Vol39No7 Full PDF
Vol39No7 Full PDF
Vol39No7 Full PDF
29 Closure Strip Strategies
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Electron Microscope Images are the property and copyright of Xypex Chemical Corporation.
64 Concrete Q&A
Subgrade Drag Equation in ACI 360R
Copyright 2017 American Concrete Institute. Printed in the United States of America. All correspondence should be directed to the
headquarters office: 38800 Country Club Drive, Farmington Hills, MI 48331. Telephone: +1.248.848.3700. Facsimile (FAX): +1.248.848.3701.
Concrete International (US ISSN 0162-4075) is published monthly by the American Concrete Institute, 38800 Country Club Drive,
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William E. Rushing Jr. H.R. Trey Hamilton Tracy D. Marcotte
hether we call them pour Sharon L. Wood R. Doug Hooton Antonio Nanni
strips, closure strips, or Michael J. Schneider Joe Hug Roberto Stark
shrinkage strips, there is clear
logic behind specifying temporary joints
in reinforced concrete floor systems: Vice Presidents Executive Vice President
create smaller floor plates that will David A. Lange Randall W. Poston Ronald Burg
reduce the amount of restrained shrinkage
strain and associated cracking.
Unfortunately, conventional closure Technical Activities Educational Activities Certification Programs
Committee Committee Committee
strips interrupt workflows and create chair chair chair
obstacles within and between floors H.R. Trey Hamilton Frances T. Griffith Joe Hug
they burn money and time. secretary staff liaison staff liaison
While proprietary lockable dowel Matthew R. Senecal Kathryn A. Amelio John W. Nehasil
systems eliminate many of these
Michael C. Brown Diana Arboleda Bryan Castles
challenges, engineers still must define JoAnn P. Browning Arturo Gaytan Covarrubias William Ciggelakis
the joint spacing and minimum open Catherine E. French Thomas M. Greene Brian Green
times and thus need data-based guidance. Harry A. Gleich Joe Hug Werner Hellmer
This months CI includes data and Fred R. Goodwin Anthony Lamanna Augusto H. Holmberg
Larry Kahn Ronald L. OKane Steve Lloyd
analysis for a portion of one building Neven Krstulovic-Opara Jackie Sempel Warren E. McPherson Jr.
(see p. 29), but Id like to see more. Kimberly E. Kurtis Scott Tarr Christopher Robinson
Consider this a call for researchers, Tracy D. Marcotte Ronald Vaughn Thomas L. Rozsits
Michael S. Stenko Xiomara Sapon
designers, and builders to share their Bruce A. Suprenant David M. Suchorski
experiences. Start with the basicssend Andrew W. Taylor Wayne M. Wilson
me a sketch of the floor system, note the
joint spacing, and indicate the time
elapsed before closure. If you prefer, we
can keep the data confidential.
I understand that continuously
reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP), is ACI Staff & Departments
typically constructed with 0.65 to 0.80% Executive Vice President: Ronald Burg (ron.burg@concrete.org)
longitudinal reinforcing steel content and Senior Managing Director: John C. Glumb (john.glumb@concrete.org)
has served successfully for decades. ACI Foundation: Human Resources:
Joints in CRCP pavement sections can ann.daugherty@acifoundation.org lori.purdom@concrete.org
be miles (kilometers) apart, so it Certification: Information Systems:
shouldnt be surprising that 0.50 to aci.certification@concrete.org support@concrete.org
0.60% continuous reinforcement can Chapter Activities: Marketing:
also be used in floors to eliminate the john.conn@concrete.org kevin.mlutkowski@concrete.org
need for joints in a slab-on-ground floor Engineering: Member/Customer Services:
(see this months Concrete Q&A, p. 64). techinq@concrete.org acimemberservices@concrete.org
How are these and other slab-on-ground Event Services: Professional Development:
systems performing? Given the numerous conventions@concrete.org claire.hiltz@concrete.org
technologies available to floor designers Finance and Administration: Publishing Services:
and owners, it seems that a comparative donna.halstead@concrete.org barry.bergin@concrete.org
study is in order. So to start, it would be
beneficial if researchers, designers, and
builders shared project details on slab
dimensions, system type (and joint spacing Sustaining Members
if appropriate), and years in service. See pages 8-9 for a list of ACIs Sustaining Members.
Send me an e-mail with the information; To learn more about our sustaining members, visit the ACI website at
again, the data can be confidential. www.concrete.org/membership/sustainingmembers.aspx.
Rex C. Donahey
yFlatwork Finisher nician Masonry Laboratory Testing Technicia Adhesive Anchor Installer Field Testin
Technician Flatwork Finisher Specialty Commercial/Industrial Finisher Specialty Commercial/Industria
Technician Strength Testing Technician Laboratory Testing Technician Aggregate Testing Technicia
Aggregate/Soils Base Technician Concrete Construction Special Inspector Base Technicia
Transportation Special Inspector Concrete Transportation Special Inspector Tilt-Up Supervisor Tilt-U
Technician Shotcrete Nozzleman Shotcrete Nozzleman-in-Training Masonry Field Testing Technicia
Masonry Laboratory Testing Technicia Adhesive Anchor Installer Field Testing Technician Flatwor
sher Shotcrete her Commercial/Industrial Finisher Specialty Commercial/Industrial Technician Strengt
esNozzlemanian Laboratory Testing Technician Aggregate Testing Technician Tilt-Up Soil
Base Technician Concrete Construction Special Inspector Associate Concrete TransSupervisor ia
nspector Concrete Transportation Special Inspector Tilt-Up Supervisor Tilt-Up Technician Shotcret
Nozzleman Shotcrete Nozzleman-in-Training Masonry Field Testing Technician Masonry Laborator
esting Technician FF vvv Adhesive Anchor Installer Field Testing Technician Flatwork ty Strength Specialt
alty Commercial/Industrial Finisher Specialty Commercial/Industrial Technician Strength Testing Technicia
Concrete Testing Technician Aggregate Testing Technician Aggregate/Soils Base Technicia
te Construction Special Inspector Concrete Quality Technical Manager Concret
ician Special Special Inspector Tilt-Up Supervisor Tilt-Up Technician Shotcrete Nozzleman Field Testin
tcrete Inspector an-in-Training Masonry Field Testing Technician Masonry Laboratory TTesting Technicia
Adhesive Anchor InstallerWithField23Testing Technician
programs (and nine Flatwork Finisher Specialty
more in development), the Commercial/Industria
Finisher Specialty Commercial/Industrial
American ConcreteTechnician
Institute has Strength Testing
a certification Technician
program to Laboratory Testin
satisfy any number of concrete specialties that youve been
l Tilt-Up Aggregate Testing Technician Aggregate/Soils Base Technician Concrete Constructio
cial Technicianssociatethinking about.Transportation
Concrete Offering certifications around
Special the worldConcrete Transportatio
since 1980; learn how you can become ACI certified at
Special Inspector Tilt-Up Supervisor Tilt-Up Technician Shotcrete Nozzleman ShotAdhesive Anchor
n-Training Masonry Field Testing Technician Masonry Laboratory Testing Technicia Installer Ancho
Technician Flatwork echnician Flatwork Finisher Specialty Commercial/Industrial Finisher Specialt
Aggregate Testingtrial Technician Strength Testing Technician Laboratory Testing TechnicianTechn
Testing Technician Aggregate/Soils Base Technician Concrete Construction Special Inspecto
Concrete Quality Technical Manager Concrete Transportation Special Inspector Tilt-U
Supervisor Tilt-Up Technician Shotcrete Nozzleman Shotcrete Nozzleman-in-Training Masonry Fiel
Testing Technician Masonry Laboratory Testing Technician Adhesive Anchor Installer Field Testin
Technician Flatwork Finisher Specialty Commercial/Industrial Adhesive Anchor Installer Industria
ian Strength Testing Technician Laboratory Testing Technician Aggregate Testing Technician Co
Aggregate/Soils Base Technician Concrete Construction Special Inspector Concrete Quality
nspector Tilt-Up Supervisor Transportation Special Inspector Shotcrete Nozzleman-in-Training Shotcret
Nozzleman Tilt-Up Technician Shotcrete Nozzleman-in-Training Masonry Field Testing Technicia
Adhesive Anchor Installer Masonry Laboratory Testing Technician Field Testing Technician Flatwor
ACI and Asia
wo years ago, the The good news is that ACI has been active in all these
Washington Post reported regions. Still, the opportunity to improve ACI engagement in
a striking statistic: China each of them is tremendous.
