ICP Monitoring and Management of Raised ICP
ICP Monitoring and Management of Raised ICP
ICP Monitoring and Management of Raised ICP
(a) Which patients with severe head injury should have intracranial pressure
(ICP) monitoring? (20%)
(b) List the methods by which the intracranial pressure (ICP) can be measured
in intensive care. (15%)
(c) Describe two of these in greater detail (30%)
(d) What methods are used to manage or prevent acute rises in the ICP? (20%)
(e) Describe the mechanism of action of mannitol in head injury (15%)
severe head injury GCS 3-8 with abnormal admission CT (ie haematoma, contusion, oedema, or
compressed basal cisterns)
severe head injury and normal CT but 2 of:
age > 40 yrs,
unilateral or
bilateral motor posturing,
systolic BP < 90 mm Hg
at risk of raised ICP requiring general analgesia
not routinely indicated in patients with mild/moderate head injury however may be appropriate
in certain conscious patients with traumatic mass lesions
Subarachnoid, subdural, epidural
Gold standard. Catheter inserted into the ventricle connected to a column of fluid and a pressure
transducer. Wheatstone bridge principle. Change in pressure causing change in the resistance of
the transducer system, causing change in electrical current translates to change in intracranial
pressure. Can be used for therapeutic CSF drainage. High risk of infection, can be used for
administration of antibiotics. Can get blocked.
Camino transducer uses fibreoptic able with displaceable mirror at the catheter tip, placed in the
brain tissue. Change in ICP distorts the mirror and reflected light intensity transduced into
pressure. No saline filled column of fluid and manometer in needed.
Accuracy comparable to intraventricular catheter but may only reflect local change in ICP.
Cannot be calibrated in vivo. Prone to drift over time. Cannot be used for therapeutic CSF
Head up > 30 degrees, avoid excessive rotation of head
Loose collar/ ET tube neck tie
Avoid hypoxaemia, hypercarbia, hyperthermia, vasodilatory drugs, hypotension
Avoid PEEP, avoid central line in neck.
Hypertonic saline 30% up to 20 ml
Mannitol 1g/kg
Barbiturate coma
Hypothermic therapy
Decompressive craniectomy
Insertion of external ventricular drain or ventriculoperitoneal shunt
Osmotically active sugar alcohol, expands intravascular volume, increase flow, reduces viscosity,
increase cardiac output, increase cerebral perfusion, increase microvascular oxygenation.
Compensatory regional vasoconstriction where autoregulation is intact causing reduction ICP.
Establish osmotic gradient between plasma and brain cells. Draws out extracellular water into
vascular compartment provided blood brain barrier is intact. Reducing oedema.
* nasal polyps, magroglossia, madibular hypertrophy, difficult BMV, hypertrophy of aryepiglottic
folds, soft palate and epiglottis, difficult intubation; tracheal compression (1/3)secondary to
enlarged thryroid, subglottic stenosis , recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy. May need AFOI.
- Respiratory:
OSA, nasal CPAP impossible as nose packs will be in post op.
- Cardiac
May have cor-pulmonale; refractory HTN, cardiomyopathy and IHD bi-ventricular dysfunction
heart block
- Endocrine:
25% are diabetics. Secretion of ACTH, TSH also (as well as GH) or alternatively compression of
tissue and reduced hormone secretion; hypoadrenalism results in that situation -hormonal and
antihypertensive therapy should be continued pre-op
- Other
Excess peripheral soft tissue deposition may make venous cannulation difficult and increases the
risk -nerve entrapment syndromes; meticulous attention to theatre positioning is therefore
-Short acting agents such as remifentanil are ideal, allowing intraoperative haemodynamic
control and facilitating rapid recovery; enables neurological assessment
-NSAIDs linked with post op haematoma
-N+V prophylaxis
-Steroid replacement therapy needed
Advantages (extracranial approach)
Safest approach
Shorter hospital stay
Macro and microadenoma
minimal surgical trauma
minimal blood loss
direct access to the gland
avoidance of the generic hazards of a craniotomy
Bifrontal craniotomy needed for giant pituitary tumours or failed transphenoidal approach
persistent CSF rhinorrhoea and the associated risk of postoperative meningitis,
transient DI
vascular damage
cranial nerve injury
cerebral ischaemia, and stroke as a result of vasospasm or thromboembolism.
Deliberate nasal septum fracture is required for transsphenoidal transnasal approach; to
minimize nasal bleeding, mucosal vasoconstriction is achieved by using a topical anaesthetic and
a vasoconstrictor.
co-phenylcaine (5% lidocaine 0.5% phenylephrine) causes less of a hypertensive response than
adrenaline in pts with Cushings.
To allow descent of tumour into surgical field by injecting small amounts of saline into
subarachnoid space
The same effect can also be achieved by controlled hypercapnoea.
