Robotics & Robot Programming
Robotics & Robot Programming
Robotics & Robot Programming
Seminar Paper
July 2016
Robotics is a very interesting, complex and wide area of study in technology that incorporates
almost all aspects of technology. These aspects include mechanical engineering, electrical
engineering, Computer Science, electronic, sensors, actuators and artificial Intelligence. This
seminar paper contains an intermediate level study of Robotics & Robot programming.
Basically, a general knowledge of the concepts that make up a robot.
This paper explains, the basic components of the simplest device that be referred to as a robot.
These components include: Body/Frame, Mechanics, Electronics and Control Logic. As a result
of the need to solve more problems in different fields and professions, the demand and need for
Robots with special different specifications increased whilst resulting into the creation of these
mechanical tools with specifications. However, robots have proven to be efficient in so many
fields and professions. In this paper, we will discuss the simplest components and functionalities
of a robot, and how they are instructed to perform different tasks.
Robotics is a very wide aspect of technology that takes its scope from different aspects of
Science and Technology. As a result of its complexity, it is not well sought after as much as
other technologies like, web applications, mobile applications, desktop applications etc.
Robotics is a scope of Science and Technology that involves the development of Robots. A
Robot is a programmable mechanical device, which has the ability to interact with its
Going back in time, there were robots spanning the spectrum from the androids of West world,
the flailing robot from the original Lost in Space television series, or the stumpy repair robots
from Silent Running. But why stop in the 1950s? Going back even further, we see mechanical
servants in films as early as 1909 in the British film The Electric Servant, or the Turk-like
humbug in The Wizard of Oz from 1939?
Robotic activities have similarities with human activities and this is because they (robots) are
modelled and developed to solve complex and or dangerous human problems. Hence, in cases
where some tasks were difficult for humans to perform, robots are created to do them in a faster
and more efficient way.
As robots consists majorly of mechanical attachments, they have to be instructed to perform the
expected tasks. This act is referred to as Robot Programming. Programming languages are used
to instruct the robot to move in various sequences, with a particular speed to solve specific
As simple as can be, this seminar paper contains a great wealth of introductory knowledge for
whoever has a striking interest in Robotics.
As robotics is not a new study in the field of technology, there have been several thesis on
Robots and Robotic system. This paper contains thesis from RobotShop, McGrawhill Companies
and unavoidably, web forums and documentations to mention a few.
Robotics currently represents one of mankinds greatest accomplishments and is the single
greatest attempt of mankind to produce an artificial sentient being. It is only in recent years that
manufacturers are making robotics increasingly available and attainable to the general public.
In 1954 George Devol designed the first truly programmable robot and called it UNIMATE, for
Universal Automation. Later, in 1956, George Devol and Joseph Engelberger formed the worlds
first robot company, Unimation which stands for Universal Automation. As a result, Engelberger
has been called the father of robotics. Unimation is still in production today, with robots for
The New Zealand Qualifications Authority in their publication (Principles, Components and
functions of a Robot) defines a robot as a reprogrammable multifunction manipulator designed
to move materials, parts tools or specialized devices through variable programmed motions for
the performance of variety of tasks. Robots are controlled and manipulated by programmable
controllers known as PLC (Programmable Logic controllers or Microcontrollers).
In Fundamentals of Robotics by The Goodheart Willcox Co. Inc, a striking article explains the
three different ways of power supply in a robot and one means of programming them. Basically,
the power supply provides the energy to drive the controller and actuators. It may convert AC
voltage to DC voltage required by the robot circuits, or it may be a pump or compressor
providing hydraulic or pneumatic power. The three basic types of power supplies are electrical,
hydraulic and pneumatic. The most common type used is electricity, the next most commonly
used is the compressed air, and the least commonly used is the hydraulic. These primary sources
of energy must be converted into the form and amount required by the type of robot being used.
The electronic part of the control unit and any electric drive actuator requires electric power. A
robot containing hydraulic drive actuators requires a conversion of electrical power to hydraulic
energy through the use of an electric motor-driven, hydraulic pump. A robot with pneumatic
actuator requires compressed air which is usually supplied by a compressor driven by an electric
Also, the book explains a traditional way of programming robots called the teach-pendant
method. This method teaches a robot the movements required to perform a useful task. The
operator uses a teach-pendant to move the robot through the series of points that describe his
desired paths. The points are recorded by the controller for later use. This subject is also referred
to in the Industrial robot section.
