2017 ELT Catalogue

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The only official publisher for Cambridge English exams

New for 2017
Titles marked NEW are either available now, or by the month shown in the catalogue.

Primary Page 10 Primary Page 14 Primary Page 16 Secondary Page 22 Adult Page 36
Special edition for Spain English for Spanish Speakers

English for Spanish Speakers

Special edition for Spain





Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine, C1 STUDENTS
Pupils Book

Includes access to:

9788490362808 EMPOWER SB C1 C M Y K
Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones tests from Cambridge English
Language Assessment
Cambridge English Empower is a general English course for
adult and young adult learners that combines course content personalised practice
from Cambridge University Press with validated assessment from
Cambridge English Language Assessment. cambridgelms.org/empower
This unique mix of engaging classroom materials and reliable
assessment, with personalised online practice, enables learners to

make consistent and measurable progress.

The course provides:

intriguing images, texts and video designed to arouse curiosity

and get students talking

unit progress tests and mid-course and end-of-course
C1 English Profile
competency tests www.englishprofile.org

Doff, Thaine, Puchta, Stranks, Lewis-Jones

manageable learning with a syllabus informed by English Profile

He , n
hta -Jo
and the Cambridge English Corpus, ensuring students encounter
St rb
ra n e r t P u c
the most relevant language at the right point in their learning
k s , Pe t e r L e w i
Speaking Plus pages providing extra speaking practice
and sections focusing on areas of pronunciation which are
problematic for Spanish speakers
Get it right! pages with tips and practice to avoid common
Spanish-speaker errors, taken from the Cambridge Learner

Other components include:
Workbook with Audio and Video
Teachers Book
Digital Empower online/DVD-ROM
Class Audio CDs
Class DVD

System Requirements:
This product is optimised for use on the following systems and browsers:

Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Minimum internet speed: 3Mbps download

Windows 8.1.
Supported browsers: Internet Explorer 10
and 512 Kbps upload speed per user
Firewall: Must allow delivery of content ISBN: 978-84-9036-280-8 Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine,
Susannah Reed with Kay Bentley Series Editor: Lesley Koustaff and 11, most recent version of Chrome,
most recent version of Firefox
from multiple IP addresses

Hardware requirements:
Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks,
Mac OSX 10.8 and 10.9.
Supported browsers: Safari 6.0 and 7.0
JavaScript must be enabled in the browser
Minimum screen resolution: 1024x768px
Microphone for voice recording activities 9 788490 362808 > English for Spanish Speakers Peter Lewis-Jones

Exams Page 50 Exams Page 50 Exams Page 64 Exams Pages 52, 54, 56, 58 Exams Page 66
Common mistakes at PET


Liz Driscoll
Get it right for Cambridge English: Preliminary official practice for
the exam! Based on analysis of over 10,000 exam papers, this book
helps you avoid the most common mistakes made by real learners.
Now with to maximise your result.

Common mistakes

Common mistakes at PET and how to avoid them with

at PET
Four authentic online practice tests for Cambridge English: Preliminary
Practice mode for learning or Test mode for exam conditions
Instant results and progress checker
Realistic Speaking practice with timed video simulation
*Cambridge English: Preliminary tests 1-4
and how to avoid them
Your access code is inside the front cover

WER KEY Liz Driscoll

helpful authentic
hints online practice
and tips tests


FIRST FOR SCH CEFR level: Cambridge English exam:

C2 Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE)

C1 Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE)

Cambridge English: First (FCE)


Photocopiable exam
Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools

Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET)


resources for teachers

Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) for Schools

Cambridge English: Key (KET)

Cambridge English: Key (KET) for Schools

Authentic examination papers online
Helen Chilton, Sheila Dignen,
Mark Fountain and Frances Treloar

Au d
ith i

Vocabulary Page 80 Teacher Development Page 95 Teacher Development Page 96

English English
Vocabulary Collocations
in Use in Use
Advanced Advanced
Vocabulary reference and practice for fluent and natural English

Third Edition Second Edition

includes eBook Self-study and classroom use
with audio

Michael McCarthy Michael McCarthy

Felicity ODell Felicity ODell

Common European How to order

Framework of Reference Ordering for booksellers Ordering for teachers
for Languages (CEFR) Please contact our Customer Services Please place all orders through your local
Department: bookshop or supplier.
A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2
Cambridge University Press Your local Sales Office will be able to advise
Titles with this logo include a reference to the Common
European Framework of Reference for Language (CEFR) C/ Jos Abascal 56, 1 you with any queries you may have about local
levels, as a general guide to teachers 28003 Madrid suppliers, our titles and how to order them (please
Phone: 91 171 58 92 see contact details listed on the back cover).
The Common European Framework of Reference
Email: salesiberia@cambridge.org
for Languages (CEFR) is a useful tool for anyone
involved in English language learning, teaching and ISBN-13 should be quoted when ordering.
testing. It provides a common basis for describing
levels of language ability in terms of what a learner
can do with the language in real-world tasks.
Cambridge University Press is a leading member of
English Profile, an EU-sponsored research project to
describe the specific knowledge and skills in English
that learners need to reach each CEFR level. Our
course designers and authors make use of English
Profile research to ensure courses are finely tuned
to what learners at each level need.

NEW Cambridge IELTS 12 62 NEW English Idioms in Use Second edition 80

Schools: Pre-Primary 7 NEW Testbank Cambridge English First

for Schools 58  63
NEW English Phrasal Verbs in Use
Second edition 80
NEW Super Safari Letters and Numbers NEW Testbank Cambridge English First 58 63
Workbooks Levels 13  7
NEW Testbank Cambridge English
Advanced 58 63 Readers  82
Schools: Primary 10 NEW Testbank Cambridge IELTS Academic

NEW Guess What! 10

Training Tests 58
NEW Testbank Cambridge IELTS General
Skills  86
NEW Kids Box Updated Second edition 14 Training Tests 58 63
NEW Super Minds: Super Grammar Book
Levels 16, Wordcards Levels 14, Online Test
NEW Cambridge English Young Learners 1
for revised exam from 2018 64
Academic Skills  88
Generator Levels 16 16 NEW Unlock Basic Level 88
NEW Common Mistakes at KET with

Schools: Secondary 19 NEW Common Mistakes at PET with

English for Academic
NEW Citizen Z Levels A1 and C1 22 NEW Common Mistakes at First Certificate Purposes  90
with Testbank 66
NEW Common Mistakes at CAE with
Schools: Bachillerato 30 Testbank66 Professional 
NEW Common Mistakes at IELTS
Intermediate with Testbank Academic  66
Development  94
Adult34 NEW Common Mistakes at IELTS NEW Curriculum Development in
NEW Cambridge English Empower for Spanish Intermediate with Testbank General Training 66 Language Teaching Second edition 96
Speakers Level C1 36 NEW Common Mistakes at IELTS Advanced Cambridge Handbooks for Language
NEW Interchange Fifth edition 44 with Testbank Academic 66 Teachers
NEW Common Mistakes at IELTS NEW Activities for Very Young Learners 95
Advanced with Testbank General Training 66 NEW Interaction Online 95
Exams  48 Studies in Language Testing
NEW Fun for Starters, Movers and Flyers
Fourth edition 50 Professional and NEW Advancing the Field of Language
NEW Storyfun for Starters, Movers and Flyers Vocational  67
Second edition  50
NEW Cambridge English Prepare! Online Test International /
Generator52 TOEIC and TOEFL  71 Bilingual Education 100
NEW Complete Key for Schools Online Test
NEW Complete PET Online Test Generator 54 Dictionaries  72 Title and Author 
NEW Complete First for Schools Online Test
Generator54 Index  102
NEW Compact Key for Schools Online Test Grammar / Vocabulary
/ Pronunciation  75
NEW Compact Preliminary for Schools Online
Test Generator 58 NEW English Vocabulary in Use Elementary
NEW Compact First for Schools Online Test Advanced new editions with enhanced ebooks 80
Generator58 NEW English Collocations in Use
NEW Mindset for IELTS  60 Second edition 80

Key to symbols
englishprofile.org ebook App British English

Cambridge Learning
English for Spanish Speakers Digital Books
Management System (see page 4)
Presentation Plus Classroom
Cambridge English Corpus American English
Presentation Software

For more information about our digital products see page 4 1

What does better learning mean to you?

Your students getting the grades they need?

Courses that are authentic, relevant, and easy to teach from?
Quick online support and extra help when you need it?

Every day we talk to teachers just like you about

what resources would improve their teaching lives.
Alongside our world-leading research, its these
conversations that shape everything we do.

This means you can trust our materials to focus

on the language your learners need English
as its really used around the world.

When you teach with resources that are easy to use and
interesting for both you and your learners, everyone
can enjoy the learning process. And whether youre
teaching primary school children or professional adults,
were here to support you. Together we can help each
learner develop the English skills that they need.

Thats what Better Learning means to us. Its our

promise to give you everything that you need to
teach with confidence, so your students learn the
skills that will help them realise their ambitions
in life. Good grades are just the start.
The digital elements make for
a smoother experience its
something the teacher doesnt
have to worry about. You

Lessons can concentrate more directly

on delivering the language
and engaging the students
in what youre teaching.
Chris: Teacher in the UK

Find out how our materials are designed to help you

create the best learning experiences for your students:

cambridge.es /betterlearning
Running and
Blended Learning

Digital resources that meet the

needs of you and your students

Cambridge Learning
Management System
A learning management system designed
specifically for, and with, English language
teachers and school administrators.
With regular updates, online training, and
global customer support, this is a secure
platform that will help you to effectively
manage classes, control the allocation of
content and tests for students, track their
progress, and run useful, time-saving reports.

Presentation Plus
Easy-to-use, interactive classroom presentation
software that helps you to deliver effective
and engaging lessons.
Presentation Plus brings together text,
images, audio and video in one place at
the front of the classroom, allowing you to
present content from the students books,
play videos and audio, annotate the content
and link to online resources.*

*Tools and functions may vary. Look for specific features listed alongside coursebook descriptions in the catalogue.
4 For more information about our digital products see page 4
Digital and Blended Contents

ebooks and mobile apps

Many of our teaching and learning resources are available as ebooks
and mobile apps, compatible with smartphones and tablet devices.
These include coursebooks, dictionaries, supplementary skills books,
and professional development resources for teachers.
Featuring audio, video and interactive activities, they offer even
more potential for the integration of digital content inside and
outside your classroom.

Find out more about some of our most popular

digital and blended learning resources
Touchstone Cambridge
TESTBANK Grammar in Use
and Viewpoint Dictionary

Flexible learning, Cambridge English The worlds Make your words Your one-stop platform for all the digital
proven results. authentic practice best-selling grammar meaningful with the content linked to our courses. Access The
A six-level adult tests, managed series for learners worlds most popular Cambridge Teacher for:
course with fully- online in the of English with all online dictionaries Your digital products.
flexible blended Cambridge Learning levels now available for learners of Extra downloadable resources.
learning. Management System. as ebooks. English. News and updates related to teaching and
learning English.
Page 43 Page 63 Page 75-78 Page 72

For more information about our digital products see page 4 5

Schools: Pre-Primary

Pre-Primary and Primary Courses


Super Safari 7 Pre-A1 Pre-starters

Greenman & the Magic Forest 8 Pre-A1 Pre-starters

NEW Guess What! 10 Pre-A1 A1+

Quick Minds 12 Pre-A1 A1+

NEW Kids Box for Spanish
14 Pre-A1 A1 A2 Movers
Speakers Updated 2nd edition

Super Minds 16 Pre-A1 A1 A2 B1 Flyers
Preliminary (for

The English Ladder 18 Pre-A1 A1

Playway to English Starters

18 Pre-A1 A1
Second edition Movers

Join Us for English 18 Pre-A1 A1

New for 2017

Special edition for Spain
Special edition for Spain
Pupils Book

Susannah Reed with Kay Bentley Series Editor: Lesley Koustaff

NEW Guess NEW Kids Box NEW Super NEW Fun for NEW Storyfun NEW Cambridge
What! Updated Second Grammar Book Starters, Movers for Starters, English Young
Page 10 edition Page 16 and Flyers Fourth Movers and Flyers Learners 1 for
Page 14 edition Second edition revised exam from
Page 50 Page 50 2018
Page 64

6 For more information about our digital products see page 4

Schools: Pre-Primary

Join Super Safari for a super start to learning!

Pre-A1 Children will love the songs, creative arts and crafts, Resources for learners
and TPR activities, which make lessons fun and
Songs and fun games in every unit on the Pupils
develop motor-sensory skills.
Super Safari Teaching with phonics gives children the
Book DVD-ROM to enjoy at home.
NEW Enjoyable introduction and practice of
HerbertPuchta, GnterGerngross and building blocks for fluent reading and spelling
early writing and numeracy skills in the Letters
PeterLewis-Jones skills.
and Numbers Workbook.
With engaging CLIL sections children discover
the fascinating world around them. Resources for parents
90 hours extendable to 180
Resources for teachers A bank of downloadable worksheets and ideas
Based on the successful pedagogy of Super Minds, for activities at home enables parents to help
Super Safari welcomes children as young as three Presentation Plus this powerful tool puts children learn English.
on their first learning adventure. With its holistic all your resources in one place: complete
approach the course supports all aspects of learners course content, teacher resources, interactive cambridge.es/supersafari
development by improving their memory, thinking whiteboard tools, and video and audio
and motor-sensory skills as well as language and programs, all on one easy-to-use platform.
Also available
social skills. Ideal for use with interactive whiteboards or
computer and projector, or Apple TV. NEW Activities for Very Young Learners
Develops childrens thinking skills, memory,
DVD for teachers with animated stories and Page 95
concentration and creativity with varied activities
songs to keep children engaged.
and projects.
NEW Get the most out of your print and
Lovable animal characters and colourful stories
digital resources with the FREE Online Training
introduce children to new language as well as
modules provided through the Cambridge
social values.
Learning Management System. Visit
cambridge.es/onlinetraining to find out more.

The children point to the characters and count them aloud.

Count and colour. Trace the numbers. Then the children colour them. Finally, they trace the numbers
with different coloured crayons several times.
7 Think! Look and match. Say the words.


Think! pages develop
thinking skills in
preparation for school

Phonics page 81 Review page 91 Thinking skills: Noticing details 23

My numbers 11

Super Safari Letters and Numbers Workbook 2 Super Safari Pupils Book 2

Super Safari Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Pupil's Book with DVD-ROM 978-1-107-47667-7 978-1-107-47688-2 978-1-107-47707-0 Available in American English
Activity Book 978-1-107-47669-1 978-1-107-47689-9 978-1-107-47708-7
NEW Letters and Numbers Workbook 978-1-316-62816-4 978-1-316-62817-1 978-1-316-62818-8 Super Safari American English
Teacher's Book 978-1-107-47670-7 978-1-107-47690-5 978-1-107-47709-4 cambridge.es/supersafari/ame
Class Audio CDs (2) 978-1-107-47673-8 978-1-107-47691-2 978-1-107-47712-4
Flashcards 978-1-107-47679-0 978-1-107-47692-9 978-1-107-47716-2
Presentation Plus DVD-ROM 978-1-107-47682-0 978-1-107-47699-8 978-1-107-47720-9
Teachers DVD 978-1-107-47687-5 978-1-107-47704-9 978-1-107-47728-5
Posters (10) 978-1-107-47729-2 978-1-107-49662-0 978-1-107-49664-4
Big Book 978-1-107-53925-9 978-1-107-53927-3 978-1-107-53928-0
Parrot Puppet (All Levels) 978-1-107-47732-2

For more information about our digital products see page 4 7

Schools: Primary

Natural learning for Pre-Primary

The approach and activities in Greenman & the
Magic Forest take into account the differing
Pre A1 abilities of children at an early age, using an
integrated curriculum, which means that the
pupils will not be studying English as a language
Greenman & the Magic Forest on its own, but rather using it as a means to learn
Marilyn Miller, Karen Elliott and Sarah about the world around them. The concepts and
McConnell objectives are in line with those of the pre-primary
general curriculum helping children relate their
COMPLETE BEGINNER English classes to the concepts learnt in their
75 hours extendable to 130 general classes.

Greenman & the Magic Forest is a Pre-primary cambridge.es/greenman

course based on the adventures of two children,
Nico and Sam, and their encounter with the
magical protector of the forest Greenman. Their
animal friends from the forest also accompany A beautifully illustrated Big Book
them and the pupils as they learn about looking is used to present all six stories in Story text included for
after the environment, enjoying the outdoors and each level teacher reference
having a healthy and active lifestyle.
The course is based on stories along with fun
songs and chants which focus on aspects of the A Great Game
holistic approach in pre-primary learning. The Greenman, Sam, Nico and Stella are in
activities are designed to cater for all learning the playground. Theyre playing ball.

styles. Here you are, Nico! says Sam.

Oh, no! says Nico. The ball is in the zoo.
And the zoo is closed!
Greenman & the Magic Forest features: Dont worry! says Greenman. I can get
the ball. I can talk to the animals.
Be careful! says Sam.
A whole-child holistic approach to learning.
A strong routine-based course with the seasons
and nature as a central part of the course.
Stories to combine the magic forest with children 35
in real-life situations a combination of fantasy
and the real world which the children can relate
to. Greenman and the Magic Forest Big Book Level B

Catchy songs are used with TPR (Total Physical

Response) activities.
A solid integrated phonics syllabus.
The Routine Board with removable elements helps pupils practise
A variety of activities that are clearly matched to vocabulary for weather, numbers, colours, shapes and birthdays
the abilities of pre-primary pupils.

Greenman and the Magic Forest Starter Level A Level B

Pupil's Book with Stickers, Pop-outs and
978-84-9036-814-5 978-84-9036-825-1 978-84-9036-834-3
Downloadable Songs and Stories
Teacher's Book (English) 978-84-9036-816-9 978-84-9036-827-5 978-84-9036-836-7
Teacher's Book (Spanish) 978-84-9036-817-6 978-84-9036-828-2 978-84-9036-837-4
Big Book 978-84-9036-815-2 978-84-9036-826-8 978-84-9036-835-0
Teacher's Resource Book 978-84-9036-818-3 978-84-9036-829-9 978-84-9036-838-1
Vocabulary Flashcards 978-84-9036-820-6 978-84-9036-831-2 978-84-9036-840-4
Phonics Flashcards 978-84-9036-819-0 978-84-9036-830-5 978-84-9036-839-8
Wordcards 978-84-9036-841-1
Class Audio CD 978-84-9036-821-3 978-84-9036-832-9 978-84-9036-842-8
Digital Forest (IWB software) 978-84-9036-822-0 978-84-9036-833-6 978-84-9036-843-5
Levels Starter-B
Routine Board 978-84-9036-845-9
Reward Stickers 978-84-9036-000-2 Greenman and the Magic Forest Routine Board
Reward Stamp 978-84-9036-001-9
Teacher's Bag 978-84-9036-846-6
Greenman Puppet 978-84-9036-844-2

8 For more information about our digital products see page 4


English for Spanish Speakers

Greenman & the Magic Forest has been written specifically for Spanish Pre-Primary pupils:
The concepts and objectives follow the Spanish pre-primary general curriculum helping children relate their English
classes to the concepts learnt in their general classes.
A solid integrated phonics syllabus gives extra practice on the sounds Spanish speakers have more problems with.
The approach to literacy with pre-writing activities follows the approach in the Spanish classroom.
Teachers Book available in English and Spanish.

Perforated worksheets
to tear out and take

5 A Great Game home to show parents

The back of the

worksheet provides
essential information Extra activities for fast-finishers
for the teacher also included

Lesson 2
O Look and do. O Optional: Trace and colour the crocodile.
O Role play.
CD 2
O Play the story.
Name 61 12
O WORKSHEET 2 : Look and match.
Then, act in pairs.

O Optional: Photocopiable 21: Match

and trace. Then cut and play the
Greenman and the Magic Forest Pupils Book Level B Who are you? game.

Who are you? Im a (tiger). What are you doing? Im (eating).

Greenman and the Magic Forest Pupils Book Level B

Digital resources for learners

A free app helps parents get involved in their childrens first steps
in English, with fun games and animations to practise on tablets.
Digital resources for teachers
Digital Forest provides a wide range of interactive whiteboard
resources. The pupils will love the animated stories, action
songs, videos, interactive flashcards, posters and games (for
core vocabulary and phonics). These activities can be used as
extension to the activities in the Teachers Book or as a format to
alternate between the physical resources and the technological
ones for variety.

Digital Forest Level A

For more information about our digital products see page 4 9

Schools: Primary

Special edition for Spain Special edition for Spain Special edition for Spain Special edition for Spain Special edition for Spain Special edition for Spain
Special edition for Spain

Special edition for Spain

Special edition for Spain

Special edition for Spain

Special edition for Spain

Special edition for Spain







Pupils Book

Pupils Book

Pupils Book

Pupils Book

Pupils Book

Pupils Book












Susannah Reed with Kay Bentley Series Editor: Lesley Koustaff Susannah Reed with Kay Bentley Series Editor: Lesley Koustaff Susannah Reed with Kay Bentley Series Editor: Lesley Koustaff Susannah Reed with Kay Bentley Series Editor: Lesley Koustaff Susannah Reed with Kay Bentley Series Editor: Lesley Koustaff Susannah Reed with Kay Bentley Series Editor: Lesley Koustaff

Are you ready to explore?

A1-A1+ Digital resources for teachers Digital resources for learners
Presentation Plus this easy-to-use tool puts all Interactive online activities in the Cambridge
NEW Guess What! your resources in one place: complete course Learning Management System provide extra
content enriched with interactive activities, opportunities to practise vocabulary, grammar,
SusannahReed and KayBentley teacher resources, interactive whiteboard reading and listening.
SeriesEditor:LesleyKoustaff tools, video and audio programs. Ideal for use
with interactive whiteboards or computer and cambridge.es/guesswhat
projector, or Apple TV.
75 teaching hours, extendable to 150
Get the most out of your print and
Shortlisted British Council ELTons Awards 2016 digital resources with the FREE Online Training
Innovation in Learner Resources modules provided through the Cambridge
Learning Management System. Visit
Why do whales jump out of water? What makes
cambridge.es/onlinetraining to find out more.
our bodies move? Guess What! has the answers.
Through beautiful photography, captivating video CLIL lessons teach
and fascinating topics, this highly visual series Unit 5
English through other
takes young learners on an amazing journey to
1 CD2
52 Listen and say. school subjects and
explore the world as they learn English. develop listening skills
2 3 4 5
Guess What! follows the Cambridge English: through real-world
Young Learners syllabus to help learners prepare video
for YLE exams while an emphasis on self-reflection
supports children to become confident learners
and achieve great results.
Children are born explorers. Beautiful, real-world
sight hearing smell taste touch
images appeal to their natural curiosity and
create interest in the unit topics.
2 Watch the video.
CLIL lessons with real-world videos improve
proficiency across other subject areas as well as 3 Look and say the senses.
listening and critical thinking skills.
Number . Sight and touch. Yes.
Focus on useful functional language in every
unit gives learners the tools to become effective 2
speakers in and outside of school.
Exciting stories with social values prepare children
for success in life by teaching them collaboration, Project
communication, responsibility, and respect
towards others and the world. 4 Make a senses
The Home Booklet, a fun games magazine
3 4
included with the Activity Book for children to
take home, helps them review what they have
learnt and share it with their parents or tutors.
Grammar Practice Book Level 6 is available
for download for students and teachers who
want to boost the exit level of Guess What! to
A2 through additional lessons. Please visit the Activity Book page 54 CLIL: Science 67
website for more information.
Guess What! Pupils Book 1

NEW Guess What! Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6

Pupil's Book 978-84-9036-488-8 978-84-9036-907-4 978-84-9036-109-2 978-84-9036-158-0 978-84-9036-521-2 978-84-9036-181-8
Activity Book with Online Resources and
978-84-9036-042-2 978-84-9036-580-9 978-84-9036-988-3 978-84-9036-107-8 978-84-9036-180-1 978-84-9036-112-2
Home Booklet
Teacher's Book with DVD 978-84-9036-175-7 978-84-9036-951-7 978-84-9036-305-8 978-84-9036-994-4 978-84-9036-514-4 978-84-9036-861-9
Class Audio CDs 978-84-9036-683-7 978-84-9036-927-2 978-84-9036-525-0 978-84-9036-340-9 978-84-9036-359-1 978-84-9036-095-8
Flashcards* 978-84-9036-607-3 978-84-9036-230-3 978-84-9036-116-0 978-84-9036-700-1
Presentation Plus DVD-ROM 978-1-107-52698-3 978-1-107-52798-0 978-1-107-52825-3 978-1-107-54548-9 978-1-107-54549-6 978-1-107-54559-5
Levels 1-2 Levels 3-4 Levels 5-6
Teacher's Resource and Tests CD-ROM 978-1-107-52799-7 978-1-107-52826-0 978-1-107-54570-0

* Level 1 Flashcards (95), Level 2 (91), Level 3 (75), Level 4 (88).

10 For more information about our digital products see page 4


Beautiful photography
appeals to childrens
natural curiosity and
creates interest in the
unit topics

Guess What! Pupils Book 1

See also

NEW Storyfun Second edition

Page 50
Primary Curriculum Box
Page 94

Talk Time mini dialogues with

functional language develop natural
interpersonal conversation skills

Say it! Fun fact rhymes provide

phonics practice to improve spelling,
pronunciation and boost confidence
in speaking

Guess What! Pupils Book 4

For more information about our digital products see page 4 11

Schools: Primary

English for Spanish Speakers English for Spanish Speakers English for Spanish Speakers English for Spanish Speakers

English for Spanish Speakers

English for Spanish Speakers

English for Spanish Speakers

English for Spanish Speakers

English for Spanish Speakers English for Spanish Speakers

English for Spanish Speakers

English for Spanish Speakers

s Book Pupils Book
Pupils Book Pupils Book
Pupils Book Pupils Book
Pupils Book Pupils Book
Pupils Book Pupils Book
Pupils Book Pupils Book
Pupils components Pupils components Pupils components Pupils components Pupils components
Activity Book Activity Book Activity Book Activity Book Activity Book
Pupils Book with UNITIES WITH with full colour Pupils Book with UNITIES WITH with full colour Pupils Book with UNITIES WITH with full colour Pupils Book with with full colour Pupils Book with with full colour
Digital Pupils Book Digital Pupils Book Digital Pupils Book Digital Pupils Book UNITIES WITH Digital Pupils Book UNITIES WITH
stickers and DVD-ROM AUGMENTED Picture Dictionary stickers and DVD-ROM AUGMENTEd Picture Dictionary stickers and DVD-ROM AUGMENTEd Picture Dictionary stickers and DVD-ROM AUGMENTEd Picture Dictionary stickers and DVD-ROM Picture Dictionary Digital Pupils Book
When you

Quick Minds
Quick Minds

When you

Quick Minds
When you

Quick Minds
When you

Quick Minds
When you

Quick Minds
see this symbol, see this symbol, see this symbol, see this symbol, see this symbol,
use our App use our App use our App use our App use our App
to scan an to scan an to scan an to scan an to scan an
access animated access animated access animated access animated access animated
stories, lively stories, lively stories, lively stories, lively stories, lively
songs with songs with songs with songs with songs with
karaoke versions, karaoke versions, karaoke versions, karaoke versions, karaoke versions,
and fun and fun and fun and fun and fun

activities. 2 additional
activities. 3 additional
activities. 4 additional
activities. 5 additional
activities. 6
Digital Activity Book Digital Activity Book Digital Activity Book Digital Activity Book Digital Activity Book Digital Activity Book
Pupils Book
Pupils Book

Pupils Book

Pupils Book

Pupils Book

Pupils Book
Teachers components Teachers components Teachers components Teachers components Teachers components
Teachers Resource Book Class Audio CDs Teachers Resource Book Class Audio CDs Teachers Resource Book Class Audio CDs Teachers Resource Book Teachers Resource Book
Class Audio CDs Class Audio CDs



Teachers Book

Teachers Book Teachers Book Teachers Book Teachers Book




Wordcards Wordcards Wordcards Wordcards Wordcards




Digital Minds Test Generator Digital Minds Test Generator Digital Minds Test Generator Digital Minds Test Generator Digital Minds Test Generator Digital Minds
for Interactive Whiteboards for Interactive Whiteboards for Interactive Whiteboards for Interactive Whiteboards for Interactive Whiteboards for Interactive Whiteboards
POSTER WITH > Unit tests > Unit tests > Unit tests > Unit tests
> Digital Pupils Book and AUGMENTED > Term tests > Digital Pupils Book and > Term tests > Digital Pupils Book and > Term tests > Digital Pupils Book and > Term tests > Digital Pupils Book and
AUGMENTEd AUGMENTEd AUGMENTEd AUGMENTEd > Term tests > Digital Pupils Book and
Digital Activity Book with REALITY! > Cambridge: Digital Activity Book with REALITy! > Cambridge: Digital Activity Book with REALITy! > Cambridge: Digital Activity Book with REALITy! > Cambridge: Digital Activity Book with REALITy! > Cambridge: Digital Activity Book with
sts interactive activities for Use our App Young Learners tests interactive activities for Young Learners tests interactive activities for Young Learners tests interactive activities for Young Learners tests interactive activities for
Use our App Use our App Use our App Use our App Young Learners tests interactive activities for
s every lesson to scan an > Competence tests every lesson > Competence tests every lesson > Competence tests every lesson > Competence tests every lesson
to scan an to scan an to scan an to scan an > Competence tests every lesson
> Digital Posters access animated > Digital Posters > Digital Posters > Digital Posters > Digital Posters
access animated access animated access animated access animated > Digital Posters
> Digital Flashcards stories, and fun > Digital Flashcards > Digital Flashcards > Digital Flashcards > Digital Flashcards
stories, and fun stories, and fun stories, and fun stories, and fun > Digital Flashcards
> Digital Wordcards additional > Digital Wordcards > Digital Wordcards > Digital Wordcards > Digital Wordcards
additional additional additional additional > Digital Wordcards
> Digital Teachers Book activities. > Digital Teachers Book > Digital Teachers Book > Digital Teachers Book > Digital Teachers Book
activities. activities. activities. activities. > Digital Teachers Book
Flashcards Flashcards Flashcards Flashcards Flashcards
Posters Posters Posters Posters Posters

Herbert Puchta Herbert Puchta Herbert Puchta Herbert Puchta Herbert Puchta Herbert Puchta
Gnter Gerngross
Cuadro de niveles SMART PLANET helps Spanish-speaking
learners overcome the difficulties they face Gnter Gerngross
Cuadro de niveles Smart Planet helps Spanish-speaking
learners overcome the difficulties they face Gnter Gerngross
Cuadro de niveles Smart Planet helps Spanish-speaking
learners overcome the difficulties they face Gnter Gerngross
Cuadro de niveles Smart Planet helps Spanish-speaking
learners overcome the difficulties they face Gnter Gerngross
Cuadro de niveles Smart Planet helps Spanish-speaking
learners overcome the difficulties they face Gnter Gerngross
No lo tengo
Peter Lewis-Jones
when learning English. This is achieved by
Peter Lewis-Jones integrating our expert knowledge of
Spanish speakers with information taken
No lo tengo when learning english. this is achieved by
integrating our expert knowledge of Peter Lewis-Jones
No lo tengo when learning english. this is achieved by
integrating our expert knowledge of Peter Lewis-Jones
No lo tengo when learning english. this is achieved by
integrating our expert knowledge of Peter Lewis-Jones
No lo tengo when learning english. this is achieved by
integrating our expert knowledge of Peter Lewis-Jones
Spanish speakers with information taken Spanish speakers with information taken Spanish speakers with information taken Spanish speakers with information taken
from the unique Cambridge Learner Corpus. from the unique Cambridge learner Corpus. from the unique Cambridge learner Corpus. from the unique Cambridge learner Corpus. from the unique Cambridge learner Corpus.
www.cambridge.org/elt/ess www.cambridge.org/elt/ess www.cambridge.org/elt/ess www.cambridge.org/elt/ess www.cambridge.org/elt/ess

Empowering the child, empowering the teacher

A1 A1+ For the teachers
A full-colour Teachers Book is available in English
Quick Minds and in Spanish.
The Teachers Resource Book provides extra
Herbert Puchta, Gnter Gerngross and worksheets to cater for mixed-ability and term
Peter Lewis-Jones tests at two levels.
COMPLETE BEGINNER TO ELEMENTARY Posters review all the vocabulary and grammar to
100 teaching hours, extendable to 175
coincide with the Review sections.

Quick Minds is a six-level English course for cambridge.es/quickminds

Spanish Primary schools, designed to enhance
childrens creativity and thinking skills. It takes Highly visual vocabulary

a whole child approach, using a wide range of presentation pages at the
multiple intelligences activities. While following
the national curriculum it also offers flexibility
The journey AR beginning of each unit

to cater for mixed ability and different language

CD 2
learning needs. 05 Listen and look. Then listen and say the words.

Its syllabus guarantees solid and progressive

language acquisition, maintaining skills balance
along with the Key Competences. It also follows
the Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE)
syllabus, and comfortably covers Cambridge
English: Movers by level 6. 4

Treasure hunt activities
Flexible units with core content backed up by connect all the stories in
additional skills and CLIL lessons. mobile phone
2 the level
2 keys
Develops learning and thinking skills.
3 tickets 7
Stimulates the imagination through special 4 money
creativity lessons. 5 wallet
8 6
Social awareness topics presented through 6 compass

stories. 7 blanket

8 rucksack
Online grammar and vocabulary activities,
games, songs and animated stories bring the
Pupils Book to life.
A gradual approach to reading and writing, 2 Play the miming game.

particularly in level 1. What am I using? Youre using your keys.

28 Personal belongings Lesson

Quick Minds Pupils Book 4

Quick Minds Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6

Pupil's Book with online interactive activities 978-84-8323-523-2 978-84-8323-528-7 978-84-8323-541-6 978-84-8323-546-1 978-84-8323-559-1 978-84-8323-565-2
Activity Book 978-84-8323-525-6 978-84-8323-531-7 978-84-8323-536-2 978-84-8323-544-7 978-84-8323-549-2 978-84-8323-562-1
Teacher's Book (English) 978-84-8323-409-9 978-84-8323-412-9 978-84-8323-415-0 978-84-8323-417-4 978-84-8323-420-4 978-84-8323-423-5
Teacher's Book (Spanish) 978-84-9036-456-7 978-84-9036-457-4 978-84-9036-458-1 978-84-9036-459-8 978-84-9036-460-4 978-84-9036-461-1
Teacher's Resource Book 978-84-8323-375-7 978-84-8323-378-8 978-84-8323-381-8 978-84-8323-383-2 978-84-8323-386-3 978-84-8323-388-7
Class Audio CDs 978-84-8323-502-7 978-84-8323-504-1 978-84-8323-507-2 978-84-8323-510-2 978-84-8323-512-6 978-84-8323-515-7
Posters 978-84-8323-959-9 978-84-8323-428-0 978-84-8323-430-3 978-84-8323-573-7 978-84-8323-567-6 978-84-8323-633-8
Flashcards 978-84-8323-394-8 978-84-8323-396-2 978-84-8323-402-0 978-84-8323-404-4
Wordcards 978-84-8323-483-9 978-84-8323-486-0 978-84-8323-491-4 978-84-8323-494-5
Digital Pupil's Book (Enhanced PDF) 978-84-9036-399-7 978-84-9036-403-1 978-84-9036-405-5 978-84-9036-407-9 978-84-9036-409-3 978-84-9036-413-0
Digital Activity Book (Enhanced PDF) 978-84-9036-400-0 978-84-9036-402-4 978-84-9036-404-8 978-84-9036-406-2 978-84-9036-408-6 978-84-9036-412-3
Digital Pupil's Book (SCORM) 978-84-9036-411-6 978-84-9036-415-4
Digital Activity Book (SCORM) 978-84-9036-410-9 978-84-9036-414-7
Digital Minds DVD-ROM (IWB Software)* 978-84-9036-398-0 978-84-9036-731-5 978-84-9036-735-3 978-84-9036-739-1 978-84-9036-743-8 978-84-9036-747-6
Online Test Generator Accessed online at thecambridgeteacher.es. Contact your local representative for more information.

*Digital Minds can also be accessed online at thecambridgeteacher.es. Contact your local representative for more information.

12 For more information about our digital products see page 4


English for Spanish Speakers

Quick Minds is specifically designed for Spanish-speaking Primary students and includes:
Learn and Think CLIL lessons on other subjects of the Spanish curriculum.
Social awareness topics presented through stories.
Get it right! sections in the Activity Book focusing on typical problems experienced by Spanish speakers with pronunciation, intonation,
vocabulary and grammar.
Spanish handwriting font used throughout levels 1 and 2, and in the Activity Book in levels 3 to 6.
Teachers Books available in English and in Spanish.

New language is highlighted in CLIL pages bring the real

Grammar focus boxes world into the classroom

CD 3
7 LLearn
e and think
24 Look at the photos. Then read and say Mike or Clara. Listen

Look at the paintings. Say the correct order: from the

oldest ( ) to themost recent (4).
a b

Mike: farmer Clara: cook

I have to get up at 5 oclock in the morning.

2 I have to wear a uniform. c d
3 I dont have to get up early.
4 I have to work at the weekend.
5 I dont have to wear a uniform.
6 I have to feed the animals.

CD 3
25 Listen and say.
Gr am mar focu s
I have to do my homework.
I dont have to get up early at the weekend.
Astronauts have to wear a spacesuit.
They dont have to drive a car.

3 Think of a job. Describe and guess. 2 Look the paintings in Activity and these topics. Say what each
painting is about.
I work in a hospital and I
Are you a ? Painting a is
have to wear a uniform. Work Animals Nature Free time about free time.

Lesson 2 Have to: afrmative and negative 63 50 Art Lesson 7

Quick Minds Pupils Book 4

Digital resources for learners Digital resources for teachers

Digital Pupils Books and Activity Digital Minds is the perfect solution to
Books available for all levels. These engage your students, with: Interactive
books can be used online and offline Whiteboard software, with Digital
and are both multiplatform and Pupils Book and Activity Book with
multi-device. interactive activities; integrated audio;
Online interactive activities animated stories, karaoke versions of
complement the Pupils Book and are the songs, digital flashcards, wordcards,
intended for pupils to use at home. posters and Teachers notes. The new
They include animations of the stories enhanced version includes improved
in the Pupils Book, videoke activities zoom and answer check tools.
with real-life clips, and lively songs Available as a DVD-ROM or online via
with karaoke version. thecambridgeteacher.es.
An app allows access to the animated The Online Test Generator, available at
stories, songs with karaoke and thecambridgeteacher.es, offers the
interactive activities on smartphones possibility to create unit and term tests
and tablets. at two levels, Standard and High, and
can also be fully customised to meet
your needs. It also offers ready-made
Digital Minds 2 Cambridge English exam-type tests
and Key Competences tests.

For more information about our digital products see page 4 13

Schools: Primary

The fun course for seriously good results!

A1 A2 Extra pre-literacy support in the Starter level
(international edition).

NEW Kids Box for Spanish My Home Booklet:

Speakers The My Home Booklet with the Pupils Book for
Levels 1 and 2 and with the Activity Book for levels
Updated Second edition
3-6 reviews vocabulary and grammar and provides
CarolineNixon and MichaelTomlinson a review of the Key Competences developed by the
pupils. It also includes letters to parents providing a
connection between school and home.
100 teaching hours, extendable to 250 hours
Official preparation for the revised 2018 Cambridge English:
Starters, Movers and Flyers
CLIL pages cover other areas
Loved by children and teachers the world over, Geography The Earths surface of the Primary curriculum
Kids Box for Spanish Speakers delights children FACT The word volcano comes from the Roman god of re, Vulcan.

and inspires teachers with bright ideas for the

1 Read and say the answers.
classroom. Perfect for general use, the course is 1 What is the name for the A natural disaster is the name we give to something that
happens because of natural forces and not because of
now updated with new vocabulary and activities outside of the Earth?
2 What are plates?
the actions of people. Two of the worst natural disasters are
earthquakes and tsunamis. They happen when land moves.
so that it fully covers the syllabus of the revised 3 What does the Richter The outside of the Earth is a solid rock layer called the crust. The
crust has different parts which are called plates. The line where
Scale measure?
Cambridge English: Young Learners tests. 4 Where are most tsunamis? plates meet is called a plate boundary. Earthquakes and tsunamis
often happen on or near the plate boundaries.

New exam content and activities validated 2 Read again and choose a
An earthquake is a sudden
by Cambridge English Language Assessment title.
movement of the Earths
a Plates and bowls surface. The plates under the
prepare for success in the revised 2018 Young b Natural disasters Earth are always moving
c Wave problems
Learners tests. slowly, but sometimes they
stick and cant move until
they move suddenly. This can cause an earthquake. People
The Pupils Book presents and practises new 3 Say the words to complete use a seismometer to measure how strong the earthquake is.
the sentences. A seismometer uses the Richter Scale when it measures an
language through a variety of activities and earthquake. The Richter Scale is numbered 010. Very bad
Two of the worst natural earthquakes have a high number.
lesson types such as stories, songs, chants, Total disasters are 1 and
tsunamis. Tsunamis
Physical Response and acting out. The 2 of the Earth is a A tsunami is a series of very bigg
solid rock layer called the waves. Most tsunamis happen
The course evolves as the children mature crust. because of a big underwater
The crust has different parts earthquake. The earthquake
incorporating specific grammar, vocabulary and which are called 3 . must be over 6.75 on the
People use a seismometer
spelling activities focusing on typical learner to 4 how strong the
Richter Scale. About nine out
of every ten tsunamis happen in the Pacific Ocean. Tsunamis are
earthquake is.
errors, as well as developing pupils abilities in A 5 is a series of very
different from normal waves because they move a lot more quickly
and the distance between one wave and the next is bigger.
the four skills. big waves.
About 6 out of every
TIP Pay attention to this structure:
ten tsunamis happen in the
Improve reading, spelling and pronunciation skills Pacic Ocean. Nine out of every ten tsunamis
happen in the Pacic Ocean.
with Phonics sections.
Build childrens knowledge of other subjects The Earth Natural disasters

through English and develop their social

awareness with CLIL and Values pages. Kids Box for Spanish Speakers Updated Second edition Students Book 5

NEW Kids Box for Spanish Speakers

Updated Second edition Starter** Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
Class Book with CD-ROM 978-1-316-62765-5 - - - - - -
Pupil's Book* - 978-84-9036-177-1 978-84-9036-355-3 978-84-9036-082-8 978-84-9036-536-6 978-84-9036-655-4 978-84-9036-996-8
Activity Book with online resources and CD-ROM* - 978-84-9036-608-0 978-84-9036-897-8 978-84-9036-932-6 978-84-9036-915-9 978-84-9036-969-2 978-84-9036-519-9
Teacher's Book 978-1-316-62783-9 978-84-9036-335-5 978-84-9036-129-0 978-84-9036-589-2 978-84-9036-235-8 978-84-9036-062-0 978-84-9036-357-7
Teacher's Resource Book with Audio CDs 978-1-316-62937-6 978-84-9036-653-0 978-84-9036-034-7 978-84-9036-619-6 978-84-9036-946-3 978-84-9036-159-7 978-84-9036-681-3
Class Audio CDs 978-1-316-62891-1 978-84-9036-114-6 978-84-9036-334-8 978-84-9036-295-2 978-84-9036-102-3 978-84-9036-157-3 978-84-9036-186-3
Posters 978-1-107-66603-0 978-84-9036-867-1 978-84-9036-016-3 978-84-9036-936-4 978-84-9036-884-8 978-84-9036-887-9 978-84-9036-030-9
Wordcards - 978-84-9036-496-3 978-84-9036-079-8 978-84-9036-522-9 978-84-9036-277-8 - -
Flashcards 978-1-107-66022-9 978-84-9036-104-7 978-84-9036-542-7 978-84-9036-490-1 978-84-9036-952-4 - -
Interactive DVD with Teacher's Booklet 978-1-107-63114-4 978-1-107-66588-0 978-1-107-63540-1 978-1-107-69691-4 978-1-107-65564-5 978-1-107-66372-5 978-1-107-66995-6
Digital Pupil's Book (Enhanced PDF) - 978-84-9036-089-7 978-84-9036-623-3 978-84-9036-152-8 978-84-9036-714-8 978-84-9036-262-4 978-84-9036-617-2
Digital Activity Book (Enhanced PDF) - 978-84-9036-691-2 978-84-9036-877-0 978-84-9036-085-9 978-84-9036-193-1 978-84-9036-980-7 978-84-9036-266-2
Digital Box DVD-ROM (IWB Software) - 978-84-9036-508-3 978-84-9036-571-7 978-84-9036-269-3 978-84-9036-538-0 978-84-9036-123-8 978-84-9036-019-4
Levels 1-2
Montys Alphabet Book 978-1-107-65840-0

* My Home Booklet packaged with the Pupils Book in Levels 1 and 2 and with the Activity Book in Levels 3 to 6.
** Level Starter: international edition.
Digital Box can also be accessed online at thecambridgeteacher.es. Contact your local representative for more information.

14 For more information about our digital products see page 4


English for Spanish Speakers

Levels 1 to 6 include extra content specifically designed for Spanish speakers:
Spanish handwriting font for levels 1 and 2 in both the Pupils Book and Activity Book, and for levels 3 to 6 only in the Activity Book.
My Home Booklet helps involve parents in their childrens learning and provides a review of the contents covered and the Key
Competences developed.
Pronunciation and phonics activities, together with the Say it with me sections, focus on the most problematic individual sounds for
Spanish speakers.
Pages dedicated to CLIL and Social awareness topics help connect children to the world outside the English classroom.
Levels 5 and 6 include a Get it right! section on common errors made by Spanish speakers, in order to help them avoid typical grammar,
vocabulary and spelling mistakes. This section is informed by the Cambridge English Corpus.

Grammar, Functions and Vocabulary boxes Get it right! pages help pupils
highlight the language taught in the unit avoid common mistakes

2 People t work right!

English for Spanish speakers

G e t it
Show what you know! What jobs can you remember?
1 Look and say the answers.
Listening 1 26
Listen and repeat the jobs you hear.
Im going to y to Paris next week. I going to y to Paris next week.
Is your mum going to cook dinner tonight? Your mum going to cook dinner tonight?
My friends are going to play tennis tomorrow. My friends going to play tennis tomorrow.