To control post op CSF leak
Venous or arterial bleeding esp larger tumours
CSF leak, menigitis
Airway obstruction
CN11-V1 damage as close proximity to surgical site
Postoperative neuroendocrine abnormalities can occur afterpituitary surgery. DI (50%) usually
develops within the first 24 h, and resolves spontaneously in about a week. (Polyuria with a urine
specific gravity of < 1.005 and low osmolarity of < 300 mosm)
Hyponatremia can be caused by excess desmopressin admin
SIADH (20% occurs 1/52 post op); fluid restriction to 5001000 ml/ day
HRT will be required in all patients after operation e.g. steroids
VAE 10%
Outline the main physiological and cellular changes associated with secondary brain injury.
(7 marks)
Vasogenic oedema causes ongoing hypoperfusion and ischaemia
Disruption of blood-brain barrier with impaired vasomotor autoregulation leading to dilation of
cerebral blood vessels
Hydrocephalus due to obstruction in flow and absorption of CSF due to blood in subarachnoid
Excitatory amino acids e.g. glutamate are significantly elevated post TBI
Cause cell swelling and neuronal death
Cause influx of sodium and chloride into the cell, causing acute neuronal swelling
Increased metabolism in injured brain stimulated by increase in circulating catecholamines
TBI induced stimulation of sympathoadrenomedullary axis and serotonergic system
Increase in extracellular potassium leading to oedema
Increase cytokines contributing to inflammation
Decrease in intracellular magnesium contributing to calcium influx
Linked to delayed damage
How can secondary brain injury be minimised in this patient? (11 marks)
Targeted resuscitation and early specialist management beginning in the pre hospital setting and
continuing in tertiary hospital.
Avoid hypotension and hypoxia
Early tracheal intubation if GCS <8, hypoxic on supplementary oxygen, hypo/hypercarbic
Avoid hypoxia pO2> 11kPa
Maintain pCO2 4.5-5.0kPa
Hyperventilation 4-4.5kPa for impeding herniation- short term option due to normalisation of pH
through bicarbonate buffering
Avoid hypotension- maintain MAP >90mmHg
Replace intravascular volume- avoiding hypotonic and glucose containing solution
Use blood products as necessary- reverse existing coagulopathy
Vasopressors to maintain CPP > 60mmHg
ICP monitoring- aim <20mmHg
Maintain CPP>60 mmHg
Adequate sedation, analgesia and muscle relaxation
Propofol, midazolam
Opioid infusion
Cisatracurium infusion refractory increased ICP
Hyperosmolar therapy- keep Na<155mmmol-1
Mannitol/hypertonic saline
CSF drainage (Extraventricular drainage)
Treatment of seizures e.g. Phenytoin
Barbituate coma- refractory raised ICP
Associated with cardiovascular instability
Head of bed elevated to improve venous drainage
Endotracheal tube taped, to limit venous congestion
Strict blood glucose control 6-10 mmol-1
Avoid hyperthermia, hypothermia for refractory raised ICP
DVT prophylaxis
Decompressive craniectomy
(a) What are the indications for one lung anaesthesia? (30%)
(b) What are the physiological changes associated with one lung ventilation?
(c) How could you manage the development of hypoxaemia during one lung
anaesthesia (40%)
- Isolation of one lung from the other to avoid spoilage in unilateral infection or massive
- Control of distribution of ventilation-
- Giant unilateral lung cyst or bulla
- Bronchopleural fistula, bronchopleural cutaneous fistula
- Open surgery on main bronchus
- Life threatening hypoxia due unilateral lung disease
- Tracheobronchial tree disruption
- Bronchoalveolar lavage- risk contamination to other lung
- Post cardiac bypass after removal of totally concluding chronic unilateral PE.
Depending on position of patient:
- ICU pts remain supine however most surgical operations the pt is in the decubitus position with
surgical side upper most therefore non- ventilated.
- The blood flow to the non-dependent lung does not take part in gas exchange and this shunt
causes hypoxia.
- The (lower) dependent lung - has increased perfusion compared non dependant lung due
gravity and surgical compression and lung retraction on the non-dependent lung therefore
receives a greater percentage of CO this therefore decreases shunt.
If pneumonectomy and vessels are ligated entirely then this will decrease shunt further.
- Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction diverts blood flow from the non-ventilated to the
ventilated lung, thereby reducing venous admixture and ameliorating the decrease in PaO2.
It involves the constriction of small arterioles (and to a lesser degree, venules and capillaries) in
response to alveolar hypoxia.
- Expansion of the dependent lung is restricted by the weight of the mediastinum, the cephalad
displacement of the diaphragm and abdominal organs, and non compliance of the hemi thoracic
chest wall.
- The alveolar compliance curve is shifted down and to the left in the dependent lung. This leads
to atelectasis of the dependent lung, decreasing the ventilated lung surface. This causes HPV,
increased resistance to flow in the dependent pulmonary artery, and diversion of flow to the
non-dependent lung, increasing the shunt fraction further.
