3939 - Update 2nd CNE 2017

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2nd Announcement

International speakers

Prof. Deok Hee Lee Prof. Nijasri C. Suwanwela Prof. Sarun Nunta-are
Neurointerventionist Director of Chulalongkorn Neurosurgeon Siriraj Hospital
ASAN Medical Center Korea Comprehensive Stroke Center Thailand Mahidol University Bangkok Thailand

Continuing Neurological Education (CNE) is an annual scientific program

of Neurology Department of Airlangga University and PERDOSSI Surabaya

Email : cne.surabaya@gmail.com, Website : neurology-surabaya.com


Welcome Speech 2
General Information 3
Committee 4
Poster Presentation 5
Program at Glance 6
Scientific Programs 7
Registration Form 13
Site plan Exhibition 14
Sponsorship Form 15

Welcoming Speech

Dear Colleagues,

We are delighted and honored to announce that the 18th CNE will take place in
Surabaya from May5th 7th, 2017 with the theme The New Era: Towards Curative Neurology.
The development of Neurology has always been fascinating moreover with recent trend that is
the curative neurology. How neurology is able to evolveisan interesting topic for scientific
research on neurology. Recent advances in that topic have opened up new possibilities for the
update on management of neurological cases. We hope that this programs can offer relevant and
research-based answer and solutionsfor neurological casescommony found within the
We have also compiled some workshop. This gives the opportunity for participants to
learn directly from the experts from various fields. The workshops comprehensively cover
topics dealing with The 2nd SAINS (Surabaya Academy Interventional Neurovascular and
Stroke), Headache and facial pain, Intractable epilepsy and Clinical practice of neurological cases
in primary care services (for general practitioner).
We invite scientists from numerous centers across Indonesia and from abroad to give
presentation on various topics. Your participation in this highly qualified Scientific Meeting is
very important for us as the Organizer. We also believe that the participation will give you
significant advantages as there are opportunities to participate in various events such as the
scientific sessions or the Pharmaceutical and Medical exhibitions and other activities during the
meeting. The details can be discussed with the organizer.Here, We invite you all to attend 18th
CNE 2017.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Surabaya in May 2017.

Best regard,

Achmad Firdaus Sani, dr., Sp.S. FINS Muhammad Hamdan, dr.Sp.S(K)

Chairman Head of PERDOSSI Surabaya

General Information

Organization Theme:
Indonesian Neurological Association (INA) The New Era: Towards Curative
Surabaya Chapter Neurology

Secretariat Symposium Topics

Neurology DepartementMedical Faculty of Headache & Pain Sleep disorder
Airlangga University/ Stroke Neuroinfection
Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Neurointervention Neuroimmunology
Mayjend. Prof. Dr. Moestopo 6-8, Surabaya Movement disorders Neuropediatry
Phone/Fax : (031) 5019041, 5501670 / Neurootology Neurobehavior
Fax : (031) 5501750 Neurophysiology Neurogeriatry
Email : cne.surabaya@gmail.com Neuroonkology Neuroimaging
Website : neurology-surabaya.com Neurointensive care Epilepsy
Contact Persons
1. Dwie F. Rachmawati(+6281331009210) Workshop
2. Haryun Dinaarni (+628123095111) 1. The 2nd SAINS (Surabaya Academy
3. dr. Devi Ariani S., Sp.S (+62818310035) Interventional Neurovascular and
Location 2. Headache and Facial Pain
JW Marriott Hotel Surabaya
3. Intractable epilepsy
Embong Malang Surabaya, Surabaya City,
4. Clinical Practice of neurological
East Java 60261,
Phone : (031) 5458888 cases in primary care service (for
general practitioner)
Date Target of audiences
May, 5th 7th 2017 Neurologists
The General physicians and other
The Official language of the Congress is
specialist physicians who are
both Indonesian and English interested in this area


Congress Organizing Committee

Prof. Dr. dr. Moh. Hasan M., MS, Sp.S(K)
dr. Muhammad Hamdan, Sp.S(K)
dr. Isti Suharjanti, Sp.S(K)

