lc3 Summative
lc3 Summative
lc3 Summative
1. A two-page, double spaced description of the issue at hand, with an analysis of how it is affecting
the indigenous population in question. Your analysis should provide some description of the
response/actions of the indigenous group to the problem through organizations or specific activists.
2. A brief campaign proposal. How do you propose to create awareness in your community about
this issue? What are your target audiences? What solutions do you propose at the individual,
national and global level? What aid could you enlist from governmental or non-governmental
3. A product that promotes awareness of your choosing to our school and the greater Waterloo
Region community. A poster is good, an infographic is better, and interactive web 2.0 sharing is
best. You are responsible for consulting with me prior to undertaking this project for
December 22nd