1990 iRobot corporation was founded by Rodney Brooks, Colin Angle and Helen Greiner and
produced domestic and military robots.
1993 Dante explored Mt.Ereburus in Antarctica. The 8-legged walking robot was developed at
Carnegie-Mellon University. However, the mission failed when its tether broke. Dante II
subsequently explored Mt.Spurr in Alaska in 2004. This was a more robust version of Dante I.
1996 Honda created the P2, which was the first major step in creating their ASIMO. The P2
was first self-regulating, bipedal humanoid robot.
1997 NASAs PathFinder landed on Mars. The wheeled robotic rover sent images and data
about Mars back to Earth.
1997 IBMs deep blue supercomputer beat the champion Gary Kasparov at a chess match. This
represented the first time a machine beat a grand champion chess player.
1997 Dr. Cynthia created Kismet, a robotic creature that interacted emotionally with people.
1998 LEGO released their MINDSTORMS robotic development product line, which is a
system for inventing robots using a modular design and LEGO plastic bricks.
1998 Campbell Aird was fitted with the first bionic arm called the Edinburg Modular Arm
System (EMAS).
1999 Mitsubishi created a robot fish. The intention was to create a robotic version of extinct
species of fish.
1999 Personal Robots released the Cye robot. It performed a variety of household chores, such
as delivering mail, carrying dishes, and vacuuming. It was created by Probotics Inc.
2000 iRobot Packbots searched through rubbles of the world trade center. Subsequent versions
of the Packbot robots are used in Afghanistan and Iraq.
2001 MD Robotics of Canada built the Space Station Remote Manipulator system (SSRMS). It
was successfully launched and worked to assemble the international Space Station.
2003 As part of their mission to explore Mars, NASA launched twin robotic rovers on June 10
and July 7, 2003 called Spirit and Sojourner.
2003 RobotShop Distribution Inc. was founded to provide todays society with domestic and
professional robot technology that can help increase the pleasure, knowledge liberty and security
of individuals.
2005 The Korean Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), created HUBO, and claims it is
the smartest mobile robot in the world. This robot is linked to a computer via a high-speed
wireless connection; the computer does all the thinking for the robot.
Karel Capek used the word Robot in his 1921 play Rossums Universal Robots derived from the
word robota meaning forced labor. These robots were created to replace human in their
simplified form, as cheap labor.
An automaton is a device that has the ability to move under its own power. The mechanism of
the motion is usually hidden and is usually thought to be self- motivated. Humans have been
long fascinated by the workings of their own body and the animals around us. With this
fascination has come the urge to recreate these things to step in the role of divinity and try our
life at the game of life.
The ancient Greeks, at around 400BC and continuing on into the common era, are reputed to
have used steam and water power to animate statues or drive various mechanism in their temples.
Automatically opening doors, statues that appear to drink offering of wine, singing bird, self-
lighting fires and so much more.
Some wild stories explains about an iron fly and an artificial eagle made of wood, constructed by
Johannes Muller in the 1470s. In the 14th and 15th centuries, automata were the playthings of
royalty. Leonardo da Vinci made an animated lion for King Louis XII, Gianello della Tour of
Cremona built a number of mechanical entertainers for Emperor Charles V, and Christian
Huygens creates a robotic army sometime around 1680.
The first documented automaton in human form, or android, was made by Hans Bullman in the
early sixteenth century. Androids have been a popular subject for automata builders ever since.
Inventors built machines to play musical instruments of all kinds to draw, write and even play
chess or at least pretend to play chess.
The Turk was a famous automaton from this time. Built in 1770 by Wolfgang von Kepelen, and
later purchased from Kepelens son by Johan Nepomuk Maelzel in 1804, the Turk was known
for entertaining audiences by playing chess. Napoleon, Charles Babbage took turns against this
machine but it all ended up that this machine could not play the game of chess at all. Instead, it
provided a cramped quarters for human chess player who in turn ran the machinery that made the
Turk move.
By the time the Turk was on tour, audiences were familiar with the workings of automata and
had been exposed to many fine machines. But they were confident that these machines were just
that, simple collections of gears and levers whose rote actions were no challenge to the human
intellect. The automata may appear to be alive, but they are only vague shadows of life. They
could not THINK.