Steering Commitee
dr. Mudjiani Basuki,Sp.S.
dr. M. Saiful Islam, Sp.S(K)
dr. Wardah Rahmatul Islamiyah, Sp.S
dr.J. Ekowahono R.,Sp.S.,M.Kes.
dr. Rahmadani Zulfitri
dr. Riani Wisnujono,Sp.S.
Dr. dr. Kurnia Kusumastuti, Sp.S(K) Meeting and Audiovisual
dr. Mudjiani Basuki,Sp.S. Dr. dr. Paulus Sugianto, Sp.S(K).
dr. M. Saiful Ardhi, Sp.S.
Organizing Commitee : dr. Bimo Dwi Lukito
Chairman : dr. A. Firdaus Sani,
Sp.S.,FINS Ceremony
Co-Chairman: dr. Abdullah Machin, dr. Yudha Haryono,Sp.S.
dr. Nurul Azizah
Registration and Acomodation
Secretary :
dr. Sita Setyowatie, Sp.S.
dr. Devi Ariani Sudibyo, Sp.S
dr. Vita Kusuma
dr. Yudhi Adrianto, Sp.S
Poster presentation
Treasurer :
dr.J. Ekowahono R.,Sp.S.,M.Kes.
dr. Wardah Rahmatul Islamiyah, Sp.S
dr. Fadil, Sp.S.
dr. Deby W. Hadi, Sp.S
dr. Santoso
Funding Committee
Publication and Documentation
dr. Djohan Ardiansyah,Sp.S
dr. Fidiana, Sp.S.
dr. Hendro Susilo, Sp.S(K)
dr. Akbar
dr. Wijoto, Sp.S(K)
dr. Muhammad Hamdan, Sp.S(K) Food and Baverage
dr. Isti Suharjanti, Sp.S(K) dr. Riani Wisnujono,Sp.S
dr. Ianatul Ulya
Congress Education Program and
Workshop Exhibition & Transportation
dr. Hanik Badriyah Hidayati, Sp.S dr. Priya Nugraha, Sp.S
dr. Zarrah Harris dr. Muhammad Fariz

Poster Presentation

1. The abstracts must be typed in Indonesian and English with a maximum of 250
2. The abstracts must be created in Microsoft Word format, using the Times New
Roman font size 12, using A4 page setting and single spacing with justified
3. Abstract submission deadline is April 3rd, 2017.
4. The headers of the paragraph for research paper are Background, Objective,
Methods, Results, and Conclusion. The headers for case report or series are
Introduction, Case, and conclusion.
5. The full name of the authors (main and co-authors) including name of organization,
institution, university or office must be fully mentioned, and the name of the main
author must be written at the front and underlined.

Posters :
1. The poster session will be held according to the schedule of the committee
2. The size of the poster is 90 x 120 cm
3. The letters and illustrations on the poster should be readable from a distance of at
least 1 (one) meter.
4. The full name and office of all authors and co-authors (name of organization,
institution, university or office) must be mentioned.
5. Participants must be present at the time of posters assessment by the jury
6. Participants must provide 5 copies of full text for the commitee.

General terms and conditions:

All poster participants must be registered as symposium participants and have
completed their registration and payment processes. The abstracts will not be
processed until the committee has accepted the registration fee.
The topic of the abstract is related to Neurology.
It has to be sent online via email in the form of MS Word to fadil.neuro@gmail.com
All participants will receive a confirmation email from the commitee regarding the
abstract submission.
Posters will be displayed on May 6th, 2017 at 12.50-16.00 WIB and all poster
presenters are encouraged to stand by their posters for discussion with the jury and
participant at that time. Posters should be installed by 10.00 and dismantled after
16.30 at the date.

For further information, Please contact Poster and Presentation Division

Fadil Baktir, dr., Sp.S (+628563139723)

Program at Glance

Date Program Room/ Venue

Workshop :
The 2nd SAINS (Surabaya
Academy Interventional Java
Neurovascular& Stroke) JW. Marriott Surabaya Hotel
Friday ( 07.00 16.00 WIB)
May 5th, 2017
Workshop Headache and Facial Banda Celebes
Pain ( 07.00 16.00 WIB) JW. Marriott Surabaya Hotel
Workshop Intractable Epilepsy Bali AB
( 07.00 16.00 WIB) JW. Marriott Surabaya Hotel
Symposium Ballroom JW. Marriott Surabaya
( 07.00 17.00 WIB) Hotel
Poster Presentation Voyer of Hall
( 12.50 16.00 WIB) JW. Marriott Surabaya Hotel
May 6th, 2017
Mercure Grand Mirama Hotel,
Temu Alumni
Jl. Raya Darmo
(19.00 21.00 WIB)
No. 68 78 Surabaya
Symposium Ballroom
( 07.00 13.00 WIB) JW. Marriott Surabaya Hotel
Workshop for GP : Bali C
Sunday Clinical Practice of Neurological JW. Marriott Surabaya Hotel
May 7th, 2017 Cases in Primary Care Services
(Optimalizing Treatment using
PPK-1 Formularium)
(10.15 14.30 WIB)

Scientific Programs
Friday, May 5th2017
Workshop for Specialist
Workshop 1
The 2nd SAINS (Surabaya Academy Interventional Neurovascular & Stroke)
07.00 07.30 Registration

07.30 - 07.45
Neurovascular in our daily Clinical Practice

Small vessel and large vessel stroke : what is the difference in clinical
07.45 - 08.15
presentation and medical management ?

