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17 JUNE 2009




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OPR: AF/A1Q Certified by: AF/A1

(Lt Gen Richard Y. Newton III)
Supersedes: AFI 36-3026(I), 20 December 2002; Pages: 319
Army Regulation 600-8-14; BUPERS
Instruction 1750.10A, Change 2;
Marine Corps Order P5512.11B,
Change 2; Commandant Instruction
M55121.1 NOAA Corps Directive,
Chapter 1, Part 5; Commissioned
Corps Personnel Manual 29.2,
Instructions 1 and 2

This instruction implements Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 36-30, Military Entitlements and
Department of Defense (DoD) Instructions 1000.1, Identity Cards Required by the Geneva
Conventions, January 30, 1974 with Changes 1 and 2, 1000.13, Identification (ID) Cards for
Members of the Uniformed Services, Their Dependents, and Other Eligible Individuals,
December 5, 1997, 1341.2, Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System Procedures, March
19, 1999; It supports the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) and the
Real-time Automated Personnel Identification System (RAPIDS) for the Army, Navy, Air Force,
2 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Marine Corps, Coast Guard, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
Commissioned Officer Corps, United States Public Health Service, National Guard, and U.S.
Armed Forces Reserve. This publication does apply to Air National Guard and Air Force
Reserve Command (AFRC) units. This inter-service instruction is available at http://www.e-
publishing.af.mil. Use this instruction to prepare, issue, use, account for, and dispose of ID
cards the Uniformed Services issue.

The Privacy Act of 1974 affects this publication. The authorities to collect and maintain the data
in this system of records are Title 10, United States Code (U.S.C.), Sections 3013, 5013, 8013;
Executive Order 9397; Title 33 U.S.C., 857a, Executive Order No. 11023. Privacy Act System
of Records Notice DEERS Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System, S322.50, DMDC, 29
October 1997 applies. The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 affects this instruction. See
attachment 1 for glossary. Process supplements that affect any military personnel function as
shown in AFI 33-360, Publications and Forms Management. This publication may not be
supplemented. Refer commended changes and questions about this publication to HQ
AFPC/DPSIR using the AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication route AF
Form 847s from the field through Major Command publications managers. Ensure that all
records created as a result of the processes prescribed in this publication are maintained in
accordance with AFMAN 33-363, Management of Records, and disposed of in accordance with
the Air Force Records Disposition Schedule (AF RDS) located within AFRIMS at


This document is substantially revised and must be completely reviewed. This publication
revises AFI 36-3026(I), 20 December 2002 and also applies to Air Force Services Squadrons
and/or Mission Support Squadrons until local mergers into the Force Support Squadron are
accomplished. Adds new DoD civilian retiree and National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) Retired Wage Marnier ID cards (Table 1.1); Adds civilian, contractor,
military affiliate, and modifies categories of personnel who can and cannot be cross-serviced
(Tables1.2 and 1.3); modifies types of ID cards and who can carry them (paragraph 1.6);
modifies DD Form 2, United States Uniformed Services Identification Card (Retired) (Table
1.5); modifies reissuing confiscated ID cards (paragraph 1.15); modifies administrative record
lock (paragraph 1.17.); modifies invalid entry in DEERS (paragraph 1.18); modifies briefing
ID cardholders on their responsibilities and removes dependency and residency requirements for
dependents of Guard and Reserve members on active duty for more than 30 consecutive days
(paragraph 1.21); modifies when DSC resolves invalid entries in DEERS (Table 1.17);
modifies Processing Sponsors and Dependents During Mobilization or Wartime (Table 1.18);
modifies information concerning Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), Temporary
Identification Number (TIN), Foreign Identification Number (FIN), and removes Contractor
Identification Number (CIN) (paragraphs 1.23, 1.24, 1.25, and 1.26); categories of eligible
individuals and uniformed services verifying officials (Table 2.1); where to verify and issue
cards (paragraph 2.2); documentation required (paragraph 2.4); modifies Service Installation
Legal Authorities (Table 2.3); indefinite ID card for permanently disabled family member
(paragraph 2.6); identifies former spouse and abused dependents as their own sponsor (DoD
beneficiary) for DEERS purposes in (Chapters 3 and 5); removes court order termination of
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 3

parental rights and adds Medicaid information (paragraph 4.1); adds a child (including step
child, ward, or adopted) of a military member who is also an eligible family member of another
military member may be issued an ID with either member as sponsor for DEERS purposes. The
child may not possess more than one ID card (DD Form 1173, Uniformed Services Identification
and Privilege Card or United States Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card or
DD Form 1173-1, Department of Defense Guard and Reserve Dependent Identification Card or
United States Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card ) (paragraph 4.2); adds
information for ID card eligibility for children under age 10 (paragraph 4.4); modifies
conditions for issue of ID cards to children under age 10 (Table 4.3); adds information regarding
web base documentation/procedures for full time student verification (Tables 4.4, 4.5, 4.7, 4.10.
4.12); modifies incapacitated children over age 21 (paragraph 4.6); adds voluntary
acknowledgement of paternity (paragraph 4.9.1); adds information for adopted children
(paragraph 4.19); adds dependency determination requirements for legal custody ward of Coast
Guard members ( Tables4.10 and 4.11); add qualifying conditions required to establish
eligibility for transitional health benefit (paragraph 6.2); removes verifying eligibility for
benefits and privileges under the TAMP or TAP (paragraph 6.3); modifies verifying eligibility
for members separating under TAMP or TAP (Table 6.2); removes special separation benefit
(SSB) and voluntary separation incentive (VSI) participants and eligible dependents (paragraph
6.4 ); removes verification procedures for members separating under the SSB or VSI and their
eligible dependents (paragraph 6.5); removes selected reserve transition program (paragraph
6.6 ); removes reserve components points of contact (paragraph 6.7); removes CHAMPUS and
replaces with TRICARE (Chapter 7); adds joint service marriage (JSM) sponsor responsibility
to report within 30 days any dependent additions or changes to DEERS, including a military
spouse (paragraph 8.1); removes sponsors responsibilities to terminate parental rights
(paragraph; modifies sponsors unable or unwilling to sign the DD Form 1172
(paragraph 8.2); modifies processing procedures when sponsor is unable or unwilling to Sign
the DD Form 1172, Application for Uniformed Services Identification Card-DEERS Enrollment
(Table 8.2); removes when to terminate or revoke a dependents eligibility for ID card when a
court order terminates the sponsors parental rights and when child is adopted by a non-military
member (Table 8.3); adds An adoptive child (by a non-military member) remains eligible for
medical care only (paragraph 8.4.1); adds absence without leave (AWOL), prisoner of war
(POW), missing in action (MIA), and deserter status (Table 9.2); modifies appellate leave and
parole (paragraph 9.4); adds high-volume common access card central issuing requesting
station (HV/CACCIRS) (Table 10.1); removes rapids increased capacity (RIC) (Table 10.1);
adds qualifying requirements and responsibilities for SSM, SVO, and VO/LRA (paragraph
10.3); adds RAPIDS end-user responsibilities (paragraph 10.4); adds rapids training
(paragraph 10.5); modifies rapids equipment relocation policy (paragraph 10.5.1 and Table
10.2); modifies off-line processing for RAPIDS terminals, shipboard, and deployable systems
(paragraphs 10.7, 10.7.1, and 10.7.2); modifies RAPIDS hardware and software problem
centers (paragraph 10.9); add DMDC support centers (Table 10.4); modifies adding, changing,
or deleting SSMs, SVOs, and VOs/LRAs in RAPIDS (paragraph 10.10); modifies RAPIDS
security (paragraphs 10.11, 10.11.1, and; adds security practices, directives, and
federal law, U.S.C. Title 18 (paragraphs,,,, and
10.11.2); modifies disposition of RAPIDS equipment due to a natural disaster (paragraph
10.12); adds review and deletion of report data (paragraph 10.13.1); adds RAPIDS hardware
custody and accountability (paragraph 10.14); adds Privacy Act Statement (PAS) (paragraph
4 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

10.15); adds mailing address of DD Form 1172 and DD Form 1172-2, Application for
Department of Defense Common Access Card DEERS Enrollment; (Table 11.1); adds RAPIDS
inventory logistics portal (ILP) (paragraph 11.2.1); adds recovery for the Common Access Card
(CAC) (paragraphs 11.3.1 and 11.3.2); adds information for photographs - general guidance
(paragraph; modifies issuing machine-readable ID cards for mail-in requests (Table
11.4); adds Navy mail-in ID card address change (Table 11.5); adds CAC general information,
recipient and responsibilities (Chapter 12 and paragraphs 12.1, 12.1.1, 12.1.2, and 12.2); adds
when to issue, reissue, or renew the CAC (paragraphs 12.4, 12.4.1, and Table 12.1); adds
when to surrender the CAC and conditions (paragraph 12.5 and Table 12.2); adds information
on how to prepare the CAC or DD Form 2, Armed Forces of the United States Geneva
Conventions Identification Card (Active) (paragraph 12.6); adds general CAC information
(Chapter 13 and paragraph 13.1); modifies DD Form 2, United States Uniformed Services
Identification Card (Reserve Retired) (paragraph 13.3); adds when to issue, reissue or renew
the CAC or DD Form 2, Armed Forces of the United States Geneva Conventions Identification
Card (Reserve) (paragraph 13.7 and Table 13.1); adds when to surrender the CAC or DD
Form 2 (Reserve) (paragraph 13.8 and Table 13.2); adds how to prepare the CAC or the DD
Form 2 (Reserve) and DD Form 2 (Reserve Retired) ID Cards (paragraph 13.9); adds general
information DD Form 2, United States Uniformed Services Identification Card (Retired)
(paragraph 14.1.3 and Table 14.1); adds when to issue, reissue, or renew the DD Form 2
(Retired) 120 days prior to retirement (paragraph 14.3); adds a child may possess both a DD
Form 1173 and a Guard/Reserve ID credential (paragraph 15.1.2); adds conditions for issue,
reissue, or renewal of the DD Form 1173; indefinite ID card to age 75 and older (Table 15.1);
adds conditions for not issuing, reissuing or renewing the DD Form 1173 (Table 15.2); adds
conditions for surrendering the DD Form 1173 (Table 15.3); modify conditions for exceptions to
surrendering the DD Form 1173 (Table 15.4); adds transition assistance benefits (TA-180)
information (paragraph 15.10); deletes ID card renewal for TAMP and TAP cardholders,
reflecting commissary and exchange privileges (paragraph 15.12.1); modifies when to issue
DD Form 1173 permanently incapacitated family member or age 75 (Table 15.1); adds TA-180
medical eligibility information and removes former TA 60/120 medical eligibility and 2 -year
shopping privileges for commissary, exchange, and MWR beginning day after date of separation;
modifies dependency and residency requirements for establishing illegitimate children eligibility
(Table15.7); removes the 2-year shopping privileges restrictions for Eligible Dependents of a
Member who was Voluntarily Separated and Approved for Payment of an SSB or VSI (Table
15.8); removes the commissary card restriction (paragraph 16.1); modifies when to issue DD
Form 1173-1 permanently incapacitated family member or age 75 (Table 16.1); adds DB
designation to former spouses (Table 16.2); adds legal separation information and RAPIDS
biometrics (Table 16.3); modifies general information (paragraph 17.1); modifies description
of Geneva Conventions credential system (paragraph 17.2); adds RAPIDS biometric
verification and CAC for certain categories (paragraph 18.1); adds DB category (Table 18.1);
removes how to prepare the DD Form 2765, Department of Defense/Uniformed Services
Identification and Privilege Card for SSB/VSI for 60/120-days medical care and 2-year
shopping privileges (paragraphs 18.6); adds processing of DD Form 2765 from RAPIDS
workstation (paragraph 18.6); adds early CAC issuance to civilian personnel, DD Form 1172-2
requirements for DoD contractor, RAPIDS biometric verification, DD Form 577,
Appointment/Termination Record Authorized Signature, Contractor Verification System
(Table 18.2); modifies Army Service Unique Requirements Major Army Commands
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 5

(MACOM) to (ACOMS) (Chapter 19); Individuals and Responsibilities for the Department of
the Army ID Card Program (Table 19.1); modifies Army Identification Tags (paragraph
19.17.2); modifies Army Requirements (paragraph 19.18.4); modifies Army Frocking
(paragraph 19.20.3); modifies accountability of forms (paragraph 19.25); modifies Army
Accountability Forms (paragraph 19.25.3); modifies Army Indefinite Reenlistment (paragraph
19.27); adds Agent Letter for Authorized Patrons (paragraph 19.28); removes Navy activities
authorized to received RAPIDS and issue uniformed Services ID cards (Table 20.1); modifies
security and accountability of forms (paragraph 20.12); adds DoD civilian and contractor
employees (paragraph 21.9); removes AF MAJCOM review for AF Form 354, Civilian
Identification Card (paragraph 21.2 and Table 21.2);; modifies when to issue, reissue or renew
the AF Form 354 (paragraph 21.3); modifies ID card processing procedures for incapacitated
children over age 21 (Table 21.3); removes AF MAJCOM review for ID Card Processing
Procedures for Preadoptive Children when the Placement Agency is Outside of the U.S. or a U.S.
Territory (Table 21.8); adds dependency determination information for Air Force sponsors
(paragraph 21.21.1); removes Air Force processing procedures for acquiring verification of
foreign institutions of higher learning accreditation (paragraph 21.22); adds Air Force Agent
Letter for Authorized Patrons, (paragraph 21.22); adds Manual and Teslin ID Card Stock
Ordering (paragraph 21.23); deletes steps 2, 3, & 4 for initial processing procedures for
incapacitated children over 21 for Marine Corps sponsor (Table 22.1); adds security and
accountability of manually prepared ID cards (paragraph 22.11); adds dependency
determination and basic allowance for housing (BAH) manual for Marine Corp sponsor
(paragraph; modifies ward application procedures for Marine Corps members
(paragraph 22.6); removes local reproduction of forms and adds new full-time student age 21-
23 (initial and renewal application) (paragraph 22.14); modifies publication distribution
(paragraph 22.15); adds Full-time Student Age 21-23 (Initial and Renewal Applications) for
Marine Corps sponsors (paragraph 22.14); adds Coast Guard, security and accountability of
Armed Forces Identification Cards (paragraph 23.8); adds United States Public Health Services
persons authorized to issue manual ID cards (paragraph 23.11.1); adds National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration persons authorized to issue manual ID cards (paragraph 23.12.1);
deletes DD Form 1173 and adds DD Form 2765 (paragraph 24.2); modifies uniformed services
DEERS/RAPIDS project offices addresses and telephone numbers, DMDC support center and
forms prescribed (Chapter 25); adds new and modifies existing Terms (Attachment 1);
modifies former spouse ID card (paragraph A2.3, Tables A2.4, A2.5, and A2.6); modifies
commissary access for civilian personnel of DoD, uniformed Services, other government
agencies, and civilian personnel under private contract to DoD or a uniformed Service when
stationed or employed in Puerto Rico or Guam, and their accompanying dependents when
residing in the same household (Table A2.18); adds lawful spouse and children commissary,
MWR, and limited exchange entitlements for ships officers and members of the crews of vessels
of the NOAA (Table A2.26); modifies Entitlements for Involuntarily Separated Members
(Table A2.28); adds new Department of Homeland Security U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
Services Employment Eligibility Verification and Lists of Acceptable Documents (Form 1-9),
Personal Identity Verification requirements for identity proofing for DEERS enrollment,
eligibility, and ID card issuance, including Public Law 109-13, 11 May 2005, Title II, Improved
Security for Drivers Licenses and Personal Identification Cards, Section 202, and Civilian
Affiliate (Attachment 5); deletes state jurisdiction for establishing male paternity for
illegitimate child (Table A5.1); adds ward and student information (Table A5.1); removes
6 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Separation Program Designator codes for TA-180 eligibility (Attachment 10); adds sample Air
Force Agent letter (Attachment 10); removes sample authority to assist letter for Navy and
Marine Corps members only (Attachment 15); modifies Air Force loss, stolen, and ID card
destruction instructions (Table A15.1); removes U.S. Coast Guard Support Statement,
Dependency Worksheet for Coast Guard members, dependency documentation requirements for
Coast Guard members, Coast Guard statement of former spouses, and Coast Guard statement of
support for full-time student (Attachments 19-23); adds Department of Homeland Security U.S.
Citizenship and Immigration Services Employment Eligibility Verification and Lists of
Acceptable Documents (Attachment 20); adds sample letter 100-percent disabled American
veteran (DAV) (Attachment 21); removes Marine Corps childs dependency affidavit
(Attachment 25).


1.1. Distinct ID Cards. ............................................................................................... 24
1.2. Types of ID Cards. ............................................................................................. 24
Table 1.1. Types of ID Cards. ............................................................................................. 24
1.3. Cross-Servicing Agreement. ............................................................................... 25
Table 1.2. Categories of Personnel Who Can Be Cross-Serviced. ........................................ 26
Table 1.3. Categories of Personnel Who Can Not Be Cross-Serviced. .................................. 26
1.4. RAPIDS Issuing Facilities. ................................................................................. 27
1.5. Verifying Official Responsibilities: ..................................................................... 27
1.6. Types of ID Cards and Who Can Carry Them. .................................................... 28
Table 1.4. DD Form 2, Armed Forces of the United States Identification Card (Active) or
DD Form 2, Armed Forces of the United States Geneva Conventions Identification
Card (Active). Note: The CAC replaced both the DD Forms 2 Active and Geneva
Conventions cards. ......................................................................................... 28
Table 1.5. DD Form 2, United States Uniformed Services Identification Card (Retired). ..... 28
Table 1.6. DD Form 2, Armed Forces of the United States Geneva Conventions Identification
Card (Reserve). Note: The CAC replaced the DD Form 2 Geneva Conventions card. 29
Table 1.7. DD Form 2, United States Uniformed Services Identification Card (Reserve Retired). 30
Table 1.8. DD Form 1173, Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card or United
States Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card. .............................. 30
Table 1.9. DD Form 1173-1, Department of Defense Guard and Reserve Dependent
Identification Card or Department of Defense Guard and Reserve Dependent
Identification Card. ............................................................................................. 33
Table 1.10. DD Form 489 Geneva Conventions Identity Card for Civilians Who Accompany
the Armed Forces. .............................................................................................. 34
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 7

Table 1.11. DD Form 1934 Geneva Conventions Identity Card for Medical and Religious
Personnel Who Serve in or Accompany the Armed Forces. ................................. 34
Table 1.12. DD Form 2764, United States DoD/Uniformed Services Civilian Geneva
Conventions Identification Card. ........................................................................ 35
Table 1.13. DD Form 2765, Department of Defense/Uniformed Services Identification and
Privilege Card. .................................................................................................... 35
Table 1.14. DA Form 1602, Civilian Identification Card. ...................................................... 37
Table 1.15. AF Form 354, Civilian Identification Card. ......................................................... 38
1.7. Penalties for Misuse of ID Cards. ........................................................................ 38
1.8. Photographing, Reproducing or Unauthorized Possession of ID Cards. ............... 38
1.9. Providing Sample ID Cards to Government Agencies for Authorized Purposes. .. 39
1.10. Over-stamping. ................................................................................................... 39
1.11. Overseas Limitations. ......................................................................................... 39
1.12. Issue of DD Form 2764 in TDY Status. Note: ..................................................... 39
1.13. Disposition of DD Form 1172. ............................................................................ 39
1.14. Confiscating ID Cards. ....................................................................................... 40
Table 1.16. Individuals Who May Confiscate ID Cards. ........................................................ 40
1.15. Reissuing Confiscated ID Cards. ......................................................................... 41
1.16. Destroying Confiscated ID Cards, and Documenting Surrendered Cards,
Receipts, and Destruction Certificates. ................................................................ 41
1.17. Administrative Record Lock. .............................................................................. 41
1.18. Invalid Entry in DEERS. .................................................................................... 41
Table 1.17. When DSC Resolves Invalid Entries in DEERS. ................................................. 41
1.19. ID Cardholders Responsibilities. ......................................................................... 42
1.20. Sponsors and Dependents During Mobilization or Wartime. ............................... 42
Table 1.18. Processing Sponsors and Dependents During Mobilization or Wartime. .............. 42
1.21. 90-day Temporary ID Card Issuance for Dependents. ......................................... 42
1.22. Mandatory Disclosure of Social Security Numbers for DEERS. .......................... 42
1.23. Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) ............................................. 43
1.24. Temporary Identification Number (TIN) ............................................................. 43
1.25. Foreign Identification Number (FIN) .................................................................. 43
1.26. Mandatory Collection of Fingerprints. ................................................................ 43


2.1. Who Verifies Eligibility for ID Cards. ................................................................ 45
8 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Table 2.1. Categories of Eligible Individuals and Uniformed Services Verifying Officials. .. 45
2.2. Where to Verify and Issue ID Cards. ................................................................... 47
2.3. What the ............................................................................................................. 47
Table 2.2. Actions Taken by DEERS/RAPIDS Verifying Official. ...................................... 47
2.4. Documentation Required. ................................................................................... 48
Table 2.3. Service Installation Legal Authorities. ................................................................ 50
2.5. Issuing Temporary DD Forms 2765, 1173, 1173-1. ............................................. 50
Table 2.4. Procedures for Issuing Temporary DD Forms 2765, 1173, 1173-1. ..................... 50
Table 2.5. Steps to Take When Issuing Temporary DD Forms 2765, 1173, 1173-1. ............. 51
2.6. Indefinite ID Card For Permanently Disabled Family Member ............................ 51
3.1. General Information. .......................................................................................... 52
3.2. Basic Eligibility Criteria for DoD Beneficiaries (Unremarried Former Spouses). . 52
Table 3.1. Basic Eligibility Critieria For DoD Beneficiaries (Unremarried Former Spouses). 52
3.3. Categories, Eligibility Criteria, Benefits, Privileges and Expiration Dates for DoD
Beneficiaries (Unremarried Former Spouses (URFS)) ......................................... 54
Table 3.2. DB (Unremarried Former Spouse) (20-20-20). .................................................... 54
Table 3.3. DB (Unremarried Former Spouse) (20-20-15) Divorced Prior to 1 April 1985. .... 55
Table 3.4. DB (Unremarried Former Spouse) (20-20-15) Divorced on or After 29 September
1988. .................................................................................................................. 55
Table 3.5. DB (Abused Unremarried Former Spouses) (10-20-10) Retirement Eligible
Member. ......................................................................................................... 56
Table 3.6. DB (Abused Unremarried Former Spouse) Transitional Compensation Eligible. . 56
3.4. Initial Verification Procedures for DB (Unremarried Former Spouses). ............... 57
Table 3.7. Where to Accomplish Initial Application. ........................................................... 57
3.5. Initial Verification Procedures for DB (Unremarried Former Spouses) (20-20-20
and 20-20-15). .................................................................................................... 57
Table 3.8. Initial Verification Procedures for DB (Unremarried Former Spouses) (20-20-20
and 20-20-15). .................................................................................................... 58
Table 3.9. Verification Actions Upon Receiving Statement of Service or a Complete Set of DD
Forms 214. ......................................................................................................... 59
3.6. Renewal Procedures for DB (Unremarried Former Spouses) if Enrolled in DEERS. 59
3.7. Renewal Procedures for DB (Unremarried Former Spouses) ............................... 59
3.8. Documents Required for Verification: ................................................................ 59
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 9

3.9. (DB) Unmarried Former Spouse (UMFS). .......................................................... 60


4.1. General Information. .......................................................................................... 61
4.2. Dual Entitlement for Children. ............................................................................ 61
Table 4.1. Action Required When Military Members Cant Agree Who Will Sponsor the
Child In DEERS. ................................................................................................ 61
4.3. Initial Enrollment of Newborns. .......................................................................... 62
Table 4.2. Initial Enrollment of Newborns. .......................................................................... 63
4.4. ID Card Eligibility for Children Under Age 10. ................................................... 63
Table 4.3. Conditions for Issue of ID Cards to Children Under Age 10. ............................... 63
4.5. Students Age 21-23. ........................................................................................... 64
Table 4.4. Eligibility Criteria and Documentation Requirements for Students Age 21-23. .... 64
4.6. Incapacitated Children Over Age 21 (Initial Application). ................................... 65
Table 4.5. Eligibility Criteria, Required Documentation to Apply, and Approved
Documentation Required for ID Card Issue - Incapacitated Children over Age 21
(Initial Application). ........................................................................................... 65
4.7. Renewal Processing Procedures for Children over Age 21 With a Permanent
Incapacitation. .................................................................................................... 67
Table 4.6. Renewal Processing Procedures for Children over Age 21 With a Permanent
Incapacitation. .................................................................................................... 67
4.8. Renewal Processing Procedures for Children over Age 21 With a Temporary
Incapacitation. .................................................................................................... 68
Table 4.7. Eligibility Criteria and Required Documentation for Renewal of ID Cards for
Children over Age 21 With a Temporary Incapacitation. ..................................... 68
4.9. Illegitimate Children under Age 21. .................................................................... 69
4.10. Processing Procedures for Illegitimate Children under Age 21. ........................... 70
4.11. Children Adopted After Age 21 Who Were Incapacitated Before Adoption. ....... 70
Table 4.8. Eligibility Criteria and Required Documentation for Children Adopted After Age
21 Who Were Incapacitated Before Adoption. .................................................... 70
4.12. Processing Procedures for Children Adopted after Age 21 Who Were
Incapacitated Before Adoption. ........................................................................... 71
Table 4.9. Processing Procedures for Children Adopted After Age 21 Who Were
Incapacitated Before Adoption. ........................................................................... 71
4.13. Legal Custody Wards ......................................................................................... 71
Table 4.10. Eligibility Criteria and Required Documentation for Legal Custody Wards. ........ 72
10 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

4.14. Processing Procedures for Legal Custody Wards. ................................................ 75

Table 4.11. Processing Procedures for Legal Custody Wards. ................................................ 75
4.15. Foster Children. .................................................................................................. 75
4.16. Pre-adoptive Children. ........................................................................................ 75
Table 4.12. Eligibility Criteria and Required Documentation for Pre-adoptive Children. ....... 76
4.17. ID Card Processing Procedures for Pre-Adoptive Children When Placement
Agency is Within the U.S. or a U.S. Territory. .................................................... 77
Table 4.13. Processing Procedures for Pre-Adoptive Children When Placement Agency is
Within the U.S. or a U.S. Territory. .................................................................... 78
4.18. ID Card Processing Procedures for Pre-adoptive Children When Placement
Agency Is Outside of the United States or a United States Territory. ................... 78
Table 4.14. ID Card Processing Procedures for Pre-adoptive Children when Placement
Agency Is Outside of the U.S. or a U.S. Territory. ............................................... 78
4.19. Adopted Children. .............................................................................................. 79


5.1. Abused Dependents - General Guidance. ............................................................ 80
5.2. DoD Beneficiary (DB). ....................................................................................... 80
5.3. Dependents of Retirement Eligible Members Separated Due to Dependent Abuse
on or After 23 October 1992. .............................................................................. 80
Table 5.1. Categories, Eligibility Criteria and Required Documentation to Verify Eligibility
for Dependents of Retirement Eligible Members Separated Due to Dependent
Abuse on or After 23 October 1992. ................................................................... 80
5.4. Verification Procedures for Abused Dependents of Retirement Eligible Sponsors. 82
Table 5.2. Verification Procedures for Abused Dependents of Retirement Eligible Sponsors. 82
5.5. Dependents of Active Duty Members (Over 30 Days) Separated on or After 30
November 1993 Due to a Dependent Abuse (not Retirement Eligible). ................ 83
5.6. Categories, Eligibility Criteria and Required Documentation to Verify Eligibility
for Dependents of Active Duty Members (Over 30 Days) Separated on or After
30 November 1993 Due to a Dependent Abuse (not Retirement Eligible). ........... 83
Table 5.3. Categories, Eligibility Criteria and Required Documentation to Verify Eligibility
for Dependents of Active Duty Members (Over 30 Days) Separated Due to a
Dependent Abuse (and Not Retirement Eligible). ............................................... 83
5.7. Verification Procedures for Abused Dependents of Active Duty Members (Over
30 Days) Separated on or After 30 November 1993 Due to a Dependent Abuse
(not Retirement Eligible). ................................................................................... 84
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 11

Table 5.4. Verification Procedures for Abused Dependents of Active Duty Members (Over
30 Days) Separated on or After 30 November 1993 Due to a Dependent Abuse
(and not Retirement Eligible). ............................................................................. 85


6.1. Transition Assistance for Military Personnel (TAMP) or Transition Assistance
Program (TAP). .................................................................................................. 86
6.2. Qualifying Conditions Required to Establish Eligibility for Transitional Health
Benefit. .............................................................................................................. 86
Table 6.1. Qualifying Conditions for TAMP or TAP. .......................................................... 86
6.3. Duration of Transitional Health Benefits Authorized Under TAMP or TAP. ....... 86
6.4. Verifying Eligibility for Benefits Under the TAMP or TAP ................................ 86
Table 6.2. Verifying Eligibility for Members Separating Under TAMP or TAP. .................. 86


7.1. Dual Entitlement - TRICARE and Medicare. ...................................................... 88
Table 7.1. Determining Eligibility for TRICARE and Medicare. ......................................... 88
Table 7.2. TRICARE for Life (TFL) Eligibility. .................................................................. 88
7.2. Documentation Required. ................................................................................... 89
7.3. Date of Termination. ........................................................................................... 89


8.1. Sponsor Responsibilities. .................................................................................... 90
Table 8.1. Active, Retired, Guard and Reserve Sponsors Responsibilities. .......................... 90
8.2. Sponsors Unable or Unwilling to Sign the DD Form 1172. ................................. 91
Table 8.2. Processing Procedures when Sponsor is Unable or Unwilling to Sign the DD
Form 1172. ......................................................................................................... 91
8.3. Processing Procedures for Dependents Whos Eligibility is in Question .............. 91
8.4. Terminating or Revoking Dependents Eligibility for ID Cards. .......................... 91
Table 8.3. When to Terminate or Revoke a Dependents Eligibility for ID Cards. ................ 91
9.1. General Procedures. ............................................................................................ 94
Table 9.1. Procedures for Retrieving and Replacing ID Cards. ............................................ 94
9.2. Special Procedures When Administrative or Judicial Action Has Occurred. ........ 94
12 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Table 9.2. Special Retrieval Procedures When an Administrative or Judicial Action Has
Occurred. ........................................................................................................... 94
9.3. Retrieving and Disposing of ID Cards for Members Assigned to DoD Regional
Correctional Facilities. ........................................................................................ 95
Table 9.3. Uniformed Service Representatives for Retrieving and Disposing of ID Cards for
Members Assigned to DoD Regional Correctional Facilities. .............................. 95
9.4. Appellate Leave and parole. ................................................................................ 95
Table 9.4. Uniformed Services Processing Procedures for Members on Parole or Excess
Leave and their Eligible Dependents. .................................................................. 96


10.1. RAPIDS. ............................................................................................................ 98
10.2. Specialized Functionality and Platforms for RAPIDS. ......................................... 98
Table 10.1. Specialized Functionality and Platforms for RAPIDS. ......................................... 98
10.3. Qualifying Requirements and Responsibilities for SSM, SVO, and VO/LRA. ..... 98
10.4. RAPIDS End-User Responsibilities. ................................................................... 99
10.5. RAPIDS Training. .............................................................................................. 99
Table 10.2. RAPIDS Equipment Relocation Policy. .............................................................. 99
10.6. Reimbursement for Unauthorized Relocation. ..................................................... 100
10.7. Off-line Processing to DEERS. ........................................................................... 100
10.8. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). ............................................................ 100
Table 10.3. Responsibilities of RAPIDS Server and Remote Sites. ........................................ 101
10.9. RAPIDS Hardware and Software Support Centers. ............................................. 101
Table 10.4. DMDC Support Center (DSC). ........................................................................... 101
10.10. Adding, Changing, or Deleting SSMs, SVOs, and VOs/LRAs in RAPIDS. ......... 102
10.11. RAPIDS Security ............................................................................................... 102
10.12. Disposition of RAPIDS Equipment Due to a Natural Disaster ............................. 103
10.13. Review and Deletion of Report Data. .................................................................. 103
10.14. RAPIDS Hardware Custody and Accountability. ................................................ 103
10.15. Privacy Act Statement (PAS). ............................................................................. 103
11.1. Chief, Issuing Activity ........................................................................................ 104
11.2. Forms Supply. .................................................................................................... 104
11.3. Storage and Destruction. ..................................................................................... 104
11.4. Logs. .................................................................................................................. 104
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 13

11.5. Identification of Applicants and Review of DD Form 1172. ................................ 104

Table 11.1. Identification of Applicants and Review of DD Form 1172. ................................ 104
11.6. Issuing Procedures for Applicants Who Report in Person (Machine-readable and
Manually prepared Cards). .................................................................................. 105
Table 11.2. Issuing Procedures for Applicants Who Report in Person (Machine-readable and
Manually prepared Cards). .................................................................................. 105
11.7. Photographs - General Guidance. All DoD identification cards will contain a
photograph. ........................................................................................................ 106
11.8. Photographs for Machine-readable CAC and Teslin ............................................ 106
11.9. Photographs for Manually Prepared ID Cards. .................................................... 106
11.10. Signature on DD Forms 1173. ............................................................................. 107
11.11. Completion of Manually Prepared ID Cards. ....................................................... 107
Table 11.3. Completion of Manually Prepared ID Cards. ....................................................... 107
11.12. Issuing Procedures for Applicants Who Cannot Report In Person, Machine-
readable ID Card. ............................................................................................... 107
Table 11.4. Issuing Machine-readable ID Cards for Mail-in Requests. ................................... 107
11.13. Mail-In Addresses for Sponsors and Dependents Residing CONUS. ................... 108
Table 11.5. OCONUS Uniformed Services Addresses for Mail-in Requests. ......................... 108
11.14. Fingerprints for Mail-in Processing. .................................................................... 109


CARD) 110
12.1. General Information. .......................................................................................... 110
12.2. Individual Responsibility. ................................................................................... 110
12.3. How to Apply for the Machine-readable ID Card. ............................................... 111
12.4. When to Issue, Reissue or Renew the CAC or DD Form 2 (Active): ................... 111
Table 12.1. Conditions for Issue, Reissue or Renewal of the CAC or DD Form 2 (Active). .... 111
12.5. When to Surrender the CAC or DD Form 2 (Active). .......................................... 111
Table 12.2. Conditions for Surrendering the CAC or DD Form 2 (Active). ............................ 112
12.6. How to Prepare the CAC or DD Form 2 (Active). ............................................... 112
Table 12.3. Manual Preparation of the DD Form 2 (Active). ................................................. 112
14 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Chapter 13COMMON ACCESS CARD (CAC) AND DD Form 2, Armed Forces of the
United States Geneva Conventions Identification Card (Reserve) AND DD
FORM 2 (RESERVE retired) 114
13.1. General Information. .......................................................................................... 114
13.2. DD Form 2 (Reserve) ......................................................................................... 114
13.3. DD Form 2 (Reserve Retired). ............................................................................ 114
13.4. Honorary Retirees ............................................................................................... 114
13.5. Delayed Enlistment Program (DEP). ................................................................... 114
13.6. Individual Responsibility. ................................................................................... 114
13.7. When to Issue, Reissue or Renew the CAC or DD Form 2 (Reserve). ................. 115
Table 13.1. Conditions for Issue, Reissue or Renewal of the CAC or DD Form 2 (Reserve). . 115
13.8. When to Surrender the CAC or DD Form 2 (Reserve) Card. ............................... 115
Table 13.2. Conditions for Surrendering CAC or the DD Form 2 (Reserve). .......................... 116
13.9. How to Prepare the CAC or DD Form 2 (Reserve), and DD Form 2 (Reserve
Retired) ID Cards. .............................................................................................. 116
Table 13.3. Preparation of the DD Form 2 (Reserve) and DD Form 2 (Reserve Retired) ID
Cards. ................................................................................................................. 116

Chapter 14DD Form 2, United States Uniformed Services Identification Card (Retired)
14.1. General Information. .......................................................................................... 118
14.2. Individual Responsibility. ................................................................................... 118
14.3. When to Issue, Reissue or Renew the DD Form 2 (Retired). ............................... 118
Table 14.1. Conditions for Issue, Reissue or Renewal of the DD Form 2 (Retired). ............... 118
14.4. When to Surrender the DD Form 2 (Retired). ...................................................... 119
Table 14.2. Conditions for Surrendering the DD Form 2 (Retired). ........................................ 119
14.5. How to Prepare the DD Form 2 (Retired) ............................................................ 119
Table 14.3. Preparation of the DD Form 2 (Retired). ............................................................. 119

Chapter 15DD Form 1173, United States Identification and Privilege (USIP) Card 121
15.1. General Information. .......................................................................................... 121
15.2. Individual Responsibility. ................................................................................... 121
15.3. When to Issue, Reissue or Renew the DD Form 1173 ......................................... 121
Table 15.1. Conditions for Issue, Reissue or Renewal of the DD Form 1173. ........................ 121
15.4. Early Issue of DD Forms 1173 for Dependents. .................................................. 122
15.5. When Not to Issue, Reissue or Renew the DD Form 1173. .................................. 122
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 15

Table 15.2. Conditions for Not Issuing, Reissuing or Renewing the DD Form 1173. ............. 122
15.6. When to Surrender the DD Form 1173. ............................................................... 123
Table 15.3. Conditions for Surrendering the DD Form 1173. ................................................. 123
15.7. Exceptions to Surrendering the DD Form 1173 ................................................... 123
Table 15.4. Conditions for Exceptions to Surrendering the DD Form 1173. ........................... 123
15.8. How to Prepare the Manual DD Form 1173. ....................................................... 124
Table 15.5. Preparation of the Manual DD Form 1173. ......................................................... 124
15.9. Criteria for Mandatory Collection of SSNs. ........................................................ 126
Table 15.6. Criteria for Mandatory Collection of SSNs. ........................................................ 126
15.10. How to Prepare DD Form 1173 for a Member who was Involuntarily Separated
and Eligible under TAMP or TAP and Eligible Dependents. ............................... 126
Table 15.7. Preparation of the DD Form 1173 for a Member Who Was Involuntarily
Separated and Eligible under TAMP or TAP and Eligible Dependents. ............... 126
15.11. How to Prepare DD Form 1173 for Eligible Dependents of a Member who was
Voluntarily Separated and Approved for Payment of a SSB or VSI. .................... 127
Table 15.8. Preparation of the DD Form 1173 for Eligible Dependents of a Member who was
Voluntarily Separated and Approved for Payment of an SSB or VSI. .................. 127
15.12. Renewal for TAMP, TAP, SSB or VSI Beneficiaries .......................................... 129
Chapter 16DD Form 1173-1, United States Uniformed Services Identification and
Privilege Card (Machine-readable card), DD Form 1173-1, DoD Guard and
card) 130
16.1. General Information. .......................................................................................... 130
16.2. Individual Responsibility. ................................................................................... 130
16.3. When to Issue, Reissue or Renew the DD Form 1173-1. ..................................... 130
Table 16.1. Conditions for Issue, Reissue or Renewal of the DD Form 1173-1. ..................... 130
16.4. When Not to Issue, Reissue or Renew the DD Form 1173-1. ............................... 131
Table 16.2. Conditions for Not Issuing, Reissuing or Renewing the DD Form 1173-1. .......... 131
16.5. When to Surrender the DD Form 1173-1. ............................................................ 131
Table 16.3. Conditions for Surrendering the DD Form 1173-1. .............................................. 131
16.6. How to Prepare the DD Form 1173-1. ................................................................. 131
Table 16.4. Preparation of the DD Form 1173-1. ................................................................... 131

Chapter 17DD Forms 1934, Geneva Conventions Identity Card for Medical and Religious
Personnel Who Serve in or Accompany the Armed Forces, DD Form 489,
16 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009


CIVILIAN Geneva Conventions Identification Card (MACHINE-
17.1. General Information. .......................................................................................... 133
17.2. Description of Geneva Conventions Credential System. ...................................... 133
17.3. DD Form 1934. .................................................................................................. 133
17.4. Verification Authority. ....................................................................................... 133
17.5. When to Issue or Reissue the DD Form 1934. ..................................................... 133
Table 17.1. Conditions for Issue or Reissue of the DD Form 1934. ........................................ 133
17.6. How to Prepare the DD Form 1934: .................................................................... 134
Table 17.2. Preparation of the DD Form 1934. ...................................................................... 134
17.7. DD Form 489. .................................................................................................... 135
17.8. When to Issue or Reissue the DD Form 489: ....................................................... 135
Table 17.3. Conditions for Issue or Reissue of the DD Form 489. .......................................... 135
17.9. How to Prepare the DD Form 489: ...................................................................... 135
Table 17.4. Preparation of the DD Form 489. ........................................................................ 135
17.10. When to Surrender the DD Forms 489, 1934, or CAC. ........................................ 136
17.11. DD Form 2764 ................................................................................................... 136
17.12. When to Issue or Reissue the DD Form 2764. ..................................................... 136
Table 17.5. Conditions for Issue or Reissue of the DD Form 2764. ........................................ 136
17.13. How to Prepare the DD Form 2764. .................................................................... 137
17.14. When to Surrender the DD Form 2764. ............................................................... 137
18.1. General Information. .......................................................................................... 138
Table 18.1. Categories of Personnel Eligible for Issuance of the DD Form 2765. ................... 138
18.2. Individual Responsibility. ................................................................................... 138
18.3. When to Issue, Reissue, or Renew the DD Form 2765. ....................................... 138
Table 18.2. Conditions for Issue, Reissue or Renewal of the DD Form 2765. ........................ 138
18.4. When Not to Issue the DD Form 2765. ............................................................... 139
18.5. When to Surrender the DD Form 2765. ............................................................... 139
18.6. Processing of DD Form 2765. ............................................................................. 139


AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 17

19.1. General Information. .......................................................................................... 140

19.2. Supplementation. ................................................................................................ 140
19.3. Suggested Improvements. ................................................................................... 140
19.4. Individuals and Responsibilities. ......................................................................... 140
Table 19.1. Individuals and Responsibilities for the Department of the Army ID Card Program. 140
19.5. Army Management Control Process. ................................................................... 141
19.6. DA Form 1602 ................................................................................................... 141
19.7. Issuing Authority. ............................................................................................... 141
19.8. When to Issue, Reissue or Renew the DA Form 1602: ........................................ 141
Table 19.2. Conditions for Issue, Reissue or Renewal of the DA Form 1602. ........................ 141
19.9. When to Surrender the DA Form 1602: ............................................................... 142
19.10. How to Prepare the DA Form 1602. .................................................................... 142
Table 19.3. How to Prepare the DA Form 1602. .................................................................... 142
19.11. Army Security Identification Cards and Badges: ................................................. 143
19.12. Verifying and Issuing Authority .......................................................................... 143
19.13. Responsibility for ............................................................................................... 143
Table 19.4. Officials and Agencies Responsible for Security Features. .................................. 143
19.14. Specifications for Security Identification Cards and Badges. ............................... 144
Table 19.5. Specifications for Security Identification Cards and Badges. ............................... 144
19.15. Design of Cards and Badges. .............................................................................. 144
Table 19.6. Design of Cards and Badges. .............................................................................. 144
19.16. Control, Storage, and Classification: ................................................................... 145
Table 19.7. Control, Storage, and Classification. ................................................................... 145
19.17. Army Identification Tags. ................................................................................... 145
Table 19.8. Categories of Personnel Eligible for Issue of Army Identification Tags. .............. 145
19.18. Requirements. .................................................................................................... 145
19.19. Processing Applications for ID Tags ................................................................... 146
19.20. Frocking: ............................................................................................................ 146
19.21. Incapacitated Children Over Age 21 (Initial Application): ................................... 146
Table 19.9. Initial Application Procedures for Incapacitated Children over Age 21. ............... 146
19.22. Parents/Parents-in-law, Stepparents, and Parents-by-Adoption (Initial and
Renewal Application). ........................................................................................ 147
18 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Table 19.10. Initial and Renewal Application Procedures for Parents/Parents-in-law,

Stepparents and Parents-by-Adoption. ................................................................ 147
19.23. Documentation for Transitional Abused Dependents. .......................................... 147
19.24. Illegitimate Children Under Age 21 (Initial and Renewal Procedures). ................ 147
Table 19.11. Initial and Renewal Procedures for Illegitimate Children under Age 21. .............. 147
19.25. Accountability of Forms: .................................................................................... 148
Table 19.12. Accountable Forms. ............................................................................................ 148
19.26. Procedures for Accounting for Blank ID Card ..................................................... 148
Table 19.13. Actions Required for Accounting for Blank ID Cards. ........................................ 149
19.27. Indefinite Reenlistment. ...................................................................................... 149
19.28. Agent Letter for Authorized Patrons. .................................................................. 149


20.1. General Information. .......................................................................................... 151
20.2. Authorized RAPIDS Sites. .................................................................................. 151
20.3. Designation of Agent for Commissary and Exchange Purchases. ........................ 151
Table 20.1. Conditions and Documentation Required for Designation of Agent for
Commissary and Exchange Purchases. ................................................................ 151
20.4. Incapacitated Children Over Age 21 (Initial Application): ................................... 152
Table 20.2. Conditions and Actions for Initial Application for Incapacitated Children over
Age 21. ............................................................................................................... 152
20.5. Unremarried Former Spouses (Initial Application): ............................................. 154
Table 20.3. Documentation Required for Initial Applications for Unremarried Former
Spouses. ............................................................................................................. 154
20.6. Documentation for Transitional Abused Dependents. .......................................... 154
20.7. Documentation for Retirement Eligible Abused Dependents. .............................. 154
20.8. ID Card Processing Procedures for Pre-adoptive Children when the Placement
Agency is Outside of the U.S. or a U.S. Territory. .............................................. 154
Table 20.4. ID Card Processing Procedures for Pre-adoptive Children when the Placement
Agency is Outside of the US or a US Territory. .................................................. 154
20.9. Parents/Parents-In-Law, Stepparents and Parents-by-Adoption (Initial and
Renewal Processing): ......................................................................................... 155
Table 20.5. Initial and Renewal Procedures for Parents/Parents-In-Law, Stepparents and
Parents-by-Adoption. .......................................................................................... 155
20.10. Wards. ................................................................................................................ 155
20.11. Students Age 21-23. ........................................................................................... 155
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 19

20.12. Security and Accountability of Forms: ................................................................ 155

Table 20.6. Accountable Forms. ............................................................................................ 156
20.13. When Blank ID Cards Cannot be Accounted For. ............................................... 156
Table 20.7. Actions Required when Blank ID Cards Cannot Be Accounted For. .................... 156
20.14. Responsibilities of the Issuing Officer or Agent and Commanding Officer. ......... 156
Table 20.8. Responsibilities of the Issuing Officer or Agent and Commanding Officer. ......... 157
20.15. Frocking ............................................................................................................. 157
20.16. Forms Management. ........................................................................................... 157
Table 20.9. ID Card Forms Ordered Through the Navy Supply System. ................................ 157
20.17. Illegitimate Children Under Age 21. ................................................................... 158
20.18. Distribution. ....................................................................................................... 158


21.1. General Information. .......................................................................................... 159
21.2. AF Form 354, Civilian Identification Card .......................................................... 159
Table 21.1. Categories of Individuals Eligible for Issue of the AF Form 354, Civilian
Identification Card. ............................................................................................. 159
21.3. When to Issue, Reissue or Renew the AF Form 354: ........................................... 160
21.4. Restrictions. ....................................................................................................... 160
21.5. When to Surrender the ID Card: .......................................................................... 160
21.6. How to Prepare the AF Form 354: ...................................................................... 160
Table 21.2. Preparation of the AF Form 354. ......................................................................... 160
21.7. Incapacitated Children Over Age 21 (Initial and Renewal Processing): ............... 162
Table 21.3. ID Card Processing Procedures for Incapacitated Children Over Age 21 (Initial
and Renewal Processing). ................................................................................... 162
21.8. Parents/Parents-in-Law, Stepparents or Parents-by-Adoption: ............................. 163
Table 21.4. Initial and Renewal Processing Procedures of Parents/Parents-in-Law,
Stepparents or Parents-by-Adoption. ................................................................... 163
21.9. Air Force Pass and Registration. ......................................................................... 164
21.10. Administrative Procedures for Pass and Registration - Manually prepared ID Cards 164
21.11. Forms Supply. .................................................................................................... 164
21.12. Forms Accountability. ........................................................................................ 164
Table 21.5. Accounting for Blank Forms. .............................................................................. 165
21.13. Inventory Procedures. ......................................................................................... 165
Table 21.6. Actions Required for Inventory ........................................................................... 165
20 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

21.14. Unique Filing Instructions for the DD Form 1172: .............................................. 166
Table 21.7. Categories of Personnel and Where to File the 1172. ........................................... 166
21.15. ID Card Processing Procedures for Pre-adoptive Children when the Placement
Agency is Outside of the U.S. or a U.S. Territory. ............................................... 166
Table 21.8. ID Card Processing Procedures for Pre-adoptive Children when the Placement
Agency is Outside of the U.S. or a U.S. Territory. ............................................... 166
21.16. ID Card Processing Procedures for Legal Custody Wards. .................................. 166
Table 21.9. Actions Required when Processing Dependency Determinations For Legal Custody
Wards. ................................................................................................................ 167
21.17. ID Card Processing Procedures for Sponsors and Dependents During Mobilization or
Wartime. ............................................................................................................ 167
21.18. ID Card Processing Procedures for Issue of the DD Form 1934. .......................... 168
21.19. Frocking. ............................................................................................................ 168
21.20. Verifying Official Responsibility. ....................................................................... 168
21.21. Dependency Determination Processing Procedures for Illegitimate Children of
Male Sponsors when there is no Court Order and the Parents have not Married. .. 168
Table 21.10. Actions Required When Processing Illegitimate Children of Male Members
When There is no Court Order and the Parents Have Not Married. ...................... 169
21.22. Agent Letter for Authorized Patrons. .................................................................. 169
21.23. Manual and Teslin ID Card Stock Ordering ........................................................ 170


22.1. General Information. .......................................................................................... 171
22.2. Frocking. ............................................................................................................ 171
22.3. Designation of Agent for Commissary and Exchange Purchases. ........................ 171
22.4. Incapacitated Children Over Age 21 (Initial Processing Procedures). .................. 171
Table 22.1. Initial Processing Procedures for Incapacitated Children Over Age 21. ............... 171
22.5. Parents/Parents-In-Law, Stepparents, and Parents-by-Adoption (Initial and
Renewal Applications): ...................................................................................... 172
22.6. Wards. ................................................................................................................ 172
22.7. Unremarried Former Spouses (Initial Application): ............................................. 172
Table 22.2. Documentation Requirements for Initial Application for Unremarried Former
Spouses. ............................................................................................................. 173
22.8. Unmarried Former Spouse: ................................................................................. 173
22.9. Disapproval for BAQ and Transportation ............................................................ 173
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 21

22.10. Dependents of Active Duty Members (Over 30 Days) Separated Due to

Dependent Abuse and Eligible for Transitional Privileges on or After
30 November 1993: ............................................................................................ 173
22.11. Security and Accountability of Manually Prepared ID Cards: .............................. 173
Table 22.3. Responsibilities of Issuing Officer or Agent and Commanding Officer for
Security and Accountability of Manual ID Cards. ............................................... 174
22.12. Forms Management. ........................................................................................... 174
Table 22.4. ID Card Forms Ordered Through the Navy Supply System. ................................ 175
22.13. Illegitimate Children Under Age 21 .................................................................... 175
22.14. Full-time Student Age 21-23 (Initial and Renewal Applications). ........................ 175
22.15. Publication Distribution. ..................................................................................... 175


23.1. General Information. .......................................................................................... 176
23.2. Coast Guard. Incapacitated Children Over Age 21 (All Applications): ................ 176
Table 23.1. Required Documentation for Applications for Incapacitated Children over Age 21. 176
23.3. Coast Guard. Unremarried Former Spouses (Initial Application): ........................ 177
Table 23.2. Required Documentation for Initial Application for Unremarried Former Spouses. 177
23.4. Coast Guard. Parents/Parents-in-law, Stepparents and Parents-by-Adoption (All
Applications): ..................................................................................................... 177
23.5. Coast Guard. Illegitimate Children of a Male Spouse or Sponsor - Under Age 21
(Initial Application): ........................................................................................... 178
Table 23.3. Required Documentation for Illegitimate Children of a Male Spouse or Sponsor
under Age 21. ..................................................................................................... 178
23.6. Processing Legal Custody Wards. ....................................................................... 178
23.7. Coast Guard Manual Card Stock: ........................................................................ 178
23.8. Coast Guard Security and Accountability of Armed Forces Identification Cards: 178
Table 23.4. Actions Required for Security and Accountability of ID Card Stock. ................... 179
23.9. Coast Guard. ....................................................................................................... 179
23.10. Coast Guard. Audit and Inventory of Manual Card Stock: ................................... 179
23.11. United States Public Health Service. ................................................................... 180
23.12. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. ............................................ 180


22 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

24.1. Members Entitled to Retired Pay Versus Honorably Discharged Veterans Rated
100-Percent Disabled by the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA). ................. 181
24.2. Honorably Discharged Veterans Rated 100-percent Disabled by the DVA. ...... 181
24.3. General Information about TRICARE and Medicare, Part A. .............................. 182
24.4. TRICARE. ......................................................................................................... 182
24.5. General Information About Medicare. ................................................................. 182
Table 24.1. Medicare, Part A Eligibility. ............................................................................... 183
Table 24.2. Social Security Disability Insurance Information. ............................................... 183
Table 24.3. Medicare, Parts A and B Coverage. .................................................................... 184
24.6. Medicare Penalties and Equitable Relief. ............................................................ 184
24.7. What is Equitable Relief? ................................................................................... 184
24.8. Applying for Equitable Relief. ............................................................................ 184


25.1. Uniformed Services DEERS/RAPIDS Project Offices. ....................................... 186
25.2. DMDC SUPPORT CENTER-CONUS. .............................................................. 187
25.3. DMDC SUPPORT CENTER-Asia (DSC-A). ..................................................... 187
25.4. DMDC SUPPORT CENTER-Europe (DSC-E). .................................................. 187
25.5. Social Security Administration. .......................................................................... 187


Attachment 2DD FORMS 1173 AND 2765 ENTITLEMENT GUIDE 209












AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 23

Attachment 11Sample Request for Sponsor To Sign DD Form 1172 295



60, 12 AUGUST 1949) 297









Attachment 21SAMPLE LETTER 313

Attachment 22SUBJECT INDEX 314

24 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Chapter 1


1.1. Distinct ID Cards. The Department of Defense (DoD) provides members of the
Uniformed Services with a distinct ID card identifying them as active duty, Guard, Reserve, or
retired members and authorizing them to receive Uniformed Services benefits and privileges.
The DoD also authorizes a distinct ID card to eligible family members and other individuals,
entitled to receive Uniformed Services benefits and privileges. For eligible military, civilian
(includes non-appropriated), and contractors categories, the Common Access Card (CAC)
replaces the respective ID card types in Table 1.1 below.
1.2. Types of ID Cards. The following identifies the types of ID cards that DoD authorizes in
addition to two Service-specific civilian ID cards authorized by the Army and the Air Force.
Until the Office of Secretary of Defense (OSD) terminates the authority for publishing existing
cards replaced by CAC, they will remain in inventory.

Table 1.1. Types of ID Cards.

DD Form Armed Forces of the United States Identification Card Manually prepared
2ACT (Active)(Green) paper card
DD Form Armed Forces of the United States Geneva Conventions Machine-readable
2ACT Identification Card (Active) (Green) Teslin card
DD Form United States Uniformed Services Identification Card Manually prepared
2RET (Retired)(Blue) paper card
DD Form United States Uniformed Services Identification Card Machine-readable
2RET (Retired) (Blue) Teslin card
DD Form Armed Forces of the United States Geneva Conventions Machine-readable
2RES Identification Card (Reserve) (Green) Teslin card
DD Form Armed Forces of the United States Geneva Conventions Manually prepared
2RES Identification Card (Reserve) (Red) paper card
DD Form United States Uniformed Services Identification Card Machine-readable
2RESRET (Reserve Retired)(Red) Teslin card
DD Form Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card Manually prepared
1173 (Tan) paper card
DD Form United States Uniformed Services Identification and Machine-readable
1173S Privilege Card (Tan) Teslin card
DD Form Department of Defense Guard and Reserve Family Manually prepared
1173-1 Member Identification Card (Red) paper card
DD Form United States Uniformed Services Identification and Machine-readable
1173-1 Privilege Card (Red) Teslin card
DD Form Geneva Conventions Identity Card for Civilians Who Manually prepared
489 Accompany the Armed Forces paper card

DD Form Geneva Conventions Identity Card for Medical and Manually prepared
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 25


1934 Religious Personnel Who Serve in or Accompany the paper card
Armed Forces
DD Form United States DoD/Uniformed Services Civilian Geneva Machine-readable
2764 Conventions Identification Card (Tan) Teslin card
DD Form Department of Defense/Uniformed Services Machine-readable
2765 Identification and Privilege Card (Tan) Teslin card
DA Form Civilian Identification Card Manually prepared
1602 paper card
AF Form Civilian Identification Card Manually prepared
354 paper card
No Form DoD Civilian Retiree Identification Card Machine-readable
Number Plastic
No Form National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Machine-readable
Number (NOAA) Retired Wage Marnier Plastic
1.2.1. Number of ID cards issued. Individuals may be issued only one ID card as listed in
Table 1.1 with the following exceptions: DD Form 2 (Retired) and DD Form 1173 to members retired with pay who also
meet the criteria of an active duty family member. DD Form 2 (Retired) and DD Form 1173 to members retired with pay who also
meet the criteria of a family member of a civilian employee stationed or employed in a
foreign country. Note: Issue DD Form 2 (Retired) and CAC (formerly DD Form 2765)
to members retired with pay when the U.S. Government employs them overseas as
civilians and they qualify for certain benefits due to their civilian employment. DD Form 2 (Reserve) and DD Form 1173 to National Guard and Reserve
members not on active duty who are also family members of active duty or retired
members. DD Form 2765 and DD Form 2 (Reserve) to qualifying members who are
separating under Transition Assistance (TA) programs and have a National Guard or
Reserve commitment. Note: Members eligible family members are authorized one DD
Form 1173 and one DD Form 1173-1. Active duty member who is married to a retired military member is not
authorized issuance of a DD Form 1173.
1.3. Cross-Servicing Agreement. The Uniformed Services have agreed to assist each other in
verifying ID card eligibility. The Uniformed Services assist each other in verifying certain
categories of eligible persons, even if they belong to another parent service. With on-line
network communication to the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) using
the Real Time Automated Personnel Identification System (RAPIDS), issuing activities (see
Attachment 1, Terms) shall:
1.3.1. Verify eligibility.
1.3.2. Issue ID cards upon presentation of proper identity documentation. Note: Any
eligible population for a Teslin form ID card, i.e., DD Form 2 Retired, DD Form 1173, etc.,
26 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

will have the same requirements for providing identity documentation as for those
individuals eligible for a CAC.
1.3.3. Cross-servicing is authorized for members and family members reflected in table 1.2.

Table 1.2. Categories of Personnel Who Can Be Cross-Serviced.

1 Active duty members, retired members, and members of the Reserve components on
active duty for 31 days or more.
2 Retired Reserve members who have reached their 60 th birthday.
3 Family members of military sponsors on active duty for more than 30 consecutive days.
4 Family members of retirees (with pay).
5 Family members of Ready Reserve (Selected, Individual and Standby Reservists).
6 Family members of Retired Reservists (who have qualified for retired pay at age 60),
yet have not reached age 60.
7 Unremarried or unmarried former spouses previously enrolled in DEERS.
8 Medal of Honor recipients and their eligible family members.
9 One hundred percent disabled veterans (DAVs) and their family members.
10 Former members having reached age 60 and in receipt of retired pay for non-regular
service, and their family members.
11 Civilian, contractor, and military affiliate (formerly foreign military), including foreign
affiliate civilian, and foreign affiliate contractor personnel.
Eligible Survivors of:
12 Active duty members.
13 Retired with pay members.
14 Reserve members on active or inactive duty.
15 Retirement-eligible reservists who died prior to transfer to the Retired Reserve
(Reservists who were still participating).
16 Retired reserve members who qualify for pay at age 60 but die before reaching age 60. Contact the appropriate Uniformed Services DEERS/RAPIDS Project Office
before issuing a temporary ID card if the applicant is not enrolled in DEERS (see table
2.4). Cross-servicing is not authorized for members and family members reflected in
table 1.3.

Table 1.3. Categories of Personnel Who Can Not Be Cross-Serviced.

1 Initial verification for DoD Beneficiary, abused dependents, unremarried or unmarried
former spouses.
2 Individuals who require a dependency determination (over 50 percent support), i.e.,
incapacitated children, wards, parents, parents-in-law.
3 Retirees, former members, DoD contractors, military affiliates (formerly foreign
military), including foreign affiliate civilian, and foreign affiliate contractor personnel
not currently enrolled in DEERS.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 27

4 Illegitimate child of a male sponsor, when paternity has not been judicially determined
by a court or acknowledgement of paternity, or illegitimate child of sponsors spouse,
when the sponsor is a member of another Service
5 Navy and Marine Corps dependents residing in the Philippines (see table 11.5).
1.4. RAPIDS Issuing Facilities. All active, National Guard, Reserve, and other agency ID card
issuing facilities with on-line access to DEERS will issue CACs and DD Forms authorized by
this instruction for eligible beneficiaries when they are not otherwise restricted by the system
and: (1) are enrolled in DEERS; (2) are not enrolled in DEERS but legal documentation is
presented; or (3) present a properly verified DD Form 1172, Application for Uniformed Services
Identification Card-DEERS Enrollment (refer to Attachment 3), from the sponsors parent
Uniformed Service RAPIDS facility. Exceptions: See Table 1.3.
1.5. Verifying Official Responsibilities:
1.5.1. Refer applicants listed in table 1.3 to the sponsors parent Service Military Personnel
office for verification of entitlement. Exception: See paragraphs 25.1.2 for Navy and
25.1.4. for Marine Corps approval authority.
1.5.2. Verify identity using documents listed in Attachments 5 and 20.
1.5.3. Use the eligibility data in the DEERS or appropriate documents for verifying and
issuing ID cards to eligible family members. View a Social Security card, letter from the Social Security Administration
(SSA), or other official government document that specifically states the number is a
SSN when entering family members SSNs in the RAPIDS application to the DEERS
database. Do not enter an undocumented or incorrect SSN if the true SSN is not
available. Select then none box next to the identifier in RAPIDS to generate an
appropriate Identification Number as defined in paragraphs and 1.22.
1.5.4. Applicants enrolled in DEERS; Applicants not enrolled in DEERS. If the applicant is
enrolled in DEERS and unable to obtain the sponsors signature on the DD Form 1172, and
does not have a valid general or special power of attorney (POA), issue a temporary card for
30 days and cross reference paragraphs 2.4, 8.2, and Table 8.2. If the applicant is not
enrolled in DEERS, contact the sponsors parent Service for further instructions. Exception:
Verify and issue IDs for family members of deployed sponsors as listed in Table 1.18.
1.5.5. Upon presentation of appropriate documentation (for example, divorce decree, childs
marriage certificate, etc.), terminate DEERS eligibility for dependents no longer eligible for
benefits and privileges.
1.5.6. Regardless of the individuals age or incapacity status, the verifying official shall
determine if the individual is entitled to hospital insurance benefits under Medicare Part A,
Title 42 U.S.C., Chapter 7, Subchapter XVIII. If entitled to insurance benefits under Title 42
U.S.C., Chapter 7, Subchapter XVIII, the individual is ineligible for medical care under
TRICARE unless the military sponsor is on active duty except as provided in paragraph 7.1.
Spouses and children of active duty sponsors do not lose entitlement to the TRICARE
because of entitlement to insurance benefits under Title 42 U.S.C., Chapter 7, Subchapter
XVIII. To determine TRICARE eligibility for permanently incapacitated children over the
28 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

age 21, a formal determination of eligibility for Medicare Part A benefits must be obtained
from the SSA and presented to the verifying official. Individuals receiving Social Security
disability compensation for 24 consecutive months are automatically entitled to Medicare
Part A hospital insurance benefits under Title 42 U.S.C., Chapter 7, Subchapter XVIII,
effective with the twenty-fifth month of compensation. All applicants must be asked if they
are receiving Social Security disability benefits and when the benefits began to determine
TRICARE eligibility. If Social Security disability benefits have been received for more than
24 months, TRICARE benefits shall be disallowed, unless purchasing Part B (supplemental
insurance). Individuals are not authorized TRICARE beyond attainment of age 65, unless
the sponsor is on active duty or the applicant presents a statement from the SSA certifying
that the individual is not entitled to Medicare Part A hospital insurance benefits under Title
42 U.S.C., Chapter 7, Subchapter XVIII. Exception: Individuals who are enrolled in
Medicare Parts A & B are eligible for TRICARE For Life (TFL). Refer to Chapter 24,
paragraph 24.4.2. The verifying official shall cite the documentation presented in DD Form
1172, section III, item 89, in addition to all other required documentation.
1.5.7. The verifying official should refer the applicant to the Social Security Administration
at 800-772-1213 or http://www.ssa.gov for general information and eligibility, if
1.5.8. Verifying officials should review weekly the Verifying Official Information System
(VOIS) at https://www.dmdc.osd.mil/VOIS/owa/vois. Refer to Service specific chapters
19-23 for additional information.
1.5.9. Enroll eligible children (adoptive and pre-adoptive), step-children, and legal custody
wards in DEERS even if no ID card is issued (refer to Attachments 5 and 20).
1.6. Types of ID Cards and Who Can Carry Them. The following tables provide eligibility
information concerning issuance of each type of ID card. Note: ID card recipients who received
a Common Access Card (CAC) will not be issued or reissued any of the following ID cards that
were replaced by CAC without an approved waiver from OSD (P&R).

Table 1.4. DD Form 2, Armed Forces of the United States Identification Card (Active) or
DD Form 2, Armed Forces of the United States Geneva Conventions Identification Card
(Active). Note: The CAC replaced both the DD Forms 2 Active and Geneva Conventions
DD Form 2, Armed Forces of the United States Members of the Uniformed Services on active
Identification Card (Active) (Manually duty in excess of 30 days.
prepared card) or, DD Form 2, Armed Forces
of the United States Geneva Conventions United States Service Academies cadets,
Identification Card (Active) (Machine-readable midshipmen and Coast Guard cadets.

Table 1.5. DD Form 2, United States Uniformed Services Identification Card (Retired).
DD Form 2, United States Uniformed Services Members entitled to retired pay, including
Identification Card (Retired) (Manually Temporary Disability Retired List (TDRL) and
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 29

prepared card) or, DD Form 2, United States Permanent Disability Retired List (PDRL).
Uniformed Services Identification Card Note: Members entitled to retired pay, and the
(Retired) (Machine-readable card). Department of Veterans Affairs awarded
disability compensation, remain entitled to the
DD Form 2 though they waive their retired pay
to receive VA compensation.

Table 1.6. DD Form 2, Armed Forces of the United States Geneva Conventions
Identification Card (Reserve). Note: The CAC replaced the DD Form 2 Geneva
Conventions card.
DD Form 2, Armed Forces of the United States Ready Reserve (Selected and Individual) and
Geneva Conventions Identification Card Standby Reserve. Note: Selected Reserve
(Reserve) (Red) (Manually prepared card) or members receive CAC. Individual and
DD Form 2, Armed Forces of the United States Standby Reserve, including Merchant Marine
Geneva Conventions Identification Card Marine Academy, ROTC students, members
(Reserve)(Green) (Machine-readable card) with a military service obligation or separating
Note: The DD Form 2 (Reserve) (Green) or Retired Reserve awaiting pay at age 60
became available June 1998. The phase in receive the DD Form 2 (Manually prepared or
period for the green card ended 2003. See Machine-readable) card only.
paragraph 13.7 for issue instructions.
ROTC students who receive educational
assistance under Section 2107 of Title 10 and
are enlisted in the Obligated Reserve Section.
ROTC graduates appointed as members of a
Reserve Component not on active duty orders
for 31 consecutive days or more.

Members being released from active duty with

a military service obligation (MSO). Note:
Members departing on terminal leave with a
MSO may use the DD Form 2 Reserve ID card
along with their separation orders to obtain
active duty benefits until their separation date.
30 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC)

College Program students in their last 2 years
of training.

Members involuntarily separating from the

Selected Reserve under the Selected Reserve
Transition Program (RTAP) and: (1)
transferring to the Individual Ready Reserve or
(2) Retired Reserve awaiting pay at age 60 who
are eligible for benefits under the RTAP.

Merchant Marine Academy Midshipmen.

Table 1.7. DD Form 2, United States Uniformed Services Identification Card (Reserve
DD Form 2, United States Uniformed Services Members entitled to retired pay at age 60 who
Identification Card (Reserve Retired) have not yet attained age 60.
(Machine-readable card).
Former members (discharged) entitled to
retired pay at age 60 who have not yet attained
age 60. See Attachment 1, Terms. The status
Former Member will be reflected above the
Service shield.

Table 1.8. DD Form 1173, Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card or United
States Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card.
DD Form 1173, Uniformed Services Eligible family members of former
Identification and Privilege Card (Manually (discharged) members having reached age 60
prepared card). and entitled to receive retired pay (See
Attachment 2, A2.1).

DD Form 1173, United States Uniformed Eligible surviving dependents of active duty
Services Identification and Privilege Card members and surviving dependents of
(Machine-readable Card). members entitled to retired pay.
Note: Do not issue the DD Form 2 (Reserve),
or DD Form 1173 to those categorized as
former members.

DD Form 1173, Uniformed Services Dependents of active duty members or

Identification and Privilege Card (Manually Reservists on active duty in excess of 30 days,
prepared card) or, DD Form 1173, United and dependents of members entitled to retired
States Uniformed Services Identification and pay, including those members in a dual status,
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 31

Privilege Card (Machine-readable Card). in the following categories: spouse, child

under age 21, stepchild, ward, incapacitated
child 21 years of age or older, full-time student
between 21 and 23, parents, parents-in-law,
stepparents, parents-by-adoption. Note: See
Terms on Dual Status.

Eligible family members of Medal of Honor

recipients and honorably discharged veterans
rated by the VA as 100-percent disabled from a
Uniformed Service-connected injury or
disease, including eligible surviving

Eligible abused dependents of active duty

members entitled to retired pay based on 20 or
more years of service who are separated due to
misconduct on or after 23 October 1992 and
who lost their right to retired pay, 10 U.S.C.

Eligible dependents of active duty members

(over 30 days) not entitled to retired pay who
were separated from active duty or forfeited all
pay and allowances under a court-martial
sentence resulting from a dependent abuse
offense or administratively separated from
active duty, and the basis for separation
includes a dependent-abuse offense when
separated on or after 30 November 1993, and

DD Form 1173, United States Uniformed And when dependents are eligible for
Services Identification and Privilege Card transitional privileges.
(Machine-readable Card) (Continued).
Eligible unremarried and unmarried former

Accompanying family members of foreign

personnel living with the sponsor in certain
instances (see Attachment 2).

Eligible family members of civilian personnel

members in certain instances (see Attachment

Eligible family members of involuntarily

32 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

separated members eligible under Transition

Assistance Management Program (TAMP) or
Transition Assistance (TA). Eligible family
members of voluntarily separated member are
eligible under the Special Separation Benefit
(SSB) and Voluntary Separation Incentive
(VSI) programs. Refer to Chapter 6.

Eligible dependents of Philippine Scouts who

have applied for benefits under Public Law 77-
140 (1941) and Public Law 79-51 (1945).

DD Form 1173, United States Uniformed

Services Identification and Privilege Card Note: These dependents are not listed in
(Machine-readable Card) (Continued). Attachment 2; however they may be eligible if
certain requirements are met. Contact the
Uniformed Service Personnel project office
(active, Guard, or Reserve, as appropriate).
See paragraph 25.1 and Attachment 5, Rule 14.

Qualified dependents under 10 years of age if:

The child does not reside in the household of

an eligible adult ID card holder (permanently
or temporarily).

The child is of a joint Service married couple.

The child is a child of a single parent.

The childs physical appearance warrants issue

AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 33

(i.e., child looks over 10 years old). Refer to

Chapter 4.

Table 1.9. DD Form 1173-1, Department of Defense Guard and Reserve Dependent
Identification Card or Department of Defense Guard and Reserve Dependent Identification
DD Form 1173-1, Department of Defense Eligible dependents of Reserve component members
Guard and Reserve Dependent not on active duty in excess of 30 days in the
Identification Card (Manually prepared following categories:
card) or Department of Defense Guard
and Reserve Dependent Identification Spouse.
Card (Machine-readable card).
Child under age 21.

Stepchild (See child).


Incapacitated child 21 years of age and older.

DD Form 1173-1, Department of Defense Full-time student between 21 and 23.
Guard and Reserve Dependent
Identification Card (Manually prepared Parents/Parents-in-law, stepparents, and parents-by-
card) or Department of Defense Guard adoption.
and Reserve Dependent Identification
Card (Machine-readable card). Eligible dependents of Ready Reserve and Standby
members and Gray Area retirees as part of the Guard
and/or Reserve DEERS Enrollment Program.
Eligible dependents of former members when the
former member is eligible for retired pay at age 60
but not yet age 60.
Eligible surviving dependents of Retired Reserve
members entitled to pay at age 60, who died before
attaining that age. Issue the DD Form 1173-1 until
member would have attained age 60. Note: (The
DD Form 1173 may be issued only on or after the
date on which the member would have been 60 years
old, had he or she survived).
Eligible surviving dependents of Reserve
members who had earned 20 qualifying years for
retirement and are in receipt of their Notice of
Eligibility for Retirement Pay at age 60, who had not
reached age 60, and had not transferred to the
Retired Reserve, and who died prior to reaching age
34 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

60. Note: The DD Form 1173-1 is issued until the

member would have been 60 years old, had he or she
survived. The DD Form 1173 is issued only on or
after the member would have been 60 years old had
he or she survived.

Eligible surviving dependents of former members

who have met time-in-service requirements for
retired pay at age 60, were discharged and are in
receipt of their Notice of Eligibility for Retirement
Pay at age 60, who had not reached age 60, and who
died prior to reaching age 60.

Table 1.10. DD Form 489 Geneva Conventions Identity Card for Civilians Who
Accompany the Armed Forces.
DD Form 489, Geneva Conventions Identity Emergency essential personnel, DoD Directive
Card for Civilians Who Accompany the Armed 1404.10, Emergency Essential (E-E) DoD U.S.
Forces (Manually prepared card). Note: If at a Citizen Civilian Employees
RAPIDS site, issue the CAC.


DD Form 489, Geneva Conventions Identity Emergency essential personnel, DoD Directive
Card for Civilians Who Accompany the Armed 1404.10, Emergency Essential (E-E) DoD U.S.
Forces (Manually prepared card). Note: If at Citizen Civilian Employees. Essential
a RAPIDS site, issue the CAC. The CAC is contractor personnel when employed in areas
the Geneva Conventions Credential, replacing of conflict who are subject to capture and
the DD Form 489 and DD Form 2764, United detention by the enemy as prisoners of war.
States DoD/Uniformed Services Civilian Civilian noncombatant personnel who have
Geneva Conventions Identification Card been authorized to accompany military forces
(Machine-readable card). of the United States in areas of conflict,
combat, and contingency operations and who
are liable to capture and detention by the
enemy as prisoners of war.

