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Volume 32 - Number 1

The Pilansberg South Bulk Water Supply project- Republic of South Africa - See story pages 10-11




For further information on our products and their suitability for your particular project,
please contact any of the Denso companies listed below:

WINN & COALES (DENSO) LTD Tel: +44 (0) 20 8670 7511
Denso House, Chapel Road, London SE27 OTR, England Fax: +44 (0) 20 8761 2456
 Anti-corrosion and sealing systems Email:

ARCHCO-RIGIDON Tel: +44 (0) 20 8761 6244

Denso House, Chapel Road, London SE27 OTR, England Fax: +44 (0) 20 8761 2456
 Corrosion resistant linings Email:


90 Ironside Crescent, Unit 12, Toronto, Ontario, M1X 1M3 Fax: +1 416 291 0898
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 Anti-corrosion and sealing systems Web site:

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 Anti-corrosion and sealing systems Website:

DENSO SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD Tel: +27 31 569 4319

120 Malacca Road, Redhill Industrial Area, Durban North 4051, Fax: +27 31 569 4328
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 Anti-corrosion and sealing systems Website:

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 Anti-corrosion and sealing systems Website:

DENSO(NEW ZEALAND) LTD Tel: +64 9274 1255

PO Box 76167, Manakau City, Auckland, Fax: +64 9274 1258
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 Anti-corrosion and sealing systems Website:

SEASHIELD INTERNATIONAL Tel: +44 (0) 20 8670 7511

Denso House, Chapel Road, London SE27 OTR, England Fax: +44 (0) 20 8761 2456
 Marine corrosion protection systems Email:


9747 Whithorn Drive, Houston, Texas 77095 Fax: +1 281 821 0304
United States of America Email:
 Marine corrosion protection systems Website:


411-413 Victoria Street, Brunswick, Victoria 3056, Fax: +61 1300 655 064
Australia Email:
 Marine corrosion protection systems Website:


PO Box 76167, Manakau City, Auckland, Fax: +64 9274 1258
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 Marine corrosion protection systems Website:

PREMIERCOATINGS LTD Tel: +44 (0) 1233 770663

Headcorn Road, Smarden, near Ashford, Fax: +44 (0) 1233 770633
Kent TN27 8PJ, England Email:
 Membranes and corrosion protection systems Website:


Archco-Rigidon Lining For quick identification of the relevant

product type used in each story we
have used the following colour codes:

Protects Power Station Protective coatings for......




Protective linings for.....

Universal Heat Transfer Ltd (UHT) of Atherston, Warwicks, STORAGE TANKS, PUMPS ETC
are heat exchange and transfer specialists in supplying
Sealing & waterproofing.....
equipment and services to industry. One of their latest SEALING MASTICS
projects involved the manufacture of header boxes and MEMBRANES & FLASHINGS
channel heads for the refurbishment of four hydrogen INDUSTRIAL TAPES

coolers for a power station generator cooling system.

UHTs customer specified coating arrived in a timely
Archco-Rigidon 403D lining to manner, which was appreciated
give fit and forget corrosion due to the tight deadlines
protection of the carbon steel they had to meet.
substrate from the coolant inside The glass flake vinyl ester
the header boxes for a minimum Archco Rigidon lining was
of ten years. Winn & Coales inspected by UHTs customers
checked the specification for Quality Assurance consultants
both suitability of Archco-Rigidon and found to be more than
403D and also for the method of adequate in terms of finish and
application, given that the film thickness, including Holiday
coating had to be applied in detection readings, to provide
normal engineering workshop the required protection.
conditions. UHT say that the

Archco-Rigidon 403D protects the internal

surfaces of the header boxes.

