October 6, 2017 Strathmore Times

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OCTOBER 6, 2017

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Page 3
Winter weather takes
Alberta by storm
Times Associate Editor

Southern Alberta bypassed the fall season

on Monday and reluctantly welcomed an
early winter as snowfall fell into the double
Grand opening digits and gusting winds caused wretched
blizzard-like conditions, shutting down ma-
jor roadways and closing down schools.
Strathmore received up to 10 cm of snow
Page 21 earlier this week and experienced winds
travelling 60 to 90 km/h. The abrupt burst
of winter steered numerous vehicles and
motorists into ditches and caused multiple
collisions across southern Alberta which, to-
gether with the poor road conditions, result-
ed in the closure of Highway 1 from the City
of Calgary to Bassano from 11:20 a.m. until
after 6 p.m.
While Alberta Environment forecasted the
Hawks fly arrival of the snowstorm, its impact took res-
idents by surprise.
Alberta yesterday was very problematic
it wasnt a surprise, I know the weather
was forecasting snow, but I think the extent
of this winter storm came as a surprise spe-
cifically in that region, said Laurel Scott, me-
dia relations officer with Alberta RCMP.
We had several road closures and we
had very poor road and driving conditions.
There were several cars in the ditches and
587-316-2000 the (RCMP) members in Strathmore were
diligently working all day to try and tend to
See our ad on Page 5 stranded motorists. The driving conditions
made it difficult even for our own response.
The blanket of snow resulted in numerous
power outages in Strathmore and Wheatland
Offering IV Sedation County and had communities jump into ac-
tion to set up reception centres for strand-
Dr. Ashkan Hamzehi DDS
Dr. Sharif Faizi DDS ed travelers and pets at the Strathmore Civic
Dr. Arzy Kafrouny DDS Centre, Lord of All Lutheran Church, and the
General Practice Family Dentistry
Gleichen and Cluny community centres. The
100 Ranch Market, Unit 105F Strathmore Civic Centre itself housed rough-
Strathmore, AB 403.934.5292 ly 15 people.
Administration handled it really well
they opened a reception centre and they
Look on Page 4 for started preparing that likely as early as noon
Town of Strathmore to be ready in case there was a situation,
Municipal Notices said Strathmore Mayor Michael Ell.
Contact Us Today!
They did a good job to show Strathmore Snow day!
being the friendly town that we are. Its not Maya Moroz (back), sister Emerson Moroz (right), and friend Trinity Zakariasen (front) made the
403.934.5589 something thats new to us, its just some- best of the sudden snowfall on Oct. 2, after they were sent home from school. The blizzard-like
info@strathmoretimes.com thing that we continue to be surprised about blast caused power outages, vehicle collisions, and the closure of Highway 1 from the City of
every year when it happens. Calgary to Bassano.
www.StrathmoreTimes.com Continued on Page 5
Miriam Ostermann Photo


www.kevinbaldwin.ca 403-561-0037
Page 2 Strathmore TIMES October 6, 2017 www.StrathmoreTimes.com


You may request a Mail-in
Notice is hereby given that an election will be held for the filling of the following offices:
Ballot if you are unable to
Office(s) Number of Vacancies vote during the Advance
Mayor 1 Vote or on Election Day
Councillor 6 because:
you are absent from the
Advance Voting on the 11th day of October, 2017, between the hours of 10:00 AM and 4:30 PM. city; or
The Advance Voting Station on October 11, 2017 will be located at: you are working Election
Day as an election worker
Town of Strathmore Office
or volunteering/working on
680 Westchester Road
Strathmore, AB a campaign.
Applications for a Mail-
Advance Voting on the 14th day of October, 2017, between the hours of 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM. in (Special Ballot) can be
The Advance Voting Station on October 14, 2017 will be located at: made by:
by calling 403-934-3133;
Strathmore Civic Centre by faxing 403-934-4713;
120 Brent Boulevard
In-person at the Town
Strathmore, Alberta
of Strathmore Office,
Election Day Voting on the 16th day of October, 2017, between the hours of 7:00 AM and 8:00 PM. 680 Westchester Road,
Strathmore; or
The Voting Station will be located at:
In writing to the Returning
Strathmore Civic Centre Officer, Town of Strathmore,
120 Brent Boulevard 680 Westchester Road,
Strathmore, Alberta
Strathmore, AB T1P 1J1
In order to vote, you must produce identification for inspection. The identification must be one or more of the
A ballot package with
accepted Identifications listed below as required by section 53 of the Local Authorities Election Act. instructions will be mailed
to you. A photocopy of one
DATED at the Town of Strathmore, in the Province of Alberta, this 25th day of September, 2017.
of the authorized pieces of
Jennifer Sawatzky identification is required to
Returning Officer
be sent with the returned
Officer no later than
Alberta Operators (Drivers Licence); or (October 16, 2017).
Alberta Identification Card; or

Government cheque or cheque stub; or

Income/property tax assessment notice; or
Statement of government benefits (e.g. employment insurance, old-age security, social assistance, disability
support or child tax benefit); or
Correspondence issued by a school, college or university; or You may request for the
attendance of two deputies
ATTESTATION at a residence of an elector,
Attestation of Identity and Residence issued by the authorized representative of a correctional institution; or
during the hours of the
Attestation of Identity and Residence issued by the responsible authority of a supportive living facility or advance voting date on
treatment centre; or October 11, 2017, in order
Attestation of Residence issued by the authorized representative (landlord) of a commercial property to take the vote(s) of an
management company; or elector who, because of
Attestation of Residence issued by the authorized representative of a post-secondary institution; or physical incapacity or
Attestation of Residence issued by the responsible authority of a First Nations band or reserve; or mobility limitations is unable
OTHER DOCUMENTS to attend a voting station or
an advance voting station to
Bank/credit card statement or personal cheque; or vote.
Insurance policy or coverage card; or
Letter from a public curator, public guardian or public trustee; or
Pension Plan statement of benefits, contributions or participation; or
Please call the Town Office
Residential lease or mortgage statement; or at 403-934-3133 to make the
Utility bill (e.g. telephone, public utilities commission, television, electric, gas or water); or request.
Vehicle ownership, registration or insurance certificate
October 6, 2017 Strathmore TIMES Page 3

Positive vibrations for Wheatland Crossing opening Showtime:

Times Contributor
October 6-10, 2017
From the frost-covered grass-shaped
cross, found one morning on the unde- American
veloped school property, to the open- Assassin
ing prayers from Siksika elder Rena
Dylan OBrien, Michael
Sinclair, good wishes came from all Keaton, Sanaa Lathan,
its supporters at the grand opening of Shiva Negar, David Suchet
Wheatland Crossing School, leaving Closed Sun & Mon
positive blessings for the coming year. for Thanksgiving
The ceremony was held on Sept 26, 14A
at 1:30 p.m. in the main gymnasium,
where those in attendance heard of the For Movie Listings call 403-934-3057
struggles and triumphs that occurred Students and dignitaries cut or go to www.joylandtheatre.com
to get the school built. the ribbon for Wheatland
Crossing School at their grand
This school is unique due to the Serving
opening held Sept. 26 in the
number of partnerships working to- school gymnasium. Wheatland Strathmore,
gether to make this happen, said County Reeve Glenn Koester Drumheller,
Golden Hills Superintendent Bevan and Rockyford Mayor Darcy Airdrie
Daverne. This has been a study of Burke surveyed the Wheatland & Calgary
what happens when communities Crossing School playground. 403-983-2121
come together. Sharon McLeayPhotos 123 2nd Ave, Strathmore, AB
Getting communities on board, deal-
ing with multiple municipal levels for Alan Larsen. ACI Architects, Delnor Construction, Acreage with Revenue
approval and finding a place for the Many dignitaries from municipalities, the Wheatland Crossing School Coun- Potential for Sale $675,000
new school were the first challenges government, and businesses that sup- cil and staff, Friends of East Wheatland c21.ca/100840308
for more info
conquered, followed by finding fund- ported the effort were on hand. Society and East Wheatland working
ing and fundraising to provide good Principal Karen Smith indicated how group, the villages of Hussar, Standard, INDUSTRIAL SHOP
learning opportunities for the students. happy the students were with the new and Rockyford, the hamlet of Gleichen, Industrial Shop with
excellent Passive
Overcoming disagreements and com- facility and showed a video of them Wheatland County and the Klaiber fam- Income $940,000
municating with multiple partners to helping set up for the school year. The ily for donating the land for the school. www.c21.ca/101106017
reach acceptable solutions was a big student choir sang What a wonder- Following the ceremony, student Century 21 Power Realty.ca is now hiring
triumph. Finally, dealing with weath- ful world written by Louis Armstrong. guides gave attendees a tour of the New Agents. Contact Broker Bob Sheddy
er and building overruns led to some Trustee David Price presented a plaque school, showing off specialized areas: bob@2121.ca for more info.
speculation that the school had serious for the building. A Canadian flag was reading room, playground, industrial
mojo problems.
To those who said it couldnt be
presented to the principal from MP
Martin Shields office.
arts and culinary rooms, media lab,
drama and music areas and a lunch
Bob Sheddy
done we are here and open for busi- Special mentions were given to Al- kitchen. Cake cutting included cup- Broker
Sheddy.ca 403-324-2222
ness, said Village of Standard Mayor berta Education, Alberta Infrastructure, cakes for all the students in the school.

