Guia de Formación SEL

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Guide 2015

SEL University
Power Through

It is hard to imagine what it would be like to live without electricity

or have unpredictable service as an everyday norm. We live in a
society that expects safe and reliable electric power, yet we are
facing a potential shortage of industry workforce expertise that
could jeopardize the integrity of the power system. Today, as
an industry, we are challenged to find qualified personnel who
understand the design, operation, and maintenance of electric
power systems. Organizations that are short on experienced staff
and do not have formal training programs need application-based
training. SEL University steps up to meet our industry demands
by offering training for power professionals concerned with
protection, control, automation, monitoring, communications,
metering, and management of utility and industrial electric power
systems. To date, over 21,000 technicians, engineers, power system
specialists, and managers have participated in SEL Universitys
wide range of courses specific to the power industry. We look
forward to assisting you with all of your training needs.

Jackie Peer

Director of SEL University


SELU addresses the urgent need for power industry workforce

training with the comprehensive family of courses described in
this catalog. These courses are taught by the best instructors in
the industry. Their impressive knowledge is matched only by their
enthusiasm for education.
SELU instructors understand that electric power systems
have changed significantly over the past two or three decades
and operate closer to security limits. Generation is becoming
distributed, variable, and more difficult to dispatch. The power grid
infrastructure is aging, and there is a growing demand for personnel
equipped with mixed skills to support modern power systems.
In addition, the electric power industry is facing the challenge of an
aging workforce. The loss of this historical knowledge jeopardizes
the ability to maintain reliable electric service. Finally, the number of
engineering graduates and skilled workers entering the workforce
may not be enough to replace the imminent number of retirements.
As dean of SELU and on behalf of our instructors, we look forward to
meeting your workforce training needs.

Dr. Hctor J. Altuve

Dean of SEL University

Table of Contents


About SEL University.....................................6

Course Formats.............................................8
Training Programs.........................................9
Course Structure.........................................10

Technician Program....................................59
Engineer Program.......................................59

Fundamentals Courses...............................12
Application Courses....................................22
Testing Courses...........................................38
System Courses...........................................42
Computer-Based Training (CBT) 46
Web-Based Training (WBT).........................52

Classroom-Based Training
Regularly Scheduled Courses.....................56
On-Demand Courses...................................56

Information and Policies

Course Information.....................................64
Course Policies............................................66

Modern Solutions Books.............................68
Stanley Zocholl Books.................................70

Course Index
Course Index................................................71

About SEL University

Our Mission

We provide the education and training needed to make electric

power safer, more reliable, and more economical.

What We Offer

SEL University (SELU) is committed to helping you meet

your power system training needs by providing training with
unprecedented quality, depth, and value. SELU develops
programs to help you seamlessly integrate digital technologies
into your expanding power system infrastructure.
SELU training is for engineers and technicians working in
power system protection, control, monitoring, communications,
regulation, planning, design, operation, maintenance, and
management. SELU training is suitable for personnel of electric
utilities, consulting firms, and industrial companies.

IACET Authorized Provider

SELU has been accredited as an Authorized Provider by the

International Association for Continuing Education and Training
(IACET). In obtaining this accreditation, SELU has demonstrated
that it complies with the ANSI/IACET Standard which is recognized
internationally as a standard of good practice. As a result of their
Authorized Provider status, SELU is authorized to offer IACET CEUs
for its programs that qualify under the ANSI/IACET Standard.

Course Formats
Classroom-Based Training


Regularly Scheduled Courses

SEL University offers two types of eLearning to best meet your needs.

Choose from over 60 existing course offerings in multiple

convenient locations in cities around the world

Computer-Based Training (CBT)

Network with other industry professionals

Take advantage of hands-on training options, and confer with
experts about your application

On-Demand Training
SEL University brings the equipment, course materials, and
instructoryou supply the training room
Choose a standard course or a tailored option to meet your needs
Dramatically reduce travel expenses and train more employees
at one time
SEL University offers training in 70 countries with over
330 locations and growing

CBT courses serve as self-paced training for both individuals

and companies.
Complete courses at your own pace
Access learning content online or download it to your device
Employ mySELU to view eLearning completion status

Web-Based Training (WBT)

WBT courses provide live, instructor-led training delivered over

the web via Adobe Connect. This allows the student to attend
instructor-led training conveniently, without leaving the office.
Maximize your training budget
Learn anywhere that has an Internet connection
Request training on demand

Training Programs
Many SEL University courses are organized into programs
consisting of one or more tracks. Program tracks are a
recommended sequence for engineers, technicians, and managers
concerned with protection, control, monitoring, and management
of utility and industrial electric power systems. Each program
track begins with power system and protection fundamentals
courses and advances into elective application or testing courses,
depending on the track of your choice.

Engineer Program
The SEL University Protection Program for Engineers consists
of multiple tracks. These tracks are for individuals who want to
specialize in a specific area of protection.

Technician Program
The SEL University Protection Program for Technicians is
designed for those involved in setting, testing, and troubleshooting
protective relays.

Course Structure
Course Identifiers
PWRS: Power system courses provide a refresher on power system
modeling, analysis, and operation for electrical engineers.
PROT: Protection courses teach technicians and engineers power
system protection principles and application.
COM: Communications courses teach technicians and engineers
introductory and advanced networking, cybersecurity, and data
communication troubleshooting principles and best practices.
APP: Application courses build on the skills obtained in
fundamentals courses and provide both technicians and engineers
with hands-on settings experience.
TST: Testing courses put into practice the skills obtained in
technician fundamentals courses and provide technicians with
hands-on relay testing and troubleshooting experience.
SYS: Systems courses build on the skills obtained in application
and fundamentals courses and provide technicians and engineers
with advanced hands-on integration and design experience.



Fundamentals Courses
Fundamentals courses provide students with a conceptual
introduction to power industry theories, terminology, regulations
and standards, and best practices. Fundamentals courses provide
students with the information they need to make informed
decisions when planning and designing a protection, control,
monitoring, or communications system.
These courses teach fundamental knowledge where hands-on
experience with SEL relays is provided and are recommended
prerequisites for application (APP) and systems (SYS) courses.


