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Revelation's Beast of V 12

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Rev. 12
by Ulrike
Beasts from Daniel 7 give background
The Two Princes--which one will win the woman?
The Battle Outlined
The faithful woman
The Seven-headed Dragon--(first four defined)
The last three heads
The Harlot Woman
Judgment will take Place

The Beasts of Revelation have their background in Daniel's

12 Beasts in Revelation, what do they represent. To understand
enveloped the formation of the beast who "shall devour the whole earth,
in and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces",
Judgment (Dan.7:23)until God puts an end to it and establishes HIS
scene KINGDOM, we need to look at all four of the beasts in Daniel
7. For this chapter lays the foundation for understanding the
beasts in Revelation.
Rev. 11.18
And the
nations were
angry, and
Your wrath is
come, and
the time of
the dead,
that they
should be
judged, and
that You
should give
reward unto
thy servants
the prophets,
and to the
saints, and
them that
fear thy
name, small
and great;
and should
destroy them
destroy the
picture credit: http://www.pathlights.com/theselastdays/lessons/lesson_21.htm

Rev. 11.19
The four beasts are four kingdoms. Babylon.....Media
And the
temple of
The little horn on the terrible beast is blasphemous
God was
religious/political power, that rises up, carrying the name of
opened in
the fourth beast and "bullying" or being "more stout" then
heaven, and
the other divisions into which the Roman empire
there was
seen in his
temple the
However, the Bible is NOT just a history lesson. No, it depicts
ark of his
a battle of far greater magnitude! The whole depiction of
Daniel and Revelation is the battle between two princes and
d there were
which one will establish his kingdom over the citizens of
and voices,
The two Princes, who will win the woman?
and an
and great The Prince of Life. (Acts 3:15) Prince of demons (Matt. 12:24)
A Prince and a Savior, giving Prince of power of disobedience (Eph.
Rev. 14.6 repentance and forgiveness of sins. 2:2)
And I saw (Acts 5:31)
another Prince of the world who is cast out by
angel fly in Prince of hosts. (Daniel 8:11) Christ, tries to accuse and destroy
Christ, but is judged. (John 12:31;
the midst of 14:30; 16:11)
having the Messiah the Prince (Daniel 9:25) Prince of the people who destroy the
sanctuary, prince of desolation. (Daniel
Prince of the covenant (Daniel 11:22) 9:26)
gospel to
preach unto He is the prince who said his in his
The great Prince who stands for the
them that people. (Daniel 12:1) heart, "I will ascend into heaven, I will
dwell on the exalt my throne above the stars of
earth, and to He is KING of kings, and LORD of God: I will sit also upon the mount of
every nation, Lords. (Rev. 19:16) the congregation, in the sides of the
north: I will ascend above the heights
and kindred, of the clouds; I will be like the most
and tongue, He will win! for his will be the High." (Isaiah 14:13,14)
and people, everlasting dominion, which shall not
pass away, and his kingdom shall not
be destroyed. (Dan. 7:14) But judgment shall sit, and they shall
Rev. 14.7 take away his dominion, to consume
Saying with and to destroy it. (Dan. 7:26)
a loud voice, The Battle is revealed in Revelation 12.
Fear God,
and give Here we see a woman about to give birth under very hostile
glory to him; circumstances, for a seven headed dragon, called Satan, that
for the hour old serpent, the devil, is seeking to devour that Child as soon
of his as He comes forth.
judgment is
come: and The dragon is named-- we know he is the Prince of darkness,
worship him Satan, the devil.
that made The CHILD is the Messiah Prince, the CHRIST, the Word made
heaven, and flesh, come to redeem the kingdom, which was lost in the
earth, and Garden of Eden, when that old serpent, the devil beguiled the
the sea, and woman to render obedience to himself, rather than obedience
the fountains to Christ their Creator.
of waters.
Picture credit: Russell Harlan (RH)

to worship the
"And the Lord God said
Creator? unto the serpent...I will
Why this put enmity between you
of A PRE-
and the woman, and
ADVENT between your seed, and
JUDGMENT, her Seed; IT shall bruise
before the
execution your head, and you
judgment? shall bruise His heel."
Rev.12.1 The SEED is the child of
the woman.
And there He is MESSIAH the PRINCE!
Galatians 3.16 "And to thy seed, which is Christ."
The Woman represents God's people, who put their trust in