1 How do you say these sentences in your language?

2 Is it the same or different in English?

2 Ask your friend.

tonight tomorrow What are you going to do tonight?
next week next month
Im going to do my homework tonight.

3 Look and say the answers. Test your friend.

place / square bookshop / library school / college caf / coffee car park jogging

1 How do you say these words in your language?

2 Do they mean the same?
3 Can you think of words which are similar in your language?

2 27 Listen again. Say the words 3 Read and order the words. Do you want a cup of ?

to complete the sentences. 1 write about / What / for our ezine? / coffee?
Theyre looking at an exhibition on are / we / going to
1 .
2 going to / a nurse / be / when Im older. /
Im 4 Look and spell. Test your friend.
Dan thinks hes going to be a 2 .
3 a doctor. / going to / Alvin / be / isnt
Shari thinks shes going to be a 3 .
4 The school / isnt / burn down. / going to Spelling
Shari hopes the 4 isnt going to
5 win / prize! / Were / that / going to
burn down. million football small syllable
6 do / you / What / tomorrow? / are / million
Alvins going to be a 5 . football collect small
going to
Theyre going to write about famous llamas tall
peoples 6 . Grammar Spell million.
Im going to be a dentist. M-I-L-L-I-O-N
Alvin isnt going to be a nurse.
What are we going to write about?
18 Plans, intentions and predictions: going to Present continuous False friends The double ll

Kids Box for Spanish Speakers Updated Second edition Students Book 5

Digital resources for learners Digital resources for teachers

Pupils Books and Activity Books for Digital Box, available for levels 1 to
Levels 1 to 6 are also available as 6: Interactive Whiteboard software,
digital books. These digital books can including the Digital Pupils Book and
be used online and offline, and are Digital Activity Book with answers
both multiplatform and multidevice. and interactive activities; integrated
Online activities (levels 1 to 6) in the audio; animated stories, flashcards,
Cambridge LMS provide even more wordcards, posters and Teachers
grammar, vocabulary, reading and notes. The new enhanced version
listening practice. They are accessed includes improved zoom and answer
via a code in the Activity Book. check tools. Available as a DVD-ROM
or online at thecambridgeteacher.es.
A fully interactive CD-ROM
accompanies the Activity Book with
all the songs from the Pupils Book
and stimulating games.

Digital Box 1

For more information about our digital products see page 4 15

Schools: Primary

Enhances childrens thinking skills and creativity

A1 A2 B1 The Students Book DVD-ROM provides fun practice
opportunities with animations of stories from the
Students Book, or, in higher levels, documentaries,
Super Minds video-based activities, lively songs, and fun activities
focusing on the key vocabulary and grammar.
HerbertPuchta, GnterGerngrossand
PeterLewis-Jones Digital books enable learners to access the
Students Books on tablets.

200 teaching hours, extendable to 320 hours


Nominated British Council ELTons Awards

Excellence in Course Innovation
Students are involved
Written by a highly respected author team, Super
and cant wait for
Minds has been carefully crafted to help your the next page. They
students achieve their full potential. usually check the
Engaging characters, some of them with super
powers, accompany learners on their journey. As the
following pages to
students grow, so do the characters, and new faces suggest more projects
are introduced every two levels. and activities.
NEW Super Grammar Book boosts students
Ana, Aware Idiomas, Brazil
language skills with clear grammar illustrations
and plenty of enjoyable grammar, reading and
writing practice. Packaged with the Workbook
for levels 1 to 6.
The course methodically enhances your students
thinking skills, training their memory and
improving their concentration.
Language is developed creatively through the levels
with activities such as role play and project work.
Lively stories give children the opportunity to
explore social values and promote positive
Two-page CLIL sections encourage students to
apply English to the world around them.

Digital resources for learners

Interactive online activities in the Cambridge
Learning Management System (levels 1-6) provide
extra opportunities to practise vocabulary, grammar,
reading and listening. Super Grammar Book 2

Super Minds Starter Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6

Students Book with DVD-ROM 978-0-521-14852-8 978-0-521-14855-9 978-0-521-14859-7 978-0-521-22168-9 978-0-521-22218-1 978-0-521-22335-5 978-0-521-22387-4
NEW Workbook with Online Resources and Super
978-0-521-14853-5 TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC
Grammar Book
Teachers Book 978-0-521-21433-9 978-0-521-22061-3 978-0-521-21957-0 978-0-521-21927-3 978-0-521-21750-7 978-1-107-45828-4 978-1-107-45829-1
Teachers Resource Book with Audio CD* 978-1-107-64013-9 978-1-107-66604-7 978-1-107-68367-9 978-1-107-63396-4 978-1-107-69376-0 978-1-107-65949-0 978-1-107-67749-4
Class Audio CDs (3) 978-0-521-21434-6 978-0-521-22136-8 978-1-107-67406-6 978-0-521-21973-0 978-0-521-21751-4 978-0-521-21624-1 978-0-521-21587-9
NEW Wordcards 978-1-316-63161-4 978-1-316-63162-1 978-1-316-63163-8 978-1-316-63164-5
NEW Flashcards (78)** 978-0-521-22163-4 978-0-521-22026-2 978-0-521-21941-9 978-1-316-63157-7 978-1-316-63158-4 978-1-316-63159-1 978-1-316-63160-7
Posters (10) 978-1-107-42782-2 978-1-107-42782-2 978-1-107-42782-2 978-1-107-42982-6 978-1-107-42980-2 978-1-107-42977-2 978-0-521-21472-8
Digital Students Book (Enhanced PDF) 978-84-8323-992-6 978-84-8323-994-0 978-84-8323-373-3 978-84-8323-997-1 978-84-8323-999-5 978-84-8323-183-8
Digital Workbook (Enhanced PDF) 978-84-8323-186-9 978-84-8323-191-3 978-84-8323-204-0 978-84-8323-207-1 978-84-8323-210-1 978-84-8323-212-5
Presentation Plus 978-1-107-44119-4 978-1-107-44123-1 978-1-107-44126-2 978-1-107-44129-3 978-1-107-44130-9 978-1-107-44131-6 978-1-107-44133-0
NEW Online Test Generator Accessed online at thecambridgeteacher.es. Contact your local representative for more information.
Levels 1-2 Levels 3-4 Levels 5-6
Tests CD-ROM 978-1-107-42962-8 978-1-107-42963-5 978-1-107-42964-2

*Teachers Resource Book Starter Level is not accompanied by an Audio CD Posters (15) for Starter, Levels 1 and Level 2 (combined)
**Flashcards (103) for Levels 1 and 2, NEW Flashcards for Levels 3, 4, 5 and 6 Workbook Starter Level does not have Online Resources nor Super Grammar Book. ISBNs for Levels 1-6 not available at the time
of printing this catalogue.
16 For more information about our digital products see page 4

Digital resources for teachers Develop creativity with visualisation activities

NEW Online Test Generator with unit tests, review and
end-of-level tests, as well as revised 2018 Cambridge English:
Young Learners (YLE), Key and Preliminary style test activities.
Presentation Plus this easy-to-use tool puts all your resources
in one place: complete course content enriched with
interactive activities, teacher resources, interactive whiteboard
tools, video and audio programs. Ideal for use with interactive
whiteboards, computer and projector, or Apple TV.
Online Learning Management System to track pupils progress
and develop your skills with online teacher training.
NEW Get the most out of your print and digital resources
with the FREE Online Training modules provided through
the Cambridge Learning Management System. Visit
cambridge.es/onlinetraining to find out more.

Available in American English

Super Minds American English


See also

NEW Storyfun Second edition

Page 50
Primary Curriculum Box
Page 94 Super Minds Presentation Plus 2

CLIL sections develop thinking skills and bring the

world into the classroom

Super Minds Students Book 2

For more information about our digital products see page 4 17

Schools: Primary

A1 A1 A1 A2

The English Ladder Playway to English Primary i-Dictionary

Second edition
SusanHouse, KatharineScott and PaulHouse AnnaWieczorekwithGaranHolcombe
GnterGerngross and HerbertPuchta

70 teaching hours, extendable to 150 hours COMPLETE BEGINNER TO HIGH BEGINNER

Includes more than 300 words at each level.
80 teaching hours, extendable to 100 hours Contains pictures and pronunciation for the
Help your pupils take their first steps in English
with Freddie the frog and the Fantastic family. featured words in British and American English,
Pupils acquire English through play, music and
Pupils language skills are developed through lively as well as animated stories, songs (plus karaoke
Total Physical Response, providing them with a
stories that can be acted out, valuable phonics versions), printable worksheets* and flashcards.
fun and dynamic learning experience.
practice, songs, tongue twisters, games and
Reading and writing are introduced in Level 2. cambridge.es/primaryidictionary
communication activities.
The course initially builds confidence through
The course grows with your pupils, switching 1 (Starters)
listening and speaking.
CD-ROM (Single classroom) 978-1-107-61106-1
from a story-based approach in Levels 1 and 2 to Songs, chants and Total Physical Response CD-ROM (Up to 10 classrooms) 978-1-107-61107-8
a topic focus in Levels 3 and 4. activities will captivate learners. Workbook and DVD-ROM Pack** 978-1-107-65647-5
The stories teach a values syllabus, introducing 2 (Movers)
Cross-curricular sections build childrens
essential social concepts such as making friends. CD-ROM (Single classroom) 978-0-521-17583-8
knowledge of the world outside the classroom. CD-ROM (Up to 10 classrooms) 978-0-521-17584-5
A CLIL feature in every unit extends pupils Language aims are revised with Show what Workbook and DVD-ROM Pack** 978-1-107-64789-3
interaction with English. you can do sections, while Word Play activities 3 (Flyers)
Tests for the end of each unit and each level are develop independent thinking. CD-ROM (Single classroom) 978-0-521-17587-6
available online along with worksheets for every CD-ROM (Up to 10 classrooms) 978-0-521-17588-3
Workbook and DVD-ROM Pack** 978-1-107-68001-2
unit, printable puppets and masks. cambridge.es/playway
*not available with the Home user version
cambridge.es/englishladder **Starter Level is Workbook and CD-ROM Pack

The English Ladder Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Pupil's Book 978-1-107-40062-7 978-1-107-40068-9 978-1-107-40074-0 978-1-107-40079-5 A1 A2
Activity Book with Songs Audio CD 978-1-107-40063-4 978-1-107-40069-6 978-1-107-40075-7 978-1-107-40080-1
Teacher's Book 978-1-107-40064-1 978-1-107-40070-2 978-1-107-40076-4 978-1-107-40081-8
Audio CDs (2)* 978-1-107-40065-8 978-1-107-40071-9 978-1-107-40077-1 978-1-107-40082-5
Primary i-Box
Flashcards (100)** 978-1-107-40066-5 978-1-107-40072-6 978-1-107-40078-8 978-1-107-40083-2
Story Cards (66) 978-1-107-40067-2 978-1-107-40073-3
CarolineNixon and MichaelTomlinson
*For Level 3 - Audio CDs (3) **For Level 2 - Flashcards (101), For Level 3 - (104), For Level 4 - (88) For Level 2 - Storycards (71)
Playway to English Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Nominated British Council ELTons Awards
Pupils Book 978-0-521-12996-1 978-0-521-12964-0 978-0-521-13117-9 978-0-521-13139-1
Activity Book with CD-ROM 978-0-521-12993-0 978-0-521-13114-8 978-0-521-13120-9 978-0-521-13142-1 Contains customisable teacher-led games that
Teachers Book 978-0-521-12990-9 978-0-521-13111-7 978-0-521-13122-3 978-0-521-13145-2 allow you to select the vocabulary you want to
Teachers Resource Pack with Audio CD 978-0-521-12987-9 978-0-521-13108-7 978-0-521-13125-4 978-0-521-13149-0 practise. The CD-ROM includes spellings and
Class Audio CDs (3) 978-0-521-12984-8 978-0-521-13106-3 978-0-521-13128-5 978-0-521-13152-0 pronunciation in both British and American
Cards Pack 978-0-521-12980-0 978-0-521-13102-5 978-0-521-13131-5 978-0-521-13156-8 English.
DVD PAL 978-0-521-12971-8 978-0-521-13098-1 978-0-521-13134-6 978-0-521-13160-5
Max Puppet (All levels) 978-0-521-12967-1 1 (Starters)
CD-ROM (Starters, Movers and Flyers) 978-0-521-51574-0

Also available See also See also

A1 A2 Get on Stage! Cambridge Copy Collection: Younger Learners

Teachers Book with Audio CD Page 94
and DVD-ROM 978-1-107-63775-7
Join Us for English
Grammar Songs & Raps
Based on the theory of Multiple Paperback 978-1-107-62518-1
Intelligences this course
Cambridge Alphabet Book
contains a variety of activities
Paperback 978-0-521-01024-5
to meet the needs of different
learning styles, while cartoon
stories, songs and action stories
make lessons sparkle.

18 For more information about our digital products see page 4

Secondary and Bachillerato Courses:


Key (for Schools)

Smart Planet 20 A1 A2 B1
Preliminary (for Schools)

Key (for Schools)

Preliminary (for Schools)
Citizen Z 22 A1 A2 B1 B1+ B2 C1
First (for Schools)

Key (for Schools)

English in Mind for Spanish
Preliminary (for Schools)
Speakers 24 A1 A2 B1 B1+ B2 C1
First (for Schools)
Second Edition

Key (for Schools)

26 A1 A2 B1 B1+ B2 Preliminary (for Schools)
for Spanish Speakers
First (for Schools)

More! Key (for Schools)

27 A1 A2 B1
Second edition Preliminary (for Schools)

Your Space 28 A1 A2 Key (for Schools)

Preliminary (for Schools)

Out & About 30 B1 B1+ B2
First (for Schools)

Preliminary (for Schools)

Next Generation 32 B1 B1+ B2
First (for Schools)

See also

Exam preparation Cambridge English Prepare Cambridge Cambridge

Official preparation for Key for Schools, A lively general English course with Experience Discovery
Preliminary for Schools and First for Schools comprehensive Cambridge English exam Readers EducationTM
Page 48 preparation integrated throughout. Prepare! Page 84 Interactive Readers
is the only schools course jointly produced Shortlisted British
with and endorsed by Cambridge English Council ELTons
Language Assessment. Awards 2015:
Page 52 Innovation in Learner
Page 82
Schools: Secondary

1 2 3 4
Students Students Students Students
Book Book Book Book

Ben Goldstein Ben Goldstein Ben Goldstein Ben Goldstein

& Ceri Jones English for Spanish Speakers & Ceri Jones English for Spanish Speakers & Ceri Jones English for Spanish Speakers & Ceri Jones English for Spanish Speakers

Curiosity creates interest. Interest creates a motivated learner.

Be curious!
Topics that appeal to teenagers interests and stimulate their
A1 A2 B1 curiosity about the world around them

Smart Planet
Ben Goldstein and Ceri Jones

Weird and wonderful 8 Fascinating Discovery
EducationTM videos
offer your students a
Watch wider perspective of
Smart Planet is a secondary course which appeals the topic
to students curiosity about the world around
them. Stimulating materials complemented by 8.1
fascinating videos from Discovery EducationTM Mission Possible?

help bring classes to life and are the ideal starting

point for successful language learning.

Exciting, internationally-themed reading and p87

A Lost Civilisation

listening topics.
Thorough vocabulary and grammar treatment. ??

8.3 The Be curious

Culture and CLIL pages complemented by p88
Describing Mistakes section will engage
spectacular Discovery EducationTM videos. your students and help
A guided, step-by-step approach to writing and them get an overview
speaking. 8.4
of the unit before
Common errors pages and boxes. Language Speak & write
Lions in Danger
Story elements Ask for more information
Linking phrases Write a story

Flexible teaching support for mixed ability classes Third conditional

must have, cant have,
A Native American civilisation in
includes tests and photocopiable worksheets at
might/may/could have the USA
Read & listen Across the curriculum
Read a summary of a story Look at the photos in Unit 8.
two levels and graded activities in the Workbook.
Listen to a podcast about a legend Find
a flying lion.
an upside down house.
Unit 8 81

Smart Planet Students Book 4

Digital resources for learners

The free DVD-ROM packaged with the Students Book contains all the Discovery
EducationTM videos from the course. It also contains self-correcting exercises which
students can complete while watching the videos.
An App allows students to scan pages of their Students Book with their smartphone for
direct access to videos and activities.
Fully-interactive Digital Students Books and Workbooks are available both online
and offline. These digital books are both multiplatform and multi-device, working on
computers, tablets and interactive whiteboards.
Digital resources for teachers
The Smart Resources DVD-ROM provides all the extra classroom resources teachers need
with a whole range of extra worksheets. All the Discovery EducationTM videos have also
been included, as well as the audio recordings of the listening tests.
The Digital Planet pack includes the digital Students Book and Workbook for classroom
projection, special interactive activities for every unit, the digital Teachers Book and the
Discovery EducationTM videos. The new enhanced version now comes with improved zoom
and answer check tools. Available as a DVD-ROM or online at thecambridgeteacher.es.
The Online Test Generator allows you to quickly create, edit and save tests that are suited
to the specific needs of your students. Available via thecambridgeteacher.es.
Smart Planet Digital Students Book 4

20 For more information about our digital products see page 4

Schools: Secondary

English for Spanish Speakers

Smart Planet is specifically designed for Spanish-speaking teenage students and includes:
Get it right! pages in the Students Book and Workbook, plus Get it right! boxes throughout the Students Book, highlight and
practise common mistakes made by Spanish-speaking learners.
Say it right! and Spell it right! sections focus on aspects of English pronunciation and spelling which are difficult for Spanish
Specific cross-curricular lessons on other subjects of the Spanish curriculum.
English, Catalan and Spanish editions of the Workbook.
English and Spanish editions of the Teachers Book for levels 1 and 2.

Get it right! boxes Short Fact boxes

Your turn activities provide highlight common errors Cultural pages offer information include unusual
students the opportunity to that Spanish-speaking on English-speaking countries all information based on
personalise what they have learnt teenagers make at this level over the world the topic of the unit

Vocabulary Reading: Culture 8

Training and qualifications
1 Work with a partner. Look at 1 Work with a partner. Look at the
the photos. How are they connected photos and answer the questions.
with training and qualifications? 1 Who do you think lived in these houses?
2 How long ago did they live there? Cliff Palace
2 Complete the phrases connected with 3 Why did they build their houses in this way?
training and qualifications with the
Utah Colorado
words in the box. Some words go in 2 3.20 Read and listen to the magazine THE New

more than one phrase. article and check your ideas in Exercise 1. OF THE Mexico

experience course form

fees degree path exam Mesa Verde National Park covers more than The Cliff Palace is the largest Pueblo cliff dwelling in the park. Its
80 square miles of the Four Corners region of best seen from above, where the building will leave you thinking
1 degree; the United States, where the borders of Utah, about how these people could have built such complex houses.
1 university , university , Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico meet. It was The most interesting of all the houses is the Balcony House.
university , university once the home of the Pueblo It is made up of 40 rooms, connected by
people, a Native American long, narrow tunnels and built around
2 work civilisation famous for its a series of shared spaces and can only
3 application , application amazing cliff dwellings. be visited with a guide. You have to
4 part-time The best examples of these be ready to climb the only door into
5 entrance , entrance incredible homes can be seen the house is at the top of a ten-metre
6 training in the walls of the parks high wooden ladder! When the Pueblo
7 career spectacular canyons. people lived here, they would have
The Four Corners is a entered their homes by climbing ladders
3 1.34 Listen, check and repeat. landscape of extremes hot and ropes up the steep cliff wall. Once
and dry in summer, covered inside, they would have pulled the
Get it right! in snow in winter. It isnt an Balcony House ladder into the house in order to
easy place to live, but the protect themselves fromenemies.
When we talk about someones university
qualifications, we say degree, not career. Pueblo people made their home here and farmed Exploring the maze of tunnels and rooms,
the land for over 700 years, from 600 to 1300 AD. you really start to understand what life must
Shauns got a degree in Maths. They built complicated villages (their name comes have been like for the Pueblo people so long
Shauns got a career in Maths. from the Spanish word for village, pueblo) where ago. As you stand at the edge of the cliff,
hundreds of people shared the protection of their looking down into the canyon below and
5 Work with a partner.
strong stone walls. Early European settlers in North listening to the silence of nature, its easy
Look at the photo of Claudette.
Your Turn America were amazed by their building ability. to imagine that you have travelled back
What is she doing? Do you think she is in time.
4 Work with a partner. Answer the different from other teens? Why?
FACT The Pueblo peoples houses in
questions. Charco Canyon were the tallest buildings
1 Do you know anyone who finished his/her
6 1.35 Read and listen to
Your Turn
in the USA until the 19th century.
Claudettes profile and
education when they were 18 or younger
and started work? What kind of job did he/
check your ideas in 4 Work with a partner. Imagine you lived in
Exercise 5.
she get? 3 Read the magazine article again. Correct the one of the cliff dwellings 1,000 years ago.
2 Do you know anyone who has finished sentences. Whatwould your day-to-day life have been
school but is still studying? What kind of 1 The Mesa Verde National Park is in Mexico. like? Think of three things that would have
studies is he/she doing? Where? 2 The Four Corners region has a mild climate all been different from your life today.
1 My aunt finished school when she was 18. year round. There wouldnt have been any electricity.
She got a job as a secretary. 3 The Pueblo people lived in this region for nearly
700 years.
4 The Balcony House is made up of 10 rooms.
5 The only door is at the end of a narrow tunnel.
6 The Pueblo people used ladders and ropes to get 8.2 A Lost Civilisation
into their houses because they enjoyed climbing.

Find out about the Chiribaya

28 Unit 3 of Peru. Unit 8 87

Smart Planet Students Book 4

Smart Planet Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Student's Book with DVD-ROM 978-84-8323-917-9 978-84-8323-660-4 978-84-9036-365-2 978-84-9036-780-3
See also
Workbook (English) 978-84-8323-974-2 978-84-8323-654-3 978-84-9036-382-9 978-84-9036-781-0
Workbook (Spanish) 978-84-8323-981-0 978-84-8323-652-9 978-84-9036-383-6 978-84-9036-782-7 Cambridge English Prepare
Workbook (Catalan) 978-84-8323-976-6 978-84-8323-657-4 978-84-9036-777-3 978-84-9036-783-4 Page 52
Teacher's Book (English) 978-84-9036-384-3 978-84-9036-385-0 978-84-9036-389-8 978-84-9036-784-1 Cambridge Discovery EducationTM Interactive
Teacher's Book (Spanish) 978-84-9036-387-4 978-84-9036-388-1 Readers
Audio CDs (4) 978-84-8323-370-2 978-84-8323-644-4 978-84-9036-381-2 978-84-9036-785-8
Smart Resources DVD-ROM 978-84-9036-773-5 978-84-9036-775-9 978-84-9036-778-0 978-84-9036-787-2 Page 82
Digital Student's Book
978-84-9036-369-0 978-84-9036-370-6 978-84-9036-371-3 978-84-9036-797-1
(Enhanced PDF)
Digital Workbook (Enhanced PDF) 978-84-9036-375-1 978-84-9036-376-8 978-84-9036-377-5 978-84-9036-798-8
Digital Student's Book (SCORM) 978-84-9036-366-9 978-84-9036-367-6 978-84-9036-368-3 978-84-9036-795-7
Digital Workbook (SCORM) 978-84-9036-372-0 978-84-9036-373-7 978-84-9036-374-4 978-84-9036-796-4
Digital Planet DVD-ROM
978-84-9036-789-6 978-84-9036-791-9 978-84-9036-793-3 978-84-9036-800-8
(IWB Software)
Online Test Generator Accessed online at thecambridgeteacher.es. Contact your local representative for more information.

Digital Planet can also be accessed online at thecambridgeteacher.es. Contact your local representative for more information.

For more information about our digital products see page 4 21

Schools: Secondary

English for Spanish Speakers English for Spanish Speakers English for Spanish Speakers English for Spanish Speakers English for Spanish Speakers English for Spanish Speakers







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k s , Pe t e r L e w i k s , Pe t e r L e w i k s , Pe t e r L e w i k s , Pe t e r L e w i k s , Pe t e r L e w i k s , Pe t e r L e w i

Citizen Z prepare todays teenagers to take their place in the world

Think Exams pages and assessment-style
activities prepare students for success at
A1 A2 B1 B1+ B2 C1 Cambridge English: Key, Preliminary, First and
Citizen Z Extra photocopiable worksheets, graded
Workbook activities and extra ideas in the
Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks and Peter Teachers Book provide plenty of support for
Lewis-Jones fast-finishers and mixed-ability classes.

80-90 teaching hours, extendable to 180 Challenge and inspire

Cul ture
NEW A1 and C1 Levels
your students with Culture
sections that promote
Citizen Z is aimed at the current generation of critical thinking and global
teenagers, with their own needs, interests and awareness
1 Look at the photos. What do they all have in common?
aspirations. Young people are living in a world
2 1.15Read and listen to the article and check your answers.
which requires new skills and preparation so that
in the future they can take their places as citizens
in the world.
Nomadic People
Most of us are used to living in the same place every day, all year round,
we go home. But for some people around the world, home is a place that
Citizen Z has been written to take this into moves. Here are three groups of people who have a nomadic way of life.

account... 1 The Tuareg stricter borders, severe droughts and 3 Aborigines

urbanisation, nomadic life became
In the central part of northern The Aboriginal people of Australia
whether inside or outside the classroom, the Africa, which is mostly desert, you
more difficult in the 20th century.
This led many Tuareg people to settle have been living there for 40,000
can find the Tuareg people, who call in towns and cities. years, since long before Europeans
course goes beyond building strong language themselves Imohag, meaning free Sometimes the Tuareg people are arrived. But they are not one single
people. Most of the Tuareg people called the blue people of the Sahara, group for example, there are over
skills to developing the whole learner with an are found in Mali, Niger and Algeria,
although some can also be found in
because of the blue turbans 200 different languages spoken by the
that the men wear, which often gives
emphasis on critical thinking, values, self-esteem Libya and Burkina Faso. However,
being nomadic people, they regularly
their skin a blue colour.

and life skills ensuring academic and lifelong cross national borders.
They have their own language
2 The Shahsavan

success. (Tuareg), which is spoken by around

1.2 million people, but many Tuareg
This tribe lives in an area of
northwest Iran and eastern
people also speak Arabic and/or Azerbaijan. There are approximately
French. The Tuareg people are mostly 100,000 of them. In the spring, the
Engaging and thought-provoking topics Muslim, although some traditional
beliefs remain from before the arrival
Shahsavan move from their winter
home in Azerbaijan to their camps
challenge and inspire teenage learners. of Islam.
In the past, the Tuareg people
near Mount Sabalan, about 200
kilometres south, for the summer.
moved around the desert areas with Their journey usually takes around
Guided writing and speaking sections support their cattle, mainly between places three or four weeks. Each day, they
where water could be found. Due to travel from midnight to midday, when
students step by step through the process to the formation of new countries and the heat begins to prevent further
travel. Traditionally, the women and
The Aborigines are hunters and
gatherers, almost always on the move.
build fluent, confident written and spoken children travelled on camels, and
the men rode horses or walked, but
Principally it is the women who
gather food and care for children,
English. increasingly the Shahsavan are using
lorries and tractors.
while the men are the hunters. They
have very few possessions, and the
When they reach their destination, ones they have are mostly light, since
Culture lessons encourage students to think everyone (including children) is
involved in setting up the main camp,
they need to keep moving in search of
food and to maintain a balanced diet
and talk about life in other countries and how it consisting of various types of tent.
They stay there until September, when
(they eat seeds, fruit and vegetables,
as well as small animals, snakes and
compares with their own. the return journey begins.
Many of the Shahsavan believe that
However, they occasionally decide
their way of life is dying out, that their
Literature lessons expose students to authentic grandchildren will not do the annual
to settle somewhere and form
migration any more.
language and encourage an appreciation of
literature. 28

Life skills lessons develop non language skills to

help students in all aspects of their lives. Citizen Z Students Book B2

Citizen Z NEW A1 A2 B1 B1+ B2 NEW C1

Student's Book with Augmented Reality 978-84-9036-011-8 978-84-9036-064-4 978-84-9036-108-5 978-84-9036-977-7 978-84-9036-083-5 978-84-9036-097-2
Workbook with Online Workbook and Practice, with downloadable audio 978-84-9036-678-3 978-84-9036-686-8 978-84-9036-120-7 978-84-9036-299-0 978-84-9036-160-3 978-84-9036-131-3
Teacher's Book 978-84-9036-279-2 978-84-9036-573-1 978-84-9036-314-0 978-84-9036-620-2 978-84-9036-167-2 978-84-9036-091-0
Video DVD 978-84-9036-232-7 978-84-9036-949-4 978-84-9036-657-8 978-84-9036-704-9 978-84-9036-241-9 978-84-9036-640-0
Class Audio CDs (4) 978-84-9036-630-1 978-84-9036-985-2 978-84-9036-600-4 978-84-9036-890-9 978-84-9036-264-8 978-84-9036-552-6
Digital Student's Book (SCORM) 978-84-9036-866-4 978-84-9036-281-5 978-84-9036-239-6 978-84-9036-920-3 978-84-9036-101-6 978-84-9036-100-9
Digital Workbook with Online Practice (SCORM) 978-84-9036-540-3 978-84-9036-669-1 978-84-9036-707-0 978-84-9036-694-3 978-84-9036-972-2 978-84-9036-677-6
Digital Citizen Z DVD-ROM (IWB Software) 978-84-9036-950-0 978-84-9036-894-7 978-84-9036-970-8 978-84-9036-018-7 978-84-9036-633-2 978-84-9036-924-1
Online Test Generator Accessed online at thecambridgeteacher.es. Contact your local representative for more information.

Digital Citizen Z can also be accessed online at thecambridgeteacher.es. Contact your local representative for more information.

22 For more information about our digital products see page 4

Schools: Secondary

English for Spanish Speakers

Citizen Z is specifically designed for Spanish-speaking teenage students and includes:
Get it right! pages in the Students Book plus Get it right! boxes throughout the units that highlight common mistakes made by
Spanish-speaking learners.
A specific pronunciation section which focuses on common pronunciation errors.
Say it right! exercises that deal with areas which are more problematic for Spanish speakers.
A coverage of all the competences students are expected to acquire with a Key competences mapping in the Teachers Book.

Literature lessons expose students to Topics are carefully chosen to Critical thinking, values,
authentic language and encourage an be engaging and thought- self-esteem and life skills
appreciation of literature provoking for the students develop the whole learner


Refugees Bring New Life to a Village

BY NICK HORNBY R iace is a small village in Calabria, which
is a very pretty region of Italy, but also
quite a poor one. Riace once had a population
Riace is now home to between two and
three hundred immigrants, who live happily
alongside the locals. Most of the women make
of 3,000, but in the 1990s a shortage of jobs handicrafts to sell in local shops, while the men
meant that many of the inhabitants, especially renovate empty houses to rent to tourists. But it
young people, left the village to find work in is not only the refugees who have gained from
Marcus is a schoolboy who lives with his mum, who is depressed. Marcus has abad time at school he gets bullied
other places. The only school closed. There Lucanos plans: Citt Futura also has 13 local
quite a lot, especially because of the clotheshis mum makes him wear. Marcus has met Will, a rich lazy man who makes were no restaurants and very few shops. Many employees, which makes it the biggest employer
friends with Marcus and buys him new trainers. houses were empty. Riace was becoming a in the village. And because of the arrival of more
ghost town. But these days its a different story, children, the school is open again. Lucano, who
Here, Marcus and his mum are going home after visiting Will at his at.
because of one man whose dreams have turned became mayor of Riace in 2004, has managed
Riace into a village with a future. to create jobs and to stop the villagers moving
1 Read the text. How would you describe the relationship between Marcus and his mum?
One day in 1998, Domenico Lucano, a away, while at the same time helping some
teacher from Riace, was driving near the food and accommodation in return for work. The of the poorest and most desperate people in
Youre not going round there again, she said on the way home. sea when he saw a refugees also had to learn Italian. theworld.
Marcus knew shed say it, and he also knew that hed take no large group of people It was the beginning of a plan. Lucano created Many politicians have visited Riace hoping
notice, but he argued anyway. on the beach. They an organisation called Citt Futura, or City of the that they can use Lucanos ideas in their own
Why not? were refugees who Future. The idea was simple: Riace desperately towns and cities. The German film director Wim
had arrived by boat to needed more inhabitants and there were plenty Wenders also went there and was inspired to
[] We dont need that kind of person. Were doing all right our
escape problems in of people in the world looking for a home. The make a short documentary about the village
their countries. Lucano village began to welcome refugees from Somalia, called Il Volo (The Flight). Lucano himself
Marcus looked out of the bus window and thought about whether
had an idea of how to Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon and other places. was voted third in the 2010 World Mayor
this was true, and decided it wasnt, that neither of them were help these people and how they, in turn, might Lucano used buildings which had been empty for competition, and was praised for his courage
doing all right, whichever way you looked at it. possibly help him save his village. He decided to years to house the new arrivals, and he created and compassion.
If you are having trouble its nothing to do with what shoes you welcome them into the village and to give them workshops for them to work in.
wear, I can tell you that for nothing.
No, I know, but
Marcus, trust me, OK? Ive been your mother for twelve years. I
havent made too bad a job of it. I do think about it. I know what Im doing.
Marcus had never thought of his mother in that way before, as someone who knew what she was doing. He had
never thought that she didnt have a clue either; it was just that what she did with him (for him? to him?) didnt
appear to be anything like that. He had always looked on being a mother as straightforward, something like, say,
driving: most people could do it, and you could mess it up by doing something really obvious, by driving your car
into a bus, or not telling your kid to say please and thank you and sorry (there were loads of kids at school, he
reckoned, kids who stole and swore too much and bullied other kids, whose mums and dads had a lot to answer
for). If you looked at it that way, there wasnt an awful lot to think about. But his mum seemed to be saying that
there was more to it than that. She was telling him she had a plan.
If she had a plan, then he had a choice. He could trust her, believe her when she said she knew what she was doing
[] Or he could decide that, actually, she was off her head [] Either way it was scary. He didnt want to put up

train to
with things as they were, but the other choice meant hed have to be his own
mother, and how could you be your own mother when you were only twelve? GLOSSARY
mess it up - do it in a really bad way
He could tell himself to say please and thank you and sorry, that was easy, but
swore - used bad words (words that
he didnt know where to start with the rest of it. He didnt even know what the people think are rude) Distinguishing fact from opinion 2 Here are things people said to Domenico
rest of it was. He hadnt even known until today that there was a rest of it. o her head - crazy Lucano when he was about to start his project.
People often have disagreements because they confuse
Work in pairs and find good questions that he
opinions with facts. A fact is something true for which
could ask to separate opinions from facts.
there is usually proof. An opinion is a thought or belief
2 Read the text again and answer the questions. 3 Work with a partner and
and may not be true. When you want to know if what
1 All the young people are moving
1 Why do you think Marcus mum doesnt want him to visit Will? discuss the questions.
someone is saying is really true, its important to ask the away. Our town has no future.
2 Why do you think Marcus enjoys the company of an adult, rather than 1 What makes it easy, or difficult right questions to help you separate opinions from facts.
to talk to an adult about things 2
someone of his own age? Im sure these refugees are trouble makers.
3 What do you think doing all right means to Marcus mum, and why doesnt
that worry you? 1 Read the two statements (A). What is the purpose
of the question (B) that follows each ofthem? 3 Dont invite these people to our village.
Marcus think its true? 2 Do you think that being
a mother or father is 1 A Teenagers never want to travel anywhere with their Theyre poor and will only create problems.
4 Marcus looks out of the bus window when his mother is talking to him.
straightforward? Why/why not? parents.
What does this gesture tell us? 4 Its a bad idea to put people from different
B Does that mean that there has never been a young
5 What does Marcus learn about being a parent by comparing it to driving? countries together. They might not get on.
person who liked travelling with their parents?
6 What do you think Marcus means when he thinks about the rest of it in
2 A Im convinced listening to music keeps you healthy. 5
the last two sentences. These people cant survive in our village.
B What evidence is there that proves you are right? Theres just no work for them.
40 23

Citizen Z Students Book B2

Digital resources for learners

Online Practice offers extra grammar and vocabulary practice, extra reading, the
course videos and projects.
An App allows students to scan pages of the Students Book with their
smartphones for direct access to the course videos.
Fully-interactive Digital Students Books and Workbooks are available both
online and offline. These are both multiplatform and multi-device, working on
computers, tablets and interactive whiteboards.
Digital resources for teachers
The Online Test Generator, available at thecambridgeteacher.es, allows you to
quickly create, edit and save tests at two levels of difficulty.
The Digital Citizen Z pack includes the digital Students Book and Workbook for
projection in the classroom with special interactive activities for every unit, the
digital Teachers Book, the course videos and extra worksheets. Available as a
DVD-ROM or online at thecambridgeteacher.es.
Extra resources including Grammar and Vocabulary worksheets and Skills tests
are also available via thecambridgeteacher.es.
Digital Citizen Z B1+

For more information about our digital products see page 4 23

Schools: Secondary

A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 Testing made easy

The flexible Testmaker Audio CD/CD-ROM allows

English in Mind for Spanish you to quickly create, edit and save tests that are
Speakers suited to the specific needs of your students.

Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks and Peter cambridge.es/englishinmind

Level 3 with Richard Carter
BEGINNER TO ADVANCED Geography in mind Functional zones
in cities

Secondary What do you think? A


Cities are divided into functional zones. Can you B

8090 teaching hours, extendable to 180 match the zones in the box with the photos?
CBD (central business district)
Pages dedicated industrial zone
English in Mind inspires teachers and students residential zone

to other school Bilbao

the world over. Designed especially for teenagers, Valencia
subjects enable 2 Listen
this course has proved to be perfectly matched to a CD1 T33 A group of British students are on a eld trip to the city in the photo. Listen to the
students to use
their interests, age and abilities. teacher and students talking about it. Which city is it? Which English city do they compare it with?

English for a real

Teen photostories introduce Everyday English purpose
and lead into speaking practice in the form of
discussions and improvisation.
Structured speaking practice and development b CD1 T34 Can you complete the sentences with the words in the box? Listen to the second part
of the conversation and check your answers.
throughout each level. 1 function

function shops tertiary noisy residential city centre

A Vocabulary bank shows new words in context The is the main activity of a zone in a city.
1 4 The CBD is a new name for the .
and offers accompanying practice exercises. 2 ... zones are often in the suburbs. 5 CBDs are often congested and ... .
3 We can typically nd businesses, ofces and in a CBD. 6 Services are activities.

Authentic Fiction in mind and Literature in c CD1 T35 Listen to the

CD h third
h d part off the
h conversation. Complete
Compllete the
he city fact-
th le.

mind section develop reading skills (Levels 3, 4 1 Name of the city:

2 Original function:
and 5). 3 Current main function:
4 Main services in the historic centre:

Exam-style exercises and topics help prepare 5 Location of residential and industrial zones:

students for school and international Exams. 3 Speak

Work with a partner. Answer the questions.
1 Think of your town or city and identify its zones. Has it got a CBD and an industrial zone? Where are
they? Where are the residential zones?
2 Say where you think these elds of work would be more common: in a CBD, an industrial or a residential
zone? Say why. Can you think of typical jobs that people would do in the different zones?

education entertainment management and nance health care manufacturing engineering

34 UNIT 3

English in Mind for Spanish Speakers Students Book 3

The Students Book DVD-ROM includes:

Addictive games that encourage students to keep trying until they succeed.
Videostories which develop the characters from the Students Book photostories and
include different language.
An expanded bank of exercises for each unit so weaker areas can be thoroughly
English in Mind Students Book 4 DVD-ROM practised.

English in Mind for Spanish Speakers Starter Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Students Book with DVD-ROM 978-84-8323-955-1 978-84-8323-790-8 978-84-8323-963-6 978-84-8323-642-0 978-84-8323-751-9 978-84-8323-758-8
Workbook with Audio CD 978-84-8323-520-1 978-84-8323-986-5 978-84-8323-841-7 978-84-8323-496-9 978-84-8323-752-6 978-84-8323-759-5
Teachers Resource Book with Class Audio CDs 978-84-8323-538-6 978-84-8323-681-9 978-84-8323-788-5 978-84-8323-789-2 978-84-8323-803-5 978-84-8323-805-9
DVD* 978-0-521-15779-7 978-0-521-15374-4 978-0-521-15932-6 978-0-521-15586-1 978-0-521-18452-6 978-1-107-63738-2
Presentation Plus DVD-ROM* 978-0-521-12232-0 978-0-521-17681-1 978-0-521-12353-2 978-0-521-17483-1 978-0-521-18454-0 978-0-521-18460-1
Testmaker Audio CD/CD-ROM* 978-0-521-17286-8 978-0-521-14035-5 978-0-521-13684-6 978-0-521-18562-2 978-0-521-18455-7 978-0-521-18461-8
Digital Student's Book (Enhanced PDF) 978-84-8323-352-8 978-84-8323-608-6 978-84-8323-609-3 978-84-8323-354-2 978-84-8323-357-3
Digital Workbook (Enhanced PDF) 978-84-8323-339-9 978-84-8323-341-2 978-84-8323-344-3 978-84-8323-346-7 978-84-8323-349-8
Digital Students Book (SCORM) 978-84-8323-777-9 978-84-8323-850-9 978-84-8323-855-4 978-84-8323-780-9 978-84-8323-928-5
Digital Workbook (SCORM) 978-84-8323-778-6 978-84-8323-610-9 978-84-8323-611-6 978-84-8323-782-3 978-84-8323-929-2

*Designed for the international edition

24 For more information about our digital products see page 4

Schools: Secondary

English for Spanish Speakers

All levels include content specifically designed for Spanish speakers:
Get it right! pages in the Students Book and Workbook, plus Get it right! boxes throughout the Students Book, provide tips and practice to
avoid the common errors made by Spanish speakers in grammar and vocabulary, based on research from the Cambridge Learner Corpus.
Say it right! and Spell it right! sections focus on aspects of English pronunciation and spelling which are difficult for Spanish speakers.
Pages dedicated to cross-curricular topics help students develop a wider knowledge of the world, enabling them to use English for a real
Exams in mind pages in the Workbook offer practice in Cambridge English exam-type exercises.
The Workbook offers a step-by-step guide to writing, with authentic model texts, useful tips and staged tasks.

Fascinating topics engage teenage students Get it right! pages highlight and practise common
and stimulate their minds mistakes made by Spanish speakers

7 Peacemakers Get it right! Common errors

The environment Find two more wrong sentences. Write the

Past perfect passive correct words in your notebook.
Past perfect continuous Dont get these words confused: 1 the work had done the work had been done
Vocabulary: conicts and solutions Its important to protect the environment 1 We didnt have to do anything. All the work
( the ambient) from global warming. had done when we arrived.
Read and listen A lot of people are leaving the cities because 2 Antonio had learnt a lot by the time the
a they want to live in peace and quiet in the course had nished.
Do you recognise the people in the photos?
countryside ( the nature).
What do you know about them? 3 The school won an award for its conict
You can see many plants and animals in the resolution group. It had only started the year
b Read the text quickly and answer the questions. old forest the wildlife there is amazing.
before by the pupils.
1 How did Alfred Nobel make his money? 4 Luckily all my work was still there when I
2 Why did he decide to start the Nobel Prizes? Complete the text about Earth Day with turned the computer back on. The document
environment, countryside, or wildlife. had saved automatically.
1 countryside
y 5 We asked the park attendant how long the
Alfred Nobel Rests in Peace April 22nd is International
trees in the park had been there. He said they
had planted 30 years before.
People like Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela, Mother Earth Day and we
Aung San Suu Kyi, Kofi Annan, Lech Walesa and want to celebrate with you!
Mother Teresa have become famous all around the Check out our fantastic 3 Difference of opinion
world. A They are all winners of the Nobel Peace programme of events in the
Prize. But none of them would have received their area. Dont get these words confused:
prize and the recognition it brings if it had not been In the morning, there will Our teacher encourages us to have
for one Swedish man, Alfred Nobel. be a cycling trip to the 1 ... . discussions in class about a range of topics.
When Alfred joined the Nobel family company, it Escape the noise of the But when theres an argument ( discussion)
had been developing explosives for many years. city and enjoy a ride through quiet villages. We all she tells us to stop.
Alfreds father, Immanuel, had started the family know that over-reliance on cars is bad for the 2 ... but Children were ghting in the playground
fortune by working for the Russian army to produce cycling doesnt pollute the air! one of them ripped the others shirt!
and decided to do something about it. He
landmines and sea mines, which are bombs that decided that he would use the great fortune For families with children, theres a trip to a nature
are put under the ground or in the sea and which that he had made to reward people who had reserve. Discover an incredible array of 3 ... in its natural Choose the correct words.
explode when people move over them. But the been working to promote good in society. habitat. Youll be surprised at how many plants and 1 ght
family made even more money by manufacturing D
The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to animals there are.
nitroglycerine, which was an effective but very 1 There was a horrible discussion / ght on the
the person who had done the most, or the Are you tired of breathing the dirty air of the city?
dangerous explosive.

street. People were hitting each other and
best, work to promote friendship between Then join our walk along the river and through the police had to stop it.
One day Alfred arrived home to find that his 20-year- countries, to abolish armies or to hold and beautiful elds. Enjoy the fresh air in the 4 ... .
old brother Emil had been killed in a nitroglycerine promote peace conferences. 2 We had an interesting discussion / argument
Dont miss the Earth Day lectures. The rst one about Aung San Suu Kyi. We all agreed shes a
explosion. B The result was dynamite, which In 1997 the Nobel Peace Prize went to an starts at 8 pm and will be discussing the question: wonderful role model for young people.
became an immediate success all over the world. American called Jody Williams for her efforts What can we do to save the 5 ... ?. Come along and
Alfred Nobel always wanted dynamite to be used to get landmines banned. E Perhaps now, learn how we can better protect the world we live 3 My friend Eva gets depressed when she has
for peaceful means. And when it was used to blast Alfred Nobel will rest more easily in his grave. in. The second lecture starts at 9.30 pm and will be discussions / arguments with her parents.
a path for the Panama Canal in 1914 he couldnt tackling the issue of the decreasing fox and hedgehog 4 Sharing opinions is important. We should
have been happier. Unfortunately, in the same year, Get it right! populations. Find out how you can help the local 6 ... . have more discussions / arguments.
the First World War started and, when it ended four 5 The boys dont want to argue / ght. They
years later, dynamite had been used to take away Which word is missing? Dont look at the text!
Alfreds father worked the Russian army. are pacists and dont like violence.
the lives of thousands of young men.
To see his invention being used in this way made 2 Past perfect passive
him very sad. 4 Use it!
Sometime later Alfreds older brother Ludwig Discussion box Dont forget to use been with the past perfect
passive: Remember not to miss out the subject with
died. One newspaper accidentally printed Alfreds 1 Why did the people in the photos win the
My mum read Pride and Prejudice at school. the verb be, especially in sentences with the
obituary instead of his brothers. The obituary Nobel Prize?
It had been included ( It had included) in dummy it:
described Alfred as a man who had become rich 2 If you could award a Nobel Peace Prize,
by inventing a weapon of mass destruction. When the school curriculum the year before. Its ( Is) easy to see why hes upset.
who would you give it to? Why?
Alfred read this review of his life, he was horrified

60 UNIT 7 82 UNIT 9

English in Mind for Spanish Speakers Students Book 4

Digital resources for learners

Fully-interactive digital Students Books and Workbooks, online and offline.
These digital books are both multiplatform and multi-device and are available
for levels Starter to 4.
DVD-ROM with games, video and practice activities.
Digital resources for teachers
Flexible Testmaker Audio CD/CD-ROM allows you to quickly create, edit and
save tests that are suited to the special needs of your students.
Interactive Whiteboard software for classroom presentation.
Resource website with placement test, grammar and vocabulary practice
worksheets, portfolio builders and more.

