Long-Period Cycles of The Sun'S Activity Recorded in Direct Solar Data and Proxies
Long-Period Cycles of The Sun'S Activity Recorded in Direct Solar Data and Proxies
Long-Period Cycles of The Sun'S Activity Recorded in Direct Solar Data and Proxies
Abstract. Different records of solar activity (Wolf and group sunspot number, data on cosmogenic
isotopes, historic data) were analyzed by means of modern statistical methods, including one espe-
cially developed for this purpose. It was confirmed that two long-term variations in solar activity
the cycles of Gleissberg and Suess can be distinguished at least during the last millennium. The
results also show that the century-type cycle of Gleissberg has a wide frequency band with a double
structure consisting of 50 80 years and 90 140 year periodicities. The structure of the Suess cycle
is less complex showing a variation with a period of 170 260 years. Strong variability in Gleissberg
and Suess frequency bands was found in northern hemisphere temperature multiproxy that confirms
the existence of a long-term relationship between solar activity and terrestial climate.
1. Introduction
It is well known that the Sun actively influences many phenomena on the Earth.
Due to this link, changes of solar activity affect many aspects of the life of mankind.
The question about the role of solar variability in global climate change today is of
special interest. Therefore, knowledge of the history of solar activity, its time evo-
lution and its documentation in solar-terrestrial relationship is of great importance.
It is evident that such knowledge needs reliable information on the time behavior of
different parameters of solar activity (SA) over maximally long times. However, we
have reliable information on SA (direct observations of a global magnetic field of
the Sun, measurements of galactic cosmic ray intensity and fluxes of solar radiation
in different spectral ranges) only for the last few decades. The knowledge of SA
during the last 100150 years (Zrich series of Wolf numbers, Greenwich series of
sunspot area, Aa and Kp geomagnetic indices) is poorer. Tremendous work, done
by Wolf and Waldmeier (1961), Hoyt and Schatten (1998), who compiled a lot of
sporadic sunspot observations of 17th to the beginning of 19th centuries, allowed
to obtain a reconstruction of sunspot numbers over the last 34 centuries. The
reliability of these reconstructions before the middle of 19th century needs further
investigation. Data on SA over longer time intervals can be obtained only from
solar proxies (historical data, cosmogenic isotopes) and hence are substantially
less reliable. But in spite of the limited length of records of SA, some modes of
long secular solar variability are already known. In the second half of the 19th
century Wolf suggested solar cycles with periods of 55 and 160 years (see Schove,
1983). In the following century the ideas of Wolf were developed and significant
evidence of the existence of two longer periodicities of SA were obtained. The
first of them is a century-scale cycle revealed by Gleissberg (1944). Usually this
cycle is considered as a variation with the period 8090 years or, sometimes,
even precisely 88 year. The second one is a variation with a period of about 200
(160270) years (Schove, 1983). This is often called a Suess cycle. Suess (1980)
found a significant 203 year variation in tree-ring radiocarbon records. It should
be noted, however, that there are many evidences that the century-type solar vari-
ability may have spectral power in a wider frequency band than 8090 years.
For example in the work of Cole (1973), the double structure of the century-type
cycle was found both for Zrich sunspot data (59 and 88 year) and for data on
the phase of the 11-year solar cycle (78.5 and 94.5 year). Wittmann (1978) found
92-year and 55-year peaks in the spectrum of yearly averaged sunspot numbers for
AD 17011976. Spectral analyses of the data on aurora borealis after 500 A.D.
show peaks at 58 year and 65 year and a broad peak in the range 80130 years
(Schowe, 1983). Stuiver and Braziunas (1993) analyzed the long decadal 14 C series
and found significant 89 and 148 year periodicities for 60002000 B.C. and a 126-
year variation for 2000 B.C.1840 A.D. Existence of two kinds of century-long
solar variability 115 year and 95 year cycles was claimed by Chistyakov (1986).
A thorough investigation of solar centennial variability over a long time scale was
done by Nagovitsyn (1997, 2001). He used historic data and showed that the length
of the century-long solar cycle is not constant and most likely changes from about
65 to more than 130 years (the 7080-year and 100120-year modes dominate).
In the present work we continue the analyses of long-term (20300 years) SA
variations in the Gleissberg and Suess frequency range, using all the complexity
of direct and indirect solar data and applying modern statistical methods. The link
between solar activity and terrestrial climate is also considered.
2. Data
In order to trace the long-term solar variability in detail we used all available data
on SA direct oberservations and different proxies.