In the nineteenth century, improved manufacturing brought simple automata to the masses,
typically in form of toys, fancy clocks and other novelties. Clockwork mechanical toys were
popular well into the twentieth century. Today the springs, gears, and cams in toys have been
replaced by tiny motors and electronic controls. The skills and techniques developed by the
automata makers during the Renaissance provided a foundation for the industrial revolution that
followed. Today, you can still find automata for sale. Automata are now in the domain of the
artist and pieces from modern craftsmen and artists can be found for as little as a few dollars, up
to hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Robots grew and developed to be very essential entities in the manufacture of products. Ever
since the advent of factories during the industrial revolution, specialized machines have had an
important role in creating the products of civilization. The most common machine was the
underpaid, overworked citizen men, women and children. Early factory conditions were
dangerous but wages were good so nobody could argue with the efficiency factories brought. For
example, you dont normally think about it, but there is a complex machine whose only purpose
is to bend wire into paper clips. Other machines perform other tasks. These machines, invaluable
as they are for industry, are still forms of Automata.
Factory Automaton or AUTOMATA starts to become Robots when they get the ability to be
programmed. Still, there is an itch, take that bottle-making machine and add a bunch of controls
to it so it can make bottles of different sizes, from different points and different types of shapes.
Does this make it a Robot or is it still an Automata? Does it make any difference if the controls
are mechanical levers and knobs or electric circuits?
In the early factories, working alongside a machine made your job more dangerous even if it
made it less arduous. These early machines were large assemblies of spinning, whirring, moving
parts that continued to spin, whir and move even if a finger, foot, or other body part intruded into
it. Even today, people working with machines in factories and food-processing plants face risks.
Machine are designed to be as safe as possible, but there are limits to what can be done to a
metal sheer or punch press, for example, and have it remain useful.
As machines improved into robots, they made some aspects of factory work safer. A robotic
painter, spot welder, or assembly machine can operate in an empty space without any help at all.
A supervisor stands safely outside its range of motion while the robot does the dirty and
dangerous work.
Below is the picture of a ROBOT arm used in the early factories to weld parts of metals
together in a specific sequence. This robot make the work a lot more efficient by reducing the
time it will take to reach a limit manually, and the risk involved with welding.
One arm, with a set of different hands, can be programmed to perform any number of tasks.
These are robots that we recognize as smart machines, beginning to realize the dream
promised to us by Kepelens Turk.
Though not robots, legends tell about the creation of artificial life through many methods, most
of which are poorly defined. How can we repeat the feats of the godem makers and the Greek
deities who breathed life into clay? Even the first use of the word robot by Karel Capek was
referring to a creature that was more biological than mechanical.
Real robots are mechanical and reproducible, machines that are built following clever and
complex blueprints and driven my ingenious programs. But even in the world of mechanical
men, the vision of what a robot could be has always raced ahead of what we can actually build.
Science fiction Authors have used robots as a staple character since the creation of that genre.
Isaac Asimov had perhaps the greatest impact on robots in literature with his very human
creations and deeply ingrained Three Laws of Robotics:
1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come
to harm.
2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would
conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with
the First or Second Law.
Of course, many of his (Isaac Asimov) stories involved either creative ways to work around
these laws or the conflict created by following them.
The robotic creations throughout fiction and movies are a two-edged sword. On the other hand,
they inspire people with the promise of technology.
When we open up a robot what do we see? Mostly the big bits-the outer layers, like the metal or
plastic skin, the framework that holds it together, the motors that make it move. Bits of wire.
This is what you would see if you could see past your skins into your muscles and bones. So it
seems natural to follow this analogy and compare the robot to your body.
As with most analogies, it falls apart if you look closely. Where do lungs fit into the picture? The
endocrine system, or kidneys? What does a robotic liver do?
A robot is NOT just one thing, and the study of robotics does not cover just one area of
knowledge. A robot brings together systems from many different fields, and to learn robotics is
to learn many different technologies. A robot can be considered in four parts;
Its frame
Control Logic
The first visible piece is the robots structure. An animal is held together by its bones, unless you
count some of our creepier cousins, in which case the bones are on the outside as an exoskeleton.
A robot will have bones of a sort, the parts give it shape and form. Sometimes the pieces are held
together by the robots shell, or skin. Other times the robot mimics the skeleton model. The
skeleton may give the robot shape but, as in animals, the muscles give it motion. Electric motors
make fine muscles, but compressed air and pumped oil are also used to power muscles. For
motion, there must also be joints, like your hip or elbow, and a way to attach the muscles to the
frame, matching your tendons and ligaments. There are many other pieces to the mechanical
puzzle gears, levers, wheels, and the various forces that they manipulate. All of these fall under
this category. With mechanical knowledge in place, one can build an Automata. To provide
sensory input and to send control signals to the muscles, we need electronics. Electronics
correspond to the biological nervous system. Your eyes provide cold, heat, pain. These signals
are routed to our brain along biological wires, our nerves. Commands are sent from the brain
to our muscles and organs using these same nerves.
