Treatment of Type 2 Dibetes

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26 Journal of The Association of Physicians of India Vol.

63 December 2015

Original Article

Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes with a Breakable

Extended Release Gliclazide Formulation in
Primary Care: The Xrise Study
V Mohan1, V Chopra2, D Sanyal3, S Jain4, J Jayaprakashsai5

Abstract Editorial Viewpoint

Objective: This study examines whether a new, scored and breakable Breakable gliclzide XR
once daily gliclazide tablet formulation, gliclazide XR 60 mg, that enables is targeted to improve
a simple 2-steps titration, can improve glycemic control rates in the patient compliance in a
community. simple 2-st ep t it r a t i o n
targeted towards primary
Methods: In a prospective multicenter study of 4 months duration,
care setting of urban
organised in the primary care setting of urban India, type 2 diabetes
patients, uncontrolled with diet alone or metformin monotherapy,
received 1 (60 mg), 1 (90 mg), or 2 (120 mg) tablets of gliclazide XR 60 I t wa s f o u n d e f f e c t i ve
in monotherapy as
mg to achieve a target fasting plasma glucose of 126 mg/dl, or HbA1c
well as with metformin
of 7%. The primary outcome was the frequency of patients achieving
glycemic control.
Results: Two hundred eleven investigators recruited 679 patients patients receiving hypoglycaemic
distributed throughout India. On intention to treat analysis, the number medication, nearly 80% are treated
(%, 95% confidence interval, CI) of patients achieving glycemic control with oral hypoglycaemic agents
was, 526 (81.9, 78.8 to 84.6); with gliclazide XR 60 mg 1 tablet, 285 (42.0, (OHA) alone, and only about a
38.3 to 45.7); 1 tablets, 143 (21.1, 18.2 to 24.3); and 2 tablets, 98 (14.4, third achieve HbA1c levels of less
12.0 to 17.3). Hypoglycaemic episodes were reported by 27 (4.0, 2.8 to 5.7) than 7%. 3
patients. Mean (95% CI) FPG decreased by 78.3 (73.9 to 82.7, P<0.01) mg/ Important reasons for this
dl; with 1 tablet gliclazide XR 60 mg, by 66.0 (61.1 to 70.9, P<0.01) mg/dl; low rate of glycemic control are
1- tablets, by 80.1 (71.2 to 88.5, P<0.01) mg/dl; and 2 tablets, by 106.5 inadequate compliance with OHA
(93.4 to 119.5, P<0.01) mg/dl. HbA1c decreased by 1.5 (1.3 to 1.5, P<0.01). that require multiple daily dosage,
Conclusion: In primary care, once daily, breakable extended release and hypoglycaemia. It has been
gliclazide XR 60 mg, with a simple two step titration to administer reported that in type 2 diabetic
maximum recommended dosage is effective in achieving short term patients who change from a
glycemic control with a low frequency of hypoglycaemia, in monotherapy multiple daily dose, to a once daily
or in combination with metformin. OHA formulation, compliance
increases by 23%, and that this is
reflected in lower HbA1c levels. 4
The ADVANCE study assessed a
hypoglycaemic treatment regimen
Background that includes exercise, control of
based on once daily gliclazide
diet, blood sugar, blood pressure,

A ccording to the ICMR INDIAB MR, as monotherapy in untreated

and dyslipidemia. Community
study, there are an estimated patients, or as combination
surveys suggest that among
62 million patients with diabetes in treatment in patients uncontrolled
India. 1 These numbers are expected
to increase to over 100 million by 1
Dr. Mohans Diabetes Specialities Centre andMadras Diabetes Research Foundation, Chennai, Tamil Nadu;
2030. 2 The majority are treated 2
Hashu Advani Medical Centre, Mumbai, Maharashtra; 3KPC Medical College, Kolkata, West Bengal; 4Diabetes,
by physicians in the setting of Thyroid and Women Health Clinic, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh; 5123 Diabetes Hospital, Hyderabad, Telangana
Received: 26.09.2014; Revised: 12.01.2015; Accepted: 14.01.2015
primary care, who adopt a strategy
Journal of The Association of Physicians of India Vol. 63 December 2015 27

