The Angel of Death (d20 NPCS)

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The Angel of Death

This character uses rules extensively from the Immortal's Handbook, as well as the True
Necromancer PrC from Libris Mortis, with a 15th level added according to the guidelines in the
Epic SRD. A few Libris Mortis spells were also used.

Note that the Divine Rank rules here are from the Immortal's Handbook, and NOT from Deities
and Demigods. Hence, no SDAs, the immunities it has do not stem from its DvR, same with its
SLAs. The DvR does almost nothing but provide a bonus to all rolls.

According to Upper Krust's Challenge Rating Guide Version 5, a party of four 56th level
characters will have a 50/50 chance of beating him, using all their resources. The lowest level
party that could even stand up to it and possibly run away would be level 32 (with an 88%
chance of a TPK anyway).

That said, I've asked the nice people at the Character Optimization board to give a shot at finding
the earliest possible end to the angel here [1].

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Male Akalich Fallen Malakim Wizard 8/Cleric 8/True Necromancer 15
Lawful Evil Huge Undead (Angel, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful)
Init +36, Senses Listen +214; Spot +214; Darkvision 1 mile, Low-light vision
Aura Awesome Visage (540 ft., DC 76), Cursed (540 ft., -8 AC, -8 saves, DC 76), Desecration
(150 ft, as the spell Desecrate), Dread (850 ft., DC 83)
Languages All

AC 183, touch 183, flat-footed 169 (-2 size, +14 dex, +14 divine, +36 deflection, +36 insight,
+75 luck))
hp 1500 (3000 on the upper planes) (75d20 HD); DR 75/-
Miss Chance 50% nebulous, 50% incoporeal; Regeneration /epic and good
Immune acid, cold, electricity, fire, magic*, ability damage or drain, disease, energy drain,
paralysis, petrification, poison, sleep, stunning, mind-affecting effects and death from
massive damage.; Resist Sonic 100, Turn 100; SR 54
Fort +64, Ref +78, Will +100
Weakness Can be turned, Sonic*, Holy Smite*

Spd Fly 900 ft. (perfect) (180 squares)

Melee Death Scythe +100/+95/+90/+85 (2d6+38 19-20/x4 +3d6), King Slayer
+66/+61/+56/+51 (2d8+15d6+5 15-20/x2), 3x +10 Everdancing Scythes
+71/+66/+61/+56 (2d6+10/x4)
Base Atk +61; Grp
Space 15 ft. ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Atk Options Combat Expertise, Power Attack, Sneak Attack +19d6+2 STR damage
Class Spells Prepared (CL 23): (Arcane (5/14/14/13/13/13/13/12/12/12), Divine
Spell-like Abilities (CL 75): At will - aid, alter self, animate dead, astral projection, bestow
curse, create greater undead, death knell, destruction, divine favor, disintegrate, dispel good,
enervation, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, harm, planeshift, power word stun, slay
living, telekinesis, unholy smite; 3/day - implosion, miracle, power word kill, summon
monster IX, wail of the banshee, wish; 1/day - energy drain, greater ruin, horrid wilting,
ruin; 2/week - momento mori

Abilities Str Dex 38 (+14), Con Int 78 (+34), Wis 82 (+36), Cha 82 (+36)
SQ Angelic Traits (2nd Choir)
Feats Cleave, Combat Expertise, Great Cleave, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved
Critical (Scythe), Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting,
Multiattack, Power Attack, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (Scythe)
Metamagic Feats Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Eschew Materials, Heighten Spell,
Maximise Spell, Quicken Spell, Silent Spell, Still SpellB, Widen Spell
Epic Feats Automatic Metamagic Capacity (x9), Epic Spellcasting, Metamagic Freedom,
Overwhelming Critical (Scythe), Superior Initiative
Skills All Dex Skills +92, All Intellegence Skills +112, All Wisdom Skills +114, All Charisma
Skills +114; Exceptions: Hide +192, Move Silently +192, Search +212, Sense Motive
Spellbook contains all spells

Variants For a weaker, more defeatable version of an angel of death, try Death, unique creature
CR 26.

Description and History

Difficult to see, even for the powerful, the Angel of Death is strangely unnoticable, esspecially
for being so large. Terrible and terrifying enough that he is often mistaken for the essence of
Death himself, the Angel of Death is a servant of the great Death of Worlds, a High Lord who
determines the end of everything.

To the victims, he appears as a robed figure with four arms, his cowl covering his face. He can
be reasoned with, bartered with, and Death will play games-- but he has never been known to
lose. At anything.

