Task 3

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Observation Task 3: Supporting Learning through the Performing Arts: Music and


Table 3: Music and Movement

Observed learning Centers Description: Objective International
(include photo): (Music & Movement) Learning Outcome:

I asked them to Music: - The children

set in the circle will learn how
time to I put for Appreciation: Enjoy students by describing to move with
them performing the movements the music tone.
art music about
the Big and Pitch: students sing at the same pitch
small. Initially, I
made the Rhythm: The students replicate the rhythm
movement was of a song using a clapping
about big and
small, to move Conservation: The student understands and
their physical save the song in their mind.
body parts. Then, Movement:
I asked them to
make the You put one hand in and you put one hand
movement anther out and you put one hand in and shake
time. shake shake shake, Then feet.

You put your head in, you put your head

out, you put your head in and shake shake
shake shake. Then, back side.

Relationship: Students interact with each

other when dancing

Interpretation: Students use their

imaginations to move. For example, listen
to the music and use their imagination to
move to the music.
Reflections on Observation Task 3: Supporting Learning through the Performing
Arts: Music and Movement

Read the questions below and choose one to answer

1. The creative arts teach children that problems can have more than one
solution and that questions can have more than one answer. One of the
large lessons kids can learn from practicing creative arts is that there are
many ways to see and interpret the world. In your opinion, why is this
important and what impact does this have on education?

2. Creative thinking and reasoning have been identified and highlighted as an

essential twenty-first-century skill by many business, education, community
and government leaders. In your opinion, do you think that this is an
important skill for children to learn? Why or why not.

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