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May 25, 2018

the H e ral d
Volume XXXXXV,
No 6

Pentecost Offering 2019— Sunday, June 9



“O God, from my youth you have taught me, and I

still proclaim your wondrous deeds.”
~ Psalm 71:17

The Pentecost Offering unites us in a churchwide

Inside this issue: effort to support young people in Christ and inspire
them to share their faith, ideas, and unique gifts with
Pastor’s Writings 2 the church and the world. 40% of the Pentecost
offering will be kept by our congregation with the
Kids Hope 3 distribution to be decided at a later date.

Each year on Pentecost Sunday, we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit and the
Session 4 birthday of the church. The Holy Spirit remains with us still, connecting us with
the church of the past, continuing to inspire the church of today, and pointing us to
Graduates 5
the church of the future.
Studies show that a foundation of faith established during childhood through
young adulthood, helps ensure lifelong faith and service. Psalm 71 testifies to this
Birthdays/Baby 7
same truth. Verse 17 says “O God, from my youth you have taught me, and I still
shower proclaim your wondrous deeds.” The patterns and lessons established during these
Thank You’s 8 formative years continue to bear fruit throughout a person’s life.

Calendar 9
By giving to the Pentecost Offering, one of the four Special Offerings of the Pres-
byterian Church (U.S.A.), we are nurturing the faith of those who are the church to
Church Happenings 10 come; children, youth, and young adults. We invite your congregation to join with
the worldwide church in building for our future, in building individual lives of faith.
Won’t you join us? If we all do a little, it adds up to a lot.
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Strategic Review to Renew Work

Dear Church family, one elder has

recently written me that he considers
the five-year strategic reviews this
church has undergone now for dec-
ades to be a primary reason for its health. I agree. It is impressive to review how of-
ten the church has actually followed through on the recommendations generated.

Soon we will organize and initiate the next five year strategic review process for Cen-
tral Presbyterian. The elders and I have not yet begun designing the process we will
follow this time around, but I am confident it will involve broad and deep participation
from all. Please be on the lookout for further reports. If you serve on a commission
or committee, please pay particular attention to whatever requests we make of your
group. Ask, "Is God calling me to become involved?", or, "Who in my group seems
best qualified to fill the role asked of us?"

The key to strategic reviews is that the church truly own them. This means more than
passive agreement. Rather, in a move akin to pushing your chips across the table
and saying, "All in," it means buying in actively. Please pray for your elders as they in
turn pray for guidance and begin to create a process for our newest five-year re-
view. Please say yes if asked to join the task group leading the effort. And at the
very least, when asked for input--whether by survey, or in a focus group, or however--
provide it.

God is obviously and powerfully working through Central Presbyterian. Praise the
Lord! Now, let's work together to hear how God may be calling us to serve in the fu-
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Dear Church Family,

As your church Kids Hope Director, I would like to recognize and thank our Kids Hope Mentors for all
their amazing effort and love this school year in mentoring their special child. I am very grateful to all
of them! Mentors, as you know, are people who listen, show a personal interest in them, take time to be
with them on a weekly basis and most important care about them! Our churches mentors go to Deming
Elementary School. This is a school with a great deal of need!! So, all the more reason to thank them
for paying it forward. It may be difficult to know exactly what an impact their service has made but we
know that kids need that special one-on-one attention that so often is unavailable to them in their
life. Shining God's love to children is an awesome commitment and worth shouting our praise!