English in Mind for Spanish Speakers Digital Students Book 4

For more information about our digital products see page 4 25

Schools: Secondary

English for Spanish Speakers English for Spanish Speakers English for Spanish Speakers English for Spanish Speakers
tting Interactive online Getting Interactive onlineGo Interactive online! Getting Interactive onlineGo Interactive online! Interactive Web Zone Interactive Web Zone

English for Spanish Speakers

English for Spanish Speakers

English for Spanish Speakers

English for Spanish Speakers

as easy as 1-2-3! Students Book 2 is as easy as 1-2-3! Check out the website especially for you! Students Book 3 is as easy as 1-2-3! Check out the website especially for you! Students Book 4 Check out the Student Zone. Its especially for you! Check out the Student Zone. Its especially for you!
Helen Hadkins and Samantha Lewis Helen Hadkins, Samantha Lewis Helen Hadkins, Samantha Lewis
Go to http://interactive.cambridge.org with Joanna Budden 1 Go to http://interactive.cambridge.org
Play games and practise your English and Joanna Budden 1 Play games and practise your English
Go to http://interactive.cambridge.org and Joanna Budden Play games and practise your English Play games and practise your English

Interactive is an exciting course for Interactive is an exciting course for Interactive is an exciting course for
teenagers packed with up-to-the-minute, teenagers packed with up-to-the-minute, teenagers packed with up-to-the-minute,
stimulating content. It will get your
students talking and keeps them talking,
Students Book 1 stimulating content. It will get your
students talking and keeps them talking,
Students Book 2 stimulating content. It will get your
students talking and keeps them talking,
Students Book 3 Students Book 4
using real, contemporary English. using real, contemporary English. using real, contemporary English.

Interactive gets students communicating from Interactive gets students communicating from Interactive gets students communicating from
Type in your access code. 2 Type in your access code.
Interactive provides up-to-date, 2 Type in your access code.
Interactive provides up-to-date, Interactive provides up-to-date,
day one, by providing them with the framework day one, by providing them with the framework day one, by providing them with the framework
e way: and tools they need: real-life English every step of the way: Write and print your own and tools novels
graphic they need: real-life English every step of the way: Write and print your own and
tools novels
they need: real-life English every step of the way: Write and print your own graphic novels Write and print your own graphic novels
Have fun and and
K noticeboards practise your English Interaction sections give students the confidence Skills4Real sections, Culture3 Have fun and practise
UK noticeboards and your English Interaction sections give students the condence Skills4Real sections, Culture 3 UK noticeboards
Have fun and and
practise your English Interaction sections give students the condence Skills4Real sections, Culture UK noticeboards and
with using authentic
DVD clips, activities to use English in real-life situations such as ordering Culture World magazines practise skills
with using authentic
games, DVD clips, activities to use English in real-life situations such as ordering Culture World magazines practisewith skillsgames,
using authentic
DVD clips, activities to use English in real-life situations such as ordering Culture World magazines practise skills using authentic
enings, followed up by food and drink, and expressing preferences and reading material and unscripted listenings, followed up by food and drink, and expressing preferences and reading material and unscripted listenings, followed up by food and drink, and expressing preferences and reading material and unscripted listenings, followed up by
nguage lots
practice. and lots more!
activities and projects to put this language into practice. and lotsinto
activities and projects to put this language more!
opinions. opinions. opinions. activities and projects to put this language into practice.
linked to subjects on the A regular Pronunciation focus including aspects Cross-curricular (CLIL) pages linked to subjects on the A regular Pronunciation focus including aspects Cross-curricular (CLIL) pages linked to subjects on the A regular Pronunciation focus including aspects Cross-curricular (CLIL) pages linked to subjects on the
udents develop a broader of English pronunciation that are challenging for Spanish national curriculum help students develop a broader of English pronunciation that are challenging for Spanish national curriculum help students develop a broader of English pronunciation that are challenging for Spanish national curriculum help students develop a broader


them to use English for a Spanish speakers and reference material makes knowledge of the world and enable them to use English for a Spanish speakers and reference material makes knowledge of the world and enable them to use English for a Spanish speakers and reference material makes knowledge of the world and enable them to use English for a
real purpose. real purpose. real purpose.
Students Book 1

Students Book 2

Students Book 3
this often-neglected skill fun and easy to teach. this often-neglected skill fun and easy to teach.

Students Book 4
this often-neglected skill fun and easy to teach.
ght! boxes draw from A fold-out Classroom Language Reference on Get it right! pages and the Get it right! boxes draw from A fold-out Classroom Language Reference on Get it right! pages and the Get it right! boxes draw from A fold-out Classroom Language Reference on Get it right! pages and the Get it right! boxes draw from
ner Corpus and raise the cover provides students with the phrases they research from the Cambridge Learner Corpus and raise the cover provides students with the phrases they research from the Cambridge Learner Corpus and raise the cover provides students with the phrases they research from the Cambridge Learner Corpus and raise
ommon mistakes made by need for speaking activities. students awareness of the most common mistakes made by need for speaking activities. students awareness of the most common mistakes made by need for speaking activities. students awareness of the most common mistakes made by
h. Spanish-speaking learners of English. Spanish-speaking learners of English. Spanish-speaking learners of English.
Novel runs through each A dynamic and realistic Graphic Novel runs through each A dynamic and realistic Graphic Novel runs through each A dynamic and realistic Graphic Novel runs through each
or fun. There are optional level which students can read just for fun. There are optional level which students can read just for fun. There are optional level which students can read just for fun. There are optional
Resource Book and online. activities available in the Teachers Resource Book and online. activities available in the Teachers Resource Book and online. activities available in the Teachers Resource Book and online.

Watch DVD clips from the course Watch DVD clips from the course Watch DVD clips from the course Watch DVD clips from the course
on and Interaction The DVD provides models of all Pronunciation and The DVD provides models of all Pronunciation and The DVD provides models of all Pronunciation and
l language and Interaction sections. A Talking Heads section shows real Interaction sections. A Talking Heads section shows real Interaction sections. A Talking Heads section shows real
Hadkins and Lewis

Hadkins and Lewis with Budden

Hadkins, Lewis and Budden

Hadkins, Lewis and Budden

language and unscripted responses, along with a series of teen- language and unscripted responses, along with a series of teen- language and unscripted responses, along with a series of teen-
presented Interviews. presented Interviews. presented Interviews.

to the digital age, For schools that wish to take their teaching into the digital age, For schools that wish to take their teaching into the digital age, For schools that wish to take their teaching into the digital age,
ailable as the Students Book and Workbook are also available as the Students Book and Workbook are also available as the Students Book and Workbook are also available as
The course includes: fully-interactive online textbooks. The course includes: fully-interactive online textbooks. The course includes: fully-interactive online textbooks.
Students Book Students Book Students Book
tudents should
Workbook with Audio CD Workbook with Audio CD Workbook with Audio CD
o an optional
Teachers Resource Book with Class Audio CDs Teachers Resource Book with Class Audio CDs Teachers Resource Book with Class Audio CDs
Testmaker Audio CD/CD-ROM Testmaker Audio CD/CD-ROM Testmaker Audio CD/CD-ROM
Web content: http://interactive.cambridge.org
PLUS all the listening practice from
Web content: http://interactive.cambridge.org
PLUS all the listening practice from
Helen Web content: http://interactive.cambridge.org
PLUS all the listening practice from
Helen PLUS all the listening practice from
the Workbook and more Hadkins the Workbook and more Hadkins, the Workbook and more Hadkins, the Workbook and more
Visit http://interactive.cambridge.org Visit http://interactive.cambridge.orgSamantha Samantha
Visit http://interactive.cambridge.org Visit http://interactive.cambridge.org
Helen Samantha Lewis Lewis
Hadkins Lewis and and
and with Joanna Joanna
Samantha Joanna Budden Budden
Lewis A2 Budden B1 B1 B2 B2

A2 B1 B2 English for Spanish Speakers

Interactive for Spanish Interactive includes content specifically designed for Spanish-speaking teenagers:
Speakers Get it right! pages in the Students Book and Workbook, plus Get it right! boxes throughout
the Students Book, highlight and practise common mistakes made by Spanish-speaking learners
Helen Hadkins, Samantha Lewis in grammar and vocabulary. These pages are informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus.
and Joanna Budden
Say it right! exercises focus on common pronunciation errors made by Spanish speakers.
Pages dedicated to cross-curricular topics deal with subjects from the Spanish curriculum.
Extra exam practice in the Workbook, with Cambridge English: Key, Preliminary and First
8090 teaching hours, extendable to 180 exam-type exercises.
Optional 12-page Start Up section for level 1 available online

Nominated British Council ELTons Awards 2012:

For innovation in teacher resources
Get your students thinking
Interactive is an exciting course for teenagers about culture throughout the
packed from cover to cover with up-to-the- is the
ral reef
The Best Job in the World ? B English-speaking world
minute, stimulating content. Students are given THE BEST JO .
of over
nd 900

from 200
would you apply? Well, 34,000 people
1 If you saw this job advert,
maximum support to get them speaking and or over
600 mi) different countries did! The job was
advertised by Tourism Queensland,
the Great Barrier
campaign which aimed to increase Islands of the tralia.
part of an award-winning publicity
interacting in real, contemporary English from day imately
ometres number of visitors to Australia. To get the job of island caretaker in the Great
persuade Tourism
Island Caretake
Position Vacant: 0 6-month contract
e reef is Barrier Reef, applicants
app had to make a one-minute video to 0,00
one. Sea, off
Q d that they would be the
be person for the role. 16 nalists
Salary: AU $15
: Feed the fish
ct the Colle

sland in and report back

w taken to the island for the mail Explore
: 22 February
Teachers can tailor the course to their own ustralia.
nal part of the selection process,
involved a formal interview, an
Applications close
Interviews: 4 May e: 8 May
t mad
w Announcemen
Reef can
requirements using the wide range of materials er space
E test, health checks and somee
f activities which were designed
Work begins:
1 July
biggest efjob.com
such as DVDs, Presentation Plus, Testmaker by living show
s their real personalities. www.islandre

and other online extras, to make classes get built by
The Winner
on, Ben Southall, a charity worker
really interactive. The course is correlated to polyps. It
ty of life
2 Despite the extremely tough competiti
from the UK, got the job. Ben lived
on Hamilton Island, in the Whitsund
ays in
a beautiful house to live in and he
Cambridge English exam task types and topics to s a World
981. CNN
the Great Barrier Reef. He was given
allowed to bring his girlfriend too!
In fact, he believes that it was his girlfriend
all the fun but none of the work
help prepare students for future exams. he seven
he world.
who really had the best job in the
involved in maintaining a blog of life
on the island! He spent his days
out the
National doing water sports, exploring and checking
he would
hotels and restaurants. In the evenings,
Inspire confident communication te icon of
eensland. blog about his day and post photos
and videos to
be had on
show the world how much fun can
blog at:
the reef is the islands. You can still read Bens
Interaction sections prepare students for using eat Barrier http://islandreefjob.com.au/island-care
hich helps
English in real-life situations. of human
shing and
ronmental Quick Facts
Fold-out classroom language keeps useful eef and its
The Great Barrier Reef
4 What to do
ude runoff, is the worlds largest tropical reef
phrases for speaking activities to hand. companied covers an area of 348,000 square on the islands
ching, and
utbreaks of
individual coral reefs of the Great
Check it out! boxes expose students to real ns starsh.
is made up of 900
and 900 islands and coral cays Barrier Reef
is home to more than 1,500 species
international English from the Cambridge English er Reef has marine sh, 500 species of seaweed
and Try a new water sport:
choose from jet-skiing,
to and used 15 species of sea snakes which can kayaking, sailing and
Corpus, drawing attention to language areas al Australian humans!
that can be lots more.
rait Islander is the only living organism
that can cause difficulty. n important
ps cultures
seen from space Snorkelling and diving:
with the most spectacular
. The reef is underwater gardens and
5 From Best Job to Best
Think about world culture r destination
especially in in the World
coral in the world, youd
be crazy not to take a look!
of island
y Islands and When Ben nished his six-month job
keen to give Meet the turtles: if you
Tourism is an caretaker, Tourism Queensland were
Culture UK noticeboards and Culture World omic activity him another one. He now works as a
tell people
visit when its turtle
nesting season, you can
n, generating Ambassador and travels the planet to
see baby turtles racing into
magazine articles practise skills using authentic ion per year. more about the Great Barrier Reef
and has
es as the water at night.
given TV interviews about his experienc
reading and listening material. island caretaker in many countries.

Culture Vulture boxes provide insights into real

life in English-speaking countries to stimulate 100 Unit
U it 11

discussion about cultural differences.

Related activities and projects give students the Interactive for Spanish Speakers Students Book 4
opportunity to explore topics in more depth.

cambridge.es/interactive Interactive for Spanish Speakers Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Students Book 978-84-8323-621-5 978-84-8323-623-9 978-84-8323-839-4 978-84-8323-947-6
Workbook with Audio CD 978-84-8323-622-2 978-84-8323-624-6 978-84-8323-842-4 978-84-8323-948-3
Teachers Resource Book with Class Audio CDs 978-84-8323-617-8 978-84-8323-619-2 978-84-8323-840-0 978-84-8323-973-5
DVD* 978-0-521-14713-2 978-0-521-14724-8 978-0-521-14726-2 978-0-521-14728-6
Presentation Plus DVD-ROM* 978-1-107-40211-9 978-1-107-40212-6 978-0-521-27961-1 978-0-521-27962-8
Testmaker CD-ROM and Audio CD* 978-1-107-40213-3 978-1-107-40214-0 978-0-521-27963-5 978-0-521-27964-2
Digital Student's Book (Enhanced PDF) 978-84-9036-448-2 978-84-9036-449-9 978-84-9036-450-5 978-84-9036-451-2
Digital Workbook (Enhanced PDF) 978-84-9036-452-9 978-84-9036-453-6 978-84-9036-454-3 978-84-9036-455-0

*Designed for the international edition

26 For more information about our digital products see page 4

Schools: Secondary

A1 A2 B1

Second edition
HerbertPuchta, JeffStranks, GnterGerngross,
ChristianHolzmann and PeterLewis-Jones

Lower Secondary

8090 teaching hours, extendable to 140

More! is bursting with features to capture young

learners imaginations. This updated edition
of More! continues to encourage reading
for pleasure with new engaging texts and a
fun, original detective story in levels 1 and 2.
Culture sections with mini-projects and a strong
integration of CLIL in each lesson inspire learners
natural curiosity.
Photostories, skills pages and reading texts
More communication and skills practice to boost
students fluency and confidence to speak.
Learning to learn and Exam practice sections
in the Workbook to boost learners autonomy
and exams results.
Extra Reading sections progress across the levels
taking learners from light stories to literature. Culture pages with
engaging topics inspire
Cyber Homework teenagers curiosity
and motivate them to
Cyber Homework allows students to complete
use English
and submit their homework online with a range
of Reading, Listening, Grammar and Vocabulary
exercises as well as games and quizzes for extra More! Second edition Students Book 1
Instant marking makes it easy for teachers to See also Available in American English
assess progress and give feedback and the
built-in messaging services allows students and CLIL Activities American More!
students to communicate online. Page 95 Four level edition, 8090 teaching hours per level
Cambridge Discovery Education Interactive Combo edition, 4045 teaching hours
Presentation Plus Readers
American More! Six-level edition
The complete Students Book with full course Page 82
5060 hours
audio and built-in interactive whiteboard tools
ideal for use with interactive whiteboards or cambridge.es/americanmore
computers and projectors.


More! Second edition Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Student's Book with Cyber Homework and Online
978-1-107-65645-1 978-1-107-69478-1 978-1-107-63737-5 978-1-107-64051-1
Workbook 978-1-107-68135-4 978-1-107-68424-9 978-1-107-66506-4 978-1-107-65294-1
Teacher's Book 978-1-107-68969-5 978-1-107-68838-4 978-1-107-68128-6 978-1-107-68299-3
Audio CDs (3) 978-1-107-69155-1 978-1-107-64987-3 978-1-107-66354-1 978-1-107-66982-6
Testbuilder CD-ROM/Audio CD 978-1-107-65274-3 978-1-107-67962-7 978-1-107-66335-0 978-1-107-64331-4
Presentation Plus DVD-ROM 978-1-107-65205-7 978-1-107-69928-1 978-1-107-65695-6 978-1-107-65402-0
DVD 978-1-107-67127-0 978-1-107-67618-3 978-1-107-68194-1 978-1-107-66627-6

For more information about our digital products see page 4 27

Schools: Secondary

This highly successful

communicative series is
supported by carefully
selected and well-structured
activities, original topics and a
huge wealth of resources.
Maria Christaki, Institute of Foreign Languages, Kalamata, Greece

A1 A2 B1 Presentation Plus
Provides the complete Students Book content
with built-in annotation tools and embedded
Your Space audio in an easy-to-operate format for interactive
Martyn Hobbs and Julia Starr Keddle whiteboards or computers and projectors.


Lower Secondary

8090 teaching hours, extendable to 150

Your Space offers a positive and practical approach

to learning English with plenty of space for 1A
students to personalise the language learnt.
Language is taught through engaging contexts, EW!
with a balance between inductive and deductive e WEB Cb R
Meet thine magazine!
? Its a we
bz re.he
Whats a we it. So read about us
presentation and includes revision at the start of And we cre

each new level. NATHAN writer

A focus on skills development, learner strategies I was playing in an inter-school On New Years Eve we were in
football match when I took a penalty London. We were standing near the
and functional language encourages learner kick ... and I missed! We lost the London Eye at midnight when Big Ben
match. struck twelve. Then we watched an
autonomy and effective oral and written awesome firework display.

Get it right! sections informed by the HOLLY photographer and video operator
Cambridge Learner Corpus help students tackle WORST EVER MOMENT
I noticed an interesting advert while
We were in New York on St Patricks
problem areas common to learners of their level. I was riding my bike. I turned to look
at it and I crashed into a tree! All my
Day. We watched an incredible
parade. Thousands of people were
friends were watching. wearing green costumes, playing Irish
A clear unit structure and well-signposted pages music and dancing traditional dances.

enable easy navigation and make it ideal for

teaching off the page. JOSH webzine designer and illustrator
Web Zone One morning I was late and I forgot My dad took me and my cousins to
to put my shoes on. I went to school Glastonbury music festival. We were
in my slippers! putting up our tent when it started to
Students complete fun revision activities to rain. So we watched the bands and
danced in the rain!
unlock new features and personalise their space
with credits earned.
SAMIRA technical expert (and occasional writer!)
A Comic Builder allows students to create their WORST EVER MOMENT BEST EVER FESTIVAL
I was talking on my mobile while I In my family we celebrate a festival
own stories based on the characters and settings was taking the rubbish out. Then I called Eid. One year we went to
threw my mobile in the rubbish bin Bangladesh and visited our relatives.
of the graphic story in the Students Book. by mistake! We ate special food, wore new
clothes and my family gave me
presents! It was fun.
The Your Space DVD brings real-world Your Space
authenticity to an English lesson and provides a
6 Work in pairs. Talk about what you were doing yesterday.
springboard for engaging activities and classroom What were you doing at
discussion. 3 pm? 5 pm? 7 pm? 9 pm? 11 pm?

A I was doing my homework at 3 pm. What were you doing?

Accessible up-to-date content provides teachers B I was playing the violin.
with a great way to motivate and stretch their
Celebrations Unit 1 9
Language content and topics have been carefully
mapped to the course content and syllabus. Your Space Students Book

Your Space Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Students Book 978-0-521-72923-9 978-0-521-72928-4 978-0-521-72933-8
Workbook with Audio CD 978-0-521-72924-6 978-0-521-72929-1 978-0-521-72934-5
Teachers Book with Tests CD 978-0-521-72925-3 978-0-521-72930-7 978-0-521-72935-2
Class Audio CDs (3) 978-0-521-72927-7 978-0-521-72932-1 978-0-521-72937-6
Presentation Plus DVD-ROM with Teachers Resource Disc 978-1-107-67310-6 978-1-107-63542-5 978-1-107-66074-8
DVD (All levels) 978-0-521-72902-4

28 For more information about our digital products see page 4

Schools: Secondary


active B1-B2 LEVEL 2

GRAMMAR with answers
Learn and practise grammar your way!
978 0 521 17599 9 DAVIS & RIMMER ACTIVE GRAMMAR LEVEL 2 (With Answers) CVR

Davis & Rimmer

Active Grammar is a three-level grammar On the CD-ROM
reference and practice series specially
Extra practice material for each unit
designed to appeal to teenage and young
adult learners. Active Grammar Level 2 Printable tests for all grammar areas
covers B1-B2 (CEF) level grammar points.
On the website
Presentation of grammar points in A FREE online Teachers Guide provides
interesting and realistic contexts an abundance of practical ideas on how
Appealing, educational content drawn to use the material in class, and tips on
teaching mixed-ability and mixed-age
from areas such as geography, science
and history classes.

Clear, easy-to-understand grammar www.cambridge.org/elt/activegrammar

Exercises designed to help students
active GRAMMAR
prepare for the Cambridge KET and
PET exams
Regular TIP boxes highlight common
mistakes LEVEL 1

MY TEST! and Review units monitor Elementary

Suitable for classroom use or self-study

Intermediate B1-B2

with answers


with answers
C D- R O M
Fiona Davis and Wayne Rimmer

Series Editor: Penny Ur


ISBN: 978 0 521 14989 1 ISBN: 978 0 521 71263 7

A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 Teachers get plenty of support online: A1 A2 B1

A comprehensive online Teachers Guide provides
Active Grammar practical ideas on how to use the material and Connect
tips for teaching mixed-ability and mixed-age
classes. Second edition
Level1 and 2:FionaDavis and WayneRimmer
Level3:MarkLloyd and JeremyDay Downloadable wordlists and tests. JackC.Richards, CarlosBarbisan and
Serieseditor:PennyUr ChuckSandy
On the CD-ROM:
Extra practice activities for every unit.
Suitable for classroom use or self-study, Active Lower secondary
Customisable and printable tests.
Grammar is a three-level grammar reference and 60-80 teaching hours
practice series designed to appeal to teenage and cambridge.es/activegrammar
young adult learners. This lively American English course is specially
designed to motivate young teenagers through
Target language presented through a variety Active Grammar Level 1
high-interest topics and stimulating activities.
of content-rich texts drawn from areas such as Book with answers and CD-ROM 978-0-521-73251-2
Geography, History and Science. Book without answers and CD-ROM 978-0-521-17368-1 Classroom-tested pedagogy appeals to young
Level 2 adolescents.
Carefully graded exercises provide plenty of Book with answers and CD-ROM 978-0-521-17599-9
challenging practice. Book without answers and CD-ROM 978-0-521-15359-1 Get Connected lessons present an engaging
Level 3 topic that consolidates the language students
Exercises suitable for learners preparing for
Book with answers and CD-ROM 978-0-521-15250-1 learn in each unit through reading, listening, and
Cambridge English exams.
Book without answers and CD-ROM 978-0-521-15247-1 writing.
A wealth of extra review material is featured
Step-by-step teaching instructions, tips, and
in MY TEST! sections, review units and on the
culture notes in the interleaved Teachers Edition,
offer support for all class types.
A Teacher Support Site with a wealth of extra
Engaging presentations support material (tests, worksheets, teaching
help students learn tips) gives teachers more flexibility in choosing

about the world while Yes / no questions and short answers materials for class.
Are beetles important? Yes, they are!
they study grammar

This week Dr Stephen Elliot
Second Edition Level 1 Level 2
answers your questions Students Book with
about beetles.
978-0-521-73694-7 978-0-521-73703-6
Are beetles important?
Self-study Audio CD
People often ask me this, and the answer is, yes, they are! Beetles
are important because they feed on dead plants and animals.
Workbook 978-0-521-73698-5 978-0-521-73707-4
Do beetles lay eggs? Teachers Edition 978-0-521-73700-5 978-0-521-73709-8
Yes, they do. Then the eggs change into larva, pupa and adult
beetle. This is called metamorphosis. Class Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-73697-8 978-0-521-73706-7
There are 350,000 species of beetle. Is this true?
No, it isnt there are probably more! We just havent
found and named them all yet!
Level 3 Level 4
Do beetles live everywhere?
Students Book with
No, they dont. Beetles dont live in the sea. But beetles
978-0-521-73712-8 978-0-521-73721-0
were living on Earth before dinosaurs were here and they
have adapted to almost every habitat . Self-study Audio CD
Have beetles adapted to the Arctic? Workbook 978-0-521-73716-6 978-0-521-73725-8
You may not believe this but yes, they have! The Arctic beetle
can live in temperatures of 40C! Teachers Edition 978-0-521-73718-0 978-0-521-73727-2
? True or False? Beetles only live in warm countries.
Answer: False
Class Audio CDs (3) 978-0-521-73715-9 978-0-521-73724-1

Tips provide useful Yes / no questions and short answers

1 To make a yes / no question, put the auxiliary verb (e.g. 2 If there is no auxiliary verb, use do or does.
information about am, is, are, has, have) before the subject. Does it have wings? Do beetles lay eggs?
Is this true? Have beetles adapted to the Arctic?
important grammatical auxiliary verb subject ?
auxiliary verb subject ?
features and highlight Does he / she / it look good?
Is he / she / it OK? See also
common mistakes Am I happy?
Do I / you / we / they have a question?

Are you / we / they living here? 3 Make a yes / no answer with just the subject pronoun
and the auxiliary verb. Cambridge English Prepare
Has he / she / it arrived? A: Is it true? B: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.
A: Are you cold? B: Yes, I am. / No, Im not.
Page 52
Have I / you / we / they found it?
A: Has she arrived? B: Yes, she has. / No, she hasnt.
A: Have beetles adapted to the Arctic?
Key for Schools
tip Yes / no questions in English always have an
B: Yes, they have. / No, they havent.
Page 64
A: Does it look good? B: Yes, it does. / No, it doesnt.
auxiliary verb.
A: Do beetles lay eggs? B: Yes, they do. / No, they dont.
Do you come from here? NOT You come from here? Preliminary for Schools
Page 64
64 First for Schools
Page 65
Cambridge Copy Collection: Teenagers
Active Grammar 2
Page 94

For more information about our digital products see page 4 29

Schools: Bachillerato

English for Spanish Speakers English for Spanish Speakers

An impactful opening
English for Spanish Speakers

English for Spanish Speakers

page arouses curiosity
and engages the The unit objectives are
students clearly set out


students book

students book

Unit 3
Hancock - McDonald

Hancock - McDonald

StUdEnTs bOoK 1 StUdEnTs bOoK 2

Mark Hancock
Annie McDonald
Mark Hancock
Annie McDonald
You are what you eat
Unit objectives
For the life they will live find out about health
read and understand a text on health

topic words: health
B1 B2
listen to a radio interview

grammar: conditional possibility, wish, if only

word building: quantities and capacities

Out & About speaking: making suggestions

writing: a proposal

life skill: stress management

Mark Hancock and Annie McDonald



Level 1: 100 teaching hours

Level 2: 65 teaching hours

The final Bachillerato exam and the University

Entrance Exam are the key to success in this stage
of students learning, but education goes beyond
the classroom and exams. This is the idea behind
Out & About to create a course which gives
solid language development for the exams but
also helps to prepare students for real life, for the
world in which they will live once all the exams
are over.
Out & About addresses the growing need for a
more balanced approach to the skills, with more
opportunities for listening and speaking within
Look at the photo. Talk to your
each lesson without forgetting the essential aim partner for one minute about what
of Bachillerato courses. Special Life Skill sections you can see. VIDEO 1 VIDEO 2
are also included to make the process of language Think about these questions:
where do you think this photo was taken?
learning relevant to the real world, beyond the
what types of food are being sold?
need to pass exams. why do you think there is such a variety of food?
Do you have a balanced diet?
The Common Mistakes at Bachillerato booklet,
packaged with the Students Book, highlights
errors students make and provides additional
practice. 31
you are what you eat unit 3 31

Life Skill sections help students to develop skills

that they will need while both studying and in
Out & About Students Book 2
the future where they will be using English in the
real world.
Streetwise highlights more colloquial use of
language and will engage your students interest
Tip boxes give the students short learning
strategies for listening.
The Vox-pop videos and documentaries on
the Teachers DVD help with speaking and put Out & About Level 1 Level 2
the language of the unit into a wider real world Student's Book with 'Common Mistakes at Bachillerato' Booklet 978-84-9036-801-5 978-84-9036-806-0
Workbook with downloadable audio 978-84-9036-802-2 978-84-9036-807-7
Teacher's Book 978-84-9036-803-9 978-84-9036-808-4
Extra online resources for students and teachers, Class Audio CDs 978-84-9036-804-6 978-84-9036-809-1
including audio files, videos and activities. Teacher's Resource Disc 978-84-9036-805-3 978-84-9036-810-7
Digital Student's Book (Enhanced PDF) - 978-84-9036-956-2
cambridge.es/outandabout Digital Workbook (Enhanced PDF) - 978-84-9036-955-5
Digital Student's Book (SCORM) 978-84-9036-145-0 978-84-9036-156-6
Digital Workbook (SCORM) 978-84-9036-516-8 978-84-9036-231-0
Digital Out & About DVD-ROM (IWB Software)* 978-84-9036-321-8 978-84-9036-275-4
Levels 1-2
Teachers DVD with Activity Book 978-84-9036-811-4
Online Test Generator Accessed online at thecambridgeteacher.es. Contact your
local representative for more information.

* Digital Out & About can also be accessed online at thecambridgeteacher.es. Contact your local representative for
more information.

30 For more information about our digital products see page 4

Schools: Bachillerato

English for Spanish Speakers

Out & About has been designed for Bachillerato students and includes:
Get it right! boxes that highlight common mistakes made by Spanish-speaking learners. These are informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus.
A complete pronunciation syllabus integrated into every unit which focuses on common pronunciation problems Spanish speakers encounter.
False friends boxes that highlight the pitfalls for Spanish speakers.
Specific practice and preparation for the Spanish University Entrance Exams.

Get it right boxes highlight Streetwise highlights Life skill sections make the process
common errors typical to a more colloquial use of of language learning relevant to the
Spanish speaker language real world

Unit 6 Speaking Unit 6

Inviting and responding to invitations Life skill
When Edinburgh Being a good listener

becomes the Identifying the problem

capital of comedy
Discuss with a partner.
1 Look at the photo. What is
this person doing? How do

you think she feels?
or most of the year, Most of the new comedy acts
2 Imagine you are explaining
Edinburgh is one of the appearing in Edinburgh will be 1 Look at the photos. Which activity would you most like to do? Which one something important
most laid-back capital looking for a place in the limelight, would you least like to do? Why? Discuss with a partner. to this person. What
cities, thanks to its 50 and this means getting your name
does her body language
5 relatively small population. But when on the shortlist for the Edinburgh 2 2.34 Read and listen to the conversation. How is it connected to the photos in
communicate to you?
August arrives, its all change. There Comedy Awards. This offers not only Exercise 1?
are twice as many people, and the a chance to get noticed, but also the Monica: Are you doing anything on Rachel: Well, Id rather just watch the Suggesting a solution
atmosphere gets a whole lot livelier. opportunity to come first and win the Friday night? others perform, to be honest. Im sure
Its the largest arts celebration in 55 10,000 prize. This year, the prize was theyd be a lot better than me. Compare with a partner.
Rachel: I dont think so. Why?
10 the world, and performers turn up won by Bridget Christie, whose show Monica: Youre at least as good as anyone 3 How can you listen well
Monica: Well, a few of us are going to an
from all corners of the globe. They was described as 'an hour of feminist else in the group. Why dont we rehearse a and show that you are
open-microphone evening and I was
call it The Festival, but in reality, its a comedy which is as full of imaginative bit this afternoon and see how it sounds? listening well?
wondering if you fancied coming along.
collection of simultaneous festivals, jokes as it is of righteous anger.' Rachel: Do you have any songs in mind?
Rachel: Open-microphone? Do you What about you?
one for each branch of the arts, and 60 This year's awards were hosted by
mean Id have to perform? I get stage Monica: Well, what about doing a Beatles
15 its the highlight of the citys cultural past award winner Steve Coogan. fright just thinking about it! song? You can play Yesterday, cant you? Tell your partner or the class.
calendar. One particularly popular After seeing some of this years
Monica: We could do something Rachel: Id rather do Hey Jude, actually. 4 Hearing is not the same
branch of the festival is known as The acts, Coogan was enthusiastic: I get
together. I could sing and you could play Monica: Good idea! I know all of the as listening. When do you
Fringe, and its the largest comedy excited when I see comedians doing the guitar. What do you think? words to that. So are we on, then? really listen and when do
gathering in the world. 65 something new rather than something
Rachel: Well, yes, OK. Lets do it! Thanks. you only hear?
20 The Fringe has become more and polished.' Coogan, who won the award
more popular among comedians since 21 years ago, said, My memory of it
the 1980s because it has acquired a is that it is one of the most exciting
3 Find phrases in the conversation for the following functions:
reputation as the best place to launch a things that happens to you. Other 1 inviting 4 asking for a response
career. Many of the acts who have won 70 awards pale into insignificance 2 checking on meaning 5 refusing / stating a preference
25 awards here in the past have gone on compared to The Fringe award in 3 suggesting 6 agreeing to a suggestion
to become household names the likes Edinburgh because it is such an
of Frank Skinner, Steve Coogan and exciting cauldron of Useful language
streetwise Lee Evans. Of course, for every success talent,' he explained,
Responding Responding
story, there are many more who slip 75 You can really go
Inviting positively to negatively to
hopefuls 30 away into anonymity as soon as the from zero to hero invitations invitations
A hopeful is a person who is festival is over, but it is, nevertheless, in four weeks.'
Do you fancy ? We could Good idea! I'd rather /
trying to get a part in a film, the opportunity of a lifetime. Truly, in August,
How about + ing? What about ? Id love to. Id rather do
play or famous sports team. If Edinburgh is the biggest comedy Edinburgh turns something else.
new comedy hopefuls have event in the world, its also perhaps the 80 into the capital I was wondering if What do Thanks.
to take to the stage you think? No, thanks.
toughest. Few comedy festivals last of comedy. Let's / Shall we ? What a great idea!
longer than a week, but at The Fringe, Why dont Sorry, but Communication
new comedy hopefuls have to take we ? skills
to the stage and make the audience 'Most of the successful people
laugh for 20 minutes a day, six days I've known are the ones
Get it right 40 a week, for a three-week stretch. The tip who do more listening than
luckier ones get an evening slot at one Offer an alternative suggestion or give a reason when you refuse an invitation. talking.' Bernard Baruch
We say:
of the more prestigious venues, where Remember: the greater part
Its the biggest comedy they will draw a crowd. Those who are of being a good communicator
event in the world. less fortunate may find themselves 4 Work with a partner. Practise the conversation in Exercise 2.
is being a good listener.
7Its the more bigger comedy 45 performing in a dark pub cellar in the
event in the world. early afternoon to an audience of three.
5 Work with a partner. Make a list of things you could invite each other to do.
Take turns to convince each other to do one of the things on your list.

in the spotlight unit 6 71 in the spotlight unit 6 77

Out & About Students Book 2

Digital resources for learners

Fully-interactive digital Students Books and Workbooks are available both online and offline
with interactive activities. These digital books are both multiplatform and multi-device,
working on computers, tablets and interactive whiteboard for classroom presentation.
An Augmented Reality app allows students to scan the book for immediate access to
videos and the Students Book audios.
Digital resources for teachers
Digital Out & About is a powerful presentation tool that includes the Digital Students Book
and Workbook for classroom projection incorporating all the videos, audios and answer
keys with special interactive activities for every unit. The new enhanced version includes
improved zoom and answer tools. Available as a DVD-ROM or for online use at
The Teachers Resource Disc provides all the additional resources that teachers need,
including grammar and vocabulary extra practice; reading, listening, writing and speaking
worksheets; unit tests, term tests and end-of-year tests; and exam practice.
The Online Test Generator, available on thecambridgeteacher.es, allows teachers
Out & About Digital Students Book 2
to produce customized mock University Entrance Exams for their students, including
listening and speaking tests for extra practice.
Extra reading, speaking and listening practice can be found on thecambridgeteacher.es.

For more information about our digital products see page 4 31

Schools: Bachillerato

English for Spanish Speakers English for Spanish Speakers

English for Spanish Speakers

English for Spanish Speakers

Students Book 2

Error Alert! boxes highlight common mistakes

Eoin Higgins with Lynn Durrant, Ricard Garca

ynn Durrant, Nria Vidal


Series Editor: Ramon Rib

Next Generation is a two-level course for Bachillerato, combining complete preparation

mbining complete preparation

made by Spanish-speaking learners

for the Pruebas de Accesso a la Universidad (PAU) exams with material that helps learners
material that helps learners
improve their English language skills for life.
Features of Next Generation Students Book 2 include:
cises. PAU-style reading comprehension exercises, with a systematic focus on how to

sks, with model texts in the answer the different question types.
step-by-stepguidanceonhowtowritePAU-style tasks, with model texts in the
rategies. end-of-book Writing Reference.
CEFR Cambridge helpwithdevelopingeffectiveexampreparationstrategies.
level: ESOL exams: anoriginalanddetailedfocusonphrasalverbstohelplearnerswiththis
challenging feature of English.
learnerstheopportunityto B2 First (FCE)
Next Generation 2 awealthofspeakingandlisteningactivitiestogivelearnerstheopportunityto

Students Book 1 Students Book 2

Eoin Higgins
Next Generation 1 Preliminary
develop their language skills beyond the exam syllabus.
Eoin Higgins
with Spanish speakers. with
Higgins, Durrant, Garca, Rib

Get it Right! activities, informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus, giving practice
earner Corpus, giving practice
Gerard McLoughlin in areas of grammar and vocabulary that can be difficult for Spanish speakers. Lynn Durrant

ficult for Spanish speakers.
Lynn Durrant Ricard Garca
Higgins with McLoughlin, Durrant, Vidal

atheme-basedidiomsfocus,withpractice activities.

For the teacher: Nria Vidal For the student: For the teacher: Series Editor: Ramon Rib
English for Spanish Speakers

Series Editor: Ramon Rib

debbie owen Teachers Book 1
ricard Garcia
Gerard Mcloughlin
Mick Green IS C
laura Peco ER IS I
Series Editor: ramon rib
English for Spanish Speakers

Bachillerato Cambridge University Press 2011
ISBN: 978-84-8323-822-6
Batxillerat CD 1 Units 1-4
Bacharelato Class Audio CDs
for Students Book1
Higgins with McLoughlin, Durrant, Vidal

eachers Resource Book Students Book Workbook with Audio Teachers Resource Book
with Class Audio CDs. CD and Common with Class Audio CDs.
Online Test Generator Mistakes at PAU book Online Test Generator

Describing a person
Batxilergoa Batxilergoa
Bacharelato Bacharelato

20/03/12 11:32

1 Someone I really admire is my Uncle Pablo, 1

who works as a fire-fighter. Hes fifteen years

younger than my father, so hes closer in age to 3
B1 B2 me than my dad!
2 He looks like a typical fireman, as hes tall and
well-built. He loves going to the gym and does
Next Generation

a lot of cycling as well. As a result, hes very

fit and muscular - you should see the size of his
arms! Whats surprising about him looks-wise is 9
Eoin Higgins with Gerard McLoughlin, Lynn his hair, which is curly and very blond. He looks
Durrant, Ricard Garca and Nria Vidal Scandinavian, but, actually, hes from Crdoba!
Series Editor: Ramon Rib 3 Something that I really like about Pablo is that 12

he has a great sense of humour and is always

INTERMEDIATE TO UPPER INTERMEDIATE laughing. Another good thing about him is that,
even though hes usually jokey, he can be serious, 15

Bachillerato too - he always makes time for me and listens to

me if theres something I want to talk about.
1 a Read Davids description of a person.
Level 1: 100 teaching hours What do you think the task was? 4 Pablos a real role-model for me. I hope Im like 18

Level 2: 65 teaching hours A Write a description of someone you him when Im older.
would like to meet.
Write a description of someone you
Next Generation is an exciting course for B
would like to be like.
Bachillerato, combining complete preparation for C Write a description of someone you
would like to know better. ERROR
the University Entrance Exam with material that b What do we know about Davids uncle after reading the description?
() He looks like a typical fireman
() He looks a typical fireman
helps learners improve their English language skills Choose the true sentences. () He looks Scandinavian
() He looks like Scandinavian
for life. 1 Hes much younger than Davids dad.
2 He doesnt look like a fireman.
4 He looks very Spanish.
5 Hes always very serious.
() I hope Im like him when Im older.
() I hope Im as him when Im older.
3 He likes doing sport. 6 Hes good at listening.
Prepare for the University Entrance Exam
2 Match the functions (AD) with 3 a Look at the underlined linking words and phrases in
Grammar sections in each unit provide the paragraphs (14) in the Davids description. Which introduce new information
description. and which introduce extra information?
systematic revision and practice of the exam A physical description TIP: Words and phrases for introducing and adding points
grammar syllabus. B introducing the person
Notice how you can use phrases like Something that I (like) about
C closing comments
(Pablo) is to introduce points. Words and phrases like as well can be
Reading comprehension exercises provide D personality
used to make additional points.

exam-style practice in each unit. TIP: Paragraphs

b Complete the following sentences with words or phrases
Notice how Davids description is to introduce or add a point.
Writing sections take students step-by-step organised into paragraphs, with each
paragraph based around one particular 1 Yolanda plays tennis and shes in the basketball team, .
through how to write exam-style tasks. theme or idea. In most pieces of writing, 2 Linda is a generous girl. good her is that shes
paragraphs usually start with a sentence very kind.
that introduces the theme of the
Bachillerato experts help students develop paragraph. The other sentences in the
3 Pablo is very good at Maths, and Music .
4 unusual Esther is that she speaks Japanese.
the strategies they need for effective exam paragraph then develop this theme,
and / or move on to ideas related to it.
5 I really dont like Montse is that she talks about
herself all the time.
preparation in Level 2.
Practice tests included in the Workbook and 26 Heroes

Teachers Resource pack.

English for life Next Generation Students Book 1
Speaking and Listening sections in each unit
give learners the opportunity to develop their
language skills beyond the exam syllabus.
Authentic texts give students practice in reading See also
and understanding real English.
Avoid common mistakes! English for Spanish Speakers

Get Started sections in Level 1 help students

English for Spanish Speakers

The Workbook comes packaged with a free GENERATION
develop the strategies they need for effective Common Mistakes at PAU 2

Common Mistakes at PAU booklet with additional

Eulalia Ramrez and Raquel Royo

NEXT GENERATION Common Mistakes at PAU 2

How can you avoid the most common mistakes students make in the
PAU exam? Based on analysis of PAU exam scripts at this level,
this book looks at real errors made by learners in the exam, and

practice in correcting mistakes commonly made by

explains how to make sure they get it right.


avoid them.

A focus on phrasal verbs throughout Levels 1 and Spanish-speaking students taking University Entrance
CEFR Cambridge Includesfullanswerkeysostudentscanusethebookfor
level: ESOL exams:
self study.
B2 First (FCE)
Next Generation 2

Next Generation 1 Preliminary
(PET) Eulalia Ramrez Common Mistakes at PAU 2
Raquel Royo

2 helps learners with this challenging feature of Exams.

For the student: For the teacher:
Ramrez and Royo

English. Students Book Workbook with Audio

CD and Common
Mistakes at PAU book
Teachers Resource Book
with Class Audio CDs.
Online Test Generator

An extensive vocabulary syllabus covers a wide Bachillerato


range of lexical areas.



Next Generation Level 1 Level 2

Students Book 978-84-8323-808-0 978-84-8323-811-0
Workbook Pack (Worbook with Audio CD and Common Mistakes at PAU Booklet) 978-84-8323-816-5 978-84-8323-827-1
Teachers Resource Book with Class Audio CDs 978-84-8323-818-9 978-84-8323-830-1
Digital Students Book (SCORM) 978-84-8323-918-6 978-84-8323-934-6
Digital Workbook (SCORM) 978-84-8323-919-3 978-84-8323-942-1

32 For more information about our digital products see page 4

Schools: Bachillerato

English for Spanish Speakers

Next Generation is specifically designed for Spanish-speaking Bachillerato students and includes:
Error alert boxes throughout the Students Book and Workbook which highlight common mistakes made by Spanish-
speaking learners.
Get it right! pages in the Students Book which practise correcting common mistakes made by Spanish-speaking learners.
These pages are informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus.
Pronunciation pages which focus on common pronunciation errors made by Spanish speakers.

