Beyond Reality No 36
Beyond Reality No 36
Beyond Reality No 36
Box 428, Nanuet, N.Y. 10954
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No. 36 M A R C H / A PRIL 1 979
12 My Three Visions . . . . . . . . .. ..... . . . . . ...... . .. . . . . . . . Colin Clift
HARRY BELIL 15 Eckankar: An Eckist's Point Of View . . . .. . . . . .. . ..Linda Schwartz
editor/publisher 16 The Stranger .. . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .Ramona Cortez
18 They Were Called Lucifer's Children .. . ....... . . . . . . B. L. Colman
SAUL GOLDSTEIN 22 The Vortal Centers: The Key To Psychic Powers . . . . ..B. J. Baronitis
GARY PARSONS 24 The Enigma Of The Phantom Car .. . ......... . . . . . . . . . Jan S. Paul
EDWARD LOPEZ 28 Mind: The Power To Move Mountains . . . ... . . . . Jugh F. Cochrane
associate editors 34 ''Who's Pounding On The Walls?'' . . . ..... : .....K. M. Hoisington
38 Voice From The Past . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . ... . .. . .Patrick McVay
LYDIA BELIL 4 1 She Came Back For Her Hand ... . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . JohnK. Ward
managing editor 44 A Journey To Infinity Starts Here . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . Marian Green
48 The UFOs Of Chula Vista... . . . ..... . . . . . ........ . . . T. Lawrence
editorial assistants Features
LEE WALSH 27 Astral Sounds: A Cassette Tape . . ...... . . . . . ..... . Edward Lopez
southwest editor 43 The Portrait ..... . . . .. . . . . . ... . .. . . . . .....Vivienne Verdon Roe
66 I was Here Before ........... ...............Leroy Thompson
art director
Beyond Reality 3
Harry Belil
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Beyond Reality 5
Dear Editor: opinions. I have many opinions on
I have just read the article ''The all aspects of supernatural, para
Key To Incredible Psychic Power'' normal, and all the everyday
by Don Wilson, in Beyond Reality unexplained occurences that baf
Magazine. Previously I had held a fie, bewilder, and frighten those
belief concerning the effects of to which they happen. In fact,
pyramid energy on the human some wo:uld run into an article-siz
body. From what I read in the ed piece instead of a mere letter,
article I have revised my theory such as my opinion on psychic
and wish to present it here. What powers in primitive man.
I believe is that pyramid energy, Sincerely,
which I think in itself is closely Willis Couvillier
related to magnetic energy, affects 1402 North First Street
the electrical fields in the human Morgan City, LA 70380
body's nervous system with a
smoothing and strengthening ac Dear Editor:
tion, thus making available to the I just finished reading your
body a stronger, more refined excellent magazine. I did not
form of the same energies it had know about it until last week. I
been producing for its use. This I have a small problem for you. I
believe is comparable with distil liked the article in the book review
led water as compared to water section entitled The Force by
you get from the tap. Don Wilson. I tried to buy it from
My beliefs concerning the Rus one of the book dealers here but
sians having an anti-gravity device no one knew about it. One told me
is simple. I believe that it is only he could get it for me if he could
too possible. My personal convic get the address of the publisher.
tions about the subject are that He said there are three publishers
many so-called science fictional by the name Universal Books.
dvices that the two major powers Robert D. Polley
say cannot be constructed most Wellington Street
certainly can be. For example, Worcester, Mass. 01610
some of the things that you don't
hear much of in the news but are Dear Editor:
most logical to be investigated are In the Nov/Dec 1978 issue of
The Editor
increase and broadcast psychic by Universal Books. But none of
powers, cloning, etc. However, I our book stores can find a listing
can see the reasons why such of the book, or copany. Could
items shouldn't be thrust on the you send me the publisher's
market all at once. I for one address or where I can order this
wouldn't like to be involved with interesting book, as I would like to
any of the major industries whn obtain it.
their products become obsolete I love your magazine and look
overnight. forward to its arrival on the
You say that your column is for newsstand. Please keep up the
the interested public to air their good quality of this informative
6 Beyond Reality
publication. Also,_ you don't go of telephone calls representing there was no need to report that
outlandishly off base as some the dead and more rarely, tele the. film varied from the finished
other magazines have. phone calls representing the liv product. It didn't. Again Mr.
Sincerely yours, ing. In the last case ''living Youtz is jumping to conclusions.
Paul D. Ward communicators'' are provably not But by far, his most unjustified
901 Silver Lane present when the communications complaint deals with the explana
Cater Lake, Iowa 681 10 were made. If you have personally tion of the mechanics of these
Editor's Note: experienced either of these two processes. He said in a "field as
We didn't expect to hear from phenomenon, please write me. mysterious and little understood
so many of you concerning the Your aid will be greatly ap as this one, I feel that it is
article ''Key To Incredible ow preciated. presumptuous to make distinc
er'' by Don Wilson. For readers Sincerely, tions in general terms. '' He is
interested in the book ''The Raymond Bayless again befuddling himself by jump
Force'', please write to Don 1 1348 Cashmere Street ing to conclusions.
Wilson, Universal Books, Box Los Angeles, CA 90049 The mechanics of these feats
653, Plymouth, Mich. 48170. are as simple as they were stated.
Editor's Note: In one case, some people have the
Dear Editor: I am sure that many of you have innate talent of simp1y concen
I thought that I would ask if you /lad experiences of this nature. trating on a scenery or image over
would be interested in an article Mr. Bayless would like to hear an unexposed film and having it
discussing taped, low-amplitude from you at the above address. automatically develop on it.
voice phenomena and low-ampli In the other case, groups of
tude, taperecorded PK? As you Dear Editor: individuals siniply concentrate on
probably know, I am the co-dis I recently read the latest copy certain spirit personalities,. then
coverer of the taped voice effect of Beyond Reality, and it amused let go of the thought-forget it. A
and discoverer of tape-recorded me to read Mister Harold A. photographer would then snap the
PK. Two papers dicussing the last Youtz's criticizm of my article, group or individual pictures and
phenomenon were published in ''The Psychic Photographs of Jiles consequently find the images of
Dr. A.D.G. Owen's New Hori Hamilton.'' His objections, which those very spiritual personalities
zon publication for the Toronto rise from poor reading compre in the photograph.
Society for Psychical Research but hension skills and ignorance of the In order to differentiate be
nothing has been published in a circumstances involved, will be tween the two methods, and avoid
magazine for the public... taken point by point. confusion, which Mr. Youtz fels
You may be familiar with my First, he said I should have is presumptuous, the first method
work but other than mntioning mentioned whether or not there was classified under concentra'"
that I have six published para were any double exposures. I tion, the second method was
psychological works and one, co clearly explained that they were termed ''psychic photography'',
authored with Mr. Scott Rogo, to psychic photographs, and I reveal many years ago.
be issued in Febru of next ed the circumstances under which For almost one hundred years,
year. I am a. membe'r of the they developed. I did not say they psychic photography has been
English Society for Psychical were complicated by anything practiced throughout Spiritualist
Research, former member of the else. He should have read it as it and psychic circles in Great
American Society for Psychical was written. It was a factual Britain and the United States.
Research, member of the New article, not a piece of creative Many authors have written about
Horizons Foundation (Dr. A.D.G. writing in which one is to read it, including Arthur Conan Doyle.
Owen, etc., ). between the lines. Therefore, confusing the situa
Mr. Rogo and I are investigat Secondly, since the finished tion by calling it the concentra
ing paranormal telephonic com psychic pictures were black and tion method, psychic photography
munications that come in the form white from black and white film ,
is undesirable. Nevertheless, this
continued on page 58
Beyo_nd .Reality 7
8 Beyond Reality
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Strange and Unknown
In the November/December is accidentally found the under
sue of Beyond Reality, I mention water pyramid.'' As more and
ed that Charles Berlitz found a more stories were published even
pyramid in the Atlantic Ocean. the ''two friends'' were ommitted.
Not so, says the wife of Don Henry, Berlitz had done countless TV
Captain of a research vessel, a shows (including our OWn TV
marine salvage specialist in the show, Exploring The World Be
Miami, Florida area and a profes yond Reality) lectures, interviews,
sional hard-hat and scuba .diver! articles, etc., all around the world,
The little known ''factual in proclaiming his finding of the
formation" given to this publica pyramid.
tion by Mrs. Don Henry is as The fact is, says Mrs. Don
follows: H enry, at no time did Capt. Henry
In the early part of April, 1976 ever claim that the find was a
(not 1977 as published in most pyramid! It might be a pyramid
Berlitz interviews and articles) but, without actually diving down
Captain Don Henry offered to to it, no one is able to make any
substitute as captain for a friend claims as to its authenticity.
on a local charter boat. On the way In early February, 1977, author
back from the charter trip, in an Charles Berlitz approached Capt.
area between the east coast of Henry and asked him to take him
Florida and the Bahamas, Capt. to the pyramid site. (Capt. Henry
Henry turned on the Ross Depth had discovered the site in April
Sounder and began recording 1976.) Capt. Henry arranged for
depths in the shallow waters of the charter of a local yacht and
The mysterious "Bermuda
the Bahamas. He began getting a Berlitz agreed to finance the trip,
Triangle, '' an area which many which he did. Aboard the ycht
very unusual reading on the paper
mariners and airmen have come to that day were the captain and
graph going through the recorder.
fear because of the many strange
He did not call this to the attention mate of the charter boat, Capt.
disappearance of both, planes ancJ,
of anyone aboard the boat that day Henry with his wife, and Charles
ships. Charles Berlitz feels that
because as a salvage diver and an Berlitz. That was the first time
the pyramid which lies under the Charles Berlitz ever visited the
armchair archeologist he felt it
sea may hold som of the answers
might be a very significant dis site of the discovery.
to the mystery. At this writing, the current copy
Some time later he mentioned of Star states that a new exped
the finding to a Miami area ition, costing $500,000, is already
archeologist, a man who is well in progress. It will use a mini-sub
known for underwater finds in the marine to probe under the surace
Bahamas area. In addition, Capt. BY LE E WALS H and take rock samples of the
Henry mentioned the information ''pyramid.''
of the "pyramid-like structure" to This probe is sponsored by Ari
a man named Eugene T. Condon ed as being the finder of this site. Marshall, a Greek-American mil
who owned a submarine- that Needless to say, the Condon lionaire industrialist, world fam
could be used for research work. submarine was riever used. ous diver Jacques Mayol, under
Condon was asked to keep the Captain Henry, tied up. in his water archeologist Dr. Manson
information confidential until an own work, was not aware for quite Valentine and Charles Berlitz.
. expedition could be anged. The some time that many articles were Once again, Captain Don Henry
expedition would include sophisti being written stating that Charles was not included although only he
cated electronic equipment. Berlitz had discovered a pyramid knows the exact location.
It wasn't long before news of in the Bahamas area on the floor Captain Henry and Charles
this find leaked out. During all the of the Atlantic Ocean. Berlitz Berlitz are friends but Captain
news reports, lectures, and at mentioned in a press conference Henry (and Beyond Reality) feel
tention this news was getting, at the Miami Herald that ''two that the credit should be given
Capt. Henry was hardly mention- friends, out in a fishing boat, where credit is de. 0
Beyond Reality 1 1
12 Beyo nd Reality
M Y T H R E E V I S I O N S/continued
14 Beyond Reality
An Eckist's Point Of View
I came into Eckankar four years . active life . One struggles through
ago after fruitless searching and countless lifetimes , according to
studying many different religious , Eckankar, before one experiences
philosophical, and scientific ways this true self-Soul. Once one has
of life ; It was the . answer I had had this tremendous experience
been looking for all of my life . The there can be no experience below
other pathways left me with many it that satisfies and one' will
questions but Eckankar often an hunger for that high level of
swered my questions before I experience until one reaches it
even asked them . . and maintains it .
