for our customers?
Are we getting the most value from our assets?
How could we get more value for money from them?
Is our asset-related expenditure (capital investment and operating costs) insufficient,
excessive or optimal and correctly assigned across the asset portfolio?
Do we have some assets or asset systems that have become unprofitable or too
New developments
Are we optimising our asset management processes and techniques in light of the latest
developments in technology and field of asset management?
Quality of information
How accurate and precise is the available information on the above questions?
Can we answer all of these questions confidently, with a clear audit trail, and demonstrate
the answers to our stakeholders?
Drivers are like pain-points that push for adopting asset management strategy, whereas benefits
are positive outcomes that ensue as a result of an organisation adopting an asset management
Apart from this direct connection between managing assets and organisational performance,
what else is driving the need for utilities to shift their business approach towards asset
The following factors, some of which may become applicable to LMS utilities (e.g., industry
deregulation) only after couple of years, are fuelling the need to begin the journey of asset
management programme.
With aging assets on one side and capital constraints on the other, power distribution
utilities have no choice but to adopt a comprehensive asset management programme to
ensure sustainability of reliable power supply.
10.78 EDC
10.32 10.14 EDL
Source: LMS Harmonisation Phase 2 Study. Presented at 7th LMS Harmonisation Forum in September 2013.
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
2004 2011
7,000 6,800
3,000 2,670
1,500 1,582
1,000 750
273 409 251
Source: LMS Harmonisation Phase 2 Study. Presented at 7th LMS Harmonisation Forum in September 2013.
Presentation by EVN HCMC titled, 6th Lower Mekong Sub region Harmonisation Forum
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Uneconomic Economically
Source: AMCL
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Asset Management
Asset Management
Asset Management
Work Execution
Dispose Operate
PAS 55 specifications
ISO 55000 series of standards
PAS 55 was drawn up to provide best practices in asset management for asset-intensive
industries, including utilities, and its focus is primarily the management of physical assets.
The specification is structured around the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle, which is the process
typical of ISO standards.
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
There are some differences as well. Whereas PAS 55 is focused on physical assets, ISO 55000
targets all kinds of assets (physical, human, financial, information and others). As a result,
ISO 55000 uses more generic language that can be applied across wide variety of assets. In
addition, there are also some differences in terminology, general requirements, framework,
etc. You can get more information on the alignment between PAS 55 and ISO 55000 from:
According the above Web site, it is likely that PAS 55 will continue to be popular as expanded
guidance on the management of physical assets.
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Explains the relationship between high-level organisational plan and asset management system;
Introduces the overall framework of an asset management system
Explains the four key foundational elements of an asset management system framework
As an example of the first two items in the list above, here are the vision and mission of Hochiminh
City Power Corporation (EVN HCMC).
Vision: Become the top enterprise in power supply sector with high prestige and quality in Vietnam
and in the region.
Mission: Fully respond to customers demand for electricity with high quality and perfect services.
Taking the direction and inputs from organisational strategic plan, asset management systems
policy, strategy, objectives and plan are prepared. Together these four elementspolicy, strategy,
objectives and planform the foundation of an asset management system. Everything else down
the line flows from these four elements.
Definition of organisational strategic plan (PAS 55-1:2008): Overall long-term plan for the organisation that is derived from,
and embodies, its vision, mission, values, business policies, stakeholder requirements, objectives and the management of its
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Once the foundation is in place, the next element of the framework is enablers, which are supportive
systems, procedures, processes and resources that enable an organisation to implement an asset
management system. PAS 55-1:2008 specifies the following six enablers:
With enablers in place, an organisation is ready to implement its asset management system, which is
the next element of the framework. Under implementation, all types of assets are managed through
practices covering the entire life cycle of assets.
Finally, to ensure the system remains on track and it improves over time, the last element in the
framework is review and continuous improvement.
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
As shown in Fig. 3.1, this chapter covers the details of the foundational elementspolicy, strategy,
objectives and planand subsequent chapters cover the rest of the elements of the asset
management framework.
Typically, many utilities have some form of asset management going on in the form of inspection
and maintenance activities, practices to follow standard technical specifications for equipment or
carrying out failure investigations, but few have the whole asset management framework in place.
This framework, however, is the key to deriving the full benefits of an asset management programme.
Here is an example of generic asset management policy from PAS 55-1 2008:
We are committed to maximising the return on our shareholders investments through providing
high value services to our customers in a legally and environmentally compliant and sustainable
manner, without compromising the health and safety of our employees, customers or the public.
We shall achieve this by ...
The asset management policy should be drafted in a way that it is consistent with the
organisations overall approach to risk management.
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Risk: The policy should be consistent with organisations overall risk and any existing
risk management framework.
Clear framework: Policy should be clear and specific enough to lead to asset
management strategy, objectives and plans.
Functional policies: Asset management policy should also align with other functional
policies, such as capital investment, operation, maintenance or contracting policies.
An organisation has the flexibility to define the boundaries of its asset management
system according to its needs. It may choose to implement PAS 55-1 for the entire
organisation or only to some parts of it. But the scope of the asset management system
should cover the full portfolio of assets that are required for the successful delivery of
the organisational strategic objectives.
Powerco Asset Management Plan 2013.
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Involvement of stakeholders: Discuss the draft policy with the relevant managers,
employees and other stakeholders, and amend according to their valid inputs to achieve
an appropriate level of consensusand commitment.
For example, a utility with a policy decision to increase competitiveness and reliability may
choose to focus on some of the following strategies to ensure fulfilment of the stated policy:
Basically, the policy is about the broad intent (or direction) whereas strategy is about the right
path to fulfil that intent.
Specific, clear and detailed: The strategy should provide sufficient information
and direction to enable preparation of specific asset management objectives and
Business strategy: To improve the current profit before tax by 15% within a period of
3 years through expanding capacity to meet the predicted 10% increased customer
demand, funded through private finance, which will be repaid through future profits.
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Key contents: Strategy should include the desired outcomes / targets, broad plans,
resources, timelines and responsibilities.
Life cycle management: The strategy should consider life cycle management
requirements of the assets.
Risk: Strategy should also take into account the risk associated with a power
distribution companys assets, services, customers, employees, etc.
Safety through design: Design asset installations and choose network equipment
to minimise safety risks.
Contractor approval system: Contractors selected based on their commitment to
Powercos safety and other requirements.
Focus on worst-performing feeders: Target spending for renewal and refurbishment
work on the worst performing feeders.
Focused use of network automation: Increase focus on automatic isolation of
faults, particularly for feeders serving large numbers of customers.
Increased rates of conductor replacement: Increase in conductor replacement
because such failures have the potential to not only impact reliability, but also
increase the risk to public safety.
Asset stewardship
Enhance renewal planning approach: Enhance the core processes for the
expenditure on renewal of assets. Asset maintenance and renewal forms around 36%
of current expenditure and is set to increase to around 48% within 10 years.
Adopt health and criticality indices: Progressive shift from age-based decision-
making to health and criticality indicators to provide indication of the remaining
useful life of assets.
Network Performance Model: Adopt more automated processes (based on
historical information) for targeting new investment on poor-performing areas of
network instead of currently used manual processes.
Cost efficiency
Enhance procurement arrangements: Leverage companys considerable buying
power to derive greater benefits in procurement of equipment.
Standardisation of network equipment: Continue implementing progressive
standardisation of equipment on networks, which brings benefits in both procurement
and field operation costs.
Source: Publicly available Asset Management Plan (AMP) of Powerco Limited, a power distribution company in New Zealand.
The strategies described above are the edited version of the full range of strategies that are listed in the AMP
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Objectives may vary from broad to narrow to very specific depending on whether these are
applicable to the whole asset management system or asset management activities or the
performance or condition of specific assets.
If the asset management policy is an overall intent and the strategy a chosen path to fulfil that
intent, objectives are clear milestones to be achieved along the chosen path.
Not only SMART objectives would inspire action throughout the organisation, these
would also infuse accountability to the whole asset management programme. Without
a specific destination in sight, people can very quickly lose commitment to initiatives
like asset or quality or safety management programmes.
Aligned and consistent: Objectives should be consistent with the asset management
strategy and over business objectives.
Compliant: While setting objectives, one should consider legal, regulatory, statutory
and other similar statutory requirements.
Safety: Keep the public, our staff and our contractors from harm.
Reliability: Deliver reliable network that meets the needs of our customers.
Asset stewardship: Enhance asset management capability to the benefit of our
Cost efficiency: Continuously seek out and deliver cost efficiencies.