Table 1.11. DD Form 1934 Geneva Conventions Identity Card for Medical and Religious
Personnel Who Serve in or Accompany the Armed Forces.
DD Form 1934, Geneva Conventions Identity Medical personnel.
Card for Medical and Religious Personnel Religious personnel.
Who Serve in or Accompany the Armed Forces Auxiliary medical personnel who serve in or
(Manually prepared card). accompany the military forces of the US in
areas of combat and who are liable to capture
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 35

and detention by the enemy as prisoners of war

(paragraph 17.3).

Table 1.12. DD Form 2764, United States DoD/Uniformed Services Civilian Geneva
Conventions Identification Card.
DD Form 2764, United States DoD/Uniformed Emergency Essential personnel, DoD Directive
Services Civilian Geneva Conventions 1404.10. Essential contractor personnel when
Identification Card (Machine-readable card). employed in areas of combat who are subject
Note: If at a RAPIDS site, issue the CAC. If to capture and detention by the enemy as
not at RAPIDS site, issue a DD Form 489. prisoners of war. Civilian noncombatant
The CAC is the Geneva Conventions personnel who have been authorized to
Credential, replacing the DD Form 489 and accompany military forces of the United States
DD Form 2764, United States DoD/Uniformed in areas of conflict, combat, and contingency
Services Civilian Geneva Conventions operations and who are liable to capture and
Identification Card (Machine-readable card). detention by the enemy as prisoners of war.

Table 1.13. DD Form 2765, Department of Defense/Uniformed Services Identification and

Privilege Card.
DD Form 2765, Department of Medal of Honor recipients and honorably
Defense/Uniformed Services Identification and discharged veterans rated by the VA as 100-
Privilege Card (Machine readable card). percent disabled from a Uniformed Service-
Note: There is no mass issue of the DD Form connected injury or disease (other than current
2765. The card will be issued when the DD or retired members of the Uniformed Services).
Form 1173 has expired, is lost or stolen (see
paragraph 18.1). Former members having reached age 60 and
entitled to receive retired pay. Former member
refers to an individual who is in receipt of
retired pay for non-Regular service under
Chapter 1223 of 10 U.S.C., who has been
discharged from the Service, and who
maintains no military affiliation.

Foreign personnel in the following categories:

Active duty officers and enlisted personnel of

non-NATO countries serving in the United
States under the sponsorship or invitation of
the Department of Defense or a Military

Active duty officers and enlisted personnel of

NATO countries who, in connection with their
official NATO duties, are stationed in the
36 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

United States and are not under the

sponsorship of the Department of Defense or a
Military Service.

Active duty officers and enlisted personnel of

NATO and non-NATO countries, when
serving outside the United States and outside
their own country under the sponsorship or
invitation of the Department of Defense or a
Military Service; or, when it is determined by
the major overseas commander that the
granting of such privileges is in the best
interests of the United States and such
personnel are connected with, or their activities
are related to, the performance of functions of
the U.S. military establishment.
DD Form 2765, Department of Civilian personnel in the following categories:
Defense/Uniformed Services Identification and
Privilege Card (Machine readable card) Civilian personnel of the Department of
(Continued). Defense and the Uniformed Services, when
required to reside in a household on a military
installation within the Continental United
United States (CONUS), Hawaii and, Alaska.

Civilian personnel of the Department of

Defense, the Uniformed Services, and other
Government Agencies, and civilian personnel
under private contract to the Department of
Defense or a Uniformed Service, when
stationed or employed in foreign countries or
when .stationed or employed in Puerto Rico or
Guam, and their accompanying dependents,
when residing in the same household.

Contract surgeons overseas during the period

of their contract.

Uniformed and non-uniformed full-time paid

personnel of the Red Cross assigned to duty
with the Uniformed Services within the
CONUS, Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico and
Guam when required to reside in a household
on a military installation.

Uniformed and non-uniformed full-time paid

personnel of the Red Cross assigned to duty
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 37

with the Uniformed Services in foreign


Area executives, center directors, and assistant

directors of the United Service Organization
(USO), when serving in foreign countries.

United Seamans Service (USS) personnel in

foreign countries.

DD Form 2765, Department of Military Sealift Command (MSC) civil service

Defense/Uniformed Services Identification and marine personnel deployed to foreign countries
Privilege Card (Machine readable card) on MSC-owned and operated vessels
Ships officers (civilian employees, not
commissioned officers) and members of the
crews of vessels of the NOAA (Title 33 U.S.C.

Officers and crews of vessels, lighthouse

keepers and depot keepers of the former
Lighthouse Service.

Involuntarily separated members eligible for

Transition Assistance (TA) benefits. These
individuals shall be issued a DD Form 2765
(with a TA over stamp) showing expiration
date for the medical benefit, as shown on the
reverse of the card.

Table 1.14. DA Form 1602, Civilian Identification Card.

DA Form 1602, Civilian Identification Card Civilians employed by the Army, including
(Manually prepared card). non-appropriated fund employees and civilian
marine personnel on duty on Army vessels.

Retired Department of the Army Civilians and

their dependents.

Dependents of Civilians employed by

Department of the Army.

Civilian industrial contractors employees

working on projects and contracts for the
38 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Civilians of other government agencies who

must identify themselves before entering Army
installations, facilities, or activities.
DA Form 1602, Civilian Identification Card Dependents of civilian employees overseas.
(Manually prepared card), (Continued).
Red Cross personnel serving with the Armed
Forces of the United States.

Other individuals for whom there is a need for

identification as determined by the issuing
authority keeping in mind the intent of the ID

Table 1.15. AF Form 354, Civilian Identification Card.

AF Form 354, Civilian Air Force civilian employees and other designated civilians
Identification Card (Manually for entry into Air Force activities and installations and for
prepared card). other official Air Force business.

Air Force employees appointed for more than 1 year.

Air Force employees appointed for 1 year or less, if required

and authorized by the wing commander, or equivalent.

Full-time paid employees of the American Red Cross

assigned to duty with the Uniformed Services within the
United States, its possessions, and its territories when not
required to live on the military installation.

Retired Air Force civilian employees.

Family members age 10 or older of both current and retired

Air Force civilian employees. Note: Issue card to family
members at the request of an eligible sponsor (employee or

The wing commander (or equivalent) may authorize issue to

other DoD civilian employees to meet short-term
installation unique needs.
1.7. Penalties for Misuse of ID Cards. Any person willfully altering, damaging, lending,
counterfeiting or using ID cards in an unauthorized manner is subject to fine, imprisonment, or
both according to Title 18, U.S.C., Sections 499, 506, 509, 701, or 1001.
1.8. Photographing, Reproducing or Unauthorized Possession of ID Cards. Title 18,
U.S.C., Section 701 prohibits photographing, reproducing, or possessing Uniformed Services ID
cards in an unauthorized manner under penalty of fine, imprisonment or both.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 39

1.8.1. Unauthorized use would exist if the bearer uses the card in a manner that would enable
the bearer to obtain benefits and privileges to which he or she is not entitled. The cardholder may allow photocopying of their ID card to facilitate DoD
benefits. Photocopying is prohibited in all other instances; furthermore, the photocopy
shall not be used as substitute for an ID card. Sample ID cards, not the actual size, may be posted on a PKI enabled web sites,
however, they shall not be posted on public web sites.
1.9. Providing Sample ID Cards to Government Agencies for Authorized Purposes. The
head of a state or local government agency or member of the Senior Executive Service of a
Federal Agency may request sample ID cards for authorized purposes. These purposes may
include law enforcement training and counterfeit detection. The requests will be in writing and
clearly specify all intended use(s) and the duration of the use(s). See Chapter 25 for appropriate
office addresses and telephone numbers.
1.10. Over-stamping. DoD Instruction 1000.13, authorizes three over-stamps that apply to the
DD Form 1173 and DD Form 2765 only: They are TA, OVERSEAS ONLY and DUAL
STATUS. No other over-stamp is authorized and no waivers will be granted. Do not over-stamp
the DD Form 2764. See chapter 15, DD Form 1173, Uniformed Services Identification and
Privilege Card.
1.10.1. Nothing is to be placed on the identification (ID) card.
1.10.2. ID cards must not have holes punched in them.
1.10.3. No stickers or other adhesive materials are to be placed on either side of the
identification card.
1.10.4. Insertion of materials between the card stock and the laminate is prohibited.
1.11. Overseas Limitations. Do not use treaties, status of forces agreements, military bases
agreements, or other restrictions to determine privileges authorized. Restrictions to privileges
imposed on US Armed Forces, DoD civilian and contractor personnel and their families in
foreign countries are enforced by other means, such as ration control systems used to limit
commissary and exchange privileges.
1.12. Issue of DD Form 2764 in TDY Status. Note: If at a RAPIDS site, issue the CAC. The
CAC is the Geneva Conventions Credential, replacing the DD Form 2764 (Machine-readable
card). Individuals whose eligibility for privileges is based on TDY are not issued the DD Form
2764, except emergency essential personnel or individuals required to accompany the Uniformed
Services in support of a Congressional decree or Presidential commitment and essential
contractor personnel and civilian noncombatant personnel who are deployed in conjunction with
military operations overseas. Note: Presentation of travel orders and a picture ID constitutes
acceptable identification. Refer to paragraph 17.11 and table 17.5.
1.13. Disposition of DD Form 1172. The issuing activity forwards all family member DD
Forms 1172 to the DSO by batch processing weekly. This includes full term cards, additions and
updates to DEERS for family members (including newborns). Do not forward 1172s for
sponsors. Include the unit and point of contact with a DSN and commercial number in each
batch. Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) will scan all DD Forms 1172, eliminating
filing at each issuing activity. Forward to DMDC, ATTN: 1172 Scan, 400 Gigling Road,
40 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Seaside, California 93955-6771. Maintain DD Forms 1172 in suspense for temporary ID cards
until final action is taken. See Tables 9.3. and 21.7 for additional disposition instructions.
1.14. Confiscating ID Cards. ID cards are government property. When employment
termination occurs or the ID card is expired, fraudulently used or mutilated, or presented by a
person not entitled to its use, the individuals listed in Table 1.16 may confiscate ID cards under
the following conditions:

Table 1.16. Individuals Who May Confiscate ID Cards.

Verifying officials, commissioned or ID card is:
noncommissioned officers, military expired.
police, security members, or base
entry controllers. See paragraph being fraudulently used.
presented by a person not entitled to its use.

mutilated or illegible.
Senior Installation Officials. Shoplifting is involved. The Senior installation official
determines when to confiscate ID cards.

Senior installation officials, installation security

authorities and installation legal staffs establish written
base policy for confiscating ID cards when shoplifting
has occurred. (See Attachment 1, Definitions.)
Civilian Employees (appropriated and ID card recipients of any Service that have cards that are
non-appropriated fund) of benefits mutilated so that their use as a credential is questionable:
and privileges activities.
Note: These are individuals who Expired.
work in facilities that provide benefits
and privileges; they can be but are not Obviously altered.
limited to: exchange and military
club representatives, clinic providers, An ineligible person presents the ID card.
billeting and customer service
representatives, etc. See paragraph
1.14.1. The cardholder who is told that they are in possession of an ID card that is
questionable because the card is mutilated, expired, being used fraudulently, altered, etc.,
shall be advised that they may request a supervisor review the confiscation decision.
1.14.2. Notify the installation security authorities immediately after confiscating the CAC or
if involved in a situation requiring confiscation.
1.14.3. Installation security authorities investigate confiscation cases or refer these cases to
the appropriate Service special agent office (see Attachment 1, Definitions) when it is
warranted by circumstances or according to local procedures.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 41 Installation security authorities provide the parent Service the required
information pertaining to the situation and unresolved reports when the confiscated card
belongs to a member of another Service. Give a receipt or letter to the cardholder when confiscating an ID card.
Exception: When ID cards are confiscated on a Naval installation, refer the applicant to
the closest ID card issuing activity. For cases involving fraud, misuse, or abuse of an ID card, prepare DD Form
1569, Incident/Complaint Report (refer to Service specific Chapters 19-23).
1.15. Reissuing Confiscated ID Cards. The installation commander or authorized
representative notifies the ID card issuing activity to reissue the identification card with
appropriate benefits and suspended shopping privileges, if any. The issuing activity issues the
ID card until the suspension end date as reflected in RAPIDS.
1.15.1. Reissue CAC per Chapter 9 for members being processed for administrative or
judicial action, members court-martialed, placed in civilian or military confinement or placed
on appellate review leave.
1.16. Destroying Confiscated ID Cards, and Documenting Surrendered Cards, Receipts,
and Destruction Certificates. The ID card issuing activity destroys confiscated and
surrendered ID cards unless they immediately return the card to the cardholder or the card is
required pursuant to an investigation:
1.16.1. The ID card issuing activity puts information regarding cards that are not recovered
(for example, when dependents are no longer eligible for benefits) on DD Form 1172 (see
Attachment 3). Instruct the sponsor to mail or turn in the dependent's cards that are not
recovered to the separation activity. Give a pre-addressed envelope to the sponsor.
1.16.2. Return confiscated ID cards and CACs to the nearest RAPIDS Site or ID card issuing
facility with the reason for confiscation.
1.17. Administrative Record Lock. If a DEERS record is administratively locked, the issuing
activity can only update the sponsor or family member address element. The issuing activity
contacts the appropriate Uniformed Service Personnel project office (Active, Guard, or Reserve,
as appropriate) or the DMDC Support Center (DSC) for further assistance.
1.18. Invalid Entry in DEERS. The DSC helpdesk resolves Invalid Entry Transactions (IET)
in the DEERS database for sponsors and family members when the conditions in Table 1.17

Table 1.17. When DSC Resolves Invalid Entries in DEERS.

1 A duplicate DEERS record exists.
2 A collision between the RAPIDS personnel category and or condition exists that
prevents issue of an ID card.
3 Invalid data appears in a DEERS record that cannot be changed using the RAPIDS
update capability (e.g., when a stepchild is inappropriately listed as a child.)
4 A beneficiary has never been eligible for ID card benefits and privileges. The issuing
activity forwards a DD Form 1172, signed by the sponsor or verifying official (if
42 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

sponsor is unable or unwilling to sign) with supporting documentation to the DSC.

1.19. ID Cardholders Responsibilities. The issuing activity advises ID cardholders to:
1.19.1. Carry their ID card at all times.
1.19.2. Surrender the card when a military or civilian authority requires it for identification,
investigation, when in confinement, upon discharge, or card expiration.
1.19.3. Attempt to retain ID card, if captured as a prisoner of war.
1.19.4. Notify the ID card issuing activity when there is any change in their status that could
change their eligibility to ID card benefits and privileges or logical/physical access. Refer to
Chapters 11-18.
1.20. Sponsors and Dependents During Mobilization or Wartime. If the sponsor is deployed
or mobilized for 31 or more days and is unavailable to sign a DD Form 1172, take the actions
reflected in Table 1.18. Note: Reserve and National Guard dependents will be issued ID cards
up to 14-days prior to sponsors active duty reporting date. If the active duty condition is not
listed in DEERS, update RAPIDS to reflect this condition based on the sponsors orders.

Table 1.18. Processing Sponsors and Dependents During Mobilization or Wartime.

1 Verify dependents eligibility from the DEERS database or legal documentation.
2 Verify sponsors status and duration of deployment, or recall the information from one
of the following sources: DEERS database; Personnel Data System; Special order; A
letter from personnel office; Official E-mail notification; or a telephone call to the
sponsors servicing Personnel office. Note: Simulated mobility exercise, do not reissue
ID cards to sponsors or family members when their current cards have not expired.
3 Use Attachment 2 for benefits authorized and Attachment 4 for DD Form 1173
expiration and Medical TRICARE (MC) effective dates.
4 Sign DD Form 1172 in block 90 and explain in block 89.
Sign DD Form 1172 in block 90 and explain in block 89 (continued):
What documentation was used to verify the sponsor and dependent status.
The sponsor is unable to sign due to deployment or mobilization. Example: Sponsor
not availabledeployed in support of Operation Joint Endeavor.
5 Update dependents in the DEERS database. Note: See paragraph 21.17 for Air Force-
specific processing procedures.
1.21. 90-day Temporary ID Card Issuance for Dependents. Service Project Offices may
authorize issuance of a DD Form 1173 for a 90-day period to dependents under extenuating
circumstances. See Chapter 2, paragraph 2.5, Service specific Chapters 19-23 for additional
information, and Chapter 25 for Service Project Offices.
1.22. Mandatory Disclosure of Social Security Numbers for DEERS. Congress has
authorized DoD to require mandatory disclosure of Social Security Numbers of all beneficiaries
of the Uniformed Services health care system (32 CFR part 220, Section 220.9). Failure to
disclose a SSN when enrolling or updating DEERS will result in loss of medical care benefits in
Military Treatment Facilities (See paragraph 15.9). However, emergency health care services
will be provided to the extent furnished members of the general public.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 43

1.23. Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) An ITIN will be used when a
foreign national family member is not eligible for a SSN but is required to have a US taxpayer
identification number. This number is issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The ITIN
will permit continued medical eligibility in the Military Treatment Facilities (MTF).
1.24. Temporary Identification Number (TIN) A TIN is a system-generated number that will
be automatically generated and assigned by the DEERS database for categories of beneficiaries
who are awaiting an SSN, such as newborns and foreign spouses, or for those who do not have a
SSN. Note: A TIN cannot be used to add a record from a RAPIDS application to the DEERS
database for convenience of family members who have failed to provide SSN documentation or
have misplaced it.
1.24.1. A foreign national who is a spouse or child of a U.S. citizen and who does not have a
SSN or ITIN will be issued a TIN while waiting for a SSN or ITIN. Note: A foreign
national who is not eligible for a SSN or ITIN can request a FIN. (Refer to paragraph 1.25).
1.24.2. TINs are a temporary means of identifying a beneficiary as a potential MTF patient
on DEERS until receipt of a SSN, ITIN or a letter from the SSA or IRS, respectively, stating
the family member is not eligible for either. Note: An individual with a TIN has three 90-
day grace periods to acquire an SSN or ITIN, or to receive a letter from the Social Security
Administration (SSA) or the IRS stating non-eligibility to qualify.
1.24.3. Failure to acquire a SSN or ITIN will render the family member ineligible for
continued medical care in MTFs. Note: The TIN is NOT designed to be used as permanent
identifier; however, if an eligible individual declines to apply for the SSN or acquire an ITIN,
then, the TIN will remain and there will be no direct medical care authorized from a Military
Treatment Facility (MTF).
1.25. Foreign Identification Number (FIN) . A FIN (a system-generated number assigned as
F900-00-0000 and up) will be automatically generated and assigned by DEERS to allow
enrollment of eligible foreign military, foreign nationals and respective family members. If
sponsor or family members possess a SSN or ITIN, it shall be used in lieu of a FIN. Note: A
FIN will not be issued to a U.S. citizen spouse who is married to a foreign military or foreign
national sponsor.
1.25.1. In the absence of a SSN, a FIN will be assigned to categories of NATO and non-
NATO foreign military members and their family members, and to foreign nationals
employed in positions overseas that result in DoD benefits and entitlements.
1.25.2. A FIN will be assigned permanently for the term of the individuals enrollment in
DEERS unless they later acquire a SSN. If the individual assigned the FIN later acquires an
SSN, the DEERS record will be updated using the SSN. Note: Until such time as the
RAPIDS software is changed to allow the VO to do the update from a FIN to SSN, it must be
accomplished by forwarding a copy of the SSN card to the DMDC Support Office, Research
and Analysis, see paragraph 25.2.
1.26. Mandatory Collection of Fingerprints. The 1997 USD Capture Fingerprint Policy
Memorandum made it mandatory to capture electronically and store in DEERS, fingerprints of
all eligible individuals in a pay or annuity status. This includes active duty and Reserve military
personnel, retirees, survivors receiving annuity payments derived from the Service of a deceased
person, and civilian employees with identification cards issued through RAPIDS. Individuals
44 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

who refuse to have their fingerprint taken will be denied an identification card. Note: See
paragraph 11.14 for additional information when processing a mail-in request.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 45

Chapter 2


2.1. Who Verifies Eligibility for ID Cards. The uniformed Services and DoD agencies issuing
activities with on-line update capability from a RAPIDS station to the DEERS database.
Uniformed Services and DoD agencies verify eligibility for all categories of individuals reflected
in Table 2.1. except those described in Table 1.3.

Table 2.1. Categories of Eligible Individuals and Uniformed Services Verifying Officials.
ROTC students under contract. Detachment commanders or designated
responsible persons.

Service Academies Cadets and Midshipmen Director of Cadet and Midshipmen Personnel.
DoD/Uniformed Service Contractors Installation contracting officer, Quality
Assurance Evaluator (QAE), or delegate (see
Attachment 22, Contractor Verification
System). DoD Contractor Personnel Office for
contractors employed in Germany at
Red Cross Personnel American Red Cross officials.
Nonappropriated Fund Personnel Human Resource Officer.
Basic Military Trainees and Eligible Family
Army Reception battalions at Forts Jackson, Benning,
Leonard Wood, Knox, and Sill.
Navy Personnel Support Detachment, Recruit
Training Command, Great Lakes, IL.
Air Force 319th Training Squadron, Lackland Air Force
Base, TX.
Marine Corps Marine Corps Recruit Depots at Parris Island
and San Diego.
Coast Guard Training Center, Cape May.
NOAA CPC Silver Spring, MD.
PHS DCCOS Rockville, MD.
Contract Teachers and Department of Defense DODDS Education Service Office.
Dependent School (DODDS) Employees
Army Civilian Employees Heads of HQ DA agencies and Major Army
Commands (MACOMs) and their delegates.
Army Reserve Retirements Under Title 10,
USC Section 12731 (retired with pay at age 60) Army Human Resource Command, St Louis,
46 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009


Ready Reserve (Selected, Individual and NPC PERS-4912.
Standby Reserve) Members
Director of Science Merchant Marine Academy
Merchant Marine Academy Midshipmen at Kings Point, NY.
Active Duty Members Reporting Unit.
Prisoners Reporting Unit.
Abused Dependents BUPERS-26.
Appellate Leave NAMALA.
Incapacitated Children BUPERS-26.
Wards BUPERS-26 and DFAS-CL.
Parents/Parents-in-law, Stepparents and
Parents-by-Adoption DFAS-CL.
Former Spouses NPC (PERS-4912).
Reserve Retired (Eligible for Pay at age 60). NPC (PERS-4912).
Former Members NPC (PERS-4912).
Navy Dependents Residing in the Philippines NPC (PERS-4912).
Military Personnel and Family Members Military Personnel Element (MPE).
Civilian Employees, Including Retired
Employees and their Family Members Civilian Personnel Office.
Reserve Retirements (Retired with Pay at Age
60) (Title 10 USC, Section 12731) HQ ARPC/DPPR.

Surviving Family Members of Reserve

Members Who Were Entitled to Pay at Age 60
but Died Before Age 60 HQ ARPC/DPPR.
Former Spouses of Retirement-Eligible Air
Force Reserve Members HQ ARPC/DPPR.
Individual Reservists HQ ARPC/DPSP.
Inmates Assigned to DOD Regional HQ AFSFC/SFC maintains the members
Corrections Facility and Their Family records and verifies applications.
Foreign Military Personnel (Students) and Defense Language Institute, English Language
Their Family Members Center (DLIELC), Lackland AFB TX verifies
for Air Force.
Reserve Members Marine Forces Reserve (MARFORRES).
Prisoners Reporting Unit.
Abused Dependents Headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC) (MRP-
Marine Corps Dependents Residing in the Headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC) (MMSR-
Philippines 6).
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 47


Civilian Employees Servicing Civilian Human Resources Office
Surviving Family Members of Reserve Headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC) (MMSR-
Members Who Were Entitled to Pay at Age 60 6).
but Died Before Age 60
Retirees Headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC) (MMSR-
Appellate Leave NAMALA.
Incapacitated Children HQMC (MRP-1/MMSR-6).
Wards HQMC (MRP-1/MMSR-6).
Parents/Parents-in-law, Stepparents and
Parents-by-Adoption HQMC (MRP-1/MMSR-6).
Former Spouses HQMC (MMSR-6).
Reserve Retired (Eligible for Pay at age 60). HQMC (MMSR-6).
Former Members HQMC (MMSR-6).
2.2. Where to Verify and Issue ID Cards. Active duty, Guard, or Reserve ID card issuing
activities are the primary verifiers and producers of ID cards. These sites are selected based on a
transaction analysis conducted by the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) Personnel
Identity Protection Solutions (formerly Access Card Office (ACO)) and recommendations of the
Service Project Officers.
2.2.1. Other activities may send waiver requests for ID card-issuing equipment to their
Uniformed Services Personnel project office (active, Guard or Reserve, as appropriate) when
unique circumstances exist (paragraph 25.1). For example, request equipment for an issuing
activity located in an area with a large retirement population and no Uniformed Services ID
card issuing activity is located within a reasonable distance; or, for units with large numbers
of assigned personnel. The Defense Manpower Data Center, Real Time Automated Personnel
Identification System Program Office (DMDC/DRPO) is the final approval authority.
2.3. What the Verifying Official Does. Verify identity and eligibility. Establish basic
entitlement then take the actions reflected in Table 2.2 when verifying eligibility for ID Cards:

Table 2.2. Actions Taken by DEERS/RAPIDS Verifying Official.

1 Review supporting documents listed in paragraph 2.4 and A 5, or use DEERS database
if person is already properly enrolled. Do not use an existing card expired or unexpired
as proof of further entitlement to another ID card.
2 Contact the DSO (see paragraph 25.2) to retrieve a previously scanned verified DD
Form 1172 for investigative purposes only.
3 Accept properly verified and faxed DD Form 1172 or a scanned DD Forms 1172 via an
encrypted or password protected e-mail. Must be received from another
DEERS/RAPIDS Verifying Official (VO). If not coordinated before receipt and there
are questions, contact the VO.
48 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

4 Contact verifying official to confirm eligibility if dependent brings in datafaxed DD

Form 1172.
5 Use Attachment 2 to determine the benefits and privileges authorized.
6 Refer to Attachment 4 for information on how the effective and termination dates for
Medical Civilian (MC) care (TRICARE) are established.
7 Manually prepared DD Form 1172 must be completed according to Attachment 3.
8 Update the information on the DD Form 1172 by the RAPIDS or DEERS on-line
9 Ensure appropriate remarks are included in Block 89 reflecting the reason for the initial
or new ID card. Refer to Attachment 3, paragraph A3.5.
10 Ensure a copy of the Privacy Act statement is prominently displayed and have applicant
read before signing the DD Form 1172.
11 Give the original copy to the applicant and use additional copies as necessary for
dependency determinations, etc.).
12 Advise the applicant that DD Forms 1172 are valid for only 90 days after the verifying
official signs. Applications held longer are void.
13 Forward one copy of the DD Form 1172 to the parent Service when renewing ID cards
for permanently incapacitated children and former spouses of Navy, Marine Corps,
NOAA, and USPHS members. See paragraph 25.1 for addresses.
2.3.1. RAPIDS determines benefits, privileges, and Medical Civilian (MC) effective dates.
This system automates entitlement policy specified in public law and implementing
2.3.2. ID card sites verify and issue ID cards following the guidance contained in this
instruction and transmit DD Forms 1172 according to paragraph 1.13.
2.4. Documentation Required. Refer to Attachment 5 to determine the basic documentation
required. VO does NOT need basic documentation when the DEERS database can verify
eligibility. However, the identity must be verified. If the applicant is replacing a lost or stolen
ID card and has no photo ID, his or her identity can be confirmed by the fingerprint or photo
stored in DEERS. Note: RAPIDS biometric verification may be used for lost or stolen ID as
proof of identity if a previous photograph is available in DEERS. Refer to Attachment 20,
Department of Homeland Security (see attached Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification)
and Lists of Acceptable Documents in reference to identity proofing for DEERS enrollment,
eligibility, and ID card issuance purposes. (See paragraphs 1.5.4, 2.4, Table 2.4, paragraph 8.2,
Table 8.2 and Attachment 5, Note 8).
2.4.1. Marriage certificates, divorce decrees, and birth certificates must be certified originals,
court-certified copies, or certified photocopies that reflect the file number. Verifying
officials may request additional documents if validity of documents provided is in question.
(Reference Attachment 5, Note 7.) View a Social Security card, letter from the Social Security Administration
(SSA), or other official government document that specifically states the number is a
SSN when entering family members SSNs in the DEERS and RAPIDS application.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 49 A valid general or special power of attorney is acceptable when sponsor is not
present to sign for a family members DEERS enrollment or ID card application. Contact
your local legal office to determine validity if needed (see Attachment 3, A3.5.2.).
2.4.2. Special documentation required for common law marriages. Common law marriages
must have been entered into in a state that recognizes common law marriages. Follow the
instructions below to determine eligibility for common law marriages: Common law marriages require the sponsor or spouse to prove to the satisfaction
of the local legal authority that the relationship is valid (e.g., tax returns, bank statements,
statements from disinterested parties attesting the couple was holding themselves out as
husband and wife). Note: Navy and Marine Corps members must send documentation
to establish a common law marriage, an Indian Tribal marriage or a marriage that is
contracted subsequent to a foreign divorce to the following offices as appropriate: Navy:
NPC PERS 352E; Marine Corps: HQMC (MRP-1 or MMSR-6, see paragraph 25.1). A
copy of the original complaint should be provided in all cases involving a final decree of
annulment. Common law marriage. In each case where the eligibility of a spouse is
established on the validity of common law marriage, a review by the local legal office is
required to determine legal sufficiency. The legal office can attest to the apparent legality
of state court documentation that establishes the validity of a common law marriage.
Exception: See paragraph for Navy and Marine Corps members.
2.4.3. Passports. Do not accept a passport by itself when a person is applying for enrollment
in DEERS; however, when used in conjunction with another form of identification, a
passport may be used as acceptable photo identification. Exception: Passports may be
accepted for dependents of foreign military personnel, because such dependents need legal
documents in order to accompany the member to the United States. Note: RAPIDS
biometric verification may be used as proof of identity if a previous photograph is available
2.4.4. Foreign Documents. The following provides instructions concerning foreign
documents. English translations must accompany all foreign documents. For verifying
foreign document authentications, refer to Attachment 5, Notes 7.1 and 7.1.1. Foreign divorce decrees. In each case where the eligibility of a spouse or family
member is based on the validity of a foreign divorce, and submitted for ID card
termination in DEERS, a review by the local legal office is required for legal sufficiency.
Exception: See paragraph for Navy and Marine Corps members and Table 2.3
for Coast Guard members. Do not accept a foreign divorce decree for such purposes until the legal
staffs verify the documents validity. If a foreign divorce decree is of doubtful validity, a US court must declare
the divorce valid before the sponsor uses the decree to begin or end ID card
entitlements. Service installation legal authorities coordinate all foreign divorce decrees
with the offices reflected in Table 2.3.:
50 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Table 2.3. Service Installation Legal Authorities.

Army The local Staff or Command Judge Advocate.
Navy BUPERS-26, (901) 874-3362/3360 or DSN 882-
3362/3360. See Note under paragraph
Air Force HQ Air Force Personnel Center Judge Advocate (210)
565-2761 or DSN: 665-2761.
Marine Corps HQMC (MRP-1/MMSR-6), (703) 784-9529/9310. See
Note under paragraph
Coast Guard Commanding Officer (RAS), Personnel Service Center
(PSC), (785) 339-3441.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Commissioned Personnel Center CPCI, (301) 713-
Administration 3444.
United States Public Health Service Division of Commissioned Corps Officer Support
(DCCOS), (240) 453-6131.
2.5. Issuing Temporary DD Forms 2765, 1173, 1173-1. The following procedures in Table
2.4 apply for the verifying activity when issuing a temporary DD Form 2765, 1173, or 1173-1.
Refer to Chapter 1, paragraph 1.21 for 90-day temporary authorization from Service Project
2.5.1. Do not issue temporary identification cards to individuals whose eligibility for
privileges is based on TDY except as reflected in paragraph 1.11.

Table 2.4. Procedures for Issuing Temporary DD Forms 2765, 1173, 1173-1.
Issue a temporary card for up to 90 days until Do not issue a temporary card, unless approved
the applicant can obtain legal documentation or by the parent Uniformed Services Project
the sponsors signature if reasonably sure the Office.
person is entitled.
A dependent who requires a dependency Issue a 90-day temporary ID card reflecting a
determination for renewal (over 50 percent TIN to beneficiaries who do not yet have a
support) may be issued a temporary card up to SSN or ITIN (i.e., foreign spouses) and enroll
90 days if expiration of the ID card would beneficiary in DEERS. If applicant has
interrupt medical care. The temporary ID card applied to the SSA but has not yet received a
issuance for 90 days is permitted for SSN or ITIN, issue another 90-day card.
permanent incapacitated renewal applicants
only (refer
Chapter 4, Table 4.6, Step 2). Sponsor must
certify in block 89 of the DD Form 1172 that
he or she will be financially responsible for
any medical care the dependent received since
expiration of the ID card should the
dependency determination be disapproved.
Refer to Chapter 4, and Service specific
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 51

2.5.2. Verifying officials take the steps listed in Table 2.5 when issuing temporary DD
Forms 2765, 1173, or 1173-1:

Table 2.5. Steps to Take When Issuing Temporary DD Forms 2765, 1173, 1173-1.
1 Review legal documentation or DEERS database, or both.
2 Prepare the DD Form 1172 and update the DEERS.
3 File DD Form 1172 in suspense file based on expiration date.
4 Start retrieval action if the sponsor does not bring in documentation to apply for a full
term ID card by the date the temporary ID card expires.
5 Update DEERS to reflect ineligibility for the period that the temporary card covers.
6 Follow normal verifying and issuing procedures when the sponsor presents adequate
2.6. Indefinite ID Card For Permanently Disabled Family Member . Public Law 109-364
with the FY 2007 Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) authorize the uniformed Services to issue
ID cards without an established expiration date to those family members who are permanently
disabled. Refer to parent uniformed Services DEERS Project Office for further information,
Chapter 25.
52 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Chapter 3


3.1. General Information. Initial verification for DoD Beneficiary (former spouse) must be
accomplished by the parent Service. Refer to Table 1.3, Categories of Personnel Who Can Not
Be Cross-Serviced. The Uniformed Services Former Spouses Protection Act (USFSPA)
provides ID card benefits and privileges to several categories of DoD Beneficiaries (DBs),
referred to as unremarried former spouses (see attachment 1, Terms). This chapter defines the
categories of DBs and provides eligibility criteria and verification procedures for ID cards. The
chapter also includes eligibility criteria for DBs who qualify for ID card benefits and privileges
as abused dependents. Note: When the member and his or her spouse are living apart because
of a legal separation or interlocutory decree of divorce, set the expiration date at 1 year from the
date of issue or the date on which the divorce becomes final.
3.1.1. Effective 1 October 2003, eligible Uniformed Service Former Spouses shall be
enrolled in DEERS as a sponsor in their own right in the category designator of DoD
Beneficiary (DB); and issued a DD Form 2765, Department of Defense/Uniformed Services
Identification and Privilege Card. Note: A DB cannot convey benefits or privileges for the
purposes of DEERS sponsorship to family members, e.g. grandchildren or legal custody
ward, etc; their initial eligibility to benefits and privileges are originally based on their
former marital relationship to the military member.
3.1.2. A DB (unremarried former spouse) of a member who retired under the Early
Retirement Program with less than 20 years service which is creditable in determining
eligibility to retired pay is NOT entitled to an ID card. (See Attachment 1, Terms.)
3.1.3. A DB (unremarried former spouse) of a member who was placed on the disability
retired list with less than 20 years which is creditable in determining eligibility to retired pay
is NOT entitled to an ID card.
3.2. Basic Eligibility Criteria for DoD Beneficiaries (Unremarried Former Spouses). To
qualify for a military ID card under the USFSPA, on the date of divorce, dissolution or
annulment, the unremarried former spouse must meet the eligibility criteria reflected in Table

Table 3.1. Basic Eligibility Critieria For DoD Beneficiaries (Unremarried Former
Years of Marriage Years of Members Years of Overlap of Marriage
Creditable Service in and Members Creditable
Determining Eligibility to Service
Retired Pay
At least 20 years The military member must At least 15 years of the marriage
have performed 20 years of must have been during the period
creditable service in the member performed service
determining eligibility to creditable in determining eligibility
Exception: retired pay. to retired pay.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 53

Abused Retirement Eligible

(10-20-10) and Abused The amount of overlap determines
Transitional Compensation the benefits and privileges the
(See paragraphs 3.3.4 and former spouse is entitled to receive
3.3.5 for abused former (see Attachment 2).

The date of divorce determines the

expiration date for those former
spouses with a 15-year overlap of
marriage and sponsors creditable
service, but not 20 years (see
Tables 3.3 and 3.4).

Exception: See paragraph 3.3.5

for abused former spouses (URFS
05 and URFS 06).
Additional Requirements:

The DB (former spouse) must not have remarried.

The DB (former spouse) is not eligible for medical care (medical service (MS) or TRICARE
(MC)) if he or she is enrolled in an employer-sponsored health plan. If the former spouse
disenrolls from the employer-sponsored health plan, medical benefits can be restored effective
the date of disenrollment.

The DB (former spouse) is not eligible for TRICARE when eligible for Medicare, Part A, unless
he or she is a dependent of an active duty member or is under age 65, entitled to Medicare Part A
as a result of a disability or end-stage renal (kidney) disease and is enrolled in Medicare, Part B
(see chapter 7).
3.2.1. Active Components use active duty service to compute sponsors creditable service
for retired pay. This includes an active service performed after retirement while still married. Guard and Reserve Components use satisfactory service to compute creditable
service for eligibility of former spouses of their members. This includes active service
performed while in an inactive reserve or reserve retired status while stilled married.
Refer to paragraph 16.1.1 for dependents of Standby Reserve members, dependents of
Reserve retirees who are entitled to retired pay at age 60, but who have not yet attained
age 60 (Table 1.9) and dependents of former members when the former member is
eligible for retired pay at age 60 but not yet age 60. Note: Qualifying former spouses are
eligible to receive the DD Form 1173-1 ID card with the following eligibility of shopping
privileges to the commissary, exchange, and MWR (and no medical) prior to the service
member or former member attains age 60. When the service member or former member
reaches age 60, then, the former spouse becomes eligible for medical benefits with the
Military Treatment Facility (MTF) and TRICARE. See paragraph for members
who are recalled to active duty for 31 days or more.
54 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 Qualifying former spouses of Guard or Reserve Components members meeting

the requirements as of the date of divorce are eligible for a DD Form 1173 on the date the
member becomes entitled to retired pay at age 60. If the member dies prior to age 60, use
the date the member would have turned age 60 to determine the eligibility date. When Guard or Reserve members awaiting retired pay at age 60 are recalled to
active duty for 31 days or more, qualifying former spouses may be eligible for ID card
entitlements during the sponsors active service. Contact the appropriate Guard or
Reserve project office for further guidance (paragraph 25.1). Exception: For Marine
Corps, contact the HQMC (MMSR-6) (paragraph 22.7).
3.3. Categories, Eligibility Criteria, Benefits, Privileges and Expiration Dates for DoD
Beneficiaries (Unremarried Former Spouses (URFS)) . Although Table 3.1 refers to basic
eligibility criteria for unremarried former spouses, the following tables provide the different
categories of former spouses, eligibility requirements, benefits and privileges and expiration
dates for unremarried former spouse ID cards (see Attachment 1, Terms).
3.3.1. DB (Unremarried Former Spouse) (20-20-20). A DB (unremarried former spouse)
who at the time of divorce was married to the member for 20 years during which time the
member performed 20 years creditable service in determining eligibility to retired or retainer
pay and the marriage and service overlapped at least 20 years:

Table 3.2. DB (Unremarried Former Spouse) (20-20-20).

1. Married at least 20 years to a Is entitled to Medical Service 4 years from date of
military member, (MS) & TRICARE (MC), verification. Note: ID card
2. Who performed at least 20 and Commissary, Exchange, may be renewed every 4 years
years creditable service in Morale, Welfare and if all the eligibility
determining eligibility to retired Recreation (MWR). requirements are still met.
pay and,
3. The overlap of marriage and See Table 3.1 for restrictions
service was at least 20 years, for those eligible for
and, Medicare.
4. Has not remarried, or
5. Is not enrolled in an Note: Medical benefits are
employer-sponsored health not authorized if DB (former
plan. spouse) is covered by an
employer-sponsored health
3.3.2. DB (Unremarried Former Spouse) (20-20-15) Divorced Prior to 1 Apr 85. A DB
(unremarried former spouse) who at the time of divorce was married to the member for 20
years during which time the member performed 20 years creditable service in determining
eligibility to retired or retainer pay and the marriage and service overlapped at least 15 years
but less than 20:
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 55

Table 3.3. DB (Unremarried Former Spouse) (20-20-15) Divorced Prior to 1 April 1985.
1. Married at least 20 years to a Medical Service (MS) and 4 years from date of
military member, TRICARE (MC). verification. Note: ID
2. Who performed at least 20 years card may be renewed
creditable service in determining See Table 3.1 for every 4 years if all
eligibility to retired pay and, restrictions for those eligibility requirements
3. The overlap of marriage and service eligible for Medicare. are still met.
was at least 15 years, and
4. Has not remarried, or Note: Medical benefits are
5. Is not enrolled in an not authorized if former
employer-sponsored health plan. spouse is covered by an
employer-sponsored health
3.3.3. DB (Unremarried Former Spouse) (20-20-15) Divorced on or after 29 September
1988. An unremarried former spouse who at the time of divorce was married to the member
for 20 years during which time the member performed 20 years creditable service in
determining eligibility to retired or retainer pay and the marriage and service overlapped at
least 15 years but less than 20. Note: Former spouses qualifying under the 20-20-15
provision whose divorce occurred on or after 1 April 1985 but before 29 September 1988
were entitled to an ID card for two years from the date of divorce. This time has expired.
See Table A6.1:

Table 3.4. DB (Unremarried Former Spouse) (20-20-15) Divorced on or After 29

September 1988.
(20-20-15) DIVORCED ON
1. Married at least 20 Medical Service (MS) and 1 year from date of divorce
years to a military TRICARE (MC). only. May not be renewed

(20-20-15) DIVORCED ON
2. Who performed at least See Table 3.1 for restrictions
20 years creditable service for those eligible for
in determining eligibility Medicare.
to retired pay and,
3. The overlap of Note: Medical benefits are
marriage and service was not authorized if former
at least 15 years, and spouse is covered by an
4. Has not remarried, or employer-sponsored health
5. Is not enrolled in an plan.
56 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

employer-sponsored health
3.3.4. DB (Abused Unremarried Former Spouse) (10-20-10) Retirement Eligible Member.
This former spouse category is the result of sponsors discharge for family member abuse.
An unremarried former spouse of a retirement eligible member who was married to the
member for a period of at least 10 years; the member performed at least 20 years of service
that is creditable in determining the members eligibility for retired or retainer pay; and the
period of overlap of marriage and the members creditable service was at least 10 years; and
the former spouse is in receipt of an annuity as a result of the member being separated from
the Service due to misconduct involving dependent abuse (see paragraph 5.1 and Tables 5.1,
and 5.2).

Table 3.5. DB (Abused Unremarried Former Spouses) (10-20-10) Retirement Eligible

(10-20-10) ABUSED FORMER
1. Married at least 10 years to a Is entitled to Medical Service 4 years from date of
military member, (MS) & TRICARE (MC), verification. Note: ID card
and Commissary, Exchange, may be renewed every four
Morale, Welfare and years provided all
Recreation (MWR). eligibility requirements are
still met.
2. Who performed at least 20 years Note: Do not authorize
creditable service in TRICARE if the applicant is
determining eligibility to eligible for Medicare, Part A
retired pay and, and not enrolled in Part B.
3. The overlap of marriage and Medical benefits are not
service was at least 10 years, authorized if former spouse
and is covered by an employer-
4. Has not remarried, or sponsored health plan.
5. Is not enrolled in an
employer-sponsored health plan.
3.3.5. DB (abused unremarried former spouse) Transitional Compensation Eligible of a
member on active duty for 31 days or more who separated from the Service on or after 30
November 1993 due to dependent abuse and the former spouse is entitled to transitional
compensation (see Table 5.3):

Table 3.6. DB (Abused Unremarried Former Spouse) Transitional Compensation Eligible.

AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 57

Married to the member at the Medical care in military Remarriage or stop payment
time of abuse. treatment facilities and date reflected on DD Form
TRICARE on or after 17 2698, Application for
Receiving transitional October 1998 and Transitional Compensation.
compensation. commissary, exchange, and
3.4. Initial Verification Procedures for DB (Unremarried Former Spouses). These
procedures apply to former spouses of active duty, retired, National Guard, and Reserve
3.4.1. Initial verification of DB (former spouses) must be accomplished by the parent
Service. A marriage certificate, divorce decree, statement of service or a complete set of DD
Forms 214 should be provided or forwarded to the locations reflected in Table 3.7:

Table 3.7. Where to Accomplish Initial Application.

Army The nearest Army issuing activity.
Navy Bureau of Naval Personnel BUPERS-26, 5720 Integrity
Drive, Millington TN 38055-6730 (see paragraph 20.5 for
Navy verification procedures).
Air Force The nearest Air Force issuing activity.
Marine Corps 20/20/20 or 20/20/15 (DB) Former Spouses: Headquarters
U.S. Marine Corps (MMSR-6), 3280 Russell Road,
Quantico, VA 22134-5103 (see paragraph 22.7 for Marine
Corps verification procedures).
Abused Spouses: Headquarters U.S. Marine Corps (MRP-
1), 3280 Russell Road, Quantico, VA 22134-5103 (see
paragraph 22.10 for Marine Corps verification procedures).
Coast Guard Personnel Service Center (PSC), Commanding Officer
(RAS), (785) 339-3441. 444 S.E. Quincy Street, Topeka,
Kansas 66683-3591 (see paragraph 23.3 for Coast Guard
verification procedures).
National Oceanic and Commissioned Personnel Center, CPC1, 8403 Colesville
Atmospheric Administration Road, Suite 500, Silver Spring, MD 20910.
United States Public Health Division of Commissioned Corps Officer Support, OCCO,
Service 1101 Wootton Parkway, Plaza Level, Suite 100, Rockville,
MD 20852.
3.5. Initial Verification Procedures for DB (Unremarried Former Spouses) (20-20-20 and
20-20-15). The following applies to initial DB verification procedures:
3.5.1. ID card issuing activity or Uniformed Service Personnel project offices listed in Table
3.7 take the following steps reflected in Table 3.8 to verify initial eligibility for unremarried
former spouses upon receipt of documents:
58 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Table 3.8. Initial Verification Procedures for DB (Unremarried Former Spouses) (20-20-20
and 20-20-15).
1 Review marriage certificate and final divorce decree, dissolution or annulment of
marriage to verify that the DB (former spouse) was married to the military member for
at least 20 years.
2 Verify the members status (i.e., retired, active duty, deceased). Note: If member is
deceased, contact the parent Uniformed Service Personnel project office (paragraph
25.1) to confirm the members status at the time of death. In the case of the Army, a
Casualty Report or a DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active
Duty will be required.
3 Request the dates of inclusive service from the office that maintains the members
records by message or letter if member is active duty.
4 Request the documents to reflect total creditable service in determining eligibility to
retired pay if member is retired, and the DB (former spouse) does not have a
Statement of Service or a complete set of DD Forms 214. Mail requests to the
following addresses:
Army Reserve Army Human Resources Command, 1 Reserve Way, Attn: PAV-
A/DEERS Project Office, St. Louis, MO 63132-5200. Telephone (314) 592-1034,
DSN 892-1034, Fax 1-800-325-4981.
Navy - National Personnel Records Center, 9700 Page Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri
63132, or contact BUPERS-26, (901) 874-3362/3360 and DSN: 882-3362/3360 or 1-
866-827-5672 (paragraph 25.1).
Air Force - NPRC/NRPMF, 9700 Page Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63132-5100.
Comm: (314) 801- 0800, select appropriate options; Fax request to (314) 801-9195
(see Attachments 7 and 8 for sample letters).
Marine Corps Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, 3280 Russell Road, Quantico, VA
22134-5103. Telephone: 1-800-336-4649. (See paragraphs 22.7 and 22.10 for
verification procedures).
Coast Guard - Commanding Officer (RAS), Personnel Service Center (PSC), (785)
339-3441. 444 S.E. Quincy Street, Topeka, Kansas 66683-3591.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Commissioned Personnel Center
CPC1, 8403 Colesville Road, Silver Spring, MD 20910.
United States Public Health Service - Personnel Services Branch, DCP, Parklawn
Building, Room 4-35, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville MD 20857.
5 Terminate spouse from sponsor DEERS record.
A temporary ID card may be issued with the following expiration dates while waiting
for confirmation of eligibility, if (DB) former spouse appears to be conditionally

Up to 90 days for retired members former spouse.

30 days for an active duty members former spouse.

Note: For Navy (DB) former spouses, see paragraph; for Marine Corps (DB)
former spouses see paragraph 22.7.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 59

6 Have (DB) former spouse sign a statement in item 89 on the DD Form 1172 that he or
she has:

Not remarried

Is not enrolled in an employer-sponsored health plan and;

He or she will be responsible for any medical care received during this period if found
not to be eligible for an ID card.
7 File completed DD Form 1172 in suspense file.
8 Start tracer action if documents are not received within 90 days.
3.5.2. Take the actions reflected in Table 3.9 upon receiving the statement of service or a
complete sets of DD Form 214:

Table 3.9. Verification Actions Upon Receiving Statement of Service or a Complete Set of
DD Forms 214.
1 Compare service dates with inclusive dates of marriage and divorce.
2 Retrieve temporary card and issue full term card if documentation confirms
eligibility. See Attachment 2 for specific entitlements and Attachment 4 for
expiration and MC TRICARE effective dates.
3 Annotate in block 89 on the DD Form 1172 that the former spouse has not remarried
since the divorce from the member and does not have medical coverage under an
employer-sponsored health plan. Have the former spouse initial this statement.
4 Have the former spouse sign block 90 on the DD Form 1172.
5 Batch process the DD Form 1172 to DSO according to paragraph 1.12.
3.6. Renewal Procedures for DB (Unremarried Former Spouses) if Enrolled in
DEERS. Cross-servicing is authorized for renewal of (DB) former spouse ID cards if correctly
enrolled in DEERS with date of divorce. Note: The date of divorce is not reflected in RAPIDS
for DB. Exception: Navy former spouses must have a letter of approval from the Navy
Personnel Command. If the applicant does not have a letter, contact BUPERS-26 (paragraph
25.1.2). Marine Corps former spouses must have a letter of approval from Headquarters, U.S.
Marine Corps (MMSR-6), 3280 Russell Road, Quantico, VA 22134-5103. If the applicant does
not have a letter, contact HQMC (MMSR-6) (paragraph 25.1.4).
3.7. Renewal Procedures for DB (Unremarried Former Spouses) Whose Date Of Divorce
Is Not in DEERS. Take the steps reflected in Table 3.9 when renewing an ID card for a (DB)
former spouse whose date of divorce is NOT in DEERS. Exception: Navy (DB) former spouses
must be verified by contacting PERS 352E (paragraph 25.1); Marine Corps (DB) former spouses
date of divorce can be confirmed by calling HQMC MMRS-6, at (703) 784-9310.
3.8. Documents Required for Verification:
3.8.1. Certified copy of a marriage certificate. A marriage license will not be used. (See
Attachment 5, Note 7 for definition of certified copy).
3.8.2. Certified copy of a divorce decree.
60 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

3.8.3. A statement of service or a complete set of DD Forms 214. Service issuing activities should follow initial verification procedures contained
in chapters 19 through 23.
3.9. (DB) Unmarried Former Spouse (UMFS). A (DB) former spouse who qualified under
the 20/20/20 provision listed above, who remarries, and becomes unmarried through death or
divorce of the subsequent spouse, is eligible for reinstatement of commissary, exchange, and
MWR privileges only. Medical care reinstatement is not authorized for a (DB) unmarried former
spouse. (See attachment 2, A2.4.)
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 61

Chapter 4


4.1. General Information. Unmarried children are entitled to medical care by law until age 21
unless they marry or join the active service in the military. They are also entitled to commissary,
exchange and MWR privileges if certain criteria are met (see Attachment 2). Note: When a
child continues to meet the qualifications as a sponsors dependent and is in a military Reserve
Component not on active duty for 31 days or more, they remain eligible for an ID card. Refer to
Tables 13.1 and 15.1 (DD Forms 1173 & DD2RES or CAC). Children who join the military and
subsequently are separated from the service, and are under age 21 and not over age 23 remain
eligible for an ID card. Refer to paragraphs 4.1, 4.5, Chapter 8, Tables 8.1 and 8.2 in
establishing eligibility.
4.1.1. Adoption or Emancipation of children under age 21 has no effect on their eligibility to
an ID card reflecting medical benefits and shopping privileges, if they are otherwise entitled.
(See Attachment 1, Terms for Adopted Child or Emancipation).
4.1.2. Children who become eligible for other health insurance (OHI) under provisions of
the State and Federal program termed "Medicaid" will remain enrolled in DEERS with
eligibility to TRICARE benefits. In this instance, coordination of Medicaid health insurance
and TRICARE benefits are considered for children. Refer to a beneficiary counselor at a
Military Treatment Facility (MTF) for coordination of TRICARE benefits and Medicaid
health insurance.
4.1.3. Children who have no relationship to the sponsor at the time of the sponsors death,
who subsequently are adopted or become a legal custody ward of the widow or widower, are
not entitled to ID card benefits and privileges.
4.2. Dual Entitlement for Children. A child (including adopted, orphan, or step-child) of a
military member who is also an eligible family member of another military member may be
issued an ID card with either member as a sponsor. Exception: Wards cannot be an eligible
dependent of any other member or a former member. (Refer to Terms). A child may not possess
more than one ID card (DD Forms 1173 or 1173-1). A child may be enrolled in DEERS under
more than one sponsor but may not actively receive dual benefits from more than one sponsor at
the same time regardless if an ID card is issued. Note: This allows all family members to be
enrolled under a single sponsorship for medical eligibility and a single TRICARE deductible
purpose. Military and civilian members involved must decide which one will sponsor the child
for DEERS enrollment, and if appropriate, ID card issuance.
4.2.1. If the members cant agree on the childs sponsorship in DEERS, take the action
reflected in Table 4.1:

Table 4.1. Action Required When Military Members Cant Agree Who Will Sponsor the
Child In DEERS.
Has a court order identifying him or her as Enroll child under such member.
being responsible for providing medical care
for the child.
62 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Has no court order for medical care but, a court Enroll the child where the child resides.
has awarded primary physical custody to the
member or to the former spouse who remarries
another military member.
If none of the above conditions have occurred. Inform members no change in sponsorship can
occur until there is a court order, designating
the primary member for sponsorship or the two
sponsors can agree to change.
4.2.2. Authorize all benefits and privileges and annotate DD Form 1172, block 89,
explaining dual sponsorship in DEERS.
4.2.3. Notify the parties involved when moving the family member from one sponsors
DEERS record to another.
4.3. Initial Enrollment of Newborns. Enrollment should be accomplished as soon as practical
and within 30 days of birth. Immediate enrollment should preclude delays in acquiring
necessary medical appointments for the newborn. A visit by the sponsor with the appropriate
document is always the encouraged method of enrollment. The sponsor should consider
contacting their respective military personnel office prior to the birth to acquire phone numbers
and a mailing address to use in the event a timely visit becomes impractical. Presentation of
source documents by the sponsor or requestor may be accomplished as stated in Table 4.2.
Exception: Illegitimate children must be processed for enrollment instructions listed in
paragraphs 4.9 and 4.10.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 63

Table 4.2. Initial Enrollment of Newborns.

Original or copy of: In person:
Sponsor or Spouse presents a valid general or
Certified Birth Certificate or, special power of attorney (in the absence of
sponsor) at a DEERS/RAPIDS issuing facility.
Certificate of Live Birth authenticated by the
attending physician or other responsible person By mail:
from a U. S. hospital or medical treatment Requestor mails a copy of appropriate source
facility (MTF) or, document and a written request for DEERS
enrollment to sponsors personnel office,
(1) Sponsors name, SSAN, signature and
phone number and,
(2) Newborns identifying information: eye
and hair color, weight and length.
Consular Report of Birth Abroad, FS-240, and By email or fax:
if: Requestor contacts sponsors personnel office
Sponsor and/or spouse are not in DEERS, a for email address or fax number. Email or fax
certified copy of parents marriage certificate. appropriate source document(s) and additional
Note: 1. A VO may enroll a newborn with a information as stated in above by mail
temporary end date if documentation received instructions.
is not certified or authenticated as required.
Questionable documentation should be referred
to the local JA. Once resolved, the eligibility
end date will be updated to the 21st birthday.
2. A childs SSAN will be presented for
DEERS update as soon as acquired.

4.4. ID Card Eligibility for Children Under Age 10. Issue an ID card to a child under 10
years of age if one of the conditions reflected in Table 4.3 occurs. Note: All eligible family
members (except children under the age of 10) are required to provide one identity source
document from the list of acceptable documents included in Form I-9 (refer to Attachment 20)
during the DoD ID card issuance process. See Attachment 5 for basic documentation eligibility.

Table 4.3. Conditions for Issue of ID Cards to Children Under Age 10.
1 The childs temporary guardian lives away from the parents duty station and must use
a medical facility other than the one keeping the childs records; or the child resides
temporarily away from the sponsor and there is no eligible spouse.

Authorize ID card benefits and privileges as Attachment 2 specifies. Note: Have the
applicant sign the card: Enter INFANT when the individual is too young to sign; or
enter INCAP when the individual cannot sign because of a mental or physical
64 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

2 The child is of a joint service couple or a single parent.
3 The childs physical appearance warrants issue (for example, appears older than 10).
Note: The Personnel Chief or designated representative approves or disapproves
4 The child does not reside in the household of an eligible adult family member.
5 Under unique circumstances and the SVO/SSM authorizes (Refer to Attachment 1,
4.5. Students Age 21-23. Table 4.4 defines the eligibility criteria for students over 21 but less
than 23 and what documentation and procedures are required to verify eligibility:

Table 4.4. Eligibility Criteria and Documentation Requirements for Students Age 21-23.
Unmarried children of 21 or 22 years of age If enrolled in DEERS, a letter from the school
(have not attained the age of 23). registrar certifying full-time course of study
leading to an associates degree or higher and
Enrolled full time in an accredited institution anticipated graduation date. Note: Most
of higher Learning (See Note 4 below). colleges and universities contract with third
parties, National Student Clearinghouse, to
Dependent on the sponsor for over 50 percent verify student enrollment. These third parties
of their support (or were at the time of the must comply with Family Educational Rights
sponsors death). and Privacy Act (FERPA) regulations and are
considered official agents of the institution for
Students remain eligible until age 23 or that purpose. Such documentation (including
graduation, whichever occurs first. web application forms) shall be accepted in
lieu of a letter from the registrars office.
Notes: 1. Consult with the installation
education office to resolve difficulties in The sponsor must also certify in block 89 on
determining approved accredited institutions of the DD Form 1172 that he or she is providing
higher learning, including for foreign over 50 percent of the students support. (See
institutions. paragraph 20.11 for Navy family members.)
Note: If school will not provide date of
2. Unmarried children 21 years or older who graduation, issue to 23 rd birthday.
are not enrolled full time in school but are
performing missionary duties as part of the If not enrolled in DEERS, a birth certificate
schools requirement to obtain their degree are and parents marriage certificate is required, in
not entitled to ID cards. addition to the documentation listed above.

3. Students enrolled less than full time in two Sponsor presents a letter from the school
institutions of higher learning may not registrar certifying full-time enrollment before
combine hours to qualify as full time students. the break and acceptance or enrollment
Title 10, Section 1072 is specific in that the immediately after the break. Note: Most
child must be enrolled in a full-time course of colleges and universities contract with third
study at an institution of higher learning versus parties, National Student Clearinghouse, to
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 65

institutions. verify student enrollment. These third parties

must comply with Family Educational Rights
4. Students enrolled in final term, semester or and Privacy Act (FERPA) regulations and are
quarter may carry less than full time load if considered official agents of the institution for
that is all that is needed for graduation. that purpose. Such documentation (including
web application forms) shall be accepted in
5. See paragraph 4.5 for incapacitated lieu of a letter from the registrars office.
Summer Break: Sponsor certifies in block 89 on the DD Form
Students who were enrolled as a full time 1172 that he or she is providing over 50
student for the semester or session immediately percent of the students support.
before the break may be eligible for an ID card
during break if they are accepted or enrolled Sponsor presents a letter of acceptance of
immediately after the break. enrollment signed by an authorized officer of
the college or university (see Attachment 9).
Graduate Students and Students Awarded Note: Most colleges and universities contract
an Associates Degree: with third parties, National Student
Clearinghouse, to verify student
Issue a temporary ID card not to exceed the enrollment. These third parties must comply
30th day of the month of enrollment as an with Family Educational Rights and Privacy
expiration date to allow students to complete Act (FERPA) regulations and are considered
enrollment procedures at the college or official agents of the institution for that
university in a graduate study program or a 4- purpose.
year degree program.
Such documentation (including web
Issue a full term card until graduation or age application forms) shall be accepted in lieu of a
23, whichever occurs first when a letter letter from the registrars office.
certifying full-time enrollment is presented. Sponsor certifies in block 89 on the DD Form
1172 that he or she is providing over 50
percent of the students support
4.6. Incapacitated Children Over Age 21 (Initial Application). Table 4.5 defines the
eligibility criteria, required documentation for the initial application, and approved
documentation required to issue ID cards to incapacitated children over age 21. The military
sponsors parent service must process initial and renewal dependency applications for all
incapacitated children as cross-servicing is not authorized (refer to Table 1.3 and paragraph 2.6).
See paragraph 2.6 indefinite ID card for permanently disabled family member and Chapters 19-
23 for Service-specific dependency determination processing procedures. Note: Have the
applicant sign the ID card or enter INCAP when the individual cannot sign because of a mental
or physical incapacity.

Table 4.5. Eligibility Criteria, Required Documentation to Apply, and Approved

Documentation Required for ID Card Issue - Incapacitated Children over Age 21 (Initial
66 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009


The child must be A current physicians statement An approved medical
unmarried. (dated within 90 days of sufficiency statement from a
application). Military Treatment Facility
The child must be incapable (MTF) (see Attachment 26).
of self-support because of a Initiation of dependency Exception: For Navy
mental or physical determination application should members, see Table 20.2.
incapacity that existed occur no later than 90 days prior
before the childs 21 st to current ID card expiration. An approved dependency
birthday or 23rd if enrolled determination (over 50
as a full-time student and A current statement from the percent support) from a
verification occurred after Social Security Administration Uniformed Service approval
23 October 1992. (SSA) certifying non-eligibility agency (see Table 4.6).
for Medicare, Part A, to continue
The child must be eligibility to TRICARE benefits. If sponsor deceased, the
dependent on the sponsor Note: Do not require a dependency determination in
for over one-half of his or statement from active duty effect at the time of death
her support or have been at dependents and those individuals remains valid.
the time of the sponsors listed in paragraph 7.1 as they
death. remain eligible for TRICARE as Note. See Chapter 21 for Air
a second payer. Force members.

Birth certificate (if not enrolled Sponsor presents a letter of

in DEERS). acceptance of enrollment
signed by an authorized
Parents marriage certificate (if officer of the college or
not enrolled in DEERS). university (see Attachment 9).

Note: Incapacitated students Note: Most colleges and

require additional documentation universities contract with
as follows third parties, National Student
Clearinghouse, to verify

A physicians statement as above student enrollment. These
but indicating the incapacitation third parties must comply
occurred after the 21st birthday with Family Educational
but before the 23rd birthday Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA) regulations and are
A letter from the school registrar considered official agents of
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 67

reflecting the dependent was the institution for that

enrolled as a full-time student in purpose. Such documentation
an accredited institution of (including web application
higher learning when the forms) shall be accepted in
incapacitation occurred lieu of a letter from the
registrars office.
4.7. Renewal Processing Procedures for Children over Age 21 With a Permanent
Incapacitation. Cross-Servicing is not authorized. Refer to paragraph 2.6. Follow the steps
reflected in Table 4.6 when renewing an ID card for a permanently incapacitated child:

Table 4.6. Renewal Processing Procedures for Children over Age 21 With a Permanent
1 Advise applicant to present a current statement from the SSA certifying non-
eligibility to Medicare, Part A (except active duty dependents and dependents
reflected in paragraph 7.1). Note: Initiation of dependency determination
application should occur no later than 90 days prior to current ID card expiration.
2 Permanent incapacitation does not require a current medical sufficiency statement or
physician's statement when renewing an ID card for a permanently incapacitated
child. In addition, the letter that originally established the permanent incapacitation
(from the Uniformed Services) may be used each time the ID card is reissued;
however, a current financial dependency determination (over 50 percent support) is
still required. Note: Temporary ID card issuance for 90 days is permitted for
permanent incapacitated renewal applicants only (refer Chapter 2, Table 2.4);
however, initial applicants are not allowed a temporary ID card for initial dependency
determinations (see paragraph 4.8 and table 4.7). Have the applicant sign the card or
enter INCAP when the individual cannot sign because of a mental or physical
incapacity. Exception: If the card is lost or stolen, reissue ID card out to original
expiration date.

Note: RAPIDS biometric verification may be used for lost or stolen ID as proof of
identity if a previous photograph is available in DEERS. No new dependency
determination is required. In the case of deceased sponsors, the dependency
determination currently in effect (or accomplished at the time of death for Air Force
members), may be used for subsequent renewals.

The dependency determination letter from the offices listed below should include the
statement that medical sufficiency was established:

1. Army - DFAS-Indianapolis Center for Army dependents. See Table 19.9.

2. Navy - A letter of approval from NPC PERS-352E for Navy dependents. See
paragraph 20.4.
3. Air Force - A current letter of approval from DFAS-PMJCBC/DE. See Table 21.3
for initial and renewal processing procedures.
4. Marine Corps - A letter of approval from HQ MC (MRP-1 or MMSR-6, as
68 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

appropriate) which indicated that the condition is permanent, along with a current
Dependency determination approved by HQ MC (MRP-1 or MMSR-6) for Marine
Corps dependents. See Table 22.1.
5. Coast Guard - A letter of approval from the Commanding Officer (RAS),
Personnel Service Center (PSC), (785) 339-3441. See paragraph 23.2.
6. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - A letter of approval issued by
the Uniformed Service Personnel project office. See paragraph 25.1.
7. United States Public Health Service - A letter of approval issued by the Uniformed
Service Personnel project officer. See paragraph 25.1.
3 Annotate the documents used to verify relationship to the sponsor in block 89 of the
DD Form 1172 or annotate DEERS VERIFIED.
4 Annotate date of current approved dependency determination letter or approval letter
from the Bureau of Naval personnel for Navy and Marine Corps dependents, and date
of current letter from SSA.
5 The sponsor, surviving spouse or guardian certifies in block 89 the child is
unmarried, incapable of self-support, receiving over 50 percent support from the
sponsor or was at the time of the sponsors death, and is ineligible for Medicare, Part
A. If the sponsor is deceased, indicate on the form Sponsor is deceased.
6 Complete the verification and issue process.
7 Forward a copy of the verified DD Form 1172 to the parent Uniformed Service
Personnel project office for dependents of Navy, Marine Corps, NOAA and USPHS
sponsors, after the ID card has been issued (paragraph 25.1) in addition to batch
processing to DMDC Support Office. See paragraph 1.12.
4.8. Renewal Processing Procedures for Children over Age 21 With a Temporary
Incapacitation. Table 4.7 defines the eligibility criteria for renewal of ID cards to children over
age 21 with a temporary incapacitation and what documentation is required to verify eligibility.
Cross-servicing is not authorized:

Table 4.7. Eligibility Criteria and Required Documentation for Renewal of ID Cards for
Children over Age 21 With a Temporary Incapacitation.
The child must be A current physicians statement A current approved medical
unmarried (dated within 90 days of sufficiency statement from a
application). Military Treatment Facility
(MTF) (See Attachment 26).

The child must be incapable Initiation of dependency A current approved

of self-support because of a determination application should dependency determination
physical incapacity that occur no later than 90 days prior (over 50 percent support) from
existed before the childs to current ID card expiration in a Uniformed Service approval
21st birthday. DEERS. agency (see Table 4.6) if
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 69

Exception: Marine Corps sponsor is still living.

The child has not passed his sponsors must comply with
or her 23rd birthday if instructions provided in letter Exception: If the card is lost
enrolled as a full-time from Chief, Bureau of Medicine or stolen, reissue ID card out
student and the verification and Surgery (BUMED). to original expiration date.
occurred after 23 October Note: RAPIDS biometric
1992. Statement from the Social verification may be used for
Security Administration (SSA) lost or stolen ID as proof of
The child must be certifying non-eligibility to identity if a previous
dependent on the sponsor Medicare, Part A, to continue photograph is available in
for over one-half of his or eligibility to TRICARE benefits. DEERS. No new dependency
her support or have been at determination is required.
the time of the sponsors Note: Do not require a
death. statement from active duty In the case of deceased
dependents and those individuals sponsors, the dependency
Note: A child whose listed in paragraph 7.1 as they determination currently in
incapacitation occurred remain eligible for TRICARE as effect or for Air Force
between ages 21- 23 and not a second payer. members, accomplished at the
enrolled as a full-time time of the members death,
student is ineligible to apply . may be used for subsequent
for a temporary ID card. renewals.

Parents marriage certificate (if not

enrolled Birth certificate (if not
enrolled in DEERS).

4.8.1. Inform sponsor to report any change in their incapacitated childs status (financial,
residential, marital, or medical) that could affect the childs eligibility to continued ID card
benefits to the Services financial offices. Exception: Navy sponsors should report any
change to BUPERS-26. Marine Corps sponsors should report to HQMC (MRP-1 or MMSR-
6, as appropriate [see Table 22.1]).
4.8.2. Incapacitated children who marry and subsequently become unmarried through
divorce, annulment, or death of spouse may be reinstated for ID card benefits and privileges
as long as they meet all other requirements. Process dependency applications according to
chapters 19-23.
4.9. Illegitimate Children under Age 21. Unmarried illegitimate children under age 21 may be
entitled to ID card benefits and privileges when one of the following occurs:
4.9.1. A male sponsor presents: (1) a court order that establishes paternity and the childs
birth certificate, (2) an approved dependency determination as listed in paragraphs 4.9.2 and
4.10, or (3) a voluntary acknowledgement of paternity per USD P&R Memorandum, 28 Jan
08, Determinations of Dependency for Health Care Benefits for Out-of-Wedlock Children.
Refer to paragraphs 4.9.3 and 4.9.4, and Attachment 5, Rule 18e (1) and (2) Note: A
determination of paternity is required at the time of sponsors death if no previous court order
or voluntary acknowledgement of paternity was present in establishing the parent/child
70 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

4.9.2. A male sponsor must process and receive an approved dependency and residency
determination (reflecting over 50 percent support) to include presenting a childs birth
certificate. Note: A birth certificate alone does not satisfy documentation requirements for
an illegitimate child of a male member. See paragraphs 19.24 for Army sponsors, 20.17 for
Navy sponsors, 21.21 for Air Force sponsors, 22.12 for Marine Corps sponsors, 23.5 for
Coast Guard sponsors, 25.1.6 for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
sponsors, and 25.1.7 for Public Health Service sponsors.
4.9.3. Each state maintains a procedure to allow a father to voluntarily acknowledge
paternity of a child born out of wedlock. These state forms will be used to determine
eligibility for dependent child status. The sponsor will present the notarized form to the
nearest ID card issuance site to have the child added to DEERS. Note: The child may be
enrolled at any time before their 21 st birthday. The state form and a birth certificate will be required to add the child to DEERS.
Note: The forms will be scanned into DEERS as part of the enrollment process.
4.9.4. Once the child has been added to DEERS, the sponsor will be provided 60 days to
remove the child from DEERS. Note: After 60 days, the child will remain in DEERS as the
sponsors child until he/she is 21 or 23 if enrolled in a full time course of study at an
institution of higher leaning approved by the administering Secretary, and is dependent on
the member or former member for over one-half of the childs support.
4.9.5. A female sponsor presents her childs birth certificate.
4.9.6. A sponsor who is the childs natural parent presents a marriage certificate (between
the sponsor and the natural mother or father) and the childs birth certificate.
4.10. Processing Procedures for Illegitimate Children under Age 21. Advise a male sponsor
to initiate a dependency and residency determination if the sponsor has no court order
establishing paternity, the parents have not married, or no voluntary acknowledgement of
paternity. (See chapters 19-23 for processing procedures).
4.10.1. Refer to Attachment 2, A2.1 for entitlements and Attachment 3, for medical care
(MC) effective dates.
4.11. Children Adopted After Age 21 Who Were Incapacitated Before Adoption. Children
adopted after age 21 who were incapacitated before adoption may be eligible for commissary,
exchange and MWR privileges. No medical care is authorized. Note: Have the applicant sign
the ID card or enter INCAP when the individual cannot sign because of a mental or physical
incapacity. The sponsor should submit a request to the ID card issuing activity. Exception: For
Marine Corps sponsors, approving authority is HQMC MRP-1 or MMSR-6 as appropriate.
Table 4.8 defines the eligibility criteria and what documents are required:

Table 4.8. Eligibility Criteria and Required Documentation for Children Adopted After
Age 21 Who Were Incapacitated Before Adoption.
A bona fide parent-child relationship must The childs birth certificate.
exist and is defined as follows:
A copy of the final adoption decree.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 71

The person adopted was a close blood-relative

before the adoption.

The person adopted has lived with the member A physicians statement endorsed by a
for at least 1 year before the card issue date and Uniformed Services Medical Treatment
continues to reside with the sponsor. Facility. (See Attachment 26).
Written justification from the sponsor to justify
The member controls the care and support of a bona fide parent-child relationship exists.
the person adopted as well as the persons
legal, financial, and other affairs.
4.12. Processing Procedures for Children Adopted after Age 21 Who Were Incapacitated
Before Adoption. Take the steps reflected in Table 4.9 to process an application for children
adopted after age 21 who were incapacitated before adoption:

Table 4.9. Processing Procedures for Children Adopted After Age 21 Who Were
Incapacitated Before Adoption.
1 Forward the case file to the installation legal office for review to determine whether a
bona fide parent-child relationship exists.
2 Forward the case file to the installation personnel office for approval. Exception:
Navy members forward the case file to NPC PERS 352E for determination. Marine
Corps members forward the case to HQMC (MRP-1 or MMSR-6, as appropriate) for
3 The installation personnel office returns the case file to the initiating ID card issuing
activity with the final determination.
4 Non-automated sites prepare the DD Form 1172 according to Attachment 3. Note:
These family members are entitled to commissary, exchange and MWR only. No
medical care is authorized.
Type or print legibly all manually prepared application forms in black ballpoint pen.
Complete section IV to verify the application. Initial all corrections on the application
5 Give the original copy to the applicant and use additional copies as necessary.
6 Advise the applicant that DD Form 1172 is valid for only 90 days after the verifying
official signs. Applications held longer are void.
7 Batch process DD Form 1172 to the DSO (paragraph 1.12).
4.13. Legal Custody Wards (See Terms for complete definition). The following basic
eligibility criteria apply:
4.13.1. An unmarried child, including a foster child or a child to whom a managing
conservator has been designated, who has been placed in legal custody of a member or
former member as a result of an order of a court of competent jurisdiction in the United
States (or a territory or possession of the United States). The court order must stipulate the
child will be in the care and custody of the sponsor for no less than 12 consecutive months.
The court order can designate the length of custody by age, time or permanency. Note: The
unmarried child may be eligible for full ID card benefits and privileges if:
72 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 Child is dependent on the member or former member for over one-half of his or
her support, and Child resides with the member or former member unless separated by the
necessity of military service or to receive institutional care as a result of disability or
incapacitation, and Is not a dependent of a member or former member under any other category.
4.13.2. The following eligibility criteria and documentation requirements in Table 4.10
apply: Note: Children born overseas to unwed dependent daughters of active duty members
on command sponsored tours are not entitled to medical care at the local MTF without first
obtaining a Secretarial Designee status. Refer members to the local MTF to apply for
Secretarial Designee status. This designation does not create an entitlement to civilian care
at government expense, an ID card, or DEERS enrollment. The designation is by letter and
remains in effect as long as the grandchild resides in the home of the active duty sponsor
while stationed overseas. Designation expires when the sponsor departs his or her command
under permanent change of station orders to CONUS or member separates from active duty.

