Mission Statement

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Mission statement

To serve the Filipino community by providing great-tasting food and the most relevant customer delight

Components Presence Proof

1. Customers Yes Filipino community
2. Products and services Yes Great-tasting food and the most relevant customer
delight experience.
3. Market Yes Filipino
4. Technology No
5. Concern for survival No
6. Self-concept Yes Great-tasting food and the most relevant customer
delight experience.
7. Concern for public image No
8. Concern for employees No

The statement lacks following components: products and services, technology, concern
for public image and concern for employees. McDonalds mission doesnt mention any
of the values used in our evaluation framework, but provides their values separately.
McDonalds values that guide companys actions and decisions are:

We place the customer experience at the core of all we do

We are committed to our people
We believe in the McDonalds System
We operate our business ethically
We give back to our communities
We grow our business profitably
We strive continually to improve

The statement is customer-oriented, which means that the company is focused on

satisfying customer needs, which is exactly what McDonalds stress in its mission.
Nonetheless, McDonalds statement doesnt fully reveal companys reason for being
and poorly communicates primary business information to its stakeholders.

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