Hs66 Broch 1705 en Nonus

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2 | Getinge HS66



The Getinge HS66 is compact, versatile and reliable. It combines high capacity with cost-efficiency.
These state-of-the-art hospital sterilizers are specially designed for central sterilization supply
departments (CSSD) and theater sterile supply units (TSSU), as well as laboratories etc.

The safe choice Tropical cooling

Getinge HS66 meets all standards. All pressure ves- Getinge HS66 sterilizers feature a unique cooling system
sels from Getinge are manufactured in accordance with that is adaptable to water temperatures as high as 35C
the specifications of the authorities in your country, and (95F) and pressures as low as 1 bar.
meet the worlds toughest standards of quality and
safety, including Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC Short process time
(MDD), EMC directive 89/336/EEC, CE, European The sterilization cycle in Pressure

Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC, EN285, EN the new Getinge HS66

ISO9001, EN46001, EN61010 (EC61010) and HTM is optimized for short Time

2010 (Optional). process time, but easily

meets the requirements
Top quality of EN285/554.
The acid-proof stainless steel chambers and steam
jackets are robot-welded. With CFC-free insulation 75% less water
throughout, even on appropriate piping. Moreover, the Our optional ECO-system goes a step further, drastically
chambers and steam jackets are enclosed in corrosion- reducing water requirements to the vacuum pump
proof aluminum. and separating waste-water from recyclable cooling
water. The total water consumption is as much as 75%
Space saving construction lower than other standard sterilizers on the market, an
The vertically upward door is faster and saves space, important environmental consideration that combines
while offering proven, hands-free convenience. economy with ecology.

Easy installation Clean steam

In spite of its generous capacity, the sterilizer is compact Our optional integrated steam generators (electrical- or
enough to fit through a 900 mm wide door. This saves steam-heated) improve steam quality and prevent the
time and money in installation. usual problems with wet packs and dirt on packs/
instruments created by poor plant steam quality. The
Easy access for service steam generator is integrated under the sterilizer and
In spite of the extremely compact modular design, all com- requires no extra space. The only requirement is that
ponents are easily accessible for maintenance from one the steam generator is supplied with treated water for
side and from the hinged front, which opens completely. steam generation. The better water quality you supply,
the better steam you get.
Getinge HS66 | 3

Only pneumatic valves New design New PACS 3500 Easy to grasp symbols
dedicated control unit

Stainless steel is standard on

process piping.

Color screen/operator interface

Easy-to-read display, simple to
operate, connected to PACS 3500
control system.

Highly polished chamber for

easy cleaning

Flexible loading options

Removable rails for

easy cleaning

Aluminium insulation encapsuling.

For low heat emission.

The vacuum system is built

with the same high quality as
the process piping.

HS66-series Units HS6606 HS6610 HS6613 HS6617 HS6620
Chamber volyme 1 308/10.9 461/16.3 595/21 775/27.3 910/32.1
Chamber volyme 2 297/10.5 449/15.8 584/20.6 764/27 899/31.7
Chamber depth 660/26 1000/39.3 1300/51.1 1700/67 2000/78.7
Chamber width mm/in. 670/26.4
Chamber height 670/26.4
Capacity Baskets* pcs 3 6 9 12 12
Capacity STU** pcs 4 6 8 10 12

Hinged front for easy service access. Chamber volume -1: Single-door versions. Chamber volume -2: Double-door versions.
* Basket size (SPRi/ISO): 600x400x200 mm (LxWxH) ** STU size : 600x300x300 mm (LxWxH)
4 | Getinge HS66

PACS 3500

The advanced PACS 3500 PLC meets FDA requirements and is specially developed for Getinge
sterilizers and washer-disinfectors. It is designed to handle just about any operation you can
imagine in this field with consistently superior results. The automatic diagnosis of faults means
faster service and lower costs.

