Repaso El Resumen Conectores
Repaso El Resumen Conectores
Repaso El Resumen Conectores
EXAMPIE: Sign your narne on the line below. aduerb
l. We watched the clouds float by.
2. Turn left just beyond the apple orchard.
3. Did you bring the paper in?
4. A large crowd gathered outside the ticket office.
5. The skis are in the g*.g*nrnd the sleds.
6. These belong in the cupboard below the kitchen sink.
7. The concert was planned by the performers themselves.
8. Remember to leave vour rubbers outside.
g. Did you see the headline i. torrigh-f"
lO. We seem to have left Robbie behind.
- word in parentheses below. In the first sentence, use the word as a preposition; in the second, use it
as an adverb
EXAMPTE: (besides) Besides ALice, u:e sluriuld lnuite Mark aruj Kathu.
We are uery tired, andu.te are hungry besides.
l. (above)
2. (inside)
3. (ofO
4. (near)
5. (underneath)
2. hefore)
3. (over)
4. (ofO
5. (around)