Table 1: Baseline characteristics of gliclazide MR would translate into was allowed at the discretion of
type 2 diabetic patients, a greater frequency of patients the physician. All medications
untreated or uncontrolled achieving glycemic control were purchased by patients from
with metformin under conditions of primary care the market. Patients were followed
N=679 practice. Since then, a new once up and reassessed after 15, 30,
Demographic characteristics daily gliclazide tablet formulation, 60, 90 and 120 days of treatment.
Age (years) 52.2 10.9 gliclazide XR 60 mg that is scored At each follow-up visit, FPG and
Male 435 (64.1%) and breakable into identical 30 mg blood pressure were measured, and
Female 244 (35.9%) halves has been introduced. patients asked about the frequency
Duration of diabetes (yrs) 4.1 4.1
The objectives of this study were of hypoglycaemic episodes and
Diabetes treatment status
to examine the clinical, biochemical, other side effects since the previous
Untreated, uncontrolled 451 (66.4%) visit. Compliance was assessed
on diet
and adverse effects of gliclazide XR
60 mg as monotherapy in untreated by recording the number of days
Uncontrolled on 228 (33.6%)
patients, or as combination overall hypoglycaemic treatment
Current smoker 123 (18.1%) treatment in patients uncontrolled metformin and gliclazide XR 60 mg
with metformin in the primary care was missed since the previous visit.
Family history of diabetes 343 (50.5%)
Associated disease setting of India, when titrated in The dose of gliclazide XR 60 mg
Hypertension 156 (23%) three steps (60, 90 and 120 mg), to could be titrated, at the discretion
Coronary Artery Disease 2 (0.3%)
achieve a target FPG of 126 mg/dl of the investigator, to 90 mg (1 +
or HbA1c of 7%. tablet, by breaking the scored
Dyslipidemia 53 (7.8%)
tablet) at day 30, and 120 mg (2
Nephropathy 1 (0.1%) Patients and Methods tablets) at day 60, to achieve a
Associated treatment
FPG of less than 126 mg/dl or
ACEIs 63 (9.3%) Selection of Study Investigators
closest to it, consistent with the
ARBs 67 (9.9%) Primary care physicians
Beta-blockers 25 (3.7%)
clinical condition of the patient.
experienced in the management of Biochemical tests, including HbA1c,
Calcium antagonists 45 (6.6%) diabetes with adequate clinical and done at baseline were repeated at
Statin 136 (20%) laboratory facilities, from different the end of the study at 120 days. (up
Body mass index 27.1 8.4 parts of India were considered. Of titration was based on FPG, which
Blood pressure (mm Hg) these, those who accepted the study
Systolic 138 17
was measured at each visit)
protocol were invited to participate
Diastolic 87 10 Statistical Analysis
in the study.
Laboratory parameters The primary outcomes were
Selection of Patients
FPG (mm/dl) 193 58 the number of patients achieving
HbA1c (%) 8.8 1.1 During the study period, glycemic control, defined as a FPG
Plasma lipids (mg/dl) investigators identified consecutive equal to or less than 126 mg/dl or
Total cholesterol 213 60 type 2 diabetic outpatients of HbA1c equal to or less than 7% at
Total triglycerides 181 66 any age and either sex, who the end of 120 days, on intention to
LDL cholesterol 114 31 were receiving diet alone, or treat analysis, and mean changes
HDL cholesterol 47 22 metformin monotherapy, with in FPG and HbA1c from baseline
Serum creatinine (mg/dl) 1.1 0.4 a fasting blood sugar (FPG) of after treatment with gliclazide XR
ACEI: Angiotensin converting enzyme more than 126 mg/dl. Of these, 60 mg for 120 days. Other outcomes
inhibitors; ARB: Angiotensin receptor patients with no contraindication were the mean change in plasma
blockers; FPG: Fasting plasma glucose t o a s u l p h o n yl u r e a , o r k n o w n lipids, frequency of hypoglycaemic
All values mean SD, nos. (%) hypersensitivity to gliclazide were episodes, and compliance with
with metformin. Gliclazide MR selected. gliclazide XR 60 mg. Changes in
was incrementally titrated up to Study Design, Assessments and Follow continuous variables were tested for
120 mg, to achieve a target HbA1c Up significance by the standard error
level of 6.5%. There was significant After giving their written of difference in means. Categorical
reduction in composite micro and informed consent, patients data were expressed as percentages
macrovascular risk, with a very we r e a s s e s s e d a t b a s e l i n e f o r with their 95% confidence intervals
low frequency of hypoglycaemia. 5 demographic, clinical, treatment, (CI). Significance was defined as a
H o we ve r , i t i s n o t c l e a r f r o m and biochemical characteristics p value of less than 0.05.
these results, based on a strict shown in Table 1. They were then
adherence to the randomized prescribed 60 mg (1 tablet) of Results
protocol, whether the expected gliclazide XR 60 mg to be taken
The 211 investigators distributed
improvement in compliance and once a day after breakfast.
in 51 Indian cities, recruited 679 type
less hypoglycaemia with once daily Treatment of associated disease
28 Journal of The Association of Physicians of India Vol. 63 December 2015


45% -55.

