Updated Proposal CCPG 2019
Updated Proposal CCPG 2019
Updated Proposal CCPG 2019
Komunitas Medik Katolik Indonesia (KMKI), which was established on February 11,
2001 in Jakarta, is an organization for Catholic health workers to share, communicate, and
World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations which is based in the Vatican City.
There are various activities that had been done by KMKI, not only by doing social
activities such as giving treatment and assistance to those in needs, including victims of
disasters, but also doing activities to increase Catholic health workers’ competencies in
practices and to increase knowledge in the field of biomedical ethics. At the international
level, in 2012, KMKI was chosen as the host for the 15th AFCMA Congress which was held
on October 18–21, 2012 that took place in Bali. The congress was attended by 410
participants from various Asian countries and also from America, Europe, and Australia
countries’ delegates.
At the national level, since 2012, KMKI-KAJ (KMKI-Keuskupan Agung Jakarta) has
already held Symposium and Workshop which has general practitioners as the main
attendees with the theme of "CURRENT CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINES 2012" which was
in 2016 with 500 participants, in 2017 with 750 participants, and in 2018 with around 500
participants. This year in 2019, KMKI-KAJ will hold the same event with the theme
"CURRENT CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINES 2019". The principles of our subjects that
are to be discussed in the symposium will mainly include cases that are often encountered
in our daily medical practice. CCPG materials have characteristics that are different from
daily practice.
• Name of Event:
Symposium and Workshop with this year theme:
• Objectives:
To improve and update medical knowledge of general practitioners and other
• Venue of Event:
Millennium Hotel Jakarta
• Time of Event:
o Saturday, September 28, 2019. 7 am – 5 pm GMT +7
• Participants of Event:
Dr. Andreas Sanusi Kurniawan
DR. Dr. Nanny Djaja, M.Gizi, SpGK
Dr. Vivian Soetikno, SpFK, PhD
Dr. Antonius Ritchi Castilani, M.Si, DFM
Scientific Event :
Dr. Angela Ch M Nusatia, SpMK, MARS
Dr. Julian, MARS
Dr. Risa Anwar
Dr. Camelia Chitra
Dr. Endang Werdiningsih
Consumption :
Dr. Sondang Apriyati
Dr. Fonny Bouk
Security and Protection : Security Hotel
Update and New Highlight in Obstetrics:
Dr. J.M. Seno Adjie, SpOG(K)
Placenta Accreta and else
11.30 – Dry Workshop 1 - Type 2 Diabetes Moderator: Dr. Stevent Sumantri,
12.30 Mellitus SpPD, DAA
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: When is the right
time to refer to an Internist to start insulin Dr. Laurentius Aswin Pramono, SpPD,
therapy in Oral-Antihyperglycemic-agents M.Epid
resistant patient at primary health centers?
Management of Dyslipidemia in Type 2
Diabetes Mellitus Patient
Probiotic and Prebiotic Roles in Nutritional
Management in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus DR. Dr. Nanny Djaya, M.Gizi, SpGK
12.30 –
Lunch and Exhibition
13.30 – Moderator: Dr. Meila Sutanti,
Plenary Lecture 3 – Ear, Nose and Throat
14.30 SpTHT-KL
Type of Vertigo Cases and Differential
Dr. Ibnu Harris Fadilah, SpTHT-KL
Current Updates on Diagnostic and
Dr. Michael Lekamtopessy, SpTHT-KL
Management of Allergic Rhinitis
Diagnosis and Management in Head and
Dr. Iwan Karman, SpB(K)-KL
Neck Neoplasm
14.30 –
Coffee Break and Exhibition
15.00 –
Dry Workshop 2 – Ophthalmology Moderator: Dr. Angela Shinta, SpM
Anterior Segment Disorders: Update on
Dr. Sovia, SpM
Sunday, September 29, 2019
07.30 – Re-Registration
08.00 – Moderator: Dr. Elisabeth Yohmi,
Plenary Lecture 4 - Pediatrics
09.00 SpA, IBCLC
Early Detection on Child Dyslexia Prof. DR. Dr. Rini Sekartini, SpA(K)
The First Thousand Days: A New Paradigm Dr. Muda Isa Ariantana, SpA
Early Initiation of Breastfeeding: The Key of
Dr. Utami Roesli, SpA, IBCLC, FABM
Survival and Beyond
09.00 – Moderator: Dr. Angela Ch, SpMK,
Dry Workshop 3 - Ancillary Examination
10.00 MARS
Radiology Emergency for General
Dr. Maisie M.E. Johan, SpRad
Updates on Laboratory Testing in Medicine Dr. Deborah Theresia, SpPK
Immunological Laboratory Examination Dr. Florencia Idajanti Tandhana, SpPK
10.00 –
Coffee Break and Exhibition
10.30 – Dry Workshop 4 - Cardiology and Moderator: Dr. Laurentius Aswin
11.30 Vascular Pramono, SpPD, M.Epid
Arrhythmia Pharmacological Management
Dr. Hendro Adi Kuncoro, SpJP, FIHA
at Primary Health Centers
DR. med. Dr. Yanto Sandy Tjang,
Diagnosis and Management of Deep Vein
Sp.BTKV(K), MPH, MSc, DSc, PhD,
Activity and Exercise Regulation After Acute
DR. Dr. I. Rika Haryono, SpKO
Coronary Syndrome
11.30 –
Lunch and Exhibition
12.30 – Moderator: DR. Dr. Rimawati
Dry Workshop 5 - Pain
13.30 Tedjasukmana, SpS, RPSGT, FICA
Chronic Headache Management: When to
DR. Dr. Jimmy Barus, M.Sc., Sp.S.
Dealing with Psychiatric Patient with Dr. Agnes Tineke Waney Rorong,
Suicidal Thoughts or Attempted Suicide SpKJ
Common Psychosomatic Disorders Found
Dr. Andri, SpKJ, FACLP
in Daily Practices as General Practitioner
14.30 –
Closing and Door Prize Day 2
Partnership Package
• Auditorium’s Foyer
Has 18 booths : IDR 30 Mio
Exhibition Contractor :
PT Citra Pratama Sewu,
CP : Stella Mardiane
stella_mardiane@yahoo.com. HP 085691111899
• Company’s logo will be printed at our backdrop and photobooth.
• Available for 4 – 5 products logo display on 5 registration counters
This year Symposium and Workshop of “Current Clinical Practice Guidelines 2019” will
offer many wet workshop choices. The aim is to improve our understanding and can be
intensely learn from our qualified speakers which are common in our daily cases finding.
It is our biggest hope for our seminar participants to be more updated and implement
the subjects from the seminar in to their practices with more confidence.
Thank you.
Secretariat Address:
Komunitas Medik Katolik Indonesia - KAJ (KMKI- KAJ)
“Current Clinical Practice Guidelines 2019”
Jl. Kelapa Kopyor Raya Blok Q1 No. 1, Kelapa Gading
Jakarta Utara 14240 – Indonesia;
Telp.: 0815-8660-5112 / 021 – 4525231
Website: www.kmkikaj.org
E-mail: seminarkedokteranccpg@gmail.com
Contact Person:
Dr. Veronica Felnditi, MARS 0816 1816 389
Dr. Ingrid Jesica 0819 2455 757
Dr. Andrey Setiawan 0815 8660 5112
Dr. Aditya H. Satyawan 0878 7810 3960
Partnership Confirmation Form:
Name :
Company :
Position :
Address :
Phone :
Facsimile :
Mobile phone :
E-mail :
Our confirmed participation (please sign)
Date, signature, and company stamp
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