Table 4.10. Eligibility Criteria and Required Documentation for Legal Custody Wards.
1. Has not attained age 21 and, Childs birth certificate and,

Is dependent on the sponsor for over one-half Court order from a court of competent
of his or her support. or was at the time of the jurisdiction in the United States (or a territory
sponsors death and, or possession of the United States) placing the
child in member or former members custody
Resides with the member or former member for at least 12 consecutive months. The court
unless separated by necessity of military order must stipulate the child will be in the care
service or to receive institutional care a result and custody of the sponsor for no less than 12
of disability or incapacitation or under such consecutive months. The court order can
other circumstances as the administering designate the length of custody by age, time or
Secretary may by regulation prescribe and, permanency and,

Is not a dependent of a member or a former Sponsor certifies in block 89 that he or she is

member under any other law. providing over 50 percent and that the child. A
dependency determination is required for
2. Has attained age 21 and, DEERS enrollment, initial issue and renewal of
each ID card for wards of the Navy, Air Force,
Is incapable of self support because of a mental Marine Corps, and Coast Guard members, see
or physical incapacity that occurred while the paragraphs 20.10, 21.16, 22.6, and 23.6.
person was a dependent of the member or Exception: Army does not require
former member and, dependency determination for legal custody
wards, however, the sponsor must certify in
Is dependent on the sponsor for over one-half block 89 Remarks that he or she provides over
of his or her support, or was at the time of the 50% support and child resides with sponsor.
sponsors death and, Note: If card is lost or stolen, reissue ID card
out to original expiration date. RAPIDS
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 73

Resides with the member or former member biometric verification may be used for lost or
unless separated by necessity of military stolen ID as proof of identity if a previous
service or to receive institutional care a result
photograph is available in DEERS. No new
of disability or incapacitation or under such
dependency determination is required. In the
other circumstances as the administering case of deceased sponsors, the dependency
Secretary may by regulation prescribe and, determination currently in effect or
accomplished at the time of the members
Is not a dependent of a member or a former death may be used for subsequent renewals.
member under any other law. Surviving dependents of Air Force members
must accomplish a dependency determination
at the time of the sponsors death.

Childs birth certificate (if not enrolled in

DEERS) and,

Court order from a court of competent

jurisdiction in the United States (or a territory
or possession of the United States) placing the
child in member or former members custody
for at least 12 consecutive months and,

A current physicians statement (dated within

90 days of application) to include a medical
sufficiency statement from a Military
Treatment Facility (MTF) and, (See
Attachment 26).

A current approved dependency determination

(over 50 percent support) and,

Statement from the Social Security

Administration (SSA) certifying non-eligibility
to Medicare, Part A, to continue eligibility to
TRICARE benefits. Note: Do not require a
statement from active duty dependents and
those individuals listed in paragraph 7.1 as they
remain eligible for TRICARE as a second

Additional Documentation Requirements for

Incapacitated Students:
A physicians statement as above but
indicating the incapacitation occurred after the
21st birthday but before the 23 rd birthday.
A letter from the school registrar showing that
the dependent was enrolled as a full-time
74 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

student in an accredited institution of higher

learning when the incapacitation occurred.
Note: Letter from school registrar certifying
full time enrollment in a course of study
leading to an associate degree or higher and
anticipated graduation date. Most colleges and
universities contract with third parties,
National Student Clearinghouse, to verify
student enrollment. These third parties must
comply with Family Educational Rights and
Privacy Act (FERPA) regulations and are
considered official agents of the institution for
that purpose. Such documentation (including
web application forms) shall be accepted in
lieu of a letter from the registrars office.

Childs birth certificate (if not enrolled in

DEERS) and,

Court order from a court of competent

jurisdiction in the United States (or a territory
or possession of the United States) placing the
child in member or former members custody
for at least 12 consecutive months. The court
order must stipulate the child will be in the care
and custody of the sponsor for no less than 12
consecutive months. The court order can
designate the length of custody by age, time or
permanency. and,

Sponsor certifies in block 89 that he or she is

providing over 50 percent and that the child
resides in the household Exception: A
dependency determination is required for initial
issue and renewal of each ID card for wards of
Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps members,
see paragraphs 20.10, 21.16, and 22.6.
Exception: Army sponsors do not require a
dependency determination.
3. Has not attained age 23 and, Note: Letter from school registrar certifying
full time enrollment in a course of study
Is enrolled full time in an institution of higher leading to an associate degree or higher and
learning approved by the administering anticipated graduation date. Note: Most
Secretary and, colleges and universities contract with third
parties, National Student Clearinghouse, to
Is dependent on the sponsor for over one-half verify student enrollment. These third parties
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 75

of his or her support, or was at the time of the must comply with Family Educational Rights
sponsors death and, and Privacy Act (FERPA) regulations and are
considered official agents of the institution for
Resides with the member or former member that purpose. Such documentation (including
unless separated by necessity of military web application forms) shall be accepted in
service or to receive institutional care a result lieu of a letter from the registrars office.
of disability or incapacitation or under such
other circumstances as the administering
Secretary may by regulation prescribe and,

Is not a dependent of a member or a former

member under any other law.
4.14. Processing Procedures for Legal Custody Wards. Take the action reflected in Table
4.11 when verifying eligibility for legal custody wards. (See paragraphs 20.10, 21.16, 22.6, and
23.6 for processing procedures for wards of Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard
members. Cross-servicing is not authorized):

Table 4.11. Processing Procedures for Legal Custody Wards.

1 Review court order and birth certificate and other documents as appropriate (letter from
registrar, physicians statement, etc.).
2 Complete a manually DD Form 1172 or a blank computer generated application. Do
not generate a DD Form 1172 from a RAPIDS workstation that automatically assigns
benefits and privileges. Refer to the following Attachments: Attachment 2 for
entitlements; Attachment 4 for medical care (MC) effective and expiration dates; and
Attachment 5 for documentation requirements.
3 Upon review of documents, list these items in block 89 of the DD Form 1172.
4 A dependency determination is required for initial issue and renewal of each ID card for
wards of Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard members. (See paragraphs
20.10, 21.16, 22.6, and 23.6). Exception: Army requires only an initial dependency
determination at DFAS-IN for incapacitated wards over age 21. (See paragraph 19.21).
5 Complete verification process and ensure sponsor reads Privacy Act information before
signing the DD Form 1172.
6 Give the sponsor a copy of the DD Form 1172 if appropriate and advise application is
good for 90 days from date of verification.
7 Batch process 1172 to the DSO (paragraph 1.12).
4.15. Foster Children. A child placed in custody of a military member or former members
home by a placement agency (with no intent to adopt) but not a court order, is eligible for
commissary, exchange and MWR privileges only. Medical care is not authorized unless the
child is placed in the home as a result of a court order as stated in paragraph 4.13 above. For
Marine Corps members, see paragraph 22.7.
4.16. Pre-adoptive Children. Pre-adoptive children placed in the home of a member or former
member by a placement agency (recognized by the Secretary of Defense) on 5 October 1994 or
later may be eligible for medical care if the criteria in Table 4.12 are met. For the purpose of this
76 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

policy, an authorized placement agency in the United States (US) or a US territory must be
licensed for the purpose of adoption by the state or territory in which the adoption procedures
will be completed. In all other locations, the appropriate Assistant Secretary of the Military
Department concerned or an appropriate official to whom he or she has delegated approval
authority must approve a request for recognition.

Table 4.12. Eligibility Criteria and Required Documentation for Pre-adoptive Children.
Has not attained age 21 Document from placement agency (recognized
by the Secretary of Defense) in the US or a US
Has not attained age 23 and is enrolled full territory licensed for the purpose of adoption
time in an institution of higher learning and,
approved by the administering Secretary and
is, or was at the time of the member or former Childs birth certificate or placement agency
members death, dependent on the member for letter, reflecting date of birth,
over one-half of the childs support.
Document from placement agency (recognized
by the Secretary of Defense) in the United
States or a US territory licensed for the
purpose of adoption and,

Is incapable of self-support because of a mental Childs birth certificate or placement letter,

or physical incapacity that occurs while a reflecting date of birth and,
dependent of a member or former member; and
before attaining age 21 or 23, if enrolled full Letter from school registrar certifying full time
time in an institution of higher learning enrollment in a course of study leading to an
approved by the administering Secretary and, associate degree or higher and anticipated
graduation date. Note: Most colleges and
Is dependent on the sponsor for over one-half universities contract with third parties,
of his or her support, or have been at the time National Student Clearinghouse, to verify
of the sponsors death. student enrollment. These third parties must
comply with Family Educational Rights and
Privacy Act (FERPA) regulations and are
considered official agents of the institution for
that purpose. Such documentation (including
web application forms) shall be accepted in
lieu of a letter from the registrars office.

Document from placement agency (recognized

by the Secretary of Defense) in the US or a US
territory licensed for the purpose of adoption

Childs birth certificate or placement letter,

reflecting date of birth.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 77

Document from placement agency (recognized

by the Secretary of Defense) in the United
States or a US territory licensed for the purpose
of adoption and,

Childs birth certificate or placement letter,

reflecting date of birth and,

Document from placement agency (recognized

by the Secretary of Defense) in the United
States or a US territory licensed for the purpose
of adoption and, Note: Questions concerning
validity of placement agency should be
addressed to the installation legal office.

Childs birth certificate and,

Additional Documentation Requirements for

Incapacitated Students:
A physicians statement as above but
indicating the incapacitation occurred after the
21st birthday but before the 23 rd birthday and,
an approved dependency determination (over
50 percent support) from a Uniformed Service
approval agency (see paragraph 4.7) and,

A current physicians statement and, a letter

from the school registrar certifying full time
enrollment in a course of study leading to an
associates degree or higher at the time
incapacitation occurred if 21 but not yet 23.
Note: Most colleges and universities contract
with third parties, National Student
Clearinghouse, to verify student
enrollment. These third parties must comply
with Family Educational Rights and Privacy
Act (FERPA) regulations and are considered
official agents of the institution for that
purpose. Such documentation (including web
application forms) shall be accepted in lieu of a
letter from the registrars office.
4.17. ID Card Processing Procedures for Pre-Adoptive Children When Placement Agency
is Within the U.S. or a U.S. Territory. Process pre-adoptive children as reflected in Table
78 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Table 4.13. Processing Procedures for Pre-Adoptive Children When Placement Agency is
Within the U.S. or a U.S. Territory.
1 Review placement agency document, childs birth certificate and other documents as
appropriate (letter from registrar, physicians statement, etc.).
2 Complete a DD Form 1172. Refer to Attachment 2 for entitlements, Attachment 4 for
MC effective date and expiration date.
3 List documents reviewed in block 89.
4 Have sponsor certify residency and dependency in block 89.
Incapacitated children require a dependency determination (over 50 percent support).
See Attachment 2 for entitlements and Attachment 3 for MC effective date and
expiration date.
5 Complete verification process and ensure sponsor reads Privacy Act information before
signing the DD Form 1172.
6 Give the sponsor a copy of the DD Form 1172, if appropriate and advise application is
good for 90 days from date of verification.
7 Batch process the DD Form 1172 to the DSO (paragraph 1.12).
4.18. ID Card Processing Procedures for Pre-adoptive Children When Placement Agency
Is Outside of the United States or a United States Territory. Children placed in the home of
a member or former member by a placement agency in any other location than listed in
paragraph 4.17 must submit a request for recognition through the Service issuing activity.
Requests will be forwarded through the appropriate Service channels and must be approved by
the appropriate Assistant Secretary of the Military Department concerned or an appropriate
official to whom he or she has delegated approval authority. Table 4.14 reflects information to
assist in submitting a request for recognition: see Table 20.5 for Navy processing procedures and
Table 21.8 for Air Force members.

Table 4.14. ID Card Processing Procedures for Pre-adoptive Children when Placement
Agency Is Outside of the U.S. or a U.S. Territory.
1 Review the approval letter provided by the Assistant Service Secretary concerned or
an appropriate official to whom he or she has delegated approval authority and childs
birth certificate. Process as Table 4.13 reflects.
2 If there is no approval letter, forward the package through local legal office to
determine legal sufficiency. For Army cases, the local Community and Family
Support Center will work with the Information and Referral Service to determine if a
Foreign Placement Agency is recognized by DoD.
3 If the local legal office finds the document legally sufficient, forward the package to
the Command legal office for endorsement.
4 Forward to the command ID card office for processing to the Personnel project office
when the Command legal endorsement is received.
5 The Personnel Project office will notify the servicing Personnel office and command
in writing of the approval.
6 Notify the member to return to the issuing activity for verification and issue of the ID
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 79

card if placement agency is approved.

7 Refer to criteria in paragraph 4.16 for completion of verification and issue of ID card.
See paragraph 4.19 for adopted children.
4.19. Adopted Children. Refer to Attachment 5, Rule 18b and Notes 7 through 7.1.4.
Exception: Children adopted age 21 who were incapacitated before adoption, see paragraphs
4.11 - 4.12 and Tables 4.8 and 4.9.
80 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Chapter 5


5.1. Abused Dependents - General Guidance. This chapter conveys the identification card
(ID) guidelines and entitlements for family members of military sponsors who were separated on
or after 23 October 1992 from active duty for reasons of dependent-abuse. The type of
transitional compensation is contingent on whether the sponsor is either retirement eligible or
discharged with less than 20 years service. Table 5.1 defines the category of dependent,
eligibility criteria and documentation required. The sponsor must have been:
5.1.1. Under a court-martial sentence resulting from a dependent-abuse offense
5.1.2. Administratively separated from active duty when the basis for separation includes a
dependent-abuse offense.
5.2. DoD Beneficiary (DB). Effective 1 October 2003, certain abused dependents shall be
enrolled in DEERS as a sponsor in their own right in the category designator of DoD
Beneficiary (DB); and issued a DD Form 2765, Department of Defense/Uniformed Services
Identification and Privilege Card.
5.2.1. Spouse.
5.2.2. Former spouse.
5.2.3. Unmarried child, including an adopted child or a stepchild who was residing with the
member at the time of the dependent abuse offense. Children will only be enrolled as DoD
beneficiary in their own right when guardianship is granted to other than natural parent.
Otherwise the child(ren) will be enrolled under the natural parents DB record.
5.3. Dependents of Retirement Eligible Members Separated Due to Dependent Abuse on or
After 23 October 1992. Eligible dependents of retirement eligible sponsors who are separated
due to dependent abuse on or after 23 October 1992 are eligible for ID cards reflecting medical
care benefits, commissary, exchange and MWR privileges. Table 5.1 defines the category of
dependent, eligibility criteria and documentation required:

Table 5.1. Categories, Eligibility Criteria and Required Documentation to Verify

Eligibility for Dependents of Retirement Eligible Members Separated Due to Dependent
Abuse on or After 23 October 1992.
Spouse or Former Spouse. (1) Married at least 10 years to Marriage certificate, divorce
Natural or adopted parent of a a military member; decree (if applicable), and
dependent child who was the (2) who performed at least 20 proof of application to receive
victim of abuse committed by years creditable service for portion of members retired
the member or discharged retired pay, and pay for issue of a temporary
member. (3) the overlap of marriage card, and
Child. and service was at least 10
years, and
(4) Has not remarried, or Letter from DFAS-CL, Code
(5) Is not enrolled in an L, approving request to
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 81

employer-sponsored health receive a portion of retired pay

plan. for issue of a full term ID card.
See Service-specific chapters
He or she was the victim of 19-23.
abuse and was married to the
member or discharged
member at the time of abuse

Is not eligible or entitled to

benefits and privileges under
any other provision of law

A court order provides for an

An unmarried child, including Birth certificate, parents
an adopted child or stepchild, marriage certificate, adoption
who was a member of the decree (if appropriate) and
household of the member or proof of application to receive
discharged member at the time portion of members retired
of abuse and: pay for issue of a temporary
card. Note: Issue of a full
Is under 18 years of age or, term ID card requires a letter
existed before becoming 18 from DFAS-CL, Code L
years of age and is or was approving request to receive a
dependent on the member or portion of retired pay.
discharged member for over
one-half of his or her support
at the time of abuse.

Is over 18 years of age and Birth certificate, parents

incapable of self-support marriage certificate, adoption
because of a mental or decree (if appropriate) and
physical incapacity that proof of application to receive
portion of members retired
Is over 18 years of age but less pay for issue of a temporary
than 23, enrolled full time in card. Note: Issue of a full
an institution of higher term ID card requires a letter
learning, and is or was from DFAS-CL, Code L
dependent on the member or approving request to receive a
discharged member for over portion of retired pay and
one-half of his or her support medical sufficiency letter. A
at the time of abuse. dependency determination is
not required.
Is not eligible or entitled to
82 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

benefits and privileges under Birth certificate, parents

any other provision of law. marriage certificate, letter
from school registrar
indicating full-time
enrollment, expected date of

Note: Most colleges and

universities contract with third
parties, National Student
Clearinghouse, to verify
student enrollment. These
third parties must comply with
Family Educational Rights
and Privacy Act (FERPA)
regulations and are considered
official agents of the
institution for that purpose.
Such documentation including
web application forms) shall
be accepted in lieu of a letter
from the registrars office.

Proof of application to receive

portion of members retired
pay for issue of a temporary
card. Require a letter from
DFAS-CL, Code L approving
request to receive a portion of
retired pay for issue of a full
term ID card.
5.4. Verification Procedures for Abused Dependents of Retirement Eligible
Sponsors. Table 5.2 provides verification procedures for abused dependents of retirement
eligible sponsors.

Table 5.2. Verification Procedures for Abused Dependents of Retirement Eligible

1 Fax proof of application to receive a portion of members retired pay for dependents
applying under paragraph 5.1 for a temporary card or a letter from DFAS-CL approving
request to receive a portion of retired pay for issue of a full term ID card and appropriate
legal documents to the Uniformed Service Personnel project office (active, Guard, or
Reserve, as appropriate [paragraph 25.1]). Note: For Marine Corps, refer to the active
duty address only.
2 The Uniformed Service Personnel project office will update DEERS while the customer
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 83

is waiting and advise the verifying official to prepare the DD Form 1172. Note: Use
pay grade prior to conviction or separation.
3 The verifying official will sign block 90 of the DD Form 1172 in lieu of the sponsor;
and cite AFI 36-3026(I), paragraph 8.2 in block 89, and issue the ID card:
4 Fax a copy of verified DD Form 1172 to the Uniformed Service Personnel project office
immediately after issue of the ID card. See paragraph 25.1.
5 Batch process DD Form 1172 according to paragraph 1.12.
6 Reinstate full benefits and privileges to abused former spouses who remarry and become
unmarried due to divorce, annulment, or the death of the subsequent spouse. See
Attachment 2, A2.2.
5.5. Dependents of Active Duty Members (Over 30 Days) Separated on or After 30
November 1993 Due to a Dependent Abuse (not Retirement Eligible). The following criteria
must be satisfied:
5.5.1. Member was on active duty for 31 consecutive days and; Was separated from active duty under a court-martial sentence resulting from a
dependent-abuse offense or; Was administratively separated from active duty if the basis for separation
includes a dependent-abuse offense or; Was sentenced to forfeiture of pay and allowances by a court-martial of which
convicted the member of a dependent-abuse offense.
5.5.2. Eligible dependents will receive a DD Form 1173 reflecting eligibility to commissary,
exchange, MWR, medical care in Military Treatment Facilities and TRICARE for the period
they are receiving transitional compensation. Eligibility to medical care became effective on
or after 17 October 1998.
5.6. Categories, Eligibility Criteria and Required Documentation to Verify Eligibility for
Dependents of Active Duty Members (Over 30 Days) Separated on or After 30 November
1993 Due to a Dependent Abuse (not Retirement Eligible). Table 5.3 provides categories of
dependents, eligibility criteria and documentation requirements for abused dependents of active
duty members (over 30 days) separated due to a dependent abuse.

Table 5.3. Categories, Eligibility Criteria and Required Documentation to Verify

Eligibility for Dependents of Active Duty Members (Over 30 Days) Separated Due to a
Dependent Abuse (and Not Retirement Eligible).
Child An unmarried child, including an Birth certificate (if not enrolled in
adopted child or stepchild, who was DEERS).
residing with the member or discharged
member at the time of the abuse Parents marriage certificate (if not
offense resulting in the members or enrolled in DEERS).
former members separation and is:
Approved DD Form 2698,
Under 18 years of age and, Application for Transitional
84 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Not eligible or entitled to use

commissary and exchange stores under A birth certificate (if not enrolled in
another provision of law and, DEERS).

Not residing in the same household as Parents marriage certificate (if not
the member or discharged member (or enrolled in DEERS).
members spouse or former spouse who
An approved DD Form 2698.

was a party to the abuse) after the

punitive or other adverse action is
Child Is 18 years or older but less than 23 and Letter from school registrar
enrolled full time in an institution of indicating full-time enrollment and
higher learning approved by the expected date of graduation. Note:
Secretary of Defense and who is (or Most colleges and universities
was at the time a punitive or adverse contract with third parties, National
action was executed), dependent on the Student Clearinghouse, to verify
member or discharged member for over student enrollment. These third
one-half of his or her support. parties must comply with Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA) regulations and are
considered official agents of the
institution for that purpose. Such
documentation (including web
application forms) shall be accepted
in lieu of a letter from the
registrars office.

5.7. Verification Procedures for Abused Dependents of Active Duty Members (Over 30
Days) Separated on or After 30 November 1993 Due to a Dependent Abuse (not Retirement
Eligible). Table 5.4 provides verification procedures for abused dependents of active duty
members (over 30 days).
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 85

Table 5.4. Verification Procedures for Abused Dependents of Active Duty Members (Over
30 Days) Separated on or After 30 November 1993 Due to a Dependent Abuse (and not
Retirement Eligible).
1 Fax a copy of the approved DD Form 2698 and appropriate legal documents (if
dependent is not enrolled in DEERS) to the Uniformed Service Personnel project office
(active, Guard, or Reserve, as appropriate) (paragraph 25.1). Note: For dependents of
Army members, a letter from the Soldier and Family Support Directorate Army
Community Service will be provided (see paragraph 19.23). Follow procedures
contained in paragraph 22.10 for Marine Corps dependents and paragraph 20.6 for Navy

2 Uniformed Service Personnel project offices will update DEERS while the customer is
waiting and advise the issuing activity to prepare the DD Form 1172. Note: Use pay
grade prior to conviction or separation.
3 Use approved DD Form 2698 payment stop date indicated in block 21 for expiration
date for a spouse or former spouse. Use block 21 date or the childs 18th birthday,
whichever occurs earlier (unless child is enrolled as a full-time student). Use payment
stop date, anticipated graduation, or age 23, whichever occurs first for full-time students
4 The verifying official signs in block 90 of the DD Form 1172 in lieu of the sponsor and
issues the ID card.
5 Fax a copy of verified DD Form 1172 to the Uniformed Service Personnel project office
immediately following issue of ID card.
6 Batch process DD Form 1172 according to paragraph 1.12.
86 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Chapter 6


6.1. Transition Assistance for Military Personnel (TAMP) or Transition Assistance

Program (TAP). Under the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2005,
effective Oct. 28, 2004, eligibility under the TAMP has been permanently extended from 60 or
120 days to 180 days.
6.2. Qualifying Conditions Required to Establish Eligibility for Transitional Health
Benefit. In addition to the aforementioned basic eligibility criteria, the member must also meet
one of the qualifying conditions stated in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1. Qualifying Conditions for TAMP or TAP.

1 Involuntarily separated with an eligible SPD code. Verify DD Form 214 or separation
order. Refer to Service specific separation authority, instruction, or regulation.
2 Involuntarily retained on AD in support of a contingency operation.
3 Voluntarily remained on AD for one year or less in support of a contingency operation.
4 Reserve Component members (Guard and Reservists) who are demobilized/deactivated
after being called to active duty for 31 days or more in support of a contingency
operation. Note: Members serving less than 30 days of active duty are not eligible for
TA-180 benefits, including entry level separation less than 30 days of active service.
6.3. Duration of Transitional Health Benefits Authorized Under TAMP or TAP. The 180
day time period for health care benefits begins on the date of members separation from active
duty. Note: Commissary, exchange, and MWR shopping privileges were not authorized under
NDAA 2005; however, NDAA 2008, effective 28 Jan 2008, authorized 2 years shopping
privileges, effective 1 Oct 2007 through 31 Dec 2012. See Attachment 2.,Table A2.28..
6.3.1. In the event the member is recalled to active service, the transitional health benefit
time period is concurrent. If the member is demobilized/deactivated, and subsequently meets
one of the qualifying conditions stated in Table 6.1, a new transitional health benefit period is
in effect.
6.4. Verifying Eligibility for Benefits Under the TAMP or TAP . Take the steps reflected in
Table 6.2 to verify eligibility for members separating under the TAMP or TAP.

Table 6.2. Verifying Eligibility for Members Separating Under TAMP or TAP.
1 Verify DEERS for TA-180. If it does not and member is or has separated from the
service, request a current DD Form 214 to verify character of service, the SPD code, or
a statement confirming the member was kept on active duty for one of the reasons
reflected in Table 6.1. Note: Members who are de-mobilizing, refer to the remarks
block when no SPD code is listed on the DD Form 214.
2 Verify dependents status in the DEERS database.
3 Require legal documentation if the DEERS database does not show the dependents
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 87

status or use a verified DD Form 1172 that lists specific documentation.

4 Indicate in block 89 whether this is the original issue of the TAMP or TAP ID card for
the member and the dependent, or whether it is a replacement for a lost card. Note:
RAPIDS biometric verification may be used for lost or stolen ID as proof of identity if a
previous photograph is available in DEERS.
6.4.1. See paragraph 18.6 for ID card preparation. Batch process DD Form 1172 for family
members to the DSO (paragraph 1.12). Note: Forward a copy of the DD Form 1172 to the
United States Coast Guard DEERS/RAPIDS Project Office in addition to batch processing to
DSO after issue of the ID card (paragraph 25.1). If the DEERS database shows the sponsors correct status, apply the terms of the
cross-servicing agreement to members and dependents (paragraph 1.3).
6.4.2. Issue DD Form 2765 to TAMP or TAP sponsors and, if eligible, DD Form 1173 to
dependents before they depart on terminal leave. Advise members to use a copy of their
separation orders to obtain active duty benefits until their date of separation. Note: If
RAPIDS is not available, issue the manual DD Form 1173 to qualifying sponsors and their
family member.
88 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Chapter 7



7.1. Dual Entitlement - TRICARE and Medicare. Table 7.1 provides information to establish
eligibility to TRICARE when also entitled to Medicare and Table 7.2 provides information for
TRICARE for Life eligible at or over age 65.

Table 7.1. Determining Eligibility for TRICARE and Medicare.

Under Age 65 Retirees and eligible spouses 1 October 1991, if enrolled in
or children of living retirees. Medicare, Part B, on or before
Entitled to Medicare, Part A, 1 October 1991 or,
as a result of a disability or Unremarried former spouses,
end-stage renal (kidney) survivors of retired, active Retain original TRICARE
disease and, duty and Guard and Reserve effective date if Medicare-
deceased members. eligible after 1 October 1991,
Enrolled in Medicare, Part B. if beneficiary enrolled in
Medicare, Part B, at the time
he or she became eligible for
Medicare, Part A or,

Restore TRICARE to
beneficiaries who become
enrolled in Medicare, Part B
after effective dates listed
above, as of the date of
enrollment in Medicare, Part B
on or before 5 December

Table 7.2. TRICARE for Life (TFL) Eligibility.

AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 89


Age 65 or older Retirees andeligible Use 1 October 2001 for beneficiaries
spouses. eligible for Medicare, Part A and
Entitled to Medicare, Part enrolled in Part B on or before 1
A; and, Unremarried former October 2001.
spouse (DB), survivors of
Enrolled in Medicare, Part retired, active duty and Use date eligible for Medicare, part A
B. Guard and Reserve and enrolled in Part B for
deceased members beneficiaries who turn age 65 after 1
October 2001. This date will
normally be the first day of the 65 th
birth month.

For beneficiaries who become

eligible for Medicare, Part A after age
65, use the date he or she
subsequently enrolled in Medicare,
Part B.

Note: To be eligible for TRICARE

for Life, Medicare eligible
beneficiaries must have Medicare,
Part A and Part B.
7.2. Documentation Required. If enrolled in DEERS, require a copy of the Medicare Card
provided by the SSA that reflects eligibility to Medicare, Parts A and B. If not enrolled in
DEERS, see Attachment 5 for basic documentation required, in addition to documentation from
the SSA.
7.3. Date of Termination. Termination date in DEERS/RAPIDS is the last day of the month
prior to the birthday month; however, if the birthday falls on the first day of the month, then
Medicare starts on the first of the preceding month and the termination date is the last day of the
month prior to the month that Medicare started (e.g., date of birth is 1 December, expiration date
is 31 October). TRICARE for Life eligible will have an indefinite indicator in the Civilian
Health benefits tab in RAPIDS and the expiration date reflected on the ID card will reflect the
date of expiration of the ID card. (Generally, the ID card will reflect indefinite for the retired
sponsor, and four years from issuance of the card for family members).
90 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Chapter 8



8.1. Sponsor Responsibilities. Table 8.1 lists the sponsors responsibilities concerning issue of
their family members ID cards, requirements for DEERS termination, retrieval requirements,
and DEERS enrollment. Note: Joint Service Marriage (JSM) Sponsor. Military members are
sponsors in their own right, and have the responsibility to report within 30 days any family
member additions or changes to DEERS. This also includes the DEERS enrollment of a military
spouse, active, National Guard, and reserve.

Table 8.1. Active, Retired, Guard and Reserve Sponsors Responsibilities.

1 Advise the nearest Uniformed Service issuing facility about any dependent additions
or changes to dependent data that affect DEERS enrollment and eligibility to a DD
Form 1173 or DD Form 1173-1 within 30 days of the addition or change. Sponsor
will sign DD Form 1172 application relating to DD Forms 1173 or 1173-1 to verify
continued eligibility for dependents upon ID card reissuance. Exception: When a
family member is age 75 or older the DD Form 1173, will reflect an indefinite card
expiration date. Note: VOs need to be aware of situations where beneficiaries may
not qualify for continuation of an ID card due to divorce or remarriage of widow,
widower, or unremarried former spouse (DB). Though not all inclusive, current and
future beneficiaries must still meet eligibility requirements as listed within this
2 Provide documentation to update the DEERS for dependents no longer entitled to
benefits and privileges within 30 days of the change, (for example, final divorce
decree, childs marriage certificate.). Note: If the sponsor fails to terminate an
ineligible dependent, and the dependent presents legal documentation, a termination
shall be accomplished.
3 Retrieve ID cards from dependents no longer eligible and surrendering the cards to the
nearest ID card issuing activity within 30 days of the loss of eligibility.
4 Ensure all addresses are kept current in DEERS. It is mandatory that all active duty,
Guard, and Reserve personnel update their residential address in DEERS within 30
days of a residential move. (Reference USD(P&R) memorandum, 10 October 1997,
Implementing Section 363 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity
Reconciliation Act of 1996). Note: Members in CONUS residing on military
installations in dormitories will provide their building number and room number as
their residential address. Service members, permanently assigned overseas, to a
vessel, or to routinely deployable units, or whose residential address the Service
Secretary determines should not be disclosed due to national security or safety
concerns, provide a duty address.
5 Provide family members SSN when enrolling in DEERS (see paragraphs 1.21. and
8.1.1. Active, Retired, Guard and Reserve Sponsors responsibilities:
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 91

8.1.2. Sponsor may not deny or revoke benefits and privileges, or issuance of an ID for an
eligible dependent without appropriate legal documentation as listed in Attachment 5. Emancipation of a dependent child under age 21 has no effect on the childs
entitlement to ID card benefits and privileges, if he or she is otherwise entitled. Refer to
Chapter 4. Note: Emancipation is a legal status conferring adulthood on a minor through
a judicial decree (see Attachment 1, Terms).
8.2. Sponsors Unable or Unwilling to Sign the DD Form 1172. When a sponsor is unable or
unwilling to sign the DD Form 1172, follow the steps reflected in Table 8.2 when processing
eligible dependents:

Table 8.2. Processing Procedures when Sponsor is Unable or Unwilling to Sign the DD
Form 1172.
1 Verify eligibility within DEERS or documentation and issue temporary ID card(s) for
30 days with appropriate benefits. Cross reference paragraphs 1.5.4, 2.4, and
Attachment 5.
2 Send a letter to the sponsor; enclosing a DD Form 1172 for the sponsors signature and
return (see Attachment 11).
3 Verify the DD Form 1172 and state in block 89, The member is unwilling or unable to
sign, if the sponsor does not respond in 30 days issue ID card with a new expiration
date per Attachment 4. Cite paragraph 8.2, to include legal documentation DD form
1172, block 89 as authority for enrolling or issuing the ID card(s) for eligible family
member(s). For legal documentation, e.g., court-order of paternity (see Attachment 5).
4 Extend benefits and privileges according to Attachment 2.
5 Extend privileges according to paragraph 16.1 to family members of Guard and
Reserve members who are unwilling or unable to sign. Cite paragraph 8.2 in block 89
as authority for issuing the ID cards.
6 Sign DD Form 1172 in block 90. Cite paragraph 8.2 in block 89 for issuing the ID
7 Update 1172 in DEERS
8 Batch process the DD Form 1172 to DSO according to paragraph 1.12.
8.3. Processing Procedures for Dependents Whos Eligibility is in Question . Do not verify
DD Form 1172. Refer the applicant to the installation legal office for clarification or resolution.
Exception: Refer Marine Corps dependents to the HQMC MRP-1 or MMSR-6, as appropriate.
8.4. Terminating or Revoking Dependents Eligibility for ID Cards. Table 8.3 reflects
categories of individuals who lose eligibility and when verifying officials should terminate
eligibility in DEERS:

Table 8.3. When to Terminate or Revoke a Dependents Eligibility for ID Cards.

92 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Spouse A final divorce, dissolution, annulment, or

death occurs. Exception: Do not terminate a
spouse when an interlocutory divorce or legal
separation occurs. ID card is issued in one
year increments. (See Attachment 1, Terms).
Stepchild The member and the childs natural parent
divorce, or the child marries, becomes a
sponsor, is adopted, or dies. The childs
relationship to the military stepparent ends
when his or her natural parent divorces the
Parent-in-law The military member divorces or the parent-in-
law has a change in his or her marital or
financial status. A military member and
nonmilitary spouse divorce.
Parent of a military member. His or her financial or marital status changes.
He or she remarries.
Dependent child who: The child marries, becomes an active military
a. Has not attained the age of 21; or, sponsor, or dies.
b. Has not attained the age of 23, is enrolled in
a full-time course of study at an institution of A childs marriage ends by final divorce decree
higher learning approved by the administering or annulment, their eligibility for benefits and
Secretary and is, or was at the time of the privileges may be reinstated if he or she meets
members or former members death, in fact the eligibility requirements for a dependent
dependent on the member or former member child.
for over one-of the childs support; or,
c. Is incapable of self-support because of a Note: Emancipation (a legal status conferring
mental or physical incapacity that occurs while adulthood on a minor through a judicial decree)
a dependent of a member or former member of a child under age 21 has no effect to
that occurs under a. or b. and is, or was at the terminate a childs entitlement to ID card
time of the member or former members death, benefits and privileges, if he or she is otherwise
in fact dependent on the member or former entitled to them.
member for over one-half of the childs
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 93

Dependent A sponsor is released from active duty,

discharged, or officially placed in desertion
status. Exception: Do not terminate eligibility
for a qualified, unremarried or unmarried
former spouse as paragraph 3.2 defines and for
those individuals in paragraphs 5.1, 5.3, 6.1,
6.4, 6.6. Note: Do not terminate eligibility of
family members when the sponsor is a Prisoner
of War (POW), Missing in Action (MIA), in an
absent without leave status (AWOL) or
unauthorized absence status. They remain
eligible for ID cards until the date the sponsor
is placed in deserter status.
Student No longer has enrolled full time in an
accredited institution of higher learning or the
sponsor no longer provides over 50 percent of
the childs support.
Former spouse He or she remarries.

A former spouse loses eligibility to Uniformed

Services medical care (MS and MC) when
enrolled in an employer-sponsored health plan.
Incapacitated Child Child marries, becomes self-supporting, or
sponsor no longer provides over 50 percent of
their support.
Widow or Widower He or she remarries.
8.4.1. Adopted Child. An adoptive child (by a non-military member) remains eligible for
medical care only. Refer to paragraph 4.1.1.
94 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Chapter 9


9.1. General Procedures. Take the actions reflected in Table 9.1 an individual is no longer
entitled to an ID card:

Table 9.1. Procedures for Retrieving and Replacing ID Cards.

1 Terminate eligibility in DEERS through on-line system.
2 Recover the ID card e.g., CAC.
3 If unable to retrieve voluntarily, if letters from the sponsor, members commander, or
issuing activity fail to retrieve the card, report the circumstances by letter or message to
the appropriate installation security authority of the military installation nearest the
unauthorized cardholders address. Also, send a copy of the letter or message to all
benefits and privileges facilities near the cardholders last known address. Provide
name of unauthorized card holder, description, date of birth, card expiration date, last
known address, reason why the individual is no longer entitled to the card, the
sponsors name, grade, branch of service, organization, and last known address.
4 Batch process the DD Form 1172 to DSO. If the DD Form 1172 has more than one
name, note the date the DD Form 1173s recovered and batch process to DSO (see
paragraph 1.13).
9.2. Special Procedures When Administrative or Judicial Action Has Occurred. Table 9.2
provides ID card procedures when an administrative or judicial action has occurred:

Table 9.2. Special Retrieval Procedures When an Administrative or Judicial Action Has
Administrative and Judicial The unit commander or designee retrieves ID cards from the
Action. members and dependents when he or she starts an administrative
or judicial action.

The unit commander or designee notifies dependents in writing

when they do not live with the sponsor, that they are no longer
entitled to full term DD Forms 1173 and requests the cards be
returned to the issuing activity.
Administrative and Judicial The issuing activity retrieves the CAC and dependent ID cards
Action (Continued) and reissues temporary ID cards to member and dependents with
an expiration date (90 days) of the start of administrative or
judicial action.

Reissue the cards for an additional 90-day increments or less, as

Courts-Martial Sponsors Issuing activity issues ID cards for member and dependents in 1-
and Eligible Family year increments.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 95

Do not terminate DEERS entitlements. Do not terminate
dependents in DEERS, even if their sponsors are past their date of
separation or expiration of term of service.
Civilian and Military Issuing activity verifies DD Form 1172 and issues ID cards to
Confinement dependents of members sentenced to civilian or military
confinement in 1-year increments, or less, as appropriate.

Service representatives retrieve and return ID cards to DMDC for

members assigned to DoD Regional Corrections Facilities. Refer
to Chapter 25 by contacting Service DEERS Project Office for
mailing instructions.

Do not terminate DEERS entitlements. Do not terminate

dependents in DEERS, even if their sponsors are past their date of
separation or expiration of term of service.

Issuing activity updates sponsor status in DEERS to reflect

prisoner/appellate leave (PR/APL) while in confinement or on
appellate leave conditions.
Absence Without Leave Sponsor and family members retain medical benefits and
(AWOL), Prisoner of War shopping privileges. Do not terminate DEERS entitlements.
(POW), Missing In Action Reference paragraphs 8.3, 8.4, and Table 8.3, and Notes listed in
(MIA) Table 8.3.
Deserter Sponsor and family members lose medical benefits and shopping
privileges. Terminate DEERS entitlements. Reference paragraph
15.5 and Table 15.2, and paragraph 15.6 and Table 15.3.
9.3. Retrieving and Disposing of ID Cards for Members Assigned to DoD Regional
Correctional Facilities. The Service representatives in Table 9.3 retrieve and dispose of ID
cards for members assigned to DoD Regional Correctional Facilities. Exception: Common
Access Cards (CACs) are not disposed. See paragraph 11.3 for CAC mailing instructions.

Table 9.3. Uniformed Service Representatives for Retrieving and Disposing of ID Cards
for Members Assigned to DoD Regional Correctional Facilities.
Army and Navy Correctional facility personnel retrieve and store prisoners
ID card with personal effects.
Marine Corps Correctional facility or command personnel retrieve and
store prisoners ID card with personal effects.
Air Force HQ AFSFC retrieves prisoners ID card.
HQ AFSFC/SFCI accomplishes this for post-trial members.
9.4. Appellate Leave and parole. Issue ID cards to members on appellate leave or parole and
their eligible dependents in 1-year increments, or less, as appropriate, for members approved for
release on parole by the parent Service. Note: Members on appellate leave or parole are eligible
for the CAC. Refer to paragraph 11.7.3.
96 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

9.4.1. Do not terminate DEERS entitlements. Do not terminate dependents in DEERS, even
if their sponsors are past their date of separation (DOS) or expiration of term of service
9.4.2. Update sponsor status block in DEERS as Prisoner or Appellate Leave. Table 9.4
provides ID card processing information for the Services:

Table 9.4. Uniformed Services Processing Procedures for Members on Parole or Excess
Leave and their Eligible Dependents.
Army Issuing activities will contact the facility where
the individual was confined to determine length
of issue for ID cards.
Navy and Marine Corps Issuing activities will contact the Navy and
Marine Corps Appellate Leave Activity
(NAMALA), commercial (202) 685-0100,
DSN 325-0100, to verify the members
appellate leave status and to obtain a control
number, and card expiration date. Issue ID
card 1-year increment, or less, as appropriate.

Enter the control number in block 89 of DD

Form 1172.

Verify the appellate leave address.

Forward a copy of the DD 1172 to NAMALA

for each issuance or reissuance. The address
for NAMALA is Washington Navy Yard,
Bldg. 111, 901 M Street SE, Washington DC
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 97

Air Force The members unit issues the AF Form 988,

Leave Request/Authorization, when the
member is released on excess leave awaiting
appellate review.

For members released on parole by the Air

Force Personnel Council issue an AF Form
899, Request and Authorization for Permanent
Change of Station - Military, transferring
member to parole status.

Issue ID cards to members and eligible

dependents in 1-year increments, or less, as

Provide a copy of the DD Form 1172 to the

members unit personnel records custodian for
filing. Use this procedure until the appellate
review process is completed and the discharge
is executed.

HQ AFSFC/SFCI, (210) 925-5609 provides the

AF Forms 899 and 988 to Air Force inmates
transferred to the Air Force Correction System
when the member is released on excess leave
awaiting appellate review and approved for
release on parole.
Coast Guard The Commanding Officer will ensure both the
member and dependents surrender their ID
cards and provide them replacement ID cards
with a 1-year expiration date.

Reissue on a semi-annual basis for as long as

the member is on appellate leave.
98 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Chapter 10


10.1. RAPIDS. Beginning mid-1997, RAPIDS began using rules based methodology which
automates entitlement policy specified in public law, and implements regulations and directives.
This methodology:
10.1.1. Takes entitlement decisions out of the hands of local ID card Verifying Officials
10.1.2. Provides a standard Graphical User Interface (GUI) environment for entitlement
verification and ID card issue.
10.1.3. Furnishes robust Help Screens to support day-to-day customer service operations.
10.2. Specialized Functionality and Platforms for RAPIDS. RAPIDS consist of software and
hardware components used to update DEERS and issue machine-readable ID cards and DD
Forms 1172 as prescribed by this instruction. Table 10.1. provides information concerning
functionality and platforms for RAPIDS:

Table 10.1. Specialized Functionality and Platforms for RAPIDS.

Desk Top RAPIDS Functionality used at established issuing
activities. Workstation and host server
hardware communicates on-line to DEERS.
High Volume/Common Access Card Central Functionality used at recruit training centers
Issuance Requesting Station (HV/CACCIRS) and Service Academies requiring a high
volume of transactions in a restricted time
frame. A workstation/server hardware
configuration is used to communicate on-line
with DEERS.
Deployable RAPIDS Functionality used at non-established issuing
activities as either a stand-alone system in
austere environments with no network
communications, or on-line mode to DEERS.
Deployable workstation hardware
configuration does not require a server to
communicate with DEERS. The stand-alone
mode limits ID card issuance to active duty,
reserve, and emergency essential personnel,
and provides a transaction download capability
to update DEERS. Deployable RAPIDS is
used on Navy ships, (referred to as Shipboard
10.3. Qualifying Requirements and Responsibilities for SSM, SVO, and
VO/LRA. RAPIDS end-users are: Site Security Manager (SSM), Super Verifying Official
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 99

(SVO), Verifying/Issuing Official/Local Registration Authority (VO/IO/LRA), and Service

Project Officers (SPOs).
10.3.1. RAPIDS end-users must be a U.S. citizen in order to issue Public Key Infrastructure
(PKI) certificates for the Common Access Card (CAC) in accordance with DoD Instruction
8500.2, Information Assurance (IA) Implementation, February 6, 2003.
10.3.2. Local commanders or their authorized designee shall assign individuals to serve as a
SSM, SVO, VO/IO/LRA. Refer to Attachment 1, Terms.
10.4. RAPIDS End-User Responsibilities. All ID card issuing activities that have RAPIDS
equipment must comply with guidance outlined in system user documentation issued by the
DMDC Personnel Identity Protection Solutions listed at the DMDC web site
10.4.1. Access to RAPIDS is limited to end-users who are in compliance with the security
requirements outlined in the DoD Personnel Security Regulation, DoD 5200.2R and X.509
Certificate Policy for DoD. Military members, DoD Civilian employees, and contractor
personnel must all meet the security requirements as indicated below:
10.4.2. U.S citizens who serve in the U.S military or are employed as DoD contractors
requires a National Agency Check with Inquiries (NACI).
10.4.3. U.S. citizens who serve as DoD civilian employees require a National Agency Check
with Inquiries (NACI).
10.4.4. Never relieved of Certification Authority (CA), Registration Authority (RA), Local
Registration Authority (LRA), DEERS roles or Communication Security (COMSEC)
custodian duties for reasons or negligence or non-performance of duties.
10.4.5. Never denied a security clearance, or had a security clearance revoked.
10.4.6. Never convicted of a felony offense.
10.5. RAPIDS Training. RAPIDS end-users follow the instructions reflected in the RAPIDS
Training Guide. SVOs will follow the RAPIDS User Guide when producing reports. (Reference
paragraph 10.13.1)
10.5.1. RAPIDS Equipment Relocation Policy. The DMDC Personnel Identity Protection
Solutions (formerly Access Card Office) located in Arlington VA is the DoD Executive
Agent for RAPIDS. DMDC provides specific guidelines in the RAPIDS Training Guide for
moving RAPIDS equipment, including associated hardware and software:
10.5.2. Only authorized DMDC contractors may move the RAPIDS equipment. Exception:
A self-help relocation may be approved by DMDC. Follow the procedures reflected in Table
10.2 when requesting relocation of RAPIDS equipment:

Table 10.2. RAPIDS Equipment Relocation Policy.

Contractor Relocation Authorized by DMDC Submit a request 120 days in advance with a
DD Form 448, Military Interdepartmental
Purchase Request, (contained in the RAPIDS
Users Guide or User Manual for RAPIDS, to
100 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

the (active, Guard, Reserve, or appropriate)

Uniformed Services Project Office (SPO) for
coordination or approval.

Upon approval, the (SPO) will forward the

request to DMDC for review and action.
Self-Help Relocation by RAPIDS Site Submit a request for a self-help relocation
move to the (active, Guard, or Reserve, as
appropriate) SPO. A DD Form 448 is not

The SPO will forward the request to DMDC

for review and action.
10.6. Reimbursement for Unauthorized Relocation. RAPIDS sites will reimburse the DMDC
for any equipment damage, repairs, and labor costs incurred by an unauthorized move. See
paragraph 10.4.
10.7. Off-line Processing to DEERS. Off-line communication processing on a RAPIDS
terminal is not authorized. Note: RAPIDS will not allow off-line processing if DEERS access is
unavailable. The VO will receive the RAPIDS application option for on-line communication
connection to DEERS. Refer to RAPIDS User Guide for off-line processing capabilities,
limitations, and restrictions.
10.7.1. Shipboard RAPIDS off-line processing may be authorized when communication with
DEERS is unavailable; however, this action requires SPO and DMDC approval. When off-
line transactions are processed, transactions must be transmitted to DEERS as soon as
communication is reestablished.
10.7.2. Deployable RAPIDS off-line processing may be authorized when communication
with DEERS is unavailable; however this action requires SPO and DMDC approval. When
off-line transactions are processed, transactions must be transmitted to DEERS as soon as
communication is established.
10.8. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). RAPIDS server and remote sites will
establish written procedures to identify RAPIDS responsibilities. Table 10.3 provides server and
remote site responsibilities.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 101

Table 10.3. Responsibilities of RAPIDS Server and Remote Sites.

Host Server Sites will: Will coordinate with remote site or sites on
operating schedules and planned system

Will maintain a Memorandum of

Understanding (MOU) agreement on file.

Will notify remote site or sites when

unscheduled disruptions occur and work with
them to reestablish processing and
communications links.

Will download RAPIDS software and notify

the remote site or sites of the upgrade.

Will ensure remote site or sites receives new

users guides and DEERS/RAPIDS briefs.

Will notify remote site or sites before audit

trails are archived, other than the first day of
the month.

Will notify remote site or sites before office is

closed due to official functions.
Remote Sites will: Will coordinate workstation operating
schedules with server site.

Will inform server site when ID card

production will not be in use.

When communications fail, verify local

communication connectivity before contacting
the server site for assistance.
10.8.1. Server and remote site or sites can include additional responsibilities, if both parties
are in agreement (see Attachment 24 for sample memorandum).
10.9. RAPIDS Hardware and Software Support Centers. The DMDC Support Center (DSC)
provides CONUS and OCONUS users a single point of contact for hardware or software
problems. Location and hours of operation for RAPIDS support centers are listed in Table 10.4.
Note: Contact the SPO if the problem is not resolved after 24 hours.

Table 10.4. DMDC Support Center (DSC).

102 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Worldwide Call the DSC for assistance by dialing 1-800-3-RAPIDS (1-800-

372-7437 or DSN 698-5000). The DSC is open 24x7x365.
10.10. Adding, Changing, or Deleting SSMs, SVOs, and VOs/LRAs in RAPIDS.
10.10.1. Requests for SSM privileges must be forwarded and approved by the appropriate
SPOs. Forwarding by and request for the SSM privileges will be acknowledged by the SPO
that they have verified with the appropriate command security officer that appropriate vetting
procedures and verifications were accomplished prior to the request being made. SSMs will
not be approved unless a NACI has been completed with no adverse results.
10.10.2. SSMs have the responsibility for ensuring that they have verified with the
appropriate command security officer that the appropriate vetting for any VO/LRA for whom
they request privileges has been initiated. Receipt of the request, signed by the SSM, will be
acknowledgement and verification that this has occurred. Note: New RAPIDS end-users
will have a NACI initiated prior to receiving VO, SVO, or SSM privileges.
10.11. RAPIDS Security . RAPIDS users will comply with the security requirements
identified in the Information Security Policy for RAPIDS, dated 16 December 1999.
10.11.1. Personnel Security. Foreign National access to Automated Information Systems
must be approved. Specific guidance may be provided in Service-specific regulations such
as Army Regulation 380-19 or by DoD Directive 5200.28.
10.11.2. Granting of LRA privileges requires no less than an Automated Data Processing
(ADP) II clearance. DoDD 5200.2 specifies IT II requirement for issuing DoD certificates.
10.11.3. Attention to and enforcement of appropriate security practices must be adhered to
and implemented at all levels of RAPIDS administration and operation. Failure to do so
compromise both physical and logical access to all DoD assets; resulting in loss of RAPIDS
ID card issuing privileges and termination of operations by DMDC.
10.11.4. Possession of CAC establishes an individuals identity and affiliation with the DoD
and allows access to both physical and logical assets. DoDD 8500.2, paragraph,
Head of DoD Components shall ensure that access to all DoD information systems and to
specified types of information (e.g., intelligence, proprietary) under their purview is granted
only on a need to know basis according to DoDD 8500.1, and that all personnel having
access are appropriately cleared or qualified under the provisions of DoD 5200.2.
10.11.5. In accordance with USC Title 18, Section 499, whoever falsely makes, forges,
counterfeits, alters or tampers with any navel, military or official pass or permit, issued by or
under the authority of the United States, or with intent to defraud uses or possesses any such
pass or permit, or personates or falsely represents himself to be or not to be a person to whom
such pass or permit has been duly issued, or willfully allows any other person to have or use
any such pass or permit, issued for his use alone, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned
not more than five years or both.
10.11.6. Sharing of CAC, Personal Identification Number (PIN), or biometric information is
prohibited. This includes sharing access to RAPIDS via logon or password, and is
punishable according to USC Title 18, Section 499.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 103

10.11.7. Physical Security. Physical access to the RAPIDS computer equipment shall be
restricted to authorized users and the equipment protected in accordance with standard
procedures for protecting expensive, pilferable consumer electronic products. Use of
RAPIDS for other than official business, particularly access and downloading software
programs from the internet containing malicious code or surfing inappropriate web sites is a
serious security risk to networks and network devices. Use of RAPIDS as with any DoD
system, constitutes consent to monitoring. Note: Evidence of misuse collected during
monitoring may be used for administrative, criminal, or adverse actions. Unauthorized or
fraudulent use of this system may result in fines or imprisonment, or both as prescribed by 18
U.S.C. 499, 506, 509, 701, and 1001.
10.12. Disposition of RAPIDS Equipment Due to a Natural Disaster . Protect the
equipment as well as possible without moving it (time permitting) when a natural disaster occurs.
DMDC will replace the equipment if damage occurs. If it is necessary to move the equipment
and time permits, notify the Service Project Office (see paragraph 25.1). Note: Ensure RAPIDS
is included in the installations disaster recovery plan. This requirement is explained in paragraph 4.5
of the RAPIDS Appendix S, Security Standing Operating Procedures.
10.13. Review and Deletion of Report Data. The SVO should delete Report Data that is over
90 days old via the SVO Tools menu. Failure to do so can impact processing speed and take up
memory affecting the workstations attached to the RAPIDS server. (See RAPIDS User Guide,
SVO Functions). Note: Maintaining physical or electronic report copies are recommended.
Destroy or delete report data information after usage.
10.13.1. RAPIDS Audit Trail Reports. There are four reports: (1) Error, (2) ID Card, (3)
Periodic Summary, and (4) Transaction. These reports are to be used by the SVO and SSM
as an administration tool to ensure compliance with established instructions for RAPIDS
transactions and ID card issuance.
10.14. RAPIDS Hardware Custody and Accountability. DMDC maintains custody and
accountability of RAPIDS hardware and related supporting software. Note: RAPIDS facilities
are custodians of DMDC hardware/software assets by controlling, supervising, and managing the
property in their care as listed in DoDI 5000.64, Accountability and Management of DoD -
Owned Equipment and Other Accountable Property.
10.14.1. RAPIDS facilities are responsible for physical security and must maintain the
RAPIDS platform as provided. DMDC prohibits altering of RAIDS hardware configurations
and software modifications, including, placing alternative boot/reboot media or connecting
non-approved external storage media devices, and unauthorized moving of equipment. Note:
RAPIDS facilities who fail to follow published guidance and inventory is lost, stolen,
damaged, or misplaced are responsible for replacement costs to DMDC.
10.15. Privacy Act Statement (PAS). Each RAPIDS workstation must display the PAS and the
VO/SVO/SSM must refer customers to review this statement prior to electronically signing the
DD Forms 1172, 1172-2, 2841, and 2842.
104 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Chapter 11


11.1. Chief, Issuing Activity will designate verifying and issuing officials following the grade
restrictions in Attachment 1, Terms, Issuing/Verifying Official.
11.2. Forms Supply. The chief of the issuing activity or a designated alternate is the authorized
customer account representative for requesting card stock and laminate, including emergency
requirements, through publication distribution channels.
11.2.1. RAPIDS Inventory Logistics Portal (ILP). The RAPIDS SSM is responsible for
CAC inventory management and administration within the ILP.
11.3. Storage and Destruction. Maintain machine-readable (Teslin) card stock and laminate,
and CAC stock and related consumables not in use under lock when office is closed. Destroy all
recovered Teslin cards, error-in RAPIDS processing cards, and non-authorized ID cards by
shredding or cutting. Note: Do not destroy, shred, or cut CACs.
11.3.1. There is 100 percent accountability at RAPIDS sites for CACs. All recovered CACs
are accounted for by the DMDC. RAPIDS sites must return recovered CACs by FedEx using
the DEERS/RAPIDS account number listed in the CAC return instructions listed on the
VOIS web site: https://www.dmdc.osd.mil/vois.owa.vois, under the Consumables Tab.
Note: RAPIDS sites will not incur FedEx shipping costs for recovered CACs as this is paid
for by the DMDC.
11.3.2. The Contractor Verification System (CVS) Trusted Agent Security Managers or
Trusted Agents (TASMs or TAs) will collect returned CACs and send to the nearest RAPIDS
SSM for shipment to the DMDC.
11.4. Logs. Issuing activities for machine-readable cards are not required to maintain logs to
account for blank cards or ID cards that are destroyed, surrendered, or confiscated. Security is
maintained through the DEERS and RAPIDS system by linking the SSN of the sponsor to the
type of card issued. Although it is not visible to the user, a 4-digit alpha-numeric security code is
maintained in the DEERS database. Note: See paragraph 19.25 for forms accountability for
manually prepared card for the Army, paragraph 21.12 for the Air Force and paragraph 22.11 for
Marine Corps and Navy. Pass and Registration is the issuing activity for manually prepared
cards for the Air Force (paragraph 21.10).
11.5. Identification of Applicants and Review of DD Form 1172. Table 11.1 provides
procedures to ensure only valid applicants receive ID cards.

Table 11.1. Identification of Applicants and Review of DD Form 1172.

1 Upon presentation of completed, signed DD Form 1172, request personal identification
with a photograph; Refer to Attachment 20, Department of Homeland Security (see
attached Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification) and Lists of Acceptable
Documents in reference to identity proofing for DEERS enrollment, eligibility, and ID
card issuance purposes. (See paragraphs 1.5.4, 2.4, Table 2.4, paragraph 8.2, Table 8.2
and Attachment 5, Note 8). If enrolled in DEERS, have applicant provide information
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 105

such as names of dependents and their dates of birth, their own date of birth, address,
and cross-check information in DEERS. Note: RAPIDS biometric verification may be
used for lost or stolen ID as proof of identity if a previous photograph is available in
2 Contact the activity verifying the DD Form 1172 for questions regarding an applicants
3 Return any DD Form 1172 verified more than 90 days before presentation to the issuing
4 Correct obvious errors on DD Form 1172 concerning eye color, hair color, weight, and
5 Resolve all other questionable data with the verifying official.
6 Mail all DD Forms 1172 to DMDC, Attn DD Form 1172 Scan, 400 Gigling Road,
Seaside CA 93955. Note: Mail separately to the same address, all DD Forms 1172-2 to
DMDC, Attn DD Form 1172-2 Scan.
11.6. Issuing Procedures for Applicants Who Report in Person (Machine-readable and
Manually prepared Cards). The procedures in Table 11.2 apply when issuing ID cards to
applicants who report in person:

Table 11.2. Issuing Procedures for Applicants Who Report in Person (Machine-readable
and Manually prepared Cards).
1 Retrieve any superseded ID card before issuing a new one. Document destruction of
manually prepared cards.
2 Complete all entries on ID cards by using the RAPIDS software or computerized
applications. Use applicable codes and abbreviations. Do not use erasures or
3 Block out any preprinted privileges that appear on the manual card that the cardholder is
not entitled to according to this instruction.
11.6.1. Do not over-stamp or overtype except for the conditions in paragraph 1.9. Note: No
waivers are authorized.
11.6.2. Do not alter benefits or include unauthorized comments on ID cards to restrict
driving privileges or access to installations, commissaries, exchanges, or other facilities.
11.6.3. Do not obliterate any identifying information on the ID card by over-stamping or
11.6.4. Nothing is to be placed between the laminate and the card stock, except the
placement of the photograph on the manually prepared card.
11.6.5. ID cards must not have holes punched in them.
11.6.6. No stickers, or other adhesive materials are to be placed on either side of the
identification card.
11.6.7. Insertion of materials between the card stock and the laminate is prohibited.
106 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

11.7. Photographs - General Guidance. All DoD identification cards will contain a
photograph. The following provides general guidance concerning photographs for both the
machine-readable CAC and Teslin ID cards, and manually prepared cards:
11.7.1. Individuals will poise with a frontal, full-face (passport-type) photo shot. Head
covering is acceptable for medical and religious reasons provided that the face is in full view.
11.7.2. Military personnel may be photographed while wearing uniform or civilian clothes
(reference paragraphs 11.7.3 and 11.7.4).
11.7.3. Active duty, Selected Reserve and Participating IRR members in uniform must
comply with Service grooming standards. Note: Active duty, Selected Reserve, and
Participating IRR members must also be within Service dress and appearance standards when
in uniform. This also applies to members who are on appellate leave. Refer to paragraph
11.7.4. Nonparticipating Reserve members (IRR, Standby, and Retired Reserve awaiting pay
at age 60) do not have to be within Service dress and grooming standards, when issued the
DD Form 2 (Reserve).
11.7.5. Photographs will have no title board visible, clothing that is visible must be a neutral
tone such as gray, black, or white and have no discernible words, effects, or designs. Photographs must have a plain background without unit designations, motifs, or
flag displays; white is recommended, light shades of neutrals may be used in lieu of
white. Note: Anything other than the authorized background will render the card
11.8. Photographs for Machine-readable CAC and Teslin ID Cards. The following
provides specific guidance concerning photographs for the machine-readable cards. The
RAPIDS system will apply a digitized, full-face passport-type photograph. No title board is
11.8.1. Military personnel may be photographed in uniform or civilian clothes. Individuals
will poise with a frontal, full-face (passport-type) photo shot
11.8.2. Position the applicant between 3 and 5 feet from the camera (optimal distance is 4
11.8.3. Fill the entire white area on the card stock with the applicants face.
11.8.4. Cut photo off just below shoulders when in military clothing so insignia, badges, and
emblems are not visible.
11.8.5. Requests for ID cards by mail for the machine-readable ID card require an 8x10 or
5x7 portrait type photograph with signature notarized on the back and characteristics listed.
For example, weight, height, eye color, hair color (see table 11.4).
11.9. Photographs for Manually Prepared ID Cards. The following provides specific
guidance concerning photographs for the manually prepared ID cards. The manually-prepared
card shall have a full-face passport-type, photograph affixed to the obverse side.
11.9.1. Military personnel may be photographed in uniform or civilian clothes. Individuals
will poise with a frontal, full-face (passport-type) photo shot.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 107

11.9.2. A title board must cover the clothing when issuing ID cards to military personnel and
must note only the subjects last name, first name, and middle initial.
11.9.3. To use photographs from superseded ID cards, get approval from the chief of the
issuing activity.
11.10. Signature on DD Forms 1173. The following applies to obtaining signatures on
completed DD Forms 1173.
11.10.1. Have applicant sign the card and DD Form 1172. Enter INCAP," INFANT or UNABLE to SIGN as appropriate.
11.11. Completion of Manually Prepared ID Cards. Table 11.3 provides guidance for the
completion of manually prepared ID cards.

Table 11.3. Completion of Manually Prepared ID Cards.

1 The issuing official signs the ID card when the card shows all required data. A stamped
signature element may be used, but do not use facsimile signature stamps.
2 Laminate the card between two sheets of plastic.
Do not double laminate the ID card. When a card is returned because it is frayed or the
sheets of lamination are beginning to separate, reissue a new card unless the laminating
equipment can fix it without adding new sheets of plastic.
3 Complete the DD Form 1172, section V, to show issue of the card.
4 Record the issue of the manually prepared card in a log which will include but is not
limited to the installation name, ID card serial number, the name and SSN of the
individual to whom the card was issued, and the name and SSN of sponsor and
verifying official. (Example: On AF Form 335, Issuance Record -- Accountability
Identification Card; CG 3133, Record of Identification Cards Issued).
11.12. Issuing Procedures for Applicants Who Cannot Report In Person, Machine-
readable ID Card. Verification of circumstances may be required. The following are examples
of persons who may be unable to report to the place of issue to obtain a machine-readable ID
11.12.1. Who live far from a military facility. Are physically handicapped. Have no means of transportation. Are hospitalized or sick.
11.12.2. Take the steps reflected in Table 11.4, Attachment 5, paragraphs A5.1.1 - A5.1.2,
and Attachment 20 when issuing machine-readable ID card mail-in requests:

Table 11.4. Issuing Machine-readable ID Cards for Mail-in Requests.

1 Applicant provides an 8x10 or 5x7 portrait type photograph, including information
of physical characteristics (i.e., eyes and hair color, weight, and height). A notary must
108 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

verify the applicants signature on a written statement concerning his or her identity.
Instances of medical impairment, a statement from an attending physician is acceptable.
2 Use the RAPIDS camera to capture proper size photograph upon receipt.
3 Complete all entries on the ID card, except applicants signature.
4 Send ID card to applicant by certified mail for signature.
5 Applicant signs the proper block on the ID card and return to the issuing office. Note:
Enter INCAP when the individual cannot sign because of a mental or physical
6 Applicant must return the card to the issuing activity. The issuing activity will laminate
the card and return to the applicant by certified mail.
7 Establish local procedures to ensure applicant has received the ID card.
11.12.3. The next higher authority reviews each disapproved mail-in request.
11.13. Mail-In Addresses for Sponsors and Dependents Residing CONUS. CONUS
requests are processed to the nearest ID card issuing facility. Applicants should contact the
issuing facility by letter or telephone or web RAPIDS locator at http://www.dmdc.osd.mil/rsl.
11.13.1. Mail-In Addresses for Sponsors and Dependents Residing OCONUS. See Table
11.5 for addresses for mail-in requests for sponsors and dependents residing in Europe, Far
East and the Philippines.

Table 11.5. OCONUS Uniformed Services Addresses for Mail-in Requests.

NAVY (sponsors and dependents residing in Forward photograph as paragraph 11.8
the Philippines, South America and Canada). prescribes to the Naval Reserve Personnel
Center (NRPC), 5722 Integrity Drive, Building
239, Millington TN 38054. Telephone
Number: 1-866-250-4778.
MARINE CORPS Forward photograph as paragraph 11.8
prescribes to Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps
(MMSR-6), 3280 Russell Road, Quantico, VA
22134-5103 for Retirees and eligible

For all others use: Headquarters U.S. Marine

Corps, Manpower & Reserve Affairs (MRP-1),
3280 Russell Road, Quantico, VA 22134-5103.
AIR FORCE (sponsors and dependents Central Europe: 86 MSS/DPMPS, Unit 3220,
residing in Europe or the Far East) Box 405, APO AE 09094; or 86 MSS/DPMPS,
Geb 2106, Flugplatz, 66877 Ramstein-
Miesenbach, Germany.
Mediterranean Area: 31 MSS/DPMP, Unit
6125, Box 85, APO AE 09601-2585 or 31
MSS/DPMP, Bldg 1403 Area F (Aereoporto),
Via Pordonone, 33081 Aviano Italy.
United Kingdom, 48 MSS/DPMP, Unit 5200,
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 109

Box 125, APO AE 09464-0125 or 48

MSS/DPMP, RAF Lakenheath, Brandon
Suffolk IP 279PN.
Far East: 18 MSS/DPMPS, PSC 80, Box
13535, APO AP 96367 or 36 MSS/DPMPS,
Unit 14001, Box 11, APO AP 96543-4001.
AFPC Contact Center: 1-800-616-3775 or
DSN 665-5000.
ARMY (sponsors and dependents residing in CMDR 25 ID(L) & USARHAW, Attn:
the Far East) APVG-PA-NPD-PD, (Mail Stop - 412 FS), Ft
Shafter, HI 96858-5000.
COAST GUARD (All mail-in requests) Commanding Officer (RAS), Personnel
Service Center (PSC), (785) 339-3441. 444 SE
Quincy Street, Topeka, Kansas 66683-3591.
Note: Residents of South America and Canada should go to the RAPIDS locator web site at:
http//www.dmdc.osd.mil/rsl to find the closest location of uniformed Service, and contact the
RAPIDS site for local mail-in procedures. Exception: See Table 11.5 for Navy members.
11.14. Fingerprints for Mail-in Processing. All uniformed Services have the requirement to
gather fingerprints from personnel in a pay or annuity status (see paragraph 1.27). Since there is
no method to collect fingerprints when processing a mail-in request, inform the applicant the
next time they are in the proximity of an issuing facility to have their fingerprint captured and ID
card issued.
110 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Chapter 12



12.1. General Information. The Department of Defense (DoD) provides members of the DoD
Components and the Uniformed Services with a distinct identity card, the Common Access Card
(CAC). It is the identification card for Uniformed Services personnel, to include Active Duty,
the National Guard, Selected Reserves, and Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) members in a
training capacity, and DoD civilian employees, eligible non-DoD civilian employees of other
Federal Agencies, State Employees of the National Guard, eligible contractor personnel, and
other eligible recipients as approved by USD (P&R). Note: The CAC replaces the former DD
Form 2 (Active), referenced in this chapter as the green card, to members of the Uniformed
Services on active duty for 31 or more consecutive days, to United States (US) Service
Academies cadets, midshipmen, and Coast Guard cadets. Information within this chapter will
remain in effect until such time as the manually prepared and machine readable (Teslin) cards
are no longer authorized for publishing.
12.1.1. The CAC identifies recipients applicable Uniformed Services benefits and
privileges; will be used for physical access to buildings, facilities, installations and controlled
spaces; serves as the primary platform for logical access by Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
authentication token in the unclassified environment used to access the Departments
computer networks and systems.
12.1.2. The CAC is only available as generated by the Real-time Automated Personnel
Identification System (RAPIDS), an application of the Defense Enrollment Eligibility
Reporting System (DEERS).
12.2. Individual Responsibility. The card is the property of the U.S. Government, and shall be
in the personal custody of the member at all times. The CAC surface shall not be amended,
modified, or overprinted by any means. No stickers or other adhesive materials shall be placed
on either side of the CAC. No holes shall be punched into the CAC. The chip or laminate shall
not be removed or insertion of materials between the card stock and the laminate is prohibited;
doing so would be considered defacing the CAC. Defacing the CAC will affect the validity of
the CAC and its applications. Note: Individuals shall be issued a separate CAC or identification
(ID) card in each category for which they qualify. Possession of a duplicate CAC or ID card in
the same category is prohibited.
12.2.1. The CAC is worn on the front of a body, displayed above the waist and below the
neck in accordance with DoD 5200.1 and Service specific instructions.
12.2.2. It shall serve as the Geneva Conventions Card under Article 17 and/or an
identification and privilege card, as appropriate, for eligible categories. Relative to the
Treatment of Prisoners of War of August 12, 1949. The CAC is the property of the U.S.
Government, shall be in the personal custody of the member at all times. Note: Provide and
explain to the CAC recipient that their electronic signature on the DD Form 2842, Subscriber
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 111

Certificate Acceptance and Acknowledgement of Responsibilities acknowledges reading and

accepting their responsibilities and obligations as stated.
12.2.3. The green DD Form 2 (Active) (manually prepared card) will only be issued in
instances where communication to DEERS is unavailable. The expiration date shall be
established for 90 days or less.
12.2.4. The CAC and the DD Form 2 (Active) also serves as ID for purposes of Article 17 of
the Geneva Convention Exception: See paragraph 12.5.
12.3. How to Apply for the Machine-readable ID Card. The applicant contacts the nearest
issuing activity for verification and issue of the ID card and follows Service dress and grooming
requirements. Completion of a DD Form 1172 is not required since there is no requirement to
file the application; however, the DD Form 2842 is required. Exception: See paragraph 21.14.
12.4. When to Issue, Reissue or Renew the CAC or DD Form 2 (Active): Issue the CAC (or
when network communications are off-line to DEERS, the DD Form 2 (Active)) to members of
the Uniformed Services on active duty for 31 consecutive days or more to US Service
Academies cadets, midshipmen and Coast Guard cadets. Note: Issue the CAC to Reserve
members coming on active duty for 31 consecutive days or more, no earlier than 14 days in
advance. Reissue or renew as Table 12.1 reflects
12.4.1. Temporary CAC Issue. When there are no communications with the issuance portal,
or the DoD Certificate Authority (CA), a temporary CAC can be issued with an abbreviated
expiration date for a maximum of 280 days. The temporary card will not have a chip, nor
will it have PKI certificates.

Table 12.1. Conditions for Issue, Reissue or Renewal of the CAC or DD Form 2 (Active).
1 To show a change in expiration date. Do not issue new ID cards to show a change in
expiration dates to members who sign an extension to their current enlistments until
their terms of service expire and they enter the extension. Exception: The issuing
authority may issue a new ID card to a member whose extensions would take effect
while on TDY involving contingency operations or when a member enters the
extension over a holiday, a weekend or other non duty days that conflict with normal
reenlistment schedule.
2 To replace an ID card for a separating person going on terminal leave and possessing
an ID card valid beyond the DOS.
3 To show a change in grade on promotion or demotion to or from any grade above E-3
and E-4 for Air Force members.
4 To replace a lost, stolen, mutilated or destroyed ID card. Note: RAPIDS biometric
verification may be used for lost or stolen ID as proof of identity if a previous
photograph is available in DEERS.
5 To correct an error.
6 To change data that reduces the cards identification value, e.g. name change.
7 To show a significant change in facial features.
12.5. When to Surrender the CAC or DD Form 2 (Active). An individual surrenders the
green card when one of the conditions reflected in Table 12.2 occurs:
112 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Table 12.2. Conditions for Surrendering the CAC or DD Form 2 (Active).

1 It is replaced (except when lost or stolen).
2 It expires.
3 The military member is in confinement as sentenced by a judicial body (courts-
4 The sponsor dies, retires (refer to paragraph 14.3), discharged, released to inactive
duty, or Service/Agency affiliation changes, or CAC is expired. Note: All recoverable
CACs will be returned to the DMDC for accountability. Due to security assurance for
physical or logical access, the CAC cannot be released to a non-eligible bearer as the
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) credentials may be used for unauthorized access to
Federally controlled government facilities or electronic access to government
information systems. Exception: Upon request, next of kin may obtain the CAC for
an individual who has perished in the line of duty. All CACs provided to next of kin
must be terminated, have the certificates revoked, and have a hole punched through the
integrate circuit chip (ICC) prior to release.

5 When no longer entitled to it.

6 A military authority requires it for identification or investigation.
12.6. How to Prepare the CAC or DD Form 2 (Active). Automated sites use RAPIDS to
prepare CAC since it is not a manual card. Note: Automation of the DD Form 2 (Active) is no
longer available through RAPIDS. Non-automated sites prepare the manual ID card according to
Table 12.3.