Eckankar is an experience of
life so totally that death becomes
People who are There is a way for each of us to
reach this high level of awareness
meaningles and impossible . This
path acknowledges all life every
involved in and that is through the vehicle of
the Eck. This Eck, which is also
where , leaving nothing to be
forgotten , and teaches the individ
Eckankar believe known as Spirit , Life Force , or the
Sound Current , infuses into each
ual to experience life so fully by
letting go of our limitations and
that, through it, student a higher level o( aware
ness by raising the student ' s
hold on life that we actually forget
the nothingness of life and leave it
they have an vibratory rate to that o f Soul which
enables one to leave the body and
behind . Soul Travel . One is then freed of
Life is eternal, as an Eckist experience of life, all the cumbersome limitations
knows , but not that which we that hold us in these lower worlds
know as the limited impermanent so totally , that and can travel freely through each
manifestations of life that we and every universe at will. Soul
cherish . We surrender our attach death becomes cannot be harmed or destroyed in
ment to life ' s limitations o that any way since it is that indestruct
we may stand back, expand our meaningless ible eternal aspect of all of us . Our
consciousness, and experience life bodies are merely sheaths that
more fully and as it really is . What and impossible cover and protect. the soul in the
I am saying here is that the true lower vibratory worlds . Eckists
eternal self Eckists and others can have protection of our bodies
experience is Soul, the real self while doing Soul Travel. This
that survives throughout eternity . protection comes via Eck, or the
When the individual relinquishes Mahanta consciousness as Eckists
his hold on all of his thoughts , know it, which links up with the
opinions , feelings , and actions , he individual on the Path and sur
is ready to step out and experi rounds the individual bodies with
ence himself as Soul, the real self. a globe of light that keeps them
This experience enables one to from harm while Soul is out of the
rise above the mundane aspects of body .
life and live a richer and more What is the Mahanta conscious
continued on page 64
Beyond Reality 1 5
Dr. Diaz noticed the strange that there are 12 planets in our
man sitting in his waiting room solar system , not nine as we
and, for some reason, felt very believe . The Straner also
uneasy about him He was sitting
. revealed that electricity is
under a large office plant waiting composed of ' ' over 15
to be seen by the doctor. Dr. Diaz sub-atomic particles , while your
felt certain that he had not seen scientists know of only three . ' ' As
the little man before . In fact , the the visitor left he told Dr. Diaz, ' 'I
doctor was surprised to see him as ''I find it difficult to will be back again , please believe
the last patient had left and he me . ' '
had secured the door ; ' 'when I believe, but after Dr. Diaz told no one of his
turned around to go back to my encounter for fear of being
office, there he was - sitting examining the ridiculed . Worse yet, he was
silently in the corner . ' ' afraid people would lose faitJi in
Composing himself, the doctor stranger, well I him as a doctor and take him for
asked the stranger to step into his some sort of weirdo. But ,
examining room . He asked the never believed in eventually , he told his family and
man if anything was bothering some close friends . It was through
him . "No , " replied the man , " all UFOs and all that, one such close friend, a woman
I want is for you to examine me . ' ' from Guadalaj ara, Mexico who is
The doctor then proceeded to but i g..ess l associated with a California UFO
examine the man . group , that the doctor discovered
What the doctor discovered was was very wrong. ' ' that there have been many reports
something that no mortal on this similiar to his .
planet would believe . The man, Dr. Leopolda Diaz is a graduate
about five feet tall , was bald and of the University of Guadalajara
completely devoid of hair except Medical School and has been in
for some strands on his head. His B Y RA M O N A C O RTEZ private practice for over 23 years .
skin was as white , or whiter , than He is a respected pediatrician and
that of an albino and, like the executive director of one of
Elizabeth Taylor, his eyes were a Mexico ' s largest hospitals . ' 'I was
deep violet. The doctor noted that shocked to learn that many others
the strange man did not have hair such,as the one that brought m e to have been contacted and given
follicles either. your planet . You call it ' static exactly the same message . ' '
After examining the man Dr. electricity ' and it is the basic Michael Packer, a California
Diaz asked ' 'Who are you? ' ' The power in the universe . ' ' radio newsman, tracked down the
man replied, ' ' I wanted you to He told Dr . Diaz that mankind doctor after reading an article of
examine me so that you would was abusing their energy sources his strange encounter . The
have no doubt that what I am and especially warned of the newspaper article revealed that a
about to tell you is the truth . I am danger of nuclear energy. ' 'Jt team from the United Nations was
from another sun system and I could lead to the destruction of not investigating the doctor ' s report .
have a message for earth people . ' ' only planet Earth but the entire Mr. Parker arranged for a TV
Dr. Diaz felt faint as he slumped solar system , " he said. He also interview in which additional
into his chair . He was shocked but told Dr . Diaz that beings from his information on the
his mind was racing with the and other planets have been extraterrestrial ' s visit was aired .
implicatons of this encounter. visitiqg Earth for over 2,000 This is the first investigation
' 'I find it difficult to believe but years . ' ' We have tried to guide launched by the United Nations
after examining you . . . well, I you in shaping your future but few into the possibility of life in the
never believed in UFOs and all have heeded us . But now these universe . Bertrand Chatel, in
that but I guess I was wrong. ' ' warnings have more meaning charge of the Technology
The being then told the doctor : because the end of your world is Applications Section at the United
' 'Through man ' s dependence on near. There are many of my Nations , stated that he has met
nuclear energy , this order of people living on your planet trying Dr. Diaz several times in secret
mankind is is very close to an end . to stop your scientists from sessions in New York City . ' 'We
Earthlings should be utilizing destroying the human race and still need more investigations . It is
electricity which is all around you, the rest of the solar system . Many the only UFO contact case we. are
and poses no danger to the contacts have been . made with probing. It is definitely unusual. It
planet. ' ' He continued , world leaders concerning the cannot be considered a major
' 'Electrical power could provide unstable condition of this planet' s scientific event because we must
all the energy this planet needs, future but they are withholding have additional scientific
and it is the power that this information from the public . ' ' evidence . ' '
interplanetary spaceships use , The stranger also told Dr . Diaz Another personality who
continued on page 53
16 Beyond Reality
Beyond Reality 17
18 Beyond Reality
Beyond R eal ity 1 9
LU C I F E R ' S C H I LD R E N/conti nued
what gained his attention through alone . There was no desire to visit
the long years . He had come upon either that dismal swamp or to
"Lucifer' s Children" and devoted encounter those ' 'hellish' ' young
his life to understanding and sters. Stories built around them
helping them . His journal relates took on wild illusions of sights seen
the story of his first encounter with by moonligh of eerie rites and of
one of these waifs . One stormy the girls going about naked and
night in April of 1863 , a small consorting with horned creatures.
almost lifeless form beaten almost Actually, Doctor Lynnete did little
senseless was thrown into his more than conduct a camp and
office and left for whatever might school and compile his study.
be done for the wretch. When a child reached the age of
The boy was barely nine or ten seventeen, they disappeared so
and had been beaten with a whip that the population of the camp
and lingered near death until dawn never was more then twenty-five
when he began to fight for his life . boys and girls.
Doctor Lynnete observed cer Many people believe to this day
tain voices coming from him of that they entered into Hell but by
what sounded like various men and the doctor' s accounts, he found
women and the barking of a dog. positions for them in other parts of
When he opened his eyes to the the country : Most changed their
morning sunlight, he seemed to names and were absorbed into
have no ill effects and mounting to society never to be noted again.
his feet, asked where he was . They had learned their lessons
After a meal of hot tea and well and how to control their
cakes , he related that his name strange powers so as to lead at
was Saul and that he had been a least some kind of normal life .
student under Rabbi Geldic and The doctor writes of his children
had been instructed to read to the having many powers which would
class from a holy book. What he amaze the normal world. A girl
read was in ancient Hebrew and who could multiply numbers in her
appeared to be a verse concerning mind, calculate dates into the next
Moses and a witch. The Rabbi flew A doctor wrote century and composed music like
into a rage and after beating the that of Beethoven that it :might
boy, had him bound and delivered of the have come from the authors pen.
to a judge who ordered him placed other could read the thoughts of
in an insane asylum. He admitted chlldren having others over many miles and read
to having no knowledge of how books that were in another room.
these things came to pass. many powers which _ , Still another was said to bend
Over the years , several ' 'Dark metal objects with her mind and
Children ' ' assembled about the alliaZe the normal produce fire from a distance. A
good doctor in a kind of school story is told of a small boy who died
where they would teach him all world! One girl at the camp and was brought back
manner of things and he would to life by the will of the other
school them in the ways of the could multiply twenty four. The doctor writes a
world for their own protection. logical hand and recounts these
Traveling north from New York, numbers in her events as he would the sun rising.
he at last found a remote area of By far the most famous of them
swampland near Lynn, Massachu mind and calculate was Leo Webster who in 1917
setts and using his savings , enlisted in the French army. It
purchased it in 189 1 . Here h_e dates into the soon became clear that there was
would build his Clinic for Meta something very odd about this
Savant Children and by 1900, there next century
pleasant lad. He appeared at
were five buildings and twenty company headquarters one morn
five of his strange children. There ing and asked to see the command
was some concern in the village ing officer. He then related almost
but as long as he or his wards broke word for word a secret dispatch
no laws , they were left pretty much that was locked in the safe. He
Your Key To
Psychic Development
On July 13, 1978, the European Federal Government funded a
Geostationary Scientific Satellite project which is still underway to
was launched from Cape Kennedy study a phenomenon that points to
with the purpose of gathering data Experiments done that very theorjr, The point under
on the earth ' s magnetic field. It is question is that central Florida
a project that holds great impor in the has been subjected to ' 'three
tance for psychical studies , far times as much lightning as the
more than anyone suspects , for at Soviet Union rest of the United States . "
the basis of such talents are some Second, the land studied is
of those very energies which the demonstrate con better known as Florida's Psychic
probe hopes to study . Belt, a region renowned for its
' 'Impossible ! ' ' some might say. clusively that conduciveness to psychic develop
A sarellite obtaining information ment and ability.
pertinent to psychic mechanics psychic manifesta Third, experimentation done in
sounds beyond the bounds of the Soviet Union demonstrates
belief. However , let us examine a tions occur conclusively that psychic manifes
few facts before jumping to any tations occur concurrently with
hasty conclusions . concurrendy with patterned electrical responses
Starting with the idea that the within the brain of the subject.
earth has a magnetic field, a patterned electrical What is it in this subtropical
concept aught to every grade land of palm trees and vacation
school student , and demonstrable responses within resorts that causes this, and how
to anyone with a compass ; could it is it ., related to your psychic
be unreasonable to assume that the human brain. abijity?
that magnetic field varies in I asked these questions to the
intensity from region to region? famed Floridian psychic R. War
In the summ er of 1977, the ren Hoover, whose own psychic
22 Beyond Reality
1. Bermuda Triangle
2. Psychic belt of Florida
3. California-Nevada
4. Arizona
5. New York-New England
ability has , like the lightning , exist and have caused great
tripled since moving from Pen problems upon rupturing. Objects
sylvania to Daytona Beach, Florida as large as homes , and sections of
four years ago highway have been swallowed .
' 'It is true that the earth ' s ' 'The energy makes the psychic
magnetic field differs from ter belt, an arc that swings roughly
ritory to territory , ' ' said Hoover . from Daytona Beach in the east,.
' 'And it does have an effect on the down through Orlando, and to
mind in emotional , awareness and Tampa in the west , a territory that
sensitivity factors . aids in opening the psychic sen
' 'The electromagnetic energy ses . ' '
we are referring to is produced Are there any other regions of
deep within our planet and ,some high magnetic output?
areas , such as the great Bermuda ' ' Yes , ' ' answered the psychic.
