Document Extract: AAMT-supporting and Enhancing The Work of Teachers
Document Extract: AAMT-supporting and Enhancing The Work of Teachers
Document Extract: AAMT-supporting and Enhancing The Work of Teachers
ISBN/ISSN 978-1-875900-68-8
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earning is a process that builds upon students’ prior knowledge.
Children’s existing understandings guide their interpretation,
understanding and incorporation of new information (National
Research Council, 2001a). Teachers need to understand and investigate the
mathematical thinking that students utilise to solve fraction problems, in
order that they may advance students’ knowledge and understanding. Many
teachers frequently observe students in their classrooms use inappropriate
whole number strategies when solving fraction problems. When students
exhibit these errors, they provide opportunities for teachers to adapt their
lessons to address such errors and guide students’ mathematical thinking
towards improved understanding.
We can identify students’ misconceptions by posing tasks that provide
insight into their thinking. This chapter focuses on the assessment of
students’ knowledge and conceptual understanding of equivalent fractions
using tasks from a pencil and paper assessment instrument. The tasks were
developed as part of a project involving over two years of research and 640
students from Years 3 to 6 (approximately 8 to 12 years of age). First, we
describe what conceptual understanding of equivalent fractions
encompasses. This is followed by the presentation of four tasks that
teachers can use to assess students’ knowledge. The tasks require students
to represent equivalent fractions using area models and to construct
symbolic equivalents. They incorporate both “skill” questions that require
* This chapter is based on research findings presented in Wong, M. & Evans. D. (2007). Students’ conceptual
understanding of equivalent fractions. In J. Watson & K. Beswick (Eds), Mathematics: Essential research,
essential practice (Proceedings of the 30th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Group of
12 16
Each fraction within the set is interchangeable with another as they refer to
the same relative amount—three-quarters (Cathcart, Pothier, Vance, &
Bezuk, 2006). This relationship can be represented using manipulatives,
spoken language, written language including symbolic notation, real life
scenarios and pictorial images (Lesh, Landau, & Hamilton, 1983) including
area, number line, collection and segment models (Cathcart et al., 2006;
Niemi, 1996). Students who possess conceptual understanding of fraction
equivalence can seamlessly link and manipulate differing representations.
They “see the connections among concepts and procedures and can give
arguments to explain why some facts are consequences of others” (National
Research Council, 2001b, p. 119).
Pictorial representations
The area of the whole and shaded part never changes, but the number of
equal parts into which the whole is divided can alter. Thus different fraction
names can be offered for the shaded area and elements within an
equivalence set identified.
(a) original (b) partitioned (c) partitioned again (d) unequal parts
Thinking exhibited
1 9 4
1 10 4
1 9
8 8
7 10
8 9
Using pictures and words, explain how Using pictures and words, explain how you
you would work out which of these would work out which of these fractions is
fractions is smallest. smallest.
1 1 1 2 1 2
8 2 4 6 2 3
(a) Task 3 for Years 3 and 4 (b) Task 4 for Years 5 and 6
Figure 8.4. Questions requiring students to apply their understanding of fraction equivalence.
Correct Incorrect
Consistent-sized referent unit Incorrect partitioning
Figure 8.6. Written explanations for identifying the smallest fraction correctly without
accompanying diagrams.
“Because they all have one up the top so it goes like this ”
Comparing denominators
“ 1 I know because 2 is smaller than 4 and 8 is bigger than 4”
Incomplete reasoning:
“ 1 even though it is a small number it takes up the most space than 1
and 1
2 8 4
representations of fractions.
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