A detailed focus on phrasal verbs helps learners Its innovative design and topics will appeal to
with this challenging feature of English todays Bachillerato students

Buy Nothing Day
1 Read the blog entry (not the comments) on the opposite page. What does the writer want
the readers to do and why?
1 He or she wants readers to tell them about the places they have visited because they want
Have you ever thought If only Christmas wasnt so
to recommend exotic places for holidays. commercial? Then Adbusters might have the answer.
2 He or she would like readers to post information about what to do and what not to do in certain
countries regarding body language, so that people dont make mistakes. A little over a month before Christmas is traditionally when the annual shopping frenzy
3 He or she is asking readers to send in funny stories about when they did something wrong in kicks o. But not everyone will be hotfooting it to their nearest mall, because the day
a different country without realising. after Thanksgiving in the USA also marks the annual Buy Nothing Day. Launched in
the mid-1990s by the Canada-based anti-capitalist publication Adbusters, its an idea
TIP: Reading naturally in which people are encouraged to stay out of the shops for 24 hours to make a small 5
When you read a text in English, try to do it in the same way as you would read in your own language. stand against rampant consumerism. And recently they have been thinking bigger
Language learners tend to try to understand every word of a text. You dont usually do this in your own than ever. The plan, says Adbusters co-founder Kalle Lasn, is to stretch it out and turn
language: depending on the kind of information you are looking for, you scan look for specific information it into a Buy Nothing Christmas.
(see page 42) or skim read for the general meaning. In your own language you do this automatically.
Lasn, an Estonian-born, former high-flyer in the advertising industry, now pushing
70, started Adbusters as an antidote to corporate greed, and what he saw as an 10
2 Look at the questions in Exercise 3. Which reading skill do you think you need to use aggressive pro-consumerist message that was being rammed down our throats. We
to find the answers: skimming or scanning? felt back then that there was a dark side to consumerism but no one ever talked
about it, he says. Adbusters started out as a humble newsletter in 1989. It was born
out of an epiphany Lasn had after seeing
3 2.16 Read the whole text and listen. Choose the best answer according to the text. an advert on TV for the Canadian 15
1 Why shouldnt you sit on a pillow in Asia? forestry industry. [The advert] was hugely misleading, he says. They basically said,
a Because pillows are considered taboo. Hey you people of Canada, we are doing a fantastic job of managing your forests,
b Because someone will use it to put their head on. you have nothing to worry about, you will have forests forever. Lasn who had left
c Because pillows are only found in temples.
advertising to make documentaries decided to make his own 30-second advert
send in sth or send sth in
to tell the other side of the story: the dangers of deforestation. However, when 20
2 What does the writer recommend about Italy? show up sb or show sb up he took his advert to the TV station, they refused, point blank, to sell him airtime.
a If people push you, you shouldnt just get out of their way. cover up (sth) or cover (sth) up That was a devastating moment for me, he says. In my home country of Estonia,
b If someone pushes you, you should push them back. stick up you werent allowed to speak up against the government. Fifty years later,
c That men should embrace or kiss other men even if they dont know each other. throw out sth/sb or throw sth/ I found myself in the heart of the democratic world suddenly totally unable to speak out
sb out because of one companys advertising money. 25
3 How do good friends greet each other in Morocco?
See phrasal verbs
a They shake hands for ten minutes. From the beginning, Lasn and his team pioneered a series of interventions or culture
on page 160.
b They touch each others hearts. jams as they like to call them. There is Digital Detox Week, for example, a campaign
c They shake hands and kiss each other. which runs every April and is aimed at challenging our over-reliance on technology.
And, of course, there is Buy Nothing Day, which is now observed in countries from Sweden to Hong Kong and Japan to France. When
we started it we had all these people saying, Buy nothing? Youre telling us to buy less? Isnt that bad for the economy? You guys are 30
4 Are these sentences true or false? Justify your answers with the exact words from the text. crazy. But it had a spark about it right from the start and spread quickly, particularly in the UK and Australia. A lot of people had
1 It is impolite to show where something is with your foot in Asia. profound epiphanies when they tried it. People really suered and sweated. It was like giving up an addiction.
2 People from Fiji introduced shaking hands to the people of Tonga. It was also Lasn who, in an issue of Adbusters, ran a one-page poster which simply read Occupy Wall Street, September 17th, bring
3 In Russia, because of a superstition, some people dont want to shake hands through a door. tent. What happened next sparked one of the most successful protest movements of recent times, one that went on to dominate
4 In the UK, a two-finger gesture with your palm towards you is like gesturing rudely with one the global news agenda for weeks. That one small page was 35
finger in other countries. responsible for hordes of disgruntled people congregating at Wall
5 In Morocco, you should touch your heart with your left hand when you greet someone. Streets Zuccotti Park and Londons St Pauls Cathedral to express
their fury at the worlds extreme economic inequality.

5 Explain in English the meaning of the following language chunks as used in the text. Finally then, after more than 20 years plugging away with
the Adbusters message, Lasn is allowing himself a moment 40
1 dos and donts 3 hold your ground 5 taking (the meeting) to heart of gratification. Of course it feels good that after all this time
2 meant as headrests 4 takeaway food people are finally starting to get it. But there is also a darkness
underpinning that good feeling. It sounds apocalyptic, but I have
6 Find words or expressions in the text that mean a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that the economic pain
people are going through is just the beginning. If thats right, then 45
1 not intentionally 3 a line of people we will really see the young people of the world stand up and be
2 move someones hair so it is not smooth 4 a continuous flow counted in a way that is many times bigger than they have up until
now. I wish we could find ways to capture the imagination of the
rest of the world. If we can do that, then I believe this movement
7 Discuss the following questions with a partner.
may well pull o some incredible radical transformation that 50
1 What dos and donts advice would you give to someone travelling to your country? needs to happen to make the future of our planet work.
2 Do you know any dos and donts for other countries?
Adapted from an article in The Independent: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/politics/buy-nothing-day-adbusters-role-in-

78 Getting Away Unit 6 967

Next Generation Students Book 1 Next Generation Students Book 2

Digital resources for learners and teachers

The Students Books and Workbooks of both levels are
available as fully-interactive digital books, which can be
used online and offline. These digital books are both
multiplatform and multi-device, allowing for them to be
used in computers, tablets and interactive whiteboards for
classroom presentation.
Extra online resources are available for each level, including
extra grammar, vocabulary, reading, listening and writing

Next Generation Digital Students Book 1

For more information about our digital products see page 4 33


Adult Courses


Cambridge English Empower for

36 A1 A2 B1 B1+ B2 C1 British
Spanish Speakers

face2face for Spanish Speakers

38 A1 A2 B1 B1+ B2 C1 British
Second edition

English Unlimited for Spanish

40 A1 A2 B1 B1+ B2 C1 British

Touchstone Second edition 42 A1 A2 B1 B1+ American

Viewpoint 42 B2 C1 American

NEW Interchange Fifth edition 44 A1 A2 B1 B1+ American

Interchange Fourth edition 46 A1 A2 B1 B1+ American

Four Corners 46 A1 A2 B1 B1+ American

Passages 47 B1+ B2 C1 American

Ventures 47 A1 A2 B1 B1+ American

Ventures Transitions 47 B1+ B2 American

Lets Talk 87 A1 A2 B1 B1+ B2 American

New for 2017

A brand new Fifth edition of the best-selling English course

Interchange will be available in July 2017.
Page 44

34 For more information about our digital products see page 4



Now six levels of fully-flexible

blended learning



100% PRINT






For more information about our digital products see page 4 35


English for Spanish Speakers

English for Spanish Speakers

English for Spanish Speakers

English for Spanish Speakers

English for Spanish Speakers







Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine, Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine, STUDENTS Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine, STUDENTS Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine, STUDENTS Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine, STUDENTS STUDENTS

9788490361740 EMPOWER SB B1+ C M Y K

Includes access to:
9788490361979 EMPOWER SB B1 C M Y K
Includes access to: Includes access to: Includes access to:

9788490362808 EMPOWER SB C1 C M Y K
Includes access to:

9788490365038 EMPOWER SB B2 C M Y K
9788490363133 EMPOWER SB A2 C M Y K

cess to: Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones tests from Cambridge English Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones tests from Cambridge English
Cambridge English tests from Cambridge English tests from Cambridge English tests from Cambridge English
Language Assessment
Assessment Cambridge English Empower is a general English course for
Language Assessment Cambridge English Empower is a general English course for
Cambridge English Empower is a general English course for Language Assessment
MENT Cambridge English Empower is a general English course for Language Assessment
Cambridge English Empower is a general English course for Language Assessment
personalised practice adult and young adult learners that combines course content personalised practice
personalised practice
personalised practice
personalised practice
ed practice adult and young adult learners that combines course content adult and young adult learners that combines course content adult and young adult learners that combines course content adult and young adult learners that combines course content

from Cambridge University Press with validated assessment from from Cambridge University Press with validated assessment from from Cambridge University Press with validated assessment from from Cambridge University Press with validated assessment from from Cambridge University Press with validated assessment from
cambridgelms.org/empower Cambridge English Language Assessment. cambridgelms.org/empower cambridgelms.org/empower cambridgelms.org/empower cambridgelms.org/empower
elms.org/empower Cambridge English Language Assessment. Cambridge English Language Assessment. Cambridge English Language Assessment. Cambridge English Language Assessment.

This unique mix of engaging classroom materials and reliable This unique mix of engaging classroom materials and reliable This unique mix of engaging classroom materials and reliable This unique mix of engaging classroom materials and reliable This unique mix of engaging classroom materials and reliable
assessment, with personalised online practice, enables learners to assessment, with personalised online practice, enables learners to assessment, with personalised online practice, enables learners to assessment, with personalised online practice, enables learners to assessment, with personalised online practice, enables learners to
make consistent and measurable progress. make consistent and measurable progress. make consistent and measurable progress. make consistent and measurable progress. make consistent and measurable progress.
nglish Profile The course provides: The course provides: The course provides: The course provides: The course provides:
intriguing images, texts and video designed to arouse curiosity intriguing images, texts and video designed to arouse curiosity intriguing images, texts and video designed to arouse curiosity intriguing images, texts and video designed to arouse curiosity intriguing images, texts and video designed to arouse curiosity
and get students talking and get students talking and get students talking and get students talking and get students talking

A1 B1 B1+ C1

A2 B2
unit progress tests and mid-course and end-of-course English Profile unit progress tests and mid-course and end-of-course
B1 English Profile unit progress tests and mid-course and end-of-course English Profile unit progress tests and mid-course and end-of-course English Profile unit progress tests and mid-course and end-of-course English Profile
competency tests
A2 www.englishprofile.org competency tests www.englishprofile.org
competency tests
B1+ www.englishprofile.org competency tests
B2 www.englishprofile.org competency tests
C1 www.englishprofile.org

Doff, Thaine, Puchta, Stranks, Lewis-Jones

Upper Intermediate

Doff, Thaine, Puchta, Stranks, Lewis-Jones

Doff, Thaine, Puchta, Stranks, Lewis-Jones
Doff, Thaine, Puchta, Stranks, Lewis-Jones

Doff, Thaine, Puchta, Stranks, Lewis-Jones

manageable learning with a syllabus informed by English Profile manageable learning with a syllabus informed by English Profile manageable learning with a syllabus informed by English Profile manageable learning with a syllabus informed by English Profile
manageable learning with a syllabus informed by English Profile
and the Cambridge English Corpus, ensuring students encounter and the Cambridge English Corpus, ensuring students encounter and the Cambridge English Corpus, ensuring students encounter and the Cambridge English Corpus, ensuring students encounter
Intermediate and the Cambridge English Corpus, ensuring students encounter
the most relevant language at the right point in their learning the most relevant language at the right point in their learning the most relevant language at the right point in their learning the most relevant language at the right point in their learning
the most relevant language at the right point in their learning
Speaking Plus pages providing extra speaking practice Speaking Plus pages providing extra speaking practice Speaking Plus pages providing extra speaking practice
Pre-Intermediate Speaking Plus pages providing extra speaking practice Speaking Plus pages providing extra speaking practice
Doff, Thaine, Puchta, Stranks, Lewis-Jones

and sections focusing on areas of pronunciation which are and sections focusing on areas of pronunciation which are and sections focusing on areas of pronunciation which are
and sections focusing on areas of pronunciation which are and sections focusing on areas of pronunciation which are
problematic for Spanish speakers problematic for Spanish speakers
Elementary problematic for Spanish speakers problematic for Spanish speakers problematic for Spanish speakers
Get it right! pages with tips and practice to avoid common Get it right! pages with tips and practice to avoid common
Get it right! pages with tips and practice to avoid common Get it right! pages with tips and practice to avoid common Get it right! pages with tips and practice to avoid common
Spanish-speaker errors, taken from the Cambridge Learner Spanish-speaker errors, taken from the Cambridge Learner
Starter Spanish-speaker errors, taken from the Cambridge Learner Spanish-speaker errors, taken from the Cambridge Learner Spanish-speaker errors, taken from the Cambridge Learner
Corpus Corpus
Corpus Corpus Corpus

cambridge.org/empower cambridge.org/empower cambridge.org/empower cambridge.org/empower cambridge.org/empower

Other components include: Other components include:
Other components include: Other components include: Other components include:
Workbook with Audio and Video Workbook with Audio and Video
Workbook with Audio and Video Teachers Book Workbook with Audio and Video Workbook with Audio and Video
Teachers Book Teachers Book Teachers Book Teachers Book
Digital Empower online/DVD-ROM Digital Empower online/DVD-ROM
Digital Empower online/DVD-ROM Digital Empower online/DVD-ROM Digital Empower online/DVD-ROM
Class Audio CDs Class Audio CDs
Class Audio CDs Class Audio CDs Class Audio CDs
Class DVD Class DVD
Class DVD Class DVD Class DVD
System Requirements: System Requirements:
System Requirements: System Requirements:
This product is optimised for use on the following systems and browsers: This product is optimised for use on the following systems and browsers:
This product is optimised for use on the following systems and browsers: This product is optimised for use on the following systems and browsers:
Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Minimum internet speed: 3Mbps download Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Minimum internet speed: 3Mbps download
Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Minimum internet speed: 3Mbps download
Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine,
Windows 8.1. and 512 Kbps upload speed per user Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Minimum internet speed: 3Mbps download

ISBN 978-84-9036-313-3
Supported browsers: Internet Explorer 10
and 11, most recent version of Chrome,
Firewall: Must allow delivery of content
from multiple IP addresses
Adrian Doff, Craig ISBN
978-84-9036-197-9 Windows 8.1.
Supported browsers: Internet Explorer 10
and 512 Kbps upload speed per user
Firewall: Must allow delivery of content ISBN 978-84-9036-174-0
Windows 8.1.
Supported browsers: Internet Explorer 10
and 512 Kbps upload speed per user
Firewall: Must allow delivery of content Adrian Doff, CraigISBN
Windows 8.1.
Supported browsers: Internet Explorer 10
and 512 Kbps upload speed per user
Firewall: Must allow delivery of content Adrian Doff, CraigISBN:
978-84-9036-280-8 Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine,
Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine most recent version of Firefox
Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks,
and 11, most recent version of Chrome, from multiple IP addresses Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, and 11, most recent version of Chrome, from multiple IP addresses
and 11, most recent version of Chrome, from multiple IP addresses
Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks,
Mac OSX 10.8 and 10.9. Hardware requirements: most recent version of Firefox most recent version of Firefox Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, most recent version of Firefox
Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks,
English for Spanish Speakers Mac OSX 10.8 and 10.9. Hardware requirements:
Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones English for Spanish Speakers
Minimum screen resolution: 1024x768px Mac OSX 10.8 and 10.9. Hardware requirements:
Peter Lewis-Jones Mac OSX 10.8 and 10.9. Hardware requirements:
English for Spanish Speakers Peter Lewis-Jones
English for Spanish Speakers
Supported browsers: Safari 6.0 and 7.0
English for Spanish Speakers
Minimum screen resolution: 1024x768px
9 788490 363133 > JavaScript must be enabled in the browser
Microphone for voice recording activities
Peter Lewis-Jones
9 788490 361979 > Supported browsers: Safari 6.0 and 7.0
JavaScript must be enabled in the browser
Minimum screen resolution: 1024x768px
Microphone for voice recording activities 9 788490 361740 >
Supported browsers: Safari 6.0 and 7.0 Minimum screen resolution: 1024x768px
Microphone for voice recording activities
Peter Lewis-Jones
9 788490 365038 >
Supported browsers: Safari 6.0 and 7.0
JavaScript must be enabled in the browser
Microphone for voice recording activities Peter Lewis-Jones
9 788490 362808 >
JavaScript must be enabled in the browser

Digital Empower
Available for levels A2 to C1, this Interactive The best ELT video
A1 A2 B1 B1+ B2 C1 Whiteboard Software provides the complete Ive ever seen
Students Book and Workbook, with embedded
Cambridge English Empower video and audio for class projection on interactive Julian Oakley, Wimbledon School of English, UK
whiteboards or computers and projectors. Digital
for Spanish Speakers Empower is also Linux compatible.
AdrianDoff, CraigThaine, HerbertPuchta, cambridge.es/empower
JeffStranks, PeterLewis-Jones

80120 teaching hours


UNIT e6s
NEW C1 level Describe photos and hobbies
Tell a descriptive narrative

Cambridge English Empower for Spanish Speakers is Each unit opens with a Organise a presentation
Write a letter of application
an adult course that combines course content from Getting Started page
Cambridge University Press with validated assessment that ensures learners
from Cambridge English Language Assessment. are immediately
This unique mix of engaging classroom material engaged
and reliable assessment, plus personalised online
practice, enables learners to make consistent and
measurable progress. The course includes intriguing
images and texts designed to arouse curiosity and
get students talking, and also prepares learners for
effective real-world communication.
The syllabus is informed by English Profile and
the Cambridge English Corpus, and is carefully
benchmarked to the CEFR. This ensures that
students encounter the most relevant and useful
language at the right point in their learning.
Assessment and Personalised Online Practice
All assessment is validated by the experts at
Cambridge English Language Assessment. Unit
progress tests and mid-course and end-of-course
competency tests are delivered via the Cambridge
Learning Management System (CLMS) with extra
personalised practice activities. GETTING STARTED
a Look at the picture and answer the b Discuss the questions.
NEW Learning Pack questions. 1 Are there any examples of street art in your town
1 What are the people doing? Why do you think theyre or city?

A convenient pack that includes the Students doing it?

2 How long do you think it will take them? How long
2 How do you think your community would react
to having a piece of street art like the one in the

Book with Online Assessment and Practice and do you think it will stay?
3 What impact do you think it will have on passers-by?
photo on their street?

the Workbook with answers. 67

Cambridge English Empower for Spanish Speakers Students Book C1

Cambridge English Empower for Spanish Speakers Starter A1* A2 B1 B1+ B2 NEW C1
NEW Learning Pack (Student's Book with Online Assessment and Practice and
978-84-9036-020-0 978-84-9036-859-6 978-84-9036-165-8 978-84-9036-530-4 978-84-9036-247-1
Student's Book with Online Assessment and Practice 978-1-107-53005-8 978-84-9036-313-3 978-84-9036-197-9 978-84-9036-174-0 978-84-9036-503-8 978-84-9036-280-8
Teacher's Book 978-1-107-46609-8 978-84-9036-913-5 978-84-9036-662-2 978-84-9036-283-9 978-84-9036-317-1 978-84-9036-210-5
Class Audio CDs 978-1-107-46597-8 978-84-9036-892-3 978-84-9036-953-1 978-84-9036-715-5 978-84-9036-716-2 978-84-9036-567-0
Class DVD** 978-1-107-46601-2 978-1-107-46636-4 978-1-107-46665-4 978-1-107-46699-9 978-1-107-46880-1 978-1-107-46914-3
Presentation Plus DVD-ROM 978-1-107-46608-1
Digital Empower DVD-ROM (IWB Software) 978-84-9036-166-5 978-84-9036-666-0 978-84-9036-113-9 978-84-9036-202-0 978-84-9036-698-1

Digital Empower can also be accessed online at thecambridgeteacher.es. Contact your local representative for more information.
*Level Starter A1: international edition.
**Class DVD designed for the international edition.

36 For more information about our digital products see page 4


English for Spanish Speakers

This course includes extra content specifically designed for Spanish speakers to help avoid common grammar, vocabulary and
pronunciation errors:
Speaking Plus pages providing extra speaking practice and sections focusing on areas of pronunciation which are problematic for Spanish speakers.
Get it right! pages with tips and practice to avoid common Spanish-speaker errors, taken from the Cambridge Learner Corpus.
Grammar Plus photocopiable pages providing extra practice of the main grammar areas from the Students Book.

Speaking Plus pages offer additional speaking practice,

useful Phrasebook tables for reference and extra
pronunciation activities focusing on sounds Spanish Get it right! pages highlight and practise common
speakers find more difficult. mistakes made by Spanish speakers

3E Speaking Plus 13 Get it right!

Learn to paraphrase and summarise Learn to talk about changes over time
P Intonation: signalling starting and finishing G Adverbs
To put it another way, speaking V Confusing words; Verb patterns;
Double l

1 LISTENING 2 USEFUL LANGUAGE 1 FOCUS ON ADVERBS a Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 In recent years, the cost of living has raised / risen more
a Look at the pictures and answer the questions. a Look at the phrases ai. Decide which ones are quickly in big cities than in rural areas.
1 Where are the people and what are they doing? used for paraphrasing and which ones are used 2 The new conference hall rises / raises 20 m above the
Position of adverbs
2 Can you think of anything that could go wrong in the pictures? for summarising. nearest building.
a All things considered, ... Remember, adverbs of manner, place and time usually 3 They had to raise / rise their voices to be heard above the
b 5.9 Listen to a woman talking about a memorable go in the end position. Adverbs of frequency and noise of the crowd.
b In a nutshell, ...
experience. Which picture in 1a is she talking about? certainty go in the middle position while comment and 4 The sun rises / raises in the east and sets in the west.
c In other words, ...
linking adverbs usually go in the front position: 5 The event was organised to rise / raise money for medical
d Look at it this way, ...
Its important to follow the instructions carefully. research.
c 5.9 Listen again and answer the questions. e That is to say, ...
f The long and short of it is, ... 6 According to some scientists, sea levels have raised / risen
1 Why was the woman visiting Senegal? The problems mainly affect those who live in cities.
g to cut a long story short, ... between 20 and 30 cm on average.
2 What was their plan at the start of the journey? However, I dont know how to solve the problem.
3 Why did they stop? h To put it another way, ...
i What it all boils down to is ... Adverbial phrases can go at the beginning or at the end
4 What did they decide to do?
of a clause, not in the middle:
5 What happened to Scott? Prepositions with words describing change
6 What is the womans overall impression of Senegal? The pile of rubbish was getting bigger and bigger
Remember, we use:
every day.
change / increase / rise, etc. + in + the type of thing which
The pile of rubbish was getting every day bigger and is changing:
changes in the organisation
a changes on the organisation
Rewrite the sentences with the adverb or adverbial the rise in oil prices
phrase in brackets. the rise of oil prices
1 I think computer technology has influenced the way we increase / decrease / reduce, etc. by + an amount:
work. (personally) The time taken to deal with each customer has been
2 Unemployment levels are very high in this country. (still) reduced by 20%.
3 The role of women in society has changed over the past The time taken to deal with each customer has been
century. (considerably) reduced in 20%.
4 Small farms continued to use horses after tractors were
change + to for alterations to something:
introduced. (for many years)
There have been a number of changes to the
5 Historians will be able to examine the documents. (in detail)
schedule for next week.
6 The growth of industry has changed the landscape as well
as peoples lifestyles. (definitely) There have been a number of changes on the
schedule for next week.


b Read the text. What factors does the text mention for
people living longer?
Raise or rise?
We use both raise and rise when something moves up or
gets bigger in size, level or amount. Raise always has a
direct object, but rise doesnt: LONGEVITY IN SPAIN
They raise the flag every day at dawn.
They rise the flag every day at dawn.
During the economic crisis, prices rose.
S pain is one of the countries with the longest life
expectancy for women in the world. Average life
expectancy has increased 1 more than ve
During the economic crisis, prices raised. years in recent decades. This is the result of a good
healthcare system and a reduction 2 preventable
We also use raise in certain collocations:
conditions, such as heart attacks and strokes in people
raise your voice rise your voice under 60. Individuals have also made conscious
raise an issue rise an issue changes 3 their lifestyle, for example there has
raise money increase money been a decline 4 smoking. Over the past decade,
theres been a dramatic rise 5 the number of
individuals living to over 100. There are currently over
10,000 centenarians in Spain and that number is
growing rapidly.

180 196

Cambridge English Empower for Spanish Speakers Students Book C1

Progress Tests and Extra Practice

The course allows you to easily incorporate digital
learning, with assessment and extra practice materials
delivered through the Cambridge Learning Management

There is an online Unit Progress Test for every unit of the

course. These focus on the core grammar, vocabulary and
functional language from the unit.

Students are directed to personalised extra practice,

according to their score. These practice activities are
targeted so that each learner focuses on what they really
need and the areas that will benefit them most.

For more information about our digital products see page 4 37


Communicate with confidence

Digital Students Books and Workbooks The new version of face2face
The Digital Students Books and Workbooks, is just great! I am not simply
A1 A2 B1 B1+ B2 C1
available for levels Elementary to Advanced, talking on the teachers side
come complete with embedded audio and Real
face2face for Spanish Speakers World video. but I guess that students will
Second edition Interactive map of the book allows for fast be excited too!! Its colourful,
ChrisRedston and GillieCunningham
navigation. modern, varied... and the
Includes answer keys for quick checking and links
COMPLETE BEGINNER TO ADVANCED to the corresponding units of the Teachers Book.
DVD-ROM is extremely user
Starter: 60 to 90 teaching hours friendly. I am an absolute
Elementary to Advanced: 80 to 120 teaching hours fan.
face2face for Spanish Speakers Second edition Isabelle Saric, FORMANTER Formation de Langues, France
is the flexible, easy-to-teach course for busy
teachers who want to get their learners to
communicate quickly and with confidence. With
engaging topics, additional teacher support
materials, and a focus on speaking and listening,
face2face for Spanish Speakers Second edition
will get your students talking!
Unlike other courses, face2face for Spanish
Speakers Second edition actually teaches
students to listen better by drawing their
attention to the elements of spoken English that
make it so hard for them to understand.
By giving students time to formulate the ideas
and language they want to use before they
speak, the course helps to build both spoken
fluency and accuracy.
Help with sections cover listening, speaking,
grammar and pronunciation and teach students
how English really works; meaning students can
apply what they learn more readily and with
more confidence outside the classroom.
The video-based Real World lessons included in
every unit give students the practical, day-to-day
language they will need in their lives.
face2face for Spanish Speakers Second edition
is informed by the Cambridge English Corpus The digital books provide an
and its vocabulary syllabus has been mapped to excellent alternative to the
the English Vocabulary Profile, meaning students print materials
learn the language they really need to know at
each CEFR level.

face2face for Spanish Speakers Second edition Starter Elementary Pre-intermediate Intermediate Upper Intermediate Advanced
Students Book with DVD-ROM* 978-1-107-65440-2 978-84-8323-236-1 978-84-8323-228-6 978-84-8323-223-1 978-84-8323-254-5 978-84-9036-416-1
Students Book with DVD-ROM and Online Workbook Pack* 978-1-107-62268-5 978-84-8323-238-5 978-84-8323-257-6 978-84-8323-262-0 978-84-8323-225-5 978-84-9036-396-6
Student's Pack (Student's Book with DVD-ROM, Spanish Speakers Handbook
- 978-84-9036-391-1 978-84-9036-392-8 978-84-9036-393-5 978-84-9036-394-2 978-84-9036-395-9
with CD, Workbook with Key)*
Workbook with Key 978-1-107-61476-5 978-0-521-28305-2 978-1-107-60353-0 978-1-107-60954-9 978-1-107-60956-3 978-1-107-69058-5
Workbook without Key 978-1-107-61477-2 978-0-521-28306-9 978-1-107-60352-3 978-1-107-60955-6 978-1-107-60957-0 978-1-107-62185-5
Teachers Book with DVD 978-1-107-65041-1 978-84-8323-241-5 978-84-8323-252-1 978-84-8323-259-0 978-84-8323-244-6 978-84-9036-397-3
Class Audio CDs (3) 978-1-107-62168-8 978-1-107-42206-3 978-1-107-42209-4 978-1-107-42212-4 978-1-107-42203-2 978-1-107-69133-9
Digital Students Book Pack (Enhanced PDF) - 978-84-9036-481-9 978-84-9036-482-6 978-84-9036-483-3 978-84-9036-726-1 978-84-9036-727-8
Digital Workbook (Enhanced PDF) - 978-1-107-54651-6 978-1-107-54653-0 978-1-107-54654-7 978-1-107-54657-8 978-1-107-54658-5
Presentation Plus DVD-ROM 978-1-107-61475-8 978-1-107-44621-2 978-1-107-44625-0 978-1-107-44629-8 978-1-107-44636-6 978-1-107-65534-8
Testmaker CD-ROM and Audio CD 978-1-107-61473-4 978-1-107-60994-5 978-1-107-60995-2 978-1-107-60996-9 978-1-107-60998-3 978-1-107-64588-2

*Students Books for levels Elementary to Advanced packaged with the Spanish Speakers Handbook with Audio CD.

38 For more information about our digital products see page 4


English for Spanish Speakers

The Students Book for levels Elementary to Advanced includes the Spanish Speakers Handbook with Audio CD, with content
specifically designed for Spanish-speaking learners.
For all levels
Help with Pronunciation sections address key pronunciation issues for Spanish speakers.
Get it right! pages provide tips and practice to avoid common errors made by Spanish speakers, based on research from the Cambridge
English Corpus.
For Levels Elementary to Upper Intermediate: At Advanced level:
Extra Skills lessons focus on strategies for approaching reading Integrated Skills lessons provide extended practice for all skills and
and listening tasks, as well as providing more opportunities to prepare students for real-life situations with a culture focus.
speak. Accurate Speaking sections offer extra help with common
Reading and Writing Portfolio Plus pages offer extra practice in problematic areas. Pronunciation practice is integrated, with
digital correspondence (emails, blog comments, etc.). listening models of different accents.
Exam Focus sections provide insight on different exam-type
activities and useful tips for students preparing for EOI Nivel
Avanzado and Cambridge English exams.

Quick Review recycles previously continue2learn shows students

learned language where to go next for more practice

10D wORLD Do you mind? Real World asking for, giving
and refusing permission HELP WITH PRONUNCIATION
Linking in phrasal verbs
1 CD3 11 Listen to these phrasal verbs. Notice the
QUICK REVIEW Phrasal verbs Make a list of five phrasal verbs. different types of linking. Listen again and practise.
Work in pairs and swap papers. Take turns to say a sentence
lookitup getoutofit get_over/r/it
that includes a phrasal verb on your partners list. Listen to your
partners sentences. Are they correct? putitoff giveitaway clear/r/out
giveitup go/w/up see/j/off
pointitout throw/w/out tidy/j/up
1 Work in groups. Discuss these questions.
2 a Work in pairs. Read the conversation. Add the
1 When did you last stay with relatives or friends? Why did you consonantvowel links and extra linking sounds.
visit them? How long did you stay?
ROB Hi, Sue. Whatare you doing at the weekend?
2 When was the last time relatives or friends came to stay with
you? Were there any problems? If so, what were they?
SUE Were planning to go/w/away.
R Really? Where are / /you/ /off to?
3 What are the best and worst things about staying in someone
elses house or flat?
S Were/ /off to Dublin for/ /a wedding. We have
to check in at ten, so were setting off at eight.
2 a VIDEO 10 CD3 8 Look at the photos. Then watch or R Well, this weekend Im going to tidy/ /up
listen to the conversations. Answer these questions. my/ /office. Ive been putting it off for/ /ages,
Conversation 1 but I really need to sort it out.
S So/ /are you going to be/ /in all weekend?
a How long has Ella been asleep?
Ella Rebecca Charlie Mike R Yes, I/ /am. Do you want me to look after your
b How long does Rebecca say that Ella and Mike can stay?
cat while youre
/ /away?
c Why does Rebecca suggest that Ella should talk to Charlie?
S Thatd be great, thanks. See you/ /on Monday!
Asking for, giving and refusing permission Intonation (3): asking for permission b Look at Audio Script CD3 12 p170. Then listen
d How long were Mike and Ella away for?
and check. Listen again and practise each line of the
e How far away does Mikes brother live? 3 a Look at the ways of asking for permission 4 CD3 9 Listen to the questions in 2b said twice.
f Why cant Mike phone his parents on his mobile? in bold in 2b. Which verb form comes after Which sounds more polite, a or b?
each phrase: infinitive, Present Simple or 1 a b 3 a b 5 a b
c Practise the conversation in 2a with your partner.
b Work in pairs. Try to fill in the gaps in Ella and Mikes Past Simple?
questions with these words. 2 a b 4 a b 6 a b
1 Can I + infinitive ?
CD3 10 PRONUNCIATION Listen and practise the
jumper car washing machine 2 May I + ? 5 continue2learn
landline breakfast laptop 3 Do you mind if I + ? questions in 2b and the responses in 2c. Copy the
4 Is it OK if I + ?
stress and polite intonation.
1 Can I make myself some ? Can I make myself some breakfast? Vocabulary, Grammar and Real World
5 Would you mind if I + ?
2 May I use your ?
6 Do you think I could + ? Extra Practice 10 and Progress Portfolio 10 p124
3 Do you mind if I borrow a ? 6 a Put these words in order.
b Choose the correct way to give permission Language Summary 10 p150
4 Is it OK if I use your to upload some photos? 1 see / May / written / what / I / youve ?
for these questions. After which other phrase in 10AD Workbook p50
5 Would you mind if I borrowed your some time 2 your / use / for / I / dictionary / Can / a moment ?
this week?
3a do we say No, not at all. to give permission? Self-study DVD-ROM 10 with Review Video
3 could / borrow / Do / money / you / some / think / I ?
6 Do you think I could use your to call my parents? 1 Can I make myself some breakfast?
4 of / if / I / a photo / mind / take / you / you / Do ?
B Yes, of course./No, not at all.
c Work in the same pairs. Try to match these responses to 5 I / OK / DVD-ROM / Is / your / if / a few days / it /
2 A Do you mind if I make myself some
the questions in 2b. Which are: giving permission? refusing borrow / for ?
permission? 6 the USA / Would / I / to call / used / if / you / your /
B Yes, of course./No, not at all. mind / mobile ?
a Yes, of course. Go ahead. The phones in the front room,
by the window. c Look at sentences 46 in 2c. Answer these b Work in pairs. Take turns to say the sentences in
b Yes, of course you can. Help yourself. You know where questions. 6a. Decide whether to give or refuse permission. If
everything is. 1 Do we usually say no when we refuse you refuse permission, give a reason. D-RO


c No, not at all. Theyre in the bottom drawer in our bedroom.

d Sorry, its only insured for Rebecca and myself. 2 Do we usually give a reason to say why we refuse May I see what Yes, of course.
e Actually, I was just going to put some washing in. permission? youve written? Here you are. Reading and Writing
f Sorry, I left mine at work. 3 Which words do we use to be polite when we Portfolio 10 Describing people Workbook p82
refuse permission? Reading a description of a friend
d Watch or listen again. Check your answers to 2b and 2c. 7 Work in pairs. Student A p105. Student B p110.
d Check in REAL WORLD 10.1 p151. Writing describing people: organisation,
useful phrases

84 85

face2face Second edition Intermediate Students Book

Help with Listening sections teach students to Self-Study DVD-ROM provides

listen better by drawing their attention to the further practice, extra video,
elements of spoken English that make it so hard drills, My Test, My Progress and
for them to understand e-Portfolio sections

For more information about our digital products see page 4 39


English for Spanish Speakers English for Spanish Speakers English for Spanish Speakers English for Spanish Speakers English for Spanish Speakers English for Spanish Speakers
English for Spanish Speakers

English for Spanish Speakers

English for Spanish Speakers

English for Spanish Speakers

English for Spanish Speakers

English for Spanish Speakers

English Unlimited

English Unlimited

English Unlimited

English Unlimited
English Unlimited

English Unlimited
Coursebook with e-Portfolio DVD-ROM Coursebook with e-Portfolio DVD-ROM Coursebook with e-Portfolio DVD-ROM Coursebook with e-Portfolio DVD-ROM Coursebook with e-Portfolio DVD-ROM

arners English Unlimited is a goals-based course for adults, which prepares learners English Unlimited is a goals-based course for adults, which prepares learners English Unlimited is a goals-based course for adults, which prepares learners English Unlimited is a goals-based course for adults, which prepares learners English Unlimited is a goals-based course for adults, which prepares learners
to use English independently for global communication. to use English independently for global communication. to use English independently for global communication. to use English independently for global communication. to use English independently for global communication.
e needs
Unlimited ENGLISH FOR SPANISH SPEAKERS edition ensures that the needs
of the Spanish-speaking learner are reflected in the unique sections dedicated
Unlimited ENGLISH FOR SPANISH SPEAKERS edition ensures that the needs
of the Spanish-speaking learner are reflected in the unique sections dedicated
Unlimited ENGLISH FOR SPANISH SPEAKERS edition ensures that the needs of the
Spanish-speaking learner are reected in the unique sections dedicated to problematic
English Unlimited ENGLISH FOR SPANISH SPEAKERS edition ensures that the needs of the
Spanish-speaking learner are reected in the unique sections dedicated to problematic
English Unlimited ENGLISH FOR SPANISH SPEAKERS edition ensures that the needs of the
Spanish-speaking learner are reected in the unique sections dedicated to problematic



to problematic with language.
areas of the English e-Portfolio DVD-ROM Coursebook
to problematic with language.
areas of the English e-Portfolio DVD-ROM areas of the Coursebook with e-Portfolio DVD-ROM
English language. areas of the Coursebook with e-Portfolio DVD-ROM
English language. areas of the Coursebook with e-Portfolio DVD-ROM
English language. Coursebook with e-Portfolio DVD-ROM

Cover CMYK
Real life Building Meeting Real life WITH ELENA PRO RUIZ COURSE
needs every step of the way global relationships flexible needs every step of the way global relationships flexible needs every step of the way global relationships exible needs every step of the way global relationships exible needs every step of the way global relationships exible needs
ging learner autonomy,

Cover CMYK
Cover CMYK
rtfolio DVD-ROM enables
With practical CEF goals at the Across cultures sections develop Encouraging learner autonomy, With practical CEF goals at the Across cultures sections develop Encouraging learner autonomy, With practical CEF goals at the Across cultures sections develop Encouraging learner autonomy, With practical CEF goals at the Across cultures sections develop Encouraging learner autonomy, With practical CEF goals at the Across cultures sections develop Encouraging learner autonomy,
core of the course, every part of learners intercultural competence the e-Portfolio DVD-ROM enables core of the course, every part of learners intercultural competence the e-Portfolio DVD-ROM enables core of the course, every part of learners intercultural competence the e-Portfolio DVD-ROM enables core of the course, every part of learners intercultural competence the e-Portfolio DVD-ROM enables core of the course, every part of learners intercultural competence the e-Portfolio DVD-ROM enables
to build a portfolio of their every unit contributes to achieving as a fifth skill, leading to more learners to build a portfolio of their every unit contributes to achieving as a fifth skill, leading to more learners to build a portfolio of their every unit contributes to achieving as a fth skill, leading to more learners to build a portfolio of their every unit contributes to achieving as a fth skill, leading to more learners to build a portfolio of their every unit contributes to achieving as a fth skill, leading to more learners to build a portfolio of their
eating a real can do record purposeful, real life objectives. sensitive and more effective work, creating a real can do record purposeful, real life objectives. sensitive and more effective work, creating a real can do record purposeful, real life objectives. sensitive and more effective work, creating a real can do record purposeful, real life objectives. sensitive and more effective work, creating a real can do record purposeful, real life objectives. sensitive and more effective work, creating a real can do record

B1+ Upper Intermediate Coursebook

progress. It also features communication. of their progress. It also features communication. of their progress. It also features communication. of their progress. It also features an communication. of their progress. It also features an communication. of their progress. It also features an
e and vocabulary testing Includes language thats natural
reference and vocabulary testing Includes language thats natural
reference and vocabulary testing Includes language thats natural and
interactive wordlist and vocabulary Includes language thats natural and
interactive wordlist and vocabulary Includes language thats natural and
interactive wordlist and vocabulary
and dependable guaranteed by Ideal for groups of single and and dependable guaranteed by Ideal for groups of single and dependable guaranteed by the Ideal for groups of single and dependable guaranteed by the Ideal for groups of single and dependable, and that meets the Ideal for groups of single and

testing tool, fully customisable by

testing tool, fully customisable by testing tool, fully customisable by




B1+ Intermediate Coursebook

the Cambridge International Corpus mixed nationalities, with topics the Cambridge International Corpus mixed nationalities, with topics Cambridge International Corpus and mixed nationalities, with topics Cambridge International Corpus and mixed nationalities, with topics needs of Advanced learners mixed nationalities, with topics
the learner. the learner. the learner.
ortfolio combines with and cross-referenced to the English and activities to inspire learners The e-Portfolio combines with and cross-referenced to the English and activities to inspire learners The e-Portfolio combines with cross-referenced to the English and activities to inspire learners cross-referenced to the English and activities to inspire learners guaranteed by the Cambridge and activities to inspire learners

C1 Advanced Coursebook
study Pack DVD-ROM, Profile programme. worldwide. the Self-study Pack DVD-ROM, Profile programme. worldwide. the Self-study Pack DVD-ROM, Prole programme. worldwide. The e-Portfolio combines with Prole programme. worldwide. The e-Portfolio combines with International Corpus. worldwide. The e-Portfolio combines with
ng interactive practice, integrating interactive practice, integrating interactive practice, the Self-study Pack DVD-ROM, the Self-study Pack DVD-ROM, the Self-study Pack DVD-ROM,
iation support, audio and Authentic audio right from the start Explore sections provide the
pronunciation support, audio and Authentic audio right from the start Explore sections provide the
pronunciation support, audio and Authentic audio throughout builds Explore sections provide the
integrating interactive practice, Authentic audio throughout builds Explore sections provide the
integrating interactive practice, Authentic audio throughout builds Explore sections provide the
integrating interactive practice,
builds learners ability to understand extra ingredients for enhancing builds learners ability to understand extra ingredients for enhancing learners ability to understand the extra ingredients for enhancing learners ability to understand the extra ingredients for enhancing learners ability to understand the extra ingredients for enhancing
video. video. pronunciation support, audio and pronunciation support, audio and pronunciation support, audio and
the natural English of international communicative ability from the natural English of international communicative ability from natural English of international communicative ability with natural English of international communicative ability with natural English of international communicative ability with
video. video. video.


ter Coursebook provides speakers. additional speaking and writing speakers. additional speaking and writing
speakers. further development of speaking The Elementary Coursebook speakers. further development of speaking The Pre-intermediate Coursebook speakers. additional speaking and writing




mately 60 core teaching skills to independent learning provides 80 to 90 core teaching skills to independent learning provides 80 to 90 core teaching

skills sections based on real-world The Intermediate Coursebook

skills sections based on real-world The Upper Intermediate Coursebook

skills sections based on real-world The Advanced Coursebook provides
xtendable to 90 hours using Tips for Spanish speakers raise
strategies. hours, extendable to 120 hours Tips for Spanish speakers raise
strategies. hours, extendable to 120 hours
Tips for Spanish speakers raise
communication. provides 80 to 90 core teaching
Tips for Spanish speakers raise
communication. provides approximately 80 to 90
Tips for Spanish speakers raise
communication. 80 to 90 core teaching hours,
awareness of common errors awareness of common errors awareness of common errors awareness of common errors awareness of common errors
e of extra material in the using the range of extra material in using the range of extra material in hours, extendable to 120 hours core teaching hours, extendable to extendable to 120 hours using
related to grammar, vocabulary related to grammar, vocabulary related to grammar, vocabulary related to grammar, vocabulary related to grammar, vocabulary
s Pack with DVD-ROM. the Teachers Pack with DVD-ROM. the Teachers Pack with DVD-ROM. using the range of extra material in 120 hours using the range of extra the range of extra material in the
and pronunciation based on and pronunciation based on and pronunciation based on and pronunciation based on and pronunciation based on
the Teachers Pack with DVD-ROM. material in the Teachers Pack Teachers Pack with DVD-ROM.
research from the Cambridge research from the Cambridge research from the Cambridge research from the Cambridge research from the Cambridge
with DVD-ROM.
Learner Corpus. Learner Corpus. Learner Corpus. Learner Corpus. Learner Corpus.