used more cement in 3 years In East Asia, the Institute has at least one partnership
than the United States used in agreement in each of the countries. ACI has excellent ties and
the entire twentieth century. active cooperation with the Japan Concrete Institute (JCI) and
Even some of the people furthest the Korean Concrete Institute (KCI). In fact, after two very
from concrete, like Microsoft successful events, ACI will be holding its next joint seminar
Founder Bill Gates, tweeted with JCI on October 18, 2017, during The ACI Concrete
their shock at the significance of Convention and Exposition, taking place in Anaheim, CA,
this data. The numbers are truly from October 15-19. The theme of the session will be
staggering. From 2011 to 2013, Challenges and Developments in the Life Cycle Management
6.6 gigatons (1 gigaton is 1000 of Existing Concrete Structures.
Khaled W. Awad
billion tons) of cement were ACI also has one chapter and three partnership agreements
ACI President
consumed in China, whereas 4.5 in China, a partner in Mongolia, and a chapter and a partner
gigatons of cement were used between 1901 and 2000 in the in Taiwan.
United States. Similarly, ACI has, in each of the ASEAN countries, at
There is no doubt that the Chinese economic growth has least one partnership agreement or a chapter.
been hinging on infrastructure development and more In South Asia, there are ACI chapters in both India and in
precisely on cement and concrete. But this is not just about Pakistan. The Institute also recently witnessed increased
China. The whole Asian continent has been witnessing an student activity. ACI now has a total of eight student chapters
unprecedented growth in concrete construction. there, and all chapters are planning ACI student competitions.
Questions immediately come to mind: Out of all Asian regions, the Middle East has the highest
What is ACI doing in Asia? regional adoption of the ACI 318 Building Code. During a
How is ACI capturing the knowledge developed there? meeting in Qatar last May, ACI representatives signed an
How is the Institute communicating the value of the agreement with the Gulf Standards Organization (GSO) to
information it has been building over the years? allow access to ACI 318 for all countries of the Gulf
The immediate answers: First, ACI is already doing a lot. Cooperation Council. The Middle East is also one of the most
Second, the Institute can still do much more. active regions in ACI certification. Further, it has great levels
Before I list ACIs ongoing endeavors in Asia, its of chapter activitythere are eight ACI chapters and four
important to be aware that Asia is not a single regionits a student chapters in the Middle East, and all have either
collection of sub-regions. The most common division, organized or are planning to launch ACI student competitions.
adopted by economists, includes five main regions: In Central Asia, many large projects in Azerbaijan,
East Asia, which principally includes China, Japan, Korea, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan cite ACI 318 as a reference. ACI
Taiwan, and Mongolia; also recently organized the first Concrete Field Testing
Southeast Asia, known as the ASEAN region, comprising Technician Grade I certification session in Kazakhstan.
mainly Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, It is clear ACI has been omnipresent in Asia and has very
Myanmar, Laos, the Philippines, Cambodia, and Vietnam; solid cooperation platforms throughout the continent. ACIs
South Asia, including essentially India, Pakistan, challenge is to further capitalize on and engage with the
Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka; concrete community in this region to advance concrete
Central Asia, also known as the Central Independent States construction and learn about and codify the best practices
(CIS), with Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Georgia, used there to cope with the exceptional and unparalleled
Uzbekistan, and Azerbaijan; and growth in concrete use and production.
The Middle East, which includes all the Gulf states, plus
Iran, Iraq, and Yemen as well the countries of the Near Khaled W. Awad
East: Israel, Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan. American Concrete Institute
To learn more about our sustaining members, visit our website at www.concrete.org/sustainingmembers
Kleinfelder is an employee-owned From day one, our guiding vision at LafargeHolcim is the number one
company consisting of architects, Kryton has always been to build a building solutions provider in the
engineers, inspectors, and scientists better future. Today were driven by world and the leading cement
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worlds complex infrastructure smarter products, better systems and US headquarters in Chicago, Illinois,
challenges. superior support. Since being founded they have resources across the country,
Their recent projects include in 1973, weve remained focused on whether operating under the name
providing design for the Alewife working closely with our customers Lafarge North America, Holcim (US)
Parking Garage for the Massachusetts and partners to build better, watertight or Aggregate Industries US. They
Bay Transportation Authority which structures that outlast and outperform provide innovative cement, aggregates,
included evaluating structural deficien- traditional methods. This has resulted ready-mix concrete, concrete, and
cies, correcting deterioration problems, in Kryton offering complete water- asphalt products as well as associated
developing repair details and providing proofing systems and solutions that services and solutions. They also
construction staging plans to limit drive quality and durability through develop sectorial offerings tailored to
impacts to the public. In Salt Lake innovation. their customers needs.
City, UT, Kleinfelder completed special For all those needs, LafargeHolcim
inspection and materials testing Only Kryton has proprietary has built the most extensive and
services for the four-story, 172,000 sq. ft. Krystol crystalline technology that has innovative product, service, and
ultramodern Public Safety Building. unmatched waterproofing perfor- solution offering on the market. And
The foundation consisted of 10,000 mance and history. In fact, Kryton with their professional teams, assets,
cubic yards of concrete, and required invented and pioneered the Crystalline technologies, and strong
multiple inspectors and an on-site Admixture and is the only company manufacturing processes, their clients
laboratory to ensure the quality for with proven long term performance. can trust the quality and the
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In the Pacific Northwest, Kleinfelder structures are built around the globe. solutions they are those of the
provided quality assurance, special At Kryton they continue to pioneer worlds most advanced group in the
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employed to deliver the concrete, and To learn about Kryton products, LafargeHolcim, visit their website at
approximately 40,000 cubic yards of please visit their website at www.lafargeholcim.com.
concrete were placed to construct the www.kryton.com or call
new structures using high percentages +1.604.324.8280.
of fly ash and nitrogen-cooled concrete
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to the engineering community,
professionals, and experts worldwide.
Located in Islamabad, Pakistan, PEC
is a statutory body that regulates the Water Vapor Reducing Admixture
engineering profession to function as a
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Engineering Council appreciates the ECONOMICAL $.50 to $.75 per square foot
dedicated efforts toward developing ELIMINATE MOISTURE related flooring/roofing issues
professional working relations between and related project delays
the Council and ACI, stated Inam
Ahmad Osmani, Senior Vice Chairman, MOISTURE AND BOND TESTS done on site by factory
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PEC. I congratulate both organizations
on this landmark achievement. $10,000,000 DOLLAR manufacturers project specific
For more information on PEC, visit warranty supplied by Specialty Products Group and
www.pec.org.pk. underwritten by Lloyds Of London
RISK MANAGEMENT tool for all stakeholders
Study on Sealant
The Seal/No Seal (SNS) Group has
Unenhanced concrete Vapor LockTM enhanced
compiled the results of a study on
Internally cured
Qualification of Joint Sealant Vapor proof
Effectiveness Regarding Jointed Waterproof concrete
Concrete Pavement Performance, Voc free
conducted by Dan Zollinger, FACI, at Reduces:
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(TTI), College Station, TX. A key Efflorescence
outcome of this project is the Delamination Radon Gas Contaminated Soil
advancement of a mechanistic tool for Slab curl Moisture Vapor Vapor LockTM 20/20
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assessment of the sealant effectiveness Certified to
on pavement performance.
