Do 025 S1997

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29 ,January 1997


NO. 25
SUBJECT: Revised DPWH Standard Specification
for Elastomeric Bearing Pads


To be consistent and to keep abreast with the provisions of

the latest edition of AASHTO and ASTM Standards, it is hereby
directed that the attached Revised Standard Specification for
Elastomeric Bearing Pads be strictly followed.

In no case shall materials be accepted for use without

prior test for conformance to the requirements as prescribed

This supersedes all existing specifications and related

issuances issued contrary hereto.

This Order shall take effect imrrlediately.


Attachment: As stated.

Department Order No.~
Series of 1997
Annex ..
A ..


1. Scope

This Standard specifies the requirement for elastomeric

bearing pads whose main function is to transfer loads or
accomodate relative movement between a bridge superstructure
and its supporting structure. or both while avoiding
damaging strain and additional tension. Elastomeric bearings
as herein defined shall include unreinforced pads
(consisting of elastomer only) and reinforced bearings with
steel laminates.

2. Definitions

2.1 Design Load - the mean compressive stress applied to the

area of the steel laminate

2.2 Elastomeric Bridge Bearing - a block of vulcanized rubber.

with or without internal reinforcement. that is placed
between the bridge deck and bridge support for the purpose
of accomodating potentially damaging movements of the
bridge deck resulting from the thermal expansion or
contraction. the action of traffic. wind and other

2.3 External Load Plate - a steel plate bonded to the top or

bottom elastomeric surface of a bearing or both.

2.4 Laminated Bearing - a bearing consisting of rubber with

one or more reinforcing layers embedded in. and bonded to.
the rubber.

2.5 Lot shall be defined as those bearings presented for

inspection at a specific time or date.

2.6 Reinforcing Layer - a rigid or inextensible layer

sandwiched between rubber layers in a laminated bearing
for the purpose of increasing the compressive stiffness of
the bearing without increasing its shear stiffness. The
layer is usually a steel plate .

2.7 Rubber Polymer the polymer type upon which the

vulcanized rubber is based.

2.8 Steel-laminated Elastomeric Bearing - a bearing molded of

elastomeric material with one or more steel laminates
embedded in and bonded to it. and to which one or two
external load plates maybe bonded.
2.9 Plain Elastomeric Bearing Pad - a bearing that consists
only of elastomeric material

Plain Elastomeric Sandwich Bearing - a bearing that

consists of a single layer of elastomeric material with
one or more steel laminates embedded in and bonded to it.
and to which one or two external load plates maybe

3. General Requirements

3.1 All bearings shall be designed in accordance with

specifications contained in the latest edition of the
AASHTO Standard Specification for Highway Bridges. 15th
Edition. 1992.

4. Classification and Use

4.1 The following are the types of elastomeric bearings

(See Fig. 1):

a. Plain Elastomeric Bearing Pad

b. Plain Elastomeric Sandwich Bearing

c. Steel-Laminated Elastomeric Bearing without External

Load Plates

d. Steel-Laminated Elastomeric Bearing with External

Load Plate(s)

4.2 A laminated bearing pad is required when the thickness of

the plain pad is more than 1 1/4 inches and the
compressive strain is more than 15%.

5. Materials

5.1 The elastomer for the manufacture of the bearing is

furnished in two types as follows

1. Type CR - Chloroprene Rubber

2. Type NR - Natural rubber

5.2 The elastomer compound used in the construction of a

bearing shall contain only either natural rubber or
chloroprene rubber as the raw polymer. No reclaimed rubber
shall be used.

5.3 Steel laminates used for reinforcement shall be made from

rolled mild steel conforming to ASTM A 36. A 570 or
equivalent. unless otherwise specified by the Engineer.
The laminates shall have a minirrillm
nominal thickness of 20

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L.LL(~/" // / / / / / / /I>:A Sho,p Co'ne, Sholl Be.