The single greatest thing that separates human (you) from a cockroach is the brain. Even if the
body was that of a giant insect, if you still possessed your mind you will still be you. Remove the
head, and youll be another messy piece of useless appliance or maybe an Automata. It is our
brain that collects all of the sensory data, organizes it, records, and then sends out commands in
response to it. This is the control center.
Inside a persons head, it probably all feels quite simple and easy. However, this is the hardest of
all aspects of robotics and one that has made the least progress. Artificial intelligence is a new
field and it has worked very hard to make its mark in the world.
The Frame/Body Skeleton/Skin
The Mechanics Muscles, Bones, Tissues
Electronics Nerves, Sense Organs
Control Logic Brain
Table 1.0
The robot frame can be compared to the Skin and the Skeleton in humans. They constitute the
entire framework of how the robot looks and in turn contribute to its mechanics. The Frame of
the robot relies solely of the function the robot is intended to perform.
Robot mechanics can be referred to as a dynamic system. The Concise Oxford Dictionary
defines system as a complex whole set of connected things or parts, organized body of material
or immaterial things. Likewise, Random House College Dictionary defines it as an assemblage
or combination of things or parts to form a unitary whole. Also, Le Petit Robert defines system
as Esemble possdant une structure constituent un tout organique which means A structured
assemblage constituting an organic whole.
A dynamic system can however be a subset of systems, in that systems may have a specific way,
sequence and or routine with which it works, but a dynamic system has the capability to change
its behavior with respect to other Environmental factors around them which may include; sound,
obstruction, electricity etc.
In simple terms as Fredrick F Ling mentioned in his book Fundamentals of Robotics, we can say
that a dynamic system is as system in which one can distinguish three elements, namely, a state,
an input and an output. Moreover, the state is a function of the input and the previous state. On
the contrary, systems who are a function of just their input are said to be static and not dynamic.
The mechanics of a robots, in general terms constitutes a system that receives inputs from other
various systems (static and dynamic) of its (the robot) other components (e.g. sensors, micro-
controller etc.) and returns an output. The output could be in form of a movement/mechanical
activity, or as a message to another components to perform some instructions, and this process
goes on like this until there is a need for a termination. Robotics mechanical system can be
programmable and in fact, that is what makes them a robot, a major distinguishing factor
between an Automata and a Robot.
Fredrick F Ling listed five (5) major components of the Robots mechanical system. They are;
Virtually every component of robots have one or more needs for electronics, in that it serves as a
means of transmitting information within the components of the robotic system. As portrayed in
Table 1.0, the electronic part of the robot works like the human nervous system and sense
Messages are sent via electrical signals just as it is done in any electrical device. Usually, as a
result of the complexity involved with robots, tons of messages are sent through these electrical
components. These electrical components include Rechargeable cells, sensors, Actuators,
Gyroscopes, Potentiometer, Digital Rotary encoder, Tachometer, Cameras (when needed),
Proximity sensors, Microcontrollers etc.
The study of electronics and electricity is the study of electron and proton, the fields surrounding
them and how it affects their behavior. The electron and proton are both charged particles, since
they carry an electric charge. The electron is the key player in most electronic studies, since in
the electron is the particle that moves about. A charged particle at rest has an electric field
around it, radiating to space. A charged particle in motion generates a magnetic field. These
fields are normally studied together as the electromagnetic field, since they are part of the same
Electronics are the nervous system of the robot, replacing the mechanical gears and cams of the
automata with wire and whizzing electrons.
The control Logic of a robot can be said to be the brain of the Robot. The control Logic of a
robot is called a Microcontroller and it processes all information and controls all activities of the
robot. The microcontroller is similar to the microprocessor in that they serve as a central point of
information processing in Robots (Embedded systems) and Personal computers. In fact,
microcontrollers are complex microprocessors.
The difference between these two devices is that microcontrollers have the components of a
microprocessor and more e.g. The PLC (Programmable Logic controller) PLC is the component
of the microprocessor that manages input and output. Outputs are called the Actuators and Inputs
are the Sensors.
