Ag 1115

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Address writer at:

Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute
933 N. Plum Grove Road
Schaumburg, IL 60173-4758
Tel: (847) 517-1200 Ext. 15
Fax: (847) 517-1206

October 26, 2015

To: Members ACVCRSI Committee 315 - Details of Concrete Reinforcement

Voting Members:

Gregory P. Birley Dennis L. Hunter Mustafa A. Mahamid

Richard H. Birley David W. Johnston Javed B. Malik
David A. Grundler Mahmoud E. Kamara Christopher J. Perry
Robert W. Hall William M. Klorman Curtis Yokoyama
Todd R. Hawkinson Douglas D. Lee Peter Zdgiebloski

Associate/Consulting/Subcommittee Members:

Paul B. Aubee Garrick N. Goldenberg Thomas G. Schmaltz

Paul J. Brienen Paul Gordon William G. Sebastian
Larry Campbell James S. Lai A vanti C. Shroff
David H. DeValve Amadeus L. Magpile Richard W. Stone
Pedro Estrada David R. Maul Richard D. Thomas
Dennis J. Fontenot Harold E. Reed Farahad Zahedi
Peter Fosnaugh Dale Rinehart

From: Anthony L. Felder


Subject: Meeting Notice and Agenda

November 8, 2015
Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel
Denver, CO

Our next meeting will be held on Sunday, November 8, 2015 from 2:00p.m. to 5:00p.m. in the
Tower Court D of the Marriott and Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel in Denver, CO.

A proposed agenda is attached.

Copy to: Eldon Tipping, TAC Contact

c:\users\afelder\documents\aci\3 15\agnd\ag 1115.doc


Sheraton Denver Downtown, Denver, CO

November 8, 2015 2:00- 5:00 Tower Court D

1. 2:00 p.m. - call meeting to order

2. Self-introductions

3. Approval of minutes of last meeting, April12, 2015, distributed May 15, 2015

4. Review committee membership. See Exhibit 1, current roster.

5. Presentation by Mike Mota (CRSI) and Matt Senecal (ACI) regarding future strategic
cooperation of the detailing committees of both organizations
a. Questions
b. Discussion

6. Status Reports
a. ACI 131 BIM I CRSI BIM- Pete Zdgiebloski
b. CRSI Detailing - Dave Grundler
c. CRSI (Placing, Fabrication, Supports)- Robbie Hall

7. Task Group activities since Kansas City meeting

a. Name change from "Details of Concrete Reinforcement" to "Designer's Guide to
Reinforcing Bar Detailing"
b. Chapter 1 - Introduction
c. Chapter 3 - Structural Drawings
d. Chapter 4 - Placing Drawings
e. Chapter 5 - Reviewing Placing Drawings
f. Chapter 6- Tolerances
g. Chapter 7 - Detailing Issues for the Designer
h. Chapter 8 - Fabrication and Construction Issues
i. Chapter 9 - References
j. Chapter X- Design Details

8. Other Committee activities:

a. Constructability Forums
b. Articles for Concrete International

9. New Business

10. Motion to Adjourn

October 2015

Richard H. Birley, Chairman Paul J. Brienen*

Condor Rebar Consultants Brienen Structural Engineers, PS
1128 Hornby Street, 3rd Floor 14114 SE 278th St
Vancouver, British Columbia V6Z 2L4 Kent, W A 98042-7406
Tel: 604/689-9201 Tel: 206/397-0000
Fax: 604/689-9206 Fax:
E-mail : E-mail:

Anthony L. Felder, Secretary Larry Campbell*

Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute CMC Rebar
933 N. Plum Grove Road 5913 Diamond Oaks Ct
Schaumburg, IL 60173-4758 Haltom City, TX 76117-2802
Tel: 847/517-1200 Tel: 817/734-2838
Fax: 847/517-1206 Fax:
E-mail: E-mail:

Eldon Tipping, TAC Contact David H. DeValve*

Structural Services Inc. Oklahoma Steel & Wire
115 Park Place Blvd, Ste 300 1041 S. 1st
Waxahachie, TX 75165-9206 Madill, OK 73446-0220
Tel: 214/522-6438 Tel: 580/795-6007
Fax: 214/522-6796 Fax: 580/795-7422
E-mail: E-mail:

Paul B. Aubee* Pedro Estrada*

Insteel Wire Products PEG Ongenieria C A
13 73 Boggs Dr 88-60 Calle Los Guayos
Mount Airy, NC 27030-2145 Urb Trigal Centro
Tel: 800/334-9504 Valencia 2001 Venezuela
Fax: Tel: 58-241 8428964
E-mail: E-mail:

Gregory P. Birley Dennis J. Fontenot*

Condor Rebar Consultants Commercial Metals Company
1128 Hornby Street, 3rd Floor 12001 Mystic Forest Ln
Vancouver, British Columbia V6Z 2L4 Austin, TX 78739-4813
Tel: 604/692-2168 Tel: 512/523-3398
Fax: 604/689-9206 Fax:
E-mail: E-mail:

* - Associate Member ** - Consulting Member *** - Subcommittee Member

ACI/CRSI Committee 315
October 20 15
Page 2

Peter Fosnough* Dennis L. Hunter

Harris Rebar-Ambassador Steel Gerdau
1342 S GrandstaffDr. 2100 Joe Mcintosh Road
Auburn, IN 46706-2661 Plant City, FL 33565-7413
Tel: 260/572-1227 Tel: 8131740-3301
Fax: 260/925-3152 Fax: 8131740-3401
E-mail: E-mail:

Garrick N. Goldenberg* David W. Johnston

Goldenberg Associates, Inc. North Carolina State University
26 Tisdale Dr. Civil Engineering Department
Dover, MA 02030-1600 Raleigh, NC 27695-0001
Tel: 508/481-7400 Tel: 919/515-7412
Fax: 508/481-7406 Fax: 919/515-7908
E-mail: E-mail:

David A. Grundler Mahmoud E. Kamara

Applied Systems Associates StructurePoint
5270 Logan Ferry Road 2021 N Charter Point Dr.
Murrysville, P A 15668-9727 Arlington Heights, IL 60004-7258
Tel: 7241733-8700 Tel: 847/259-5499
Fax: 724/325-5553 Fax:
E-mail: E-mail: mekamara

Robert W. Hall William M. Klorman

Gerdau W M Klorman Const Corp.
1255 Lakes Parkway, Ste. 325 23047 Ventura Blvd, 2nd Floor
Lawrenceville, GA 30043-5818 Woodland Hills, CA 91364-1146
Tel: 678/367-6036 Tel : 818/591-5969
Fax: 678/367-6001 Fax: 818/591-5926
E-mail: E-mail:

Todd R. Hawkinson James S. Lai*

Wire Reinforcement Institute Lai Associates
323 Fox Briar Lane PO Box 517
Ballwin, MO 63021-6151 La Canada Flintridge, CA 91 012-0517
Tel: 314/807-4386 Tel: 8181790-5475
Fax: 636/227-3776 Fax:
E-mail: E-mail:

* - Associate Member ** - Consulting Member *** - Subcommittee Member

ACIICRSI Committee 315
October 20 15
Page 3

Douglas D. Lee Christopher J. Perry

Douglas D. Lee & Associates Perry & Associates, LLC
6150 Foxglove Court 221 N LaSalle St., Ste. 3100
Fort Worth, TX 76112-1106 Chicago, IL 60601-1206
Tel: 817/457-7030 Tel: 312/364-9112
Fax: 817/457-8970 Fax: 312/364-9163
E-mail: ddlee4836@sbcglobal .net E-Mail:

Amadeus L. Magpile** Harold E. Reed***

Barlines Rebar Est. & Det. Davis Wire
2871 W. Carson St. 85139 Appletree Dr.
Torrance, CA 90503-6068 Eugene, OR 97405-9702
Tel: 310/618-8402 Tel: 541/912-3195
Fax: 310/618-8394 Fax:
E-mail: E-mail:

Mustafa A. Mahamid Dale Rinehart**

University of Illinois at Chicago Sierra Rebar LLC
842 W Taylor St 10480 E 961h Ave.
Chicago, IL 60607-7021 Henderson, CO 80640
Tel: 312/355-0364 Tel: 303/558-0015
Fax: Fax: 720/358-4101
E-Mail: E-mail:

Javed B. Malik Thomas G. Schmaltz**

Jacobs Engineering Group Precision Rebar & Accessories, Inc.
5985 Rogerdale Rd 1712 NE 99th Street
Houston, TX 77072-1601 Vancouver, W A 98665-9018
Tel: 281/776-2540 Tel: 360/574-1022
Fax: 281/776-2501 Fax: 503/224-7414
E-mail: E-mail:

David R. Maul* William G. Sebastian**

Davis Wire Corp. American Rebar Detailing, LLC
5555 Irwindale Ave 543 Wright Loop
Irwindale, CA 91706-2046 Williamstown, NJ 08094-1224
Tel: 626/893-7426 Tel: 856/728-6645
Fax: Fax: 856/728-0088
E-Mail: dmaul E-mail:

* - Associate Member ** - Consulting Member *** - Subcommittee Member

ACIICRSI Committee 315
October 20 15

A vanti C. Shroff!'* Peter Zdgiebloski

Iffland Kavanagh Waterburry CMC Rebar
2 Penn Plaza, Ste 603 PO Box 1208
New York, NY 10121-0101 Madison Heights, VA 24572-1208
Tel: 212/946-2300 Tel: 434/522-8311
Fax: 212/302-4645 Fax: 434/929-1964
E-mail: E-mail :

Richard W. Stone*
Richard W. Stone, PE Inc.
1523 Richard Dr.
West Chester, PA 19380-6332
Tel: 484/639-5511

Richard D. Thomas**
CMC Rebar Florida
2665 Prince St.
Fort Myers, FL 33916-5527
Tel: 239/337-3480
Fax: 239/337-3542

Curtis R. Yokoyama
23 Danta
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688-1514
Tel: 949/349-4118

Farshad Zahedi*
Babol Noshirvani University of Tech
Shariati Avenue, Moalem 4, White House
Babol, Mazandaran Iran
Tel: +9809111170600
E-mail: farshad .zahedi@gmail .com

* - Associate Member ** - Consulting Member *** - Subcommittee Member



"ACI Designer's Guide to Reinforcing Bar Detailing" was written to show LDP's the

information a reinforcing bar detailer needs to properly detail rebar and how to present that

information on their structural drawings. It is not intended to instruct the LDP how to detail

reinforcing steel. It is hoped that information in this guide on structural members of reinforced

concrete structures will advance standardization through the detailing, fabrication, and

installation of concrete reinforcement. The information presented herein complies with the

requirements of the following ACI committees:

ACI 318 - Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete

ACI 301 -Specifications for Structural Concrete

ACI 117 -Tolerances

ACI 131 - Building Information Modeling for Concrete Structures

ACI 132 -Responsibilities in Concrete Construction

This guide is intended to facilitate clear communication between LDP's, reinforcing bar

detailers, fabricators, and placers by encouraging standard presentation of details and



This guide provides both general and specific information and illustrative details that are

required by reinforcing steel detailers in steel reinforced concrete members such as slabs, beams,

and columns. It stresses the importance of this information to ensure that the detailer effectively

and accurately captures the intent of the LDP and presents it in a manner that is clear and

unambiguous to the rebar fabricator and placer.


ACI provides a comprehensive list of definitions and terminology through an online resource:

"CT-13: ACI Concrete Terminology- An ACI Standard"

It can be downloaded without charge from the ACI website at:



3 3.1-Scope

5 This chapter describes information that is typically found on structural drawings. In US

6 engineering practice each design office usually develops an "office standard" sheet order and

7 naming convention. This guide, as an example, presents the project sheet order found in the

8 United States National CAD Standard- V6, as outlined in 3.3.

10 3.2-General

11 Structural drawings are those prepared for the owner or purchaser of engineering services

12 and along with the project specifications form a part of the contract documents. Structural

13 drawings must contain an adequate set of notes, instructions and information necessary to permit

14 the reinforcing steel detailer to produce reinforcing steel placing drawings.

15 Each sheet should have a title block, production data, and a drawing area as shown in Fig.

16 3.2.

17 The drawing area is the largest portion of the sheet where technical information is

18 presented. Examples of technical information are the overall framing plan, sections and details

19 needed to illustrate information at specific areas, and additional notes as required.

20 The production data area is located in the left margin of the sheet and includes

21 information such as the CAD filename and path to the file, default settings, pen assignments,

22 printer/plotter commands, date and time of plot, overlay drafting control data, and reference files.

The title block area is located at the right side of the sheet. It usually includes the

2 designers name, address, and logo; basic information about the project including location of the

3 worksite, owner, and project name; an information block regarding issue type (addendum, design

4 development, bidding, bulletin, etc.) of this sheet; a sheet responsibility block that indicates the

5 project manager, engineer, draftsman and reviewer of the information on the drawing; a sheet

6 title block; and a sheet numbering block.

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UDS Figure 2.31 Overall sheet layout

8 Figure 3.2- United National CAD standard overall sheet layout

3.3-0rder of sheets

3 The order of drawings shown in the United States National CAD Standard- V6 is as

4 follows:

Sheet Sheet title Information included

0 General notes Symbols legend, general notes
1 Plans Horizontal views of the project
2 Elevations Vertical views
3 Sections Sectional views, wall sections
4 Large-scale views Plans, elevations, stair sections, or
sections that are not details
5 Details
6 Schedules and diagrams
7 User defined For types that do not fall in other
categories, including typical detail sheets
8 User defined For types that do not fall in other
9 3D Representations Isometrics, perspectives, photographs

7 If more than one sheet is required within the above order, then decimal sheet numbers are

8 used, e.g., 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3.

10 3.4-Content of sheets


12 3.4.1 General notes sheets

13 A general notes sheet presents project design loads, the codes and standards that are the

14 basis of design, material and product requirements, and construction directions. The notes can be

15 the entire project structural specifications, act as an extension of the project structural

16 specifications, or simply duplicate important aspects of the project structural specifications.