PWRS 400
Power System
Fundamentals for
4-day course
2.8 CEUs available

Describe the structure of modern power systems (generation, transmission, subtransmission, distribution,
and consumption)
Describe the basic principles of operation: voltage and frequency control, real and reactive power flow control,
economic operation, and steady-state and transient stability
Describe modeling of different power system components
Perform power flow and fault analysis of a complex power system using computer models
Describe the method of symmetrical components and the sequence network interconnections to study series
and shunt unbalanced faults
Calculate the state of different power system components
Create conceptual designs and improvements of power systems that satisfy the basic principles of operation


PROT 300

Define phasors and perform phasor operations

Components: Theory
and Application

Define and identify advantages of the per-unit system

Convert systems into per-unit quantities

3-day course

Simplify complex circuits using a Thvenin equivalent circuit

2.1 CEUs available

Identify the zero-, positive-, and negative-sequence components

Define fault types

Convert between phase and symmetrical component values

Calculate symmetrical components for nontraditional fault types and phase rotations
Determine sequence impedances for transformers, generators, and transmission lines
Connect sequence networks and calculate fault currents for various shunt and series fault types
Analyze various types of faults using symmetrical components and real event reports
Analyze how a delta-wye transformers phase shift is represented in the symmetrical component networks
Analyze and apply symmetrical components provided by the relay to determine fault type and location


PROT 301

Explain the importance of symmetrical components in analyzing power systems

Protecting Power
Systems for

Identify the types of protection schemes used for various applications

Define distribution and transmission line protection principles

3-day course
2.1 CEUs available

Use metering and event reporting functions from modern protective relays to monitor protection
system performance

PROT 401

Identify the challenges and solutions to power system protection problems

Protecting Power
Systems for

Select the appropriate protection schemes for various applications

Analyze power system faults for balanced and unbalanced conditions using symmetrical components

5-day course

Analyze signal processing in microprocessor-based relays

3.5 CEUs available

Identify, apply, and calculate settings for distribution and transmission line protection schemes, including
overcurrent, directional overcurrent, distance, and pilot protection schemes

Describe how differential, overcurrent, and mechanical methods are used to protect power transformers

Describe current and voltage transformers and their impact on protection scheme performance

Identify, apply, and calculate settings for transformer, bus, and breaker failure protection schemes
Identify, apply, and calculate settings for generator and motor protection schemes
Identify and apply wide-area protection schemes, such as power swing blocking, out-of-step tripping,
and load shedding

PROT 403

Describe the protection requirements of modern distribution systems

Distribution System

Identify and select distribution system protective devices

Select and calculate the settings of distribution system overcurrent protective devices

3-day course

Apply negative-sequence overcurrent protection in distribution systems

2.1 CEUs available

Select protection schemes for distribution substation equipment, including power transformers and
low-voltage buses

PROT 401


Identify protection practices and regulations of distribution systems with dispersed generation

PROT 405

Describe the protection requirements of industrial medium-voltage power systems

Industrial Power
System Protection

Calculate settings for thermal and overcurrent protection for medium-size induction motors
Determine the protection schemes and settings for medium-size transformers

4-day course

Apply overcurrent protection and relay coordination concepts to medium-voltage radial overhead and
underground lines

2.8 CEUs available

PROT 401

PROT 407
Transmission Line
3-day course

Implement modern protection systems for industrial generators

Describe the protection requirements of modern power transmission lines

Identify protection and fault location methods to apply in modern transmission lines
Identify the strengths and limitations of available tools to protect transmission lines against phase-to-phase
and phase-to-ground faults

2.1 CEUs available

Define and address protection problems for high-voltage transmission lines

PROT 401

Select the best pilot protection schemes for transmission lines

Implement modern directional and distance elements into existing protection

Implement directional comparison pilot and line differential protection schemes
Explain the effects of reclosing (three-pole and single-pole) and breaker failure protection to preserve the
stability of high-voltage transmission systems


PROT 409

Identify the protection requirements of synchronous generators

Generation System

Apply generation system protection principles

Identify and select appropriate protection schemes for various generator applications

3-day course

Determine settings for system backup using phase distance and overcurrent elements

2.1 CEUs available

Apply high- and low-impedance neutral grounding techniques

PROT 401

Calculate settings for critical generator protection elements, including:

Differential and ground fault
Out-of-step protection elements
Loss-of-field, overexcitation, and overvoltage

PROT 411

Describe the protection requirements of power transformers and buses

3-day course

Define bus protection problems and identify solutions for digital relays

2.1 CEUs available

Calculate relay settings for transformer and bus protection relays

Specify current transformers for protective relay applications

Equipment Protection Define transformer protection issues and identify solutions using digital relays

PROT 401


PROT 413

Review electromechanical characteristics of synchronous generators

Generation Station

Review symmetrical components concepts applied to balanced and unbalanced electrical fault analysis
Explore power plant arrangements and methods for generator grounding

4.5-day course

Review protection fundamentals, such as primary and backup concepts, description of protection system
elements, and digital relay architecture

3.2 CEUs available

Review current and voltage transformers and their impact on protection scheme performance
Review generator stator phase and ground fault protection schemes
Review generator rotor ground fault protection schemes
Review generator abnormal operation protection schemes, including, but not limited to, thermal, current
unbalance, loss of excitation, out of step, and overexcitation
Discuss common power system protection issues at power plants
Discuss the importance of generator 100% stator ground fault protection
Discuss the challenges in detecting simultaneous unbalance faults, such as an open-phase conductor
touching the ground
Discuss bus protection concepts and analyze bus protection schemes
Discuss transformer protection challenges, concepts, and schemes
Review motor thermal and short-circuit protection principles
Review protective relaying schemes applied to plant auxiliary systems


COM 201

Apply the basics of SONET-based communications technologies to a network design

and TDM

Identify the principles of fiber-optic-based transmission and media

Identify multiplexing considerations and applications

1-day course

Design a multinode SONET-based network

0.7 CEUs available

Assign network traffic based on circuit requirements

COM 203

Identify modern cybersecurity architectures and strategies

SEL Cybersecurity
Best Practices
for Critical
1-day course
0.7 CEUs available

Describe the fundamentals and importance of time-division multiplexing

Identify firewall principles and best practices

Identify methods to secure Ethernet communications protocols
Identify network and enterprise authentication methods
Define regulatory and operational controls needed for secure operation
Identify the goals of cryptography
Differentiate between symmetric and asymmetric algorithms
Define the components required for central authentication


COM 401
Coming Soon
4-day course
2.8 CEUs available

Define the purpose of system integration and communications-assisted applications

Describe intelligent electronic device (IED) data contents, data integration, and data consumers
Identify device communications methods and topologies
Define common communications protocols, including IEC 61850, Modbus, and DNP3
Distinguish between serial and Ethernet networks
Identify SEL best practices in configuring device communications
Identify the advantages of networking multiple IEDs together


Application Courses
SEL University application (APP) courses provide the skills
you need to apply SEL products in cost-effective power system
protection solutions. You will learn how to use advanced features
effectively to get the most from your products and systems.
Application courses build on fundamentals courses and apply
foundational skills in a hands-on setting, using SEL equipment.