Wolf (director of the Observatory at Bern and later in Zrich) make it possible to
extend the sunspot record back to the beginning of 18th century. The reliability of
different parts of the Wolf number data set, however, is different: the data are reli-
able since 1848, their reliability is good during 18181848, it is questionable from
17491817 and it is poor during 17001748 (Eddy, 1976). Recently Hoyt and
Schatten (1998) have finished the reconstruction of group sunspot number (GSSN)
in which they used many historical sources missed by previous investigators. Their
data set covers the time interval 16101995 and authors consider GSSN data as
quite reliable during 16531730, 17501788 and after 1795 (Hoyt and Schatten,
1998). Wolf numbers and GSSN show some differences in the 18th century the
values of Wolf numbers during this period are a bit higher. These two series are the
longest direct instrumental records of SA.
for investigation of solar variability over a long time scale and the catalogue of
Wittmann and Xu was intensively used in our work.
A well-known way to overcome the second difficulty is to use not 14 C data but
a value Q, reconstructed by means of a many-reservoir carbon exchange system.
However, the value of the reconstructed radiocarbon production rate substantially
depends on the rate of exchange between different carbon reservoirs (see, for exam-
ple, Stuiver and Quay, 1980). In the present work we therefore used the extended,
decadal 14 C record derived from tree-rings (Stuiver and Pearson, 1993), covering
the time interval back to 7950 BP. This is the one of the longest S.A. proxies
existing today. It should be noted that GCR intensity is controlled by interplan-
etary magnetic field and the sunspot number is not a very precise indicator of
this field. For example, Solanki, Schssler, and Fligge (2000) have shown that
the time-averaged level of interplanetary magnetic flux depends on the Schwabe
(11 year) cycle length, too. So, the concentration of both cosmogenic isotopes
(14 C and 10 Be) in natural archives likely reflects mainly the solar modulation of
heliospheric conditions.
Figure 1. (A) Number of sunspot observations made by the naked eye (35 year averaged)).
(B) Band-pass filtered decadal 14 C data. (C) Data on 10 Be at South Pole (relative fluctuation),
wavelet filtered in 64 128 scale band. (D) Historic maxima and minima of solar activity: (1) Late
Roman maximum, (2) Byzantine maximum, (3) Dark Age minimum, (4) Medieval maximum,
(5) Wolf minimum, (6) Late Medieval maximum, (7) Spoerer minimum, (8) Maunder minimum.
(E) Reconstructed Wolf numbers, wavelet filtered in 64 128 scale band.
3. Methods
The main aim of the present work was to analyse the spectral content of SA and
its evolution in time. For this reason a complex analysis using both Fourier and
wavelet approaches was performed. The basic properties of Fourier and wavelet
transforms and the advantage of the wavelet one in the analyses of non-stationary
time series have been described in many works (see, for example, Astafieva, 1996;
Torrence and Compo, 1998; Ogurtsov et al., 2001). We note that in the present
work as in the previous one by Ogurtsov et al. (2001) we used the Morlet basis
for the time-spectral analysis and the MHAT basis for filtration. One of the more
important problems of wavelet analysis is the determination of confidence levels
for local and global wavelet spectra. In this work we solved this problem using a
method described in Appendix 1.
In order to analyse the significance of both Fourier and wavelet spectra we must
know the value of factor of red (AR (1)) noise present in the data. These fac-
tors were estimated by means of the following procedure. First, the low-frequency
component (usually with periods more than 50 years) were filtered out of the series
under investigation y(t) and the residual part y res (t) was considered as consisting
mainly of noise. Secondly, the function y res (t) = y res (t 1) was constructed
and was estimated. Numerical experiments, made with artificial data sets, show
that this method allows the determination of the factor AR(1) with uncertainty less
than 20%.
Analysis of SONE data is another serious problem. The quality of information,
contained in Oriental chronicles is not good enough to use them for accurate quan-
titative estimations of SA level. Therefore we converted SONE data into a binary
form: S(t) = 1 if an event (sunspot) was recorded in year t, S(t) = 0 if an event
was not recorded. But statistical analysis of such binary series is not easy, because
the majority of statistical methods cannot be applied in that case. Therefore, we
searched for the characteristic periodicities in SONE data using an approach of
autosimilarity functions, especially carried out for this purpose and described in
Appendix 2.