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The above broad objectives lead to further specific targets and goals:
Injuries to public (target: 0)
Lost-time injuries (target: 0)
SAIDI: (target: 210 minutes)
Asset stewardship
Cost efficiency
Capacity and asset utilisation measured by dividing peak zone substation demand
by aggregate transformer capacity (target: 50%)
Source: Publicly available Asset Management Plan of Powerco Limited, a power distribution company in New Zealand
AMMAT: Asset Management Maturity Assessment Tool (Prescribed by regulatory authority in New Zealand)
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
plans. These plans establish processes for identifying and responding to incidents and
emergency situations, and maintaining the continuity of critical asset management
activities. Contingency plans should include:
These plans should be periodically reviewed, tested and revised as necessary to keep
ensure optimum emergency preparedness.
Source: P xiii of PAS 55-1
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Plan: Establish the asset management policy, strategy, objectives and plans.
Do: Establish the enablers for asset management (e.g., asset information management system)
and implement the asset management plans.
Check: Monitor and measure results against asset management objectives and report the
Act: Take actions to ensure that asset management objectives are achieved and to continually
improve the asset management system.
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Explains the following eight enablers: organisational structure, outsourcing, training, communication,
documentation, information management, risk management, legal and other requirements, change
To ensure smooth, effective and efficient implementation of an asset management system, PAS 55-
1:2008 recommends the following enablers:
Organisational structure
Outsourcing of asset management activities
Training, awareness and competence
Communication, participation and consultation
Information management
Risk management
Legal and other requirements
Management of change
As shown in Fig. 4.1, with the support of these enablers, an asset management system moves from the
concept stage into actual implementation mode. The following sections describe each the nine enablers.
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Information management
Management of change
Outsourcing activities
Training awareness
Risk management
Org. structure
Fig. 4.1: Key Enablers of Asset Management Programme
PAS 55-1:2008 specifically mentions that an organisation need not develop a separate
organisational structure if its existing structure can support the asset management programme
in totality. However, the specification provides the following recommendations:
Stakeholders interests
At the level of only top management, it is possible to understand the interests of all
stakeholders (consumers, investors, retailers, generation and transmission partners,
regulators, employees) and ensure that asset management programme is suitably
aligned with the expectations of all stakeholders.
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Availability of resources
Asset management programme directly affects both CAPEX and OPEX plans for short,
medium and long term, an area where top managements involvement is essential.
Asset owner
Asset manager
Asset service provider
Asset owner focuses on overall corporate strategy and takes care of financial, technical
and risk criteria. Asset manager translates these criteria into multi-year asset plans and
budgets. Asset service provider executes the plans and provides feedback on costs and
Fig. 4.2 shows conceptual model of the three-part structure. This model is a departure
from the traditional top-down model in which the power resides at the top and the
responsibility of the three key functionssetting overall direction, planning and
executionis often mixed and diluted.
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Key Responsibilities
Asset Owner Asset Manager Asset Service Provider
Setting direction: Corporate Planning: Planning (operations Execution: Procurement,
policy, strategy, objectives, and maintenance), risk construction, operations,
stakeholder interface management, life cycle maintenance, outage
costing, project evaluation management, performance
monitoring, reporting
(feedback to Asset Manager
and Asset Owner)
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Typically, utilities would be strong in the engineering skills, but would need to develop greater
strength in the other two areas (i.e., management and information management).
Ensuring competence means first identifying the specific competency requirements (some
of these listed in Table 4.1) for the asset management team, doing a gap assessment across
the team (finding who lacks which specific pieces of knowledge and skills) and providing the
necessary training to fill the gaps.
Beyond communication, asset management team should consult with relevant stakeholders for the:
1.5 Documentation
The success of an asset management system also depends on how uniformly and consistently
its policies, procedures, results, etc. are communicated, understood, followed and available
for future reference. A well-structured documentation system is also an important enabler.
The documents should be kept updated (including version control) through periodic review and revision.
The documentation system, however, should not become an end itself: The extent of
documentation should be proportional to the level of complexity and risks being managed.
It should be kept to the minimum required for effectiveness and efficiency of the asset
management programme.
developed applications, a large number of separate databases, and a large amount of data that
is not in electronic format.
In response, seven out of nine utilities informed that they didnt have computerised
system and relied on manual records.
Traditionally, the focus of risk management in power distribution companies has been on reliability.
Reliabilitythe ability to provide power without interruptions and restore power in case of faults
is surely the most important performance requirement for an electricity distribution utility. But
gradually, many distribution companies are now showing concern for other kinds of risks, such as
economic performance, environment impact, occupational safety, etc.
Risk management is the process of identifying, analysing, evaluating and controlling the risks
that can prevent an organisation from achieving its core business and asset management
objectives. The performance of an asset management programme is tightly linked to how an
organisation establishes, implements, monitors and improves its risk management system.
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Each organisation has to assess its risks in the all-round context of its geographical
location, security situation, age of assets, competence of manpower, robustness of
information systems, overall systems, processes and practices, etc.
Risk assessment
Monitoring and review
Risk identification
Risk analysis
Risk evaluation
Source: ISO 31000
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Establishing context
This step is about setting the parameters or boundaries around an organisations
risk appetite and risk management activities. It requires consideration of both
external and internal risk-related factors. External factors include social, cultural,
political and economic issues, while internal factors involve strategy, resources
and capabilities.
Following identification, the next step is to understand both the nature of a risk
and its level. Typically, analysis involves quantitative assessment of risks in terms
of key parameters: likelihood of occurrence, consequence (or severity of impact)
and frequency. Based on these parameters and weighted formula, risk scores are
calculated and accordingly risks are prioritised.
Risks can range from relatively high frequency but low impact occurrences, such as
tree interference, to low probability but high impact events, such as the total loss
of a zone substation for an extended period.
Risk evaluation
Based on the risks analysis, specific risks are evaluated to ascertain the level of
response (what to do, who will approve, when should be the next review). The
evaluation also takes into account any controls in place. A control is any policy,
practice or device that is supposed to modify (i.e., reduce or eliminate) a risk.
Some utilities categorise the risks as high, medium and low and accordingly
respond. See an example of this kind of risk-based planning in Table 4.2 below.
Risk registers record the identified risks, risk classification and controls at different
levels of detail. And these registers are routinely reviewed and reported on.
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Coverage of risks
As a minimum, the following risks should be considered over the entire life cycle of
Quantification of risks
Where possible, significant risks, mitigation measures and consequences need to be
quantified in financial terms to enable objective analysis.
All applicable legal and other external obligations or requirements should be identified and
incorporated into the corresponding elements of an asset management system. All related
information should be kept up-to-date and communicated to the relevant stakeholders.
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PAS 55-1:2008 recommends that all risks associated with a change should be assessed before
its implementation. In particular, the impact on the following elements of an asset management
programme should be reviewed:
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Moving beyond the enablers, this chapter focuses on the last two elements of the framework:
Implementation and performance review. Specifically, this chapter explains:
1 Implementation
Asset management plans define the activities and deliverables to be achieved, people responsible
for implementation, schedules, resources required, and monitoring and control mechanisms. While
implementing these plans, utilities should take into consideration the following three key factors that
affect the efficiency of implementation and mitigation of risks:
Constraints: The execution of plans should take into consideration the various technical,
operational, accessibility and financial constraints. For example, many asset-related maintenance
and upgrading activities often take place during the late night hours or during weekends to avoid
disrupting the power supply to the customers.
Monitoring and control: Monitoring of progress, variations, projections for the future and
necessary revisions to the plans should be an ongoing affair. Where necessary, the asset
management team should re-prioritise the work or change allocation of resources in order to
optimise the plan delivery when encountering unanticipated events.
Up-to-date information: As the plans are executed, asset information (condition, expenditures,
parameters, failures, etc.) should be updated and recorded on continuous basis.
Systematic and coordinated activities and practices through which an organisation optimally and
sustainably manages its assets and asset systems, their associated performance, risks and expenditures
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over their life cycles for the purpose of achieving its organisational strategic plan.
time interval that commences with the identification of the need for an asset and terminates with the
decommissioning of the asset or any associated liabilities
Over their complete life span, which can be 20-50 years, key assets of a distribution utility
(transformers, cables, etc.) go through the following four distinct phases:
Dispose Operate
The asset life cycle begins at the moment when the need for an asset is identified (say, new network
for additional consumers) and extends through planning and design, procurement, installation and
commissioning, operations and maintenance--and ends with retirement and safe disposal of the an
Often due to the way organisational processes are designed and lack of knowledge about the life
cycle management, utilities end up managing assets not in seamless, but in compartmentalised way.