2 Codes and standards

3 The general building code, referenced standards, and/or the authority having jurisdiction

4 requires specific information to be included on the construction documents and the general notes

5 sheet(s) present this information. ACI 318 also requires that all applicable information from

6 Chapter 26 related to construction be included in the construction documents.

7 Design loads

8 Section 1603.1 ofthe 2012 International Building Code (IBC) states: "The design loads and

9 other information pertinent to the structural design required by Sections 1603.1.1 through

10 1603.1.9 shall be indicated on the construction documents." The titles of these 9 referenced

11 sections are listed below:

12 1603.1.1 Floor live load

13 1603.1.2 Rooflive load

14 1603.1.3 Roof snow load data

15 1603.1.4 Wind design data

16 1603.1.5 Earthquake design data

17 1603.1.6 Geotechnical information

18 1603.1.7 Flood design data

19 1603 .1.8 Special loads

20 1603.1.9 Systems and components requiring special inspections for seismic resistance


22 Design loads are presented on the general notes sheet. Floor live loads, roof live loads,

23 snow loads, and other simple gravity loads are commonly shown in a table. Basic wind load

criteria assumptions and, when necessary, wind loading diagrams are included. Earthquake

2 design data is usually presented as a list of the different criteria used to develop the design

3 earthquake loads.

4 Geotechnical design information shown is usually supplied to the structural designer in a

5 geotechnical report. It can be presented as a note if the soil and water table on site is relatively

6 consistent or in a table format if there is significant soil or water table variability.

7 Flood design data and criteria used to determine the flood design loads are typically

8 shown using notes.

9 Special loads not included in the code-required live loads are also noted in the table that

10 includes the live loads. Examples of such loads are architectural features, partition live loads,

11 ceiling and hanging loads, and super-imposed dead loads. A diagram may be needed for heavy

12 pieces of equipment, such as forklifts, with their assumed wheel spacing and axle loads.

13 Showing the self-weight of the structure is not a requirement of the code. However, the

14 concrete density should be provided on the drawings so that the self-weight of the structure can

15 be accurately determined by the formwork engineer.


17 Specifications


19 The first concrete general note is commonly a reference to require construction to be in

20 accordance with ACI 301 " Specifications for Structural Concrete". The licensed design

21 professional (LDP) ensures that the construction documents meet code provisions; therefore,

22 requiring the contractor to conform to ACI 318 is not appropriate as it provides code

23 requirements to the LDP and not the contractor or materials supplier. By incorporating ACI 301

by reference into the construction documents and using the ACI 301 mandatory and optional

2 checklists, the concrete materials and construction requirements will satisfy ACI 318. In addition

3 ACI 301 also specifies that fabrication and construction tolerances shall comply with ACI 117

4 "Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials".

5 ACI 301 contains the following three checklists: mandatory, optional requirements, and

6 submittals. The LDP is often also the Specifier on a project and must go through these checklists

7 and make necessary exceptions to ACI 301 in the construction documents. The general notes

8 sheet is a convenient way to communicate any necessary exceptions to ACI 301.

10 Concrete notes

11 ACI 301 Mandatory Requirements Checklist items related to concrete can be specified in

12 the general concrete notes and indicate that the construction documents include:

13 Exposure class and specified compressive strengthfc for different elements

14 Handling, placing and constructing requirements

15 Designations and requirements for architectural concrete, lightweight concrete, mass

16 concrete, post-tensioned concrete, shrinkage-compensating concrete, industrial floor

17 slabs, tilt-up construction and pre-cast concrete

18 Concrete general notes can show these with a table with each element type along with its

19 corresponding exposure class, specified compressive strength and other requirements.

20 The construction documents should also indicate any exceptions to the default requirements

21 of ACI 301. ACI 301 lists possible exceptions in the Optional Requirements Checklist.

22 Concrete general notes often contain the following optional requirements checklist exceptions to

23 ACI 301 default requirements:

Air entrainment in percentage(%), along with the respective tolerance

2 Slump in inches (in), along with the respective tolerance

3 When high-range-water-reducing admixtures are allowed or required

4 Additional testing and inspection services

5 When proprietary concrete products are required on a project, they can be specified in the

6 general notes.

8 Reinforcement notes

10 ACI 301 Mandatory Requirements Checklist items related to reinforcing steel can be

11 specified in the general reinforcement notes and indicate that the construction documents

12 include:

13 Type and grade of reinforcing bars

14 Bar development and splice lengths and locations

15 Types of reinforcement supports and locations used within the structure

16 Specify the cover for headed shear stud reinforcement and headed reinforcing bars

17 The construction documents must indicate any exceptions to the default requirements of ACI

18 301. ACI 301 lists possible exceptions to the default requirements in the Optional Requirements

19 Checklist. Some exceptions to ACI 301 default requirements may include the following:

20 Weldability of bars

21 Concrete cover to reinforcement

22 Specialty item type and grade

23 Coatings such as epoxy or galvanized and where applicable

Permitting field cutting of reinforcement and the cutting methods

2 Reinforcing bars require concrete cover to protect the steel from corrosion. ACI 301 shows

3 concrete cover requirements for specific members in Table The concrete cover

4 requirements for a project are typically shown in a table or list showing the type of member, the

5 concrete exposure, the type of reinforcement and the concrete cover requirements for each. If

6 there are locations on a specific project that are questionable, the LDP should indicate which

7 concrete cover requirement controls at each location (i.e. fire rated elements).

9 When proprietary reinforcement products are required on a project, they can be specified in

10 the general notes.


12 ACI 318 reinforcing requirements


14 Reinforcing bars (rebar), spirals, strands, wires and bar mats in conformance with ASTM

15 International specifications are accepted for construction in the United States and are required by

16 ACI 318, "Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete." Type and grade of reinforcing

17 are typically shown in a note. When there are more than one type and/or grade of reinforcing

18 used on a project, it may be easier to show this information in a table indicating what type and

19 grade is used in what parts of the structure. See Fig. XXXXXXX


21 Development and splices

22 ACI 318 requires that the development length/embedment of reinforcement and location and

23 length oflap splices be shown on the construction documents. Bar development and lap splice

lengths and locations can be shown using tables, but the preferred method for showing

2 development and lap splice length and location is graphically in plan, elevation, section, or detail

3 with dimensions provided. This allows the fabrication detailer to more accurately read this

4 information from the drawings. Where lap splice location and length have structural safety

5 implications, the lap splice lengths should be shown graphically. When engineering judgment

6 indicates that lap splice location and length are less critical, a table can be used. Structural

7 calculations should not be required of the fabrication detailer to determine the lap splice length

8 or development lengths. Lap and development lengths calculated by the LDP should be shown

9 on the design drawings. The LDP should verify that all possible bar development and lap splice

I0 length arrangements that are on the project can be found on the drawings. See Fig. XXXXX:XX

II If mechanical splices are permitted or required on a project, a note is needed on the general

I2 notes sheet or project specifications to permit them as well as the required ratio of bar strength to

13 splice strength. The LDP should also include a typical detail or specific details on where

14 mechanical splices are required or permitted. See Fig. XXXXXXX

15 If headed bars are permitted or required on a project, a note is needed on the general notes

16 sheet or project specifications to permit them as well as the required bearing area, cover and

17 embedment lengths. The LDP should also include a typical detail or specific details on where

18 headed bars are required or permitted. See Fig. XXXXXXX


20 Supports for reinforcing bars


22 Before and during concrete casting, reinforcing bars should be supported and held firmly in

23 place at the proper distance from the forms . The LDP specifies acceptable materials and corrosion

protection for reinforcing bar supports, side form spacers, and supports or spacers for other

2 embedded structural items or specific areas. Specifications for reinforcing bar supports and

3 spacers usually are consistent with established industry practice.