Isaiah 6.2 "I have likened the daughter of Zion to a

comely and delicate woman."
Psalm 9.10,11 "And they that know thy name will put
appeared a
their trust in thee:
great wonder
in heaven; a Sing praises to the LORD, which dwelleth in Zion."
woman Heb.12.22 "You are come unto mount Zion, and unto
clothed with the city of the living God,
the sun, and the heavenly Jerusalem."
the moon
under her
feet, and
upon her People are the citizens of the kingdoms.
head a
crown of The pure woman represents the citizens of the heavenly
twelve stars: Jerusalem. The citizens of God's kingdom. Revelation 21:2,
portrays this woman of ZION, the Heavenly Jerusalem
12.2 (complete with the citizens) prepared as a bride adorned for
And she her husband.
being with So we see 12 stars about the head of woman, for the Bible
child cried, says:
travailing in
birth, and (Rev.3:11-12) "Behold I come quickly" hold fast that which
pained to be thou hast, that no man take your crown. He that overcomes
delivered. will I write upon him the name of my God, and the name of
the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem."
12.3 And (Rev. 21:9,21,12; 22:14) "Come I will show you the bride, the
there Lamb's wife...the holy Jerusalem descending...having the
appeared glory of God...with twelve gates which are twelve pearls...and
another names written thereon are the twelve tribes of the children of
wonder in Israel. Blessed are those who wash their robes, (who do His
heaven; and commandments) so that they will have the right...to enter the
behold a city by the the gates.
great red This woman represents the people from all ages who have
dragon, the name of GOD'S kingdom written upon their foreheads,
having seven who will enter those pearly gates as citizens of the heavenly

She is clothed with the sun--the Sun of Righteousness

(Mal.4:2) for she has "washed her robes, and made them
white in the blood of the Lamb" (Rev. 7:14).
Rev. 19.7,8 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to
heads and him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath
ten horns, made herself ready.
and seven And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine
crowns upon linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness
his heads. of saints.
Who is the husband? Isaiah 54.5, tells us who the true
12.4 husband is.
And his tail "For your Maker is your husband; the LORD of hosts is his
drew the name; and your Redeemer the Holy One of Israel."
third part of Christ is our MAKER (John 1:2) Christ is our Redeemer (Rev.
the stars of 5:9) The pure woman is the FAITHFUL bride of Christ, (the
heaven, and citizens for the heavenly kingdom, from all ages) who "has
did cast made herself ready, to whom is granted to be clothed with
them to the fine linen bright and pure, the fine linen of righteous deeds,
earth: and for the marriage of the Lamb has come." (see Rev. 19:7,8)
the dragon
stood before An Impure, or harlot woman, (as pictured in Rev. 17) is one
the woman who has accepted the name of Christ, but has in actuality
which was joined herself with the wrong prince, she is unfaithful, she is
ready to be dressed in the robes of earthly kingdoms, and hasupon her
delivered, for forehead the name of the EARTHLY KINGDOM
to devour BABYLON
her child as
soon as it and is a citizen of the kingdom of the wrong prince. She will
was born. join him in his fate.