For example, assets are bought not based on what they would cost over their total life span, but
based on their first cost. Similarly, maintenance activities are planned based on pre-determined time
intervals instead of the condition and criticality of an asset.
The shift towards life cycle based management requires an organisation to make asset life cycle a key
consideration for all its decisions, plans and activities.
Network Assets
Transformers, Cables, Switchgear & Others
(SCADA, etc)
Fig. 5.2: Alignment from Corporate Objectives Down to Life Cycle Strategies of
Network Equipment
It not only includes initial planning and design, but also construction and commissioning
Capital investment planning should focus on optimising life-cycle cost and capital
projects prioritised to meet targeted network performance levels, power quality as
well as service requirements of customers. Capital investment planning also takes into
consideration the development of network capacity, network availability and reliability,
asset refurbishment, retirement, replacement and disposal.
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One of the main objectives is to ensure that the expansion of the power system is
optimally done to sustain current demand and to meet future demand. Other objectives
include compliance with statutory, regulatory and licensing requirements, transmission
and distribution grid codes, engineering specifications, and safety and environmental
All plans should be communicated to and shared with other key departments to ensure
all proposals are integrated with departmental/division annual business plans, ensuring
a common line of sight in fulfilling the utilitys strategic objectives.
This stage should also take into consideration the available resources, especially
financial, as well as the need to upgrade personnel competency skills and knowledge,
and updating of processes in adopting new technologies and equipment design.
2.2.3 Procurement
Following the design stage, the procurement stage involves development of equipment
specifications for the procurement of new assets; pre-qualifying vendors; inviting bids
and carrying out technical and commercial evaluations.
The procurement specifications should cover quality assurance, type tests, factory
acceptance tests (FAT), warranty period, reference list, packing, handling and shipping
to site, application of bio-degradable or recyclable material, waste handling procedures,
and management procedures during disposal of equipment at end-of-life.
The final decision on which equipment (and technology) to procure should be based on
the best-fit-for-purpose and optimised total cost of ownership (TCO) for the duration of
an assets service life, and not solely based on the lowest first cost.
The procurement process should adhere to existing commercial, procurement and legal
2.2.4 Installation
This stage of the life cycle involves actual acquisition of assets and installation by
contractors. The installation contracts can be based on engineering-procurement-
construction (EPC) or engineering-procurement-construction-commissioning (EPCC)
works. The right choice depends on the complexity of project, available expertise and
Strong project management and contract management skills are important during
this stage to ensure that the projects are executed on time, within budget and to the
required quality.
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
The international standard IEC 61936-1 ed. 2.0 Power installations exceeding 1 kV a.c.
- Part 1: Common rules, is a good guide to observe. Some key points extracted from
this document are:
Safety guidelines and tools: Particular attention shall be given to the safety of
personnel during the installation, operation and maintenance of equipment. This
may include:
Manuals and instructions for transport, storage, installation, operation and
Special tools required for operation, maintenance and testing;
Safe working procedures developed for specific locations.
Labelling: Identification and labelling are required to avoid operating errors and
accidents. All important parts of the installation, for example, bus-bar systems,
switchgear, bays, conductors, shall be clearly, legibly and durably labelled.
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2.2.5 Commissioning
Before the equipment or section of the network can be commissioned and put into
service, it has to be inspected and tested to show compliance with the utilitys
specifications and ensure that it is safe to operate.
Commissioning tests, also known as Site Acceptance Tests (SAT), are tests and physical
inspections that are performed on new equipment, usually after installation and prior to
energisation. These tests are performed to determine whether a piece of equipment is
in compliance with the specifications and design, and also to establish test benchmarks
that can be used as a reference during future tests.
Site Acceptance Tests are also valuable for ensuring that the equipment has not been
subjected to damage during shipment, handling and installation. These tests typically
include visual, physical, mechanical and electrical tests.
Many tests on electrical equipment involve the use of high voltages and currents
that are dangerous both to the people and equipment (equipment can be damaged
or destroyed by unacceptable voltages and currents). Adequate safety rules should be
instituted and practiced to prevent injury to all personnel who might be exposed to the
hazard. The test procedures used should also be designed to ensure that the testing
would not cause any damage to equipment.
During the create phase, one of the goals should be to hand over assets in good
operational condition and maintainability. This would require training and knowledge
transfer on design, operations and maintenance of assets from the designers and
builders to the operational and maintenance personnel. Also, testing and commissioning
should be done based on well-defined procedures and all the results should be recorded
diligently and handed over, along with all other asset data, to the operational and
maintenance team.
The British Standard BS EN 50110-1 Operation of Electrical Installation defines operation as:
all activities including work activities necessary to permit the electrical installation to function.
These activities include such matters as switching, controlling, monitoring and maintenance as
well as both electrical and non-electrical work
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
The key objective of this phase is to operate the assets to deliver the required performance
(quality and reliability of power supply) while ensuring safety. Assets considered as critical to
the network performance, availability and reliability should be made to remotely monitor and
control via SCADA.
The operating criteria (parameters to be monitored, frequency and type of monitoring, alarm
limits, etc.) and compliance requirements (legal, company guidelines, industry standards)
should be carefully defined, documented and communicated.
Where maintenance strategies are linked to operations, such strategies should be updated
when there is a change in the operating criteria. For example, if a decision is taken to increase
the loading on a transformer from 50% to 60%, its impact on maintenance and assets lifespan
should be captured before implementing such a change.
Power T&D utilities, therefore, need to put into practice a structured maintenance system to
ensure that network assets remain in good condition to safely deliver the required performance,
avoid unplanned outages, extend asset life and contain maintenance costs.
The standard BS 6626:2010 Maintenance of electrical switchgear and control gear for voltages
above 1 kV and up to and including 36 kV Code of practice defines maintenance as:
combination of actions carried out to retain an item in, or restore it to, an acceptable condition
This phase runs in parallel to the operate phase in asset life cycle and likewise has significant
impact on asset life cycle cost, risk management, asset life, operation and maintenance costs,
safety and performance outcomes.
One of the challenges during this phase is to arrive at an optimum combination of the
following different types of maintenance strategies:
The above maintenance strategies can be classified based on two key parameters:
condition of the equipment and its importance. Fig. 5.3 shows the mapping of various
strategies against these two parameters.
Condition Based Reliability Centred
Maintenance Maintenance
Not considered
Both the condition and the importance of components can be defined in many ways,
depending on the desired level of detail and the availability of appropriate data. For
example, the definition of importance may be pegged to features like the number of
feeders of a substation, or to more sophisticated indices, like the share of the energy
not supplied in time caused by failure of each respective component.
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
It is, however, suitable for non-critical equipment. For example, it may be used for MV-
XLPE cables, where no preventive maintenance measures are available.
Although this strategy works well as a preventive measure, the time intervals are often
too conservative, resulting in unnecessary maintenance or inspections. TBM is more
appropriate for situations where an abrasive, erosive or corrosive wear out takes place
and /or material properties change due to fatigue, etc.
CBM offers high network availability with moderate maintenance costs and is widely
used within EHV and HV grids. Nowadays a lot of utilities are adopting this approach
for the MV networks.
Fig. 5.4 shows how two different categories of inspections and tests to assess the condition
of equipment can be used to short list assets for refurbishment or relocation or replacement.
Health index
The concept of health index is based on a holistic approach to assessing a transformers
need for maintenance (Fig. 5.5). Health index takes into account the following four
parameters to calculate one unique number that reflects:
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
All assets
Tier 1 techniques
Visual inspection
Oil sampling
Thermo & ultrasonic scanning
Tier 2 techniques
Partial discharge (PD)
Turns-ratio test
Winding resistance test
Insulation resistance
Tan delta test
Selected assets
Excitation current test
Frequency response analysis
Frequency dielectric spectroscopy
Refurbishment Relocation
Functional condition:
Oil analysis, DGA, Maintenance
Furan analysis, history
electrical analysis
External physical
Health Index
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
RCM is used not only for evaluating the priorities for maintenance actions but also for
the ranking replacement and refurbishment activities.
Disposal criteria
To ensure disposing of assets is not disruptive and decisions are objective, a clear set of criteria,
like the one below, needs to be developed by each utility within its own context:
Criterion 1: Replace an asset if its condition has deteriorated to the extent that there is a
high risk that it will fail and repair or refurbishment is not practical or economical.
