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Note FixedPoints RG Gitterman Halpern

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June 25, 2004 14:18 WSPC/Book Trim Size for 9in x 6in chap05

Chapter 5

The Renormalization Group

The aim of renormalization group theory (RG) is to find the critical

indices, including the indices x and y, which were still unknown after
using the scaling hypothesis in the previous chapter. RG is a group
of transformations (or more rigorously a semi-group, since in general
there is no inverse transformation) from a site lattice with lattice
constant unity and the Hamiltonian H to a block lattice with lattice
constant L and the Hamiltonian H  without changing the form of
the partition function,

Z(H, N ) = Z(H  , N/Ld ).

In fact, this idea was already used in Eq. (4.15), where we compared
the free energies of site and block lattices. In this chapter, we con-
sider the connection between Hamiltonians rather than between free

5.1 Fixed Points of a Map

The key idea in the use of the renormalization group is that the
transition from H to H  can be regarded as a rule, K  = f (K), for
obtaining the parameters K  of the Hamiltonian H  of a block lattice
from those K of the Hamiltonian H of the site lattice. This pro-
cess can be repeated, with the lattice of small blocks being treated
as a site lattice for a lattice of larger blocks, so that for the latter
K  = f (K  ) = f [f (K)], and so on indefinitely for larger and larger

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50 Phase Transitions

blocks until their size reaches the correlation length. This is an exam-
ple of a map, i.e., a uniquely defined rule relating two successive
members of a sequence, xn and xn+1 by means of xn+1 = f (xn ). In
such a map, it can happen that as n → ∞ this process may stop at
some stage, when x∗ = f (x∗ ), in which case x∗ is called a fixed point
of the map. For instance, one of the simplest examples of a non-linear
map is the logistic map [19]

xn+1 = f (xn ) = µxn (1 − xn ), 0 < x < 1, µ>1 (5.1)

so that the fixed points are the roots of the equation x∗ = µx∗ (1−x∗ ).
Since this is a quadratic map, it has two fixed points, namely x∗ = 0
and x∗ = 1 − 1/µ. This situation is shown in Fig. 5.1 where the fixed
points are the intersection of the graph of the parabola, f (xn ), and of
the diagonal of the unit box. Starting from some initial point x0 we
make a vertical shift to the point x1 = f (x0 ) lying on the parabola,
which (after the horizontal shift to the diagonal) will be the starting
point x1 for the next approximation, and so on, reaching finally the
stable fixed point x∗ = 1 − 1/µ. In order to examine the stability of
the fixed points, we introduce a perturbation ξn from x∗ in the form

xn = x∗ + ξn (5.2)

Fig. 5.1 Approach to the fixed point for the logistic map.
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The Renormalization Group 51

and substitute it in Eq. (5.1). On expanding f (xn ) in a Taylor series

around x∗ and keeping only the terms linear in the small parameters
ξn , we then find that
ξn+1 = ξn . (5.3)
dx x=x∗
The small distance ξn from the fixed point will decrease at each stage
if |df /dx|x=x∗ < 1, and in this case the fixed point will attract the
set of points xn so that the fixed point will be stable. On the other
hand, if |df /dx|x=x∗ > 1, the fixed point is unstable. For the logistic
map of Eq. (5.1), (df /dx) = µ(1 − 2x), and since µ > 1 it is larger
than unity for x∗ = 0 and smaller than unity for x∗ = 1 − 1/µ, so
that the latter fixed point is the stable one.

5.2 Basic Idea of the Renormalization Group

The above procedure is the basic idea of the renormalization group.

Assuming that a fixed point is reached at some step of the iteration
procedure for

K  = f (K  ) = f [f (K)] = · · · ,

namely K ∗ = f (K ∗ ), where K = J/(kT ), one finds the value of

K ∗ = J/(kTc ) which defines the critical temperature, as discussed
below. This estimate will be more precise the closer is the size of the
block lattice to the correlation length, i.e., the more iteration steps
that are used.
A very important property of the RG procedure is that it enables
one to find not only the critical temperature but also the critical
indices. Indeed, on using the RG relation K  = f (K) near a fixed
point, one obtains the equation
 ∗ ∗ df
K − K = f (K) − f (K ) ∼ (K − K ∗ ) + · · · . (5.4)
dK K=K ∗
Instead of trying to solve the problem for a single lattice, which is
usually impossible, we compare the solution of the problem for lat-
tices of different sizes. Since the free energy per particle g(K) must be
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52 Phase Transitions

