Questions and Answers
Questions and Answers
Questions and Answers
Examples of systematic errors caused by the Examples of causes of random errors are:
wrong use of instruments are:
electronic noise in the circuit of an
errors in measurements of temperature electrical instrument,
due to poor thermal contact between the irregular changes in the heat loss rate
thermometer and the substance whose from a solar collector due to changes
temperature is to be found, in the wind.
errors in measurements of solar radiation
because trees or buildings shade the
2) Enumerate the desirable characteristics of manometric liquids.
Commonly used manometric liquids are mercury, water or alcohol.
Some of the important and desirable properties of the manometric liquids are:
1) High chemical stability
2) Low viscosity
3) Low capillary constant
4) Low coefficient of thermal expansion
5) Low volatility
6) Low vapour pressure
High thermal stability and low volatility are important for maintaining a
constant. Specific gravity. High viscosity causes transmission lags .Thermal
expansion causes changes in zero reading. While measuring low pressures,
vapour pressure of the manometric fluid is an important consideration.