- PaCO2 can rise with lower volumes, can increase respiratory rate to increase minute volume.
- Arrhythmia especially AF can develop
- Reduced venous return and CO if significant peep given to dependant lung
- Recognise hypoxaemia
- ABC approach
- Place FIo2 1.0
- Check tube disconnection / ventilator working
- Check ventilator settings
- Check DLT movement with fibre optic scope
- Check secretions/ debris - suction
- Maintain PaCO2 5.3kpa as lower can decrease HPV
- Place oxygen flow into dependant lung
- Place CPAP to dependant lung - tell surgeon
- Add peep 5cmh2o to non dependant lung
- Tell surgeon need to reinflate lung
- Clamp pulmonary artery
(a) Describe the anatomy of the trachea and main bronchi (25%)
(b) List the methods of providing one lung ventilation (30%)
(c) How is the correct size of double lumen tube selected? (10%)
(d) Describe the correct positioning of a double lumen tube (35%)
- The trachea is a tubular structure composed of C-shaped cartilaginous rings anterolaterally.
- Extends downwards from cricoid cartilage at level of C6 vertebra in the midline to the level of
T5-6 vertebrae.
- The trachea bifurcates into the right and left main bronchi.
- The right main bronchus is positioned more vertically than the left main. The right main
bronchus is shorter and wider than the left main bronchus, 3cm v 5cm. At 2.5cm along the right
main bronchus arises the right upper lobe bronchus. At 3 cm the right main bronchus bifurcates
into the right middle and lower lobe bronchi.
- The left main bronchus divides into the left upper lobe bronchus and left lower lobe bronchus.
The left upper lobe bronchus bifurcates into the superior division and lingular bronchus.
The bronchopulmonary segments of the left main bronchus:
Superior division of the left upper lobe bronchus apical, posterior and anterior segments
Lingular bronchus superior and inferior segments
Left lower lobe bronchus apical, anterior basal (medial basal segment arises from here), lateral
basal, and posterior basal segments.
Thus the right lung has 10 bronchopulmonary segments and the left lung has 9.
Methods of providing OLV:
left and right DLTs cannulate the trachea and the appropriate main bronchus. Right sided
bronchial limbs have side hole to ventilate right upper lobe. Inserted via conventional
laryngoscopy. Checked clinically and with fibreoptic bronchoscope (FOB) at insertion and on
turning. Large external diameter, small internal diameter (39FG DLT has external diameter of
13mm and internal diameter of 6mm). Usually left sided tubes selected except when surgery
involves left main bronchus, due to difficulty in ventilation of right upper lobe bronchus. Tube
has 2 lumens allowing lung isolation and collapse of either lung. This is achieved by clamping the
desired lumen and opening to the atmosphere.
Various types of DLT Robsertshaw, Bronchocath, Sheribronch, Carlens (right sided), Whites (left
- Bronchial blockers
Fine bore catheter with a distal cuff. It is passed down a tracheal tube under FOB and placed in
the main bronchus of the lung to be collapsed. Its cuff is inflated and the lung collapses through
escape of gas through the blockers lumen. Arndt blocker has loop of nylon thread which
ensnares the FOB. Blockade of right main bronchus more problematic than left main bronchus
due to position of right upper lobe bronchus. Selective lobar blockade possible.
Isolation of lobar bronchus required
Difficult intubation
Permanent tracheostomy
Various types: Arndt, Cohen, Uniblocker, Coopdech blockers. Univent tube tracheal tube with
small second lumen containing stiff directable bronchus blocker.
Papworth Bivent tube and blocker DLT which rests on the carina, blocker passed blindly down
side to be blocked. Not designed for use with FOB.
Intubation of desired bronchus allowing ventilation of that bronchus alone. Rarely used.
Sizing of DLT
Patient height most accurate reflection of size of tube to be used. General rule is use the largest
tube that will pass, as the internal diameter of DLTs is small. Bear in mind that the left main
bronchus is narrower than the right main. Robsertshaw DTLs come as small, medium and large
tubes. Other DLTs are sized according to French Gauge (FG). In women use a small Robertshaw
tube or 35 or 37 FG tube. In men use a medium or large Robsertshaw, 39 or 41 FG tube.
Correct positioning of a DLT
- The DLT is inserted via normal laryngoscopy passing the bronchial portion through the cords
with the tip pointing anteriorly. Rotate the tube through 90 to intended side of cannulation.
Advance tube as far as it will go without undue force. Average depth of 29cm in adults has been
- Manual ventilation is commenced with the tracheal cuff inflated. Auscultate the chest to
confirm equal air entry on both sides and there should be no leak around the tracheal cuff.
