Fast Part Catalogue

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About Fast Parts

"Fast- Parts" is a Motor Racing component manufacturing and

Development facility.We manufacture go kart parts accordance
to all Go-karting events.

Parts mentioned in this catalogue is our own design and

manufactured.we supply parts to club racing,tony kart
championship,CRG racing,comp karts so size and dimensions in
catalogue is under standard FIA norms.

We also provide custom size and components according to team

Built Like a Pro, Race like a Legend

Part List

Ready To Install
Chassis (part No. FP30917C)

Description :- fast parts chassis

made from 28mm,30mm,35mm tube for
different track condition and

Dimensions - Tube size 28,30,35 mm

Type - soft, medium, hard

Spindle (part No. FP309170S)

Description :- fast parts race

spindle help kart to jack rear axle
more efficiently and smoothly.

Features. - change front wheel

track width, allow adjust front end

Dimensions - 17mmx10mm,25mmx12mm

Type - kPI 7,9,10

Front wheel Hub (part No. FP30917FH)

Description :- fast parts front

wheel hub add wheel track with
extra front grip.

Features. - allow to use front

brake rotors.

Dimensions - L35mm,65,85mm/58mm PCD

Type -
Tie Rods (part No. FP30917TR)

Description :- fast parts tie rods

with RH/LH hiem allow to Chaing toe
more efficiently save time and

Features. - Direct toe adjust,

stable, reliable.

Dimensions - Hiem 8mm,10mm.

Type - Roind/hexagonal.
Steering Column (part No. FP30917SC)

Description :- fast part steering

column with integrated bellcrank.

Features. - bellcrank with 3-step

Ackerman adjustments.

Dimensions - OD 18mm,20mm

Type - footstep mounted

Column Hub (part No. FP30917CH)

Description :- fast part column Hub

Allow column to turn freely with

minimaly effrot and stability.

Features. - stander fitment,metlon


Dimensions - ID 18mm,20mm

Type -
Steering wheel Hub (part No. FP30917SH)

Description :- fast part steering

wheel hub allow driver to chanhe
steering wheel quickly.

Features. - Angled mounting face

allow wheel to mount below hitting
range of driver.

Dimensions - ID 18mm,20mm

Type - pin fitted.

Steering Wheel (part No. FP30917SW)

Description :- fast part steering

wheel with flat bottom give more
space between drive and wheel.

Features. - light weight, flat


Dimensions - 10,12

Type -
Camber/Caster adjuster Kit (part No. FP30917CC)

Description :- fast part

camber/caster adjuster Kit allow
team to change wheel alignment more
quickly during race time than Hiem
joint setup.

Features. - light
weight,accurate,setup on C-bracket.

Dimensions - For 10mm,12mm king pin

Type - 0to5 camber/0to7caster

Quick Clutch lever (part No. FP30917CL)

Description :- fast part quick

clutch lever allow driver to
operate clutch without getting
there hand from the steering wheel.

Features. - easy to access,less

effort, more controll during turns.

Dimensions - mounted directly on

std steering wheel hub.

Type - std. Cable

Quick shifter (part No. FP30917QS)

Description :- fast part shifter

allow driver to shift gear more
efficiently with in steering wheel
range while holding steering wheel
at same time.

Features. - easy to access, smoth

shift, less effort.

Dimensions - 8mm,10mm Hiem

Type - std shifter kart

Seat Struts (part No. FP30917SS)

Description :- Seat struts allow

driver to adjust center of gravity
by adding or removing seat struts.

Features. - improve cornering

speeds, add or remove grip
according to track condition.

Dimensions - stander shifter


Type -
Pedal Assembly (part No. FP30917PA)

Description :- fast part pedal

assembly avoid driver foot movment
during high speed corner.

Features. - foot stoper, light

weight, anti flax design.