Strathmore shelter reaches milestone Strathmore

Times Associate Editor
between Calgary and Brooks, were it,
said Carly Cole, public educator and
ment of taking on the sole sponsor-
ship of $5,000. Denture Clinic
member of the WCS Fall Fundraising
Having been in operation for a
quarter of a century, and being the
Terry Grant Denturist
The Wheatland Crisis Societys (WCS)
annual fall gala event is serving a dual You can see the change in people only abuse shelter in Strathmore, staff 403.934.3877
purpose this year, as the non-profit and the safety they feel in coming here members decided to involve as many
organization commemorates 25 years and the relief it can be for them. If we past board members and volunteers as Complete / Partial Dentures
with an entertainment-filled evening werent here, Calgary would be the op- possible.
tion and I know for a lot of people Were really working hard to have Same Day Relines & Repair
one that garnered much attention and
is now leading people to consider add- if youre not from a big city it can be those people come out and support Custom Mouthguards
ing their names to the waiting list. really overwhelming to have to go to the event and looking back at our his-
The sold-out event will host 220 one. I think thats another key compo- tory we felt it was important to include Custom Night Guards
guests for an evening filled with live nent to it its just so necessary. as many people that had to do with Natural Teeth Whitening
music, storytelling, raffles, auctions, The society receives some funding the history, that we could, said Cole.
and a harvest dinner. from the government to cover bare ne- This years raffles will include a
As the organization raised $30,500 cessities such as staff wages. However, $1,000 Air Canada gift card, a 65 inch
last year, the turnout thus far would to keep the lights running, warm water LG smart TV and over 40 items for the
suggest this years goal of $50,000 may flowing, repairs to the building, new silent auction.
be attainable. toys for the children area, bedding, The 25th Anniversary Fall Gala is
I have seen some of the statistics and programming, the non-profit or- taking place on Oct. 28 at the Strath-
from 25 years and how many people ganization relies on fundraising. This more Travelodge from 5 to 9:30 p.m.
have been served in this community year, WCS was excited to announce the For more information visit www.strath-
but also surrounding communities, so Strathmore Elks Lodge #491 involve- moreshelter.com. 413 - 3rd St. Strathmore

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Page 4 Strathmore TIMES October 6, 2017 www.StrathmoreTimes.com



For details about all the Canada 150 Projects and ongoing updates, visit

Kinsmen Park Playground - The Playground will be closed a little longer than
originally planned. It will be closed until approximately Oct. 20th. A concept
drawing of the new equipment is on the Towns web site (Canada 150 Projects
area). The merry-go-round and swings will remain. The play surface is courtesy
of a grant from the Alberta Recycling Management Authority and is made from
recycled tire rubber material. When complete it will allow anyone with physical
limitations to play.
Downtown Enhancement & Storm Drainage Line Construction is in the home
stretch on Second Avenue with sidewalks almost complete and paving and

The next regular landscaping next on the list. Pedestrian safety is still a priority, so please obey
all signage and use the temporary walkways with caution. As always, businesses
and services are open during construction. SAVE THE DATE:

Council Meetings Lambert Centre (Library, Happy Gang Seniors Centre, FCSS) A reminder that
the Lambert Centre is closed until approximately the end of the October. The
OCTOBER 15, 2017

will be Library and FCSS have relocated to the previous Rebel Sports/Saan Store (116
Third Avenue) and the Happy Gang Seniors Centre is now meeting at the
Go Girl Strathmore is an
event designed for girls ages
For more information
contact the FCSS office @
403-934-9090 or stay

October 25, 2017 For information about each project, to follow the progress, and stay informed
about changes that may impact you or your family:
13-17yrs. Our goal is encour-
age young women to pursue a
tuned the Youth Club
Facebook page for

at 7:00 pm Visit the Towns website under the Canada 150 Projects area on the home more active lifestyle that will
page (www.strathmore.ca) in turn enhance their overall
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram (@TownofStrathmore) and Twitter well-being.
Watch for other information around Town

of the Whole
October 11, 2017 Strathmore FCSS Needs You. We are looking for Volunteer Drivers to assist us with the KARE Volunteer Driver Program. The purpose
at 7:00 pm of the KARE Volunteer Driver Program is to assist those who do not have access to affordable, inter-municipal transportation (between
communities) for their Healthcare and personal appointments/errands. Please call FCSS at 403-934-9090.


Here are a few quick facts about the upcoming 2017 Municipal Election.
Several Volunteers have
been trained to offer seniors

1 3
assistance and provide
information on the seniors

financial assistance programs
offered by the province.
REMEMBER: FOLLOWS: They Include: Alberta Seniors
Benefit Program, Seniors

Advance Voting Days Earl Best MUNICIPAL ELECTED
Pat Fule OFFICIALS SERVE A Special Needs Assistance,
OCTOBER 11 & 14
Councillor Dental & Optical Assistance,
Election Day
Lorraine D. Bauer FOUR-YEAR TERM Seniors Property Tax Deferral
Rocky Blokland
Program and SHARP: Senior

OCTOBER 16 Tari Cockx
Melanie Corbiell
Steve Grajczyk Home Adaptation & Repair
John Hilton OBrien
Peter Landry Program
Jason Montgomery
Denise Peterson
These volunteers will assist
Gordon Porteous VOTING STATION with filling out forms, answer
Bob Sobol
LOCATIONS questions, and will seek
additional information from

the appropriate provincial

OCTOBER 11, 2017
10:00AM 4:30PM resource should that be
680 WESTCHESTER ROAD necessary.

In order to be eligible to vote

in the Strathmore Municipal OCTOBER 14, 2017 Please call the Strathmore

Election a person must meet STRATHMORE CIVIC CENTRE FCSS Office 403-934-9090
the following requirements: 120 BRENT BOULEVARD
STRATHMORE to set up an appointment or
MUNICIPAL ELECTION Must be 18 Years of age or older. ELECTION DAY for additional information.
Must be a resident of the Town of
Must be a Canadian Citizen.
OCTOBER 16, 2017
7:00AM 8:00PM
Appointment dates are as
DAY! Must have resided in Alberta for the
six (6) consecutive months
immediately preceding Election Day. October 23rd,
November 6th &
November 20th and
For More Information visit our website at: www.strathmore.ca/smore_elections_2017
December 4th, 2017.


680 Westchester Road, Strathmore, AB T1P 1J1 403-934-3133 Office Hours: M - F 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
October 6, 2017 Strathmore TIMES Page 5

Night market
Appreciation Day
Country Lane Mall
Strathmore residents strolled along the night market in down-
town Strathmore on a pleasant fall evening on Sept. 29.
Sharon McLeay Photos

Saturday, October 14
Schools closed after snowstorm
Continued from Page 1 an Daverne explained everyone had a
meal, blanket and a sleeping mat. Check out what the participating businesses have in store!
While all the schools of the Golden The staff did just such an excellent
Hills School Division No. 75 remained job looking after the students, looking
open, Carseland School and Wheat- after motorists in the area who were in
land Crossing School were closed on trouble, and kept parents connected,
Tuesday. With the highway closed and Daverne said. What was a terrible day
treacherous road conditions, only a didnt seem that bad for those in the
few parents were able to pick up their school. Everybody wouldve liked to
children at Wheatland Crossing School have gone home, but everything went Stop by our office at the
on Monday when the building experi- as well as couldve been hoped given Stop by for a refreshment south end of the mall
enced powerloss all day. A total of 48 the weather conditions that we were break and check out the 12 pm - 2 pm
students and 15 staff members had to experiencing. Silent Auction for a chance to
set up camp at the facility overnight, to- No rural buses were running to Carse- fundraiser for KidSport
gether with several stranded. With the land and Wheatland Crossing School on Be sure to enter the WIN TICKETS to
use of the generator and kitchen facil- Tuesday. No state of emergency was de- Grand Prize Draw Rosebud Theatre!
ities, Golden Hills
Downtown Superintendent
Enhancement Bev-
and Storm Drainage clared.
Line Installation

Area Storm Drainage Line Installation
Public Parking Lots
Downtown Enhancement and Storm Drainage Line Installation N
Approximate Project Area Public Parking Lots N
Approximate Project Area Public Parking Lots N

Open 9 am - 3 pm Come visit Drycleaning by

Featuring Dave for some fresh baked
cookies and a chance to enter
30% off all Hot Tools the Grand Prize draw!
Bring in your winter coats
Buy One Get One at 25% off or sweaters on
on KMS, Dual Senses, and Style Saturday, October 14 to receive
Sign hair care and styling products 30% off your items
www.strathmore.ca/canada_150 Drawing N.T.S Development & Infrastructure Services downtown@strathmore.ca

www.strathmore.ca/canada_150 TIMES
Drawing N.T.S Development & Infrastructure Services downtown@strathmore.ca Open
www.strathmore.ca/canada_150 Drawing N.T.S Development & Infrastructure Services downtown@strathmore.ca
We are open regular business hours
Monday to Friday Open 10 am - 3 pm
Specializing in:
Groups Adventure All Inclusive
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Door Prizes and Giveaways
All Services FREE
Cruises Weddings Family
Book a Trip by Oct 31, 2017
during downtown construction.
On-site Laundromat, Saturday, October 14 and Receive a
Drycleaning & Tailoring Call to find out what services were Carry On Suitcase!
Ph 403.934.5589 ~ NEW LOWER PRICES! ~
offering FREE and to book your spot.
Limited spots available. 2 FREE services
Conditions apply
www.strathmoretimes.com 316A 2 Avenue, Strathmore per client. (403) 983-1803 info@kaleidoscopetravel.ca
123 2nd Avenue, Strathmore, AB 403.934.1807

It Costs No More
to Use The REPs
Customer Appreciation Day
Check out our one of a kind
Take a break for a snack, drink custom sculpted gel nails by
or meal during your day and talented nail artists.
enter the Grand Prize Draw Stop by for some sweet treats and
Open 8 am - 10 pm for ENTER TO WIN our
Breakfast Lunch or Dinner BASKET VALUED OVER $250
and of course the Grand Prize Draw

Be sure to visit each business to enter the

Christa Carey Michelle Hayley Katelyn
Aleman Rose Eldjarnson Poirier Haffner


Each Office Independently Owned & Operated Draw will be made Monday, October 16, 2017
www.the-reps.ca and winner will be notified
Page 6 Strathmore TIMES October 6, 2017 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

Meet the candidates - Election 2017

With the municipal election coming up on Oct. 16, ty.
we asked the Strathmore and Wheatland County candidates I have that vision for Strathmore and can work with
others. I can serve as a community leader and make
who they are and why they are running for a seat on council. a positive impact if elected to council. To serve you
here in Strathmore, I need your support Monday, Oct.
Town of Strathmore - MAYOR 16. Together, we can keep Strathmore strong and vi-
Earl Best and the new Field House Design Committee.
Teaching high school for 34 years, Ive always
You can get a hold of me via email (lorraine.d.bauer@
gmail.com), website (lorrainebauer.wordpress.com)
Hi, my name is Earl answered to the public, and as a councilor, I am ap-
Best, and I would like to or Facebook (Lorraine Bauer for Strathmore Council-
proachable to residents ideas and concerns. Three lor).
Strathmore RCMP are be your next Mayor. of our paved paths came from residents ideas, as
I have served nine
investigating a Break and Enter years on town council
well as two playground areas, and a lighted cross-
walk at Crowther Memorial. Many Strathmore resi- Rocky
that took place on October including 18 months as dents have also joined my Town Facebook page.
deputy mayor, providing I believe Strathmore has a positive, robust future. Blokland
2nd, 2017 at the Civic Centre me with needed experi- However, we need a mayor who will lead by exam- Hi! I am Rocky Blok-
ence for this position. Ive served under three differ-
in Strathmore. Unknown ent mayors and I am grateful for their examples of
ple, be a unifier with council members, and put resi-
dents needs before his own. I voted twice against
I have resided in
suspect(s) used a grinder public service.
I have been active on numerous boards and com-
council pay raises, lobbied to end expensive out of Strathmore for 17 years
town budget retreats, cut the number of councilors and own and operate
to force the doors open and mittees giving me valuable insight to our commu- allowed to attend federal conferences, and limited Rockys Bakery down-
nitys wants and needs.
also gain entry to an ATM Fiscal responsibility is foremost. I believe all taxes
per diems.
Youve trusted me to teach your children, please
town. Im married to Ellie
for 34 years, have four kids and 13 grandkids.
machine. Should you have and grants come to council as a public trust and
must be used for priorities with long term benefits.
trust me with your vote. We love Strathmore as it is close to all our kids,
Thank you! Calgary, B.C. the U.S. and it still has that town atmo-
any information that can solve I will combine my experience and your input to dis- sphere where people know each other and respect
cover the best ways to meet the requirements of our
this crime, please contact the citizens and local businesses.
each other.
However, as time moves on we are getting away
Town of Strathmore - COUNCILLOR
Strathmore RCMP. We need to entice industrial companies to our
town. This will bring good paying jobs, enhance the
from small town vision into large town vision! With that
comes change!
File: 20171336699 local economy and ease the residential tax burden.
Lorraine As I seek re-election for a third term, I feel I can still
Strathmore needs an effective crime prevention contribute to council and oversee the change and di-
strategy. We must build a team approach involv- Bauer rection that comes to council regarding Strathmores
1-800-222-TIPS ing citizens, RCMP and the town, and reinstate our
Neighbourhood Watch program.
My name is Lorraine
Bauer and I am proud
After two terms (seven years) on council, I firmly
(1-800-222-8477) Through interaction with the caring citizens of
Strathmore we will create a better town in which to
to be running for Town
Council. I am passionate
believe there should be business people on council.
We deal with large and small budgets, and a business
live in and raise our families. about Strathmore and its sense is critical.