Project Summary
Product type:
Protective Lining
Country: UK
Object: header box internals
Problem: Corrosion prevention
Product Archco-Rigidon
solution: 403D

Internal Protection of Power Station Header Boxes - United Kingdom

Vol: 32 No. 1, Date: 09. 2015, Page: 3


Denso Steelcoat 100/400 was

Denso Steelcoat Protects used in 12 different structures
and locations to give protection
Edinburghs Water Supply to some 350 linear metres of
pipe and various joints and
Aqueduct couplings.This follows George
Leslies previously successful
use of Denso Steelcoat in the
A 2.6 million upgrade of sections of the 45km long Talla
Loch Katrine aqueducts which
Aqueduct used by Scottish Water to supply most of
serve Glasgow.
Edinburghs water has been completed by contractor George The Denso Steelcoat system
Laslie Ltd, with Jacobs as consulting engineers. Built in was applied by George Leslies
Victorian times the aqueduct takes raw waterform the Talla own workforce following initial
and Fruid reservoirs in the Scottish Borders to Edinburghs site training by Denso staff.
modern Glencorse water treatment works. Left: Denso Hi-Tack Tape is applied
For most of its length the in strips over Denso Profiling
aqueduct runs as a tunnel, split Mastic on the pipe flanges.
Below and bottom: The finished
by several bridges and siphons. Denso Steelcoat 100/400 System.
It is capable of taking up tp 127
megalitres of water per day.
Following visual inspection of
the tunnel and its associated
chambers, Scottish Water
identified the need to carry out
work to refurbish parts of the
tunnel and chambers including
installing new valves.

Project Summary
Product type:
Exposed Steel Coating
Country: Scotland
Object: Steel water pipeline
Problem: Corrosion prevention
Product Denso Steelcoat
solution: 100/400 System

Corrosion Prevention for Exposed Water Pipeline - Scotland

Vol: 32 No. 1, Date: 09. 2015, Page: 4


Denso Protal Chosen for Project Summary

Product type:
National Grid Protection Coating for Buried Pipes
Country: United Kingdom
W.G.Beaumont & Son Ltd of Romford are a National Gas
Object: Gas pipes
Grids chosen contractor for applying surface coating
Problem: External coating
protection to pipe weld joints and fittings in refurbishment
programmes carried out in various areas of the UK Product Denso
solution: Protal 7300
A typical contract for National Grid carried out by W.G. Beaumont
using Denso Protal 7300 liquid coating is shown on this page. Once the The finished application of Denso Protal 7300
pipe support was removed the pipe was blasted to Sa212 and two coats protecting the gas pipes.

of Denso Protal 7300 were applied. application to wet, damp or dry surfaces which is a great assett in the
The support itself was blasted, United Kingdoms unpredictable climate.
painted and neoprene rubber fitted
before replacing it to its original
position. On the pipe risers
W.G.Beaumont removed the
existing coating, blasted to Sa212
and applied two coats of Protal
7300 to a minimum of 500mm
above and below ground.
These areas were then ready to
be over-coated as per National
Grids specification.
W.G. Beaumont now uses
Protal 7300 on all their projects.
Denso Protal 7300 has been
specially developed to enable The first coat of Denso Protal 7300 is applied to the pipe.

Corrosion Prevention for Gas Pipeline - United Kingdom

Vol: 32 No. 1, Date: 09. 2015, Page: 5


Denso Encapsulates Lead

Based Coating on
Suspended Pipeline
Just outside of a small town in Northern British Columbia,
Canada is a dated railcar bridge that crosses over the Upper
Fraser River. The rivers in Northern B.C. are fed primarily by
glaciers and run-off from the snowcapped peaks of the nearby
mountains and supply much of the province with drinking
water as well as provide a safe habitat for native fish species
such as salmon and sturgeon and are closely monitored for
any sources of contamination.
Suspended from the lower by saddles.
deck of the bridge is an oil Denso Tape was chosen
pipeline that was originally because of its general properties,
coated with a lead based paint ease of installation and because
that had begun to flake off and of its resistance to ultra-violet
subsequently fall into the pristine rays. This coating system was
fresh-water river. also chosen because the surface The oil pipeline wrapped in Denso Color Tape.
The decision was made to use preparation requirement is minimal
Denso Color Tape to overwrap and allowed the contractor to wrap
Fortunately the existing
the existing lead paint in order to the pipeline without abrasive
coating failure was in the very
encapsulate the pipeline and blasting and therefore having to
early stages so very little
prevent any further lead forego the immense and costly
contamination ever entered
contamination of the river, Denso task of not only involving blast
the waterway.
Glass Outerwrap was used to equipment and additional
The work was accomplished
mechanically strengthen the manpower but also structuring a
by building a temporary
coating system in locations lead containment system to be
scaffolding system that was
where the pipe was suspended suspended under the bridge.
suspended from the bridge
allowing workers to access the
full length of the pipeline crossing
and successfully coat the pipe
as the occasional train rattled
across the upper deck
of the bridge.