4 If the construction documents only state that reinforcing bars need to be accurately placed,

5 adequately supported, and secured against displacement within permitted tolerances, the contractor

6 selects the type and class of wire bar supports, precast blocks, composite (plastic), or other

7 materials to use for each area.

8 There are three common material types of bar supports: wire bar supports, precast concrete block

9 bar supports, and composite (plastic) bar supports. A common sub-type of wire bar supports is

10 plastic-tipped wire bar supports which are often used when aesthetics are a concern. CRSI

11 Standard RB4, "Supports for Reinforcement Used in Concrete" describes the various types of wire,

12 composite and precast bar supports.

13 As mentioned above, certain support types can cause aesthetic issues. For example, if

14 precast blocks are used and the surface has a sand-blasted finish, the different texture and color

15 between the precast blocks and the cast-in-place concrete may be objectionable. Another example

16 of aesthetic issues is that Class 3 wire bar supports may leave rust stains on the exposed concrete

17 surfaces. The LDP and contractor should work together to help prevent these issues from

18 occurring because repair for aesthetic issues can be costly.


20 Beam bolsters support bottom beam reinforcement and are placed in the beam form,

21 usually perpendicular to the axis of the beam under the stirrups. Beams may also be supported

with individual chairs or blocks placed under the beam stirrups.

Typical Wire Beam Bolster

3 Bar supports are furnished for bottom bars in grade beams or slabs-on-ground only if

4 required by the LOP in the construction documents. For a structural element, it is recommended

5 that the LOP specify bar supports for the bottom bars in grade beams or slabs-on-ground.

6 Aesthetics are not a concern in the bottom of a slab-on-ground or grade beam which allows the use

7 of precast blocks for bar supports.

Label and annotate this photo.

Perhaps a better photo is in

9 . Side form spacers may be specified for use, but are usually selected by the contractor.

Label and Annotate This Photo

3 Weldability of bars

5 The weldability of steel is established by its chemical composition. The American Welding

6 Society A WS D 1.4 sets the minimum preheat and interpass temperatures and provides the

7 applicable welding procedures. Carbon steel bars conforming to ASTM A615/ A615M may or

8 may not be weldable when evaluated under those requirements depending upon chemical

9 composition. Only reinforcing bars conforming to ASTM A 706/ A 706M are pre-approved for

10 welding reinforcing bars without preheating. Because A WS D 1.4 covers only welding

11 A615/A615M and ASTM A706/A706M bars and chemical compositions are not ordinarily

12 meaningful for rail-and axle-steel bars, they are not recommended for welding.



15 Hooks and bends

16 It is standard practice in the industry to show all bar dimensions as out-to-out and consider the

17 bar lengths as the sum of all detailed primary dimensions, including Hooks A and G. It is

18 important to note the difference between "minimum" bend diameter and "finished ' bend

diameter. "Finished" bend diameters includes a "spring back" effect when bars straighten out

2 slightly after being bent and are slightly larger than "minimum" bend diameters.

4 Standard bend shapes will have not more than six bend points in one plane, bent to normal

5 tolerances. Shapes with more than six bends, or bent to special tolerances or bent in more than

6 one plane involve greater difficulty and are subject to added costs.

8 Bar hooks and bends are occasionally not shown on the drawings, but a note is placed stating that

9 certain bars are required to end in a standard hook. Specifications that require a non-standard hook

10 should be used with caution because non-standard hooks may be difficult to obtain. If the LDP

11 shows a hook but does not dimension the hook, the reinforcing bar detailer will use an algorithm

12 similar to the following Block Flow diagram to determine the proper size hook to use:

Are hooks dimensioned on

plan? Yes Use plan dimensions
Does a standard 90 degree Use a standard 90 degree
hook fit? Yes hook
Does a standard 90 degree Use a standard 90 degree
hook rotated 45 degrees fit? Yes hook rotated 45 degrees
Does a standard 180 degree Use a standard 180 degree
hook fit? Yes hook
Does a standard 180 degree Use a standard 180 degree
hook rotated 45 degrees fit? Yes hook rotated 45 degrees

For this reason, it is prudent for the LDP to check hooks throughout the project during their

2 constructability check suggested in chapter 8, especially if rotating the hooks causes issues with

3 design. A standard hook only defines dimensions of the bend shape. This is not an indicator of

4 development strength. See Fig. XXXXXXX

7 Welded wire reinforcement

8 Welded wire reinforcement consists of a series of cold-drawn steel wires arranged at right

9 angles to each other and electrically welded at all intersections. Welded wire reinforcement has

10 many uses in reinforced concrete construction. It can be used in slabs-on- ground, joist and

11 waffle slab construction, walls, pavements, box culverts and canal linings.

12 The general notes or the specifications will specify the welded wire reinforcement

13 required. Welded wire reinforcement can be in the form of flat sheets normally 8 ft. 0 in. by 20

14 ft. 0 in. or rolls which are usually 5 ft. 0 in. by 150 ft. 0 in. The wire may be plain or deformed.


16 Welded wire reinforcement in conformance with ASTM International specification A 1064

17 is accepted for construction in the United States and is required by ACI 318.

18 Table 1 gives common styles of welded wire reinforcement in the U.S. (inch-pound).

T.abie 10-1 Common Styles of
Welded Wire F a br~c

4 X 4- ~ 1.4 X W 1 o1 0.04 31
4 x 4-W2 0 :.: \N2 0 0.060 43
4 X 4-W2.9 X W2 9 0 087 62
4 K 4-WIQ4 ~ W,'Dil ,2(1 I 0 &

We need a clean schedule here

6.1/J 1.<!1 )( WI 4
6-W2 .0 oc. W1 0 0 040 0 040 2~
9 x W2
6-'~J;: oosa OOSJl 47
6 .x 6-V I~ x WrOII 0.0$0 0 .080 53
6 J( 6-WID 7 ll WIOtU 0004 0 .094 sa
6 X 6-W/07 4 :.; W/07 4 0 1<16 0.148 107
6 :~~ 6 '-''.'107 5:.: WID/ 5 0 50 0 50 109
s ll 6- 101 a A ro a 0156 0 ;56 1'3
6 X 6 }1,'/08 X W/0 0 i60 0. 160 115
6 X 6-W/08. 1 X W/08 1 0 162 0. 162 118
6 x 6-W/08.3 x WIDB 3 0 16-6 0 1&5 120

12 )C 12-V\o' 'DEI 3 K W1()3 3 0.083 0.033 63

12 X 12-W/08 8 )( W/08 8 0.068 0.088 67
1:2 )1. 12 Wl09 1 X W.'D9 i 0 091 0 031 69
0 OS' 0094 71
A. 2 WID 6 X W/OIS I 0.160 0 160 1;:'1
12 x 12 w;o1e 6~ W/O~_ , s_s_.__o_,6_s___,_ 126

4 Construction notes

5 Construction notes are general notes that discuss many of the miscellaneous aspects of

6 construction not covered by the other types of notes. Some examples of these notes include

7 information regarding:

8 what the contractor should do if there are discrepancies between field conditions

9 and the construction drawings

10 shoring and bracing

1 excavation rules

2 relationships between other trades and the structural drawings

3 backfill

4 safety

5 permit

6 coordination of trades

7 general inspection requirements

8 final building characteristics

9 Inspection notes

10 The general note sheet should indicate the level of inspection required for the project. If

11 the structure includes members that require special inspection, such as a special seismic force

12 resisting system, they should be identified on the general note sheets. See Fig. :XXXXXXX

13 3.4.2 Plan sheets

14 Section 1603.1 in the 2012 IBC states: "Construction documents shall show the size,

15 section, and relative locations of structural members with floor levels, column centers, and

16 offsets dimensioned." A plan drawing provides information about an identified building floor,

17 including overall geometry and dimensions, concrete member width and thicknesses (either

18 directly or by a designation keyed to a schedule), and reinforcement information for concrete

19 members (either directly or by a designation keyed to a schedule). A plan drawing can include a

20 general reference to other sheets, such as an elevation sheet or a detail sheet. A floor plan also

21 includes orientation information, such as column line numbers, a north arrow, top of concrete

22 relative to a datum, and general notes specific to the floor plan.