Assured accuracy User-friendly displays

The PACS 3500 PLC is an extremely user-friendly control The user-friendly PACS 3500 control unit offers
unit that assures reliably accurate sterilization programs. a number of convenient features:
There are no high-temperature peaks that waste energy, Operator codes for non-validated programs
destroy goods or cause superheated steam that could Password-protected menu tree
jeopardize the sterilization. In the event of a temperature Fault and information alarms
drop, an alarm is triggered. Simply put, its a control Notification of service and maintenance intervals
system you can rely on. C oncise and easy-to-grasp information, available in a
selection of languages.
PACS 3500 can be equipped with a variety of cycles, Convenient documentation
offering the flexibility of a full range of cycle combinations to Temperature and pressure are constantly documented
satisfy just about every demand. All of these five cycles as permanent records by an independent linear recorder
are pre-programmed for instant selection: integrated in the sterilizer facia.
High vacuum for textiles and utensils 121C
High vacuum for textiles and utensils 134C Supervisor
Flash The optional PACS Supervisor gives you supervison of
Bowie Dick test the sterilization and the sterilizer safety system. The PACS
Automatic leak test Supervisor is a completely independent monitoring and
The following additional cycles are available as options: documentation system that constantly reviews readings
High vacuum for heavy load 134C from the PACS 3500 and compares them with its own
Prion. (High vacuum 134C cycle, to be configured independent sensors. The PACS Supervisor cross-checks
according to local requirements.) the sterilization period of the MDD type-tested cycles
Optical instruments according to the limit values of EN285 and EN554 and
Silicone implants triggers an alarm if the limits are not achieved.
The PACS Supervisor prints out all process data on
Double safety one printer from both the PACS 3500 and its own inde-
To assure operator safety, weve developed a unique, pendent values, either as data/text or as a graph. It is also
self-diagnostic, double-control door interlocking system. capable of sending all values to Getinges external system
Both parts consist of independent controls that monitor for electronic recording and documentation T-DOC.
each other, eliminating the risk of functional failure.
Complete manuals
Automatic adjustable pressure calibration The Getinge HS66 is simple to operate even without a
Getinge has also developed a special pressure trans- manual. But just in case, Getinges easy-to-understand
ducer to assure accurate reproducibility of the steriliza- operating and service manuals are available to assure
tion process in spite of ambient pressure fluctuations. trouble-free.
Getinge HS66 | 5


Unloading side panels

OP10 user interface

For unloading side only.
Door open/close buttons.
Status LED:s.

OP15 user interface

For unloading side only.
Door open/close buttons.
Status LED:s.
2-line text LCD for process info:
Standard panel mounting Optional panel mounting Remaining time
The HS66 is also available with side mounted Cycle
operator panel. Temperature(s)

Loading side panels

OP20 user interface OP30 user interface OP70 Touch screen

(Standard.) Door open/close buttons. Door open/close buttons.
Door open/close buttons. Status LED:s. Status LED:s (on screen).
Status LED:s. 5.7 color screen for process info: 10.4 color touch screen for
2-line text LCD for process info: Remaining time process info:
Remaining time Cycle & Phase Remaining time
Cycle Temperature(s) Cycle & Phase
Temperature(s) Graphical Process Presentation: Temperature(s)
Cycle selection & start. Plot graph Graphical Process Presentation:
Parameter settings. Bar graph Plot graph (High resolution)
Maintenance & service menus. Parameter settings. Bar graph (High resolution)
Maintenance & service menus. Parameter settings.
System Configuration. Maintenance & service menus.
System Configuration.
6 | Getinge HS66

Extendable shelves Loading module


Getinge offers complete, efficient, economical, ACCESSORY CATALOGUE


ergonomical handling systems for baskets as

well as containers. The systems may be used
separately or in combination. And both systems
are available with manual or automatic loading
A complete convenient system
and unloading. This means that your system can Getinge also offers a wide range of
accessories, perfectly adapted to
be tailored precisely to your needs. basket as well as container systems.
Getinge HS66 | 7

Manually Loading/Unloading of wire baskets. Also using optional Automatic Loading/Unloading of wire baskets. These units can also
Loading Module(s) to process containers. Loading Trolleys available handle Loading Module(s) to process containers. Is used in combination
for fixed or Height Adjustable operating height. with a Loading Trolley that transfer the goods to/from the unit.

Manual loading of containers or various packs using a Loading platform Automatic Loading/Unloading of Shelf Racks. The unit can also
and Loading module on a loading trolley. be used for Loading Platforms. Is used in combination with a
Transport Trolley that transfer the goods to/from the unit.

Manaully Loading/Unloading of Shelf Rack. The shelf rack can also be Semi Automatic loading/unloading of shelf racks by help of a battery
loaded with wire baskets or other goods. Loading Trolleys available for driven push/pull device on the loading trolley. Can also be used for
fixed or Height Adjustable operating height. loading platform.
1705 ENG 07.10 Gteborgstryckeriet We reserve the right to make technical and construction changes.





Getinge provides complete solutions for effective and

efficient cleaning, disinfection and sterilization in the
healthcare and life science sectors. Our know-how
comprises everything from architectural planning,
production and handling equipment, to systems for
full traceability of sterile goods. Our commitment
covers expert advice, training and long-term technical

THE GETINGE GROUP is a leading global provider of equipment

Getinge Infection Control and systems that contribute to quality enhancement and cost
PO Box 69, SE-310 44 Getinge, Sweden efficiency within healthcare and life sciences. Equipment, services
Phone: +46 35 15 55 00 and technologies are supplied under the brands ARJO for patient
hygiene, patient handling and wound care, GETINGE for infection
Fax: +46 35 18 14 50 control and prevention within healthcare and life science and
info@getinge.com www.getinge.com MAQUET for surgical workplaces, cardiopulmonary and critical care.

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