Project Summary
Product type:
Exposed Steel Coating

Country: Canada
Object: Steel oil pipeline
Problem: Lead coating
solution: Denso Color Tape

Encapsulation of Lead Pipeline Coating - Canada

Vol: 32 No. 1, Date: 09. 2015, Page: 6


Denso Protects Gas Pipes Project Summary

Product type:
in Barzan Onshore Coating for Buried Pipes
Country: Qatar
Gas Project Object: Various service pipes
Problem: External coating
The Barzan Onshore Gas Project. Product Denso Butyl
solution: 30 Tape System

Below: Diagram showing the Denso

protected area and level of burial.

In 2012-2013 owners Qatar Petroleum and Qatar Gas All of the Denso products used
ExxonMobil JV in combination with operator Rasgas used on this project were supplied by
Denso protection for the vulnerable section of the ground to local Denso Agents Al Tayeb
atmophere transition pipes in the Barzan Onshore Gas Project. Water Technology W.L.L.
The Denso Butyl 30 Tape system
was chosen by the clients project
consultant as a suitable
transitional outer wrap tape
between the below and above
ground pipe coating systems
and for its excellent long-term
UV resistance.
Additional features are:
Excellent adhesion properties
Easily applied with no special
Good conformability
Compatible with common pipe
Cold applied
Aesthetically pleasing
Excellent resistance to cathodic
Meets AWWA C209 Standard
The Denso Butyl 30 Tape system wrapped pipes prior to partial burial.

Corrosion Prevention for Gas Pipes - Qatar

Vol: 32 No. 1, Date: 09. 2015, Page: 7


Port of Seattle Piers 66 & 69 Protected with

the SeaShield 2000HD System
In 2013 the Port of Seattle handled over two million
Project Summary
containers (TEUs) and over a one million cruise passengers
making it the 14th largest port in North America. With such Product type:
an amazing amount of stress that the port receives each Sub Sea Splash Zone Coating
year, it is imperative that the piles are protected with
long-term splash-zone corrosion prevention. Country: USA
Object: 40 steel piles
Problem: Corrosion prevention
Product SeaShield
The Port of Seattle, the gate way to the Pacific Northwest. solution: Series 2000FD

In the summer of 2008, the Port of Seattle wanted to start a trial project to protect 40 piles on piers 66 & 69
with Densos SeaShield Series 2000HD System. After the piles received proper surface preparation, they
applied Denso S105 paste, Densyl Tape with 55% overlap and the Series 2000HD Outercover (80 mil HDPE)
to the piles splash-zone area.
After 3 years of monitoring by the ports maintenance and engineering groups, they determined that Densos
SeaShield Series 2000HD System protected the piles from splash-zone corrosion as advertised. The Port of
Seattle was pleased and moved forward to protect the remaining 510 piles on piers 66 & 69 with the Series
2000HD System. The project was bid out in 2013 and awarded to KC Construction.
The SeaShield Series 2000HD System was soon after installed and was completed in early 2014, leaving
the Port of Seattle standing strong to keep it a major North American distribution and travel terminal for
decades to come.