This study did not attempt to research
sealant effectiveness through traditional
approaches such as characterizing
rigorous approach to evaluate performance in terms of the The three architects, originating from Olot, in the
amount of infiltration through the joint and the consequential Catalonian region of Spain, have worked together
impacts on subbase erosion and pavement distress. collaboratively since founding their firm RCR Arquitectes, in
The study also included evaluation of using ground- their hometown in 1988. Lauded for harmonizing materiality
penetrating radar (GPR) to detect the existence of moisture with transparency, they seek connections between the exterior
under pavement slabs near joints. The work indicates that it and interior, resulting in emotional and experiential
may be feasible to use GPR to detect the existence of moisture architecture. The group recently completed a tinted concrete
to assess when a sealant is no longer effective. and steel crematorium in Holsbeek, Belgium, and collaborated
To join and participate in the research of the Seal/No Seal on an entrance to the Garrotxa Volcanic Park in Les Preses
Group, e-mail info@sealnoseal.org. A shortened version of the near Olot. Other notable projects include La Cuisine Art
report can be downloaded at www.sealnoseal.org/PDF/ Center, Ngrepelisse, France (2014); Soulages Museum in
TechBrief/Tech_Brief_SNS_TTI_Report.pdf. collaboration with G. Trgout, Rodez, France (2014); and
La Lira Theater Public Open Space in collaboration with
2017 Pritzker Architecture Prize J. Puigcorb, Ripoll, Girona, Spain (2011).
Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem, and Ramon Vilalta were This is the first time that three architects together have
selected as the 2017 Pritzker Architecture Prize Laureates. been honored with the prize. The 2017 Pritzker Prize Jury
The Hyatt Foundation sponsors the award, which is known Citation states, in part: we live in a globalized world where
internationally as architectures highest honor. we must rely on international influences, trade, discussion,
and transactions. But more and more people fear that because
of this international influencewe will lose our local values,
our local art, and our local customsRafael Aranda, Carme
Pigem, and Ramon Vilalta tell us that it may be possible to
have both.
Professionals Program
After two successful pilots, ASTM International is
expanding its Emerging Professionals program. The program
with will provide airfare and lodging this year for up to 24 participants
to attend a leadership development workshop held during an
ASTM International committee week. D. Thomas Marsh, the
organizations Board Chairman for 2017, is championing the
The program aims to identify candidates who have some
familiarity with standards and who have strong potential to
be future leaders in one or more of the organizations
145 technical committees. Winning applicants will receive
mentoring from a standards professional in their industry and
participate in a leadership workshop on negotiation, consensus
building, and problem solving.
The remaining programs and affiliated industries are:
October 10 in New Orleans, LA (thermal insulation, air
quality, performance of buildings, and more), nominations
due by August 10;
November 14 in Atlanta, GA (steel, plastics, consumer
products, plastic piping systems, and more), nominations
due by September 14; and
December 5 in New Orleans, LA (road materials, cement,
Visit www.concrete.org environmental assessment, and more), nominations due by
October 5.
Thank you!
The American Concrete Institute has a policy of reduced membership dues for long-time members whereby, upon
application, a retired member who reached age 65 and has been a member for 25 years is eligible for continued member-
ship at half of the regular dues. In the case of members who have belonged to ACI for 45 years or more, there is no charge
for continuing membership.
If you have questions regarding this policy or would like to apply for this type of membership, please contact
the Customer Service Department by telephone at +1.248.848.3800, by fax at +1.248.848.3801, by e-mail at
ACICustomerService@concrete.org, or by writing to:
Chair of subcommittee that prepared this guide. G. Kazanis,* Frank A. Kozeliski, Frank Lennox, John R. Love
The committee would like to acknowledge P. Bly and S. Palotta for their III, Amy Miller, Jon I. Mullarky, Scott M. Palotta, Nigel K.
contributions to this guide. Parkes, Jan R. Prusinski, David Richardson, Robert Alan
Rodden, David M. Suchorski, Scott M. Tarr, Christopher R.
Abstract: Concrete mixtures intended for pavements have Tull, Diep T. Tu, and Jason D. Wimberly, Members; D. Gene
purposes and desired characteristics that are different from Daniel and Don J. Wade, Consulting Members.
other types of mixtures, such as structural or mass concrete. *
Chair of the task group that prepared this guide.
Thus, a guide for designing concrete mixtures specific to
pavingsuch as highways, streets, airfields, and parking Abstract: This guide provides information useful in the
lotsis necessary. This guide describes a method for designing design and construction of a successful site-paving project for
mixtures and selecting trial mixture proportions for hydraulic heavy-duty industrial and trucking facilities. This information
cement concrete made with and without supplementary assists architects/engineers, contractors, and testing agencies
cementitious materials, chemical admixtures, and fibers. The with designing, detailing, constructing, repairing, and
guide provides a method that focuses on designing the inspecting site paving. Engineers use this guide to make
concrete mixture in the context of pavement structural design, recommendations for the pavement support system, concrete
concrete production, construction operations, and the mixture, pavement thickness, joint spacing, and load transfer
environment in which the pavement will reside. Trial mixture devices. Thickness design tables are included for common
proportions are for concrete consisting of normalweight over-the-road trucks and industrial lift trucks. Tables are also
aggregates and concrete with workability suitable for various provided to check the pavement thickness for punching shear
types of pavement construction, such as slipform, fixed-form, and concrete strength for bearing stress applied by loaded
and laser-guided screeding. The method provides an initial trailers that have been disconnected from the tractor.
approximation of proportions intended to be analyzed to Contractors use this guide to understand proper ways to
assess their performance potential for mixing, transporting, construct site paving with block or strip placements and avoid
placing, screeding and consolidating, finishing, texturing, and common mistakes made during construction. Proper placing,
time of setting. The method also considers the hardened consolidating, and finishing techniques are described to
concrete performance parameters of strength, durability, construct a durable pavement that complies with the project
abrasion resistance, skid resistance, smoothness, and dimensional documents. Inspectors and testing agencies use this guide to
and shape stability. Methods of checking for incompatibilities understand the design and be better equipped to monitor the
of materials in given construction environments are included, project from stripping and grubbing of the site to concrete
as well as methods for aggregate grading optimization. pavement curing. Testing and inspection included in this
Resulting proportions should be checked by preparing and guide should only be done by individuals holding the
analyzing trial mixtures in the laboratory and then in the field appropriate certifications.
Report on the Measurement of Fresh State West Jr., Robert C. Zellers, and Kay Willie, Members; P.N.
Properties and Fiber Dispersion of Fiber- Balaguru, Hiram Price Ball Jr., Gordon B. Batson, Arnon
Reinforced Concrete (ACI 544.2R-17) Bentur, Anderzej M. Brandt, James I. Daniel, Sidney Freedman,
Reported by ACI Committee 544, Fiber-Reinforced Christian Meyer, Henry J. Molloy, Antoine E. Naaman, and
Concrete Venkataswamy Ramakrishnan, Consulting Members.
Barzin Mobasher,* Chair; Neven Krstulovic-Opara, *
Members of subcommittee who contributed to the document.
Secretary; Clifford N. MacDonald, Membership Secretary;
Chair of the Subcommittee C who developed the document.
Corina-Maria Aldea, Emmanuel K. Attiogbe, Mehdi Bakhshi, The committee would like to thank R. Lequense and M. Porter for their
Nemkumar Banthia, Joaquim Oliveria Barros, Amir contributions to this report.