Triangle-Psychic Belt magnetic There is a very strong field in
field, receive more of this power southern California and Nevada,
because of a natural underground another is in Arizona, and one
network of tunnels which act as spans New York City and part of
conducting tubules to bring it to New England . All of these loca
the surface . tions have a great deal of mystical
' 'Central Florida also is riddled activity and many organizations The famous Florida psychic,
with sink holes . Again , an under built on occult teachings . It is only R. Warren Hoover, whose psychic
ground tunnel and cavern system natural that they should form powers are well known not only
that is brimming with billions of there . Of course there are other, in Florida but in many
cubic feet of salt water - an elec smaller fields in this country _and other areas of the country
trical conductor. ' ' many throughout the rest of the
It is a fact that these sink holes world . ' ' continued on page 42
hesitate to caJ) us if anything else white circle of light . I wasn 't sure
should happen . ' ' I caught the what was going on but I intended
obvious emphasis on anything to find out what it was .
else . Feeling completely foolish I Finally, when I was cold and
went back to bed and tossed and soaked through I went back
turned most of the night trying to inside . I took a warm shower, put
figure it all out. on dry things , and went to the
Fortunately the next day , Fri phone . I called the Sheriff and
day , came bright and clear . Still, I waited , rehearsing what I was
couldn 't quite shake the memory going to say.
of the incident of the pvious ' ' Are you having trouble up
night. While the breakfast coffee there tonight? ' '
perlted I went outside for a good ' ' No , no . trouble , ' ' I answered
look around . I'd remembered in with calm irony. "Just the usual
the wee dark hours that the car that . goes crash against this
vehicle had distincly hit the wall of house on a rainy night . ' ' The
the house . Surely, if it hadn 't officer drew in his breath sharply.
been a dream ,_ there would be a "Tell me about it, ' I cbntinued .
mark where metal hit rock . ' ' Tell you about what? ' ' he hedg
l scanned every inch of the wall. ed . ' 'The accident, the car that
There were, indeed, several spots bounced off my house a little after
where the rocks had been chipped ten, one rainy night. "
as if struck by a heavy object but There was a long pause . " All
none of them were new or even It was just right , ' ' he answered. ' 'I can 't
recent . I was baffled. It must have come up there now, but nothing
been a dream . too real to be more will happen tonight. I'll
Toward Saturday night clouds come up first thing tomorrow
began to gather over the moun a dream. I scanned morning . ' '
tains , dark threatening clouds , ' ' Punctually at nine a sheriff's
full of rain . I checked the lantern ,
put a new candle in the hurricane
every inch of car drew up outside and there was
a restrained kriocking at the door.
lamp and put the flashlight on the the wall. There "I 've come to answer your ques
table in the livingroom where I tions, I hope nine isn 't too early . "
could find it quickly. I kindled the were, indeed, ' ' Not at all . Now . Sergeant, about
fire in the livingroom fireplace the story, the explanation of the
and turned on the TV but the several spots where car that haunts this hill on rainy
lightning ruined reception so I nights ' if you please. '
turned to reading instead. the rocks had been He grinned sheepishly. ' ' Not
It was later, a few minutes after the hill, just this house. The
ten , when I heard the car. It was chipped as if sounds can only be heard inside
coming rapidly up the hill from the house . Outside there isn't a
the village . I sat listening, a finger struck by a sound . ' '
marking my place in my book and ' ' Then you know that I wasn't
like a rerun on TV , I knew exactly heavy blow, but dreaming the other night, nor last
what was going to happen . First night when I was wide awake right
was the whine as the tires began . none of the :marks here in the li$g room with the
to skid on the wet roadway ; then lights on? ' '
the gut-gripping sound of dis were new. " Yes , I know , " sighed the
tressed metal on stone as it hit the Sergeant .
front of the house , followed by the "Then tell me about it, " I
scream and then perfect, total insisted , determined to get to the
silence . I was shaking all over but bottom of it.
this time I meant to look first, "It's really hard to explain ,
frightened or not. I took several even if you do believe in ghosts.
deep breaths then hurried to the For many years the main road
front door and floodlighted the went this way and there were a
area. Nothing. I sat down on the number of accidents right hete ,
step in the rain and contem even several deaths . Then a little
plated the empty road in the over five years ago they opened
continued on page 50
26 Beyond Reality
A Cassette Tape
I've been fascinated by the tempts I 've been partially suc That sounded good to me so ,
awesome aspects of conscious cessful (using my own suggest supplied with a tape , I began my
astral travel for at least 10 years . I ions) in that several times I experiment. I have a decent stereo
cannot recall how I became felt partially out of coincidence system which would allow me to
interested in this fascinating sub with my physical body. It always enjoy every sound on the tape at
ject but I do remember being aggravated me when I read other maximum fidelity. As suggested I
impressed by the book, The people ' s accounts of successful made myself comfortable (stripp
Phenomena of A stral Projection projections either accidntally or ed) , donned my ' 'open-air ' ' head
by Sylvan Muldoon and H. Car on their first try, especially those phones (left the speakers on) ,
rington , in which Muldoon detail who didn 't know what was hap turned up the volume, turned the
ed several methods for projecting. pening and blew a priceless lights off and laid down on my
I remember trying half-heartedly opportunity . I know it can be carpeted floor. The instructions
a couple of the methods but done, but it takes too much time specify that the ' 'first 5 minutes of
wound up pursuing just one : and effort which , finally, brings tape is a rhythmic click sound
trying to catch myself in the me to the subject of this review designed to slow down mind and
hypnogogic state (between awake which deals with a cassette tape body' ' . Actually there are 3
and asleep) so that I could use the called A stral Sounds. different sounds . I tried not to
"elevator " method to project . I According to the A merican Re analyze the sounds but I couldn 't
tried it for a while but always search Team ( Beverly Hills , CA , help trying to ' 'identify ' ' them .
ended up falling asleep . Frustrat 902 1 1 ) , ' ' Astral Sounds ' ' is an aid The basic sound reminded me
ed, I gave up . But one night in the to enable you to achieve spontan of rapids , a waterfall or the sound
summer of 1968 , after falling eous , conscious astral projection you hear on FM radio between the
asleep and to my complete joyful upon hearing the special sound stations . Next the sound of a large
amazement , I found ' 'myself' ' tape . The Team interviewed many gear-wheel or giant pocket watch
outside of my body. I turned who had experienced oobes and and, in-between , what sounds like
around and there was my ' 'grey discovered that the single factor someone carving or whacking on a
shell ' ' bundled up in bed . My first common to all astral projections is log with an ax .
reaction was , " Wow , I've finally the eerie and unearthly sounds After the first 5 minutes of the
done it ! ! Then I thought, "I one hears immediately upon sep ' 'relaxing ' ' sounds , it dissolves
wonder if I can go through the arating from the physical body. into what sounds like an electronic
wall? " Instantly I was hovering Research began in a sound zoo . We hear what seem to be
outside the building where my laboratory using a computer and a hundreds of chattering birds , with
body lay peacefully. I won 't go electronic sound synthesizer . The an occasional jangling of celestial
into the details of that ' 'trip ' ' but I output was patterned so that it chimes . Throughout this melange
was ' ' drawn ' ' to a place I actually closely duplicated the sounds is a droning sound that reminded
visited 7 months later ! reported by the interviewees dur me of the Frankenstein-type noise
That was it for me as far as ing the separation from their when the circuits are all turned on
conscious astral projections went. bodies . The ART claims that after and the monster is heaved sky
Since then I've read a lot of how-to almost two years of controlled ward. These sounds constantly
books which turned me off be testing of their synthesized sounds change in intensity , volume and
cause they required acceptance of nearly all the test participants frequency . In the explanation of
strange beliefs and necessitated reported oobes as well as a variety how these sounds came about , we
adherence to the ritual-like tech of extremely enjoyable physical, are told that the first test group of
niques , and in my sporadic at- mental and psychic effects . about 75 persons ' ' . . . made them-
continued on page 64
Beyond Reality 27
Early Christians wrote
about these ' ' S peaking Stones' ',and
claimed they could answer questions
huge stone blocks into the air and remain unchanged and the men
make them float . These stone who wrote them were regarded as
blocks were so huge that not eve:n intellectually as capable in their
an army of a thousand men could time as our contemporary scien
move them . Yet move they did tists are considered today. The.
when commanded by sounds made only thing which seems to change
by the priests ! is the documented list of these
Further, we 're told by early astounding feats performed by the
Arab writers that the ancient ancients . That list is longer now
Egyptians possessed similar pow than even before , and its length is
ers and these were used in the increasing yearly . Each new dis
construction of the Great Pyra covery in early cultures around
mid. Here, priests of the temple the world brings to light a wealth
struck each huge block of stone of information , and among this is
with a strange rod which gave off the repeated mention of strange
a ringing sound that caused the powers beyond the understand
block to rise into the air. ing o{ our best scientists and
After moving a considerable academicians.
distance the block settled to the Consider some of the following:
ground where it was struck by the early Buddhist writings tell of
rod again . By this procedure huge magic gems which when placed in
blocks were moved to the site and the mouth can cause a man to
continued on next page
28 Beyond Reality
M I N D : T H E P O W E R TO M O V E M O U N TA r N S/conti n ued
30 Beyond Reality
understanding of man. These infra-red (ffi) and the ultra-violet Some subjects were able to make
energies do not conform to the (UV) regions. For the most part, these flares stream out several
so-called physical forces defined low m information-heat-is al inches before the projected field
by present day science , nor do ready monitored by the senses of gradually weakened and faded
they seem to have the drawbacks touch and smell. The only time we away.
of known physical forces. An are visually aware of events in this A more recent researcher into
example of this is gravity which portion of the spectrum is when these fields of energy is Shafica
operates in only one direction. the event produces a secondary Karagulla, a neuro-phychiatrist.
Another would be magnetism effect which intrudes into the In a book detailing her investiga
which is fixed and seemingly normal portion of the range. This tions, Breakthrough To Creativity
unmoving unless disturbed, while can occur when heat waves cause (DeVorss & Co. , Inc. , Santa
electrical forces diminish with use a distortion or shimmering in Monica,CA . ) , she outlines the
and must be constantly added to. normally steady light rays to bring results of tests made with various
Now compare these with the about the appearance of mirages psychics who were able to observe
following recent - in scientific and such things as the ' 'water' ' these auric fields of energy. These
terms - investigations into the which appears over heated sur people were able to describe such
energies and forces suggested by faces, like roads. things as vortices and inter
psychics: In 1810, Goethe, in his Kilner's approach to making weaving patterns of fine lines of
A Theory Of. Color, stated his the human . aura, or force field, light which interacted with one
belief of a . . . world of living
' visible to non-psychically gifted another and were constantly mov
organisms with observable ema people followed this S!lllle second ing. These strange fields were
nations" earned the contempt of ary-effect approached. He devised observed around mineral crystals
other scholars. Thirty years later ' 'screens' ' which could induce a and other objects as well as
Baron Karl von Reichenbach, a secondary effect in the eyes of the around humans and animals. But
noted scientist and inventor of his viewer and thus cause a temporary of particular interest were the
time, put himself in the same extension of the visual range tests which Karagulla made in
position when he attested to a be allowing them to see the human volving the effects of musical
lief in energy fields surrounding aura. He believed that practice sounds on crystals. Under the
humans, plant life, and miner with these ' 'screens' ' -glass effect of various types of music
als. In his investigations he exam lenses coated with a coal tar the fields of these crystals grew
ined numerous sensitives who dye- acted to train the observer's brighter, stronger and more den
could see the human aura and its eyes until they were able to se. With some crystals this effect
various colors; who could determi visually detect the aura without ceased when the music ended,
ne the polarity or magnets and the use of the ' 'screens' ' . while with other crystals the effect
crystals simply by observing the In his book, Kilner detailed continued for a length of time.
movement of energy in and three separate fields surrounding Throughout all these experi
around them; or sense heat and the human body -in some cases a ments covering many years cer
cold from opposing poles ! fourth has been observed-and tain facts kept repeating. Among
James W . Kilner, a London these he defined as the spiritual them was that most objects con
hospital radiologist, published the (inner field) , the physical (middle tained poles or a central axis. If it
results of his investigations into field) , and the emotional (outer was a north pole or north axis,
the human aura in 1910. Needless field) because he found a relation then its field had a bluish color
to say, his work too was ignored. ship between these and the condi that sensitives detected as being
Yet, his findings paralled discover tions in the material body, or the cool with energy flowing outward
ies made earlier. Kilner believed mental outlook of those whose -this was also seen emerging
the ability to see auras was due to aura was being observed. from the left palms of humans
an extended range of vision just as Kilner's investigations brought while the south pole or south axis
clairaudience is an extension of the out some odd facts about these had a reddish field which was
hearing sense. Like others, Kilner sheath-like energy fields sur detected as being warm and with
believed that the rods and cones rounding humans . One was his the lines of energy flowing inward
making up the retina of the human discovery that he was able to haye the lines of energy flowing in
eye were capable of a much wider his subjects ' 'will ' ' changes in ward. This same reddish, warm
range of response. Normally these their aura that made the fields field seems to flow into the right
and cones only accept and coarse or fine, even change color change as energy passed through
process information related to in some instances. But strangest the object-which suggests an
light and color in the so-called of all was the flares or streams of increase in the frequency of the
visible portion of the frequency energy which subjects could will flowing energy-appeared to cau
spectrum. Their limits, on the to reach out from their finger tips se the emerging lines of energy to
average, fall just short of the or other portions of their bodies . dart straight out of the object's
continued on next page
Beyond Reality 31
M I N D : T H E P O W E R TO M O V E M O U N TA I N S/conti nued
north pole or axis , while around brings about the alteration in It has been known for centuries
the south pole or axis the energy shape of the metal causing it to that certain people could dowse
seemed to be moving more slowly become deformed . It ' s as if he had the earth for water and minerals .
as it was drawn back in . ' ' willed ' ' the object ' s energy field By some unexplainable means
Are these , then, the energy into a different hape and the they had the ability to probe the
fields which the ancients learned matter composing the object then untouched surface of the earth
to control, and which present day followed until it was realigned. and define tlle location of water or
psychics draw on to perform what with its field in a new shape . - ore bodies . In recent years this
appear to be impossible and A' third example is the ability of ability has been used to locate
astounding feats? Peter Hurkos. However, instead artifacts of ancient cultures , or the
The answers to these questions of manipulating the field or inject location of murder victims . Exper
are not easy to come by because ing energy into it, Hurkos seems iments now being carried out at
we still need to know much more to allow the object to transfer the Stanford Research Institute
about energy and matter and how energy into him. In this way, show that individuals can ment
they are related . More important is either through a subconscious or ly travel to the most distant parts
the need for advanced instrumen a conscious portion of his mind, he of th.e world and bring back
tation to improve the measure is able to scan these energy accurate information about events
ment and plotting of these fields vibrations to locate the informa taking place elsewhere .
