Class/ Time/ Subject Content Impact: English
Class/ Time/ Subject Content Impact: English
Class/ Time/ Subject Content Impact: English
Content Standard :
1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able
to pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct
stress, rhythm and intonation.
1.2 By the end of the 6-year primaryschooling, pupils will be
able to listen and respond appropriately in formal and Attendance:__ /___
informal situations for a variety of purposes.
Learning Standard :
1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance. ___/___ of the pupils able to
Sunday achieve the objectives
1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding
26.6.2016 of oral texts by:
(a) answering simple Wh-Questions
___/___ of the pupils able to
Subject Objectives :
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to : answer the questions correctly
English (a) Talk about the stimulus with guidance.
(b) Answers simple Wh-questions.
Activities :
Class 1. Teacher shows pictures of clothes to pupils from the ___/___ of LINUS pupils able to
2C power point slide presentation. Teacher clicks to the achieve today's lesson
clothes and read aloud and pupils follow.
2. Reinforcement activities .
Teacher shows picture cards of clothes to pupils and
Time asks pupils to name the clothes.
3. Run and paste Game: Teacher divides pupils into four
10.50-11.50pm groups. Teachers action:
Teacher will say aloud the name of cloth and each
pupils from each group need to paste the correct
picture cards and paste it in front on the whiteboard.
The group which paste the wrong picture, the marks
will be penalised.
4. As a conclusion,, teacher drills pupils to say aloud the
name of clothes based on the picture cards.
Teaching Aids :
Picture cards.
Teaching and learning strategies :
Multiple intelligence *Todays lesson will be
Added Value : Clean and neat carried forward due to
Assessment :
Observe pupils can name the correct clothes.
Focus : Reading
Theme : World Of Knowledge
Topic : Looking Good
Content Standard :
2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will
be able to demonstrate understanding of avariety of
linear and non-lineartexts in the form of print andnon-
print materials using arrange of strategies to REFLECTION
Attendance:__ /___
2.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will
be able to read independently for information and
___/___ of the pupils able to
Monday Learning Standard :
achieve the objectives
Focus : Writing
Theme : World Of Knowledge
Topic : Looking Good
Content Standard : REFLECTION
3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be
Attendance:__ /___
able to form letters and words in neat legible print
including cursive writing.
3.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be
able to write using appropriate language,form and style for ___/___ of the pupils able
a range of purpose. to achieve the objectives
Learning Standard :
Tuesday 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print:
a)words b)phrases c)simple sentences.
27.6.2016 3.2.2 Able to write simple sentences with guidance. ___/___ of the pupils able
to answer the questions
Objectives :
Subject By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to :
(c) read and understand simple sentences in linear and
English non-linear texts.
(d) read simple nonfiction texts with guidance.
Activities : ___/___ of LINUS pupils
Class able to achieve today's
1. Teacher recap yersterday lesson. Teacher shows
2C Picture cards of clothing and pupils name them. lesson
2. Teacher asks pupils to open textbook p.89.
3. Teacher asks pupils, what Irwin wears for
Time different places.
7.50-9.50 am 4. Teacher asks pupils about their clothes.
5. Teacherguides pupils to write and complete the Teachers action:
6. Teacher writes the sentences and pupils fill in the
blanks with the correct answer based on the
Teaching Aids :
Teaching and learning strategies :
Multiple intelligences *Todays lesson will be
carried forward due to
Added Value :wear proper clothes
Assessment :
Observe pupils can choose proper and suitable clothes
for different places.
Teaching Aids :
Picture of elves and the clothing, straw, color pencil.
Assessment :
Observe pupils can design variety clothes for the elves.
Learning Standard :
2.2.4 Able to read and understand a paragraph of simple ___/___ of LINUS pupils able to
Subject sentences. achieve today's lesson
2.3.1 Able to read simple texts with guidance:
English b) fiction
Objectives :
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to :
Class (i) read and understand simple sentences in linear and
non-linear texts. Teachers action:
2C (j) LINUS pupils able to read simple nonfiction texts
with guidance.
Activities :
Time 1. Teacher intoduces the phoneme of "oy" and "ir".
7.50-9.50 am Teacher make the arm blending and pupils do it
2. Teacher explains the meaning of each words for
pupils better understanding.
3. Teacher asks pupils to open TB pg 87 "The *Todays lesson will be
Toy".Teacherreads and pupils follow. carried forward due to
4. Teacher does the group reading and individual
5. Reinforcement : Activity book pg 66
Teaching Aids :
Textbook,Activity book
Teaching and learning strategies :
Multiple intelligences
Added Value : cleanliness
Assessment : Observe pupils can read text and the
words correctly.
Focus : Writing
Theme : World Of Knowledge REFLECTION
Topic : Looking Good
Attendance:__ /___
Content Standard :
3.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will
be able to form letters and words in neat legible print
including cursive writing. ___/___ of the pupils able to achieve
3.4 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will the objectives
be able to write using appropriate language,form and
style for a range of purpose.
Thursday Learning Standard :
3.1.2 Able to write in neat legible print: ___/___ of the pupils able to answer
14.7.2016 a)words b)phrases c)simple sentences.
the questions correctly
3.2.2 Able to write simple sentences with guidance.
Objectives :
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to :
English (k) read and understand simple sentences in linear and
non-linear texts. ___/___ of LINUS pupils able to
(l) read simple nonfiction texts with guidance. achieve today's lesson
Class Activities :
2C 1. Teacher recap previous lesson on clothing.
2. Teacher shows slide presentation on what the
people are wearing.
3. Teacher starts with the first slide and read out Teachers action:
the sentences.
9.50-11.20 am 4. Teacher asks volunteer from the pupils to
contruct a sentence based on each picture.
Teacher writes the answer on the whiteboard.
5. Teacher read the answer with the pupils.
Then teacher erase some of the words.
6. Teacher asks pupils to write the sentences
and fill in the blanks by referring to the
pictures. *Todays lesson will be carried
( pictures from the silde as handout )
forward due to
Teaching Aids :
Laptop, LCD
Teaching and learning strategies :
Multiple intelligences
Added Value : wear proper clothes
Assessment :
Observe pupils can write in legible print.
Learning Standard :
4.3.3 Able to produce simple creative works with guidance
___/___ of the pupils able to
based on
achieve the objectives
(a) paper doll
4.3.4 Able to take part with guidance in a performance based
on: a) role play
___/___ of the pupils able to
17.7.2016 Objectives : answer the questions correctly
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to :
a)produce simple creative works with guidance.
b)role play with guidance in group
c)Guides LINUS pupils to identify simple words.(cap,hat,shoe)
Subject ___/___ of LINUS pupils able
to achieve today's lesson
English Activities :
1. Teacher recaps pupils knowledge on clothing by
using the word maze. Teacher asks pupils to fill in
Class the mind map.
2. Teacher displays picture cards and ask pupils to
2C identify, distributes word cards. Teachers action:
3. Asks pupils to fill in the blanks with the correct
spelling and colour the picture.
Time 4. Drills simple sentences.
I have a shirt. My shirt is blue. / I have shoes. They
10.50-11.50 am are red.
5. Teacher displays paper doll. Explain how to make
it and distributes worksheets.
6. Pupils colour and make their own paper doll with
7. Role play in the group. *Todays lesson will be
carried forward due to
Teaching Aids :
Paper doll, word maze, flash cards, color pencil.
Teaching and learning strategies :
Kinesthetic intelligence
Added Value : Creativity
Assessment :
Observe pupils can design variety clothes for the paper