APP 87

Explain the application considerations of differential protection

Apply internal or external phase shift and zero-sequence compensation using two different setting methods
SEL-387 and
in both relays
SEL-587 PercentageRestrained
Use SELogic control equations to customize the relay logic to meet your application requirements
Differential Relays
Analyze Sequential Events Recorder (SER) reports and generate COMTRADE files from event reports
2-day course
Explain testing considerations
1.4 CEUs available
CBT 101

APP 101

Describe digital relay protection and operating methods

Introduction to
SEL Relays

Send and receive relay settings using acSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030 Software

1- or 2-day course
0.7 or 1.4 CEUs

Communicate with the SEL-351S Relay via the front-panel human-machine interface (HMI) and pushbuttons
Optional Day 2
Identify SEL-351S Relay product features
Apply effective protection and coordination settings for an example distribution system
Perform tests to verify relay protection element operation
Identify basic protection requirements for power systems


APP 300G

Apply the SEL-300G Relay protection, monitoring, and control features

Generator Relay

Communicate with the relay through front-panel controls and serial ports
Calculate and enter settings for the relay

2-day course

Determine data requirements for relay settings and resistance temperature detectors (RTDs)

1.4 CEUs available

Retrieve data from the relay using HyperTerminal

CBT 101

Analyze fault records and relay element response using acSELerator Analytic Assistant SEL-5601 Software
and other software programs
Analyze Sequential Events Recorder (SER) reports

APP 311L

Calculate and apply settings for line current differential protection

Set the SEL-311L Relay using HyperTerminal and acSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030 Software
Use SELogic control equations to customize the relay logic
Apply backup protection, reclosing, and synchronism-check features of the SEL-311L Relay

Line Current
Differential Relay
2-day course
1.4 CEUs available
CBT 101

Analyze Sequential Events Recorder (SER) reports

Implement relay-to-relay logic communications via the Mirrored Bits communications protocol

APP 351
Protection System
2-day course

Apply the SEL-351S Relay protection, monitoring, and control features

Communicate with the relay through the front panel and serial port
Use acSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030 Software to apply relay settings, program SELogic control equations,
and analyze fault records and relay element response

1.4 CEUs available

Analyze Sequential Events Recorder (SER) reports

CBT 101

Identify multiple applications for the SEL-351 Relay family

Implement relay-to-relay logic communications via the Mirrored Bits communications protocol
Differentiate between SEL-351, SEL-351A, and SEL-351S Relay features

APP 351R
Recloser Control
2-day course
1.4 CEUs available
CBT 101

Describe how to upgrade existing substation and pole-mounted recloser controls

Communicate with the recloser control through front-panel and serial port interfaces
Use acSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030 Software to apply EZ settings, program SELogic control equations, and
analyze event reports
Discuss relay-to-relay logic communications via Mirrored Bits communications protocol
Coordinate with upstream feeder relays for high-speed fault clearing on distribution circuits
Apply high-side transformer blown fuse detection logic to protect customers from potentially damaging
unbalanced voltages
Use the fault detection capability to identify feeder trouble points


APP 351R/651R

Describe how to upgrade existing substation and pole-mounted recloser controls

Communicate with the recloser control through front-panel and serial port interfaces
Use acSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030 Software to apply EZ settings, program SELogic control equations, and
analyze event reports
Discuss relay-to-relay logic communications via Mirrored Bits communications protocol
Coordinate with upstream feeder relays for high-speed fault clearing on distribution circuits
Apply high-side transformer blown fuse detection logic to protect customers from potentially damaging
unbalanced voltages

SEL-351R and
SEL-651R Recloser
3-day course
2.1 CEUs available
CBT 101


Use the fault detection capability to identify feeder trouble points

Apply settings to implement Automatic Network Reconfiguration (ANR)
Determine several protection methods based on course application examples
Create and use acSELerator QuickSet application designs
Enable and disable protection features and settings in application designs
Apply SEL-351R EZ settings application design

APP 411L
SEL-411L Advanced
Line Differential
Automation, and
Control System
2-day course
1.4 CEUs available
CBT 101

APP 421
SEL-421 Protection,
Automation, and
Control System
3-day course
2.1 CEUs available
CBT 101

Navigate acSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030 Software

Identify settings calculation formulas and terminology for 87L applications
Determine effective line differential protection settings for example systems
Configure 87L for serial and Ethernet applications
Create SEL-411L Relay logic equations for 87L protection functions
Monitor system performance with real-time metering using human-machine interface (HMI) tools
Test 87L protection schemes and verify proper relay operation
Retrieve and analyze events using COMTRADE files and the Sequential Events Recorder (SER)
Configure traveling wave fault location

Apply the SEL-421 Relay protection, monitoring, metering, and control features, including current and voltage
selection logic
Use SELogic control equations with math and comparison variables in the independent protection and
automation areas
Apply relay settings, program SELogic control equations, and analyze fault records and relay element
responses using acSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030 Software
Analyze Sequential Events Recorder (SER) reports and use COMTRADE files
Implement relay-to-relay logic via Mirrored Bits communications
Map and retrieve critical analog and digital information in DNP3 Level 2
Select the appropriate Enable Source Selection (ESS) setting for required applications
Communicate with the relay via the front-panel HMI interfaces, including pushbuttons and associated LEDs,
display points, targeting LEDs, and front-panel metering

APP 451
SEL-451 Protection,
Automation, and Bay
Control System
2- or 3-day course
1.4 or 2.1 CEUs

Identify the features, functions, and applications of the SEL-451 Relay, including high-speed
Ethernet capabilities
Communicate with the relay HMI interface, including pushbuttons, display points, targeting LEDs, and
front-panel metering
Use acSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030 Software to apply relay settings, program SELogic control
equations, and test protection operations
Apply the SEL-451 Relay protection, monitoring, metering, and control features, including current and
voltage selection logic
Use the relays bay control features and applications
Implement relay-to-relay logic via Mirrored Bits communications
Retrieve event reports, COMTRADE files, and Sequential Events Recorder (SER) reports for analysis
Optional Day 3:
Identify switch-on-to-fault protection schemes
Explain the relays fault type identification selection logic
Set the relays directional elements
Apply settings for high-impedance fault detection using Arc Sense technology (AST)
Determine autoreclosing protection settings


APP 487B

Determine bus classifications and interpret station diagrams

Establish a bus protection philosophy
Describe differential bus protection schemes, principles, and performance standards
Determine input information needed for protection zone selection

