Preamble As An Aid To Interpretation

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Preamble as an aid to interpretation


The Preamble of the statue, said Coke, is a good means to find out the meaning of the
statute, and as it were a key to open the understanding thereof. The preamble states the main
objective, purpose and intention of the law makers. Preamble is the introductory part of a
statute or act of parliament which states the intent and reasons of law. Every statute or act of
parliament must start with a preamble which shows the intent or we may say the basic criteria
for enactment which cannot be violated. It indicates the principles as guidelines by the
framers of the constitution. It is not the part of the constitutions as article. It is merely a
statement affined to a statute indicating the principles used as guidelines by its framers. No
reading of any Constitution can be complete without reading Preamble from the beginning to
the end. While the end may expand, or alter, the point of commencement can never change .It
is the Preamble wherefrom the Constitution commences.preamble is the act in a nutshell it is
a preparatory statement .It contains the recitals showing the reasons for the enactment of this
act .If the language of the act is clear then the preamble must be ignored .The preamble is an
intrinsic aid in the interpretation of statutes . In the case of kashi prasad v state the court held
that even though the preamble cannot be used to defeat the enacting clause of the statute ,it
can be treated as an aid to interpretation ,so it is seen that this principle is not
ubiquitous.Therefore the project deals with the importance of the preamble in the
interpretation of statutes and it's scope as an internal aid in the interpretation of the same.

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