d their energies. Along this line tion he desires . These same experiments have
is the work carried out at Yale The picture that emerges from shown that persons - not neces
University ' s School of Med icine all of this shows matter as sarily gifted pyschically - can look
where , beginning in the early something entirely different from into the future to accurately
1950s , several researchers were the generally accepted view, and predict events that will occur, and
able to use high impedance de indicates that the earth and all they can do it with astounding
Vices to measure the energy fields things in it , as weJl as the universe ease !
around humans . In these experi beyond , are composed of energy We began by wondering what
ments_ investigators were able to fields which must number in the sort of energy and power the
measure what they termed the millions if not billions . In com ancients used to perform their
"1-field" which exists around all bining, each field contributes a astounding feats , but it should be
living things . Strangely , this field portion of its energy and its obvious to all now that this same
seems to precede life and deter individual rate of vibration . Thus power can be used to do more
mines the shape and form it will some of these fields are respon than build gigantic monuments of
take . It also seems to predict the sible for the very core of matter stone , or to release illuminating
future condition of the life form by itself, while others are a product energy from gems. It is quite
showing some changes before the of combined fields. Through all of likely that this is the same power
change appears in the living this activity each field seems to which healers use to bring harmo
matter itself! generate energy while at the same ny and healing to the human
Combining all of these discov time drawing in energy from some body, the same power which many
eries produces some rather inter universal source . It is a source so psychic surgeons trigger to cause
esting facts which seem to tie in infinite that it can supply the lance-like energies to be emitted
with what psychics have been energy to make the smallest from their finger tips to allow
saying about their abilities . N elya particle of matter spin and wobble them to remove diseased growths,
Mikhailova, the Russian psycho in a given way, or cause an entire using a mending energy wheri the
kinetic medium , explains her abi solar system to blast its way into task is finished.
lity to move small objects across a oblivion . Whether this power continues
table by "willing" them to move , This emergence of the concept to be used in these ways with the
as being caused simply by concen of the oneness of all matter and added attraction of nail-bending
trating on the energy field around energy brings with it some inter and matchbox moving for enter
the object . In this way she be esting implications . For this inter tainment is a moot point. The real
lieves she is able to displace the relationship provides a basis for danger will be in the misuse of
field and the object is carried the mysterious connections be this power, for with this ability it
along with it. Uri Geller, on the tween the mind and matter . If becomes a simple matter to dowse
other hand, seems to inj ect energy pure energy is the basis of this the minds of humans to learn their
into metal objects from the tips of link between mind and matter, innermost secrets , . or to cause
his fingers . By stroking a localized then it follows that man through them bodily ills . It could well turn
area lightly - it has been well the power of ' 'will ' ' can command out to be a super controller of
demonstrated that he does not matter to do his bidding , and the masses of people through fear ,
apply any pressure - he seems to extent of this power can only be and could be used to decimate
be able to transfer energy that guessed at. continued on page 54
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Beyond Reality 33
34 Beyond Real ity
B Y K . M . H O I S I N GTO N
The house sat on a bluff in the the next three weeks , usually
hills of northern Michigan . The between 10 a.m. and noon, there
fact that it was also the only house were several sessions with the
on that bit of road made no wall . Nearly always it was a series
difference as she - drove the car of six or seven knocks , and often
down one side of the hill and three sets of same .
entered the driveway at the Karen began to feel like an
bottom . It looked like any desert idiot , albeit a scared one . She had
ed farmhouse and Karen hoped searched that house from top to
fervently that it wasn 't rented, as bottom for the cause , and usually
she and her two children were in there wasn 't even a wind blowing .
desperate need of a place . Even as Finally it came to the point whee
she completed a hasty tour guided she couldn 't take it anymore , and
by the landlord , other cars were so in desperation (and wondering
driving up in answer to the if the place was haunted ) she had
newspaper ad . a talk with her wall.
The house was big and old with ' ' Now look , ' ' she began , ' 'I just
only ceiling vents to heat the moved in here and lean 't afford to
upstairs bedrooms during the cold move out. I'll try to take good care
Michigan winters which at times of the place and not destroy it, but
reach 20 degrees . Still , the down please , in the name of God, cut it
stairs had plenty of room for them out ! It was a prayerful plea, not a
to sleep and the view of the fields profane one .
and woods dressed in their fall By coincidence , or whatever , it
splendor was spectacular . She quit. In the two years she lived
wrote a check for the rent and there no one ever pounded on the
deposit on the spot. wall again . Unfortunately , other
Three weeks later Karen began things did happen .
tO wonder if she had made the The washing machine was in
right decision . One day while sit the basement and she quite often
ting at her kitchen table working washed a load of clothes after the
about 10 a.m . , someone, or some children had undressed for the
thing, began pounding in the wall night. It wasn 't long , though ,
that separated the kitchen and the before she quit - doing laundry
living room directly behind her . after dark as she simply couldn 't
It sounded like a man 's fist bear the corner where her clothes
hitting the wall and startled Karen lines was located . She felt jumpy
right out of her chair . There were and uneasy, however, during the
seven impacts , then silence . Just day it wasn 't so bad .
as she was regaining her compo As time went on , she also
sure it happened again . This time noticed that her preteen daughter,
she knew what she had heard and when sent downstairs after some
began examining the walls . After thing, always came rushing back
all , it wasn 't a timid knock, some up at a run . Several times she
body was definitely banging. A punished her for running by
third series nearly unnerved her . making her go back down and
She was all alone in the house , walk up but it never cured her.
both children were in school . The girl would never say why she
There were no pipes in that wall ran . She also did it when she was
and she even went upstairs and sent to the second floor alone for
down the basement looking for a anthing . For some reason, her
cause . The house was. quiet . son who is a year younger seemed
Not for long , though . During unaffected although he too had
continued on next page
Beyond Reality 35
" W H O ' S P O U N D I N G ?"/continued
heard the pounding on the walls . spilled over into her room . There night , her guest came to the
Still , nothing specific had hap was nothing there . breakfast table with a question.
pened since the wall incidents and -' Swallowing , and feeling silly ' ' Have you noticed anything Un
as time went on , they faded in and scared, she reached for the usual in this house? ' ' Karen
Karen ' s mind. Then one night hanging light cord and pulled . calmly replied, ' 'Like what? ' '
about 3 : 30 a . m . she was awake The blaze of light revealed-noth ' ' Well, a couple of strange things
ned by a crashing sound above her ing and the breathing stopped . It happened to me , and I wondered
head. The room above was the . sounded lik a loud heavy breath if you would mind leaving the
playroom where the children ' s was being expelled , then there lights on tonight , ' ' the guest
toys were kept. No one slept there would be a few seconds pause and requested . " Okay, I can leave the
or went in there after dark . another one , and so on . lights on . I usually do , but I
From the sound, she was sure In the next few weeks , Karen thought you might prefer them
half the toys had come tumbling was awakened several times . Once off. And as for something strange
down and rushed upstairs to see she lay there unmoving and happening , yes , but I think I'd
what had happened . Nothing was listening to the sound that didn 't better wait until you get home to
out of place from the night before . quit until she turned on the light . tell you since we 're snowed in and
There was no one in the room and Often the invisible resident I don 't want to spoil your stay. "
the children were asleep in their would wake her up two or three Her guest agreed and they
own rooms . A couple of weeks time each night , then not bother made a pact to tell each other their
later it happened again . And her for several weeks . It did not experiences just before she left.
again there was no visible cause ; seem to follow a regular pattern When the snowplows finished
just a loud crashing sound in the and by this time Karen made sure clearing the roads they dug the
room over her head. that at least the kitchen light was cars out and went back to the
By the time the third crash on every night. During this time a house to warm up . " Now , please
came on another occasion about 5 babysitter, accompained by her tell me ! ' ' insisted her guest. ' 'In
a.m . , she was not eager to go 2 dogs spent several nights in the the room you are sleeping in , ' '
investigate . Still, . she knew she house . It seems that , whatever Karen began, ' ' something creepy
must and went up the stairs and was causing the strange happen has happened several times . ' '
opened the door to the room . A ings had no effect on the babysit -' ' And I bet I know what it is , ' ' her
kitten scooted out between her ter since she never complained of guest interrupted. ' ' Okay, what? ' '
feet . The shock of finding some any weird happenings . Karen challenged. "You got a
thing in there this time was almost Michigan winters being what heavy breathing sound between
as great as the fright at finding they are , and taking into account the foot of you bed and your closet
nothing the other times . Appar the location of the farmhouse , it door ! ' '
ently their kitten had been left wasn 't all surprising to be snowed Karen ' s jttw dropped . 'Ive
upstairs and upon awakening had in occasionally . During one period been trying to tell myself it ' s just
amused herself and knocked some that second winter , the car was my imagination . ' ' ' 'And that ' s not
toys over in the process . nearly buried in snow and a friend all, " the guest continued . "When
She closed the upstairs off for drove over to take Karen into town I went through the kitchen those
the winter. Nothing untold hap to get groceries . While in town, a first two nights it was like walking
pened through the next summer, storm hit . through a fog to reach the
aside from not liking part of the When they got back they had to bathroom . It just closed in -on
basement and being uneasy up sled the groceries a quarter mile me. ' '
stairs . When fall came she decid to the house and by then her It was news to Karen. "That ' s
ed to put the children in her room friend couldn 't get back to town . why I wanted the light on ; ' ' the
and to move her bed to the former The other woman didn 't mind guest continued. ' 'It stopped after
living room which she had been staying over and was given Ka you started leaving the light on . ' '
using as an office . It was here the ren ' s bed while her hostess slept Karen was visibly shaken . ' 'I
most frightening occurrences be on the couch. Neither realized it really thought it might be just my
gan to happen . would be the next Monday after imagination. Have you ever had
One night that winter she was noon before her guest would be weird things happen to you be
awakened by the sound of heavy able to depart. fore? " " Not before I came out
breathing at the foot of her bed . Knowing most neople like it here , " lier friend laughed . "At
She opened her eyes and stared dark at night Karen turned out te first it bothered me , but by the
hard toward the sound. Since she lights and, for the first time in time the breathing started the
had always been in the habit of nearly two years , the night was second night I got up and checked
leaving a light on in the kitchen so spent in total darkness . So was the around, I decided it wasn 't go
the children could find their way second night. On the morning of ing to bother me . So I just went
to the bathroom, a bit of light the day following that second back to bed and told it to shup up
36 Beyond Reality
and went to sleep . Oh , I did do
one thing ; I put my head at the
foot of the bed : "
"It think it ' s really neat. Did
you ever take any pictures to see if
you get a ghost?" "No ! And I'm
not sure I'd want to , " was the
vehement reply. "A ghost isn 't
going to show up on film anyway . ' '
" Don 't bet on it , " her friend
countered. ' 'I remember seeing
some pictures from an old maga
zine and they showed three monks
in a church . ' '
The two women talked for a few
moments about the lack of proba
bility , as far as Karen was
concerned, of getting ghost pic
tures. But the seed was sown and
Karen mulled it over for two
weeks .
Finally one bright , sunny day
about two in the afternoon , she got
enough courage to get out the
camera. Karen felt like a fool
taking pictures of an empty room
as she concentrated on the trouble
comer. She had the film developed
commercially and waited expec
tantly to see if anything came out.
It came as quite a shock to her
when later the prints showed up
with unusual manifestations in the
pictures ! Her friend had a gleeful
"I told you so " expression and
urged Karen to take more.
By this time Karen had decided
to move . The strange happenings
had only been a small part in the
move decision . The house was
hard to get into or out of in winter,
it was very expensive to heat, and
the rent was higher than she could
afford . continued on page 62
Beyond Reality 37
Awakened to her psychic abilities, Rosemary
was able to recall events and people
of ancient Egypt from her memory.
In 193 1 , a British woman who went by took down, numbered, dated and trans
the pseudonym of Rosemary spoke a lated. Gramaphone recordings of several
3 ,000-year-old language -the Egyptian of of these sessions were made at the
the 18th Dynasty. And that is something International Institute for Psychical Re
which no person of modem times should search in London, which was supervised
have been able to do. As a spoken by Dr. Nandor Fodor. All this was
language , ancient Egyptian was lost. compiled into 30 volumes, The Rosemary
But knowledge of the past is not lost to Records, from which several books were
those who communicate with the dead. written. Wood and Hulme authored
Accordingly, spiritualists say proof of life Ancient Egypt Speaks, and Wood wrote.
after death lies in certain psychic experi After Thirty Centuries and This Egyptian:
ments that were designed and tested by Miracle [TEM], which was published in.
spirits . Two known British spiritualists , 1955.
