Alpha Tau Newletter Summer 2023 Vol 7 Issue 1
Alpha Tau Newletter Summer 2023 Vol 7 Issue 1
Alpha Tau Newletter Summer 2023 Vol 7 Issue 1
The sign has the DKG logo on it and then says, “A gift for
Cay also presented a check for $100 for the Early you to show that we care and we hope it knocks your socks
Educator Award to Kayla Cross, who teaches 2nd grade ON!” Well, we couldn’t put the items in the socks as
in Halfway, for decodable books. Congrats, Ladies! planned. Look on p. 4 to see why!
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
The Alpha Tau Talk
Summer, 2023 p. 4
Upcoming Conferences:
MO Legislators’ Bills Affect Education
**2023 Conferences
As always, education is a hot topic in Jefferson
*July 11-16, Detroit, Michigan;
City because of budget concerns. Here’s what is
The Westin Book Cadillac
being talked about now as bills are making their
way through the state legislature: 1114 Washington Blvd, Detroit, MI 48226, USA
1. Open Enrollment; This bill was narrowly $175 +TAX PER NIGHT
approved by the House and is now in the Senate. It Start Date: Tuesday, July 11, 2023
would allow students to enroll outside the school End Date: Sunday, July 16, 2023
district they live in. Up to 3% of students in any Cut Off Date: 5 p.m. EST June 20, 2023
district could leave each year. Local money would *July 18-22, Phoenix, Arizona
stay, but state and federal dollars would follow the Sheraton Wild Horse Pass
students. 5594 W Wild Horse Pass Blvd
2. Transgender youth: A wave of anti-trans Chandler, AZ 85226 USA
bills have been discussed this session, trying to $119 + TAX PER NIGHT
restrict LGBTQ rights. The Senate passed 2 bills Cut Off Date: June 13, 2023
barring transgender youth from receiving
supporting health care and participating in sports **Future International Conventions
that go with their gender identity. Another 2024--National Harbor, MD (Gaylord National, D.C.)
prohibits athletes from participating in a sport 2026--Aurora, CO (Gaylord Rockies)
“that is designated for the biological sex opposite to
the student’s biological sex” as state on his/her Humanities Contributions
birth certificate. at State Convention
3. Teacher pay, retention, and funding: Since Due to the generosity of the DKG women, there was
Missouri pay for teacher is near the bottom of the no way we had time to stuff the socks with all the
nation, the General Assembly approved a grant contributions!!!!! So we just organized all of the things
program to help boost pay last year, but it was and took it to North Point—a battered women’s shelter
temporary and districts still had to pay 30% of it. in Columbia! Wow! That’s a lot of stuff! Count on
So new bills address raising minimum teacher teachers to be generous! This is FOUR TABLES FULL!
salary to $38,000 and allowing districts to raise pay
scales for “hard-to-staff” subjects or “hard-to-staff”
schools. A proposed state budge would provide
$10 billion in K-12 spending, fully fund school
transportation and provide some funding for pre-K.
4. Parents’ rights: The Senate has passed a bill
relating to transparency and rights for parents, and
how race is talked about. This would create a state
database called the MO Education Transparency
and Accountability Portal. Citizens could access this
information for each school.
5. Library funding; Last month the House
passed a state budget that removed $4.5 million in
funding for public libraries. This was in reaction to
a lawsuit from the ACLU that resulted in the
removal of hundreds of books in public schools
across the state. This is still in discussion with
librarian groups and Representatives.
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Alpha Tau Chapter
Summer, 2023, p. 5
Sister Chat
We always highlight a member of Alpha Tau in each
SISTER FUN NEWS newsletter, and this issue that member is Cay Sergent,
*Magda Neill says she just got home from a our long-standing treasurer of Alpha Tau. Cay is of an
week in Florida. She flew into Orlando where her age where she is more than willing to tell someone, but
cousin, Ron picked her up and they went to his doesn’t really want to see it in print. (We love her sense
beautiful home in The Villages. His sister, of humor!) She lives in the country halfway between
Sandra, Magda’s only girl cousin on her mom’s side, Halfway and Buffalo, editor’s humor.
had driven from AL to Fl to spend the week. They of She has spent 32 years in education, she thinks,
course did a lot of talking, spending time out at Ron’s receiving a BS in Educ and a Masters as well. She
pool, riding in the golf cart to explore, going out to worked as an English teacher, a librarian, and a
eat, and shopping a bit. technology director all of those many years, and the
Magda explains that The Villages is a planned editor thinks most, if not all, of those years were in
retirement community for folks 55 and over. She Buffalo.
says it was beautiful and there were hundreds of Cay has been so very dedicated all of the 30 years
things to do, if you want to be involved. But she she has been in DKG, and service has been her life’s key
further states that while she enjoyed the visit, she word. In Alpha Tau she has been the 2nd VP, the 1st VP,
has decided it would not be for her as she missed the president, and the standing treasurer. At the state
seeing younger people. She thinks she will stay in level, she has served as the recording secretary, 2nd VP,
her neighborhood where she can be part of a multi- 1st VP, and PRESIDENT! She currently serves on the
age neighborhood! state finance and communications committees. At the
*Evonne Miner, on the other hand, states that international level, yes, international, she has served on
she went to Cancun in May, and it was “great to go the Educator’s Book Award Committee and Member-
and difficult to leave!” Here’s her picture of Cancun. ship Committee.
Cay’s family includes husband Frank, daughters
Jeannette, Kristal, and our Jessie, three grandchildren
Kendall, Dylan, and Oliver, and 3 dogs Bessie, Harry,
and Rose. If Cay DOES have any free time, she enjoys
reading, photography, and researching her family
history. She also volunteers for several organizations.
(See p. 9.) She says, “I am blessed to have busy days.”