On Oct. 16 I ask for your vote. people. My family and I My experience over two terms will make me a
came to Strathmore in 2001 from Edmonton. Strath- stronger, better councilor if re-elected.
Pat Fule more was a specific choice for our family to call home I promise to bring my A-game to councils table:

COULD BE HERE! My name is Pat Fule

and I am running for
Mayor on Oct. 16. I
as opposed to other Calgary bedroom communities.
The downtown core appealed to us back then and
we felt a sense of community as we toured the vari-
approachable, accessible, accountable and ability.
With that, I look forward to serving Strathmore
for the next four years and will do my best to make
ous areas. Strathmore a better municipality for all of us to call
have lived and taught
Contact Rose 403-934-5589 in Strathmore for 34
Although the downtown core does not look the home. Thank you.
same as it did 16 years ago, I can say that if elected
rose@strathmoretimes.com years. Being on town
as Councillor, I will work to pursue downtown eco-
council for the past
seven years has given
nomic and community development opportunities. Tari Cockx
I have also learned that one of Strathmores I am 48 years old,
me valuable experience. On council, I have been on married, and have four
strengths is its people. People who take pride in our
committees such as Wheatland Housing (the Se-
YOUR WEEKLY niors Lodge/Social Housing), SAY, the Youth Club
history, our roots and have a vision to preserve our wonderful daughters. I
HEALTH ADVICE Board, the Downtown Revitalization Committee,
heritage and story for future generations.
Our youth are a high priority as is community safe-
graduated from Samuel
Crowther High School,
and then from Red Deer
College with a Legal As-
sistant Diploma. After
working in Calgary, my
Gord Morck husband, Dean Cockx and I decided to move back
Pharmacist to Strathmore to raise our family. We then owned and
operated a small oil and gas drilling company until
Capsule Comments 2014. My grandfather William (Bill) Woodliffe ran busi-
nesses here from the early 1920s, and my parents,
October 24 is World Polio Day The goal is to
Joe and Lynn Woodliffe, also owned their own busi-
raise awareness that polio is still around and that no
child anywhere should suffer from this completely ness in town during the 1970s and 1980s.
preventable disease. The World Health Organization, Deans grandparents, Cornelius and Verna Cockx,
Rotary and other sponsors have a goal to totally rid the also lived here in Strathmore since the late 1920s,
world of polio. There are only three countries where and his parents, Frankie and Donna (Watson) Cockx,
polio still exists: Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria. were born and raised here in Strathmore.

Were getting closer. If elected, I will do my best to listen and promote
There is a class of medications called beta blockers action for you, the voters. I believe in economic
that was discovered over 50 years ago. The first of growth, I believe in the revitalization of downtown, I
this class was propranolol but there have been many believe that our youth need attention, activities, and
variations of the drug developed over the years. Beta recreation, and I believe that our seniors need and
blockers have become a mainstay in the treatment deserve to be heard.

Forensic Consulting and Advisory Services

of heart arrhythmias, high blood pressure, migraines My family has deep roots in Strathmore and Im
and even help settle the nerves when making a speech invested in this town. Trust me I have this towns
or going on stage although that certainly wasnt its best interest at heart; its my home.
primary use.
We all know the time-proven dictum: to lose weight
you simply have to take in fewer calories than you Forensic Accounting DONT FORGET TO
expend. One easy way of beginning to do this is to

Litigation Support
look at your dairy products. If you use whole milk cut
it down to 2%. If you use 2%, try 1% or skim. You
can make similar choices with yogurts and cottage
cheese. The good benefit of these lower fat choices is
that you arent compromising the nutritional content. Consulting OCTOBER 16!
Its a good first step to your weight-loss goal.
With marijuana laws changing next year, there is a
concern about testing drivers suspected being under Financial Accounting Services (Personal, Business & Farm)
the influence. A saliva test was tested for three months
Well Make You
by police officers across Canada. It seemed to work
Personal and Corporate Tax
well once officers were trained in its use. However
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October 6, 2017 Strathmore TIMES Page 7

