SEC vs. Baguio Country Club

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SEC vs.

Baguio Country Club or extended by agreement of the

parties or by those interested in the
position, thus BCCC's amended by-laws
FACTS: granting its board of directors a two (2)
year term is void, notwithstanding the
Atty. Manuel R. Singson, acting for and SEC's prior approval. 23 Pursuant to
in behalf of Ramon K. Ilusorio and Section 5 of the Securities Regulation
Erlinda Ilusorio (the Ilusorios) Code, the SEC has the authority to
requested the SEC, via a letter- compel BCCC to amend its by-laws to
complaint, to compel BCCC to hold the conform to Section 23 of the
annual election of the board of Corporation Code, and to impose
directors for 2002 in view of the nullity sanction on the recalcitrant BCCC
of the above-quoted provision in the officers and board members.
amended by-laws. He informed the
SEC that sometime in 2001, a According to the CA, the matter
stockholder of BCCC requested for the between the parties is an
opinion of the SEC on the validity of the intracorporate dispute, being between
amendment, particularly the two (2) a stockholder and the corporation
year term of the board of directors; and itself, as well as other stockholders,
that in response, the SEC opined that particularly those occupying positions
the amendment increasing the term of in the board of directors. Further, the
office to two (2) years is contrary to SEC's jurisdiction over all cases
law, particularly Section 23 of the enumerated under Section 5 of
Corporation Code which limits the term Presidential Decree No. 902-A,
of office to only one (1) year. including intra-corporate controversies
has been transferred to the appropriate
In its Comment to the said letter, BCCC Regional Trial Courts by virtue of
claimed that its amended bylaws have Republic Act (RA) No. 8799 (The
already been approved by the SEC and Securities Regulation Code). Thus, the
that the petitioners have no standing to dispute pertains to the regular courts.
question the said by-laws, not being
stockholders of the BCCC.

SEC, through the Corporation

Registration and Monitoring ISSUES:
Department, issued an Order ruling
that Article 5, Section 2 of the amended 1. WON the amendment increasing
by-laws of BCCC violates Section 23 of the term of office to two (2)
the Corporation Code on the term of years is contrary to law.
office of members of the board of 2. WON the matter between the
directors and should be amended to parties is an intracorporate
conform to the rules. The SEC also dispute which SEC has no
ordered BCCC to conduct the annual jurisdiction of.
election of members of the board.

The one (1) year term rule for

members of the board of directors is
mandatory, and cannot be shortened

The petitions must be denied.

The petitions have been rendered moot

by the 2005 amendment of the by-
laws. The validity of the two (2) year
term provision and the calling of
meeting for the election of members of
the board of directors to replace those
holding a two (2) year term should no
longer be in issue.

In such instance, there is no actual

substantial relief which a petitioner
would be entitled to, and which would
be negated by the dismissal of the

The Ilusorios initiated their query,

which turned into a formal action,
because of the SEC approved amended
by-law provision extending the term of
a member of the board of directors to
two (2) years.

Simply put, the Ilusorios merely

invoked the SEC to exercise what it
perceived to be the latter's power to
compel BCCC to comply with the law
pertaining to the term limits of the
board of directors. With the
amendment restoring the term of the
board to one (1) year, there is no more
illegal provision to speak of.

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