SEL-487B Bus
Protection Relay
2-day course
1.4 CEUs available

Assign relay inputs using SELogic control equations and alias names
Develop settings for different busbar configurations
Program front-panel LEDs to indicate latch bit status
Access the relay status and event history for multiple relays

CBT 101

APP 487E

Set the SEL-487E differential element for a variety of transformer types and applications

Protection Relay

Set restricted earth fault (REF), overcurrent, and volts/hertz elements to protect the transformer

3-day course

Calculate test quantities, simulate fault conditions, and verify protection settings

2.1 CEUs available

Use Commissioning Assistant software to simplify installation and testing

CBT 101

Use SEL event analysis tools to retrieve and analyze event records captured by the SEL-487E Relay

Use acSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030 Software to manage settings, control operations, and monitor
transformer performance

Monitor an in-service transformer, using Sequential Events Recorder (SER), thermal, and through-fault monitors


APP 487V

Navigate acSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030 Software and settings tools

SEL-487V Capacitor
Protection and
Control System

Calculate system and data settings for example cap bank nameplates

2-day course

Test SEL-487V differential and unbalance tripping operations

1.4 CEUs available

Isolate location of faulted phase and section

CBT 101

Monitor voltage sag and swell conditions

Enable grounded-wye or ungrounded capacitor bank applications

Determine settings for 60P and 60N current unbalance protection

Set up switching and automatic control of capacitor bank operations

Configure synchrophasor real-time control applications

APP 651R

Upgrade existing substation and pole-mounted recloser controls

SEL-651R Advanced
Recloser Control

Communicate with the recloser control through the front-panel and serial port interfaces
Apply settings to implement Automatic Network Reconfiguration (ANR)

2-day course

Determine several protection methods based on course application examples

1.4 CEUs available

Create and use acSELerator QuickSet application designs

CBT 101


Enable and disable protection features and settings in application designs

Apply SEL-651R EZ settings application design

APP 700G

Use acSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030 Software to read and send settings to the relay

SEL-700G Generator
Protection Relay

Enter system and generator data into configuration software

2-day course

Determine effective settings for differential, current unbalance, overexcitation, and loss-of-field protection

1.4 CEUs available

Protect small generators and large (387 MVA, 22 kV) unit-connected generation systems

CBT 101

Synchronize generator-breaker close operations

Set two-zone stator and field (rotor) ground detection schemes

Verify relay tripping and protection for various faults and abnormal conditions
Apply IEEE standards and formulas to determine a range of protection settings

APP 710

Enter nameplate data with acSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030 Software

Communicate with the relay front-panel and serial port interfaces
Calculate and apply settings for the thermal model and thermal overload protection element
Determine motor relay settings to meet varied motor protection requirements and to maximize motor
performance and safety

SEL-710 Motor
Protection Relay

Retrieve and analyze motor trend reports, start reports, and event reports
Apply methods learned in class to troubleshoot and commission motor protection

2-day course
1.4 CEUs available
CBT 101

APP 735

Communicate with the meter through the front-panel and serial port interfaces
Recognize basic metering terms, such as meter forms and elements
Set the meter using acSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030 Software
Determine meter functions and settings to meet system monitoring requirements

SEL-735 and
SEL-734 Power
Quality and
Revenue Meters

Monitor power quality

2-day course
1.4 CEUs available

APP 751

Determine and enter phase, ground, and neutral overcurrent settings for an example application

SEL-751/A Feeder
Protection Relays

Implement a secure arc-flash detection system

Use acSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030 Software to read and send settings to an SEL relay

1.4 CEUs available

Apply under- and overvoltage, under- and overfrequency, synchronism-check, and breaker failure
protection schemes

CBT 751A

Create customized SELogic protection functions and display points

2-day course

Implement resistance temperature detector (RTD)-based protection for thermal monitoring and tripping
Determine reclosing settings for utility feeders
Retrieve and analyze event data
Implement relay-to-relay communications using the Mirrored Bits communications protocol


APP 787

Use acSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030 Software to read and send settings to the relay

Protection Relay

Determine system and transformer winding data and configuration settings

2-day course

Determine settings for through-fault protection and monitoring

1.4 CEUs available

Apply effective protection for REF, overexcitation, undervoltage, and underfrequency protection

CBT 101

Use the SEL-787 Relay to test settings during event simulations

Calculate CT compensation, operate and restraint, and harmonic blocking settings

Test high- and low-voltage CT configuration settings using Commissioning Assistant software


APP 849

Communicate with the relay via the web server

Determine required settings for the example motor control center application
Apply thermal overload protection settings
Apply arc-flash and current unbalance protection to maximize motor performance and safety
Monitor and analyze motor performance, starting reports, and event reports

SEL-849 Motor
Management Relay

Install, set, and commission motor protection

1-day course
0.7 CEUs available

APP 2032

Integrate SEL and non-SEL IEDs using communications processor settings and database functions


Identify and use settings classes of the communications processor for data acquisition, control, and
automatic notification with SEL and non-SEL IEDs
Recognize and configure multitier applications

3-day course

Identify DNP3 Level 2 and Modbus protocols and application settings

2.1 CEUs available

Set the SEL-2701 Ethernet Processor to function in an Ethernet network


APP 2240
SEL-2240 Axion
Distributed Control
and Integration

The SEL-3530 RTAC can operate as the CPU for an SEL Axion platform; thus, there is a high degree
of overlap in course objectives and material with APP 3530.
Describe the expectations of modern integrated protection and control systems
Describe system applications
Configure the web interface for reading status and alarm logs from the RTAC

3-day course

Efficiently manage the RTAC settings and database for common integration needs

2.1 CEUs available

Identify and properly configure DNP3, SEL, and Modbus protocols application settings
Establish transparent communications to connected IEDs
Create advanced logic processing functions with the IEC 61131-3 programming language
Manage security and logic settings for NERC CIP requirements
Configure the human-machine interface (HMI) for status and control

APP 3530

Describe the expectations of modern integrated protection and control systems

SEL-3530 RealTime Automation

Controller (RTAC)

Describe system applications

Configure the web interface for reading status and alarm logs from the RTAC

3-day course

Identify and properly configure DNP3, SEL, and Modbus protocols application settings

2.1 CEUs available

Establish transparent communications to connected IEDs

Efficiently manage the RTAC settings and database for common integration needs

Create advanced logic processing functions with the IEC 61131-3 programming language
Manage security and logic settings for NERC CIP requirements
Configure the human-machine interface (HMI) for status and control


APP 3620

Describe the security expectations of modern integrated protection and control systems
Identify the SEL-3620 feature set and role within the defense-in-depth strategy