Dealing with intracranial atherosclerosis/ stenosis in our daily practices:

08.15 - 08.45
medical and neurointerventional treatment (evidences and experiences)
Thrombolytic and Thrombectomy in Acute Ischemic Stroke : the Fast Track
08.45 - 09.30 and How to Manage the Potential Complications
(Thailand Experience)
09.30 - 09.45 Discussion

09.45 -10.00 Coffee break (flow model)

Which one is the Best Choicefor my AVM patients: embolization, surgery or

gamma knife ? (Korean Experience)

Why did my patients get recurrent hemorragic stroke : the spectrum of

10.30 - 11.00
vascular malformations (diagnostic modality & management)

11.00 - 11.15 Discussion

11.15 - 12.45 Praying & Lunch (flow model)

How to best manage increasing ICP in Acute Stroke : lessons learned from
12.45 - 13.15
recent evidences
Spinal cord stroke and vascular disease: Medical & Neurointerventional
13.15 - 14.45
Practical session
1. IV & IA thrombolysis : step by step and practical administration of Actilyse
14.45 - 15.15 2. Understanding Neuro-angiography in easy way using 10 Simple Steps
3. Case & video presentation
Neurointerventional Team
15.15 - 16.00 Flow Model & Coffee break

Scientific Programs
Friday, May 5th2017
Workshop 2
Headache and Facial Pain
07.00 07.40 Registration
07.40 07.45 Opening
07.45 08.00 Pretest
08.00 08.35 Optimizing diagnosis & treatment of Temporal Arteritis
08.35 09.10 Practical Essential of Migraine and Medication Overused Headache
09.10 09.50 Advanced in Diagnosis and Treatment of Occipital Neuralgia
09.50 10.00 Coffee break
10.00 10.40 Practical Aspects of Occipital Nerve Blocks
10.40 11.00 Post Test
11.00 13.00 Praying & Lunch
Hands On: Technical aspects of nerve blocks for headache purposes using
13.00 - 15.00
anatomical landmarks and ultrasound guidance
15.00 15.30 Closing & Coffee break

Workshop 3
Intractable Epilepsy

07.00 07.30 Registration
07.30 - 07.45 Pretest
07.45 08.00 Opening and About This workshop
Round I
08.00 08.55 Tutor I : What is intractable epilepsy and its consequences ? (5 minutes)
Discussion (50 minutes) .
Round II
08.55 09.50 Tutor II : How to diagnose intractable epilepsy ? (5 minutes)
Discussion (50 minutes).
09.50 10.05 Coffee break
Round III
10.05 11.00 Tutor II : How to manage intractable epilepsy ? (5 minutes)
Discussion (50 minutes).
11.00 13.00 Praying & Lunch
13.00 15.00 Meet The Expert
15.00 15.15 Coffee break
15.15 15.30 Post-test
15.30 16.00 Closing
Scientific Programs

Saturday, May 6th2017

07.00 08.00 Registration
Plenary Lecture
1. New Era and Paradigm in Neurology : from Nihilistic to Optimistic &
08.00 08.40 Curative area
2. Degradation Collegality of Indonesian Doctors : Reality & Ideality

08.40 09.10 Opening Ceremony

09.10 09.30 Coffee Break
Stroke & Hypertension Sleep, Stroke & Neurobehaviour
Symposium Symposium

09.30 09.50 1. Venous Stroke : Is It different 1. Insomnia : Update on

from arterial stroke ? (diagnosis Assessment and Management
and treatment)
2. Neuroprotectant in cognitive
09.50 - 10.10 2. Early Blood Pressure problems after stroke : old
Management in Acute Stroke by story or a new hope ?
Calcium Antagonist

10.10 - 10. 30 3. Understanding Collaterals : 3. Silent Cerebrovascular

Neuroimaging of collateral in Ischemia : should it be treated
acute stroke as a stroke ?