In Figure 2 the local Morlet wavelet spectra of GSSN (Figure 2(a)) and Wolf
numbers (Figure 2(b)) are presented. The spectra were calculated for the same
time interval A.D. 17001995 and the 0.99 confidence level (c.l.) was evaluated in
Figure 2. (A) Local wavelet (Morlet basis) spectrum of GSSN. White domains local wavelet power
< 0.2, black domains local wavelet power > 1.0 (0.99 c.l.), step of local wavelet power 0.8.
(B) Local wavelet (Morlet basis) spectrum of Wolf numbers. White domains local wavelet power
< 0.2, black domains local wavelet power > 1.0 (0.99 c.l.).
assumption about red noise with = 0.3. It is seen from Figure 2 that two signifi-
cant century-scale oscillations really are in the spectrum of sunspot variability, a 90
100-year cycle (since the second part of the 18th century) and 5060-year cycle
(until the first part of the 19th century). The shorter cycle is manifested more clearly
in Wolf numbers. So, both series, Wolf numbers and GSSN, show the bimodal
structure of century-long variation. However, instrumental records are too short to
make more precise conclusions about the character of centennial solar variability
and its time evolution.
A much longer SONE series was analysed using the approach of autosimilarity
function (see Appendix 2). For a more convenient analysis, the series, covering
Figure 3. (A) Binary SONE data. (B) Fourier spectrum of the autosimilarity function of binary SONE
data for 0 600 A.D. (C) Fourier spectrum of the autosimilarity function of binary SONE data for
801 1801 A.D.
Figure 4. (A) 10 Be concentration in South Pole ice (see Figure 1 in Bard et al. (1997)). (B) Local
wavelet (Morlet basis) spectrum of 10 Be concentration. White domains local wavelet power < 0.2,
black domains local wavelet power >1.0 (0.99 c.l.). (C) Fourier spectrum of 10 Be concentration.
Dotted line: 0.95 c.l. (red noise factor 0.9).
time interval A.D. 01800, was divided into two parts: 0600 A.D. and 8011801
A.D. Fourier spectra of autosimilarity functions of both these data sets are plotted
in Figure 3. Significances of the main peaks in the spectra were estimated using a
statistical experiment, described in Appendix 2. It is seen from Figure 3 that the
significance of the majority of the spectral peaks is low. This is likely a result of
the non-systematic character of the observations and a lot of noise input by ancient
astronomers, who often mixed sunspots with other phenomena, into their record.
Nevertheless, this series contains some information about solar variability in the
Suess and Gleissberg frequency bands. The 250-year cycle is distinctly manifested
in SONE data after AD 800 (c.l. > 2 ) and before AD 800 the 170-year periodicity
is present, though weak. This result is in agreement with that obtained by the Yun-
nan group (1977), who analysed the medieval Chinese sunspot observations and
suggested two cycles in their data the stronger at 240270 years and a weaker one
at 165210 years. Century-scale variability of SONE data is manifested by peaks
at 68, 92, and 126 years, though the more significant of them (68 years) attains
only 1 c.l. Cycles with periods of 61 years and 8191 years were also found
in the Yunnan Observatory (1977). Ancient Oriental sunspot observations thus
confirm the existence of the Suess cycle and give evidence that century-scale solar
variability has a wide frequency band (60130 years). More exhaustive analysis of
SONE data can be found in the work of Nagovitsyn (2001).
A long beryllium record from Antarctica (Bard et al., 1997) (A.D. 10001900,
Figure 4(a)) was analysed using both wavelet and Fourier approaches. The factor of
red noise was estimated as 0.9, and spectra of 10 Be data (local wavelet and Fourier
ones) are shown in Figures 4(b) and 4(c). It is seen from Figure 4 that 200 years,
110135 years and 5070 years variations are present in the beryllium series dur-
ing almost all time intervals. The second oscillation mode is the strongest while the
significances of the other two cycles are not so high.
A reconstruction of Wolf numbers made by Nagovitsyn (1997) using SA es-
timations made by Schove (who, in turn, mainly used auroral data) is shown in
Figure 5(a). Together with the direct Wolf numbers the series covers the time
interval A.D. 11001995. The record was analysed in the same way as the pre-
vious record. Wavelet and Fourier spectra, plotted in Figure 5, show the presence
of highly significant periodicities in the periods of 170220, 90135, and 50
85 years. The Suess cycle is the most significant. The factor of red noise was 0.3.