Dr . Fred H . Wood, a musicologist from . Late in 1 927, Rosemary took up a pencil
the University of Durham , and Mr Alfred and, quite unexpectedly, began to write
Howard Hulme, an egyptologist from the . automatically . Wood encouraged her to:
University of Oxford -took part in such an continue ( Hulme first joined them at.
experiment. After fifteen years of seances Brighton on January 4, 1933 ) .
with Rosemary, they were convinced they " I am helping a beginner, not with her ::::-_:
had- thanks to an Egyptian queen - re feet, but with her hands, ' ' a Quaker wrote :=:
covered the spoken language of Pharaoh through Rosemary, Wood repod in. ;:
Amenhotep m. TEM. This nameless Quaker, claiming tQ:: :::
To speak as the Pharaoh did in 1400 have lived in Liverpool , wrote that she waa _::
B . C . should be impossible . His language preparing the way for an Egyptian queen.<:::
was written in hieroglyphic ideograms , Wood was afraid this meant Cleopatra-:i .:::.
determinative signs an d with consonantal and a possible ho .
stems - but without vowels, the keys to B ut the name of the first to speak from --
_ .=.
pronunciation. Thus the symbols 'were the other side was Nona, who said she had
understood and the words unspeakable . been a high priestess of the Temple at
But then Wood discovered Rosemary and Karnak and a Babylonian wife of Amenh
her psychic abilities . otep m. She was, then, an Egyptian queen
Cloaked in the secrecy of her assumed by marriage and according to Wood in
name , Rosemary is , for the most part, a TEM, there is record of her in the
mystery . However, it is known she was Tell-el-Ainama tablets .
educated in music, the common interest Although at first reluctant to com
that brought her and Wood together and municate, Nona told Wood and Hulme not
they became good friends. Yet she had no to think of her as still an Egyptian queen.
interest in psychism or spiritualism, nor Then she added a warning, which Wood
knowledge of ancient languages or egyp quoted in TEM: "You'll have to prove me
t.ology. Though never a professional by what I do, not by what I claim to be. ' '
medium, only a subject for Wood and One thing she did point out: that- con
Hulme , Rosemary was a very productive trary to history books - the reign of
psychic. Amenhojep m was not a time of splendor
Through the years she spoke more than and comparative peace (and that evalua
2,000 words , phrases, sentences and tion may be only a matter of historical or
whole paragraphs which Wood and Hulme personal perspective) . It was, .said Nona, a
38 Beyond Reality
time of great questioning, especially about In later life when he was seriously ill ,
the abuses of power. From TEM: Amenhotep m sought solace from his
' 'Some of the priests were wicked and spiritual advisors. Among these was
decadent. They were full of desire and Nona, who introduced him to the idea of -.c::::..---L
greed for temporal power. They sold the one god. She told him it was already
charms and amulets to the people , and being considered in lands east of Egypt.
kept . many abject far by threatening The state priests who prayed and paid --
evil spells. This section was also plotting tribute to many gods, feared a loss of
against the pharaoh. They wanted to influence wfth the Pharaoh, and were
overthrow him , and set up a ruler of their enraged with Nona. So they arranged a
own . ' ' boating ' ' accident' ' for her, and she
When Nona began speaking, she did so drowned. But she was not the only one to
in a broken English, as if it were a foreign die. With her in the ill-fated boat was a
language, and complained about ' 'this Syrian war-captive she had befriended,
alien throat. ' ' But this is understandable, who was also a priestess of Amun-Ra at
because ancient Egyptian is a semitic Karnak. This Syrian' s name was Vola and,
hamitic language, with some sounds not by coincidence, Vola is the Egyptian
similar to modern Arabic. While getting word for Rosemary. According to Nona,
Egyptian words from the mouth of an Rosemary was a reincarnation of Vola, and
English woman caused some difficulty, that the present psychic contact was made
Nona did have enough psychic power so easy by their association in a former life.
that she could speak phrases in Egyptian Awakened to her psychic abilities,
that Rosemary couldn't understand. At Rosemary was able to recall events and
this time , Rosemary was clairaudient people of Egypt from her memory. She
after psychically hearing Nona say an said Vola had been captured by an
Egyptian phrase, she would then repeat it Egyptian general by the name of Rama,
-probably in a mixture of her English and and that Rama brought Vola to Thebes,
Nona's Babylonian accents . where she met Nona. In speaking of
With practice, though, Nona' s ability to Rama, Rosemary recalled that he was the
speak English grew. She had either the son of another Rama, a palace keeper, of
capacity to use Rosemary' s mmory, or whom there is also historical record.
the ability to learn English . . In TEM, Vola was another voice to speak from
Wood quoted her telling of the clothing: ' 'I the other side . Rosemary explained that
am wearing a garment of white, semi Vola was a 3 ,000-year-old psychic spipt
opaque muslin stuff. The thread is very that still survived within her, and that
fine and well-twisted by some special General Rama was reincarnated as Dr.
process so as to give strength and body ; Wood. Because of their previous friend
yet it is so transparent that I can see the ship , Rosemary said, it was only natural
dark brown of my knee through the muslin that she and Wood again become friends.
itself. ' ' While Rosemary, Nona and Vola all told
Nona was able to see the dark side of of the 18th Dynasty-of the temple music,
religion, perhaps becase she was a of poetry, of songs sung by the Nile
priestess and the wife of the Pharaoh. boatmen, and of the customs and the
, 'The human qualities of kindness, holi people -it was Nona who gave the most
ness, beauty of living, did not seem to striking information about the spoken
enter this scheme at all. ' ' language. continued on next page
Beyond Reality 39
V O I C E F R O M T H E PAST/conti nued
40 Beyond Reality
On the night of December 4 , off, he found that it was a human
1868, the steamboat A merica and hand which was found to be that
her sistership , the United States, of a young lady presumable not
collided near Rayl' s Landing (now more than twenty years of age .
spelled Rail' s ) , Indiana, on the ' 'The fingers were slender, the
Ohio River. The collision has been fingernails being as pink as a
described as almost as famed in seashell and perfect as in life . The
river lore as the race of the Robert joints and coreds were very plain,
E. Lee and The Natchez. and even the veins were easily
Although both boats managed traced . The hand itself was of
to reach shore , fire had broken out pearly whiteness, but cold and
on the United States and the
flames quickly spread to the
SHE firm .
The son was given the hand,
America. The final death toll of
the disaster was 74, with 70 of
CAME BACK which he kept locked in a walnut
box. Some months later, accord
ing to the newspapper report, a
these perishing on the United
States. FOR startling phenomenom took place.
Beyond Reality 41
1 . Egypt
2. Indian Ocean
3. Aarabia
4. India
5 . Australia
Anything that would enhance "The same is true of other eclipse that - of ancient Egypt. It
the minds of men as this should ancient civilizations , many of will become the most powerful in
have had an effect on history . which are buried beneath other history since Atlantis . ' '
"It has . Many of the ancient ruins in Persia, India, Tibet, and A sensitive person should be
civilizations reached their peaks Arabia. The ancient Persians able to feel this difference .
as these vortal centers , as they are reached great heights of art and "Ye s , soon persons visiting
termed psychically, were at their learning as is evidenced by their Florida from other parts of the
strongest levels . fine architectural work. The age country should immediately sense
"For instance , ancient Egypt , old tale of the flying carpet is a strange upliftment .
which as yet has not been recogni derived from those who mastered ' 'It is easy to prove , all anyone
zed for its great esoteric wisdom, levitation there. Modern Persia, has to do is vacation here . For
grew in stature along with the which is called Iran , has complet years , many have yearned to leave
building of its powerful vortal ely lost its vortal field through the the hectic northeast and come to
energy . shifting substrata . Much of the either California or Florida. There
' 'Tremendous strides , such as same is true in India an Tibet. It has been an unexplainable draw ,
the development of pyramid pow .isn 't necessary to repeat their a settling, uplifting feeling as
er and its advanced architectural histories in mystical tradition . ' ' sociated with such a move. They
and artisitc accomplishments , that Which vortal fields are the didn 't realize it, but their auras
go hand in hand with psychic strongest today? were being harmonized by the
ability, were attained during that ' 'The Bermuda Triangle-Psy electromagnetic vibrations .
age . Egypt reached its height , chic Belt field, followed by the ' 'If anyone would desire further
culturally , at roughly the time of Indian Ocean off the southern tip' proof, there are several magnifi
the energy field ' s maximum out of the Malagasy Republic , and cent, lost civilizations buried be
put . This was during the period of California. neath oceanic vortal fields . The
the reign of Amenhotep IV " Here in Florida , the energy is rqins are still there , they are
through that of Tutankhamun . building to such a great degree accessible , and I will be happy to
After that the energy field, and that within a few years , it will accompany anyone to locate
Egypt ' s culture ,declined . them . ' ' D
42 Beyond Reality
44 Beyond Reality
A Journex
. In finity
Starts Here
To the vast majority of people , and space at will. If you do not back through time with the guid
the world is limited to the way know this technique then you will ance of your friend . If you accept
they , as individuals, perceive it. need to get a grasp of that first. the idea of reincarnation you may
Most do not conceive of abilities to The door to wisdom is within be seeking your own past lives , if
see through time and space , most reach of everyone , but it needs not , then perhaps you are just
accept only what is actually before effort on our part to know it when working through history to see
them and will not loolt- beyond . we come to it. what did happen years ago.
Anyone who does explore inner or Travel through time is always With your eyes closed you will
outer space is looked upon as an interesting experience and find pictures beginning to take
weird, and to be psychic is often several books were written on the shape and as you see them you
thought of as a mild form of subject like Windows of the Mind should describe what you perceive
madness which, one hopes, is not by G . M . Glaskin , which explains to your friend and the taperecord
contagious . the Christos Technique , and Prac er . (Once you get good at this you
By taking this very common tical Time Travel by Colin Bennet, will need to do a lot of research to
attitude we are all tying ourselves giving a number of simple meth-. check your \risions . ) Having tried
down to the ordinary , and life is ods . this method while acting as 'guide'
worth more than that. There are The methods I use is for the to lots of differerent people' all of
so many new frontiers to explore traveller to close his eyes, relax them have begun to see other
which do not require one to make and shift into an altered state of scenes , experience other impres
trips up the Amazon or reach awareness where the normal, sions than . those of today and
towards the stars in a space-ship. physical world does not impinge or ordinary, everyday things after a
Inner space , and the ipfinite disturb . This can be done in a while .
worlds that it leads to , is within number of ways , although your It does take time and it is no
the grasp of anyone who has the companion can help by giving good for beginners to try to rush
deteation, patience and self suggestions of relaxation , calm , in a quick session before supper or
discipline to seek for such know inner peace and so on . After a in between TV shows . To get
ledge . while you will need to focus your worthwhile results taken anything
There are many simple ways of attention on a system which allows from an hour of exploration with a
going about this inner exploration you to flow back through time ; practised traveller, to 3 or 4 hours
and, for most of them, all that is perhaps you will see yourself of hesitant discovery for a begin
needed is a couple of hours of entering a time machine , or walk ner.
peace, a -quiet - calm and reliable ing down a long corridor leading If a particular period of history
associate and a t.ape recorder. If back into the past. In either case, is of great interest to you, or if
you have mastered the art of some form of strong visual image walking around some of the fine
meditation and stillness of mind, is a great help at this stage , which museums which display room
you are already halfway towards will probably take about 20 min settings of various periods awak
being able to roam through time utes. Gradually move yourself ens some inner response , then
continued on page 52
Beyond Reality 45
Photos shows NASA ' s HEA0-2 ,
(during check out) at Cape
Canaveral, Florida. This is the
second High Energy Astronomy
Observatory to be launched from
pad 36 aboard an Atlas Centaur
rocket. The HEAO ' s are the
heavist unm anned earth-orbiting
satellites designed to do a general
sky survey ; mapping x-ray
sources throughout the celestial
sphere and also measuring
low-energy gamma-ray flux .
HEAO maky provide clues to the
nature and origin of the universe ,
pulsars , quasars and 1:Hack
holes in space .
46 Beyond Reality
An artist 's concept of NASA 's
Environmental Research
Spacecraft . The first global
monitor of man-made and natural
pollutants in the earth 's
atmosphere will be made with this
spacecraft in cooperation with a
team of scientists from
more than fifty nations .
CHUlA VISTA .:-.:.