Here are the list of names I would like to acknowledge for this 2018-2019 school year:
Sharon Danek
Nancy Edgerton
Diane Giltner
Bob Guell
Mary Horneker
Pastor Scott Paul-Bonham
Sinwon Racop
Pastor Mike Riggins
Linda Riggins
Linda Shaw
Molly Wadsworth
Donna Wilson
In addition to our great mentors, there are a group of other individuals who I would like to
acknowledge. They are our Friends of Kids Hope and they have graciously given of their time and tal-
ent to also support our Kids Hope program this past school year. As the saying goes, "It takes a village
to raise a child. Oh, how true this is! The names of these individuals are:
All the wonderful volunteers who gave their time to attend and participate at our Kids Hope
Christmas Party and End-of-the-Year Bowling Party.
Our Kids Hope Prayer Advocates: Leader, Kay Farmer, and her Monday morning Family Prayer
Bruce McLaren for his expert photography.
Alvin Stinnett our expert and safe bus driver and extra hands at both parties!
Kelly Moy Stinnett for her enthusiasm and her new role in assisting wherever she can with our
Kids Hope program as our new Volunteer Mission Coordinator
Sarah Kelsheimer and Cheryl Moles in their work in helping to type, print, design, and all around
communicate with the church.
Eileen Whalen and her dedicated Church Life Committee for their magic hands in making every
hospitality event extra special.
Our Mission Committee for their financial stewardship and for their listening, supportive ears as I
fumbled in my new role.
I would also like to give a special thanks to Donna Paul-Bonham for all her amazing past years of ser-
vice as our churches Kids Hope Director and for making the start of this school year's program strong
and prepared. I am very grateful to her for helping me as I stepped into her outstanding shoes. I only
hope as the year’s progress, that I might be able to continue on as skillfully as she has!

And lastly, for my faithful Co-Director at the Bridge Church and all her crew of special Mentors, Candi
Wymer. I am so grateful to have another person by my side who assists me in this important program.

Yours in Service,
Linda Riggins, Your Kids Hope Director
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Session Notes from May for the June Herald

During its May meeting, session reviewed reports from commissions and committees and transacted routine busi-
ness. Highlights from the meeting appear here.
Confirmation Class
Confirmation students presented their projects to elders during the 6:30 – 7:00 time period before the meeting was
called to order. They then introduced themselves and relayed stories about their experiences during the classes. A
motion was approved to sustain their exam. While they stood with their mentors, the pastor asked the confirmands
the membership questions and they answered in the affirmative. They then signed the church registry. We welcome
this group of already-active youth to membership.
Featured Report: Facilities
Tom Bogigian presented the report, explaining the normal work of the commission and providing an update on the
west wall project. Window repair will follow repair for water infiltration. Tom reviewed the emergency guidelines
and Cheryl noted that the AED needs to be checked monthly. The rolling maintenance schedule established some
years ago will be updated.
Pastor’s Report:
Pastor Mike noted that we will have about $650 for shared mission from our portion of the Peace and Global Wit-
ness and One Great Hour of Sharing offerings. A donation of $300 has been sent to the Healthy Pastors program
and he and Linda have begun their webinars. They enjoyed the Pyoca retreat. The first of two Protecting Our Chil-
dren workshops was held and the second will be scheduled on September 8 after worship. Do we want to make any
sort of statement about requiring childhood vaccinations? The Christian Nurture commission will discuss the issue
and bring language to session next month. We will go through the full strategic planning review this summer.
Treasurer’s Report
The report for the month of April, another month when we were within budget, was approved with thanks and one
Operating Fund Sum-
Month of April Balance Sheet Summary 4/30/2019
Beginning of Month $44,333.37 Current Assets $717,598
Income $39,843.71 Fixed Assets $2,980,000
Expenses $30,297.85 Short Term Liabilities $3008
End of Month $53,879.23 Long Term Liabilities $390,861
Net Worth (Fund Balance) $3,303,729

Christian Educator’s Report: Cheryl reported that she has been busy with confirmation and the upcoming teacher
recognition. VBS will be at St. Stephen’s and use the theme Water of Life. Forty attended the Pyoca retreat (with five
ages two and younger) and they broke even on expenses. Kevin Christ suggested some structured time for private
meditation or group discussion at future retreats. The 14th and Chestnut children’s Easter egg hunt donation has
been delivered. The Youth made $937 at their May 5 fund raiser for Triennium. The question of which special offer-
ings to authorize is referred to the I&S committee.