1 Member reinforcement such as beams can be directly shown on the plan or indirectly

2 provided through use of schedule marks, such as beam numbers. <a small figure may be helpful>

3 Plan drawings are usually drawn to 1/16 or 118 inch scale. For small floor plans larger scales

4 may be used. The primary consideration for scale to be used is the complexity of the plan.

5 Clarity should be maintained by using a larger scale if a large amount of information needs to be

6 conveyed in a small area of the plan. If the designer needs to break up the plan into several parts

7 for a floor, they should take into account portions of the structure, assumed placement sequences,

8 or some other easily readable way of breaking the plan into smaller pieces.

9 Because plans only provide information in the horizontal direction, sectional views, also

10 known as cuts, are needed to clarify geometric and reinforcement information in the vertical

11 direction. A sectional view is indicated by a directional mark or cut drawn on the floor plan. <a

12 small figure may be helpful>

13 Plan graphics and member geometry

14 The assumed view point for a plan drawing is above the slab on each floor level of a

15 structure. Therefore, slab edges are usually shown as solid lines on the plan drawings.

16 Beam and girder locations are typically shown as hidden on the plan drawings because they are

17 typically below the slab. See Fig. XXXXXXX

18 Columns and walls that are shown solid extend above the slab on the plan. These vertical

19 members of the structure will be shown on all of the plans from their lowest elevation in the

20 structure, usually the foundation but occasionally a transfer girder or slab, to their highest

21 elevation in the structure, usually the top tier where they will be drawn as hidden.

22 Foundations are drawn as hidden when they are below the slab on grade and solid when

23 not covered by structural members or slab on grade concrete. Soil is not considered a structural

member for this purpose. Slabs, beams, girders, columns, walls, and foundations are sometimes

2 given schedule marks on the plan drawings to indicate the type of member, size of concrete

3 member, and reinforcement required. See Fig. :XXXXXXX

5 Reinforcement on plan views

7 Reinforcement that is not typical, such as slab reinforcement required where a varied

8 column layout or a large slab opening occurs, is often shown on the plan drawings instead of

9 using slab marks. See Fig. :XXXXXXX

10 When the amount of slab reinforcement being shown on a plan drawing becomes so large

11 that the plan is difficult to read, it is acceptable to make additional plans. These additional plan

12 sheets can be used so that one shows the bottom reinforcement, one shows the top reinforcement,

13 and another that shows additional steel such as that required around openings and should be

14 properly labeled. Additional beam and girder reinforcement is not typically shown on the plan

15 drawings because it can cause confusion. If additional reinforcement is required for beams and

16 girders, it is typically shown in a note or remark in the beam schedule and a corresponding detail

17 or section cut will be provided to show the additional reinforcement.


19 3.4.3 Elevation sheets

20 An elevation sheet contains drawing information about identified concrete members from

21 an elevation view. Elevation drawings do not require a set scale, so an appropriate scale is

22 chosen based on the height of the elevation being drawn and the level of detail needed. Similar

to plan drawings, the scale is often based on the complexity of the structure and the elevation can

2 be split into several drawings as required to show enough detail. See Fig. XXXXXXX

3 The elevation drawing provides orientation information, such as column lines or floor

4 levels, and is connected to the plan drawings by noted concrete elevations relative to a datum,

5 section references, and orientation information.

6 An elevation drawing that provides member dimensions can also provide member

7 reinforcement. This information can be provided directly or by a designation referenced to a

8 schedule.

9 When beams, columns, walls, or all are part of a seismic lateral load resisting system,

10 elevations are often used to show all of the reinforcement in the members that are part of that

11 system. Ordinary moment frames, intermediate moment frames, and special moment frames and

12 shearwalls all have seismic detail requirements in ACI 318. See Fig. XXXXXXX


14 3.4.4 Section sheets

15 A section sheet is used for most projects. Sometimes, a single sheet combines sections,

16 details (3.4.6), and schedules (3.4.7). Most sections are drawn at 3/4 inch scale but larger scales

17 may be used, if more detail is needed for clarity. Sections are usually drawn from a point of view

18 perpendicular to that of the drawing that calls out for the section, and is oriented by pointers on

19 the section call out. A sectional view will show the geometry and reinforcement details at the cut

20 plane, and may be drawn on a plan sheet, a sections sheet, or on a details sheet. The cut identifies

21 the section number and the sheet number where the section is drawn. See Fig. XXXXXXX


23 3.4.5 Large scale view sheets

Large scale views are used if a dramatically increased scale of a section or detail is

2 needed to show additional clarity in an area of a structure. They are used to clarify

3 reinforcement detailing in an unusual element, such as a curved stair case, complex elevator

4 core, or heavily reinforced link beam. These sheets are rarely titled "large scale views" but are

5 usually titled by what is being shown on the sheet. For example, "Stairs - Plans and Sections"

6 could be an example title for a large scale view sheet for a stair tower. See Fig. XXXXXXX

7 3.4.6 Detail sheets

8 Details are usually drawn from the same point of view as the drawing that calls out the

9 detail. See Fig. XXXXXXX

10 A separate detail sheet is usually used on a project. However, small projects may have a

11 single sheet that combines sections (3.4.4), details, and schedules (3.4.7).

12 Many details are drawn at 1/2 inch to 1 inch scales, but larger scales are used if needed for

13 clarity. In heavily congested areas, using full scale drawings is suggested to help with checking

14 constructability. <a couple of figures will be helpful to show this>

15 Details that are applicable to commonly encountered conditions are usually placed on

16 "typical details" sheets. Often the typical details are schematic only and are not drawn exactly.

17 When the typical details are schematic only, the information regarding the detail is shown in a

18 separate table or given in the notes. If not, it is typically shown just as an example of what needs

19 to be done and the contractor has some freedom to choose the best means and methods for

20 building the detailed item as shown.

21 For example, trim reinforcement around a slab or wall opening is often standard for a

22 certain range of opening sizes, and this arrangement is shown in a typical detail. This allows the

23 contractor to trim any opening within the stated range without asking the engineer for a specific

1 solution. Other typical details include reinforcement around an in-slab conduit, a mechanical chase

2 through a concrete slab, openings through a beam, reinforcement termination details at edges of

3 concrete, contraction joints in slab-on-ground, and construction joints.