Bonakdar, Amanda C. Bordelon,* Jean-Philippe Charron,
Xavier Destree,* Ashish Dubey, Mahmut Ekenel, Liberato Abstract: This report outlines existing procedures for
Ferrara, Gregor D. Fischer, Dean P. Forgeron,* Emilio Garcia testing and measuring fresh state performance and fiber
Taengua, Rishi Gupta,* Heidi Helmink, George C. Hoff, dispersion in fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC). As for the
Marco Invernizzi, John Jones, David A. Lange, Michael A. former, test methods applicable to both ordinary vibrated FRC
Mahoney, Bruno Massicotte, James Milligan, Nicholas C. and fiber-reinforced self-consolidating concrete (FR-SCC) are
Mitchell Jr., Jeffrey L. Novak, Giovanni A. Plizzari, Klaus reviewed. Methods for nondestructive monitoring of fiber
Alexander Rieder, Pierre Rossi, Steve Schaef, Surendra P. dispersion and orientation in FRC materials and structures are
Shah, Flavio de Andrade Silva,* Luca Sorelli, Thomas E. also presented and their pros and cons addressed.
CRC Research Project Seeks to Evaluate the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER)
Alternative Fly Ash Sources as part of the Tall Buildings Initiative (TBI) and thus widely
The ACI Foundations Concrete Research Council (CRC) known as the TBI Guidelines, the document provides a
approved the funding of four research projects for 2017. This performance-based design procedure for earthquake-resistant
edition of Knowledge to Practice features one of the four tall buildings as an alternative to the prescriptive design
projects: Evaluating the Performance and Feasibility of Using procedures incorporated by reference into the International
Recovered Fly Ash and Fluidized Bed Combustion Fly Ash as Building Code, including those in ASCE/SEI 7, Minimum
Concrete Pozzolan. Design Loads For Buildings and Other Structures.
This research will help determine if and how recovered Since the initial publication of the TBI Guidelines,
stockpiled fly ash and fluidized bed combustion (FBC) fly ash can structural engineers have gained substantial experience in
be used as viable and high-performance pozzolans for concrete. application of performance-based techniques for the design of
Farshad Rajabipour, Pennsylvania State University, State College, buildings around the world. Significant advances have also
PA, will serve as the projects principal investigator. The project is been made in nonlinear analytical capability and in defining
supported by ACI Committee 232, Fly Ash in Concrete. ground motions for use in nonlinear seismic analysis. The
Supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) are key updated TBI Guidelines will facilitate the most up-to-date
ingredients in todays concrete and can vastly improve the performance-based design, review, acceptance, and
durability and sustainability of concrete mixtures. While the construction of buildings using current materials, structural
demand for fly ash (the most commonly used SCM) and other systems, and devices.
suitable pozzolans continues to escalate, the supply of high-quality The team that produced the update was led by Jack
and economically available fly ash has been shrinking. To maintain Moehle, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA,
and expand the market share of concrete in pavements, bridges, and Ron Hamburger, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger. The
buildings, and precast elements, it is critical that high-quality, project was supported by ACI Committee 318, Structural
long-lasting, and cost-competitive concrete is widely available; this Concrete Building Code, specifically Subcommittee 318-H,
requires a stable and abundant supply of inexpensive fly ash. While Seismic Provisions. The ACI Foundation was a co-funder of
alternative sources of fly ash do exist (such as landfilled or ponded this research project, along with the Charles Pankow
fly ash), these have not been used due to a lack of guidelines and Foundation, American Institute of Steel Construction, Federal
protocols to evaluate the performance of these ashes and identify Emergency Management Agency, Structural Engineering
necessary beneficiation procedures before they can be incorporated Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and the
into concrete mixtures. Structural Engineers Association of California.
This study seeks to evaluate the feasibility, performance, and
beneficiation of two promising alternative sources of fly ash:
recovered dry-disposed fly ash and FBC fly ash. Samples of both
materials will be collected from several fly ash landfills and FBC
power plants, then characterized to determine their chemical and
physical properties, performance in concrete mixtures, and areas
of noncompliance with ASTM C618 requirements. Accordingly,
the most appropriate and economical methods for treatment and
beneficiation of these fly ashes will be identified, developed, and
employed. The experimental research will be supplemented with
cost analyses to evaluate the economic and practical feasibility of
using such unconventional fly ashes as viable concrete SCM. The
project findings will be used to potentially develop new ACI
guidelines for the evaluation and use of recovered fly ash and
FBC fly ash in concrete.
he leadership in advancing worldwide concrete
technology embodied by ACI membersindustry and
academic professionals as well as aspiring students
isone of the strengths of the Institute. Examples of leadership
activities and qualities were part of the presentations and
discussions during The ACI Concrete Convention and
Exposition Spring 2017, held March 26-30, 2017, in
The event was organized by the Greater Michigan
Chapter ACI, and set a new record for an ACI Spring
Convention, with the participation of 2021 attendees,
including 451 students.
Michael J. Schneider, ACI President 2016-2017 (left), congratulated 50-year members Robert L. Terpening, Richard C. Meininger, David W.
Johnston, Robert L. Henry, Douglas J. Haavik, Charles W. Dolan, David Darwin, Marvin E. Criswell, and Antoine E. Naaman at the Opening Session
At the Student Forum, members of the Instituto Maa de Tecnologia Pam Jeffords, a partner at Mercer, presented the Workforce
Student Chapter ACI talked about student competitions in Brazil Innovation summit keynote address on Learn How to Accelerate
and invited other ACI students to join them Progress in your Diversity Strategy
he ACI Foundation has awarded nine Student high-rise structures and affordable residential homes. During
Fellowships, seven Graduate Scholarships, and his spare time, Musemate plans to become an adjunct
oneUndergraduate Scholarship for the 2017-2018 professor and teach university-level engineering classes.
academic year. Abi Aghayere, Drexel University, was his Faculty
ACI Foundation Student Fellowships
The ACI Foundation Student Fellowships are offered ACI Barbara S. and W. Calvin McCall Carolinas
tohigh-potential undergraduate and graduate students in Fellowship
engineering, construction management, and other appropriate David Scott is a PhD Candidate in infrastructure and
curricula who are nominated by an ACI faculty member. The environmental systems at the University of North Carolina
purpose of the Student Fellowship Program is to identify, (UNC) at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC. His career plans include
attract, and develop outstanding professionals for productive continuing to work in the concrete industry, supporting the
careers in the concrete field. During the academic year, each advancement of concrete technology, and working with the
student will receive a $7000 to $15,000 educational stipend current and next generation of concrete engineers.
for tuition, residence, books, and materials; appropriate Tara Cavalline, UNC Charlotte, was his Faculty
certificates, recognition, and publicity; paid travel expenses Nominator.
and attendance fees to two ACI conventions; assignment
to an industry mentor; and an optional summer internship ACI Charles Pankow Student Fellowship
(internships are required to receive the ACI Baker Student Megan Voss is pursuing her PhD in civil engineering,
Fellowship, ACI Elmer Baker Student Fellowship, ACI witha concentration in construction materials, at Valparaiso
Cagley Student Fellowship, and ACI Charles Pankow University, Valparaiso, IN. Her career goal is to become a
StudentFellowship). professor at a university that focuses on teaching.
The last portion of the application process is an interview Jacob Henschen, Valparaiso University, was her Faculty
with the ACI Foundation Scholarship Council. Finalists Nominator.
selected for the ACI Foundation Fellowships were invited
toattend The ACI Concrete Convention and Exposition ACI Daniel W. Falconer Memorial Fellowship
Spring 2017 in Detroit, MI. The recipients include: Bjorn Vors will attend the University of Saskatchewan,
Saskatoon, SK, Canada, to study for his MS degree. He
ACI Baker Student Fellowship plansto work in the design industry for several years, then
Frank-Nelson Musemate attends Drexel University, pursue his PhD and transition into research and teaching at
Philadelphia, PA, where he is pursuing a joint bachelors auniversity.
degree in civil engineering and a masters degree in structural Lisa Feldman, University of Saskatchewan, was his
engineering with a construction management minor. After Faculty Nominator.