Finally, we investigated the decadal radiocarbon series of Stuiver and Pearson
(1993). For convenience of analysis, we constructed a series of residuals of the
14 C record from the initial data set filtered in a 801000 year band. This data
set is presented in Figure 6(a). Then, as in the previous cases, Fourier and wavelet
analyses were been performed. The results are shown in the Figures 6(b) and 6(c).
As seen in Figure 6, the radiocarbon spectrum also shows variance in 160270-
year, 80140-year, and 4070-year bands. These cycles are strongest during 2500
6000 B.C. (see Figure 6(b)). It is known that the time interval 25006000 B.C.
was a period of a weak geomagnetic dipole field, which shields the Earth from
Figure 5. (A) Wolf numbers reconstructed by Nagovitsyn (1997) using data of Schove (1979). After
1700 A.D. direct Zrich data. (B) Local wavelet (Morlet basis) spectrum of Wolf numbers recon-
structed by Nagovitsyn. White domains local wavelet power < 0.2, black domains local wavelet
power >1.0 (0.99 c.l.). (C) Fourier spectrum of Wolf numbers reconstructed by Nagovitsyn. Dotted
line: 0.99 c.l. (red noise factor 0.3).
Figure 6. (A) Residuals of long decadal 14 C record of Stuiver and Pearson (1993). (B) Local
wavelet (Morlet basis) spectrum of the residuals of long decadal 14 C record. White domains local
wavelet power < 0.2, black domains local wavelet power > 1.0 (0.99 c.l.). (D) Fourier spectrum of
the residuals of long decadal 14 C record. Dotted line: 0.95 c.l. (red noise factor 0.9).
Secular variations in different solar activity indicators.
cosmic rays (see, for example, Dergachev and Veksler, 1991). This means that
this epoch was a period of strong influence by cosmic rays. The more pronounced
C variability in the 40270-year range during 25006000 B.C. is a proof for its
solar origin. It can also be noted that periods of amplification of the Suess cycle
( 1600 A.D., 400 B.C., 3100 B.C., 5300 B.C., see Figure 6(b)) coincide
with the maxima of the ca. 2400-year Hallstattzeit cycle that have been found
already by Vasiliev, Dergachev, and Raspopov (1999). The red noise factor for
the long decadal 14 C series was 0.9.
The information extracted from a variety of indicators of SA is summarized in
Table I.
It is seen from Table I that variations with periods 5080 years, 90140 years
and 160260 years are clearly observed in different SA data (both direct and
proxy) including indicators of sunspot and auroral activity and solar modulation
of GCR. It proves the existence of all these modes of the Suns variability over a
time scale of 1000 years and more. Hence, the time variations, mentioned above,
are likely connected with the oscillating system governing the SA fluctuations.
The ratio of periods of the main solar variations (5080 years)/(90140 years)
(90140 years)/(160260 years) (1/2) is very interesting and may reflect fractal
properties of SA. But the quality of our data on SA is not good enough to make any
ultimate conclusion about the nature of the solar oscillator. For example, the data
on Wolf numbers, both directly measured and derived from aurorae observations,
show that 5080 and 90140-year modes rather replace each other and alternate
(see Figures 2 and 5(b)) but in the cosmogenic isotope data these cycles can exist
simultaneously (see Figures 4(b) and 6(b)). So, various indicators of SA give us a
different picture about the time evolution of the main modes of solar variability,
while precise information on this point is very important for understanding of
fractal and other properties of activity of the Sun. Hence, further investigations
of changes of SA over time scales as long as possible, are necessary.
The next question is connected with a possibility of solar-climate link, which
is actively debated. Modern methods of dendrochronology make it possible to
obtain climatic proxies with a length up to 1000 years and more and, hence, to
extract information about climate change over a long time scale. Here we analysed
the annual northern hemisphere temperature reconstruction of Mann, Bradley, and
Hughes (1999), which is presented in Figure 7 together with its Fourier and wavelet
spectra (red noise factor was 0.25). As seen from Figures 7(b) and 7(d) highly
significant time variations with periods 200, 110120, and 5080 years exist in
the temperature proxy of Mann, Bradley, and Hughes (1999). These periodicities
are very similar to those established in SA. Records of global northern hemispheric
temperature and 10 Be in South Pole ice, wavelet filtered in the 56194-year scale
band, are plotted in Figure 7(c). Some negative correlation between these series
(coefficient of correlation 0.51) is seen at least during the last 700 years. It gives us
new evidence of long-term solar activity having an influence on climate. The ques-
tion about the centennial solar modulation of global and regional terrestrial climate
and its possible mechanisms have been discussed in more detail by Ogurtsov et al.