We say that is probably an understatement on the busy
*Karla Spear is very busy playing with her new When asked what is different in DKG from when you
grandson Zeke! She can’t be old enough to be a (cont. on p. 7)
grandma! But she seems to be very happy to be
*Laurie Whitlock has gone to New Mexico in Cay Sergent
May for her youngest grandson’s graduation from
high school. Then in June she is going to Kentucky to Past State Pres.
visit The Ark and that area.
*Is it fun news that Debra Agee tells that they are Our Treasurer
renovating their house?? It certainly will be when it Mom
is done!!!
*Laurie Whitlock says she enjoyed 2 weeks in Grandma
Red River, NM, visiting her son, DIL, and 3 grand- Wife
sons. They celebrated Mother’s Day and her
youngest grandson’s HS graduation. THEN, the last All-Knowing
(cont. on p. 7) Never Says No
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Alpha Tau Chapter
Summer, 2023 p. 6
Dr. Diana Piccolo presents on MSU programs SISTER PROFESSIONAL NEWS
available for graduates at our April meeting *Betty Glasgow is proud to announce that Bolivar
High School Educators are going to Nationals in
Orlando! This group used to be called the Future
Teachers of America. They get dual credit with MSU for
the work they do. They all took the Paraprofessional
exam April 13th.
*Karla Spear has recently attended a workshop at a
Counselor Fly Program at the US Naval Academy at
Annapolis in Maryland. She is currently the summer
school director at Climax Springs. At the end of June,
she and hubby will be attending the International
Society for Technology in Education Conference in
Philadelphia! She has heard it is one of the best in the
Symbols of Delta Kappa Gamma
In the last newsletters, we have talked about the
*Christa Rowland is finishing her Dyslexia
meaning of some of the symbols of Delta Kappa
Certification this fall!! Congrats, Christa!!
Gamma—our name, our colors, our flower, our key,
*Kassidy Owens will be leaving Halfway to teach 5th
and our crest. To continue this discussion, let us
grade at Nixa in the fall. We wish her the best of luck in
discuss the meaning of Delta Kappa Gamma’s song.
this transition!
It was written by Annie Webb Blanton and Cora
*Jessie Gray’s summer plans include going to a
M. Martin, two of the original founders, before the
large teacher conference called Elevate in Nashville!!
May 11, 1929, founding of Delta Kappa Gamma.
But she is also hoping to squeeze in a trip with her
Dr. Blanton was a member of the faculty of the
hubby and girls to see the ocean.
University of Texas and a former state superin-
*Rhonda Agee proudly writes that four of her FBLA
tendent in Texas. She came up with the idea of an
students qualified for national competition, which
organization for women educators representing
means that they are bound for Atlanta at the end of
various professional positions in education. So she
June! Watch out, Atlanta, and congrats!!!
organized the first Delta Kappa Gamma at the Faculty
Women’s Club at the University of Texas in Austin,
Eleven women educators from Texas, representing If You Missed the April Meeting . . .
various professional positions in education, were (Cont. from p. 2)
initiated by Dr. Blanton. President Gray adjourned the business meeting and
“Women teachers, to the calling” was an unusual introduced Dr. Diana Piccolo from the Missouri State
thought in 1929, because men were the ones who University College of Education Programs and
grouped together in special meetings—not women! Scholarships. Dr. Piccolo discussed graduate
So, this was a great experiment, and it was an certificates and graduate programs available at MSU
important milestone for professional women. They as well as scholarships and grant project opportunities
were “forward moving’ indeed! available to educators.
That is one reason members are encouraged to Respectfully submitted,
sing the song at each meeting—to remember how far Debra Agee
we have come, and to make sure we ARE “forward Recording Secretary
moving ever!” Yes, the song is long and impossible to
memorize, but maybe that helps us remember that If you want to get into Missouri State’s website,
the journey for women is never easy! We must be (, you must use
staunch, whatever that means! I asked the app Chat your membership number as your username and
GPT to put this song in common language and here is DKG2014society as the password for the first time.
what I got: (this may be blasphemy); After that you can personalize it. If you do not know your
(Cont. on p. 7) membership number, contact Cay Sergent. There are
many helpful resources on the website!
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Alpha Tau Chapter
Summer, 2023 p. 7
Dear Sisters,
Please go look at the Our Members section of our
website and tell me what I
need to update about your information! There is a
way to do that on the Home page of the website!
Thank you!!
The Alpha Tau Talk Editor
Heads up!! Missouri State has a new website address! It
is a change from to .
Please be aware that it has the same ending as
international now.
Sister Chat from p. 4
joined, Cay replies that things are much less formal.
She says dress at conventions are now business or
just plain casual, whereas when she first joined it was
*Joann Brown is expecting ---a new grandbaby!! more of a “dress-up-affair.”
Yeah!!! Congrats on this great news!! It is her 5th Name one thing that is different in education
grandbaby and she/he is due September 25th! today from when you started teaching was asked
*Rhonda Agee happily announces that she and next. She replied, “Oh, my, so many things! Some are
husband Dale just celebrated 29 years of marriage by not so important and others, well, who knows—time
going to Branson for a wonderful memorial weekend will tell. I think we place more emphasis on high-
get-away. How awesome! stakes testing now.”
*After all the conferences she has been attending, Would she still choose teaching if she could choose
Karla Spear and hubby will take a break AND a train again? She replies, “I would become an educator
to NYC for a few days and see a Broadway show. again. While you won’t get rich in education, you will
While she is at home, she is squeezing on Baby Zeke. have a life that makes a difference for others.” Cay
Later this summer they hope to squeeze in a late July certainly has, and does! We couldn’t make it without
cruise! her!
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Alpha Tau Chapter
Summer, 2023 p. 8