Meet the candidates - Election 2017

Town of Strathmore - COUNCILLOR Wheatland County - DIVISION 1

Melanie Peter Gordon Jason

Corbiell Landry Porteous Wilson
My name is Melanie Hello Strathmore, my I am running as My name is Jason
Corbiell. I am married name is Peter Landry councillor because I Wilson and I am ask-
and have three young and I would like to tell was asked to by my ing for your support in
children. I have lived you why I am running for friends who know my the upcoming county
within the County of town council. experiences and skills, election. As you may be
Wheatland for most of In the last few years and who believe in my wondering, arent you a
my life with the excep- it appears to me that we potential. I feel it is my little young to become
tion of attending post-secondary education. There I are starting to have big city problems like an increase duty as a citizen. As a Canadian citizen I have the a councillor? Yes, I am young, but with that I can
attained a Degree in Kinesiology as well as a Diploma in property crime, the prevalence of drugs which are privilege to be a candidate for this community I love understand the importance of looking forward and in-
in Medical Transcription. I have worked in Strathmore all too available to our kids, impending growth which and wish to serve. vesting in the future. It was once said Age considers,
since 1997 and lived within the town for 10 years we should encourage in measure but will increase de- I have worked in countries where they do not have youth ventures.
where I have seen many changes. mand on existing services. I would like to see Strath- this privilege, and it opened my eyes, making me feel That is what I plan to do, venture. I want to hear
I am running for town council to contribute and more promoted as a great place to live and raise kids, obligated. I have experience managing Agricultural from you, the rate payers of Wheatland County, for
help shape the way Strathmore grows to fulfill the this resulting in growth but we must be prepared for Exhibitions, Country Western festivals, and major Ag- it is you that I am wanting to represent. The issues
quality of life that everyone expects and deserves. It this growth with a long-term infrastructure plan. ricultural Projects in China. I have the experience to and policies you raise will be a part of my platform
is that simple! I love this town and want to invest my I would like to re-examine the capacity for polic- generate outside of the box ideas, and the patience because you should be able to have a say in what
time and energy into helping make this town a better, ing we have based on the current resources and then to enhance existing solutions on the council agenda. happens in your community. I was raised just north of
safer place. re-deploy/reorganize/enhance these resources for Through this election process Im realizing the true di- Gleichen on our family ranch. My family came here in
This town is not just important to me for my chil- maximum effect as well as organize citizens groups versity of this community, and we, as citizens, need 1901 and since then we have been able to create a
drens future. A large portion of my family resides in to assist. to encompass all social and economic backgrounds. life in this county and I want to continue that. I believe
town and my grandparents have retired here. Having There are many issues I would like to be able to We need to work with existing agencies and pro- it is the people who have something invested in our
so much invested here means that I will always stay address with a fresh council full of new ideas and grams, supporting them and their progression. As a small rural communities that matter the most. Those
actively involved in all areas and not just whats best insights. There are many things I would like to try grandfather, I also feel it is the communitys duty to who want to raise a family here, those who have built
for me. I want to see every aspect of this community to achieve for this great little town like ice facilities invest in our youth, and to help our seniors. I am pre- businesses here, those who want to create a life here.
to have a part to play and grow as one. downtown revitalization, etc., but there is just not the pared to listen, to learn, and to find new innovative Small tight knit communities have built this province
space to list it all here. But we need change. This is ideas. I am prepared to serve this wonderful commu- and I believe we can do it again. If I am lucky enough
our chance and we wont have another one for four nity of Strathmore. to be elected to represent Division 1, I will do my best
Steve more years. Im not connected to anyone. I just want to serve those people, our county relies on.
to help. I am bringing a rather large bag of skillsets
Grajczyk with me. I am your neighbor. Bob Sobol
I have lived in Strath- On Oct. 16, vote for change but mostly, vote!
more for 40 years, an
My wife (Gina) and I Wheatland County - DIVISION 2
Thank you. have lived in Strathmore
entrepreneur owning for the last 14 years.
and operating two suc- Strathmore was my Sandra
cessful businesses in
downtown Strathmore. I
Jason retirement move after
leaving the RCMP, and
also raised two children Montgomery we came here to open a I am Sandra Desmet
and enjoy my four grandchildren. My priority in life is the coffee shop (The Boule- and I am part of a third-
With many years in local government, as both for- health and success of vard Caf). After selling it, I became interested in how generation family farm. I
mer mayor and current councillor, I bring a solid well- my family, which is tied the decisions were made in this municipality mostly have strong family val-
rounded view for serving the wants and needs of the to the health and suc- because I felt this town had so much potential. ues, and have been ac-
citizens of Strathmore. Having a background in com- cess of the Strathmore It was, and it continues to be, my hope that I could tive in our community.
mercial investment real estate for over 35 years I have community. As a hus- contribute somewhat positively in this regard. I have My husband and I have raised four children that are
the knowledge and connections to commerce, which band and father, its im- been a town councillor for 10 years. In the last four all employed in the Ag Industry.
is so vital for a viable community to have a strong lo- portant to me that my children, and yours, are given years, I have been diligent about preparing for both My motivation behind running for council is that I
cal business base. the best opportunities for success. council and committee meetings. I have been active want to see our county thrive, to have strong repre-
Combining my long-term vision for the community Making Strathmore the best place to live that it can in pursuing and moving along ideas which positively sentation, and a dependable voice, and I believe I am
and my tenacity to complete projects and initiatives, be, and a safe community for all is my highest priority. affected improvements in policing, traffic, sustainabil- person for that role. I would bring a strong decisive
I continue to be a champion for senior citizens, the As a business owner, I have insight into the is- ity, downtown beautification, transportation, trans- voice to council. I will strive to ensure that the pub-
Marigold Library System, Wheatland Lodge, the Hos- sues facing businesses that are located in our town. parency in council affairs and low taxes. We have lic services enhance the life and life opportunities for
pice Building Committee and tourism strategies with Streamlining processes, and making it easier to de- made great progress in the least four years, but now the people in our area. I will be a capable representa-
the Canadian Badlands. Taking on challenges such velop and grow our businesses is also one of my is not the time to take a break. That is why I am run- tive for my ward, be a trusted point of contact and
as crime and policing remains a priority, as well as highest priorities. A healthy and diverse local econo- ning for a fourth term. Many of the issues we will be be an effective advocate for the people. I would like
working with and respecting our rural neighbors is my is crucial for maintaining the quality of life that our facing are complex. Items such as our Pivot Fields, to communicate council policies and decisions back
essential. public services provide. a new Municipal Government Act, a new Provincial to my ward more efficiently. I would like to improve
I have a passion for Strathmore, being involved, I have been volunteering for the Town of Strath- Growth Management Board, Policing, Economic on the developing, receiving and monitoring of the
volunteering, and a community advocate has always more during my time living here. I currently sit on the Development, Regional Transportation, a new Epcor performance of services. I would also advocate for
been a part of my life. I have served in various ca- Names Advisory Committee, Assessment Review Contract, Seniors Housing and Recreational Facili- preserving property rights, protecting the family farm,
pacities on numerous boards and organizations in- Board, and the Subdivision, Development Appeal ties. I am ready and able to tackle these issues and wise use of our tax dollars and find solutions to the
cluding Strathmore Ag Society as general manager Board. escalating rural crime. I also encourage everyone to
would appreciate your vote on Oct. 16.
and president, Strathmore Minor Hockey Board and Volunteering for the Town of Strathmore has been come out and vote. Thank you for your support.
Strathmore Kinsmen Club. invaluable in giving me first-hand experience work-
I believe in this community and have a continued ing with the town administration, as well as my fellow
commitment to working hard for a healthy positive citizens, to solve problems, and facilitate growth and Wheatland County - DIVISION 1 Amber Link
community for families and business to live, work and development. Im running for Divi-
grow. For more information and to contact me please sion 2 Wheatland Coun-
ty Council because I ab-
email electjasonm@gmail.com, or look me up on
Facebook @jm4council.
Alice Booth solutely love where I live
John Hilton- Being your Councilor
for Division 1 has been
and I want to do my part
to keep it the incredible
OBrien Denise rewarding. I, Alice Booth, place that it is.
My wife and I own have been honoured I have deep roots in
HOBs Hobbies, a caf/ Peterson to serve on numerous
boards over the years,
Wheatland County, I grew up on a farm near Rocky-
ford and except for a few years of University, to obtain
store for Strathmores I am running for
hobby and gaming com- re-election because I volunteer in different a Bachelor of Science degree, I have lived in this area
munities, and I serve as am passionate about communities, sing in two my whole life.
president of the Strath- continuing to build a choirs, while keeping up My husband, Kevin, a paramedic with Wheatland
more Overnight Shelter. dynamic collaborative with my farm, home and gardens,I believe infrastruc- EMS, and I moved to an acreage in Namaka in 2007
I have degrees in Social Work and Philosophy, with community that reflects ture is imperative, market access depends on our because we knew it was the perfect place to raise our
training and experience in public policy. I care about the collective views Ive heard from our citizens over road building & paving program. Highway 842 con- five children.
our community, and I want to help make it a good the last four years. Strathmore is on the threshold of tinues a priority to be rebuilt as this is important to My experience as a school board trustee for seven
place for all of us to live. an exciting vibrant future where the inspired ideas of the Economy of this area. Clean drinking water, waste years, serving as vice chair of the board for two of
My first priority is getting businesses into Strath- community builders, millennials and seniors position services, housing, schools and recreation keep our those years, taught me what board governance in-
more, by streamlining the processes for things like us to thrive. These ideas are rooted in the enthusi- communities vibrant, Key components of economic volves. I was involved with strategic planning, vision-
development and sign permits. Shorter timelines will asm I have seen among our seniors who have deter- diversification that are being reviewed include: The ing, policy development, and hiring committees for
make us a more attractive place to set up than Cal- minedly staked out a significant role advocating for Land Use Bylaw, Municipal Development Plan, Re- multiple administration positions. My work on the
gary. Time is money and we can make that work enhanced opportunities for inclusion in our commu- gional Growth Management Strategy, Economic De- negotiations committee resulted in the successful
for us. nity. Seniors are determined to achieve this through velopment Strategy, a challenge Im looking forward negotiation of contracts and the prevention of strikes
We need to keep services affordable, paying atten- demanding better transportation, assurance for to.Wheatland County has a bright, dynamic, innova- within the division.
tion to what people pay. We can stretch our dollars, comprehensive home care, and adequate affordable tive and ever-changing future. The Government ex- I currently volunteer at the Alberta Childrens Hos-
seeking outside grants and partners. Keeping costs housing. Community builders and developers desire pects 1.3 million more people in this area in the next pital and with our local down syndrome association,
down for private firms will also get us affordable pri- less prescriptive policy and land use by-laws and decade. We can expect to be the recipient of some Ups and Downs. I have previously served as the
vate transportation and recreation. greater investment certainty with focus on creative new families seeking homes, jobs, and schools. This vice president of the Namaka Community Associa-
Finally, we have a higher crime rate than simi- outcomes. Millennials want affordable homes, quality is an exciting time, to be planning the Economic fu- tion. I have volunteered in several ministries within
lar communities which means we can petition the food sourcing for their families and access to excel- ture of Wheatland County as the best place to live, our church, including teaching marriage courses,
province for more police officers. We can also es- lent amenities like schools and recreational facilities. work and play. I look forward to meeting and serv- youth, and a meal ministry. Ive always been actively
tablish a police committee to make our detachment I would welcome the opportunity to bring the innova- ing all the residents of Wheatland County and ask for involved with my children and their activities, and co-
more responsive to local issues, and we can supple- tive ideas and desires of my community forward in your support on election day. lead a Junior Forest Wardens club for the last eight
ment the RCMPs programs for volunteers. the next term. (2pine@telus.net/403-934-3635). years.
For jobs, services, and safety, please support me I am married to Roger Nelson; together we have I love spending time with my family, days out-
on Oct. 16. five children and eight grandchildren. Ive lived in doors, hiking or camping are my favourite. I love find-
Strathmore for 34 years working as a teacher, princi- ing beauty in unexpected places and capturing it in
pal and consultant (B.Ed./M.Ed) for Golden Hills S.D. photos.
and Siksika Education. I am your Link to council, if elected I promise I will
listen to our community and be a voice for all resi-
DONT FORGET TO VOTE OCTOBER 16! dents of our division. Thats my promise: to be your

Page 8 Strathmore TIMES October 6, 2017 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

Thinking Meet the candidates - Election 2017

to find
How Wheatland County - DIVISION 2 Wheatland County - DIVISION 3
Cleaner Wayne Shapka
Sharon Sequillion
Solutions I have lived and worked in Wheatland I have lived in Division 3 for 25 years
and have developed strong friend-
County and the Strathmore area for 20
We are too years. I have raised seven children and ships and ties to the community. My
I now have three beautiful grandchil- wife and I raised our family here. I see
Newspaper ink is now almost entirely
dren. I recently resigned from my posi- the position of councilor for Division 3
soy-based and non-toxic.
tion with Alberta Health Services after as an opportunity to give back through
17 years of service. I have advocated an even more significant role to the
Please recycle this newspaper for many people in Wheatland County community that I love.
as well as listen to their point of view. I I have always enjoyed serving the
Alberta Weekly Newspapers Association recognizing the efforts of community newspapers have learned that the best way to advocate for change Is by example public, and am recently retired from the City of Calgary after 34
not by opinion. I live an honest life and work very hard to give back years with Calgary Transit. For many years I have enjoyed being an
to the community I live in. active member of the Carseland Lions Club serving as president,
I was approached by two constituents in my area, Division 2, ask- treasurer and currently as secretary. This has allowed me to actively
ing me if I would consider running for council. After much consid- participate in many community projects and endeavors, including