English Unlimited

English Unlimited
English Unlimited
uirements: System requirements: System requirements: System requirements: System requirements: System requirements:
XP or Vista A1 Starter CEF A2 Windows XP or Vista A1 Starter CEF B1 Windows XP or Vista A1 Starter B1+ Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 A1 Starter B2 Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 A1 Starter Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7
cessor or better) (1 GHz processor or better) (1 GHz processor or better) (1 GHz processor or better) (1 GHz processor or better) (1 GHz processor or better)
CEF A2 Elementary A2 Elementary A2 Elementary A2 Elementary A2 Elementary
rPC OSX 10.4.11 or 10.5.4 Mac PowerPC OSX 10.4.11 or 10.5.4 Mac PowerPC OSX 10.4.11 or 10.5.4 Mac OSX 10.4, 10.5 or 10.6 Mac OSX 10.4, 10.5 or 10.6 Mac OSX 10.4, 10.5 or 10.6
p or better)) B1 Pre-intermediate (1 GHz G4 processor or better) CEF B1 Pre-intermediate (1 GHz G4 processor or better) B1 Pre-intermediate ((1 GHz G4 pprocessor or better for B1 Pre-intermediate ((1 GHz G4 pprocessor or better for B1 Pre-intermediate (1 GHz G4 processor or better for
OSX 10.4.11 or 10.5.4 Mac Intel OSX 10.4.11 or 10.5.4 PowerPC, 1.83 GHz processor or PowerPC, 1.83 GHz processor or PowerPC, 1.83 GHz processor or
Mac Intel OSX 10.4.11 or 10.5.4 B1+ Intermediate B1+ Intermediate B1+ Intermediate
processor or better) B1+ Intermediate (1.83 GHz processor or better) B1+ Intermediate (1.83 GHz processor or better) better for Intel) better for Intel) better for Intel)
512 MB RAM minimum 512 MB RAM minimum 512 MB RAM B2 Upper Intermediate minimum 512 MB RAM B2 Upper Intermediate minimum 512 MB RAM B2 Upper Intermediate minimum 512 MB RAM
B2 Upper Intermediate B2 Upper Intermediate

ISBN 13: 9788483236901

ISBN 13: 9788483236932

mmended) (1 GB recommended) (1 GB recommended) (1 GB recommended) (1 GB recommended) (1 GB recommended)

ISBN 13: 978848326802

C1 Advanced C1 Advanced C1 Advanced C1 Advanced C1 Advanced

21/03/11 16:25 9788483236802cvr.indd 1 9788483236901cvr.indd 1 23/02/11 15:03 9788483236932cvr.indd 1 23/02/11 15:04 23/02/11 15:06

English for Spanish Speakers

A1 A2 B1 B1+ B2 C1
English Unlimited includes extra content specifically designed for Spanish speakers.
For all levels: For levels Intermediate to Advanced:
English Unlimited for Spanish
Speakers Grammar, Vocabulary and Pronunciation Tips Listening plus pages in the Self-study Pack
in the Coursebook raise awareness of common provide additional listening practice.
Theresa Clementson, Leslie Anne Hendra, errors made by Spanish speakers. Pronunciation sections focus on features of
David Rea, Alex Tilbury, Adrian Doff and The Reference section in the Coursebook English which are particularly difficult for
Ben Goldstein further develops the Tips offering advice and Spanish speakers.
extra practice.
Course consultant: Adrian Doff
Get it right! exercises in the Self-study Pack give
STARTER TO ADVANCED students further opportunity for independent
8090 teaching hours per level, extendable to 120 (60 study and practice of the language from the Tips.
extendable to 90 for Starter)

Nominated British Council ELTons Awards 2012:

Excellence in course innovation

English Unlimited is an innovative general English Universally-appealing

course for teachers who want a course that topics and activities
teaches learners the English they will need outside inspire learners
the classroom. worldwide
Centred on purposeful, real-life objectives, English
Unlimited prepares learners to use English for
global communication and builds confidence in
using the language.
CEFR practical goals at the core of every unit
Includes language thats natural, dependable and
of real use guaranteed by the Cambridge English
Corpus and cross-referenced to the English Profile

Digital resources for learners

Coursebook e-Portfolios allow learners to create
personal, can-do records of their progress.
Self-study DVD-ROMs contain additional video
material, voice-recording activities, and custom-
isable QuickCheck tests.

Digital resources for teachers

Teachers DVD-ROMs are packed with extra
activities, a full testing and assessment
programme, and the course video materials.
Testmakers for each level give you the flexibility
to create, edit, save and print your own tests.
English Unlimited for Spanish Speakers Intermediate Coursebook

English Unlimited for Spanish Speakers Starter Elementary Pre-intermediate Intermediate Upper Intermediate Advanced
Coursebook with e-Portfolio DVD-ROM 978-84-8323-900-1 978-84-8323-706-9 978-84-8323-362-7 978-84-8323-680-2 978-84-8323-690-1 978-84-8323-693-2
Self-study Pack (Workbook with DVD-ROM and Audio CD) 978-84-8323-725-0 978-84-8323-979-7 978-84-8323-734-2 978-84-8323-714-4 978-84-8323-716-8 978-84-8323-718-2
Teachers Pack (Teachers Book with DVD-ROM) 978-84-8323-967-4 978-84-8323-687-1 978-84-8323-769-4 978-84-8323-697-0 978-84-8323-698-7 978-84-8323-700-7
Class Audio CDs 978-84-8323-871-4 978-84-8323-912-4 978-84-8323-978-0 978-84-8323-701-4 978-84-8323-703-8 978-84-8323-705-2
Presentation Plus DVD-ROM* 978-0-521-15720-9 978-0-521-15721-6 978-0-521-15722-3 978-0-521-18840-1 978-0-521-18841-8 978-0-521-18842-5
Digital Coursebook 978-84-8323-984-1 978-84-8323-970-4 978-84-8323-639-0
Testmaker CD-ROM and Audio CD* 978-1-107-61222-8 978-1-107-61000-2 978-1-107-60999-0 978-1-107-67640-4 978-1-107-65083-1 978-1-107-66452-4

*Designed for the international edition

40 For more information about our digital products see page 4

EOI Test
Generator Intermediate
EOI Test
Generator Advanced


English for Spanish Speakers English for Spanish Speakers English for Spanish Speakers

EOI Test
Generator Basic
EOI Test
Generator Intermediate
EOI Test
Generator Advanced

A2 B1 B2 C1
Competence tests for all four skills with an extra video option
EOI Test Generator
Eoin Higgins, Garan Holcombe, Margaret
Pate, Lucy Torres and Ingrid Wisniewska
Generator Basic
EOI Test
Generator Intermediate

The EOI Test Generator is specifically designed to

provide practice tests for the Escuelas Oficiales de
Idiomas. The Test Generator allows teachers to
create, edit and save custom-made, skills based
competency tests for all the different regions
of Spain. There are five complete tests for Basic
Level, Intermediate level and Advanced level
Writing EOI Test
Generator Basic
Speaking and oral interaction

The Reading tests include long texts and shorter EOI Test Generator Basic
multiple texts with a variety of question types
to choose from. The Writing tests offer a variety
of tasks including both written expression and
written interaction. The Speaking tests include You can customise the tests by choosing the questions you want
monologues, presentations and oral interaction
with both the examiner and with other candi-
dates. The Listening tests also include video
listening tasks.
All the tests are based on the task types outlined
in the National Assessment Criteria.
After creating the tests the Generator provides
two versions - one with answers and one
without so as to enable either self- or whole-class
The EOI Test Generators can be used online and
offline. They are also Linux compatible.


EOI Test Generator Basic

See also

Cambridge face2face
English for Spanish Speakers

English for Spanish


EMPOWER Speakers


for Spanish
Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine,

Page 38
Includes access to:
9788490361979 EMPOWER SB B1 C M Y K

Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones tests from Cambridge English
Language Assessment
Cambridge English Empower is a general English course for
adult and young adult learners that combines course content personalised practice

from Cambridge University Press with validated assessment from
Cambridge English Language Assessment. cambridgelms.org/empower

This unique mix of engaging classroom materials and reliable
assessment, with personalised online practice, enables learners to
make consistent and measurable progress.
The course provides:
intriguing images, texts and video designed to arouse curiosity
and get students talking

EOI Test Generator Basic Intermediate NEW Advanced B1

unit progress tests and mid-course and end-of-course
B1 English Profile

Page 36
competency tests www.englishprofile.org
Doff, Thaine, Puchta, Stranks, Lewis-Jones

manageable learning with a syllabus informed by English Profile

and the Cambridge English Corpus, ensuring students encounter
the most relevant language at the right point in their learning
Speaking Plus pages providing extra speaking practice

EOI Test Generator DVD-ROM

and sections focusing on areas of pronunciation which are

978-84-9036-870-1 978-84-9036-603-5 978-84-9036-511-3

problematic for Spanish speakers
Get it right! pages with tips and practice to avoid common
Spanish-speaker errors, taken from the Cambridge Learner

Other components include:
Workbook with Audio and Video
Teachers Book
Digital Empower online/DVD-ROM
Class Audio CDs
Class DVD

The EOI Test Generator can also be accessed online at thecambridgeteacher.es.

System Requirements:
This product is optimised for use on the following systems and browsers:

Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Minimum internet speed: 3Mbps download

Windows 8.1.
Supported browsers: Internet Explorer 10
and 512 Kbps upload speed per user
Firewall: Must allow delivery of content ISBN 978-84-9036-197-9 Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine,
and 11, most recent version of Chrome, from multiple IP addresses
most recent version of Firefox
Hardware requirements:
Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks,
Mac OSX 10.8 and 10.9.
Minimum screen resolution: 1024x768px
English for Spanish Speakers Peter Lewis-Jones

Contact your local representative for more information.

Supported browsers: Safari 6.0 and 7.0
JavaScript must be enabled in the browser
Microphone for voice recording activities 9 788490 361979 >

For more information about our digital products see page 4 41


Flexible Learning, Proven Results

A1 A2 B1 B1+ B2 C1

Touchstone Viewpoint
Second edition MichaelMcCarthy,
MichaelMcCarthy, JeanneMcCarten, and JeanneMcCarten, and
HelenSandiford HelenSandiford


90120 teaching hours 90-120 teaching hours

Touchstone, together with Viewpoint, is a six-level Viewpoint is a two-level course

English program based on research from the for high-intermediate to advanced
Cambridge English Corpus. It presents natural level learners that follows on from
language in authentic contexts. Touchstone. The syllabus is based on
extensive corpus research to ensure
Corpus-informed language Extensive corpus that students learn the most useful
research ensures that the language taught is the and widely used words, phrases, and
language people really use. grammar for higher-level learners.
Conversation strategies Students learn the
Conversation strategies give
language and skills to interact with fluency and
students the language and skills to
interact fluently and confidently.
Inductive learning Students are encouraged
Specially designed writing syllabus
to work out grammatical structures and English
focuses on the key processes,
usage for themselves, making them more likely to
language, and text organization
remember what they have learned.
skills essential for academic and
Common errors Touchstone incorporates unique professional writing.
research into the Cambridge Learner Corpus which
Vocabulary syllabus helps
identifies the most typical learner errors. These are
Touchstone Second edition Level 1 Students Book students master essential words,
highlighted in Common error panels to help avoid
collocations, and language
them becoming entrenched.
In conversation panels Common error panels expressions and presents a wide
cambridge.es/touchstone2 tell students the most provide guidance on range of effective vocabulary
frequent words and typical problem areas learning strategies.
phrases in spoken
English cambridge.es/viewpoint

Touchstone Second edition Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Viewpoint Level 1 Viewpoint Level 2
Student's Book 978-1-107-67987-0 978-1-107-68173-6 978-1-107-66583-5 978-1-107-68043-2 978-0-521-13186-5 978-0-521-13189-6
Student's Book A 978-1-107-62792-5 978-1-107-68175-0 978-1-107-62875-5 978-1-107-62430-6 978-1-107-60151-2 978-1-107-60154-3
Student's Book B 978-1-107-65345-0 978-1-107-62704-8 978-1-107-69446-0 978-1-107-63748-1 978-1-107-60152-9 978-1-107-60155-0
Workbook 978-1-107-63933-1 978-1-107-69037-0 978-1-107-64271-3 978-1-107-68275-7 978-1-107-60277-9 978-1-107-60631-9
Workbook A 978-1-107-67071-6 978-1-107-64988-0 978-1-107-62082-7 978-1-107-62708-6 978-1-107-60278-6 978-1-107-57205-8
Workbook B 978-1-107-69125-4 978-1-107-61861-9 978-1-107-65147-0 978-1-107-69602-0 978-1-107-60279-3 978-1-107-57213-3
Teacher's Edition with Assessment Audio CD/CD-ROM 978-1-107-64223-2 978-1-107-62402-3 978-1-107-68094-4 978-1-107-68151-4 978-1-107-60153-6 978-1-107-60156-7
Class Audio CDs 978-1-107-61414-7 978-1-107-67757-9 978-1-107-63179-3 978-1-107-61272-3 978-1-107-63988-1 978-1-107-66132-5
Full Contact with DVD* 978-1-107-68330-3 978-1-107-65940-7 978-1-107-62794-9 978-1-107-66152-3
Full Contact A with DVD* 978-1-107-66769-3 978-1-107-61439-0 978-1-107-63739-9 978-1-107-67936-8
Full Contact B with DVD* 978-1-107-61366-9 978-1-107-66547-7 978-1-107-63903-4 978-1-107-66763-1
Presentation Plus DVD-ROM 978-1-107-65796-0 978-1-107-66049-6 978-1-107-66725-9 978-1-107-66349-7 978-1-107-62978-3 978-1-107-67577-3
Presentation Plus Site License Pack*** 978-1-316-61551-5 978-1-316-61554-6
Video Program DVD 978-0-521-69667-8 978-0-521-69669-2 978-0-521-69722-4 978-0-521-69721-7 978-1-107-64921-7 978-1-107-67990-0
Video Resource Book 978-0-521-71199-9 978-0-521-71200-2 978-0-521-71201-9 978-0-521-71202-6 ** **
Touchstone and Viewpoint Placement Test Download free from the Resources tab at cambridge.es/touchstone2

*Full Contact includes Students Book, Workbook, Video Activity Pages and DVD
**Download free Viewpoint Video Activity Worksheets at cambridge.es/viewpoint
*** A shrink-wrapped pack of the existing individual level disks with a printed insert with the site license on it

42 For more information about our digital products see page 4


Fully-flexible blended learning 100% print, 100% online, or anywhere

Choose the ideal blended course for you
and your students
With fully-flexible blended learning you can
choose the best way to deliver the course to your
students: in class, online, or a blend of the two.
The Online Course can be used in combination
with the Students Book so any part of the course
can be done in class or online. Or it can be used
as a standalone 100% print or online course.

A1 A2 B1 B1+ B2 C1

Touchstone Online Course Viewpoint Online Course

Second edition MichaelMcCarthy, JeanneMcCarten, and
MichaelMcCarthy, JeanneMcCarten, and HelenSandiford
BEGINNER TO INTERMEDIATE 90-120 teaching hours
90120 teaching hours
Viewpoint Online Course follows the same
This rich and immersive online environment Touchstone Second edition Online Course fully-flexible approach as Touchstone Online
provides complete instruction and practice and Course with engaging lessons containing
Animated presentations present language presentations, inductive learning, and
retains the same trusted syllabus and learning
key language and skills communicative online activities. It also has extra
outcomes found in Touchstone Students Book.
The Online Course is carefully scaffolded to features for higher level learners:
develop language ability in gradual steps. Writing tasks to help students build their
Animated presentations language is presented academic and professional writing skills.
in short videos, allowing students to work at Video activities using authentic Bloomberg
their own pace. news clips.
Figure it out tasks encourage students to work Study tips and strategies to boost students
out how language is formed and used before it study skills.
is presented.
Online communicative activities blogs and
forums provide freer practice, build student
confidence, and improve fluency. Touchstone Second edition Online Course

Class management teachers can identify areas

Engaging online games have
of strength and weakness at a class and individual
clear learning outcomes and
level, leading to more effective class planning.
provide variety
Touchstone and Viewpoint
Online Workbooks
Accessed through the Cambridge Learning
Management System, the Touchstone and Viewpoint Online Course
Viewpoint Online Workbooks allow teachers to
track students progress and save valuable time Video activities based on authentic
with automated marking. Students can do further Bloomberg news clips are ideal for
practice in the online workbooks to consolidate the higher levels
what they have learned in the classroom.
NEW Online Training
Get the most out of your print and digital resources
Touchstone Second edition Online Course
with the FREE Online Training modules provided
through the Cambridge Learning Management Role-plays provide the opportunity
System. Visit cambridge.es/onlinetraining to find out to record yourself in a dialogue with
more. audio or video

Touchstone Second edition Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Viewpoint Level 1 Viewpoint Level 2
Student's Book with Online Workbook 978-1-107-66878-2 978-1-107-65055-8 978-1-107-68455-3 978-1-107-66652-8 978-1-107-56815-0 978-1-107-56841-9
Student's Book A with Online Workbook 978-1-107-65431-0 978-1-107-64446-5 978-1-107-66097-7 978-1-107-68060-9 978-1-107-56826-6 978-1-107-56846-4
Student's Book B with Online Workbook 978-1-107-69848-2 978-1-107-66215-5 978-1-107-68746-2 978-1-107-66091-5 978-1-107-56828-0 978-1-107-56849-5
Student's Book with Online Course and Online Workbook 978-1-107-49861-7 978-1-107-49875-4 978-1-107-49882-2 978-1-107-49892-1 978-1-107-56790-0 978-1-107-56808-2
Student's Book with Online Course and Online Workbook A 978-1-107-49869-3 978-1-107-49876-1 978-1-107-49883-9 978-1-107-49898-3 978-1-107-56796-2 978-1-107-56809-9
Student's Book with Online Course and Online Workbook B 978-1-107-49870-9 978-1-107-49878-5 978-1-107-49884-6 978-1-107-49901-0 978-1-107-56797-9 978-1-107-56810-5
Online Courses Please contact your local Cambridge University Press representative to talk about the Touchstone
and Viewpoint online courses and how we can find the right solution for you

For more information about our digital products see page 4 43


A brand new edition

of the worlds most
popular English course

A1 A2 B1
Whats New? Updated for Modern Classrooms
NEW Interchange
50% new content to make the course engaging New content
Fifth edition for todays students. New readings. New New design
JackC.RichardswithJonathanHull and listenings. New conversations. New Snapshots.
Same effective pedagogy
SusanProctor Improved exercises for readings and listenings
help students develop their skills more.
Self-study exercises available online (not on
90-120 teaching hours
CD-ROM) offering a more convenient experience
Interchange, the course loved by more than 50 to every student.
million people, has been fully updated for modern An online workbook that includes games,
students. Thousands of teachers all over the making homework both serious and fun.
world helped ensure that the new edition delivers
exactly what todays students need. Easy-to-Use Resources for Busy Teachers

Whats the Same? The Teachers Edition comes with a USB card with
the full assessment suite, including placement
Students learn to talk thanks to the tried and test, quizzes, mid-term tests, and final tests, even
true communicative methodology. customizable versions!
Proven syllabus that delivers results. Save time with hundreds of ready-made activities
Flexible unit structure which supports different and worksheets available to download from
learning styles. cambridge.es/interchange.
Get tips on how to integrate the activities into
your lessons with downloadable overviews.


Interchange Fifth edition Students Book Intro

NEW Interchange Fifth edition Intro Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Student's Book with Online Self-Study 978-1-316-62011-3 978-1-316-62031-1 978-1-316-62023-6 978-1-316-62051-9
Student's Book A with Online Self-Study 978-1-316-62012-0 978-1-316-62035-9 978-1-316-62025-0 978-1-316-62053-3
Student's Book B with Online Self-Study 978-1-316-62013-7 978-1-316-62042-7 978-1-316-62032-8 978-1-316-62054-0
Workbook 978-1-316-62237-7 978-1-316-62247-6 978-1-316-62269-8 978-1-316-62276-6
Workbook A 978-1-316-62239-1 978-1-316-62254-4 978-1-316-62270-4 978-1-316-62277-3
Workbook B 978-1-316-62240-7 978-1-316-62266-7 978-1-316-62271-1 978-1-316-62279-7
Student's Book with Online Self-Study and Online Workbook 978-1-316-62014-4 978-1-316-62044-1 978-1-316-62034-2 978-1-316-62055-7
Student's Book A with Online Self-Study and Online Workbook 978-1-316-62015-1 978-1-316-62045-8 978-1-316-62036-6 978-1-316-62056-4
Student's Book B with Online Self-Study and Online Workbook 978-1-316-62016-8 978-1-316-62047-2 978-1-316-62037-3 978-1-316-62058-8
Full Contact with Online Self-Study 978-1-316-62385-5 978-1-316-62390-9 978-1-316-62399-2 978-1-316-62405-0
Full Contact A with Online Self-Study 978-1-316-62386-2 978-1-316-62391-6 978-1-316-62400-5 978-1-316-62407-4
Full Contact B with Online Self-Study 978-1-316-62387-9 978-1-316-62392-3 978-1-316-62402-9 978-1-316-62409-8
Full Contact with Online Self-Study and Online Workbook 978-1-316-62296-4 978-1-316-62301-5 978-1-316-62371-8 978-1-316-62374-9
Full Contact A with Online Self-Study and Online Workbook 978-1-316-62297-1 978-1-316-62302-2 978-1-316-62372-5 978-1-316-62375-6
Full Contact B with Online Self-Study and Online Workbook 978-1-316-62298-8 978-1-316-62303-9 978-1-316-62373-2 978-1-316-62376-3
Class Audio CDs 978-1-316-62221-6 978-1-316-62226-1 978-1-316-62228-5 978-1-316-62230-8
Class Audio Download All Levels cambridge.es/interchange
Teacher's Edition with Complete Assessment 978-1-316-62241-4 978-1-316-62268-1 978-1-316-62272-8 978-1-316-62280-3
Presentation Plus on USB 978-1-316-62219-3 978-1-316-62223-0 978-1-316-62225-4 978-1-316-62232-2
Presentation Plus (Site License) All Levels 978-1-316-62233-9

Available July 2017

44 For more information about our digital products see page 4


Download sample units from cambridge.es/interchange

New and Updated

Teachers from all
over the world
helped choose what
changed in every unit
of every book.
The results are
exercises and activities
that will resonate in
todays classrooms
and motivate todays

Interchange Fifth edition Students Book 2

The Jack C. Richards
approach works.
Students learn to
speak quickly and
In addition to all
of the speaking
opportunities in
each book, there
are hundreds of
activities, saving
teachers time.

Interchange Fifth edition Students Book 2

For more information about our digital products see page 4 45


Presentation Plus Online Workbook

A1 A2 B1
Provides complete course content, including Accessible from a computer or iPad, the Online
audio and video material, interactive activities, Workbook provides extensive practice activities
Interchange annotation tools, links to online resources and with immediate feedback, automated class
Fourth edition the ability to save your customized lessons to any reports, including activity scores and time-on-task,
computer anywhere. and free teacher access.
Interchange Fourth edition Intro Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Students Book with Self-study DVD-ROM* 978-1-107-64866-1 978-1-107-64867-8 978-1-107-64869-2 978-1-107-64870-8
90120 teaching hours Workbook* 978-1-107-64871-5 978-1-107-64872-2 978-1-107-64873-9 978-1-107-64874-6
Online Workbook Standalone for students* 978-1-139-44867-3 978-1-139-43954-1 978-1-139-44355-5 978-1-139-44785-0
Nominated British Council ELTons Awards
Online Workbook Institutional* 978-1-139-45372-1 978-1-139-59363-2 978-1-139-55230-1 978-1-139-54006-3
Excellence in course innovation
Students Book with Self-study DVD-ROM and
978-1-107-67383-0 978-1-107-68555-0 978-1-107-67471-4 978-1-107-66770-9
The underlying philosophy of Interchange is Online Workbook Pack*
Teachers Edition with Assessment Audio CD/
that language is best learned when used for CD-ROM
978-1-107-64011-5 978-1-107-69917-5 978-1-107-62527-3 978-1-107-61506-9
meaningful communication. Interchange is the Class Audio CDs (3) 978-1-107-61034-7 978-1-107-64725-1 978-1-107-62941-7 978-1-107-66870-6
worlds most popular and successful English Full Contact with Self-study DVD-ROM* 978-1-107-61495-6 978-1-107-67993-1 978-1-107-62500-6 978-1-107-66684-9
course, with:: DVD 978-1-107-65708-3 978-1-107-62524-2 978-1-107-66521-7 978-1-107-62067-4
Video Resource Book 978-1-107-69753-9 978-1-107-64367-3 978-1-107-65180-7 978-1-107-63693-4
A trusted communicative methodology and Presentation Plus (Single Classroom) 978-1-107-67132-4 978-1-107-64198-3 978-1-107-66251-3 978-1-107-69001-1
proven approach.
Greater flexibility for use in any teaching All levels
situation. Presentation Plus Site License Pack (up to 10 classrooms) 978-1-107-62231-9
Interchange / Passages Online Placement Test (Institutional use) 978-1-139-75357-9
A wealth of resources for teacher training and
professional development. *Available in split volume editions
Full Contact includes Students Book, Workbook, Video Activity Pages, and Self-study DVD-ROM with Full Class Video

A1 A2 B1 Presentation Plus Online Workbook

Provides the complete Students Book content with The Online Workbook provides a variety of inter-
built-in annotation tools, embedded audio, and class active practice activities with immediate feedback
Four Corners video in an easy-to-operate format for interactive for students and progress monitoring reporting
JackC.Richards and DavidBohlke whiteboards or computers and projectors. tools for teachers.


90120 teaching hours per level Four Corners Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Students Book with Self-study CD-ROM* 978-0-521-12615-1 978-0-521-12716-5 978-0-521-12755-4 978-0-521-12771-4
Four Corners combines effective communicative Workbook* 978-0-521-12654-0 978-0-521-12701-1 978-0-521-12751-6 978-0-521-12768-4
methodology, a clear design, and a practical Online Workbook 978-1-139-06152-0 978-1-139-04008-2 978-1-139-06961-8 978-1-139-04770-8
Students Book with Self-study CD-ROM and Online
Can-do approach to give your students the 978-1-107-64174-7 978-1-107-65176-0 978-1-107-66429-6 978-1-107-64403-8
Workbook Pack
language and confidence they need to use English Teachers Edition with Assessment Audio CD/CD-ROM 978-0-521-12646-5 978-0-521-12688-5 978-0-521-12747-9 978-0-521-12765-3
accurately and fluently. Full Contact with Self-study CD-ROM** 978-0-521-12634-2 978-0-521-12674-8 978-0-521-12736-3 978-0-521-12761-5
The program was informed by the Common Class Audio CDs (3) 978-0-521-12640-3 978-0-521-12681-6 978-0-521-12743-1 978-0-521-12763-9
European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and is Presentation Plus DVD-ROM 978-0-521-12619-9 978-0-521-12663-2 978-0-521-12712-7 978-0-521-12756-1
Presentation Plus Site License Pack 978-1-107-67172-0 978-1-107-67172-0 978-1-107-67172-0 978-1-107-67172-0
carefully structured to develop students
Video Program DVD 978-0-521-12638-0 978-0-521-12677-9 978-0-521-12740-0 978-0-521-12762-2
communicative competence.
*Available in split volume editions.
cambridge.es/fourcorners **Full Contact includes Students Book, Workbook, Video Activity Worksheets and Self-study CD-ROM with Full Class Video

46 For more information about our digital products see page 4


B2 C1

Third edition
JackC.Richards and ChuckSandy

90120 teaching hours

Passages Third edition is the perfect follow-up to any four-skills program and is designed to
seamlessly follow Interchange Fourth edition or Four Corners
A1 A2 B1
Passages Third edition is a two-level course that helps students take their
English to a whole new level.
This fully updated edition of one of the worlds most successful upper-level
American English series will open the door for students to communicate with Second edition
greater fluency and proficiency. GretchenBitterlin, DennisJohnson, DonnaPrice, SylviaRamirez
A fresh new design, new images, and new and updated content to reflect SeriesEditor:K.LynnSavage
More vocabulary support and practice with the new Vocabulary Plus section 60+ teaching hours per level
in the back of the students book
A Video Program and accompanying Video Activity Worksheets reinforce Ventures Second edition is a six-level, four-skills, standards-based,
target language through compelling, real-world videos linked to unit topics integrated-skills series that empowers students to achieve their academic
and career goals.
A fully revised Teachers Edition, now with Assessment Audio CD/CD-ROM
that features both ready-to-print and customizable quizzes and tests Ventures provides instructors with the tools for any teaching situation
Digital resources support teaching and enhance learning inside and outside The Online Workbook keeps students learning outside the classroom
of the classroom Easy-to-teach materials make for a more productive classroom
Presentation Plus provides complete course content, including audio Assessment Audio CD/CD-ROM included in the Teachers Edition provides
and video material, interactive activities, annotation tools, links to online teachers with everything they need to accurately measure student
resources and the ability to save your customized lessons to any computer performance
Free online
cambridge.es/passages Presentation Plus provides complete course content, including audio,
interactive activities and answer keys, annotation tools, links to online
Passages Third edition Level 1 Level 2
Student's Book with Online Vocabulary Practice* 978-1-107-62705-5 978-1-107-62707-9
resources, Ventures Arcade, and the ability to save customized lessons to any
Students Book with Online Workbook* 978-1-107-44700-4 978-1-107-44709-7 computer anywhere
Workbook* 978-1-107-62725-3 978-1-107-62726-0
Online Workbook Activation Code Card* 978-1-107-44694-6 978-1-107-44705-9 cambridge.es/ventures
Teacher's Edition with Assessment Audio CD/CD-ROM 978-1-107-62768-0 978-1-107-62766-6
Class Audio CDs (3) 978-1-107-62754-3 978-1-107-62749-9 Ventures Second edition Basic Level 1 Level 2
DVD 978-1-107-62762-8 978-1-107-62764-2 Students Book with Self-study Audio CD 978-1-107-64102-0 978-1-107-69289-3 978-1-107-68722-6
Presentation Plus DVD-ROM 978-1-107-66626-9 978-1-107-68650-2 Workbook with Audio CD 978-1-107-69108-7 978-1-107-62859-5 978-1-107-63538-8
Online Workbook 978-1-139-88532-4 978-1-139-89720-4 978-1-139-87102-0
Literacy Workbook with Audio CD 978-1-107-66859-1
All levels
Teachers Edition with Assessment Audio
Presentation Plus Site License Pack 978-1-107-63846-4 978-1-107-67608-4 978-1-107-67904-7 978-1-107-66579-8
Class Audio CDs (2) 978-1-107-66806-5 978-1-107-61822-0 978-1-107-66009-0
*Available in Split Volume and Full Contact editions Presentation Plus DVD-ROM 978-1-107-61622-6 978-1-107-65841-7 978-1-107-67928-3
Ventures Second edition Level 3 Level 4 Transitions
See also Students Book with Self-study Audio CD 978-1-107-68472-0 978-1-107-68157-6 978-0-521-18613-1
Workbook with Audio CD 978-1-107-64001-6 978-1-107-66194-3 *978-0-521-18614-8
Lets Talk Online Workbook 978-1-139-88472-3 978-1-139-88349-8 978-1-107-65131-9
Teachers Edition with Assessment Audio
Page 87 978-1-107-65217-0 978-1-107-69841-3 **978-0-521-18615-5
Class Audio CDs (2) 978-1-107-66076-2 978-1-107-63513-5
Presentation Plus DVD-ROM 978-1-107-64952-1 978-1-107-61945-6 978-1-107-67612-1
Professional Development DVD 978-0-521-14439-1

*It is not accompanied by an Audio CD

**This is the Teachers Manual. This is not accompanied by an Assessment Audio CD/CD-ROM

For more information about our digital products see page 4 47

Together, Cambridge University
Press and Cambridge English
Language Assessment bring
you official preparation
materials for Cambridge
English exams and IELTS.


Our authors are experts in the exams
they write for. In addition, all of our exam
preparation is officially validated by the
WHY ELSE ARE OUR MATERIALS SPECIAL? teams who produce the real exams.
Vocabulary is always on-level as defined by
the English Profile resource. Our materials
are based on research from the Cambridge
Learner Corpus to help students avoid
common mistakes that exam candidates make.

Whats available for each exam?

P64-65 P63

NEW Fun for 50

Young Learners (YLE) up to A2 Yes
NEW Storyfun 50

Compact 58
Key (KET) for Schools A2 Complete 54 Yes Yes Yes
Prepare! 52

Key (KET) A2 Objective 56 Yes Yes Yes

Preliminary (PET) for Compact 58

B1 Yes Yes Yes
Schools Prepare! 52

Complete 54
Preliminary (PET) B1 Yes Yes Yes
Objective 56

Compact 58
First (FCE) for Schools B2 Complete 54 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Prepare! 52

Compact 58
First (FCE) B2 Complete 54 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Objective 56

Compact 58
Advanced (CAE) C1 Complete 54 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Objective 56

Proficiency (CPE) C2 Objective 56 Yes Yes

IELTS Life Skills Official

IELTS Life Skills A1B1 62 Yes
Cambridge Test Practice

Complete 54
Objective 56
NEW Mindset for IELTS 60
IELTS: Academic up to C2 IELTS Blended Learning 61 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Insight 61
The Official Cambridge
Guide to IELTS 61

Objective 56
IELTS Blended Learning 61
IELTS: General Training up to C2 Insight 61 Yes Yes Yes Yes
The Official Cambridge
Guide to IELTS 61

Business Certificates (BEC) B1 C1 Business Benchmark 59 Yes

BULATS Blended 59
BULATS up to C2 Business Benchmark 59
Essential BULATS 59

TKT The TKT Course 96

CELTA The CELTA Course 96

cambridge.org/exams 49

Teachers Book contains photocopiable resources, A1 A2

a full practice test, integrated extension projects
A1 A2 and clear guidance on which areas of the test
syllabus are covered. NEW Storyfun for Starters,
NEW Fun for Starters, Presentation Plus provides complete course Movers and Flyers
content, including audio and video material,
Movers and Flyers annotation tools, links to online resources and
Second edition

Fourth edition the ability to save your customized lessons to any KarenSaxby
computer anywhere.
AnneRobinson and KarenSaxby BEGINNER TO ELEMENTARY
Flexible to use alongside a general English course
15 teaching hours per level, extendable to 30
BEGINNER TO ELEMENTARY and where not all students are taking Cambridge
60 teaching hours per level, extendable to 80 English: Young Learners. Enjoyable and engaging story-based practice
for the revised 2018 Cambridge English: Young
Updated for the revised 2018 Cambridge English: Interactive Fun Learners (YLE). Now in 6 levels with two books
Young Learners (YLE) tests! Classroom, online and per test. Each book contains eight fully-illustrated
Grammar and vocabulary activities get students
mobile technology provide the perfect blend to keep stories followed by fun activities, songs and
practising in their own time in the online
learners engaged. This fourth edition provides bright, exam-style questions that practise the grammar,
Learning Management System via an access
full-colour and interactive preparation for Cambridge vocabulary and skills needed at each level.
code in the Students Book.
English: Young Learners. Fun activities balanced with
exam-style questions practise all the areas of the Word Fun World app gets students practising Now comes with Home Fun Booklet which
syllabus. vocabulary in their own time. provides activities for students to complete at
home, and allows parents to support learning.
All new Home Fun Booklet means students
Word Fun World vocabulary Extra speaking practice and projects provide
can continue their learning at home, and gives
app available opportunities for extension beyond the units.
parents the opportunity to offer support.
Audio recordings of all the stories and activities
Opportunities to practise speaking develop cambridge.es/funfor
are available as an online download for teachers.
students confidence in an area which young
learners find difficult. Teachers Book includes extra photocopiable
materials and a summary of the main grammar
and vocabulary points covered in each story.

NEW Storyfun for Starters, Movers and Flyers

Second edition Level 1 (Starters) Level 2 (Starters)
Students Book with online
activities and Home Fun 978-1-316-61701-4 978-1-316-61702-1
Engaging app Teacher's Book with Audio 978-1-316-61706-9 978-1-316-61709-0
motivates students Presentation Plus DVD-ROM 978-1-316-61712-0 978-1-316-61713-7
to learn vocabulary Level 3 (Movers) Level 4 (Movers)
Students Book with online
activities and Home Fun 978-1-316-61715-1 978-1-316-61717-5
Teacher's Book with Audio 978-1-316-61718-2 978-1-316-61719-9
Presentation Plus DVD-ROM 978-1-316-61721-2 978-1-316-61723-6
Level 5 (Flyers) Level 6 (Flyers)
Students Book with online
activities and Home Fun 978-1-316-61724-3 978-1-316-61725-0
Teacher's Book with Audio 978-1-316-61727-4 978-1-316-61729-8
Presentation Plus DVD-ROM 978-1-316-61732-8 978-1-316-61733-5

Available March 2017

Word Fun World App
NEW Home Fun Booklet
NEW Fun for Starters, Movers and Flyers BEGINNER TO ELEMENTARY
Fourth edition Starters Movers Flyers
The Home Fun Booklet provides opportunities to
Student's Book with Home Fun Booklet and online
978-1-316-61746-5 978-1-316-61753-3 978-1-316-61758-8 continue English learning at home. It covers the
Student's Book with audio with online activities language needed for Cambridge English: Young
978-1-316-63191-1 978-1-316-63195-9 978-1-316-63200-0
Teacher's Book with downloadable audio 978-1-316-61749-6 978-1-316-61755-7 978-1-316-61760-1 Learners. Get it either with Storyfun, or Fun for
Audio CD 978-1-316-61751-9 978-1-316-61756-4 978-1-316-61761-8 Starters, Movers and Flyers. See those entries
Presentation Plus DVD-ROM 978-1-316-61752-6 978-1-316-61757-1 978-1-316-61762-5 for ISBNs.

50 cambridge.es/exams

Where English meets Exams

Everything for Exam Preparation
Exam style tasks written and edited by exam experts.
A1 A2 B1 B2
English Vocabulary Profile guarantees language level.

Cambridge English Prepare! Gradual exposure to exam tasks means students

are fully prepared for the exam.
JoannaKosta, MelanieWilliams, JamesStyring, Cambridge Learner Corpus exercises help identify
NicholasTims, NikiJoseph and AnnetteCapel and avoid common grammar mistakes.
Presentation Plus
Provides complete course content, including audio
Levels 1 and 2: 60 teaching hours, extendable to 110
and video material, annotation tools, links to online
Level 3: 70 teaching hours, extendable to 130
Levels 4 and 6: 80 teaching hours, extendable to 140 resources and the ability to save your customized
Levels 5 and 7: 80 teaching hours, extendable to 160 lessons to any computer anywhere. Get access to four authentic online practice tests
with Testbank editions of the Students Books.
Prepare! is a lively general English course NEW Online Training
with comprehensive Cambridge English exam
Get the most out of your print and digital
preparation integrated throughout. This
resources with the FREE Online Training modules NEW Exam Booster
flexible course brings together all the tools and
provided through the Cambridge LMS. Visit
technology you expect to get the results you Each Exam Booster features effective exam and
cambridge.es/onlinetraining to find out more.
need. Whether teaching general English or language practice. The Exam Booster can be used
focusing on exams, Prepare! leaves you and your NEW Test Generator flexibly by skill or exam task alongside a course book.
students genuinely ready for what comes next:
Customisable tests to suit your specific needs,
real Cambridge English exams, or real life.
with the possibility to create editable unit, term
The only official course for schools with exam and final tests at two levels of difficulty.
content validated by Cambridge English
Language Assessment.
Unique lexico-grammatical approach is driven
by cutting edge language learning research
from English Profile and the Cambridge Learner
The teacher has complete control over students
exposure to exam preparation.
Students are motivated by teen-focused topics
and real-life skills.
Cambridge English Penfriends scheme provides
genuine communication opportunities.

Everything for General English

A wide variety of topics builds vocabulary range
Cross-curricular and culture units stimulate
interest in global issues.
Prepare to sections develop writing and
speaking skills.
Engaging video interviews with teenagers bring
language to life in the students world.
Cambridge English Prepare! Level 3 Presentation Plus

Cambridge English Prepare! Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7
Student's Book 978-0-521-18043-6 978-0-521-18048-1 978-0-521-18054-2 978-0-521-18027-6 978-1-107-48234-0 978-0-521-18031-3 978-0-521-18036-8
Student's Book and Online Workbook 978-1-107-49715-3 978-1-107-49720-7 978-1-107-49740-5 978-1-107-49785-6 978-1-107-49793-1 978-1-107-49797-9 978-1-107-49801-3
Student's Book and Online Workbook with Testbank 978-1-107-49735-1 978-1-107-49792-4 978-1-107-49800-6
Workbook with Audio 978-0-521-18044-3 978-0-521-18049-8 978-0-521-18055-9 978-0-521-18028-3 978-1-107-49787-0 978-0-521-18032-0 978-0-521-18038-2
Class Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-18046-7 978-0-521-18052-8 978-0-521-18057-3 978-0-521-18030-6 978-1-107-49786-3 978-0-521-18035-1 978-0-521-18042-9
Teachers Book with DVD and Teacher's Resources Online 978-0-521-18045-0 978-0-521-18050-4 978-0-521-18056-6 978-0-521-18029-0 978-1-107-49788-7 978-0-521-18034-4 978-0-521-18039-9
Presentation Plus DVD-ROM 978-1-107-49714-6 978-1-107-49718-4 978-1-107-49732-0 978-1-107-49782-5 978-1-107-49789-4 978-1-107-49794-8 978-1-107-49798-6
NEW Test Generator CD-ROM 978-84-9036-164-1 978-84-9036-173-3 978-84-9036-337-9 978-84-9036-170-2 978-84-9036-922-7 978-84-9036-612-7 978-84-9036-184-9

* The Test Generator can also be accessed online at thecambridgeteacher.es. Contact your local representative for more information.

52 cambridge.es/exams

Cambridge English Prepare! Level 3 Students Book

Cambridge English Prepare! Level 5 Students Book

cambridge.es/exams 53

English for Spanish Speakers

Complete PET
Complete Key for Schools Students Book


978-8483-237-434 Complete PET Students Book with answers CVR C M Y K

Complete First Complete First

Complete PET for Spanish Speakers is a special edition of the successful Cambridge course

Complete Complete
for the Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) exam. It combines the very best in contemporary
classroom practice with stimulating topics aimed at teenagers and young adults. The course

Complete First for Schools

Complete First
covers every part of the exam in detail providing preparation, practice, information and advice to Students Book with answers Students Book with answers
ensure that Spanish-speaking students are fully prepared for each part of the exam.

First First
Informed by the Cambridge English Corpus, Complete PET for Spanish Speakers contains Dus, volecus estiore cum facea nulpa quiscim ilibus, quia et la Dus, volecus estiore cum facea nulpa quiscim ilibus, quia et la
Students Book with answers

extra material specifically targeting areas that Spanish-speaking candidates typically find most parumqui blautat isquis ercia cupta diam autestotatem sa num parumqui blautat isquis ercia cupta diam autestotatem sa num
challenging. fuga. Et rem nias nonem quo millataquid qui volupic idenite mpores fuga. Et rem nias nonem quo millataquid qui volupic idenite mpores

Students Book with answers

molupta dolorehent delende lendunti doluptassus et quam, quo molupta dolorehent delende lendunti doluptassus et quam, quo
Complete PET for Spanish Speakers Students Book provides: optas dolupta quossitiur adignia sperum dolessi delenda ipicidia optas dolupta quossitiur adignia sperum dolessi delenda ipicidia
12 topic-based units each covering one part of each of the exam papers nim alician ducipis maio magnihitam quiducipid quiaes aut idia nim alician ducipis maio magnihitam quiducipid quiaes aut idia

Students Book with answers

exercises focusing on common Spanish-speaking candidate problem areas, using data from the venis sunt vendant latis sapient, quunt de prem autem qui consed venis sunt vendant latis sapient, quunt de prem autem qui consed

for Schools
Cambridge English Corpus
quam qui rernatio temporem esequate sam nobitas intur, te eatiatio. quam qui rernatio temporem esequate sam nobitas intur, te eatiatio.
tips and a unique answers
Spelling and sounds section to help Spanish speakers perform better Et aut excearcia venet expeliquae ex et eaquo venimusamet Et aut excearcia venet expeliquae ex et eaquo venimusamet
in the Speaking exam and with their pronunciation volupta dolorat iisintur acipis alibuscia consequ undandestet ese volupta dolorat iisintur acipis alibuscia consequ undandestet ese
David McKeegan
an official past exam provided by Cambridge English, as well as a model Preliminary for Schools imaio moditi voleces trumquam ut accat uta que reptur, officto imaio moditi voleces trumquam ut accat uta que reptur, officto
practice paper tatium eum quis dolorepudi consequ atatia nonsequi sequiandit tatium eum quis dolorepudi consequ atatia nonsequi sequiandit
a CD-ROM (for Windows XP and Vista) with additional practice for self-study
a comprehensive Grammar reference section Students Book with answers
vero tet quaturibus illaborio tecaern atquian iatiosaepra cum fugia
dendeliam hil ime nectur, aut porro excea voluptatem hillorum eum
English Profile
vero tet quaturibus illaborio tecaern atquian iatiosaepra cum fugia
dendeliam hil ime nectur, aut porro excea voluptatem hillorum eum
English Profile
a reference section with extra guidance for the Writing and Speaking papers abore eaque et fugiant, nulparias utatem quo cones que volorruptat B2 abore eaque et fugiant, nulparias utatem quo cones que volorruptat B2
Emma Heyderman and Peter May
www.englishprofile.org www.englishprofile.org
Emma Heyderman & Peter May

explaudit moluptatur soluptasped quatur? Quidem aut in natquam CD - R explaudit moluptatur soluptasped quatur? Quidem aut in natquam CD - R
the answer key and recording scripts
Students Book Students Book

wi t h

wi t h

velendi tiundigenis aliquamus asitam incti dolo cum solecatur re velendi tiundigenis aliquamus asitam incti dolo cum solecatur re
CEFR level: Cambridge ESOL exams: CEFR level: Cambridge ESOL exams:
e ESOL exams:

Other components of this course:

with Camilla Mayhew
nonseriam vendit minvel inullo. C2 Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE)
nonseriam vendit minvel inullo. C2 Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE)

with answers with answers

e English: Proficiency (CPE)

Students Book without answers with CD-ROM C1 Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) C1 Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE)
ge English: Advanced (CAE)
Workbook with answers with Audio CD Cambridge English: First (FCE) Cambridge English: First (FCE)
ge English: First (FCE) B2 B2

ge English: First (FCE) for Schools Workbook without answers with Audio CD Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools

Guy Brook-Hart

Guy Brook-Hart
Teachers Book
Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET)

with CD-R
ge English: Preliminary (PET) B1 B1
Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) for Schools Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) for Schools

O Class Audio CDs with CD

ge English: Preliminary (PET) for Schools

ge English: Key (KET)

Cambridge English: Key (KET)

Cambridge English: Key (KET) for Schools

Guy Brook-Hart A2
Cambridge English: Key (KET)

Cambridge English: Key (KET) for Schools

Guy Brook-Hart

ge English: Key (KET) for Schools


A2 B2 B2

English for Spanish Speakers ISBN xxx xxxx xxxxxx ISBN xxx xxxx xxxxxx ISBN xxx xxxx xxxxxx English for Spanish Speakers For revised exams 2015
ISBN xxx xxxx xxxxxx ISBN xxx xxxx xxxxxx ISBN xxx xxxx xxxxxx English for Spanish Speakers For revised exams 2015 English for Spanish Speakers

9788483237434cvr.indd 2 05/11/13 16:33

A2 B1 B2 C1 C2

Guy Brook-Hart, David McKeegan,
Emma Heyderman, Debbie Owen, Peter May,
Simon Haines, Vanessa Jakeman, with Helen
Fantastic teacher resources and support are
Key for Schools: 80120 teaching hours available in the Teachers Book and online.
Preliminary (PET): 70 teaching hours, extendable to 120 Each course includes teacher access to at least
First, First for Schools and Advanced: 90 teaching hours, one full practice test.
extendable to 120
Complete First for Schools, Complete First and Get access to four authentic online practice tests
IELTS: 5070 teaching hours per level Complete Advanced are all informed by English with Testbank.
Profile for on-level targeted vocabulary.
These stimulating, topic-based courses cover
every part of the exam in detail, ensuring students NEW Online Test Generators NEW Exam Booster
are fully equipped to tackle each part of every
Assess your students progress with the new
paper. Language work is fully integrated with Each Exam Booster features effective exam and
Test Generators for Complete Key for Schools,
exam preparation in each unit. The Complete language practice. The Exam Booster can be used
Complete PET and Complete First for Schools.
series combines the very best in contemporary flexibly by skill or exam task alongside a course book.
classroom practice with first-hand knowledge of eBooks available
the challenges students face.
Designed specifically to work on tablets.
Complete offers an integrated approach with
exam information, advice and practice alongside Provide a wide range of touch-screen interactive
language development. exercises.
Both Students Book and Workbook eBooks
Exercises are based on exclusive insights into
include integrated audio.
real exam candidates areas of difficulty from
the Cambridge Learner Corpus, to help students Available for Complete Advanced Second edition
avoid common mistakes. and Complete IELTS Bands 4-5.