Clerk’s Report: Communion was served during worship on Sunday, May 5. Home communion was served by the
pastor to Carol Cook and Joyce Cook with assistance by deacon Murray Pate.
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Reports and Action Items from Committees and Commissions:

Christian Nurture: Scholarships are ready to distribute this week. There will be a reception during coffee hour on
Sunday for the new confirmands.
Church Life: There were 14 children at the Easter egg hunt and three youth helpers. Having a treat bag for each
child and eggs filled with “bunny money” instead of candy was a success. Children allocated the money to three
mission projects: $115 to 14th and Chestnut Community Center, $115 to Presbyterian Giving, and $93 to Light
House Mission.
Communications: Luanne presented a “state of the commission” report that included suggestions for restructur-
ing duties. Although many duties have been parceled out to others, consistent oversight is needed. The web page
needs attention as we explore whether its purpose is internal or external. The office is working on the directory.
Facilities: the commission had a very good meeting with the finance commission about the sequence and timing of
capital projects. We will probably spend $71,000 this year and more next, and anticipate $255,000 for west win-
dow repair within five years. We have $54,000 From mortgage funds set aside.
Finance: the commission met informally and will investigate moving the money market account to something that
has a higher rate of return.
Worship: Holy Week services went well. The brass was polished and there are new hangers for the Easter ban-
ners. Stripping the sanctuary during the last hymn on Palm Sunday was moving. The commission is still considering
online giving. They plan to review the bulletin, brainstorming some small changes in worship.
Personnel: Session approved the plan for background checks every five years for the following: employees
(including child care workers), counters, volunteer child care workers, and bus drivers.

Congratulations and Blessings to our 2019 graduates

High School:
Emma Pennington, daughter of Suzanne Downs
Terre Haute North High School
Karringten Winn, daughter of Ashley Norris
St. Joseph-Ogden High School, St. Joseph, IL

Luke Bailey – Indiana University – B. S. in Political Science
He is the son of Frank and Carla Bailey and the grandson of Don Lowder
Katlyn Powers – Elon University – B. S. in Accounting
She will be a tax accountant at Ernst and Young in Greenwich CT and New York City
She is the daughter of Josh and Susan Powers
Travis Rubey – IUPUI Law School
He is the son of Charles and Sally Rubey and grandson of Fred and Nancy Rubey
Will Rupert – Ball State University – B.A in Theater/Acting
He is the grandson of Chuck and Jean Shutt

Claire Tamar — Kansas University — B.S. in Accounting

She is the granddaughter of Margaret Tamar.

Harrison Whitaker, New York University

He is the son of Todd and Beth Whitaker
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2019 Vacation Bible School Registration


A cooperative ministry of: June 17 - 21

Centenary United Methodist Church At St. Stephen’s
Central Presbyterian Church Episcopal Church
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church
Trinity Lutheran Church 9:30 am to 12:00 pm
for children 3 years
to 5th grade

Names of children in family attending VBS: (additional names may be added on back)
_______________________________________________ Age__________ Grade just completed__________
_______________________________________________ Age__________ Grade just completed__________
_______________________________________________ Age__________ Grade just completed__________
_______________________________________________ Age__________ Grade just completed__________
Parent/Guardian Name:_____________________________________________________________
Phone:______________________ E-Mail:_________________________________________________
Phone where parent/guardian can be reached during VBS:________________________
Other Emergency contact: Name_____________________________________________
Phone _____________________________Relationship to Child_____________________________
Who will be picking up your child(ren) from VBS?
Name_________________________________ Relationship to Child__________________________
Allergies and/or other medical conditions: _________________________________________________
Is there anything else we should know about each child that would help us better serve him/her?
Home Church______________________________________
Days child(ren) will attend: (circle) Mon Tue Wed Thur *Fri (see note)
*Friday is 9:30am – 1pm at the Wadsworth Farm (includes lunch & swimming
-lifeguard will be on duty)

PHOTO RELEASE FORM: I hereby give my consent for the Central Presbyterian Church, Centenary
United Methodist Church, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church and/or Trinity Lutheran Church, all in Terre
Haute, IN to use my or my child/ren’s photograph and likeness to be used in its publications, including
its website. I release them from any expectation of confidentially for the undersigned minor children
named on this form and myself and attest that I am the parent or legal guardian of the children
listed below.