Marine Pile Protection - United States of America

Vol: 32 No. 1, Date: 09. 2015, Page: 8


Installation of Denso S105 Paste and Installing the 80 mil HDPE outercover
Densyl Tape to a 24 steel pile. with M10 316SS fasteners

Completed piles fully protected with the SeaShield Series 2000HD System

Marine Pile Protection - United States of America

Vol: 32 No. 1, Date: 09. 2015, Page: 9


Denso Protects Bulk Water Supply Pipeline

The Pilansberg South Bulk Water Supply project comprising Project Summary
45Km x 916NB pipe, with over 2500 welded joints was
originally not a Denso Specified Project and required Product type:
some hard work to secure. Coating for Buried Pipes
Country: South Africa
Object: Water pipeline
Problem: Corrosion prevention
Product Denso RP3-1
solution: Butyl Tape System

Denso South Africa is very Our Laboratory, is a very

proud of its manufacturing facility impressive operation run by
and are always willing to show it Ismail and is always a hit with
off as often as possible, so it visitors. His knowledge of the
was decided to bring the Project various certifications we are
Engineers down to the facilities striving to achieve was critical
in Durban. The day was spent in securing this work.
taking them through the various Our RP3-1 System, a Butyl
manufacturing processes and a Based Tape Wrap System,
detailed run through of the was the selected system
additional backup services we for the project.
are able to offer their client.

Corrosion Prevention of Water Pipeline - Republic of South Africa

Vol: 32 No. 1, Date: 09. 2015, Page: 10


Pipe bends were also protected with the Denso system.

The Denso RP-3-1 Butyl Based Tape Wrap System was used to protect
2500 welds on the water pipeline.

Corrosion Prevention of Water Pipeline - Republic of South Africa

Vol: 32 No. 1, Date: 09. 2015, Page: 11


Denso Had APA Eastern

Goldfields Pipeline
Well Covered

Denso Australia has

been voted No.12 in
The Top 20 Australian
Gas Leaders 2015
Photo courtesy of APA and Spiecapag Lucas Joint-Venture

Denso Australia recently supplied the pipeline coatings for user friendly, high performance
the APA Eastern Goldfields Pipeline (EGP) project. The EGP is build epoxy coating system.
a 293 km, 200mm pipeline, which will transport gas from the The product is also
manufactured locally providing
existing APAs Murrin Murrin Lateral Pipeline to AngloGold
fast turnaround and local
Ashanti Australia Ltds Sunrise Dam and Tropicana (AGAA 70 employment in manufacturing.
per cent and manager, Independence Group NL 30 per cent) Protal 7200 was also supplied
gold mines. in 800 Litre kits to be utilized
Natural gas transported by The material selected by SLJV with SLJVs 3 purpose built
the pipeline will fuel power was due to the success of recent coating rigs comprising plural
generation at both sites. projects completed for the pumps and generators for plural
Dual layer FBE coated pipe was Jemena Looping Project and the application of the Protal 7200.
selected as the parent coating for QCLNG Upstream Project where At its peak, the coating crews
steel and supplied trough MRC the product proved itself to be a were completing the coating of
Global. The steel was delivered in excess of 435 girth welds per
to lay down sites along the Project Summary day using plural application.
pipeline route from Fremantle Tie-ins and repairs have
Product type:
over the Christmas period. adopted the use of one litre
Coating for Buried Pipes kits for manual application of
Spiecapag Lucas Joint
Venture (SLJV) was awarded the Country: Australia Protal 7200 and 400ml dual
construction of the pipeline in late Object: Gas pipeline repair cartridges.
October 2014 and SLJV engaged In total the project saw the
Problem: Corrosion prevention
Denso (Australia) for the supply delivery of nearly 30,000 Litres
Product Denso of Protal 7200 on the project
of Field Joint and HDD Coating
solution: Protal 7200 between March and July 2015.
and repair cartridges.

Corrosion Prevention for Gas Pipeline Girth Welds - Australia

Vol: 32 No. 1, Date: 09. 2015, Page: 12


Denso Protection for the

Clifton Suspension Bridge
A regular application of Denso Paste to the anchored chain
links on Clifton Suspension Bridge has been found to be
reliable method of providing protection against corrosion.
The wrought iron suspension
chains that support the famous Project Summary
bridge are anchored in tunnels Product type:
18 metres down in the rocks Exposed Steel Coating
either side of the Avon Gorge.
These dark damp chambers Country: United Kingdom
have always presented a difficult Object: Anchored chain links
anti-corrosion challenge and now Problem: Corrosion prevention
the Clifton Suspension Bridge
Trust have found that the Denso
Chain links showing corrosion problem before solution: Denso Paste
the application of Denso Paste.
product does the job effectively.