- The tracheal side of the adapter is then clamped and the tracheal port is opened distal to the
clamp. The bronchial cuff is inflated so as to just eliminate air leak from the tracheal lumen - 1ml
at a time until leak stops. If a reasonable seal cannot be achieved with less than 4ml of air the
tube is either too small or incorrectly placed.
- Auscultate the chest - breath sounds should be heard only on the side of endobronchial
intubation. Look for unilateral chest expansion. Assess compliance via manual ventilation. Also
note a change in airway pressure on tracheal clamping.
The tracheal limb is then unclamped, the tracheal port closed and the bronchial limb of the
adapter is clamped and the bronchial port opened to air. Breath sounds should only be heard on
the contralateral side with unilateral chest expansion seen. Assess compliance via manual
- Fibreoptic bronchoscopy down the tracheal lumen should reveal the carina. The top edge of the
blue bronchial cuff should be just visible in the intended main stem bronchus. When a right-sided
tube is used, the fibrescope should be used to visualise the orifice of the right upper lobe
(a) What are the diagnostic and therapeutic indications for bronchoscopy?
(b) List the major contraindications for bronchoscopy. (15%)
(c) How is a fibre optic flexible bronchoscope processed after use? (20%)
(d) How may anaesthesia be maintained during bronchoscopy? (25%)
(a) What are the diagnostic and therapeutic indications for bronchoscopy? (40%)
- Diagnostic
* Assess patency of upper airway
* Localizing lesion of unknown etiology on CXR
* Localizing/assess extent of toxic inhalation/ aspiration
* Assess/ check placement of airway stent
* Recurrent pneumonia/atelectasis/infiltrate
* Investigation of haemoptysis/persistent cough/dyspnoea/localized wheeze/stridor
* Obtain washings/biopsy for cytologic/histologic/microbiology
* Suspicious sputum cytology result
* Problems with endotracheal tube or tracheostomy.
- Therapeutic
* Aid tracheostomy procedure and difficult intubation/difficult airway
* Retrieval of foreign body from airway
* LASER tissue removal/basket/forceps
* Endobronchial toilet in VAP
* Aid in placement of DLT and bronchial blocker in selective intubation of bronchus
* Airway balloon dilatation in tracheobronchial stenosis
- Relative
Refractory hypoxaemia
Unstable haemodynamics/Dysarrythmias/recent MI/CCF
Pulmonary hypertension
(c) How is a fibre optic flexible bronchoscope processed after use? (20%)
* Inspect all parts for damage, perform leak test
* All parts/channels/lumens thoroughly cleaned/brushed with soap and water immediately after
use to prevent drying of secretions
* Thoroughly dry
* Soaked with high level disinfectant for 20 mins.
* Gluteraldehyde/peracetic acid/hydrogen peroxide
10 hrs for sterility
* Rinse 3 times with sterile water/ bacteriological filtered water (water filtered through 0.1-0.2
micron filters)
* Dry internal channels of reprocessed bronchoscope using 70% alcohol followed by forced air
* All heat stable parts/ accessories e.g biopsy forceps reprocess by ultrasonics followed by
autoclave/ sterilization
* Hang up to dry and not placed in a case.
(a) What are the indications for the use of a laryngeal mask airway?
(b) What are the pros and cons of an LMA as a primary airway device?
(c) How does the design of the LMA protect against aspiration?
(d) What are the modifications of the ProSeal that make it different from the
classic LMA?
(e) What are the modifications of the iGel that make it different from the classic
(a) What are the indications for the use of a laryngeal mask airway?
Elective ventilation: During anaesthesia for short surgical procedures. Suitable for both
spontaneous and positive pressure ventilation in both paediatric and adult patients
Difficult airway: Following failed intubation as part of plan C in the difficult airway
society algorithm (DAS) to maintain oxygenation
Conduit for intubation: An aid to intubation when direct laryngoscopy fails In patients
at low risk of aspiration it is part of plan B in the DAS algorithm
Prehospital Medicine: As an alternative to intubation where intubation is not safely
possible for example due to patient positioning
(b) What are the pros and cons of an LMA as a primary airway device?
(c) How does the design of the LMA protect against aspiration?
Design features of the LMA that reduce the risk of aspiration include:
High oesophageal seal to stop gastric fluid entering the pharynx and stop vented gas
entering the oesophagus causing distension
Cuff made of soft material to ensure no folds or channels, thereby creating a good seal
and no conduits for passage of the gastric fluid
Large pharyngeal volume which fills the pharynx and reduces the amount of space for
gastric fluid to pool
Drainage tube allows leaked gas to vent from the oesphagus and reduces distension. It
also allows regurgitant fluid to be suctioned up from the pharynx rather than being
aspirated and it alerts the anaesthetist to the presence of regurgitation in the airway. The
classic LMA does not have this drainage tube
(d) What are the modifications of the ProSeal that make it different from the classic
These modification mainly reduce the risk of regurgitation and subsequent aspiration. The
oesophagus and airway are effectively isolated. The oesophageal seal is higher and there
is access to the stomach via the drainage tube to allow drainage of gastric fluid and
venting of leaked gas. The pharyngeal seal is improved, enabling ventilation with higher
pressures of up to 40cmH20 reducing gastric distension. The bulkier size reduces the
space for gastric fluid to pool.