These are the most widely used types of robots. Tractor arms are robotic machines used for
solving very complex industrial problems. These robots are used to perform functions and tasks
that are dangerous for humans to perform and or tasks that may take longer time for humans to
perform e.g. assembling of devices or other machines and devices/products like cars, electronics,
welding. The picture below is an example of a welding robot.
Welding robot (Photo by Motoman) Robotics demystified
A robots repetition rate is high as it does not suffer from fatigue (except from technical
These machines are very intelligent high performance robots that perform surgeries and carry out
medical analysis and check-up. The operations of these robots are more precise and are with
fewer mistakes. These robots can open small incisions in the body and carry out operations with
minimal damage on the patient. Therefore recovery time is decreased and the equipment used are
more hygienic. The image below shows a typical example of a Medical Robot in action.
Medical robot in action ( Robot electronics [book] by Shakahtreh Fareed
These robots are used in chemical power plants or in remote areas, bomb fields and also in
industrial activities. The advantage in leg robot is that it can avoid stepping over obstacles which
can be dangerous e.g.
These type of robots are technically referred to as drones. Drones are robots designed to have the
look of aircrafts so they can fly without the help of any pilot. Some drones are controlled
remotely by technicians while some are allowed to fly independent of any pilot by simulating
their movement.
Drones are mostly used by military to explore areas that have been marked red and dangerous for
humans. Some drones have been designed to take pictures of areas they fly over.
(www.wired .com/dangerroom/2008/03/pilots-yanked-o)
5. Robotic toy
Robotic toys are also created for kids to play with. They are usually in form of cars, heroes,
speaking droids etc.
Examples of robots for domestic are washing machines, vacuum cleaners, standing fans etc.
Advantages of Robots
Uses of robots may be deduced from previous sections of this seminar paper. The following are
outline that have been extracted from previous information.
Robots are used for industrial purposes, in factories for assembling products.
They are also used for welding and die-casting.
Robots are used for medical purposes, for surgeries and detection of ailments.
Robots are used for space exploration.
They are also used in the construction of building (tall ones in most cases)
Robot programming is a major aspect of robotics, in fact it is what makes a robot what it is. It is
what make a machine controllable remotely.
Programming deals with the Control Logic of a robot i.e. the brain or the Central processing unit
of the robot. As mentioned earlier, the Central processing unit of a robot is known as the
Microcontroller. The microcontroller has every other component of the robot attached to it and
then the Microcontroller itself is programmed (given instructions) to manipulate the whole
robotic system.
There are two major components of the robot that serve as a central point of Artificial
intelligence in robots. They are Sensors and Actuators.
A sensor is a device that receives input from the outside environment of the robot (inputs like
Sound, Light, Danger, Objects, and Temperature). The sensor receives this information and
sends it to the Microcontroller. The MC processes the input with respect to the instructions given
to it by the programmer and afterwards sends out an output.
Programming languages have different ways of interfacing with the Microcontrollers. Below is
an example of a program that starts/activates a simple robot and its LED light.
import (
func main() {
gbot := gobot.NewGobot()
work := func() {
gobot.Every(1*time.Second, func() {
This source code above simply activates the robots LED as soon as it is activated. This indicates
that the robot is on. The program is written in Go programming language (fondly called Golang),
a new language form Google Inc. a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc. Golangs API used for robot
programming is known as
Program flow
This process is quite interesting as one can give more complex instructions to the robot as it may
suit the programmer.
Robot programming is one of the most important aspects of robotics as it brought about the
advent of actually Independent machines, machines that have the ability to think and make
decisions on their own. Studying robotics is equivalent to having a basic knowledge of virtually
all technologies there is and a topnotch knowledge of specific aspects of technology like
Electrical electronics, Computer Science/Programming, Mechanics, Mathematics, Kinetics &
Kinematics etc.
In coming years, it is said that Robots will take over major activities and will leave humans to do
little or nothing. Robotic cars now exist, robotic planes etc, the advent of these technologies is
referred to as Artificial Intelligence, where robots can think on their own, perform activities on
their own, make their decisions with regards to the situation and even make smarter decisions
than humans.
In 2005, the Korean Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) created HUBO, and claims it is
the smartest robot in the world. This robot is linked to a computer via a high-speed wireless
connection. The computer does all the thinking for the robot. Also in 2005, Cornell University
created self-replicating robots.