Many of those who live in Chula it quickly sped off, going east over the sighting rash had been over
Vista, California, are convinced the main thoroughfare of our for some time when I arrived , its
that intelligent life exists beyond sleeping town . ' ' after effects make me wonder if
the vast and as yet uncharted Another, B .Q . Twainne , from indeed some magical protective
reaches of space . They are also South Bay, ' 'It seemed to skirt the force, far beyond the stars, is
convinced that this intelligence is area, moving steadily from east to looking out for our interests with
neither malevolent nor threat west before it veered straight up , love and compassion , much like a
ening, but instead harbors an stoppep sharply as if to have a last parent toward a child.
understanding and compassion took around , and then, finally took For, what had been left un
quite unequalled in our own off like a flash disappearing published by the local and national
sphere by our own kind. behind a maze of clouds . ' ' Twam press, and unaired by the TV
Their education to these facts ne , a retired aircraft designer and networks and radio stations which
came abruptly on what began as World War II combat pilot added, covered the phenomenon is even
an uneventful Sunday evening last "No airplane I ' ve ever seen more startling than the initial
June 1st . At precisely 8 p .m . , the moved like that . . . ' ' sighting itself. In fact, it brings to
telephone switchboard at the Chu Other reports verified these two mind the miracle at Fatima,
la Vista Police Department began sightings . Even police sergeant Portugal, some 60 years ago when
to buzz with alarming irregularity Ted Simmons saw it as he stood it was reported that a young school
" for a full two hours. outside of the precinct building at girl saw an angel - in the form of a
Reports streaked in from nearly Fourth Avenue . According to beautiful woman - who had spok
every point of the city of a police dispatcher Billy Cox , " He en to her - leaving a message of
strange craft, with engines hum (Simmons) said it was an odd peace and good will .
ming and lights flashing, hovering shaped object . ' ' Cox said all of the Steven W. Hendershone , 57,
in the summer sky. calls he received gave somewhat had been asleep in his Chula Vista
One witness described what similar descriptions of the craft home, and was suddenly ushered
appeared to him to be a long, flat - ' 'triangular with lights around awake by the humming which
pointed object, much like a cigar, the outside . ' ' seemed to emanate just outside
eircling for 10 minutes behind the The sightings , seven in all , his apartment window . He climbed
dairy near the Chula Vista Harbor prompted this reporter to fly to from his bed, put on a robe and
Drive-In. ' 'It just stood there in Chula Vista, a city of some 67,000 walked to the window , drawing the
the sky, " said V . T . Richards , of inhabitants to see for himself the shade for a close look.
nearby Baxter County. ' 'And then, aerial disturbances which for a According to the retired insur
suddenly, it seemed to rotate 50 time caused fear and confusion in ance salesman , ' ' No sooner was I
degrees in every direction before the California city . And although at the window than I was suddenly
continued on page 53
48 Beyond Reality
"Let me show you the secrets of
-secrets that have helped others :
Bring money and prosperity! Get rid of demons l
Gain power over others and control their actlonsl
Attract and hold a lover I Win at gambl ing I
Ward off the hex and stop the "evil eye" l
cover how many ordinary people from all walks
of life, are using Witchcraft-spel s, chants, incan started!
tations, potions-real Witchcraft, to get what they All manner of ridiculous things seemed to hap . . . The Witches
pen to Mrs. D.-dishes would break in her bands,
want. And they swear it works!
she had five ftat tires in two weeks (the tires were Protection Amulet For Just
HOW TO USE RITUALS AND SPELLS TO almost ne w! ) and the people on her job became
There are any better ways to make money That's when Sharon D. realized it was not coin
cidence. It was Witchcraft. Fighting fire with fire, When you receive your
than an 8 to S o'clock job-in fact, you never
heard of a millionaire who got there by saving it she began using the Ritual to Destroy Your En copy of Helping Yourself . JJil
ll ': b r:!:.:
all out of his wages. In my book , you'll discover . . . emy's Power to Hurt You. Little by little. the h it i c
how Cynthia S., a young housewife, used girl's hold on her son began to slip-and after a s o
two candles, incense, some salt, water, and earth, week, the manifestations of psychic attack slowly protection pentagon me-
and a special incantation to receive money and subsided. A week later, her son broke up with the dallion that will protect ' .
new prosperity. She reports: girl and apologized to his mother. you from evil. Whether
"I waited a full month to see if it was all just a you keep the book or not,
lovely dream, but it is reality indeed! During the SPELL TO BIND A LOVED ONE TO YOU I this handsome, powerful
the new road and closed this one would buy the place. Been a long
beyond here . They put up a line of renters but everyone gets
barricade , one of those orange out fast as they can after their first
wooded things with flashing yel rainy ight . Usually don't even
low lights across just beyond the bother to ask questions , just skip .
doorstep . It was so close that I suppose now you 'll be going too?
even the folks living here had to You stayed longer than most do . ' '
drive around it to park their car. I smiled. "No , I don 't think so.
Everyone hereabouts knew about The house is perfect for my work
it of course , and no one seriously and cars that go crash on a time
thought strangers would come schedule shouldn 't be a particular
this way ; they ' d have no reason bother anymore . No , I might just
to. make an offer for the place, what I
' ' At the time the owner of this can afford- to pay, and see if the
house and his wife were living wife is still intereste4 in selling. ' '
here , if you could call it that . She "I, for one , would be happy to
came up the very day they closed have you stay. It gets mighty
the road, said he was off some tiresome waiting for that call on
where on business and wouldn 't the first rainy night after a new
be up for a week or so . Couple of renter moves in up here . ' '
nights later it rained and in the
morning there was his car, burned
After an encounter ' 'I can imagine , ' ' I agreed as I
wa1ked him to the door. ' 'I might
and smashed right on his own
doorsteps ; deputy spotted it early,
or two, several keep calling you, just to let you
know everything was going on
before she was even up . She was
naturally all upset, said she 'd
good friends schedule , ' ' I smiled when I said it
and he grinned.
taken a sleeping pill and gone to
bed early and ha 't heard a ting.
decided they had. And that is exactly what I did. I
offered what I could afford and
It ' s too bad, she might have been
able to save her husband. As it
enough of the bought the place on Itly own
terms. It is really the perfect place
was he was incinerated beyond
recognition . She moved out right
phantom car; they to work and the people are
friendly. It leaves me alone when I
away and hired a couple to look
after things . It was they who
packed their bags am by myself and I let it crash
away when I happen to have
brought us up to investigate . They
wouldn 't stay and told everyone
and left in the house guest@ on a rainy night . Of
course whn my guests get over
why . Of course it caused a lot of
gossip and don 't think we didn 't
middle of the night their fright they think I'm either
awfully brave or a little odd but
have some questions ourselves who cares. I understand I'm a
but we just couldn 't get any conversation piece at their cocktail
answers, nothing to go on that we parties down in the city and it ' s
could use . getting s o nobody wants to stay
By the time the owner decided over when it looks like rain , which
to get rid , of the house no one is really just fine with me . 0
N OW! A quarte rly p u b l ication With the .
Beyond Reality 51
A J O U R N E Y TO I N F I N ITY STARTS H E R E /conti nued from page 45
perhaps these are times that this life you will have survived its always make your travels into
metl!od of exploration may bring death by living now. That is a future time - after all , it's quite
to light. Although many people philosophical problem which some likely that time as we understand
associate the idea of reincarnation people are reluctant to face, it is simply the rationalisation into
with lives in ancient Egypt as especially if it goes against long a sequence of past, present and
Cleopatra or some other person of held religious or considered belief. future, whereas it may be all Now !
historical significance, many of The other point is that you may It is just a matter o f point of view.
the folk who have delved into their re-experience some aspects of a If you prefer not to go voyaging
past with hypnotists like Arnall past death which can be unset through time , try space ! You may
Bloxbam (described fascinatingly tling, to say the least. like to relax and then visit a
in More Lives Than One by J. Although in my own experience, distant place which is known to
Iverson) or Joan Grant's husband, one is not aware of any physical you, perhaps a friend's home or
Dr Dennis Kelsey, the majority of pain brought to the surface by some familiar house or museum.
these people' s subjects have de The possibilities are endless, for
scribed previous lives a ordinary you are limited only by your own
working folk. This has been true concepts as to how far you feel you
of my own researches into the can go. H the temples of Tibet call
matter. to you, or the blazing Arabian
Do not expect immediate, deserts, or some distant. secluded
clear results. If someone from island under a warm sun, you
another country suddenly began have only to direct your self in the
asking you questions about the world behind closed eyelids to
present day it is quite likely that arrive there.
you couldn't give quick, accurate H your companion can guide
answers to political and general your travels, and there is an art to
knowledge questions they might that also, then the outer spaces of
ask. It is rather the same with tl}e universe can be explored, as
recalling the past ; ordinary folk well as the everyday world. What
might well not know the name of you will see is reality not imagi
the President, .etc . , If asked out of nation if you have mastered the
the blue . art correctly. The pictures which
Once you get into your pleasant well up before you, or the scenes
relaxed mood, wander back thru in which you find yourself partici
time and begin to see things, pating are real-, but you must not
concentrate on describing the use them as a substitute for ijving
details which you see clearly. in the objective world.
Items of dress , food, furniture, This technique should help you
cloth, flowers in gardens, trees reliving a past death, there may add a dimension to your ordinary
and so on, for all of these may well well be an emotional shock at the life, not act as an escape route into
provide accurate information as to detail in which one 's passing may realms of fantasy. If you are
the date of the vision . When you have been recalled. This is why it getting true pictures of the past or
are asking the questions for is necessary to have a calm and of other places, then you will be
someone else, keep your voice sensible companion while making able to check by research and this
quiet and gentle. Do not harry the these trips into time. i an important part of the
time traveller, for it may be quite You will find the tape-recording technique . Fantasy can be fun ,
an experience for him. Ask about of your comments , ect. most but it will not help you to
what he can see, feel or sense, but helpful for, like trying to recall any understand yourself, why you are
don't force the issue . ordinary conversation at a later as you are, from whence you have
Obviously, you may come up date, it is not always easy to come and whither you are going.
against a blank wall and not be remember details after the event. Explore with a light heart and
able, as a traveller yourself, There is no reason why you should a clear eye, but don't be bewild
initially, to get any images, but in forget and come back to today ered by glittering scenes of unre
most cases this is only temporary. with a blank memory, as some ality. You may open this inner
Like many of these techniques people tend to believe of tech door but be certain that you see
there is a knack to being able to niques of altered states of aware still with a sense of judgement,
'shift level' as Joan Grant says, ness. Your memory ought to with discretion and calmness. As
and once that is mastered the door improve if you use the method it says in the old rituals : 'From the
to the past lies open. correctly. Wlleal, lead me to the Real, from
Another thing to bear in mind is Should you get bored with the the darkness bring me to the
that if you are recalling a real past idea of exploring the past you can light . ' Bon Voyage. 0
52 Beyond Reality
T H E U F Os O F C H U LA V I STA/continue from page 48
lifted- by some invisible force , and ing, " he declared , " the pain that I
the next thing I knew, or sensed , had been living with for seven
was the feeling that I was onboard months seemed to be somehow
the craft which hovered just lessened. I couldn 't imagine why,
outside . ' ' but I felt stronger ' '
It should be added at this point In a week' s .time the pain
that for the past several months , lessened even more, and the
Hendersohne had been the victim feeling of constant fatigue was
of leukemia , a malignant disease gone . Within two weeks, he was
of the bone marrow which spreads able to pay a visit to his doctor. A
by way of blood. A form of cancer physical examination at his doc
usually attended by anemia, leuke tor' s office, corroborated later by
mia kills - slowly - and Herder other physicians, revealed that the
sohne ' s life was honibly drawing deadly lukemia had completely
to a close because of the disease . dissipated !