(e) What are the modifications of the iGel that make it different from the classic
a) List the factors that may have contributed to an increase in the prevalence
of asthma in developed countries in the last 20 years. (5 marks)
b) What are the possible causes of acute bronchospasm during general
anaesthesia in a patient with mild asthma? (5 marks)
c) Outline the immediate management of acute severe bronchospasm in an
intubated patient during general anaesthesia. (10 marks)
You are asked to assess a patient in the recovery room who is particularly
drowsy post anaesthetic. Her BMI is 50 kg/m2.
(a) What are the potential causes of drowsiness or difficulty rousing a patient
in the recovery room? (20%)
(b) What features in a PRE-ANAESTHETIC history and examination might you
make you suspicious of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)? What is the
STOPBANG questionnaire? (20%)
(c) What are the physiological consequences of OSA? (20%)
(d) What factors increase the risk of complications arising in the postoperative
period with OSA? (10%)
(e) What are the features of a postoperative care plan designed to minimise the
risk of these complications? (30%)
What are the potential causes of drowsiness or difficulty rousing a patient in the recovery
room? (20%)
Causes can be divided into pharmacological, metabolic, patient factors
Use of Benzodiazepines and opioids can cause prolonged unconsciousness especially when
Residual neuromuscular blockade, which can be prolonged by a number of drug interactions and
metabolic causes
Residual IV anaesthetic agents which has not yet been metabolised
Residual volatile agents
Unrecognised LA toxicity
Hypo/hyper- glycaemia
Hypo/hyper- natraemia
Respiratory failure causing hypoxaemia/hypercapnia.
Loss of central respiratory drive: Intracranial pathology/OSA/Drug overdosing
Ventilation is affected by primary muscle disease/metabolic imbalance/obesity/residual
neuromuscular blockade
Unrecognised post-ictal
Carotid surgery or surgery in the sitting position: risk of cerebral hypoperfusion
Surgery with haemodynamic instability e.g. AAA repair can also cause cerebral hypoperfusion
Perioperative thrombotic event
(b) What features in a PRE-ANAESTHETIC history and examination might you make you
suspicious of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)? What is the STOPBANG questionnaire?
Restless sleep
Witnessed apnoea
Day time sleeping
Reduced libido
Alcohol excess
History of associated insulin resistance/diabetes, hyperlipideamiea, hypertension
Age: >40 years old usually
Neck Circumference >40cm
Craniofacial abnormalities
Neuromuscular Disease
Tonsillar hypertrophy- risk factor for kids
CPAP machine at bedside
STOP-BANG Questionnaire
ASA recommend patients are screened for OSA prior to surgery.
Number of screening tool, STOP-BANG one of them.
Easy to use 8 questions.
High risk for OSA if > 3 criteria
Good sensitivity but low specificity i.e. will miss a significant proportion of patients with OSA.
S- Do you snore loudly?
T- Do you feel Tired during the day most days?
O- Has anyone Observed that you stop breathing during your sleep?
P- History of High Blood Pressure
B- BMI > 35
A- Age over 50 years
N- Neck circumference >40 cm
G- Male Gender
(d) What factors increase the risk of complications arising in the postoperative period with
OSA? (10%)
Increased risk of Complications:
More likely to be a complicated period if the patients has a high apnoea/hypopnea index.
Increased severity of sleep apnoea based on sleep studies
Invasive surgery with GA (i.e. Greater risk than minor procedures under LA)
If post- operative opioids are required
(e) What are the features of a postoperative care plan designed to minimise the risk of these
complications? (30%)
Keep for > 3 hours longer in recovery than patients without OSA (as per ASA association
Keep for at least 7 hours after last airway obstruction/hypoxaemic episode
(b) What are the pathological systemic effects of cigarette smoking? (30%)
ischaemic heart disease
increased risk arterial thrombosis
peripheral vascular disease
cerebrovascular disease
renovascular disease
chronic tissue hypoxia
obstructive lung disease
restrictive lung disease
peptic ulcer disease
crohns disease
(c) What perioperative negative outcomes are more likely in smokers? (25%)
nicotine withdrawal, agitation
bronchospasm, laryngospasm, aspiration, post operative pneumonia, atelectasis, hypoxia,
reintubation, prolonged ventilation, hypoventilation, plugging off bronchial tree.
myocardial ischaemia, myocardial infarction, arrythmia, heart failure.