Strathmore Legion Branch #10 NEWS eration, I sat down with a former county councillor of Division 2 to
discuss the job itself, and I came away with a determination to run
and win.
the Carseland 100 Year Centennial Celebrations.
I have an active membership with the Carseland & District Agri-
cultural Society, having served a term as vice president. While there,
By Irene Knappe, Secretary / PR / Poppy Chair I am willing to work hard as well as listen to individuals needs, I was instrumental in facilitating and implementing the creation of
We have quite a few events coming up in the next few months, with special dates, parties and both for farmers who helped mold the agricultural footprint of Wheat- a paid general manager position. In addition, I was responsible for
holidays coming up. Read on!! land County as well as the many new people in Division 2. the selection and purchase of new grounds keeping equipment.
To begin with, we still have our meat draws on Fridays at 6 pm and Saturdays at 3 pm As a candidate, I believe you cannot expect to parachute into
Dont forget The Kitchens Friday night specials!! You wont be sorry you came! Prepare to spend I have a new energy and a willingness to learn. I also have the time
your Friday nights at The Kitchen and then taking your chance with the meat draws! We usually have needed for the position. Public service has always been a big part of a position of responsibility in your community, such as Division 3
entertainment those nights as well if you are also dancing inclined! my every day life and I see running for council as a great opportunity Councilor, without having been actively involved already.
Pat Secord is our entertainment on October 6th. Come on down!! to serve the area in which I live as well as the people in it. This is why Volunteering and other forms of community participation are key
October 9th HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!! I have decided to run for county council Division 2. to connecting with, and gaining an understanding of, your com-
Legion Executive meeting: Tuesday, October 10th at 7 pm. munity.
The next LA Breakfast will be on Sunday morning, October 15th, 9 to 11 am. Adults eat for $8 and
Involvement = experience = commitment to your community
kids under 6 eat for $4!!! Bring your appetites!!
LA General meeting: Tuesday, October 17th at 7 pm. Your Neigbour, Your Community
Legion General meeting: Tuesday, October 24th at 7 pm.
On October 27th and 28th, we have North X South here, for your dancing pleasure!!
Wheatland County - DIVISION 3
The 2017 Poppy Campaign begins on Friday, October 27th and ends with the Remembrance Day Don Vander Velde
Ceremony on Saturday, November 11th. The sign-up sheets are now up on the backs of our display
cabinets. Please come in and place your names and phone numbers on the list for the date and Donna Biggar My reason for running for councillor again is to see some of the
future projects that the county is taking part in come to a conclu-
time you wish to volunteer. PLEASE USE A PENCIL to erase mistakes!! Thank you all in advance!!!!! I was raised in this area and raised
Also, our Sgt.-at-arms needs people to carry flags on his Colour Party for the Remembrance Day Cere- sion. For example, being involved with a new lodge and hospice
my children here. Throughout my years
mony!!!!! Please contact Comrade Doug Earnshaw as soon as possible and let him know you would centre that is being proposed for the county residents. The chal-
in Carseland, I have involved myself
like to participate. lenge and effect of part of Wheatland County becoming part of the
Our staffs Christmas Craft Sale will be held on Sunday, NOVEMBER 19th, from 12 4 pm! If you with many committees and boards.
Calgary Municipal Plan and the increasing costs to the county in
have items you wish to sell, only $10 will pay for the opportunity and your table! The sooner you do It was an honour to serve on the Hall
regards to repairing roads due to the amount of heavier traffic using
this, the better your chance of having a table when the time comes! Please check-in and pay at the Building Fund, the Carseland History
Legion bar. county roads is of concern as well as the loss of agricultural farm
Committee, Public Benefit Club, and
LA Legion ELECTIONS: Tuesday, November 21st, 7 pm. land to small residential subdivisions. Seeing the new Carseland
Carseland Curling Club. It was also a
Legion ELECTIONS: Tuesday, November 28th at 7 pm. fire hall in operation will be a positive outcome but the main reason
pleasure to teach junior curling for 15 years.
Take care of yourself. Go for a walk, eat your favourite food, get a haircut, cry if you need to, read a book, take a vaca- for running for councillor is to be an advocate for the residents in
Ive worked for many years in agriculture before I was inspired to
tion, have a drink. Do what you need to do. Take care of yourself, because at the end of the day, youre all youve got. Division 3.
pursue horticulture. For the last 14 years Ive been managing Aspen
TO ALL OUR CANADIAN VETS EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD, ALL OUR FIRST RESPONDERS, Our family is a fifth-generation family, living in the Carseland dis-
Crossing Ltd., a successful tourism attraction in Mossleigh, Atla.
NO MATTER IN WHAT CAPACITY, AND TO ALL THE VOLUNTEERS WHO JUMP IN TO HELP AT trict. I have lived in the area all my life. My grandfather and his
Aspen Crossing has grown from an employment of three to a total of
VARIOUS DISASTERS, WHEREVER AND WHENEVER NEEDED, THANK YOU ALL FOR THAT YOU three brothers came in 1909. One of the greatest rewards of being
DO! YOU ALL ARE TRULY THE BEST!!! 55 this fall. With the companys growth I have acquired strong skills
a councillor is the friendships that are created.
For further information, please call the Legion at 403.934.5119 in team building relationships, leadership and business knowledge.
I believe that my acquired skills are the perfect asset to help as-
sist the residents of Division 3, and our county to deal with growing
changes within our community. Helping to create a positive future
for the interest, safety and welfare of my fellow neighbours, friends
Thought for and family.
Wheatland County - DIVISION 4
the Week
~ Angela Cinq-Mars
True As a Carseland resident in Division Berniece Bland
3, I feel that as residents we have lost My name is Berniece Bland and
thanksgiving our voice in council. Division 3 has the
potential to thrive with the right repre-
I have been very proud to represent
Division 4 the last 10 years. With my
emphasizes sentation leading us. With our industri-
al corridor that is being underutilized, I
husband John, we transferred to
Cheadle over 40 years ago due to his
the giver will actively seek out business to come final RCMP posting. Our four children
have been raised in this community
into our division. This would provide a
rather than much-needed increase in our tax base and we love to call it home.
and local jobs for our many residents. We need to ensure our tax I am running for another term be-
the gifts. dollars are being spent in the most efficient manor. Council needs to cause this work has taught me many things, including the passion I
educate everyone on the importance of our local farms, and make have to represent my friends and neighbours. I want to continue to
them aware of the obstacles farmers face during certain times of the be your voice for the issues that affect our division and Wheatland
year. We need to explore social programs and facilities for our youth County.
and seniors. We need to come together as a division and ensure I stand for integrity, honesty and transparency. I will continue to
that our voices are heard again and that we are able to prosper and promote smart growth that balances the needs of agriculture and
grow. I would like the opportunity to represent all of you in Division 3 our increasing rural population. I am very proud of the road and
and make the changes we need now and for our future success. My infrastructure improvements that have been completed during my
name is Angela Cinq-Mars and I would like you vote. term.
I have served on various committees including Southern Alberta
Energy from Waste (SAWEA), WFCSS, WADEMSA and Wheatland
Lodge. I would like the opportunity to continue the great work we
Cody MacLean have accomplished with these organizations.
I have decided with the full support I have the experience, passion and commitment to serve an-
of my family to run for councillor for other term and I ask for your support on Oct. 16!
Wheatland County Division 3. I have
lived in Division 3 for five years, where
my wife of 15 years Stacy and myself Tom Ikert
are raising our two beautiful daughters. Tom Ikert, Division 4 Councillor candidate, was raised on the
I grew up and was raised very close to Wheatland County farm where he currently resides. Toms parents,
Wheatland County. In my 41 years I Carl and Ruth, purchased the quarter section in 1968 and later built
have mainly worked in the agriculture a modest dream home where they raised their sons.
sector and know firsthand some of the struggles our farmers and Tom, a self-employed journeyman carpenter, and his wife Crys-
ranchers face, as well as small business owners as I am also one of tal took over the farm in 2008. The farm is home to horses, cattle,
them. I believe in family first and have met lots of families young and dogs, cats, and miniature donkeys. The land itself contributes to
old in the community at various events as I am a very active volun- Albertas economy through leasing for farming and oil extraction.
teer. Wheatland County is a great place and my reason for running Referring to the farm he calls home, Tom says, I love where I live
for council is to help it continue to grow, at the same time staying and cannot contemplate living anywhere else.
responsible to its taxpayers and making sure due diligence is done Tom is running for council, because council needs new ideas.
on every new project. I want to be the voice of the great people in There are better ideas than raising taxes every year, and all of them
Division 3. To all the families young and old, farmers, ranchers and need to be explored. I dont have all the answers, but I am commit-
small business owners if you are looking for honesty and integrity ted to collaborating with my neighbours in Division 4 to find them,
then I am your man as I have based my life on those very things! My to find the best path forward. Tom says, I want to be your advo-
handshake is my bond. I look forward to meeting you all! Lets work cate, to your local government. Things change, that is life. It is time
together and keep this great county moving forward! for a change in council. You have a choice.


October 6, 2017 Strathmore TIMES Page 9

Meet the candidates - Election 2017

Wheatland County - DIVISION 5 Wheatland County - DIVISION 6

Scott Klassen Glenn Koester

Im Scott Klassen and I want to I am Glenn Koester and I have lived
be your Wheatland County Division 5 in the Rockyford area all my life and
councillor. I have over 15 years of ex- I am happily married to my wife and
perience in Municipal Government, a best friend Lois for 43 years. Together
strong business sense, an open mind, we have raised four children on our
and a commitment to making Wheat- family farm and are the proud grand-
land County a better place to live. parents of five grandchildren.
I was raised on an acreage north of I am also a councillor for Division 6
Nightingale and attended school and graduated in Strathmore. In and I have the honour of being the Reeve for Wheatland County.
2007, my wife and I moved back to Nightingale on an acreage to
raise our children. I wanted our children to grow up in the great
I have been Reeve for six years and I stand for: integrity, honesty
and compassion.
Dancing to Peru
community I was raised in. Integrity: I endeavour to ensure that all people are treated the The Wheatland Whirlers Square Dancing Club president Linda Nyeste pre-
I currently co-own a trucking company in Strathmore, which I same, everyone should have the chance to voice their concerns sented Strathmore Youth Club secretary Sharon Herr (l) with a cheque for
have been a part of since moving back to Nightingale. I have many and have their concerns heard. All the residents of Wheatland $1,216 towards the Youth Clubs Peru Trip at Westmount School on Sept.
years of Municipal experience and worked as a water plant opera- County should be shown respect and their opinions matter. 27. The money was raised from the Wheatland Whirlers Barn Dance on Aug.
tor for Corix utilities. I started as a labourer and worked my way up Honesty: I endeavour to be trustworthy, to always tell the truth 9. Brady Grove Photo
to superintendent of operations. I gained experience with subdivi- and to always accept the truth. I am open to new ideas and will re-
sion and development of municipal lands, contract negotiations, main open minded and pursuable until it is time to make a decision.
labour, budgeting, forecasting, emergency planning and infrastruc- I have a sincere will to serve Wheatland County and its residents to
ture maintenance and upgrades. the best of my ability. I will be fair, however I realize that I cannot
I will be your division voice at council meetings, I will honestly make everyone happy all the time.
represent the best interests of our Division 5 residents, I will not be Compassion: I always have time to listen, to take the time to
afraid to voice your concerns. understand the wants and needs of a resident, an organization, a
My family and I love living in a farming community and have community and Wheatland County. I will take the time to try and
many animals that we care for. We are very involved in the 4-H and find a way to achieve. My first response will not be You cant do
Gymkhana communities and enjoy riding very much. I enjoy help- that.
ing out our neighbours in the farming community whenever I can. It has been an honour to have served Wheatland County resi-
Please come out to vote advance polls are Friday, Oct. 13 at dents for the last 14 years. If re-elected I will continue to serve you
Wheatland County office from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. with the best of my ability; that is what you deserve and its my
Election Day is Monday, Oct. 16th from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. at ei- responsibility. I am asking for your vote and the opportunity to con-
ther Lyalta Hall or Nightingale Hall. tinue to serve you in Wheatland County.
Your vote is important to me and your community.
Thank you.

Fiona Lauridsen
Brenda Knight I have arrived at a point in my life
Im Brenda Knight and currently where I have the time and energy to
serving my community as your council devote to the challenges of the posi-
representative in Division 5. tion. This, coupled with strong en-
I was born, raised and reside on a couragement from trusted friends and
farm within the division with my part- voters in the division, tells me this is
ner of 23 years, Boyd. the right time to put my name for-
I believe rural matters and rural ward. I enjoy working with the public
communities are just as important as and possess a strong sense of humour to keep me balanced. I am
our urban counterparts. reflective and analytical by nature. Through life and work I have
Our infrastructure, roads, bridges, railroads, water, sewer and learned commitment, empathy, creativity and discipline. These
waste are critical. skills are vital to becoming an effective councillor.
Social and economic development depends on industry, oil, gas, I have had discussions with provincial ministers, industry leaders
solar, wind power, agriculture, commercial, retail, tourism which re- and the premier of this province on landowner rights. The issues
quires balanced long-term planning. were often contentious but I am experienced at navigating con-
Family and community services including transportation, polic- flicting views and competing interests. A councillors job is not to
ing, fire services, housing, recreation, libraries, increase viability, promote a personal agenda, but to work to find sensible and sensi-
secure and strengthen our communities. tive solutions which bring the greatest benefit to the community
Access to education and health care programs and services, as whole.
especially those most vulnerable our children, seniors, veterans, is Any council, board or committee must constantly regenerate if
imperative. it is to remain vital and effective. As a councillor for Division 6, I
Land use, rivers, creeks, soil, air quality, noise, wildlife, species at would add a new perspective and a different energy to Wheatland
risk and our ecosystems should be part of everyones conscience Council.
Wheatland County is very large with distinct hamlets and even I am ready to give my best.
smaller named areas built by our forefathers. The current local resi-
dents work continuously on keeping their autonomy. A one size
fits all approach may not work however treating everyone equally
is expected.
I will continue to work on your behalf and ask for your support
on election day.