Configure local and network security

Cybersecurity Using Commission the SEL-3620 using the web interface
the Ethernet Security Create user accounts for authenticated privileges
Configure syslog event collection in the SEL-3620
2-day course
Configure secure communications using certificates and IPsec
1.4 CEUs available
Create firewall rules to filter transgressing packets
Configure event collection and logging
COM 203
Configure secure communications at the device level
Use the SEL-3620 for device management
Access devices through the SEL-3620
Use the SEL-3620 for password management


SEL ICON Integrated
Optical Network

Identify the major features and functions of the SEL ICON

Set up a node in the SEL-5051 Network Management System (HMI software)
Configure, test, commission, and troubleshoot the following communications circuits for an OC-48 ring
network using SEL-5051 Software:

2-day course


4-Wire E&M

10 Mb Ethernet

1.4 CEUs available

IEEE C37.94


100 Mb Ethernet

COM 201

Transfer Trip

Asynchronous DS1

DS0 Grooming

DS1 Synchronous

Configure GPS time source inputs for SONET frequency (SSM timing) and distributed time-of-day synchronization
Configure security parameters in the SEL ICON to help meet NERC CIP requirements
Perform commissioning testing to validate alarming and switching between nodes and around the ring


Testing Courses
SEL University testing (TST) courses build on our fundamentals
courses. These are hands-on courses that cover relay setting,
testing, commissioning, and troubleshooting, which enables you
to test applied SEL products. Look through each description to
determine the right testing course for you.


TST 101
SEL Relay
Testing Basics
2-day course
1.4 CEUs available

Establish a serial communications link with an SEL relay using HyperTerminal and SEL software
Enter settings into an SEL relay
Equate Relay Word bits and SELogic control equations to traditional relay element outputs and discrete
contact logic
Test, commission, and troubleshoot using the metering, sequential events recording, and event reporting
features of SEL relays
Analyze information recorded by the relay using SEL software
Calculate relay test points to verify responses
Find information in SEL relay instruction manuals

TST 103
SEL Feeder
Relay Testing
3-day course
2.1 CEUs available
TST 101, CBT 101

Establish communications with an SEL relay using acSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030 Software
Enter settings into an SEL relay
Equate Relay Word bits and SELogic control equations to traditional relay element outputs and discrete
contact logic
Test, commission, and troubleshoot using metering, sequential events recording, and event reporting
features of SEL relays
Calculate relay test points based on relay settings
Analyze relay response with information recorded by the relay using SEL software
Find information in SEL relay instruction manuals
Understand differential relay concepts and determine appropriate test values


TST 107

Establish a serial communications link with an SEL relay using HyperTerminal and SEL software

SEL Transmission
Substation Relay

Enter settings into an SEL relay

3-day course
2.1 CEUs available

Test, commission, and troubleshoot using metering, sequential events recording, and event reporting
features of SEL relays

TST 101, CBT 101

Calculate relay test points to verify response

Equate Relay Word bits and SELogic control equations to traditional relay element outputs and discrete
contact logic

Analyze information recorded by the relay using SEL software

Find information in SEL relay instruction manuals
Understand differential relay concepts and determine appropriate test values

TST 700G

Test, commission, and troubleshoot SEL generator protection relays

2-day course

Interpret system one-line diagrams for common protection applications

1.4 CEUs available

Develop effective element testing procedures

CBT 101

Calculate relay test points

Establish communication with an SEL generator relay using SEL software

Testing SEL-700G
Generator Protection Equate Relay Word bits and SELogic control equations to traditional relay element outputs and contact
diagram logic

Apply current to validate element operation and time delays

Retrieve and analyze data recorded by SEL relays
Ensure relay settings are functioning correctly and protection schemes work



Systems Courses
SEL University systems (SYS) courses build upon the competencies
learned in the fundamentals courses. Systems courses provide
step-by-step, hands-on instruction using SEL product features and
help you configure system networks, implement a defense-in-depth
security posture, and visualize and act on system data in real time.


SYS 310

Identify common synchrophasor components, applications, and communications schemes

Identify the IEEE C37.118 standard and its communications requirements

Configure synchrophasor precise-time measurement using the SEL-2407 Satellite-Synchronized Clock
Configure phasor measurement units (SEL-421 Relays) using acSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030 Software
Control, and Analysis
Configure phasor data concentration and archiving using the SEL-5073 synchroWAVe Phasor Data
2-day course
Concentrator (PDC) Software
1.4 CEUs available
Configure custom IEC 61131-3 control logic for data output and control schemes using the SEL-3378
Synchrophasor Vector Processor
Configure SEL-5078-2 synchroWAVe Central Software for viewing both real-time and historical
synchrophasor data


SYS 403

Organize and configure all SEL intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) in a substation project

IEC 61850
Fundamentals and

Configure incoming and outgoing Generic Object-Oriented Substation Event (GOOSE) messages and
manufacturing message specifications (MMS) reports
Read IED Capability Description (ICD) and Configured IED Description (CID) files

3-day course

Determine available IEC 61850 messaging options

2.1 CEUs available

Load device settings and IEC 61850 CID files into SEL and non-SEL IEDs
Generate ICD files that will provide IED descriptions to support interoperability and interrogation functions
Understand GOOSE exchange among IEDs from multiple suppliers
Configure protection, logic, control, and communications settings
Troubleshoot GOOSE message quality and network communications


Configure an RTAC as a protocol gateway to convert MMS to a supervisory control and data acquisition
(SCADA) protocol

SYS 406

Identify the acSELerator Team services and features

SEL-5045 Software

Create a connection directory with several folders and devices

2-day course

Communicate with an SEL-3530 RTAC to collect Sequence of Events (SOE) data

1.4 CEUs available

Communicate with a metering device and collect load profile (LDP) data using Team LDP Excel templates


Communicate with a device, collect and organize events, and view them in a timeline

Communicate with a device for transmission fault location

Configure and integrate acSELerator Team Sync across a wide-area network
Troubleshoot Team


Computer-Based Training (CBT)

CBT courses are designed to be self-paced and enable both
technicians and engineers to learn about industry topics from
anywhere that has an Internet connection. You can also download
the CBT to your device. There are two different CBT license types:
corporate and single user. Corporate CBT licenses can be installed
on any corporate intranet or learning management system (LMS)
and can be accessed by an unlimited number of users for one year.
Single-user licenses allow one user to access the CBT using a
web connection.