4 Bundling bar details for splice and special development lengths that affect many different

5 types of members, such as heavily reinforced slabs, beams, columns, and walls is best shown in a

6 typical detail on the respective member schedule sheet because the information is member specific

7 and should be shown in the typical details sheets. See Fig. XXXXXXX

8 Shear reinforcement in a one-way slab is rarely used, but if it is, the shear reinforcement

9 area is typically shaded or hatched on the plan drawing. A detail should be included and

10 sometimes on the slab schedule sheet to indicate bar size, spacing of shear reinforcement, and

11 shape ofbent bar. Headed shear studs may also be a viable option and a detail should be drawn if

12 chosen. See Fig. XXXXXXX


14 3.4. 7 Schedule and Diagram Sheets

15 Schedule sheets provide reinforcement information for various members, such as slabs,

16 beams, columns walls and foundations. A diagram to explain the information in the schedule is

17 usually provided. See Fig. XXXXXXX

18 Member schedules usually contain the following:

19 Member mark which should have a standard naming convention and be identified on plans

20 an elevations

21 Member dimensions

22 Member reinforcement

Remarks or notes describing atypical reinforcement patterns, elevation, concrete strength

2 etc.

4 Slab Schedules

5 Slab schedules usually contain the slab mark, thickness of slab, bottom reinforcement and

6 top reinforcement, and any notes or remarks necessary for that slab. See Fig. XXXXXXX

7 For one-way slabs, the LDP can use the termination rules to use material more efficiently.

8 Please see Figure X.XX for example details.

9 Two-way slabs supported by edge walls or by edge-beams require reinforcement in the top

10 and the bottom of the slab at the intersection of the two-way slab and edge members. This

11 reinforcement is shown using typical details if it occurs throughout the structure or the information

12 is shown right on the plan drawings if it is not a prevalent detail. Please see Figure X.XX for

13 example details.

14 Two-way slab structural integrity reinforcement requirements can be shown in different

15 ways. The splicing requirements for structural integrity reinforcement can be shown on the slab

16 schedule diagram. The requirement of two column strip bottom bars or wires that are required to

17 go through the columns can also be shown on the plan or in a typical detail. The typical detail

18 option is probably used most often because other information can be shown on the same detail if

19 the designer wishes. When using shearheads, the two column strip bottom bars or wires should be

20 shown in a typical detail. Please see Figure X.XX for example details.

21 Two-way shear reinforcement in slabs could be headed shear studs, typical stirrups, or

22 structural steel members. Headed shear studs are used most often and a detail should be drawn to

23 show the layout of the headed shear studs especially at a column. When several different layouts

of headed shear studs are needed in a structure, it may be clearer to use a series ofheaded shear

2 stud diagrams, possibly in a table, to show their layouts as they vary throughout the structure. The

3 plan drawings should be marked at each column to indicate which particular headed shear stud

4 diagram should be used at that location. While stirrups are not used as regularly as headed shear

5 studs for two-way shear reinforcement, they are permitted by the ACI 318 Code. When stirrups

6 are used for two-way shear reinforcement, they should be shown using the methods described

7 above for showing headed shear studs. Structural steel members are rarely used and if used their

8 locations should be identified and special details provided. See Fig. XXXXXXX

9 Beam and girder schedules

10 Beams and girders are often shown in the same schedule and the information presented is

II similar. For simplicity of wording, the term beam and beam schedule will be used here to include

I2 both. Beam schedules contain the beam mark, beam width and depth, top and bottom

13 reinforcement and extent, post-tensioning reinforcement when applicable, and stirrup size and

14 spacing. See Fig. XXXXXXX Along with the beam schedule, there should be a diagram to

15 show the basic layout of the reinforcing steel in a beam. For clarity, this often requires two

16 diagrams with one showing the longitudinal reinforcing steel and the other showing the shear

17 reinforcing steel. The diagrams are often split into the following different types ofbeams: single

18 span, multiple spans, and cantilever.

19 When applicable, the post-tensioning is typically specified using the assumed effective

20 force that is expected to be applied to the beam or using the number of tendons from the design.

21 Typical shear reinforcing stirrup sizes and spacing are shown in the schedule by specifying

22 each group of stirrups. For example, a beam may need 6-#4 stirrups at 2"o.c. and then 6-#4

23 stirrups at 6"o.c. at each beam end and the remainder along the length of the beam at 12" o.c.

1 Often, this type of shear reinforcement spacing at the ends of the beams or at other special shear

2 reinforcing locations is shown in a typical diagram on the beam schedule sheet. The LDP should

3 provide a detail of stirrups showing the shape of the stirrup.

4 3.4. 7.3 Column schedules

5 Column schedules usually contain the column mark, a vertical reinforcement, and the size

6 and spacing of shear reinforcement. See Fig. XXXXXXX Along with the column schedule,

7 typical layout information for the column reinforcement from the bottom of one level to the bottom

8 of the next or the top of the column is often shown in section cuts or diagrams. These diagrams

9 should show splice locations, including locations of staggered splices and reinforcement

10 termination requirements. Often, the spacing of the shear reinforcement at the tops and bottoms of

11 columns varies and is shown in a typical diagram on the column schedule sheet. If applicable, the

12 following diagrams also should be included with the column schedule: basic transition from floor

13 to floor, offset transitions, sloped transitions, and top of column terminations ..

14 Wall schedules

15 Wall schedules usually contain the wall mark and the amount of vertical and horizontal

16 reinforcement for each curtain of reinforcement required.

17 Along with the wall schedule, typically there will be a diagram of the wall from the bottom of the

18 wall to the top of the wall sometimes with section cuts showing the layout information for the wall

19 reinforcement. These diagrams should show splice locations, including locations of staggered

20 splices if necessary. Placing location of the reinforcement should be clearly shown, such as VEF,

21 HIF, HOF, caps, etc. See Fig. XXXX:XXX See Chapter 2 for other abbreviations.


23 3.4.8 Foundation sheets and schedules

Foundations are sometimes treated separately from the remainder of the structural systems

2 because of their unique characteristics and in general, the fact that foundation systems are used for

3 many various superstructure types. Foundation drawings may be issued separately from the

4 superstructure drawings or may be the only reinforced concrete drawings on a project. Foundation

5 sheets are commonly used for shallow foundations such as strip footings, isolated footings,

6 combined footings, mat foundations and grade beams or for deep foundation systems that may

7 include pile caps, piles, drilled piers and caissons. See Figures :XXXXXX

8 Foundation drawings can be individualized or used with schedules and foundation marks used to

9 represent the foundation type are usually identified by the first letter of the foundation member

10 represented. For example, P1 is usually related to a pile cap over piles, while F1 is often used to

11 describe a shallow footing and GB 1 is often used to mark grade beams. In any case, it is

12 recommended that an Abbreviation and Notation Legend be included in the drawing sheet for

13 clarity and ease of identification. Grade beam schedules are similar to elevated beam schedules

14 and guidelines regarding beam schedules are shown in Pile cap schedules should include

15 the dimensions of the pile cap and the required reinforcement in each one. Footing schedules are

16 usually similar, with the schedule containing footing dimensions and the required reinforcement in

17 each direction. Drilled piers are often not scheduled by mark, but by shaft and bell diameters. The

18 schedule should include a listing of vertical reinforcement, tie reinforcement, and minimum

19 distance that the reinforcement must extend into the top of the pier. See Fig. XXXXXXX

20 Each different type of foundation element on the project should have a corresponding

21 typical diagram that is referenced from the schedule. This typical diagram will show a typical

22 layout ofthe member with typical locations of the reinforcement inside of it. See Fig. :XXXXXXX

Shear reinforcement in a foundation is not frequently used, but when it is, it is typically

2 detailed in a manner similar to a beam. When stirrups are used for shear reinforcement, they should

3 be shown on the foundation schedule and a separate detail or section should be considered.