Criterion 2: Asset technology is obsolete and spare parts are no longer available, which
poses a risk of failure without remedy.
Criterion 3: In its present state, an asset presents an unacceptable risk to the environment
or safety of public or staff.
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Criterion 4: The remaining life cycle cost of an asset is estimated to be higher than the life
cycle cost of a new asset.
Criteria 5: Failure of an asset poses a large risk to customer service or network reliability
or business reputation.
Identify the assets that fall within the criterion for disposal/replacement.
List assets that are considered critical to system operation and reliability.
Plan and prioritise replacement of these assets based on network criticality.
Request for a special annual budget allocation outside of the normal capital expenditure.
Cannibalise parts as critical spares from assets that are first to be replaced to keep other
similar asset in good service condition while awaiting replacement.
Select replacement assets (i.e., new assets) that offer higher efficiency, superior
performance, better reliability, lower risks, lower maintenance requirements and facilities
to add on-line condition monitoring.
Set-up a special unit to monitor and control the engineering design, project, contract
management and progress of all asset replacement projects.
Select contractors with proven track record, competency to undertake the replacement
works, including competence in safety and handling toxic waste material.
Liaise with local authorities and environmental management agency on the proper disposal
of assets that pose environmental risks.
Ensure that the asset database and system schematics are updated on commissioning of
the new replacement assets
Does your organisation follow life cycle management of key or critical assets?
Seven out of nine utilities replied no while two informed that the need for life cycle
management was understood within their organisations and they had initiated some steps
towards adopting this methodology.
The organisation should establish processes for the maintenance or calibration or testing of such
tools, facilities and equipment. These processes could in turn affect the asset performance and
condition, thereby having indirect impact on the overall asset management programme.
being implemented as required and their effectiveness. Level 2 means monitoring whether the
assets are performing as expected.
Reactive monitoring
Reactive in nature, this type of monitoring involves monitoring past or existing non-
conformities or deterioration in assets condition or performance or asset failure.
Proactive monitoring
The purpose of this kind of monitoring is to proactively monitorthrough routine or
periodic checkswhether asset management plans and objectives are being achieved,
and whether the assets condition and performance is on track.
Based on the data collect through monitoring, performance assessment could be done
by creating, monitoring and benchmarking different types of indicators. These indicators
can be leading (provide forward looking indications/warnings on performance) or
lagging (provide measurement of past performance).
Are Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) used to measure the performance of network
4.1.3 KPIs
Key performance indicators (KPIs) are metrics that measure accomplishments or results
in specific areas, such as financial performance, reliability, safety, etc., and help in
assessing the performance. KPIs can be useful for a utility if these are properly chosen.
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Effective KPIs:
ROA (Return On Assets)
Total costs/MWh
Operating Revenue/Total Asset
Capital investments/Capacity installed ($/MW)
Capital cost/customer
Maintenance expense/kW ($/kW)
Cost of maintenance
By equipment group
By substation
By equipment model / manufacturer
By area / region
By types of maintenance (CM, PM, CBM & RCM)
O&M cost/MWh supplied
O&M cost/MWh installed
O&M cost/customer
PM (preventive maintenance)/CM (corrective maintenance) cost ratio
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Specifically, these processes should define the responsibility, procedures and authority to:
4.4 Audit
Periodic audits by independent (internal or external) auditors enable an organisation to review
the effectiveness of its asset management system. An audit should include evaluation of:
Preventive actions, on the other hand, focus on the causes of potential problems and
effectively prevent failures, incidents, etc. from materialising.
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Does your organisation have procedures to review and ensure continual improvement in
the performance and reliability of assets?
Five out of nine LMS utilities replied no while the rest of four informed carrying out
review of performance and reliability on ad-hoc basis.
4.6 Records
Well-maintained records of asset management activities itself is a valuable asset. Records
effectively provide a reliable source of information on variety of important asset management
elementsasset registers, condition of assets, preventive actions, etc. Records also demonstrate
smooth functioning of an asset management system and conformance with the requirements
of applicable specifications, standards and in-house procedures.
5 Management review
Asset management programme may be implemented at the lower levels of management, but its
effectiveness depends on the active involvement of the top management. PAS 55-1:2008 recommends
that top management should periodically (say, annually) review the asset management programme
to ensure its effectiveness and continual improvement, and make top-level decisions required for
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Likelihood of failure
Consequences of failure
Likelihood of failure
Fig. 5.6: Transformer Criticality Assessment
Source: LMS Distribution Transformer Handbook
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Overcoming all the above deficiencies and constraints, utilities can now employ
Transformer Load Monitoring (TLM) system, which is like a SCADA system designed to
obtain key performance data from transformers in real time. With TLM, operators sitting
in a central location can get full view the following critical parameters for all transformers:
Use factor: The relationship between the peak demand on a transformer and the
rating of that transformer.
Demand factor: The relative portion of load on a circuit compared to the load on a
particular transformer.
Coincidence factor: The relationship between the system peak and the individual
peaks of the transformers.
Load factor: The variation in demand.
Voltage profile: A look at voltage drop on a feeder.
Other parameters: Current profile, etc.
Fig. 5.7 shows the architecture of a TLM system, which comprises three main components:
(1) Wireless Communication
TLM Server at
on district
TLM RTU Transformer
Historical Server
Remote terminal Units (RTU): RTU is an instrument installed near or at each transformer
to gather and deliver transformer data as well as alters in case of malfunctioning to the
Master Station through wireless communication or fibre optic network.
Master Station: The Master Station, located in utilitys office, receives transformer data
collected in the field by RTUs, and enables operators to view and evaluate it. This station
comprises of a database server (for collecting data from RTUs), an HMI (for displaying
data in user-friendly format, comparison and reporting) and a historical server (for storing
historic data). Operators can see in real time transformer loading, voltage, power factor,
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Equipped with TLM system, operator can make use of real-time transformer data for
preventive maintenance, transformer replacement, electrical system planning and outage
The sub-sections below describe some of the key elements of cable asset management
As part of their asset management programme, LMS utilities should thoroughly review
their technical design specifications for both overhead and underground cables. These
specifications should at least cover the following items:
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Life cycle based cost analysis: Instead of focusing squarely on the first cost, utilities
should deliberately take the whole-life view of the proposed cable systems, which means
not only considering the first cost (material, installation, testing and commissioning),
but also the cost of operations and maintenance and disposal at the end of life.
7.1.4 Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT), Installation, Site Acceptable Tests (SAT)
After the procurement contract for underground cables is signed, the next goal should
be to ensure that cables are manufactured and installed as per the agreed specifications.
This is a critical step because unless there is a diligent oversight of the manufacturing
and installation processes by the utility personnel, the risk of non-compliance with
the specifications increases dramatically. Many times, cable contractors may agree to
the more stringent specifications to secure the contracts and revert to their own less
stringent specifications, which unless detected at the right time, can lead to project
delays and reliability problems in the long run.
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Electrical stress
Thermal stress
Mechanical stress
Radiation environmental stress
These stresses should be controlled within design limits, allowing cables to age (sometimes,
50 years) naturally. The life of a cable can be optimised by preventing or reducing the
abnormal ageing processes of cable insulation. This is possible with proper cable loading,
periodic health monitoring, and appropriate testing and maintenance methodologies.
The goal during operations should be to ensure reliability of network while keeping the
stresses on cables within acceptable limits. To achieve these objectives, the Network
Manager or Control Engineer should have valid data on the ampacity of cables in the
The load capacity or ampacity of power cables is governed by the temperature rise within
the cable and its surroundings. Ambient temperature, cable design and construction,
conditions of installation (e.g., in-ducts, direct burial, overhead) and effect of surrounding
cables directly affect the ampacity of cables. IEC standards specify methods to calculate
the ampacity of cables.
Based on the ampacity rating, the Network Manager or Control Engineer is able to
monitor the maximum load current and ensure that it does not exceed the maximum
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
ampacity rating of the cable. This action helps to improve the reliability and extend the
service life of the cables.
Preventive Maintenance (PM): PM is carried out at predetermined intervals
(6-monthly, 1 yearly to 5-yearly) and involves routine diagnostic tests, and repair or
part replacement of cables, terminations and splices when faults are detected. The
following tests form part of PM:
Corrective Maintenance (CM): This is done after a fault has occurred and involves
diagnostic tests to detect type of fault and its location, repairs to cables, terminations
and splices, and re-commissioning tests.
A utility should clearly define its renewal strategy for different types of cables. For
example, for LV cables, the renewal strategy could be run to failure whereas for MV
cables, it could be condition-based renewal.