CBT 101

Establish a serial communications link using HyperTerminal and acSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030 Software

Introduction to SEL

Explain common terms associated with SEL products

Identify front-panel controls and explain their functions

0.4 CEUs available

Retrieve and read data recorded by the relay

Explain SELogic control equation operator and variable/timer functions
Construct a control equation and scheme using SELogic operators to combine relay elements
Install and configure acSELerator Analytic Assistant SEL-5601 Software and SEL-5401 Software
Run a simple trip test using the SEL-4000 Relay Test System

CBT 102
Retrieving Event
Reports for
0.2 CEUs available

Describe the differences and functions of each event report type, including standard, raw, and compressed
event reports
Describe the Sequential Events Recorder (SER) and retrieve reports
Retrieve an event report using HyperTerminal, SEL-5010 Relay Assistant, and acSELerator QuickSet
SEL-5030 Software
Determine the appropriate type of event report required for various conditions and objectives
Gather the necessary information to download the appropriate event report


CBT 103
Analyzing Event
Reports for

Deduce causes for system faults based on available event report data and determine a solution using the
event report analysis process
Use acSELerator Analytic Assistant SEL-5601 Software to analyze event reports

0.2 CEUs available

Apply the event report analysis process to event data collected from a variety of SEL relays and for various
system faults

CBT 104

Analyze logic diagrams

Understanding SEL
Relay Logic

Associate Relay Word bits with specific protection elements

Visually identify SEL relay logic operator functions

0.4 CEUs available

Interpret logic using control scheme diagrams

Correlate logic with relay protection functions and settings
Navigate acSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030 Software
Enter logic settings and equations
Determine timing logic and settings
Develop logic testing methods
Diagnose problems using events and logic


CBT 351

Get a jump-start using the relay:

Configure rear-panel I/O and verify connections
Use front-panel pushbuttons and interpret target LEDs

Introduction to
SEL-351 Relays
0.4 CEUs available

Create a settings file

Set relay identifiers and security passwords
Enter protection settings:
Configure nominal voltage, CT, and VT ratio settings
Convert tap and time-dial settings to relay equivalents
Navigate settings menus in acSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030 Software
Apply undervoltage and underfrequency protection
Analyze relay logic and create SELogic control equations:
Identify logic operators and Relay Word bits
Convert logic diagrams to equations
Program customized trip and reclose logic equations
Create a cold-load pickup scheme
Send settings files to the relay
Retrieve and analyze event data
Analyze phasor data and much more


CBT 421

Implement a two-zone, stepped-distance protection scheme with single-breaker reclosing using

acSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030 Software

Introduction to
SEL-421 Relays

Apply high-speed, permissive tripping

0.4 CEUs available

Use enhanced SELogic to track Zone 2 distance element operations

Diagnose wiring issues based on metering data and verify connections
Communicate with the relay via the front panel and the human-machine interface (HMI), including
pushbuttons and associated LEDs, display points, targeting LEDs, and front-panel metering
Retrieve and interpret event report data

CBT 751A

Enter protection and logic settings using acSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030 Software
Apply neutral overcurrent protection settings
Implement a secure arc-flash detection system
Create a settings file and send settings to the relay
Retrieve event report data

Introduction to the
SEL-751A Feeder
Protection Relay
0.3 CEUs available



Web-Based Training (WBT)

WBT courses provide live, instructor-led training delivered over the
web via Adobe Connect. This allows the technician or engineer to
attend instructor-led training without leaving the office. Classes are
typically conducted from 9:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. (PST) on Tuesday
and Thursday of the scheduled week.


WBT 101
Event Report
Analysis Workshop
0.4 CEUs available
Introductory Course
CBT 103

Deduce causes for system faults based on available event report data and determine a solution using the
event report analysis process
Use various analysis tools in acSELerator Analytic Assistant SEL-5601 Software to analyze event reports
Apply the event report analysis process to event data collected from a variety of SEL relays and for various
system faults
Determine the appropriate type of event report required for various analytic purposes

WBT 102

WBT 102 is an adaptation of WBT 101, with specific distribution examples selected from WBT 101 examples.

0.4 CEUs available

Apply the event report analysis process to event data collected from a variety of SEL relays and for various
system faults

Event Report Analysis Deduce causes for system faults based on available event report data and determine a solution using the
event report analysis process
Workshop for
Distribution Relays
Use various analysis tools in acSELerator Analytic Assistant SEL-5601 Software to analyze event reports
Introductory Course
CBT 103

Determine the appropriate type of event report required for various analytic purposes


WBT 351

Describe the basic overcurrent device coordination goals, principles, and strategies

SEL-351 Relay

Identify common coordination pairs

Describe the basic SEL-351 protection and coordination settings, including general, phase and ground
instantaneous, phase and ground definite-time, phase and ground time-overcurrent, and reclosing settings

0.4 CEUs available

Determine SEL-351 coordination settings using provided calculation methods and/or criteria to coordinate
with upstream and downstream devices

Introductory Course
CBT 351

WBT 421

Reclosing With the
SEL-421 Relay
0.4 CEUs available
Introductory Course
CBT 421

Apply coordination strategies to real-world application examples

Integrate complete breaker protection and control for two breakers for ring-bus and breaker-and-a-half line
Evaluate fault scenarios to determine how the relay will respond based on the applied dual-breaker
protection design
Apply dynamic leader/follower breaker logic
Define and implement reclosing timing based on the requirements of your protection scheme
Evaluate differences between line reclosing and dual-breaker reclosing practices


Regularly Scheduled Courses

On-Demand Courses

SELU offers prescheduled courses, worldwide, throughout the year.

On-demand training from SEL University makes it easy to ensure

that your team has the right skills to maximize the value of your
system investment. If you have several people to train on the same
technology, theory, or applications, theres no need to travel for the
training you need. Our on-demand training options bring world-class
training to your doorstep or any convenient nearby location. Choose
from over 60 course offerings, or request a tailored course that
fits your needs. We deliver the same innovative, high-quality, and
customer-focused experience you have come to expect from SEL.

SEL University Provides

Instructors and training manuals or reference materials
Certificate of attendance and CEU forms
CD-ROM with lab exercises, application guides, and technical
papers (as applicable)
Equipment, test sets, and cables (depending on the type of course)
Training room with whiteboards
Projector for connection to the instructors laptop computer

Your Company Provides

Training room with flip charts and whiteboards
Projector for connection to the instructors laptop computer
Lunch/breaks at customers discretion

SEL University Provides

Training manuals or reference materials and instructors
Laptop computers can be provided for an additional fee
Certificate of attendance and CEU forms
CD-ROM with lab exercises, application guides, and technical
papers (as applicable)

Equipment, test sets, and cables (depending on the type of course)


Programs Overview
SEL University courses are organized into programs consisting
of one or more tracks. Tracks are a recommended sequence for
engineers, technicians, power system specialists, and managers
concerned with protection, monitoring, control, automation,
metering, and management of utility and industrial electric
power systems.