6 3.4.9 User defined

7 User defined sheets are used to show information that is not presented on other sheets,

8 List of examples needed.

9 3.4.10 3D Representations

10 3D representations, or isometric sketches are not commonly used but can be very helpful

11 to show an especially complicated connection or joint or to coordinate among different

12 disciplines to prevent clashes between different systems. (Sample needed.)


4.1 - Defmition

Placing drawings are working documents that show the quantity, bar size, dimensions and location of

reinforcing steel as required for fabrication and placement. Placing drawings may comprise plans,

details, elevations, schedules, material lists, and bending details. They can be prepared manually or by


4.2- Scope

Placing drawings convey the LDP ' s design intent as covered in the contract documents in order to assure

proper fabrication and placement of reinforcing steel. The contract documents plus addenda issued by

the LDP (per terms agreed upon in the contract if issued after the contract is made), constitute the sole

authority for information in placing drawings. Because no new design intent is added during the

creation of placing drawings, they do not require and engineer' s seal. The LDP must furnish a clear

statement of the design requirements in either the project specifications or structural drawings and may

not refer to an applicable building code or other codes for information necessary to prepare the placing

drawings. Such information must be provided by the LDP in the form of specific design details or notes.

Necessary additional information such as field conditions, field measurements, construction joints, and

sequence of placing concrete must be supplied by the contractor. After approval by the LDP, including

necessary revisions, the drawings may be used for fabrication and placing of reinforcing steel.

4.3 - Procedure

Placing drawings are most commonly prepared by a detailer, typically employed or contracted by the

reinforcing steel fabricator. General steps for producing and utilizing placing drawings are as follows:

I. Detailer prepares placing drawings based on information found on the project specifications and

structural drawings as well as information related to construction requirements obtained from the


2. Placing drawings are submitted to the contractor or his designee for review and approval.

3. Once placing drawings have been approved, releases are prepared from the bar lists on the

placing drawings, based upon a delivery sequence agreed upon between the fabricator and the


4. Releases are submitted for fabrication in accordance with the current delivery schedule.

5. Reinforcing steel is cut, bent, tagged, bundled and delivered to the job site along with other

material, such as bar supports, as specified in the contract.

6. Reinforcing steel is installed based on details found on the placing drawings and in accordance

with specifications found throughout the contract documents.

4.4 - References

The information found in this section is intended to provide a general overview of the definition,

purpose and use of reinforcing steel placing drawings. For more specific information and guidelines

please refer to the Detailing section of the "CRSI Manual of Standard Practice ". Additionally, for a

better understanding of the fundamentals and best practices in the preparation of reinforced concrete

placing drawings please refer to the "CRSI Reinforcing Bar Detailing Handboo/('.

Chapter 5 - Reviewing Placing Drawings

1.0 Purpose of Review

In some areas ofNorth America, review of placing drawings by the Contractor and LDP is not required and is

rarely done. LDP' s in these areas take the view that since their inspection of installed rebar is made using their

contract design drawings, placing drawings serve no purpose in the inspection process and therefore require no

review. Errors are picked up and corrected at inspection time. The downside to this approach is that correcting

errors in the field can cause delays and increase costs.

For this reason, most areas ofNorth America encourage review of placing drawings by the Contractor and LDP.

Review is deemed to have a number of worthwhile benefits such as:

tends to include the LDP as part of the team effort

verifies conformance with general design intent

verifies that the most recent revised contract drawings have been used

catches and corrects small errors or omissions that would otherwise delay the project if left to be

discovered during inspection in the field

provides an opportunity for the LDP to make small changes or corrections to the design "on the fly"

provides assurance to the detailer that he understands the design concepts and is proceeding correctly

reviewed placing drawings form a large part of the "As Built" documents package

Most project specifications allow the LDP a given period of time to make his review, in most cases two weeks.

The detailer and construction team factor this review time into their schedules. It is therefore important for the

LDP to work within this constraint to help keep the project on schedule.

2.0 Review process

Ideally the process for submission and review of placing drawings should be outlined in the contract

documents. The process varies from project to project but generally will include the following steps:

Oetailer submits the placing drawings to the contractor or his designee

The contractor or his designee reviews the drawings and forwards them to the LDP

The LDP completes his review and returns the drawings to the contractor in a timely manner

The reviewed drawings are returned to the detailer

The detailer makes all necessary amendments and either resubmits if required, or authorizes the detailed

rebar for fabrication

3.0 Check List for Review of Placing Drawings

Each LOP will have his own check list but generally will include at least the following items:

Verify latest issue of contract drawings

Verify latest issue of addenda and supplementary documents such as RFI's, OCN ' s, and FCN ' s

Verify grades, coatings, and sizes of rebar

Verify that all rebar has been included and properly located

4.0 Levels of Approval

There are many variations of approval levels. Each LOP usually develops one that suits his requirements. Most

will include as a minimum the following items:

Approved - these drawings meet all design requirements and are approved for fabrication and


Approved as Noted- these drawings require small corrections that do not impact the design intent.

Once corrections are completed they are approved for fabrication and installation. Resubmittal is not


Revise and Resubmit- these drawings have significant errors that impact the design intent. The LOP

must review them again before he can approve them. Resubmittal is required.

Not Approved- These drawings do not meet the design intent. Alternately, perhaps, the LOP is aware

that new or revised design documents are about to be issued that will supersede previous contract

drawings. In either case completely new detailing is required and submitted.

It must be noted that by approving rebar placing drawings for fabrication and installation, the LDP does not incur any
responsibility for delays and costs associated with errors or omissions on those drawings. These delays and costs remain
the responsibility ofthe contractor, fabricator, and the placer.


5.1 ACI 117

ACI 301 , "Specifications for Structural Concrete" requires that construction tolerances

comply with ACI 117 "Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials."

ACI 117 provides tolerances that are standard for concrete construction, including tolerances for

reinforcing bar fabrication and placement. Placing tolerances have an effect on cover, strength,

constructability, and serviceability. If more restrictive tolerances are required than those shown

in ACI 117, they need to be indicated in the construction documents.

In areas of potential congestion the LDP must consider combinations of tolerances.

Certain combinations of tolerances can result in conflicts that are not simple to remedy in the

field. For instance, the"+" tolerance for a bent bar may cause the bar to encroach into the

concrete cover and exceed the "-" tolerance for that cover.

The design/construction team must identify and remove conflicts prior to construction.

This is a chapter in the new guide being prepared by ACI Committee 315. The guide is tentatively called,
"ACI Designer's Guide to Reinforcing Bar Detailing".

The purpose of this guide is not to teach the designer to detail reinforcing steel or to show him what good
detailing looks like. Instead, this guide is to show the designer what information is required in his design
documents to accurately convey his design intent to the detailer.

Following are a number issues that we feel will be of interest to the Designer. ACI Committee 315 is
asking for your help in adding to the discussion of these issues. In addition to expending the text, we will
be looking for descriptive sketches, diagrams, and photos.