The Angel of Death ends nations, devours civilizations. Standing alongside time, the Angel of
Death will even visit those gods whose time is up...


Death Scythe

The Death Scythe consists of two parts, the shaft, which is constructed from a Rod of Divine
Intervention, and the blade, which is fabled to be the soul of a perfect blade, sharpened by
moonlight and able to cut even sound. In fact, the edge of the blade actually extends about a foot
out from where it is visible. It can be classified as a Subtle Knife, able to slice through the very
fabric of reality, enabling travel between the planes... even the dimensions.

The Death Scythe only ever misses on a roll of natural 1, unless the target has an ability stating
that attackers only hit on a natural 20, in which case the attack roll is rolled normally. It ignores
miss chance, and can strike etherial creatures even when they are not manifesting. Futhermore,
on each successful hit against a foe, the Death Scythe gains an additional +1 enhancement bonus
against that foe forever.
On a natural 20, the Death Scythe severs one of the opponents appendages. Roll randomly to
determine which appendage is severed. For humanoids roll a d12: 1-2 head, 3-4 left arm, 5-6
right arm, 7-8 torso, 9-10 left leg, 11-12 right leg. Creatures with multiple heads, multiple limbs,
tails or wings may add extra variables.

The shaft of the Death Scythe is fashioned from hundreds of fragments of pure adamantite taken
from the armor and shields of the greatest celestial champions and epic paladins. When held, it
automatically deflects the first attack from every weapon used against the bearer. In addition, it
acts as a rod of lordly might (see the Epic Level Handbook page 137-8). Unlike normal Rods of
Divine Intervention, the Death Scythe can block these attacks even when attacking others.

In other respects, the Death Scythe is a +38 Huge Scythe, dealing 2d6 damage, x4 on a critical

King Slayer

This glittering blade contains 8 priceless soul gems, which burn black on the hilt and surround
the blade with blue flame. Souls stored in these gems are devoured within a day, unless the souls
are from demi-gods or greater beings, in which case they are simply trapped in torment.

The King Slayer is capable of sending the soul of whatever it kills to any destination, including
to within the gems. If the weilder of the King Slayer is encountered randomly, it contains 2d4
immortal souls already.

The King Slayer deals an additional 3d6 acid, cold, electricity, fire and sonic damage on every
additional hit (for a total of +15d6), and this damage is also multiplied on a critical hit. Every hit
also produces the effect of a random prismatic ray, or two on a critical hit. The King Slayer only
ever misses on a roll of natural 1, unless the target has an ability stating that attackers only hit on
a natural 20, in which case the attack roll is instead rolled normally.

On a natural 20, the King Slayer severs one of the opponents appendages. Roll randomly to
determine which appendage is severed. For humanoids roll a d12: 1-2 head, 3-4 left arm, 5-6
right arm, 7-8 torso, 9-10 left leg, 11-12 right leg. Creatures with multiple heads, multiple limbs,
tails or wings may add extra variables.

Otherwise, the King Slayer functions as a +5 Huge Longsword, dealing 2d8 slashing damage and
criticaling on a roll of 15-20.

Robes of Death

The Robes of Death are scraps cut from the cloak of a High Lord, and are part of the fabric of the
universe. They twist and swirl with time, and move with the eddies of fate. Blacker than night,
all light falls into them without reflecting, like a death of light itself.

The Robes of Death grant a +75 luck bonus to AC.

Angel's Scythes
This weapon splits into three +10 everdancing huge scythes, each of which can act
independantly. When not engaging in combat, it appears to be a single weapon, and they can all
be entered into combat at the same time as a standard action.



Awesome Visage (Su): In addition to his Cursed and Dread aura, Death radiates an aura that will
dumbfound those who seek it harm. All hostile targets within 540 ft. radius of Death must make
a Will save (DC 76) each round or be struck dumb.

Cursed Aura (Su): Those who approach Death within 540 feet are cursed, suffering a -8 penalty
to AC and saving throws. Victims may make a DC 76 Will save to avoid this effect. Those who
successfully save cannot be effected by Death's Cursed Aura for 24 hours. If the save if failed,
however, the victim always suffers this penalty within the radius of the aura, and does not get a
second chance to save.

Dread Aura (Su): Death is shrouded in an aura of death and weakness. Any creature within 850
feet is affected as if by a symbol of death and a symbol of weakness, except that there is no hit
point limit for these effects. All targets must make a Fortitude save (DC 83) every round they are
within the area to avoid the effect.