Corrosion Prevention for Anchored Bridge Chain Links - United Kingdom

Vol: 32 No. 1, Date: 09. 2015, Page: 13


Recent Inspection Proves that a SeaShield

System is Still Performing Well after 17
Years in Service
In 1997 a SeaShield Series
300 marine pile protection
system was installed on
5,692 tubular steel piles in
the industrial Mai-Liao Port
in Taiwan by the local
Denso Agent, Parallel
Industrial Co. Ltd.
The piles ranged in size
from 700mm to 1000mm
in diameter. Original
The Mai-Liao Port, Taiwan.
in 1997

Above: Surface cleaning. application Below: Fitting the SeaShield Jackets. Applying the Denso Marine Piling Tape.

in 1997 The customer wanted the

piles to be protected in the splash
zone area and after the specified
surface preparation the system
was applied to the customers
satisfaction. When the
installation was complete it was
given a 15 year warranty against
further corrosion.
In 2014 after 17 years of
service, a thorough inspection
took place which included
removing the system in places
back to the pile substrate, to see
whether there were signs of
active corrosion.

Inspection of SeaShield Marine Pile Protection System - Taiwan

Vol: 32 No. 1, Date: 09. 2015, Page: 14


Project Summary
Product type:
Sub Sea Splash Zone Coating Top left, above and below: The SeaShield Jacket and Denso Marine Piling Tape was removed back to
the pile surface to reveal the excellent condition underneath.
Country: Taiwan The inspection confirmed that the Denso SeaShield system had
Object: 5,692 steel piles provided totally effective corrosion prevention despite application over
Problem: Corrosion prevention badly pitted steel pile surfaces.
Product The customer was very pleased with the result of the inspection and
solution: SeaShield Series 300 was reassured that the SeaShield protection system is performing
perfectly despite this highly aggressive environment.

Inspection of SeaShield Marine Pile Protection System - Taiwan

Vol: 32 No. 1, Date: 09. 2015, Page: 15
If you would like more information about our long-term corrosion prevention and sealing
systems that deal with the problem areas listed below, simply tick the boxes and fax back
this completed page and we will supply you with more information.


 External corrosion prevention  Maintenance corrosion  Joint sealing of precast concrete

for underground pipelines, protection for steel jetty piles. manholes and culverts.
welded joints, valves and
fittings.  Subsea pipelines and outfalls.  Joint and crack sealing of
asphalt road surface wearing
 Protection of mounded
LPG vessels and fuel tanks.
 Protection of timber and
concrete piling.

 Joint sealing for airport


 Corrosion prevention for

 Internal linings for tanks,  Sealing of cable entry ducts.
chemical plant, structural pumps, vessels and pipelines.
steelwork, above ground pipes, INDUSTRIAL TAPES
storage tanks, offshore rigs,
 Linings for concrete bunds

bridges and support cables, and floors.
cranes and pipe bridges. Sealing and insulating

 Corrosion prevention for metal  External abrasive wear

protection  Protecting and bonding
roof purlins and metal roof

 Protecting pre-stressing and

post tensioning bridge cables
and ground anchorages.  Tanking / waterproofing.
 Waterproofing and flashing

 Exposed rooftops and parapets.

For further information - tick boxes, fill in coupon and fax or post to your nearest Denso branch
(full list of addresses on page 2).
Name: Title:

Phone: Fax:

FAX NUMBERS UK: +44 (0) 20 8761 2456  USA: +1 281 821 0304  CANADA: +1 416 291 0898
AUSTRALIA: +61 39387 6973  NEW ZEALAND: +64 9274 1258  SOUTH AFRICA: +27 31 569 4328

FM 01548 EMS 583748


Denso House, Chapel Road, London SE27 0TR
Tel: +44 (0) 20 8670 7511 Fax: +44 (0) 20 8761 2456 Email: Web:

261.9.2015 Vol 32 No.1 Quarterly Publication

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