May remain idle in either open or closed positions for long periods of time.
Has direct impact on the safety and reliability of the overall network.
Involves high investment costs.
Potential downtime during replacement activities.
Conventionally, network operators tend to follow periodic Time Based Maintenance schedule and
replace these equipment at the end of their useful life, which can be 30 to 35 years. But with the
focus on deriving maximum value over an assets lifetime, the maintenance approach is shifting
toward Condition Based Maintenance (CBM).
The key to CBM, however, is switchgear condition monitoring techniques. There are a myriad of
assessment tools available to provide condition data on MV switchgear. It is, however, important
that appropriate tools are employed and the collected data is used to optimise maintenance
The starting point in developing a condition assessment programmeme for MV switchgear must
be the analysis of historical fault and failure information for similar types of equipment.
According to one study, the top five causes of faults for MV vacuum switchgear installed in
electricity distribution networks within the UK included:
This data on defects included observation during operation or maintenance as well as disruptive
failure of the switchgear. The data shows detection of mechanical problems and partial
discharge activity should be the two key target areas in the effective condition assessment of
this type of MV switchgear.
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Since the construction of SF6 switchgear is comparable with vacuum switchgear, the same fault
profile would be applicable for SF6 switchgear as well.
For oil-filled switchgear, however, the fault characteristics change. Research shows that the
condition of oil is the key indicator of the overall health of oil-filled switchgear.
Mechanical monitoring
Partial Discharge (PD) testing
Transient Earth Voltage (TEV) measurement
Ultrasonic detection
Switchgear oil analysis
Thermal imaging
The diagnostic equipment for the assessment of the mechanical condition of a circuit breaker
should preferably be used with the switchgear in the service position. This approach offers two
advantages: first, effort, time and cost saving due to the avoidance of downtime, and second,
the first trip can be monitored.
Several methods, tests and instruments can be used for this kind of assessment. The simplest
test includes monitoring the opening and close times of circuit breakers.
The monitoring systems capture and store the data from each circuit breaker operation for
comparison with the previous data from the same unit and also for comparison against other
circuit breakers of the same design. The effectiveness of these types of mechanical monitoring
systems is therefore dependent on a good historic database with which measurements can be
compared. Provided this database is available, valuable information on the condition of the
mechanical mechanism can be quickly and easily obtained.
For example, suppose instrumentation tracks three consecutive trip operations on a circuit
breaker and the trace reveals that the operating time for the first trip is significantly longer than
for the subsequent two trips (which are within the acceptable times). This knowledge will allow
the network operator to conclude that the problem was associated with stiction in the slug or
plunger. This analysis also shows why it is important to capture the first trip because thats the
way the circuit breaker would have operated in the situation of a genuine fault in the network.
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There is now established circuit breaker monitoring equipment in the market for mechanical
assessment. In general, this equipment operates by temporarily (or sometimes permanently)
installing sensors on the control circuitry of the circuit breakers to be monitored. And
parameters that are monitored include the current profile in the DC trip coil, the current on the
secondary side of the ammeter to provide main contact opening time and the battery voltage.
PD often starts in aged, defective or poor quality insulation, and propagates and develops
until the insulation is unable to withstand the electrical stress, finally leading to flashover and
failure. PD releases energy in three ways: electromagnetic (radio, light, heat), acoustic (audio,
ultrasonic) and gases (ozone, nitrous oxides)and this phenomenon of energy release helps in
its detection.
The two non-intrusive methods of detecting PD activity are Transient Earth Voltage (TEV) and
ultrasonic detection, and these techniques are complementary, enabling a comprehensive
assessment of the condition of insulation on MV switchgear.
The limitation of this technique is that the strength of the ultrasonic signal depends
heavily on the characteristics of the transducer and instrument, and also on the
discharge activity and the attenuation of the transmission path. Therefore, quantifying
and analysing the seriousness of detected ultrasonic signals can be difficult. Often
ultrasonic activity detection leads to further investigation irrespective of the signal level.
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Ultrasonic detectors first identify discharge activity on the surface of insulation and will
help to identify switchgear components that need to be visually examined under outage.
The TEV technique detects potential failure sites that would never have been captured
during any visual examination of equipment.
The type of instrumentation available for TEV varies from small, simple hand-held devices
to large permanent monitoring installations. In case of critical switchboards, the cost of
permanent monitoring can be justified, but it may not be a practical, cost-effective
option for other situations. Ultrasonic detection primarily involves the use of hand-held
instruments although monitoring systems are also available.
For most cases, relatively low-cost handheld instruments are available that can detect
both ultrasonic and TEV activity. Using this type of instrumentation as part of routine
sub-station inspection can significantly enhance the condition assessment of the
These constraints, coupled with the relatively smaller number of faults attributable to
overheating, means limited usefulness of thermal imaging on MV metal-clad switchgear.
However, in case of open bus bar equipment and low voltage equipment where contacts are
safely exposed, thermal imaging techniques do have a useful role to play in asset condition
In addition, however, by combining all the available information, such as diagnostic test results,
visual inspection data, maintenance experience, causes of previous failures etc., maintenance
teams can derive an overall health index for MV switchgear.
The health index is computed by numerically coding the available information and applying
weightings to the factors based on their effect on the probability of failure (POF) of the
equipment. The objective is to obtain a one overall value on a scale of 0-10 that indicates the
overall health of the asset in the context of POF.
The health index value represents the extent of degradation. For example, low values in the
range 0-3.5 represent some observable or detectable deterioration at an early stage, which
might be considered normal ageing. In such situations, POF remains low, and the condition and
POF would not be expected to change significantly for some time.
Medium values of health index, in the range 3.5 - 6.5, represent significant deterioration.
These values imply that degradation processes have moved beyond normal aging, potentially
threatening failure.
High values of health index, >6.5, represent serious deterioration with degradation processes
reaching the point of failure.
Creating numeric representation of condition in the form of Health Index (HI) and linking HI
to POF provides a powerful basis for modelling future performance, maintenance and renewal
How Hong Kong based CLP Power embarked upon a 10-year long journey of achieving excellence in
asset management?
How Japan based Chugoku Electric Power Company manages the maintenance of assets and reduces
its future investments?
How SP AusNet, an Australian power distribution company, puts together the key elements of its
asset management system: Vision, mission, objectives and key strategies?
How Eskom, a South African power distribution company, manages its transformers through
condition monitoring?
More than a decade ago, CLPs Power Systems Business Group (PSBG) embarked upon the journey of
implementing a structured asset management programme. The impact of this programme has been
impressive. Over a period of 10 years, PSBG achieved more than 90% reduction in Customer Minutes
Lost (CMLs) while simultaneously responding to a 20% load growth. It also expanded the assets,
maintained tariff competitiveness and achieved high supply reliability.
Source: A Decade of Fruitful Network Asset Management in CLP Power by Chris Cheung & Chi-Pui, CLP Power Hong Hong
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
CLP restructured its organisation in 1998. The Power Systems Business Group (PSBG) was
established by merging the transmission and distribution functions, and incorporating a
central Asset Management Department (AMD).
Clarity in roles: The roles of key stakeholders like Asset Owner, Asset Manager and
Service Managers were clearly defined. In addition, partnership agreements between
Asset and Service Managers were established to eliminate clash of priorities. These
agreements defined the responsibilities and expectations of all parties involved.
Centralised decision-making: A centralised investment planning function was
implemented, consolidating dispersed asset investment decision-making process.
Consolidation eliminated regional disparity of methods, priorities and duplication of
Life cycle based planning: CLP established a full life cycle asset planning process,
avoiding the false economies of chasing short-term cost savings at the cost of long-
term interests.
Risk management: A risk management framework was established to provide a
consistent basis for investments and resource prioritisation.
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
These programmes were all implemented successfully, and in 2010 PSBG was again
assessed and accredited under the revised and extended PAS 55:2008 standard (see
Fig. 6.1).
2007 Assessment Results 2010 Assessment Results
Local 6,500
Rising demand
Demand 6,000
(MW) 5,500
Fixed 80,000
Growing asset base
Asset 70,000
(HKSM) 60,000
30 Improving supply
Minutes 20 reliability
Lost 10
Avg Tariff 80 Providing value
(HK Cents
75 to customers
per kWh)
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Preliminary plan: Used for consultation with Service Managers to collect their feedback
Draft plan: A refined plan for further discussion and consultation
Final plan: Communicated to the rank and file staff to solicit their support for
2.2 Assets
Generation facilities
Thermal: 12 plants (7,801 MW)
Hydro: 97 plants (2,906 MW)
Nuclear: 1 (1,280 MW)
Total: 110 plants (11,987 MW)
Transmission facilities
Line length: 547 km (underground) and 7,819 km (overhead)
Number of grid substations: 400 units (50,386 MVA)
Distribution facilities
Line length: 2,918 km (underground) and 79,410 km (overhead)
Number of substations: 22/6.6 KV: 70 nos. and 6.6/0.2 KV: 820 nos.