" " " " " " " " " "'" ~. Avoided
Ext.mol Lood Plot . -" Bon"


Dowel Hole ~ Top Cover (Elastomer)

Side Cover (Elastomer)

Inner Steel Laminates
Elastomor Loyer

Outer Steel Laminates Bottom Cover


(No Exlernal Load Plates)


(Wllh One External Load Pla'e)

}I'ig. 1 - 'l'ypeB of Elastomeric Bearings


6. Manufacture

6.1 Plain bearing pads shall be molded individually, or cut

from previously molded strips or slabs, or extruded and
cut to length. Cutting shall not heat the materials and
shall produce a smooth finish. Fabricators will not be
allowed to make pads of finished thickness by plying pads
of lesser thickness together.
6.2 Bearings with steel laminates shall be cast as a unit in
a mold and shall be bonded and vulcanized under heat and
pressure. The elastomer at the outer edges of the bonds to
external load plates shall be shaped to avoid serious
stress concentrations.

6.3 Internal steel laminates shall be free of sharp edges,

burrs and shall have a minimum edge cover of 1/8 in (3mm).
6.4 External load plates shall be protected from rusting by
the manufacturer, and preferably shall be hot bonded to
the bearing by vulcanization during the primary molding
6.5 Bearing assemblies shall be pre-assembled in the shop by
the supplier and checked for proper completeness and
geometry before shipping to the site.
1. Physical Requirements

7.1 The elastomer compound shall meet the minimum requirement

of Table 1.

7.2 Dimensions and Permissible Variations

7.2.1 All elastomeric layers, for example. plain-bearing

pads. laminates, and covers. shall be of
uniform thickness unless otherwise specified in
the contract or purchase order.

7.2.2 All internal steel laminates shall be of uniform

thickness. When specified in the contract or purchase
order. the thickness of the outer steel laminates may
differ if not adjacent to an external load plate.
7.2.3 The minimum thickness of internal steel laminates
shall be 1.5 mm or 0.060 in (16 gage) when the
greater of the length or width of a rectangular
bearing or diameter of a circular bearing is
less than 450 mm or 18 in. In all other cases.
the minimun1 thickness shall be 2 mm or 0.075 inch
(14 gage)

7.2.4 Bearing dimensions and elastomer layer thicknesses

shall satisfy the tolerances in Table 2. in which D is
the length, width or diameter as appropriate, and T is
the total elastomer thickness

7.2.5 Variation from a plane parallel to a design surface

shall not exceed an average slope of 0.005 for the
upper surface and 0.006 for a side surface

Table 1 - Quality Control Properties of Ilastoaer

Matural Chloroprene
Rubber (HR) (CR)

Grade lDurometer) 60 70 60 70

Physical Properties:

A. Before Aging
Tensile Strength, KPa (D412) :15.5 (min.) :15.5 (min):15.5 (min): 15.5 (min):
Elongation, % (D412) :400 (min) :300 Imin) :350 Imin) : 300 (ain) :
Duroaeter Hardness,
Shore Pts. (D2240) : 60 5 : 70 5 : 60 5 : 70 5
Tear Resistance,H/am (D624) :31.5 (Iin) :31.5 Imin):31.5 (Iin): 31.5 (minI:
eompression Set,% (D3956 : 25 (lax) : 25 (lax): 35 llax): 35 Ilax} :
Method B, Temperature, C : 70 70 100 100
B. After Aging

Telperature of the Test, C

Aging Tile, Hours
Tensile Strength, % (D573) -25 Ilax) : -25 (lax): -15 (lax): -15 (lax) :
Elongation,% -25 (max) : -25 (max): -40 (max): -40 (lax)
Duroleter Hardness,Shore -+10(lax) : -+10(lax): -+15{Iaxl: +15 {Iaxl :
Other Properties:

Ozone Resistance (D1149)

Partial Pressure,tlPa 25 25 100 100
Duration, Hours 46 46 100 100
Tested at
20% strain 37.7oC i1 C
lounting procedure D518 : No Cracks: No Cracks :
Procedure A
Brittleness D2137,~ow telp :
brittleness at -40 C : Pass Pass Pass Pass
Shear Modulus
NOlinal Hardngss Shear
Modulus at 23 C, MPa : 0.65 - 1.1 :1.13-1.84 :0.65-1.1 :1.13-1.84
Plain pads and lalinated bearings shall be lanufactured to
the design dilensions and these specifications with the
tolerances listed in Table 2, unless other tolerances are shown
on the design drawings.