Complete Complete Key for Schools Complete PET for Spanish Complete First for Schools Complete First for Spanish
for Spanish Speakers Speakers for Spanish Speakers Speakers Second edition
Students Book without answers with CD-ROM 978-84-8323-712-0 978-84-8323-739-7 978-84-8323-993-3 978-84-8323-812-7
Students Book with answers with CD-ROM 978-84-8323-743-4 978-84-9036-390-4 978-84-8323-815-8
Teachers Book* 978-84-8323-783-0 978-84-8323-746-5 978-84-8323-996-4 978-84-8323-825-7
Class Audio CDs 978-84-8323-717-5 978-84-8323-747-2 978-84-9036-364-5 978-84-8323-828-8
Workbook without answers with Audio CD 978-84-8323-709-0 978-84-8323-744-1 978-84-8323-980-3 978-84-8323-817-2
Workbook with answers with Audio CD 978-84-8323-745-8 978-84-8323-985-8 978-84-8323-823-3
Students Pack without answers (Students Book without answers with CD-ROM,
978-84-8323-702-1 978-84-8323-998-8 978-84-8323-833-2
Workbook without answers with Audio CD)
Students Pack with answers (Students Book with answers with CD-ROM, Workbook
978-84-9036-363-8 978-84-8323-831-8
with answers with Audio CD)
Self-study Pack (Students Book with answers and CD-ROM and Audio CDs) 978-84-8323-844-8
Accessed online at thecambridgeteacher.es. Contact your local representative for more
NEW Online Test Generator
Digital Students Book with answers (Enhanced PDF) 978-84-9036-427-7 978-84-9036-424-6 978-84-9036-446-8 978-84-9036-444-4
Digital Workbook with answers (Enhanced PDF) 978-84-9036-426-0 978-84-9036-425-3 978-84-9036-447-5 978-84-9036-445-1
Complete Advanced Complete IELTS Bands Complete IELTS Bands Complete IELTS Bands
Second edition 4-5 B1 5-6.5 B2 6.5-7.5 C1
Students Book without answers with CD-ROM 978-1-107-63106-9 978-0-521-17957-7 978-0-521-17949-2 978-1-107-65760-1
Students Book with answers with CD-ROM 978-1-107-67090-7 978-0-521-17956-0 978-0-521-17948-5 978-1-107-62508-2
Teachers Book* 978-1-107-69838-3 978-0-521-18515-8 978-0-521-18516-5 978-1-107-60964-8
Class Audio CDs 978-1-107-64450-2 978-0-521-17958-4 978-0-521-17950-8 978-1-107-64281-2
Workbook without answers with Audio CD 978-1-107-63148-9 978-1-107-60244-1 978-1-107-40196-9 978-1-107-66444-9
Workbook with answers with Audio CD 978-1-107-67517-9 978-1-107-60245-8 978-1-107-40197-6 978-1-107-63438-1
Students Pack (Students Book without answers with CD-ROM, Workbook without answers with Audio CD)
Students Book Pack (Students Book with answers and CD -ROM and Audio CDs (2)** 978-1-107-68823-0 978-0-521-17960-7 978-0-521-17953-9 978-1-107-68863-6
Presentation Plus DVD-ROM 978-1-107-66289-6

* For Complete First for Schools, Complete First and Complete Advanced Second editions Teachers Book with Teachers Resources CD-ROM
ebooks are also available. For further information please visit cambridge.es/ebooks

54 cambridge.es/exams

English for Spanish Speakers

Complete Key for Schools, PET, First and First for Schools offer content specifically designed to help Spanish speakers:
Exercises focusing on common Spanish-speaking candidate problem areas at each level, informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus.
Speaking tips and the Spelling and sounds section in the Students Book help Spanish speakers perform better in the Speaking Paper
and with their pronunciation.
Writing tips and the Sounds and spelling section in the Workbook help students improve their writing and spelling.

Also, for Complete Key for Schools: For Complete First for Schools and Complete First:
Question Corner provides engaging practice of the language Step-by-step speaking exam practice.
skills needed for successful interaction in the Speaking exam. Get it right! boxes provide tips to avoid common learner errors.
The Workbook includes Exam Skills, a section which focuses on
strategies for each part of the exam.

Speaking tips provide useful advice to perform

better in the Speaking exam Stimulating, age-appropriate topics engage and motivate students

Speaking extra Units 3 & 4 Happy holidays?

Speaking Part 2 2 Read these extracts from Maite and Pedro doing the speaking task
in Exercise 1. Complete each extract by writing a word or phrase Starting off
from the box in each gap. In some cases, more than one answer may
1 Read the examiners instructions for be possible.
Speaking Part 2 and think about what you
might say.
although because contrast especially more
the other hand whereas while
Here are your photographs. They
show people celebrating different
occasions. Id like you to compare a Id rather go to the wedding, I think. Thats (1)
the photographs and say what I really enjoy big family parties, (2) when all my
you think the people are enjoying cousins get together. On (3) , I dont think Id
about these occasions. enjoy the childrens celebration because Ive never been very
good at gymnastics, (4) I do enjoy other sports
like athletics or basketball.

What are the people enjoying about b I guess the children are enjoying themselves because theyve
these occasions? been working together as a team and theyve won the
competition. In (5) , the people at the wedding are
feeling happy because all the family are together for a once-in-
a-lifetime event.

c In the first photo, a wedding receptions taking place,

(6) in the second one a group of children are
celebrating because theyve won medals in a gymnastics

d They seem to be very excited because of what theyve

achieved. Whats (7) , theyre probably making a
lot of noise.
1 Work in pairs. Complete the table below by writing the words
e (8) the wedding is a much more formal occasion, and phrases from the box in the most appropriate column.
with people dressed in smart clothes and ties, they do look
really comfortable and relaxed together, just like the kids in the camping holiday at a campsite walking and climbing
other photo. at a luxury hotel a beach holiday on a cruise ship
meeting new people sunbathing a sightseeing tour
3 1:20 Order the extracts a-e in Exercise 2. Then listen to check
relaxing a cruise at a youth hostel by the sea
your answers.
in the mountains backpacking visiting monuments
SPEAKING TIP in the city centre at the seaside seeing new places

A good way to organise your answer in Speaking Part 2 is to

types of holiday holiday locations and holiday activities
spend about half your time comparing the photos and the other
places to stay
half answering the printed question. Continue speaking until the
Thank you. And Pedro, which examiner says Thank you.
event do you think you would
enjoy more? 2 Choose one of the photos but dont tell your partner which
4 Which of the extracts from Exercise 2
one. Imagine you are on this kind of holiday. Ask each other
1 say(s) what is similar about the two photos? questions to guess which pictures you have chosen. You can
2 say(s) how the photos are different? only answer yes or no.
3 answer(s) the printed question?
52 4 answer(s) the examiners follow-up question? 32

9788490363904_SB_complete first for school.indb 52 30/06/14 12:05

Complete First for Schools for Spanish Speakers Students Book

Digital resources for learners and teachers:

There are digital Students Books and Workbooks available for Complete Key for Schools,
PET, First for Schools and First. They can be used online and offline, and they integrate the
book with the class audio and answers.
These digital books are both multiplatform and multi-device, allowing for them to be used
with computers, tablets, and interactive whiteboards for classroom presentation.
Teachers can create and manage groups, keeping track of students progress. The results
of individual students are recorded, when the students have done the activity and even
how long they have spent on each activity.
NEW Online Test Generators for Complete Key for Schools, PET and First for Schools,
available at thecambridgeteacher.es. They allow teachers to create and customise tests
to suit their specific needs, with the possibility to create unit, term and final tests at two
levels of difficulty.

Complete PET for Spanish Speakers Digital Students Book

cambridge.es/exams 55

English for Spanish Speakers

Based on research into real exam candidates

answers from the Cambridge Learner Corpus, Also available
A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 exercises target areas that commonly cause
Objective Practice Test Booklets for
difficulty. Cambridge English: Key (KET) for Schools
Objective Exam preparation in separate Exam folders and Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) for
makes Objective suitable for classes with general Schools
AnnetteCapel, WendySharp, LouiseHashemi, English students.
BarbaraThomas, FelicityODell, English Profile research provides the most
AnnieBroadhead, EricaWhettem, targeted and efficient vocabulary syllabus
Peter Sunderland, SusanKingsley, MichaelBlack available (Objective Key, First, Advanced and
Key, First and Advanced: 70 teaching hours, extendable to 90 Presentation Plus - provides complete course
Get access to four authentic online practice tests
PET and Proficiency: 90 teaching hours, extendable to 120 content*, including audio and video material, with Testbank.
IELTS: 80 teaching hours, extendable to 120 annotation tools, links to online resources and
the ability to save your customized lessons to any
Looking for lively, engaging courses to improve
computer anywhere.
students general English in tandem with NEW Exam Booster
Cambridge English examination and IELTS *Preliminary (PET) complete Students Book content
preparation? Objective courses provide the Each Exam Booster features effective exam and
perfect solution for the demands of the modern language practice. The Exam Booster can be used
classroom; short units emphasising progress, flexibly by skill or exam task alongside a course book.
motivating students and getting results.
The Objective series provides solid language
development, lively class discussion and thorough
training in exam skills.

Objective Key Objective PET Objective First

Objective Second edition Second edition Fourth edition
Students Book without answers with CD-ROM 978-1-107-66282-7 978-0-521-73268-0 978-84-8323-688-8
Students Book with answers with CD-ROM 978-1-107-62724-6 978-0-521-73266-6 978-84-8323-691-8
Teachers Book with Teachers Resources Audio CD/CD-ROM* 978-1-107-64204-1 978-0-521-73269-7 978-84-8323-686-4
Class Audio CDs 978-1-107-69008-0 978-0-521-73274-1 978-84-8323-673-4
Workbook without answers 978-1-107-69921-2 978-0-521-73270-3
Workbook without answers with Audio CD 978-84-8323-678-9
Workbook with answers 978-1-107-64676-6 978-0-521-73271-0
Workbook with answers with Audio CD 978-84-8323-683-3
Students Book Pack (Students Book with answers with CD-ROM and Class Audio CDs) 978-1-107-66893-5 978-0-521-73272-7 978-84-8323-667-3
Students Pack without answers (Students Book without answers with CD-ROM, Worbook without answers with
Audio CD)
Students Pack with answers (Students Book with answers with CD-ROM, Workbook with answers with Audio CD) 978-84-8323-699-4
Presentation Plus DVD-ROM** 978-1-107-67776-0 978-0-521-15724-7 978-1-107-62857-1
Digital Student's Book with answers with 100 Writing Tips (Enhanced PDF) 978-84-9036-479-6
Digital Workbook with answers (Enhanced PDF) 978-84-9036-480-2

Objective Advanced Objective Proficiency Objective IELTS Objective IELTS

Fourth edition Second edition Intermediate Advanced
Students Book without answers with CD-ROM 978-1-107-67438-7 978-1-107-61116-0 978-0-521-60882-4 978-0-521-60884-8
Students Book with answers with CD-ROM 978-1-107-65755-7 978-1-107-64637-7 978-0-521-60885-5 978-0-521-60883-1
Teachers Book with Teachers Resources Audio CD/CD-ROM* 978-1-107-68145-3 978-1-107-67056-3 978-0-521-60872-5 978-0-521-60875-6
Class Audio CDs 978-1-107-64727-5 978-1-107-67634-3 978-0-521-60880-0 978-0-521-60877-0
Workbook without answers 978-0-521-60873-2 978-0-521-60879-4
Workbook without answers with Audio CD 978-1-107-68435-5 978-1-107-62156-5
Workbook with answers 978-0-521-60874-9 978-0-521-60878-7
Workbook with answers with Audio CD 978-1-107-63202-8 978-1-107-61920-3
Students Book Pack (Students Book with answers with CD-ROM and Class Audio CDs) 978-1-107-69188-9 978-1-107-63368-1
Presentation Plus DVD-ROM 978-1-107-46346-2 978-1-107-44650-2

*Teachers Book for Objective PET, Objective Proficiency and Objective IELTS doesnt include Teachers Resources Audio CD/CD-ROM. For Objective First and Objective Advanced
Fourth editions, no Audio CD
**For Objective First, Presentation Plus designed for the international edition
Includes Downloadable Software instead of CD-ROM

56 cambridge.es/exams

English for Spanish Speakers

Objective First includes content specifically designed for Spanish-speaking students:
The Students Book comes packaged with the free 100 Writing Tips for Cambridge English: First booklet, with information and
exercises to avoid common errors.
Speaking Folders help improve your students performance at the Speaking Paper.
Get it right! Folders highlight and practise typical mistakes made by Spanish-speaking candidates at this level, based on research
from the Cambridge English Corpus.
A Pronunciation Folder focuses on common pronunciation problems.
Vocabulary Folders in the Workbook will help your students with common problem areas, such as phrasal verbs, false friends, etc.

Exam spots provide insightful In Objective First for Spanish Speakers, Get
advice to help students perform it right! folders will help your students avoid
better in the exam common learner mistakes at this level

17.1 Collectors and creators Units 16 Get it Right!

Speaking Focus on adjectives and Be careful with these adjectives the Cambridge

Exam spot
adverbs Learner Corpus shows that Spanish-speaking
exam candidates often confuse them.
I didnt know anyone when I first arrived and I felt lonely.
In Paper 4 Part 2, the long turn, you must listen carefully NOT I didnt know anyone when I first arrived and I felt alone.
Be careful with intensifying adverbs before
while the other candidate is speaking, as you will have to His parents left him at home alone all day.
adjectives the Cambridge Learner Corpus shows
make a brief comment afterwards. Say what you think NOT His parents left him at home lonely all day.
that Spanish-speaking exam candidates often make mistakes
and why. with these. Remember: Waiting in long traffic jams makes people irritable.
we use very, really, extremely with gradable adjectives, e.g. NOT Waiting in long traffic jams makes people nervous.
1 Here are two pairs of photographs showing various interesting, healthy, worried I get really nervous before exams.
Some young people get really worried about their NOT I get really agitated before exams.
hobbies. Look at the first pair with another student. 2
Decide who will be Student A and who Student B. NOT Some young people get completely worried about
Then read your instructions. Student A can also refer their appearance. 2 Complete the sentences with the adjectives in bold
to the notes below. we use absolutely, totally, completely with ungradable above.
adjectives, e.g. amazing, necessary, essential a I dont like to walk through the city
Student A I think its absolutely essential to protect wildlife. late at night.
Compare the pictures, describing the possible NOT I think its very essential to protect wildlife.
b Lots of people are about speaking
benefits and problems of collecting the things
in front of a large group of people.
1 Choose the correct adverb to complete each c We had to wait at the airport for nearly
Shells beautiful, many different kinds. Free! sentence. five hours and everyone was exhausted and
Need access to good beaches. a We were absolutely / really annoyed because .
Football badges lots available. You can wear when we got there, the caf was closed. d She was feeling rather and missing
them. Dont take up a lot of space. Old ones may 3 b The man was absolutely / very furious and was her family.
be expensive. shouting at the manager. 3 Find and correct ten mistakes with adjectives and
Student B c We usually advise people to book in advance, adverbs in the text. An example has been done
When Student A has finished, say which hobby but its not completely / very necessary. for you.
you would find more interesting, and why. d Shes over 70, but she keeps fit and shes still
absolutely / very healthy.
now carry out the speaking task. Student A should e By the end of the day, we all felt totally / really
try to keep talking for about a minute and then tired.
Student B should talk for a maximum of 2 seconds.
Time yourselves.
The sharing economy
2 Look at the second pair of photographs and change Liftshare started in 1996 when a 23-years-old -year-old student realised
roles. Student A should listen carefully to what he didnt have enough money for the train fare home from university. He
Student B says. remember to keep talking for up put a message on a noticeboard to ask if anyone else was driving in the same
to a minute. direction. The next day, he had three offers of a lift home and the idea behind
Liftshare was born. Actually, the Liftshare website successfully matches up
Student B thousands of drivers and passengers every week. Firstly, some people feel a bit unconfortable about sharing their
Compare the pictures, describing the main car with a stranger, but the interesant thing is that almost everyone who gives it a try decides to continue. Its
differences between these two hobbies. more cheaper for both the driver and the passenger because they share the costs. The more important point
(about 1 minute) though is that its more kind to the environment, reducing pollution and traffic on the roads.
Student A 3 How many hobbies can you think of which involve And the idea of the sharing economy has spread to others businesses too. Have you got a spare room that you dont
collecting or making something? Work in two teams: use? Then why not rent it out to foreigns visitors using a site like Airbnb. Do you really wear all the fashion clothes
Say which hobby appeals to you more, and why.
the collectors and the creators. See who can produce hanging in your wardrobe? You could make money by lending your designer dresses to others via the clothes-sharing
(20 seconds)
the longer list! Then, in pairs, decide on the four most site, Rentez-Vous. Perhaps the future isnt about buying more, its about sharing what youve already got.
interesting hobbies from the two lists, giving your
Did Student B manage to talk for a full minute?
reasons why. You can agree to disagree!
Suggest other ideas if necessary.

48 units 16
118 unit 17 C o l l e C T o r S a N d C r e aT o r S 119

Objective First for Spanish Speakers Students Book

Digital resources for learners and teachers:

The Digital Students Book and Workbook available for Objective
First for Spanish Speakers can be used online and offline, and they
integrate the book with the class audio and answers. These digital
books are both multiplatform and multi-device, allowing for them
to be used with computers, tablets, and interactive whiteboards for
classroom presentation.
The interactive CD-ROM that accompanies the Students Book lets
students tackle areas of difficulty at their own pace.

Objective First for Spanish Speakers Digital Students Book

cambridge.es/exams 57

A2 B1 B2 C1 NEW Exam Booster

NEW Online Test Generators
Compact Track your students progress with the new
Each Exam Booster features effective exam and
language practice. The Exam Booster can be used
SueElliot, AmandaThomas, BarbaraThomas, Test Generators for Compact Key for Schools, flexibly by skill or exam task alongside a course book.
LauraMatthews, PeterMay, Preliminary for Schools and First for Schools.

50-60 teaching hours

Fresh courses offering concise, targeted preparation

for Cambridge English examinations focussed on
maximising your students exam performance.
Compact delivers intensive thorough language revision
underpinned with exam practice. Ideal for shorter
courses or use in conjunction with a general English
Organised by exam skill, each unit deals with one part
of each exam paper in turn.
Exam tips and advice prepare students for the exam
task which follows.
Targeted vocabulary, based on English Profile, means
students are permanently on level.
Grammar, Vocabulary and error-correction train
students to avoid the common mistakes exam
candidates make.
Presentation Plus provides complete course
content*, including audio and video material,
annotation tools, links to online resources and
the ability to save your customized lessons to any
computer anywhere.
Online Workbooks allow teachers to set homework
and track results online.

* Preliminary for Schools complete Students Book content

Compact First for Schools Students Book

Get access to four authentic online practice tests
with Testbank.

Compact Compact First

Compact Key Preliminary for Schools Compact First
Compact for Schools for Schools Second edition Second edition Compact Advanced
Student's Book without answers with CD-ROM 978-1-107-61863-3 978-1-107-69409-5 978-1-107-41556-0 978-1-107-42842-3 978-1-107-41808-0
Student's Book with answers with CD-ROM 978-1-107-41560-7 978-1-107-42844-7 978-1-107-41802-8
Teacher's Book 978-1-107-61872-5 978-1-107-61027-9 978-1-107-41567-6 978-1-107-42857-7 978-1-107-41838-7
Class Audio CD* 978-1-107-61868-8 978-1-107-63262-2 978-1-107-41574-4 978-1-107-42852-2 978-1-107-41828-8
Workbook without answers with Audio CD 978-1-107-61880-0 978-1-107-63539-5 978-1-107-41577-5 978-1-107-42855-3 978-1-107-41782-3
Workbook with answers with Audio 978-1-107-41572-0 978-1-107-42856-0 978-1-107-41790-8
Online Workbook 978-1-107-59501-9 978-1-316-50160-3 978-1-316-50254-9
Student's Book Pack (Student's Book with answers with CD-ROM and Class Audio CDs(2)) 978-1-107-42845-4 978-1-107-41819-6
Student's Pack (Student's Book without answers with CD ROM, Workbook without answers with Audio) 978-1-107-61879-4 978-1-107-66714-3 978-1-107-41558-4 978-1-107-42848-5
Presentation Plus DVD-ROM 978-1-107-61874-9 978-1-107-69233-6 978-1-107-41604-8 978-1-107-42861-4 978-1-107-41831-8
NEW Online Test Generator Accessed online at thecambridgeteacher.es. Contact your local

representative for more information.

*For Compact First and Compact Advanced Class Audio CDs (2)

58 cambridge.es/exams

B1 B2 C1 Grammar workshops practise grammar in B1 B2 C1

relevant business contexts.
Exam skills and Exam practice sections take
Business Benchmark students step by step through a complete test,
Essential BULATS
Second edition building knowledge and confidence to maximise DavidClark
their score.
GuyBrook-Hart and NormanWhitby
INTERMEDIATE TO ADVANCED Business Benchmark Second edition
1520 teaching hours
Pre-intermediate Intermediate
80 teaching hours, extendable to 120 Business Preliminary Students Book 978-1-107-69399-9
Business Preliminary Class Audio CDs (2)
This short course is for anyone preparing to take
This second edition of the popular Business BULATS Students Book 978-1-107-69781-2 the BULATS test. Short sections allow students to
Benchmark course is official preparation for BULATS Class Audio CDs (2) 978-1-107-64481-6 study around busy schedules and the full answer
either BULATS or Cambridge English: Business BULATS and Business Preliminary key enables answer-checking. A sample practice
(BEC) exams. A fast-paced, topic-based course Teachers Resource Book test section is also included.
BULATS and Business Preliminary
with comprehensive coverage of language and 978-1-107-62848-9
Personal Study Book Suitable both for classroom use and for
skills for business, it motivates and engages both
Upper Intermediate self-study.
professionals and students preparing for working
Business Vantage Students Book 978-1-107-68098-2 Units organised by paper to provide practice for
life. Business Vantage Class Audio CDs (2) 978-1-107-63315-5
all parts of the test.
The fully-referenced Word list provides definitions BULATS Students Book 978-1-107-63983-6
for core and challenging vocabulary from the BULATS Class Audio CDs (2) 978-1-107-68003-6 Accompanying CD-ROM provides an introduction
Students Book and the pocket-sized Personal BULATS and Business Vantage Teachers to the Computer-based Test.
Resource Book
Study Book contains extra activities, including a BULATS and Business Vantage
978-1-107-68660-1 Students Book with Audio CD and CD-ROM 978-0-521-61830-4
Writing supplement. Personal Study Book

Authentic listening and reading materials, Business Benchmark First edition

including interviews with business people, Students Book with CD-ROM BULATS edition 978-0-521-67294-8
provide models for up-to-date business BULATS edition Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-67662-5
language. Students Book BEC Higher edition 978-0-521-67295-5
Grammar and vocabulary exercises, informed by BEC Higher edition Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-67299-3
Teachers Resource Book for BEC and BULATS 978-0-521-67296-2
past exam scripts from the Cambridge Learner
Personal Study Book for BEC and BULATS 978-0-521-67297-9
Corpus, train students to avoid common mistakes.

B1 B2 C1

BULATS Blended Learning


Up to 50 hours

The course provides up to 50 hours of online

study divided between Reading and Listening
(30 hours), Speaking (10 hours) and Writing (10
hours). These online modules can be used flexibly
alongside classroom tuition as part of one of the
following blended learning combinations:
BULATS Blended Learning Course 60%70%
Online, 30%40% Classroom

This Blended Learning Course is also available as a 100% online

course for self study. Visit the website for more information.
Students can complete the entire course or work on one of the
individually available modules.

Business Benchmark Upper Intermediate Business Vantage Students Book

cambridge.es/exams 59

An Official Cambridge IELTS Course
Get your mind set for IELTS

A2 B1 B2

NEW Mindset for IELTS

Greg Archer, Joanna Kosta, Lucy Passmore,
Jishan Uddin, Susan Hutchison,
Claire Wijayatilake, Peter Crossthwaite,
Natasha De Souza, Marc Loewenthal

60-90 teaching hours

Step inside a space that lives and breathes IELTS.

Cambridge University Press in collaboration with
Cambridge English Language Assessment, the
organisation that produces the IELTS test, brings
you a course that gets you into the MINDSET of
the exam.
Designed to help students achieve exam excellence,
Mindset takes you on a journey that can be tailored to
your individual requirements.
Choose a pathway to suit your students
precise needs.
Mindset for IELTS Students Book 2
Topic-based units deal with all four skills in turn
so its easy to find what you want.
See also
Optional University Skills online module gives
students the confidence they need to start a IELTS Practice Tests
university course. page 62
Each unit provides extra online practice in Speaking, Cambridge English Practice
Writing, Reading, Listening and Grammar and Testbank
Vocabulary to work on weaker areas. Page 63


Mindset for IELTS Students Book 2

NEW Mindset for IELTS Foundation Level 1 Level 2

Student's Book and Online Modules with Testbank 978-1-316-63668-8 978-1-316-64005-0 978-1-316-64015-9
Student's Book Interactive ebook and Online Modules with Testbank 978-1-316-63674-9 978-1-316-64009-8 978-1-316-64017-3
Teacher's Book with Class Audio 978-1-316-64024-1 978-1-316-64011-1 978-1-316-64026-5
Teacher's Book Flat ebook with Class Audio 978-1-316-64028-9 978-1-316-64014-2 978-1-316-64030-2

Available April 2017

60 cambridge.es/exams


A2 B1 B2 C1 C2
New Insight into IELTS
The Official Cambridge VanessaJakeman and ClareMcDowell

PaulineCullen, AmandaFrench and 50 teaching hours, extendable to 90

This course gradually builds up the skills, language
ELEMENTARY TO ADVANCED and test techniques that students need to approach
IELTS with confidence. It explores the test paper by
The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS is the paper, giving an exam overview as well as looking in
definitive guide to IELTS from the experts in detail at the various task types and giving handy test
the exam itself, Cambridge English Language tips for each.
Assessment. The most thorough and authoritative
preparation available for this high stakes exam, it Suitable for classroom or self-study use.
includes language and skills development, with Appropriate for both Academic and General
a focus on test-taking strategy, to help students Training candidates.
maximise their band-score. Includes supplementary activities for use in the
Suitable for students at all levels covering both classroom or as homework.
the Academic and General Training modules. Students Book with Testbank offers four online
The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS Students Book practice tests for IELTS.
Exercises are based on research into real IELTS
candidates exam answers and the mistakes
Students Book with answers 978-0-521-68089-9
they make, so that you dont make the same
Students Book with answers with Testbank 978-1-316-60245-4
Students Book Audio CD 978-0-521-68092-9
Eight practice tests ensure that students are Students Book Pack (Students Book with answers
completely familiar with the exam and are able and Students Book Audio CD)
to perform with confidence. Workbook with answers 978-0-521-68090-5
Workbook Audio CD 978-0-521-68094-3
Videos of the Speaking test provide a head start Workbook Pack (Workbook with answers and
in a part of the exam which is tricky to prepare Workbook Audio CD)
Includes more than 100 must have Exam and B1 B2 C1
Study Tips.

App for students

IELTS Blended Learning
Download the accompanying app for easy access The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS App
to all the course audio and video material. INTERMEDIATE TO ADVANCED

Introduction available in Arabic, Chinese, Up to 100 hours

Japanese, Korean, Italian, Russian, Spanish and
Turkish. The course provides up to 100 hours of online
study divided between Reading, Writing, Speaking
Students Book with answers with DVD-ROM 978-1-107-62069-8 and Listening (25 hours each) for the Academic
module. They can be used flexibly as part of one
of the following blended learning combinations:
See also
50%60% Online and 40%50% Class-based
Objective IELTS Complete IELTS Cambridge English 60%75% Online and 25%40% Class-based
Page 56 Page 54 Practice Testbank
Page 63 This Blended Learning Course is also available as:
Self-study 100% Online IELTS Academic course
Self-study 100% Online IELTS General Training course

cambridge.es/exams 61

A1 A2 B1 B1 B2 C1 C2 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2

IELTS Life Skills Official Official IELTS Practice Cambridge IELTS Practice Tests
Cambridge Test Practice Materials BEGINNER TO PROFICIENCY

BEGINNER TO INTERMEDIATE INTERMEDIATE TO PROFICIENCY Official range of authentic practice tests for IELTS.
IELTS Life Skills is an exam for people who need Contains complete samples of the Reading, NEW Cambridge IELTS 12 Academic and
to prove their English speaking and listening skills Listening, Writing and Speaking tests, together Cambridge 12 IELTS General Training each offer
at CEFR levels A1 or B1 for UK visa requirements. with sample answers for candidates to test candidates four tests to prepare for their specific
The test is available at two levels: IELTS Life Skills themselves. It is suitable for students preparing for module.
- A1 Speaking and Listening and IELTS Life Skills - Academic or General Training modules.
Cambridge IELTS sets 210 each contain four
B1 Speaking and Listening.
complete tests for the Academic module plus
Vol 1 Paperback with CD-ROM 978-1-906438-46-3
Each Students Book includes four practice tests two General Training tests for the Reading and
Vol 2 Paperback with DVD-ROM 978-1-906438-87-6
for the exam at the chosen level with full answer Writing papers.
NEW cambridge.es/exams
Contains an introduction to the exam with
information about what to expect and guidelines Authentic practice tests are now available for Cambridge IELTS 2
for teachers on how to assess students. purchase as computer-based tests as well as Students Book with answers 978-0-521-77531-1
Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-17674-3
Includes model Speaking answers, practice practice test books.
Cambridge IELTS 3
exercises and exam tips to support candidates. Page 63
Students Book with answers 978-0-521-01333-8
Ideal for class or group-based study. Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-01336-9
A1 Cambridge IELTS 4
Student's Book with answers and Audio 978-1-316-50712-4 Students Book with answers 978-0-521-54462-7
Audio CD 978-1-316-50711-7 Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-54465-8
B1 Cambridge IELTS 5
Student's Book with answers and Audio 978-1-316-50715-5 Students Book with answers 978-0-521-67701-1
Audio CD 978-1-316-50714-8 Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-67704-2
Cambridge IELTS 6
Students Book with answers 978-0-521-69307-3
See also Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-69310-3
Cambridge IELTS 7
NEW Mindset for IELTS Students Book with answers 978-0-521-73917-7
Page 60 Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-73918-4
Practice Tests for Cambridge English exams Cambridge IELTS 8
Page 64-65 Students Book with answers 978-0-521-17378-0
Cambridge English Practice Testbank Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-17379-7
Students Book Pack ** 978-0-521-17380-3
Page 63
Cambridge IELTS 9
Students Book with answers 978-1-107-61550-2
Audio CDs (2) 978-1-107-66534-7
IELTS Trainer Students Book Pack ** 978-1-107-64562-2
Page 66 Cambridge IELTS 10
Grammar for IELTS Students Book with answers 978-1-107-46440-7
Page 66 Audio CDs (2) 978-1-107-46442-1
Students Book with answers with Audio 978-1-107-46443-8
Vocabulary for IELTS
Cambridge IELTS 11 Academic*
Page 66
Students Book with answers 978-1-316-50385-0
Students Book with answers with Audio 978-1-316-50396-6
Audio CDs (2) 978-1-316-50392-8
Cambridge IELTS 11 General Training*
Students Book with answers 978-1-316-50388-1
Students Book with answers with Audio 978-1-316-50397-3
Audio CDs (2) 978-1-316-50392-8
NEW Cambridge IELTS 12 Academic*
Students Book with answers 978-1-316-63782-1
Students Book with answers with Audio 978-1-316-63786-9
Audio CDs (2) 978-1-316-63784-5
NEW Cambridge IELTS 12 General Training*
Students Book with answers 978-1-316-63783-8
Students Book with answers with Audio 978-1-316-63787-6
Audio CDs (2) 978-1-316-63784-5
*Online versions of these tests also available on
**Students Book with answers and Audio CDs (2)

62 cambridge.es/exams

A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 Improve confidence Available for:

Practice mode allows students multiple attempts Cambridge English: Key for Schools Tests 14
Cambridge English Practice (up to 3) to enhance learning.
Instant reporting allows students to target areas Cambridge English: Key Tests 14
Testbank of difficulty and try again. Cambridge English: Preliminary for Schools
Authentic Practice Tests now online
Flexible approach makes Testbank suitable for all Tests 14
Cambridge English authentic practice tests are now stages of exam preparation.
Cambridge English: Preliminary Tests 14
available online using all NEW test material from the
organisation that produces the exams. Tests replicate How it works
Cambridge English: First for Schools Tests 14
the computer-based exam and are managed online Students access Testbank with their individual
in a simple Learning Management System. codes and join their class. January 2017
NEW Cambridge English: First for Schools
Four tests are included for each exam. The teacher assigns tests or parts of a test and
Tests 58*
Take a timed test (Test mode) or practise without chooses the mode.
pressure (Practice mode). The teacher reviews results and can identify areas Cambridge English: First Tests 14
Reading and Listening are auto-marked with of weakness. January 2017
instant reporting. Testbank may be purchased alone or in NEW Cambridge English: First Tests 58*
A detailed gradebook allows teachers to drill combination with some of our exam courses. A
self-study option is included in with answers Cambridge English: Advanced Tests 14
down to see individual student answers.
Students Books. Contact your local Cambridge July 2017
Video Speaking Practice allows students to take a
University Press representative for details. NEW Cambridge English: Advanced
recorded Speaking Test simulation.
Tests 58*
Online Training
Cambridge English test experience Cambridge IELTS Academic Tests 14**
Get the most out of your print and digital resources
Testbank offers the most realistic computer-based with the FREE Online Training modules provided July 2017
test experience available. through the Cambridge Learning Management NEW Cambridge IELTS Academic Tests 58**
Test mode familiarises students with test conditions. System. Visit cambridge.es/onlinetraining to find out
more. Cambridge IELTS General Training Tests 14**
Video questions from a real examiner provide practice
in the Speaking Test question and answer format. July 2017
NEW Cambridge IELTS General Training
Tests 58**
*Also available as print practice tests. See page 65.
**Also available as print practice tests. See page 62.

NEW Common Mistakes with Testbank

Common Mistakes at KET with Testbank

Common Mistakes at PET with Testbank
Train with real test
Common Mistakes at First Certificate with questions in a
Common Mistakes at CAE with Testbank environment
Common Mistakes at IELTS Intermediate with
Testbank Academic
Common Mistakes at IELTS Intermediate with
Testbank General Training
Common Mistakes at IELTS Advanced with
Testbank Academic
Common Mistakes at IELTS Advanced with
Testbank General Training
See page 66

cambridge.es/exams 63

Cambridge Young Learners English Tests 2 Cambridge Young Learners English Tests 7
A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2
Second edition Starters 7 Cambridge English Key
Starters 2 Students Book 978-0-521-17367-4
Practice Tests Students Book 978-0-521-69348-6 Answer Booklet
Audio CD
Cambridge Key English Test 1
Students Book 978-0-521-52807-8
Answer Booklet 978-0-521-69349-3
BEGINNER TO PROFICIENCY Audio CD 978-0-521-69351-6 Movers 7 Students Book with answers 978-0-521-52808-5
Students Book 978-0-521-17371-1 Teachers Book 978-0-521-52809-2
Movers 2
The only official range of authentic Students Book 978-0-521-69352-3 Answer Booklet 978-0-521-17372-8 Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-52811-5
practice material available anywhere. Audio CD 978-0-521-17373-5 Self-study Pack (Students
Answer Booklet 978-0-521-69353-0
Each set contains four (Young Learners Book with answers and Audio 978-0-521-60388-1
Audio CD 978-0-521-69355-4 Flyers 7 CDs (2))
three tests per set) complete tests to Flyers 2 Students Book 978-0-521-17375-9
Answer Booklet 978-0-521-17376-6 Cambridge Key English Test 2
help you prepare for test day. Students Book 978-0-521-69356-1
Audio CD Students Book 978-0-521-52812-2
Answer Booklet 978-0-521-69357-8 978-0-521-17377-3
Each set contains a helpful overview Students Book with answers 978-0-521-52813-9
Audio CD 978-0-521-69359-2 Cambridge English Young Learners 8
of the exam to familiarise you with Starters 8 Teachers Book 978-0-521-52814-6
Cambridge Young Learners English Tests 3
its format. Second edition Students Book 978-1-107-62901-1 Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-52816-0
Starters 3 Answer Booklet 978-1-107-62004-9 Self-study Pack (Students
NEW Cambridge English Young Book with answers and Audio 978-0-521-60389-8
Students Book 978-0-521-69360-8 Audio CD 978-1-107-63250-9
Learners 1 for revised exam from Answer Booklet CDs (2))
978-0-521-69361-5 Movers 8
2018 Audio CD 978-0-521-69363-9 Cambridge Key English Test 3
Students Book 978-1-107-61307-2
Students Book 978-0-521-75478-1
Movers 3 Answer Booklet 978-1-107-69089-9
cambridge.es/exams Students Book 978-0-521-69368-4 Students Book with answers 978-0-521-75479-8
Audio CD 978-1-107-61785-8
Answer Booklet 978-0-521-69365-3 Teachers Book 978-0-521-75480-4
Flyers 8 Audio CD 978-0-521-75482-8
Audio CD
Cambridge English Flyers 3
978-0-521-69367-7 Students Book 978-1-107-67271-0 Self-study Pack (Students Book
Answer Booklet 978-1-107-69510-8 with answers and Audio CD)
Young Learners Students Book 978-0-521-69364-6 Audio CD 978-1-107-69459-0
Cambridge Key English Test 4
Answer Booklet 978-0-521-69369-1
Cambridge English Young Learners 9 Students Book 978-0-521-67081-4
2018 Revised Exams Audio CD 978-0-521-69396-7
Starters 9 Students Book with answers 978-0-521-67082-1
NEW Cambridge English Young Learners Cambridge Young Learners English Tests 4 Students Book 978-1-107-46387-5 Audio CD 978-0-521-67084-5
1 for revised exam from 2018 Second edition Answer Booklet 978-1-107-46434-6 Self-study Pack (Students Book
Available June 2017 Starters 4 Audio CD 978-1-107-46310-3 978-0-521-67083-8
with answers and Audio CD)
Starters Students Book 978-0-521-69397-4
Answer Booklet Movers 9 Cambridge Key English Test 5
Student's Book 978-1-316-63589-6 978-0-521-69398-1
Students Book 978-1-107-46432-2 Students Book without
Answer Booklet 978-1-316-63593-3 Audio CD 978-0-521-69400-1 978-0-521-12305-1
Answer Booklet 978-1-107-46424-7 answers
Audio CD 978-1-316-63597-1 Movers 4 Audio CD 978-1-107-46426-1 Students Book with answers 978-0-521-12307-5
Movers Students Book 978-0-521-69401-8
Flyers 9 Audio CD 978-0-521-12310-5
Student's Book 978-1-316-63590-2 Answer Booklet 978-0-521-69402-5
Students Book 978-1-107-46431-5 Self-study Pack (Students Book
Answer Booklet 978-1-316-63594-0 Audio CD 978-0-521-69404-9 978-0-521-12313-6
Answer Booklet 978-1-107-46427-8 with answers and Audio CD)
Audio CD 978-1-316-63598-8 Flyers 4
Flyers Audio CD 978-1-107-46430-8 Cambridge English Key 6
Students Book 978-0-521-69405-6 Students Book without answers 978-1-107-60605-0
Student's Book 978-1-316-63591-9 Answer Booklet 978-0-521-69406-3 Students Book with answers 978-1-107-67971-9
Answer Booklet 978-1-316-63595-7
Audio CD 978-1-316-63599-5
Audio CD 978-0-521-69408-7
Cambridge English Key Audio CD 978-1-107-67984-9
Cambridge Young Learners English Tests 5 Students Book Pack (Students
Starters 5 for Schools Book with answers and 978-1-107-69165-0
Current Exam Specification Students Book 978-0-521-69324-0 Audio CD)
Cambridge Young Learners English Tests 1 Answer Booklet 978-0-521-69325-7 Cambridge Key English Test for Schools 1 Cambridge English Key 7
Second edition Audio CD 978-0-521-69327-1 Students Book without Students Book without
978-0-521-17682-8 978-1-107-64185-3
Starters 1 Movers 5 answers answers
Students Book 978-0-521-69336-3 Students Book 978-0-521-69328-8 Students Book with answers 978-0-521-13992-2 Students Book with answers 978-1-107-66494-4
Answer Booklet 978-0-521-69337-0 Answer Booklet 978-0-521-69329-5 Audio CD 978-0-521-14569-5 Audio CD 978-1-107-64176-1
Audio CD 978-0-521-69339-4 Audio CD 978-0-521-69331-8 Self-study Pack (Students Book Students Book Pack (Students
Movers 1 with answers and Audio CD) Book with answers and 978-1-107-69198-8
Flyers 5
Students Book 978-0-521-69340-0 Students Book 978-0-521-69332-5 Cambridge English Key for Schools 2 Audio CD)
Answer Booklet 978-0-521-69341-7 Students Book without Cambridge Key English Test Extra
Answer Booklet 978-0-521-69333-2 978-1-107-60313-4
Audio CD 978-0-521-69343-1 answers Students Book 978-0-521-71433-4
Audio CD 978-0-521-69335-6
Students Book with answers 978-1-107-60314-1
Flyers 1 Cambridge Young Learners English Tests 6 Audio CD 978-0-521-71436-5
Audio CD 978-1-107-60315-8
Students Book 978-0-521-69344-8 Starters 6 Self-study Pack (Students Book
Answer Booklet 978-0-521-69345-5 978-1-107-60317-2
Audio CD 978-0-521-69347-9
Students Book
Answer Booklet
with answers and Audio CD) Cambridge English
Audio CD 978-0-521-73935-1 Preliminary for Schools
Movers 6
Students Book 978-0-521-73936-8 Cambridge Preliminary English Test for
Answer Booklet 978-0-521-73937-5 Schools 1
Audio CD 978-0-521-73938-2 Students Book without
Flyers 6
Students Book with answers 978-0-521-16825-0
Students Book 978-0-521-73939-9
Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-16655-3
Answer Booklet 978-0-521-73940-5
Audio CD 978-0-521-73941-2