Source: Presentation titled, Policies and Best Practices for Utility on Distribution Asset Management in Japan. Presented
in June 2012 at Thailand.
2011 figures.
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Chugokus overall maintenance cycle for existing assets comprises four steps:
On-site inspection,
patrol & tests
Judgement of
Necessity and urgency
Design of
On-site inspections
Chugoku uses three types of on-site inspections:
Periodic inspections (checking surrounding environment, reviewing visual condition for
aging and damage, etc.);
Temporary patrols (needed in case of faults, disasters, information gathering);
Specific patrols (equipment requiring additional inspections).
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Normal: Potential problems due to proximity of equipment and other Must be resolved
objects (building, trees, etc.), other problems related to equipment. within one year
Besides the above general guidelines, Chugoku have also developed specific guidelines for the
replacement of electrical poles, switches and transformers.
Installation year
Lot No.
High, low
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
To implement the above countermeasures, Chugoku have identified specific strategies, such
Source: 20-year Asset Management Strategy of SP AusNet Electricity Distribution Network issued in 2006.
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Aging assets
High plant utilisation levels
Zone substation Plant Utilisation Factor (PUF) is 72% (considered above industry
30% feeders exceed 100% PUF
Changing customer demand patterns
Peak demand increased by 3.3% compared to forecast of 2.6% per annum
Changing regulatory environment
Financial incentives anticipated for quality of supply, distribution losses, demand
management, customer complaints, planned interruptions
Technological changes
Application of digital technology devices, software platforms and in-built intelligence
in components
Requirement to improve network reliability
Need to maximise long-term return on investment
Enhancing network supply quality and safety
Resource shortage
3.3.1 Vision
To be a recognised leader and an innovator in the management of electricity distribution
3.3.2 Mission
SP AusNets mission includes:
3.3.3 Objectives
Manage network risks through adoption of common risk management processes
Increase network capacity to meet new and existing customer supply capacity
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Corporate Image
(poles, cables, pole top assemblies). The other such systems include Thermal Imaging
Plan, Meter Asset Management Plan and Electrical Network Development Procedure.
Condition-based maintenance
Continually monitor and adjust inspection and maintenance cycles to suit the
performance and condition of network assets.
Selectively increase the use of condition monitoring and diagnostic testing
Maintenance-intensive assets: Based on technical and economic evaluations,
selectively refurbish or replace maintenance-intensive assets.
Live maintenance: Progressively increase the safe use of live maintenance work
on the distribution network if effective in meeting business and customer service
Criticality analysis: Establish criticality of assets in prioritising the maintenance
Where practicable, new assets to have built-in condition monitoring and self-
testing facilities.
Deploy electronic hand-held devices for asset inspection,
operation, maintenance and replacement activities.
Implement automated uploading and downloading of information to electronic
hand held devices.
Adopt automated analysis of network condition and performance data.
Competence: Use appropriately skilled and experienced personnel to perform all
maintenance activities.
Benchmarking: Benchmark asset performance data to identify opportunities for
enhanced asset maintenance and management practices.
Spares: Ensure appropriate stocks of spare parts and equipment at strategic
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Tools / equipment
Introduction of a tools and equipment calibration register and subsequent testing
Systematic optimisation of inventory of spares
Paper titled, Power Transformer Life Management by L.M. Geldenhuis (18th International Conference on Electricity Distribution)
Eskon Web site: www.eskon.co.za
All figures as at 30 September 2013
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
The area covered by the distribution network is large and characterized by intense diverse
atmospheric conditions (humidity, temperature) and customer profiles. These conditions
expose the transformer fleet to a broad spectrum of failure modes and risks.
Considering the large proportion of aged transformers, asset management is crucial for
Eskom Distribution.
General assessment: All transformers are first evaluated using a general assessment.
Focused assessment: Based on the results of general assessment, a more focused
assessment is carried out of the select transformers
Risk identification: Based on the results of both general and focused assessments,
condition monitoring data is interpreted and diagnosed to define the probability of
failure or network risks.
Suitable maintenance strategies: Identified risks lead to adaption of suitable
maintenance strategies.
Capital allocation: Depending on the overall assessment of the condition of
transformers, inputs are given to the capital investments committee.
In addition to the initial condition assessment, the transformers are ranked according
to a set criterion (e.g., network criticality, customer profiles, equipment failure history
and network redundancy).
Depending on the margin of deviation from the benchmark and other factors like
prevailing operating conditions and network criticality, the status of each transformer
is escalated to certain risk level. For example, Fig. 6.5 shows the escalation process
for excessive moisture content. Similar processes are used for other assessment
Moisture =
5MVA<Rating =
Rating = 5MVA Rating>20MVA
Consider online
Sampling Sampling Sampling Sampling moisture
temp. > 40C temp. < 40C temp. > 50C temp. < 50C assessment
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
4.3.3 Conclusion
Condition monitoring activities do not re-instate the lost life of equipment. These
activities assist network operators to understand the aging process and detect
possible failures in advance. Condition monitoring is the pillar of power transformer
life management, which is an ongoing process. By understanding the individual aging
profiles and dominant failure modes, the life of transformers can be extend.
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Results of an assessment carried out in 2012 among LMS utilities to assess their asset management
Individual profiles of each of the LMS utilities. These profiles include information on four key aspects:
power supply, assets, performance and asset management activities.
Source: AMCL
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
MV Distribution Transformers
Primary (e.g. 33/11kV)
Secondary (e.g. 11/0.4kV)
MV Underground Cable
MV Switchgear (indoor type)
The complete questionnaire along with responses is covered under item 1.4.
All utilities are aware of the importance of asset management and are already using
some of knowledge (Stage 2: Aware). Some utilities are further developing their asset
management practices and trying to embed the knowledge into actual practices (Stage
3: Developing).
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
In contrast to above gaps, all utilities follow matured practices in the areas of asset
The following pages show the questionnaire and responses of LMS utilities.
| 100
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Question Response 1# Response 2# Remarks
1 Has the No action taken 1 Some 8
organisation to develop a components are
establish a framework or in place but no
framework or system for asset framework pr
system for asset management. structure linking
management? them.
EVN Hanoi X
MEA X *Discussion
the meaning
of Framework
whether we
have the same
2 Has an Asset Do not have a 3 As Asset 6
Management documented Management
Policy been Asset Policy exists but
documented, Management not authorised by
authorised and Policy top management.
EVN Hanoi X
Ask EVN to give
more information
on the AM Policy
101 |
Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
6 Does your No 7 The need for 2
organisation Life Cycle
practises Management
Life Cycle of key or
Management of critical assets is
its key or critical understood and
assets? the organisation
has initiated steps
to introduce such
EVN Hanoi X
MEA X Ask for more
information from
7 Does your No 3 The need for risk 6
organisation have management
risk management of assets and
policy or network is
procudures understood. The
to deal with organisation has
asset-related initiated steps to
risks or network identify assets
criticalities? and parts of
networks that are
critical to its
EVN Hanoi X
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
(c) MV No 0 Yes 9
EVN Hanoi X
11 Do you measure No Yes
the performance
of your network
Are Key No Yes
Indicators (KPI)
used to measure
the performance
of network
Do you measure No 4 Yes 5
the performance
of your network
EVN Hanoi X
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Total System Loss
Year Loss (%)
2006 10.69
2007 10.37
2008 10.03
2009 9.76
2010 9.51
2011 7.16
Source: Presentation titled, Asset Management in EDC Cambodia. Presented by EDC in June 2012 at Thailand.
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Cables (HV transmission line): 3,343 km
Cables (MV-35 kV, 25 kV, 22 kV, 12.7 kV): 17,750 km
Cables (LV- 0.4 and 0.22 kV): 13,873 km
Substations (115/22 kV): 33 nos. [1,035 MVA]
Distribution transformers: 15,043 units [2,467 MVA]
Energy Loss
Year Loss (%)
2005 19.32
2006 17.86
2007 15.30
2008 13.70
2009 11.98
2010 10.78
2011 10.14
Source: Presentation titled, Asset Management in EDL Lao PDR. Presented by EDL in June 2012 at Thailand.
