Delaware Sierra News: Conservation Updates
Delaware Sierra News: Conservation Updates
Delaware Sierra News: Conservation Updates
A Sierra Club Newsletter about Environmental Matters Important to Delaware January/February 2003
continued on page 5
Delaware Chapter Letter from the Chair chapter members came forth to help support
and Southern
Delaware by Matt Urban and staff during the evening. Special mention
Group Leaders must be made of Shiray Shipley (our chapter
Chapter Office: As I write this article the holidays are fast coordinator). Without her dedication and
1304 N. Rodney St. approaching, and it’s a time to be thankful. hard work this event would simply have not
Wilmington, DE 19806
302-425-4911 I’m thankful for the opportunity to be a taken place. Finally, big thanks to some of
part of such a wonderful and committed our key supporters - Out & About Magazine
Chapter Executive
Committee group of people. And that’s not just the (who donated a number of items for the auc-
Matt Urban, chair 661-2050
activists of the chapter, I’m really speaking tion and helped to advertise the event), and
Rich Anthony, v-chair 645-1732
Dick Bewick 736-1670 of all of you that continue to show your John Harvard’s Brew House (who was kind
Debbie Heaton 378-8501 support for the environment of our state enough to contribute beer to the event from
David Keifer 678-2712
Chris McEvilly 656-8858 (and our world) through your membership a last minute request). And there are many
Terri Tipping, treas. 368-1452 with Sierra Club. Particularly in light of others, too many to name here, but you
Chapter Appointed Officers what's going on in the world, it gives hope know who you are!
Cons. Debbie Heaton 378-8501
to know that we are all working together, in As 2003 begins, we have some
Litigation Carl Solberg 492-1225
Landuse David Keifer 678-2712 whatever way we can, to make a positive changes within our chapter. Our Excom
Anti-Pollution Dick Bewick736-
difference in the world. will be changing, and we will have some
Outings Phil Shuman 698-1998 In particular, a special thanks goes new faces. See elsewhere in this newsletter
out to all that attended our second annual for the election results. Also, we are very
Southern Delaware Group
Excom fall fundraising event at the Delaware pleased to announce that we have a new
Pete Okie 856-2728 Outings chair for 2003. Phil Shuman has
Steve Callanen 539-0635
Center for the Contemporary Arts.
Terri Usuki 436-4042 Although attendance was down from last graciously accepted the position, and
Yuki Usuki 436-4042
year’s event and we were not as financially although he’s following in some big foot-
SDG Appointed Officers successful as 2001, it was a truly wonderful steps where Dan Soeder left off, we’re sure
Cons. Terri Usuki 436-4042 Phil will set up some excellent outings in
Secretary Carrie Bennett evening. Just over 100 attended the event,
and enjoyed cruising the art galleries, feast- the future and keep our outings program
Visit us on the web: ing on our absolutely wonderful catered rolling along. Finally, be sure to check out some
hors d’oeuvres, and listening to the “Gypsy
Jazz” music of Counterpoint. Businesses of the fun events we have coming up in
and individuals donated around 40 items early 2003. On Thursday, February 6,
for the silent auction. Our guest speaker, we’ll be holding the second annual “Music
Maryann Karinch, captivated the nearly Never Stopped” fundraising event at Kelly’s
packed auditorium with adventure photos Logan House in Wilmington (see details
and tales of extreme athletes. elsewhere in this newsletter). And we’ll
Thanks are also due to those that soon be gearing up for our first general
made the event happen. Our entire fundrais- membership meeting, to be held sometime
ing committee put a lot of effort into making in the spring – look for details in an
the event come together, and a number of upcoming newsletter.
The Delaware Sierra News is published five times a year by the Delaware Chapter of the Sierra Club.
This publication is written and produced entirely by volunteers.
If you would like to help with its publication, please contact the editor (302-571-8097). The deadline
for materials for the next issue February 9, 2003. We reserve the right to edit materials submitted for
publication. Send Materials and Letters to the Editor to:
Ideas expressed in the Delaware Sierra News are those of the columnists and do not necessarily reflect
the position of the Sierra Club. While effort is made to check for accuracy, time constraints and limited all-
volunteer staff do not allow for complete data corroboration.
Editors: Marlene Rayner, Jean Bauer and Mike Casale
This newsletter was printed on recycled/ post consumer paper with soy based ink by the Dover
Post Company, Dover, Del.