unaltered, for a block of Ld sites in d dimensions Ld g(K1 ) = g(K2 ),

or for the partition function Z(K1 , N ) = Z(K2 , N/Ld ). As noted
previously, we can only expect the properties of these lattices to be
similar if the size of the blocks is less than the correlation length
of the system. However, at a fixed point this similarity applies for
blocks of arbitrary size. Therefore, we identify the fixed point with
the critical point of a phase transition, since only there is the corre-
lation length infinite. The existence of such a fixed point shows that
a phase transition takes place. If a value K  of K is close to the fixed
point K ∗ , we can rewrite Eq. (5.4) for T = J/kK in the form
 ∗ df
T −T ∼ (T − T ∗ ). (5.5)
dK K=K ∗
On comparing Eq. (5.5) with the main scaling relation τ  = Lx τ ,
where τ = |T − Tc | /Tc , one finds that
x = ln / ln(L). (5.6)
dK K=K ∗
If there is more than one external parameter, say K and H, then the
function f will depend on more than one parameter, f = f (K, H),
and so we will have two RG equations
K  = f1 (K, H), H  = f2 (K, H) (5.7)
and the fixed pointsare defined by the solutions of equations

K = f1 (K ∗ , H ∗ ), H ∗ = f2 (K ∗ , H ∗ ). (5.8)
On repeating all the procedure leading to (5.5), one finds that
 ∗ df1 ∗ df1
T −T ∼ (T − T ) + (H − H ∗ ) ,
dK K=K ∗ dH K=K ∗
 ∗ df2 ∗ df2 ∗
H −H ∼ (T − T ) + (H − H ) .
dK K=K ∗ dH K=K ∗
Finally, on diagonalizing the 2 × 2 matrix and writing the diagonal
elements in the form Lx and Ly , one finds the critical indices x and y.
It should be noted that the procedure described here is the sim-
plest real space form of the renormalization techniques. In many
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The Renormalization Group 53

applications, the renormalization group technique is used in momen-

tum space rather than in real space.

5.3 RG: 1D Ising Model

We start our examination of the application of the RG method by

considering the simplest possible system, namely the 1D Ising model,
even though we know that it does not exhibit a phase transition.
For the original site lattice, the partition function (2.1) for the one-
dimensional Ising model (2.3), with K = J/(kT ), has the form

Z(K, N ) = exp[K(S1 S2 + S2 S3 + · · · + SN −1 SN )] (5.10)

where the summation is performed over all neighboring pairs among

the N spins. In the block lattice, we omit all the spins associated
with even-numbered sites and replace two spins by a single one, so
that there are N/2 spins (which we referred to previously as µj , but
in this case we write as S2j−1 ) for which we have to find a partition
function Z(K  , N/2) which involves summing only over the odd spins.
The first two terms in the exponents of Eq. (5.10), after summation
over S2 = ±1, can be written in the following form

exp[K(S1 + S3 )] + exp[−K(S1 + S3 )] = F exp[K  (S1 S3 )] (5.11)

and the same procedure can be performed for each two subsequent
terms. In this way, we exclude from the sum all the spins with even
indices. Thus, we can compare the partition functions for the site
and block lattices, and write
Z(K, N ) = F 2 Z(K  , N/2). (5.12)

Equation (5.11) gives for S1 = S3 and S1 = −S3

2 cosh(2K) = F exp(K  ),
2 = F exp(−K  ),
so that
K = ln[cosh(2K)], F = 2 cosh(2K) (5.14)
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54 Phase Transitions

Let us now compare the free energy per site, f1 (K), for the site
lattice and that, f2 (K  ), for the block lattice. Since
f1 (K) = (1/N ) ln[Z(K, N )] and f2 (K  ) = (2/N ) ln[Z(K  , N/2)],
it follows from Eq. (5.12)–(5.14) that
f (K  ) = 2f (K) − ln 2 cosh(2K) . (5.15)

K = ln [{exp(2K) + exp(−2K)}/2]
1 1
< ln [exp(2K)/2] = K − ln 2,
2 2
i.e., K  is smaller than K, and so by repeatedly doubling the size
of the blocks one can proceed to a very small value of interac-
tions between spins far away from each other. Therefore, on going in
the reverse direction from small to large interactions, one can start
with a very small value of the interaction, say K  = 0.01, so that
Z(K  ) ≈ 2N and f ≈ ln(2). Using the above equations, one can find
the renormalized interaction and the appropriate free energy. It turns
out [18] that it takes eight steps to proceed from K  = 0.01 to the
exact result.
The one-dimensional Ising model does not show a phase transition
at a finite temperature, and our analysis was only designed to show
by means of a simple example how the RG method works. We now
turn to the two-dimensional Ising model, for which we have seen in
Chapter 2 that a phase transition does occur.