' 'Once onboard the strange
. That same night, June 1st,
craft, I was carried into a compart
nine-year old Jessica Smithe fell
ment which smelled of antiseptic,
asleep in her little bedroom in
much like that of a hospital. r
Bonita, and in the morning related
wasn 't alone . There were others . I
a dream to her parents . In the
couldn 't make them out -only ' ' Once aboard the dream, the child told of Hhow a
their silhouettes moving about like
shadows . I seemed to be carried strange craft I flying saucer came into my room
and took me for a ride . ' ' Jessica -
propelled - like a helpless infant
Jesse to her friends - said the
onto a table . My arms were pinned was carried to a dream was filled with men who
to my sides and I was unable to
probed and prodded her leg and
move my legs. I wasn't afraid, compartment; there then took her back to her bedroom
however. When you're ridden with
where ' 'they waved goodby and
an incurable disease just waiting were being_ which kissed me . ' ' The following morn
showed interest in the doctor's has been very high-level interest feel it is of utmost importance that
encounter. in the Mexican encounter. I am the public be alerted to the danger
Another personality who show not surprised at Doctor Diaz' we are being led into by our
ed interest in the doctor' s strange physical description of the being. trusted scientists . The editors are
encounter and who has voiced his It confomrs to previous encount checking with the United Nations
belief in UFOs is former astronaut ers I 've been told about. " Headquarters and will report any
Gordon Cooper. He said, ' 'I've Our staff researchers are look further developments in a future
known for some time that there ing into this case becuse we issue. 0
Beyond Reality 53
S H E CA M E B A C K F O R H E R H A N D /co ntinued from page 41 .
sapte time of night, the apparition my father stopped the recital and
again appeared and this time my. asked me if the right hand was
father crept stealthily toward it. missing . I told him it was and then
The ghost, spirit, or whatever it
may be termed, knelt beside the
To his horror he asked me if the hand in the box
was a right or left member. I could
bed and raised up its arms as if in
supplication to me ; I being asleep
my father saw not remember, so we unlocked the
box to find that it was a right
at the time . To his horror my
father saw that the right hand of
that the right hand.
' ' Father then decided .that we
the supplicant was missing and
that blood gleamed at the lacerat
hand of the should bury the ghostly relic
immediately, and without further
ed place . After a few seconds the
phantom arose and disappeared
supplicant was ado the interment took place. The
apparition never visited us again
as before .
' 'The next morning at breakfast
missing and that after that. ' '
The son stated that the story
my father seemed gloomy and
troubled. Strangely, I was in the
blood gleamed at had not been told earlier for
family reasons, more specifically ,
same mood, for I had seen in a
dream the same sight witnessed
the lacerated place that they feared people might
think them partially demented. At
by my father . I began to tell him of the time he reported the event,
the dream and the vision and, the son stated that he no longer
when half way through the story, feared such verdict. D
Po Jv e r - - L o v e - - a n d H e a l t h - A L M O ST I N ST A N T LY I
Wo u l d Y o u L i ke To D o h e s e Th i n g s ?
And what quack says all of this is possible ? Famous scientists world reknowned physi
cists U,S, Government researchers and prominant psychics the world over I What's more
this astonishing machine i s now being used by psychics and scientists in England, Aus tralia
Germany, Canada, the Soviet Bloc countrie s and W e s tern Europe, to accomplish with the
POWER OF THOUGHT alone, the most awesome feats in the history of mankind.
In England, D r . George De La Warr inserts some film into a small black box, adjusts
a few dials and takes out a _picture qf his wife and himself on their wedding day
Do the s e claims sound unbelievable to you? Kooky ? Fantastic ?
realize that s amazing device has been awarded patents in both .
Europ'e and the United State s ! What's more, the pnncpals upo n- whch
this miraculous device i s based PSIONICS have been extentnvely
researched by Columbia, Yale, Duke and Pennsylvania Universitie s , Dow Chemical C o .
a n d especially the pre stigious Soviet Acadamy of Science I Intensive studies are going
on right now by many reputable organizations around the world
among them the Institute of Noetic Scienc e s , founded and pres ided method "re searche r s have analyzed emanations from relics of pre
over by ASTRONAUT EDGAR MITCHELL, and Mankind Unlimited historic creatures and CAUGHT THE M ON FILM" !
of Was hington D,C, chaired by DR, WERNER VON BRAUN ! Now it ' s known ! Psionics is the sci entific reason why psychics can
get a 'rea<ling' from a ring or wri stwatch someone has worn or
Believe it I A mechanical device now exists that will amplify all touched. It ' s why others like Uri -Geller can order molecules of metal
the inborn psychic abilities you may not even realize you have. to bend upon command manipulate light, or create pictures on film
without a camera . with just the MIND A LONE !
The power within these tiny devices i s tremendous and well kn!5wn NOW IS THF. TIME T O ACT I -----.
to research scientist& . As famous science editor John Campbell said, You'll he amazed how easy it is to build your own P s ychotronic Amplifier with-
"These machines work beautifully ! Their consistancy of performance thes e easy step by sJ;ep detailed plans. Even if you've had no scientific training at
ie excellant" I Others have not only claimed to have used the machine all no special electronic skills by following the simple diagram, we GUARENTEE
for mind to mind contact, but to have actually accomplished tele you CIUl produce a working model that will do all the amazing feats we've described
kine sis or evitation MOVING OBJECTS WITH THE MIND A LONE ! and more l Examine this book aru:l the pictorial step by step plans for a full l Odays.
As a matter of fact, we 've now reached the point where psionic& is If your not completely convinced that the E S P MAC:IfiNE works, that it will do all
being used for everything from monitoring astronauts in deep space the astoUnding things we've said it will, we'll R E T U R N YOUR MONE Y , no questions
t o locating vast o r e depoaits and doubling plant yield s ! Just recently asked I But you do have to hurry! We don't know how long this offer will be allowed
a major oil company used the deviFe to discover a huge new oil field to appear !
in the frozen north I - ---
In farming, former Brig . Gen. Henry Groe s , head of a firm that u s e s
theee machines f o r agricultural purpoees said , " W e c a n n o t o nl y i n
c r e a e e plant s i z e and yi e l d , but i f a plant i s infected with i n e e c t s , a
-leaf is put into the machine along with a &mall amount of insecticide. Trine Publications
Upon operation of the device, T HE INSE C T S ARE KILLED or leave1 P.O.B"' 1 95 ){
1 want to get started RIGHT NOW I Enclosed is my
the plant within 4 8 hour 11 " I .
Thie may sound like a .l ot of Voodoo, but after investigating it for a
Hancock Wisconsin
5494 3 t:J Check r--1 Money Order for $ 1 2 .95 Rush my
copy of "Ho'Wto Build An ESP Machine" on your 1 0
full year, the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau drew up a contract with the
day money back guarentee to:
fi1m1 for the exclusive uee of the device .in Penneylvania I
In deec ribing the operation of the se machine s , science reporter
Addre ss-
Joseph Goodavage said,"Theee machine& have circuits that detect, --
City State Zip
amplify and direct hn thought and emotion whatever i s on the
tnind of the operator " I By tuning to theee frequencie s , they 1:an not 10 DAY FREE TRIAL11
only be received, but motlified and re -transmitted very much like an
ordinary radio station. It ineane imposing hiunan tho\lght into the
very structure of atomic; matter ! As Goodava;e testified, uaing this
56 Beyond Reality
An Update
A report from the Soviet news
agency Tass , said that the Soviet
Union and the United States will
cooperate on a study of the area of
Are UFOs Responsible? the Atlantic Oce which is known
as the Bermuda Triangle . The
area is best known for five
A report from the Naval Air group has been jinxed or is under American aircraft which have
Station at Brunswick, Maine has some supernatural spell, and it's vanished without a trace. There
reached this office dealing with impossible to fig because we are also many reports of ships
weird happenings there . Several don't know why our planes van which have vanished along with
flyers stationed there insist that ish' ' said the commander of the their crews.
the area is "jinxed. " unit, Adm . Ralph Hedges. The agency said that 12 Soviet
During a nine month period , 28 The Navy has conducted a vast vessels will participate in the
fliers have died in what has been investigation , but could come up research project (to be called Poly
recorded as strange circumstan with no answers. Cmdr; Stewart mode) starting sometime in 1979 .
ces. The flyers, all members of the Hopell, saftey officer for the The reason for the Russian inter
same air group , were flying the Brunswicks Station , said ; "There est in the Beuda Triangle
same type of plane ,' the P-3 Orion, were no eyewitnesses , no emerg . followed a Soviet expedition in
a top secret submarine-hunting ency communications, and we 1970 when they found whirl
aircraft. have very little to go on . ' ' The formations ' 'and other strange
"There 's a feeling that our investigation is still in progress . 0 happenings' ' in the region. 0
Beyond Reality 57
LETT E R S T O T H E E D IT O R/continued from page 1
is what Dr . Baraduc did, and it material on mounds and contents mately 2 feet of one another.
has added to the fact that it is not found therein . It is interesting to speculate of
widely known that there are two I am specifically referring to the some super race of mound build
different methods . size of the skeletons found in the ers who (from all indications)
Mr. Youtz further stated that mounds primarily in the northern came out of the north and oc
' 'to make distinctions before the part of the state . In various cupied this part of the country
mechanics of either are known is references they are referred to after the Wisconsin glaciation (?)
only a pretense . ' ' There he is in (Delano Eagle, June 13, 1878) as and were gradually driven away
error. Enough is known to make the " sons of Amalek" (which by the influx of Algonquin tribes
distinctions . Early in the study of obscure reference I am still trac from the northeast and Sioux
psychic phenomena, it was discov ing, and have determined it to be indians from the southeast , up
ered that clairvoyance , clair a Jewish tribe of about the 8th Mississippi river. Although what
audience , clairsentience , trance , century B . C . E . , but can find no race of mound or effigy builders
materializations , thought recep reference yet to size) ; Mr. Geo. who could say, since the mound
tion and healing depended upon Dresbach, Jr. and Mr. Mosse on building culture was supposed to
the blankness , openness , or re the Dresbach Mounds , Winona have spread from south to north. I
ceptivity of the mind. The more county, of a skeleton stated to just wonder how many people
that the mind was clogged with have measured 8 feet ; Lanesboro realize that the Indians they see at
thought, the worse these talents Journal, Nov. 1 879 , of a copper the Leech Lake reservation are
functioned. spearhead harder than steel pro poor representatives of their cul
Therefore , the ability to think , duced today ; Pioneer Press, June ture and ancestors (but then, what
create images in the mind, and 20th , 1888 , of the remains of can we expect, after what we 've
concentrate upon them was recog 7 persons found by C . W. Pink taken away from them?)
nized to be in opposition to erton said to be eight feet tall ; Sincerely,
psychic talent. That is why medi Grand Mound, Rainy River, Dr. Jeanne L. Roberts
tation is necessary to a psychic . Bryce , of skulls found that had a 1918 Kennard St.
One must learn to unclog the greater longitudinal diameter and Maplewood, Minnesota 55109
mental channels , and be able to whose occipito frontal arch was
separate the psychic process from almost 3' ' larger than the average Dear Editor:
thought process . Dolichocephalic skull . I bought my first copy of your
Since one photographic method In addition to their surprising magazine (No. 34) just on the
is derived from the psychic area, it size, they were discovered with strength of the story ' ' Search for
is simply termed psychic photo what may have been mastodon the Hollow Earth ' ' . I found the
graphy. Since the other photo teeth ; they were possibly copper article to be very informative and
graphic method is derived from workers of some skill and may entertaining. The photos your art
the mental area, it is classified have known how to alloy metals . director had chosen to go with the
under concentration . I have not yet found enough article were excellent - my only
The subject of such phenomena information to confirm their size. complaint being, no doubt a
is so complex and fascinating that In fact , some of them cannot be common one , the space given the
one could go on forever with confirmed because they were piece was far too short .
questions , and to adequately treat excavated by amateurs and those The subject of the inner earth is
the mental, psychic, health, emo skeletons that were left intact a fascinating one and I feel sure
tional spiritual and physical (the have ( as reported) deteriorated that your readers would welcome
laws of wave mechanics , photo on exposure to air. a fuller exploration of the concept
graphy, and the influence of the And it is quite possible that the and its history.
earth ' s magnetosphere) factors size is exaggerated . A skeleton Perhaps you could arrange with
that are involved and how they (minus flesh) always looks much Mr. Vaughan to develop a series
interact would require volumes of larger than the person who owned Qf articles centered around the
writing, and in certain areas, it. various theories of a subterranean
decades of research. I have also come across infor world .
B .J . Baronitis mation of a foreign substance, More than one installment of
P .0. Box 1452 found in the Clearwater Lake the series would, I hope, be
Daytona Beach, Florida mounds , that was as dense as devoted to Richard S . Shaver, his
asphalt and resisted the efforts of puzzling career, and his message.