64 cambridge.es/exams

Cambridge English Preliminary for

Schools 2 Cambridge English Cambridge English Cambridge English
Students Book without
978-1-107-60309-7 First for Schools Advanced Business Certificates
Students Book with answers 978-1-107-60310-3
Audio CDs (2) 978-1-107-60311-0 Cambridge English First for Schools 1 for Cambridge English Advanced 1 for revised Cambridge BEC 1
Self-study Pack (Students revised exam from 2015 exam from 2015 Preliminary
Book with answers and Audio 978-1-107-60312-7 Students Book without Students Book without Students Book with answers 978-0-521-75301-2
978-1-107-69267-1 978-1-107-68958-9
CDs (2)) answers answers Audio CD 978-0-521-75303-6
Students Book with answers 978-1-107-64703-9 Students Book with answers 978-1-107-65351-1
Audio CDs (2) Audio CDs (2) Vantage
978-1-107-66907-9 978-1-107-66804-1
Students Book with answers 978-0-521-75304-3
Cambridge English Students Book Pack (Students
Book with answers and Audio 978-1-107-67209-3
Students Book Pack (Students
Book with answers and Audio 978-1-107-65496-9
Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-75306-7
Preliminary CDs (2)) CDs (2)) Higher
Cambridge English First for Schools 2* Students Book with answers 978-0-521-75289-3
Cambridge English Advanced 2*
Cambridge Preliminary English Test 2 Students Book without Students Book without Audio CD 978-0-521-75291-6
978-1-316-50351-5 978-1-316-50447-5
Students Book without answers answers Cambridge BEC 2
answers Students Book with answers 978-1-316-50348-5 Students Book with answers 978-1-316-50450-5 Preliminary
Students Book with answers 978-0-521-75467-5 Audio CDs (2) 978-1-316-50349-2 Audio CDs (2) 978-1-316-50448-2 Students Book with answers 978-0-521-54450-4
Teachers Book 978-0-521-75468-2 Students Book with answers Students Book with answers Audio CD 978-0-521-54452-8
978-1-316-50352-2 978-1-316-50449-9
Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-75470-5 with Audio with Audio
Cambridge Preliminary English Test 3 *Online versions of these tests also available on *Online versions of these tests also available on Students Book with answers 978-0-521-54454-2
Students Book without Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-54456-6
Students Book with answers 978-0-521-75473-6 Higher
Students Book with answers 978-0-521-54458-0
Teachers Book 978-0-521-75474-3 Cambridge English Cambridge English Audio CD 978-0-521-54460-3
Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-75476-7
Cambridge Preliminary English Test 4
First Proficiency Cambridge BEC 3
Students Book without Preliminary
978-0-521-75527-6 Cambridge English First 1 for revised Cambridge English Proficiency 1 for Students Book with answers 978-0-521-67195-8
Students Book with answers 978-0-521-75528-3 exam from 2015 updated exam Audio CD 978-0-521-67197-2
Teachers Book 978-0-521-75529-0 Students Book without Students Book without Vantage
978-1-107-66857-7 978-1-107-60953-2
Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-75531-3 answers answers Students Book with answers 978-0-521-67199-6
Students Book with answers 978-1-107-69591-7 Students Book with answers 978-1-107-69504-7
Self-study Pack (Students Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-67201-6
Audio CDs (2) 978-1-107-69448-4 Audio CDs (2) 978-1-107-63746-7
Book with answers and Audio 978-0-521-75532-0 Higher
CDs (2)) Students Book Pack (Students Students Book Pack (Students
Book with answers and Audio 978-1-107-66331-2 Book with answers and Audio 978-1-107-69164-3 Students Book with answers 978-0-521-67203-0
Cambridge Preliminary English Test 5 CDs (2)) CDs (2)) Audio CD 978-0-521-67205-4
Students Book without
978-0-521-71437-2 Cambridge English First 2* Cambridge English Proficiency 2 Cambridge BEC 4
Students Book without Students Book without Preliminary
Students Book with answers 978-0-521-71438-9 978-1-316-50298-3 978-1-107-63792-4
answers answers Students Book with answers 978-0-521-73923-8
Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-71440-2
Students Book with answers 978-1-316-50357-7 Students Book with answers 978-1-107-68693-9 Audio CD 978-0-521-73924-5
Cambridge Preliminary English Test 6 Audio CDs (2) 978-1-316-50354-6 Audio CDs (2) 978-1-107-64764-0 Vantage
Students Book without Students Book with answers Students Book with answers
978-0-521-12316-7 978-1-316-50356-0 978-1-107-64651-3 Students Book with answers 978-0-521-73926-9
answers with Audio with Audio Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-73927-6
Students Book with answers 978-0-521-12319-8
Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-12321-1 *Online versions of these tests also available on Higher
Self-study Pack (Students Students Book with answers 978-0-521-73920-7
See also
Book with answers and Audio 978-0-521-12324-2 Audio CD 978-0-521-73921-4
CDs (2)) IELTS Practice Tests Cambridge BEC 5
Cambridge English Preliminary 7 page 62 Preliminary
Students Book without Students Book with answers 978-1-107-63195-3
978-1-107-63566-1 Cambridge English Practice
answers Audio CD 978-1-107-64992-7
Students Book with answers 978-1-107-67519-3 Testbank Self-study Pack (Students Book
Page 63 978-1-107-69933-5
Audio CDs (2) 978-1-107-63888-4 with answers and Audio CD)
Self-study Pack (Students Vantage
Book with answers and Audio 978-1-107-61048-4 Students Book with answers 978-1-107-66465-4
CDs (2)) Audio CDs (2) 978-1-107-65472-3
Cambridge English Preliminary 8 Self-study Pack (Students
Students Book without Book with answers and Audio 978-1-107-60693-7
answers CDs (2))
Students Book with answers 978-1-107-63223-3
Audio CD 978-1-107-67243-7 Students Book with answers 978-1-107-61087-3
Self-study Pack (Students Audio CD 978-1-107-61118-4
Book with answers and Audio 978-1-107-67583-4 Self-study Pack (Students
CDs (2)) Book with with answers and 978-1-107-66917-8
Cambridge Preliminary English Test Extra Audio CD)
Students Book 978-0-521-67667-0
Students Book with answers
and CD-ROM
Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-67669-4

cambridge.es/exams 65

A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 B1 B2 C1 C2

Trainers Common Mistakes and Cambridge Grammar and

KarenSaxby, SueElliott, LizGallivan, how to avoid them Vocabulary
HelenTiliouine, FelicityODellPeterMay,
MichaelBlack, LouiseHashemi and NEW Common Mistakes with Testbank Cambridge Grammar for PET
Maximise your chances of exam success. With LouiseHashemi and BarbaraThomas
Testbank editions include access to four authentic Book with answers and Audio CD 978-0-521-60120-7
The Trainer books contain six full practice tests, online practice tests. Book without answers 978-0-521-60121-4
expert guidance, and exam tips. The first two Cambridge Vocabulary for PET
tests are fully guided, with step-by-step advice on Common Mistakes at KET... SueIreland and JoannaKosta
tackling each paper. Answer keys provide clear and how to avoid them INTERMEDIATE
LizDriscoll Book with answers and Audio CD 978-0-521-70821-0
explanations, including model answers for the
ELEMENTARY Book without answers 978-0-521-70822-7
Writing papers. Paperback 978-0-521-69248-9 Grammar and Vocabulary for First and
Paperback with Testbank 978-1-316-63617-6 First for Schools
Extra practice activities, informed by the
Common Mistakes at PET... LouiseHashemi, BarbaraThomasand
Cambridge Learner Corpus, focus on areas and how to avoid them LauraMatthews
where students at each level typically need most LizDriscoll INTERMEDIATE TO UPPER INTERMEDIATE
help and train them to avoid common mistakes. INTERMEDIATE Book with answers with Audio 978-1-107-48106-0
Paperback 978-0-521-60684-4 Grammar and Vocabulary for Advanced
For Schools Trainers offer full teachers notes in Paperback with Testbank 978-1-316-63587-2 MartinHewings and SimonHaines
the with answers editions. Common Mistakes at First Certificate... ADVANCED
and how to avoid them Book with answers with Audio 978-1-107-48111-4
KET for Schools Trainer SusanneTayfoor Cambridge Grammar for IELTS
KarenSaxby UPPER INTERMEDIATE DianaHopkins and PaulineCullen
ELEMENTARY Paperback 978-0-521-52062-1 UPPER INTERMEDIATE
Practice Tests with answers and Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-13238-1 Paperback with Testbank 978-1-316-63012-9 Students Book with answers and Audio CD 978-0-521-60462-8
Practice Tests without answers 978-0-521-13235-0 Common Mistakes at CAE... Students Book without answers 978-0-521-60463-5
Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-13239-8 and how to avoid them Cambridge Vocabulary for IELTS
Preliminary for Schools Trainer DebraPowell PaulineCullen
INTERMEDIATE Paperback 978-0-521-60377-5 Book with answers and Audio CD 978-0-521-70975-0
Practice Tests with answers and Audio CDs (3) 978-0-521-17487-9 Paperback with Testbank 978-1-316-62932-1 Book without answers 978-0-521-70976-7
Practice Tests without answers 978-0-521-17485-5 Common Mistakes at Proficiency...
Cambridge Vocabulary for IELTS
Audio CDs (3) 978-0-521-17486-2 and how to avoid them
First for Schools Trainer JulieMoore
Second edition PROFICIENCY
SueElliott, HelenTiliouine and FelicityODell Paperback 978-0-521-60683-7 Book with answers and Audio CD 978-0-521-17922-5
Book without answers 978-0-521-17921-8
Six Practice Tests without answers with Audio 978-1-107-44604-5 and how to avoid them
Six Practice Tests with answers and Teachers Notes PaulineCullen and JulieMoore
with Audio INTERMEDIATE / BAND 5.06.0 B1 B2 C1 C2
Audio CDs (3) 978-1-107-44611-3 ADVANCED / BAND 6.07.0
First Trainer Intermediate
Second edition Paperback 978-0-521-69246-5 Top Tips
PeterMay Paperback with Testbank Academic 978-1-316-62939-0
UPPER INTERMEDIATE Paperback with Testbank General Training 978-1-316-62942-0 The Official Top Tips for PET
Six Practice Tests without answers with Audio 978-1-107-47017-0 Advanced CambridgeESOL
Six Practice Tests with answers with Audio 978-1-107-47018-7 Paperback 978-0-521-69247-2 INTERMEDIATE
Audio CDs (3) 978-1-107-47021-7 Paperback with Testbank Academic 978-1-316-62952-9 Paperback with CD-ROM 978-1-906-43850-0
Advanced Trainer Paperback with Testbank General Training 978-1-316-62953-6 Top Tips for IELTS Academic and General Training
Second edition CambridgeESOL(incollaboration with the BritishCouncil)
Six Practice Tests without answers with Audio 978-1-107-47026-2 See also 978-1-906-43872-2
Paperback with CD-ROM
Six Practice Tests with answers with Audio 978-1-107-47027-9 General Training
Audio CDs (3) 978-1-107-47030-9 978-1-906-43873-9
Cambridge English Practice Testbank Paperback with CD-ROM
IELTS Trainer
LouiseHashemi and BarbaraThomas
Page 63
Practice Tests with answers and Audio CDs (3) 978-0-521-12820-9
Practice Tests without answers 978-0-521-17110-6
Audio CDs (3) 978-0-521-18707-7

66 cambridge.es/exams
Professional and Vocational

Business Advantage is the first business course to B1 B2 C1 C2

B1 B2 C1 C2
benefit from a spoken business English corpus,
guaranteeing relevant, up-to-date language.
Business Advantage Business Writing sections help learners write International Negotiations
effective business communications.
MichaelHandford, MartinLisboa, The website contains lots of additional online MarkPowell
AlmutKoester and AngelaPitt activities, giving teachers the opportunity to
supplement the coursebook material.
Presentation Plus provides the complete Students 15-20 hour short course
A flexible, modular course with up to 100 teaching hours of Book content with built-in annotation tools and
material embedded audio in an easy-to-operate format English is the language used in international
for interactive whiteboards or computers and business and no skill is more central to
Reflecting the diverse reality of todays business, projectors. professional life than negotiation. International
Business Advantage brings the outside world into
the classroom and presents learners with insights ebook versions make it easy to study on the go, Negotiations gives learners the essential skills,
into organisations from all over the globe, from with all the content from the Students Books language and techniques they will need to ensure
a multitude of different industry sectors, and of available digitally, plus integrated audio and their negotiations are successful.
all sizes. video.
Students Book with Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-14992-1
The course is based on a unique syllabus that
combines current business theory, business in
practice and business skills all presented using B1 B2
authentic, expert input.

Business Advantage Intermediate Upper Intermediate Advanced Communicating Across

Students Book with DVD 978-0-521-13220-6 978-0-521-13217-6 978-0-521-18184-6
Personal Study Book with Audio CD 978-1-107-69264-0 978-0-521-28130-0 978-1-107-63783-2
Teachers Book 978-1-107-63770-2 978-1-107-42231-5 978-0-521-17932-4
Class Audio CDs 978-0-521-13221-3 978-0-521-13218-3 978-1-107-66634-4 BobDignen
Presentation Plus DVD-ROM 978-1-107-60779-8 978-1-107-60778-1 978-0-521-17929-4
ebooks are also available. For information please visit cambridge.es/businessadvantage 20-30 hour short course

Working across different cultures and continents

is an increasingly valuable skill for todays business
people. Drawing on inspirational advice from
leading figures in the world of cross-cultural
communication, Communicating Across
Cultures covers all types of written and spoken
B1 B2 C1 C2 communications and prepares learners to work
effectively with colleagues and business partners
the world over.
Dynamic Presentations An additional DVD contains six dramatised
MarkPowell sequences which can be used as stand-alone
or to supplement the course. The episodes
Cambridge Business Skills INTERMEDIATE TO ADVANCED include topics such as first meetings, working
15-20 hour short course in an international team, giving feedback, and
managing conflict. The DVD is supported by free
HRH The Duke of Edinburgh ESU English Language Book
online photocopiable worksheets.
Award: Highly Commended
B2 C1
Packed with tips and advice from some of the Students Book with Audio CD 978-0-521-18198-3
worlds leading business and communication DVD 978-0-521-18202-7
Writing for Impact experts, Dynamic Presentations systematically
TimBanks develops the key language and presentation
techniques learners need to give an effective,
UPPER INTERMEDIATE TO ADVANCED professional and memorable performance.
15-20 hour short course The Dynamic Presentations DVD includes expert
advice from the author and examples from
Writing for Impact covers all aspects of writing, business presentations to illustrate best practice.
from writing emails and letters to report-writing. It can be used alongside the Students Book or
The course also focuses on communication skills on its own as an independent resource. The
and provides a progressive syllabus on the process DVD is supported by free online photocopiable
of writing. The Audio CD provides input from real worksheets.
business people, meetings and phone conversations.
Students Book with Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-15004-0
Students Book with Audio CD 978-1-107-60351-6 DVD 978-0-521-15006-4

For more information about our digital products see page 4 67

Professional and Vocational

A1 A2 B2 C1 A2 B1 B2 C1

Business Start-up English for Business Business Vocabulary in Use

MarkIbbotson and BryanStephens Studies Second edition

A course for Business Studies and Economics BillMascull
55 teaching hours ELEMENTARY TO ADVANCED
Third edition
Designed for complete beginners, this course IanMacKenzie Business Vocabulary in Use is a must for any
teaches English as its really spoken, using natural teacher or learner of business English. Ideal for
language, realistic contexts and a regular focus on UPPER INTERMEDIATE TO ADVANCED self-study, class use and one-to-one lessons, each
pronunciation. 6090 teaching hours
unit gives clear explanations of new language
By the end of the course, students will be ready plus exercises to practise using the language. The
This best-selling course helps students to under- CD-ROMs contain a wealth of interactive practice
to begin preparation for the BEC Preliminary
stand and talk about key concepts in business and exercises and games, tests for each unit of the
examination (early B1 level).
economics. book and much more.
Level 1 Reflecting recent changes in the worlds business Bringing you right up to date with the language
Students Book 978-0-521-53465-9 and economic environment, the course features you need for business today, the second editions
Workbook with CD-ROM/Audio CD 978-0-521-67207-8 new subjects such as wikinomics, viral marketing, reflect recent developments in technology, global
Teachers Book 978-0-521-53466-6 hedge funds and the subprime crisis. relations and financial practice.
Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-53468-0
Level 2
Students Book Students Book 978-0-521-74341-9 Elementary to Pre-intermediate
Workbook with CD-ROM/Audio CD Teachers Book 978-0-521-74342-6 Book with answers and CD-ROM 978-0-521-74923-7
Teachers Book Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-74343-3 Book with answers 978-0-521-12827-8
Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-53472-7 Intermediate
Book with answers and CD-ROM 978-0-521-74862-9
B1 B2
Book with answers 978-0-521-12828-5
B1 B2 Advanced
English for Business Book with answers and CD-ROM 978-0-521-74940-4
Book with answers 978-0-521-12829-2
Company to Company Communication
A task-based approach to business emails, Second edition B1 B2
letters and faxes
Fourth edition SimonSweeney
Grammar for Business
This course helps learners communicate better MichaelMcCarthy, JeanneMcCarten,
when socialising, telephoning, presenting, taking DavidClark and RachelClark
Suitable for anyone studying or working in part in meetings and negotiating. INTERMEDIATE TO UPPER INTERMEDIATE
business, commerce or administration, this course
Available in American English as Communicating
teaches and practises correspondence in English. Providing clear explanations and authentic
in Business.
practice of essential business language, Grammar
Students Book 978-0-521-60975-3 for Business focuses on both spoken and written
Teachers Book 978-0-521-60976-0 Students Book 978-0-521-75449-1
Teachers Book 978-0-521-75450-7 grammar to help students improve their
Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-75452-1 communication skills in realistic situations.
Words at Work, Vocabulary development for Business
English Book with Audio CD 978-0-521-72720-4
DavidHorner and PeterStrutt
Intermediate to Upper Intermediate
Paperback 978-0-521-43872-8
Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-58534-7
Essential Telephoning in English
TonyGarside and BarbaraGarside
Pre-intermediate to Intermediate
Students Book 978-0-521-78388-0
Teachers Book 978-0-521-78389-7
Audio CD 978-0-521-78391-0
Telephoning in English, Third edition
B.JeanNaterop and RodRevell
Intermediate to Upper Intermediate
Students Book 978-0-521-53911-1
Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-53913-5

68 For more information about our digital products see page 4

Professional and Vocational

A2 B1 B1 B2 B1

English365 English for the Financial Introduction to International

For work and life Sector Legal English
SteveFlinders, BobDignen and SimonSweeney IanMacKenzie Amy Bruno-Lindner (formerly Krois-Lindner),
45 teaching hours INTERMEDIATE
4550 teaching hours
6080 teaching hours
Reflecting the worklife balance of busy adults, Perfect for learners preparing for a career in
English365 prepares earners for the business and finance, as well as professionals looking to Suitable for law students and newly qualified
social demands of day-to-day working life. improve their financial English, this course lawyers, this leading course uses academic and
As well as focusing on core language skills, key presents key financial concepts through authentic professional contexts to develop understanding
vocabulary and practical phrases, the course also texts and interviews, giving learners the language of the law whilst consolidating the language skills
develops the interpersonal skills learners need to they need to work in the financial environment. needed for a career in the legal profession.
become more effective communicators. Covering a wide range of topics - including
Students Book with Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-71899-8
The course is particularly suitable for those who Accounting, Retail Banking and Mergers and Teachers Book 978-0-521-71203-3
have studied English in the past but want to Acquisitions - the course helps learners develop
refresh, consolidate and practise their existing professional communication skills such as negoti-
English as well as learn new language. ating and presenting as well as giving practice of B2 C1
writing emails, letters and reports.
cambridge.es/english365 International Legal English
Students Book 978-0-521-70299-7
Level 1 Teachers Book 978-0-521-70300-0 Second edition
Students Book 978-0-521-75362-3 Audio CD 978-0-521-70301-7
Personal Study Book with Audio CD 978-0-521-75364-7
Amy Bruno-Lindner (formerly Krois-Lindner)
Teachers Book 978-0-521-75363-0 and TransLegal
Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-75366-1 B1
Level 2
Students Book 978-0-521-75367-8
Personal Study Book with Audio CD 978-0-521-75369-2 Infotech 80100 teaching hours

Teachers Book 978-0-521-75368-5 Fourth edition Ideal for experienced lawyers and law students,
Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-75371-5 this updated edition of the best-selling legal
Level 3 SantiagoRemachaEsteras English course focuses on commercial law with
Students Book 978-0-521-54916-5 topics ranging from contracts, company formation
Personal Study Book with Audio CD 978-0-521-54918-9 INTERMEDIATE
to intellectual property.
Teachers Book 978-0-521-54917-2 Up to 60 teaching hours
Audio CDs (2) 978-0-521-54919-6 Includes case studies and a pull-out glossary.
This trusted course contains 30 topic-based
units covering everything from computer cambridge.es/ile2
See also
essentials through to programming, web design,
job-hunting and future technologies. Students Book with Audio CDs (3) 978-0-521-27945-1
Professional English in Use Law
Teachers Book 978-0-521-27946-8
Professional English in Use ICT An online workbook is also available from the Online component available at: translegal.com/plead
Infotech website.
Professional English in Use Finance
Page 70
Cambridge Business English Dictionary
Page 73 Students Book 978-0-521-54725-3
The Language of Business Meetings Teachers Book 978-0-521-54726-0
Page 97 Audio CD 978-0-521-54728-4

For more information about our digital products see page 4 69

Professional and Vocational

B1 B2 C1 A2 B1 B2 C1 A1 A2 B1

Professional English in Use Cambridge English for Safe Sailing

INTERMEDIATE TO ADVANCED SMCP training for seafarers
6090 teaching hours StephenMurrell and PeterNagliatiwithCapt
This best-selling series offers reference and 40-60 teaching hours per book
practice of specialist vocabulary for training and ELEMENTARY TO INTERMEDIATE
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Cambridge Preparation for
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Fourth edition
See also JoleneGear and RobertGear

Professional English in Use Medicine INTERMEDIATE TO ADVANCED

Cambridge English for Nursing The fourth edition of Cambridge Preparation for
Page 70 the TOEFL Test provides fully updated practice
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TOEFL is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service

(ETS). This publication is not endorsed or approved by ETS.

For more information about our digital products see page 4 71

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A new design with completely renovated
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For more information about our digital products see page 4 75


Best grammar book ever.

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Interactive ebook makes it easier to study on the Supplementary Exercises
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Designed to be flexible, the fourth edition is Interactive ebook 978-1-107-53934-1
available both with and without answers, making
it perfect for self-study, but also suitable for
reinforcement work in the classroom. Available in American English

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Grammar in Use interactive ebook with audio can INTERMEDIATE TO UPPER INTERMEDIATE
now be purchased with the printed book. The Students Book with answers and CD-ROM 978-0-521-73477-6
ebook works on iPads and Android tablets, as Students Book without answers with CD-ROM
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Clear grammar explanations and lots of practice
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English Grammar in Use Fourth edition

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Speak to your local Cambridge University Press representative for
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See also

Cambridge Copy Collection: Grammar and

Page 94
Active Grammar
Page 29

Clear grammar
explanations and a
variety of exercises to
check understanding

Hundreds of audio

Specially designed to
work on both tablets
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For more information about our digital products see page 4 77


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Interactive ebook makes it easier to study on the

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Advanced Grammar in Use Third edition is by teachers.
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key features of clarity and ease-of-use that have
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Supplementary app available
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now be purchased with the printed book. The
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Extension exercises to accompany the book are
Interactive exercises available on the website.
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Also available

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9788483236154cvr.ai 1 02/12/10 14:49

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a i lan

tic hab
Gramtica inglesa para hispanohablantes ula
Rubn Chacn Beltrn e Inmaculada Senra Silva

Gramtica inglesa para hispanohablantes


La Gramtica inglesa para hispanohablantes forma parte de la serie Aprendiendo ingls elaborada por profesores

am n
de la Universidad Nacional de Educacin a Distancia (UNED) para estudiantes de ingls que desean progresar en
su aprendizaje de manera independiente. Estos materiales proporcionan actividades, consejos y el asesoramiento

Gr ispa
metodolgico necesario para hacer del aprendizaje autnomo del ingls una actividad provechosa en la que los
estudiantes pueden continuamente comprobar y medir su propio progreso.

La Gramtica inglesa para hispanohablantes va dirigida a estudiantes que tienen el espaol como lengua materna n
y que aprenden ingls desde distintos niveles de competencia lingstica. Esta gramtica cubre todos los niveles
del Marco Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas, de A1 a C2. La abundancia de ejemplos traducidos y el Ch
enfoque contrastivo permiten a los estudiantes hacer consultas de ndole gramatical a la vez que practican y
mejoran su uso del ingls. Esta gramtica est diseada para utilizarla conjuntamente con English Skills for
Independent Learners, de esta misma serie. Rub
Rubn Chacn Beltrn e Inmaculada Senra Silva son profesores titulares en el Departamento de Filologas
Extranjeras y sus Lingsticas de la UNED con amplia experiencia internacional en el diseo y elaboracin de
materiales didcticos para el aprendizaje del ingls.


The worlds only corpus-informed grammar series A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2

Gramtica inglesa para

How Grammar Really Works
A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 hispanohablantes
Students learn key differences between spoken
and written English, as well as the most Rubn Chacn and Inmaculada Senra
Grammar and Beyond common structures.
RandiReppen, LaurieBlass, SusanIannuzzi, Online Workbook
AliceSavage, JohnD.Buntingand Add hours of automatically graded grammar Gramtica inglesa para hispanohablantes is a title
LucianaDiniz practice with the Online Workbook. included in the series Aprendiendo Ingls by the
Universidad Nacional de Educacin a Distancia
BEGINNER TO ADVANCED Enhanced Teachers Manual
(UNED). It has been specially written for Spanish-
WINNER British Council ELTons Awards Enhanced Teachers Manual with customizable speaking UNED students, but it will also prove useful
tests, communicative activities, presentations, to any self-study learner of English.
Grammar and Beyond teaches the grammar students and more.
need most, thanks to the billion-word collection of Covers all levels of the Common European
Writing Skills Interactive
authentic language the Cambridge English Corpus. Framework, from A1 to C2
Help your students become better writers with
The four-level series places special emphasis on Translated examples will help students notice the
automatically graded practice of the writing
grammar for writing. As they prepare to write, similarities and differences between English and
skills they need.
students practise editing common mistakes Spanish grammar structures
based on an extensive corpus of student writing. Designed to be used with English Skills for
Then they apply the grammar in a writing task, Independent Learners (see page 86)
making a clear connection between what they
study and how they write.
Paperback 978-84-8323-615-4
Real-World Contexts
Students learn each structure in the context in
which it most commonly appears illustrating
Real-World Application
Students practice using the grammar in ways
they will be expected to outside of class with a
special emphasis on written forms.
Real-World Writing
Grammar is connected to writing through
analysis of the most common ways that writers
actually use the grammar.

Grammar and Beyond Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Students Book and Writing Skills Interactive Pack 978-1-107-69571-9 978-1-107-62985-1 978-1-107-67721-0 978-1-107-64520-2
Students Book A and Writing Skills Interactive Pack 978-1-107-67662-6 978-1-107-66753-2 978-1-107-67836-1 978-1-107-63863-1
Students Book B and Writing Skills Interactive Pack 978-1-107-66379-4 978-1-107-66723-5 978-1-107-64624-7 978-1-107-67208-6
Students Book, Workbook, and Writing Skills
978-1-107-66817-1 978-1-107-69214-5 978-1-107-64309-3 978-1-107-69969-4
Interactive Pack
Students Book A, Workbook A, and Writing Skills
978-1-107-67418-9 978-1-107-69349-4 978-1-107-67387-8 978-1-107-67228-4
Interactive Pack
Students Book B, Workbook B, and Writing Skills
978-1-107-67644-2 978-1-107-63661-3 978-1-107-66630-6 978-1-107-67954-2
Interactive Pack
Students Book, Online Workbook, and Writing Skills
978-1-107-66235-3 978-1-107-69824-6 978-1-107-67078-5 978-1-107-69730-0
Interactive Pack
Students Book A, Online Workbook A, and Writing
978-1-107-65483-9 978-1-107-67340-3 978-1-107-63107-6 978-1-107-67572-8
Skills Interactive Pack
Students Book B, Online Workbook B, and Writing
978-1-107-68452-2 978-1-107-69560-3 978-1-107-67142-3 978-1-107-63011-6
Skills Interactive Pack
Online Grammar Workbook (Standalone for Students)
978-1-107-66450-0 978-1-107-67039-6 978-1-107-68725-7 978-1-107-66314-5
via Access Card
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Not Above the Law by Richard MacAndrew

Titles marked with this symbol contain adult material which may not be suitable for younger learners. If in doubt about your choice, contact your local Cambridge University Press representative.

For more information about our digital products see page 4 85


A2 B1 B2 C1 B2 C1 B1 B2

Cambridge English Skills English Skills for Independent Strategic Reading

A four-level skills series for adults and young Learners Second edition
Jim Lawley and Inmaculada Senra JackC.Richards and SamuelaEckstut-Didier
Cambridge English Skills is specially designed
to help learners understand the English they English Skills for Independent Learners is a title Strategic Reading helps students develop reading
meet at work, studying, or in social situations. included in the series Aprendiendo Ingls by the fluency by focusing on reading speed and key
Packed with learning tips, notes putting activities Universidad Nacional de Educacin a Distancia skills as they read authentic (and adapted) texts.
into context and coping strategies for difficult (UNED). It has been specially written for UNED Readings are adapted from authentic sources so
situations, the books are ideal either for self-study students, but it will also prove useful to any students can be prepared for reading outside the
or classroom use. self-study learner of English who wants to classroom.
Complete Teachers notes are available to progress from level B2 to level C1 of the Common
Pre-reading tasks build students schema on the
download from the website. European Framework.
topic of the reading and teach them to skim and
Organised around the themes of Work and Can-do statements at the beginning of every unit scan the text before reading in depth.
Study and Social and Travel, the series builds offer students purposeful goals from the start. Key vocabulary is practiced throughout, building
confidence through activities based on everyday Units are clearly organised, making it ideal for students reading readiness.
situations. self-study. Instruction on one reading strategy per reading
Learning tips throughout the book help students Exercises to practice all four language skills facilitates student learning.
develop the skills they need to understand and reading, writing, listening and speaking . Expanded post-reading activities help students
be understood.
Includes information on the 4,000 most frequent develop essential critical thinking skills .
Students are encouraged to take their learning English words.
off the page and into daily life with Extra cambridge.es/strategicreading
practice tasks. Level 1
Paperback with Audio CD 978-84-8323-613-0 Level 1
Unit-by-unit checklists, based on ALTE Can-do Students Book 978-0-521-28112-6
statements, let learners see what theyve Level 2 Teachers Manual 978-0-521-28114-0
achieved and feel proud of it! Paperback with Audio CD 978-84-8323-614-7
Level 2
Students Book 978-0-521-28113-3
cambridge.es/englishskills Teachers Manual 978-0-521-28115-7
B1 B2
Real Reading by Liz Driscoll Level 3
Level 1 with answers 978-0-521-70202-7 Students Book 978-0-521-28111-9
Level 2 with answers 978-0-521-70204-1 English at Work Teachers Manual 978-0-521-28116-4
Level 3 with answers 978-0-521-70573-8
Level 4 with answers 978-0-521-70575-2 AnthonyCosgrove
Real Writing by Roger Gower, Simon Haines and Graham Palmer
Level 1 with answers 978-0-521-70184-6
Practical language activities for working in the UK.
Level 2 with answers 978-0-521-70186-0
Level 3 with answers 978-0-521-70592-9
Ideal for ESOL for Work exams.
Level 4 with answers 978-0-521-70594-3
Book with Audio CD 978-0-521-18254-6
Real Listening & Speaking by Miles Craven, Sally Logan
and Craig Thaine
Also available
Level 1 with answers 978-0-521-70198-3
Level 2 with answers 978-0-521-70200-3
ESOL Activities
Level 3 with answers 978-0-521-70588-2
Level 4 with answers 978-0-521-70590-5 Short Stories
Practical Faster Reading
The International Story
Learning to Learn English
Writing for Advanced Learners of English

86 For more information about our digital products see page 4


A2 B1 A2 B1 B2 A1 A2 B1 B2

Active Listening Present Yourself Lets Talk

Second edition Second edition Second edition
StevenBrown, DorolynSmith StevenGershon LeoJones

30-45 teaching hours

Active Listening Second edition is a popular Present Yourself Second edition, now with
listening series for adult and young-adult learners complementary video for each level, is a presentation Lets Talk Second edition, is a three-level course
of English. Each level offers students 16 engaging, skills course for adult and young adult learners designed to develop oral communication skills and
task-based units, each built around a topic, function, of English. This series takes a process approach build learner confidence. Unique twists on topics
or grammatical theme. Grounded in the theory to giving presentations and offers students an draw students into conversations, and engaging
that learners are more successful listeners when opportunity to develop the life skill of talking activities guarantee maximum talking time. The 16
they activate their prior knowledge of a topic, the about topics to an audience outside the language four-page thematic units in each level are divided
series gives students a frame of reference to make classroom. The books can be used as a main text into two-page lessons, with each lesson encouraging
predictions about what they will hear. in a presentation skills course, in the context of a students to express their feelings, ideas, and opinions.
general conversation course, or as a component
cambridge.es/activelistening in speaking or integrated-skills classes. Students Book

Level 1 Fun, personalized communicative activities. Frequent pair and group work activities give
Students Book with Self-study Audio CD 978-0-521-67813-1 students opportunities to share ideas.
Teachers Manual with Audio CD 978-0-521-67814-8 A process approach to preparing and giving a
presentation. Vocabulary-building exercises prepare learners to
Class Audio CDs (3) 978-0-521-67815-5
discuss topics.
Level 2 A clear focus on how to organize a presentation
Students Book with Self-study Audio CD 978-0-521-67817-9 and systematic teaching of presentation skills. Expansion sections review key language in a fun,
Teachers Manual with Audio CD 978-0-521-67818-6 fluency-building way.
Class Audio CDs (3) 978-0-521-67819-3 cambridge.es/presentyourself Communication tasks in every unit provide
Level 3 additional speaking practice.
Students Book with Self-study Audio CD 978-0-521-67821-6 Level 1, Experiences
Teachers Manual with Audio CD 978-0-521-67822-3 Students Book 978-1-107-43563-6
Teachers Manual with DVD 978-1-107-43583-4 Teachers Manual
Class Audio CDs (3) 978-0-521-67823-0
Level 2, Viewpoints Detailed notes give teaching steps, tips, key
Students Book 978-1-107-43578-0 vocabulary, and answers.
Teachers Manual with DVD 978-1-107-43584-1
Language objectives for every activity highlight
learning expectations.
Writing Skills Interactive A program of tests and quizzes allows for
assessment flexibility.
If your students are learning how to write, they Animated presentations for each skill provide Model Conversations provide additional
need writing skills. Writing Skills Interactive offers instruction to students outside of class. language support.
instruction and practice across a range of discrete Extensive practice activities help students master
A separate section for audio scripts allows for
skills. Every exercise is automatically graded, the skills.
easy photocopying.
helping students improve independently and Online forums allow instructors to set
giving instructors time to focus on other aspects open-ended writing tasks. cambridge.es/letstalk
of writing. Intuitive gradebook shows all student scores as
Level 1
NEW Experience Writing Skills Interactive in the well as time on task. Students Book with Self-study Audio CD 978-0-521-69281-6
Cambridge Learning Management System. Teachers Manual with Audio CD 978-0-521-69282-3
writingskillsinteractive.cambridge.org Class Audio CDs (3) 978-0-521-69283-0
Flexible content makes Writing Skills Interactive
the perfect addition to any course. Level 2
Students Book with Self-study Audio CD 978-0-521-69284-7
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Teachers Manual with Audio CD 978-0-521-69285-4
Writing Skills Interactive 978-1-107-63853-2 978-1-107-63243-1 978-1-107-67604-6 978-1-107-64236-2 Class Audio CDs (3) 978-0-521-69286-1
Final Draft Student's Book and Writing Skills Level 3
978-1-107-49537-1 978-1-107-49541-8 978-1-107-49550-0 978-1-107-49558-6
Interactive Pack Students Book with Self-study Audio CD 978-0-521-69287-8
Grammar and Beyond Students Book and Writing Teachers Manual with Audio CD 978-0-521-69288-5
978-1-107-69571-9 978-1-107-62985-1 978-1-107-67721-0 978-1-107-64520-2
Skills Interactive Pack* Class Audio CDs (3) 978-0-521-69289-2
Academic Encounters Reading and Writing Students
978-1-107-45757-7 978-1-107-45758-4 978-1-107-45760-7 978-1-107-45761-4
Book and Writing Skills Interactive Pack
From Sentence The Short See also
to Paragraph The Paragraph Composition The Essay
Writers at Work Students Book and Writing Skills Final Draft
978-1-107-45764-5 978-1-107-45766-9 978-1-107-45768-3 978-1-107-45771-3
Interactive Pack
Page 92
*Available as a split edition

For more information about our digital products see page 4 87

Academic Skills

Unlock is the best textbook

I have ever taught with. It
contains a variety of topics
that provide students with
a wide range of vocabulary.
Students are totally involved,
which guarantees effective
learning. Unlock helps to
encourage and empower the
students critical thinking.
Salima Al-Hadithi, Institute of Applied Technology, UAE

Unlock your students potential and prepare them for academic success
The new level, Unlock
Basic, has been
Pre-A1 A1 A2 B1 B2 developed for pre-A1
learners. Combining
Unlock the four skills with
a focus on literacy
A five-level skills-based EAP course
and an introduction
Stephanie Dimond-Bayir, Lewis Lansford, to critical thinking
Richard ONeill, Sabina Ostrowska, Emma students are supported
Pathare, Gary Pathare, Chris Sowton, Carolyn as they take their
Westbrook and N. M. White first steps towards
academic success.

60 hours per level, extendable to 90

Shortlisted British Council ELTons awards 2015:

Excellence in course innovation

Combining thought provoking videos from Discovery

EducationTM with carefully scaffolded exercises and a
fresh approach to critical thinking skills, Unlock enables
learners to develop the academic skills and language
that will lead them to success in their studies.
Inspiring videos from Discovery EducationTM are
included in every unit throughout the course
to introduce topics, promote discussion and
motivate learners.
Critical thinking sections equip students with the
skills they need to formulate their own opinions
and express themselves effectively.
Unique research using the Cambridge English Unlock Basic
Corpus and English Profile focuses the language
NEW Unlock Combined Skills* Basic
in Unlock on the areas that students find most
Students Book with Audio 978-1-316-63645-9
challenging. Language Development sections Teachers Book with DVD 978-1-316-63648-0
provide vocabulary building and grammar tasks Presentation Plus DVD-ROM 978-1-316-63650-3
that provide practice in the language students
need to succeed in their studies. Unlock Reading & Writing Skills Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Students Book with Online Workbook 978-1-107-61399-7 978-1-107-61400-0 978-1-107-61526-7 978-1-107-61525-0
The topics and exercise types in Unlock provide Students ebook with Online Workbook 978-1-107-65066-4 978-1-107-64409-0 978-1-107-63757-3 978-1-107-67139-3
practice and key language for IELTS tests candidates. Teacher's Book with DVD 978-1-107-61401-7 978-1-107-61403-1 978-1-107-61404-8 978-1-107-61409-3
Presentation Plus DVD-ROM 978-1-107-63800-6 978-1-107-65605-5 978-1-107-67624-4 978-1-107-68245-0
NEW Online Training Unlock Listening & Speaking Skills Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Get the most out of your print and digital resources Students Book and Online Workbook 978-1-107-67810-1 978-1-107-68232-0 978-1-107-68728-8 978-1-107-63461-9
Students ebook with Online Workbook 978-1-107-67008-2 978-1-107-63562-3 978-1-107-67610-7 978-1-107-63710-8
with the FREE Online Training modules provided
Teacher's Book with DVD 978-1-107-66211-7 978-1-107-64280-5 978-1-107-68154-5 978-1-107-65052-7
through the Cambridge Learning Management Presentation Plus DVD-ROM 978-1-107-66424-1 978-1-107-69582-5 978-1-107-63543-2 978-1-107-64381-9
System. Visit cambridge.es/onlinetraining to find out
more. *Available July 2017
For further information about the Students ebooks please visit cambridge.es/ebooks
cambridge.es/unlock Mid- and end-of-level tests are available from your local Cambridge University Press representative

88 For more information about our digital products see page 4

Academic Skills

See also

Cambridge Discovery
Education Interactive Readers
Page 82

The Critical Thinking sections give students the

tools they need to generate their own ideas and
opinions. These sections are based on Blooms
Taxonomy and ensure learners develop their
lower- and higher-order order thinking skills,
ranging from demonstrating knowledge and
understanding, to in-depth evaluation.

Learners engage in evaluative and analytical tasks

that are designed to ensure they do all of the
thinking and information-gathering required for
end-of-unit tasks.

Unlock Students Books are also available as ebooks with

embedded audio and video, and interactive activities.

Unlock Students Books include activation codes for the Online

Workbooks, which provide interactive activities and further
language and skills practice in an engaging and modern
learning environment. Teachers can assign homework, monitor
student progress and save valuable time thanks to automatic

Videos from Discovery

Education provide
new angles on a range
of academic topics.

For more information about our digital products see page 4 89

English for Academic Purposes

B1+ B2 C1 Real lectures from the University of Cambridge A1 A2 B1 B2 C1

and student interviews on the DVD, linked to
Lecture skills sections in the Students book, to
Cambridge Academic English help learners develop key lecture and seminar In Focus
An integrated skills course for EAP skills. A vocabulary, reading and critical thinking
Real, contemporary academic language sourced skills course
MartinHewings, CraigThaine
from the Cambridge Academic Corpus and
Courseconsultant:MichaelMcCarthy CharlesBrowne, BrentCulliganand
Academic Word List. JosephPhillips
Special focus on typical academic structures and
120140 teaching hours per level independent study skills.
Extensive listening practice with full-length In Focus is a corpus-informed course aimed at
Designed specifically for students at university
lectures and worksheets online at: university and college students. Each level is
and on foundation courses, this integrated skills
supplemented by a wide range of web/mobile
course develops academic language and critical
cambridge.es/academicenglish device support and resources to enable a flexible
thinking skills essential for university studies across
delivery of content.
The course focuses on the development of critical
Preparing for lectures
Lecture skills units thinking skills, knowledge of core high-frequency
Lecturing styles
Revising basic information
based on real general and academic vocabulary, and vocabulary

Lecture skills A
Understanding lecture aims
university lectures learning strategies.
Understanding outlines from the University of
Identifying main and secondary points Effective, efficient vocabulary training.
Taking notes: annotating slides 1 Cambridge, available
Language focus
Repetition and rephrasing on the DVD, by Integrated reading, speaking, and critical
Taking notes: annotating slides 2 renowned lecturers thinking skills.
Reviewing your notes
in their fields such as Seamless learning from print to desktop to
David Crystal mobile.
Preparing for 1 Lecturing styles
1.1 A.1 During your academic studies you will hear many different styles of lecturing. Watch three
Personalised, student-led teaching.
lecture extracts that illustrate a reading style, a conversational style, and an interactive style.
What differences do you notice?
Level 1
Students Book with Online Resources 978-1-107-62709-3
Teachers Manual 978-1-107-67182-9
1 Reading style 2 Conversational style 3 Interactive style

1.2 a In pairs, discuss the following questions. Level 2

1 Which style do you find easiest to understand, and why?
2 Is there a style of lecturing that is common in your subject? Students Book with Online Resources 978-1-107-69701-0
Teachers Manual 978-1-107-62945-5
2 Revising basic information
Study tip A lecturer will assume that you already know certain information and build on this in
the lecture. It is helpful to prepare for a lecture by making sure you understand key terms and
concepts that your lecturer may use.
Level 3
Students Book with Online Resources 978-1-107-68007-4
2.1 a You are going to watch extracts from a lecture given by Dr Maru Mormina with the title The
origins of human diversity. Read the notes from a previous lecture on her course.
Teachers Manual 978-1-107-68523-9
DNA = material inside the core (= nucleus) of each
cell in the body; it carries genetic information in
genes (= sections of the DNA)
genetic information controls the cells chemistry
gives the body its characteristics & influences how
the body works
genetic variation = differences between individuals
that are inherited (e.g. eye colour is inherited from Dr Maru Mormina is a Research Fellow
parents) at the Leverhulme Centre for Human
genome = total set of genetic information of a living Evolutionary Studies, within the
thing (human, plant, etc.); located in chromosomes Department of Biological Anthropology.
(in centre of cells; control what living thing is like) Cambridge University.

b In pairs, take it in turns to explain the following key terms without looking back at the notes.
DNA genetic information genetic variation genome


Cambridge Academic English Students Book B2 Upper Intermediate

B2 Upper
Cambridge Academic English B1+ Intermediate Intermediate C1 Advanced
Student's Book 978-0-521-16519-8 978-0-521-16520-4 978-0-521-16521-1
Teachers Book 978-0-521-16525-9 978-0-521-16526-6 978-0-521-16527-3
Class Audio CD 978-0-521-16522-8 978-0-521-16523-5 978-0-521-16524-2
DVD 978-0-521-16528-0 978-0-521-16529-7 978-0-521-16531-0
Class Audio CD and DVD Pack 978-1-107-60713-2 978-1-107-60714-9 978-1-107-60715-6

For further information about the Students ebooks please visit cambridge.es/ebooks

90 For more information about our digital products see page 4

English for Academic Purposes

Cambridge Academic
Writing Collection

Written by experts in the field, the Cambridge

Academic Writing Collection has been designed to
keep students engaged as they learn the writing
skills necessary for their educational success.
A Writers Workbook
Fourth edition
A Writing Text with Readings

High-interest texts illustrate the structure of

academic essays, helping learners to deal with
difficult grammar areas and tackle the mechanics
of writing.

Students Book with Answers 978-0-521-54489-4

Teachers Manual 978-0-521-54490-0

Academic Encounters prepares students for Write to be Read

Academic Encounters university study by replicating the texts and tasks Second edition
Second edition that they will encounter in different academic Reading, Reflection, and Writing
KristineBrown, MiriamEspeseth, SusanHood, disciplines. The series helps students develop
YonekoKanoaka, CarlosSanabria, KimSanabria, their listening, note-taking and discussion skills in
BernardSeal, JenniferWharton, JessicaWilliams response to authentic interviews and classroom Using thought-provoking authentic readings, this
lectures. book guides students through the processes of
cambridge.es/academicencounters reading, reflection, writing, and revision.

Students Book 978-0-521-54746-8

Natural World American Studies Life in Society Human Behavior
Teachers Manual 978-0-521-54747-5
Academic Encounters Second edition Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Student's Book Reading and Writing and Writing New Directions
978-1-107-45757-7 978-1-107-45758-4 978-1-107-45760-7 978-1-107-45761-4
Skills Interactive Pack
Student's Book Listening and Speaking with DVD 978-1-107-67463-9 978-1-107-65516-4 978-1-107-67314-4 978-1-107-60298-4 Second edition
Teacher's Manual Reading and Writing 978-1-107-69450-7 978-1-107-62722-2 978-1-107-63137-3 978-1-107-60300-4 Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking
Teacher's Manual Listening and Speaking 978-1-107-64492-2 978-1-107-68883-4 978-1-107-62547-1 978-1-107-60301-1
Class Audio CDs (2) Listening and Speaking 978-1-107-63825-9 978-1-107-63266-0 978-1-107-69784-3 978-1-107-60302-8

This volume prepares students for college-level

composition through the study of authentic texts,
and the application of critical thinking skills as a
precursor to writing.