5.4 RG: 2D Ising Model for the Square Lattice (1)

For the 2D Ising model on a square lattice, the partition function

contains the interaction between a spin and its four nearest neigh-
bors, so that the analysis is more complicated. However, we start
by applying the same procedure as for the 1D Ising lattice, namely
we form the block lattice by omitting the nearest neighbors of half
the sites, as shown in Fig. 5.2, and summing over the interactions
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The Renormalization Group 55


s4 s0 s2


Fig. 5.2 Ising model on a square lattice with alternate sites removed.

with the spins of the sites that we omitted. Since the spin S0 located
at the site (0, 0) interacts with the spins S1 , S2, S3 , S4 , located at
the sites (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, −1), (−1, 0) respectively, we must consider
the terms in the partition function arising from S0 = ±1 with all
the 16 possible values of (S1 , S2, S3 , S4 ). As we will see immediately,
these 16 configurations are divided into four different groups which
will give four different equations instead of the two equations (5.13)
for the one-dimensional lattice. In order to satisfy these equations we
are forced to introduce three different interactions in the partition
function of a block lattice, i.e., to replace the cell of the site lattice
shown in Fig. 5.2 by the following interactions in a block lattice

exp[K(S1 + S2 + S3 + S4 )] + exp[−K(S1 + S2 + S3 + S4 )]
= F {exp[(K1 /2)(S1 S2 + S2 S3 + S3 S4 + S4 S1 )
+ K2 (S1 S3 + S2 S4 ) + K3 S1 S2 S3 S4 ]}. (5.16)

(The reason for using K1 /2 rather than K1 in the above equation is

that the products of spins such as S1 S2 appear again in some other
term of the partition function for the block lattice.) In order to deter-
mine the values of the four unknowns f, K1 , K2 , K3 we equate the two
sides of this equation for the four distinct values of (S1 , S2 , S3 , S4 ),
and take the logarithms of each side. For (S1 , S2 , S3 , S4 ) = (1, 1, 1, 1),
we find from Eq. (5.16) that

ln[2 cosh(4K)] = ln F + 2K1 + 2K2 + K3 . (5.17)

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56 Phase Transitions

Similarly, for (S1 , S2 , S3 , S4 ) = (1, 1, 1, −1) one obtains

ln[2 cosh(2K)] = ln F − K3 (5.18)

while (S1 , S2 , S3 , S4 ) = (1, 1, −1, −1) leads to

ln 2 = ln F − 2K2 + K3 (5.19)

and (S1 , S2 , S3 , S4 ) = (1, −1, 1, −1) to

ln 2 = ln F − 2K1 + 2K2 + K3 . (5.20)

This set of four linear equations for the four unknowns has the unique
K2 = K1 /2 = ln[cosh(4K)],
1 (5.21)
K3 = K2 − ln[cosh(2K)],
1 1
F = 2[cosh(2K)] 2 [cosh(4K)] 8 .
In contrast to the one-dimensional Ising model, for the two-
dimensional Ising model, as well as in some others cases, the resulting
interactions in a block lattice are more complicated than those in the
original lattice, and so they are not suitable for an exact RG analysis.
To proceed, one must use some approximation. The simplest approx-
imation is to neglect K2 and K3 , but then we come back to the equa-
tions considered in the one-dimensional case, where there is no phase
transition. To obtain a physically meaningful result, we assume that
the four-spin interaction is so weak that it can be ignored. The terms
in K1 and K2 correspond, respectively, to interactions between near-
est neighbors and next-nearest neighbors in the block lattice, and
both favor the spins being parallel, and so we write K1 + K2 = K  .

K  = (3/8) ln[cosh(4K)]. (5.22)

Finally, as discussed above, a phase transition occurs when K is

a fixed point of the transformation, i.e., K = K  = Kc . For the 2D
Ising model, this leads to Kc = 0.50698, while Onsager’s exact result
was Kc = 0.44069 [4], so that the error is about 13%. This is not
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The Renormalization Group 57

too bad for such an approximate theory, and suggests that its basic
physical ideas are correct.

5.5 RG: 2D Ising Model for the Square Lattice (2)

Let us now choose a different form of the block lattice, in which we

combine five neighboring spins into a block as shown in Fig. 5.3. The
spin µa of the block lattice is determined by the majority rule


µa = sgn Sia . (5.23)

As can be seen, the block lattice √ is also a square lattice with a dis-
tance between blocks of L = 5. For µa = 1, there are sixteen
possible values of S a , which can be grouped into the six different
configurations shown in Fig. 5.4, having characteristic energies 0,
±2K, and ±4K. For µa = −1 one obtains the same energies as for
µa = 1 with signs reversed.
In order to calculate the partition function Zµ for the Hamiltonian
Hµ of the block lattice it is convenient to write Hµ = H0 + V , where
H0 contains the interactions between the spins within a block and V

4 0 b
L 2
4 0
a 2

Fig. 5.3 Ising model on a square lattice with five sites in a block.
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58 Phase Transitions

Fig. 5.4 The different spin configurations for the five sites in a block on the
square lattice, where black and white circles represent spins of opposite signs.
The number of states in each configuration and their energy are shown.

