Chassis Basics 1 - Chassis & Bodyshells: Early Chassis Designs & Ladder-Frame Chassis
Chassis Basics 1 - Chassis & Bodyshells: Early Chassis Designs & Ladder-Frame Chassis
Chassis Basics 1 - Chassis & Bodyshells: Early Chassis Designs & Ladder-Frame Chassis
The chassis is the "skeleton" of the car - providing the structural strength,
and the mounting points for other components. In this section, we will be
looking at the various types of chassis design that have been used in cars.
To start with, the limitations of such a chassis design were irrelevant - the
general crudity of other aspects of vehicles meant that it was hard to isolate
what faults were purely down to the chassis, a factor compounded by a lack of
effective analysis techniques. When your suspension, steering and drivetrain
all have a large amount of play in them anyway, flex in the chassis is the least
of your problems.
Also, ladder-frame chassis do have some good points. First of all, when you
are talking about loadings such as carrying heavy payloads and impacts, they
are veryvery strong indeed - after all, what you are looking at are basically
steel girders. This is actually a major factor, as one of the most common
mistakes people make is to equate this kind of ultimate load capacity with
strength, often at the expense of a stiffer structure (more about this later). It is
this load-carrying capacity that results in ladder-frame chassis still being used
for the majority of trucks and commercial vehicles.
Overall, a ladder-frame chassis works well if you're not going to ask too
much of it, and you're willing to put in the time required to align and weld the
individual pieces together. For early vehicles, and for modern commercial
vehicles and off-roaders, the brute strength and adaptability advantages
outweigh the dynamic problems. For road and performance cars, though, as
the problems with things like suspension and steering were engineered out,
the limitations of ladder-frames became more and more of a hinderance,
particularly with regard to building a stiff structure. And this leads us on to...
Space-Frame Chassis
Once you start to introduce the idea of bracing a chassis against twisting, the
next logical progression is to consider the following fact: If the bracing is
preventing the chassis twisting, do the main chassis members have
to also resist twisting, or can you leave all those forces to the bracing
components? Working on this principal, it should be possible to build a
chassis where every single member has a bracing attachment, and has no
twisting forces acting on it - just compression and tension. It is this principle
that applies to spaceframes - removing bending forces acting on chassis
members to allow you to make them smaller, thinner and lighter at the same
time as building a stiffer overall structure.
Backbone Chassis
A side note on backbone chassis is that, with the structural component of the
car in the centre, the outer body panels can be made from very light material
such as composites or aluminium. While this is good for weight-reduction, it
also means that a backbone chassis car is not necessarily the place you want
to be in the event of a side impact, as there isn't a lot there to protect you.
Saying that, the DeLorean was designed using a backbone chassis (with the
help of Lotus, as it happens), and was designed from the outset to be an
extremely safe car, with good side-impact protection. The secret here is that
the DeLorean was part backbone chassis, and part monocoque. In fact, this is
true for most backbone-chassis vehicle designs. Monowhat? We'll talk about
that later...
Monocoque Chassis
As we've already covered, the main aim with a chassis is to build a stiff
structure to ensure other components can work as they're designed to, and
steel really scores in this respect, as it's a pretty stiff material. In addition, steel
rates well in terms of both yield strength (how likely it is to bend permanently
under load) and ultimate strength, particularly if it's carefully alloyed and
processed. Steel also resists fatigue failure well (fatigue failure is where a
material fails due to repeated loading and unloading, even though the loads
involved may be far below the ultimate strength of the material). This last fact
is extremely useful - even if the chassis flexes under load, such flexing need
not lead to a critical failure.
The fly in the ointment with steel is it's weight, or more accurately it's density
(mass of material for a given volume). Steel is made from iron, and it's density
isn't far off. Most of the time, this wasn't an issue, as the weight of a car didn't
use to be of too much concern. As time has progressed, however, saving
weight has become more of a priority - partly to aid fuel economy, and partly
to allow for the addition of safety equipment without resulting in a vehicle that
weighs as much as a small tank.
Overall, the benefits steel has as a material for chassis building far outweigh
the problems of using it, and it seems that this is likely to remain the case for
the forseeable future where production vehicles are concerned.
As a side benefit, no matter where you are in the world, you will always be
able to find someone who is able to work on a steel structure. For a family
hatchback, this is irrelevant. For a 4x4 being used as an expedition vehicle to
the arse-end of nowhere, it's crucial.
Despite a much higher cost than steel, and additional problems in working
with it, aluminium does have a secure place in chassis building. It should also
be noted that aluminium alloys are also less likely to suffer from corrosion
problems than steel, due to the material forming an outer oxide layer (surface
corrosion, basically) that prevents further corroding.
It takes time to lay up (make) a fibreglass structure, though, and this is not
always practical - though the material can be squeezed into shape by a mould
well, and sections can be joined without the join representing a change in
material structure. About the only concerns with using fibreglass are the
possibility of the material being attacked by chemicals (e.g. certain types of
paint cannot be applied directly to fibreglass), and issues with creep. At higher
temperatures, it is possible for fibreglass to soften and flow slightly, which can
cause damage in the event of a fire, or if hot engine-bay components such as
the exhaust manifold run too close to panels.
Traditionally, fibreglass has been used for specialist applications like sports
cars most of all, and is often used in conjunction with a separate chassis or
subframes rather than alone. Even if a bodyshell is made to be a stand-alone
fibreglass structure, metal inserts are still usually used to spread the load at
mounting points etc.
Carbon Fibre
If you are on a fairly impressive budget, and need the maximum possible
stiffness and strength combined with minimum weight, carbon fibre is possibly
the best option around, which is why the tub chassis used in F1 cars are all
carbon fibre. For road vehicles, though, the cost is just too frightening, and the
use of carbon fibre tends to be restricted to large, reasonably flat panels (such
as roof panels and bonnets), where the best "bang for buck" weight savings
can be found.
Seam Welding
Spot Welding
Stitch Welding
The downsides are that the fasteners can come loose due to vibration etc,
and that the join is not as stiff as a welded alternative. Also, in a similar
manner to spot welding, the load at joints has to pass through the fasteners,
and may not be evenly distributed.
Generally, threaded fasteners are mostly used to attach components to a
chassis rather than to build the chassis itself. There are exceptions to this,
though, where components need to be varied for different models, for
example, or where a part of the chassis needs to be removeable (e.g. a
bracing strut that blocks access for engine removal).
Bonded Joints
Material Choice
Another good example of this is in tubing; the cheapest way to make tubing
is to take a flat sheet of metal, roll it into shape, and then weld the seam (such
tubes are referred to as electrical resistance welded, or ERW - the picture on
the left shows a machine used to do this on an industrial scale). However, this
seam can be a weak point, and so extruding out a tube in one (seamless)
piece is preferable. Given that most of the time, a space frame chassis is built
for a specialised purpose, seamless tubing will be used, this is more relevant
when building additional components such as rollcages (below).
Tubular bracing is often used to triangulate across areas of the chassis that
have been left open to allow for other components - engine bays etc. A
common modification to monocoque bodyshells is to run a brace between the
tops of the suspension mounts, to prevent flexing.
Care needs to be taken when designing extra bracing that it does not cause
loads to be transferred onto points that aren't designed to cope with the forces
involved. As such, most bracing runs between points that are already load-
bearing, and uses plates to spread the loads where required.
Welding Improvements