critical care admission
increased opiod requirements
acute kidney injury
(d) Describe the time course of beneficial effects of smoking cessation. (10%)
12-24 hours - CO and nicotine levels reduced
2-10 days - upper airways less reactive, decreased sputum production
4-6 weeks - ciliary function returns, improvement in pfts
2 months - immune function improves
3-6 months - reduced rate post operative complications
years - reduced risk, cold, lung cancer, IHD
(e) What is the role of the anaesthetist in a preoperative setting in encouraging smoking
cessation? (15%)
development of pre assessment pathway
education on importance of cessation, informed consent
referral to smoking cessation service early
encourage abstinence for 12-24 hours in those who continue to smoke
Chronic renal failure
Regulation of sodium and water balance
Excretion of nitrogenous waste products, drug metabolites and other toxins
Regulation of blood pressure via rennin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis
Regulation of electrolytes e.g. potassium, calcium and phosphate
Acid-base balance
Secretion of erythropoietin
Metabolism of Vitamin D
Ischaemic heart disease
Peptic ulcer disease
Delayed gastric emptying
Abnormal calcium metabolism leading to renal osteodystrophy
Abnormal platelet function
Increased loss of free water (acquired nephrogenic diabetes insipidus) or decreased intake due
to nausea and vomiting or excessive restriction
Loss of kidneys reabsorptive ability without hypovolaemia
Diarrhoea and vomiting
Diuretic use
Dilutional hyponatraemia in anuric patients
Actively excreted by kidneys
Calcium and phosphate
Plasma calcium levels frequently reduced in renal failure- reduced production of active vitamin D
results in reduced absorption of calcium from the guy.
Phosphate actively excreted from the kidneys and will therefore accumulate in renal failure
Severe renal dysfunction will cause potassium retention
Acidosis in renal failure results in a potassium shift out of the cells
Can accumulate in renal failure causing a reduced strong ion difference and metabolic acidosis
Platelet activity is deranged with decreased adhesiveness and aggregation despite platelet count
being within normal limits
Likely caused by inadequate vascular endothelial release of von Willebrand factor/factor VIII
complex which binds to and activates platelets
Increased platelet release of beta- thromboglobulin and vascular production of PGI2 also
contribute to coagulopathy
Standard tests of coagulation are usually normal (i.e. prothrombin time, activated partial
thromboplatin time and INR) however bleeding time may be prolonged beyond 10 seconds
Preoperative Assessment
Details of dialysis, with bloods taken most dialysis, weights pre and post most recent dialysis and
quantity of fluids removed
Details of anticoagulant used for dialysis
Urine output
Full monitoring in place- invasive depending on surgery (awareness to possible fistula sites)
Vasopressors prepared prior to induction of anaesthesia
Careful induction of anaesthesia as compliance of circulation in renal failure patients can be
highly abnormal
Impaired gastric emptying and reduced gastric pH may necessitate endotracheal intubation
Recent serum potassium should be known before administration of suxamethonium and high
dose rocuronium substituted if a rapid sequence induction is indicated
Maintainence: Volatile agents- new volatile agents e.g. sevoflurane and enflurane are associated
with an increase in plasma fluoride concentration, however this increase does not cause any
detectable change in renal function
Muscle relaxants that do not rely on renal excretion should be utilised over those dependent of
renal metabolism and excretion. Atracurium or cisatracurium undergo Hoffman degradation.
The patients blood pressure should be maintained as close to normal for that patient
Regional anaesthesia/analgesia may be suitable for procedures such as fistula formation;
however poor platelet function can limit this practice.
Opioids rely on renal excretion, therefore in renal failure these drugs can accumulate and result
in respiratory depression. Short acting opioids such as fentanyl, alfentanil are acceptable, longer
acting opioids such as morphine should be used cautiously with smaller titrated doses and longer
dosing intervals
Liver Failure
Drug metabolism via phase I and phase II reaction
Protein and lipid metabolism
Storage: glycogen, vitamin A, D, B12, iron and copper.
Describe the different tests of liver function - how can these help identify causes of liver
Tests can be divided into those looking for biliary obstruction, liver function and cell injury
Tests of synthetic liver function
Prothrombin time (PT)
Measure of the extrinsic pathway of coagulation.
Prolongation can reflect deficiencies of vitamin K relating to impaired absorption from poor
quality bile production or abnormalities in factor VII synthesis, both relating to liver dysfunction
Synthesised in the liver
Low level may reflect liver dysfunction.
Hypoalbuminaemia also occurs in malnutrition, nephrotic syndrome, malabsorptive states and
Dynamic Tests of liver function
- (looking at the livers ability to clear or metabolise a substance)
Formation of monoethyleneglycine (MEGX)
Lidocaine metabolite can be measured 1530 min after injection of Lidocaine, 1 mg/kg.
Used to quantify the hepatic cytochrome P450 family metabolism
Cell Injury
Alanine Amino Transferase (ALT) and Aspartate Amino Transferase (AST)
Used to detect liver cell damage- no correlation between level and degree of injury
ALT and AST out of proportion with ALP and GGT suggests an intra-hepatic problem.