12.5 Who is this dragon king of Babylon? Rev. 12 makes it very

And she clear. It is the serpent, the Devil and Satan.
brought forth
a man child, Before the creation of this earth, Lucifer, the
who was to covering cherub, an exalted angel in the
rule all heavenly courts, rebelled against God, (Is.
nations with 14:12-17 Ez. 28:13-18) and declared that he had
a rod of iron: better ideas on how to run a kingdom then God.
and her child A third of the angels believed him! They were
was caught cast out of heaven, no longer could it be their
up unto God, home.
and to his
throne. After the earth was created, Satan visited the
tree of knowledge of good and evil in the garden
12.6 of Eden, (the only place where he was allowed
And the to tempt Adam and Eve) and there the serpent beguiled our
woman fled first parents to distrust the Prince of Life, and put their trust
into the in him. Thus, through deception, the serpent usurped control
wilderness, of the earth. But even then, right back there in Eden, Christ
where she promised He would crush the head of the usurper, put enmity
hath a place in our hearts against the serpent. He would do all, to give us
prepared of another chance to be drawn into HIS kingdom of
God, that righteousness!
they should
feed her In the meantime the kingdom of the usurper was to be given a
there a chance to show that his ideas of running a kingdom were
thousand highly destructive and malignant of character-- that all might
two hundred see and know that God's government is righteous, just, and
and good.
threescore Picture Credit "Frank Breaden, Pictorial Aid for Bible study"
Revelation 12 begins it's focus
12.7 at the point in history when
And there CHRIST enters the world as a
was war in human being. He is pictured in
heaven: the helpless condition of a
Michael and BABY, at the mercy of the
his angels people He has come to redeem.
fought The dragon, in full array, is set
against the to destroy HIM. Through all the
dragon; and ages past the dragon had
the dragon sought to destroy the "woman"
fought and (God's people) by preverting the
his angels, true doctrines, thus weaning her
away from her true "husaband"
12.8 and unto himself. Then, seeing God could no longer sustain
And her (God's people) in her wickedness, the dragon roused the
prevailed kingdoms of the world to come against her and destroy her.
not; neither Yet there was always the faithful remnant, true to God, and
was their the dragon did not succeed in destroying the woman before
place found Christ was born.
any more in Now, in the first part of Revelation 12, he focuses all his
heaven. forces upon Christ, HIMSELF. He works through the earthly
kingdom in control, as Herod, sought to destoy Christ at
12.9 birth. He worked through the Israelites, as people sought to
And the throw Him over cliffs, (luke 4:29)or stone Him (John 10:31).
great dragon The devil assualted HIM with temptations. Finally, working
was cast out, through both Rome and Israel, a brutal wound was inflicted
that old upon our Savior as HE hung upon the cross. But the very
serpent, wound Satan inflicted upon Christ, was the death blow to
called the himself. The dragon wounded Christ's heel, but Christ
Devil, and inflicted a defeating blow upon the dragon's head. For here in
Satan, which Rev. 12 we see that it was AT THE CROSS that Satan was
deceiveth totally cast out of heaven, where he had accused the brethren
the whole before God day and night--but now he is cast down, BY THE
world: he BLOOD OF THE LAMB and by the word of their testimony.
was cast out
into the Now salvation, and strength and the kingdom of our God, and
earth, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our
his angels brethren, who accused them before our God day and night
were cast has been cast down, and they overcame him by the blood of
out with him. the Lamb and by the word of their testimony...Rejoice O
heavens and you who dwell in them! Woe unto the
12.10 inhabitants of the earth and the sea fro the devil has come
And I heard a down to you having great wrath, because he knows that he
loud voice has a short time."
saying in The devil is defeated--and that defeat is beyond repair, it is
heaven, Now eternally sure! He is ETERNALLY DEFEATED at the cross. He
is come is living with that mortal wound which will NEVER HEAL.
and strength, Yet, though defeated, the dragon YET IS, and he is working
and the with even greater fury, knowing his time is short.
kingdom of
the power of
his Christ: This dragon, which is Satan, has seven heads, with crowns.
for the These are the kingdoms the dragon works through to set up
accuser of his own kingdom. Before Christ was born the dragon had set
our brethren up his four major kingdoms--(the four beasts in Daniel 7)
is cast down,
which 4. ROME -- the fierce and terrible beast, trampling upon all nations.
accused ROME, through Herod, sought to kill Christ,
them before ROME carried out the crucifixion, ROME destroyed
the earthly temple and
our God day Jerusalem, ROME
and night. persecuted the Christ's
followers. Rome is the
12.11 symbol of tyrannical
power that sets out to
And they crush God's kingdom.
him by the 3. GREECE (the leopard's
blood of the head) Alexander brought
Lamb, and together the east and the
by the word west, and it is particularly
in religion that the
of their Hellenistic fusion of Greek
testimony; and Oriental can be seen.
and they They brought in many
loved not philosophies that mixed
their lives with, and polluted the
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