Dimensions - std Comp. Kart

Type - brake/acc.
Master Cylinder (part No. FP30917MC)

Description :- fast part master

cylinder specifically design for go
karts, minimize cylinder kit
failure diring hard braking.

Features. - integrated
reservoir,high temp cyl. Kit.

Dimensions - 10mm,8mm york/ 12.3mm

piston, 12mm port.

Type - std tony kart.

Caliper (part No. FP309170C)

Description :- fast part race

caliper design for high speed
braking with anti fade material.

Features. - anti face, Composite

pads, high temp. Piston rings.

Dimensions - 25mm P, 12mm bengo.

Type - OTK chassis.

Axle (part No. FP30917RA)

Description :-fast part Hollow axle

allow driver to adjust rear end
grip according to track condition.

Features. - light weight

Hollow,pug key,variable stiffness.

Dimensions - 30mm,35mm,40mm,45mm,


Type - soft, medium,hard.

Cassettes (part No. FP30917BC)

Description :- fast part rear axle

bearing cassettes allow to change
rear ride hight adjust

Features. - integrated caliper

mounting, 3-step ride adjustment.

Dimensions - 30mm,35mm,40mm,45mm,


Type - Tony kart.

Split Sprocket (part No. FP309170S)

Description :- fast part split

sprocket allow team to change
sprocket quickly during different
test conditions.

Features. - Easy to Tune, clamp


Dimensions - 22T,23T,25T,28T

Type - std.shifter kart.

Brake Rotor (part No. FP30917BR)

Description :- fast parts brake

rotor design for high temp.holding
late braking.

Features. - anti fade,cross

drill,high temp.holding ablily.

Dimensions - 160mm,180mm

Type - cross drill.

Rear Wheel Hub (part No. FP30917RH)

Description :- Fast part machine

fit clamp cupling hub allow driver
to adjust rear width without
damaging axle.

Features. - clamp coplipling,

1000000 cycle fatigue tested.

Dimensions - L 65mm,80mm,100mm/
58mm PCD.

Type - CRG racing.

Torsion bar (part No. FP30917TB)

Description :- fast part torsion

bar allow drive to tune stiffness
chassis according to track

Features. - Easy to fit clamp,

variable stiffness.

Dimensions - 28mm,32mm,38mm

Type - OTK
Bumper Assembly (part No. FP30917BA)

Description :- fast part bumper

Assembly made 4140 18mm tube give
rigdity and stablity.

Features. - Esay to install.

Dimensions - 18mm tube.

Type - OTK
Radiator Assembly (part No. FP30917RA)

Description :- fast part rediator

assmbly made from Al6061 T6 to
radiat heat more efficiently.

Features. - high mass flow rate,

easy to install, angular adjusting

Dimensions - F 8x6,10x8.

Type - shifter.
Water Pump (part No. FP30917WP)

Description :- fast part water with

high mass flow rate allow rediator
to extract heat for engine more

Features. - axle cupling, no extra

power assistance, HDPE impaler.

Dimensions - hose size 28mm,32mm.

Type - rotax max series.

Fuel pump. (part No. FP30917FP)

Description :- fast part Fuel pump

specifically design for go kart
vaccum control valve delivery fuel
when it needed.

Features. - vaccum type,no extra

assistance, over flow control.

Dimensions - 6mm std fuel hose

Type - shifter series.

Fuel tank(floor) (part No. FP30917FT)

Description :- fast part floor fuel

tank desing to optimized space
which give other moving components
equal spacing.

Features. - regid design,channel

in side to avide fuel movment
during corners.

Dimensions - std 8x10x6

Type - shifter series.

Muffler (part No. FP309170M)

Description :- fast part race

series muffler design For low SPL
and high CFM which extract extra

Features. - 75dB,absorbing typr,

tuned baffel, light weight, slip-on

Dimensions - slip on type for

mainfold rang 28mm- 50mm

Type - shifter series.

Contact us
+91 9893046272, +91 8349884418



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