(2001, 2002).
5. Conclusions
Figure 7. (A) Mean annual temperature in the northern hemisphere, reconstructed by Mann et al.
(1999). (B) Local wavelet (Morlet basis) spectrum of the temperature multiproxy of Mann et al.
(1999). White domains local wavelet power < 0.2, black domains local wavelet power > 1.0
(0.99 c.l.). (C) Temperature multiproxy of Mann et al. (1999) and 10 Be concentration at the South
Pole, wavelet filtered (MHAT basis) in 56 194 scale band. (D) Fourier spectrum of the temperature
multiproxy of Mann et al. (1999). Dotted line: 0.999 c.l. (red noise factor 0.25).
This research was done in the context of an exchange between the Russian and
Finnish Academies (project No. 16) and was supported by INTAS grant No. 2002-
550. Yu. A. Nagovitsyn is grateful to the Federal program Astronomy (15.13)
and INTAS (grant Nos. 2001-543, 2001-752). M. G. Ogurtsov is grateful to S.
Helama for his aid in the preparation of the paper.
Figure 8. (A) Test signal contains two sinusoids (with periods 73 yr and 8 yr) corrupted by red noise
with = 0.3. (B) Fourier spectrum of the test signal. (C) Local wavelet (Morlet basis) spectrum
of the test signal. White domains local wavelet power < 0.2, black domains local wavelet power
> 1.0 (0.999 c.l.). (D) Global wavelet (Morlet basis) spectrum of the test signal.
that the peak of its Fourier spectrum has a X confidence level. It means that for the
Y X (t, k ) = AX
0 (k ) cos(k t) + R (t),
Figure 9. (A) Mean Fourier (thin line) and Morlet wavelet (thick line) spectra of signal consisting
of 900 points and containing a sinusoid with period 66 years corrupted by red noise with = 0.3.
Significance of 66 yr variation is 0.999. Dotted line: 0.999 c.l. for Fourier spectrum. (B) Mean Fourier
(thin line) and Morlet wavelet (thick line) spectra of signal consisting of 900 points containing a
sinusoid with period 18 years corrupted by red noise with = 0.3. Significance of 18 year variation
is 0.999. Dotted line: 0.999 c.l. for Fourier spectrum. (C) 0.999 confidence level (thick line) for
Morlet wavelet spectrum of a signal consisting of 900 points.
be obtained. Finally, joining the points P max (a1 ), P max (a2 ), . . . , P max (an ) we de-
fined a curve ConX (a) - the X confidence level for the global wavelet spectrum
of the time series consisting of N0 points (see Figure 9). This line was used as a
background spectrum in further analyses of local spectra, i.e., all domains of the
local wavelet spectrum of the analysed signal (consisting of N0 points), which lay
above ConX (a), were considered as true features with the confidence level X. In the
Figures 8(c) and 8(d) local and global wavelet spectra of tested signal are shown.
The confidence level was estimated according to the method described above. The
good agreement between the significance of peaks of Fourier and wavelet spectra
(both global and local) is evident. It should be noted that if we used a pure red noise
spectrum as background the significance of global wavelet spectrum peaks would
be less than 0.99 and the same would be for the local spectrum.
For the analysis of binary time series we used an approach, developed by Nagov-
itsyn (1992, 2001) and based on ideas from cluster analyses. Multidimensional
statistics make it possible to classify events proceeding from an intuitively for-
mulated concept of their similarity in a space of features. One of the more popular
measures of similarity of cases i and j , having features k = 1, 2, . . . , is the general
similarity coefficient gij , suggested by Gower (1971):
Ui j k
gij = , (7)
Wij k
where Uij k denotes the contribution provided by the kth variable, Wij k are infor-
mation weight factors. Uij k , Wij k are different for different kinds of data (quantita-
tive, nominal or binary). In case of a binary variable we have:
Case i + +
Case j + +
Uij k 1 0 0 0
Wij k 1 1 1 0
Figure 10. (A) Test series, consisting of a sinusoid with a period of 15 years, corrupted by strong
white noise. Thick grey lines 1.75 and 2.05 levels. (B) Binary series made from the initial one
using 1.75 threshold. (C) Binary series made from the initial one using 2.05 threshold. (D) Fourier
spectrum of the initial series, plotted in (A). (E) Fourier spectrum of the binary series, plotted in (B).
(F) Fourier spectrum of the binary series, plotted in (C).
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