MATH2352 Differential Equations and Applications Name: Coursework 2 ID: Problem 1. Solve The Initial Value Problem 2y 3y + y 0, y (0) 2, y (0) 1 2

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MATH2352 Differential Equations and Applications Name:

Coursework 2 ID:
Problem 1. Solve the initial value problem
2y 3y + y = 0, y(0) = 2, y (0) =
Solution: The characteristic equation is
2r2 3r + 1 = 0 r1 = 1, r2 =
So the general solution of the DE is
y(x) = c1 ex + c2 e 2

which upon differentiation gives

1 x
y (x) = c1 ex + c2 e 2
To find the unknowns c1 and c2 , we use the initial conditions
2 = c1 e 0 + c2 e 2
1 1 0
= c1 e 0 + c2 e 2
2 2
Solving this system gives c1 = 1 and c2 = 3, so the solution of the IVP is

y = ex + 3e 2

Problem 2. Find a general solution of the differential equation

y + 2y + 2y = 0

Solution: The characteristic equation is

r2 + 2r + 2 = 0 r1 = 1 + i, r2 = 1 i

So the general solution of the DE is

y(x) = c1 ex cos x + c2 ex sin x

Problem 3. Find an integrating factor and solve the initial value problem

y dx + (2xy e2y ) dy = 0, y(0) = 1

Solution: Let M (x, y) = y and N (x, y) = 2xy e2y , then

My = 1 6= 2y = Nx

so we need to find some such that (M )y = (N )x .

Since xM y = 2y1 y = 2 y1 , which is a function in y only, so = (y) and
d 1
= 2
dy y

which is separable and upon integrations gives = y1 e2y .

The new exact equation is e2y dx + (2xe2y y1 )dy = 0, which can be solved by finding a function (x, y):

xe2y + f (y) = xe2y ln |y| + g(x)

| R {z } | R
{z }
= M dx+f (y) = N dy+g(x)
(x, y) = xe ln |y| + C

so the general solution is xe2y ln |y| = D.

Substituting y(0) = 1 into the result yields D = 0, so the solution of the IVP is

xe2y ln y = 0

Note that the absolute sign is dropped as y > 0 in the IC.

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