Cardiovascular/haemodynamic changes
Advanced liver disease- hyper-dynamic circulation.
Low SVR due to peripheral vasodilatation
CO increases in an attempt to compensate
Often leads to hypotension.
Adrenal insufficiency is common and contributes to haemodynamic compromise.
Possible associated cardiomyopathy- low SVR may mask underlying cardiomyopathy/CAD by
limiting ventricular workload
Impairment of FRC, increased hypoxia and atelectasis due to
Ascites leads to diaphragmatic splinting
Pleural effusions
Intrapulmonary A-V shunting
Impaired hypoxic vasoconstriction and
V/Q mismatching
-ARDS may occur with or without sepsis in patients with advanced liver disease
-Some have porto-pulmonary hypertension: portal hypertension is accompanied by pulmonary
hypertension and increased pulmonary vascular resistance
Renal dysfunction secondary to hypo-perfusion.
Use of diuretics/nephrotoxic agents/paracentesis/sepsis/blood loss further increases this risk.
Renal failure also common in acute liver failure
Hepato-renal syndrome- reduced GFR and decline in renal function due to advanced liver
Hepato-renal syndrome can be defined as: Creatinine>133 mmol/l in patient with cirrhosis and
diagnosis of exclusion
It is a consequence of the physiological changes that take place, generalised vasodilatation and
altered RAAS and ADH release.
due to blood loss/haemolysis from hypersplensim/anaemia of chronic illness/bone marrow
depression/nutritional deficiency.
reflects failure of hepatic synthetic function
Hepatocellular necrosis produces a prolongation in Prothrombin time (PT)
Dysfibrinogenaemia and fibrinolysis may occur
Portal hypertension leads to splenomegaly
resultant platelet sequestration and thrombocytopenia.
Changes in drug handling
Derangement in drug handling.
Hepatocellular damage can alter drug metabolism.
Cholestasis reduces the absorption of fat-soluble drugs after oral administration.
Reduced hepatic extraction can lead to high peak plasma concentrations.
Compartment changes and altered protein binding affect the volume of distribution, clearance
and redistribution.
Infection risk
Acute liver failure patients often fulfil criteria for SIRS
Increase risk of sepsis- impaired opsonisation/chemotaxis/intracellular killing.
Gram-positive organisms and fungal sepsis are common.
Metabolic dysfunction
Secondary hyper-aldosteronism- water retention and hyponatraemia
Loop diuretics used to treat ascites and oedema can cause: hypovolaemia/hypokalaemia.
Spironolactone may lead to hyperkalaemia.
Hypomagnesaemia/hypophosphataemia/metabolic alkalosis are often present.
Rapid correction of hyponatraemia- osmotic demyelination and central pontine myelinosis.
Increase in circulating levels of hormones- insulin, thyroxine, aldosterone and oestrogen.
Hypoglycaemia may be present due to both hyperinsulinaemia + depleted hepatic glycogen
stores. Lactic acidosis especially in paracetamol OD
Muscle Relaxants
- prolonged duration of action because reduced pseudocholinesterase concentrations slowing its
- prolonged elimination phase in severe disease.
- better options as not reliant on hepatic excretion.
Elimination- delayed in cirrhotic patients due to reduced hepatic bl flow and extraction ratio.
Associated renal failure- accumulation of the active metabolite morphine-6-glucuronide
Morphine may therefore precipitate encephalopathy
May be better option as it is renally excreted
Will accumulate in larger doses.
Elimination reduced but volume of distribution is increased.
Deficiency in alpha-1-acid glycoprotein results in reduced protein binding.
Overall dose should be reduced
Commonly used intra-operatively
Metabolism not liver dependant
What are the serious complications of chronic liver failure - how may these be managed?
- Coagulopathy
Vitamin K and FFP administration may in part correct the coagulation defect
Cryoprecipitate if the PT remains prolonged.
Prolonged bleeding time may need prophylactic DDAVP
Tranexamic acid may also be helpful.
- Encephalopathy
Identify and correct the precipitating causes:
Assess vital signs and volume status.
Evaluate for GI bleeding.
Eliminate sedatives or tranquilizers.
Screen for hypoxia, hypoglycaemia, anaemia, hypokalaemia, metabolic alkalosis, and other
potential metabolic or endocrine factors- correct as indicated.
Initiate ammonia-lowering therapy:
Use nasogastric lavage, lactulose to remove source of ammonia from colon.
Initiate treatment with lactulose to produce two to four bowel movements per day.
Consider oral nonabsorbable antibiotics to reduce intestinal bacterial counts.
Consider treatment with flumazenil
(Minimize potential complications of cirrhosis and depressed consciousness)
Provide supportive care with attention to airway, hemodynamic, and metabolic statuses.
