Literary Work of Rizal

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Literary work of Rizal

First Inspiration
First written poem in ateneo
Dedicated for his mother

Sylvan wooden
Zephyrs gentle breeze
Natal day birth day
Glisten shine; glitter

First Inspiration

Why falls so rich a spray Why seems to me more endearing,

of fragrance from the bowers more fair than on other days,
of the balmy flowers the dawn's enchanting face
upon this festive day? among red clouds appearing?

Why from woods and vales The reason, dear mother, is

do we hear sweet measures ringing they feast your day of bloom:
that seem to be the singing the rose with its perfume,
of a choir of nightingales? the bird with its harmonies.

Why in the grass below And the spring that rings with laughter
do birds start at the wind's noises, upon this joyful day
unleashing their honeyed voices with its murmur seems to say:
as they hop from bough to bough? "Live happily ever after!"

Why should the spring that glows And from that spring in the grove
its crystalline murmur be tuning now turn to hear the first note
to the zephyr's mellow crooning that from my lute I emote
as among the flowers it flows? to the impulse of my love.
God's wonderful creation are one with Jose Rizal and their family in celebrating her
mother's birthday as Jose Rizal wishes his mother with joy and happiness.

What does this mean/What is the message?

We need to learn how to value gods wonderful creation. We need to learn how to
appreciate things around us. We should honor our parents. We should value our
family. Let your parents be a role model or inspiration in your life.

What is its impact in the Filipinos? cite at least 3.

It encourages to the Filipinos to love the nature. To see what is beyond and what
is the nature bring for us.
It makes to the Filipinos realize that parents are very important specially the
mother because no one care more than the mother can do.
It remains to the Filipinos that we are a God creation and we most thank him
and appreciate for it and learn for satisfaction.

Cite present scenario (phil. based). That is related to that article.

In poem, nature was mostly exaggerated and heavily detailed. It says that the fields
cover in green, air are fresh and clear blue skies. Nature represented a mystical bond
that united God with humans.
Now the nature was losing its charm. Nature isnt enjoyable and it slowly dying.
Global warming is the biggest problem in human beings have ever faced write now.
Things are changing due to humans.

Formulate 5 simple questions and 2 open ended questions from it.

What do you understand about it?
Nature was beautiful, its truly a good time to celebrate. It was his mother
birthday. A love one is very important.
What can you say about the poem?
For me Inspiration comes from very significant things, specially people in your
lives. Sometimes we need inspiration for as to do something and for the success.
Why did Rizal wrote the poem your first Inspiration?
He dedicated the poem to his mother and he presented it as a gift on her
What inspired Jose Rizal to write poem?
Jose Rizal was inspired to write poetry by his mother, who told him many
heartwarming and heart breaking stories about the Filipino people and the
struggles some of them face.

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