10.3010.40 Discussion Discussion

Strategies in Pain Management Hypertension & Stroke,
Symposium Pain after Stroke Symposium

10.40 11.00 1. Understanding Pain: Approaching 1. Recent Management of

from Pathophisiology and hypertensive emergency in
Pathogenesis stroke : what we learn from
the newest evidence ?
11.00 -11.20 2. Current Challenges in Pain
Management : Is Inadequate Pain 2. Acute and chronic pain
Relief Important to be solved? syndrome after stroke :
diagnosis and treatment
11.20 -11.40
3. Prolotheraphy for pain 3. Retinal stroke : Is It same with
management : What neurologist Cerebral Stroke ? (diagnosis &
Should Know treatment)

11.40 -11.50 Discussion Discussion

Scientific Programs

11.50 12.50 ISHOMA
Neurophysiology & Pheripheral Nerve

12.50 13.10 1. Clinical Predictor of Mechanical Ventilation in

Guillain-Barr Syndrome

13.10 - 13.30 2. Clinical predictor of IVIG treatment in

Myasthenia Gravis

13.30 - 13.50 3. CIDP : Update Management and Prognosis

13.50 - 14.00 Discussion

Neurogeriatric & Neurobehavior Symposium

14.00 14.20 1. Re-energize and Improvement of Asthenia &

Memory in Eldery Patient Poster Presentation

14.20 - 14.40 2. Urinary Incontinence in Elderly: what to do ?

14.40 - 15.00 3. Dyskinesia in the Elderly, how to treat?

15.00 15.10
Neuroinfection Symposium

15.10 15.30 1. Meningo-Encephalitis with unknown etiology:

what we have to do ?

15.30 - 15.50 2. Surgical treatment of TB spondylitis:

indications and the outcomes

15.50 - 16.00 Discussion

16.00 17.00 Coffee Afternoon


19.00 21.00
(Hotel Mercure Grand Mirama Jl. Raya Darmo No. 68-78 Surabaya)

Scientific Programs
Sunday, May 7th2017
07.30- 08.00 Registration
08.00- 08.20 Plenary Lecture

Understanding the Evidences in Neurological Practice

Neurorestoration & Neuropediatric Symposium

08.20 08.40 1. Recent Guideline for Neurorestoration : What neurologist should


08.40 - 09.00 2. Management of Spasticity in Cerebral Palsy

09.00 - 09.10 Discussion

Neurootology & Neuroemergency Symposium

09.10 09.30 1. Tinnitus : Practical Approach and Treatment

09.30 - 09.50 2. Cerebral Vasoconstriction vs Cerebral Vasospasm:

Hemorrhagic & Non-Hemorrhagic cases

09.50 - 10.00 Discussion

10.00 10.10 Coffee break
Parkinsons disease and Deep Brain Stimulation Symposium

10.10 10.30 1. The current management non motor symptoms in Parkinsons

disease, focus on neuropsychiatric symptom

10.30 - 10.50 2. The Current Management Advanced Parkinsons disease Focus on


10.50 - 11.10 3. Surgical Aspects of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)

11.10 - 11.20 Discussion

Neurooncology Symposium

11.20 11.40 1. The Progressing Treatment Challenges in GBM nowadays

11.40 12.00 2. Intratechal Chemotheraphy : Indication & Patient selection

12.00 - 12.20 3. Intra Arterial Chemoterapy in Neurooncology : Opening of a New


12.20 - 12.30 Discussion

12.30 13.00 Closing, Door Prize, Lunch

Scientific Programs

Workshop for GP

Sunday, May 7th2017

Clinical Practice of Neurological Cases in Primary Care Services

(Optimalizing Treatment using PPK-1 Formularium)

10.15 10.30 Registration
10.30 12.30 Case discussion neurological cases in primary care service :

1. Stroke
2. Epilepsy
3. Peripheral Nerve

12.30 13.00 Praying & Lunch

13.00 14.00 Case discussion neurological cases in primary care service:

1. Vertigo
2. Pain & Headache

14.00 14.30 Summary

Registration Form

Site Plan Exhibition


PT. Novell Pharmaceutical Labs.

PT. MSD Indonesia
PT. Boehringer Ingelheim
PT. Medtronic divisi RTG
PT. Medtronic divisi Neurovascular
PT. Kalbe Farma
PT. Dipa Pharmalab Intersains
PT. Servier Indonesia
PT. Dexa Medica
PT. Petan Daya Medica
PT. Mulya Husada Jaya
PT. Novartis Indonesia
PT. Tanabe Indonesia
PT. Pharmalink
PT. Sanofi Indonesia
PT. Semax Axomedika
PT. Bayer Indonesia
PT. Abbott Indonesia
PT. Citra Pharma Indonesia
PT. Merck Indonesia
PT. Kimia Farma
PT. Mersi Farma
PT. Tempo Rx Farma
Prodia Laboratorium


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