Table 12.3. Manual Preparation of the DD Form 2 (Active).

Photograph See paragraphs 11.7 through 11.9. Note: Military personnel may be
photographed in uniform or civilian clothes. Individuals will poise with
a frontal, full-face (passport-type) photo shot.
Grade Enter the official grade and rank in grade block as Attachment 3, blocks
6 and 7 reflects. Exception: See below.
Rank (Enlisted) Enter the official rank for all enlisted members except enter the
following for those in grades E-1 through E-3:
Army - Enter the official rank.
Navy - NON-PO.
Air Force - AMN.
Marine Corps - PVT-LCPL.
Coast Guard - NON-PO.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) - not
United States Public Health Service - not applicable.
Rank (Officer) Enter the exact rank in the grade block.
Expiration Date Enter the following expiration dates:
Indefinite for all officers except those on specified active duty (AD)
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 113

tours (expiration date is termination date reflected on AD orders).

The term of service expiration date for enlisted members.

The date specified on AD for Guard or Reserve personnel.

Four years from the issue date, for personnel ordered to duty for
mobilization or periods of AD without a designated tour ending date.
See Attachment 12.

The Retention Control Point (RCP) date as shown on the DD Form 4,

item 8b(5) for Army members in the rank of SSG-CSM (see paragraph
19.27); or if promoted to the next higher grade, expiration date should be
the RCP date IAW Army Regulation 601-280, Army Retention Program.
Social Security Enter SSN hyphenated between the third and fourth and between the
Number fifth and sixth digits. Do not enter the service or component code.
Blood Type Include RH factor.
Geneva Conventions Enter the appropriate category. See Attachment 13, column 1. For
Category example, if the individual is a captain or first lieutenant, show III.
114 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Chapter 13



13.1. General Information. This chapter describes the issue of the DD Form 2 (Reserve)
(Green) after June 1998, and DD Form 2 (Reserve Retired) (Red). The DD Form 2 Reserve
does not authorize medical benefits. The cards do authorize commissary, exchange and certain
morale, welfare, and recreation privileges as described in DoDI 1015.10, Program for Military
Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR), November 3, 1995, with Change 1. Note: The CAC
replaces the former DD Form 2 (Reserve) for members on active duty for more than 31 days or
assigned to the Selected Reserve Component. Members, who are assigned to the Individual
Ready Reserve (IRR), Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), Other Reserve Service
Component (RSVCC), and Retired Reserve, less than age 60 are not eligible for the CAC.
Information within this chapter will remain in effect until such time as the manually prepared
and machine readable (Teslin) cards are no longer authorized for publishing. See Terms on Dual
13.2. DD Form 2 (Reserve) . Issue the DD Form 2 Reserve to members of the Individual
Ready Reserve and the Standby Reserve not on active duty. Note: The card is the property of
the U.S. Government, and shall be in the personal custody of the member at all times. Members
being released from active duty with a Military Service Obligation (MSO) are part of the IRR
and will be issued the green Reserve ID cards. The DD Form 2 (Reserve) (Red) manually-
prepared card is valid until the expiration date and were not issued after May 1998.
13.2.1. VSI Eligible Members. Members with a reserve obligation incurred as a result of a
VSI separation remain eligible for a DD Form 2 Teslin ID card. Eligibility for VSI is based
on separation as reflected on the DD Form 214.
13.2.2. A child who is an eligible dependent of an active duty or retired member and is a
member of a Reserve Component is entitled to both a DD Form 1173 USIP card and a
Guard/Reserve ID credential provided they are not on active duty for 31 days or more
(Reference Chapter 15, paragraph 15.1.2).
13.3. DD Form 2 (Reserve Retired). Issue the DD Form 2 (Reserve Retired) to members of
the Retired Reserve and former members. See Attachment 1, Terms for gray area and former
member. These members have qualified for retired pay at age 60, but are not yet turned 60.
13.4. Honorary Retirees . Do not issue the DD Form 2 (Reserve) or DD Form 2 (Reserve
Retired) ID card to honorary retirees (see Attachment 1).
13.5. Delayed Enlistment Program (DEP). Members under the DEP are not entitled to the DD
Form 2 Reserve ID card or CAC. A copy of the enlistment contract and a picture ID are used to
gain access to MWR revenue-generating facilities.
13.6. Individual Responsibility. The CAC and DD Form 2 (Reserve) also serves as ID for
purposes of Article 17 of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War
of August 12, 1949. Note: The CAC surface shall not be amended, modified, or overprinted by
any means. No stickers or other adhesive materials shall be placed on either side of the CAC.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 115

No holes shall be punched into the CAC. The chip or laminate shall not be removed or insertion
of materials between the card stock and the laminate is prohibited; doing so would be considered
defacing the CAC. Defacing the CAC will affect the validity of the CAC and its applications.
Note: Individuals shall be issued a separate CAC or identification (ID) card in each category for
which they qualify. Possession of a duplicate CAC or ID card in the same category is prohibited.
Both the DD Forms 2 (Reserve) and (Reserve Retired) are property of the U.S. Government and
shall be in the personal custody of the member at all times. Exception: See paragraph 13.8.
Completion of a DD Form 1172 is not required since there is no requirement to file the
application; however, the DD Form 2842 is required. Note: Provide and explain to the CAC
recipient that their electronic signature on the DD Form 2842, Subscriber Certificate Acceptance
and Acknowledgement of Responsibilities acknowledges reading and accepting their
responsibilities and obligations as stated.
13.7. When to Issue, Reissue or Renew the CAC or DD Form 2 (Reserve). Issue, reissue or
renew the DD Form 2 (Reserve) according to Table 13.1. The DD Form 2 (Reserve)(Green)
became available June 1998 and was phased in. The CAC will be issued upon expiration of the
DD Form 2 (Reserve) (Green), promotion, theft or loss, or upon release from active duty. Note:
When a child continues to meet the qualifications as a sponsors dependent and is in a military
Reserve Component and not on active duty for 31 days or more issue the DD Form 1173. Refer
to Table 15.1.

Table 13.1. Conditions for Issue, Reissue or Renewal of the CAC or DD Form 2 (Reserve).
1 To show a change in expiration date. Do not issue new ID cards to show a change in
expiration date to members who sign an extension to their current enlistment until their
term of service expires and they enter the extension. Exception: The issuing authority
may issue new ID cards to members whose extensions would take effect while on TDY
involving contingency operations or member enters the extension over a holiday or a
2 To members being discharged or released from active duty and transferred to a Reserve
status. Note: Members may keep their Active duty credential until day of departure
and obtain a DD Form 2 (Reserve) before finishing processing.
3 To show a change in grade on promotion to or demotion from any grade. Exception:
Do not reissue ID cards to Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, or
NOAA members unless change in grade is to a grade above E-3 for enlisted or above 0-
1 for officers. For Marine Corps enter exact grade for officers.
4 To replace a lost, stolen, mutilated, or destroyed card. Note: RAPIDS biometric
verification may be used for lost or stolen ID as proof of identity if a previous
photograph is available in DEERS.
5 To correct an error.
6 To change data that reduces the card's identification value, e.g., name change.
7 To show a significant change in facial features.
13.8. When to Surrender the CAC or DD Form 2 (Reserve) Card. An individual surrenders
the Reserve card when a condition in Table 13.2 occurs.
116 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Table 13.2. Conditions for Surrendering CAC or the DD Form 2 (Reserve).

1 It is replaced (except when lost or stolen). Note: RAPIDS biometric verification may
be used for lost or stolen ID as proof of identity if a previous photograph is available in
2 It expires.
3 The military member is in confinement as sentenced by a judiciary body (courts-
4 The Guard or Reserve member changes status.
5 The sponsor dies, retires, discharged with no further reserve obligation, or
Service/Agency affiliation changes, or CAC is expired. Note: All recoverable CACs
will be returned to the DMDC for accountability. Due to security assurance for
physical or logical access, the CAC cannot be released to a non-eligible bearer as the
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) credentials may be used for unauthorized access to
Federally controlled government facilities or electronic access to government
information systems. Exception: Upon request, next of kin may obtain the CAC for
an individual who has perished in the line of duty. All CACs provided to next of kin
must be terminated, have the certificates revoked, and have a hole punched through the
integrate circuit chip (ICC) prior to release.
6 When no longer entitled to it.
7 A military authority requires it for identification or investigation.
13.8.1. Exception to Surrendering ID Card. A Guard or Reserve member entering active
duty for more than 30 consecutive days may maintain their DD Form 2 (Reserve).
13.9. How to Prepare the CAC or DD Form 2 (Reserve), and DD Form 2 (Reserve Retired)
ID Cards. Automated sites use RAPIDS to prepare CAC since it is not a manual card. Note:
Automated sites will use RAPIDS to prepare the DD Form 2 (Reserve Retired). Non-automated
sites prepare the manually prepared ID card according to Table 13.3.

Table 13.3. Preparation of the DD Form 2 (Reserve) and DD Form 2 (Reserve Retired) ID
Photograph See paragraphs 11.7 through 11.9. Military personnel may be
photographed in uniform or civilian clothes. Individuals will poise with a
Photograph frontal, full-face (passport-type) photo shot. Note: Non-participating
Reserve Members (IRR, Standby, and Retired Reserve awaiting pay at age
60) do not have to be within Service grooming standards.
Grade Enter the official grade and rank in grade block as Attachment 3, blocks 6
and 7 reflect.
Note: Enter RESRET after the grade (for example, MAJ/RESRET for
retired Reserve members awaiting pay at age 60).

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) - Not

United States Public Health Service - Not applicable.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 117

Rank (Enlisted) Enter the official rank for all enlisted members except enter the following
for those in grades E-1 through E-3:
Army - Enter the official rank.
Navy - NON-PO.
Air Force - AMN.
Marine Corps - PVT-LCPL.
Coast Guard - NON-PO.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) - not
United States Public Health Service - not applicable.
Rank (Officer) Enter the following ranks in the grade block for second and first
Air Force - Enter LT for first and second lieutenants.

Enter exact grade for Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, NOAA and
United States Public Health Service members.

Enter ROTC Cadet for a student in the last 2 years of training or for a
ROTC student in receipt of a full-service scholarship.
Expiration Date Enter the following dates:
The date the term of service expires or obligated service ends (whichever is
Expiration Date, The date the member completes MSO for members released from AD and
cont. transferred to the IRR.

INDEFINITE for Guard or Reserve officers and warrant officers.

The expected date of graduation for ROTC students (see Attachment 12).

The day before the 60 th birthday for retired Reserve members and former
members who will be eligible for retired pay at age 60.
SSN Enter the SSN, hyphenated between the third and fourth digits and between
the fifth and sixth digits. Do not enter the service or component code.
Blood Type Include RH factor.
Geneva See Attachment 13.
118 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Chapter 14



14.1. General Information. The chapter describes the issue of the DD Form 2 (Retired) (Blue)
to all eligible military personnel entitled to retired pay, including those on the Temporary
Disability Retired List (TDRL) and the Permanent Disability Retired List (PDRL).
14.1.1. Members entitled to retired pay to whom the Department of Veterans Affairs has
awarded disability compensation (10% to 100%) remain entitled to the DD Form 2 Retired
(Blue) even though they waive all or part of their military retired pay to receive VA
14.1.2. Members who retired under Title 10, U.S.C., Section 12731 are not entitled to the
DD Form 2 Retired (Blue) card until they reach 60 years of age and qualify for retired pay
(see paragraph 13.3).
14.1.3. A retired member entitled to retired pay, married to another retired member entitled
to retired pay or an active duty member, may also be enrolled as a dependent in DEERS and
issued a DD Form 1173. This allows all family members to be enrolled under one
sponsorship for medical eligibility and a single TRICARE deductible purpose.
14.2. Individual Responsibility. The card is the property of the U.S. Government, and shall be
in the personal custody of the member at all times. Exception: See paragraph 14.4. Note:
Individuals shall be issued a separate identification (ID) card in each category for which they
qualify. Possession of a duplicate ID card in the same category is prohibited.
14.3. When to Issue, Reissue or Renew the DD Form 2 (Retired). Issue, reissue or renew the
DD Form 2 (Retired) according to Table 14.1. DD Form 2 (Retired) may be issued up to 120
days prior to established retirement date. The 120 days accommodates the combination of the
maximum 90 days leave that may be granted and the 20 days permissive TDY for house hunting.
Note: The Active duty ID must be surrendered to receive the DD Form 2 (Retired).

Table 14.1. Conditions for Issue, Reissue or Renewal of the DD Form 2 (Retired).
1 When a member of the Uniformed Services temporarily or permanently retires.
2 To show a change in status change from TDRL to PDRL.
3 When 30-month TDRL status expires, see Attachment 12 and Note 4 to certify
continued TRICARE coverage.
4 To replace a lost, stolen, mutilated, or destroyed ID card. Note: RAPIDS biometric
verification may be used for lost or stolen ID as proof of identity if a previous
photograph is available in DEERS.
5 To show advancement to a higher grade on the retired list.
6 To show entitlement to TRICARE when the applicant presents a Notice of
Disapproved Claim for Medicare, Part A, from the SSA.
7 To show ineligibility for TRICARE if the applicant is eligible for Medicare, Part A.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 119

8 To show a significant change in facial features.

9 To change data that reduces the card's identification value, e.g., name change.
14.4. When to Surrender the DD Form 2 (Retired). An individual surrenders the blue card
when a condition in Table 14.2 occurs:

Table 14.2. Conditions for Surrendering the DD Form 2 (Retired).

1 It is replaced. The member surrenders it to the activity that replaces it.
2 It is not replaced (for example, death). It is surrendered to the nearest issuing activity.
3 It expires.
4 Upon advancement to a higher grade.
5 He or she is no longer entitled to it.
6 A military authority requires it for identification or investigation.
14.5. How to Prepare the DD Form 2 (Retired) . Automated sites use RAPIDS to prepare the
ID card. Non-automated sites prepare the manual card according to Table 14.3:

Table 14.3. Preparation of the DD Form 2 (Retired).

Photograph See paragraphs 11.7 through 11.9. Note: Retired Reserve members
awaiting pay at age 60 do not have to be within Service grooming
Grade Enter the official grade and rank in grade block in which the member is
entitled to retired pay except:
Rank (Enlisted) Enter the official rank for all enlisted members except enter the following
for those in grades E-1 through E-3:

Army - Enter the official rank.

Navy - NON-PO members.
Air Force - AMN.
Marine Corps - Enter PVT/LCPL.
Coast Guard - NON-PO.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) - Not
United States Public Health Service (USPHS) - Not applicable.
Rank (Officer) Enter the following ranks in the grade block for second and first

Army - Enter LT for first and second lieutenants.

Air Force - Enter LT for first and second lieutenants.
Enter exact grade for Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, NOAA and
United States Public Health Service members
Service Enter the appropriate abbreviation for the branch of service:
120 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

USA (Army).
USN (Navy).
USAF (Air Force).
USMC (Marine Corps).
USCG (Coast Guard).
NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration).
USPHS (United States Public Health Services).
Expiration Date Enter the following dates:

For members on TDRL, enter 30 months from the date placed on TDRL
(Refer to Attachment 12, Table A12.1, and Note 4).
For retirees not on TDRL, enter Indefinite (see also Attachment 12).
Signature If the person cannot write because of a physical or mental incapacity, enter
Medicare If the retiree is under age 65 and is not eligible for Medicare, Part A, enter
Procedures the date of the last day of the month preceding the 65 th birthday in the

If the retiree is under age 65 and entitled to Medicare, Part A, enter the
date the retiree became eligible for that benefit.
If the retiree is under age 65 and entitled to Medicare, Part A and B as a
result of a disability or end-stage renal (kidney) disease, enter the date the
retiree became eligible for those benefits.

If the retiree is eligible for Medicare, Part A, after age 65, delete the word
AFTER in the space provided in the medical block.

If the retiree is not eligible for Medicare, Part A, after age 65, delete the
words NO and AFTER in the medical block.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 121

Chapter 15


15.1. General Information. This chapter describes the issue of the DD Form 1173, United
States Identification and Privilege Card (Tan) to those individuals reflected in Attachment 2,
Charts of Entitlement. Any person not specifically listed in Attachment 2 as eligible for benefits
is NOT entitled to benefits and privileges administered by the Department of Defense and will
NOT be issued an ID card.
15.1.1. The DD Form 2765, Department of Defense/Uniformed Services Identification and
Privilege Card (Tan) is a sponsor ID card and is issued to certain sponsors who previously
were eligible for the DD Form 1173 at sites where RAPIDS is installed (see paragraph 1.6
and chapter 18). There is no mass issue. The DD Form 2765 is issued upon expiration of the
DD Form 1173, when lost or stolen or another reason that would require issue of the new ID
15.1.2. A child who is an eligible dependent of an active duty or retired member and is a
member of a Reserve Component may be in possession of both a DD Form 1173 and a
Guard/Reserve ID credential provided they are not on active duty for 31 days or more.
15.2. Individual Responsibility. The card is the property of the U.S. Government, shall be in
the personal custody of the individual to whom issued at all times. Exception: See paragraph
15.6. Note: Individuals shall be issued a separate identification (ID) card in each category for
which they qualify. Possession of a duplicate ID card in the same category is prohibited.
15.3. When to Issue, Reissue or Renew the DD Form 1173 : Issue, reissue or renew the DD
Form 1173 when one of the conditions in Table 15.1 occurs.

Table 15.1. Conditions for Issue, Reissue or Renewal of the DD Form 1173.
1 When the sponsors entry on AD or active duty for training (ADT) is for more than 30
consecutive days.
2 When the sponsor reenlists or enters an extension.
3 To show a change in dependency status. Note: When the member and his or her
spouse are living apart because of a legal separation or interlocutory decree of divorce,
set the expiration date at 1 year from the date of issue or the date on which the divorce
becomes final, whichever is earlier.
4 To show a change in sponsors status (such as retirement or death).
5 When the card expires.
6 When a child becomes 10 years of age. Note: Have the applicant sign the ID card or
enter INCAP when the individual cannot sign because of a mental or physical
incapacity. Reference Chapter 4, paragraphs 4.4 and 4.6.
7 To replace a lost, stolen, mutilated, or destroyed ID card. Note: RAPIDS biometric
verification may be used for lost or stolen ID as proof of identity if a previous
photograph is available in DEERS.
8 To correct an error.
122 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

9 To show a significant change of facial features.

10 When a retiree acquires an early issue of DD Form 2 (Retired), issue family members
DD Forms 1173. Note: Issuance of an ID card is no earlier than 120 days prior to
members retirement date. (Refer to paragraph 14.3)
11 To dependents of members on TDY or PCS. Reissue DD Form 1173 to a dependent
whose sponsor goes on TDY or PCS to an unaccompanied overseas area and is not
expected to return until after the card expires.
12 Issue the DD Form 1173 to dependents of a member going on terminal leave who is
not retirement eligible to show the members separation date.
13 Upon sponsors promotion to E-4 and above and E-5 for Air Force members.
14 When a child continues to meet the qualifications as a sponsors dependent and is in a
military Reserve Component not on active duty for 31 days or more. (DD Form 1173
& DD2RES or CAC)
15 When a retired member is married to an Active Duty or other retired member and is
enrolled in DEERS as their family member (DD Form 1173 & DD2RET)
16 When a family member is permanently incapacitated (refer to paragraph 2.6), age 75
or older. Issue a DD Form 1173, reflecting indefinite card expiration date. Note:
VOs need to be aware of situations where beneficiaries may not qualify for
continuation of an ID card due to divorce or remarriage of widow, widower, or
unremarried former spouse (DB). Though not all inclusive, current and future
beneficiaries must still meet eligibility requirements as listed within this instruction.
17 To change data that reduces the card's identification value, e.g., name change.
15.3.1. Retrieve and destroy the old form (showing active duty status).
15.3.2. If the DD Form 1173 is valid beyond the date of separation, give dependents
temporary cards to expire on the date of separation.
15.4. Early Issue of DD Forms 1173 for Dependents. Sponsors usually apply for the DD
Form 1173 10 to 20 days before the card expires. However, they may request issue or reissue of
their dependents cards at any time when eligibility of dependents is not in question. Note: The
card is the property of the U.S. Government, and shall be in the personal custody of the member
at all times.
15.4.1. Verifying officials review the reasons for early issue and approve or disapprov e such
requests. Exception: Issue a 2-year card to children who are 90 days from age 21 and meet
the full-time student criteria listed in chapter 4, paragraph 4.5.
15.5. When Not to Issue, Reissue or Renew the DD Form 1173. Do not issue, reissue or
renew the DD Form 1173 if one of the conditions in Table 15.2 applies:

Table 15.2. Conditions for Not Issuing, Reissuing or Renewing the DD Form 1173.
1 The eligibility or use of the card is for 30 calendar days or less (initial issue only).
2 To children under 10 years of age. Exception: See paragraph 4.3.
3 To individuals whose eligibility for privileges is based on TDY. (Presentation of travel
orders constitutes acceptable ID). Exception: Emergency essential personnel required
to support the Uniformed Services in support of a Congressional decree or Presidential
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 123

commitment may be issued a DD Form 2764 or DD Form 2765 if RAPIDS has been
4 To dependents when the sponsor is in deserter status. Exception: Qualified former
spouses remain eligible for ID card benefits even if the sponsor is in a deserter status.
Note: Family members of active duty sponsors in an absent without leave or
unauthorized absence status retain their ID card entitlement until the sponsor is
declared a deserter. Refer to Chapter 9.
5 To individuals who stood in loco parentis (a person who has stood as a parent by
assuming parental duties and responsibilities). Refer to Terms.
6 To children adopted after age 21. Exception: See paragraph 4.11.
7 To children who have no eligibility for benefits and privileges at the time of the
sponsors death and the surviving spouse adopts the child, or gives birth to a child that
was not of the marriage, or a child is placed in the surviving spouses guardianship.
8 To individuals for the sole purpose of identification.
9 To Unremarried widows (URW) when they remarry after the death of their sponsor.
10 To retired military spouses. Exception: Issue DD Form 1173 only to the spouse being
sponsored in DEERS by the retired military member but not both.
15.6. When to Surrender the DD Form 1173. ID cardholders must surrender their card when
one of the conditions in Table 15.3 occurs:

Table 15.3. Conditions for Surrendering the DD Form 1173.

1 It is replaced (except when lost or stolen). Note: RAPIDS biometric verification may
be used for lost or stolen ID as proof of identity if a previous photograph is available in
2 It expires.
3 The sponsor dies, retires, divorces, is discharged, is in deserter status, or is released to
inactive duty.
4 A change in the dependents status ends or changes entitlement to any card benefit
(e.g., divorce, marriage). Note: When the member and his or her spouse are living
apart because of a legal separation or interlocutory decree of divorce, set the expiration
date at 1 year from the date of issue or the date on which the divorce becomes final.
5 A former spouse is issued DD Form 2765 as a DoD Beneficiary.
6 A child is issued DD Form 2765 as a DoD Beneficiary (Abused Dependent)
7 A widow or widower remarries.
8 A military authority requires it for identification or investigation.
9 A child in a Reserve Component is ordered to active duty for 31 days or more
15.7. Exceptions to Surrendering the DD Form 1173 . Do not surrender the DD Form 1173
if one of the conditions in Table 15.4 occurs:

Table 15.4. Conditions for Exceptions to Surrendering the DD Form 1173.

1 An eligible dependent whose sponsor separated under TA, RTB, VSI or SSB.
2 An eligible dependent of a member entitled to retired pay whose eligibility to retired
124 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

pay was terminated and member was discharged due to dependent abuse (paragraph
3 An eligible dependent of a member on active duty for over 30 days convicted of a
dependent abuse offense resulting in separation pursuant to a court-martial sentence; or
administratively separated from active duty due to dependent abuse on or after 30
November 1993. These dependents remain eligible to possess an ID card as long as
they are receiving an annuity (paragraph 5.3).
15.8. How to Prepare the Manual DD Form 1173. Automated sites use RAPIDS to prepare
the ID card. Non-automated sites prepare the manual card according to Table 15.5:

Table 15.5. Preparation of the Manual DD Form 1173.

Photograph See paragraphs 11.7 through 11.9. Enter the cardholders SSN under the
photograph (see paragraph 15.9).
Item 2 Enter all dates in the 4-digit year, 3-character month, and 2-digit day
Issue Date format (YYYYMMMDD).
Item 3 See Attachment 4.
Expiration Date
Item 4 Enter the relationship code as Attachment 3, block 35, specifies.
Name and
Item 9 Enter the cardholders date of birth (YYYYMMMDD). When special
Date of Birth of circumstances exist that permit children over 21 years old entitlement to
Bearer the DD Form 1173, type after the date of birth: INCT for a temporarily
incapacitated child, INCAP for a permanently incapacitated child, or
SCH for the childs attendance at an approved school.
Item 10 If issuing the card to someone other than a dependent, line out and name
Grade and Name of of sponsor.
Item 11 Enter the sponsors present status according to Attachment 3, block 4.
Service & Status of
Photograph See paragraphs 11.7 through 11.9. Enter the cardholders SSN under the
photograph (see paragraph 15.9).
Item 2 Enter all dates in the 4-digit year, 3-character month, and 2-digit day
Issue Date format (YYYYMMMDD).
Item 3 See Attachment 4.
Expiration Date
Item 4 Enter the relationship code as Attachment 3, block 35, specifies.
Name and
Item 9 Enter the cardholders date of birth (YYYYMMMDD). When special
Date of Birth of circumstances exist that permit children over 21 years old entitlement to
Bearer the DD Form 1173, type after the date of birth: INCT for a temporarily
incapacitated child, INCAP for a permanently incapacitated child, or
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 125

SCH for the childs attendance at an approved school.

Item 10 If issuing the card to someone other than a dependent, line out and name
Grade and Name of of sponsor.
Item 11 Enter the sponsors present status according to Attachment 3, block 4.
Service & Status of
Item 12 Enter the sponsors SSN. If sponsor does not have an SSN, enter the
SSN Uniformed Service number and SSN=NONE. E.g. AF23456789 and
Item 13 Enter the privileges specified on the verified DD Form 1172.
Patronage Block out privileges not authorized.

For privileges allowed only while the bearer is overseas, check the item
and add OS ONLY.
Item 14 Have the applicant sign.
Enter INFANT when the individual is too young to sign.

Enter INCAP when the individual cannot sign because of a mental or

physical incapacity.

Item 15a Enter Yes if the person is entitled to medical care in Uniformed
Uniformed Services Services Medical Treatment Facilities.
Medical Treatment
Facilities Enter No if medical care is not authorized.
Item 15b If the person is entitled to MC TRICARE, enter Yes and the MC
Civilian Medical effective date as the verified DD Form 1172 specifies.
If the person is not eligible for MC, enter NOT ELIGIBLE or XXXXXX.

For dependents of retirees, disabled, under age 65 and enrolled in

Medicare Part A and B:

Enter October 1991 if the beneficiary enrolled in Medicare, Part B,

before 1 October 1991.

Enter the date of enrollment in Medicare, Part B, if the beneficiary

enrolled after 1 October 1991.

For unremarried former spouses, survivors of deceased active duty and

retired members, or survivors of Guard or Reserve deceased members
(provided the member died while on or traveling to or from AD or
inactive duty training):
126 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Enter 5 December 1991 if the beneficiary enrolled in Medicare, Part B,

before 5 December 1991.

Enter the date of enrollment in Medicare, Part B, if the beneficiary

enrolled after December 1991.
15.8.1. Laminate the card.
15.9. Criteria for Mandatory Collection of SSNs. The following provides the criteria for
mandatory collection of SSNs and applies to issue of the DD Form 1173 to family members and
DEERS enrollment:

Table 15.6. Criteria for Mandatory Collection of SSNs.

Has Eligible Applied to Social Period of MTF
SSN for SSN Security Eligibility Remarks
Yes Yes Not applicable 4-Yr, if appropriate SSN provided
Yes Yes Will not disclose None Family member loses
eligibility to medical care in
Military Treatment Facilities
No Yes Yes 120-days Awaiting action from SSA.
No No No 4-Yr, if appropriate Has Individual Taxpayer
Identification Number (ITIN)
from Internal Revenue Service;
cite in Item 89 of DD Form
1172 ITIN will appear on ID
15.10. How to Prepare DD Form 1173 for a Member who was Involuntarily Separated and
Eligible under TAMP or TAP and Eligible Dependents. Automated sites use RAPIDS to
prepare the ID card. Non-automated sites prepare the manual ID card according to Table 15.7.
Note: RAPIDS sites issue the DD Form 2765 to the sponsor. (See Chapter 6 for the National
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005, effective Oct. 28, 2004, permanently
establishing Transition Assistance benefits to 180 days.

Table 15.7. Preparation of the DD Form 1173 for a Member Who Was Involuntarily
Separated and Eligible under TAMP or TAP and Eligible Dependents.
Photograph See paragraphs 11.7 through 11.9. Enter the cardholders SSN under the
photograph (See paragraph 15.9).
Item 2 Enter all dates in the 4-digit year, 3-character month, and 2-digit day
Issue Date format (YYYYMMMDD).
Item 3 Enter See Reverse.
Expiration Date
Item 4 Enter the relationship code as Attachment 3, block 35, specifies. Enter
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 127

Name and self for sponsors.
Item 9 Enter the date of birth in the 4-digit year, 3-character month, and 2-digit
Date of Birth of day format (YYYYMMMDD).
Item 11 Enter USAF/TAMP, USCG/TAMP, or other appropriate status.
Service & Status
of Sponsor
Item 12 Enter the sponsors SSN.
Item 13 Enter Commissary, exchange, & MWR privileges.
Item 14 Have the applicant sign.
Enter INFANT when the individual is too young to sign.

Enter INCAP when the individual cannot sign because of a mental or

physical incapacity.
Item 15b Enter Yes if applicable. Enter No when Medicare, Part A, applies.
Civilian Medical The MC effective date for the sponsor is the day after the date of
Care involuntary separation. The MC effective date for the dependents does not

If the person is not eligible for MC, enter NOT ELIGIBLE or XXXXXX.
Item 16 Enter the individual dates of expiration for medical care only. Note:
Commissary, exchange, and MWR privileges are not authorized for TA-
180 eligible sponsors and family members.

15.10.1. Over-stamp TA on the front of the card with red ink. The stamp should be in
outline letters, 1 inch tall by inch wide for paper-laminate ID cards. Automated sites use
over-stamp contained in RAPIDS.
15.10.2. Laminate the card.
15.11. How to Prepare DD Form 1173 for Eligible Dependents of a Member who was
Voluntarily Separated and Approved for Payment of a SSB or VSI. Automated sites use
RAPIDS to prepare the ID card. Non-automated sites prepare the manual ID card according to
Table 15.8. Note: RAPIDS sites issue the DD Form 2765 to the sponsor. Eligible dependents
receive the DD Form 1173.

Table 15.8. Preparation of the DD Form 1173 for Eligible Dependents of a Member who
was Voluntarily Separated and Approved for Payment of an SSB or VSI.
128 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Photograph See paragraphs 11.7 through 11.9. For the dependents, enter the
cardholders SSN under the photograph (see paragraph 15.9).
Item 2 Enter all dates in the 4-digit year, 3-character month, and 2-digit day
Issue Date format (YYYYMMMDD).
Item 3 Enter See Reverse.
Expiration Date
Item 4 Enter the relationship code as Attachment 3, block 35, specifies. Enter
Name and self for sponsors.
Item 9 Enter the date of birth in the 4-digit year, 3-character month, and 2-digit
Date of Birth of day format (YYYYMMMDD).
Item 11 Enter USA/SSB, USN/SSB, USA/VSI or USN/VSI as appropriate.
Service & Status
of Sponsor
Item 12 Enter the sponsors SSN.
Item 13 Line out Exchange Limited
Item 14 Have the applicant sign.
Enter INFANT when the individual is too young to sign.

Enter INCAP when the individual cannot sign because of a mental or

physical incapacity.
Item 15a Enter Yes if the person is entitled to medical care in Uniformed Services
Uniformed Medical Treatment Facilities.
Services Medical
Item 15b Enter Yes if applicable. Enter No when Medicare, Part A, applies.
Civilian Medical The MC effective date for the sponsor is the day after the date of
Care separation. The MC effective date for the dependents does not change.

If the person is not eligible for MC, enter NOT ELIGIBLE or XXXXXX.
Item 16 Enter the individual dates of expiration for medical care, commissary, and
exchange privileges on the right side.
Enter 120 days for medical care benefits beginning the day after the date of
separation (paragraph 6.4).
Authorize commissary, exchange, and MWR privileges beginning the day
after the date of separation.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 129

15.11.1. Over-stamp TA on the front of the card with red ink. The stamp should be in
outline letters, 1 inch tall by inch wide for paper-laminate ID cards. Automated sites use
over-stamp contained in RAPIDS.
15.11.2. Laminate the card.
15.12. Renewal for TAMP, TAP, SSB or VSI Beneficiaries . Issue a renewal card with the
same expiration date as the previous card to a dependent who had eligibility under the sponsor of
the SSB, VSI, TAMP or TAP programs and whose card was lost or stolen before eligibility
expired. Note: RAPIDS biometric verification may be used for lost or stolen ID as proof of
identity if a previous photograph is available in DEERS.
130 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Chapter 16



16.1. General Information. The chapter describes the issue and preparation of the red DD
Form 1173-1, United States Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card and DD Form
1173-1, DoD Guard and Reserve Family Member Identification Card. It is used to identify
individuals as dependents of Ready Reserve members not on active duty for more than 30 days,
dependents of Standby Reserve members, dependents of Reserve retirees who are entitled to
retired pay at age 60, but who have not yet attained age 60 (Table 1.9) and dependents of former
members when the former member is eligible for retired pay at age 60 but not yet age 60.
16.1.1. Refer to Chapter 3 concerning DoD Beneficiary (former spouse) qualification
criteria. Note: When the member and his or her spouse are living apart because of a legal
separation or interlocutory decree of divorce, set the expiration date at 1 year from the date of
issue or the date on which the divorce becomes final, whichever is earlier.
16.1.2. The card authorizes exchange, commissary, Morale, Welfare, and Recreation
(MWR) privileges as described in DoDI 1015.10. The DD Form 1173-1 does not authorize
medical benefits.
16.2. Individual Responsibility. The card is the property of the U.S. Government, and shall be
in the personal custody of the individual to whom issued at all times. Exception: See paragraph
16.5. Note: Individuals shall be issued a separate identification (ID) card in each category for
which they qualify. Possession of a duplicate ID card in the same category is prohibited.
16.3. When to Issue, Reissue or Renew the DD Form 1173-1. Issue, reissue or renew the DD
Form 1173-1 when one of the conditions in Table 16.1 occurs.

Table 16.1. Conditions for Issue, Reissue or Renewal of the DD Form 1173-1.
1 To a child who will become 10 years of age.
2 When ID card expires or dependent data has changed. Note: When the member and
his or her spouse are living apart because of a legal separation or interlocutory decree
of divorce, set the expiration date at 1 year from the date of issue or the date on which
the divorce becomes final.
3 To replace a lost, mutilated, stolen, or destroyed card. Note: RAPIDS biometric
verification may be used for lost or stolen ID as proof of identity if a previous
photograph is available in DEERS.
4 To correct an error.
5 To change data that makes the old card obsolete as a means of identification.
6 When a family member is permanently incapacitated (refer to paragraph 2.6), age 75
or older. Issue a DD Form 1173-1, reflecting indefinite card expiration date. Note:
VOs need to be aware of situations where beneficiaries may not qualify for
continuation of an ID card due to divorce or remarriage of widow, widower, or
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 131

unremarried former spouse (DB). Though not all inclusive, current and future
beneficiaries must still meet eligibility requirements as listed within this instruction.
7 To change data that reduces the card's identification value, e.g., name change.
16.4. When Not to Issue, Reissue or Renew the DD Form 1173-1. Do not issue, reissue or
renew the DD Form 1173-1 if one of the conditions in Table16.2 applies:

Table 16.2. Conditions for Not Issuing, Reissuing or Renewing the DD Form 1173-1.
1 To children under 10 years of age. Exception: See paragraphs 4.3 and 4.4
2 To dependents whose sponsor is on active duty for 31 days or more and who qualify for
issue of the DD Form 1173.
3 To former spouses, DBs.
4 To Reserve personnel. Exception: Issue to members qualified under the Selected
Reserve Transition Program (see paragraph 6.6).
5 To individuals for the sole purpose of identification.
16.5. When to Surrender the DD Form 1173-1. An individual surrenders the DD Form 1173-
1 when one of the conditions in Table 16.3 occurs:

Table 16.3. Conditions for Surrendering the DD Form 1173-1.

1 It is replaced. The family member surrenders it to the activity that replaces it.
2 It is not replaced (for example, death). It is surrendered to the nearest issuing activity.
3 It expires or dependent data has changed. Note: When the member and his or her
spouse are living apart because of a legal separation or interlocutory decree of divorce,
set the expiration date at 1 year from the date of issue or the date on which the divorce
becomes final.
4 He or she is no longer entitled to it.
5 A military authority requires it for identification or investigation.
16.6. How to Prepare the DD Form 1173-1. Automated sites use RAPIDS to prepare the ID
card. Non-automated sites prepare the card according to Table 16.4 .

Table 16.4. Preparation of the DD Form 1173-1.

Item Procedure
Photograph See paragraphs 11.7 through 11.9.
Dates Enter all dates in the 4-digit year, 3-character month, and 2-digit day format
Item 1 Enter the applicants name. Enter the relationship code as Attachment 3, block
Name 35 specifies.
Item 6 Enter the applicants SSN (see paragraph 15.9).
Item 8 The expiration dates are 4 years from the date of verification, sponsors ETS, or
Expiration dependent childs 21st birthday, whichever is earlier.
132 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

For dependents of Reserve retirees or former members entitled to retired pay at

age 60, enter 4 years from date of verification, the dependent childs 21 st
birthday, or the sponsors 60 th birthday, whichever is earlier.

For students or incapacitated children over 21 years old, see Attachment 3.

Item 9 Have the applicant sign.
If the individual is too young to sign, enter INFANT. Enter INCAP, if the
individual cannot sign due to a mental or physical incapacity.
Items 10a, b, c Enter sponsors grade/name, SSN, status and service as directed by Attachment
and d 3, blocks 1, 4, 5 and 6.
a. Sponsors
b. SSN;
c. Service
d. Status of
Final Action Laminate the card.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 133

Chapter 17



17.1. General Information. This chapter describes the issue of ID cards that meet the
requirements of the Geneva Conventions to protect personnel entitled to prisoner of war status.
Attachment 13 establishes military and civilian grade equivalents exclusively for the treatment of
prisoners of war and retained personnel status.
17.2. Description of Geneva Conventions Credential System. The Geneva Conventions
Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, 12 August 1949, requires that:
17.2.1. Identification cards are issued to persons who are liable to become prisoners of war
or retained personnel. If captured, the prisoner or retained person is bound to identify him or
herself by providing the captor with name, rank, service or social security number, and date
of birth. The prisoner or retained person must show the identity card on demand, but it may
not be taken away from the prisoner. Prisoners of war and retained personnel should have
identity documents in their possession at all times. Note: Individuals shall be issued a
separate identification (ID) card in each category for which they qualify. Possession of an ID
card in the same category is prohibited.
17.3. DD Form 1934. The DD Form 1934 is issued to civilian, medical, religious, and auxiliary
medical noncombatant personnel who accompany the US military forces in areas of war and who
are liable to capture. The DD Form 1934 is issued in addition to the DD Form 2 if a military
member. This form is a manually prepared ID card.
17.4. Verification Authority. The director of installation medical services identifies, in
writing, medical personnel authorized the DD Form 1934. The Chaplains office identifies in
writing, religious personnel authorized the DD Form 1934.
17.5. When to Issue or Reissue the DD Form 1934. Issue or reissue the DD Form 1934 when
one of the conditions in Table 17.1 occurs.

Table 17.1. Conditions for Issue or Reissue of the DD Form 1934.

1 Upon members reassignment to a mobility position or upon members selection for
PCS or TDY to an overseas location.
2 To replace a lost or stolen, or mutilated card. Note: RAPIDS biometric verification
cannot be used for lost or stolen ID as proof of identity since the DD 1934 is a manual
form and the photograph is not stored in DEERS.
3 To correct an error.
4 On reclassification and placement in a different Geneva Conventions category
134 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

(Attachment 13).
5 To show a change in grade (on promotion to, or demotion from, any grade above E-4).
Exception: For Marine Corps members, to show a change in any grade above E-3.
6 To change data that reduces the card's identification value, e.g., name change.
17.6. How to Prepare the DD Form 1934: Prepare the card according to Table 17.2.

Table 17.2. Preparation of the DD Form 1934.

Photograph See paragraphs 11-7 through 11-9.
Name Enter the persons last name, first name, and middle initial. Enter IO if
he or she uses initials only for first name. Note: The name must be the
same on DD Form 2 (Active)or DD Form 2 (Reserve). Issue either card or
both so the names will be the same.
Capacity For military personnel, enter capacity (Example: US Air Force Chaplain,
or US Army Medical.)
For civilian personnel, enter the name of the voluntary aid society and the
skill. (Example: American Red Cross Medical).
Grade/Rank Enter the official grade in the rank block:
(Enlisted) Enter the official rank for all enlisted members except enter the following
for those in grades E-1 through E-3:

Army - Enter the official rank.

Navy - NON-PO.
Air Force - AMN.
Marine Corps - PVT/LCPL.
Coast Guard - NON-PO.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Not applicable.
United States Public Health Service - Not applicable.
Grade/Rank Enter the official ranks in the grade block for second and first lieutenant:
(Officer) LT for all first and second lieutenants for Army and Air Force
Enter the exact grade and rank for Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and
NOAA members.
Civilian Personnel. Enter the abbreviation of the equivalent grade in
Attachment 13, column 1 (for example, NCO II, OFF IV).
SSN Enter SSN, hyphenated between the third and fourth digits and between the
fifth and sixth digits. Do not enter service or component code.
Fingerprints If persons index finger is missing, note that fact and substitute the next
fingers print.
Rest of Form Enter remaining information. Note: Enter all dates in the 4-digit year, 3-
digit month, and 2-digit day format (YYYYMMMDD)
17.6.1. Laminate the card.
17.6.2. See Chapter 21 for additional instructions for Air Force members.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 135

17.7. DD Form 489. The DD Form 489 is only issued if RAPIDS is not available. This form is
a manually prepared ID card only and not automated in RAPIDS. Note: If at a RAPIDS site,
issue the CAC. If not at RAPIDS site, issue a DD Form 489. The CAC is the Geneva
Conventions Credential, replacing the DD Form 489. Individuals shall be issued a separate
identification (ID) card in each category for which they qualify. Possession of a duplicate ID
card in the same category is prohibited. Note: The card is the property of the U.S. Government,
and shall be in the personal custody of the member at all times.
17.7.1. Issue the CAC to: (1) Emergency Essential personnel defined in DoD Directive
1404.10, or see Attachment 1, Terms; (2) essential contractor personnel when employed in
areas of conflict who are subject to capture and detention by the enemy as prisoners of war;
and (3) civilian noncombatant personnel who have been authorized to accompany the
military forces of the United States in areas of conflict and who are liable to capture and
detention by the enemy as prisoners of war. Note: RAPIDS sites refer to paragraph 17.11
concerning the Teslin card, DD Form 2764. The CAC replaces the former DD Form 489 to
personnel listed in Table 17.3, Items 1, 2, and 3. The card, which is the property of the U.S.
Government, shall be in the personal custody of the member at all times. Information within
this chapter will remain in effect until such time as the manually prepared and machine
readable (Teslin) cards are no longer authorized for publishing.
17.8. When to Issue or Reissue the DD Form 489: Issue or reissue the DD Form 489 when
one of the conditions in Table 17.3 occurs.

Table 17.3. Conditions for Issue or Reissue of the DD Form 489.

1 When emergency essential personnel meet the definition contained in DoD Directive
1404.10 (or see Attachment 1, Terms)
2 When essential contractor personnel are employed in areas of conflict and are subject
to capture and detention by the enemy as prisoners of war.
3 When civilian noncombatant personnel accompany the military forces of the United
States in areas of conflict, combat, and contingency operations and who are liable to
capture and detention by the enemy as prisoners of war.
4 To replace a lost or stolen, or mutilated card. Note: RAPIDS biometric verification
can be used for a lost or stolen CAC. The RAPIDS biometric verification cannot be
used for lost or stolen ID as proof of identity since the DD 498 is a manual form and
the photograph is not stored in DEERS.
5 To correct an error.
6 On reclassification and placement in a different Geneva Conventions category.
7 To show a change in grade (promotion or demotion).
8 To change data that reduces the card's identification value, e.g., name change.
17.9. How to Prepare the DD Form 489: Prepare the DD Form 489 according to Table 17.4.

Table 17.4. Preparation of the DD Form 489.

Photograph See paragraphs 11.7 through 11.9.
Name Enter the persons last name, first name, and middle initial. Enter IO if
136 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

he or she uses initials only for first name.

Position Title Enter the job title (Example: Clerk, Supply Technician, and Aircraft
Equivalent Grade Enter the equivalent grade in the rank block according to Attachment 13
and Service (Example: Company Grade Officer III, NCO II, and Air Force.
Fingerprints If the persons index finger is missing, note that fact and substitute next
fingers print.
Rest of Form Enter remaining information. Note: Enter all dates in the 4-digit year, 3-
digit month, and 2-digit day format (YYYYMMMDD).
17.9.1. Laminate the card.
17.10. When to Surrender the DD Forms 489, 1934, or CAC. Members surrender their ID
cards upon return from overseas. Exception: Medical, auxiliary medical personnel, and
chaplain commissioned officers stationed overseas do not surrender their DD Form 1934 on
return to the CONUS if they are assigned against a mobility position.
17.11. DD Form 2764 . If at a RAPIDS site, issue the CAC. The CAC is the Geneva
Conventions Credential, replacing the DD Form 2764, United States DoD/Uniformed Services
Civilian Geneva Conventions Identification Card (Machine-readable card).
17.11.1. . RAPIDS sites issue the CAC in lieu of the DD Form 2764, DD Form 489 and DD
Form 1173. The DD Form 2764 is a sponsor card only. There is no manual DD Form 2764.
Note: The DD Form 1173, Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card and the
DD Form 489, Geneva Conventions Identity Card for Persons Who Accompany the Armed
Forces remain valid. Note: The CAC replaces the former DD Form 2764. Information
within this chapter will remain in effect until such time as the machine readable (Teslin) card
is no longer authorized for publishing.
17.11.2. Individual Responsibilities. The CAC and DD Form 2764 also serve as ID for
purposes of Article 17 of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of
War of August 12, 1949. The card, which is the property of the U.S. Government, shall be in
the personal custody of the member at all times. Note: Individuals shall be issued a separate
CAC or identification (ID) card in each category for which they qualify. Possession of a
duplicate CAC or ID card in the same category is prohibited. Both the CAC, DD Forms
2764, 489 and 1173 are property of the U.S. Government and shall be in the personal custody
of the member at all times. Exception: See paragraph 13.8. Note: Provide and explain to
the CAC recipient that their electronic signature on the DD Form 2842, Subscriber
Certificate Acceptance and Acknowledgement of Responsibilities acknowledges reading and
accepting their responsibilities and obligations as stated.
17.12. When to Issue or Reissue the DD Form 2764. Issue or reissue the DD Form 2764
when one of the conditions in Table 17.5 occurs:

Table 17.5. Conditions for Issue or Reissue of the DD Form 2764.

1 When emergency essential employees meet the definition in DoD Directive 1404.10 (or
see Attachment 1, Terms).
2 When essential contractor personnel are employed in areas of conflict and are subject
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 137

to capture and detention by the enemy as prisoners of war.

3 When civilian noncombatant personnel accompany the military forces of the United
States in areas of conflict, combat, and contingency operations and who are liable to
capture and detention by the enemy as prisoners of war.
4 To replace a lost, stolen, or mutilated card. Note: RAPIDS biometric verification may
be used for lost or stolen ID as proof of identity if a previous photograph is available in
5 To correct an error.
6 On reclassification and placement in a different Geneva Conventions category.
7 To show a change in grade (promotion or demotion).
8 To change data that reduces the card's identification value, e.g., name change.
17.13. How to Prepare the DD Form 2764. Use RAPIDS to prepare the DD Form 2764.
17.13.1. Do not over-stamp the DD Form 2764, OVERSEAS ONLY. Eligible individuals
who are permanently assigned overseas will have the word OVERSEAS printed within the
Authorized Patronage block of the identification card.
17.13.2. The Authorized Patronage block for eligible individuals permanently assigned
within CONUS will be blank. Travel orders authorize access for these individuals while en
route to the deployment site.
17.13.3. All individuals with a DD Form 2764 will be granted all commissary, exchange,
MWR and appropriate medical privileges available at the site of the deployment, regardless
of the statements on the identification card.
17.13.4. The medical block on the DD Form 2764 will contain a statement When
TAD/TDY or stationed overseas on a space-available fully reimbursable basis. Note:
Civilian employees and contractual services employees providing support when forward
deployed during a conflict, combat, or contingency operation are treated in accordance with
ASD (HA) memorandum of 8 January 1997, Medical Care Costs for Civilian Employees
Deployed in Support of Contingency Operations. This policy states that it is not considered
practicable or cost effective to seek reimbursement from civilian or contractor employees or
third party payers for medical services. However, where a civilian or contractor employee is
evacuated for medical reasons from the contingency area of operations to a medical treatment
facility (MTF) funded by the Defense Health Program (DHP), normal reimbursement
policies would apply for services rendered by that facility.
17.13.5. Expiration dates are as follows: A civilian in the CONUS assigned against an
emergency essential position, 4 years or when no longer assigned against the emergency
essential position, whichever is earlier. A civilian assigned overseas who qualifies for a DD
Form 2764, will have an expiration date of the date the assignment ends. Essential
contractors deployed in support of a conflict, combat or a contingency operation, expiration
date would be date of end of TDY.
17.14. When to Surrender the DD Form 2764. Members surrender their ID card when:
17.14.1. It expires. He or she is no longer entitled to it. A military authority requires it for identification or investigation.
138 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Chapter 18



18.1. General Information. RAPIDS sites issue the DD Form 2765 in lieu of the DD Form
1173. The DD Form 2765 is a sponsor card only. There is no manual version of the DD Form
2765. The DD Form 1173 remains valid and will be replaced with the DD Form 2765 when the
DD Form 1173 has expired, is lost or stolen. Note: RAPIDS biometric verification may be used
for lost or stolen ID as proof of identity if a previous photograph is available in DEERS. The
CAC replaces the former DD Form 2765 for those categories of personnel listed in Table 18.1,
Item 6. Information within this chapter will remain in effect until such time as the machine
readable (Teslin) card is no longer authorized for publishing.
18.1.1. Issue the DD Form 2765 to the individuals reflected in Table 18.1:

Table 18.1. Categories of Personnel Eligible for Issuance of the DD Form 2765.
1 Medal of Honor recipients
2 Honorably discharged veterans rated by the VA as 100 percent disabled from a
Uniformed Service-connected injury or disease (other than retired members of the
Uniformed Services). Note: Service members who choose to waive their retired pay to
receive tax-exempt disability compensation from the VA, and are reflected in a retired
status within DEERS, has no effect on their entitlement and eligibility to receiving the
DD Form 2 Retired (Blue) ID. (Refer to chapters 15 and 24).
3 Former members having reached age 60 and entitled to receive retired pay. Former
members refer to an individual who is in receipt of retired pay for non-Regular service
under Chapter 1223 of 10 U.S.C., who have been discharged from the Service, and who
maintain no military affiliation.
4 Members separated with eligibility established for TAMP, TAP, or TA benefits.
5 Individuals who qualify as a DoD Beneficiary
6 Foreign sponsors and civilian personnel in certain categories (see table 1.13).
18.2. Individual Responsibility. The card is the property of the U.S. Government, and shall be
in the personal custody of the member at all times. Exception: See paragraph 18.5. Note:
Individuals shall be issued a separate identification (ID) card in each category for which they
qualify. Possession of a duplicate ID card in the same category is prohibited.
18.3. When to Issue, Reissue, or Renew the DD Form 2765. Issue, reissue or renew the DD
Form 2765 when one of the conditions in Table 18.2 applies.

Table 18.2. Conditions for Issue, Reissue or Renewal of the DD Form 2765.
1 To eligible sponsors listed in Attachment 2. Note: The issuing authority may issue a
CAC early to civilian personnel whose current CAC expirations would take effect
while on TDY involving contingency operations or over a holiday, a weekend or other
non duty days that conflict with a normal schedule. Exception: DoD contractor
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 139

employees tasked to deploy and the duration is beyond their contract employment end
date, the Contractor Verification System (CVS) shall be the primary enrollment for
DEERS and CAC issuance to eligible contract personnel.
2 To replace an expired card.
3 To replace a lost, stolen, mutilated, or destroyed ID card. Note: RAPIDS biometric
verification may be used for lost or stolen ID as proof of identity if a previous
photograph is available in DEERS.
4 To correct an error.
5 To change data that makes the old card obsolete as a means of identification.
6 To change data that reduces the card's identification value, e.g., name change.
18.4. When Not to Issue the DD Form 2765. Do not issue the DD Form 2765 to dependents of
eligible sponsors. Eligible dependents are entitled to the DD Form 1173 (see Table 1.8).
18.5. When to Surrender the DD Form 2765. ID cardholders must surrender their card when:
18.5.1. It is replaced (except when lost or stolen), or the sponsor dies, retires (refer to
paragraph 14.3), discharged, released to inactive duty, or Service/Agency affiliation changes.
Note: RAPIDS biometric verification may be used for lost or stolen ID as proof of identity if
a previous photograph is available in DEERS. It expires. When no longer entitled. A military authority requires it for identification or investigation.
18.6. Processing of DD Form 2765. The DD form 2765 can only be issued from a RAPIDS
Workstation. Once an eligible category from Table 18.1 is verified and the individuals identity
has been confirmed, the applicant can be enrolled in DEERS and issued the DD Form 2765.
18.6.1. RAPIDS automatically generate the over-stamp OVERSEAS ONLY or TA
when appropriate.
140 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Chapter 19


19.1. General Information. The chapter provides procedures and requirements unique to Army
members and their eligible dependents.
19.2. Supplementation. Supplementation of this instruction and establishment of command
and local forms are prohibited without prior approval from HQDA (DAPE-MBB), Washington,
DC 20310-0300.
19.3. Suggested Improvements. The proponent agency of this instruction is the Army G-1.
Users are invited to send comments and suggested improvements on DA Form 2028,
Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms, directly to Commander, US Army
Human Resources Command, ATTN: AHRC-PDO-IP, 200 Stovall Street, Alexandria, Virginia
19.4. Individuals and Responsibilities. The following provides the individuals and their
responsibilities as they pertain to the Department of the Army identification card program.
Note: The card, which is the property of the U.S. Government, shall be in the personal custody
of the member at all times.

Table 19.1. Individuals and Responsibilities for the Department of the Army ID Card
The Army G-1. Has the authority to approve exceptions to this
instruction that are consistent with controlling law
and regulation.

The Army G-1 may delegate this authority in writing

to the commander of a Field Operating Agency under
his supervision or to a division chief within the
proponent agency who holds the grade of colonel or
the civilian equivalent. The approval authority will
coordinate all questions regarding the scope of
authority to approve exceptions with HQDA, OTJAG,
ATTN: DAJA-AL, Washington, DC 20310-2200:

The Army G-1 establishes Personnel policies relating

to the ID card program.
The Chief, National Guard Bureau Recommends Army National Guard (ARNG) policy
(CNGB) changes to include mobilization to the Army G-1
regarding the ID card program.
The Chief, Army Reserve (CAR) Recommends reserve policy changes to include
mobilization to the Army G-1 regarding the ID
card program.
The Army G-1 Establishes standards and mandated operating
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 141

tasks of the ID card program.

Commanders of Army Commands (ACOMS) Monitors and assists in the administration of
the ID card program to ensure compliance with
the policies and operating tasks established by
this instruction.
Commanders of Installations Establishes, resources, and operates an
identification program which accomplishes the
requirements established by this instruction.
They or their designated representative will
designate in writing a RAPIDS or DEERS
project officer for each installation having
RAPIDS equipment. The project officer is
normally the supervisor of the ID card work
The Commandant, Adjutant General School Ensures lesson programs of instruction
(ATSG-AG) incorporate the provisions of this instruction.
The Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Establishes certain dependents eligibility for
Service-Indianapolis Center (Dir, DFAS-IN) benefits, initially, and will update the
dependency determination (over 50 percent
support) for each subsequent DD Form 1172,
Application for Uniformed Services
Identification Card DEERS Enrollment,
submitted for an ID card issuance.
19.5. Army Management Control Process. This instruction contains management control
provisions, but does not identify key management controls that must be evaluated.
19.6. DA Form 1602 , Civilian Identification Card. The DA Form 1602 is a standard ID card
used by DA civilian employees and other civilians who regularly require official identification in
connection with the business of the Army, both in the CONUS and overseas (OCONUS). Note:
The CAC replaces the former DA Form 1602. Information within this chapter will remain in
effect until such time as the manually prepared card is no longer authorized for publishing.
Individuals shall be issued a separate CAC or identification (ID) card in each category for which
they qualify. Possession of a duplicate CAC or ID card in the same category is prohibited.
19.7. Issuing Authority. Heads of HQDA agencies and Army Commands (ACOMS) decide
who will be issued a card. This authority may be delegated to the installation level.
19.8. When to Issue, Reissue or Renew the DA Form 1602: Issue, reissue or renew the DA
Form 1602 according to Table 19.2.

Table 19.2. Conditions for Issue, Reissue or Renewal of the DA Form 1602.
1 When civilian industrial contractors employees are working on projects and contracts
for the Army.
When civilians of other than government agencies must identify themselves before
2 entering Army installations, facilities, or activities.
3 When a dependent of civilian employees overseas.
142 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

4 When Red Cross personnel are serving with the Armed Forces of the United States.
5 When other individuals need identification as determined by the issuing authority;
within the intent of the ID card.
19.8.1. Restrictions. Do not issue, reissue or renew DA Form 1602 to: Children under 16 years of age or to children of any age if they depend on their
sponsor for over one-half of the support, but are in the legal custody of other persons.
The 16-year rule may be waived under special circumstances by the installation
19.9. When to Surrender the DA Form 1602:
19.9.1. Upon expiration.
19.9.2. When individuals service is terminated.
19.9.3. Upon departing overseas area, surrender to overseas commander unless commander
decides there is a further need for the card. A person who is assigned overseas, who comes to the US under orders, on
leave, or to visit and returns to the overseas area may retain the DA Form 1602.
19.10. How to Prepare the DA Form 1602. Non-automated sites prepare the manual ID card
according to Table 19.3:

Table 19.3. How to Prepare the DA Form 1602.

Photograph See paragraphs 11.7 through 11.9.
Place of Employment Place of Employment. Enter the office of employment, command, or
Employment Status Type the status using black ribbon.

DA Civilian Enter Civilian Employee. The office or agency of employment may

be shown also. Example: Civilian Employee, Fifth Army, Civilian
Employee, the Engineer Center, Fort Belvoir,
Examples of duties: Food Inspector, Building Inspector.

Enter Civilian Employee and the name of the agency or office of


Civilian Employee of Enter Manufacturers Representative, Consultant. The name of the

Another Government employer may also be entered. Examples: Manufacturers
Agency Representative, General Electric Co., Consultant, University of

Industrial or contractor Enter title of job and name of agency. Examples: Assistant Field
employee Director, American National Red Cross, Hostess, United States
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 143

Employee of Welfare Enter Dependent of, followed by information identifying one of the
and Recreational principals above. Examples: Dependent of Civilian Employee,
Agencies Dependent of Manufacturers Representative.

Dependent Enter the expiration date as follows:

Maximum of 6 years for full-time employees as determined by the

installation commander of civilian advisory centers (CPAC).
Expiration Date
For all other employees, enter 6 years or termination date, whichever is
sooner. Expiration dates less than 6 years may be used at the discretion
of the installation commander or recommendation from CPAC. Shorter
expiration dates are normally used for part-time or new employees.
19.11. Army Security Identification Cards and Badges:
19.11.1. General Issuance Policy: Security ID cards and badges may be used to control access to installations
and activities. Issue security ID cards and badges in addition to other required ID cards to the
following individuals: Military Personnel. Civilian Employees. Contractor Employees. Visitors. The cards and badges may be used by the above persons for entering
installations, activities, or restricted areas as determined by the commander concerned.
19.12. Verifying and Issuing Authority . Heads of HQDA agencies and ACOMS determine
when ID cards or badges are needed, withdrawn, or reissued:
19.12.1. The installation or agencies concerned procure (except DD or DA Forms), prepare,
issue and use cards and badges, as well as budget and provide funds for them.
19.12.2. Cards and badges may be photographic or non-photographic; they may be
laminated, embossed, sealed, or otherwise joined to achieve the desired level of tamper
resistance required by the installation or activity concerned.
19.12.3. Cards or badges may have Attachments that permit fastening to clothing or
suspension around bearers neck.
19.13. Responsibility for Security Features: Table 19.4 identifies who may add, design or
add security features to cards and badges and what features may be added:

Table 19.4. Officials and Agencies Responsible for Security Features.

Commanders Define access delineation
144 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Add restriction information.

Add other information necessary to attain a desired level of security.

Add other security features that may fit certain needs.

Heads of HQ DA Design their own format and specify color and shape according to
Agencies and ACOMS specifications in paragraphs 19.14 and 19.15.

Design their own format for both types of cards and badges as well
as the size, color, shape, and design of the metal photographic types
if specifications contained in paragraphs 19.14 and 19.15 are met.
19.14. Specifications for Security Identification Cards and Badges. Cards and badges must
meet the specifications contained in Table 19.5.

Table 19.5. Specifications for Security Identification Cards and Badges.

1 Identify the name of the installation or activity for which the card or badge is valid.
Show the name of the person to whom issued. Visitor cards and badges may show
2 VISITOR in place of name.
3 Contain a serial number or sequence number to aid control and accountability.
4 Show an expiration date.
5 Identify the areas for which the card or badge is valid.
19.14.1. Area designation may be visually shown on the card or badge or it may be coded by
mechanical, electronic, magnetic, or some other method suitable to the desired level of
19.14.2. All non-standardized cards and badges proposing the use of mechanical, electronic,
or other technological readers to determine access authorization will be approved by the
Army Commands (ACOMS) before use.
19.15. Design of Cards and Badges. Cards and badges must meet the criteria listed in Table

Table 19.6. Design of Cards and Badges.

Photograph 1-inch wide and 1 5/16 inches in height when used. The photograph would
eliminate the necessity to state descriptive data.
Physical Items that aid in identification. For example, height, weight, hair color, eyes,
Features sex, date of birth, and fingerprints.

Card may show the name, grade, title, and signature of the authorizing official.

If the card or badge has paper elements, the paper may be uniquely constructed,
may portray a unique design, or distinctive watermark, or other features that
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 145

make duplication or alteration difficult.

The card or badge may contain special inks or dyes that would be noticeably
erased or bleed when altered.

The card or badge may contain design features difficult to duplicate such as
visible cross threads or wires, fluorescent inks, and so forth.
19.16. Control, Storage, and Classification: The installation or activity will take the actions
reflected in Table 19.7:

Table 19.7. Control, Storage, and Classification.

1 Establish local procedures for controlling the issue, turn-in recovery, or expiration of the
specific security ID cards and badges. Note: Invalidate lost badges promptly.
2 Establish procedures for handling, storing engraved plates, and all printed or coded parts
of the cards and badges.
3 Establish local procedures for controlling the issue, turn-in, recovery, or expiration of
the specific security ID cards and badges.
4 Although unclassified, handle, store all engraved plates, and all printed or coded parts of
the cards and badges in a manner to preclude access to and use by unauthorized persons.
5 Treat mutilated or defective cards and badges and those of discharged or transferred
personnel or civilians whose employment has been terminated as CONFIDENTIAL
material and destroy (AR 380-5, Department of the Army Information Security
19.16.1. Security clearances will not be recorded on ID cards or badges.
19.17. Army Identification Tags. ID tags are issued to the military personnel of the Army and
to civilians overseas reflected in Table 19.8. Issue to:

Table 19.8. Categories of Personnel Eligible for Issue of Army Identification Tags.
1 Military personnel of the Army.
2 US Citizens.
3 Dependents of US Army personnel.
4 Other U.S. nationals under the jurisdiction of overseas commanders.
5 Dependents who are not citizens may be furnished ID tags upon request. The phrase
Depn of US Natl will be shown on the tags.
19.17.1. Tags will be issued as soon as possible after entry on AD, initial active duty for
training (IADT), or assignment to a Reserve Component unit.
19.17.2. The issuance of Medical Warning Tags, which serve as a means of rapid
recognition of selected health programs, is covered under AR 40-66, Medical Record
Administration and Health Care Documentation, 21 June 2006.
19.18. Requirements. Military personnel will wear their tags at all times when:
146 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

19.18.1. In a field environment.

19.18.2. Traveling in an aircraft.
19.18.3. OCONUS. Advanced Senior ROTC (ASROTC) cadets are authorized issuance of ID tags
when engaged in field training exercises or traveling in military aircraft.
19.18.4. ID tags are government issue and are not personal effects. When death occurs, ID
tags will be disposed of as specified in Field Manual 10-63, Handling of Deceased Personnel
in MWRs of Operations, for temporary burials overseas. The tags will be placed on the
remains when prepared for final burial AR 638-2, Care and Disposition of Remains and
Disposition of Personal Effects, 22 December 2000.
19.19. Processing Applications for ID Tags :
19.19.1. The application request will be made in writing to the issuing office, individually or
in bulk request by commanders or their designated representative.
19.19.2. No file copy of the request need be retained by the issuing office.
19.20. Frocking:
19.20.1. Frocking is an administrative authorization to assume the title and wear the uniform
of a higher rank, without entitlement to the pay and allowance of that grade.
19.20.2. Being frocked does not result in a change in grade or a change in date of rank and
no entitlements accrue to a member or the members family as a result of being frocked.
19.20.3. ID cards are not reissued to members or dependents of members being frocked,
until the individual is promoted. (See AR 600-8-29, Officer Promotions, 25 February 2005).
Exception: General Officers may get their ID cards replaced with a memorandum of
approval from the Secretary of the Army.
19.21. Incapacitated Children Over Age 21 (Initial Application): The following provides
initial application procedures for incapacitated children over age 21.

Table 19.9. Initial Application Procedures for Incapacitated Children over Age 21.
1 The ID card work center provides the sponsor or applicant with a DD Form 1172 and
documentation requirements. See paragraph 2.4.
2 Provide the sponsor or applicant with the appropriate DFAS-IN form for dependency
determination for medical care.
3 Assist the sponsor or applicant with preparing the form as appropriate.

4 Advise the sponsor or applicant to forward the documentation listed in paragraph 2.4,
along with a completed DD Form 1172 to the Defense Finance and Accounting
ServiceIndianapolis Center, DFAS-IN, ATTN: Director of Military Personnel,
Special Assist Division, Dependency/Garnishment, 8899 East 56th Street, Indianapolis,
Indiana 46249-0855.
5 Upon approval from DFAS-IN, the ID card work center will issue the ID card and enroll
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 147

the dependent in DEERS if dependent is not presently enrolled.

6 Batch Process DD Form 1172 to the DSO (paragraph 1.12).
19.22. Parents/Parents-in-law, Stepparents, and Parents-by-Adoption (Initial and Renewal
Application). The following provides initial and renewal application procedures for
parents/parents in-law, stepparents and parents-by-adoption:

Table 19.10. Initial and Renewal Application Procedures for Parents/Parents-in-law,

Stepparents and Parents-by-Adoption.
1 Advise sponsor or applicant to forward their documents along with a completed DD
Form 1172 to the Defense Finance and Accounting Service--Indianapolis Center,
DFAS-IN, Attn: Director of Military Personnel, Special Assistance Division,
Dependency/Garnishment, 8899 East 56th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46249-0855.
2 Upon approval from DFAS-IN, the ID card work center will issue the ID card and enroll
the dependent in DEERS, if dependent is not presently enrolled.
3 Batch Process DD Form 1172 to DSO (paragraph 1.12).
19.23. Documentation for Transitional Abused Dependents. An abused dependent of a
member on active duty for over 30 days, separated on or after 30 November 1993 due to a
dependent abuse must present a DD Form 2698, Application for Transitional Compensation or a
Memorandum from the US Army Community and Family Support Center. See Attachment 18
for sample memorandum.
19.24. Illegitimate Children Under Age 21 (Initial and Renewal Procedures). The following
provides initial and renewal procedures for illegitimate children under age 21:

Table 19.11. Initial and Renewal Procedures for Illegitimate Children under Age 21.
1 Applicant Request DD Form 1173 for family member requiring a
dependency determination from DFAS-IN.
2 PS(IDD) Provide soldier or applicant with DD Form 1172.

3 PS(IDD) Provide soldier or applicant with appropriate DFAS-IN forms for

determination for illegitimate child.
4 PS(IDD) Assist applicant with preparing necessary forms, as appropriate.
5 PS(IDD) Have applicant forward application to the Defense Finance and
Accounting ServiceIndianapolis Center, DFAS-IN, ATTN:
Director of Military Personnel, Special Assistance Division,
Dependency/Garnishment, 8899 East 56th Street, Indianapolis,
Indiana 46249-0855.
6 PS(IDD) Upon approval from DFAS, issue a DD Form 1173 as appropriate
and enroll the family member in DEERS.
19.24.1. All subsequent applications for an ID card except an illegitimate child whose
paternity has not been judicially determined, must be forwarded to DFAS-IN for another
148 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

review and determination and indicate in remarks section of DD Form 1172, A previous
determination was made on (enter date).
19.24.2. A temporary ID card, valid for up to 90 days may be issued to replace a lost or
expired card based on a previous dependency determination (over 50 percent support) made
by DFAS-IN, if the sponsor certifies that: The family member does, in fact, depend on the sponsor for more than 50
percent of his or her support. There has been no material change in family members circumstances since
previous dependency was established. Sponsor may be held responsible for medical expenses incurred should this
application be disapproved.
19.24.3. Sponsor will return the ID card immediately if it is later determined that the family
member does not qualify.
19.25. Accountability of Forms:
19.25.1. Proper procedures for strict accountability and security of ID cards will be
maintained. All requisitioning documents for ID cards submitted by an issuing facility will
be maintained for 5 years.
19.25.2. Maintain all requisitioning documents submitted for ID cards according to AR 25 -
400-2, The Modern Army Record Keeping System (MARKS). Persons authorized to issue manual ID cards, refer to paragraph
concerning forgery, counterfeiting, altering, or tampering with any navel, military, or
official pass or permit.
19.25.3. Procedures for storing and destroying accountable forms are the same as for
CONFIDENTIAL material (AR 380-5, Department of the Army Information Security
Program, 29 September 2000.
19.25.4. The following lists accountable forms:

Table 19.12. Accountable Forms.

1 DD Forms 2A (Active) (Manually prepared card).
2 DD Form 2 (Manually prepared card).
3 DD Form 1173 (Manually prepared card).
4 DD Form 1934 (Manually prepared card).
5 DD Form 489 (Manually prepared card).
6 DA Form 1602 (Manually prepared card).
7 DD Form 1173-1 (Manually prepared card).
19.26. Procedures for Accounting for Blank ID Card s. Take the steps in Table 19.13 when
blank ID cards cannot be accounted for:
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 149

Table 19.13. Actions Required for Accounting for Blank ID Cards.

1 Submit a report to the installation commander or his or her representative when blank ID
cards cannot be accounted for. The following information is required in the report:

Reason cards cannot be accounted for.

Serial numbers of missing cards.
Corrective action taken.
Disciplinary action taken, if warranted.
2 Notify all installation benefit and privilege facilities of missing cards by serial number.
3 Maintain a log of the final disposition of each card according to AR 35-400-2 to provide
an audit trail:

The log will include, but is not limited to, the installation name, ID card serial number,
and the name of the individual to whom the card was issued, SSN, and the name and
SSN of the sponsor.
4 Record destruction on the accountable receipt for the ID cards authorized by AR 380-5
or a separate form may be used. Destroy by mutilation all previously issued ID cards to
preclude further use when no longer required.
5 Conduct a semi-annual (at a minimum) inventory of blank cards or upon change of
accountability officer.
19.27. Indefinite Reenlistment. Soldiers in the rank of SSG-CSM who will have 10 or more
years active federal service on the date of discharge for immediate reenlistment will be restricted
to an indefinite term of reenlistment, unless prohibited by other provisions of AR 601-280, Army
Retention Program. Members will be reenlisted for the indefinite reenlistment program as they
enter the normal reenlistment window (12 months prior to their expiration of term of service
(ETS) date or are required to reenlist for a service remaining requirement or training. See Table
12.3, expiration date, when issuing the CAC (formerly, DD Form 2 [Active]).
19.27.1. Soldiers who are promoted while serving on indefinite status will be processed for
new ID card IAW procedures announced in this instruction and RCPs listed in AR 601-280,
paragraph 3-8g.
19.28. Agent Letter for Authorized Patrons. Refer to Attachment 10. Individuals authorized
to purchase items on behalf of an eligible ID card beneficiary:
19.28.1. Are required to provide satisfactory identification whenever presenting
authorization letter to military commissary store, exchange, and Morale, Welfare, &
Recreation (MWR) facilities.
19.28.2. The officer in charge or manager of these facilities will brief individual on
procedures when making purchases at the facility.
19.28.3. The office in charge or manager of theses facilities reserves the right to withdraw
exchange and commissary privileges from anyone who is found to have made purchases for
the benefit of another who is not entitled to the privileges.
19.28.4. Authorization will remain in effect for 1 year from the date of agent letter, or earlier
if revoked or suspended. In the event of hardship, the sponsor may apply for an extension of
150 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

this privilege. Note: Whenever multiple Commissary, Exchange, and MWR facilities exist
in the local area, the agent letter authorizing patronage may be recognized by those facilities.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 151

Chapter 20


20.1. General Information. The chapter provides procedures and requirements unique to Navy
members and their eligible dependents.
20.2. Authorized RAPIDS Sites. Amphibious Assault Ships (IHA/IHD) are authorized to
receive RAPIDS and issue Uniformed Services ID Cards:
20.2.1. Activities, other than those listed above, must request authorization to issue cards
from Bureau of Naval Personnel BUPERS-26. Such request must provide specific
justification for ID card issuing authorization. Justification must include the following:
estimated monthly number of cards issued by category (active duty, retired, dependents,
reserve, reserve dependent) and location of nearest military installation issuing ID cards.
These requests will be signed by the commanding officer. If authorization is granted, it does
not authorize expenditure of funds for the purchase or maintenance of equipment incident to
the issuance of ID cards.
20.3. Designation of Agent for Commissary and Exchange Purchases. Authorized
commissary or exchange patrons may designate an individual to make purchases on their behalf
or to accompany them when shopping in certain situations. The designations apply to facilities
under the cognizance of the local base commander who issues the designation letter. The
Army/Air Force exchange system has a similar procedure for accommodating agents in those
facilities. Contact the Personnel office of the base for further information when the conditions in
Table 20.2 occur:

Table 20.1. Conditions and Documentation Required for Designation of Agent for
Commissary and Exchange Purchases.
Military members are assigned overseas, A valid ID card for the authorized patron or;
deployed, or otherwise unable to shop for their
dependent child or; A letter from a physician which provides
diagnosis and duration of the disability. Note:
The person is unable to shop due to a disability Blind or severely disabled eligible patrons may
or; have a separate letter written for them. See
Attachment 14 for sample letter.
The spouse is unable to shop due to sickness.

