05.13.18 Bulletin - First Presbyterian Church of Orlando
05.13.18 Bulletin - First Presbyterian Church of Orlando
05.13.18 Bulletin - First Presbyterian Church of Orlando
Thank you for coming to First Presbyterian Church of
Orlando this morning! We worship together as a church
family in four services on Sundays: Traditional worship in
the Sanctuary at 8:15am and 11am, and Genesis worship
in the Sanctuary at 9:45am and in Lee Fellowship Hall at
Check in and let us know you’re here: visit our Legacy
Room for a cup of coffee and say hello, anyone with a blue
nametag can help you find it. Or text “FPCO” to the number
Stewardship Report as of May 6, 2018. APRIL 2018
Charge to Congregation
Song of Commitment
Take Her Life and Let Them Be Hendon
Confirmation (11:00)
Traditional Worship
Sometimes we may be tempted to think that since our God
is the creator of the universe–of all that is, was, or ever
will be; the One who made all things, seen and unseen;
the inventor of thought, beauty, truth, goodness, justice;
the God who is everywhere in the known and unknown
worlds–He would never have time for you and for me,
let alone be present in our worship this morning, but
it’s true! More than that, our great God has feelings and
emotions. Since we are made in His image and we have
feelings and emotions, it’s only logical He is the source.
In the little book of Zephaniah the prophet, we read this
wonderful verse about God. He rejoices, He sings (!) over
His children, over us! Can you image that?! God sings!
(He invented music and singing too!) We can bring joy to
our magnificent Creator. Hearing thunder, I can hardly
imagine the power of His singing. Someday we’ll perhaps
hear it. In the meantime, let’s give Him reason to sing
for joy. The anthem this morning is a setting of this very
passage in Zephaniah, (also something Retha Underwood
requested for her memorial service.) It captures the joy!
Let the choir’s voices and joy be your own as together we
offer our praise to God through our great high priest, Jesus
our Lord. Our opening hymn sings of the Ascension of the
Lord on this Ascension Sunday. This past Thursday was
forty days since Easter Sunday and marked the end of the
time Christ dwelt on earth following His resurrection. He
is coming back! -Dr. Dan Sharp
Gigue in F Major handel/desilva
Ascription of Praise
Organ Praise
Pastoral Prayer
Thanksgiving Through Tithes and Offerings
Anthem of Joy
And the Father Will Dance mark hayes
Chancel Choir
Confirmation (11:00)
Psalm 19 marcello