Memory Lane receives donation

Standard community members and officials gathered around the future home of Memory Lane on Sept. 27 as CHS DynAgra
donated $25,000 to the Standard Community Facility Enhancement Society for the Memory Lane Project which will include a
paved walking path surrounded by trees and park benches. (l-r) Dave Sundgaard, Ben Waldner, Louise Welen, Mike Sauve, Mike
Hiera, Alan Larsen, Larry Casey, Moe Zalenschuk, Jackie Jensen and Ron Corbiell Joanne Petersen.

Photo Courtesy of Traci Rasmussen
$204,900 24F Wellington Cove,
STRATHMORE 2 beds 1.5 baths, trendy bi-
Mario Prusina Publisher / Editor Kristina Bezic Financial Manager level, cute as a button! must be
Miriam Ostermann Associate Editor Tyler Lowey Reporter Adelle Ellis Reporter / Office Manager seen to appreciate the pride of
Rose Hamrlik Advertising Krista Doll Advertising Account Executive Jody Schneider Production Manager ownership
Contributors: Doug Taylor, Sharon McLeay, John Godsman, Kevin Link, Laureen F. Guenther, Brady Grove here.
123 2nd Avenue, Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1K1 403.934.5589
Strathmore Times is published every Friday by Strathmore Times Inc. and is distributed by Canada Post to Strathmore, Carseland, Cheadle, Cluny,
Gleichen, Hussar, Indus, Langdon, Lyalta, Namaka, Nightingale, Rockyford, Rosebud, Speargrass and Standard. We also have various pickup locations
throughout our coverage area. Our 11,500 issues are printed by Star Press Inc., Wainwright, Alberta. The content in the Strathmore Times is copyright
and reproduction without the proper written consent of the Strathmore Times is strictly prohibited. 403.325.0372
The Times welcomes letters to the editor for publication. All submissions must be signed and a phone number included for verification purposes. We reserve the right to
edit letters for length, legal considerations and taste. Please try and keep your letters under 400 words to ensure that it will appear as close to its original form as possible. debbeststrathmore@gmail.com
Page 10 Strathmore TIMES October 6, 2017 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

to Council
Willing to Listen to You!
* Seniors - crossing @ Hi-Ho Wheatland Interagency Council holds fall kickoff
The Wheatland Interagency Council hosted 37 agencies at their annual fall kickoff luncheon held on Wednesday, Sept. 20. Each
* Taxi Owners organization was able to inform the crowd of their services. During the lunch at Hope Community Covenant Church the agencies
listened to Keynote speaker Brenda Graff, director of Women Talk in Strathmore. Manny Everett Photo
* Downtown Issues
* RV Owners Hospice Society pushing for
* Marigold Library
* Anglican Church Issues
new building and partnerships
* Recreation - Sports Teams Times Contributor


The Wheatland and Area Hospice Society
(WAHS) held a town hall at the Hope Community
Covenant Church on Sept. 27 to inform residents Dr. Joni McNeely
of the societys approach, ideas, plans for a new led the town hall
about the Wheat-
building, and how to involve the business com-
land and Area
240 - 3rd Avenue, Strathmore 403-901-0664 munity. Hospice Society
The building costs and operating costs would future plans and
be a whole lot cheaper if we partnered with oth- programs at Hope
er groups in the community, said WAHS Board Community Cov-
Director Dr. Joni McNeely. Alberta Health Ser- enant Church on
vices has been pretty clear that hospice society Sept. 27.
cant be unattached (no partners) anymore.
Brady Grove Photo
While nothing is official yet, the WAHS is pur-
suing several locations for new headquarters. While the building was a big discussion topic
Agecare Sagewood was one proposed option but McNeely also went into costs and explained the
the society hasnt contacted the nursing home new Bedside Respite program, which involved
yet. Another possibility was to operate at the lo- volunteers offering care to end-of-life patients
cal hospital in the acute care section. and a break for family members. The training
At this point we honestly dont know, said provided volunteers with methods to provide
McNeely. We need our community to help us comfort and dignity to patients in their final days.
with this. Sharon Stout is one of the volunteers who par-
According to McNeely the society was offered ticipated in the respite care training and attend-
land but doesnt know if they will use it to build ed the town hall to learn more about the future
a headquarters because they dont know specific plans for the society.
building details. They are estimating two to three It was good to know what their plans were for
We now offer BaseLine Concussion million dollars to build a new building along a building, said Stout. I wasnt sure how long
with all of the equipment. it would take. It was just good information, to
Screenings, as well as Treatment Having a headquarters would offer beds to know where they are headed.
for Concussions. residents as well as other programs designed According to McNeely, in 2013 the Cheadle Li-
to ease the final days of patients. Residents of ons Club saw the need for a hospice society in
Call and book your appointment today! Wheatland would have priority over other people the Wheatland area and began fund raising and
for beds and the society is hoping for four beds. looking for support. The society was formed in
Your Family Health Care Team McNeely cautioned residents that building up the fall of 2015.
Drs. Jason Hollingsworth and Heather Russell Chiropractors the society and a new headquarters will take For more information contact info@wheatland-
time. hospice.ca or 403-934-6045.

Division 3
October 6, 2017 Strathmore TIMES Page 11

Notice of Public Hearing

Wheatland County will consider the Wheatland Sewer and
Waterworks Bylaw #2017-19 for Public Hearing at the regular Council
Alberta Culture Days meeting on Tuesday, October 10, 2017. The following Public Hearing
Executive director of the Wheatland Society of Arts Ken Bourassa (l) stands with director will begin at 1 p.m.:
Jennifer Mamer Sept. 30 for the unveiling of the of the new community mosaic mural during
Alberta Culture Days. Priya Klayh decorated a pumpkin during the Try This Out event Sept. Wheatland Sewer and Waterworks Bylaw # 2017-19
30 at the Wheatland Society of Arts, as part of the Alberta Culture Days. Councillor Steve
Grajczyk taught students how buildings used to be heated by coal while showing them the Repeal Bylaw # 2004-07 being a Bylaw of Wheatland County for
old coal chute in front of the old doctors office, now the Wheatland Lock and Sharp Shop. Sewer and Waterworks.
Students got to take a piece of coal home with them after the presentation.
Tyler Lowey and Adelle Ellis Photos Bylaw 2004-07 will be replaced with Bylaw 2017-19 upon third

Comments may be forwarded, in writing, to Wheatland County or, in

person, at the above meeting. The application files may be reviewed in
the County Office during regular office hoursMonday to Friday 8
a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Any comments provided will become part of the
public record in accordance with Section 40 (1) of the Alberta Freedom
of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act. Any personal
information on submissions made regarding applications is collected
under the authority of the FOIP Act Section 33(C) and subsequent

Award winning musician to

versions of the Act.

take stage in Strathmore

MIRIAM OSTERMANN tours, releasing six albums, performing with the Calgary
Times Associate Editor

Philharmonic Orchestra, writing the official song for the
2011 Alberta winter games, and winning numerous awards
Members Needed
Strathmore will act as a soapbox for among them Kerrville New Folk Award, Canadian Folk
Canadian musician John Wort-Han- Music Award for Contemporary Album of the Year, and Wheatland County invites applications for membership on
nam when he brings a four-piece band three times winner of the grand prize at the Calgary Folk the Community Enhancement Regional Board (CERB) with
to town and plays brand new music to Festival Song Competition. appointment to commence November 01, 2017. One
be turned into a record in November. His love for music opened the doors to perform at the representative from each of Electoral Division will be
The Juno-nominated roots musician Smithsonian Institution Washington D.C, Trafalgar Square appointed. The Community Enhancement Regional Board
is no stranger to Strathmore, but only in England, and the Kennedy Square. consists of two members from each Electoral Division,
performed as a solo artist previously. While he averaged 200 days of travelling a year, the artist appointed by Wheatland County Council. Membership on
This time around, the Strathmore who lives in Lethbridge has slowed down to 100 days the CERB is appointed for a two year term with alternating
Musical Arts Society (SMAS) is pre- of travelling per year in order to enjoy more time with his expiry dates. The Community Enhancement Regional Board
senting John Wort-Hannam and the family; hes father to a six-year-old boy. meets three times every spring to evaluate applications and
Blue Collars on Oct. 14, following the Ive certainly seen some places in the world which I
decide on the allocation of Community Enhancement
opening act of the Dearhearts. would not have seen if I hadnt been a musician, and its
Funding to Wheatland County community groups.
Well be playing quite a few of the certainly something I enjoy, travelling around, but its work
songs that were going to be recording I just get up and sort of do it, he said.
so people have definitely not heard I dont want to be on the road as much. I really enjoy
them before if theyve even been to being a dad and I want to be home and be a dad. I try to do Deadline for applications is October 13, 2017. If you
previous shows, said Wort-Hannam. everything I can to sort of tour smarter then I make sure require more information or to submit letters of interest,
I kind of just see it as a job. Its that Im home for good chunks of time too so that I can stay please contact Wheatland County at 403-324-2004 or via
certainly not that I dont love it and home with my son. email to jessica.salmon@wheatlandcounty.ca.
some days I feel like Im living a bit John Wort-Hannam and the Blue Collars Jason Valleau,
of a dream, but I dont really see my- John May, and Scott Duncan will perform at the Strath-
self as being that much different than more Travelodge on Oct.14. For more information visit
anybody else. I dont see it much dif- www.strathmorearts.com or 403-680-7721 or 403-630-3180.
ferent than being a plumber or an ac-
countant or a lawyer. When I get up in
the morning I take my guitar out and I
write songs. What I get to do is stand
in front of people and share these
things that I create in my head and I
get to share them with people, which Glenn Koester Agricultural Service Board