The child is in the household of an ineligible

parent or guardian.
20.3.1. A temporary designation of persons not meeting the dependent criteria may be made
at the discretion of the activity commander for periods not to exceed 1 year. See Attachment
14 for sample letter.
20.3.2. Periods of authorization may be extended in instances where hardship continues to
152 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

20.3.3. Issuance of a DD 1173 to a nondependent agent is not authorized.

20.4. Incapacitated Children Over Age 21 (Initial Application): The following provides
initial application procedures for incapacitated children over age 21. Mail the information
contained in 20.3 to Navy Personnel Command, (PERS352E), 5720 Integrity Drive, Millington
TN 38055-3520.

Table 20.2. Conditions and Actions for Initial Application for Incapacitated Children over
Age 21.
Physical A current evaluation (within the past 4 months) that indicates how the
Incapacitation condition precludes the child from being-self supporting now and in the

The evaluation must state the age of onset.

Provide in detail the past medical history of the condition, physical

examinations and laboratory studies.

Include diagnosis, treatment regimen, and prognosis for employability and

self-support. If vocational rehabilitation has been received or recommended,
an assessment or report should accompany or be included in the evaluation.
Summary of the history of the condition including any treatment received or
recommended if not included in current evaluation. The condition must have
been present and diagnosed prior to age 21 or prior to age 23 if enrolled as a
full-time student. A summary of medical records is preferred and must be
detailed enough for the reviewers at the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
(BUMED) to trace the condition from date of onset to the present.
A history of employment and statement of earnings is required if the child is
or has been employed. If the employment has provided a means of support,
the ability to hold a job will be interpreted as capable of self-support.
Notarized statement listing childs income, expenses, and all support provided
by sponsor.

If the child was married and subsequently divorced, the marriage certificate
and divorce decree must be provided. See paragraph 4.6 for renewal
Mental The evaluation must state the age of onset.
Provide in detail the past psychiatric history of the condition.

Include DSM-IIIR diagnosis on all functioning, vocational rehabilitation

assessment, and prognosis for employability and self-support. In all cases of
mental retardation, an IQ test must be included as part of the evaluation.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 153

Physical A current evaluation (within the past 4 months) that indicates how the
Incapacitation condition precludes the child from being-self supporting now and in the

The evaluation must state the age of onset.

Provide in detail the past medical history of the condition, physical

examinations and laboratory studies.

Include diagnosis, treatment regimen, and prognosis for employability and

self-support. If vocational rehabilitation has been received or recommended,
an assessment or report should accompany or be included in the evaluation.
Summary of the history of the condition including any treatment received or
recommended if not included in current evaluation. The condition must have
been present and diagnosed prior to age 21 or prior to age 23 if enrolled as a
full-time student. A summary of medical records is preferred and must be
detailed enough for the reviewers at the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
(BUMED) to trace the condition from date of onset to the present.
A history of employment and statement of earnings is required if the child is
or has been employed. If the employment has provided a means of support,
the ability to hold a job will be interpreted as capable of self-support.
Notarized statement listing childs income, expenses, and all support provided
by sponsor.

If the child was married and subsequently divorced, the marriage certificate
and divorce decree must be provided. See paragraph 4.6 for renewal
Mental The evaluation must state the age of onset.
Provide in detail the past psychiatric history of the condition.

A history of employment and statement of earnings is required if the child is

or has been employed. If the employment has provided a means of support,
the ability to hold a job will be interpreted as capable of self-support.
Notarized statement listing childs income, expenses, and all support provided
by sponsor.

If the child was married and subsequently divorced, the marriage certificate
and divorce decree must be provided. (See paragraph 4.6 for renewal
20.4.1. A parent or guardian can accomplish medical histories but the medical history must
be reviewed and authenticated by an appropriate physician (i.e., psychiatrist for mental health
154 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

illnesses, endocrinologist for hormone imbalances, infectious disease specialist for

immunodeficiencies, etc.).
20.5. Unremarried Former Spouses (Initial Application):
20.5.1. Mail the documentation reflected in Table 20.4 to Bureau Navy Personnel BUPERS-
26. 5720 Integrity Drive, Millington TN 38055-6730, along with any DD Form 214 or
statement of service that may be readily available:

Table 20.3. Documentation Required for Initial Applications for Unremarried Former
1 Original or State certified copy of marriage certificate (no photocopies).
2 Court certified copy of divorce decree (no photocopies).
3 Spousal ID card (if already surrendered provide a statement regarding where and
4 Former spouse statement at Attachment 17, completed, and notarized.
20.5.2. Unmarried Former Spouse. A former spouse who has remarried since divorce from
military sponsor, but subsequent marriage or marriages ended by death or divorce: Supply documentation required for unmarried former spouse. Court-certified copies of death certificates for subsequent marriage or
marriages and or state-certified death certificate of subsequent spouse or spouses. A temporary ID card is not authorized pending formal determination for initial
issue or reissue.
20.6. Documentation for Transitional Abused Dependents. An abused dependent of a
member on active duty for over 30 days, separated on or after 30 November 1993 due to a
dependent abuse, must present a letter from the Bureau of Naval Personnel or a pre-verified DD
Form 1172.
20.7. Documentation for Retirement Eligible Abused Dependents. An abused dependent of
a member retirement eligible but separated due to dependent abuse on or after 23 October 1992
must present a letter from the Defense Finance Center, Cleveland, awarding a portion of the
members retired pay. If members status is incorrect in DEERS, please contact the Navy
Project Office. See Chapter 25.
20.8. ID Card Processing Procedures for Pre-adoptive Children when the Placement
Agency is Outside of the U.S. or a U.S. Territory. If a placement agency is outside of the
United States or a United States territory, a request for recognition of the placement agency
through Secretary of the Navy is required prior to enrolling the child in DEERS with medical
care benefits. The steps reflected in Table 20.5 must be taken:

Table 20.4. ID Card Processing Procedures for Pre-adoptive Children when the Placement
Agency is Outside of the US or a US Territory.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 155

1 The military member obtains documents from the foreign placement agency and the
childs birth certificate.
2 Send documentation to Bureau of Navy Personnel BUPERS-26, 5720 Integrity Drive,
Millington, TN 38055-3520 for processing through NPC legal office. Note: Notarized
English translation must accompany foreign documents)
NPC legal office will notify BUPERS-26 when approval is received Approximate processing
time is 4-6 weeks.
20.9. Parents/Parents-In-Law, Stepparents and Parents-by-Adoption (Initial and Renewal
Processing): Parents/parents-in-law, stepparents or parents-by-adoption must follow the
procedures reflected in Table 20.6 for initial and renewal processing. Note: A dependency
determination (over 50 percent support) must be accomplished at the time of the sponsors death.
If approved, the letter from the Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Dependency Claims
Section may be used for subsequent renewals.

Table 20.5. Initial and Renewal Procedures for Parents/Parents-In-Law, Stepparents and
1 Complete DD Forms 137-3 (Parents) and 1172, sections I and II (except blocks 58, 59,
86, and 87, as appropriate), and section III, block 89.
2 Advise sponsor or applicant to forward proper documentation along with the DD Form
1172 to the Defense Finance and Accounting Service, DFAS-CL/PMMACB,
Dependency Claims Branch, 1240 E. Ninth Street, Cleveland, OH 44199-5500,
telephone (216) 522-5567 or 1-800-346-3374.
3 Upon approval from DFAS-CL, the ID card issuing office will issue the ID card and
enroll the dependent in DEERS, if dependent is not presently enrolled.
20.9.1. Issuance of ID cards or other benefits to these dependents are not authorized prior to
DFAS approval.
20.9.2. Temporary ID cards are not authorized.
20.10. Wards. A ward eligible under paragraph 4.12 (INCAP) requires a dependency
determination (over 50 percent support). For initial and renewal processing see Table 20.6.
20.10.1. Temporary ID cards are not authorized pending DFAS approval except for pre-
adoptive children.
20.11. Students Age 21-23. First, verify dependent by using DEERS. A student dependent
must be enrolled full time in an accredited institution of higher learning and the sponsor must
provide over 50% monetary support and a statement over 50% support in block 89 on the
Application for a Uniformed Services Identification Card (DD Form 1172), signed by the
sponsor. In block 89, the sponsor will provide the statement, (Dependent name) is a full time
student at an accredited institution of higher learning and I am providing over 50% monetary
support. Additionally, the sponsor will provided a letter from the school registrar certifying
full-time course of study. The Verifying Official at the ID card issuing facility will approve or
disapprove the application after reviewing the documentation.
20.12. Security and Accountability of Forms:
156 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

20.12.1. Proper procedures for strict accountability and security of ID cards will be
maintained: Set up controls for processing and handling of ID cards to ensure that
unauthorized persons do not obtain them. Keep records of ID cards received by serial number. All requisitioning
documents for ID cards will be maintained for 5 years. Ensure ID cards are inventoried every 6 months or whenever an issuing
officer is relieved of custodial duties. Cards will be kept in a locked security safe. Maintain a log of the disposition of each card to provide an audit trail. This
log will include, but is not limited to, the ID card serial number, name of the activity,
name of the individual to whom the card was issued, SSN, and the name and SSN of the
sponsor. Persons authorized to issue manual ID cards, refer to paragraph
concerning forgery, counterfeiting, altering, or tampering with any navel, military, or
official pass or permit.
20.12.2. Procedures for storing and destroying accountable forms are the same as for
CONFIDENTIAL material (SECNAV Instruction 5510.36, Department Of Navy [(DoN])
Information Security Program [(ISP]), 17 March 1999).
20.12.3. The forms in Table 20.7 are accountable forms:

Table 20.6. Accountable Forms.

1 DD Forms 2A (Active) (Manually prepared card).
2 DD Form 2 (Manually prepared card).
3 DD Form 1173 (Manually prepared card).
4 DD Form 1934 (Manually prepared card).
5 DD Form 489 (Manually prepared card).
6 DA Form 1602 (Manually prepared card).
7 DD Form 1173-1 (Manually prepared card).
20.13. When Blank ID Cards Cannot be Accounted For. Take the steps listed in Table 20.8.

Table 20.7. Actions Required when Blank ID Cards Cannot Be Accounted For.
1 Submit a report/letter to BUPERS-26. The report must include the following
information OPNAV 5500-1 applies: Circumstances surrounding loss or theft of cards;
Serial numbers of missing cards; and Corrective action taken.
2 Notify all installations within 100-mile radius of the activity at which cards were lost.
Serial number of all cards must be included.
20.14. Responsibilities of the Issuing Officer or Agent and Commanding Officer. The
following provides the responsibilities of the issuing officer or agent and the commanding
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 157

Table 20.8. Responsibilities of the Issuing Officer or Agent and Commanding Officer.
ISSUING OFFICER OR AGENT Prepares requisitions for the COs approval.
Maintains stock.
Provides security of unissued ID cards and maintains the
permanent log for five years of issued or unissued and
recovered or destroyed ID cards.
Retains a copy of shipping list for 5 years.
Maintains a copy of the letter of designation in a
permanent log.
COMMANDING OFFICER Approves requisitions.
Verifies serial numbers (if appropriate).
Verifies total number of cards received as shown on the
shipping list.
Furnishes adequate storage.
Verifies the permanent log by conducting a joint inventory
with the ID card-issuing officer or agent when

The CO may designate, in writing, a responsible officer to

approve and sign requisitions for ID cards.

Set up controls for processing and handling of ID cards to

ensure that unauthorized persons do not obtain them.
20.15. Frocking . Frocking is an administrative authorization to assume the title and wear the
uniform of a higher rank, without entitlement to pay and allowance of that grade.
20.15.1. Issue ID cards to frocked sponsors and their dependents:
20.15.2. Issue the ID card with the frocked rank or rate and the sponsors actual pay grade.
20.15.3. Do not change the sponsors pay grade in DEERS. This will be done by DFAS
Cleveland Center when the sponsor is actually advanced or promoted.
20.16. Forms Management. The following reflects the ID card forms that are ordered through
the Navy supply system:

Table 20.9. ID Card Forms Ordered Through the Navy Supply System.
1 0102-LF-019-1700 = DD 2S(ACT)
= DD 2S(RES)
2 0102-LF-019-1800 = DD 1173S(PRIV)
3 0102-LF-019-1500 = DD 2S(RET)
4 0102-LF-019-1600 = DD 2S(RES RET)
= 1173-1S (PRIV)
5 0102-LF-005-9100 = DD 2N (ACT)
158 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

20.17. Illegitimate Children Under Age 21. DEERS enrollment for the purposes of obtaining
medical benefits requires a court order or Voluntarily Acknowledgement of Paternity (VAP)
Form. The court order must indicate a judicial determination of paternity, establishing the
sponsor as the legal parent, or a VAP Form, completed and filed with the State where the child
and mother reside with the Child Birth Certificate listing the sponsors name on it.
20.18. Distribution. SNDL, parts 1 and 2.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 159

Chapter 21


21.1. General Information. The chapter provides procedures and requirements unique to Air
Force members and their eligible dependents. Pass and Registration is responsible for issue of
the manual AF Form 354. Note: The CAC replaces the former AF Form 354 for Air Force
civilian employees as listed in Table 21.1, Items 1, 2, 3, and 4. Individuals shall be issued a
separate CAC or identification (ID) card in each category for which they qualify. Possession of
a duplicate CAC or ID card in the same category is prohibited. The card is the property of the
U.S. Government, and shall be in the personal custody of the member at all times. Note: Provide
and explain to the CAC recipient that their electronic signature on the DD Form 2842, Subscriber
Certificate Acceptance and Acknowledgement of Responsibilities acknowledges reading and
accepting their responsibilities and obligations as stated. Information within this chapter will
remain in effect until such time as the manually prepared card is no longer authorized for
21.2. AF Form 354, Civilian Identification Card Issue to the civilians and eligible family
members reflected in Table 21.1:

Table 21.1. Categories of Individuals Eligible for Issue of the AF Form 354, Civilian
Identification Card.
1 Air Force civilian employees and other designated civilians for entry into Air Force
activities and installations and for other official Air Force business.
2 Air Force employees appointed for more than 1 year (see Attachment 1 for definition of
Air Force employee).
3 Air Force employees appointed for 1 year or less, if required and authorized by the
wing commander, or equivalent.
4 Full-time, paid employees of the American Red Cross assigned to duty with the
Uniformed Services within the United States, its possessions, and its territories when
not required to live on the military installation.
5 Retired Air Force civilian employees.
6 Family members age 10 or older of both current and retired Air Force civilian
employees (see Attachment 1, Terms, for definition of family member of civilian for
the purpose of AF Form 354). Note: Issue card to family members at the request of an
eligible sponsor (employee or retiree).
7 The wing commander (or equivalent) may authorize issue to other DoD civilian
employees to meet short-term installation needs.
21.2.1. AF Form 354 does not replace special identification required for entry into security
areas or for designated emergency-essential personnel who are issued DD Form 489, Geneva
Conventions Identity Card or DD Form 2764.
21.2.2. AF Form 354 and the official TDY orders identify civilian employees as TDY in
connection with their employment when living in government quarters. These employees
may use exchange and morale, welfare, and recreation facilities. For guidance on policy
160 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

concerning AF Form 354, contact the civilian personnel office. Civilian personnel offices
contact the Air Force Personnel Center.
21.3. When to Issue, Reissue or Renew the AF Form 354:
21.3.1. Upon employment.
21.3.2. When the card expires.
21.3.3. To show a significant change of facial features.
21.3.4. To show a change in sponsors employment status. See Attachment 1, Terms for
family member of civilian for the purpose of AF Form 354.
21.3.5. To replace a lost, stolen, mutilated, or destroyed ID card. Note: RAPIDS biometric
verification cannot be used for lost or stolen ID as proof of identity since the AF 354 is a
manual form and the photograph is not stored in DEERS.
21.3.6. To correct an error.
21.3.7. To change data that reduces the card's identification value, e.g., name change.
21.4. Restrictions. Do not issue, reissue, or renew AF Form 354 to:
21.4.1. Employees of other Federal agencies or military departments, unless the wing
commander (or equivalent) authorizes it.
21.4.2. Private-sector contractor personnel who work or perform services for the Air Force.
21.4.3. Other non-Air Force retired civilian employees and family members.
21.5. When to Surrender the ID Card:
21.5.1. It is replaced or expires.
21.5.2. The civilian employee resigns, is removed, retires, or is otherwise separated from the
Air Force.
21.5.3. A civilian employee leaves permanent change of station PCS from an overseas
station on separation travel or on renewal agreement travel and there is possibility that the
sponsor or one or more dependents will not return to the overseas station. The employee
surrenders AF Form 354 to a representative of Civilian Personnel.
21.5.4. The cardholder no longer meets the criteria for family member.
21.6. How to Prepare the AF Form 354: Prepare the AF Form 354 according to Table 21.2.

Table 21.2. Preparation of the AF Form 354.

Photograph See paragraphs 11.7 through 11.9.
Status Type the status using black ribbon. Enter one
or more of the following: Enter USAF,
Air Force employees (to include consultant, schedule and grade, CIV (Example:
expert and temporary over 1 year) USAF/GS-11/CIV.

Photograph See paragraphs 11.7 through 11.9.

AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 161

Status Status grade not be shown, then enter USAF/CIV.

Photograph See paragraphs 11.7 through 11.9.

Executive Pay Schedule Enter the title and the appropriate precedence
priority code (Example: SAF/DV).

Senior Executive Service Members Enter SES and the appropriate precedence
priority code (Example: SES/DV-6, SES/DV-
Retirees Enter RET/USAF/CIV. If the individual
requests it, add the schedule and grade at the
time of retirement (for example,
Family Members Enter the sponsors component or status
Red Cross Enter RC/USAF/CIV. Note: If the status is
not one of the ones listed, enter the status
determined locally or by AFPC.
SSN Enter the SSN immediately below the
photograph when the verifying official includes
a requirement in the DD Form 1172, block 89.
When mission needs require it, add the SSN for
employees who perform frequent TDY or other
duties that call for SSN validation.
Photograph See paragraphs 11.7 through 11.9.
Expiration Date Enter the expiration date as follows:

Permanently employed personnel, spouses, and

parents enter 6 years from date of

For all other employees, enter an expiration

date of 5 years or the employment termination
date, whichever is sooner.

Use a shorter expiration date for non-

appropriated fund (NAF) employees, basing it
on local experience.
162 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

For children, enter the date they will no longer

meet the family member criteria.

For all retired Air Force employees, enter

"Indefinite." For family members, enter 4
years from date of verification or the date they
will no longer meet the definition of dependent,
whichever is earlier.

21.7. Incapacitated Children Over Age 21 (Initial and Renewal Processing): Follow the
procedures reflected in Table 21.3 for initial processing of incapacitated children.

Table 21.3. ID Card Processing Procedures for Incapacitated Children Over Age 21
(Initial and Renewal Processing).
1 Complete DD Form 1172 sections I and II (except blocks 58, 59, 86, and 87, as
appropriate); and section III, block 89.

Annotate the documents used to verify relationship to sponsor in block 89 (see

Attachment 5) or DEERS VERIFIED if dependent is current in DEERS.

Provide name and SSN of VO in block 89.

2 Require a physicians statement (dated within 90 days of application) and annotate
information in block 89. Complete section IV, blocks 94 and 98.
3 Require a statement from the SSA certifying non-eligibility to Medicare, Part A, to
continue eligibility for TRICARE benefits. Exception: The statement is not required
for dependents of active duty members or those individuals listed in paragraph 7.1.
Annotate information in block 89.
4 Provide a copy of the DD Form 1172 to the member and file one copy in suspense
5 Advise customer to take the physicians statement (dated within 90 days of application)
and the copy of the DD Form 1172 to a Uniformed Service medical treatment facility
(MTF) for an endorsed medical sufficiency statement.

If medical sufficiency is not established, officials at the MTF refer the customer back to
the ID card issuing activity and the issuing activity destroys the DD Form 1172 that is in
suspense and members copy.

6 If medical sufficiency is established, officials at the MTF refer the member to the local
Financial Services Office (FSO) to initiate a dependency determination (over 50 percent
support) [(DFAS-DE Manual 7073-1, 15 January 1998 Defense Joint Military Pay
System-Active Component (DJMS-AC) FSO Procedures)]

Dependency determinations are sent to: Defense Finance and Accounting Service
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 163

Denver (DFAS-PMJPD/DE, 6760 East Irvington Place, Denver CO 80279; telephone

(303) 676-7907 or DSN 926-7907, Fax ext. 6300.

Upon receipt of dependency determination (over 50 percent support) letter from DFAS-
PMJPD/DE, review results of dependency and residency tests and authorize specific
benefits and privileges, if any; finalize completion of the DD Form 1172, section II,
blocks 58, 59, 86, and 87, and issue ID cards if appropriate.
7 Batch process the DD Form 1172 to the DSO (paragraph 1.12).
21.7.1. Do not refer member with ineligible dependents to the FSO to complete a
dependency determination. Note: A dependency determination is not required for
incapacitated children over age 21 of honorably discharged members who are rated one
hundred percent disabled by the Department of Veterans Affairs as no medical care is
authorized through the Uniformed Services.
21.7.2. Disapprove any dependents not listed in Attachment 2.
21.7.3. If the child was married and subsequently divorces and meets the basic criteria,
sponsor should provide copies of the marriage certificate and divorce decree.
21.8. Parents/Parents-in-Law, Stepparents or Parents-by-Adoption: Apply the procedures
reflected in Table 21.4 for initial and renewal processing of parents/parents-in-law, stepparents
or parents-by-adoption. A dependency determination (over 50 percent support) must be
accomplished each time the ID card is renewed except for dependents of deceased sponsors or if
card is lost of stolen. Note: A dependency determination must be accomplished at the time of
the sponsors death. If approved, the letter from the Defense Finance and Accounting Service,
Dependency Entitlements Branch may be used for subsequent renewals.

Table 21.4. Initial and Renewal Processing Procedures of Parents/Parents-in-Law,

Stepparents or Parents-by-Adoption.
1 Complete a manual DD Form 1172, sections I and II (except blocks 58, 59, 86, and 87,
as appropriate), and section III, block 89. Do not update DEERS unless issuing a
temporary ID card. See Table 2.4.
2 Annotate the documents used to verify relationship to sponsor in block 89 (see
Attachment 5). Complete section IV, blocks 94 and 98. Provide name and SSN of VO
in block 89.
3 Hold a copy of the DD Form 1172 in suspense. Give a copy to the customer.
4 Refer member to FSO to initiate a dependency determination (over 50 percent support).
See Note in paragraph 21.8 above.
5 Review results of dependency and residency tests presented in dependency
determination letter from Defense Finance and Accounting Service Denver (DFAS-
PMJPD/DE, 6760 East Irvington Place, Denver CO 80279; telephone (303) 676-7907 or
DSN 926-7907, Fax ext. 6300.DFAS-PMJPD/DE. DFAS-DE authorizes specific
privileges, if any, and completes application process.
6 Batch process the DD Form 1172 to DSO. See paragraph 1.12.
7 If disapproved, destroy copy of DD Form 1172 in suspense file.
164 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

21.9. Air Force Pass and Registration. Pass and Registration is the issuing activity for
manually prepared cards for the Air Force. This facility must have the necessary photographic
and laminating facilities. Persons authorized to issue ID cards are:
21.9.1. Commissioned officers.
21.9.2. Warrant officers.
21.9.3. Senior Airman (SrA through Chief Master Sergeant [CMSgt]).
21.9.4. Civilians General Schedule 4 and above.
21.9.5. Contractors.
21.9.6. The base Chief Security Forces (CSF) may appoint, in writing, other responsible
military personnel, DoD civilian and contractor employees in the unit, regardless of grade or
rank to meet mission requirements.
21.9.7. ANG security forces commanders may appoint, by letter, a full time AGR member or
full-time technician to issue and authenticate ID cards.
21.9.8. Persons authorized to issue manual ID cards, refer to paragraph concerning
forgery, counterfeiting, altering, or tampering with any navel, military, or official pass or
21.10. Administrative Procedures for Pass and Registration - Manually prepared ID
Cards . The CSF:
21.10.1. Designates and revokes, in writing, the authority to issue ID cards.
21.10.2. Designates one primary issuing official and one or more alternates following the
grade restriction guidelines in paragraph 21.9.
21.10.3. If the primary issuing official is absent for 30 to 90 days, appoints an inventory
official from within the unit to conduct an inventory and transfer accountability. For
absences exceeding 90 days, a transfer of accountability must occur. The wing commander
(or equivalent) or his or her designee appoints a disinterested individual to conduct the
21.10.4. Issues DD Forms 489 and 1934 according to this instruction and overseas wing
commander (or equivalent) policies. Issues AF Form 354 according to this instruction.
21.10.5. Appoints, in writing, a person assigned within the unit, but not within the issuing
activity to conduct the inventory required under paragraph 21.13.
21.11. Forms Supply. The issuing official is the authorized Organizational Account
Representative (OAR) for requesting blank ID cards, including emergency requirements, through
the Electronic Transaction System (ETS). See AFI 37-161, Distribution Management. Note:
See paragraph 21.23
21.12. Forms Accountability. Accountable forms include AF Form 354, and DD Forms: 2
(Active) (manually prepared card), 2 (Reserve) (manually prepared card), 2 (Retired) (manually
prepared card), 1173 (manually prepared card), 1173-1 (manually prepared card), and the 489
and 1934 (manually prepared cards):
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 165

21.12.1. Inventory. Physically inventory each shipment of forms by serial number on the
receipt and notify the sender of any discrepancies.
21.12.2. Storage. During non-duty hours, store blank forms in a locked metal cabinet or
safe. Keep the locked container in a locked room inside a locked building according to AFI
21.12.3. Forms Log. Issuing officials account for blank forms in accordance with Table 21.5

Table 21.5. Accounting for Blank Forms.

1 Record the disposition of each accountable ID card on AF Form 335, Issuance Record -
Accountability Identification Card.
2 Maintain a separate AF Form 335 for each type of card, i.e. AF Form 354, DD Form 2,
3 File AF Form 335 with related AF Form 213, Receipt for Accountable Form. Note:
Mark AF Form 335 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY if this phrase is not already printed on
the form.
4 Enter each card's serial number on the AF Form 335.
5 Mark AF Form 335 to show which forms were voided because of processing errors.
6 Destroy the ID cards at the end of each day and initial AF Form 335.
7 Destroy any ID cards unsuitable for issue upon receipt after typing the serial number on
AF Form 335.
21.13. Inventory Procedures. The following inventory procedures listed in Table 21.6 apply:

Table 21.6. Actions Required for Inventory

1 Conduct an inventory every 12 months when the issuing official is relieved or as the
installation commander directs.
2 Physically count and verify each card by serial number.
3 Verify the number of controlled forms issued against PDO records.
4 If a form is unaccountable, investigate, file a report of the facts with the responsible
commander, and note the results of each inventory on a balance sheet similar to the
one AFI 31-101, The Physical Security Program, prescribes for restricted area-badge
5 Make local modifications to the form if necessary.
21.13.1. Transfer of Forms to an Alternate Issuing Official. The primary issuing official
transfers an appropriate supply of ID cards to each alternate issuing official. (The CSP
determines how many to transfer.)
21.13.2. Lost or Stolen Blank Forms. The police authority will initially investigate reports
of lost or stolen ID card forms including special laminate for automated ID card and advise
the AFOSI. Officials also notify concerned service Personnel agencies (such as the exchange
or commissary) when blank ID card forms are lost or stolen. (See Attachment 16 for Loss,
Theft, or Destruction procedures.)
166 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

21.14. Unique Filing Instructions for the DD Form 1172: The filing instructions reflected in
Table 21.7 are provided in addition to the requirements contained in paragraph 1.12.

Table 21.7. Categories of Personnel and Where to File the 1172.

Individual Mobilization Augmentees (IMA) Send one copy of the DD Form 1172 for IMAs
and Participating Individual Ready Reservists and PIRRs to HQ ARPC/DPMPS, 6760 East
(PIRR) Irvington Place #3800, Denver CO 80280-
3800. Refer questions to HQ ARPC/DPMPS,
Customer Support Branch.
Courts-Martial Members and Eligible File a copy of DD Form 1172 in members
Dependents Unit Personnel Records Group (UPRG) before
mailing to HQ AFSFC/SFCI.
Members being transferred to DoD Regional File a copy of DD Form 1172 in the member's
Corrections Facility UPRG before mailing to HQ AFSFC/SFCI.
21.15. ID Card Processing Procedures for Pre-adoptive Children when the Placement
Agency is Outside of the U.S. or a U.S. Territory. If a placement agency is outside of the
United States or a United States territory, a request for recognition of the placement agency
through Secretary of the Air Force is required prior to enrolling the child in DEERS with medical
care benefits. Take the steps reflected in Table 21.8.

Table 21.8. ID Card Processing Procedures for Pre-adoptive Children when the Placement
Agency is Outside of the U.S. or a U.S. Territory.
1 The military member presents documents from the foreign placement agency and the
childs birth certificate. Note: Placement agencies located within the U.S., adopting a
child from a foreign country do not require recognition from the installation Judge
Advocate Office or a dependency determination from finance (DFAS-DE). Refer to
Table 4.13 for processing procedures pertaining to pre-adoptive children when a
placement agency is within the U.S. or a U.S. territory
2 The installation Judge Advocate reviews documentation for legal sufficiency and
forwards through command legal channels for endorsement to the nearest Air Force
issuing activity, Customer Service Element.
3 Documents with endorsements are forwarded to Air Force Personnel Center
4 Send packages to HQ AFPC/DPSIR, 550 C Street West, Suite 37, Randolph AFB TX
78150-4739 for processing. HQ AFPC/JA has been delegated approval authority. If
HQ AFPC/JA does not recommend endorsement, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the
Air Force (Force Management and Personnel) will review and make recommendation
for approval/disapproval to the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Manpower,
Reserve Affairs, Installations and Environment).
21.15.1. HQ AFPC/DPSIR will notify the Servicing Military Personnel Element (MPE) or
Force Support Squadron (FSS) when approval is received.
21.16. ID Card Processing Procedures for Legal Custody Wards. Take the actions in Table
21.9 when verifying eligibility for legal custody wards:
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 167

Table 21.9. Actions Required when Processing Dependency Determinations For Legal
Custody Wards.
1 Review court order and birth certificate and other documents as appropriate (letter from
registrar, physicians statement, etc. (see attachment 5).
2 Partially complete a DD Form 1172, Sections I and II (except blocks 58, 59, 86, and 87.
as appropriate); and section III, block 98.
3 List documents viewed in block 89 and the name of the VO and phone number.
4 Advise sponsor to take the DD Form 1172 to the local Financial Services Office (FSO)
to initiate a dependency determination. Exception: If the child is over age 21 and
incapacitated, advise sponsor to take a copy of the DD Form 1172, a statement from the
SSA certifying non-eligibility to Medicare, Part A, to establish entitlement to continued
TRICARE benefits, and a current physicians statement (dated within 90 days of
application) to the Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) for an endorsed medical
sufficiency statement. The MTF will refer sponsor to the local FSO to initiate a
dependency determination (over 50 percent support) if medical sufficiency is
established. If not established, sponsor will be directed to return to the MPE.
The FSO will forward all dependency determinations to Defense Finance and
Accounting Service Denver (DFAS-PMJPD/DE, 6760 East Irvington Place, Denver CO
80279; telephone (303) 676-7907 or DSN 926-7907, Fax ext. 6300.
5 Review results of dependency and residency tests presented in dependency
determination letter from DFAS-PMJPD/DE and authorize specific benefits and
privileges, if any (see attachment 2). Complete DD Form 1172, section II, blocks 58,
59, 86, and 87, as appropriate.
6 Complete verification process and ensure sponsor reads Privacy Act information before
signing the DD Form 1172.
7 Give the sponsor a copy of the DD Form 1172 if appropriate and advise application is
good for 90 days from date of verification. Advise sponsor a dependency determination
will be required each time the ID card is renewed. Note: Temporary ID card issuance
is not authorized for initial dependency determinations. Subsequent dependency
determinations approved previously by DFAS-PMJPD/DE, temporary ID card issuance
is authorized; however annotate on DD Form 1172, block 89 remarks section, sponsor is
responsible for medical expenses if dependency is disapproved by DFAS. Exception:
If the card is lost or stolen, reissue ID card out to original expiration date. No new
dependency determination is required. In the case of deceased sponsors, the
dependency determination currently in effect or for Air Force members, accomplished
at the time of the members death, may be used for subsequent renewals.
8 Batch process 1172 to the DSO when all actions are completed and card issued
(paragraph 1.12).
21.17. ID Card Processing Procedures for Sponsors and Dependents During Mobilization
or Wartime. Air Force Personnel and Security Forces continue to process ID cards in a wartime
situation. When a single Deployment Processing Unit (DPU) station houses both of these
offices, the chief of the installation DPU may authorize Security Forces to type the ID card
information directly on DD Form 2 (Active), DD Form 2 (Reserve), or DD Forms 489 and 1934.
168 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

However, they must verify the information by using a current listing from the personnel data
system (PDS).
21.17.1. The Wing Commander, Wing Commander Equivalent or, if designated, the Director
of Personnel must approve additional extensions for Air National Guard members.
21.18. ID Card Processing Procedures for Issue of the DD Form 1934. Do not require a DD
Form 1172 when issuing a DD Form 1934 to a military sponsor. The sponsor brings the
appropriate letter from the medical facility or chaplains office and presents his or her DD 2
(Active) to Pass and Registration issuing officials. Complete the DD Form 1934 using the
information from the DD 2 (Active). The sponsor will provide information for the Religion
block. Eligible civilians are required to complete a DD Form 1172.
21.19. Frocking. Frocking is an administrative authorization to assume the title and wear the
uniform of a higher rank, without entitlement to the pay and allowance of that grade. Approval
authority for active duty members rests with the Assistant Chief of Staff (USAF/CVA) with the
Air Force Director of Personnel (USAF/A1) having disapproval authority. Note: Air Force
Senior Leadership Management Office (AFSLMO) must provide authority for frocking.
21.19.1. An ID card may be issued reflecting the frocked grade however; the current pay
grade will remain on both the ID card and DEERS/RAPIDS until the member is officially
21.19.2. Do not change the sponsors pay grade on the ID card or DEERS. DFAS-Denver
Center changes pay grade information to DEERS when sponsor is promoted.
21.19.3. Do not reissue a DD Form 1173 to dependents of frocked members until actually
21.19.4. ANG does not frock.
21.20. Verifying Official Responsibility. AF verifying officials will review weekly for new
information on the DEERS/ RAPIDS at http://ask.afpc.randolph.af.mil/default.asp or VOIS at
https://www.dmdc.osd.mil/vois/owa/vois. AF SSMs will review RAPIDS Community of
Practice (CoP) at HTTPS://afkm.wpafb.af.mil/ASPs/CoP/ClosedCoP.asp?Filter=OO-DP-AF-53.
21.21. Dependency Determination Processing Procedures for Illegitimate Children of Male
Sponsors when there is no Court Order and the Parents have not Married. Take the
following action in Table 21.10 when verifying eligibility for illegitimate children of a male
sponsor who does not have a court order establishing paternity and the parents have not married.
Exception: See paragraph 4.9 Illegitimate Children under Age 21.
21.21.1. Dependency Determination processing is not authorized when the child does not
reside in the sponsor household or one maintained or provided by the sponsor, regardless the
amount of financial support. Note: When a male member receives approval for Basic
Allowance for Housing solely for child support (BAH-diff), this does not automatically
entitle the child to an ID card since the member may or may not be providing over fifty
percent of the childs support. To determine if the member is providing over fifty percent of
the childs support, the VO must be provided with an approved dependency determination
from DFAS-DE based on the DD Form 137-4, Dependency Statement-Child Born Out of
Wedlock, Under Age 21 and the childs birth certificate. The DD Form 137-4 must be
reviewed specifically for the purpose of determining whether or not the sponsor is providing
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 169

over fifty-percent of the childs support and to establish the childs residency. The amount of
support that the sponsor is providing for the child must be compared to the childs personal
expenses and income. If the sponsor meets the fifty-percent support and residency
requirements, the child may be eligible for DEERS enrollment and issued an ID card;
authorizing exchange and MWR privileges, including medical benefits. In cases where there
is no approved dependency determination from DFAS-DE, the sponsor must provide a court
order establishing paternity.

Table 21.10. Actions Required When Processing Illegitimate Children of Male Members
When There is no Court Order and the Parents Have Not Married.
1 Review birth certificate and other documents as appropriate (see Attachment 5).
2 Partially complete a DD Form 1172, Sections I and II (except blocks 58, 59, 86, and
87 as appropriate; and section III, block 98.
3 List documents viewed and provide name and phone number of VO in block 89.
4 Advise sponsor to take the DD Form 1172 to the local Financial Services Office
(FSO) to initiate a dependency determination. Exception: If the child is over age
21 and incapacitated, advise sponsor to take a copy of the DD Form 1172, a
statement from the SSA certifying non-eligibility to Medicare, Part A, to establish
entitlement to continued TRICARE benefits, and a current physicians statement
(dated within 90 days of application) to the Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) for
an endorsed medical sufficiency statement.

The MTF will refer sponsor to the local FSO to initiate a dependency determination
(over 50 percent support) if medical sufficiency is established. If not established,
sponsor will be directed to return to the MPE. In all instances, FSO will forward to
Defense Finance and Accounting Service Denver (DFAS-PMJPD/DE, 6760 East
Irvington Place, Denver CO 80279; telephone (303) 676-7907 or DSN 926-7907,
Fax ext. 6300.
5 Review results of dependency and residency tests presented in dependency
determination letter from DFAS-PMJPD/DE and authorize specific benefits and
privileges, if any (see Attachment 2). Complete DD Form 1172, section II, blocks
58, 59, 86 and 87 as appropriate.
6 Complete verification process and ensure sponsor reads Privacy Act information
before signing the DD Form 1172.
7 Give the sponsor a copy of the DD Form 1172 if appropriate and advise application
is good for 90 days from date of verification. Advise sponsor a dependency
determination will be required each time the ID card is renewed.
8 Batch process 1172 to the DSO if all actions are completed and card issued
(paragraph 1.12).
21.22. Agent Letter for Authorized Patrons. Refer to Attachment 10. Individuals authorized
to purchase items on behalf of an eligible ID card beneficiary:
21.22.1. Are required to provide satisfactory identification whenever presenting
authorization letter to military commissary store, exchange, and Morale, Welfare, &
Recreation (MWR) facilities.
170 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

21.22.2. The officer in charge or manager of these facilities will brief individual on
procedures when making purchases at the facility.
21.22.3. The office in charge or manager of theses facilities reserves the right to withdraw
exchange and commissary privileges from anyone who is found to have made purchases for
the benefit of another who is not entitled to the privileges.
21.22.4. Authorization will remain in effect for 1 year from the date of agent letter, or earlier
if revoked or suspended. In the event of hardship, the sponsor may apply for an extension of
this privilege. Note: Whenever multiple Commissary, Exchange, and MWR facilities exist
in the local area, the agent letter authorizing patronage may be recognized by those facilities.
21.23. Manual and Teslin ID Card Stock Ordering . The Air Force e-Publishing Account
allows users through a single sign-on system to accounts that order physical products and
product subscriptions at http://afpubs.hq.af.mil/profile/userlogin.aspx. Air Force e-Publishing
help desk telephone number DSN 754-2438, commercial (202) 404-2438, or 1-800-848-9577.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 171

Chapter 22


22.1. General Information. The chapter provides procedures and requirements unique to
Marine Corps members and their eligible dependents.
22.2. Frocking. Issue ID cards to frocked sponsors and their dependents:
22.2.1. Issue the ID card with the frocked rank or rate and the sponsors actual pay grade.
22.2.2. Do not change the sponsors pay grade in DEERS. This will be done by DFAS
Kansas City Center when the sponsor is actually advanced or promoted.
22.3. Designation of Agent for Commissary and Exchange Purchases. See paragraph 20.3.
22.4. Incapacitated Children Over Age 21 (Initial Processing Procedures). Take the steps
reflected in Table 22.1 when processing an initial application for an incapacitated child over age

Table 22.1. Initial Processing Procedures for Incapacitated Children Over Age 21.
1 The member submits the following documents to HQMC (MRP-1 for active duty or,
MMSR-6 for retired members):

A detailed written statement from an attending physician or appropriate official of a

hospital or institution certifying that the mental or physical incapacitation was incurred
prior to age 21 (or while a full-time student prior to age 23) and renders the child
incapable of self-support.
2 The physicians statement must contain:

A recent (4 months or less) medical or psychiatric evaluation.

A complete, detailed medical summary of illness, to include the date and childs age at
onset of incapacity. A diagnosis. Current treatment being rendered and prognosis for
recovery as well as the ability to become self-supporting.

A DSM-III diagnosis in all cases of mental retardation.

3 A statement regarding the childs marital status. If the child was previously married, a
copy of the legal document that ended the marriage (divorce decree, annulment, or death
4 A DD Form 137-5, Dependency Statement-Incapacitated Child Over Age 21 is
completed by the childs custodian and signed in the presence of a notary (see
Attachment 25). Active duty members shall submit this form in accordance with MCO
5 If the incapacitated child of a retiree, a statement of disallowance from the Social
172 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Security Administration indicating that the child is not eligible for Medicare Part A
and/or B. If the child is eligible for Medicare Part A and/or B evidence of the coverage
and effective date must be provided.
6 If the child is an incapacitated student the following additional documentation is
required: 1) A physicians statement as above but indicating the incapacitation occurred
after the 21st birthday, but before the 23rd birthday; 2) A letter from the school registrar
showing that the dependent was enrolled as a full-time student in an accredited
institution of higher learning when the incapacitation occurred.
22.5. Parents/Parents-In-Law, Stepparents, and Parents-by-Adoption (Initial and Renewal
22.5.1. ID Card Processing Procedures. A parent/parent-in-law, stepparent, or parent-by-
adoption eligible under this paragraph requires a dependency determination (over 50 percent
support): Active duty sponsors shall comply with Marine Corp Order (MCO) P1751.3,
Dependency Determination and Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) Manual when
making application in behalf of a dependent parent. Retiree sponsors shall ensure the dependent parent sends a notarized Parents
Dependency Affidavit to HQMC (MMSR-6) along with any supporting documentation
for consideration.
22.5.2. The Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) will determine eligibility for a dependent
parent, parent-in-law, stepparent, or adoptive parent of a DAV.
22.5.3. The overseas commander will determine eligibility for a dependent parent, parent-in-
law, stepparent, or adoptive parent of a civilian employed overseas. An exception to this
applies to civilian employees who are also military retirees.
22.5.4. A temporary ID card pending formal determination is not authorized for initial issue
or renewal.
22.5.5. The approving authority will be entered on the DD Form 1172, block 89.
22.6. Wards. A ward eligible under paragraph 4.13 requires a dependency determination (over
50 percent support):
22.6.1. Active duty personnel shall complete a DD Form 137-7, Dependency Statement-
Ward of a Court in accordance with MCO P1751.3 when applying in behalf of a dependent
ward (see Attachment 25), have it notarized and forward to HQMC (MRP-1).
22.6.2. Retired personnel shall complete a DD Form 137-7, have it notarized, and send to the
HQMC (MMSR-6) along with a copy of the legal document that placed the child in their
22.6.3. Temporary ID cards are not authorized pending HQMC approval.
22.6.4. Foster children, follow the guidance for wards in paragraphs 22.6 - 22.6.3.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 173

22.7. Unremarried Former Spouses (Initial Application):

22.7.1. Mail the documentation reflected in Table 22.2 to the Headquarters, U.S. Marine
Corps (MMSR-6), 3280 Russell Road, Quantico,VA 22134-5103, along with any DD Forms
214 or statements of service that may be readily available:

Table 22.2. Documentation Requirements for Initial Application for Unremarried Former
1 Original or State certified copy of marriage certificate (no photocopies).
2 Court certified copy of divorce decree (no photocopies).
3 Spousal ID card (if already surrendered provide a statement regarding where and
4 Former spouse statement at Attachment 17, completed, and notarized.
22.8. Unmarried Former Spouse:
22.8.1. Supply documentation required for unmarried former spouse. Court certified marriage certificate for each subsequent marriage. Court certified legal document (death certification, divorce decree, etc.) that
terminated each subsequent marriage.
22.8.2. The HQMC (MMSR-6) shall verify members eligibility for retired or retainer pay.
The former spouse is not required to obtain this information.
22.8.3. If a former spouse appears to be erroneously enrolled in the DEERS, contact the
22.8.4. A temporary ID card is not authorized pending formal determination for initial issue.
22.9. Disapproval for BAQ and Transportation . Disapproval by the HQMC (MRP-1) of a
request for BAQ or transportation in behalf of a stepchild or an adopted child does not affect
their eligibility for ID card benefits if relationship to the sponsor is established. Exception:
Illegitimate stepchildren must reside in a home owned or provided by the member and be
dependent upon the member for more than one-half of their support.
22.10. Dependents of Active Duty Members (Over 30 Days) Separated Due to Dependent
Abuse and Eligible for Transitional Privileges on or After 30 November 1993:
22.10.1. Commanding Officers shall process the DD Form 2698 in accordance with MCO
P1700.24, Marine Corps Personal Services Manual. The HQMC (MRRM) shall review
applicant eligibility and forward approved forms to DFAS and coordinate DEERS/RAPIDS
update with HQMC (MRP-1).
22.11. Security and Accountability of Manually Prepared ID Cards:
22.11.1. Accountable forms include DD Forms: 2(Active) (Manually prepared card), 2(Reserve) (Manually prepared card),
2(Retired) (Manually prepared card), 1173 (Manually prepared card), 1173-1 (Manually
prepared card) and the 489 and 1934.
174 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

22.11.2. Maintain strict accountability for unissued ID cards. Persons authorized to issue manual ID cards, refer to paragraph
concerning forgery, counterfeiting, altering, or tampering with any navel, military, or
official pass or permit.
22.11.3. Authorized issuing activities procure ID cards from the nearest supply point: Commanding Officer (CO) of the issuing activity or representative may
authorize the requisitioning of blank ID cards. Commanding Officers designate in writing the ID card issuing officer or agent
following the grade restrictions contained in Attachment 1, Terms, Issuing Activity. The following provides the responsibilities of the issuing officer or agent and
the commanding officer:

Table 22.3. Responsibilities of Issuing Officer or Agent and Commanding Officer for
Security and Accountability of Manual ID Cards.
ISSUING OFFICER OR AGENT Prepares requisitions for the COs approval.

Retains a copy of shipping list for 5 years.

Maintains a copy of the letter of designation in the

permanent log.

Approves requisitions.

Verifies serial numbers (if appropriate).

COMMANDING OFFICER Verifies total number of cards received as shown on the
shipping list.

Furnishes adequate storage.

Verifies the permanent log by conducting a joint inventory

with the ID card-issuing officer or agent when

The CO may designate, in writing, a responsible officer

(supply, S-4, material) to approve and sign requisitions for
ID cards.

The officer may not be assigned to additional duties as the

ID card issuing officer or agent.
22.12. Forms Management. Identification card forms are ordered through the Navy supply
system; and are identified in the Table 22.4.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 175

Table 22.4. ID Card Forms Ordered Through the Navy Supply System.
1 0102-LF-019-1700 = DD 2S(ACT)
= DD 2S(RES)
2 0102-LF-019-1800 = DD 1173S(PRIV)
3 0102-LF-019-1500 = DD 2S(RET)
4 0102-LF-019-1600 = DD 2S(RES RET)
= 1173-1S (PRIV)
22.13. Illegitimate Children Under Age 21 . A male sponsor presents a court order that
established paternity and the childs birth certificate or an approved dependency and residency
determination reflecting over 50 percent support. Note: A birth certificate alone established the
parent child relationship in the case of a female member but not in the case of a male member.
22.13.1. ID Card Processing Procedures. Active duty members shall comply with MCO
P1751.3. Questions shall be directed HQMC (MRP-1). Retired members present a judicial
determination of paternity and the childs birth certificate or proof of dependency and
22.14. Full-time Student Age 21-23 (Initial and Renewal Applications).
22.14.1. ID Card Processing Procedures. A student aged 21 but prior to the age of 23
requires a dependency determination (over 50 percent support). To make an application,
active duty, reserve, and retired sponsors shall provide HQMC (MRP-1 if active/reserve, or
MMSR-6 if retired) with a notarized DD Form 137-6, Dependency Statement-Full Time
Student 21-23 Years of Age, on behalf of the child, along with the documentation required to
establish his or her full-time student status. Note: When a member is on active duty over 30
consecutive days and wishes to apply for the basic allowance for housing (BAH) and/or
travel and transportation for a full-time student, he or she shall comply with MCO P1751.3,
Dependency Determination and Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH).
22.15. Publication Distribution. PCN 10208570300.
176 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Chapter 23



23.1. General Information. This chapter provides procedures and requirements unique to
Coast Guard, USPHS and NOAA members and their eligible dependents.
23.1.1. Coast Guard Frocking. In accordance with Coast Guard Personnel Manual, Chapter
5-C-39, commanding officers may request authority from Commander (CGP-epm-2) to frock
enlisted members. Commands outlined in the Coast Guard Personnel Manual, Chapter
5.A.14 may request authority from Commander GCP-opm to frock officers. Note: Do not
reissue DD Form 1173 to dependents of frock members until actually promoted.
23.2. Coast Guard. Incapacitated Children Over Age 21 (All Applications):
23.2.1. Coast Guard field units shall assist sponsors and other applicants when processing
initial applications for incapacitated children. Title 10 U.S.C., Section 1072 indicates the
incapacitation must have occurred while a dependent of a member or former member. If the
child was not a dependent on the date of incapacity, there is no identification code eligibility.
23.2.2. Mail the documentation listed in 23.1 to Commanding Officer (RAS), Coast Guard
Personnel Service Center (PSC), 444 S.E. Quincy Street, Topeka, Kansas 66683-3591.
Specific questions should be directed to PSC RAS at (785) 339-3441.
23.2.3. Coast Guard forms can be found at http://www.uscg.mil/hq/psc/forms.

Table 23.1. Required Documentation for Applications for Incapacitated Children over Age
1 A current (less than 4 months old) physicians evaluation that indicates how the
condition precludes the child from being self-supporting now and in the future. A
parent or guardian can accomplish medical histories but the history must be reviewed
and authenticated by an appropriate physician (i.e., psychiatrist for mental health
illnesses, infectious disease specialist for immunodeficiencys).

a. Physical Incapacitation. The evaluation must state the date of onset; a detailed past
medical history of the condition derived from physical examinations and/or laboratory
studies; a diagnosis, treatment regimen, and prognosis for employability and self-
support. If the disability is not permanent, include an estimated date when recovery
could be expected.

b. Mental Incapacitation. The evaluation must state the date of onset, a detailed past
psychiatric history of the condition and a diagnosis on all functioning, vocational
rehabilitation assessment, and prognosis for employability and self-support. If the
disability is not permanent, include an estimated date when recovery could be
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 177

2 A history of employment and statement of earnings are required if the child is or has
been employed.
3 A letter from the Social Security Administration stating child is not entitled to
Medicare Part A.
4 A completed CG PSC 2020 (Dependency Worksheet) and CG PSC 2020A (Support
5 A certified copy of sponsors latest federal income tax return, claiming the child as a
6 A certified copy of the birth certificate or adoption certificate if the child is not enrolled
23.2.4. The above requirements apply to all initial applications. Applicants applying for
renewals should contact PSC (RAS) for determination on renewal documentation required.
23.3. Coast Guard. Unremarried Former Spouses (Initial Application):
23.3.1. Coast Guard field units shall assist sponsors and former spouse applicants when
processing initial application for Unremarried Former Spouses.
23.3.2. Mail the documentation listed in Table 23.2 to the Commanding Officer (RAS),
Coast Guard Personnel Service Center (PSC), (785) 339-3441. 444 S.E. Quincy Street,
Topeka, Kansas 66683-3591. Specific questions should be directed to PSC RAS at (785)

Table 23.2. Required Documentation for Initial Application for Unremarried Former
1 Original or State certified copy of marriage certificate, or photocopy that reflects a file
2 Court certified copy of divorce decree (no photocopies).
3 Certificate from the SSA certifying former spouses eligibility for Medicare Part A
(required if age 65 or older or disabled).
4 Coast Guard Statement of Former Spouse (see CG PSC 2020C).
5 Spouses ID card (if already surrendered to sponsor or ID issuing facility, state where
and when).
23.3.3. PSC RAS will complete determination and mail results directly to Former Spouse
applicant. On occasion, these determinations have necessitated a review of sponsors official
military file at the National Personnel Records Center, which can substantially delay the
process. If a NRPC records review is necessary, the former spouse will be informed by PSC
of the delay.
23.4. Coast Guard. Parents/Parents-in-law, Stepparents and Parents-by-Adoption (All
23.4.1. Coast Guard field units shall assist sponsors and parent applicants when processing
initial applications, CG PSC 2020 (Dependency Worksheet) and CG PSC 2020A (Support
Statement) for parents.
178 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

23.4.2. Mail the information to Commanding Officer (RAS), Coast Guard Personnel Service
Center (PSC), (785) 339-3441. 444 S.E. Quincy Street, Topeka, Kansas 66683-3591.
Specific questions should be directed to HRSIC (RAS) at (785) 339-3441.
23.5. Coast Guard. Illegitimate Children of a Male Spouse or Sponsor - Under Age 21
(Initial Application):
23.5.1. Coast Guard field units shall assist sponsors and applicants when processing initial
applications for illegitimate children of a male spouse or sponsor.
23.5.2. Mail information below to Commanding Officer (RAS), Coast Guard Personnel
Service Center (PSC), (785) 339-3441. 444 S.E. Quincy Street, Topeka, Kansas 66683-
3591. Specific questions should be directed to HRSIC (RAS) at (785) 339-3441.

Table 23.3. Required Documentation for Illegitimate Children of a Male Spouse or

Sponsor under Age 21.
1 A completed CG PSC 2020 (Dependency Worksheet) and CG PSC 2020A (Support
Statement). Signatures must be notarized.
2 Certified copy of childs birth certificate. The birth certificate must show the name of
at least one parent.
3 Certified statement from male spouse or sponsor reflecting childs residence.
4 Any other available/applicable documentation discussed in paragraph 4.9.
23.6. Processing Legal Custody Wards. A service dependency determination, CG PSC 2020
(Dependency Worksheet) and CG PSC 2020A (Support Statement) must be approved for all
wards. Coast Guard commands will assist active duty members with their applications. Coast
Guard Personnel Service Center (RAS) will assist and process applications for retired and former
23.7. Coast Guard Manual Card Stock:
23.7.1. Only afloat commands are authorized to issue DD Form 2 CG (Active), manually
prepared identification cards.
23.7.2. All Coast Guard issuing facilities are authorized to issue the DD Forms 1173s or
2765 for members being involuntarily separated and eligible for the Transition Assistance for
Military Personnel (TAMP).
23.8. Coast Guard Security and Accountability of Armed Forces Identification Cards:
23.8.1. The need for proper security and accountability of identification cards cannot be
overemphasized. Investigations have revealed that these cards have high monetary value and
have been used under conditions bordering upon fraud to cash U. S. Treasury checks and
gain admittance to military installations and restricted facilities.
23.8.2. Persons authorized to issue manual ID cards, refer to paragraph concerning
forgery, counterfeiting, altering, or tampering with any navel, military, or official pass or
23.8.3. To prevent unauthorized persons from obtaining blank card stock, commanding
officers of issuing activities shall designate an officer, or officers, who shall be responsible
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 179

for performing or ensuring the performance security and accountability functions reflected in
Table 23.4:

Table 23.4. Actions Required for Security and Accountability of ID Card Stock.
1 Approve all requests for manually prepared card stock.
2 Make a record of the serial numbers of the cards and of the total number received upon
receipt of a shipment.
3 If the shipment is accompanied by a requisition or receipt which lists the serial number
of the card stock, verify its accuracy with the cards received.
4 Account for cards in the proper manner.

Cards are numbered serially and each must be accounted for on the Record of
Identification Cards Issued, CG-3133.

With appropriate heading, Active, or Temporary. Card shall be accounted for in

blocks of 100 consecutive numbers.

The name and social security account number of the person to whom the card was
issued and the date of issuance shall be shown on the form in the space opposite the
card number.

For control purposes, identification cards will be issued in consecutive order.

Should a card be spoiled, damaged, or otherwise not issued to an individual, a notation

to that effect and the fact that the card has been destroyed should be placed in the space
opposite the card number.
5 The commanding officer of the issuing activity, or his/her specifically designated
validating officer, shall certify on the CG-3133 that all entries are correct and that
he/she has personally destroyed all cards not actually issued to individuals on the form
after the forms are completed.
6 The issuing activity will retain the completed CG-3133s for a period of at least 5 years
after the date of validation at which time they will be destroyed.
23.9. Coast Guard. Storage of Manual Card Stock.
23.9.1. Manual card stock will be stowed in a suitable three-combination lock type safe or
metal file cabinet or in a metal file cabinet equipped with steel lock bars and an approved
three-combination dial type padlock. Lock combinations shall be changed upon change of
custodian and/or at least once annually. The cards shall not be left unattended when out of
the approved storage container.
23.10. Coast Guard. Audit and Inventory of Manual Card Stock:
23.10.1. Ensure that manual card stock records are inspected. A commissioned officer (not
directly involved with the identification card process, if possible) shall make an audit and
inventory of all manual card stock at the unit upon change of validation officer.
180 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 Commanding officers of issuing units will require a commissioned officer of

their command (not directly involved with the identification card process, if possible) to
make an audit and inventory of all manual card stock at the unit annually during the
month of February. Principal issuing activities will in all cases attempt to fix responsibility if
during this audit, or at any time, blank manual card stock cannot be accounted for. Report cases involving suspected theft or fraud to the Area/District Security
Manager immediately. The use of the telephone is encouraged for this notification. This
informal notification shall be followed by a letter via the Area/District Security Manager
to Commandant (CG-1222). An appropriate investigation will be conducted to determine
facts behind the theft/loss. The intent is to assess the situation and correct any
discrepancy, if appropriate.
23.10.2. Upon official notification from the principal issuing activity of a loss or theft of
unissued manual card stock, Commandant (CG-1222) will review the circumstances and,
upon approval of appropriate corrective action taken, relieve the issuing activity concerned of
the accountability responsibility of the lost or stolen identification cards.
23.10.3. The auditor shall make a memo report of the findings to the commanding officer.
After the commanding officer makes written endorsement of acknowledgment thereon, the
report shall be filed with the form CG-3133 recording the cards being audited.
23.11. United States Public Health Service. Direct questions to the Service project officer
reflected in paragraph 25.1.7.
23.11.1. Persons authorized to issue manual ID cards, refer to paragraph
concerning forgery, counterfeiting, altering, or tampering with any navel, military, or official
pass or permit.
23.12. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Direct questions to the Service
project officer reflected in paragraph 25.1.6.
23.12.1. Persons authorized to issue manual ID cards, refer to paragraph
concerning forgery, counterfeiting, altering, or tampering with any navel, military, or official
pass or permit.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 181

Chapter 24



24.1. Members Entitled to Retired Pay Versus Honorably Discharged Veterans Rated 100-
Percent Disabled by the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA). The following information
explains the difference between members entitled to retired pay and honorably discharged
veterans rated 100-percent disabled by the DVA.
24.1.1. Members Entitled To Retired Pay. There is a lot of confusion concerning the status
of members who are entitled to retired pay but also rated 100-percent disabled by the DVA
for compensation purposes. The key to the members status is the fact that the member is
entitled to retired pay: Some individuals may choose to waive their retired pay to receive tax-
exempt disability compensation from the DVA as it is more advantageous; however, this
has no effect on their entitlement to a DD Form 2 (Retired): The member should be reflected in retired status in DEERS and issued the DD
Form 2 Retired. Their eligible dependents are issued the DD Form 1173 reflecting eligibility to
TRICARE, medical care in Uniformed Services Medical Treatment Facilities (MTFS),
and commissary, exchange, and MWR privileges. Note: The Department of Veterans
Affairs (DVA) will determine eligibility for a dependent parent, parent-in-law,
stepparent, or adoptive parent of a DAV. Some dependents may erroneously be in receipt of medical benefits through the
Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs
(CHAMPVA); however, when the member is in a retired status (entitled to retired pay),
entitlement to TRICARE prevails.
24.2. Honorably Discharged Veterans Rated 100-percent Disabled by the
DVA. Honorably discharged veterans who are not entitled to retired pay, and rated 100-percent
disabled from a Uniformed Service-connected injury or disease are entitled to a DD Form 2765
with eligibility to commissary, exchange and MWR privileges only. Note: USD P&R
Memorandum, May 7, 2008, Commissary and Exchange Access by Surviving Spouses and
Dependents of Honorable Discharged Veterans Posthumously Determined 100 Percent Disabled,
authorizes access to military commissary and exchange shopping privileges for surviving
spouses and dependents of honorably discharged veterans who are posthumously determined to
have possessed service-connected disabilities rated as 100 percent.
24.2.1. In order to receive an ID card, a letter from the DVA must certify that the veteran is
entitled to commissary and exchange privileges and indicate whether a medical reevaluation
is necessary or presentation of posthumous determination indicating the 100 percent
disability. Note: Letters from the DVA that indicate the veteran has been awarded 100
percent disability compensation based on unemployability is acceptable. Eligible family
members are entitled to the DD Form 1173 reflecting shopping privileges only. See
Attachment 21.
182 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

24.2.2. These individuals and their family members are not entitled to TRICARE or medical
care through the Uniformed Services MTFs and receive their medical benefits through the
Civilian Health and Medical Program, Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA). A copy of a DD Form 214 reflecting an honorable discharge is also required. The member is enrolled in DEERS as a DAVTMP (if reevaluation is necessary)
or DAVPRM based on the letter from the DVA.
24.3. General Information about TRICARE and Medicare, Part A. Both TRICARE and the
SSA Medicare Part A Hospital Insurance are government-sponsored health benefits programs
prescribed by federal law. An individual may not receive both benefits unless they are disabled,
under age 65, or are eligible for Medicare at or over age 65 and enrolled in Part A and Part B of
Medicare or are an active duty dependent over age 65. Note: Information and eligibility
concerning Social Security benefits may be obtained by contacting the Social Security
Administration. (See paragraph 25.5).
24.4. TRICARE. TRICARE Eligibility for Active Duty Dependents. Title 10, United States
Code, Section 1079, authorizes an insurance plan through which care could be obtained through
civilian sources. This section of law permits continuation of TRICARE when an active duty
spouse or child is entitled to benefits under Medicare, Part A Hospital insurance, regardless of
24.4.1. TRICARE is the secondary payer. Medicare is the primary payer. This means that
after Medicare pays, TRICARE could cover any allowable portion that is not covered by
Medicare. It does not mean that both programs may pay the same benefits.
24.4.2. TRICARE for Life (TFL) Eligibility for Retired Members (At or Over Age 65),
Their Dependents and Surviving Dependents. Title l0, United States Code, Section l086,
provides comparable civilian health care for retired Uniformed Service members and their
eligible dependents as well as surviving dependents of deceased members. Public Law 106-
398 amended Title 10, United States Code, Section 1086 to authorize TRICARE benefits to
those who are Medicare, Part A eligible and enrolled in Medicare, Part B when they turn age
65. If not eligible at age 65, they may qualify for TFL if they later become eligible for
Medicare, Part A and enroll in Medicare, Part B.
24.4.3. Not Eligible for Medicare at Age 65. Individuals who are not eligible for Medicare at
age 65 can be reinstated for continued TRICARE coverage by presenting a Notice of
Disapproved Claim or statement from the SSA indicating they are not eligible for Part A of
Medicare under either the sponsors, their own, or their spouses social security nu mber.
24.4.4. Disabled Retired Members Under Age 65 and Eligible Disabled Dependents. Title
10, United States Code, Chapter 55 was amended by Public Law 102-190 and Public Law
102-272 to allow all beneficiaries, under age 65, who would otherwise have lost eligibility
for TRICARE due to eligibility for Medicare as a result of disability to retain TRICARE as a
secondary payer if they are enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B. Medicare Part B must be
purchased when they become eligible for Part A. If not, TRICARE can be restored if
Medicare Part B is purchased. See paragraph 7.1.
24.5. General Information About Medicare. Title 42, U.S.C., Chapter 7, subchapter XVIII,
Health Insurance for Aged and Disabled, of the Social Security Act, is the basic authority for the
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 183

Medicare Program. Medicare is administered by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services (CMS) of the US Department of Health and Human Services. There are two parts to
Medicare. They are Medicare Part A, Hospital Insurance and Medicare Part B, Medical
Insurance. Table 24.1 addresses Medicare, Part A eligibility:

Table 24.1. Medicare, Part A Eligibility.

1 When TRICARE eligible beneficiaries, including spouses and children of active duty
members, qualify for Medicare Part A Hospital Insurance Benefits, they must apply for
those benefits. It is important for verifying officials to inform beneficiaries of the need
to file for Medicare Part A Hospital Insurance Benefits because Medicare becomes the
primary insurance payer.
2 TRICARE beneficiaries should file for a formal determination of entitlement for
Medicare Part A Hospital Insurance benefits through the SSA when they attain age 65
or they are disabled, regardless of age.

Individuals attain age 65 for Medicare purposes on the first day of the month of their
65th birthday, unless the birthday falls on the first day of the month. If the birthday
falls on the first day of the month, age 65 is attained on the first day of the preceding

Ensure the sponsor is aware that TRICARE is available as the secondary payer--only if
they are enrolled in Medicare Part B. Note: Beneficiaries do not have an option to
choose between TRICARE and Medicare.
3 Most Medicare eligible individuals meet the criteria for premium-free Medicare Part
A Hospital Insurance Benefits. Individuals who do not meet the criteria for premium-
free benefits may purchase Medicare Part A Hospital Insurance Benefits.
4 Purchased Medicare Part A Hospital Insurance Benefits does not disqualify an
individual for TRICARE; however, TRICARE becomes the secondary payer.
24.5.1. Social Security Disability Insurance. Table 24.2 provides information for members
and eligible dependents receiving Social Security Disability Insurance:

Table 24.2. Social Security Disability Insurance Information.

1 Individuals drawing Social Security Disability Insurance benefits for 24 consecutive
months automatically become eligible for Medicare Part A Hospital Insurance benefits
in the 25th month:
2 Advise members placed on the Temporary Disability Retired List (TDRL) of the
impact that Medicare Part A and Part B eligibility will have on their TRICARE
entitlement. This will ensure there is no lapse in the retirees insurance coverage.
3 Advise members being placed on the Permanent Disability Retired List (PDRL) after
having been on TDRL for at least 24 months to apply for a formal determination of
eligibility for Medicare Part A Hospital Insurance benefits from the SSA.
184 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

24.5.2. Medicare Part A and Part B Insurance Coverage. The following provides
information concerning Medicare, Parts A and B Coverage:

Table 24.3. Medicare, Parts A and B Coverage.

1 Medicare Part A:

Medicare, Part A Hospital Insurance helps pay for inpatient hospital care, some
inpatient care in a skilled nursing facility, home health care, and hospice care. Having
Medicare Part A Hospital Insurance, alone, does not equal coverage under TRICARE.
2 Medicare, Part B:

Medicare, Part B Medical Insurance helps pay for medically necessary doctors
services and supplies that are not covered by the hospital insurance part of Medicare.
Part B is not premium free. If this portion of Medicare is not elected, TRICARE does
not cover those items. If Part A of Medicare is authorized, Part B is automatic and
must not be declined in order to have secondary coverage under TRICARE.
Beneficiaries should contact their local Social Security Office for complete information
on Medicare Parts A and B.
24.5.3. An individual who has not contributed toward Social Security may qualify for
Medicare Part A because a relative (spouse or parent) has made sufficient contributions. An
eligible TRICARE beneficiary qualifying for this reason would no longer be eligible for
TRICARE unless they are under age 65 and are receiving benefits under Part A and Part B
due to a disability. In this case, TRICARE would become the secondary payer.
24.5.4. The laws that govern TRICARE and Medicare are very complex. Whenever there is
any question about Medicare entitlement, beneficiaries should be advised to consult their
local Social Security Office or 1-800-772-1213 for enrollment and eligibility questions (see
paragraph 25.5).
24.6. Medicare Penalties and Equitable Relief. A beneficiary who does not elect Medicare
Part B at the time he or she becomes eligible for Part A will pay a penalty for a late election.
The enrollment period is 1 January through 31 March each year. Coverage does not begin until
1 July of the year of enrollment. The monthly premium for Part B is 10 percent higher for each
12-month period the beneficiary could have had medical insurance, but was not enrolled.
24.7. What is Equitable Relief? Equitable relief is a process of undoing harm caused to an
individual when a beneficiarys enrollment for Medicare Part A or Medicare Part B, termination,
or coverage rights are prejudiced because of an error, misrepresentation, or inaction of an
employee or agent of the government. Although Equitable Relief is available, it is important to
ensure that only correct actions are taken and proper information given to an individual about
24.8. Applying for Equitable Relief. Refer the beneficiary to the DSO when you believe that
an agent of DoD has misrepresented a beneficiarys entitlement to Medicare Part A or Medicare
Part B:
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 185

24.8.1. DSO is the authorized agency within the DoD to verify misrepresentation by DoD
government agents, which may have prejudiced a beneficiarys proper election of Medicare
Part A and or Medicare Part B. The DSO does not attempt to assign blame, only to assist the beneficiary in
receiving the proper entitlement:
24.8.2. Beneficiaries will be asked to write the circumstances regarding their non-election
during their original entitlement period to the DSO:
24.8.3. DSO in coordination with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will
provide verification to the beneficiary to file with the SSA for Equitable Relief. Equitable
Relief will allow the beneficiary to receive Medicare Part A as of their original entitlement
date, and to receive Medicare Part B as of either: Their original entitlement date upon payment of back premiums, or; The 1st day of the month in which the beneficiary applies for Equitable Relief.
24.8.4. If beneficiaries are interested in Equitable Relief, they may contact the DEERS
Beneficiary Telephone Center, Monday-Friday, from 0600-1530 (Pacific Time) at 1-800-
334-4162 (California only); 1-800-527-5602 (Alaska and Hawaii only); and 1-800-538-9552
(all other states).
186 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Chapter 25



25.1. Uniformed Services DEERS/RAPIDS Project Offices.

DEERS/RAPIDS, ID Card Procedures and Policy, Attn: AHRC-PDO-IP, Hoffman Building
2, Room 3S49, 200 Stovall Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22332-0474, (703) 325-0202/2595 or
DSN 221-0202/2595. Fax: (703) 325-4532. ARMY GUARD- National Guard Bureau, NGB-ARP-DA (Field Systems Ops),
111 South George Mason Drive, Arlington, Virginia 2203-1382, (703) 607-9128/9104 or
DSN 327-9128/9104, or 1-800-810-9183 Fax: (703) 607-8448 or DSN: 327-8448. ARMY RESERVE - AR-PERSCOM, Attn: ARPC-PSV-A, 1 Reserve Way, St
Louis MO 63132-5200, (314) 592-1034 or DSN 892-1034/1036 or (800) 325-4957
Option 1. Fax: (314) 592-1043 or DSN
892-1043 or (800) 325-4981.
Personnel BUPERS-26, 5720 Integrity Drive, Millington, Tennessee 38055-6730, (901)
874-3362/3360 or DSN 882-3362/3360. Fax (901) 874-2766. NAVY RESERVE - Commander Naval Reserve Forces, Attn: 221, 4400
Dauphine Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70146-5000, (504) 678-3959/4259 or DSN
678-3959/4259. Fax: (504) 678-6137.
AFPC/DPSIR, 550 C Street West, Suite 37, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas 78150-4739,
(210) 565-2089 or DSN 665-2089; Fax: DSN 665-6224 or (210) 565-6244; E-mail:
565-5000, DSN: 665-5000, 1-800-616-3775. AIR NATIONAL GUARD - ANG/DPFOC, 1411 Jefferson Davis Highway,
Suite 10623, Arlington, Virginia 22202-3231, (703) 607-1239; DSN: 327-1239, or ANG
DEERS/RAPIDS Contact Center, Voice: (303)676-8955 or DSN 926-8955; Fax:
(478)327-2208 or DSN 497-2208; mailto:arpc.ccdr@arpc.denver.af.mil. AIR FORCE RESERVE - ARPC DEERS/RAPIDS Support Element, HQ
ARPC/DPS, 6760 E Irvington Place, Denver CO 80280; Voice: (303)676-8955 or DSN
926-8955; Fax: (478)327-2208 or DSN 497-2208; Email:
ARPC, Customer Service Branch, 6760 East Irvington Place, #3800, Denver, Colorado
80280-3800. DSN: 926-6528/6730, 1-800-525-0102.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 187

25.1.4. ACTIVE MARINE CORPS - Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Manpower and
Reserve Affairs (MRP-1), 3280 Russell Road, Quantico, Virginia 22134-5103, (703) 784-
9529/9530/9531/9532 or DSN 278-9529/9530/9531/9532. MARINE CORPS RESERVE - Commander, MARFORRES, Code 7AA, 4400
Dauphine Street, New Orleans Louisiana 70146-5440, (504) 578-1299 or DSN 678-1299.
Fax: (504) 678-1439. RETIRED MARINE CORPS - Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Manpower
and Reserve Affairs (MMSR-6), 3280 Russell Road, Quantico, Virginia 22134-5103:
(703) 784-9310 or DSN 278-9310. Retirees and their eligible family members, or
survivors may call (800) 336-4649.
Commandant (CG-1222), 2100 Second Street, SW, Washington DC 20593-0001, (202) 475-
5394/5400. Fax: (202) 457-5927 RETIRED COAST GUARD Commanding Officer (RAS), USCG Personnel
Service Center (PSC), 444 S.E. Quincy Street, Topeka, Kansas 66683-3591, (785) 339-
ADMINISTRATION - Commissioned Personnel Center CPC1, 8403 Colesville Road, Suite
500, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910-3282, (301) 713-7729. Fax: (301) 713-4140.
STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, Division of Commissioned Corp Officer Support,
OCCO, 1101 Wootton Parkway, Plaza Level, Suite 100, Rockville, Maryland 20852, (240)
453-6131. Fax: (240) 453-6134.
25.2. DMDC SUPPORT CENTER-CONUS. 1600 North Beauregard Street, Alexandria, VA
22311, 1-800-3-RAPIDS (1-800-372-7437), DSN 698-5000 (country code 312).
25.2.1. DMDC SUPPORT OFFICE. 400 Gigling Road, Seaside, California 93955-6771,
(831) 583-2500 or DSN: 878-3261/2659 or 3335. Fax (831) 655-8317 or (831) 644-9256.
25.3. DMDC SUPPORT CENTER-Asia (DSC-A). Electronic Data Systems, Attn: DSC-A,
Unit 15316, APO AP 96205-0089, Commercial 011-822-7914-6195, DSN 724-6195,
Commercial Datafax 011-822-795-1092, DSN Datafax 724-6204, E-mail: helpdesk-
25.4. DMDC SUPPORT CENTER-Europe (DSC-E). Electronic Data Systems, Attn: DSC-
E, US Hospital/AM Kirchberg, 1st Street, Geb 3701, 2-OG, 66849 Landstuhl, Deutschland.
APO Address: HQ LRMC, CMR402 ATTN: DSC-E , DSN: 486-7365, Commercial:
+49(0)6371-86-7365; Datafax: +49(0)6371-86-7672.
25.5. Social Security Administration. For Social Security enrollment and eligibility
information: 1-800-772-1213. SSA Web site: www.ssa.gov. Medicare Web site:

25.6. Prescribed Forms:

188 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

AF Form 335, Issuance Record-Accountability Identification Card and AF Form 354, Civilian
Identification Card.