graduation, he plans to join a top civil/structural/construction
engineering firm, pass his professional engineer license exam, ACI Darrell Elliott Louisiana Fellowship
and focus on securing project management positions. He Ryan Whelchel is a PhD Candidate in civil engineering
aspires to start a design-build company that will focus on atPurdue University, West Lafayette, IN. My goal, as a
by Andre Brault, Neil Hoult, Tom Greenough, Ian Trudeau, and Barry Charnish
he construction industry in the United States accounts based on industry experience,2,5 and only a few include
for 4% (about $720 billion) of the countrys Gross considerations of many building specific characteristics that
Domestic Product.1 Thus, the elimination of any affect slab shrinkage. A design method that takes these effects
construction inefficiencies could lead to significant economic into consideration was developed by Kim and Cho.4 Although
benefits. Currently, reinforced concrete (RC) buildings with this method looks promising, we are aware of no field data
floor plans larger than 60 to 76 m (200 to 250 ft) commonly validating its predictions. We also know of no published
include closure strips to mitigate the formation of shrinkage reports on monitoring of closure strips in RC buildings. This
cracks. Closure strips, also referred to as pour strips or article summarizes design approaches that are currently
shrinkage strips, add to the cost and timelines of a project,2 available, presents a case study of closure strip monitoring,
and yet the industry lacks detailed guidance regarding their and compares the obtained field measurements with
design and need for implementation. Further, it has been predictions from two available design approaches.
hypothesized that closure strips are often used when they are not
needed, especially in the upper levels of multi-story buildings.3,4 Available Design Approaches
Closure strips are temporary gaps that allow sections of For post-tensioned slabs, strip placement requirements are
floors on either side to undergo shrinkage independently (Fig. 1). summarized in some detail in the literature.5,6 Guidelines for
This reduces the maximum-induced shrinkage stresses and expansion joint design are also readily available,5,7 and it is
mitigates the formation of cracks that can form when common for engineers to use these, paired with engineering
shrinkage is restrained by vertical structural elements such as judgment, for RC closure strip design.
columns, shear walls, and shear cores.4,5 We know of only a few guidelines that apply directly to the
Typically, closure strips are filled anywhere from 2 to 12 design of RC slab closure strips. While Commentary Sections
weeks following the placement of the main slab. This results R4.4.5 and R5.3.6 of ACI 318-148 mention the use of closure
in a number of challenges: strips as a method to control shrinkage cracking in RC
Primary shoring and formwork must be kept in place at the buildings, they do not provide design guidance. Fintel5
location of the closure strip and at all the adjacent bays suggests that concrete slabs greater than 60 m in length
until the strip is closed and the concrete has reached the
desired design strength;
The presence of shores/reshores in these bays adds to the
project timeline by delaying mechanical, electrical, and
other contractors; and
The presence of shoring leads to additional material and
labor costs.3
While modern technologies such as lockable dowels can
eliminate the need for shoring at closure strips, the spacing of
the joints, the size of concrete slab that truly requires them,
and the time at which the joints can be locked are design
questions that remain unanswered.
In short, only limited guidance is available for RC closure Fig. 1: A 1 m (3.28 ft) wide closure strip before concrete placement
strip design. Most available design methods are primarily (photo courtesy of A. Brault)
Fig. 3: Plans for the Rideau Centre Expansion project: (a) closure
strips and concrete placement zones; and (b) shear walls and column
also evident in Fig. 6 that one of the two displacement After shrinkage commences on Level 3 (at approximately
transducers was compromised at 9 days. However, both 0.5 days), the rate of shrinkage slowly decreases during the
transducers were in good agreement prior. The other monitored period. The displacement magnitudes are lower
transducer remained in place until the closure strip was filled than were experienced on Level 2 at similar times. This is
with concrete at 29 days. Most of the slab shrinkage unexpected because vertical elements typically provide less
measured appears to occur before day 9, with a maximum restraint and thus allow more movement on upper levels.2,4
displacement of 2.8 mm (0.11 in.) on day 8. It can be seen The lower displacement magnitudes on Level 3 may be
that the displacement readings correspond to temperature explained by the fact that Zone 5b was placed 28 days
changes throughout the monitored period. As the following Zone 5a placement on Level 3 (Fig. 3(a)), reducing
temperature increases, the slabs on either side of the strip the amount of concrete undergoing early shrinkage during the
expand, and vice versa. After the first week of readings, it monitoring period on Level 3 compared to Level 2.
appears that the displacement behavior is primarily governed Also, the displacement readings do not appear to
by temperature changes. At 19 days, the ambient temperature correspond to temperature changes as clearly on Level 3 as
approaches its initial value, so the displacement reading of seen on Level 2. While the temperature readings on Level 2
1.3 mm (0.05 in.) can be assumed to be primarily caused indicate significant and clear diurnal temperature fluctuations
by slab shrinkage. (typical changes of 7C [13F]), the temperature readings on
The rate of change of displacement is largest at the start of Level 3 do not exhibit clear diurnal behavior. However, when
monitoring. This is the expected shrinkage behavior, and it there are large daily temperature changes on Level 3 (for
indicates that shrinkage occurred prior to installation of the instance, at 2 days and just before 4 days) the displacement
transducers. However, the observation that the maximum readings do respond, though to a lesser extent than seen on
displacement occurred only 8 days after placement is Level 2.
inconsistent with the common assumption that about 40% of
the ultimate shrinkage strain occurs within 4 weeks following Difficulties of closure strip monitoring
a placement 2,5,9 It should be noted that Eskildsen et al.3 also Despite having protective covers, three of the four installed
found that floor slab behavior within a large building differed transducers were damaged during the monitoring period
from predictions based on ACI 209.2R. (refer to Fig. 6 and 7). Damage may have occurred because of
a high level of construction traffic near the open closure strips,
Level 3 including installation of shoring (Fig. 8). Also, the protective
The improved instrumentation setup used on Level 3 covers may have been temporarily removed, as indicated by
(Fig. 5(b)) captured closure strip behavior immediately noisy ambient temperature readings between 9 and 11 days
following the concrete placement; however, both displacement after placement of Level 2 (Fig. 6)such readings would be
transducers were compromised on day 6 (Fig. 7). As indicated expected to occur if the wireless node was exposed to rapid
in Fig. 7, displacements appear to increase before they start to temperature fluctuations caused by intermittent sunlight and
decrease, indicating that the slab initially expanded. This was shade. Finally, the instrumentation on Level 3 was exposed to
probably the result of thermal expansion of the concrete and the elements before placement as well as construction activity
reinforcement associated with heat of hydration, and the during concrete placement. These observations indicate that
observation is in agreement with a previous field study that future studies should include more robust instrumentation,
showed that concrete reached its peak temperature within the better protection systems, and better communication between
first day following placement.11 researchers and field personnel.
Fig. 8: Shoring for the next floor built directly above an open closure
strip (photo courtesy of A. Brault)
Monitoring Results Compared to Design Fig. 10: Comparison of closure strip measured displacements for
Approaches Level 2 with experience-based design and numerical model
In this section, the monitoring results are compared to predictions
predictions from an experience-based design approach2 and
from a numerical model.4 Predictions from each approach
were converted into expected closure strip displacements. changes (in conjunction with the measured ambient
The approach described by Suprenant2 is the only temperatures) were input to provide equivalent strains
experience-based method that is used for comparison, as it is associated with shrinkage at specific times following the
the only one that provides predictions of closure strip placement of the slab.4 Displacement values from the FEA
displacements. Using this approach, closure strip model at the monitored location were then recorded. Because
displacements were predicted at the monitored location on the shrinkage for each placement commenced at a different
Level 2. Inputs were slab lengths of 12 m (39.4 ft) and 50 m time, different equivalent temperatures were applied to
(164 ft) on the left and right of the closure strip, respectively specific areas in the model to represent the overall movement
(Fig. 3), and an assumed thermal coefficient of expansion for at the closure strip.
