Announcement Info

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Ninjutsu Dojo Vach

presents a Seminar with

Dr. Kacem Zoughari

9th and 10th of June 2012

in Wachendorf (Cadolzburg), Germany
Yari, Kenjutsu, Iaijutsu
Koshijutsu - Koppojutsu

Ninjutsu Dojo Vach organizes for you another weekend with Kacem Zoughari this year in
June. This time he will contrast Koppojutsu and Koshijutsu presenting different techniques from a
variety of Ryu. For the weapons part he chose Iai and Kenjutsu as well as Yari. This seminar is the
very last within Germany before Kacem will leave for Japan. Don't miss ist.
Kacem is a martial artist of great renown even holding a PhD on Japanese history and martial
arts. People travel all over Europe to be able to learn from him. Kacem has spent much time in Japan
and trained intensively with Soke Hatsumi and Tetsuji Ishizuka. He also is a member of the Nihon
Bud Gakkai (Organisation of researchers of Japanese Budo). His expertise in Ninjutsu in
combination with his vast knowledge of the Japanese language, history and culture is unique in
Europe. The seminar is open to all styles and ranks.
Detailed Information
Date : 9th and 10th of June 2012

Instructor: Dr. Kacem Zoughari

Topic: Yari, Kenjutsu, Iaijutsu and

Koshijutsu - Koppojutsu

Schedule: Saturday: 10.30 am ca. 17.00 pm

Sunday: 10.00 am ca. 16.00 pm

Necessities: Gi and clothes for training, shoes/Tabi,

Yari/Rokushaku Bo, Bokken, etc.

Location: Mehrzweckhalle Wachendorf

Frther Strae 47
90556 Cadolzburg / Wachendorf

Prices: two days 90,- Euro

one day 50,- Euro
for registrations after the 25th of May: 100,-/60,- Euro

Contact: Martin Starz


Bank connection: Martin Starz

Sparda Bank Nrnberg, Bank Code: 76090500
Account-Nr.: 103477819
IBAN: DE6970905000003477819

Registration: Please use the registration form in the end of this document or download it

Places to sleep: Unfortunately it is not possible to sleep in the gym. If you need help to find a
place to sleep, please contact us. In the following there are a few suggestions:

Suggestion 1)
There is a youth hostel in Erlangen which is (by car) half an hour away from the gym.
Jugendherberge Erlangen
Sdliche Stadtmauerstrae 35, 91054 Erlangen, Tel.: 09131-862555

Suggestion 2)
Small hotel very close to the location of the seminar with nice and rather cheap rooms.

Suggestion 3)
Small hotel very close to the location of the seminar with nice and rather cheap rooms.

Feel free to contact us if you have problems or need help

Ninjutsu Dojo Vach

for the seminar with
Dr. Kacem Zoughari

9th and 10th of June 2012 in Wachendorf (greater area of

Nrnberg/Frth/Erlangen), Germany

Name: _________________________________________________________

First Name: _________________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________________

Telephone number: _________________________________________________________

E-Mail-Address: _________________________________________________________

I come alone:

We are a group of ______________ persons.

I/we come on both days only on Saturday only on Sunday

Training fee:
both days: 90,- Euro
only one day: 50,- Euro

Please transfer the training fee to:

Martin Starz
Sparda Bank Nrnberg
Bank Code: 76090500
Account-Nr.: 103477819
IBAN: DE6970905000003477819
Please annotate the keywords Seminar Kacem and indicate for how many people and how many days the money has
been transferred.
Location of the seminar: Mehrzweckhalle Wachendorf
Frther Strae 47
90556 Cadolzburg / Wachendorf

Schedule: Saturday: 10.30 am ca. 17.00 pm

Sunday: 10.00 am ca. 16.00 pm

Declaration and Disclaimer:

I wish to apply for a place on the above seminar, and so doing understand that by participating in this
event, I accept that inherent in any Martial Art practise is a risk of personal injury.
Neither the instructor nor the organiser of the event can be held liable for any damages resulting
from this form, the seminar or attempting the techniques taught in reality or practice. We reserve the
right to refuse anybody entrance to the seminar without explanation or cancel the seminar completely
without explanation. These are the only grounds for refunds. Any refunds will be limited to seminar
fees paid. Registration forms will be treated confidentially. The organisation of the seminar takes
place on a non-profit basis. I have filled in this form completely and correctly. I have read this form
completely and agree to what is contained within it. I understand that incomplete, unsigned or
modified forms will not be accepted.

Date Name Signature

Please send this registration form to:

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