25.7. Adopted Forms:

The following list of forms includes the form numbers for the manually prepared ID cards and
the Machine-readable ID cards. AF Form 335, Issuance Record-Accountability Identification
Card; AF Form 354, Civilian Identification Card; DD Form 2ACT, Armed Forces of the United
States Geneva Convention Card (Active) (Accountable); DD Form 2SACT, Armed Forces of the
United States Geneva Convention Card (Active) (Green) (Storage Safeguard); DD Form 2Ret,
United States Uniformed Services Identification Card (Accountable); DD Form 2SRET, United
States Uniformed Services Identification Card (Retired) (Blue) (Storage Safeguard); DD Form
2RES, Armed Forces of the United States Geneva Convention Identification Card (Reserve)
(Accountable); DD Form 2SRES, Armed Forces of the United States Geneva Convention
Identification Card (Reserve) (Green) (Storage Safeguard); DD Form 2RESRET, United States
Uniformed Services Identification Card (Reserve Retired) (Red) (Storage Safeguard); DD Form
489, Geneva Conventions Identity Card for Civilians Who Accompany the Armed Forces; DD
Form 577 Appointment/Termination Record Authorized Signature; DD Form 1172,
Application for Uniformed Services Identification Card-DEERS Enrollment; DD Form 1172-2,
Application for Department of Defense Common Access Card DEERS Enrollment; DD Form
1173, Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card (Accountable); DD Form 1173S,
United States Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card (Tan) (Storage Safeguard);
DD Form 1173-1, Department of Defense Guard and Reserve Family Member Identification
Card (Accountable); DD Form 1173-1S, United States Uniformed Services Identification and
Privilege Card (Red) (Storage Safeguard); DD Form 1934, Geneva Conventions Identity Card
for Medical and Religious Personnel Who Serve in or Accompany the Armed Forces; and DA
Form 1602, Civilian Identification Card (Accountable); DD Form 2764, United States
DoD/Uniformed Services Civilian Geneva Conventions Card (Storage Safeguard); and DD Form
2765, Department of Defense/Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card (Storage
Safeguard); DD Form 2841, Department of Defense (DoD) Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
Certificate of Acceptance and Acknowledgement of Responsibilities; and DD Form 2842,
Subscriber Certificate Acceptance and Acknowledgement of Responsibilities.


DCS. Manpower and Personnel

Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of
the Army


Deputy Chief of Naval Personnel
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 189

J.W. KLIMP, Lt General, USMC

Deputy Chief of Staff for M&RA


Director of Personnel Management


Director, NOAA Corps


Director, Office of Commissioned Corps Operations
190 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Attachment 1

DoD Instructions 1000.1, Identity Cards Required by the Geneva Convention, January 30, 1974
with Changes 1 and 2
DoD Instruction 1000.13, Identification (ID) Cards for Members of the Uniformed Services,
Their Dependents, and Other Eligible Individuals, December 5, 1997
DoD Instruction 1341.2, Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System Procedures, March 19,
DoD Instruction 1015.10, Programs for Military Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR),
November 3, 1995 with Change 1
DoD Instruction 1342.24, Transitional Compensation for Abused Dependents, May 23, 1995
with Change 1
DoD Instruction 1404.10, Emergency Essential (E-E) DoD U.S. Citizen Civilian Employees,
April 10, 1992
DoD Directive 1000.25, DoD Personnel Identity Protection (PIP) Program, July 19, 2004
DoD Directive 5200.1, DoD Information Security Program, December 13, 1996
DoD Directive 5200.2, DoD Personnel Security Program, April 9, 1999
DoD 5200.1-R, DoD Information Security Program, January 1997
DoD 5200.2, DoD Personnel Security Program, April 9, 1999
DoD 5200.08-R, DoD Physical Security Program, April 9, 2007
DFAS-DE Manual 7073-1, 15, Defense Joint Military Pay System-Active Component (DJMS-
AC) FSO Procedures, 15 January 1998
AR 380-5, Department of the Army Information Security Program, 29 September 2000
AR 40-400, Patient Administration, 12 March 2001
AR 638-2, Care and Disposition of Remains and Disposition of Personal Effects, 22 December
FM 10-63, Handling of Deceased Personnel in MWRs of Operations
AR 600-8-29, Officer Promotions, 30 November 1994
AR 601-280, Army Retention Program, 31 March 1999.
SECNAV Instruction 5510.36, Department of Navy (DON) Information Security Program (ISP)
Regulation, 17 March 1999
AFI 31-101, The Physical Security Program
AFI 33-360, Publications and Forms Management Program
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 191

AFMAN 33-223, Communication and Information, Identification and Authentication, July 29,
AFMAN 33-363, Management of Records
Air Force Records Information Management System, (AFRIMS)
Marine Corp Order (MCO)P1751.3F, The Basic Allowance for Quarters (BAQ) for Marines and
Dependents, 24 Dec 2003
MCO P1700.24B, Marine Corps Personal Services Manual, 27 December 2001
Executive Order 9397, Numbering System for Federal Accounts Relating to Individual Persons,
November 22, 1943
Title 5, United States Code, Section 2105(a) Employee
Title 10, United States Code, Sections 1072(2)(F) and (H) Definitions
Title 10, United States Code, Section 1074, Medical and Dental Care for Members and Certain
Former Members
Title 10, United States Code, Section 1076(a) and 1086(c)(2), TRICARE Dental Program and
Contracts for Health Benefits for Certain Members, Former Members and their Dependents
Title 10, United States Code, Section 1078a, Continued Health Benefits Coverage
Title 10, United States Code, Sections 1174a and 1175, Special Separation Benefits and
Voluntary Separation Incentive
Title 10, United States Code, Section 1408(h), Benefits for Dependents Who are Victims of
Abuse by Members Losing Right to Retired Pay
Title 10, United States Code, Section 1408, Payment of Retired or Retainer Pay in Compliance
with Court Orders
Title 18, United States Code, Sections 499, 506, 509, 701, and 1001, Crimes and Criminal
Title 10, United States Code, Chapter 58, Benefits and Services for Separated Members
Title 10, United States Code, Chapter 1223, Retired Pay for Non-Regular Service
Title 10, United States Code, Chapter 1209, Selected Reserve
Title 42, Subchapter XVIII, Chapter 7, Health Insurance for Aged and Disabled
Title 10, United States Code, Section 8013, Secretary of the Air Force
Title 10, United States Code, Section 3013, Secretary of the Army
Title 10, United States Code, Section 5013, Secretary of the Navy
Public Law 102-484, National Defense Authorization Act, 23 October 1992
Public Law 107-107, National Defense Authorization Act, 28 December 2001
Public Law 108-375, National Defense Authorization Act, 28 October 2004
Public Law 110-181, National Defense Authorization Act, 28 January 2008
192 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Abbreviations and Acronyms

AAFES Army Air Force Exchange Service
AD Active Duty
ADSWACActive Duty for Special Work of the Active Component
ADT Active Duty for Training
AFOSI Air Force Office of Special Investigations
AFROTC Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps
AFRIMS Air Force Records Information Management System
ANG Air National Guard
ANGRC Air National Guard Readiness Center
AR Army Regulation
ARNG United States Army National Guard
ARPC Air Reserve Personnel Center
AR PERSCOMArmy Reserve Personnel Command
AWOL Absent Without Leave or Unauthorized Absence Status
BUMED Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
BUPERS Bureau of Naval Personnel
CAR Customer Account Representative
CID Criminal Investigative Command
CAC Common Access Card
CONUS Continental United States
CPF Civilian Personnel Flight
CSD Customer Service Desk
CSF Chief of Security Forces
DA Department of the Army
DAV Disabled Veteran
DBMS Director of Base Medical Services
DB Department of Defense Beneficiary
DSC Defense Manpower Data Center Support Center
DSCADefense Manpower Data Center Support Center Asia
DSCEDefense Manpower Data Center Support Center Europe
DEERS Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 193

DEPC DEERS Enrollment Processing Center

DFAS Defense Finance and Accounting Service
DFASCL - Defense Finance and Accounting Service - Cleveland Center
DFASDE - Defense Finance and Accounting Service - Denver Center
DFASIN - Defense Finance and Accounting Service - Indianapolis Center
DMDC Defense Manpower Data Center
DoD Department of Defense
DoDDS Department of Defense Dependent Schools
DOS Date of Separation
DSN Defense Switched Network
DSO DEERS Support Office
DVA Department of Veterans Affairs
EAD Extended Active Duty
EAOS Expiration of Active Obligated Service
EOS Expiration of Active Obligated Service
EST Eastern Standard Time
ETS Expiration of Term of Service
FM Field Manual
FSO Financial Services Office
FSS Force Support Squadron
GS General Schedule
GSU Geographically Separated Unit
IADT Inactive Duty for Training
ID Identification
IMA Individual Mobilization Augmentee
INCAP Incapacitated, permanent
INCT Incapacitated, temporary
IRR Individual Ready Reserve
LOI Letter of Instruction
MACOM Major Army Command
MAJCOM Major Command
MC Medical Care
194 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

MCO Marine Corps Order

MPE Military Personnel Element (formerly Military Personnel Flight)
MPU Mobility Processing Unit
MS Medical Service
MSO Military Service Obligation
MTF Medical Treatment Facility
NCIS Naval Criminal Investigative Service
NCO Non Commissioned Officer
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NONNCO - Non-Non Commissioned Officer
NONPO - Non-Petty Officer
NPRC National Personnel Records Center
OCAR Office of the Chief Army Reserve
OLPU On-line Personnel Update
PDRL Permanent Disability Retired List
PERSCOM Personnel Command (Army)
PIRR Participating Individual Ready Reserve
PFP Partnership for Peace
PSD Personnel Support Detachment
RAPIDS Real-time Automated Personnel Identification System
RCCPDS Reserve Component Common Personnel Data System
RCSBP Reserve Component Survivor Benefits Plan
RDS Records Disposition Schedule
ROI Report of Investigation
ROTC Reserve Officer Training Corps
SA Special Agent
SCH Student
SN Service Number
SPD Special Program Designator
SSA Social Security Administration
SSB Special Separation Benefit
SSN Social Security Number
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 195

SVO Super Verifying Official

TAFMSD Total Active Federal Military Service Date
TAS Total Active Service
TAG The Adjutant General
TAMP Transition Assistance Management Program
TAP Transition Assistance Program
TDRL Temporary Disability Retired List
TDY Temporary Duty
UIS Unauthorized Issue
UMFS Unmarried Former Spouse
UMW Unmarried Widow
UPRG Unit Personnel Record Group
URFS Unremarried Former Spouse
URW Unremarried Widow
USAF United States Air Force
USAFA United States Air Force Academy
USAFR United States Air Force Reserve
USA United States Army
USAR United States Army Reserve
USCG United States Coast Guard
USCGR United States Coast Guard Reserve
USD Under Secretary of Defense
USMC United States Marine Corps
USMCR United States Marine Corps Reserve
USN United States Navy
USNA United States Naval Academy
USNR United States Navy Reserve
USC United States Code
USPHS United States Public Health Service
USS United Seaman's Service
VO Verifying Official
VSI Voluntary Separation Incentive
196 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Ab Initio AnnulmentAn annulment granted by a court of competent jurisdiction which holds
that a marriage had never existed.
Abused DependentA dependent of a member or former member of the Armed Forces, whose
eligibility to retired pay was terminated, and who was separated due to misconduct involving
dependent abuse (see Title 10 U.S.C., Section 1408 [(h)(2)(9)(A)]), paragraph 5.1; or a
dependent of a member of the armed forces on active duty for a period of more than 30 days who
was convicted of a dependent-abuse offense and whose conviction results in the member being
separated from active duty pursuant to a sentence of a court-martial; or forfeiting all pay and
allowances pursuant to a sentence of a court martial; or who was administratively separated from
active duty in accordance with applicable regulations if the basis for the separation includes a
dependent-abuse offense (see Title 10, U.S.C., Section 1059, paragraph 5.2).
Active DutyFull-time duty in the active military service of the United States. Such term
includes full-time training duty, annual training duty, and attendance, while in the active military
service, at a school designated as a Service school by law or by the Secretary of the military
department concerned. Such term does not include full-time National Guard duty (Title 10,
U.S.C. 101 [d] [1]).
Active Duty for TrainingA tour of active duty which is used for training members of the
Reserve Components to provide trained units and qualified persons to fill the needs of the Armed
Forces in time of war or national emergency and such other times as the national security
requires. The member is under orders, which provide for return to non-active status when the
period of active duty for training is completed. It includes annual training, special tours of active
duty for training, school tours, and the initial duty for training performed by non-prior service
Adopted Child-A child adopted before the age of 21 or if enrolled in a full-time course of
study at an institution of higher learning before the age of 23. Except for entitlement to medical
care, a child with an incapacitating condition that existed before the age of 21 or that occurred
while the child was a full-time student prior to the age of 23 may be adopted at any age provided
it is determined that there is a BONA FIDE parent child relationship. A child of an active duty
member or retiree who is adopted by a nonmilitary member after the death of the sponsor
remains eligible for medical care only as there would be no termination of the legal relationship
between the child and the deceased sponsor.
Adoptive Parent-A person who adopted the sponsor before the sponsor's emancipation or
before the sponsor's 21st birthday. A bona fide parent-child relationship existed before the
Air Force Employee-An individual employed by the Air Force and appointed in the Civil
Service as defined in Title 5, U.S.C., Section 2105(a), or required by Air Force regulation to take
the oath of office.
AnnulledThe status of an individual, whose marriage has been declared a nullity by a court of
competent jurisdiction that restores unremarried status to a widow, widower, or former spouse
for reinstatement of benefits and privileges. (See Attachment 4 for medical TRICARE [MC]
effective date.)
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 197

Armed Forces of the United StatesA term used to denote collectively all components of the
Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard (see Title 10, U.S.C. 101[a][4]).
Attainment of Age 65-The 1st day of the month of the anniversary of the 65th birthday,
unless the birthday falls on the first of the month. If the birthday falls on the first day of the
month, attainment of age 65 occurs on the first day of the preceding month.
Certified Copy-A copy of a document or record signed and certified as a true copy by the
officer to whose custody the original is entrusted. For certified documents, this includes official
copies of documents (whether called certified copies or not), as long as they qualify under the
laws of the state where made to be introduced into evidence in court. Usually such copies will
be accompanied by a statement (either attached or on the copy itself) of the records custodian
attesting to the copys authenticity and will be signed by the custodian.
Child-A sponsor's currently unmarried; legitimate child (born of marriage), adopted child,
legitimate stepchild, or illegitimate child (see definition below). Children may receive medical
benefits if they are: (1) younger than 21 years of age; (2) 21 or 22 years old and enrolled in a
full-time course of education; (3) 21 or older but incapable of self-support because of a mental or
physical incapacity that existed before their 21st birthday; (4) 21 or 22 years old and were
enrolled full-time in an accredited institution of higher learning but became incapable of self-
support because of a mental or physical condition that developed during these years. Note: If a
sponsor provides over 50 percent support to their child, the child is also eligible for shopping
privileges if they reside in the sponsors household or maintained in a household by the sponsor.
Common Access CardSmart card-based technology and systems used to transform and
improve security in DoD processes and mission performance thereby enhancing readiness while
also improving business processes. The standard identification card for active duty Uniformed
Services personnel (to include the Selected Reserve), DoD civilian employees, eligible
contractor personnel, and eligible foreign nationals. The Department's primary platform for the
public key infrastructure authentication token used to access DoD computer networks and
systems in the unclassified environment and, where authorized by governing security directives,
the classified environment. It is the principal card enabling physical access to buildings,
facilities, installations, and controlled spaces.
Contract Employee-A non-government employee under contract or working for a firm under
contract with the DoD, or Uniformed Services. For purposes of identification card entitlement,
the contract or other document that the verifier may refer to the SJA for legal determination of
sufficiency must specifically establish the contract employee relationship. In overseas bases,
documentation must also establish the contract's assignment to the particular installation. Legal
documents (marriage certificate, birth certificate) must establish dependent relationship.
Cross-Servicing AgreementFor the purpose of this Air Force inter-service instruction (AFI),
a cross-servicing agreement (established by the seven Uniformed Services) allows verification
and issuance of ID cards by a Service to certain categories of beneficiaries, even if they belong to
another parent Service.
Deceased Member-A deceased person who was, at the time of death, a Uniformed Service
active duty member, active duty retiree, a former member or retired Reserve member entitled to
pay at age 60 but who died before reaching age 60.
198 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS)-A computer-based enrollment

and eligibility system that the DoD established to support, implement, and maintain its efforts to
improve planning and distributing military benefits, including military health care, and to
eliminate waste and fraud in the use of benefits and privileges. DEERS can interact with and
support systems and programs within DoD and the military departments.
Dependent-An individual whose relationship to the sponsor leads to benefits.
Determination Activity-The Service entity that determines residency and dependency for
dependents as required by paragraphs 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, and 4.12. The verifying official
verifies, issues, denies, or retrieves cards based on the determination.
Documentation-Properly certified birth certificate or certificate of live birth authenticated by
attending physician or other responsible person from a U.S. hospital or a military treatment
facility showing the name of at least one parent; FS-240, Consular Report of Birth Abroad,
properly certified marriage certification; properly certified final decree of divorce, dissolution, or
annulment of marriage and statements attesting to non-remarriage and status of employer-
sponsored health care; court order for adoption or guardianship; statement of incapacity from a
physician or personnel or medical headquarters of sponsors parent Uniformed Service; letter
from school registrar; retirement orders (providing entitlement to retired pay is established) or
DD Form 214; DD Form 1300, Report of Casualty; certification from VA of 100-percent
disabled status; orders awarding Medal of Honor; formal determination of eligibility for
Medicare Part A benefits from the Social Security Administration; civilian personnel records;
and invitational travel orders. Note: For certified documents, this includes official copies of
documents (whether called certified copies or not), as long as they qualify under the laws of the
state where made, to be introduced into evidence in court. Usually such copies will be
accompanied by a statement (either attached or on the copy itself) of the records custodian
attesting to the copys authenticity and will be signed by the custodian. Foreign documents must
be accompanied by an English translation. Foreign divorce decrees must be reviewed by the
local installation legal staff (see chapter 22 for the Marine Corps).
DoD Beneficiary-A person who receives benefits from the DoD based on a prior association,
condition, or authorization (see unremarried widow and unremarried former spouse).
Dual Status-A person who is entitled to privileges from two sources (e.g., an active, national
guard, reserve, or retired member, who is also the dependent of an active duty, national guard,
reserve or a retired-with-pay member; who is employed overseas as a civilian by the US
government and is qualified for logistical support because of that civilian employment; a
member of a Reserve component who is an eligible dependent of an active duty, national guard,
reserve, or retired military sponsor; or a child, who is the natural child of one sponsor and the
stepchild, ward, or adopted child, and member of a household of another sponsor).
Early Retirement (ER) (Active Duty)-Authorized by Public Law 105-261, Section 4403,
(codified in Title 10, United States Code, Section 638a), from 23 October 1992 through 30
September 2001, for members of the active component and members of the Reserve component
who complete at least 15, but less than 20 years of active duty (includes Full-Time National
Guard) as of October 23, 1992. These members receive the same benefits as those members who
have completed 20 active duty years for retirement and are issued the DD Form 2 (Retired).
Their eligible dependents are issued the DD Form 1173 as dependents of active duty retired
members. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Management and Personnel guidance
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 199

memorandum, dated 12 March 1993, implemented the ER program. Former spouses are not
considered eligible dependents.
Emancipation-A legal status conferring adulthood on a minor through a judicial decree (court
Emergency Essential (EE) Civilian Employee. A direct hire U.S. employee who is
appointed, either temporarily or permanently, to a position within the DoD, who occupies an E-E
civilian position and who is expected to sign a DD Form 2365, DoD Civilian Employee Overseas
Emergency-Essential Position Agreement.
Family MemberThe same as a dependent, except that it excludes unremarried and unmarried
former spouses. When in doubt about a person's dependent status, use Attachment 2 to verify
Family Member of Civilian for the Purpose of AF Form 354 (1) Spouse of an employee or
widow or widower in receipt of an annuity; (2) Unmarried dependent child under 22 years of
age, including an adopted child or natural child; (3) A stepchild or foster child who resides with
employee or annuitant in a regular parent-child relationship; (4) An unmarried dependent child,
regardless of age, who is incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical disability that
existed before age 23.
Financial Services Office-Local installation finance office.
Former Member-An individual who is eligible to receive retired pay for non-Regular service
under Chapter 1223 of Title 10, U.S.C., but who has been discharged from the Service and
maintains no military affiliation. These former members are issued the DD Form 2765 and their
eligible dependents the DD Form 1173 when the member reaches age 60. These former
members and their eligible dependents are entitled to medical care, commissary, exchange, and
morale, welfare, and recreation privileges at age 60 when entitled to retired pay. Prior to age 60
the member is entitled to the DD Form 2 (Reserve Retired) and eligible dependents the DD Form
1173-1. These cards grant unlimited exchange and MWR privileges and limited commissary
Former SpousesDoD Beneficiaries, individuals who were married to a Uniformed Service
member for at least 20 years, and the member had at least 20 years of service creditable in
determining eligibility to retired pay, and the marriage overlapped by: 20 or more years
(20/20/20); or 15 years, but less than 20 years (20/20/15); or, an abused spouse whose marriage
overlapped by 10 or more years (10/20/10).
Frocking-An administrative authorization to assume the title and wear the uniform of a higher
rank, without entitlement to the pay and allowance of that grade.
Full-time National Guard Duty (FTNGD)Training or other duty, other than inactive duty,
performed by a member of the Army National Guard of the United States, or the Air National
Guard of the United States in the members status as a member of the National Guard of a State
or territory, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or the District of Columbia under section 316,
502, 503, 504, or 505 of Title 32 for which the member is entitled to pay from the United States
or for which the member has waived pay from the United States. (See Title 10, Section 101
[(d)][(5)][(reference (d)]). FTNGD is active service IAW Section 101[(d)][(3)] of referenced
200 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Graduate Student-Children who have graduated from an undergraduate program and have a
letter of acceptance in a graduate degree program signed by an authorized officer of the college
or university for a student over the age of 21 who is dependent upon the sponsor for over one-
half of the childs support. The letter of acceptance will document student status. A temporary
ID card may be issued for a period not to exceed the 30th day of the month of enrollment as an
expiration date for the student to complete enrollment procedures at the college or university in
the graduate study program. After registration is complete, an ID card will be issued for the
entire period of the graduate work program as determined by the college or university, not to
exceed the 23d birthday of a child.
Gray Area-The period between retirement under official orders from the selected Guard or
Reserve component after satisfactorily completing 20 or more years of service and eligible for
retired pay at age 60.
Guard and Reserve DEERS Enrollment Program-The program by which Guard and
Reserve members and their eligible dependents are enrolled into the DEERS. Those sponsors
and their dependents are maintained in a pre-eligibility status for future entitlement to unlimited
benefits, until such time as the sponsor is called to active duty by Presidential call-up or
congressional decree. On sponsor activation, as reflected in the Uniformed Service personnel
tapes submitted to the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC), the DEERS will reflect
activation of preeligible dependents as eligible for full benefits for a period not to exceed 270
days. Preeligible dependents will not be required again to prove their relationship to the sponsor
to receive benefits. To receive benefits during the 270-day period, dependents will be required
to possess the DD Form 1173-1 and a copy of the sponsors orders to active duty. Retention of
eligibility after 270 days requires revalidation of the dependents relationship to the sponsor in
DEERS and issue of a DD Form 1173. At any time during the 270 day period, dependents can
request issuance of the DD Form 1173.
Honorary Retiree-A member of the Retired Reserve not entitled to retired pay at age 60;
therefore, is no longer entitled to an ID card (Public Law 101-510).
Identification Card Work CenterAn Army ID card verification and issuing activity.
Inactive Duty Training-A period of training on inactive duty which includes not only that
time between muster and dismissal, but also includes travel to or from such drills.
Inactive National Guard (ING)Army National Guard personnel in an inactive status not in
the Selected Reserve who are attached to a specific National Guard unit but do not participate in
training activities. Upon mobilization, they will mobilize with their units. In order for these
personnel to remain members of the Inactive National Guard, they must muster once a year with
their assigned unit. Like the Individual Ready Reserve, all members of the Inactive National
Guard have legal, contractual obligations. Members of the Inactive National Guard may not
train for retirement credit or pay and are not eligible for promotion. Also called ING. For the
purpose of this instruction, issuance of DD Form 1173-1 to ING dependents is mandatory. The
ING participates in the Guard or Reserve DEERS Enrollment Program.
Individual Ready Reserve (IRR)A manpower pool consisting of individuals who have had
some training and who have served previously in the Active Component or in the Selected
Reserve and have some period of their military service obligation remaining. Members may
voluntarily participate in training for retirement points and promotion with or without pay. Also
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 201

called IRR. For the purpose of this instruction, it also includes volunteers, who do not have time
remaining on their MSO, but are under contractual agreement to be a member of the IRR. These
individuals are mobilization assets and may be called to active duty under the provisions of Title
10, U.S.C, Chapters 15 and 1209. Issuance of DD Form 1173-1 to IRR dependents is
mandatory. The IRR participates in the Guard and Reserve DEERS Enrollment Program.
In Loco Parentis-Acting as a parent by assuming parental duties and responsibilities. (People
in this status do not receive ID card entitlements.)
InstallationA grouping of facilities, located in the same vicinity, which support particular
functions. Installations may be elements of a base. For the purpose of this instruction, an
installation is defined as a Post, Fort, Camp, Base, or Center.
Installation Legal Staff-Staff Judge Advocate, Judge Advocate General, or legal advisor.
Installation Security Authority-Army- Military Police; Navy - Military Police; Air Force -
Security Forces; Marine Corps - Provost Marshal.
Interlocutory Decree of Divorce-A decree which is provisional; temporary not final. A
spouse remains eligible for an ID card until a final decree of divorce.
Institution of Higher Learning-A college, university, or similar institution, including a
technical or business school, offering post secondary-level academic instruction that leads to an
associate or higher degree, if the school is empowered by the appropriate State education
authority under state law to grant an associate or higher degree. When there is no state law to
authorize the granting of a degree, the school may be recognized as an institution of higher
learning if it is accredited for degree programs by a recognized accrediting agency. The term
also includes a hospital offering educational programs at the post secondary level regardless of
whether the hospital grants a post secondary degree. The term also includes an educational
institution that is not located in a state that offers a course leading to a standard college degree or
equivalent and is recognized as such by the Secretary of Education (or comparable official) of
the country, or other jurisdiction in which the institution is located.
Issuing/Verifying Activity-An authorized facility that issues computer generated ID cards
from RAPIDS or verifies ID card recipient DEERS eligibility as described in paragraph 2.1. See
RAPIDS User Guide and RAPIDS Security Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for expanded
roles. Note: Pass and Registration is an issuing activity for manually prepared ID cards not
administered within the RAPIDS or DEERS programs.
Issuing/Verifying Official- The Issuing Official (IO) and the Verifying Official (VO) roles
are distinct and are not the same and they must be a person who is a US citizen; military
member, DoD civilian (appropriated or non-appropriated fund--supported), DoD contractor or
equivalent civilian personnel employed by the National Guard of the United States. The VO is
responsible for validating eligibility of bona fide beneficiaries to receive benefits and
entitlements, and is the only person authorized to sign block number 99 (Verifying Official) on
the DD Form 1172. The IO is the only person authorized to sign block number 108 (Issuing
Official) on the DD Form 1172. A qualified person may perform both the IO and VO roles at
RAPIDS facilities. The following grades apply to verifying and issuing officials: Commissioned
Officer, Warrant Officer, E-4 and above, Federal civilian General Schedule 4 (and above), and
DoD contractor personnel. See RAPIDS User Guide and RAPIDS Security Standard Operating
Procedure (SOP) for expanded roles. Note: The senior personnel official may appoint in
202 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

writing, other responsible military personnel, federal civilian and contractor personnel,
regardless of rank, to verify and issue ID cards if the mission requires it.
Joint Service Marriage- A marriage whereby a military member is married to another
military member; active, national guard, reserve, or retired.
Letter of Disallowance-A letter the Social Security Administration issues to persons who do
not have enough credits under the Social Security System to get Medicare, Part A, benefits.
Letter of Instruction (LOI)-A letter that directs deployment of contractor personnel to a
specific location in a theater of operation during contingency, wartime, exercise, or emergency
Machine-readable cardA computer generated card issued through the Real-time Automated
Personnel Identification Data System (RAPIDS).
Medal of Honor Recipient-A discharged or separated person awarded the Medal of Honor
from any of the United States Armed Forces. This includes deceased people awarded the Medal
of Honor posthumously.
MemberAn individual who is affiliated with a Service, active duty, Reserve, active duty
retired or Retired Reserve. Members in a retired status are not former members. See Terms,
Former Member.
Military Service Obligation (MSO)The period of time that a member will serve in a Regular
or Reserve component of the Armed Forces as required by Title 10, U.S.C. 651 (as amended).
The period is for a total initial period of not less than six years or more than eight years as
specified by the Secretary of Defense or Homeland Security (formerly Secretary of
Transportation) for the Coast Guard.
National Agency Check (NAC)The NAC is part of every NACI. Standard NACs are
Security/Suitability Investigations Index, Defense Clearance and Investigation Index, FBI Name
Check, and FBI National Criminal History Fingerprint Check.
National Agency Check with Inquiries (NACI)The basic and minimum investigation
required on all new Federal employees; consists of a NAC with written inquiries and searches of
records covering specific areas of an individuals background during the past 5 years (inquiries
sent to current and past employers, schools attended, references, and local law enforcement
authorities). Coverage includes employment, 5 years; education, 5 years and highest degree
verified; residence, 3 years; references; law enforcement, 5 years; and NACs.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) CountriesBelgium, Canada, Czech Republic,
Denmark, France, Federal Republic of Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg,
the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, and the United
OrphanA surviving, unmarried child, either natural or adopted, of a uniformed service
member who died while on active duty or in a paid retired status. Both parents must be deceased
and the surviving child must have been dependent on the parent or parents at the time of their
Partnership for PeaceEuro-Atlantic Partnership Council Member Countries. For a current
list, access http://www.nato.int/issues/eap/index.html (see attachment 2, table A2.12).
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 203

Placement AgencyA placement agency (recognized by the Secretary of Defense) in the

United States or US territories licensed for the purpose of adoption by the state or territory in
which the adoption procedures will be completed. In all other locations, the appropriate
Assistant Secretary of the Military Department concerned or an appropriate official to whom he
or she has delegated approval authority must approve a request for recognition.
Parent-by-AdoptionA person who adopted the sponsor before the sponsors 21st birthday,
and is entitled to benefits because of a BONA FIDE parent and child relationship. Emancipation
of the sponsor before the adoption shall normally be presumed to prevent the commencement of
the parent and child relationship.
Preadoptive ChildFor the purpose of DEERS enrollment, a pre-adoptive child is considered
to be a ward of the member. With respect to determinations of dependency made on or after 5
October 1994, an unmarried person who is placed in the home of the member or former member
by a placement agency (recognized by the Secretary of Defense) in anticipation of the legal
adoption of the person by the member or former member and the child is: (1) Younger than 21
years of age; (2) Between the ages of 21 and 23 and enrolled in a full-time course of study at an
institution of higher learning approved by the administering Secretary; and is, dependent on the
member or former member for over one-half of the students support or was at the time of the
members or former members death; (3) Incapable of self support because of a mental or
physical incapacity that occurred while the person was considered a dependent of the member or
former member; and is, dependent on the member or former member for over one-half of the
persons support or was at the time of the members or former members death; and, resides with
the member or former member unless separated by the necessity of military service or to receive
institutional care as a result of disability or incapacitation; and is, (4) Not an eligible dependent
of any other member or a former member.
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)A support service to the Personal Identity Verification
(PIV) system that provides the cryptographic keys needed to perform digital signature-based
identity verification and to protect communications and storage of sensitive verification system
data within identity cards and the verification system.
Ready ReserveThe Selected Reserve, Individual Ready Reserve, and Inactive National Guard
liable for active duty as prescribed by law (Title 10, U.S.C., sections 10142, 12301, and 12302).
For the purpose of this instruction these individuals are military members of the National Guard
and Reserve, organized in units or as individuals, liable for recall to active duty to augment the
active components in time of war or national emergency.
Real Time Automated Personnel Identification System (RAPIDS)A network of
microcomputers linking the Uniformed Services Personnel Offices to the DEERS database to
provide on-line processing of information to the DEERS database.
Real Time Automated Personnel Identification System On-line ProcessingA system that
allows users to perform a variety of transactions in real time to the DEERS database.
Remarried ParentA dependent parent of a military member who loses dependency-based
eligibility for benefits on remarriage.
Reserve Components of the Armed Forces of the United States:1) The Army National
Guard of the United States; (2) Army Reserve; (3) Naval Reserve; (4) Marine Corps Reserve;
(5) Air National Guard of the United States; (6) Air Force Reserve; and (7) Coast Guard
204 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Reserve. Note: For the purpose of this instruction, a Reserve Component (not of the Armed
Forces) also includes The Reserve Corps of the Public Health Service
ResidenceFor the purpose of this instruction and custody, the location where the child lives
most of the year. The child of a noncustodial parent who, according to a custody decree, is a
visitor to that parent does not qualify for additional benefits.
Retired Member of a Uniformed ServiceA retired member who is entitled to retired,
retainer, or equivalent pay.
Retired Reserve Entitled to Pay at Age 60 (Gray Area Retiree)Reserve members who have
completed 20 qualifying years for retirement and are entitled to receive retired pay at age 60, but
have not reached age 60. Individuals are mobilization assets and may be recalled to active duty
under Chapter 1209, Title 10, U.S.C.
Secretarial DesigneesIndividuals who are authorized by Service Secretaries to receive
medical treatment in their respective Services military medical treatment facilities in the United
States. This is not a benefit shown on an ID card or in DEERS.
Selected Reserve (SelResThose National Guard and Reserve units and individuals within the
Ready Reserve (Selected Reserve, Individual Ready Reserve and Inactive National Guard)
designated by their respective Services, and approved by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, as so essential to initial wartime missions that they have priority over all other Reserves.
All Selected Reservists are in an active status. The Selected Reserve also includes persons
performing initial active duty for training. Issuing DD Forms 1173-1 to their dependents and
participating in the Guard and Reserve DEERS Enrollment Program are mandatory.
Selected Reserve Transition ProgramThe Selected Reserve Transition Program established
by Public Law 102-484 (1992) consists of the following programs:
Separation Pay - A lump-sum payment authorized from 23 October 1992 through 31 December
2001 to a member of the Selected Reserve who is involuntarily discharged or transferred from
the Selected Reserve, and who has between 6 and 15 years of service.
Early Qualification for Retired Pay - Authorized from 23 October 1992 through 31
December 2001, to a member of the Selected Reserve who has completed more than 15 but less
than 20 qualifying years for retired pay at age 60, who is involuntarily separated and voluntarily
transfers to the Retired Reserve, will be considered eligible for such retired pay at age 60.
Special Separation Pay - Authorized from 23 October 1992 through 31 December 2001 to
an enlisted member of the Selected Reserve who has qualified for retirement upon reaching age
60, but who is not yet 60, and is involuntarily transferred to the Individual Ready Reserve, will
qualify for Special Separation Pay upon voluntarily transfer to the Retired Reserve.
Active Duty Early Retirement - Members of the Selected Reserve who are in an active
duty status and qualify for Active Duty Early Retirement (ER), the Special Separation Benefit
(SSB), or the Voluntary Separation Incentive (VSI). Note: Those members and their eligible
dependents will be issued the DD Forms 2 (Reserve) and DD Forms 1173-1 as appropriate and
are entitled to Reserve commissary and exchange privileges
Senior Installation OfficialFor the purpose of this instruction, the following defines the
senior installation official for the seven Uniformed Services:
Army - Installation Commander
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 205

Navy - Commanding Officer

Air Force - Support Group Commander
Marine Corps - Commanding General, Commanding Officer (as appropriate)
Coast Guard - Commanding Officer
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Commanding Officer
United States Public Health Service - Officer in Charge
Senior Personnel OfficialFor the purpose of this instruction, the following defines the senior
personnel official for the seven Uniformed Services:
Army - Adjutant General/Officer In Charge/Battalion Commander (as appropriate)
Navy - Officer In Charge, Personnel Support Activity Detachment
Air Force - Military Personnel Element Commander
Marine Corps - Commanding Officer, Inspector-Instructor, Officer In Charge, or Senior
Personnel Officer (as appropriate)
Coast Guard - Commanding Officer
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Commanding Officer
United States Public Health Service - Officer in Charge
Service MemberA member of the United States Uniformed Services on active duty for more
than 30 days or a retiree entitled to retired or retainer pay.
Site Security ManagerA person who serves as the RAPIDS Site Security Manager (SSM) for
RAPIDS; generally is also a Super Verifying Official (SVO). The SSM and SVO roles are
distinct and are not the same and they must be a person who is a US citizen; military member,
DoD civilian (appropriated or non-appropriated fund--supported), DoD contractor or equivalent
civilian personnel employed by the National Guard of the United States. The SSM is responsible
for activating all users and assigning roles for new and existing users. The SSM is also
responsible for requesting a logon ID for a new user, deleting a DEERS logon ID, resetting a
users password, updating the security privileges on a previously issued DEERS logon ID. See
RAPIDS User Guide and RAPIDS Security Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for expanded
Social Security Number DocumentationAny government document showing social security
number: e.g., original Social Security Card, passport, drivers license, W-2 Form, SF 50, Leave
and Earning Statement.
Special AgentFor purposes of this instruction, a special agent is defined as an agent of the
U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command (CID); Naval Criminal Investigative Service
(NCIS); Air Force Office of Special Investigation; Marine Corps, Naval Criminal Investigative
Service; and Coast Guard Investigative Service.
Special Agent OfficesUS Army Criminal Investigation Command (CID); Naval Criminal
Investigative Service (NCIS); Air Force Office of Special Investigation; Marine Corps, Naval
Criminal Investigative Service; and Coast Guard Intelligence.
206 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Special Separation Benefit (SSB)Voluntary separation from active duty with 6 or more years
of active service, but less than 20 years of active service at the time of separation. Title 10,
U.S.C. 1174a authorized this program until 31 December 2001. Program expired; the SSB
program is no longer in effect per Public Law 107-107.
SponsorEligible beneficiary (see Attachment 2) with dependents.
Spouse, Lawful and Common LawA spouse through either legal or common law marriage.
Under this instruction, both relationships entitle spouses to equal benefits and privileges. To be
valid, common law marriages must have been entered into in a state that recognizes common law
marriages. Furthermore, the sponsor or spouse must prove to the satisfaction of the local legal
office that the relationship is valid. A statement from the local legal office attesting to the
validity of the common law marriage constitutes adequate documentation (see chapter 22 for
Marine Corps members).
Standby ReserveThose units and members of the Reserve Components (other than those in
the Ready Reserve or Retired Reserve) who are liable for active duty only, as provided in the
Title 10, U.S.C, sections 10151, 12301 and 12306. For the purpose of this instruction, these are
personnel who maintain their military affiliation without being in the Ready Reserve, who have
been designated key civilian employees, or who have a temporary hardship or disability. These
individuals are not required to perform training and are not part of units.
StepchildSee Child
Students of Civilians Employed OverseasPersons who are full-time students (age 21-23)
attending an accredited institution of higher learning in the United States but civilian sponsor is
employed overseas. They remain eligible for a DD Form 1173 over-stamped with OVERSEAS
Super Verifying Official (SVO)The person who keeps the RAPIDS system functioning
properly, manages report functions of RAPIDS, maintains site address information and remarks,
ensures training of verifying officials and may perform some SSM responsibilities. A person
who also generally serves as the RAPIDS Site Security Manager (SSM). See RAPIDS User
Guide and RAPIDS Security Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for expanded roles.
Totally (100 Percent) Disabled VeteranA person honorably discharged from any of the
United States Armed Forces and certified by the Department of Veterans' Affairs to be totally
(100 percent) disabled as a result of a service-connected injury or disease.
Transition Assistance Management Program (TAMP) (TA) or Transition Assistance
Program (TAP)Military member who was on active duty, or full-time National Guard duty
on 30 September 1990 or after 29 November 1993, or with respect to a member of the Coast
Guard, if the member was on active duty in the Coast Guard after 30 September 1994 and was
involuntarily separated through 31 December 2001. To qualify for these benefits, individuals
must be separated involuntarily with service characterized as honorable or general under
honorable conditions. DD Form 2765 identification card will be issued to these individuals and
the DD Form 1173 to their dependents. It provides 2 years of exchange and commissary
privileges and medical (TRICARE and MTF) for 60 days for those who separated with less than
6 years of active service and 120 days for those separating with 6 or more years of active service.
Enlisted Service members not eligible are those discharged for reasons of misconduct, discharge
in-lieu of court-martial or other reasons for which service normally is characterized as under
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 207

other than honorable conditions. Officers not eligible for TAMP/TAP are those discharged as a
result of resignation in-lieu of trial by court-martial, or misconduct or moral or professional
dereliction if the discharge could be characterized as under other than honorable conditions.
Individuals entering on active duty after 1 October 1990 and separated through 29 November
1993 were not eligible for TAMP (or TAP for Air Force members) benefits. Note: Public Law
107-107 did not extend the authorities and the program expired on 31 December 2001. The
FY02 National Defense Authorization Act made permanent the Transitional Health Benefits
contained in title 10, section 1145, United States Code for only the military member who is on
active duty with the military components or the Coast Guard, or full-time National Guard duty
and is separated on or after 1 January 2002. Public Law 107-107 replaced the program that
expired on 31 December 2001. See paragraph 6.2.
TRICAREThe Department of Defense healthcare benefit program for eligible beneficiaries
and their family members. Some of the health benefit options available in this program are
Life. Contact a Health Benefits Advisor or TRICARE Service Representative for information on
the different programs.
Uniformed ServicesThe Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and United States Public Health Service.
UnmarriedA DoD beneficiary, widow or widower or former spouse, who remarried and that
marriage was terminated by death or divorce. Medical benefits can never be restored, only
shopping privileges for commissary, exchange, and morale, welfare, & recreation.
UnremarriedA DoD beneficiary (widow or widower) who has never remarried; a former
spouse whose only remarriage was to the same military sponsor is treated as if he or she never
remarried and the periods of marriage may be combined to document eligibility for former
spouse benefits.
Unremarried Former SpouseA DoD beneficiary who has not remarried and at the time of
divorce was married to the military member for at least 20 years; the military member performed
at least 20 years creditable service in determining eligibility to retired pay; and the marriage and
the member's creditable service overlapped at least l5 years. Exception: See Tables 3.5 and 3.6.
Initial eligibility must be determined by the parent military service.
US InstallationA base, post, yard, camp or station for which a local US commander of a
uniformed service is responsible.
Voluntary Separation Incentive (VSI)Voluntary separation from active duty with 6 or more
but less than 20 years of active service at time of separation. Title 10, U.S.C. 1175 authorized
this program until 31 December 2001. Program expired; the VSI program is no longer in effect
per Public Law 107-107.
WardAn unmarried person whose care and physical custody has been entrusted to the sponsor
by a legal decree or other instrument that a court of law or placement agency (recognized by the
Secretary of Defense) issues. This term includes foster children and children for whom a
managing conservator has been designated. Wards must be dependent on the sponsor for over
half of their support. An identification card issued to a ward may not reflect entitlement to
medical care benefits with respect to determinations of dependency made on or after July 1, 1994
unless the child is placed in the legal custody of the member or former member as a result of an
208 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

order of a court of competent jurisdiction in the United States (or a Territory or possession of the
United States) for a period of at least 12 consecutive months and the child is: (1) Younger than
21 years of age; (2) Between the ages of 21 and 23 and enrolled in a full-time course of study at
an institution of higher learning approved by the administering Secretary; and is, dependent on
the member or former member for over one-half of the students support or was at the time of the
members or former members death; (3) Incapable of self support because of a mental or
physical incapacity that occurred while the person was considered a dependent of the member or
former member; and is, dependent on the member or former member for over one-half of the
persons support or was at the time of the members or former members death; and, resides
with the member or former member unless separated by the necessity of military service or to
receive institutional care as a result of disability or incapacitation; and is, (4) Not an eligible
dependent of any other member or a former member. Note: When documents do not appear to
establish a ward relationship, refer the applicant to the base legal office. (See chapter 22 for
Marine Corps members.)
Interservice Publication Distribution ListArmy: Initial Distribution Number (IDN) 092279
command levels A, B, C, D, E for Active Army, Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve.
Navy: SNDL, parts 1 and 2.
Marine Corps: 10208570300, copy to: 7000110 (55); .7000126 (50); 8145005 (2) and 7000099
Coast Guard
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
United States Public Health Service
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 209

Attachment 2

MC medical care in civilian facilities
MS medical care in Uniformed Service facilities
C commissary privileges
MWR morale, welfare and recreation privileges
E exchange privileges
A2.1. Dependents and Former Members. See Table A2.1. for entitlements.

Table A2.1. Entitlements for Dependents and Former Members. Dependents of active duty
members or members entitled to retired pay including former (discharged) members, who
are 60 years of age or older, and who are in receipt of retired pay for non-Regular service
under Chapter 1223 of Title 10 U.S.C. and their eligible dependents. (DD Form 1173 may
be issued to a spouse in the legal name by which the spouse is known, such as a maiden
Former Member (Self) 1 Yes 6 6 6 2765
Lawful Spouse 2 Yes Yes,6 Yes,6 Yes,6 1173
Children, Unmarried, Under 21 Years
Legitimate, adopted, stepchild, illegitimate child 2 Yes 3,6 4,6 4,6 1173
of record of female member, or illegitimate child
of male member, whose paternity has been
judicially determined

Illegitimate child of male member, whose 2,3 3 3,6 4,6 4,6 1173
paternity has not been judicially determined or
illegitimate child of spouse

Ward 2,3 3 3,6, 4,6, 4,6, 1173

Preadoptive Child 2,7 3,7 3,6 4,6 4,6 1173

Children, Unmarried, 21 Years and Over 2,4,5 4,5 3,5,6 4,5,6 4,5,6 1173

Father, Mother, Father-in-Law, Mother-in Law, No 3 3,6 4,6 4,6 1173

Stepparent, or Parent by Adoption
210 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

1. Yes if:
a. The former member is not entitled to Medicare Part A, hospital insurance, through the
Social Security Administration; or,
b. Entitled to Medicare Part A, hospital insurance and enrolled in Medicare Part B,
supplemental medical insurance.
2. Yes, if the sponsor is, as follows:
a. On active duty; or
b. Retired and the dependent is not entitled to Medicare Part A, hospital insurance, through
the Social Security Administration.
c. Entitled to Medicare Part A, hospital insurance and enrolled in Medicare Part B,
supplemental medical insurance.
3. Yes, if a member of a household maintained by or for an authorized sponsor and dependent
on that sponsor for over 50 percent of his or her support. Children residing in the household of a
separated spouse continue to be eligible for commissary privileges until there is a final divorce
decree. Note: In the case of a divorce, children residing in the household of a former spouse are
not considered to be members of the authorized sponsor's household for commissary privileges.
Exception: Children who reside with a former spouse meeting requirements for commissary
privileges based on 20 years of marriage during a period the member or retired member
performed 20 years of service, or the dependent is entitled to privileges as a result of sponsor
abuse per Title 10 U.S.C. 1072(2)(H).
4. Yes, if dependent on an authorized sponsor for over 50 percent of his or her support.
Children of a sponsor residing in the household of a former spouse (20-20-20) or (10-20-10).
5. Yes, if the child:
a. Is, 21 or 22 years old and is enrolled in a full-time course of study in an institution of higher
learning as approved by the Secretary of Education;
b. Is, incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical incapacity that existed while a
dependent and before age 21, or occurred before the age of 23 while a full-time student.
(Incapacitated children who marry and who subsequently become unmarried through divorce,
annulment, or death of spouse may be reinstated for ID card benefits and privileges as long as
they meet all other requirements)
6. Yes, if former member is age 60 or over and in receipt of retired pay for non-Regular service.
Their eligible dependents receive a DD Form 1173 reflecting benefits and privileges according to
this Chart of Entitlement. This rule applies to the Former Member category only.
7. Yes, with respect to determinations of dependency made on or after October 5, 1994, an
unmarried person who is placed in the home of the member by a placement agency (recognized
by the Secretary of Defense) in anticipation of the legal adoption of the person by the member;
and who:
a. Is, younger than 21 years of age; or,
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 211

b. Is, 21 or 22 years old and enrolled in a full-time course of study at an institution of higher
learning approved by the administering Secretary, and is dependent on the member or former
member for over one-half of the child's support; or
c. Is, over 21 years old and incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical
incapacity that occurs while a dependent of a member under clause a. or b. and is, dependent
on the member for over one-half of the child's support or was, at the time of the member's
A2.2. Abused dependents.
A2.2.1. Abused dependents of active duty members entitled to retired pay based on 20 or
more years of service who are separated due to misconduct on or after October 23, 1992 and
who lose their right to retired pay, Title 10 U.S.C. 1408(h). See Table A2.2. for entitlements.

Table A2.2. Entitlements for Abused Dependents of Active Duty Members Entitled to
Retired Pay.
Lawful Spouse 1,2 2 2 2 2 1173
Children, Unmarried, Under 18 Years
Legitimate, adopted, stepchild 1,3 3 4 4 4 1173
Children, Unmarried, 18 Years and Over
(If entitled above) 1,4,5 4,5 4,5 4,5 4,5 1173
1. Yes, if:
a. Not entitled to Medicare Part A, hospital insurance, through the Social Security
b. Entitled to Medicare Part A, hospital insurance and enrolled in Medicare Part B,
supplemental medical insurance.
2. Yes, if a court order provides for an annuity for the spouse.
3. Yes, if a member of the household where the abuse occurred.
4. Yes, if a member of the household where the abuse occurred and dependent on that sponsor
for over 50 percent of his or her support at the time the abuse occurred.
5. Yes, if the child:
a. Is, older than 18 years old and is enrolled in a full-time course of study in an institution of
higher learning as approved by the Secretary of Education; or,
b. Is, incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical incapacity that existed while a
dependent and before age 18, or occurred before the age of 23 while a full-time student.
(Incapacitated children who marry and who subsequently become unmarried through divorce,
annulment, or death of spouse may be reinstated for ID card benefits and privileges as long as
they meet all other requirements).
212 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

A2.2.2. Dependents of active duty members (over 30 days) not entitled to retired pay who
were separated from active duty under a court-martial sentence resulting from a dependent
abuse offense or administratively separated from active duty if the basis for separation
includes a dependent-abuse offense when separated on or after November 30, 1993, and
when dependents are eligible for transitional privileges under DoD Instruction 1342.24.
Medical benefits are effective on or after 17 October 1998. See Table A2.3 for entitlements.

Table A2.3. Abused Dependents of active duty members (over 30 days) not entitled to
retired pay, separated under a court-martial sentence.
Lawful Spouse 1,2,6 2,6 2,6 2,6 2,6 1173

Former Spouse 1,3,6 3,6 3,6 3,6 3,6 1173

Children, Unmarried, Under 18 Years
Legitimate, adopted, and stepchild. 1,2,6 2,6 2,6 2,6 2,6 1173
Children, Unmarried, 18 Years and Over 1,2,4,5, 2,4,5,6 2,4,5 6 2,4,5 6 2,4,5 6 1173
(If entitled above) 6
1. Yes if:
a. Not entitled to Medicare Part A, hospital insurance, through the Social Security
b. Entitled to Medicare Part A, hospital insurance and enrolled in Medicare Part B,
supplemental medical insurance.
2. Yes, if residing with the member at the time of the dependent-abuse offense and while
receiving transitional compensation for abused dependents.
3. Yes, if married to and residing with the member at the time of the dependent-abuse offense
and while receiving transitional compensation for abused dependents.
4. Yes, if eighteen years of age or older and is incapable of self-support because of a mental or
physical incapacity that existed before the age of 18 and who is (or, when a punitive or other
adverse action was carried out on the member, was) dependent on the member for over one-half
of the child's support.
5. Yes, if eighteen years of age or older, but less than 23 years of age, is enrolled in a full -time
course of study in an institution of higher learning approved by the Secretary of Defense and
who is (or, when a punitive or other adverse action was carried out on the member, was)
dependent on the member for over one-half of the child's support.
6. Provided the member does not reside in the same household as the spouse or dependent child.
A2.3. Former Spouses:
A2.3.1. 1 20/20/20 Former Spouse. Unremarried former spouse of a member or retired
member, married to the member or retired member for a period of at least 20 years, during
which period the member or retired member performed at least 20 years of service that is
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 213

creditable in determining the member's or retired member's eligibility for retired or retainer
pay, or equivalent pay (Title 10 U.S.C. 1408 and 1072[(2)][(F)]). In the case of former
spouses of Retired Reserve members or former members who are entitled to retired pay at
age 60, but have not yet reached age 60, the DD Form 2765 (formerly DD Form 1173) may
be issued only on the date the Retired Reserve member or former member attains, or would
have attained, age 60. In the case of former spouses of Reserve members or recalled to
active duty Retired Reserve members under age 60, DD Form 2765 (formerly DD Form
1173) shall be issued only if the Reserve member or recalled Retired Reserve member is on
active duty orders in excess of 30 days. See Table A2.4 for entitlements.

Table A2.4. Entitlements for 20/20/20 Former Spouse

Former Spouse
Unremarried 1,2 1 Yes Yes Yes 2765
Remarried No No No No No No
Unmarried No No Yes Yes Yes 2765
1. Yes, only if former spouse certifies in writing that he or she has no medical coverage under an
employer-sponsored health plan; and,
2. Yes if:
a. Not entitled to Medicare Part A, hospital insurance, through the Social Security
b. Entitled to Medicare Part A, hospital insurance and enrolled in Medicare Part B,
Supplemental medical insurance.
A2.3.2. 20/20/15 Former Spouse. Unremarried former spouse described in subsection A2.3.1,
above, except that the period of overlap of marriage and the member's creditable service was at
least 15 years, but less than 20 years: See Table A2.5 for entitlements.

Table A2.5. Entitlements for 20/20/15 Former Spouse.

Former Spouse
Unremarried 1,2,3 1,3 No No No 2765
Remarried No No No No No No
Unmarried No No No No No No
1. Yes, only if former spouse certifies in writing that he or she has no medical coverage under an
employer-sponsored health plan.
2. Yes if:
214 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

a. Not entitled to Medicare Part A, hospital insurance, through the Social Security
Administration.; or
b. Entitled to Medicare Part A, hospital insurance and enrolled in Medicare Part B,
supplemental medical insurance.
3. Yes, if the:
a. Final decree of divorce, dissolution, or annulment of the marriage was before April 1,
1985; or
b. Marriage ended on, or after, September 29, 1988, entitlements shall exist for 1 year,
beginning on the date of the divorce, dissolution or annulment (Title 10 U.S.C. 1076, and
A2.3.3. 10/20/10 Former Spouse. Unremarried former spouse of a member or retired member
married to the member or retired member for a period of at least 10 years to a member or retired
member who performed at least 20 years of service that is creditable in determining the
members or retired members eligibility for retired or retainer pay when the period of overlap of
marriage and the member's creditable service was at least 10 years and the former spouse is in
receipt of an annuity as a result of the member being separated from the Service due to
misconduct involving dependent abuse (Title 10 U.S.C. 1408[(h)]) See Table A2.6 for

Table A2.6. Entitlements for 10/20/10 Former Spouse.

Former Spouse
Unremarried 1,2,3 1,3 Yes Yes Yes 2765
Remarried No No No No No No
Unmarried 1,2,3 1,3 Yes Yes Yes 2765
1. Yes, only if former spouse certifies in writing that he or she has no medical coverage under an
employer-sponsored health plan.
2. Yes if:
a. Not entitled to Medicare Part A, hospital insurance, through the Social Security
b. Entitled to Medicare Part As hospital insurance and enrolled in Medicare Part B,
supplemental medical insurance.
3. Yes, if the final decree of divorce, dissolution, or annulment of the marriage was on or after
October 23, 1992.
A2.4. Surviving Dependents:
A2.4.1. Surviving Dependents of members who died while on active duty under orders that
specified a period of more than 30 days or members who died while in a retired with pay
status. See Table A2.7 for entitlements.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 215

Table A2.7. Entitlements for Surviving Dependents of Members Who Died While on
Active Duty Under Orders that Specified a Period of More Than 30 Days or Members Who
Died While In a Retired With Pay Status.
Widow or widower
Unremarried 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes 1173
Remarried No No No No No No
Unmarried No No Yes Yes Yes 1173

Children, Unmarried, or Under 21 Years
(Including Orphans)
Legitimate, adopted, stepchild, illegitimate 1 Yes 2 3 3 1173
child of record of female member, or
illegitimate child of male member, whose
paternity has been judicially determined.

Illegitimate child of male member, whose 1,2 2 2 3 3 1173

paternity has not been judicially
determined, or illegitimate child of widow
or widower.

Ward 1,2 1,2 2 3 3 1173

Preadoptive Child 1,5 1,5 2 3 3 1173

Children, Unmarried, 21 Years and Over
(If entitled to above) 1,3,4 3,4 2,4 3,4 3,4 1173
Father, Mother, Father-in-Law, Mother-in
Law, Stepparent, or Parent by Adoption No 2 2 3 3 1173
1. Yes if:
a. Not entitled to Medicare Part A, hospital insurance, through the Social Security
b. Entitled to Medicare Part A, hospital insurance and enrolled in Medicare Part B,
supplemental medical insurance.
2. Yes, if at the time of the sponsors death, the person was living in a home provided by, or for,
an authorized sponsor and was dependent on the sponsor for over 50 percent of his or her
support. Children residing in the household of the authorized sponsor at the time of death are
entitled to commissary privileges.
3. Yes, if dependent on an authorized sponsor for over 50 percent of his or her support at the
time of the sponsor's death.
4. Yes, if the child:
216 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

a. Is, 21 or 22 years old and enrolled in a full-time course of study at an institution of higher
learning approved by the administering Secretary, and is dependent on the member or former
member for over one-half of the child's support; or
b. Is over 21 years old and incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical
incapacity that occurs while a dependent of a member before the age of 21 or under clause b.
and is, dependent on the member for over one-half of the child's support or was, at the time of
the member's death. (incapacitated children who marry and who subsequently become
unmarried through divorce, annulment, or death of spouse may be reinstated for ID card
benefits and privileges as long as they meet all other requirements).
5. Yes, with respect to determinations of dependency made on or after October 5, 1994, an
unmarried person who is placed in the home of the member by a placement agency (recognized
by the Secretary of Defense) in anticipation of the legal adoption of the person by the member;
and who:
a. Is, younger than 21 years of age; or,
b. Is, 21 or 22 years old and enrolled in a full-time course of study at an institution of higher
learning approved by the administering Secretary, and is dependent on the member or former
member for over one-half of the child's support; or
c. Is over 21 years old and incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical
incapacity that occurs while a dependent of a member under clause a. or b. and is, dependent
on the member for over one-half of the child's support or was, at the time of the member's
A2.4.2. Surviving dependents of Reserve members who died from an injury or illness
incurred or aggravated while on active duty for a period of 30 days or less, on active duty for
training, or on inactive duty training, or while traveling to or from the place at which the
member was to perform, or performed, such active duty, active duty for training, or inactive
duty training (Title 10 U.S.C. 1076[(a)] and 1086[(c)][(2)]). See Table A2.8 for entitlements.

Table A2.8. Entitlements for Surviving Dependents of Reserve Members Who Died From
an Injury or Illness Incurred or Aggravated While on Active Duty for a Period of 30 Days
or Less, on Active Duty for Training, or on Inactive Duty Training, or While Traveling to
or From The Place at Which the Member Was To Perform, or Performed, Such Active
Duty, Active Duty for Training, or Inactive Duty Training (Title 10 U.S.C.) 1076(a) and
Widow or Widower (DoD Beneficiary)
Unremarried 1,5 5 Yes Yes Yes 1173
Remarried No No No No No No
Unmarried No No Yes Yes Yes 1173
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 217

Children, Unmarried, Under 21 Years

(Including Orphans) 1,5 5 2,5 3,5 3,5 1173
Legitimate, adopted, stepchild, illegitimate
child of record female member, or
illegitimate child of male member, whose
paternity has been judicially determined.
1,2,5 2,5 2,5 3,5 3,5 1173
Illegitimate child of male member, whose
paternity has not been judicially determined
or illegitimate child of widow or widower.
1,2,5,7 7 2,5 3,5 3,5 1173
1,5,8 8 2,5 3,5 3,5 1173
Preadoptive Child
Children, Unmarried, 21 Years and Over 1,3,4,5 3,4,5 2,4 3,4 3,4 1173
(If entitled to above)
Father, Mother, Father-in-Law, Mother-in No 2,5 2 3 3 1173
Law, Stepparent, or Parent by Adoption
1. Yes if:
a. Not entitled to Medicare Part A, hospital insurance, through the Social Security
b. Entitled to Medicare Part A, hospital insurance and enrolled in Medicare Part B,
supplemental medical insurance.
2. Yes, if at the time of the sponsors death the child was living in a home provided by or for an
authorized sponsor and was dependent on the sponsor for over 50 percent of his or her support.
Children residing in the household of the authorized sponsor at the time of death, but not the
household of the sponsor's former spouse, are entitled to commissary privileges.
3. Yes, if dependent on an authorized sponsor for over 50 percent of his or her support at the
time of the sponsor's death.
4. Yes, if the child:
a. Is, 21 or 22 years old and enrolled in a full-time course of study at an institution of higher
learning approved by the administering Secretary, and is dependent on the member or former
member for over one-half of the child's support; or
b. Is over 21 years old and incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical
incapacity that occurs while a dependent of a member before the age of 21 or under clause b.
and is, dependent on the member for over one-half of the child's support or was, at the time of
the member's death. (incapacitated children who marry and who subsequently become
unmarried through divorce, annulment, or death of spouse may be reinstated for ID card
benefits and privileges as long as they meet all other requirements).
5. Yes, only if death occurred on or after 1 October 1985.
218 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

6. Yes, if at the sponsor's death, dependency and residency were met effective on or after July 1,
1994, for legal custody wards.
7. Yes, with respect to determinations of dependency made on or after October 5, 1994, an
unmarried person who is placed in the home of the member or former member by a placement
agency (recognized by the Secretary of Defense) in anticipation of the legal adoption of the
person by the member or former member, and who:
a. Is, younger than 21 years of age; or,
b. Is, 21 or 22 years old and enrolled in a full-time course of study at an institution of higher
learning approved by the administering Secretary, and is dependent on the member or former
member for over one-half of the child's support; or
c. Is over 21 years old and incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical
incapacity that occurs while a dependent of a member under clause a. or b. and is, dependent
on the member for over one-half of the child's support or was, at the time of the member's
A2.4.3. Surviving dependents of Reserve members who died from an injury, illness or disease
incurred or aggravated while performing, or while traveling to or from performing active duty
for a period of 30 days or less, or active duty for training, or inactive duty training (Title 10
U.S.C. 1074[(a)]). See Table A2.9. for entitlements.

Table A2.9. Entitlements for Surviving Dependents of Reserve Members Who Died From
an Injury, Illness or Disease Incurred or Aggravated While Performing, or While
Traveling to or From Performing Active Duty for a Period of 30 Days or Less, or Active
Duty for Training, or Inactive Duty Training (Title 10 U.S.C. 1074[(a)]).
Widow or Widower (DoD Beneficiary)
Unremarried 1,5 5 Yes Yes Yes 1173
Remarried No No No No No No
Unmarried No No Yes Yes Yes 1173
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 219

Children, Unmarried, Under 21 Years

(Including Orphans)
Legitimate, adopted, stepchild, 1,5 5 2,5 3,5 3,5 1173
illegitimate child of record female
member, or illegitimate child of male
member, whose paternity has been
judicially determined.

Illegitimate child of male member, 1,2,5 2,5 2,5 3,5 3,5 1173
whose paternity has not been judicially
determined or illegitimate child of
widow or widower.

Ward 1,2,5,7 7 2,5 3,5 3,5 1173

Preadoptive Child 1,5,8 8 2,5 3,5 3,5 1173

Children, Unmarried, 21 Years and Over
(If entitled to above) 1,3,4 5 3,4,5 2,4 3,4 3,4 1173
Father, Mother, Father-in-Law, Mother-in
Law, Stepparent, or Parent by Adoption No 2,5 2 3 3 1173
1. Yes if:
a. Not entitled to Medicare Part A, hospital insurance, through the Social Security
Administration; or,
b. Entitled to Medicare Part A, hospital insurance and enrolled in Medicare Part B, supplemental
medical insurance.
2. Yes, if at the time of the sponsors death, the person was living in a home provided by or for
an authorized sponsor and was dependent on the sponsor for over 50 percent of his or her
support. Children residing in the household of the authorized sponsor at time of death are
entitled to commissary privileges.
3. Yes, if dependent on an authorized sponsor for over 50 percent of his or her support at the
time of the sponsor's death.
4. Yes, if the child:
a. Is, 21 or 22 years old and enrolled in a full-time course of study at an institution of higher
learning approved by the administering Secretary, and is dependent on the member or former
member for over one-half of the child's support; or
b. Is over 21 years old and incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical
incapacity that occurs while a dependent of a member before the age of 21 or under clause b.
and is, dependent on the member for over one-half of the child's support or was, at the time of
the member's death. (incapacitated children who marry and who subsequently become
unmarried through divorce, annulment, or death of spouse may be reinstated for ID card
benefits and privileges as long as they meet all other requirements).
220 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

5. Yes, only if death occurred on or after 15 November 1986 .

6. Yes, if at the sponsor's death, dependency and residency were met effective on or after July 1,
1994 for legal custody wards.
7. Yes, with respect to determinations of dependency made on or after October 5, 1994, an
unmarried person who is placed in the home of the member or former member by a placement
agency (recognized by the Secretary of Defense) in anticipation of the legal adoption of the
person by the member or former member; and who:
a. Is, younger than 21 years of age; or,
b. Is, 21 or 22 years old and enrolled in a full-time course of study at an institution of higher
learning approved by the administering Secretary, and is dependent on the member or former
member for over one-half of the child's support; or
c. Is over 21 years old and incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical
incapacity that occurs while a dependent of a member under clause a. or b. and is, dependent
on the member for over one-half of the child's support or was, at the time of the member's
A2.4.4. Surviving dependents (1) of Reserve members who had earned 20 qualifying years for
retirement and received their notice of eligibility for retired pay at age 60, but had not transferred
to the Retired Reserve, (2) of Retired Reserve members eligible for pay at age 60, and (3) of
former members who had met time-in-service requirements. These members and former
members died before reaching age 60 (the DD Form 1173 may be issued only on, or after, the
date on which the member would have been 60 years old had he or she survived). See Table
A2.10 for entitlements. See Table 1.9 for DD Form 1173-1 eligibility.

Table A2.10. Entitlements for Surviving Dependents of (1) Reserve Members Who Had
Earned 20 Qualifying Years for Retirement and Received their Notice of Eligibility for
Retired Pay at Age 60, but had not Transferred to the Retired Reserve, (2) of Retired
Reserve Members Eligible for Pay at Age 60, and (3) of Former Members Who Had Met
Time-In-Service Requirements. These Members and Former Members Died Before
Reaching Age 60. Note: The DD Form 1173 May Be Issued Only on, or After, the Date on
Which the Member Would Have Been 60 years Old Had He or She Survived. Family
Members Qualifying for the DD Form 1173-1, Refer to Chapter 16, Paragraph 16.1.
Widow or Widower (DoD Beneficiary)
Unremarried 1 Yes Yes,5 Yes,5 Yes,5 1173
Remarried No No No No No No
Unmarried No No Yes,5 Yes,5 Yes,5 1173
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 221

Children, Unmarried, Under 21 Years

(Including Orphans)
Legitimate, adopted, stepchild, 1 Yes 2,5 3,5 3,5 1173
illegitimate child of record female
member, or illegitimate child of male
member, whose paternity has been
judicially determined.

Illegitimate child of male member, 1,2 2 2,5 3,5 3,5 1173

whose paternity has not been judicially
determined or illegitimate child of
widow or widower.

Ward 1 Yes 2,5 3,5 3,5 1173

Preadoptive child 1,6 1,6 2,5 3,5 3,5 1173

Children, Unmarried, 21 Years and Over 1,3,4 3,4 2,5 3,5 3,5 1173
(If entitled to above)
Father, Mother, Father-in-Law, Mother-in No 2 2,5 3,5 3,5 1173
Law, Stepparent, or Parent by Adoption
1. Yes if:
a. Not entitled to Medicare Part A, hospital insurance, through the Social Security
Administration; or,
b. Entitled to Medicare Part A, hospital insurance and enrolled in Medicare Part B,
supplemental medical insurance.
2. Yes, if at the time of the sponsors death, the person was living in a home provided by or for
an authorized sponsor and was dependent on the sponsor for over 50 percent of his or her
support. Children residing in the household of the authorized sponsor at time of death, but not
the household of the sponsor's former spouse, are entitled to commissary privileges.
3. Yes, if dependent on an authorized sponsor for over 50 percent of his or her support at the
time of the sponsor's death.
4. Yes, if the child:
a. Is, 21 or 22 years old and enrolled in a full-time course of study at an institution of higher
learning approved by the administering Secretary, and is dependent on the member or former
member for over one-half of the child's support; or
b. Is over 21 years old and incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical
incapacity that occurs while a dependent of a member before the age of 21 or under clause b.
and is, dependent on the member for over one-half of the child's support or was, at the time of
the member's death. (incapacitated children who marry and who subsequently become
unmarried through divorce, annulment, or death of spouse may be reinstated for ID card
benefits and privileges as long as they meet all other requirements).
222 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

5. Eligible dependents of former members receive a DD Form 1173 reflecting full benefits and
privileges on or after the date the member would have become age 60.
6. Yes, with respect to determinations of dependency made on or after October 5, 1994, an
unmarried person who is placed in the home of the member or former member by a placement
agency (recognized by the Secretary of Defense) in anticipation of the legal adoption of the
person by the member or former member; and who:
a. Is, younger than 21 years of age; or,
b. Is, 21 or 22 years old and enrolled in a full-time course of study at an institution of higher
learning approved by the administering Secretary, and is dependent on the member or former
member for over one-half of the child's support; or
c. Is over 21 years old and incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical
incapacity that occurs while a dependent of a member under clause a. or b. and is, dependent
on the member for over one-half of the child's support or was, at the time of the member's
A2.5. Honorably discharged Veterans rated by the VA as 100 percent disabled from a
Uniformed Service-connected injury or disease and certified by VA as entitled to commissary
and exchange privileges, Medal of Honor (MOH) recipients and their respective dependents or
surviving dependents. See Table A2.11. for entitlements.

Table A2.11. Entitlements for Honorably Discharged Veterans Rated by the VA as 100
Percent Disabled from a Uniformed Service Connected Injury or Disease and Certified by
VA as Entitled to Commissary, Exchange, and MWR Privileges, including Medal of Honor
Recipients and Their Respective Dependents.
Self 1,2 1,2 Yes Yes Yes 2765
Lawful Spouse 1,2 1,2 Yes Yes Yes 1173
Children, Unmarried, Under 21 Years
Legitimate, adopted, stepchild, illegitimate 1,2 1,2 3,4 3,4 3,4 1173
child of member, illegitimate child of
spouse, or ward.
Children, Unmarried, 21 Years and Over
(If entitled to above) 1,2,4 1,2,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 1173
Father, Mother, Father-in-Law, Mother-in-
Law, Stepparent, or Parent-by-Adoption No No 3,4 3,4 3,4 1173
1. No, 100 Percent Disabled Veteran.
2. Yes, Medal of Honor.
a. Not entitled to Medicare Part A, hospital insurance through the Social Security
Administration; or,
b. Entitled to Medicare Part A, hospital insurance and enrolled in Medicare Part B,
supplemental medical insurance.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 223

3. Yes, if a member of a household maintained by or for an authorized sponsor and dependent

on that sponsor for over 50 percent of his or her support. Children residing in the household of a
separated spouse continue to be eligible for commissary privileges until there is a final divorce
decree. Note: In the case of a divorce, children residing in the household of a former spouse are
not considered to be members of the authorized sponsor's household for commissary privileges.
4. Yes, if the child:
a. Is younger than 21 years of age or has not passed his or her twenty-third birthday and is
enrolled in a full-time course of study at an institution of higher learning approved by the
Secretary of Education; or
b. Is incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical incapacity that existed while a
dependent before the age of 21 (incapacitated children who marry and who subsequently
become unmarried through divorce, annulment, or death of spouse may be reinstated for ID
card benefits and privileges as long as they meet all other requirements); or
c. Is incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical incapacitation that existed
while a dependent and while enrolled in a full-time course of study in an institution of higher
learning approved by the Secretary of Education before attaining the age of 23 (incapacitated
children who marry and who subsequently become unmarried through divorce, annulment, or
death of spouse may be reinstated for ID card benefits and privileges as long as they meet all
other requirements).

Table A2.12. Entitlements for Surviving Dependents of Honorably Discharged Veterans

Rated by the VA as 100 Percent Disabled from a Uniformed Service Connected Injury or
Disease at the Time of His or Her Death, and Certified by VA as Entitled to Commissary,
Exchange, and MWR Privileges, including Medal of Honor Recipients and Their
Respective Dependents.
Widow or Widower (DoD Beneficiary)
Unremarried 1,2 1,2 Yes Yes Yes 1173
Remarried No No No No No No
Unmarried No No Yes Yes Yes 1173
Children, Unmarried, Under 21 Years
Legitimate, adopted, stepchild, illegitimate 1,2 1,2 3 3 3 1173
child of member, illegitimate child of
spouse, or ward.
Children, Unmarried, 21 Years and Over
(If entitled to above) 1,2 1,2 3,4 3,4 3,4 1173
Father, Mother, Father-in-Law, Mother-in-
Law, Stepparent, or Parent-by-Adoption No No 3 3 3 1173
1. No, 100 Percent Disabled Veteran.
2. Yes, Medal of Honor.
224 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

a. Not entitled to Medicare Part A, hospital insurance through the Social Security
Administration; or,
b. Entitled to Medicare Part A, hospital insurance and enrolled in Medicare Part B, supplemental
medical insurance.
3. Yes, if a member of a household maintained by or for an authorized sponsor and dependent
on that sponsor for over 50 percent of his or her support. Children residing in the household of a
separated spouse continue to be eligible for commissary privileges until there is a final divorce
decree. Note: In the case of a divorce, children residing in the household of a former spouse are
not considered to be members of the authorized sponsor's household for commissary privileges
4. Yes, if the child:
a. Is younger than 21 years of age or has not passed his or her twenty-third birthday and is
enrolled in a full-time course of study at an institution of higher learning approved by the
Secretary of Education; or
b. Is incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical incapacity that existed while a
dependent before the age of 21 (incapacitated children who marry and who subsequently
become unmarried through divorce, annulment, or death of spouse may be reinstated for ID
card benefits and privileges as long as they meet all other requirements); or
c. Is incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical incapacitation that existed
while a dependent and while enrolled in a full-time course of study in an institution of higher
learning approved by the Secretary of Education before attaining the age of 23 (incapacitated
children who marry and who subsequently become unmarried through divorce, annulment, or
death of spouse may be reinstated for ID card benefits and privileges as long as they meet all
other requirements).
A2.6. Benefits Authorized for Foreign Personnel: Foreign personnel, active duty or retired,
and their dependents, who are on leave or attending school in the United States at their own
convenience or convenience of their government, who are representatives of the People's
Republic of China (PRC) who are present in the United States in connection with the purpose of
U.S. defense articles or services, for collection of information relating to foreign military sales
(FMS) programs, or for the sole purpose of receiving medical care at a Uniformed Services
medical facility as Secretarial designees, are not eligible to possess DD Form 1173 authorizing
any benefits and privileges. TRICARE coverage may vary annually, and some restrictions may
apply. However, for the purpose of this Entitlement Guide, (MC) shall be shown, as indicated
A2.6.1. Sponsored NATO and Partnership for Peace (PFP) Personnel in the United States.
Active duty officer and enlisted personnel of NATO and PFP countries serving in the United
States under the sponsorship or invitation of the Department of Defense or a Military Service
and their accompanying dependents living in the sponsor's U.S. household. See Table A2.13
for entitlements.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 225

Table A2.13. Entitlements for Active Duty Officer and Enlisted Personnel of NATO and
Partnership for Peace (PFP) Countries Serving in the United States Under the Sponsorship
or Invitation of the Department of Defense or a Military Service and Their Accompanying
Dependents Living in the Sponsor's U.S. Household
Self No 4 Yes Yes Yes 2765
Lawful Spouse 3 4 Yes Yes Yes 1173
Children, Unmarried, Under 21 Years
Legitimate, adopted, stepchild, 1,3 1,4 1 1 1 1173
Illegitimate child of member, or
Illegitimate child of spouse.