Divine Traits (Ex): Death is effectively an intermediate deity and as such adds a +14 divine
bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks,
turning checks); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative;
saving throws and spell resistance.

Immunity to Magic (Ex): Death is immune to all spells, spelllike abilities and supernatural
effects except as follows:

A dispel evil spell deals 1 point of damage per spell level.

Holy smite affects the akalich normally.
Any sonic based attacks affect Death as if it were a crystalline creature, but deal only half
normal damage (then apply the Death's sonic resistance).

Incorporeal Traits: Death can be harmed only by other incorporeal creatures, or magic
weapons, with a 50% chance to ignore damage from any corporeal source. Death can pass
through solid objects at will, and its own attacks pass through armor. Death always moves

Legendary Warrior (Ex): The Angel of Death's attacks are so skillful that they need only
require touch an opponent to deal damage. The Angel of Death uses an opponent's touch Armor
Class when determining whether or not his attacks are successful.
Nebulous (Su): Death appears intangible as if his very being is eternally seeking to regress back
into the shadows. Attacks against Death have an additional 50% miss chance, beyond the 50%
miss chance from being intangible. (To simplify play, you may wish to treat this as a 75% miss
chance instead of rolling 50% twice)

Omnicompetant (Ex): Death knows all skills and has maximum ranks in all skills.

Phylacteric Transference (Su): Any items kept in close proximity (within 75 feet per Hit Dice)
to the Deaths phylactery transfer all their benefits to Death regardless of the distance between
Death and his phylactery. Standard limits on types of items apply.

Regeneration (Su): Death takes normal damage from epic good aligned weapons, and from
spells or effects with the good descriptor equivelent to a 10th level spell or higher (after
metamagic). All other damage is negated entirely.

Rejuvenation (Ex): When Death is destroyed, it immediately rejuvenates to full hit points, by
sacrificing one of the immortal spirits trapped within its soul gems. Typically Death will have
2d4 captured immortal spirits within its soul gems when encountered. Only the spirits of true
immortals (demi-deities and above) can bestow the ability to rejuvenate upon Death.

Skills: Death receives a +100 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive
and Spot checks.

Vanguard Reflexes (Su): Allies within 540 ft. of Death can choose to use its Reflex saving
throw instead of their own.


Overshadow (Su): As a standard action, Death can sacrifice one of its captured immortal spirits
to wrap a shroud of death around a single opponent. This attack deals 1500 damage, or 3000
damage on the upper planes (no save) and has a range of 850 ft.

Rogue Abilities (Ex): Death is a master thief and possesses 37 integrated rogue levels.

Crippling Strike (Ex): Any opponent damaged by one of the Death's sneak attacks suffers
an additional 2 points of strength damage.
Defensive Roll (Ex): Once per day, Death can attempt a Reflex saving throw against any
attack's damage, success meaning the blow only deals half damage.
Improved Evasion (Ex): Should Death make a successful Reflex save against an attack
that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage or only
half damage on a failed save.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Death can only be flanked by a character with at least 79
Hit Dice.
Sneak Attack (Ex): Death deals +19d6 damage upon a successful sneak attack.
Trapfinding (Ex): Death can use its Search skill to locate traps with a DC higher than 20.
Trap Sense (Ex): Death gains a +14 bonus on Reflex saves and +14 Dodge bonus to AC
against traps.
Stasis Touch (Su): As temporal stasis except a supernatural ability. Any creature touched by
Death must make a Fortitude save (DC 83) or be placed in suspended animation.

Summon Angel of Sickness (Sp): Once per week Death can summon The Angel of Sickness.
This is equivalent to a 16th-level spell. Epic spell DC 96.

Sword of God (Su): Death can shoot a ray of divine fire dealing 44d20 damage (average 462)
out to a range of 1080 feet. Half the effect is fire, the other half divine energy. He must succeed
at a ranged touch attack to hit.

Trap the Soul (Su): Death can trap even immortal spirits. To use this power he selects any
target within 1500 feet. The target is allowed a Fortitude save (DC 83). If the target makes its
save half its levels are drained. If the target fails its save, its spirit is trapped within one of
Death's 8 soul gems. Death can only capture eight spirits or souls at any given time, one per soul
gem. Mortal souls or spirits weaker than demi-deity are devoured within a single day. Those of
capture immortals of demi-deity or above are used to fuel Death's overshadow and rejuvenation

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