-82.5 -66
-80.1 -78.3
0% -137.5
60 mg (1 Tab) 90 mg (1 Tab) 120 mg (2 Tab) All (n=679) 60 mg (1 Tab) 90 mg (1 Tab) 120 mg (2 Tab) All (n=679)

Fig. 1: Frequency of patients with type 2 diabetes

requiring different dosage strengths of gliclazide
XR 60 mg to achieve glycemic control (FPG <126 Fig. 2: Decrease in FPG after treatment with gliclazide XR
mg/dl or HbA1c <7%) 60 mg in patients with type 2 diabetes

2 diabetic patients uncontrolled mg/dl. In subgroup analysis, for 120 days resulted in several
with diet alone or metformin the decrease was, among those benefits. About 8 out of 10 patients
monotherapy. At baseline (Table 1), receiving gliclazide XR 60 mg were ab le t o achieve gl yc emi c
64.1% were males with a mean age monotherapy, 84.2 (78.0 to 90.4, control both in monotherapy and
of 52.2 years, and type 2 diabetes of P<0.01) mg/dl; gliclazide XR 60 mg in combination with metformin.
4.1 years duration. Of these, 66.4% plus metformin, 67.6 (62.4 to 72.8, Average FPG decreased by more
had received diet alone, and 33.6 P<0.01) mg/dl; 1 tablet gliclazide than a third, and HbA1c by about
metformin monotherapy. Mean XR 60 mg, 66.0 (61.1 to 70.9, P<0.01) a fifth from baseline. Only four
FPG was 192.6 mg/dl and HbA1c mg/dl; 1 tablets, 80.1 (71.2 to 88.5, out of 100 patients complained
8.2%. A family history of diabetes P<0.01) mg/dl; and 2 tablets, 106.5 of mild symptoms suggestive of
was present in 50.5%, a history of (93.4 to 119.5, P<0.01) mg/dl (Figure hypoglycaemia, that did not lead
smoking in 18.1%, hypertension 2). HbA1c decreased by 1.5% (1.3 to to withdrawal of treatment. No
23% and dyslipidemia 7.8%. ACE 1.5, P<0.01). other side effects were reported,
or ARBs were being administered The number (%, 95% CI) and the treatment did not adversely
to 19.2% and 10.3% received other of patients complaining of influence plasma lipids or serum
antihypertensive and statins 20%. hypoglycaemic episodes was creatinine, in fact it decreased
Mean body mass index was 27.1 27(4.0, 2.8 to 5.7) during the 120 the total cholesterol, low density
kg/m 2, and blood pressure 138/87 days of treatment with gliclazide lipoprotein and total triglycerides.
mmHg. During the 120 days study, XR 60 mg. No other side effects Compliance with once daily
48 (7.1%) patients were lost to were reported. gliclazide XR 60 mg with or without
follow up. m e t f o r m i n wa s h i g h , w i t h a n
Mean (95% CI) total cholesterol
On intention to treat analysis average of less than a day missed,
decreased by 24.9 (24.9, 21.8 to
(Figure 1), the number (%, 95% out of the 4-month treatment.
28.0, P< 0.01) mg/dl; low density
confidence interval, CI) of patients lipoprotein cholesterol by 12.6 The efficacy, safety, and
achieving a FPG of less than 126 (10.9 to 14.4, P< 0.01) mg/dl; and compliance of this new long acting,
mg/dl, or HbA1c of less than 7% total triglycerides by 31.3 (26.0 to once a day, breakable formulation,
was, 526 (81.9, 78.8 to 84.6); for 36.7, P< 0.01) mg/dl; and serum gliclazide XR 60 mg in type 2
those receiving treatment with creatinine, 0.09 (0.07 to 0.1, P<0.01) diabetic patients has not been
gliclazide XR 60 mg 1 tablet 285 mg/dl. The mean increase of 0.71 previously reported. However,
(42.0, 38.3 to 45.7); 1 tablets, 143 mg/dl in high-density lipoprotein the observed reduction in HbA1c
(21.1, 18.2 to 24.3); and 2 tablets, was not significant. Mean (95% CI) of 1.5% is consistent with the
98 (14.4, 12.0 to 17.3). In subgroup number of days during the 120 days efficacy of sulphonylureas 6 . The
analysis, patients achieving a FPG study when study medication was low frequency of hypoglycaemia
of less than 126 mg/dl, or HbA1c not taken, was 0.6 (0.3 to 0.8). reported by patients is also
of less than 7% was, among those consistent with the previously
receiving gliclazide XR 60 mg Discussion reported risk with gliclazide, as
monotherapy, 362 (80.3, 76.4 to being about half that of glimepiride
83.7); and gliclazide XR 60 mg plus In the setting of primary care in and glipizide. 7
metformin, 194 (85.1, 79.9 to 89.1). India, the addition of once daily
In the context of urban India,
gliclazide XR 60 mg to the treatment
After 120 days of treatment, a survey among 20,666 randomly
regimen of type 2 diabetic patients
me a n ( 9 5 % C I ) F PG d ec reas ed selected households showed that,
uncontrolled on diet or metformin
by 78.3 (73.9 to 82.7, P<0.01) among those with type 2 diabetes,
Journal of The Association of Physicians of India Vol. 63 December 2015 29