Ward No No 1 1 1 1173
Children, Unmarried, 21 Years and Over
(If entitled to above) 1,2,3 1,2,4 1,2 1,2 1,2 1173
Father, Mother, Father-in-Law, Mother-in
Law, Stepparent, or Parent by Adoption No No 1 1 1 1173
1. Yes, if dependent on an authorized sponsor for over 50 percent of his or her support.
2. Yes, if the child:
a. Is, 21 or 22 years old and enrolled in a full-time course of study at an institution of higher
learning approved by the administering Secretary, and is dependent on the member or former
member for over one-half of the child's support; or
b. Is over 21 years old and incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical incapacity
that occurs while a dependent of a member before the age of 21 or under clause b. and is,
dependent on the member for over one-half of the child's support or was, at the time of the
member's death. (incapacitated children who marry and who subsequently become unmarried
through divorce, annulment, or death of spouse may be reinstated for ID card benefits and
privileges as long as they meet all other requirements).
3. Yes, for outpatient care only.
4. Yes, for outpatient care no charge and for inpatient care at full reimbursable rate.
A2.6.2. Sponsored Non-NATO Personnel in the United States. Active duty officer and enlisted
personnel of non-NATO countries serving in the United States under the sponsorship or
invitation of the Department of Defense or a Military Service and their accompanying
dependents living in the sponsor's U.S. household. See Table A2.13 for entitlements.

Table A2.14. Entitlements for Active duty Officer and Enlisted Personnel of Non-NATO
Countries Serving in the United States Under the Sponsorship or Invitation of the
Department of Defense or a Military Service and Their Accompanying Dependents Living
in the Sponsor's U.S. Household.
Self No 3 Yes Yes Yes 2765
226 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Lawful Spouse No 3 Yes Yes Yes 1173

Children, Unmarried, Under 21 Years
Legitimate, adopted, stepchild, No 1,3 1 1 1 1173
Illegitimate child of member, or
Illegitimate child of spouse.

Ward No No 1 1 1 1173
Children, Unmarried, 21 Years and Over No 1,2,3 1,2 1,2 1,2 1173
(If entitled to above)
Father, Mother, Father-in-Law, Mother-in
Law, Stepparent, or Parent by Adoption No No 1 1 1 1173
1. Yes, if dependent on an authorized sponsor for over 50 percent of his or her support.
2. Yes, if the child:
a. Is, 21 or 22 years old and enrolled in a full-time course of study at an institution of higher
learning approved by the administering Secretary, and is dependent on the member or former
member for over one-half of the child's support; or
b. Is over 21 years old and incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical incapacity
that occurs while a dependent of a member before the age of 21 or under clause b. and is,
dependent on the member for over one-half of the child's support or was, at the time of the
member's death. (incapacitated children who marry and who subsequently become unmarried
through divorce, annulment, or death of spouse may be reinstated for ID card benefits and
privileges as long as they meet all other requirements).
3. Yes, for outpatient care only on a reimbursable basis.
A2.6.3. Nonsponsored NATO Personnel in the United States. Active duty officer and enlisted
personnel of NATO countries who, in connection with their official NATO duties, are stationed
in the United States and are not under the sponsorship of the Department of Defense or a military
Service and their accompanying dependents living in the sponsor's U.S. household. See Table
A2.14 for entitlements.

Table A2.15. Entitlements for Active Duty Officer and Enlisted Personnel of NATO
Countries, Who, in Connection with their Official NATO duties, are Stationed in the
United States and are Not Under the Sponsorship or Invitation of the Department of
Defense or a Military Service and Their Accompanying Dependents Living in the Sponsors
U.S. Household.
Self No 4 No 5 6 2765
Lawful Spouse 3 4 No No No 1173
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 227

Children, Unmarried, Under 21 Years

Legitimate, adopted, stepchild, 1,3 1,4 No No No 1173
Illegitimate child of member, or
Illegitimate child of spouse.

Ward No No No No No No
Children, Unmarried, 21 Years and Over
(If entitled to above) 1,2,3 1,2,4 No No No 1173
Father, Mother, Father-in-Law, Mother-in
Law, Stepparent, or Parent by Adoption No No No No No 1173
1. Yes, if dependent on an authorized sponsor for over 50 percent of his or her support.
2. Yes, if the child:
a. Is, 21 or 22 years old and enrolled in a full-time course of study at an institution of higher
learning approved by the administering Secretary, and is dependent on the member or former
member for over one-half of the child's support; or
b. Is over 21 years old and incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical incapacity
that occurs while a dependent of a member before the age of 21 or under clause b. and is,
dependent on the member for over one-half of the child's support or was, at the time of the
member's death. (incapacitated children who marry and who subsequently become unmarried
through divorce, annulment, or death of spouse may be reinstated for ID card benefits and
privileges as long as they meet all other requirements).
3. Yes, for outpatient care only.
4. Yes, for outpatient care no charge and for inpatient care at full reimbursable rate.
5. Yes, if exchange privileges are authorized.
6. Yes, if residing on a U.S. military installation, purchases are limited to items for personal use
A2.6.4. NATO and Non-NATO Personnel Outside the United States. Active duty officer and
enlisted personnel of NATO and non-NATO countries when serving outside the United States
and outside their own country under the sponsorship or invitation of the Department of Defense
or a Military Service, or when it is determined by the major overseas commander that the
granting of such privileges is in the best interests of the United States and such personnel are
connected with, or their activities are related to, the performance of functions of the U.S. military
establishment, and their accompanying dependents living with the sponsor. See Table A2.15 for

Table A2.16. Entitlements for Active Duty Officer and Enlisted Personnel of NATO and
Non-NATO Countries When Serving Outside the United States and Outside Their Own
Country Under the Sponsorship or Invitation of the Department of Defense or a Military
Service, or When it is Determined by the Major Overseas Commander that the Granting of
such Privileges is in the Best Interests of the United States and such Personnel are
228 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Connected with, or their activities are related to, the performance of functions of the U.S.
military establishment, and their accompanying dependents living with the sponsor.
Self No 3 Yes Yes Yes 2765
Lawful Spouse No 3 Yes Yes Yes 1173
Children, Unmarried, Under 21 Years
Legitimate, adopted, stepchild, No 1,3 1 1 1 1173
Illegitimate child of member, or
Illegitimate child of spouse.

Ward No No 1 1 1 1173
Children, Unmarried, 21 Years and Over
(If entitled to above) No 1,2,3 1,2 1,2 1,2 1173
Father, Mother, Father-in-Law, Mother-in
Law, Stepparent, or Parent by Adoption No No 1 1 1 1173
1. Yes, if dependent on an authorized sponsor for over 50 percent of his or her support.
2. Yes, if the child:
a. Is, 21 or 22 years old and enrolled in a full-time course of study at an institution of higher
learning approved by the administering Secretary, and is dependent on the member or former
member for over one-half of the child's support; or
b. Is over 21 years old and incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical
incapacity that occurs while a dependent of a member before the age of 21 or under clause b.
and is, dependent on the member for over one-half of the child's support or was, at the time of
the member's death. (incapacitated children who marry and who subsequently become
unmarried through divorce, annulment, or death of spouse may be reinstated for ID card
benefits and privileges as long as they meet all other requirements).
3. Yes, for outpatient care only on a reimbursable basis.
A2.7. Benefits Authorized for Civilian Personnel. Commissary, morale, welfare, and
recreation, and exchange privileges may be authorized by overseas commanders to persons
designated in this Entitlement Guide when such individuals are serving the Military Services
exclusively, and when it is within the capability of the facilities and it shall not impair the
military mission. Overseas commanders may never authorize benefits not authorized by this
Entitlement Guide but they may deny privileges indicated when base support facilities cannot
handle the burden imposed. Medical care at Uniformed Services facilities shall be rendered in
accordance with Services instructions.
A2.7.1. Civilian personnel of the Department of Defense and the Uniformed Services and
their accompanying dependents, when required to reside in a household on a military
installation within the CONUS, Hawaii, or Alaska. See Table A2.16 for entitlements.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 229

Table A2.17. Civilian Personnel of the Department of Defense and the Uniformed Services
and Their Accompanying Dependents, When Required to Reside in a Household on a
Military Installation Within the CONUS, Hawaii, or Alaska.
Self No No 1 Yes 2 2765
Lawful Spouse No No 1 Yes 2 1173
Children, Unmarried, Under 21 Years
Legitimate, adopted, stepchild, No No 1,3 3 2,3 1173
Illegitimate child of employee, or
Illegitimate child of spouse.

Ward No No 1,3 3 2,3 1173

Children, Unmarried, 21 Years and Over
(If entitled to above) No No 1,3,4 3,4 2,3,4 1173
Father, Mother, Father-in-Law, Mother-in
Law, Stepparent, or Parent-by-Adoption No No 1,3 3 2,3 1173
1. Yes, but commissary privileges do not include the purchase of tobacco products in those
States, including the District of Columbia, that impose a tax on such products.
2. Yes, are entitled to limited exchange privileges, which include purchase of all items except
uniform articles and State tax-free items.
3. Yes, if dependent on an authorized sponsor for over 50 percent of his or her support.
4. Yes, if the child:
a. Is, 21 or 22 years old and enrolled in a full-time course of study at an institution of higher
learning approved by the administering Secretary, and is dependent on the member or former
member for over one-half of the child's support; or
b. Is over 21 years old and incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical incapacity
that occurs while a dependent of a member before the age of 21 or under clause b. and is,
dependent on the member for over one-half of the child's support or was, at the time of the
member's death. (incapacitated children who marry and who subsequently become unmarried
through divorce, annulment, or death of spouse may be reinstated for ID card benefits and
privileges as long as they meet all other requirements).
A2.7.2. Civilian personnel of the Department of Defense, the Uniformed Services, and other
Government Agencies and civilian personnel under private contract to the Department of
Defense or a Uniformed Service, when stationed or employed in foreign countries, and their
dependents, when residing in the same household. Note: Civilians in a TDY status for less
than 365 days or not permanently assigned overseas are not authorized a CAC (formerly DD
Form 2765 or 1173), reflecting an emergency-essential OCONUS condition. See Table 2.17
for entitlements.

Table 2.17. Civilian Personnel of the Department of Defense, the Uniformed Services, and
Other Government Agencies and Civilian Personnel Under Private Contract to the
230 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Department of Defense or a Uniformed Service, When Stationed or Employed in Foreign

Countries, and Their Dependents, When Residing in the Same Household.
Self No 3 Yes Yes Yes 2765
Lawful Spouse No 3 Yes Yes Yes 1173
Children, Unmarried, Under 21 Years
Legitimate, adopted, stepchild, No 1,3 1 1 1 1173
Illegitimate child of employee, or
Illegitimate child of spouse.

Ward No No 1 1 1 1173
Children, Unmarried, 21 Years and Over
(If entitled to above) No 1,2,3 1,2 1,2 1,2 1173
Father, Mother, Father-in-Law, Mother-in Law,
Stepparent, or Parent-by-Adoption No 1,3 1 1 1 1173
1. Yes, if dependent on an authorized sponsor for over 50 percent of his or her support.
2. Yes, if the child:
a. Is, 21 or 22 years old and enrolled in a full-time course of study at an institution of higher
learning approved by the administering Secretary, and is dependent on the member or former
member for over one-half of the child's support; or
b. Is over 21 years old and incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical incapacity
that occurs while a dependent of a member before the age of 21 or under clause b. and is,
dependent on the member for over one-half of the child's support or was, at the time of the
member's death. (incapacitated children who marry and who subsequently become unmarried
through divorce, annulment, or death of spouse may be reinstated for ID card benefits and
privileges as long as they meet all other requirements).
3. Yes, on a space-available, fully reimbursable basis.

Table A2.18. Civilian Personnel of the Department of Defense, the Uniformed Services,
and Other Government Agencies and Civilian Personnel Under Private Contract to the
Department of Defense or a Uniformed Service, When Stationed or Employed in Foreign
Countries, and Their Dependents, When Residing in the Same Household.
Self No 3 Yes Yes Yes 2765
Lawful Spouse No 3 Yes Yes Yes 1173
Children, Unmarried, Under 21 Years
Legitimate, adopted, stepchild, No 1,3 1 1 1 1173
Illegitimate child of employee, or
Illegitimate child of spouse.

Ward No No 1 1 1 1173
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 231

Children, Unmarried, 21 Years and Over

(If entitled to above) No 1,2,3 1,2 1,2 1,2 1173
Father, Mother, Father-in-Law, Mother-in Law,
Stepparent, or Parent-by-Adoption No 1,3 1 1 1 1173
1. Yes, if dependent on an authorized sponsor for over 50 percent of his or her support.
2. Yes, if the child:.
a. Is, 21 or 22 years old and enrolled in a full-time course of study at an institution of higher
learning approved by the administering Secretary, and is dependent on the member or former
member for over one-half of the child's support; or
b. Is over 21 years old and incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical incapacity
that occurs while a dependent of a member before the age of 21 or under clause b. and is,
dependent on the member for over one-half of the child's support or was, at the time of the
member's death. (incapacitated children who marry and who subsequently become unmarried
through divorce, annulment, or death of spouse may be reinstated for ID card benefits and
privileges as long as they meet all other requirements).
3. Yes, on a space-available, fully reimbursable basis.
a. Is, 21 or 22 years old and enrolled in a full-time course of study at an institution of higher
learning approved by the administering Secretary, and is dependent on the member or former
member for over one-half of the child's support; or
b. Is over 21 years old and incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical incapacity
that occurs while a dependent of a member before the age of 21 or under clause b. and is,
dependent on the member for over one-half of the child's support or was, at the time of the
member's death. (incapacitated children who marry and who subsequently become unmarried
through divorce, annulment, or death of spouse may be reinstated for ID card benefits and
privileges as long as they meet all other requirements).
3. Yes, on a space-available, fully reimbursable basis.
A2.7.3. Civilian personnel of the Department of Defense and the Uniformed Services, and other
Government Agencies and civilian personnel under private contract to the Department of
Defense or a Uniformed Service when stationed or employed in Puerto Rico or Guam, and their
accompanying dependents, when residing in the same household. See Table A2.18 for

Table A2.19. Entitlements for Civilian Personnel of the Department of Defense and the
Uniformed Services, and Other Government Agencies and Civilian Personnel Under
Private Contract to the Department of Defense or a Uniformed Service When Stationed or
Employed in Puerto Rico or Guam, and Their Accompanying Dependents, When Residing
in the Same Household.
Self No 1 2 Yes 3 2765
Lawful Spouse No 1 2 Yes 3 1173
232 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Children, Unmarried, Under 21 Years

Legitimate, adopted, stepchild, No 1,4 2,4 4 3,4 1173
Illegitimate child of employee or
Illegitimate child of spouse.

Ward No No 2,4 4 3,4 1173

Children, Unmarried, 21 Years and Over
(If entitled to above) No 1,4,5 2,4,5 4,5 3,4,5 1173
Father, Mother, Father-in-Law, Mother-in
Law, Stepparent, or Parent-by-Adoption No 1,4 2,4 4 3,4 1173
1. Yes, on a space-available, fully reimbursable basis only if residing in a household on a
military installation.
2. In cases where waivers are granted permitting access to commissary and exchange by non-
DoD Federal employees and employees of Firms under contract to the U.S. Government, the
installation commander shall establish procedures to verify status, maintain data bases, and issue
appropriate identification.
3. Yes, are entitled to limited exchange privileges, which include purchase of all items except
articles of uniform and State tax-free items.
4. Yes, if dependent on an authorized sponsor for over 50 percent of his or her support.
5. Yes, if the child:
a. Is, 21 or 22 years old and enrolled in a full-time course of study at an institution of higher
learning approved by the administering Secretary, and is dependent on the member or former
member for over one-half of the child's support; or
b. Is over 21 years old and incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical
incapacity that occurs while a dependent of a member before the age of 21 or under clause b.
and is, dependent on the member for over one-half of the child's support or was, at the time of
the member's death. (incapacitated children who marry and who subsequently become
unmarried through divorce, annulment, or death of spouse may be reinstated for ID card
benefits and privileges as long as they meet all other requirements).
A2.8. Contract surgeons during the period of their contract. See Table A2.19 for entitlements.

Table A2.20. Entitlements for Contract Surgeons During the Period of Their Contract.
Self No No No Yes Yes 2765
A2.9. Uniformed and Non-uniformed Full-time Paid Personnel of the Red Cross assigned to
duty with the Uniformed Services within the CONUS, Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico and their
accompanying dependents, when required to reside in the same household on a military
installation. See Table A2.20 for entitlements.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 233

Table A2.21. Entitlements for Uniformed and Non-uniformed Full-time Paid Personnel of
the Red Cross Assigned to Duty With the Uniformed Services Within the CONUS, Hawaii,
Alaska, and Puerto Rico and Their Accompanying Dependents, When Required to Reside
in the Same Household on a Military Installation.
Self No No Yes Yes 1 2765
Lawful Spouse No No Yes Yes 1 1173
Children, Unmarried, Under 21 Years
Legitimate, adopted, stepchild, No No 2 2 1,2 1173
Illegitimate child of employee,
Illegitimate child of spouse, or

Ward. No No 2 2 1,2 1173

Children, Unmarried, 21 Years and Over
(If entitled to above) No No 2,3 2,3 1,2,3 1173
Father, Mother, Father-in-Law, Mother-in Law,
Stepparent, or Parent-by-Adoption No No 2 2 1,2 1173
1. If authorized by installation commander, entitled to exchange privileges.
2. Yes, if dependent on an authorized sponsor for over 50 percent of his or her support.
3. Yes, if the child:
a. Is, 21 or 22 years old and enrolled in a full-time course of study at an institution of higher
learning approved by the administering Secretary, and is dependent on the member or former
member for over one-half of the child's support; or
b. Is over 21 years old and incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical incapacity
that occurs while a dependent of a member before the age of 21 or under clause b. and is,
dependent on the member for over one-half of the child's support or was, at the time of the
member's death. (incapacitated children who marry and who subsequently become unmarried
through divorce, annulment, or death of spouse may be reinstated for ID card benefits and
privileges as long as they meet all other requirements).
A2.10. Uniformed and non-uniformed full-time paid personnel of the Red Cross assigned to
duty with the Uniformed Services in foreign countries and their accompanying dependents, when
residing in the same household. See Table A2.21for entitlements.

Table A2.22. Entitlements for Uniformed and Non-uniformed Full-time Paid Personnel of
the Red Cross Assigned to Duty With the Uniformed Services in Foreign Countries and
Their Accompanying Dependents, When Residing in the Same Household.
Self No 3 Yes Yes Yes 2765
Lawful Spouse No 3 Yes Yes Yes 1173
234 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Children, Unmarried, Under 21 Years

Legitimate, adopted, stepchild, No 1,3 1 1 1 1173
Illegitimate child of employee or
Illegitimate child of spouse.

Ward No No 1 1 1 1173
Children, Unmarried, 21 Years and Over
(If entitled to above) No 1,2,3 1,2 1,2 1,2 1173
Father, Mother, Father-in-Law, Mother-in
Law, Stepparent, or Parent-by-Adoption No 1,3 1 1 1 1173
1. Yes, if dependent on an authorized sponsor for over 50 percent of his or her support.
2. Yes, if the child:
a. Is, 21 or 22 years old and enrolled in a full-time course of study at an institution of higher
learning approved by the administering Secretary, and is dependent on the member or former
member for over one-half of the child's support; or
b. Is over 21 years old and incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical incapacity
that occurs while a dependent of a member before the age of 21 or under clause b. and is,
dependent on the member for over one-half of the child's support or was, at the time of the
member's death. (incapacitated children who marry and who subsequently become unmarried
through divorce, annulment, or death of spouse may be reinstated for ID card benefits and
privileges as long as they meet all other requirements).
3. Yes, on a space-available basis at rates specified in Uniformed Services instructions.
A2.11. Area Executives, center directors, and assistant directors of the USO when serving in
foreign countries, and their accompanying dependents, when residing in the same household.
See Table A2.22 for entitlements.

Table A2.23. Entitlements for Area Executives, Center Directors, and Assistant Directors
of the USO When Serving in Foreign Countries, and Their Accompanying Dependents,
When Residing in the Same Household.
Self No 3 Yes Yes Yes 2765
Lawful Spouse No 3 Yes Yes Yes 1173
Children, Unmarried, Under 21 Years
Legitimate, adopted, stepchild, No 1,3 1 1 1 1173
Illegitimate child of employee, or
Illegitimate child of spouse.

Ward No No 1 1 1 1173
Children, Unmarried, 21 Years and Over
(If entitled to above) No 1,2,3 1,2 1,2 1,2 1173
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 235

Father, Mother, Father-in-Law, Mother-in

Law, Stepparent, or Parent-by-Adoption No 1,3 1 1 1 1173
1. Yes, if dependent on an authorized sponsor for over 50 percent of his or her support.
2. Yes, if the child:
a. Is, 21 or 22 years old and enrolled in a full-time course of study at an institution of higher
learning approved by the administering Secretary, and is dependent on the member or former
member for over one-half of the child's support; or
b. Is over 21 years old and incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical incapacity
that occurs while a dependent of a member before the age of 21 or under clause b. and is,
dependent on the member for over one-half of the child's support or was, at the time of the
member's death. (incapacitated children who marry and who subsequently become unmarried
through divorce, annulment, or death of spouse may be reinstated for ID card benefits and
privileges as long as they meet all other requirements).
3. Yes, on a space-available, fully reimbursable basis.
A2.12. United Seamans Service (USS) personnel in foreign countries and their accompanying
dependents, when residing in the same household. See Table A2.23 for entitlements.

Table A2.24. Entitlements for USS Personnel in Foreign Countries and Their
Accompanying Dependents, When Residing in the Same Household.
Self No 3 Yes Yes Yes 2765
Lawful Spouse No 3 Yes Yes Yes 1173
Children, Unmarried, Under 21 Years
Legitimate, adopted, stepchild, No 1,3 1 1 1 1173
Illegitimate child of employee, or
Illegitimate child of spouse.

Ward No No 1 1 1 1173
Children, Unmarried, 21 Years and Over
(If entitled to above) No 1,2,3 ,2 1,2 1,2 1173
Father, Mother, Father-in-Law, Mother-in
Law, Stepparent, or Parent-by-Adoption No 1,3 1 1 1 1173
1. Yes, if dependent on an authorized sponsor for over 50 percent of his or her support.
2. Yes, if the child:
a. Is, 21 or 22 years old and enrolled in a full-time course of study at an institution of higher
learning approved by the administering Secretary, and is dependent on the member or former
member for over one-half of the child's support; or
236 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

b. Is over 21 years old and incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical incapacity
that occurs while a dependent of a member before the age of 21 or under clause b. and is,
dependent on the member for over one-half of the child's support or was, at the time of the
member's death. (incapacitated children who marry and who subsequently become unmarried
through divorce, annulment, or death of spouse may be reinstated for ID card benefits and
privileges as long as they meet all other requirements).
3. Yes, on a space-available, fully reimbursable basis.
A2.13. MSC civil service Marine personnel deployed to foreign countries on MSC-owned and
operated vessels. See Table 2.24 for entitlements.

Table A2.25. Entitlements for MSC Civil Service Marine Personnel Deployed to Foreign
Countries on MSC-owned and Operated Vessels.
Self No 2 Yes Yes 1 2765
1. Entitled to limited exchange privileges, which include purchase of all items except distinctive
uniform items and State tax-free items.
2. Yes, on a space-available, fully reimbursable basis.
A2.14. Ships Officers and Members of the Crews of Vessels of the NOAA Title 33, U.S.C.
857-4. (Ships Officers Are Not Commissioned Officers; they are Civilian Employees of the
NOAA.). See Table A2.25 for entitlements.

Table A2.26. Entitlements for Ships Officers and Members of the Crews of Vessels of the
NOAA (Title 33 U.S.C. 857-4. (Ships Officers Are Not Commissioned Officers; they are
Civilian Employees of the NOAA.).
Self No No Yes Yes 1 2765
Lawful Spouse, Children No No Yes Yes 1 1173
1. Limited exchange privileges.
A2.15. Officers and Crews of Vessels, Lighthouse Keepers, and Depot Keepers of the Former
Lighthouse Service. See Table A2.26 for entitlements.

Table A2.27. Entitlements for Officers and Crews of Vessels, Lighthouse Keepers, and
Depot Keepers of the Former Lighthouse Service.
Self No No Yes Yes Yes 2765
A2.16. Involuntarily Separated Members Under TAMP or TAP. Involuntarily separated
members, not for cause, of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, or the Marine Corps on active
duty or full-time National Guard duty before or on September 30, 1990; or on or after November
30, 1993, or with respect to a member of the Coast Guard, the member was on active duty in the
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 237

Coast Guard 1 October 1994 and involuntarily separated from active duty on or after October 1,
1990, through December 31, 2001 and their dependents, including dependents acquired after the
members separation (Chapter 58 of 10 U.S.C). Public Law 107-107, effective 1 January 2002,
authorizes military members who separate on or after 1 January 2002 medical benefits only. See
Table A2.28 for entitlements for those who qualified prior to 31 December 2001 and after 1
October 2007 through 31 Dec 2012.

Table A2.28. Entitlements for Involuntarily Separated Members.

Involuntarily Separated Member 1 1 3 3 3 2765
Lawful Spouse 1 1 3 3 3 1173
Children, Unmarried, Under 21 Years
Legitimate, adopted, stepchild, illegitimate 1 1 2,3 3,4 3,4 1173
child of record of female member, or
illegitimate child of male member, whose
paternity has been judicially determined.

Illegitimate child of male member, whose 1,2 1,2 2,3 3,4 3,4 1173
paternity has not been judicially determined,
or illegitimate child of spouse.

Ward 1,2 1,2 2,3 3,4 3,4 1173

Preadoptive Child 1,6 1,6 2,3 3,4 3,4 1173

Children, Unmarried, 21 Years and Over
(If entitled to above) 1,4,5 1,4,5 2,3,,5 3,4,5 3,4,5 1173
Father, Mother, Father-in-Law, Mother-in Law,
Stepparent, or Parent-by-Adoption No 1,2 2,3 3,4 3,4 1173
1. Yes, medical entitlement for 180 days with 2 years shopping privileges (formerly 60 days
when a member is separated with less than 6 years of active service and 120 days when a
member is separated with 6 or more years of active service beginning on the date after the
member separated, and if:
a. Not entitled to Medicare part A, hospital insurance, through the Social Security
Administration; or,
b. Entitled to Medicare Part A hospital insurance and enrolled in Medicare Part B,
supplemental medical insurance.
2. Yes, if a member of a household maintained by or for an authorized sponsor and dependent
on that sponsor for over 50 percent of his or her support. Children residing in the household of a
separated spouse continue to be eligible for commissary privileges until there is a final divorce
decree. In the case of a divorce, children residing in the household of a former spouse are not
considered to be members of the authorized sponsor's household for commissary privileges,
238 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

except children who reside with a former spouse meeting requirements for commissary
privileges based on 20 years of marriage during a period the member or retired member
performed 20 years of service.
3. Yes, if the member was separated beginning on October 1, 1990, but before December 31,
2001, entitlement shall be for 2 years, beginning on the date the member separated.
4. Yes, if dependent on the authorized sponsor for over 50 percent of his or her support.
5. Yes, if the child:
a. Is, 21 or 22 years old and enrolled in a full-time course of study at an institution of higher
learning approved by the administering Secretary, and is dependent on the member or former
member for over one-half of the child's support; or
b. Is over 21 years old and incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical incapacity
that occurs while a dependent of a member before the age of 21 or under clause b. and is,
dependent on the member for over one-half of the child's support or was, at the time of the
member's death. (incapacitated children who marry and who subsequently become unmarried
through divorce, annulment, or death of spouse may be reinstated for ID card benefits and
privileges as long as they meet all other requirements).
6. Yes, for determinations of dependency made on or after October 5, 1994, an unmarried
person who is placed in the home of the member or former member by a placement agency
(recognized by the Secretary of Defense) in anticipation of the legal adoption of the person by
the member or former member; and who:
a. Is, younger than 21 years of age; or,
b. Is, 21 or 22 years old and enrolled in a full-time course of study at an institution of higher
learning approved by the administering Secretary, and is dependent on the member or former
member for over one-half of the child's support; or
c. Is over 21 years old and incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical
incapacity that occurs while a dependent of a member under clause a. or b. and is, dependent
on the member for over one-half of the child's support or was, at the time of the member's
A2.17. Voluntarily Separated Members Under SSB or VSI. Voluntarily separated members of
the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, and the Marine Corps who are eligible and approved for
payment of a Special Separation Benefit (SSB) or the Voluntary Separation Incentive (VSI); and
have been on active duty for more than 6 years, and have served at least 5 years of continuous
active duty immediately preceding the date of separation; and the date of separation is on or
before 31 December 2001, and their dependents; including those dependents acquired after the
members separation (Title 10 U.S.C. 1174a and 1175, and Pub. L. 102-484 (1992)). See Table
A2.28 for entitlements.

Table A2.29. Entitlements for Voluntarily Separated Members Under SSB or VSI.
Voluntarily Separated Member 1 1 3 3 3 2765
Lawful Spouse 1 1 3 3 3 1173
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 239

Children, Unmarried, Under 21 Years

Legitimate, adopted, stepchild, illegitimate 1 1 2,3 3,4 3,4 1173
child of record of female member, or
illegitimate child of male member, whose
paternity has been judicially determined.

Illegitimate child of male member, whose 1,2 1,2 2,3 3,4 3,4 1173
paternity has not been judicially
determined, or illegitimate child of spouse.

Ward 1,2 1,2 2,3 3,4 3,4 1173

Children, Unmarried, 21 Years and Over
(If entitled to above) 1,4,5 1,4,5 2,3,5 3,4,5 3,4,5 1173
Father, Mother, Father-in-Law, Mother-in
Law, Stepparent, or Parent-by-Adoption No 1,2 2,3 3,4 3,4 1173
1. Yes, entitlement shall be for 120 days when a member is separated with 6 or more years of
active service beginning on the date after the member separated, and if:
a. Not entitled to Medicare Part A, hospital insurance, through the Social Security
Administration; or,
b. Entitled to Medicare Part A, hospital insurance and enrolled in Medicare Part B,
supplemental medical insurance.
2. Yes, if a member of a household maintained by or for an authorized sponsor and dependent
on that sponsor for over 50 percent of his or her support. Children residing in the household of a
separated spouse continue to be eligible for commissary privileges until there is a final divorce
decree. In the case of a divorce, children residing in the household of a former spouse are not
considered to be members of the authorized sponsor's household for commissary privileges,
except children who reside with a former spouse meeting requirements for commissary
privileges based on 20 years of marriage during a period the member or retired member
performed 20 years of service.
3. Yes, entitlement shall be for 2 years beginning on the date the member separated if the
member was separated on or before September 30, 2001; has been on active duty for more than 6
years; and has served at least 5 years of continuous active duty immediately preceding the date of
4. Yes, if dependent on the authorized sponsor for over 50 percent of his or her support.
5. Yes, if the child:
a. Is, 21 or 22 years old and enrolled in a full-time course of study at an institution of higher
learning approved by the administering Secretary, and is dependent on the member or former
member for over one-half of the child's support; or
b. Is over 21 years old and incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical
incapacity that occurs while a dependent of a member before the age of 21 or under clause a.
and is, dependent on the member for over one-half of the child's support or was, at the time of
240 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

the member's death. (incapacitated children who marry and who subsequently become
unmarried through divorce, annulment, or death of spouse may be reinstated for ID card
benefits and privileges as long as they meet all other requirements).
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 241

Attachment 3

A3.1. General Instructions.

A3.1.1. The DD Form 1172 shall be used for enrollment or update of eligible individuals
into the DEERS data base and to apply for issuance of DD Forms 2 (Active, Reserve,
Retired, and Reserve Retired), DD Form 1173, DD Form 1173-1, DD Form 2764, 2765, AF
Form 354, DA 1602--except do not update DEERS when issuing the AF Form 354, DA
1602, DD 489 or 1934, complete the DD Form 1172 manually (see Notes 1 and 2 of this
attachment). Do not generate a DD Form 1172 for sponsors, when issuing the sponsors
identification card. Note: The DD Form 1172 is not used for CAC DEERS enrollment or
eligibility. Issuance of the CAC, a DD Form 2842, Department of Defense (DoD) Public
Key Infrastructure (PKI) Certificate of Acceptance and Acknowledgement of
Responsibilities (Subscriber) is required. Refer to Chapters 12, 13, 17, and 18 for additional
information concerning CAC DEERS enrollment and eligibility for active, reserve, and
civilian members.
A3.1.2. If manually preparing the form, type or print legibly using black ball-point pen.
A3.1.3. When manually completing the form, use the exact codes listed under each item.
For example, in block 35 (relationship), enter CH for child, SC for stepchild and SP for
A3.1.4. Dispose of the DD Form 1172 in accordance paragraph 1.13.
A3.1.5. Update the DEERS or RAPIDS then generate a DD Form 1172 when issuing DD
Forms 1173 or DD Form 2765 to foreign personnel (Exception: See paragraph 21.18.).
A3.1.6. To enroll ROTC cadets in RAPIDS, contact respective Reserve or Guard
Component Service Project Office.
A3.2. DEERS Enrollment:
A3.2.1. A sponsor with dependents must enroll in DEERS:
A3.2.1.1. All eligible dependents.
A3.2.1.2. Any other beneficiary not issued an ID card for whom the sponsor claims
dependent status for medical benefits.
A3.2.1.3. Enroll newborn children, out to their 21 st birthday if no ID card is issued.
A3.2.2. Section II requires the dependents:
A3.2.2.1. Name.
A3.2.2.2. Date of birth.
A3.2.2.3. Relationship to the sponsor.
A3.2.2.4. SSN.
A3.2.2.5. Address, if different from that of the sponsor or applicant.
242 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

A3.3. Section I. Sponsor Information:

A3.3.1. Block 1. Name. Enter the sponsor's LAST name first, enter the FIRST name, and
then enter the MIDDLE INITIAL or the full MIDDLE NAME. (Use no more than 27
characters.) The
name field can include a designation of JR, SR, ESQ, or the Roman numerals I through X.
To include that designation, enter the appropriate data after the middle initial. The name
cannot contain any special characters nor is any punctuation permitted.
A3.3.2. Block 2. Sex. Enter the sex of the sponsor from the valid abbreviations listed in the
left column, below: (Use one character.)
M - Male
F - Female
A3.3.3. Block 3. Social Security Number (SSN). Enter the sponsor's SSN. In cases where
the sponsor does not have an SSN, enter the sponsor's Service Serial Number with the
addition of left-justified zeros, when the service number contains less than nine digits. For
example, serial number 12345 would be entered as 000012345. A foreign identification
number (FIN) will automatically be assigned and generated by the RAPIDS for foreign
military members and foreign nationals who are not under the Social Security Administration
System and will not receive a SSN. (Use nine characters).
A3.3.3.1. If the SSN or Service Serial Number is already registered on the DEERS
database for another individual, STOP processing and verify the number. If verification
confirms duplication of the SSN by the Social Security Administration, continue
processing and the system shall automatically generate a duplicate control number for the
additional sponsor.
A3.3.4. Block 4. Status. Enter the correct abbreviation for the status of the sponsor from the
valid abbreviations listed in the left column, below: (Use no more than six characters.)
ACADMY Academy or Navy Officer Candidate School (OCS) Student
AD Active duty (excluding Guard and Reserve on extended active duty for
more than 30 days)
AD-DEC Active duty deceased
CIV Civilian
CONTR Contractor
DAVDEC 100-percent disabled veteran deceased (either temporary (TMP) or
permanent (PRM)
DAVPRM 100-percent disabled veteran, permanent disability
DAVTMP 100-percent disabled veteran, temporary disability
FP Foreign military personnel
FMRMR Former member who is in receipt of retired pay for non-regular service
under Chapter 1223 of 10 U.S.C. but who has been discharged from the
Service and maintains no military affiliation
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 243

FMRDEC A former member who qualified for retired pay for non-regular service
under Chapter 1223 of 10 U.S.C. at his or her sixtieth birthday, before his or
her discharge from the Service, but died while in receipt of retired pay
GRD National Guard (all categories)
GRDDEC National Guard deceased
GRD-AD Guard on extended active duty for more than 30 days
MH Medal of Honor recipient
MH-DEC Medal of Honor recipient deceased
OTHER Non-DOD eligible beneficiaries (including credit union employees, or
contractor personnel, and other civilians employed in support of U.S. forces
overseas, who are authorized benefits and privileges).
PDRL Retired member, on the Permanent Disability Retired List (PDRL)
PR-APL Prisoner or Appellate leave
RCL-AD Recalled to active duty
RES Reserve (all categories)
RES-AD Reserve members on extended active duty for more than 30 days
RESDEC Reserve deceased
RESRET National Guard and Reserve members who retire, but are not entitled to
retired pay until age 60
RET Retired member entitled to retired pay
RETDEC Deceased retired member entitled to retired pay. Code applies to active duty
retired, Retired Reserve beginning on their 60th birthday, the TDRL, and the
TDRL Retired member, on the TDRL
VSI Voluntary Separation Incentive (VSI) recipient
A3.3.5. Block 5. Branch of Service. Enter the correct organization with which the sponsor
is affiliated from the valid abbreviations listed in the left column, below: (Use no more than
five characters.)
USA the U.S. Army
USAF the U.S. Air Force
USN the U.S. Navy
USMC the U.S. Marine Corps

USCG the U.S. Coast Guard

USPHS the United States Public Health Service
244 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

NOAA the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

DOD the Department of Defense
OTHER used when the sponsor is not affiliated with one of the Uniformed Services
listed above
A3.3.6. Block 6. Pay Grade. Enter the correct sponsor pay grade from the valid
abbreviations listed in the left column, below. (Use no more than four characters.)
El-E9 Enlisted pay grades 1 through 9
W1-W5 Warrant officer pay grades 1 through 5
STDT Academy and/or Navy OCS student (ENTER PAY GRADE IF STDT
O01-O11 Officer pay grades 1 through 11 (011 is reserved)
GS01-GS18 Federal employees with General Schedule pay grades
NF1-NF6 Federal employees with Nonappropriated Fund pay grades
GSE01-GSE18 General Schedule Equivalent to be assigned to contractor personnel
OTHER Other (non-Uniformed Service) pay grades not defined above
N/A Not applicable. Use this code with the Block 4 status codes
A3.3.7. Block 7. Rank. Enter the Uniformed Service sponsor's correct rank from the valid
abbreviations listed, below. That block is left blank for all other sponsors. For NOAA
and USPHS sponsors, follow the Navy and/or Coast Guard officer ranks. Pay grade O11 is
reserved. (Use no more than six characters.)
A3.3.8. Block 8. GEN CAT (Geneva Convention Category). Enter the sponsor's
appropriate Geneva Convention Category from the valid abbreviations listed in the left
column, below. That block is automatically generated for online systems. (Use no more than
three characters.)
I Category I (pay grades El through E4)
II Category II (pay grades E5 through E9)
III Category III (pay grades W1 through O03 and/or Cadets and/or Midshipmen)
IV Category IV (pay grades O04 through O06)
V Category V (pay grades O07 through O11)
N/A Not applicable (nonprotected personnel)
A3.3.9. Block 9. Type of Card Issued. If the transaction being performed results in issue or
reissue of the sponsor's Uniformed Services' ID card, enter the appropriate abbreviation from
the left column, below, to indicate which DD Form was issued to the sponsor. (Use four
2ACT DD Form 2, Active (Green)
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 245

2RET DD Form 2, Retired (Blue)

2RES DD Form 2, Reserve (Red)
2RES DD Form 2, Reserve (Green)
1173 DD Form 1173 (Tan)
1173-1 DD Form 1173-1 (Red)
2764 DD Form 2764 (Tan)
2765 DD Form 2765 (Tan)
A3.3.10. Block 10. ID No. (ID Card Number). If the transaction is to issue or reissue an ID
card to the sponsor, enter the serial number of the DD Form 2, DD Form 1173, or DD Form
1173-1. That block may be left blank. (Use no more than nine characters.)
A3.3.11. Block 11. Last Update. No action required. That date is generated automatically
by the DEERS and indicates the date of the last online transaction or DD Form 1172
submitted for that sponsor.
A3.3.12. Block 12. V/I (Verify and/or Issue). Enter the correct action abbreviation to show
the reason that the DD Form 1172 is being prepared. Select from the valid values listed in
the left column, below. For Ready Reserve members and Reserve retirees entitled to pay at
age 60, leave blank. (Use one character.)
A To indicate the addition of a new record on the DEERS.
C To indicate a change or update transaction, when an ID card shall not be issued.
I To indicate the issue OR reissue of an ID card.
U To indicate a sponsor and/or dependent(s) address update only. If the address
update is for dependents' addresses only, proceed to block 33.
T Terminate
A3.3.13. Block 13. Current Residence Address. Enter the number and street of the
sponsor's current residence address. When disclosure of the residence address would violate
the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 552a) and the sponsor is an active duty or a Reserve member,
enter the sponsor's military mailing address. If sponsor is deceased or if address is unknown,
leave blank. (Use no more than 27 characters.)
A3.3.14. Block 14. Supplemental Address Information. Enter supplemental address
information, such as an apartment number. Do not enter a duty address in combination with
a residence address. That field may be left blank. (Use no more than 20 characters.)
A3.3.15. Block 15. City. Enter the sponsor's current city of resident. If the sponsor's
address is an Army Post Office (APO) or a Fleet Post Office (FPO), enter the designation
APO or FPO. If the sponsor is deceased or city is unknown, leave blank. (Use no more than
18 characters.)
A3.3.16. Block 16. State. Enter the correct U.S. postal abbreviation for the State of the
sponsor's residence from the valid Postal abbreviations listed, below. If the sponsor's address
is an APO or FPO, enter the correct APO or FPO State. If the sponsor lives outside of the 50
United States, the District of Columbia, or one of the listed trust territories, enter a default
246 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

value of XX. If the sponsor is deceased or if State is unknown, leave blank. (Use two
A3.3.17. Block 17. ZIP Code. Enter the correct nine-digit ZIP Code of the sponsor's current
residence address in the following format: 123456789. If the last four digits are unknown,
enter four zeros (0000); e.g., 123450000. If the sponsor does not reside in one of the 50
United States, the District of Columbia, or one of the listed trust territories, enter the
applicable foreign ZIP Code, or APO or FPO number. If the sponsor is deceased or if ZIP
Code is unknown, leave blank. (Use no more than nine characters.)
A3.3.18. Block 18. Country. Enter the sponsor's correct country of residence from the valid
State Department abbreviations listed, below. If the sponsor's address is an APO or FPO, the
country must be US. If the sponsor is deceased or if country is unknown, leave blank. Use
two characters.

Afghanistan AF Burundi BY
Albania AL Cambodia CB
Algeria AG Cameroon CM
America Samoa AQ Canada CA
Andorra AN Cape Verde CV
Angola AO Cayman Islands CJ
Anguilla AV Central African
Antarctica AY Republic CT
Antigua and Barbuda AC Chad CD
Argentina AR Chile CI
Armenia AM China CH
Aruba AA Christmas Island KT
Ashmore and Cartier Clipperton Islands IP
Islands AT Cocos (Keeling)
Australia AZ Islands CK
Austria AU Colombia CO
Azerbaijan AJ Comoros CN
Bahamas The BF Cook Islands CW
Bahrain BA Coral Sea Islands CR
Baker Island FQ Costa Rica CS
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 247

Bangladesh BG Cote Dtvoire IV

Barbados BB Croatia HR
Bassas Da India BS Cuba CU
Belarus BO Cyprus CY
Belgium BE Czech Republic EZ
Belize BH Denmark DA
Benin BN Djibouti DJ
Bermuda BD Dominica DO
Bhutan BT Dominican Republic DR
Bolivia GL Ecaudor EC
Bosnia and Egypt EG
Herzegovina BO El Salvador ES
Botswana BC Equatorial Guinea EK
Bouvet Island BV Eritrea ER
Brazil BR Estonia EN
British Indian Ocean Ethiopia ET
Territory IO Europa Island EU
British Virgin Falkland Islands
Islands VI (Islas Malvinas) FK
Brunei BX Faroe Islands FO
Bulgaria BU Federated States of
Burkina UV Micronesia FM
Burma BM Fiji FJ
Finland FI Jarvis Island DQ
France FR Jersey JE
French Guiana FG Johnston Atoll JQ
French Polynesia FP Jordan JO
French Southern and Juan De Nova Island JU
Antarctic Lands FS Kazakhstan KZ
248 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Gabon GB Kenya KE
Gambia The GA Kingman Reef KQ
Gaza Strip GZ Kiribati KR
Georgia GG Korea Democratic
Germany GM Peoples Republic KN
Ghana GH Korea Republic of KS
Gibraltar GI Kuwait KU
Glorioiso Islands GO Kyrgystan KG
Greece GR Laos LA
Greenland GL Latvia LG
Grenada GJ Lebanon LE
Guadeloupe GP Lesotho LT
Guam GQ Liberia LI
Guatemala GT Libya LY
Guernsey GK Liechtenstein LS
Guinea GV Lithuania LH
Guinea-Bissau PU Luxembourg LU
Guyana GY Macau MC
Haiti HA Macedonia MK
Heard Island and Madagascar MA
McDonald Islands HM Malawi MI
Honduras HO Malaysia MY
Hong Kong HK Maldives MV
Howland Island HQ Mali ML
Hungary HU Malta MT
Iseland IC Man Isle of IM
India IN Marshall Islands RM
Indonesia ID Martinique MB
Iran IR Mauritania MR
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 249

Iraq IZ Mauritius MP
Ireland EI Mayotte MF
Israel IS Mexico MX
Italy IT Midway Islands MQ
Ivory Coast IV Moldova MD
Jamaica JM Monaco MN
Jan Mayen JN Mongolia MG
Japan JA Montenegro M
Montserrat MH St. Vincent and
Morocco MO the Grenadines VC
Mozambique MZ San Marino SM
Namibia WA Sao Tome and
Nauru NR Principe TP
Navassa Island BQ Saudi Arabia SA
Nepal NP Senegal SG
Netherlands NL Serbia SR
Netherlands Antilles NA Seychelles SE
New Caledonia NC Sierra Leone SL
New Zealand NZ Singapore SN
Nicaragua NU Slovakia LO
Niger NG Slovenia SI
Nigeria NI Solomon Islands BP
Niue NE Somalia SO
Norfolk Island NF South Africa SF
Northern Mariana South Georgia and the
Islands CQ South Sandwich Islands SX
Norway NO Spain SP
Oman MU Spratly Islands PG
Pakistan PK Sri Lanka CE
250 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Palmyra Atoll LQ Sudan SU

Panama PM Surinam NS
Papua New Guinea PP Svalbard SV
Paracel Islands PF Swaziland WZ
Paraguay PA Sweden SW
Peru PE Switzerland SZ
Philippines RP Syria SY
Turks and Caicos Vatican City VT
Islands TK Venezuela VE
Tuvalu TV Vietnam VM
Uganda UG Virgin Islands VQ
Ukraine UP Wake Island W
United Arab Wallis and Futuna WF
Emirates TC West Bank WE
United Kingdom UK Western Sahara WI
United States US Western Samoa WS
Uruguay UY Yemen (Aden) YM
Uzbekistan UZ Zambia ZA
Vanuatu NH Zimbabwe ZI

A3.3.19. Block 19. UIC (Unit Identification Code). No action required. Leave this block
blank. This is an eight character (Air Force), six character (Army) or five character (Navy)
restricted field entered by each Uniformed Service personnel system that interfaces with
DEERS. UIC equals PAS code for Air Force, RUC-MCC for Marine Corps, or OPFAC for
Coast Guard personnel.
A3.3.20. Block 20. Home Telephone Number. Enter the sponsor's current residence, duty,
or business telephone number beginning with the area code. Do not use punctuation to
separate area code, prefix, and basic number. This block may be left blank. (Use no more
than 10 characters.)
A3.3.21. Block 21. Date of Birth. Enter the sponsor's date of birth in four-digit year, three
alpha-character month, and two-digit day format (YYYYMMMDD). Date of birth must also
be entered, when using U code (block 12.) for off-line entry. (Use nine characters.)
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 251

A3.3.22. Block 22. Blood Type. Enter the sponsor's blood type from the valid list of
abbreviations listed in the left column, below. This block may be left blank for other than
AD, RCL-AD, ACADMY, GRD, or RES sponsors. (Use no more than three characters.)
A+ A Positive
A- A Negative
B+ B Positive
B- B Negative
AB+ AB Positive
AB- AB Negative
O+ O Positive
O- O Negative
A3.3.23. Block 23. Color Eyes. Enter the sponsor's correct eye color from the valid
abbreviations listed in the left column, below. If sponsor is deceased, or if eye color is
unknown, leave blank. (Use two characters.)
BR Brown
GR Green
BL Blue
HZ Hazel
BK Black
GY Gray
VT Violet
A3.3.24. Block 24. Color Hair. Enter the sponsor's correct hair color from the valid
abbreviations listed in the left column, below. If sponsor is deceased, of if hair color is
unknown, leave blank. (Use two characters.)
AU Auburn
BK Black
BN Blonde
BR Brown
GY Gray
RD Red
SL Silver
WH White
BD Bald
OT Not Applicable
252 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

A3.3.25. Block 25. Height. Enter the sponsor's height in inches. The valid range is 48 to 96
inches. If the sponsor is deceased, or if height is unknown, leave blank. (Use two
A3.3.26. Block 26. Weight. Enter the sponsor's weight in pounds. The valid range is 0 to
999. If the sponsor is deceased, or if weight is unknown, leave blank. (Use up to three
A3.3.27. Block 27. Medicare. Enter the sponsor's entitlement status for Medicare Part A
hospital insurance through the Social Security Administration. For Ready Reserve members
and Reserve retirees, who are entitled to pay at age 60, leave blank. (Use one character.)
D - Eligible prior to age 65 due to disability; dual entitlement to Medicare and
E - Eligible, at age 65; Medicare start date is on, or after, attainment of age 65.
N - Not eligible at age 65; did not work enough quarters.
P - Purchased Medicare Part A; did not work enough quarters to qualify.
A - Eligible over age 65; Medicare Part A started after age 65.
R - Eligible for Medicare Part A, under age 65, due to end state renal disease.
A3.3.28. Block 28. Marital Status. Enter the sponsor's marital status from the valid
abbreviations listed in the left column, below. (Use three characters.)
ANL Annulled
DIV Divorced
INT Interlocutory decree
JSM Joint-Service marriage
LSP Legally separated
MAR Married
SGL - Single (never been married)
DB - DoD Beneficiary, formerly WID - Widow or widower
A3.3.29. Block 29. ELIG ST/MC EFF DATE. (Eligibility Start Date and/or Civilian Health
Care Effective Date or Medicare Part A Hospital Insurance Start Date and/or Guard and/or
Reserve-Start Date). (Use nine characters.)
A3.3.29.1. For active duty sponsors, enter the date that the sponsor commenced active
duty. A break in service that lasted more than 24 hours results in a new eligibility start
A3.3.29.2. For RET, FMRMR, TDRL, or PDRL sponsors, enter the date the sponsor
became eligible to receive retired pay. If the sponsor became eligible for Medicare Part
A hospital insurance benefits before attaining age 65, enter the Medicare Part A start date
and a D or R in block 27, above.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 253

A3.3.29.3. For Reserve component RET sponsors qualifying for retired pay at age 60,
enter the sponsor's 60th birthday. If the sponsor became eligible for Medicare Part A
hospital insurance after age 60, but before attaining age 65, enter the Medicare Part A
start date and enter a D or R in block 27, above. After attaining age 65, enter the
Medicare Part A hospital insurance start date and enter an A in block 27, above.
A3.3.29.4. For Reserve members enter the date the sponsor commenced his or her
current Reserve commitment. For Reserve retirees entitled to pay at age 60, enter the
date Reserve retirement began.
A3.3.29.5. For CIV, DAVTMP, DAVPRM, or MH, enter the date the sponsor's
qualifying status began.
A3.3.30. Block 30. CARD EX/ELIG END DATE. (Card Expiration Date and/or Eligibility
End Date and/or Guard/Reserve End Date.) Enter the appropriate sponsor effective end date
for DD Form 2, as prescribed in Attachment 12; or for DD Forms 1173, as prescribed in
Attachment 4.
A3.3.31. Block 31. Privileges Authorized. In the spaces provided, enter the correct
abbreviation to show the benefits and privileges that the sponsor is authorized to receive.
(Use one character for each privilege category.)
MC - If the sponsor is entitled to medical care under the TRICARE, enter C. If the
sponsor is not entitled to the TRICARE, enter N.
MS - If the sponsor is authorized healthcare at Uniformed Services facilities (MS), enter
Y. If the sponsor is not authorized MS, enter N.
C - If the sponsor is authorized commissary privileges, enter Y. If the sponsor is not
authorized commissary privileges, enter N.
MWR - If the sponsor is authorized morale, welfare, and recreation privileges, enter Y.
If the sponsor is not authorized morale, welfare, and recreation privileges, enter N.
EU - If the sponsor is authorized unlimited exchange privileges, enter Y. If the sponsor
is not authorized unlimited exchange privileges, enter N.
EL - If the sponsor is authorized limited exchange privileges, enter Y. If the sponsor is
not authorized limited exchange privileges, enter N. Note: Reserve members and
Reserve retirees entitled to pay at age 60, will have C, MWR and EU reflected on their
card; but not medical MC.
A3.3.32. Block 32. END ELIG REASON. (End Eligibility Reason.) No longer used.
A3.4. Section II - Dependent Information
A3.4.1. Block 33. Name. Enter the dependent's name, as prescribed in block 1 above. Note:
Do not enter nicknames, short spellings, or popular names. The name should reflect the legal
name appearing on the birth certificate used for verification, unless the dependent legally
changed his or her name in compliance with the legal requirements of the state in which he or
she made the change. Consult the base legal staff for advice. For ID card purposes, there is
no legal requirement that a wife take her husbands name at the time of marriage. A copy of
a birth certificate and marriage certificate is required if a wife reverts back to her maiden
name. A court order is not required.
254 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

A3.4.2. Block 34. Sex. Enter the sex of the dependent, as prescribed in block 2, above.
A3.4.3. Block 35. Relationship. Enter the correct abbreviation to show the dependent's
relationship to the sponsor from the valid abbreviations listed in the left column below: (Use
no more than six characters.)
CH Child
SC Stepchild
URW Unremarried widow(er) (never remarried) (DoD Beneficiary)
UMW Unmarried widow(er) (DoD Beneficiary)
PL Parent-in-law
SPL Stepparent-in-law
PAR Parent
STP Stepparent
SP Spouse
WARD Legal ward
URFS02 Unremarried former spouse (meets 20-20-20 criteria) (DoD Beneficiary)
URFS03 Unremarried former spouse (meets 20-20-15 criteria and marriage terminated
before April 1, 1985) (DoD Beneficiary)
URFS04 Unremarried former spouse (meets 20-20-15 criteria and marriage terminated
on or after April 1, 1985 and on or before 28 September 1988) (DoD Beneficiary)
URFS05 Unremarried former spouse (meets 10-20-10 criteria and marriage terminated
on or after October 23, 1992) (DoD Beneficiary)
URFS06 Unmarried former spouse (meets the Transitional Compensation criteria
andmarriage terminated criteria on or after Nov 30, 1993 (DoD Beneficiary)
UMFS Unmarried former spouse (meets 20-20-20 criteria and remarriage terminated
by death or divorce) (DoD Beneficiary)
For Reserve members and Reserve retirees entitled to pay at age 60, only codes PAR,
PIL, SP, CH, SC, or WARD shall be used.
A3.4.4. Block 36. SSN. (Social Security Number.) Enter the dependent's SSN. A
temporary identification number (TIN) will automatically be assigned and automatically
generated by the RAPIDS 6.1 for categories of beneficiaries who do not yet have SSNs, such
as newborns and foreign spouses, awaiting a SSN, or for those who do not have and are not
eligible for a SSN. (Use nine characters.)
A3.4.5. Block 37. ID No. (ID Card Number.) If a manually prepared DD Form 1173 or a
manually prepared DD Form 1173-1 is being issued to the dependent, enter the serial number
in that block. If the transaction being performed is to terminate the dependent's eligibility,
that block need not be updated except to identify a card that may be in the possession of an
individual no longer entitled to the card. Such card should be retrieved for destruction. (Use
no more than nine characters.)
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 255

A3.4.6. Block 38. Last Update. Refer to block 11 above. No action required.
A3.4.7. Block 39. V/I. (Verify and/or Issue.) Enter the correct action, as prescribed in
block 12 above. For dependents of active duty sponsors who are no longer eligible for
benefits or for Guard and Reserve DEERS Enrollment Program dependents who are no
longer eligible for future benefits on mobilization of the sponsor, enter code T and the
appropriate code in block 60. below. For all other Reserve members and Reserve retirees
entitled to pay at age 60, leave blank.
A3.4.8. Block 40. Current Residence Address. Enter the number and street of the
dependent's residence address. If address is unknown, leave blank. (Use no more than
27 characters.)
A3.4.9. Block 41. Supplemental Address Information. Enter supplemental address
information, as prescribed in block 14 above.
A3.4.10. Block 42. City. Enter the dependent's current city of residence, as prescribed in
block 15 above.
A3.4.11. Block 43. State. Enter the correct postal abbreviation for the dependent as
prescribed in block 16 above.
A3.4.12. Block 44. ZIP Code. Enter the correct 9-digit ZIP Code of the dependent's current
residence address, as prescribed in block 17 above.
A3.4.13. Block 45. Country. Enter the dependent's correct country of residence, as
prescribed in block 18 above.
A3.4.14. Block 46. Home Telephone Number. Enter the dependent's current residence
telephone number, as prescribed in block 20 above.
A3.4.15. Block 47. Date of Birth. Enter the dependent's date of birth, as prescribed in block
21 above.
A3.4.16. Block 48. MBI (Multiple Birth Indicator). Enter the applicable value to identify
dependents, whose dates of birth are within 10 months of each other. That value is required
even when those dependents are not twins, triplets, etc. (Use one character.)
Y - Yes, there are multiple birth dependents.
N - No, there are no multiple birth dependents.
A3.4.17. Block 49. STU (Student). If the dependent child is 21 or 22 years of age and
meets the criteria for entitlement as a full-time student, enter Y. If the dependent child is
21 or 22 years of age and is not a student, enter N and make the necessary entry in block
50 below. (Use one character.)
A3.4.18. Block 50. INCAP (Incapacitation Status). An entry must be made in that block for
each child over 21 years of age, who has been determined by the sponsor's parent Uniformed
Service to be entitled to benefits and privileges as an incapacitated dependent. Enter the
appropriate value from the indicators, below: (Use one character.)
N - Not incapacitated
P - Permanently incapacitated
256 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

T - Temporarily incapacitated

Note: Verification of entitlement must be reestablished by the sponsor's parent Service for each
subsequent renewal or replacement of ID cards for temporarily incapacitated children.
A3.4.19. Block 51. Medicare. Enter the dependent's entitlement status for Medicare Part A
hospital insurance through the Social Security Administration, as prescribed in block 27
above. Dependents of Reserve retirees, entitled to pay at age 60 and issued DD Form 1173-1,
are not entitled to medical benefits. That block shall be left blank.
A3.4.20. Block 52. Color Eyes. Enter the dependent's correct eye color, as prescribed in
block 23 above.
A3.4.21. Block 53. Color Hair. Enter the dependent's correct hair color, as prescribed in
block 24 above.
A3.4.22. Block 54. Height. Enter the dependent's height in inches. The valid range is 00 to
96 inches. (Use two characters.)
A3.4.23. Block 55. Weight. Enter the dependent's weight in pounds, as prescribed in block
26 above.
A3.4.24. Block 56. Marital Status Date (YYYYMMMDD). If the dependent's relationship
is SP (spouse), URW (unremarried widow), UMW (unmarried widow), or DoD beneficiary
(abused dependent or former spouse), enter the date of marriage or marital status change.
See paragraph A3.4.3 for category spouse and former spouse listing. (Use nine characters.)
A3.4.25. Block 57. ELIG ST/MC EFF DATE (YYYYMMMDD) (Eligibility Start Date
and/or Civilian Health Care Effective Date or Medicare Part A Hospital Insurance Start
Date). Enter the effective start date of the dependent's eligibility for benefits and privileges,
as prescribed in Attachment 4. For dependents eligible for Medicare Part A, before age 65,
enter the date Medicare eligibility began.
A3.4.25.1. For dependents eligible for Medicare, Part A, before age 65, enter the date
Medicare eligibility began. Enter a D or R in block 51, or block 79, if applicable to
second dependent listed. If eligibility starts after age 65, enter the Medicare, Part A,
hospital insurance start date and enter an A in block 51 above, or block 79 below, if
applicable to dependent listed.
A3.4.25.2. For Reserve dependents and dependents of Reserve retirees entitled to pay at
age 60 and not yet reached age 60, who are issued Reserve dependent ID cards, leave
block 57 blank.
A3.4.25.3. For 20-20-20 former spouse not entitled to medical benefits because of
enrollment in employer-sponsored health plan, enter date that eligibility for health plan
began and indicate N in the MC block.
A3.4.25.4. For Medicare eligible beneficiaries under age 65, who are enrolled in
Medicare, Part B, and who remain TRICARE eligible until age 65, enter the date the
beneficiary becomes entitled to TRICARE (see Attachment 4 for MC effective dates).
Enter D in block 51 (or block 79, if applicable to second dependent listed), and indicate
Y in MC block.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 257

A3.4.25.5. Wards of active duty members, 5 October 1994 or date dependency and
residency is established, whichever is later. Wards of retired members, 1 July 1994 or
date dependency and residency is established, whichever is later. Note: Wards of active
duty members became eligible for MS 1 July l994; however, they did not become entitled
to TRICARE until 5 October 1994.
A3.4.26. Block 58. CARD EX/ELIG END DATE (YYYYMMMDD) (Card Expiration
Date and/or Eligibility End Date). Enter the correct eligibility end date or card expiration
date, as prescribed in Attachment 4. (Use nine characters.)
A3.4.26.1. For Reserves, enter maximum 4 years from date of verification of DD Form
1172, sponsor's expiration of service date, or dependent's twenty-first birthday, whichever
is earliest. For Reserve retirees entitled to pay at age 60, enter maximum 4 years from
date of verification of DD Form 1172, dependent's twenty-first birthday, or sponsor's
sixtieth birthday, whichever is earlier. For students or incapacitated children see
Attachment 4.
A3.4.26.2. If card is not being issued to a newborn child, the eligibility end date is the
21st birthday; or 120 days if no SSAN and TIN is generated.
A3.4.27. Block 59. Privileges Authorized. Enter the dependent's authorized benefits and
privileges; use applicable coding as reflected in block 31.
A3.4.28. Block 60. END ELIG REASON (YYYYMMMDD)(End Eligibility Reason). If
the dependent's eligibility for benefits and privileges is to be terminated, enter the most
appropriate end eligibility reason abbreviation from the list in the left column, below. When
terminating eligibility, a T must also be entered in block 39 or block 67 (Use three
ACD Dependent entered active duty
DIV Divorce and/or annulment
DMG Dependent married
DTH Death
EEN Active duty separation and/or discharge and/or premature loss and/or deserter
and/or end-of-entitlement and/or Reserve affiliation for Reserve members
ESS End of student status
ETI Temporary incapacitation ends
TWF Twenty-first birthday (used with online system)
TWT Twenty-third birthday (used with online system)
UIS Unauthorized issue

For Guard and Reserve DEERS Enrollment Program dependents, only codes ACD, DIV, DMG,
DTH, ESS, ETI, TWF, and TWT apply.

Blocks 61 through 88. Enter, as prescribed in blocks 33 through 60 above.

258 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

A3.5. Section III - Sponsor Declaration and Remarks:

A3.5.1. Block 89. Remarks.
A3.5.1.1. Enter the method of verification and further explanation of entitlement status,
such as marriage certificate, birth certificate, or court order for adoption.
A3.5.1.2. Enter a statement that the former spouse has not remarried since the date of
divorce from the member and does or does not have medical coverage under an
employer-sponsored health plan. The former spouse must initial this statement.
A3.5.1.3. For issuance of DD Form 1173-1 to a Reserve family member, include a
statement that this is for issuance of DD Form 1173-1, only.
A3.5.1.4. Indicate other appropriate comments, such as sponsor provides over 50-percent
support, sponsor will not sign, or sponsor unavailable to sign. Note: When the sponsor
is unavailable for signature, the verifying official will annotate in block 89, sponsor is
unavailable to sign. (That block may contain up to five typed lines of information.)
A3.5.1.5. For a member who is involuntarily separated and eligible under TAMP or
TAP, include a statement that the sponsor and dependents qualify for benefits under
TAMP or TAP based upon a separation date of (insert date). This block may contain up
to five typed lines of information.
A3.5.1.6. For a member on TDRL who is receiving the second 30-month blue card, enter
a statement that the member is not receiving Medicare, Part A.
A3.5.1.7. For widows and widowers who are renewing ID cards, include a statement that
he or she has not remarried. The widow or widower must initial this statement.
A3.5.1.8. For eligible dependents who require a dependency determination or a medical
sufficiency statement and whose cards were lost or stolen before the end eligibility date
expired, enter a statement indicating that there has been no change in the status of the
A3.5.1.9. Regardless of the applicants age or incapacity status, the verifying official
must state whether the individual is entitled to Medicare, Part A:
A3. If entitled to Medicare, Part A, the applicant is not eligible for
TRICARE. Exceptions: The military sponsor is on active duty, or dependents
qualify under paragraph 7.1 (under age 65, eligible for Medicare Part A and also
enrolled in Part B.
A3. If the applicant is not entitled to Medicare, Part A and is beyond age 65,
the Social Security Administration must provide a letter certifying that the individual
is not entitled to Medicare, Part A. The verifying official should cite the letter from
the SSA in block 89.
A3.5.2. Block 90. Signature. Block must contain the sponsors signature, with the
following exceptions: (Signature is required.)
a. Unmarried or unremarried former spouses shall sign for themselves as a DoD
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 259

b. When the sponsor is deceased the survivors shall sign for themselves.

c. Verifying official will annotate in block 89, sponsor is unavailable to sign when the
sponsor is unavailable for signature. The verifying official shall ensure that the
dependency relationship between the sponsor and family member exists. Refer to
subparagraph (e) when the sponsor is unavailable to sign.

d. When the DD Form 1172 is prepared for terminating eligibility and the verifying
official has viewed the appropriate documentation, the verifying official may sign.

e. Signature of a person in possession of a valid general or special power of attorney is

acceptable if the sponsor is unavailable to sign. Verifying official will annotate on block 89 the
power of attorney. Note: When the DD Form 1172 is not signed in the presence of the verifying
official, the signature must be notarized. The notary seal and signature should be placed in the
right margin of section III.
A3.5.3. Block 91. Date Signed (YYYYMMMDD). Enter the date that block 90 was signed
on the DD Form 1172.
A3.6. S ection IV. Verified by:
A3.6.1. Block 92. Type Name (Last, First, Middle). Enter the information pertaining to the
verifying official. (Use no more than 27 characters and spaces.)
A3.6.2. Block 93. Pay Grade. Enter the pay grade of the verifying official. (Use no more
than four characters.)
A3.6.3. Block 94. Unit and/or Command Name. Enter the unit and/or command name for
the verifying official. (Use no more than 26 characters and spaces.)
A3.6.4. Block 95. Title. Enter the verifying official's title. (Use no more than 24 characters
and spaces.)
A3.6.5. Block 96. UIC (Unit Identification Code). Enter the unique identifier (UIC, PAS
code, RUC-MCC, or OPFAC) for the verifying office, as prescribed in block 19.
A3.6.6. Block 97. Duty Phone Number. Enter the verifying official's duty telephone
number; DSN or commercial with area code. (Use no more than 14 characters.)
A3.6.7. Block 98. Unit and/or Command Address (Street, City, State, and ZIP Code). Enter
the mailing address for the verifying official. (Use no more than 28 characters and spaces
per line.)
A3.6.8. Block 99. Signature. The verifying official must sign in that block. (That block
must contain the verifying official's signature.)
A3.6.9. Block 100. Date Verified (YYYYMMMDD). Enter the date of verification. (Use
nine characters.) Note: Verifying official may transmit (by fax, email, or mail) a properly
annotated DD Form 1172 to another verifying official for the purposes of performing
DEERS record updates, i.e., enrollment, card issuance, termination, etc.
A3.7. Section V - Issued by: Blocks 101 through 109. Enter in the same manner as the
verifying official, as prescribed in section IV, above.
260 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

A3.8. Section VI. Recipients Acknowledgment:

A3.8.1. Block 110. Recipient's Signature. Each recipient must sign in block 110. If any
recipient is incapable of signing or is an infant, the condition must be indicated in block 110.
Block 110 may contain multiple signatures; a signature for each recipient listed on the form.
A3.8.2. Block 111. Date Signed (YYYYMMMDD). Enter the date of recipients
acknowledgment. (Use nine characters.) Notes: 1. DD Form 489 and 1934. Complete the
appropriate blocks of the DD Form 1172. Include additional data required to issue the ID
card in the remarks section (block 89). For example, place the applicants religion in block
89 since there is no block for religion on the DD Form 1172. For Air Force members, see
paragraph 21.18. 2. AF Form 354. Complete only blocks 1 through 6; 9 and 10; 12 through
18; 21; 23 through 26; and 30. Line through incomplete blocks. Complete block 4 (CIV or
RET); block 5 (USAF); block 6 (current pay plan and grade); block 9 (AF Form 354); block
10 (completed by issuing activity); block 12 (I); block 13 (street number and name); block 14
(use for supplemental address information such as apartment number); and block 18. When
issuing an ID card to a dependent, complete blocks 33 through 37, 39, 40 through 45, 47, 52
through 55, and 58. Use section III, block 89 to record the employees organization and
office symbol and any other pertinent information. Do not require a notarized signature.
Employee signs and dates (blocks 90 and 91), and verifier completes blocks 92 through 100
in section IV.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 261

Attachment 4

A4.1. DD Form 1173 and DD Form 2765 Expiration Date:

A4.1.1. When the member and his or her spouse are living apart because of a legal
separation or interlocutory decree of divorce, set the expiration date at 1 year from the date of
issue or the date on which the divorce becomes final. When a dependent child will be
residing apart from the sponsor due to enrollment in a full-time course of study in an
institution of higher learning, the DD Form 1173 may be reissued at any time, regardless of
whether or not the current card has expired. The expiration date of the reissued card shall be
as indicated below (when there appears to be a choice of two or more expiration dates,
always choose the earliest date):
Notes: (To Table A4.1, Expiration Dates)
1. Date of expiration of sponsor's term of active service.
2. Four years from the date that DD Form 1172 is verified. Exception: For DAV/TMP
members and their dependents; set the expiration date at 60 days beyond the member's next
scheduled reexamination date.
3. Last day of month preceding the 65th birthday (if entitled to Medicare, Part A), unless the
person is entitled to Medicare, Part A, hospital insurance and not enrolled in Medicare, Part B, at
the time of ID card issue.
4. On the 21st birthday. (If the child provides proof of full-time student status, refer to 5, 6, or
5. Two years from the date that DD Form 1172 is verified.
6. On the 23rd birthday.
7. Expected date of graduation.
8. If over age 21 and the parent uniformed service approved incapacitation:
INCP 4 years from the date DD Form 1172 is verified (permanent incapacitation)
INCT Date of anticipated reevaluation (temporary incapacitation)
9. Five years from the date the sponsor was placed on TDRL. Note: See Attachment 12, Table
A12.1, Note 4.
10. Indefinite.
11. Three years from the date the DD Form 1172 is verified.
12. Date the sponsor's tour expires at the invitation or sponsorship of the United States.
13. Date the sponsor's entitlement to benefits terminates.
14. If the marriage terminated on or after 29 September 1988, 1 year after divorce, dissolution,
or annulment.
262 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

15. For medical benefits, 60 days from day after separation date if members have fewer than 6
years of active service, and 120 days from day after separation if members have 6 or more years
of active service. For commissary, exchange, and theater privileges, 2 years from day after
separation date.
16. For medical benefits, 120 days from day after separation date for members approved for
SSB or VSI. For commissary and exchange privileges, 2 years from day after separation date.
17. Abused spouse or former spouse: Issue temporary card expiring 6 months after issue while
dependent is waiting receipt of court-ordered annuity. Reissue cards with same expiration date
given to dependents of retired members once annuity is being paid by DFAS.
18. Abused children under 18: 4 years from date of verification or 18th birthday. (If child
provides proof of full-time student status, refer to 5, 6 or 7).
19. If over age 18 and the parent uniformed service approved incapacitation:
INCP - 4 years from the date DD Form 1172 is verified (permanent incapacitation)
INCT - Date of anticipated evaluation (temporary incapacitation)
20. Abused spouse or unremarried former spouse: Approved stop payment date in block 21 on
DD Form 2698, Application for Transitional Compensation.
21. Abused children Under 18: 4 years from date of verification, 18th birthday, stop payment
date in block 21 on DD Form 2698, whichever occurs first.
22. If over age 18:
INCP - 4 years from the date DD Form 1172 is verified (permanent incapacitation) or stop
payment date in block 21 on DD Form 2698, whichever occurs first.
INCT - Date of anticipated evaluation (temporary incapacitation), or stop payment date in
block 21 on DD Form 2698, whichever occurs first.
STUDENT - Date of graduation, 23d birthday or stop payment date in block 21 on DD Form
2698, whichever occurs first.
A4.2. MC (TRICARE) Effective Date:
A4.2.1. The MC effective date is the date that the beneficiary first becomes eligible for
TRICARE coverage. Once assigned, an MC effective date is permanent for as long as
TRICARE continually covers the beneficiary.
A4.2.2. The MC effective date does not change for dependents on the sponsor's retirement or
death unless the retirement or death occurred before 1 January 1967 (the initial date retirees
and their dependents became eligible for TRICARE). In this case and in other instances not
covered above, whenever there appears to be a choice of two or more eligibility dates, always
choose the latest date.
A4.2.3. If there is a break in eligibility, the date TRICARE eligibility resumes (according to
these guidelines) is the MC effective date.
Notes: (To Table A4.1, MC Effective Date)
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 263

A. Date of sponsor's entry on active duty or 1 October 1966 (the initial date active duty
dependents became eligible for TRICARE), if entry was on or before that date. (If there is a
break in service of more than 24 hours, use the most recent date of entry on active duty.)
B. 1 January 1967, if the sponsor retired or died on or before that date.
C. Date of marriage.
D. Date of birth.
E. Date of final adoption.
F. 31 August 1972 (date that an illegitimate child of a male member whose paternity has been
judicially determined or an illegitimate child of a female member became eligible for the
G. 1 January 1969 (date that an illegitimate child of a male member whose paternity has not
been judicially determined or an illegitimate child of spouse became eligible for the TRICARE).
H. Date Reserve member or former member becomes or would have become eligible for retired
pay (usually the member's 60th birthday), if member elected to participate in the Reserve
Component Survivor Benefit Plan.
I. Date member entered United States.
J. Date child's dependency on sponsor was established.
K. Refer to A, B, C, or H if meeting 20-20-20 criteria and divorced on or after 1 February 1983,
or if meeting 20-20-15 criteria and divorced on or after 1 April 1985. If former spouse had an
employer-sponsored health plan, use date the plan was canceled.
L. 1 January 1985, if meeting 20-20-20 criteria and divorced before 1 February 1983, or if
meeting 20-20-15 criteria and divorced before 1 April 1985. If former spouse had an employer-
sponsored health plan, use date the plan was canceled.
M. If Reserve member's death occurred after 30 September 1985, date Reserve member died.
N. If Reserve member's death occurred after 14 November 1986, date Reserve member died.
O. Day after member was involuntarily separated (TAMP) (or TAP for Air Force members) or
voluntarily separated under the special separation benefit (SSB) program or the voluntary
separation incentive (VSI) program. Do not change MC effective dates for dependents.
P. If unmarried former spouse's, widow's, or widower's remarriage was legally annulled,
reinstatement of benefits is the day following the annulment.
Q. Retirees and the eligible spouse or children of living retirees who are Medicare eligible under
age 65 have their TRICARE entitlement restored effective 1 October 1991 as long as they are
enrolled in Medicare, Part B, on or before 1 October 1991. Eligible retirees and the spouse or
children of living retirees who become Medicare-eligible after 1 October 1991 retain their
original MC effective date as long as they enroll in Medicare, Part B, at the time they become
eligible for Medicare, Part A. Beneficiaries who became enrolled in Medicare, Part B, after
effective dates listed above are entitled to TRICARE as of the date of enrollment in Medicare,
Part B. Retirees and the eligible spouse or children of living retirees who are age 65 or over and
264 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Medicare eligible, have their TRICARE entitlement restored effective 1 October 2001 as long as
they were enrolled in Medicare Part B on or before 1 October 2001.
R. Unremarried former spouses, and the survivors of retired, active duty, and Guard and
Reserve-deceased members who are Medicare eligible under age 65 have their TRICARE
entitlement restored effective 5 December 1991 as long as they enrolled in Medicare, Part B,
before 5 December 1991. Eligible unremarried former spouses and survivors who become
Medicare-eligible after 5 December 1991 retain their MC effective date as long as they enroll in
Medicare, Part B, at the time they become eligible for Medicare, Part A. Beneficiaries who
became enrolled in Medicare, Part B, after effective dates listed above are entitled to TRICARE
as of the date of enrollment in Medicare, Part B. Those unremarried former spouses and
survivors of retired, active duty, and Guard and Reserve-deceased members who were over age
65 and Medicare eligible, have their entitlement to TRICARE restored effective 1 October 2001
as long as they were enrolled in Medicare Part B on or before 1 October 2001.
S. Students whose incapacitation occurs after age 21 but before age 23. For qualifying students
who have never lost eligibility, set the MC effective date as prescribed. For qualifying students
who have a break in eligibility, set the MC effective date at 23 October 1992 or date dependent
became a student again, whichever is later.
T. Abused spouses, former spouses and eligible children. Set the MC effective date at 23
October 1992 or date dependents became eligible, whichever is later.
U. Wards of retired members and wards of deceased active duty members or deceased Reserve
members. Set MC effective date 1 July 1994 or date dependency and residency is established,
whichever is later.
V. Wards of active duty members, and pre-adoptive children of members and former members,
set MC effective date 5 October 1994 or date dependency and residency is established,
whichever is later.
W. Abused unmarried former spouses of retirement eligible members. Set MC effective date 23
October 1992 or date of death or divorce of subsequent spouse.
X. 10 February 1996 or date Reserve member or former member would have become age 60 had
he or she survived, whichever is later, whether or not member elected to participate in the
Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan.
Y. Date of the court order.
Z. 30 October 2000 or MOH award date, whichever is more recent. For spouse and eligible
children, the later of 30 October 2000, MOH award date, date of marriage, date of birth, date of
adoption, date dependency determination completed.