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Guidance from Transformer Handbook (2009)
Scheduled maintenance on daily/monthly/yearly basis
Condition monitoring by checking oil and winding temperatures, colour of silica gel, oil
level, main tank, Overload Tap Changer (OLTC), protection relay, bushing, etc.
Overhaul: Once in 10 years or after failure
Better storage facility to protect electrical equipment from humidity and heat
Risk management identified risks
Lack of asset information
Old network
Lack of expertise for operations and maintenance
No automation for switching on/off
No local electrical standards (follow IEC)
Bid evaluation: Constraint in ensuring good quality at reasonable price in terms of
compliance with governments procurement regulation
Cables (110 kV line)
Overhead: 622 km
Underground: 17.42 km
Cables (MV line)
Overhead: 5,052 km
Underground: 2,002 km
Cables (LV line): 23,244 km
110 kV substations: 30 nos.
Distribution substations: 12,685 nos.
Acceptable Fault Ratio
Assets Ratio Inner City Suburbs
110 kV line Case/100km, year 0.84 0.84
MV line Case/100km, year 12 15
110 kV substation Case/feeder bay, year 0.05 0.05
Distribution substation Case/100 transformers, year 1.8 2.25
Source: Presentation titled, Process to operate and manage Hanoi power network. Presented by EDL in June 2012 at Thailand.
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Cables (110 kV line)
Overhead: 517 km
Underground: 18.07 km
Cables (MV line): 5,107 km [underground: 1,301 km]
Cables (LV line): 9,895 km
110 kV substations: 42 [3,496 MVA]
Distribution substations: 21,946 [8,178 MVA]
Turnover: USD 932 million
NA (information not available)
Source: Presentation titled, 6th Lower Mekong Sub Region Harmonisation Forum. Presented by EVNHCMC in June 2012
at Thailand.
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
NA (Information not available)
NA (Information not available)
Source: Presentation titled, EVN-NPC. Presented by EDL in June 2012 at Thailand.
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Cables (110 kV line): 2,312.32 km
Cables (22 kV - underground): 237.37 km
Cables (0.4 kV - underground): 158.61 km
110 kV substations: 83
Transformers: 117
Distribution substations: 18,426
Transformers: 18,693
Key asset management activities
Energy Loss
Year Loss (%)
2007 7.76
2008 7.26
2009 7.82
2010 7.38
2011 7.30
Source: Presentation titled, Viet Nam Electricity-Central Power Corporation. Presented by EVNCPC in June 2012 at Thailand.
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Information management
Investment in SCADA and DMS systems
Installation of 3-phase and one-phase electronic metres
Risk management
Identification of key risks to cables
Damage by other parties (installation companies, plumbing, telecommunication, etc.)
Low competence of personnel attending faults
Severe weather conditions (storms, floods, high humidity, overheating, etc.)
Physical failure of assets
Source: Presentation titled, Presentation-EVN-SPC-MEA Bangkok. Presented in Dec 2012 at Bangkok.
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
110 kV line: 4,000 km
110 kV Substations: 145 nos. (7,600 MVA)
22/12.7 kV line: 54,000 km
220/380 V line: 69,500 km
Substations: 110,000 nos. (17,000 MVA)
22 kV underground cable: 650 km
Power loss: 5.75%
Total assets: THB 138,641 million
Load factor: 66.89%
SAIFI (times/customer/year): 2.79
SAIDI (minutes/customer/year): 62.07
System energy loss: 3.44%
Double bus for 69 kV and 115 kV Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS), and single bus tie
for 12 kV and 24 kV GIS
Overload Tap Changer (OLTC) with oil filter
Partition power transformer bank and install fire extinguishing system
Periodic testing of protection relays and alarm system
Power transformer oil filtration
Clean OLTC contacts
Measure contact resistance and operating time of circuit breaker
Multi-dividing, multi-connecting configuration
Reduce length of lines
Replace pin type insulator with pin-post type
Tree pruning
Line patrolling with thermal scanner and binoculars
Partial Discharge (PD) detection using ultrasonic tester or corona camera
Online monitoring of transformer load current
Prevent interruptions to live parts by animals
Availability of outage restoration crew
Transformer management
Inspection and testing at manufacturers works
Thorough checking of installation
Compliance with recommended commissioning procedures and tests
Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA)
Vacuum drying
Cleaning of fins
Periodic testing of oil
Test and calibrate relays
Install surge arresters
Checking harmonics and install harmonic filters
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
115 transmission line: 10,228 cct-km
33 kV distribution line: 35,351 cct-km
22 kV distribution line: 232,613 cct-km
Distribution transformers: 254,466 units
MV load break switch: 33,772 units
Pole-mounted CB (ACR): 2,679 units
Net assets: USD 8,874 million
Energy losses: 4.91%
SAIFI (times/customer/year): 8.85
SAIDI (minutes/customer/year): 350.06 minutes
Income: USD 9,801 million
CAPEX: USD 520.49 million
OPEX: USD 1,249.25 million
Corrective (planned and unplanned)
Preventive (time-based and condition based)
Cables: Off-line partial discharge mapping, Tan Delta measurement
Distribution transformers: Insulation resistance/PI measurement, oil dielectric test, Tan
Delta measurement
Tests/test equipment for condition monitoring activities
Infrared camera (losses of connection, overload)
Ultrasound (partial discharge, arching, tracking)
Corona viewer (corona discharge, partial discharge)
Source: Presentation titled, Asset Management in Provincial Electricity Authority, Thailand.
Source: Presentation titled, PEAs Asset Management dated Dec 2012.
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Other activities
Tacking of equipment age
Replacement plans for Automatic Circuit Recloser, MV Load Break Switches
Areas for improvement/challenges/potential risks
Equipment replacement / rotation plan
Performance-based procurement
Greater focus on condition- and reliability-based maintenance
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Challenges faced by utilities on their way to higher levels of maturity in asset management
Three-phase roadmap for asset management journey
Several tactical and strategic steps that can be implemented in the short and medium term
Key characteristics of an asset management programme
Strategic misalignment: Their business strategy and KPIs may not be aligned with the current
asset management practices.
Knowledge and competencies: Asset management is still a new field of knowledge for many
employees and managers, and required knowledge about the key asset management principles,
processes, tools, risk management practices needs to be imparted throughout the organisation.
Culture, change, mindset: Typically, utilities adopt a culture of stable operations where the
focus is more on somehow keeping the costs below the revenues and avoiding risks at all costs.
Normally, customer focus is not a priority. Executing change of this kind of culture is a major
a challenge.
Processes and methodologies: Asset management requires strong risk and life cycle based
processes, which is not the case for many utilities.
Data management and IT: Owing to lack of investment in IT infrastructure, utilities often
operate with non-integrated systems, insufficient data gathering and analysis, and inadequate
reporting systems.
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
2 Four-phase roadmap
Recognising that adopting asset management on a bigger scale would involve a number of changes
all across the organisation, which can be unmanageable and disruptive, LMS utilities can adopt a
four-phase roadmap as described below:
Phase 1
The focus of the first phase is to make a strategic alignment with the asset management framework
and principles by adopting the following changes:
Grow competencies: Promote awareness of asset management through structured learning and
training on asset management all across the organisation.
Change: Top management should make a case for change towards new asset management
Modify organisational structure: Review the existing organisation structure and modify to
align with the three-part structure comprising Asset Owner, Asset Manager and Asset Service
Provider (as described in Chapter 4).
Realign KPIs: Move away from over emphasis on one particular parameter (say, reliability or
cost) and adjust KPIs to balance the focus on all three key parameters: Cost, performance and
Phase 2
Create asset registry: Availability of accurate asset informationage, performance, condition,
etc.is the key to effective asset management.
Develop risk management processes: Develop tools, processes and systems for risk management
across the complete life cycle of assets.
Develop life cycle management practices: Develop and adopt tools and processes for life cycle
management of all assets.
Performance management: Develop performance management processes to measure outcomes
(e.g., safety performance, reliability, return on assets, etc.)
Phase 3
In phase 3, the utility should be ready for a complete gap assessment.
Phase 4
Review and continual improvement
Raising all round awareness about the necessity, benefits and principles of asset management
should be the top priority.
Making this guidebook widely available within the organisation (and if required,
translating it in the local language)
Sending employees to seminars and conferences on asset management
Holding internal presentations and discussions on asset management
Translating PAS 55 and ISO 55000 into familiar languages and making it easily accessible
Encouraging employees to get certified by the Institute of Asset Management (IAM)
Creating an asset management knowledge centre to store all the related articles, case
studies, specifications, etc. at one place
Inviting professionals from other utilities where an asset management programme is
already functioning successfully to share their experiences
Inviting consultants who advise on asset management to share their expertise
What do we own?