RC of 10 106/C (5.5 106/F).12
The numerical model presented by Kim and Cho4 accounts Level 2 comparison
for restraint effects from building specific components. In Fig. 10, the Level 2 closure strip displacements are
General displacements were predicted using a commercial compared to predictions from both the experience-based
finite element analysis (FEA) program, ETABS,13 which was design guidelines2 and the numerical model4 at 2, 3, 6, 10, 14,
used in the design of the monitored building. To convert 18, 22, 26, and 28 days following the concrete placement. The
predictions from the numerical model into displacements that predicted displacements from the experience-based approach
would occur within the strip at any given time, portions of the are up to 600% larger than the measured displacement values.
building were removed from the FEA model to represent This overestimation makes sense, as the experience-based
earlier construction stages. All floors above the level of design guidelines do not account for restraint provided by
interest were removed, and all portions of floor slab north of building specific vertical elements. The numerical model
the east-west closure strip were removed. Furthermore, predictions correlate more accurately with the measured
because the movement of the north-south closure strip was closure strip displacements. However, there are still
measured, the remaining portion of slab on the level of significant differences between the two, especially toward
interest was divided along the north-south closure strip into the end of the monitoring period when the measured
two portions (Fig. 9). displacement magnitudes are consistently about 50% lower
As per the method presented by Kim and Cho, temperature than the models predictions.
Current design approaches for closure strips are limited and
are mostly based upon industry experience, with little
consideration of building specific parameters. A numerical
design model described in Reference 4 does, however, provide
Career detailed guidelines for consideration of building specific features.
Results from a monitoring program during construction of
Share your
Knowledge at
The Concrete Convention
and Exposition
October 15-19, 2017 | Disneyland Hotel | Anaheim, CA
by Tadeusz Granosik
eep foundations for pipe racks and open frame
structures used in the petrochemical industry are
often subjected to axial tension and bending. While
reinforcement design guidance is available for pile caps
subject to compressive or tensile loading,1, 2 many engineers
still use flexural design theory to determine the required pile
cap reinforcement for tensile loading, even when the clear span
to overall depth pile cap ratio is less than 2. This article will
help resolve this issue by providing some design examples.
Figure 1 shows a pile cap reinforcement scheme typically
found in structural drawings, with the top layer of bars
carrying the bending moment due to pile tension. A strut-and- Fig. 1: Typical pile cap reinforcement arrangement
tie model for a pile cap supported by two piles subjected to
compression is shown in Fig. 2. In this case, the compressive
load from the column is transmitted to the piles through
straight-line struts. At the bottom of the pile cap, the
horizontal components of the compressive struts are carried
by reinforcing bars acting as a tension tie. b
This article presents simplified strut-and-tie models for b/4 b/4
reinforcement of pile caps in the presence of tensile loads. For
the reinforcement design provided in this paper, a pile cap F/2 F/2
subjected to tension is loaded inversely to a pile cap subjected
to compression. This is demonstrated for pile caps supported
by two and four piles, which are the most common
F/2 F/2
a a T1 b
a a 1 T r 2 b 2+a 2
I I 2 2
T1 T1 T
F/2 r 2
F 2
b 2a 2
F/4 F/4 2
Fig. 3: Strut-and-tie model for a pile cap supported by two piles and
I vertical ties
subjected to tension
T1 T1
Thus, the axial force F, as shown in Fig. 3, is distributed along
two vertical components. The tensile force T can be
determined geometrically as follows
F/4 F/4
(1) r 2
(3) (6)
Portland Cement Association, Skokie, IL, 2004, 58 pp.
2. Widianto, and Bayrak, O., Example 11: Deep Pile Cap with
d Tension Piles, Further Examples for the Design of Structural Concrete
with Strut-and-Tie Models, SP-273, K.-H. Reineck and L.C. Novak, eds.,
American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2010, pp. 11-1 to 11-23.
Tadeusz Granosik is a retired Senior
Fig. 5: Strut-and-tie model for a pile cap supported by two piles and
Structural Engineer last employed by
subjected to a bending moment
WorleyParson, Calgary, AB, Canada. He
has been involved in the design of steel
The resulting reinforcement required to resist the tension tie and concrete structures, and foundations
for the pulp and paper, oil sands, and
force TM can now be calculated using Eq. (2). In the case of a
pharmaceutical industries. He received his
combined loading configuration that includes both tensile
MS from Lodz Technical University, d,
force and a bending moment, the required reinforcement is to Poland, and his PhD from Warsaw Technical
be calculated via superposition using the calculated values for University, Warsaw, Poland.
both T and TM.
ACI Store
The ACI Store has over 400 standards, technical reports, special publications, and webinars,
many ready to download straight to your mobile device. Visit today at www.concrete.org.
+1.248.848.3700 www.concrete.org
Located across the globe, ACI has
partnered with these groups to
administer written and performance
exams throughout the year
Set your date and time for convenience
when taking written exams
Looking for more on ACI 562-16? ACI has produced a series of on-demand courses that
review the process behind the ACI 562 repair code and showcase several project examples.
Slag Cement Association
2016 Project of the
Year Awards
he Slag Cement Association services. The mixtures slag cement stadium, increasing the stadiums
(SCA) presented the Slag resulted in pavement with high capacity by 750,000 ft2 (70,000 m2).
Cement 2016 Project of the Year reflectivity, adding to the visibility at The total project entailed 58,000 yd3
Awards on March 28, 2017, during the the tarmac. (44,000 m3) of concrete, with over
meeting of ACI Committee 233, Ground Project Credits: St. Pete-Clearwater 13,000 yd3 (1000 m3) of mass concrete
Slag in Concrete, at The ACI Concrete International Airport, Owner; AVCON, foundation elements. For mass concrete
Convention and Exposition Spring Inc., Engineer; GLF Construction placements, a concrete mixture with
2017 in Detroit, MI. The awards Corporation, Contractor; and Argos 70% slag cement was used to control the
recognize projects for excellence and USA LLC, Concrete and Slag Cement. temperature rise and maintain the core
innovation in concrete using slag temperature below the specified
cement. Eight projects were honored in Green Design maximum of 158F (70C).
the categories of Architectural Design, University of Notre Dame Thermocouples installed in the
Durability, Green Design, High Campus Crossroads Project, foundation elements showed that none
Performance, Sustainability, and a new Notre Dame, IN of the placements exceeded 130F
category, Innovative Applications. The University of Notre Dame (54C), even though over 1000 yd3 (760
Nominations are now being accepted Campus Crossroads Project was the m3) was required. Although many mass
for the 2017 Slag Cement Project of the largest construction venture undertaken concrete placements were completed
Year Awards. Visit the SCA website for at the University since its opening in when ambient temperatures were below
the nomination form and more 1842. The $400 million, LEED Silver 10F (12C), the maximum differential
information: www.slagcement.org project consisted of attaching three new between the core and extremity of each
buildings onto the existing football member was kept below the specified
St. Pete-Clearwater International
Airport, Clearwater, FL
The airport expansion called for the
rehabilitation of 16,000 yd3 (12,000 m3)
of apron pavement. The project included
removal of asphalt and portland cement
concrete pavement sections near airport
Gates 1-11 and associated baggage
areas. The project was completed in five
phases spanning 9 months during the
airports peak seasonall while airport
activities continued.
The new pavement comprised a
heavy-duty, 650 psi (4.5 MPa) flexural
strength concrete mixture that included
slag cement. The mixtures superior
strength gain allowed the project to be
executed without interrupting airport St. Pete-Clearwater International Airport
mockups were made to ensure that the reach strengths of 4000 psi (27.6 MPa)
project had minimal bug holes. This in 2 days.
home sits between the Shinecock Bay The architect wanted the faade to
and Atlantic Ocean. By using post- express the buildings structural elements.
tensioned, high-strength concrete, the Other than a few interior columns, all
architect could design the house with the structure is a exoskeleton located
long floor spans, maximizing the views at the building perimeter, maximizing
for the owner. tenant and rental space and creating a
Project Credits: Reg Hough visually stunning design.
