Proiectarea Unitatii de Invatare La Clasa Avi-A F - L1

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AN SCOLAR 2007-2008


VE de invatare timp materi organiza
referinta ale re
1 MISSING 1.2 Listen and check your Textbook Write a 17-21.09
answers 2 description of
Tema:Copilul si 1.3 Look at listen; match Pictures Individu yourself-page 4
lumea the descriptions with al work
inconjuratoare; the pictures+sound bite
Cultura si civilizatie 2.1 Use your notes and Pair
Functii ;2,3,5,7 make sentences about work
Elemente de the 4 men
constructie a 2.3 Describe one of your
comunicarii:Pre- classmates orally Tape
sent simple ;have 3.1 Copy the table and
got ;quite,very complete it during
4.2 Write notes about a
4.3 Write a description of
2 TWENTY 1.2 Listen and match the Comprehension 24-28.09
QUESTIONS descriptions with the 2 ex.5/5
photos Textbook
Tema:Copilul si 1.3 Listen and say what Individu Play 20
lumea object are they talking Pictures al work questions
inconjuratoare about? Sound bite
Functii:2,3,4,5,7 exercise
Elemente de 2.2 Think of an object-your Pair
constructie a classmate have to find Tape work
comunicarii:present out what the object is
simple;present 2.4 Use the questions to
simple passive;have make conversations..
got;made of;used 3.1 Read and find the
for+ing;there is sentence which gives
information about..
4.3 Write sentences to
describe different
things around you
3 LONDON IS A BIG 1.2 Listen and check your 2 Textbook Individu- Make sentences 1-5.10
CITY answers al work about the four
1.3 Listen and find the Tape people ex.B
Tema:Cultura si answers to these Pair
civilizatie;Copilul si questions work Ex.F-Listen and
lumea 2.2 Listen and make Pictures make notes
inconjuratoare sentences about the
Functii:1,2,3,4,7 people in the street
Elemente de 2.3 Ask and answer about
constructoe a the people in the club
comunicarii:There 2.4 Ask and answer your
is/are;ing colleagues questions
clauses;present 4.2 Look at the pictures
continuous/simple and answer the

4 MUNCH 1.2 Listen and check your 2 Textbook Individu- 8-12.10

answers.Who is al Reading
Tema:Cultura si speaking? Pictures wo
civilizatie;Copilul si 2.1 Reading rk Ex.C-Who do
lumea 2.4 What are the you think is
inconjuratoare characters in Munch Tape speaking?
Functii:2,3,4,5,7,8 like? Pair
Elemente de 3.1 Identify the characters work Description of
constructie a and make sentences people-ex.F
comunicarii: one- 3.2 Are the adjectives in
substitute word;ing the box positive or
clauses; negative?
4.1 Write descriptions of
public people
5 WHATS MY JOB? 1.2 Listen and guess the 2 Textbook 15-19.10
job Pair Speaking
Tema:Familia ; 2.1 Choose a different job Tape work activities
Cultura si civilizatie each and say about the
Functii:2,3,4,5,7,8, good or bad points Pictures Letter
9 2.2 Report your opinions Group
Elemente de to the others work
constructie a 2.3 Play Whats my job ? in
comunicarii: groups of four Individu-
Speaking 2.4 Ask and answer your al work
,reading ,writing, partners questions
listening skills 3.1 Choose a job and make
notes about good/bad
points of it
4.3 Write a letter asking
for more information
about one of the jobs
6 NEW IDENTITY 1.2 Listen and answer the 2 Textbook Individu- New identity 22-26.10
questions al work game
Tema:Copilul si 1.3 Listen to the
lumea conversation. Does Pair
inconjuratoare;Copi Bert make any work
lul despre sine mistakes?
Functii:2,3,4,5,7,8, 2.2 Work with a classmate.
10,11 Act out a conversation
Elemente de between the
constructie a immigration officer
comunicarii: and Bert
Present simple; 2.4 New identity game
Past simple; present 4.2 Write a new identity for
perfect simple; for your classmate to learn
and since; question
7 MY BIG AMBITION 2.4 Ask and answer-ex.A 2 Textbook Pair PROJECT:My 29.10-2.11
Tema:Copilul si 3.1 Read and complete the work big ambition
lumea chart as fast as you can Pictures
inconjuratoare;Copi 3.3 Try to give an Group
lul despre sine explanation to the work
Functii:2,3,4,5,7,9, words you dont
Elemente de understand from the Individu-
constructie a text al work
comunicarii: Would 4.1 Write 3 questions to
like to;hope to;My ask your classmate
big ambition is to. 4.3 Write 2 sentences that
are true and 1 that is
not true about your
hopes and ambitions.
Can you colleagues tell
which one is not true?
8 THE AMAZING 2.1 Reading 2 Textbook Pair Reading skills 5-9.11
LIFE OF THE 2.4 Discuss the facts in ex. work/
EMPEROR B with your partner Group Speaking
PENGUIN 3.1 Answer the questions work activities
Tema:Cultura si in ex.D
civilizatie 3.2 Make a chart with
Functii:1,2,3,4,5,7, interesting facts about
9 the emperor penguin-ex
Elemente de 4.1 E
constructie a Make notes for your
comunicarii: 5.1 answers
Reading skills Showing interest for
the new information
9 PROJECT: 4.3 Make your poster with 2 Addition- Pair Project 12-17.11
HELP SAVE THE a classmate al work
PLANET 5.1 Before making the material
Consolidation of poster look at the Textbook
language and skills example
5.2 Use any additional Pictures
material considered to
be appropriate
1 CONSOLIDA- 2.4 Give true answers to 1 Textbook Pair All exercises 19-23.11
0 TION A the questions work
Consolidation of 4.3 Complete the sentences Individu-
language and skills al work