Where are our assets?
What are their key details?
Whats the condition of assets?
Whats the remaining life of assets?
Whats the value of assets?
Considering above challenges it may not be possible to build the most complete,
accurate and updated inventory of assets in the first attempt, but it is important to
start this process and follow up with improvements over time.
Lot number
Year of installation and commissioning
The condition depends not only on the age of assets, but also on how these are
operated and maintained. The assessment of assets condition can be done using
historical records, empirical data, visual inspections, tests, etc.
The tools available for creating an asset registry vary from handwritten records to
standard spread sheet software to commercially available asset management software.
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An online asset registry that is accessible to all concerned personnel is a huge step
forward in the journey of asset management.
Defining precise target performance levels would help to focus efforts in the right areas. In
addition, KPIs should be selected to measure, monitor and control the performance. These
KPIs could include, indices like SAIFI, SAIDI and ROA.
Finally, utilities can benchmark their current performance levels against the targets as well as
against the other utilities in the ASEAN region and Asia.
Utilities lacking an established risk assessment framework, can use the following process for
creating a suitable framework (See Fig. 8.1)
Design risk
Mandate and commitment: The very first step is to secure mandate from the top
management. To be sustainable, it should be mandated from the Board (or equivalent),
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implemented by senior management and supported by all levels of management and risk
Design of framework for managing risk: Risk management processes must be well
designed to support effective implementation.
Implementing risk management: Implementation is about following the agreed
processes in daily operations. Necessary training should be given to all staff before
Monitoring and review: An important step, risk management practices should be
subjected to periodic monitoring and review to confirm compliance with agreed
Continual improvement: Continuing to tweak and enhance key elements of the
risk management framework to progress towards a more mature risk management
The best practices for criticality analysis include conducting failure mode analysis, determining
probability of failure and consequences and listing assets according degree of criticality.
Gas analysis
An organisation seeking to implement the full framework of asset management system and
derive its maximum benefits should ultimate aim for a certification against PAS 55. The
process of certification, however, starts with a proper gap analysis against each of the specific
requirements of PAS 55. The review would provide a clear picture (see Fig. 8.2) of the gaps
in the existing asset management system. These gaps then become the basis of further work
(e.g., new processes, more comprehensive information system, etc.) before attempting full
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Seeking PAS / ISO certification is a big project that would require establishing clear objectives,
plans and responsibilities. Putting in place an appropriate project structure is important to
ensure that peoples day-to-day activities align with the overall goal of certification and
effective asset management.
Its important to remember that compliance against PAS 55-1 represents not the end of the
journey of an asset management programme; its a significant milestone in a journey that
should continue further on the path of continual improvement.
Asset Management is a top-driven initiative but it involves almost every employee within an
organisation. The top leader of the organisation (CEO) should champion the cause or rationale for
asset management.
The reliability of supply is the ability of the distribution company to meet customers demand
for power without an interruption. In addition, it also implies the ability to restore power
quickly via alternative supply options in case an interruption does happen. The two common
measurements of the reliability are SAIDI (System Average Interruption Duration Index) and
SAIFI (System Average Interruption Frequency Index).
To ensure reliability, system operators monitor and control the power network in real-time
through a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. SCADA collects real-
time system data from Remote Terminal Units (RTUs), which are installed throughout the
power system. The system data are stored in the Distribution Management System (DMS),
which enables operators to track and manages loads, maintain voltage profiles and maximise
the efficiency of the distribution system. Large-scale distribution networks also use
Geographic Information System (GIS), which stores spatial information about a utilitys assets
(locational information for switches, relays, transformers, poles, cables, etc.). In addition,
utilities maintain customer information database that includes information on demand
type, outage information and customer complaints, which all help in making optimum asset
management decisions.
Power distribution utilities employ a combination of the following three types of maintenance
Paper titled Electric Power Distribution Asset Management by Osman Bulent Tor and Mohammad Shahidehpour
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To further optimise the cost of maintenance (and also cost of interruptions), distribution
utilities are moving beyond preventive maintenances, which fails to explicitly consider the
probability and consequences of a failure. For example, under CBM strategy, two identical
circuit breakers with the same physical and operational condition may receive the same
level of maintenance, even though one serves customers without an alternate supply, while
the other serves customers with an alternative source of supply. Predictive maintenance (or
Reliability-centred Maintenance, RCM) considers both the probability of equipment failure
and the system impact should a failure occur. The objective of RCM is to integrate all other
maintenance strategies and directs resources precisely to the critical points taking into
account the functional importance of the assets as well as their condition.
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Presentations [Title, presented by, date, location]
Process to Operate and Manage Hanoi Power Network, Ho Viet Thong, 27-28 June 2012, Thailand
Guidelines on Implementing Asset Management in Power Distribution Systems in ASEAN, Dr. Abu
Hanifah, 27-28 June 2012, Thailand
Hochiminh City Power Corporation, EVNHCMC, 27-28 June 2012, Thailand
Northern Power Corporation 6th LMS Harmonisation Forum, EVNNPC, 27-28 June 2012, Thailand
Managing T&D Assets to Enhance Business Performance 6th LMS Harmonisation Forum, EVNCPC,
27-28 June 2012, Thailand
Aging Transformers, Increasing Load: A Regional Approach to Managing Transformer Assets in LMS,
Mr. Surapon Soponkanaporn, 27 June 2012, Thailand
Policies and Best Practices for Utility on Distribution Asset Management in Japan, Kazuhiko Koeda,
27 June 2012, Thailand
Managing the Assets of Metropolitan Electricity Authority, Thailand, Dr. Asawin Rajakrom, 28 June
2012, Thailand
PEAs Asset Management, Mr. Somachai Songsiri, 27-28 June 2012, Thailand
Asset and Transmission System Operation and Maintenance Asset Management in EDC Cambodia,
Mr. Mak Thorn, 27-28 June 2012, Thailand
Asset Management in EDL Lao PDR, Mr. Vilakone Sengdara, 27-28 June 2012, Thailand
Implementing Risk-based Asset Strategy for Critical Network Assets, Hardanjit Singh Gosal,
September 2012, HCMC
Asset Management Transformation for ASEAN Utilities A Pragmatic Approach, Halim Osman,
September 2012, Ho Chi Minh City
Introducing Asset Management Best Practices to Power Distribution Utilities in Lower Mekong Sub-
region: A Case Study, Hardanjit Singh Gosal, 2013, Bali
PEA Asset Management, Kitti Leangkrua, Dec 2012, Thailand
Causes and Failure Rate of MEAs Distribution Transformer, Sompong Sitthichaiyanan, NA, Thailand
Asset Management Best Practices for LMS Utilities (EVN SPC), Tran Cong Dien, Dec 2012, Bangkok
LMS Harmonisation Phase 2 Study, MEA, Sept. 2013, Hanoi
MV Switchgear Maintenance, Hardanjit S. Gosal, ARSEPE 2008 Malaysia
Successful implementation of PAS 55 in SP AusNet, Richard Edwards (AMCL) and John Allen (SP
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Introduction to Network Asset Management Guidebook
Asset Management for Transmission and Distribution, Richard E. Brown & Bruce G. Humphrey, IEEE
Power & Energy Magazine
Asset Management: A Guide for Water and Wastewater Systems, New Mexico Environmental
Finance Centre
Asset Management: A Best Practices Guide, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Leveraging Network Utility Asset Management Practices for Regulatory Purposes, KEMA
Assessment of Asset Management Activities, LMS TWG # 4
Business Essentials for Utility Engineers, Richard E. Brown, CRC Press
Note on ISO 55000, John Woodhouse, The Woodhouse Partnership, 2013
Guidelines for Power Delivery Asset Management, EPRI, 2005
Notes from Underground Cable Fleet Management, Matthew Olearczyk et al., IEEE Power &
Energy Magazine, 2010
Asset Management Medium Voltage Switchgear, Amol S. Patharkar, CEEAMA publication
Effective Condition Assessment of Medium Voltage Switchgear, Maintenance and Asset
Management, Vol 27, no. 4
LMS publications
Distribution Transformer Handbook, 2009 Edition
Power Transformer Handbook, 2009 Edition
Power Cable Handbook, 2011 Edition
Power Cable Handbook Vol. 2, 2012 Edition
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