Associates, Concrete Consultant; Two Project Credits: Trumark Urban,
Trees Management, Construction Owner; Handel Architects, Architect;
Manager; Gilsanz, Murray, Stefiek, LLP, Nishkian Menninger, Engineer; Build
Engineer; Ruttura and Sons Construction, Group, Contractor; Central Concrete
Concrete; Sears Ready Mix, Ready Supply Company, Inc., Concrete; and
Mixed Supplier; All Island Testing Lehigh Hanson, Slag Cement.
Associates, Concrete Mixture Designer;
and LafargeHolcim, Slag Cement. High Performance
SLS LUX, Miami, FL
Architectural Design This 57-story tower was designed by
SLS LUX residential tower
The Rowan, San Francisco, CA international architecture firm
Designed by Handel Architects, the Arquitectonica and features the first LED
Rowan uses exposed structural cast-in- faade by lighting artist Ana Martinez. The SCA represents companies
place concrete as a key architectural The 450 luxury condominiums are that produce and ship over 90% of
design element. Located in the old accessed via private elevators. The top the slag cement (ground-granulated
industrial wing of San Francisco, CA, three floors include 12 penthouse blast furnace slag) in the United
the Rowan consists of 71,500 ft2 residences with 12 ft (7 m) ceilings, States. Through a program of
(6600 m2) of mixed-living and custom gourmet kitchens, and promotion, education, and
residential space. panoramic views of Biscayne Bay and technology development, SCA
Slag cement comprised 34% of the the Atlantic Ocean. communicates the performance
total cementitious material used in all Slag cement comprised 40 or 50% of and sustainable benefits of this
concrete elements of the 5200 yd3 the cementitious material in most of the cementitious material to stakeholders
(4000 m3) structure. The footing, buildings concrete (90%). The throughout the construction industry.
column, and wall mixtures consisted of buildings high-performance columns, The association functions through
ternary mixtures, with 50% replacement those with design strengths between the support and participation of
of cement with fly ash and slag cement, 7000 and 12,000 psi (48 and 83 MPa) member companies and for the
to optimize workability and durability. were constructed using mixtures with benefit of the community at large.
The post-tensioned decks and tower 50% slag cement dosage. Slag cement More information is available at
crane pad mixtures were a blend of slag was instrumental for achieving 12,000 psi www.slagcement.org.
cement and Type III cement designed to using the locally available materials.
Innovative Applications
ODOT Rt. 6 Bridge Slide, near
Bowling Green, OH
For the first time in its history, the
Ohio Department of Transportation ODOT Rt. 6 bridge slide
(ODOT) recently removed and replaced
an interstate bridge over the course of a 1100 coulombs. Slag cement was used bridge was placed into service on
weekendminimizing traffic disruption as a 25% replacement of the portland October 18, 2015. The process was
by sliding two replacement bridges into cement for concrete in the wing walls, repeated on the northbound lanes bridge
place. About 4200 yd3 (3200 m3) of superstructure, bridge deck, and barrier on the weekend of December 12, 2015.
ODOT QC2 performance-based walls. The concrete was transported to Project Credits: ODOT District 2,
concrete was used for the two bridges. the jobsite without slump loss or early Owner; Arcadis Design and
The QC2 concrete had a design stiffening in the mixer truck. Consultancy, Engineer; Kokosing
strength of 5000 psi (34 MPa) at 7 days The first bridge (for the southbound Construction, Contractor; Palmer Bros.,
and 6800 psi (47 MPa) at 28 days, lanes) was removed and replaced on the Concrete; and Votorantim Cimentos/St
and it required RCP values below weekend of October 16, 2015. The new Marys Cement, Slag Cement.
Saturday, October 14, 2017
The ACI Concrete Convention and Exposition
chapter Disneyland Hotel, Anaheim, California, USA
he winners of the 54th Annual Precast/Prestressed Concrete Specialty Engineer; Jurutera Perunding Concrete
Concrete Institute (PCI) Design Awards represent Technology, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia, Engineer of Record; and
design excellence and construction quality using ZA (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia, Contractor.
precast concrete. These projects demonstrate how designers are
using high-performance precast/prestressed concrete to achieve Best Main Span from 76 to 149 ft (23 to 45 m)
sustainable, cost-effective, and aesthetically pleasing results. Bridge and Honorable Mention All-Precast
The 2018 PCI Design Awards submission site is open. Visit Concrete Solution
www.pci.org/About_PCI/Awards/PCI_Design_Awards for SH-55 over North Fork Payette River, Cascade, ID
more information. The winning projects for 2016 in After determining that a steel girder bridge on SH-55 could
transportation design included: no longer support heavy truck loads, the Idaho Transportation
Department (ITD) chose to use accelerated bridge
Transportation Design Award Winners construction methods to build its replacement. To minimize
Best International Transportation Structure public inconvenience along the vital commercial and tourist
Construction of 100 m Single-Span Batu 6 UHPC route through Cascade, ID, the project specification required
Bridge, Perak, Malaysia traffic to be open throughout construction and for the project
Cities across Malaysia need durable, low-maintenance to be completed during a single construction season.
bridge structures to improve the countrys transport This dictated a permanent shift of the roadway alignment,
infrastructure and link isolated communities to the broader which called for construction of precast concrete mechanically
regional network. Many cities in the greatest need are in stabilized earth (MSE) retaining walls at each end of the new
remote areas where sourcing materials, site access, and access bridge. MSE walls were also used at each abutment. Bridge
to talent are major constraints. The Ministry of Rural removal and replacement was then conducted in two stages. A
Development of Malaysia has been exploring the use of temporary work structure was constructed on one side of the
ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) for these projects. bridge during Stage 1, then parts of the existing bridge were
Precast producer Dura Technology designed and constructed a
single-span, 328 ft (100 m) long, concrete box-girder bridge
over the Perak River, providing the city of Gerik road access
across the river for the first time ever.
The lightweight UHPC box segments allowed the
construction team to overcome many of the challenges
associated with building a bridge in a remote area where
logistics and access to construction equipment are limited.
The structure was assembled without the use of pontoons or
barges, falsework and temporary supports were much less
substantial than on a traditional project, and temporary
post-tensioning was not required. Using a falsework-
supported rail system to align the UHPC segments with the
accuracy needed for threading of the post-tensioning tendons,
the bridges 40 segments were assembled in just 18 days
including 2 rest days.
Project credits: Public Works Department State of Perak,
Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia, Owner; Dura Technology Sdn Bhd, Construction of 100 m Single-Span Batu 6 UHPC Bridge (photo courtesy
Chemor, Perak, Malaysia, Precast Producer and Precast of Dura Technology Sdn. Bhd. & Malaysian Public Works Department)
Skilton Road Bridge (photo courtesy of Oldcastle Precast) Boeing North Bridge (photo courtesy of Concrete Technology Corporation)
Westcoat MACoat
MACoat is a fiberlath reinforced deck system, engineered for use
on elevated concrete walking decks. This concrete dampproofing
system can be used for areas with heavy foot traffic, commercial decks,
and walkways. MACoat is breathable and allows vapor to pass.
Westcoat, www.westcoat.com
Web Notes
Book Notes
Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute Updated Reinforcing Bar Supports Standard
The Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI) has released an updated version of its standard, Supports for Reinforcement
Used in Concrete (ANSI/CRSI RB4.1 2016). The previous edition of this mandatory-language document is referenced in
ACI 301-16, Specifications for Structural Concrete. Performance requirements have been added to the new edition, with
reinforcement support evaluated based on meeting minimum requirements of load tests, impact tests, water absorption criteria,
and concrete consolidation tests.