Table 2 Tolerances


1. Overall vertical dilensions

Design thickness 32 II (1 1/4 inl or less - 8, +3
Design thickness over 32 II (1 1/4 inl - 8, +6
2. Overall horizontal dilensions
914 II (36 inl and less - &, +6
Over 914 II (36 inl - 8, +12
3. Thickness of individual layers of i2& percent
elastoler(18linated bearing only) at of design value
any point within the bearing but no lore than
4. Variation frol a plane parallel to the i3 II (1/8 in)
theoretical surface:
(as detersined by leasuresents at the
edge of the bearings)
Top Slope relative to
the bottol of no
lore than 6.66S
Sides 6
5. Position of exposed connection lelbers 3
6. Edge cover of elbedded 18linates of -6. +3
connection lelbers
1. Size of holes, slots or inserts ~
8. Position of holes,slots, or inserts i3

8. Sampling

8.1 Sampling, testing and acceptance consideration will be

made on a lot basis. A lot shall be further defined as
the smallest number of bearings as determined by the
following criteria:

8.1.1 A lot shall not exceed a single contract or project


8.1.2 A lot shall not exceed 50 bearings.

8.1.3 A lot shall consist of those bearings of the same type

regardless of load capacity.
8.2 For acceptance purposes, bearing from within the lot shall
be selected at random as samples for inspection and

8.3 A minimum of three bearings shall be taken from the lot

for testing. If the number of bearings in the lot exceeds
50 then for each additional 50 or part thereof. one
additional bearing shall be taken for testing.

9. Testing

9.1 The materials shall be tested in accordance with AASHTO

M-251 or with the appropriate method in ASTM.

9.2 Prior to installation. the contractor shall furnish the

Engineer test results from any accredited testing
laboratories confirming that all components of the
bearing pad furnished conforms to the applicable
requirements herein specified.

10. Acceptance and Rejection

10.1 If lack of elastomer to steel bond is indicated, the

bearing shall be rejected.

10.2 If laminate placement faults are observed which result

in elastomer layer thickness that exceed the tolerances
in Table 2, the bearing shall be rejected.

10.3 If there are at least three separate surface cracks

which are each at least 2 mm wide and 2 wn deep, the
bearing shall be rejected.

10.4 Record the median compressive stiffness (K) of the

bearing of median stiffness. The compressive stiffness
of each bearing tested shall not differ from (K) by
more than 10%.

10.5 For each bearing that fails to meet the requirements in

10.1, two additional bearings maybe sampled and shall
meet the requirements in 10.1 or the lot shall be

10.6 If the lot is not rejected, the bearing of median

stiffness (K) shall be subjected to the elastomeric
material tests in 10.2.
11. Handling. Tranaport7 Storage and Inatallation

11.1 During handling, transport, storage and installation,

bearings shall be kept clean and protected from
mechanical damage, heat, contaminants and other
deleterious effects.

11.2 Bearings shall be placed on surfaces that are plane to

within 1/16 in. and, unless the bearings are placed in
opposing pairs. horizontal to within 0.01 radians.

11.3 Any lack of parallelism between the top of bearing and the
underside of the girder that exceeds 0.01 radians shall
be corrected either grinding of the surface
grout pack bearing seats or modification of the bearing
such that intended bearing placement is as originally
designed with the least amount of bearing modification.
or as otherwise directed by the Engineer.

11.4 Exterior plates of the bearing shall not be welded unless

at least 1 1/2 in. of steel exists between the weld and
the elastomer.

11.5 Each completed bearing shall have its components clearly

identified. be securely bolted , straffed or otherwise
fastened to prevent any relative movement and marked on
its top as to location and orientation in each structure
in the projects conformity with the plans

11.6 Dismantling at the site shall not be done unless

absolutely necessary for inspection or installation.

12. Referencea

12.1 AASHTO M 251-90 - Standard Specification for Plain and

Laminated Elastomeric Bridge Bearings

12.2 ASTM D 4014-89 - Standard Specification for Plain and

Steel-laminated Elastomeric bearings for Bridges

12.3 AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges

15th Edition,1992

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