Dear Editor: the excavators when they used Mr . Vaughan is quite right in
In doing some general research their pi(?ks on it. In all , three ascribing to him the raising of the
on Dakota ( Sioux) Indians , I have layers of this were found, all subterranean question to ' 'nation-
come across some fascinating within 6 feet and within approxi- "al focus ' ' . continued on page 60
58 Beyond Reality
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His books for SimOR' Schuster
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He is often seen on national
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THOUSANDS OF OUR a r t i c l e s - from t a b l o i d s to
Time Magazine. Twice a year
READERS WOULD he teaches his techniques to
If you feel that you have To Sleep Hypnosis - Astral Projection Preparation -
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Y O U A N D THE STAAS lication , we would like to THE DEATH EXPERIENCE as viewed from spirit after the
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Your Life
see your work .
lecture and special instructions by Dick . . . . . . . 1 0. 00
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HIIp u,dlll lllluJM: Articles
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Will You Attract Riches? velope : goal hypnosis, tapes, book s ,
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and you can order by phone
Beyond Reality 59
LETT E R S T O T H E E D I T O R/contin ued from page 58
Sadly , even before his death in English translation of important
197 5, his writings were fo the articles which we will forward to
(A) anyone interested.
most part out of print and difficult
REINCAR NATION of access to the student . We would like to make our
SERIES Thank you again for a fine readers aware of your publication
magazine . It' s too bad your maga Beyond Reality which I feel is a
H ow to Recall Past Lives $2.95 zine is not a monthly publication . wonderful contribution to the
One Life - Many Births 2.95 field. Many of my associates have
(fertriJ tiUtd "The lilA Yours truly never seen a copy.
WillCat Look Backward.") Jim Pobst We are looking forward to a
Karma, Your Whisperin& Wisdom 2.95
Coquitlam , B . C . wonderful relationship.
How to Meditate Perfectly 2.95
Canada Sincerely
The Mashie Records 75
S . C . Wang
Rebirth and the Law of Karma 75
Dear Editor:
101 Proven Testimonies 75 Society for Parapsychology
I've just finished reading the
Christianity and Rebirth 75
Republic of China
December issue of Beyond Reality
$14.80 and was very impressed with your Editor 's Note:
SPEC IAL PRICE FOR SER IES : well written article ' ' Search for a It 's nice to know that we have
.$ 1 3.50 Hollow Earth. ' ' friends in all parts of the world.
Ad d 6 (W extr for indlvldul booke On page 1 4 you have a ESSA-7 The newsletter we received was in
satellite photograph of the earth Chinese, so we have nothing to
(B) PAST-LIFE READINGS showing a round dark spot which report from that area at this time.
Rev. Noel Street, international Reincarna
tion Consultant, still offen AKASHIC READ covers thousands of square miles We look forward to an English
I NGS for persons nekln1 knowled1e of their
Karma and Put-Uvea. Then readinp have at the North Pole. It certainly translation so that reports from
been acclaimed by numerous thankful peo-. looks like a hole ! Would you China will be included in B.R.
Noel's unique lift has been demonstrated please tell me how I could order
Dear Editor :
publicly on TV and in churches in every major one of these photographs?
city in America as well as in many overseas For some reason, Beyond Real
capitals. Details of the various readints in Tom Beech
ity is hard to find in my area. I find
clUded FREE with all book orden. 3 1 1 Greenwood Drive
(C) SEMINARS it sometimes at the local super
Panama City, Florida
AU welcome, 6 days each. market - but not all the time . I
Editor s Note:
Very reasonably_priced. have missed several issues and I
Texas. . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 71, Jan./Feb. 79. The photograph is available from
Details for stamped, addresnd envelope. would like to know if they are still
NASA Public Relations Officf!,
available . I have been collecting
LOTUS ASH RAM, I NC. Washington, D. C. You will have
your magazine for many yars and
P.O . Box 38. Fbene, Tex 79838 to write them for information on
would like to complete my set.
what cost there may be for a print.
Please let me know if issue 32 , 33,
and 35 are available .
Dear Editor:
Thanks for a great magazine .
THOUSANDS OF OUR I have just finished reading
your December issue and like it Sincerely
very much, particularly your arti Dan Simms
cle by Michael Cohen entitled
MORE ABOUT YOUR ' ' Soviets Probe Anti-Gravity' ' Editor 's Note:
PRODUCTS. IT PAYS TO The Books for Review depart Many readrs have written us
ADVERTISE IN ment is well done and I like the that they too have had this same
Letters to the Editor. I would like problem. You can make your local
to say that the overall coverage of news dealer obtain the magazine
your magazine is improving with for. you by simply requesting it.
every issue . All back issues, except 16 and 18,
Sincerely , are still available as long as
Allen N. Chambers supply lasts.
WHY MISS A COPY OF 616 Bellevue -Drive
BEYOND REALITY? Cleburne, Texas 7603 1
When writing to the editor, please
THEY SELL OUT FAST! type and double space your letters
Dear Editor:
INSURE YOUR COPY BY and send them to: The Editor,
Enclosed please find a copy of
SUBSCRITION . SEE SPS Newsletter in Chinese . Its
Beyond Reality Magazine,
303 West 42nd Street,
BACK COVER ! purpose is to improve the com
N. Y. , N. Y. 10036
munication with people abroad . In
the future, there will be an
60 Beyond Reality
a s T B Y M A I L B B S T B Y M A I L
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brook, I l l. 60062 -405-632-0<198.
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She had started running ads for pressed and squeaking several
another house the preceeding fall, steps in succession, three series
but it wasn't until nearly spring within a- couple of minutes. A
that she located a cheaper place on glance up the stairwell showed it to
a better road that was still in the be empty.
country. It was during this moving The house is empty now, and for
period that some relatives of the sale. It's not likely that the unusual
builder of the house visited her ''atmosphere'' is one the present
while she was having a yard sale buyer is extolling as a selling
of items which she no longer point. Yet, there may be those who
needed. They were able to give would like something different
her some information on the from the run-of-the-mill farm
background of the old house. house.
Several hours after they left, the Oh, yes. The relatives of the
living room and kitchen were filled builder had said the family was
with a scent of flowers so strong it very attached to the house and
lasted for about ten minutes. babies had died there as had the
As Karen, and her 3 friends wife who had been in a coma for
who were helping her , were pre some time. She just finally quit
paring to leave all of them dist )>rea thing as, at the end, her
inctly heard someone going up breaths came in heavy gasps with
stairs. They heard steps being de- seconds between each one. 0
62 Beyond Reality
Beyond eality 63
AN E C KIST'S P O I N T O F V I E W/conti nued from page 1 5
ness? It is actually the Eck or ness. The student is asked to be freedom to dwell in consciousness
Sound Current, which Eclrists be careful with thoughts , opinions , on the Soul plane above the pull of
lieve , through experience, sus feelings , and actions very care space , time, matter, and energy .
tains all life from the unmani fully so as not to harm life on any Here we are omniscient , Omnipo
fested God planes to the lowest level. Eckankar does not advocate tent, and omnipresent, and enjoy
form in the physical universe. leaving one ' s family or friends the serenity of pure beingness." If
This Spirit, or Eck , can be heard behind in order to live the one wishes to have this experience
on each level as it flows down spiritual life , but realize we have it is important to remember that
from one universe to another. It takn on certain responsibilities in one has to relinquish our hold on
manifests as various sounds on this lifetime and we must see life in order to experience the
each level because of a difference them through until we leave truth about life . Eckists practice
in vibratory rates . There are physical existence . We do not this on a daily basis through
extremely beautiful sounds that attempt to shirk our duties in this contemplation, the art of actively
can be heard on some of the more lifetime ; we accept them with leaving the body and experiencing
refined spiritual planes and we detachment and do the best we higher levels of consciousness
have the lower less refined sounds can What I mean by detachment
. objectively as well as subjectively.
of the physical and phychic uni is that we do all things in such a There is no doubt left in one 's
verses . I do not ask you to believe way as to be neither for nor mind once one has had the ob
this if you choose not to because against them, therefore freeing jective experience of Soul. One ' s
nothing is asked of an Eckist ourselves from their effects . consciousness then dwells on the
either before he/ she has had the Eckankar offers one the oppor Soul plane leaving only the cum
experience . tunity to experience oneself totally bersome vehicles , or bodies, that
There is a great deal of respon in this lifetime so that we may protect Soul, to fullfill their desti
sibility that is askd of an Eckist in leave it knowing who we are, ny in these lower worlds. Then the
order to have the experiences in where we ' re going, and what we bodies are discarded like old worn
the higher levels of conscious- will be doing. We have total out overcoats . 0
selves comfortable on the floor ter' ' (where is it? ) as claimed. in nature , this could have been the
between six gigantic speakers and You 'll have an oobe because you 'll interiorization of my astral body
hundreds of pounds of highly want to escape these discordant into the physical. I once heard that
sensitive audio equipment. The sounds ! Using this tape, I attemp- ' same souno when I installed a
lights were turned out (sic) . . . ted to project 6 times and at no wall dimmer and accidentally
Every person in that room report time did anything unusual happen touched the screwdriver blade to
ed some phenomena' ' to me . No full or partial projec-: the two wires.
All I can say is that under those tion , no visions , nothing at all like Dr. Mark Beshara, American
conditions it would have been the claims made by the American Research Team 's Executive Direc
unusual if nothing had happened ! Research Team. In all fairness , tor, said that they've been contact
When the human body i s bom my failures could have very well ed by an unnamed government
barded with electronic sounds , or been due to my attitude after agency which is investigating
any sounds , under such a setup the . first listening in itself was a astral projection and is testing
something has to happen. chore . This mono tape lasts for their ' 'Astral Sounds ' ' . I hope
However, ,in a home situation 20 minutes per "side" and it was they are more successful than me .
where .it may not be possible to an aggravating 20 minutes . Dr. Beshara's office will send free
duplicate the test situation be The way I see it , if we have research reports about the tape to
cause you don't have the equip automatic oobes every night , then anyone who sends them a stamp
ment, or you can 't tum up the it should be a simple matter of ed, self-addressed envelope .
volume sufficiently , or your equip hypnotizing volunteers and find If you have had conscious astral
ment just doesn't have the oomph out exactly how the projection projections with or without this
necessary, the results may be less comes about . The only sound I can tape or other electronic offerings ,
than successful. Particulalry, if link to the production of an oobe like Phyhagaron , the Burchette
you just have a portable cassette came to me after I fell asleep Brothers' records , or an offering
player , as the illustration in the ad trying to project. Although I from Dr Mylan Ryzl, please let us
shows . didn 't awake with the memory of know . If you enjoyed this article
I can guarantee you that you an oobe, what startled me awake (or not) let us know too . If there
will have an oobe using this tape was the sound of a giant electrical are other products you. want to see
but not because the sounds stim spark which I "heard" tested bring them to our attention .
ulate the mind's ' 'pleasure cen- Since our bodies are electrical This is your magazine . 0
. 14 Beyond Reality
THE C U R I O U S CASE O F R O B E RT BAEZ, and much more!
ISS U E 2 .
SEAR C H F O R E XTRATE R R E STRIALS , and mach more !
B E Y O N D THE SPE E D O F LI G H T, and much more !
S U PPLY I S LI M IT E D . Address . . . . . . .
City . . . . State . . . . . . . . . . . Zi p . . . . . . .
Beyond Reality 65
The following is very difficult to eyes a boy that looked so very
explain , if it can be explained at familiar to me .
all - but it did happen. I didn 't see the car that struck
I remember buying a news me and all I remember is the pain
paper as I sometimes do during and this kid standing over me .
my lunch break. I also remember Although I had much pain, I
walking past my old school which I managed to sit up and, as I did so ,
attended in my youth, Harren I was able to get a better look at
High School which is situated
on West 46th Street in New York
City not far from Broadway. I had
I t}le kid, who looked very familiar.
' ' Don 't I know you, son? ' ' I asked .
His answer rang in my ears ; "No
walked past the school many sir, I don 't think so, just take it
times before but this time it , easy -an ambulance will be here
seemed that I was drawn to it. soon -! got to go now. "
As a boy I remembered the day I just sat there with a dizzy
I was late for school and, as I ran feeling in my head as I watched
across the street , a car suddenly the boy disappear into the school.
hit a man, knocking him to the I passed out in the ambulance
ground . and when I awoke I thought
For some. unexplained reason, surely , it must have been a
the memory of that day has stuck dream - but, it seemed so very
in my mind. As I think about it strange - so real. Then, as I
sometimes , I just couldn 't resist reached for my newspaper which I
the urge to stop and help the man had in my jacket pocket, I felt a
who seemed to be in his mid 50s . weakhess come over me as I saw
He was in pain as he stared into the date printed at the top ;
my eyes. " Don 't I know you November 16th, 1939 !
son?" he asked. Although , he did This happened several months
look familiar I answered back ' 'no ago, but somehow , I can 't forget
BY LEROY THOMPSON it. The newspaper is proof that,
sir, I don 't think so , just take it
easy. An ambulance will be here somehow, I had taken a step
soon ; I got to run - I'm late for backwards into time and space
school. ' ' reliving an episode in my life .
Indeed, it seems like yesterday. Hard as it is to believe , the man
As I folded my newspaper, I which I had stopped to help when
was stunned to see , before my I was a young_ man . . . was myself.
66 Beyond Reality
NEW YORK CITY, N.Y. 1 0036
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