Table A4.1. DD Form 1173 and DD Form 2765 Expiration Date and MC Effective Date
Expiration Effective Date
Categories Date
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 265

1. Dependents and survivors of active duty

members, retirees, former members, and
Reserve members who retired without pay
and died before reaching age 60:
Spouse: Under age 65 1,2,3 A,B,C,H,Q,X
Over age 65 1,2 A,B,C,H,Q,X
Unremarried widow or widower: (DB)
Under age 65 2,3 A,B,C,H,Q
Over age 65 2 A,B,C,H,Q
Unmarried widow or widower: (DB) 2 None (see P for annulment)
Unremarried former spouse: (DB)
Under age 65 2,3,14 K,L,Q
Over age 65 2,14 K,L,Q
Unmarried Former Spouse: (DB) 2 None (see P for annulment)
Child (legitimate, adopted, stepchild):
Under age 21 1,2,4 A,B,C,D,E,H,Q,R,X
Over age 21: student 5,6,7 A,B,C,D,E,H,S,X
incapacitated 8 A,B,C,D,E,H,Q,R,S,X
Ward: Under age 21 1,2,4 T,U,V
Over age 21: student 5,6,7 T,U,V
incapacitated 8 T,U,V
Illegitimate child of male member whose
paternity has not been judicially determined;
or illegitimate child of spouse:
Under age 21 1,2,4 A,B,C,D,E,G,H,J,Q,R
Over age 21: student 5,6,7 A,C,D,E,G,H,J,S,X
incapacitated 8 A,B,C,D,G,H,J,Q,R,S
Illegitimate child of male member whose
paternity has been judicially determined; or
illegitimate child of record of female
member: 1,2,4 A,D,F,Q,R,X,Y
Under age 21 5,6,7 A,D,F,S,X
Over age 21: student 8 A,D,F,Q,R,S
Parent, parent-in-law, stepparent, parent-by- 1,2 None
Expiration Effective Date
Categories Date
2. Dependents of members on the TDRL.
Expiration dates cannot exceed 5 years from
date member is placed on the TDRL:
Spouse: Under age 65 3,9 A,B,C,Q
Over age 65 9 A,B,C,Q
266 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Unremarried former spouse: (DB)

Under age 65 2,3,14 A,B,C,R
Over age 65 2,14 A,B,C,R
Unmarried former spouse: (DB) 2 None (see P for annulment)
Child (legitimate, adopted, stepchild):
Under age 21 4,9 A,B,C,D,E,Q,R,X
Over age 21: student 5,6,7 A,B,C,D,E,S
incapacitated 8 A,B,C,D,E,Q,R,S
Ward: Under age 21 4,9 U
Over age 21: student 5,6,7 U
incapacitated 8 U
Illegitimate child of male member whose
paternity has not been judicially determined;
or illegitimate child of spouse:
Under age 21 4,9 A,C,D,G,J,Q,R
Over age 21: student 5,6,7 A,C,D,G,J
incapacitated 8 A,C,D,G,J,Q,R,S
Illegitimate child of male member whose
paternity has been judicially determined; or
illegitimate child of record of female
member: 4,9 A,D,F,Q,R
Under age 21 5,6,7 A,D,F
Over age 21: student 8 A,D,F,Q,R,S
Parent, parent-in-law, stepparent, parent-by- 2 None
Expiration Effective Date
Categories Date
3. Surviving dependents of Reserve
members whose death occurred, after 30
September 1985 from an injury or illness
incurred or aggravated while on active duty
for 30 days or less, on active duty for
training, or on inactive duty training or
while, traveling to or from the place at
which the member was to perform, or
performed, such active duty, active duty for
training, or inactive duty training. :
Unremarried widow or widower: (DB)
Under age 65 2,3 M,R
Over age 65 2 M,R
Unmarried widow or widower: (DB) 2 None (see P for annulment)
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 267

Child (legitimate, adopted, stepchild):

Under age 21 2,4 M,R
Over age 21: student 5,6,7 M
incapacitated 8 M,R,S
Ward: Under age 21 2,4 U,V
Over age 21: student 5,6,7 U,V
incapacitated 8 U,V
Illegitimate child of male member whose
paternity has not been judicially determined;
or illegitimate child of spouse:
Under age 21 2,4 M,R
Over age 21: student 5,6,7 M
incapacitated 8 M,R,S
Illegitimate child of male member whose
paternity has been judicially determined; or
illegitimate child of record of female
member: 2, 4 M,R
Under age 21 5, 6, 7 M
Over age 21: student 8 M,R,S
Parent, parent-in-law, stepparent, parent-by- 2 None
Expiration Effective Date
Categories Date
4. Surviving dependents of Reserve
members whose death occurred after 14
November 1986, from an injury, illness, or
disease incurred or aggravated while
performing, or while traveling to or from
performing active duty for a period of 30
days or less, or active duty for training, or
inactive duty training:
Unremarried widow or widower: (DB)
Under age 65 2,3 N,R
Over age 65 2 N,R
Unmarried widow or widower: (DB) 2 None (see P for annulment)
Child (legitimate, adopted, stepchild):
Under age 21 2,4 N,R
Over age 21: student 5,6,7 N,
incapacitated 8 N,R,S
Ward: Under age 21 2, 4 U,V
Over age 21: student 5, 6, 7 U,V
incapacitated 8 U,V,S
268 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Illegitimate child of male member whose

paternity has not been judicially determined;
or illegitimate child of spouse:
Under age 21 2, 4 N,R
Over age 21: student 5, 6, 7 N,S
incapacitated 8 N,R
Illegitimate child of male member whose
paternity has been judicially determined; or
illegitimate child of record of female
member: 2, 4 N,R
Under age 21 5, 6, 7 N,R
Over age 21: student 8 N,R,S
Parent, parent-in-law, stepparent, parent-by- 2 None
Expiration Effective Date
Categories Date
5. 100-percent disabled veterans, and their
dependents and survivors:
100-percent disabled veteran:
permanent 10 None
temporary 2 None
Spouse: 2 None
Unremarried widow or widower: (DB) 2 None
Unmarried widow or widower: (DB) 2 None
Child (legitimate, adopted, stepchild, ward,
Under age 21 2,4 None
Over age 21: student 5,6,7 None
incapacitated 8 None
Parent, parent-in-law, stepparent, parent by 2 None
6. Medal of Honor Recipients and their
dependents and survivors:
Medal of Honor Recipient: 10 Q,R,Z
Spouse: 2 Q,R,Z
Unremarried Widow or Widower: (DB) 2 R,Z
Unmarried Widow or Widower: (DB) 2 None
Child (Legitimate, Adopted, Stepchild,
Ward, or Illegitimate):
Under age 21 2,4 Q,R,Z
Over age 21: student 5,6,7 Z
incapacitated 8 Q,R,Z
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 269

Parent, parent-in-law, stepparent, parent-by- 2 None

7. Foreign personnel and eligible
Foreign member: 11,12 None
Spouse: 11,12 I
Child (legitimate, adopted, stepchild, ward,
Under age 21 4,11,12 I
Over age 21: student 5,6,7,12 I
incapacitated 8,12 I,S
Parent, parent-in-law, stepparent, parent-by- 11, 12 None
Expiration Effective Date
Categories Date
8. Civilians and their eligible dependents:
Authorized civilian: 2, 13 None
Spouse: 2, 13 None
Child (legitimate, adopted, stepchild, ward,
Under age 21 2, 4, 13 None
Over age 21: student 5, 6, 7, 13 None
incapacitated 8, 13 None
Parent, parent-in-law, stepparent, parent-by- 2, 13 None
9. Contract surgeons overseas during the
period of their contract: 2, 13 None
10. Uniformed and non-uniformed full-time
paid personnel of the Red Cross CONUS,
Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico, and their
accompanying dependents, when required to
live in the same household on a military
Authorized employee: 2, 13 None
Spouse: 2, 13 None
Child (legitimate, adopted, stepchild, ward,
Under age 21 2, 4, 13 None
Over age 21: student 5, 6, 7, 13 None
incapacitated 8, 13 None
Parent, parent-in-law, stepparent, parent-by- 2, 13 None
270 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

11. Uniformed and non-uniformed full-time

paid personnel of the Red Cross assigned to
duty with the Uniformed Services in foreign
countries, and accompanying dependents in
the same household:
Authorized employee: 2, 13 None
Spouse: 2, 13 None
Child (legitimate, adopted, stepchild, ward,
Under age 21 2, 4, 13 None
Over age 21: student 5, 6, 7, 13 None
incapacitated 8, 13 None
Parent, parent-in-law, stepparent, parent-by- 2, 13 None
Expiration Effective Date
Categories Date
12. Involuntarily separated members under
Chapter 58 of 10 U.S.C. of the Army, the
Navy, the Air Force, or the Marine Corps on
active duty or full-time National Guard duty
on September 30, 1990, but before 31
December 2001, and their dependents:
Involuntarily Separated Member: 15 O
Spouse: Under age 65 15 C
Over age 65 15 C,O
Child (legitimate, adopted, or stepchild): 15 C,D,E,O
Under age 21 15 C,D,E,O
Over age 21: student 15 C,D,E,O
Incapacitated 15 C,D,E,O,S
Ward: Under age 21 15 U,V
Over age 21: student 15 U,V,S
Illegitimate child of male member whose
paternity has been judicially determined; or
illegitimate child of record of female
member; or illegitimate child of a male
member who lives in members household
and member certifies residency and
dependency in item 89 of DD Form 1172: 15 D,F,O
Under age 21 15 D,F,O
Over age 21: student 15 D,F,P,S
Parent, parent-in-law, stepparent, parent-by- 15 None
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 271

Expiration Effective Date
Categories Date
13. Separated members of the Army, the
Navy, the Air Force, and the Marine Corps
who are eligible and approved for payment
of a Special Separation Benefit (SSB); under
10 U.S.C. 1174a and 1175, and have been on
active duty for more than 6 years, and have
served at least 5 years of continuous active
duty immediately preceding the date of
separation; and the members date of
separation is on or before 31 December
2001, and their dependents:
Member: 16 O
Spouse: Under age 65 16 C,O
Over age 65 16 C,O
Child (legitimate, adopted, or stepchild):
Under age 21 16 C,D,E,O
Over age 21: student 16 C,D,E,O,S
incapacitated 16 A,C,D,E,O
Ward: Under age 21 16 U,V
Over age 21: student 16 U,V
incapacitated 16 U,V,S
Illegitimate child of male member whose
paternity has not been judicially determined
or illegitimate child of spouse:
Under age 21 16 C,D,G,J,O
Over age 21: student 16 C,D,G,J,O,S
incapacitated 16 C,D,G,J,O
Illegitimate child of male member whose
paternity has been judicially determined; or
illegitimate child of record of female
member 16 D,F,O
Under age 21 16 D,F,O
Over age 21: student 16 D,F,O
Parent, parent-in-law, stepparent, parent-by- 16 None
Categories MC (TRICARE)
Expiration Effective Date
14. Voluntarily separated members
approved for VSI and their dependents who
separated on or after 1 December 1992 but
before 31 December 2001:
272 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Member: 16 O
Spouse: Under age 65
Over age 65 16 C,O
16 C,O
Child (legitimate, adopted, or stepchild):
Under age 21 16 C,D,E,O
Over age 21: student 4,6,7,16 C,D,E,O,S
incapacitated 16 C,D,E,O
Ward: Under age 21
Over age 21: student 16 V
incapacitated 4,6,7,16 V,S
16 V
Illegitimate child of male member whose
paternity has not been judicially determined;
or illegitimate child of spouse:
Under age 21 16 C,D,G,J,O
Over age 21: student 16 C,D,G,J,O
incapacitated 16 C,D,G,J,O
Illegitimate child of male member whose
paternity has been judicially determined; or
illegitimate child of record of female
member 16 D,F,O
Under age 21 16 D,F,O
Over age 21: student 16 D,F,O
Parent, parent-in-law, stepparent, parent-by- 16 None
Expiration Effective Date
Categories Date
15. Students who become incapacitated
after their 21st birthday but before their 23d
Child (legitimate, adopted, or stepchild):
Over age 21: incapacitated 8 S
Illegitimate child of male member whose
paternity has not been judicially determined;
or illegitimate child of spouse:
Over age 21: incapacitated 8 S
Illegitimate child of male member whose
paternity has been judicially determined; or
illegitimate child of record of female
member: 8 A,D,F
Over age 21: incapacitated
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 273

16. Prisoners. For dependents of prisoners, A,B,C,D,E,F,G,J,K,L

issue card 1 year from date DD Form 1172
is verified unless earlier expiration date is
appropriate (paragraph 9.2.):
17. Area executives, center directors, and
assistant directors of the USO in foreign
countries and their accompanying
dependents living in the same household:
Authorized civilian: 2,13 None
Spouse: 2,13 None
Child (legitimate, adopted stepchild, ward,
or illegitimate):
Under age 21 2,4,13 None
Over age 21: student 5,6,7,13 None
incapacitated 8,13 None
Parent, parent-in-law, stepparent, parent-by- 2,13 None
18. USS personnel in foreign countries and
their accompanying dependents in the same
Authorized civilian: 2,13 None
Spouse: 2,13 None
Expiration Effective Date
Categories Date
Child (legitimate, adopted, stepchild, ward
or illegitimate):
Under age 21 2,4,13 None
Over age 21: student 5,6,7,13 None
incapacitated 8,13 None
Parent, parent-in-law, stepparent, parent-by- 2,13 None
19. MSC civil service marine personnel in
Foreign Countries on MSC-owned and 2,13 None
operated vessels:
20. Ship's officers and crew members of the 2,13 None
21. Vessel officers and crews, lighthouse
keepers, and depot keepers of the former 2,13 None
lighthouse service:
22. Abused Dependents of Retirement
Eligible Members Whose Retired Pay has
been Terminated and Member Has Been
Separated on or after 23 October 1992 due to
Misconduct Involving Dependent Abuse:
274 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Spouse: Under age 65 2,3,17 C,T

Over age 65 2,17 C,T
Unremarried Former Spouse: (DB)
Under age 65 2,3,17 T
Over age 65 2,17 T
Unmarried Former Spouse: (DB) 2,17 W
Child (legitimate, adopted, stepchild):
Under age 18 18 C,D,E,T
Over age 18: student 7,19 T
Incapacitated 19 T
Expiration Effective Date
Categories Date
23. Abused Dependents of Active Duty
Members (Over 30 Days) Separated on or
after 30 November 1993 Due to Misconduct
Involving Dependent Abuse:
Spouse: Under age 65 21 None
Over age 65 21 None
Unremarried Former Spouse: (DB)
Under age 65 20 None
Over age 65 20 None
Unmarried Former Spouse: (DB) 20 None
Child (legitimate, adopted, stepchild):
Under age 18 21 None
Over age 18: student 22 None
incapacitated 22 None
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 275

Attachment 5

A5.1. Basic Documentation Required to Determine Eligibility. A photo identification is

required in addition to the documentation listed below in all instances (except for children), see
Table A5.1, Note 8 for lost or stolen ID card.
A5.1.1. A Social Security Card, passport, drivers license, or other official document is
required when enrolling a member or dependent in the DEERS or when issuing ID cards.
Note: Refer to Attachment 20, Department of Homeland Security (see attached Form I-9,
Employment Eligibility Verification) and Lists of Acceptable Documents in reference to
identity proofing for DEERS enrollment, eligibility, and ID card issuance purposes.
A5.1.2. Effective 11 May 2008, a Federal agency may not accept, for any official purpose, a
drivers license or identification card issued by a State to any person unless the State is
meeting the requirements established within Public Law 109-13, 11 May 2005, Title II -
Improved Security for Drivers Licenses and Personal Identification Cards, Section 202. See
Attachment 20.

Table A5.1. Documentation/Information Sources.

E If status is then eligibility is verified by
1 Active duty an entry in the personnel data system, a current
document in the personnel record, or an order that
specifies 31 days or more.
2 Guard and Reserve a document in the personnel record,
commissioning oaths, enlistment contracts, DD
Form 214, Separation Orders, entry in the
personnel data system, an order, or the ROTC unit
3 Individual Reservists enlistment contracts, assignments commissioning
oaths, orders (see Note 1).
4 Service Academy Cadets, the Cadet or Midshipmans Personnel Office or
Midshipmen, Coast Guard Cadets and Director of Science Merchant Marine Academy at
Merchant Marine Academy Kings Point, NY, as appropriate.
5 Retired with Pay a retirement order or DD Form 214.
6 Reserve Members Eligible for Retired (1) Notice of Eligibility for Retired Pay at Age 60
Pay at Age 60 (Former Members)(See or a retired pay order showing they are receiving
terms) pay, (2) discharge order relieving the member
from assignment in their respective Reserve
276 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

7 Reserve Retired Eligible for Retired enrollment in DEERS, Notice of Eligibility for
Pay at Age 60 (Gray Area Retiree) Retired Pay at Age 60 from the appropriate
Reserve Personnel Center; or a retired pay order
showing they are retired with pay on their 60 th
birthday or later.
8 100 percent DAV a DD Form 214 and a letter from the VA stating
that the honorably discharged veteran is 100-
percent disabled from a service-connected injury
or disease, whether a reevaluation is necessary,
and that commissary and exchange are authorized.
(The applicant must present a letter for issue,
reissue, or renewal of a card if their status is
9 Medal of Honor recipient a departmental order or citation.
10 Red Cross employee a document that the American Red Cross or CCPF
11 Civilian employee an SF Form 50, Notification of Personnel Action;
Supervisors Employee Brief. Emergency essential
civilians should present a DD Form 2365,
Overseas Emergency Essential Position
Agreement; have the Civilian Personnel Office
annotate in item 89 of DD Form 1172 that person
is assigned to an Emergency Essential position; or
present appropriate Service documentation.
12 Civilian contractor the document establishing the contract employee
relationship when stationed or employed in foreign
countries. Exception: The Contractor
Verification System (CVS) shall be the primary
enrollment for DEERS and CAC issuance to
eligible contract personnel.
E If status is then eligibility is verified by
13 Military Affiliate (formerly Foreign the Invitational Travel Order (ITO) or other
military member) and his or her document establishing his or her sponsorship or
dependents invitation to the United States in lieu of a marriage
certificate. A foreign passport and Visa may be
used to verify foreign military personnel
dependents since the dependents need legal
documents to accompany the member to the
United States. A secondary form of identification
may include foreign drivers license (if not in
English, will require English translation).
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 277

14 Lawful spouse, including common a photo ID, social security card, birth and a
law, abused, widow, or widower marriage certificates for lawful spouse; a photo ID
(DoD Beneficiary) and SJA statement certifying common-law
marriage for common law spouses; a photo ID and
a death certificate or DD Form 1300, Report of
Casualty (see Notes 4 and 7) for a widow or
widower. A widow or widower of a Reserve
member who was eligible to receive retired pay at
age 60 (gray-area retiree) must present a photo ID
and a marriage certificate, death certificate, and
either the sponsor's notification of eligibility for
retired pay at age 60 (20-year letter), or the
sponsor's retired pay order. An abused spouse
should present a photo ID and an approved DD
Form 2698, Application for Transitional
Compensation or a photo ID and a letter from
DFAS-CL, Code L, approving receipt of a portion
of retired pay, as appropriate. A spouse or widow
of a Philippine Scout must present a photo ID and
a letter from the Department of Veterans Affairs
indicating eligibility to commissary, exchange
privileges and that the member separated and
applied for benefits under Public Laws 77-140 and
E If status is then eligibility is verified by
15 Unremarried Former Spouse: (DB) A marriage certificate (or statement from the SJA
(20-20-20) and (20-20-15). An certifying common-law marriage) and divorce
individual who was married to a decree (see Note 7); a Statement of Service or
Uniformed Service member for at complete set of DD Forms 214 or dates of
least 20 years, and the member had at inclusive service from the servicing personnel
least 20 years of service creditable office if active duty. In addition, DD Form 1172,
toward retirement, and the marriage block 89, must contain a statement that the former
overlapped by (1) 20 or more years spouse has not remarried and does not have an
(20-20-20), (2) 15, but less than 20 employer-sponsored health care plan. (For
(20-20-15) renewal or reissue, the former spouse certifies in
item 89 of DD Form 1172 that he or she has not
remarried and is not enrolled in an employer-
sponsored health plan.).
278 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

16 Unremarried Abused Former Spouse A letter from DFAS-CL, Code L, approving

(10-20-10). (DB) An individual who receipt of a portion of retired pay.
was married to a Uniformed Service
member for at least 10 years, and the
member had at least 20 years of
service creditable toward retirement,
and the marriage overlapped by at
least 10 years (see paragraph 5.3) and
member was separated due to
dependent abuse on or after 23
October 1992.
17 Abused Former Spouse (DB), eligible A DD Form 2698, Application for Transitional
for Transitional Compensation. Compensation from the parent service or a letter
Member was on AD over 30 days (not from the US Army Community and Family
retirement eligible) and was separated Support Center for Army abused dependents in
from active duty or forfeited all pay paragraph 5.3. See Attachment 18.
and allowances under a court-martial
sentence resulting from a dependent
abuse offense, or administratively
separated from active duty, if the basis
for separation includes a dependent-
abuse offense, on or after November
30, 1993.
E It status is then eligibility is verified by
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 279

b. Remarried (Abused Former Spouse, Not eligible for benefits and privileges.
c. Unmarried (Abused Former Spouse, Marriage certificate(s) or a statement from the SJA
DB) certifying one or more common-law marriages,
prior divorce decrees, or death certificates. In
addition, DD Form 1172, block 89, must contain a
statement that the former spouse is not currently
married (see Note 7). Abused former spouses who
remarry and become unmarried are reinstated with
benefits and privileges. Refer to Table 5.2, step
18 Child, unmarried and under age 21:
a. Legitimate Parents marriage certificate and childs birth
certificate (see Note 7).
b. Adopted Childs birth certificate and final adoption decree
(see Note 7).
c. Stepchild Parents marriage certificate and childs birth
certificate (see Note 7).
d. Female members illegitimate child of Childs birth certificate, to include mothers and
record childs full name (see Note 7).
e. Male members illegitimate child of
record. Note: The fathers name on
the birth certificate does not establish
paternity for ID entitlements.
(1) Whose paternity has been judicially Childs birth certificate and legal documents
determined showing paternity was judicially determined (see
Note 7).
(2) Whose paternity has not been A childs birth certificate, favorable dependency
judicially determined and residency determination where the sponsor is
providing over 50 percent of childs support (see
Notes 5 and 7); or a notarized voluntary
acknowledgement of paternity signed by both
E If status is then eligibility is verified by
18 Whose blood parents subsequently A marriage certificate and childs birth certificate
(3) marry (see Note 7).
f. Spouses illegitimate child (the A marriage certificate, childs birth certificate, and
sponsors illegitimate step-child) statement of dependency and residency in block 89
of DD Form 1172 (see Note 7).
280 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

g. Ward, including foster children and A childs birth certificate, legal decree from a
children for whom a managing United States court of competent jurisdiction that
conservator has been designated. establishes legal custody for no less than 12
Entrusted to Sponsor Through Court consecutive months and an approved dependency
Order determination. In addition, sponsor certifies in
block 89 of the DD Form 1172 that he or she has
had legal custody for at least 12 consecutive
months. The sponsor must also certify in item 89
on DD Form 1172 that dependency and residency
are met. Exception: An approved dependency
determination is required for Navy, Air Force, and
Marine Corps wards each time an ID card is
issued. Dependency determination not required
for Army wards, however, sponsor must certify in
block 89 of the DD Form 1172, reflecting over 50
percent support and residency. See paragraphs
20.10, 21.16, and 22.6 for additional requirements.
h Pre-Adoptive Children Document from Placement Agency (recognized by
the Secretary of Defense) in the United States or a
US territory licensed for the purpose of adoption
by the state or territory in which the adoption
procedures will be completed, which reflects child
is in a pre-adoptive stage. In all other locations, a
request for recognition must be approved by the
appropriate Assistant Secretary of the Military
Department concerned or an appropriate official to
whom he or she has delegated approval authority.
Note: If the date of birth is not documented in the
Placement Agency letter, a childs birth certificate
is required.
E If status is then eligibility is verified by
19 Children, unmarried:
over 21 years of age:
a. Incapacitated the parents marriage certificate, the childs birth
certificate, a medical sufficiency statement, or
physicians statement from a uniformed services
Medical Treatment Facility (MTF), a favorable
dependency determination, letter from the Social
Security Administration indicating that the child is
not eligible for Medicare, Part A, and a statement
that the child is unmarried (see Note 6). (For
Marine Corps members, see paragraph 22.4).
Incapacitated children of honorably discharged
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 281

members rated 100 percent disabled by the

Department of Veterans Affairs or Medal of
Honor recipients are not required to present a
dependency determination since medical care is
not authorized through the Uniformed Services
(see Attachment 2, A2.5 and A2.6).
b. Student (age 21to 23) the parents marriage certificate; the childs birth
certificate; a letter from the school registrar
certifying enrollment in a full-time course of study
leading to an associate degree or higher, and
anticipated graduation date. Note: Most colleges
and universities contract with third parties,
National Student Clearinghouse, to verify student
enrollment. These third parties must comply with
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA) regulations and are considered official
agents of the institution for that purpose. Such
documentation (including web application forms)
shall be accepted in lieu of a letter from the
registrars office.
For graduate students, a letter of acceptance of
enrollment signed by an authorized officer of the
college or university is required.
E If status is then eligibility is verified by
Note: Students attending two institutions less than
full-time may not combine courses from both
institutions to meet full-time student status (Title
10, Section 1072). In addition, DD Form 1172,
block 89, must contain a statement that the sponsor
is (or was at time of death) providing more than 50
percent of the students support (see Note 7).
282 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

c. Incapacitated Student (age 21 or 22)

the parents' marriage certificate, the child's birth
certificate, a letter from the school certifying full-
time status at the time the incapacitation took
place. Note: Most colleges and universities
contract with third parties, National Student
Clearinghouse, to verify student
enrollment. These third parties must comply with
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA) regulations and are considered official
agents of the institution for that purpose. Such
documentation (including web application forms)
shall be accepted in lieu of a letter from the
registrars office.
A medical sufficiency statement, or physicians
statement from a uniformed Services Medical
Treatment Facility (MTF), and a favorable
dependency determination, letter from the Social
Security Administration indicating that the child is
not eligible for Medicare, Part A, and a statement
that the child is unmarried. If the sponsor is
deceased, a copy of the death certificate is also
required (see Notes 6 and 7). For Marine Corps
members, see paragraph 22.4.
Incapacitated students of honorably discharged
members rated 100 percent disabled by the
Department of Veterans Affairs and Medal of
Incapacitated Student (age 21 or 22) Honor recipients are not required to present a
(Continued). dependency determination since medical care
through the Uniformed Services is not authorized
(See Attachment 2, Table A2.5. and A2.6).
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 283

20 Father, mother, father-in-law, mother- The sponsor's or spouse's birth certificate

in-law, stepparent, parent-by-adoption reflecting parents name (as applicable)(if not
enrolled in DEERS). A favorable dependency
determination (over 50 percent support), and a
personal ID are required each time an ID card is
issued. Exception: (see Note 5). Notes: 1.
Parents, parents-in-law, step-parent, and parent-by
adoption of sponsors of honorably discharged
members rated 100 percent disabled by the
Department of Veterans Affairs and Medal of
Honor recipients are not required to present a
dependency determination as no medical care
through the Uniformed Services is afforded (see
Attachment 2, Tables A2.5 and A2.6). Sponsor
certifies dependency and residency are being met
in block 89 of the DD Form 1172.
2. Parents, parents-in-law, step-parent, and
parents-by-adoption of civilian employees
reflected in Attachment 2, Tables A2.16 and
A2.18 are not required to present a dependency
determination. Sponsor certifies dependency and
residency is being met in block 89 of the DD Form
1172 (see paragraph 22.5 for Marine Corps
21 In loco parentis None. People in this status do not receive ID
cards. See Terms.
22 Involuntarily separated member a DD Form 214 or separation order. Refer to
(TAMP or TAP); voluntarily Service specific separation authority, instruction or
separated member (SSB or VSI) regulation.
23 TRICARE-eligible beneficiaries who Medicare health insurance card showing
are entitled to Medicare under age 65 entitlement to Medicare, Part A, and Medicare,
because of disability Part B (see paragraph 7.2).
24 Involuntary separated member under the sponsor's reassignment order (see paragraph
the Selected Reserve Transition 6.6).
25 Civilian Affiliate (formerly, Foreign a valid (unexpired) foreign passport as the primary
National) form of identity. Additional documentation used
25 identity documentation must be original or
certified copies in English translation. DoD
OCONUS organizations consult with local
consular affairs office to determine identity
documentation in accordance with host nations
284 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

1. Refer questions to parent Service (see paragraph 25.1).
2. For a member on TDRL who is receiving the second 30 -month blue card to receive
TRICARE entitlement, DD Form 1172, block 89, must contain a statement that the member is
not receiving Medicare, Part A. (Exception: See paragraph 7.1).
3. Reserve retired members who are age 60 or older and enrolled in DEERS (gray area retiree)
should present a Notice of Eligibility for Retired Pay at Age 60 from the appropriate Reserve
Center or a retired pay order showing they are retired with pay. Former members are entitled to
the DD Form 1173 or the DD Form 2765and must present a discharge order relieving them from
assignment from their respective Reserve component and a letter from the appropriate Reserve
Center or a retired pay order showing they are retired with pay on their 60th birthday or later.
4. For a card reissue to a widow or widower, DD Form 1172, block 89, must contain a statement
that he or she has not remarried.
5. Require a dependency determination each time a card is issued. Exception: If card is lost or
stolen, reissue ID card to original expiration date. No new dependency and residency
determination is required. In the case of deceased sponsors, the dependency and residency
determination currently in effect or accomplished at the time of the members death may be used
for subsequent renewals.
6. Incapacitation. Permanent: Do not require a current medical sufficiency statement or
physician's statement when renewing an ID card for a permanently incapacitated child. The
letter that originally established the permanent incapacitation may be used each time the ID card
is reissued. Require a current dependency determination (over 50 percent support). Exception:
If card is lost or stolen, reissue ID card to original expiration date. No new dependency
determination is required. In the case of deceased sponsors, the dependency determination
currently in effect or accomplished at the time of the members death may be used for
subsequent renewals. Note: Surviving dependents of Air Force members must accomplish a
dependency determination at the time of the sponsors death. A letter of approval from the
Bureau of Naval Personnel is required when renewing ID cards for Navy or Marine dependents.
Temporary ID card issuance: Require a current medical sufficiency statement or physician's
statement from a Uniformed Service Medical Treatment Facility and a current dependency
determination when renewing an ID card for a child whose incapacitation is temporary.
7. Marriage certificates, divorce decrees, and marriage dissolutions or annulments must be
certified for sponsors and their dependents. Birth certificates must be properly certified or
certificate of live birth authenticated by the attending physician or other responsible person from
a United States (US) hospital or medical treatment facility (MTF) or an FS-240, Consular Report
of Birth Abroad. Birth certificates must also show the name of at least one parent. Copies are
permissible. A temporary ID card may be issued until the certified copy of the marriage
certificate or birth certificate is received. Note: For certified documents, this includes official
copies of documents (whether called certified copies or not), as long as they qualify under the
laws of the state where made to be introduced into evidence in court. Usually such copies will
be accompanied by a statement (either attached or on the copy itself) of the records custodian
attesting to the copys authenticity and will be signed by the custodian. See paragraph 10,
Examining Documents.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 285

7.1. Translating foreign documents. When foreign documents are presented, an English
translation is required, no exceptions.
7.1.1. Authenticating foreign documents. An Apostille, a certificate from a high-level authority
in that country the signature on the document is genuine and was issued by the office purported
to have issued it; or documents originating from those countries that have not adopted the Hague
Legalization Convention, a U.S. Consular officer in the foreign country of issuance can provide,
for a fee, a form of certification that verifies, by the seals and signatures, that the document was
issued by an appropriate official in that country. See which documents may be apostillised at
7.1.2. Sponsors presenting documents from countries which have adopted the Hague Convention
of 5 October 1961, Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Document
(Hague Apostille Convention) must have an accompanying original Apostille (certification) from
a higher-level authority in the country verifying the document was issued by the office purported
to have issued it and the signature on it was genuine. Sponsor should be advised that information
on obtaining an Apostille from a member nation may be obtained at
http://www.hcch.net/index_en.php?act=text.display&tid=37. Competent Authorities by member
nation are listed at http://www.hcch.net/index_en.php?act=conventions.authorities&cid=41.
7.1.3. Adoption documentation from all other foreign nations must have an accompanying
original Certificate of Authentication by a U.S. Consular Officer in the foreign country of
issuance which attests to the genuineness of the signature and seal, or the position, of the foreign
official who executed, issued, or certified the foreign document(s) being presented to substantiate
the dependency relationship to the sponsor. Sponsors should be advised that information on how
to request issuance of Certificate(s) of Authentication from a U.S. Consular official may be
addressed by phone or email to the appropriate U.S. Embassy, Consulate, or Diplomatic Mission.
In this regard, websites of all worldwide embassies, consulates, and diplomatic missions are at
7.1.4. Pending receipt of the required original Apostille or original U.S. Consular official
certification, adopted foreign national dependents (adopted at age 6 or older) may be only
temporarily enrolled in DEERS, and, if appropriate, issued a temporary family member ID card,
valid for no more than 180 days. If a sponsor does not provide the required Apostille, or original
Certificate of Authentication, as applicable, by the expiration of the 180-day enrollment period,
the family member record in DEERS shall be terminated.
8. All eligible individuals require photo ID, except children under the age of 10. If the applicant
is replacing a lost or stolen ID card and has no photo ID, refer to Attachment 20, Department of
Homeland Security (see attached Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification) and Lists of
Acceptable Documents in reference to identity proofing for DEERS enrollment, eligibility, and
ID card issuance purposes. (See paragraphs 1.5.4, 2.4, Table 2.4, paragraph 8.2, Table 8.2).
9. Eligible dependents of honorably discharged veterans rated 100% disabled by the DVA due to
a service connected injury or disease shall present a letter from the Department of Veteran
Affairs indicating eligibility to commissary, exchange, and Morale, Welfare, & Recreation
(MWR) (formerly Theater) facilities.
10. Examining documents. Closely evaluate the document(s) for basic security features visible
to the naked eye, and details in design (touch and feel), and information:
286 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

10.1. Check for unusual appearance of text alignment, capitalization, spacing, or

10.2. Interwoven lines, rainbow background, or repeated patterns, or
10.3. Pictures of an individual interwoven or overlapped with other objects, or
10.4. Quality of State or Federal seals, or
10.5. Watermarks, ghost images, holograms, and raised seals, or
10.6. Separations in the document for lamination, alterations, creases, misspellings, stains, and
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 287

Attachment 6

Table A6.1. Unremarried (URFS) and Unmarried (UMFS) Former Spouse Requirements
(see Note 1).
L If the status of URFS at (20-20-20) DB DB
E the time of divorce is (20-20-15) 20-20-15
Divorced Divorced on
Prior to 1 or after 29
Apr 85 Sep 88
1 married at least 20 years to
a military member who X X X X
2 performed at least 20 years
creditable service for
retirement, and X X X X
3 there was a 20-year overlap
of marriage and member's
creditable service, or X X
4 there was a 15-year overlap
of marriage and member's
creditable service, and X X
5 has not remarried, and X X X
6 does not have employer-
sponsored health coverage
(See Note 3), then X X X
7 entitlement card is, and 1 year from
4-year 4-year date of 4-year
renewable renewable divorce renewable
8 privileges are medical medical only medical only commissary,
(MS/MC) (MS/MC) (MS/MC) exchange,
see Notes 2 see Notes 2 see Notes 2 and MWR
and 3 and and 3 and 3
and MWR
288 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

1. A former spouse, DB, who meets the 20-20-15 requirements but whose divorce occurred on
or after 1 April 1985 and on or before 28 September 1988 is no longer eligible for an ID card.
The former spouse legislation authorized ID card benefits for this category for 2 years from date
of divorce or 31 December 1988, whichever was later. This time has expired.
2. Do not authorize TRICARE if the applicant is eligible for Medicare, Part A. Exception:
Active duty members and dependents entitled to Medicare, Part A, are eligible for TRICARE if
they meet the requirements in paragraph 7.1.
3. Do not authorize medical care benefits (MS/MC) if the former spouse is covered by an
employer-sponsored health plan.

Table A6.2. Former Spouses Whose Military Sponsor was Convicted by a Courts-Martial
for Dependent Abuse
U If the status of URFS at the time of URFS05, DB URFS06, DB
L divorce is 10-20-10 Separated on or after
E 30 Nov 93
1 married at least 10 years to military member
who X
2 performed at least 20 years creditable
service for retirement, and X
3 there was at least 10 years overlap of X
marriage and members creditable service,
4 married to member at time of abuse and
receiving transitional compensation X
5 has not remarried, and X X
6 does not have employer-sponsored health
coverage (See Note 3), then X X
7 entitlement card is, and 4-year renewable Expires on stop
payment date reflected
on DD Form 2698
8 privileges are medical (MS/MC) medical
(see Notes 1 and 2) (MS/MC)
commissary, see Notes 1, 2 and 3
exchange, and MWR commissary,
exchange, and MWR
1. Do not authorize TRICARE if the applicant is eligible for Medicare, Part A and has not
purchased Part B.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 289

2. Do not authorize medical care benefits (MS/MC) if former spouse is covered by an employer -
sponsored health plan.
3. For the URFS06 spouse and eligible family members receiving transitional compensation
benefits, cohabitation between abused family members and the convicted member will terminate
transitional compensation benefits IAW AFI 36-3024. Since ID card privileges are contingent
on the duration of the transitional compensation the ID card entitlements would also be
290 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Attachment 7



MEMORANDUM FOR NPRC Military Personnel Records (date)

9700 Page Avenue
St Louis, MO 63132-5100

REPLY TO: Functional Address Symbol (FAS)

SUBJECT: Request for Verification of Service

Note: Do not use this form for General Officers, members who are on the Temporary Disability
Retired List (TDRL), see Attachment 8. Members, who retired 1 October 2004 or later, send
requests to HQ AFPC/DPSSRP, 550 C Street West, Suite 19, Randolph AFB, TX 78150, DSN
665-2450, commercial (210) 565-2450.

Please send this office an official statement of service or a complete set of DD Forms 214 on
the retired Air Force member identified below:
Last name First name Middle initial SSN
Date of retirement Date and place of birth (if available)

The member's unremarried former spouse has requested benefits under the Former Spouse
Protection Act. To verify eligibility, we must review a statement of service or a complete set
of DD Forms 214 covering the member's entire period of service.

Former spouse's name_______________________________, Date of marriage___________

Date marriage terminated by decree of divorce, dissolution, or annulment_________________

If member has service time prior to 1964, include the service number, original date of active
duty, discharge date, highest rank held, last unit and base of assignment, if known.

Follow up with NPRC by telephone (314) 801-0800, or initial request by email

mpr.center@nara.gov, or by status check, email mpr.status@nara.gov, or by fax (314) 801-

If documentation for statement of service is not available, please forward this correspondence
along with the master personnel record to HQ AFPC/DPSAM, 550 C Street West, Suite 19,
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 291

Randolph AFB TX 78150-4721 or (HQ ARPC/DPPRR, 6760 E. Irvington Place #1900. Denver
CO 80280-1900, if the member retired under provisions of Title 10, U.S.C., Chapter 1223), and
advise this office of the referral.

(Typed name, grade), USAF
Chief, Customer Support Section
292 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Attachment 8




550 C Street West, Suite 19
Randolph AFB TX 78150-4721

REPLY TO: Functional Address Symbol (FAS)

SUBJECT: Request for Verification of Service for General Officer or Member on TDRL

Please send this office an official statement of service or a complete set of DD Forms 214 on
the retired Air Force member identified below:

Last name First name Middle initial SSN


Date of retirement Date and place of birth (if available)

The member's unremarried former spouse has requested benefits under the Former Spouse
Protection Act. To verify eligibility, we must review a statement of service or a complete set
of DD Forms 214 covering the member's entire period of service.

If member had service time before 1964, also include the service number, the original date of
active duty, discharge date, highest rank held, last unit and base of assignment, if known.

Name of former spouse___________________

Date of marriage to service member_____________

Date the marriage was terminated by decree of divorce, dissolution, or


(Typed name, grade), USAF
Chief, Customer Support Section
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 293

Attachment 9





This is to verify that the above named student is currently enrolled in a full-time course of study
leading to an associate degree or higher for the (FALL/SPRING) semester/quarter (DATES).

If there are any questions concerning this matter, please call (PHONE NUMBER).


(Certification Officer)

Note: If an ID card is needed during a summer break, the sponsor should provide the above
information and the school should also indicate that the student was enrolled full-time in the
semester/quarter before the break.
294 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Attachment 10


MEMORANDUM FOR Commissary, Exchange, and Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR)

FROM: RAPIDS (Site Number and ID Card Facility Location)

SUBJECT: Authorization for Access to Commissary, Exchange, and MWR Facilities

Reference Inter-Service Air Force Instruction (AFI) 36-3026, Chapter 19, paragraph 19.28, and
Chapter 21, paragraph 21.23.

(First, middle, and last name) is authorized to act as an Agent on behalf of an eligible patron.
Eligible patron (first, middle, and last name) is enrolled in DEERS under the sponsorship or DoD
beneficiary (social security number).

The above individual is authorized to purchase items on behalf of an eligible ID card beneficiary
under the following conditions:

1. Upon providing satisfactory identification (ID) whenever presenting this authorization

letter to military commissary store, exchange, and Morale, Welfare, & Recreation (MWR)
2. The officer in charge or manager of these facilities will brief individual on procedures
when making purchases at the facility.
3. The office in charge or manager of theses facilities reserves the right to withdraw
commissary, exchange and MWR privileges from anyone who is found to have made purchases
for the benefit of another who is not entitled to the privileges.
4. Authorization will remain in effect for 1 year from the date of agent letter, or earlier if
revoked or suspended. In the event of hardship, the sponsor may apply for an extension of this
privilege. Note: Whenever multiple Commissary, Exchange, and MWR facilities exist in the
local area, the agent letter authorizing patronage may be recognized by those facilities.

Questions or additional information, our point of contact is (first, middle, last name, and
telephone number).

Installation Commander or Designate
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 295

Attachment 11


TO: (Sponsor)

Dear (Sponsors Name)

We were recently contacted regarding issue of a DD Form 1173, Uniformed Services

Identification and Privilege Card and updating of the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting
System (DEERS) record for your (state relationship, name).

It is the sponsors responsibility to ensure that eligible dependents are provided with current
ID cards and enrolled in DEERS. Failure to enroll and update eligible dependents in DEERS
results in denial of routine medical care at military treatment facilities and TRICARE claim
rejections. Failure to terminate ineligible dependents can result in your being billed for any
unauthorized medical care. According to Department of Defense guidelines on fraud and abuse,
you can be held financially responsible for any medical expenses which are incurred by
unauthorized dependents.

If (name) is still your lawful dependent, please date and sign the attached ID card application,
DD Form 1172, blocks 90 and 91. Have your signature notarized. If you do not object to (name)
knowing your address, complete the form, blocks 13 through 17.

Please return the completed form in the attached self-addressed envelope. If (name) is no
longer an eligible dependent, forward legal documentation to terminate (name) eligibility in
DEERS and return the incomplete form. If we do not receive a reply from you by (enter 30 days
from date of letter), we will assume you are unwilling to make application and will verify
(Name) eligibility, naming you as sponsor according to inter-service Air Force Instruction 36-


(Typed name, grade),
(Issuing Activity)

1. DD Form 1172
2. Envelope
296 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Attachment 12

Table A12.1. Expiration Date Guidelines.

DD Form 2 Expiration
DD Form 2 (Active) (Green) (See paragraph 9.3 for expiration date guidelines for
members in confinement, court-martialed members, and members on appellate
leave or parole.)
Regular component officers. 1
Enlisted personnel. 2
Reserve members on active duty in excess of 30 days (officer and enlisted). 2
Service Academy Cadets and Midshipmen. 3
DD Form 2 (Retired) (Blue) or DD2SRET
Retiree not on TDRL. 1
Retiree placed on TDRL. 4
DD Form 2 (Reserve)
Officer personnel (including Reserves receiving SSB and VSI benefits). 1
Enlisted personnel (including Reserves receiving SSB and VSI benefits). 5
ROTC College Program students in last 2 years of training and ROTC students
in receipt of a scholarship leading to a commission in a Regular component of a
uniformed service (includes Marine Corps Platoon Leaders Class (PLC) 3
ROTC graduates appointed in a Reserve Component not on active duty in excess
of 30 days. 1
Merchant Marine Academy Midshipmen 3
DD Form 2 (Reserve Retired) Members eligible for retired pay at age 60. 6
Notes: When there appears to be a choice of two or more dates, always choose the earliest date.
1. Indefinite.
2. Date of expiration of term of service.
3. Expected date of graduation.
4. Thirty-months from the date the member was placed on the temporary disability retired list
(TDRL). After initial 30-month issue period, reissue card for 30 months. If member is not
eligible for Medicare, Part A at the end of the first 30-month period, reissue the card at 1-year
intervals for a maximum of 5 years from the date the member was placed on the TDRL.
5. Expiration of enlistment contract.
6. Sixtieth birthday.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 297

Attachment 13

Table A13.1. Military Grades for Prisoners of War Identification (Required by the Geneva
Convention, Articles 43 and 60, 12 August 1949).
Military Navy,
Geneva Grade Coast Guard
Conv Cat Group Army NOAA Air Force Marine Corps
1 2 3A 3B 3C 3D
General Off, 0-10 General Admiral General General
Prisoners of War 0-9 Lieutenant General Vice Admiral Lieutenant General Lieutenant General
of Equivalent 0-8 Major General Rear Admiral Major General Major General
Rank 0-7 Brigadier General (upper half) Brigadier General Brigadier General
Rear Admiral
(lower half)
Lt Colonels, O-6 Colonel Captain Colonel Colonel
Colonels, O-5 Lt Colonel Commander Lt Colonel Lt Colonel
Prisoners O-4 Major Lt Commander Major Major
of War of
Equivalent Rank
III O-3 Captain Lieutenant Captain Captain
Warrant Officers O-2 1st Lieutenant Lieutenant (J.G.) 1st Lieutenant 1st Lieutenant
Commissioned O-1 2nd Lieutenant Ensign 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant
Officers W-5 Chief Warrant Chief Warrant
Below Major, and W-4 Chief Warrant Chief Warrant Chief Warrant Chief Warrant
Prisoners of War W-3 Chief Warrant Chief Warrant Chief Warrant Chief Warrant
of Equivalent W-2 Chief Warrant Chief Warrant Chief Warrant Chief Warrant
Rank W-1 Warrant Officer Warrant Officer Warrant Officer Warrant Officer
II E-9 Sgt Maj of the Army Master Chief Petty Chief Master Sergeant of the Sergeant Major of the
Sergeants and Command Sgt Maj, Officer Air Force Marine Corps
Other Sgt Maj Chief Master Sergeant Sergeant Major
Noncommis- Master Gunnery Sgt
sioned Officers,
Prisoners of War E-8 First Sergeant Master Senior Chief Petty Senior Master Sergeant First Sergeant
of Equivalent Sergeant Officer Master Sergeant
E-7 Sergeant First Chief Petty Officer Master Sergeant Gunnery Sergeant

E-6 Staff Sergeant Petty Officer 1/c Tech Sergeant Staff Sergeant
Specialist 6

E-5 Sergeant Specialist 5 Petty Officer 2/c Staff Sergeant Sergeant

I E-4 Corporal , Petty Officer 3/c Senior Airman Corporal
Prisoners Ranking
below Sergeant E-3 Private 1/c Seaman Airman 1/c Lance Corporal

E-2 Private Seaman Apprentice Airman Private First Class

E-1 Private Seaman Recruit Airman Basic Private

Civilian Grade Group
Geneva Mil Army Public GS Fed Wage Teachers American USO Civ ID
Convention Grade Others on Health Sys Red Cross Cards
Cat Group Reverse Service
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
298 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

O-10, O- Gen ------- ------- ------ ------- ------

V 9 Lt Gen
------ V
Gen Offs, O-8 MG SG
POW of Dep SG GS-16 ------- ------ ------ General
Equivalent O-7 BG Asst SG Throu ------- ------ 31 Exec Officer
Rank gh Dirs


O-6 Col Medical GS-15 Ships Pilots, ------ 28, 29

Director WS-14, IV

USO Staff Executives: Appropriate Equivalent Rate

USO Ent Appropriate

IV through WS-

Equivalent Rate
O-5 LtCol Senior GS-14 19 25 - 27 Field
Surgeon GS-13 WL-15, Grade
Majs, and ------ Ofcr
LtCols, Produc-
Cols, tion
POWs O-4 Major Surgeon GS-12 Support Class IV, 24
Of Equivalents V
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 299

Civilian Grade Group

Civ ID
Geneva Military Public Cards
General Federal
Convention Grade Army Health American USO
Schedule Wage Teachers
Category Group Service Red Cross
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

O-3 Capt Senior GS-11, Class I, 21 - 23

Asst GS-10 steps
Surgeon 5-15; II, III
O-2 First Lt Assistant GS-9 WS-8 thru
Surgeon GS-8 WS-13 Class I, 20, 19 III
III WL-6 steps 3, 4 Compy
through Grade
Warrant Off, WL-14 Officer
Com W-4 Chief War- ------- WG-12 ------
Officers W-3 rant Off, through
Below W4, WG-15
Major, and W3 WP-17, 18,
POWs of O-1 Second Lt Jr Asst and
Equivalent Surgeon GS-7 Produc- Class I 18
Rank tion Support steps 1, 2
W-2 Chief WO Equivalents
W-1 W2, WO

II E-9, Sgt Major,

Sgts and E-8 Master Sgt WS-1 thru
Other Non- WS-7
commis- ------ GS-6 WL-1 ------
sioned through WL-
Officers, E-7 Sgt First 5 WG9
POW of Class through 17 - 15 ------
Equivalent WG11
E-6 Staff Sgt
Rank WP11
E-5 Sgt ------ GS-5 ------

Prison- E-4 Cpl ------ GS-4 WG-1 ------
ers Ranking through WG-
below 8 ------
Sergeant Other En- GS-3 WP-4
E-1 listed ------ through GS- through WP-
E-3 Ranks 1 10------
300 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Attachment 14

FROM: Cognizant Commander


(Name) (Address)

Subj: Authorization For Navy Exchange and Commissary Store


Reference BUPERSINST 1750.10C, paragraph 20.3 and MCO 5512.11D, paragraph 22.3.

1. As substantiated by reference above, authority to act as an Agent for

_________________________, ___________________________, _________________
(Name) (Address) (SSN)
whose signature follows: _________________________________.

1. You are authorized to purchase items for the individual named above and for no other
persons. You are required to provide satisfactory identification whenever presenting this letter to
the military commissary store or exchange facility. The officer in charge of these facilities will
brief you on the special procedures to be followed when making purchases at the facility.

2. The commanding officer reserves the right to withdraw exchange and commissary privileges
from anyone who is found to have made purchases for the benefit of another who is not entitled
to the privileges.

3. This authorization will remain in effect for 1 year from the date of this letter unless sooner
revoked or suspended. In the event that the sponsors hardship continues to exist, the sponsor
may apply for an extension of this privilege.

4. Whenever multiple Commissary and Exchange facilities exist in the local area, this letter of
authorization may be recognized by all of those facilities.

/s/ Cognizant Commander

Tele # sponsor:
Tele # agent:
Copy to:
(Activity) Commissary officer

(Activity) Navy Exchange officer

AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 301

Attachment 15

Table A15.1. Loss, Theft, or Destruction Procedures.

If the card is lost or stolen the issuing activity replaces the ID card

Common Access Card (CAC), DD Form 2 The cardholder promptly report loss, theft, or
(Active), 2 (Retired), 2 (Reserve), DD Form destruction by submitting an application for a
1173 or DD Form 2765, DD Form 489, 1934 new ID card.
or DD Form 2764, AF Form 354, or DD Form
1173-1. The cardholder certifies the loss or stolen
incident on a DD Form 1172, a memorandum,
or letter to the nearest issuing activity, which
uses this as a basis for replacement.

Note: The issuing activity processes the DD

Form 1172, memorandum, or letter. DD Form
1172 is mailed to DMDC Support Center, Attn
DD1172 Scan, 400 Gigling Road, Seaside CA
302 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Attachment 16

This statement must be completed and signed by the unremarried/unmarried former spouse.
Read it carefully and make sure you understand it completely before signing. All items must be



and to the best of my knowledge our marriage lasted at least 20 years, during which period my
former spouse performed at least 15 to 20 years of service creditable in determining his/her
eligibility for retired/retainer pay.

2. Our marriage took place in (CITY), (STATE), ON (DATE)

and was terminated by reason of DIVORCE/DISSOLUTION/ANNULMENT.

3. I have/have not (circle one) remarried since the date marriage has terminated.

4. I am/am not (circle one) presently employed.

5. I do/do not (circle one) have medical coverage under an employer-sponsored health plan. To
verify this statement you may write my employment office at
or call ___________________________________.

I certify that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and correct. I
understand that making a false statement in connection with this application is a violation of a
federal criminal law which carries a maximum penalty of a $10,000 fine and 5 years
imprisonment. I understand that if the information contained in this application is determined to
be false, any ID card issued will be retrieved, and I will be liable for reimbursement to the
government for the cost of unauthorized medical care and other benefits received. I understand
that I am required to immediately notify the Commandant of the Marine Corps (MMSR-6),
Headquarters, US Marine Corps, 3280 Russell Road, Quantico, VA 22134-5103 or Bureau of
Naval Personnel, Pers 312, 5720 Integrity Drive, Millington TN 38055-3120 if a Navy former
spouse, of any change in my present marital status or if I should obtain medical coverage under
an employer -sponsored health plan. I also understand that if I remarry or fail to notify the
Marine Corps as required above and then obtain medical care or other benefits, I will be in
violation of a federal criminal law which carries a maximum penalty of a $10,000 fine and 5
years imprisonment. I further certify that I have read and understand my obligation not to make
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 303

any false statements in connection with this application and to immediately notify the Marine
Corps of any changes in my present unremarried status or if I obtain medical coverage under an
employer-sponsored health benefit plan.





In accordance with 5 U.S.C. Section 522a(e)(3), the following information is provided to you
when supplying personal information to the U. S. Coast Guard: Authority - 10 U.S.C. Section
1072. Principal Purpose(s) - Used to determine eligibility for dependent ID card and benefits.
Routine uses - Same. Disclosure - Disclosure of this information is voluntary, but without
disclosure application for dependent ID card and benefits may not be approved.
304 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Attachment 17


Reply to
Attention of
CFSC-SF-A (608-1a)


DENVER, CO 80279-5000

SUBJECT: Transitional Compensation Payments

1. In accordance with DODI 1342.24, Transitional Compensation for Abused

Dependents, the U.S. Army Community and Family Support Center (USACFSC)
authorizes subject payments be provided to xxxxxx, SSN xxxxxxx, and her xx dependent

2. Enclosed is the application for assistance. Payments are authorized for a period of xx
months beginning ddmmyy (date of approval of the court-martial date of initiation of the
administrative separation) and ending ddmmyy (xxxxxxs ETS date). Xxxxxxs SSN is

3. Payment is at the rate in effect for Dependency and Indemnity Compensation under 38
U.S.C. 1311(b). Ms. Xxxxxx will receive approximately $xxxxxxx by the end of the
eligibility period. She is entitled to $xx,xxx per month at the current rate ($850 for
spouse and $215 for each eligible child).

4. The direct deposit/waiver request is enclosed.

5. The USACFSC point of contact is Jonnelle Davidson, (703) 681-7392, DSN 761-



Director, Soldier and Family Support
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 305

Attachment 18



The purpose and scope of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to establish

procedures for the Real Time Automated Personnel Identification System (RAPIDS) host and
remote responsibilities. For the purpose of this MOU, __________________________is
identified as the host and __________________________, as the remote.


Host and remote workstations communicate with the Defense Enrollment Eligibility
Reporting System (DEERS) through the Defense Data Network/Defense Information Systems
Network (DDN/DISN). Workstations are connected to hosts via a wide range of methods to
include dial-up and dedicated phone lines and through base local area networks. RAPIDS
workstations update the DEERS database and where applicable are utilized for the production of
the machine-readable ID card. If RAPIDS communication goes down between the host and
DEERS, the workstations have to process information in an off-line mode. Since processing in
an off-line mode is more time consuming than on-line processing, it is very important that the
host site immediately reports communication and equipment problems to the Defense Manpower
Data Center (DMDC) Support Center (DSC) and their remote sites.
It is important to establish an effective and amicable working relationship between the host
site and its remotes. This ensures that problems are resolved quickly and customers are provided
with the best possible service.



a. Assist remote site in obtaining communication connectivity.

b. Notify remote site prior to software upgrade so audit trail reports can be printed.

c. Upgrade or upload RAPIDS software and notify the remote site of the upgrade completion.

d. Establish with remote site a date for completing monthly audit reports. Notify remote site
when host diverts from the suggested time table as contained in the Audit Trail Procedures
approved by the DMDCand DEERS/RAPIDS Service Personnel Project Officers (SPOs).
306 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

e. Notify remote site when unscheduled disruptions occur. Work with remote site to
reestablish processing and communication link.

f. Ensure the RAPIDS host system is operational outside the normal working hours. Notify
the remote site if no one will be available to assist because of an office engagement or function.
If not available, a host representative will call in periodically to the remote site to ensure on-line

g. Work with the remote site when communication problems are encountered. This
responsibility includes checking modem status and using the utility software application. If the
problem cannot be resolved locally, the host will call the DSC for help.


a. Obtain and fund for communication connectivity to the host.

b. Coordinate workstation operating schedules with host site.

c. Coordinate with the host to establish Audit Trail procedures and schedules.

4. This MOU may be revised upon the agreement of all parties.

5. EFFECTIVE DATE._____________________________

__________________________________________________ _______________

__________________________________________________ ________________
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 307

Attachment 19

Place on Letter Head



SUBJCT: Medical Sufficiency Statement for name.

1. This memorandum is in support of the request for dependency determination for name,
sponsors SSN. After reviewing his/her medical records, it was determined that his/her medical
condition existed prior to his/her 21st/23rd birthday. The following information is submitted in
accordance with service regulatory guidance, Army Regulation 40-400, Patient Administration,
Air Force Instruction, AFI 41-115, Authorized Health Care and Health Care Benefits in the
Military Health Services System (MHSS), Navy and Marine Corps Regulation
NAVMEDCOMINST 6320.3B, Coast Guard, U.S. Coast Guard Pay Manual, COMDTINST
M7220.29 (Series), Chapter 3, etc:

a. Diagnosis:

b. Brief summary of patients condition.

c. Describe level of incapacitation. State whether the condition is permanent or temporary.

If the condition is temporary, state the anticipated time period that the condition might be

d. Onset of condition. If not congenital, at what age was the condition diagnosed?

e. State whether or not patient is capable of self-support.

2. If additional information is required, contact the administrator at (name of military treatment


308 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Medical Summary
(To be completed by a physician)

Note: This medical summary is in support of the request for dependency determination.

a. Patient identification (name, sponsors SSN, age, sex, and relationship to sponsor)

b. Diagnosis:

c. Summary of medical condition include the following information:

(1) Whether the condition is a permanent or temporary disability. If condition is

temporary, state anticipated time period that the condition might be resolved.

(2) Level of incapacitation due to medical condition, indicate patients ability for self-

(3) Onset of condition. If not congenital, at what age was condition diagnosed?

Physicians Signature
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 309

Attachment 20



INSTRUCTIONS: Department of Homeland Security (see attached Form I-9, Employment

Eligibility Verification) and Lists of Acceptable Documents in reference to identity proofing for
DEERS enrollment, eligibility, and ID card issuance purposes.

Employment Eligibility Verification

310 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 311

Note: Refer to List B above, Documents that Establishes Identity. Effective 11 May 2008, a
Federal agency may not accept, for any official purpose, a drivers license or identification card
issued by a State to any person unless the State is meeting the requirements established within
312 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Public Law 109-13, 11 May 2005, Title II - Improved Security for Drivers Licenses and
Personal Identification Cards, Section 202.
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 313

Attachment 21


MEMORANDUM FOR Uniformed Services Identification (ID) Card Facility Date

FROM: (Name of Regional Office, Department of Veteran Affairs)

SUBJECT: Honorably Discharged Veteran, Rated 100-Percent Disabled

Reference to (Rank/Grade, First, Middle, Last Name, and Social Security Number)

This is to certify that (First, Middle, and Last Name) is an honorably discharged veteran, not
entitled to retired pay of the (Service Component), and has a service-connected disability
evaluated at 100-percent (see Notes 1 and 2). A copy of a DD Form 214, Certificate of Release
or Discharge From Active Duty, reflecting an honorable discharge is enclosed.

The veteran is entitled to a DD Form 2765, Department of Defense/Uniformed Services

Identification and Privilege Card reflecting eligibility to commissary, exchange and Morale,
Welfare, & Recreation (MWR) shopping privileges only (see Note 3). The veteran has not been
scheduled for future examinations or reflects that a future examination is scheduled on (date)
(see Note 4).

(First, Last Name)
(Telephone number)

Note 1: The 100-percent disability has been awarded to the veteran prior to his or her death.
Note 2: The veteran has been awarded 100-percent disability compensation based on un-
employability is acceptable. Eligible family members are entitled to the DD Form 1173, United
States Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card reflecting shopping privileges only.
Additional proof such as spouse marriage and birth certificate or child birth certificate is
Note 3: Veterans and their eligible family members are not entitled to TRICARE or medical
care through the Uniformed Services Military Treatment Facility (MTF) and receive their
medical benefits through the Department of Veteran Affairs Civilian Health and Medical
Note 4: The veteran will be enrolled in DEERS as a DAVPRM or DAVTMP (if reevaluation is
necessary) based on verification from the Department of Veteran Affairs.
314 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Attachment 22

Abbreviations and Acronyms, Attachment 1
Abused Dependents 5.1-5.7
Administrative Record Lock, 1.17
Air Force Loss, Theft, or Destruction Procedures, Attachment 15
Air Force Service Unique Requirements, 21.1 - 21.22
Army Service Unique Requirements, 19.1 - 19.27
Basic Documentation Required to Determine Eligibility, Attachment 5
Basic Eligibility Criteria for DoD Beneficiaries (Unremarried Former Spouses), Table 3.1
Categories of DoD Beneficiaries (Unremarried Former Spouses), Table 3.2-3.6
Children Adopted After Age 21 Who Were Incapacitated Before Adoption, 4.12
Chief, Issuing Activity Responsibilities, 11.1
Common Access Card (CAC), 12.1-12.6, 13.1-13.9, and 18.1
Common Law Marriages, 2.4.2.
Completing DD Form 1172, Application for Uniformed Services Identification Card-DEERS
Enrollment, Attachment 3
Confiscating ID Cards, 1.14
Contractor Identification Number (CIN), 1.26
Contractor Verification System (CVS), 11.13.2, Table 18.2, Table A5.1
Cross-Servicing Agreement, 1.3
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 315

DD Form 2 Armed Forces of the United States Geneva Convention Identification Card (Active),
DD Form 2 Armed Forces of the United States Geneva Conventions Identification Card
(Reserve), and (Reserve Retired) 13.1-13.09
DD Form 2, United States Uniformed Services Identification Card (Retired), 14.1-14.5
DD Form 2 Expiration Date Guidelines, Attachment 12
DD Forms1173 and 2765 Entitlement Guide, Attachment 2
DD Forms1173 and 2765 Expiration Date and MC Effective Date Guidelines, Attachment 4
DD Form 1173, United States Identification and Privilege Card, 15.1-15.12
DD Form 1173-1, United States Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card, 16.1-16.6
DD Forms 489 and 1934, Geneva Conventions ID Cards, 17.1-17.10
DD Form 2764, Geneva Conventions Identification Card, 17.11-17.14
DD Form 2765, Department of Defense/Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card,
Destroying Confiscated ID Cards, and Documenting Surrendered Cards, Receipts, and
Destruction Certificates, 1.16
Disposition of DD Forms 1172, 1.13
Distinct ID Cards, 1.1.
Documentation Required, 2.4
DoD Beneficiary, 3.1, 5.1, Attachments 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
Dual Entitlement - TRICARE and Medicare, 7.1
Dual Entitlement for Children, 4.2
Equitable Relief (Applying for Equitable Relief), 24.8
316 AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009

Fingerprints, Mandatory Collection, 1.27
Foreign Documents, 2.4.4
Foreign Identification Numbers (FINs) for Foreign Military and Foreign National, 1.25
Former Spouse (Uniformed Services Former Spouses) General Information, 3.1
Former Spouse Statement (Navy and Marine Corps Former Spouses Only) Attachment 16
Forms Supply, 11.2
General Information about TRICARE and Medicare, Part A, 24.3
General Information About Medicare, 24.5
Honorably Discharged Veterans Rated 100-percent Disabled by the Department of Veterans
Affairs (DVA), 24.2
Honorary Retiree, 13.4
ID Card Eligibility for Children Under Age10, 4.4
ID Card Processing Procedures for Pre-Adoptive Wards When Placement Agency is Within the
United States or a United States Territory, 4.17
ID Card Processing Procedures for Pre-Adoptive Wards When Placement Agency is Outside of
the United States or a United States Territory 4.18
Identification of Applicants and Review of DD Form 1172, 11.5
Illegitimate Children Under Age 21, 4.9
Incapacitated Children Over Age 21 (Initial Application), 4.6
Indefinite Reenlistment (Army), 19.27
Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), 1.23
Initial Verification Procedures for DoD Beneficiaries (Unremarried Former Spouses), 3.4
Invalid Entry Code in RAPIDS 1.18
Issue of DD Forms 2764, 2765, or 1173 to Individuals in TDY Status, 1.12
Issuing Procedures for Applicants Who Report in Person (Machine-readable and Manually-
prepared Cards), 11.6
Issuing Temporary DD Forms 2765, 1173, or 1173-1, 2.5.
Legal Custody Wards, 4.13
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 317

Logs, 11.4
Mail-In Addresses for Sponsors and Dependents Residing OCONUS, 11.13
Marine Corps Service Unique Requirements, 22.1 - 22.14
Medal of Honor Recipients and Their Respective Dependents, Table A2.11
Medicare Parts A and B Coverage, Table 24.3
Medicare Penalties and Equitable Relief, 24.6
Medical Sufficiency Letter, Attachment 19
Members Entitled to Retired Pay Versus Honorably Discharged Veterans Rated 100-Percent
Disabled by the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA), 24.1
Memorandum of Understanding, 10.8 and Attachment 18
Military Grades for Prisoners of War Identification (Required by the Geneva Convention,
Articles 43 and 60, 12 August 1949), Attachment 13
Navy Service Unique Requirements, 20.1 - 20.18
Newborn, Initial Enrollment, 4.3
Off-line Processing to DEERS, 10.7
Overseas Limitations, 1.11
Over-stamping, 1.10
Parents/Parents-in-law, Stepparents, Parents-by-Adoption (Initial and all applications), (Army,
19.22); (Navy, 20.9); (Air Force, 21.8); (Marine Corps, 22.5); (Coast Guard, 23.4)
Parole and Excess Leave, 9.4.
Penalties for Misuse of ID Card, 1.7
Photographing, Reproducing or Unauthorized Possession of ID Cards, 1.8
Photographs - General Guidance, 11.7
Photographs for Machine-Readable CAC and Teslin ID Cards, 11.8
Photographs for Manually prepared ID Cards, 11.9
Preadoptive Children, 4.16
RAPIDS Equipment Relocation Policy, Table 10.2
RAPIDS Hardware and Software Support Centers, 10.9
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RAPIDS Training, 10.5

Renewal Processing Procedures for Children Over Age 21 With a Permanent Incapacitation, 4.7
Renewal Processing Procedures for Children Over Age 21 With a Temporary Incapacitation, 4.8
Responsibilities; Cardholder; 1.19, Sponsor; 8.1, RAPIDS End-Users; 10.4.
Retrieving and Replacing ID Cards, General Procedures, 9.1
Sample Agent Letter (Navy and Marine Corps Members Only), Attachment 14
Sample ID Card to Government Agencies for Authorized Purposes, 1.9
Sample Letter - Army Transitional Compensation, Attachment 17
Sample Letter for Memorandum of Understanding, Attachment 18
Sample Letter for Students Over 21 but Under 23, Attachment 9
Sample Request for Sponsor to Sign DD Form 1172, Attachment 11
Sample Request for Verification of Service for General Officers and Members on TDRL (Air
Force), Attachment 8
Sample Request for Verification of Service for Retired Members except General Officers and
Members on the Temporary Disability Retired List (TDRL) (Air Force), Attachment 7
Sample Letter 100-Percent Disabled American Veteran (DAV), Attachment 21
Social Security Numbers, Mandatory Collection, 1.22
Special Procedures when Administrative or Judicial Action Has Occurred, 9.2
Verifying Eligibility for Benefits under the TAMP or TAP, 6.4
Sponsor Responsibilities, 8.1
Sponsors and Dependents During Mobilization or Wartime, 1.20
Storage and Destruction, 11.3
Students Age 21-23, 4.5
Temporary Identification Numbers (TINs), 1.24
Terminating or Revoking Dependents Eligibility for ID Cards, 8.4
Terms, Attachment 1
Transition Assistance for Military Personnel (TAMP or TAP), 6.1
TRICARE for Life, 24.4
Types of ID Cards, 1.2
Types of ID Cards and Who Can Carry Them, 1.6
AFI36-3026_IP 17 JUNE 2009 319

Uniformed Services DEERS/RAPIDS Project Offices and Information Collections, Records, and
Forms or Information Management Tools (IMT), 25.1, 25.6
Uniformed Services Former Spouses, General Information, 3.1
United States Coast Guard, United States Public Health Service (PHS) and National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Unique Requirements, 23.1 through 23.11
Unmarried Former Spouse, 3.9
Unmarried Widow/Widowers, Attachment 1, Terms
Unremarried (URFS) and Unmarried Former Spouse (UMFS) Requirements, Attachment 6
Verification Procedures for DoD Beneficiaries (Unremarried Former Spouses), 3.4
Verifying Official Responsibilities, 1.5
Wards (Legal Custody, 4.13)
Where to Verify and Issue ID Cards, 2.2
Who Verifies Eligibility for ID Cards, 2.1
What is Equitable Relief, 24.7
What the Verifying Official Does, 2.3

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