- Ascites
Sodium restriction
Diuretic therapy
Fluid restriction
Paracentesis with albumin cover
TIPS procedure
- Portal Hypertension
- Variceal Bleeding
British Society of Gastroenterology recommend patients with cirrhosis who present with
evidence of upper GI bleeding undergo an urgent upper endoscopic evaluation
Haemodynamic resuscitation
Band ligation
Sengstaken-Blakemore tube insertion
- Hepatorenal Syndrome
Discuss suitability of dialysis
Consider Octreotide and oral midodrine
Avoid nephrotoxics
- Malnutrition
Dietetic input and vitamin supplementation should occur as early as possible
Myasthenia gravis and anaesthesia
(b) How might you distinguish between a myasthenic and cholinergic crisis?
Tensilon challenge test: up to 10mg edrophonium IV given
If MG: improvement of symptoms within 1 minute, effect short lived
Patients with cholinergic crisis respond with increased salivation, secretions, diaphosesis, gastric
motility (SLUDGE syndrome)
(e) Describe the your intraoperative management of a myasthenia patient presenting for
emergency surgery specifically relating to the condition
Regional anaesthesia where possible
Routine monitoring
Invasive BP
NM function monitoring
Intubation achieved by deepening anaesthesia with anaesthetic vapour
If using suxamethonium, higher doses required because of reduced number of functional NM
post synaptic ACh receptors
MG patients are extremely sensitive to NDNMB, much reduced dose required (varies according
to agent)
Use of Anticholinesterase often unnecessary, can precipitate cholinergic crises
Most patients can be extubated successfully post op
Few may require HDU care/mechanical ventilation in ICU
Anticholinesterase restarted at reduced dose post-op and up-titrated
(a) What is the biochemical abnormality causing the acute porphyrias? (15%)
(b) What are the symptoms and signs of an acute porphyric crisis? (20%)
(c) How should an acute crisis be managed? (20%)
(d) What are the implications for general (30%) and regional (15%) anaesthesia
of a patient with porphyria?
- Haem is an iron containing porphyrin ring (an organic cyclical compound)
- A genetic defect causes deficiency of intermediary enzymes in the pathway of haem synthesis
- Pathway begins with glycine and succinyl coenzyme A which is converted to ALA and
subsequently leads to porphyrin production
- Most active in the liver and bone marrow
- All enzyme defects lead to an accumulation of 5-aminolaevulinic acid (ALA)
- Porphobilinogen (PBG) is also elevated in the majority of cases of acute porphyria including
hereditary coproporphyria, variegate porphyria and acute intermittent porphyria
- Abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting
- Cardiovascular changes including tachycardia, hypertension and arrhythmias
- Neurological including psychosis, confusion, seizures
- Peripheral neuropathy; proximal > distal
- Autonomic neuropathy; gastroparesis, postural hypotension and constipation
- Bulbar paresis; respiratory failure
- Electrolyte disturbance ; hyponatraemia and hypomagnesaeamia
- Skin rash and photosensitivity
- Have a high index of suspicion if unexplained abdominal pain or precipitating drug
- Remove triggering agent
- Send urine protected from light for Porphobilinogen (PBG) assay
- Give 3mg/kg IV haem arginate early
- Avoid catabolic state by giving NG/IV
- Treat any infection
- Supportive management;
Morphine for analgesia,
B blockers for haaemodynamics,
benzodiazepines, vigabatrin, gabapentin, mgSo4 and levetiracetam safe for seizures,
correct hyponatraemia,
ventilator support for respiratory compromise - consider that hood may not be a safe option in
the context of gastroparesis
- General: Full medical history and family history
- Knowledge of prevalence (higher in S Africa, Sweden)
- Team awareness of the diagnosis and input from a specialist in the field
- Examination; look for signs of peripheral neuropathy, autonomic instability which could indicate
active disease/ risk crisis
- Minimise fasting period/avoid catabolic state: IV dextrose/saline infusion
- Preop anxiolysis and adequate post op analgesia to minimise stress response; diclofenac should
be avoided
- Knowledge of drug database guiding safety of agents in porphyria; inhalationals (with the
exception of sevoflurane) morphine and propofol all safe; avoid barbiturates, etomidate and
- Awareness of clinical features of an attack and method of treatment is important
- IABP monitoring
- Consideration of CVP monitoring depending on nature of surgery
- Patient not suitable for day case surgery; monitoring required post op for urine PBG levels and
CV monitoring; crises can be delayed up to 5 days post op
- Regional: thorough neurological and cardiovascular examination must be carried out to identify
neurological deficits/autonomic neuropathy
- Invasive BP monitoring should be considered
- CV instability may result from dehydration and autonomic neuropathy coupled with a
neruraxial block, ephedrine is unsafe for management of hypotension in porphyria
- Local anaesthetics are safe in porphyria