those between spins on adjacent blocks, so that

Zµ = exp[−βHµ ]

= exp(−βHo ) exp(−βV )
exp(−βHo ) exp(−βV )
= exp(−βHo ) (5.24)
exp(−βHo )
where the first factor in the final expression in Eq. (5.24) is related
to the independent blocks, and therefore reduces to a multiple of the
partition function Z0 (K) of a single block

exp(−βHo ) = [Z0 (K)]N . (5.25)

The sixteen configurations that contribute to Z0 (K), which are

shown in Fig. 5.4 for µa = 1, lead to

Z0 (K) = 2 cosh(4K) + 8 cosh(2K) + 6. (5.26)

The second factor in Eq. (5.24) is the weighted average of

exp(−βV ) with weight function exp(−βHo ), which will be denoted
by exp(−βV ).
The formula (5.24) is still exact. However, we only evaluate
exp(−βV ) approximately, by the so-called cumulant expansion. In
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The Renormalization Group 59

this one writes

W2 W3 W
e  = 1 + W +
+ + · · · = 1 + W  + + ··· .
2 6 2
For |x| < 1, ln(1 + x) = x − x2 /2 + · · · , and we only retain terms up
to order W . Then, ln[eW ] ≈ W , so that

eW  ≈ expW . (5.28)

On substituting Eqs. (5.25) and (5.28) in Eq. (5.24), we obtain

βHµ = N ln[Z0 (K)] − βV . (5.29)

The function βV  connects adjacent spins of different blocks. As one

can see from Fig. 5.3, the interaction between nearest neighbor spins
on two adjacent blocks a and b contains only three terms,

βVab = K S2a S4b + S1a S4b + S2a S3b . (5.30)

Since the spins S a and S b are on different blocks, while the

Hamiltonian H0 neglects the interactions between blocks, on aver-
aging with respect to H0 we find that

βVab  = 3KS2a S4b  (5.31)

In evaluating S2a  the configurations with βH0 which contain

S2a = +1 and S2a = −1 cancel out, and so one finds for µa = 1 that
2 cosh(4K) + 4 cosh(2K)
S2a  = µa . (5.32)
2 cosh(4K) + 8 cosh(2K) + 6

An analogous treatment for µa = −1 shows that equation (5.32)

applies also for this case. From Eqs. (5.31) and (5.32), we find that
cosh(4K) + 2 cosh(2K)
βVab  = 3K µa µb . (5.33)
cosh(4K) + 4 cosh(2K) + 3
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60 Phase Transitions

Table 5.1 The critical value of K, Kc = kTc /J, and

the critical index x for different forms of renormal-
ization group theory applied to the Ising model for
a square lattice. The column Half is for the blocks of
RG-2D(1) with half the spins removed, and the column
5-spin is for the blocks of 5 spins of RG-2d(2), while
the column Exact presents the exact results obtained
by Onsager [4].

Half 5-spin Exact

KC 0.5070 0.5931 0.4406

x 1.07 0.901 1

Hence, to first order in V , βHµ = Const + K  a,b µa µb , where
 cosh(4K) + 2 cosh(2K)
K = 3K . (5.34)
cosh(4K) + 4 cosh(2K) + 3

The fixed point corresponds to K  = K = K ∗ in this equation. On

solving for it, we find for kTc = J/K ∗ that
 √  √ 
−1 2− 3+ 9−2 3
kTc = J cosh √ . (5.35)
2 3−1
In Table 5.1 we show the results of calculations of the critical
value of K, Kc = kTc /J, and of the critical index x defined by
(dK  /dK)K ∗ = Lx , for the square lattice, obtained by the RG
method with the two different blocks considered above, and also
the exact results of Onsager [4]. By using cumulant expansions, one
can also perform the renormalization group calculations for the two-
dimensional triangular lattice [20], and the results obtained are close
to the exact results of Onsager.

5.6 Conclusion

The same idea of a comparison of site and block lattices which

was used in the previous chapter for the formulation of the scal-
ing hypothesis can be used also as a basis for the renormalization
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The Renormalization Group 61

group technique. The RG transformations, which were originally used

in quantum field theory, are suitable for the phenomenon of phase
transitions, where the main feature is the long-range correlations.
Therefore, on going from small to larger block lattices, we gradually
exclude the small-scale degrees of freedom. For each new block lattice
one has to construct effective interactions, and find their connection
with the interactions of the previous lattice. These steps are carried
out repeatedly. The fixed points of RG transformations define the
critical parameters, and series expansions near the critical point pro-
vide the values of the critical indices. We note that the fixed points
are a property of transformations which are not particularly sensi-
tive to the original Hamiltonian, and this is the basis of the idea of
universality which will be considered in Chapter 7.

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