The general format for each issue will be along the line of:
" Issue" is frequently encountered during the construction process
"These" are the common root causes
"These" are the common-practice solutions

The point is to introduce the issue, discuss it, and offer a solution. We do not want the solution to appear
as an instruction or demand. Hopefully the designer will pick up the message and design accordingly .

1. Minimum clearances between bars: define by measurement only. Do not define by bar

diameters or aggregate size. The designer knows the bar size and the aggregate size, so state

the dimension. This is another case where the detailer is asked to make a calculation and in

order for the designer to check that it is correct he has to make the same calculation. It is far

simpler if he makes the calculation first and puts it on the drawing. That way there is no

question about accuracy. It may speed up reviews.

2. Define clear concrete cover in inches/millimeters. Do not as define as a figure for a

corrosive environment, or non-corrosive environment, or by soil type. It is not the

responsibility of a detailer to make a judgement on types of environment or soil type. This

also applies to clearance for fire ratings. Show the clearance on the drawing for fire-rated


3. Provide a simple table to indicate clear cover for each concrete element, i.e. bottom; top; side

ofbeams; inside or outside face of walls; painted exposed surfaces, etc.

4. Clearly indicate orientation ofbars/stirrups in elements that are skewed to each other, i.e.

bridge girders skewed to pier caps. Show arrangement of arrayed bars.

5. Clearly indicate in which concrete elements bar splices must be staggered. Provide a sketch

to show the nature and length of the stagger. This is very important, especially for verticals.

It is never clear if laps must be staggered at the footing.

6. Clearly indicate the length of non-standard hooks. Never show a longer than standard hook

on the drawings with dimensioning it.

7. Clearly indicate at termination of vertical bars whether the bars are straight, hooked, or

finished with tenninators. Indicate how to terminate bars where the depth of the slab is

insufficient to accommodate a hook.

8. Indicate with a sketch exactly what is the hooked bar development length. Many reviewers

and inspectors confuse this length with the length of the hook, rather than the total

embedment length (LDH).

9. When open or capped stirrups are acceptable in a member, indicate these as the first

alternate, rather than a closed stirrup.

Expanded version:

Beam schedules and details usually indicate closed stirrups. For large beams with long
spans and heavy reinforcement, closed stirrups may reduce constructability. The long bars
must be threaded into the beams through column verticals and other obstructions. With
open stirrups the long bars are simply lifted and dropped into place without any threading
necessary. This significantly reduces the labor cost of installation. Once the bars are
installed the stirrups may be capped as necessary.

If closed stirrups are the only option shown on the design documents the detailer must
issue an RFI requesting a change of stirrup configuration to open/capped style. This
process may delay the detailer days or even weeks depending on the turn-around time for

RFJ's. This is usually an unnecessary interruption since in most cases the open/capped tie
option is approved.

Design documents that clearly show both options whenever open ties are acceptable speeds
up the detailing process and reduces the document flow required by the designer,
contractor, and detailer. Constructability is enhanced while at the same time costs are

10. In multi-leg beam ties provide a longitudinal bar arrangement that places a continuous bar in

every corner or leg of the tie set. Top and bottom extra bars can then be evenly distributed

across the beam.

11. Show arrangement of verticals and ties in multi-piece tie sets. Indicate if combi-ties are


12. In vertical elements (columns, boundary elements, walls) provide sketches of all transitions

of dimensions or number of bars from one floor to the next.

13. In moment frame design where columns verticals lap at mid-height, sketches of the

transitions of dimension and number of bars is absolutely necessary.

14. Provide typical details for footing and beam steps. Provide special details wherever typical

details cannot be applied.

15. Provide sketches for wall corners and intersections for single and multiple layer members.

Provide special details wherever typical details cannot be applied.

16. Clearly indicate layering ofbars at intersecting beams and girders. Consider making the

depth ofbeams in one direction a couple of inches deeper than the crossing beams.

17. Give thought to clearances and layering of slab top steel over intersecting beams. Indicate

sequence of placing bars.

18. Typical trim bars details in the general notes frequently do not apply to large or odd-shaped

openings, or openings near the soffit of a slab. Provide clear details of trim bars around all

such openings, especially in complex layering of rebar.

19. Clearly indicate bar arrangement for slab depressions, especially in areas of dense


20. In deep foundations that require skin reinforcing on the sides, use vertical U-bars around the

perimeter rather than putting long hooks on bottom and top bars. If long hooks are required

on the bottom and top bars, provide a sketch to show how they are to be spliced. Do not

simply show the bottom bar hooks rising to the top of the member and the top bar hooks

falling to the bottom of the member.

21. Always cloud ALL changes on revised drawings. Alternatively provide a numbered delta at

each revision. Never cloud or delta some changes but not others.

22. Do not provide lap lengths as multipliers of bar sizes. Provide a proper table showing

dimensioned laps for ONLY the concrete strengths found in the project. Do not pull a huge

table from some extraneous manual.

23. Designer must think about the lap lengths he is calling out. For instance do not call for 11 '-4"

laps on #11 boundary elements verticals when the floor to floor height is only 10"-0".

24. For spirals, indicate number oftums at bottom and top; are 135 hooks required; nature of

laps (i.e. simply lapped, lapped with hooks, welded, coupled); sketch to show varying


25. For hoops, show simple lap or lap with hooks; show number of bars to be included between


26. Select proper coupler type to suit the situation. I.e. Barlock is too big for columns and

boundary elements. Some fit well between ties for columns and boundary elements.

27. Issues with congestion with hooks or terminators at intersecting members.

28. Issues with stud rails, etc.

29. Issues with construction and expansion joints.

30. Issues with conflicts between reinforcing and water stops.

31. Cold and heat bending of embedded bars.

32. Issues regarding cutting bars in the field, especially with a cutting torch.

33. Caution with mixing different grades of bars on a single project.

34. And so on. This list should probably be at least twice as long.

Thank you for your help.


2 10.1-Reference standards and reports

3 The standards and reports listed below were the latest editions at the time this document was

4 prepared. Because these documents are revised frequently, the reader is advised to contact the

5 proper sponsoring group if it is desired to refer to the latest version.

7 American Concrete Institute (ACI)

8 117-1 0--Specification for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials
9 13 2-14-Guide for Responsibility in Concrete Construction
10 301-1 0--Specifications for Structural Concrete
11 318-14-Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-14) and Commentary
13 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
14 7-10--Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures
16 American Welding Society (A WS)
17 D1.4/D1.4M:2011-Structural Welding Code- Reinforcing Steel
19 ASTM International
20 A615/A615M-15-Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Carbon-Steel Bars for Concrete
21 Reinforcement
22 A706/A706M-14-Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Low-Alloy Steel Bars for
23 Concrete Reinforcement
24 A1064/A1064M-14-Standard Specification for Carbon-Steel Wire and Welded Wire
25 Reinforcement, Plain and Deformed, for Concrete
27 Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI)
28 Reinforcing Bar Detailing, 2015
29 Manual of Standard Practice, 2009
30 RB4-2014-Standard for Supports for Reinforcement Used in Concrete
32 International Code Council (ICC)
33 2012 IBC-Intemational Building Code
35 National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS)
36 United States National CAD Standard, V6
38 Authored Documents
39 Reinforcing Bars: Anchorages and Splices, 2008, fifth edition, Concrete Reinforcing Steel
40 Institute, Schaumburg, IL

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