Wheatland County invites membership applications for two

is what is happening in Strathmore.
Those many mornings spent in at Division 6 Councillor members at large to the Agricultural Service Board (ASB).
his kitchen table writing songs paid for Wheatland County The ASB is a special committee appointed by council to address
off for the songwriter-performer, who agricultural concerns in the municipality. This is done through
originally spent five years teaching
Native American studies on a southern developing and evaluating agricultural policies and programs to
Alberta First Nations reserve. After HONESTY meet the needs of Wheatland County. Applicants should be
hearing Loudon Wainwright in 1997, well versed in a wide variety of agricultural areas and be able to
Wort-Hannam made a bold move and COMMITTED attend four board meetings per year plus the Regional and
decided to pursue a career in music.
Provincial ASB Conferences.
That journey led to international ACCESSIBLE
Membership appointments will be made by County Council at
Vote! the October organizational meeting for a term of three years
with eligibility for reappointment.
Deadline for applications is 4:30 p.m. on October 10, 2017.
PORTEOUS COMPASSION For more information or to apply, please contact Russ
For councillor of Strathmore Muenchrath Manager of Agricultural Services, Wheatland
Meet & Greet Coffee Party KOESTER, GLENN County, RR 1 Hwy 1 Strathmore AB, T1P 1J6 or via email to
October 7 9-11 am russel.muenchrath@wheatlandcounty.ca
Roadhouse Restaurant Additional information:https://www.wheatlandcounty.ca/living
I am asking for your vote and the opportunity -in-wheatland-county/agricultural-services
A new broom
www.giportstrathmore.com to continue to serve you in Wheatland County.
Page 12 Strathmore TIMES October 6, 2017 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

Notice of Election and Requirements for Voter

Identification Local Authorities Election Act (Sections 12, 35, 46, 53)
Wheatland County, Province of Alberta
Notice is hereby given that an election will be held for the filling of
the following offices:

Office Number of vacancies Electoral Division

Councillor 1 1

Councillor 1 2

Councillor 1 3

Councillor 1 4

Councillor 1 5

Councillor 1 6

Advance Poll
Voting will take place on the 13th day of October, 2017 between the hours of
12 p.m. (noon) and 8 p.m. Voting station will be located at Wheatland County
Municipal Building (County Office) at 242006 Range Road 243 Strathmore, AB

Election Day
Voting will take place on the 16th day of October, 2017 between the hours of
10 a.m. and 8 p.m. Voting stations will be located at:

Division 1 Standard Community Hall

Cluny Community Hall

Division 2 Gleichen Anglican Church Hall

Wheatland County Municipal Building (County Office)

Division 3 Carseland Community Hall

Note: 2017 Annual Assessment
Division 4 Cheadle Community Hall
Inspections are set to begin!
Division 5 Nightingale Community Hall
Wheatland County has contracted Blackfoot Creek Assessments Inc. to conduct
Lyalta Community Hall
2017 Annual Assessment Inspections of properties in Wheatland County.

Division 6 Rockyford Community Hall The purpose of these inspections is to update assessment information for properties
Rosebud Community Hall that have new assessable buildings built in 2017, or incomplete buildings built in
prior years.

To vote, you must produce identification for inspection. The Inspections include taking exterior photographs of all assessable buildings

identification must include name and current address, such as: Inspections will run from October to December
drivers licence, Government photo identification card, utilities/tax
bill, bill or statement for other services (internet, telephone etc.). The Contracted Assessor will have personal identification and his vehicle will be
identified with a Wheatland County logo and Assessment Department.
A person is eligible to vote if the person is at least 18 years old, is a
If you are not home when he stops by, he may hang a call back card on your front
Canadian citizen, and has resided in Alberta for 6 consecutive months door or other obvious spot.
immediately preceding election day and the persons place of
residence is located in the electoral division on election day.
Dated at the Municipal Building of Wheatland County, in the Province
of Alberta, this 25th day of September, 2017

Terry TowerReturning Officer

Vehicle to be used for inspections.

LP: ZWT-033 (will have County signage)
Contract Assessor,
Don Paul
October 6, 2017 Strathmore TIMES Page 13

Tax changes roundtable

MARTIN SHIELDS can save helps them pay their workers these tax changes, I would urge you encourage you to join me and make
Member of Parliament during a bad year, or for retirement af- to do so by emailing fin.consultation. your voice heard.
Bow River Riding ter a lifetime of work. fin@canada.ca and calling the Hon. Bill As always, my office is available to
Ninety-eight per cent of businesses Morneau, Minister of Finance, at 416- assist you with any federal issues. I
I hosted a roundtable in Strathmore in Canada are small businesses, and 972-4748. can be reached in Ottawa at 613-992-
on the Liberal governments proposed they provide 71 per cent of private Again, it is important that we keep 0761 or martin.shields@parl.gc.ca. My
tax changes on Sept. 23. I expected a sector employment. They sustain our the pressure on by letting the govern- Brooks office can be reached at 403-
big turnout, but we had a huge turn- small communities without them ment know what impact these changes 793-6775 or martin.shields.c1@parl.
out. well be driving to Calgary to buy a loaf will have. I will be continuing to host gc.ca, and my Strathmore office at 403-
The official consultation period on of bread. They simply should not be a series of local roundtables on the 361-2980 or martin.shields.c1B@parl.
the changes ends on Oct. 2, but I hope targeted with additional tax burdens changes through mid-October. I would gc.ca.
you will join me in continuing to press on top of what they already face.
the government on this issue after that If you operate a local farm or busi-
date. This matter will continue to be ness, and would like to offer input on
debated well after the end of the Liber-
als consultations. So we need to keep
the pressure on the government.
I have heard from so many residents
of Bow River that will be impacted by
these tax changes not just in-person,
but through social media, emails and
phone calls. Theyre not big multi-

Please Join Us
national corporations theyre our
neighbors. Most local business owners
are middle class Canadians. Two-thirds

earn less than $73,000 a year, and half

See O In celebrating Jim Laslos

of those earn less than $33,000 a year.
a n
Com e
F l y e
The fact is that small business owners

and farmers will be taxed twice on the

In-S Well-Deserved Retirement!

money they are currently allowed to
save within their businesses: once in-
side the company, and once when its
withdrawn (e.g., for retirement). Big
businesses wont face that added tax
burden. We also carry small October 6, 2017
The Liberals proposed tax changes animal items for:
will also have significant negative im-
Rabbits Guinea Pigs Hamsters
pacts on many family farm businesses.
They take away tools farmers use to
Chinchilas Hedgehogs
Open-House 3:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m.
save for leaner years. If farmers want
to keep the farm in the family, these as well as live food for lizards
changes could make it so much more
expensive to pass the farm on to a Speeches at 4:30 p.m.
family member than to sell it to a third
party that it will be virtually impos-
sible to do so. Wheatland County Office
Our communities are woven togeth-
er by our local businesses. They em- 242006 Range Road 243
ploy our neighbours, they grow the
Mon-Sat - 9 am - 9 pm
economy, and they sponsor communi-
For more information, please call: 403-934-3321
ty sports and events. Farms and small Sun 10 am - 6 pm
businesses are not a method used by
wealthy Canadians to avoid paying 250 Edgefield Place, Strathmore
taxes, despite what the Liberals have 403.902.0695
said. The vast majority of local busi-
ness operators dont have pensions to Check out our website:
fall back on. They dont receive mater-
nity leave or EI. Whatever money they
Questions and Answers are on-line

A fresh look at your needs.

October 16
Join me for discussion and refreshments at
Rosebud Centennial Museum angela.cinqmars2017@gmail.com
Wednesday, October 11th at 7:30 pm

Fiona Lauridsen
Candidate for Wheatland County Council (Div. 6)
For more information on my campaign
Angela Cinq-Mars
please see my website: onalauridsen.com Wheatland County Division 3
Helping Wheatland County find the path forward
Page 14 Strathmore TIMES October 6, 2017 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

Safety measures
for winter drivers
Winter weather causes many people to retreat
indoors until the spring thaw. However, for those
who embrace the cooler temperatures or find that life
must go on despite snow and ice, taking inventory
of their vehicles is a must before the first snowflakes
Replace windshield wipers. Reduced visibility
start to fall.
can compromise the safety of drivers and their pas-
Tire care is an especially important area of vehicle
sengers. Replace windshield wiper blades before
maintenance. The tire experts at Michelin say that
winter arrives. Consider purchasing winter-rated
regular tires may be ineffective for winter driving.
windshield blades.
Summer tires are made from materials that are
Know how to recover from a skid. When skids
optimized for warm conditions. When the mercury
occur on black ice or slush, drivers should take their
drops, these same materials can harden, reducing
feet off of the pedals and steer gently in the direction

their ability to grip the road. That lack of traction can

they want to go. As the vehicle regains traction, only

95 be compounded by the presence of snow or ice. Even

all-season tires, which are designed to be driven
year-round, can be insufficient in severe weather
then should the brakes or accelerator be applied.
Winter weather requires making some vehicle
modifications, and drivers may want to alter the way
conditions. Winter tires can help drivers safely navi-
they drive to be more safe on the road.
gate winter roadways.
Bridgestone Tires says that having the right snow
tires matters when driving in winter weather condi-
tions. Its important to look for tires that can dis- Wet weather driving tips
perse water sufficiently and also grip the road. Snow Driving in the rain can be more hazardous than driving in the snow,
Oil Change, Standard Oil (up to 5 litres), tires are designed to remain softer and more flexible particularly because drivers fail to realize the dangers wet roads can
most cars and 1/2 ton trucks (SUVs) to conform to the road better in cold conditions. impose. After averaging 10 years of statistics, the National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration found that 46 percent of weather-related
Tire Rotation Some winter tires are even studded to provide better
crashes happened during rainfall, but just 17 percent occurred while it
traction. was snowing or sleeting.
39 Point Mechanical Inspection Unfortunately, even the best winter tires cannot Drivers often think rain is no big deal, but while its not necessary to
Offer expires: October 31, 2017 provide perfect traction on slippery roadways. That avoid driving when the raindrops begin to fall, exercising caution when
is why it is essential in conjunction with the use the roads are wet can decrease the risk of being in an auto accident.
of winter tires or snow chains to modify driving Slow down. Wet roadways cause tires to lose traction, as friction
techniques to navigate safely. is reduced between the rubber and the asphalt. Its possible to lose
up to one-third of traction in the rain. To compensate, slow down to
Drive slowly. Slow down on winter roads. Allow a
reduce sliding and stopping distances.
greater distance for stopping than for dry conditions. Improve visibility. Turn on windshield wipers and lights when it is
Slippery conditions can make it more challenging to raining. This makes it easier to see the road and makes your vehicle
stop, and excessive speeds can make the situation more visible to other motorists.
B 403-901-0100 F 403-901-0109
worse. Leave more distance between cars. In addition to improving your
After Hours 888-525-8473 Email tim_hawkins@kaltire.com
921B Wheatland Trail, Strathmore
Shift into low gear. On hills, rely on low gears to reaction time, giving others more space can improve visibility by
maximize traction to travel up and down hills. This reducing the amount of mist or splashing caused by other vehicles.
Stick to daytime driving. If possible, when it is raining, drive only
MICHELIN, FIRESTONE AND BKT AG TIRES can minimize skids or sliding. during the day. Glare from wet roadways and headlights at night can
CUSTOM WHEELS BATTERIES Get the vehicle a tuneup. In addition to tires, be further compromise poor visibility.
sure the braking system, battery and other major Watch for wind gusts. Anticipate gusts when traveling through
components of the vehicle are in good working order. windy road corridors or over bridges.