Students Book 978-0-521-54172-5

Teachers Manual 978-0-521-54173-2

Third edition
A Cross-Cultural Reading and Writing Text
B1+ B2 C1 This three-level language and skills course for EAP This volume guides students through the writing
is written and tested by a team of experienced process using a comprehensive writers handbook
Skills and Language for Study EAP teachers. It consists of two complementary and a selection of stimulating readings.
books per level: Skills for Study helps to develop
TamsinEspinosa, CraigFletcher, FredGooch, key academic skills through authentic texts and Students Book 978-0-521-61301-9
ClaireHenstock, AlistairMcNair, audio recordings of lectures while Language for Teachers Manual 978-0-521-61302-6
BlairMatthews, ClareWalsh Study provides extended practice of academic
Serieseditor:IanSmallwood language needed to improve those skills.
Also available
Teachers Books for each component and Class
Audio are available online. Writing from Within Second edition
4080 teaching hours per level
Academic Writing
Academic Writing Skills
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Communicative Activities for EAP
Skills for Study Students Book with Downloadable Audio 978-1-107-63544-9 978-1-107-61129-0 978-1-107-68614-4
Language for Study Students Book with Downloadable Audio 978-1-107-68919-0 978-1-107-69466-8 978-1-107-68110-1

For more information about our digital products see page 4 91

English for Academic Purposes

A1 A2 B1 B2 A2 B1 B2 C1 Online Writing Instruction

Students improve discrete writing skills through
Skills for Effective Writing Final Draft online instruction and automatically graded
BEGINNING TO ADVANCED Level1:DavidBohlke, RobynBrinksLockwood,
PamelaHartmann cambridge.es/finaldraft
Learning to write is a complex process, and Skills
Level2:JillBauer, MikeS.Boyle,
for Effective Writing helps to simplify it. This
innovative series teaches a wide variety of discrete
writing skills and offers extensive practice in each WendyAsplin, DavidBohlke, JeanneLambert
one. Level4:PamelaHartmann, MonicaF.Jacobe,
Each unit teaches a single writing skill, focusing AlanS.Kennedy
students on developing the skill fully. SeriesEditor:JeanneLambert
Following instruction, students apply the skill, LOW INTERMEDIATE TO ADVANCED
facilitating their understanding of exactly how
each skill works. With the right tools, every student can be a
great writer. Help your students become great
The units include extensive practice so that writers with Final Draft. This research-based series
students can truly master each skill. will fully prepare your students for the rigor of
Unit quizzes give teachers a snapshot of exactly university courses.
how well students learned the skill. Skills for Avoiding Plagiarism
cambridge.es/skillsforeffectivewriting Only Final Draft teaches plagiarism avoidance at
every level and in every unit. This allows more
Level 1 time for teachers to spend focusing on students
Students Book 978-1-107-68434-8
writing rather than plagiarism offenses.
Level 2
Students Book 978-1-107-61353-9
Level 3
Students Learn Most Useful Language
Students Book 978-1-107-61356-0 Research from the Cambridge English Corpus
Level 4
ensures that students learn the most accurate,
Students Book 978-1-107-61357-7
relevant grammar, vocabulary collocations and Final Draft Students Book 4
Answer Key cambridge.es/skillsforeffectivewriting phrases. Students also learn to avoid common
grammatical mistakes.
See also
Real-World and Student Writing Models
Writing Skills Interactive
Page 87 A variety of models including real-world and student
models help students make connections between
Grammar and Beyond
their writing class and their future studies.
Page 79

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Student's Book and Writing Skills Interactive Pack 978-1-107-49537-1 978-1-107-49541-8 978-1-107-49550-0 978-1-107-49558-6
Also available Teacher's Manual 978-1-107-49538-8 978-1-107-49542-5 978-1-107-49554-8 978-1-107-49559-3

English for Academics

A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 Writers at Work: From Sentence to Paragraph
A communication skills course for tutors, lecturers by Laurie Blass and Deborah Gordon
Book with Online Audio 1 978-1-107-43476-9 Writers at Work Students Book 978-0-521-12030-2
Book with Online Audio 2 978-1-107-43502-5 Teachers Manual 978-0-521-12032-6
Fascinating Stories from the Content Areas Writers at Work: The Paragraph
Instant Academic Skills
by Jill Singleton
Study Skills Most series only teach a small amount of surface- HIGH BEGINNER TO LOW INTERMEDIATE
level editing. Writers at Work helps students learn Students Book 978-0-521-54522-8
how to find issues in the content as well as the Teachers Manual 978-0-521-54523-5
Writers at Work: The Short Composition
form of their writing. This special emphasis on
by Ann O. Strauch
fully developed revision results in better writing LOW INTERMEDIATE TO INTERMEDIATE
and a greater student appreciation of the value of Students Book 978-0-521-54496-2
the process. Teachers Manual 978-0-521-54497-9
Writers at Work: The Essay
cambridge.es/waw by Dorothy E. Zemach and Lynn Stafford-Yilmaz
Students Book 978-0-521-69302-8
Teachers Manual 978-0-521-69303-5

92 For more information about our digital products see page 4

English for Academic Purposes

A1 A2 B1 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1
Really good book for self-
study. Clear explanations and Read This! Making Connections
examples. Not only vocabulary, Fascinating Stories from the Content Areas Skills and Strategies for Academic Reading
Second edition
also collocations, phrasal verbs DaphneMackey and AliceSavage
KennethJ.Pakenham, JessicaWilliams,
JoMcEntire, DavidWiese and PamelaVittorio
Keira, Amazon customer Read This! is the only series that presents the HIGH BEGINNER TO ADVANCED
most interesting stories from academic disciplines
as a way to teach academic skills and vocabulary. Making Connections prepares students for the
B1 B2 challenges of reading college textbooks through
Thematic units mix content from different
systematic practice of reading and vocabulary
academic areas and promote interdisciplinary
Academic Vocabulary in Use study.
Extensive Skill Building
Second edition Students learn both useful content-related
vocabulary and words from the Academic Word Each unit teaches students how to read and how
MichaelMcCarthy and FelicityODell List. to learn new words. The reading and vocabulary
INTERMEDIATE TO UPPER INTERMEDIATE Reading skills exercises that use graphic strategies that students develop are then applied
organizers provide greater insight into the texts. during the readings. This direct application of
Academic Vocabulary in Use Second edition is the skills helps students learn exactly how and when
perfect study aid for anyone using English for their WebQuests and MP3 files are available online.
to use each strategy.
academic work. Ideal for students of any discipline,
from engineers and social scientists to business cambridge.es/readthis
Intensive Vocabulary Building
students and lawyers, it covers all the key vocabulary
found in academic textbooks, articles, lectures and Intro level Students learn key academic words, including
Students Book 978-1-107-63071-0
seminars. The book is also useful for those preparing words from the Academic Word List, in every
Teachers Manual with Audio CD 978-1-107-64923-1
for IELTS and university entrance examinations. The unit. Each unit further extends students
Level 1
Second edition has been updated to reflect changes Students Book 978-0-521-74786-8 knowledge through exploration of synonyms,
in education, technology and communications, Teachers Manual with Audio CD 978-0-521-74788-2 word families, and placement of words into their
includes a selection of new reading passages, and is Level 2 correct context.
now in full colour. Students Book 978-0-521-74789-9
Teachers Manual with Audio CD 978-0-521-74791-2 Improving Reading Speed
50 easy-to-use, two-page units with clear Level 3
explanations of new vocabulary on the left page, Students Book 978-0-521-74793-6 Every book contains tips for reading more quickly.
and a variety of practice exercises on the right. Teachers Manual with Audio CD 978-0-521-74794-3 Students chart their speed in a special section
The most useful and frequently-used academic that allows them to see their own progress. This
vocabulary, based on the Cambridge English emphasis on reading speed helps boost fluency
Corpus and established academic word lists. and prepares students for the extensive reading
they will encounter in universities.
Book with answers 978-1-107-59166-0
B1 B2 C1
Students Book 978-1-107-51607-6
Discovering Fiction Teachers Manual 978-1-107-51609-0
Level 1
A Reader of North American Short Stories Students Book 978-1-107-68380-8
Second edition Teachers Manual 978-1-107-61023-1
Level 2
JudithKay and RosemaryGelshenen Students Book 978-1-107-62874-8
Teachers Manual 978-1-107-65062-6
Level 3
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Language Teaching and Phonology
A comprehensive package for teachers
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Paperback 978-0-521-35654-1 Paperback 978-1-107-68467-6
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See also Teaching to Adults
ScottThornbury and PeterWatkins
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Page 94
Grammar for English Language
Teachers Second edition Development in The only published CELTA preparation
Page 78
Scott Thornbury
Language Teaching course available, and the only course
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A new and revised edition of the
implications and classroom
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applications. This second edition
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has been fully revised and updated,
effective language programs.
incorporating recent developments in
language description, whilst keeping
Paperback 978-1-316-62554-5
the organisation and structure of the
successful first edition.

Paperback 978-1-107-66719-8

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Paperback 978-0-521-14959-4
Paperback 978-0-521-56761-9
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Title Index

A Cambridge English First Practice Classroom Decision-Making 98 E Film, TV and Music, Multi-level Investigation into the
Tests65 Classroom Management activities for teenagers 94 Comparability of Two Tests of
About Language Second edition 96 Cambridge English for Techniques95 Educating Second Language Final Draft 92 English as a Foreign Language,
Academic Encounters 91 Engineering70 Classroom Observation Tasks 96 Children95 First Exposure to a Second (SILT1), An 99
Academic Listening 97 Cambridge English for Human Classroom-Based Evaluation in Empirical Investigation of the Language98 Issues in Applied Linguistics 98
Academic Vocabulary in Use 93 Resources70 Second Language Education 95 Componentiality of L2 Reading First for Schools Trainer 66 Issues in Computer-Adaptive
Academic Writing 91 Cambridge English for Clear Speech 81 in English for Academic Purposes, First Trainer 66 Testing of Reading Proficiency,
Academic Writing Skills 91 Job-hunting70 Clear Speech from the Start 81 (SILT 12), An 99 Five-Minute Activities 95 (SILT 10) 99
Action Research for Language Cambridge English for Marketing 70 CLIL98 English as a Second Language Five-Minute Activities for Issues in Testing Business English,
Teachers96 Cambridge English for Nursing 70 CLIL Activities 95 (ESL)101 Business English 95 (SILT 17) 99
Active Grammar 29 Cambridge English for Scientists 70 Cognition and Second Language English at Work 86 Five-Minute Activities for Young
Active Listening 87 Cambridge English for the Media 70 Instruction97 English Collocations in Use Learners95 J
Advanced Grammar in Use 78 Cambridge English for 70 Collaborative Action Research for Second edition 80 Flightpath70 Join Us for English 18
Advanced Skills 94 Cambridge English Key Practice English Language Teachers 98 English for Academic Purposes 98 Focus on Form in Classroom
Advanced Trainer 66 Tests64 Collaborative Language Learning English for Academics 92 Second Language Acquisition 97 K
Advancing the Field of Language Cambridge English Practice and Teaching 98 English for Business Focus on the Language Keep Talking 95
Assessment, (SILT 46) 99 Testbank63 Collocations Extra 94 Communication68 Classroom98 KET for Schools Trainer 66
Advising and Supporting Cambridge English Preliminary Common European Framework English for Business Studies 68 Foreign Accent: The Phenomenon Key Issues in Language Teaching 96
Teachers96 Practice Tests 64 of Reference for Languages 98 English for Specific Purposes 98 of Non-native Speech 98 Kids Box for Spanish Speakers
Affect in Language Learning 98 Cambridge English Prepare! 52 Common Mistakes and how English for the Financial Sector 69 Four Corners 46 Updated Second edition 14
Agendas for Second Language Cambridge English Proficiency to avoid them 66 English for the Teacher 96 From Corpus to Classroom 98
Literacy95 Practice Tests 65 Communicating Across Cultures 67 English Grammar in Use 76 From Reader to Reading Teacher 95 L
Aligning Tests with the CEFR, Cambridge English Pronouncing Communicative Activities for EAP 95 English Grammar in Use From Teacher to Manager 98 Language Activities for Teenagers 95
(SILT 33) 99 Dictionary74 Communicative Language Mobile App 77 Fun for Starters, Movers and Language and Linguistics 98
Alive to Language 96 Cambridge English Readers 85 Teaching, An Introduction 98 English Grammar in Use Flyers Fourth Edition 50 Language Assessment for
American More! 27 Cambridge English Skills 86 Communicative Value of Supplementary Exercises 76 Functional English Grammar 95 Multilingualism, (SILT 44) 99
Approaches and Methods in Cambridge English Young Intonation in English, The 98 English Grammar Today 78 Fundamentals of Translation 98 Language Functions Revisited,
Language Teaching 96 Learners Practice Tests 64 Compact58 English Idioms in Use English Profile Studies 2 98
Appropriate Methodology Cambridge Essential English Company to Company 68 Second edition 80 G Language Learning and Deafness 97
and Social Context 98 Dictionary73 Complete54 English in Medicine 71 Games for Grammar Practice 94 Language Learning in Distance
Assessing Academic English, Cambridge Experience Readers 84 Components of L2 Reading, English in Mind for Spanish Games for Language Learning, Education98
(SILT 23) 99 Cambridge Global English 101 (SILT 32) 99 Speakers24 Third edition 95 Language Learning with Digital
Assessing Grammar 99 Cambridge Grammar and Computer Applications in Second English Ladder, The 18 Genre Analysis 97 Video95
Assessing Language Teachers Vocabulary66 Language Acquisition 97 English Language Teaching Genres Across the Disciplines 97 Language Learning with
Professional Skills and Cambridge Grammar and Connect29 Materials95 Get on Stage! 18 Technology95
Knowledge, (SILT 42) 99 Vocabulary for the TOEIC Test 71 Context in Language Learning English Phonetics and Phonology 96 Good Practice 71 Language Myth, The 98
Assessing Language through Cambridge Grammar for IELTS 66 and Language Understanding 98 English Phrasal Verbs in Use Gramtica inglesa para Language of Business Meetings,
Computer Technology 99 Cambridge Grammar for PET 66 Continuity and Innovation, Second edition 80 hispanohablantes79 The97
Assessing Languages for Specific Cambridge Grammar of English 78 (SILT 15) 99 English Profile in Practice, English Grammar and Beyond 79 Language Program Evaluation 97
Purposes99 Cambridge Guide to Blended Contrastive Rhetoric 97 Profile Studies 5, The 98 Grammar and Vocabulary 94 Language Teacher Supervision 98
Assessing Listening 99 Learning for Language Teaching, Conversation: From Description English Profile Studies 98 Grammar for Business 68 Language Teaching Awareness 95
Assessing Reading 99 The97 to Pedagogy 98 English Pronunciation in Use 81 Grammar for English Language Language Teaching Matrix, The 98
Assessing Speaking 99 Cambridge Guide to English Cooperative Learning and Second English Skills for Independent Teachers78 Language Test Construction and
Assessing Vocabulary 99 Usage, The 97 Language Teaching 95 Learners86 Grammar Practice Activities, Evaluation98
Assessing Writing 99 Cambridge Guide to Pedagogy Corpora in Applied Linguistics 97 English Unlimited for Spanish Second edition 95 Language Testing Matters,
Assessing Young Language and Practice in Second Course Design 98 Speakers40 Greenman & the Magic Forest 8 (SILT 31) 99
Learners99 Language Teaching, The 97 Course in English Language English Vocabulary in Use 80 Group Dynamics in the Language Language Transfer 97
Assessing Younger Language Cambridge Guide to Research Teaching, A 96 English36569 Classroom98 Laughing Matters 95
Learners, (SILT 47) 99 in Language Teaching and Criterial Features in L2 English, EOI Test Generator 41 Guess What! 10 Learner Autonomy 95
Learning97 Specifying the reference levels Equivalence of direct and Guidelines91 Learner English, Second edition 95
B semi-direct speaking tests,
Cambridge Guide to Second of the Common European Learner Strategy Use and
Basic Grammar in Use 75 Language Assessment, The 97 Framework, English Profile 98 (SILT 13), The 99 I Performance on Language
Be My Guest 71 Cambridge Guide to Second Criterion-Referenced Language Essential BULATS 59 IELTS Blended Learning Course 61 Tests, (SILT 8) 99
Beginning to Write 95 Language Teacher Education, Testing97 Essential Grammar in Use 75 IELTS Collected Papers 2, Learner-Centred Curriculum, The 97
Beyond Training 98 The97 Critical Pedagogies and Essential Grammar in Use (SILT 34) 99 Learners Stories 98
BULATS Blended Learning Cambridge Guide to Teaching Language Learning 97 Supplementary Exercises 75 IELTS Collected Papers, (SILT 19) 99 Learning One-to-One 95
Course59 English to Speakers of Other Critical, Constructive Assessment Essential Grammar in Use: IELTS Life Skills Official Cambridge Learning Oriented Assessment, A
Business Advantage 67 Languages, The 97 of CEFR-informed Language Spanish edition 75 Test Practice 62 Systematic Approach, (SILT 45) 99
Business Benchmark 59 Cambridge Handbook of Learner Teaching in Japan and Beyond, Essential Telephoning in English 68 IELTS Trainer 66 Learning Strategies in Second
Business Start-up 68 Corpus Research, The 98 English Profile Studies 6 98 European Language Testing in a IELTS Washback in Context, Language Acquisition 97
Business Vocabulary in Use 68 Cambridge Handbook of Crucible of Language, The 98 Global Context, (SILT 18) 99 (SILT 25) 99 Learning Vocabulary in Another
Linguistic Multi-Competence, Culture Bound 98 Evaluating Second Language IGCSE English as a Second Language Second edition 97
C Education97
The98 Culture in Second Language Language101 Lessons from Good Language
Cambridge Academic Content Cambridge Handbook of Second Teaching and Learning 97 Examining FCE and CAE, Immersion Education 97 Learners98
Dictionary74 Language Acquisition 98 Curriculum Development in (SILT 28) 99 Immigrant Pupils Learn English, A Lessons from Nothing 95
Cambridge Academic English 90 Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teaching 96 Examining Listening, (SILT 35) 99 CEFR-Related Empirical Study of Lets Talk 87
Cambridge Academic Writing Language Teachers 95 Examining Reading, (SILT 29) 99 L2 Development, English Profile Linguistic Perspectives on Second
Collection91 Cambridge Handbooks for D Examining Speaking, (SILT 30) 99 Studies 3 98 Language Acquisition 97
Cambridge Advanced Learners Language Teachers: Pocket Developing Reading Skills 98 Examining Writing, (SILT 26) 99 Impact of high-stakes Listening Extra 94
Dictionary73 Editions95 Development of IELTS, (SILT 4), Experience of Language examinations on classroom Listening in the Language
Cambridge Applied Linguistics 97 Cambridge Idioms Dictionary 74 The99 Teaching, The 98 teaching, (SILT 22), The 99 Classroom98
Cambridge Business English Cambridge IELTS Practice Tests 62 Development of Second Experimenting with Uncertainty, Impact Theory and Practice, Literature and Language
Dictionary73 Cambridge IGCSE 100 Language Proficiency, The 97 (SILT 11) 99 (SILT 24) 99 Teaching96
Cambridge Business Skills 67 Cambridge Language Developments in English for Exploring British Culture 94 In Focus 90 Literature in the Language
Cambridge Checkpoint 100 Assessment99 Specific Purposes 98 Exploring ELF 97 Infotech69 Classroom95
Cambridge Copy Collection 94 Cambridge Language Education 95 Dialogue Activities 95 Exploring Language and Insights into Second Language
Cambridge Dictionary 72 Cambridge Language Teaching Diccionario Bilinge Cambridge Linguistics98 Reading97 M
Cambridge Dictionary of Library98 Compact74 Exploring Language Frameworks, Instant Academic Skills 94 Making Connections 93
American English 74 Cambridge Learners Dictionary 73 Diccionario Bilinge Cambridge (SILT 36) 99 Interactive Approaches to Second Management in English
Cambridge Dictionary of Cambridge Phrasal Verbs Pocket74 Exploring Spoken English 98 Language Reading 97 Language Teaching 98
American Idioms 74 Dictionary74 Dictation95 Exploring the Dynamics of Interactive for Spanish Speakers 26 Materials Development in
Cambridge Dictionary of English Cambridge Preparation for the Dictionary Activities 95 Second Language Writing 97 Interchange Fifth edition 44 Language Teaching, Second
Grammar, The 98 TOEFL Test 71 Dictionary of Language Testing, Exploring the Second Language Interchange Fourth edition 46 edition98
Cambridge Discovery Education Cambridge Reading Adventures 101 (SILT 7) 99 Mental Lexicon 97 Intercultural Language Activities 95 Meaningful Action: Earl Stevicks
Interactive Readers 82 Cambridge Teacher Training and Disciplinary Identities 97 Extensive Reading Activities for Interfaces Between Second Influence on Language Teaching98
Cambridge Encyclopedia of Development96 Discourse Analysis for Language Teaching Language 95 Language Acquisition and Measured Constructs, (SILT 37) 99
Language, Third edition, The 98 Cambridge Vocabulary for IELTS 66 Teachers98 Extensive Reading in the Second Language Testing Research 97 Memory Activities for Language
Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Cambridge Vocabulary for IELTS Discourse and Language Language Classroom 95 International Legal English 69 Learning95
English Language, Second Advanced66 Education98 International Negotiations 67 Mentor Courses 96
edition, The 98 F
Cambridge Vocabulary for PET 66 Discovering Fiction 93 Internet and the Language Methodology in Language
Cambridge English Advanced Case98 Discussions and More, Second face2face for Spanish Speakers Classroom, The 95 Teaching98
Practice Tests 65 CEFR in Practice, English Profile edition95 Second edition 38 Introducing Second Language Mindset for IELTS 60
Cambridge English Business Studies 4, The 98 Discussions AZ 94 Fairness and Validation in Acquisition, Third edition 98 Modelling and Assessing
Certificates Practice Tests 65 CELTA Course, The 96 Drama Techniques, Third edition 95 Language Assessment, (SILT 9) 99 Introduction to English as a Vocabulary Knowledge 97
Cambridge English Empower Changing Language Teaching Dynamic Presentations 67 Feedback in Second Language Second Language 101 Modular Approach to Testing
for Spanish Speakers 36 through Language Testing, Dynamics of the Language Writing97 Introduction to International English Language Skills,
Cambridge English First for (SILT 21) 99 Classroom, The 98 Figurative Language, Genre and Legal English 69 (SILT 16), A 99
Schools Practice Tests 65 Citizen Z 22 Register97

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Title/Author Index

More!27 R Teaching Pronunciation, A

Motivating Learners, Motivating Second edition 98
Teachers: The Role of Vision in Read This! 93 Teaching Speaking 95 Aebersold, Jo Ann 95
Language Education 98 Reading Extra 94 Teaching the Spoken Language 98 Alderson, J. Charles 97, 98, 99
Motivational Strategies in the Reading in a Second Language 97 Teen World 94 Allen, Patrick 97
Language Classroom 98 Real Listening & Speaking 86 Test Taker Characteristics and Allum, Virginia 70
Multilingual Education 97 Real Reading 86 Test Performance, (SILT 2) 99 Allwright, Richard 98
Multilingual Frameworks, Real Writing 86 Testing for Language Teachers, Andrews, Stephen 98
(SILT 40) 99 Reflective Teaching in Second Second edition 98 Aquino-Cutcher, Andrew 92
Multilingual Glossary of Language Language Classrooms 95 Testing Reading Through Archer, Greg 60
Testing Terms, (SILT 6) 99 Replication Research in Applied Summary (SILT 39) 99 Armer, Tamzen 70
Multilingual Mind, The 98 Linguistics97 Testing Spoken Language 95 Arndt, Valerie 96
Multilingualism98 Research Genres 97 Testing the Spoken English of Arnold, Jane 98
Multilingualism and Assessment, Research Methods in Language Young Norwegians, (SILT 20) 99 Aspinall, Patricia 85
(SILT 27) 99 Learning98 Text, Role and Context 97 Asplin, Wendy 92
Research Perspectives on English TKT Course, The 96 Austen, Michael 85
N for Academic Purposes 97 Top Tips 66
Researching and Applying B
Narrative in English Conversation 98 Top Tips for IELTS Academic
Narrative Research in Applied Metaphor97 and General Training 66 Bachman, Lyle F. 97, 99
Linguistics97 Resources for the IB Diploma 100 Touchstone Online Course Bailey, Kathleen M. 98
Native Speakers and Native Rise of Writing, The 98 Second edition 43 Baker, Ann 81
Users98 Roles of Language in CLIL, The 98 Touchstone Second edition 42 Baker, Mark 98
Needs Analysis for Language Rules, Patterns and Words, Trainers66 Bamford, Julian 95
Course Design 70 Grammar and texts in English Training Foreign Language Banks, Tim 67
NetLanguages81 Language Teaching 98 Teachers96 Barbisan, Carlos 29
Network-Based Language Translation and Own-language Barker, Fiona 98, 99
S Barkhuizen, Gary 97
Teaching97 Activities95
New Insight into IELTS 61 Safe Sailing 70 Tree or Three? 81 Barrell, Jania 85
Next Generation 32 Second Language Assessment Barry, Marian 101
and Mixed Methods Research, U Battersby, Alan 85
O (SILT 43) 99 Understanding Communication in Bauer, Jill 92
Objective56 Second Language Classrooms 97 Second Language Classrooms 95 Benson, Phil 98
Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS, Second Language Curriculum, Understanding Expertise in Bentley, Kay 10, 94, 96
The61 The97 Teaching97 Bentley, Marla 84
Official IELTS Practice Materials 62 Second Language Listening 95 Understanding Research in Beretta, Alan 97
Official Top Tips for PET, The 66 Second Language Needs Second Language Learning 98 Betteridge, David 95
Out & About 30 Analysis97 Unlock88 Bilbrough, Nick 95
Second Language Teacher Using Authentic Video in the Bitterlin, Gretchen 47
P Education98 Language Classroom 95 Black, Michael 56, 66
Pairwork and Groupwork, Second Language Vocabulary Using Corpora in the Language Blass, Laurie 79
Multi-level activities for Acquisition97 Classroom95 Bodsczky, Caroline 96
teenagers94 Second Language Writing 95, 97 Using Folktales 95 Bohlke, David 46, 92
Passages Third edition 47 Self-Directed Teacher, The 95 Using Newspapers in the Borg, Simon 97
Penny Urs 100 Teaching Tips 95 Ship or Sheep? 81 Classroom95 Boyle, Mike S. 92
Performance and Competence in Singing Grammar 94 Using Surveys in Language Braber, Natalie 98
Second Language Acquisition 98 Skills94 Programs98 Branden, Kris Van Den 97
Performance Testing, Cognition Skills and Language for Study 91 Using the Board in the Language Brandt, Deborah 98
and Assessment, (SILT 3) 99 Skills for Effective Writing 92 Classroom95 Brazil, David 98
Personalizing Language Learning 95 Smart Planet 20 Breen, Michael P. 98
Perspectives on Pedagogical Sociolinguistics and Language V Brennan, Frank 84, 85
Grammar97 Teaching97 Validating Second Language Brinton, Donna 98
Pictures for Language Learning 95 Sounds Fascinating 98 Reading Examinations, (SILT 41) 99 Broadhead, Annie 56
Planning Lessons and Courses 95 Sounds Interesting 98 Values, Philosophies, and Beliefs in Brookes, Arthur 95
Playway to English 18 Speaking Extra 94 TESOL, Making a statement 98 Brook-Hart, Guy 54, 59
Practice in a Second Language 97 Standby Book, The 95 Ventures Second edition 47 Brown, A. 99
Practice Teaching, A Reflective Statistical Analyses for Language Verbal Protocol Analysis in Brown, Gillian 70, 98
Approach96 Assessment99 Language Testing Research, Brown, James Dean 97, 98
Practicum in TESOL, A 95 Steps to Academic Writing 101 (SILT 5) 99 Brown, Kristine 91
Pragmatics in Language Stories, Narrative activities in Viewpoint42 Brown, Steven 87
Teaching97 the language classroom 95 Viewpoint Online Course 43 Browne, Charles 90
Present Yourself 87 Storyfun for Starters, Movers Vocabulary Activities 95 Bruno-Lindner, Amy 69
Primary Activity Box 94 and Flyers Second edition 50 Vocabulary in Language Teaching95 Buck, Gary 99
Primary Communication Box 94 Strategic Reading 86 Vocabulary, Description, Buckby, Michael 95
Primary Curriculum Box 94 Studies in Language Testing 99 Acquisition and Pedagogy 98 Budden, Joanna 26, 94
Primary Grammar Box 94 Super Minds 16 Voices from the Language Bunting, John D. 79
Primary i-Box 18 Super Minds American English Classroom98 Burden, Robert L. 98
Primary i-Dictionary 18 edition14 Burns, Anne 95, 97, 98
Primary Music Box 94 Super Safari 7 W
Super Safari American English C
Primary Pronunciation Box 94 Ways of Doing 95
Primary Reading Box 94 edition7 Waystage, Threshold and Cameron, Lynne 97, 98
Primary Vocabulary Box 94 Vantage98 Campbell, Colin 85
T Canestri, Captain Stefano 70
Professional Development for Welcome!71
Language Teachers 95 Target Score 71 Working with Images 95 Capel, Annette 52, 56
Professional English in Use 70 Task-Based Language Education 97 Working with Words 95 Carrell, Patricia L. 97
Professional English in Use Task-Based Language Teaching 98 World Englishes 98 Carter, Richard 24
Engineering70 Tasks for Language Teachers 96 Writers at Work 92 Carter, Ronald 78, 97, 98
Professional English in Use Teach Business English 95 Writing Extra 94 atibui, Bronagh 98
Finance70 Teach English 96 Writing for Impact 67 Celce-Murcia, Marianne 98
Professional English in Use ICT 70 Teacher Language Awareness 98 Writing Simple Poems 95 Cenoz, Jasone 97
Professional English in Use Law 70 Teacher Learning in Language Writing Skills Interactive 87 Ceramella, Nick 70
Professional English in Use Teaching98 Chacn, Rubn 79
Management70 Teacher Research in Language Y Chalhoub-Deville, Micheline 99
Professional English in Use Teaching97 Your Space 28 Chamot, Anna Uhl 97
Marketing70 Teacher Training Essentials 94 Chapelle, Carol 99
Professional English in Use Teachers as Course Developers 95 Chapelle, Carol A. 97
Medicine70 Teachers in Action 96 Chaudron, Craig 97
Pronunciation Games 94 Teachers Narrative Inquiry as Cheng, Liying 99
Pronunciation Practice Activities 95 Professional Development 95 Chin, Elizabeth 94
Psychology for Language Teaching Adult Second Language Choi, Inn-Chull 99
Teachers98 Learners95 Christison, MaryAnn 99
Teaching Children English 96 CIM70
Q Teaching English Spelling 95 Clapham, Caroline 98, 99
Qualitative Approach to the Teaching Languages to Young Clark, David 68, 59
Validation of Oral Language Learners98 Clark, Rachel 68
Tests (SILT 14), A 99 Teaching Large Multilevel Clementson, Theresa 40
Quick Minds 12 Classes95 Clover, Louise 84
Quizzes, Questionnaires and Teaching Listening Coady, James 97
Puzzles94 Comprehension95

For more information about our digital products see page 4 103
Author index

Cohen, Andrew D. 97 Gilbert, Judy B. 81 K Miller, Marilyn 8 S Vidal, Nria 32
Colina, Sonia 98 Gilquin, Gatanelle 98 Milton, James 97 Vittorio, Pamela 93
Collie, Joanne 95 Glendinning, Eric 70, 71 Kanoaka, Yoneko 91 Moeller, Aleidine 99 Sanabria, Carlos 91
Connor, Ulla M. 97 Goh, Christine 95 Kasper, Gabriele 97 Morgan, John 95 Sanabria, Kim 91 W
Cook, Vivian 98 Goldstein, Ben 20, 40, 95 Kay, Judith 93 Morrish, Liz 98 Sanderson, Paul 95 Wajnryb, Ruth 95, 96
Coombe, Christine 97 Golombek, Paula R. 95 Kennedy, Alan S. 92 Morrison, David 84 Sandford, George 70 Walker, Carolyn 85
Corbett, John 95 Goodwin, Janet 98 Keohane, Kathy 95 Morton, Tom 98 Sandiford, Helen 42, 43 Wall, Dianne 98, 99
Craven, Miles 86, 94 Gorter, Durk 97 Kern, Richard 97 Moses, Antoinette 84, 85 Sandy, Chuck 29, 47 Wallace, Michael J. 96
Cresswell, John 99 Gower, Roger 86 Kerr, Philip 95 Moulton, Margaret R. 95 Savage, Alice 93, 79 Waller, Sheila 95
Crookes, Graham 95, 98 Grabe, William 97 Kershaw, George 85 Moyer, Alene 98 Savage, K. Lynn 47 Wallwork, Adrian 94
Crossthwaite, Peter 60 Granger, Sylviane 98 Khalifa, Hanan 99 Murgatroyd, Nicholas 84, 94 Saville, Nick 99 Walter, Elizabeth 94
Crystal, David 98 Graves, Kathleen 95 Kingsley, Susan 56 Murphey, Tim 98 Saville-Troike, Muriel 98 Warschauer, Mark 97
Cullen, Pauline 61 Green, Alison J. F. 99 Kirkpatrick, Andy 98 Murphy, Raymond 75, 76, 77 Saxby, Karen 50, 66 Waters, Alan 98
Culligan, Brent 90 Green, Anthony 98, 99 Klippel, Friederike 95 Murrell, Stephen 70 Schachter, Jacquelyn 97 Watkins, Peter 96
Cummings, Louise 98 Grellet, Franoise 98 Koda, Keiko 97 Scharle, gota 95 Wei, Li 98
Cummins, Jim 97 Griffiths, Carol 98 Koester, Almut 67 N Schmidt, Mariela Gabriela 98 Weigle, Sara Cushing 99
Cunningham, Gillie 38 Griffiths, Griff 95 Kosta, Joanna 60 Nagai, Noriko 98 Schmitt, Norbert 95, 98 Weir, Cyril J. 99
Grove, E. 99 Koustaff, Lesley 10 Naganuma, Naoyuki 98 Scott, Katharine 18 Welling, Joanne 96
D Grundy, Peter 95 Krois-Lindner, Amy 69 Nagliati, Peter 70 Scott-Malden, Sarah 85 Wells, J. C. 98
Dale, Liz 95 Guse, Jenni 95 Kroll, Barbara 97 Nation, I. S. P. 97 Scrivener, Jim 95 West, Clare 101
Daller, Helmut 97 Kubanyiova, Magdalena 98 Naylor, Helen 85, 75 Seal, Bernard 91 Westbrook, Carolyn 88
DaSilva Iddings, Ana Christina 95 H Kunnan, Antony John 99 Neilsen, Rod 85 Semino, Elena 97 Wharton, Jennifer 91
Davidson, Fred 99 Hadkins, Helen 26 Nesi, Hilary 97 Senior, Rose 98 Whettem, Erica 56
L Senra, Inmaculada 79, 86
Davidson, Peter 97 Haines, Simon 54, 86, 94 Newsome, J. M. 85 Whitby, Norman 59
Davies, Alan 98, 99 Hamiliton, Nick 95 Lamb, Clarice 95 Nixon, Caroline 14, 18, 94 Setter, Jane 74 White, Cynthia 98
Davis, Fiona 29 Han, ZhaoHong 98 Lambert, Jeanne 92 North, Brian 98 Sharp, Wendy 56 White, N. M. 88
Davis, Paul 95 Hancock, Mark 30, 81, 94 Lane, Sarah 94 Norton, Bonny 97 Shaw, Stuart D. 99 White, Ron 98
Day, Jeremy 70 Hancock, Penny 85 Lansford, Lewis 88 Nunan, David 95, 97, 98 Shawcross, Philip 70 Whittaker, Rachel 98
Day, Richard R. 95 Handford, Michael 67, 97 Laughner, Melissa S. 98 Nuttall, John 96 Shemesh, Ruth 95 Wieczorek, Anna 18
De Souza, Natasha 60 Hardy, Thomas 84 Lawley, Jim 86 Sherman, Jane 95 Wiese, David 93
Deignan, Alice 97 Harley, Birgit 97 Lazar, Gillian 96 O Shiotsu, Toshihiko 99 Wijayatilake, Claire 60
DeKeyser, Robert 97 Harmer, Jeremy 85 Lazaraton, Anna 99 ODell, Felicity 93, 56, 80 Singleton, David 97 Will, Sab 94
Devine, Joanne 97 Harrison, Julia 98 Leaney, Cindy 95 ODwyer, Fergus 98 Slade, Diana 98 Williams, Jessica 91, 93, 97
Dignen, Bob 67, 69 Hartmann, Pamela 92 Leather, Sue 85 OHara, Francis 71 Slater, Stephen 95 Williams, John 98
Dimond-Bayir, Stephanie 88 Harvey, Paul 96 Lee, Elizabeth 70 OKeeffe, Anne 98 Smallwood, Ian 91 Williams, Marion 96, 98
Diniz, Luciana 79 Harwood, Nigel 95 Levy, Meredith 94 OLoughlin, Kieran J. 99 Smalzer, William R. 76 Williams, Melanie 96
Dobbs, Jeannine 95 Hashemi, Louise 56, 66, 76 Lewis, Samantha 26 OMalley, J. Michael 97 Smith, Bernard 85, 95 Willis, Dave 98
Docherty, Coreen 99 Hasselgren, Angela 99 Lewis-Jones, Peter 7, 12, 16, ONeill, Richard 88 Smith, Dorolyn 87 Wilson, Judith 85
Doff, Adrian 36, 40, 96 Hatch, Evelyn 98  22, 24, 27, 36 OSullivan, Barry 97, 99 Smith, Jo 94 Wilson, Rosemary 99
Donna, Sylvie 81, 95 Hawkey, Roger 99 Lindsley, Marianne 70 Odlin, Terence 97 Smith, Michael Sharwood 98 Wisniewska, Ingrid 41, 95
Drnyei, Zoltn 98 Hawkins, John 98 Lindstromberg, Seth 95 Olshtain, Elite 98 Smoke, Trudy 91 Woodford, Kate 94
Doughty, Catherine 97 Hendra, Leslie Anne 40 Lisboa, Martin 67 Oprandy, Robert 95 Sowton, Chris 88 Woodward, Tessa 95
Douglas, Dan 99 Herdon, Tim 84 Little, David 98 Ostrowska, Sabina 88 Spack, Ruth 91 Wright, Andrew 95
Downes, Colm 70 Herschensohn, Julia 98 Littlejohn, Andrew 68, 98 Spratt, Mary 96 Wright, Ros 70, 71
Driscoll, Liz 86, 94 Hess, Natalie 95 Littlemore, Jeannette 97 P St John, Maggie Jo 98 Wright, Tony 96
Driver, Paul 95 Hewings, Martin 78, 95 Littlewood, William 98 Pakenham, Kenneth J. 93 Stanley, Graham 95 Wu, Rachel Yi-fen 99
Dubin, Fraida 98 Heyderman, Emma 58, 54 Llinares, Ana 98 Palmer, Graham 86, 94 Stapleton, Sara 92
Dudeney, Gavin 95 Higgins, Eoin 32, 41 Loader, Mandy 84, 85 Papp, Szilvia 99 Starr Keddle, Julia 28 Y
Dudley-Evan, Tony 98 Hill, David A. 85 Lock, Graham 95 Parrott, Martin 78, 96 Stavans, Anat 98 Yan, Jin 99
Duff, Alan 95 Hill, K. 99 Lockhart, Charles 95 Passmore, Lucy 60 Stephens, Bryan 68 Young-Scholten, Martha 98
Durrant, Lynn 32 Hinkel, Eli 97 Lockwood, Robyn Brinks 92 Pate, Margaret 41 Stimson, Mike 98 Yule, George 98
Hobbs, Martyn 28 Loewenthal, Marc 60 Pathare, Emma 88 Stoynoff, Stephen 97
E Hockley, Andrew 98 Logan, Sally 86 Pathare, Gary 88 Stranks, Jeff 22, 24, 27, 36 Z
Eckstut-Didier, Samuela 86 Hodge, Robert 98 Long, Michael H. 97 Peacock, Matthew 97 Strong, Michael 97 Zaorob, Maria Lucia 94
Elder, C. 99 Hoffmann, Charlotte 98 Low, Graham 97 Peters, Pam 98 Sunderland, Peter 56 Zemach, Dorothy E. 92
Elliot, Sue 58, 66 Holcombe, Garan 18, 41 Lucantoni, Peter 101 Phillips, Joseph 90 Swain, Merrill 97
Elliott, Karen 8 Holliday, Adrian 98 Luoma, Sari 99 Pitt, Angela 67 Swales, John M. 97
Emmerson, Paul 95 Holmes, Vicki L. 95 Lynch, Brian K. 97 Poe, Edgar Allan 84 Swan, Michael 95
Eskey, David E. 97 Holmstrm, Beverly 71 Porte, Graeme 97 Sweeney, Simon 68, 69
M Szab, Anita 95
Esling, John 74 Holzmann, Christian 27 Poulter, Monica 99
Espeseth, Miriam 91 Hood, Susan 91 MacAndrew, Richard 84, 85 Powell, Mark 67
MacKenzie, Ian 68, 69, 70 T
Evans, Vyvyan 98 Hornberger, Nancy H. 97 Prentis, Nicola 84
Everett-Camplin, Helen 84 House, Paul 18 Mackey, Daphne 93 Price, Donna 47 Talcott, Charles 71
House, Susan 18 Madylus, Olha 94 Proctor, Susan 44, 46 Tanner, Rosie 95
F Howard, Ron 70 Malderez, Angi 96 Prowse, Philip 85 Taylor, Erik K. 95
Falvey, Peter 99 Huckin, Thomas 97 Maley, Alan 85, 95 Puchta, Herbert 7, 12, 16, 18, Taylor, Lynda 99
Farrall, Cate 70 Hughes, Arthur 98 Malmkjaer, Kirsten 98  22, 24, 27, 36, 95 Thaine, Craig 36, 86, 94
Farrell, Thomas 95, 96 Huizhong, Yang 99 Mansfield, Katherine 84 Pulverness, Alan 96 Thomas, Amanda 58
Feunteun, Anne 96 Hull, Jonathan 44, 46 Marco Fabr, Elena 70 Purpura, James E. 99 Thomas, Barbara 58, 56, 74
Field, John 98 Hunke, Morten 98 Marks, Jonathan 81 Thornbury, Scott 95, 96, 98
Field, Mary Lee 95 Hunston, Susan 97 Marsland, Bruce 95 R Thornton, Barbara 96
Filipovi, Luna 98 Hutchinson, Tom 98 Martin, Mervyn 98 Ramirez, Sylvia 47 Tilbury, Alex 40
Firth, Matt 69 Hutchison, Susan 60 Martyniuk, Waldemar 99 Randall, Mick 96 Tiliouine, Helen 54, 66
Flinders, Steve 69 Hyland, Fiona 97 Mascull, Bill 68 Rast, Rebekah 98 Tims, Nicholas 84
Flowerdew, John 95, 97 Hyland, Ken 95, 97 Matthews, Laura 58 Rea, David 40 Tomlinson, Brian 85, 98
Freeman, Donald 98 Mauranen, Anna 97 Read, John 99 Tomlinson, Michael 14, 18, 94
French, Amanda 61 I May, Peter 58, 54 Redman, Stuart 80, 95 Toohey, Kelleen 97
Iannuzzi, Susan 79 McCafferty, Steven G. 95 Redston, Chris 38 Torres, Lucy 41
G Ibbotson, Mark 68, 70 McCarten, Jeanne 42, 42, 68 Reed, Susannah 10, 94 TransLegal69
Gairns, Ruth 95 Imig, Alexander 98 McCarthy, Michael 42, 43, 68, 78, Remacha Esteras, Santiago 69, 70 Treffers-Daller, Jeanine 97
Galaczi, Evelina D. 99  80, 90, 93, 97, 98 Renandya, Willy A. 98 Treloar, Frances 58
Gallivan, Liz 66 McConnell, Sarah 8 Reppen, Randi 79, 95 Trim, J. L. M. 98
Gammidge, Mick 94 J McCullagh, Marie 71 Rib, Ramon 32 Truscott, John 98
Garca Clemente, Fernando 75 Jacobe, Monica F. 92 McDonald, Annie 30 Rice, Sally 70 Tsui, Amy B. M. 97
Garca, Ricard 32 Jacobs, George M. 95 McDowell, Clare 61 Richards, Jack C. 29, 44, 46, 47, Tudor, Ian 98
Gardner, Peter S. 91 Jakeman, Vanessa 54, 61 McEntire, Jo 93  86, 95, 96, 97, 98 Tullis, Graham 71
Gardner, Sheena 97 James, Peter 96 McGarr, Patricia 70 Rimmer, Wayne 29
McGiffin, Janet 85 U
Garside, Barbara 95 Jansen, Julie van der Horst 98 Rinvolucri, Mario 95
Gass, Susan M. 97 Johns, Ann M. 97 McKay, Heather 95 Rixon, Shelagh 99 Uddin, Jishan 60
Gear, Jolene 71 Johnson, Dennis 47 McKay, Penny 95, 99 Roach, Peter 74, 96 Underhill, Nic 95
Gear, Robert 71 Johnson, Karen E. 95 McKay, Sandra Lee 95, 97 Robinson, Anne 50 Upshur, John A. 95
Gebhard, Jerry G. 95 Johnson, Margaret 84, 85 McKeegan, David 54 Robinson, Nick 70 Ur, Penny 95, 96
Gelshenen, Rosemary 93 Johnson, Robert Keith 97 Mckeown, Arthur 70 Robinson, Peter 97
McLoughlin, Gerard 32 V
Genesse, Fred 95 Jones, Ceri 20 Rodgers, Theodore S. 96
Geranpayeh, Ardeshir 99 Jones, Leo 71, 87 Medgyes, Pter 95 Rollason, Jane 84 Valdes, Joyce Merrill 98
Gerngross, Gnter 7, 12, 16, Jones, Neil 99 Meunier, Fanny 98 Rose, Kenneth R. 97 Vale, David 96
 18, 27 Jordan, Robert R. 98 Milanovic, Michael 99 Rhlemann, Christoph 98 Van Ek, J. A. 98
Gershon, Steven 87 Miller, Lindsay 95 Ryan, Katherine 99 Vidakovi, Ivana 99

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