only 37% were under control. More hypoglycaemia, and near complete in primary care
than 80% of patients were receiving compliance observed in this Acknowledgement
OHA and only 41% were compliant study. Furthermore, the results
Authors are thankful to Serdia
with treatment. 3 Therefore, a key suggest that the successful risk
Pharmaceuticals (India) Pvt. Ltd.,
strategy for improving control rates reduction treatment strategy of
the manufacturers of Diamicron XR
in the community is to increase the ADVANCE study, 5 based on
60 mg for providing organizational
patient compliance with OHA long acting gliclazide, titrated in
support to conduct the study. The
medication. 30 mg steps as monotherapy or
authors would also like to express
In this respect, one measure in addition to metformin, can be
gratitude to all the participating
is to harness technology for the easily applied to primary care (as
development of OHA formulations opposed to strict adherence to a
that are long acting with once randomized protocol), with a high References
daily administration. This was degree of compliance and low risk
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23% increase in compliance when other once daily sulphonylurea prediabetes (impaired fasting glucose
patients change from a multiple formulations using a randomized and/or impaired glucose tolerance) in
urban and rural India: Phase I results of
daily dose to a once daily OHA protocol. Since all drugs were the Indian Council of Medical Research
formulation. 4 Another measure that purchased by the patient, the INdiaDIABetes (ICMRINDIAB) study.
could improve compliance, and is d i s p e n s i n g c h e m i s t m a y h a ve Diabetologia 2011; 54:3022-3027.
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Diabetes Care in the Middle and High-
dosage. This can be achieved by patients was measured. However,
Income Group Populace The Delhi Diabetes
developing tablet formulations that during the follow up weight was Community (DEDICOM) survey. Diabetes
retain their long acting once daily not monitored, and the effect of Care 2006; 29:23412348.
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into identical halves. gain could not be assessed. The adherence with medications for diabetes.
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developed in pursuance of this the possible benefit over a longer 5. The ADVANCE Collaborative Group.
goal, and is presently the only period is not known. However, Intensive Blood Glucose Control and
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long acting once daily OHA that 2 Diabetes. N Engl J Med 2008; 358:2560-72.
is scored and breakable into two physicians distributed throughout
urban India, representing type 6. A consensus statement of the American
halves. The formulation is based Diabetes Association and the European
on a specially developed embedded 2 diabetes in primary care, and Association for the Study of Diabetes.
polymer mesh technology, by the treatment was administered Medical Management of Hyperglycemia
which gliclazide granules of graded under conditions of actual clinical in Type 2 Diabetes: A Consensus Algorithm
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polymer of appropriate viscosity, The results of this study suggest
7. Azim G, Cukierman T, Hertzel G, Charles
are distributed randomly in the that gliclazide XR 60 mg is effective G, Catherine C, et al. A Systematic Review
tablet. This enables each of the in achieving short-term glycemic and Meta-Analysis of Hypoglycemia and
broken halves to contain a 30 mg control with a low frequency of Cardiovascular Events. A comparison of
dose that is accurate, reliable, and hypoglycemia in monotherapy or in glyburide with other secretagogues and
with identical pharmacokinetic combination with metformin. This with insulin. Diabetes Care 2007; 30:389
characteristics. new, scored, breakable extended
These features may serve release gliclazide XR 60 mg is a
to explain the combination of useful new once daily treatment for
acceptable efficacy, low risk of the management of type 2 diabetes

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