Parent Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________

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Think Blue---
On Sunday June, 23rd we will officially welcome Jonah Sutter to our Church
family. Jonah's proud parents are Joy and Jon Sutter---big brother, Jovan, and
big sister, Juniper, are eager to share Jonah with their Sunday School
friends. This is an opportunity to shower Jonah with our love and blessings.
Cards and gifts are also welcome. The family has suggested that "if you would like support them,
they need Bamboo, biodegradable diapers, sizes 3 and 4. These may be purchased at Fresh Thyme
or on Amazon.” (Follows is the link for the diapers from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Bambo-

2—Doug Payne
4—Kathleen Smith
5—Patrick Duffy, Allison Harder, Nancy Johnson
6—Barbara Lehman
7—Sarah Kelsheimer
8—James Payne, Ryan Shepherd
9—Casey Powers
12—Tisha Glenn
18—Charis Seo
19—David Kintz, Connie McLaren, William Woodruff
20—Andrew Conner
21—Claire Bailey Henderson, Mary Shepherd
23—Alexander Spencer
24—Abrianna Norris
25—Sharon Danek
27—Scott Paul-Bonham
29—Jane Moulton, Nancy Rubey
30—Ray Modesitt
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Dear Church Friends,

I would like to acknowledge the giving hands of all the cookie bak-
ers who brought in cookies to make our Kids Hope appreciation coffee
hour last Sunday, June 2, such a special event. Your generosity was
overwhelming. I had no idea the response would be so abundant!!!
The names of the wonderful bakers are as follows: Buddy Berry, the Bough family, Kristen Darke,
Kay Farmer, Kirsten Ford, Barb Goltry, Cyndee Jenkins, Mary McLaughlin, Susan Moulton and
please forgive me as her was others who helped as well. Again a huge thank you very much. You
made my day!!!

Linda Riggins, Kids Hope Director

Thank you so much to Jill, Pastor Mike and everyone on the committee for this (Surrell) schol-
arship. I greatly appreciate and can’t wait to go back to Central Presbyterian this fall!!

Ross Hanson
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June 2019
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

2 Josh Powers 3 Family Prayer 4 5 Grief Share 6 7 8

presentation 9:30 Group 11:00 6:30
Worship 10:30

9 Worship 10:30 10 Family Prayer 11 12 Deacons 13 14 15

Group 11:00 5:00
Grief Share
Session 7:00

16 Worship 17 Family Prayer 18 VBS 19 VBS 20 VBS 21 VBS 22

10:30 Group 11:00 9:30-12:00 9:30-12:00
Commission/ 9:30-12:00 9:30-1:00
Grief Share
VBS 9:30-12:00 Committee meet-
ings 6:30

23Worship 24 Family Prayer 25 26 Grief Share 27 28 29

10:30 Group 11:00 6:30
Sutter baby show-
er 11:30

30 Worship
5th Sunday carry-
in dinner following
Central Presbyterian Church
Central Presbyterian Church
125 North Seventh Street
Terre Haute, IN 47807 Sunday School for all ages 9:30 a.m.

Phone: 812-232-5049 Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.

Fax: 812-232-5040 Rev. Mike Riggins, Pastor
E-mail: CPCOffice@thcpc.org
Scott Paul-Bonham, Minister of Service
Website: www.thcpc.org
Cheryl Moles, Christian Educator
Sarah Kelsheimer, Church Secretary

Church Happenings
5th Sunday Carry-In
Next Herald Women’s Book Club
The Women’s Book Club Guess what time it is — a carry-in dinner!!!
Deadline — will be meeting on July 8 On Sunday, June 30th, bring your favorite
(due to July 4th holiday) at dish to share. CL will provide pulled pork
June 30, 2019 7:00 at the church. The sandwiches and ask members and friends
book, Clock Dance by Anne who plan to eat to bring vegetables, salads,
Tyler will be discussed. and desserts. A brief program about Kids
Hope will be presented at the luncheon.
Seekers and Searchers
will be taking the summer
off. Their next meeting will
be on September 24th in
the fellowship hall of the

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