CRSI, www.crsi.org
Sign up for
Calls for Papers: Submission Guidelines
Concrete Calls for papers should be submitted no later than 3 months prior to the
deadline for abstracts. Please send meeting information, papers/presentations
The smart way to stay on top being solicited, abstract requirements, and deadline, along with full contact
of concrete industry news. information to: Keith A. Tosolt, Managing Editor, Concrete International,
e-mail: keith.tosolt@concrete.org. Visit www.callforpapers.concrete.org for
more information.
sign up at: www.smartbrief.com/ACI
Frank Kozileski, FACI, presented the seminar and Gerardo Iraq Chapter ACI Elects New Officers and
Garca provided the simultaneous translation. ACI 301S-10 Holds Construction Forum
was part of the seminar handout and ACI 318S-14 and The new President of the Iraq Chapter ACI for 2017 is
314S-16 were offered at seminar cost. Omer Qarani, Salahaddin University Erbil, Erbil, Iraq. He
The Peru Chapter ACI is acknowledged for its key received his PhD in structural engineering from the University
collaboration in translating the presentation slides. of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq. Qaranis research interests
include shear in deep beams and corbels, high-strength
India Chapter ACI to Host Third R.N. Raikar concrete, and prestressed concrete bridges. The new Chapter
Memorial International Conference Vice President is Tareq Al Attar, University of Technology. He
The third edition of the acclaimed R.N. Raikar Conference received his PhD in construction materials engineering from
series will be held in Mumbai, India, on December 14-15, the University of Technology. His research is focused on
2018. Conference Convenor S.K. Manjrekar has announced high-performance concrete and concrete sustainability.
the conference at various international platforms, most New members were elected to the Iraq Chapter ACI
recently at the Association of Civil Engineering Conference Board of Directors for 2017-2020. Saheb A. Khidher is the
CEO of Al-Ahmed Laboratories. He received his PhD in
materials engineering from the University of Baghdad, Baghdad,
Iraq. He has over 30 years of experience working in concrete,
cement, admixtures, concrete mixture design, and assessing
buildings. Razaq Ferhadi is Chair of the Department of
Design at the American University of Kurdistan, Zakho,
Iraq. He received his PhD in civil engineering from George
Washington University, Washington, DC. Ferhadi has over
20years ofexperience in the design and analysis of concrete
and steel structures, industrial, and commercial buildings,
including over 6 years in power plants. Raid F. Al-Saidi is
part of the Civil Engineering Department at Al-Mustansiriyah
University, Baghdad, Iraq, where he received his PhD in
structural engineering. He has experience in the design of
concrete and steel structures.
As part of continuous efforts by the Iraqi Ministry of
Construction and Housing to foster dialogue within the region
At the Universidad Autnoma de Nuevo Len, S.K. Manjrekar (third on the topic of infrastructure development, the idea of setting
from left) announced the Third R.N. Raikar Conference and delivered up an all-inclusive forum was born. The focus of the forum
a lecture on sustainable concrete structures was exploring and adapting new and better construction
20-23 - ASCC Concrete Executive Leadership Forum, 13-16 - Fibre Concrete 2017, Prague, Czech Republic
Bluffton, SC http://concrete.fsv.cvut.cz/fc2017/index.php
14-17 - ASCC Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ
24-28 - 2017 PCA Education Foundation Professors www.ascconline.org
Workshop, Skokie, IL
www.cement.org/learn/education/professors-workshop 18-20 - 4th International Conference on Strain-Hardening
Cement-Based Composites (SHCC 4), Dresden, Germany
AUGUST www.rilem.org/gene/main.php?base=600040#next_971
22-25 - ICPI 2017 Summer Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada 19-23 - 39th IABSE Symposium, Vancouver, BC, Canada
www.icpi.org/2017summermeeting www.iabse2017.org
Granosik, T., Concrete International, V. 39, No. 7, julio de Los premios de diseo anuales de Precast/Prestressed
2017, pgs. 37-39 Concrete Institute (PCI) representan la excelencia en el diseo
y la calidad de la construccin utilizando concreto
Las fundaciones que soportan bastidores de tubo y estructuras prefabricado. Se presentan los proyectos ganadores para 2016
de prtico abierto utilizadas en la industria petroqumica a en la categora de diseo de transporte. Las categoras de
menudo estn sujetas a fuerzas de elevacin. Se presentan evaluacin incluyeron puentes con vanos de ms de 150 pies
modelos simplificados de puntal-tensor para el diseo de (46 m), puentes no de autova y puentes rehabilitados.
refuerzo para cabezal de pilotes sometidas a traccin axial o
momento de flexin. Los modelos incluyen las configuraciones
ms comunes de los cabezal de pilotes utilizadas actualmente,
cabezal de pilotes por dos y cuatro pilotes.
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Stressbar Systems International, LLC........................................................13
StructurePoint..................................................................Inside Front Cover
Xypex Corporation.......................................................................................2
approved standardization procedures can be
found at www.concrete.org/discussion.
Equation (6.3) in ACI 360R-921 is not included in facilitate crack repairs if needed. This design is discussed in
the current version of this document (ACI 360R-102). Section 6.2 of ACI 360R-10 and is termed enhanced
What was the reason for this change? Also, what aggregate interlock. To eliminate contraction joints, and if
reinforcement percentage is needed to limit crack widths and tight cracks are acceptable to the owner, about 0.50 to 0.60%
ensure aggregate interlock? continuous reinforcement should be used in the top part of a
The subgrade drag equation (Eq. (6.3) in When our company designs slabs-on-ground with
ACI 360R-92) was removed by ACI Committee 360, deformed bar reinforcement, we either specify about 0.10%
Design of Slabs on Ground, before ACI 360R-063 reinforcement for normally jointed slabs or we specify 0.50 to
was published. The reasons for this change included: 0.60% reinforcement for slabs without contraction joints. We
The equation does not properly model the stresses that avoid specifying between 0.10 and 0.50% reinforcement
because that amount is too much for the joints to consistently
develop as the result of differential shrinkage between the
top and bottom of the slab that causes curling (warping). activate (cracks under the contraction joint) to accommodate
For most situations, the curling stresses in a slab-on-ground the shrinkage and curling movement. Cracks will still occur,
far exceed the uniform tensile stresses estimated using the however, and that amount of reinforcement is not enough to
subgrade drag equation; hold cracks sufficiently tight for many owners. In fact, we
Because the equation fails to address curling, the equation have seen this problem so often that we wrote an engineering
bulletin4 addressing it. The bulletin also provides more
typically fails to result in an appropriate percentage of steel
for a given application. For example, when joint spacing detailed information regarding why the subgrade drag
exceeds ACI 360R recommendations, numerous consultants equation was removed from the ACI 360R recommendations
have found that the steel percentage determined using the and other common problematic designs.
subgrade drag equation will allow crack widths that cause
concern for many slab owners; thus, the equation can give References
a false sense of security and cause problematic slab designs. 1. ACI Committee 360, Design of Slabs on Grade (ACI 360R-92)
A common slab-on-ground reinforcing rule is to use about (Reapproved 1997), American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI,
0.10% continuous reinforcement in normally jointed (the 1992, 57 pp.
same joint spacing as unreinforced slabs), 6 in. (152 mm) 2. ACI Committee 360, Guide to Design of Slabs-on-Ground
thick and thinner slabs (slightly less reinforcement ratio (ACI 360R-10), American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2010,
percentage for thicker slabs). This amount of steel provides 72 pp.
good load transfer at joints and cracks that may form. While 3. ACI Committee 360, Design of Slabs-on-Ground (ACI 360R-06),
the 0.10% reinforcement is not enough to hold cracks tight American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2006, 74 pp.
enough for many owners needs, it will prevent faulting and 4. Walker, W.W., and Holland, J.A., Stay out of the Courthouse
Zone, Engineering Bulletin, Structural Services, Inc., 4 pp.,
Questions in this column were asked by users of ACI documents and have http://www.ssiteam.com/publications.
been answered by ACI staff or by a member or members of ACI technical
committees. The answers do not represent the official position of an ACI
Thanks to Jerry A. Holland and Wayne W. Walker, Structural Services, Inc.,
committee. Comments should be sent to rex.donahey@concrete.org.
Atlanta, GA, for providing the answer.
For a list of all documents included in the 2017 ACI Manual of Concrete Practice, visit www.concrete.org.
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Note: Annual online subscription will automatically contain all new committee standards and reports released throughout the year, as well as
archived versions of those documents.