Technician Program

Engineer Program

The SEL University Power System Protection for Technicians

program is designed for those involved in setting, testing, and
troubleshooting protective relays. The program begins with a
power system fundamentals course where students explore the
methods and devices used in power system protection. This course
is followed by an introduction to relay testing basics and courses
on methods for testing SEL relays.

The SEL University Protection Program for Engineers consists

of multiple tracks of both power fundamentals and product
application courses. These tracks are for individuals who want to
specialize in a specific area of protection.

Power System Protection for Technicians Track

PWRS 400: Power System Fundamentals for Engineers

Optional Introductory Courses:

PROT 300: Symmetrical Components: Theory and Application
TST 101: SEL Relay Testing Basics
PROT 301: Protecting Power Systems for Technicians
TST 103: SEL Feeder Relay Testing
TST 107: SEL Transmission Substation Relay Testing
TST 700G: Testing SEL-700G Generator Protection Relays

Communications Track
Optional Introductory Courses:
PROT 401: Protecting Power Systems for Engineers
APP 3620: Sensible Cybersecurity Using the Ethernet
Security Gateway
COM 201: Multiplexing and TDM Communications
COM 203: SEL Cybersecurity Best Practices for Critical Infrastructure
Electives (choose two or more of the following courses):
APP 3530: SEL-3530 Real-Time Automation Controller (RTAC)
APP ICON: SEL ICON Integrated Communications Optical Network
SYS 403: IEC 61850 Fundamentals and Applications


Distribution System Protection Track

Generation System Protection Track

Optional Introductory Courses

Optional Introductory Courses

PWRS 400: Power System Fundamentals for Engineers

PWRS 400: Power System Fundamentals for Engineers

PROT 300: Symmetrical Components: Theory and Application

PROT 300: Symmetrical Components: Theory and Application



PROT 401: Protecting Power Systems for Engineers

PROT 401: Protecting Power Systems for Engineers

PROT 403: Distribution System Protection

PROT 409: Generation System Protection

Electives (choose two or more of the following courses)

Electives (choose one or both of the following courses)

APP 351: SEL-351 Protection System

APP 300G: SEL-300G Generator Relay

APP 351R: SEL-351R Recloser Control

APP 700G: SEL-700G Generator Protection Relay

APP 651R: SEL-651R Advanced Recloser Control


Industrial Power System Protection Track

Optional Introductory Courses
PWRS 400: Power System Fundamentals for Engineers
PROT 300: Symmetrical Components: Theory and Application
PROT 401: Protecting Power Systems for Engineers
PROT 405: Industrial Power System Protection
Electives (choose two or more of the following courses)
APP 700G: SEL-700G Generator Protection Relay
APP 710: SEL-710 Motor Protection Relay
APP 751: SEL-751/A Feeder Protection Relays
APP 787: SEL-787 Transformer Protection Relay
APP 849: SEL-849 Motor Management Relay


Substation Protection Track

Transmission Line Protection Track

Optional Introductory Courses

Optional Introductory Courses

PWRS 400: Power System Fundamentals for Engineers

PWRS 400: Power System Fundamentals for Engineers

PROT 300: Symmetrical Components: Theory and Application

PROT 300: Symmetrical Components: Theory and Application



PROT 401: Protecting Power Systems for Engineers

PROT 401: Protecting Power Systems for Engineers

PROT 411: Substation Equipment Protection

PROT 407: Transmission Line Protection

Electives (choose two or more of the following courses)

Electives (choose one or more of the following courses)

APP 87: SEL-387 and SEL-587 Percentage-Restrained

Differential Relays

APP 311L: SEL-311L Line Current Differential Relay

APP 487B: SEL-487B Bus Protection Relay

APP 411L: SEL-411L Advanced Line Differential Protection,

Automation, and Control System

APP 487E: SEL-487E Transformer Protection Relay

APP 421: SEL-421 Protection, Automation, and Control System

APP 487V: SEL-487V Capacitor Protection and Control System



Course Information
SEL University is committed to providing unprecedented quality,
depth, value, and experience to meet your power system training
needs. Whether you attend courses scheduled in a nearby city or
a tailored training program at your site, SEL University can help
you optimize the value of your protection, control, monitoring, and
communications system investment by producing a well-trained
workforce capable of achieving superior system performance.


Class Times

mySELU Training Account

Unless otherwise specified, classes are conducted from 8 a.m.

until 5 p.m. each day. Complimentary lunch and breaks are
provided. Check our website for the most current information on
courses and availability.

Your mySELU training plan is a record of SELU training you have

purchased. When you purchase an SELU training course, it will
be added automatically to your mySELU training plan. Use your
mySELU training plan to:

Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

View and sort training you have completed and courses in which
you are enrolled

SEL University is authorized to provide CEUs through its affiliation

with the International Association for Continuing Education and
Training (IACET), and professional development hours (PDHs).

Class Seating Capacity (depending on location)

COM, PROT, and PWRS courses 2440 students
APP, TST, and SYS courses 20 students

Register Online
Register for a scheduled class through the online registration
process. When you get to the payment option, select your payment
method, either credit card or purchase order (PO). If you select PO,
you will be required to enter your PO number.
Please visit our website for the most current information on
courses and availability. To check if a course is offered, please
look at the website first. To request an on-demand quote or ask a
question about the training we offer, click one of the two options
on the Contact SEL University page.

Access SELU online training in which you are enrolled

View SELU online training completion status
View your SELU transcript
Access course and precourse materials two weeks prior to the
course date

Reserved Seating
We do not reserve seats. At the time of registration, we must have
either a credit card number or a PO. If you would like to pay with a
PO, you must provide the number at the time of registration as well
as a copy of the PO in either fax or email form.


Course Policies
Course Fees

Cancellation Policy

Payment is in U.S. dollars and fees are subject to change without

notice. Enrollment is guaranteed when full payment is received.
You will be placed on a waiting list if your registration does not
include your payment. Credit card charges will be applied one
month prior to the last day of the course. Please make checks
payable to Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc., and
reference the course number and date on the memo line.

Course cancellations may be made according to the following


Confirmation will be emailed within two business days of
registration. If available, detailed information on lodging and
airport-to-hotel transportation options will be included with the
confirmation letter. You are responsible for your travel and
lodging reservations. Please wait for receipt of confirmation before
making any nonrefundable travel reservations.

