Bretonnia v.1.3: Warband Special Rules Warband Special Equipment
Bretonnia v.1.3: Warband Special Rules Warband Special Equipment
Bretonnia v.1.3: Warband Special Rules Warband Special Equipment
Warband Special Rules Warband Special Equipment
The Ladys Blessing Hunting Falcon 10gc
Each warrior with this rule has a 4+ ward save vs. Missile Weapon
the first hit from a missile weapon (not spell or Range: 24 Strength: 2
prayer) that he suffers each battle. (Even if this Ignores Stealth and Cover.
ability fails to save, it only applies against the Move or Fire.
first hit suffered).
Should a warrior with this rule ever
acquire Shooting skills of any kind, the Knightly Virtues Special Skills
Ladys Blessing is permanently lost.
Virtue of Knightly Temper
Heirloom Warrior has +1 Strength the turn he charges.
Warrior has this item when hired. It may not be
swapped or sold, but may be robbed and Virtue of Heroism
discarded as normal. The knight hates enemies that cause fear and
whenever he takes an enemy that causes fear
Stealth out of action, roll a D6: On a roll of 4+, he gains
While this warrior is in cover, shooting against an additional +1 XP.
him suffers an additional -1 to hit.
Virtue of Stoicism
The knight may re-roll failed fear and panic tests.
The Peasants Duty (6)
Warriors with this rule may use the Leadership Virtue of Purity
of friendly warriors within 6 with The Ladys The knight has a 4+ ward save vs. the effects of
Blessing as their own when taking Rally tests hostile spells. (Other warriors may still be
(but not panic or fear tests). This ability requires affected.)
line of sight, and cannot be used if the warrior
with The Ladys Blessing is fleeing as well. Virtue of Noble Distain
The knight hates all enemies armed with missile
Stockades weapons.
If a warrior with this rule spends an entire turn
without moving, shooting, hiding, or fleeing, you Virtue of the Impetuous
may place a stockade terrain feature anywhere The knight adds +D3 to the maximum distance
within 1 of him. moved when charging, up to a maximum of 12.
These stockades may be no more than (I.e. He rolls 2D6, adds the highest roll to his base
1 tall, 1 wide and 1.5 long. Movement and then adds another D3 to that.)
A maximum of three such stockades can
be erected by the warband per battle. Virtue of Empathy
This ability cannot be used while there If the knight has the Leader ability, other
are visible, non-hidden enemies within warriors that use his Ld instead of their own roll
12. an extra D6 for fear and panic tests and discard
the highest D6. Being within 6 of multiple
warriors with this skill does not stack. No effect if
warrior does not have the Leader ability.
Bretonnian Skill Table
Combat Shooting Academic Strength Speed Virtues
Questing Knight V V V V V
Knight Errant V V V V V
Damsel (+10gc) V V
Priestess (+10gc) V V
Squire V V (+10gc) (+10gc) V
Light Armour
Heavy Armour