1 SHES COMING 1.2 What have Rona and Pair Speaking

1 TOMORROW Kay arranged? Listen work activities 19-23.11
Tema:Copilul si and complete the notes 2 Textbook 26-30.11
lumea 2.1 Read your notes Individu- Survey report
inconjuratoare 2.2 Ask your classmate Tape al work
Functii:3,4,5,7 about his/her
Elemente de arrangements for the Pictures
constructie a near future
comunicarii: 2.3 Class survey-how many
present continuous; people are visiting
prepositions; their grandparents this
question words week-end?
3.1 Write down what you
have found out
4.1 Write a short
paragraph about the
favorite activities as
revealed-survey report
1 THE FUTURE IN 2.4 Discuss the questions 2 Textbook Individu- Speaking 26-30.11
2 YOUR HANDS 3.3 Read and ask your al work 3-7.12
partner to explain new
Tema:Copilul si words for you Reading
lumea 4.1 Make sentences about Pair
inconjuratoare Judys future work
Functii:2,3,4,5,7 4.2 Study the lines on your
Elemente de classmates palm and
constructie a make notes

1 AN INVITATION 1.2 Listen and check your 2 Textbook Individu- 3-7.12

3 answers al work Pair work 10-14.12
Tema:Copilul si 2.2 Work with your desk Pictures activities
lumea mate; invite him/her to
inconjuratoare; do something with you. Pair
Copilul despre sine Then change roles Tape work
Functii:1,2,3,4,5,6, 2.3 Your classmates will
7,8,9 invite you to do things
Elemente de on different evenings
constructie a next week. Use your
comunicarii:Would diary to answer
like to; have 3.1 Looking at the pictures
to;present continuos can you guess the
;Go+ing answers to theses
4.3 In your diary write
about what you are
doing and what you
have to do next week
1 YOU MUST BE 1.2 Listen and say what are 2 Textbook Individu- Reading
4 HOME BY ELEVEN the 5 things Judy is al work 10-14.12
arguing with her Pictures 17-21.12
Tema:Copilul parents Pair Speaking
despre sine;Familia 2.1 Role-reading Tape work
Functii,2,3,4,5,8,9 2.2 Role play
Elemente de 2.4 Choose some topics in
constructie a the survey to talk about
comunicarii: with your classmates
must;have to ;can 3.1 Complete the survey
about a classmate
4.2 Make notes of your
classmates answers
5.2 Showing interest to the
1 I COULDNT LIVE 1.2 Listen and complete 2 Textbook Individu- 17-21.12
5 WITHOUT the report al work PROJECT: 7-11.01
Speaking 2.4 Try to say what is the I couldnt live
,reading ,writing, news about according without.
listening skills to the headline Pair
3.1 After reading the /group
articles answer the work
4.3 Write a magazine page
like that in your
5.1 Include your work in
your portfolio
1 THEY WERE THE 1.2 Listen to the story 2 Textbook Individu- Ex.D
6 DIAMONDS I WAS twice and re-tell it al work 7-11.01
LOOKING FOR 1.3 Listen and answer Pictures Making 14-18.01
2.1 Re-tell the story questions to ask
Tema:Copilul si 2.2 Find out what your Tape Pair classmates
lumea classmates were doing work
inconjuratoare at different times
Functii:2,3,4,5,7,8, yesterday
9,10 3.1 Look at the pictures
Elemente de and answer these
constructie a questions
comunicarii: past 4.2 Look at the picture and
continuous;past write five questions to
simple;question ask your classmates
1 FRIDAY THE 13TH 1.2 Listen ,look at the 2 Textbook Tell the full 14-18.01
7 pictures and tell the full Pair/indi story 21-25.01
Tema:Copilul si story -vidual
lumea 2.1 Study the pictures in B Tape work
inconjuratoare and work with a Paragraph
Functii:2,3,4,5,7,8, classmate writing
9,10 2.4 Make sentences about Pictures
Elemente de things that happened to
constructie a Larry
comunicarii: past 3.1 Write down sentences
continuous;past about what happened
simple;question to Larry
words;linking words 4.2 Write a short
paragraph about what
happened to Larry
using linking words
5.1 Showing interest in
1 STRANGER THAN 1.3 Listen and find words 2 Textbook Pair/ Reading 21-25.01
8 FICTION and phrases which indi- 28.01-1.02
Tema:Cultura si mean.. vidual Reading and
civilizatie 2.1 Reading Tape work listening
Functii:1,2,3,4,5,7, 2.4 Read part 2 and decide comprehension
9,10 whether these
Elemente de sentences are true or Pictures
constructie a 3.1 false
comunicarii: Read part 3 and
Reading skills 3.3 answer the questions
Find examples of these
3 kinds of phenomena
5.2 in the text
Showing interest about
the topic

1 PROJECT: 4.3 Write your own quiz 1 Additio- Group Project 28.01-1.02
9 WRITE A QUIZ questions nal work
Consolidation of 5.1 Showing interest about material
language and skills the topic Textbook
5.2 Include the project in
their portfolio

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