Additional Expenses
Fees include course materials, refreshments for morning and
afternoon breaks, and lunch each day. You are responsible for all
other expenses, such as travel, lodging, breakfast, and dinner.

SEL is notified of the cancellation


30+ days prior to start of class

100% of registration fee

2914 days prior to start of class

70% of registration fee

No refunds will be given for cancellations less than 14 days prior to

the start of the course.
Registered participants desiring to send a coworker in their place
may send written requests to SEL University before the first day of
the course.

SEL University reserves the right to cancel any class or make
changes in course content, schedule, instructors, or facilities. SEL
University will not be responsible for any loss or damage arising
directly or indirectly from course cancellations or changes, and the
students recovery shall be limited to return of any previously paid
registration fee. SEL University will make all reasonable efforts to
minimize the impact of any cancellation or changes to the student.

Use of Confidential Information

In the performance of the Training and/or these Terms, a party
may receive documents, materials, data, and other confidential
information of the other party. The receiving party shall use
confidential information solely in performance of the Training
and any resulting business transaction between the parties. The
receiving party shall use at least the same degree of care (and, in
any event, not less than a reasonable degree of care) in protecting
the disclosing partys confidential information as it exercises in
protecting its own similar confidential information. Confidential
information shall be subject to these Terms for three (3) years
following receipt of such confidential information. Confidentiality
obligations shall survive the termination of these Terms. Video,
audio, or any other recording methods of Training are prohibited.

SEL University reserves the right to terminate access to any
Training if it is determined that access is being abused. For more
information about appropriate usage, please refer to the SEL
Software License Agreement.


Modern Solutions for Protection, Control, and

Monitoring of Electric Power Systems
Edited by Hctor J. Altuve Ferrer and Edmund O. Schweitzer, III
The most comprehensive work of its kind, this book consolidates
into one volume new, modern solutions for protection, control, and
monitoring of electric power systems.
Youll find straightforward presentations and example applications of
the following technologies:
Time-synchronized protection, control, and monitoring
Wide-area protection and control using synchrophasors
Sensible cybersecurity and a security-in-depth tool kit

$151.21 (USD)

For more information, including a

full table of contents, book reviews,
Order online at
contributing author list, author or
biographies, and more, please visit
Spanish version
Autographed copies
are available for
$171.21 (USD)


Distribution systems that deliver safe operation and rapid power

restoration after faults
Transmission protection solutions that improve stability,
detect power swings, and help you get the most out of your
primary equipment

Line Current Differential Protection: A Collection of

Technical Papers Representing Modern Solutions
Edited by Hctor J. Altuve, Bogdan Kasztenny, and Normann Fischer
This book addresses the design and application of line current
differential (87L) protection, communications, and fault locating,
from both the protection and communications perspectives. The
book is based on technical papers written by industry experts,
including research and development engineers, field application
engineers, and protection and communications practitioners
from several electric utilities. The book is suitable for protection,
control, communications, and power system engineers, as well as
decision-making personnel at electric utilities and industries.
The papers are grouped in sections that cover the following topics:

$87.00 (USD)

For more information, including a

full table of contents, book reviews,
Order online at
contributing author list, author or
biographies, and more, please visit

Line Current Differential Protection Principlesintroduces

the reader to the 87L operation principles, design challenges,
and solutions
Communications and Time Sourcesdiscusses communications
and timing for 87L protection. We review and compare various
87L channels, discuss channel requirements, and present
current data alignment methods and usage of external time
sources in 87L schemes
Applicationsaddresses common application considerations of
87L schemes
Fault Locating in Line Current Differential Relaysreviews
impedance-based and traveling-wave fault locating methods
embedded in 87L relays

Analyzing and Applying Current

Stanley E. Zocholl
Current transformers are used throughout
the world as current transducers for
protective relays in industrial, commercial,
and utility applications. Standard ratings and
application guides deal with the steady-state
sine wave behavior of current transformers.
Despite the use of recommended rules
applied to avoid transient saturation, it
always occurs in certain critical relay applications. This book
presents transformer concepts that provide the fundamentals to
understand the nonlinear characteristics, accuracy ratings, and
transient behavior of current transformers.

AC Motor Protection
Stanley E. Zocholl
AC motor protection presents a unique
challenge to facility, maintenance, and
protection engineers. Comprehensive motor
protection requires knowledge of all the
characteristics of the motor in operation.
AC motors, induction or synchronous,
require electrical, mechanical, and
thermal models to determine the motor
characteristics to provide optimized
thermal and fault protection. Written for the professional engineer,
all of the steps necessary to develop this vital information are
included in this concise handbook.

$34.95 (USD)

$34.95 (USD)

Order online at or

Order online at or


Course Index
APP 87...................................................... 23

APP 849.................................................... 34

PROT 403.................................................. 16

APP 101.................................................... 23

APP 2032.................................................. 34

PROT 405.................................................. 17

APP 300G.................................................. 24

APP 2240.................................................. 35

PROT 407.................................................. 17

APP 311L.................................................. 24

APP 3530.................................................. 35

PROT 409.................................................. 18

APP 351.................................................... 25

APP 3620.................................................. 36

PROT 411.................................................. 18

APP 351R.................................................. 25

APP ICON.................................................. 37

PROT 413.................................................. 19

APP 351R/651R........................................ 26

CBT 101.................................................... 47

PWRS 400................................................. 13

APP 411L.................................................. 27

CBT 102.................................................... 47

SYS 310..................................................... 43

APP 421.................................................... 27

CBT 103.................................................... 48

SYS 403..................................................... 44

APP 451.................................................... 28

CBT 104.................................................... 48

SYS 406..................................................... 45

APP 487B.................................................. 29

CBT 351.................................................... 49

TST 101..................................................... 39

APP 487E.................................................. 29

CBT 421.................................................... 50

TST 103..................................................... 39

APP 487V.................................................. 30

CBT 751A.................................................. 50

TST 107..................................................... 40

APP 651R.................................................. 30

COM 201................................................... 20

TST 700G.................................................. 40

APP 700G.................................................. 31

COM 203................................................... 20

WBT 101................................................... 53

APP 710.................................................... 31

COM 401................................................... 21

WBT 102................................................... 53

APP 735.................................................... 32

PROT 300.................................................. 14

WBT 351................................................... 54

APP 751.................................................... 32

PROT 301.................................................. 15

WBT 421................................................... 54

APP 787.................................................... 33

PROT 401.................................................. 15


2270N NE Hopkins Court Pullman, WA 99163 USA Tel: +1.509.338.4026 Fax: +1.509.336.7186
385-0019 20140822

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