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October 6, 2017 Strathmore TIMES Page 15

Reduce risk of vehicle theft

According to the Insurance make for easy parking, such ar-
Information Institute, more eas are also enticing to prospec-
than 700,000 motor vehicles tive car thieves worried about

Simple maintenance projects were reported stolen in the

United States in 2015. And
people witnessing their crimes.
When parking at grocery stores,

to keep cars running smoothly car theft is not exclusive to the

United States, as the Insurance
malls or other areas with large
parking lots, park as close to
One of the ways to keep vehicles run- and destruction of the engine. Bureau of Canada reports that pedestrian entrances as pos-
ning strong for years on end is to adhere Coolant is usually changed once per automobile theft costs Canadi- sible. Constant foot traffic can
to the manufacturers recommended year or at 30,000 miles. This keeps the ans roughly $1 billion each year. deter thieves from attempting to
maintenance schedule. Although there coolant working properly and will help Car thieves are often highly steal cars.
are many factors drivers cannot control, prevent corrosion and deposits from skilled, but that does not mean Install an alarm system and
including recalls, weather and road con- forming inside the cooling system. Cool- car owners cannot take steps anti-theft device. Insurance
ditions, proper maintenance is something ant levels might be checked during a full- to reduce their risk of being companies often discount their
drivers can control, and maintaining a service oil change appointment. victimized by auto theft. premiums for drivers whose
vehicle can be very simple. Take the simple steps. Sug- vehicles have alarm systems and
CHECK BATTERY CONTACTS gestions like keeping cars locked anti-theft devices. Such systems
OIL CHANGES Many modern car batteries do not at all times and rolling up all and technology draw attention
Motor oil lubricates the engine and require a lot of maintenance. However, windows before walking away to vehicles when thieves attempt
keeps it in good working order. Old oil one problem that may occur is a buildup from the car may sound simple, to steal them, and many thieves
becomes more viscous and can lose its ef- of minerals or corrosion from leaking but theyre also effective. Driv- can easily spot which cars have
ficacy. While changing motor oil is impor- battery fluid on the contacts. In such ers should avoid being careless anti-theft devices they would
tant, motorists should follow the owners instances, use a battery cleaning brush to no matter how briefly they plan prefer to avoid.
manual or the factory maintenance clean the contacts and then replace the to be away from their vehicles. Remove personal items
schedule regarding how often it needs to cables. Talented thieves need only a few and valuables from the vehicle.
be changed, as all vehicles are not alike. seconds to steal a car, so dont Automobiles should not be used
The old myth that cars and trucks need TIRE MAINTENANCE make it any easier for them than as rolling storage facilities for
oil changes at set intervals has changed as Properly inflated, balanced and rotated it already is. various reasons. One such rea-
digital check capabilities have evolved. tires make for a smooth, safe ride. Check Park in well-lit areas. Well- son is that valuables may attract
Car computers can now keep track of that tires are wearing evenly and that the lit parking lots may not prevent thieves. Women should always
more than just mileage. Computers now vehicle is not pulling to one side. A lack of cars from being stolen, but such take their purses with them
track starts and stops and trip durations tread on tires requires they be replaced. lots, especially ones monitored when leaving their vehicles, and
to determine when cars need oil changes. Because tires can be expensive, many by security cameras, can be a all drivers should make sure to
drivers put off routine tire maintenance. strong deterrent to thieves who remove all valuables when exit-
COOLANT LEVELS But this can be a costly mistake. Tires want to avoid being seen and ing their cars.
Coolant helps prevent vehicles from that are worn or not properly inflated can having their crimes documented Car theft is a legitimate
overheating and also prevents the water cause skidding, problems braking and ac- on camera. concern for drivers, but savvy
that it mixes with in the radiator from cidents. Blowouts also may occur, putting Park in public areas. Avoid motorists can take steps to
freezing or boiling. Coolant is nearly as drivers, their passengers and fellow mo- parking in areas that are off the reduce the risk of their vehicles
important as motor oil in vehicle main- torists in danger. Its best to be proactive beaten path. While this might being stolen.
tenance. Coolant is typically comprised with regard to tire maintenance.
of a 50/50 mix of distilled water and Maintaining a vehicle in adherence
antifreeze. These two substances work to- to manufacturer guidelines can prolong
gether to maintain a proper ratio of heat the life of the car, improve its safety and
energy and prevent eventual breakdown increase its trade-in or resale value.

Page 16 Strathmore TIMES October 6, 2017 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

Our family serving

your family!
Move to the beat
Our office is located at Times Associate Editor
122 2nd Ave.
Strathmore, AB Circles of Rhythm will be back by
Fax: 403 934-2742 popular demand next week, after an
outburst of interest flooded the Hope
Residential Acreage Commercial Nancy Stairs (403) 934-1625 Alisa Wurz Bridges Societys office last year for the
Steve Farran (403) 901-9335 (403) 934-7903 drumming circle programs return to
A+ Better Business Bureau Accredited Strathmore.
The ancient approach that uses drums
healing and self-expression, made its
290,000 1,200,000
769,900 debut with the Hope Bridges Society
before their annual gala event in 2016.
Many upgrades, Fully Finished
3 bed, 2 bath, Open concept SOLD mls C4107732
Following much positive feedback,
the society decided to bring back the
mls C4110652
with wonderful cooks kitchen,
144 +/- ACRES A LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN Calgary-based company for a three-
hardwood floors, det. garage, RV
parking, large yard with beautiful 144 Acres currently in Hay, permanent Large 5 bedroom 2.5 bath home, week program.
landscaping, across from park!! triple attached garage, many The vibrations of the drums are
irrigation rights on 82 acres, build
updates in and out, granite,
mls C4137735 MOVE IN READY!! your dream home or use as crop land!
mature trees and more!!
healthy and good to be around for any-
one, said Wanda Reinholdt, co-ordina-
A person doesnt have to hold a
749,900 NEW
529,900 $
399,900 $
369,900 drum just like a person doesnt have

SOLD to know how to sing to benefit from

the vibration and energy of the music
mls C4138633 mls C4139537 mls C4119949 mls C4135526 around. Plus whats great about it too,
STUNNING CUSTOM HOME!! is drumming provides a really fun way
Stunning Hillside Bungalow 1453 1765 sq ft developed on main---4 bdm 1472 SqFt 4 Bed, 3 Bath, Fully finished, 1463 SqFt 3+1 Bed, 2.5 Bath, Massive Kitchen, for people to connect with one another
sq ft, FF basement, walkout,double CREEK runs behind property Open Concept, Quartz Counters, Wet Bar, Fireplace, Fully finished with family room, den, and you can connect using drums in a
Quonset, dbl garage,outbuildings
att garage, 30 min to Calgary on Many many trees and secluded
Dbl Att. Heated Garage, Storage Shed, bedroom and bathroom. Double Detached very profound way.
Country HILLS bLVD 4 miles off pavement play center, RV Parking and more!! garage. Located in desired neighborhood.
The local Alberta company, Circles
of Rhythm, has been in operation for
359,900 $
329,900 $
324,900 $
318,500 on drum circle workshops for commu-
nity building, therapeutic use, and team
SOLD SOLD mls C4139278
While the ownership of the compa-
mls C4136927 mls C4112360 mls C4119512
ny recently changed, award-winning
3 bed, 3 bath Adult living in Desired Area. 1120 SqFt Fully Finished 3 1098 Sqft desired floorplan Bi-Level! 3 total 3 Bed + Den, 1.5 Bath 1290 Sqft. Oversized
bedrooms plus Den. Single att. garage. single detached garage. Many Updates
a drumming circle at Womens Day
Dbl attached garage, fully finished walkout. Bed+Den, 1.5 Bath, Double Heated
Extensively renovated with paint, floor, tile, Garage, RV Parking, Central Air, Lovely Kitchen, Living Room, Family Room, incl. windows. 2 laundry rooms beside many years ago, mentored a grocery
back splash and more!!! MUST SEE! and much more!! Main Floor Laundry and much more!! green space and much more!! MUST SEE store supervisor Jamie Gore - looking
for a career change in 2010.
314,900 $
304,900 $
289,900 NEW
274,900 will be facilitating the three-week pro-
gram and a showing at the societys
SOLD 12th annual gala event on Oct. 22.
I think its kind of a diamond that no-
mls C4115941 mls C4119949 mls C4124764 mls C4119957 body knows about and I have a vision
3 Bed, 2.5 Bath Fully finished, 1062 SqFt fully finished 3+2 Bed 1058 SqFt 3 Bedroom, 2.5 Bath. 1060 SqFt 2 Bed, 2 Bath, Single Att life and make everybody equal in the
Wonderful kitchen, living room, 3 Full Bath, Double Detached Garage, Fully Finished, Open Concept, Garage, Main floor laundry, Wonderful circle, said Gore, professional drum
family room, games room, yard Lovely Yard, Massive Kitchen, Massive Master with 4 piece en suite, kitchen w/island, Deck, Loads of green
and much more!! MUST SEE!! Wonderful yard, Deck and much more!! space beside and behind!! MUST SEE. circle facilitator with Circles of Rhythm.
Basically we do drum circles for
ity and we just recognize that its a
265,000 $
259,900 NEW
249,900 $
240,000 way for people to come together and
be empowered and to make music to-
gether. It doesnt matter if youve never
mls C4074067 mls C4135475 drummed before and it doesnt matter
mls C4139585 mls C4139657
who you are or if you have a disability
3+1 Bedroom 2 Bath. Situated on
or youre a senior or you have a mental
Vacant and ready to move in Modern Family Floorplan, modern Similar to Adult living without the rules
2 bedroom--45+ Adult living finishings, Open Concept, 3 beds, two bdm plus hobby room/den 50x160 lot. This home is R3 zoned. health issue or youre just a human be-
Backs onto GREENSPACE 2.5 Baths, Fully Finished Walkout Loads of cabinets and pantry 14x22 Det Garage. This home has ing.
Condo fees only $175 per month onto Greenspace and Park! Single att garage, extra long many original characteristics. Continued on Page 17

199,900 $
197,500 $
194,900 $

mls C4139470 mls C4117270

SOLD mls C4130680 mls C4135519

WALK TO PARK, 4 Bed, 2 Bath Absolutley every- 1130 SqFt 3 Bedroom, 1157 SqFt 2 Bedroom. This home was
2 bdm thing updated!! Wonderful Kitchen, 1.5 Bathroom, Lovely Kitchen, extensively renovated on the outside
fenced back yard, low condo fees Formal Dining, living room, beauti- Fireplace in Family room, good with siding, metal roof, foundation,
$100 per month ful yard and much more!! size yard and more!! furnace and more!

for Town
$ $
30,000 Wanting to
Sell or Buy? Council
mls C430680 mls C4113853 mls C4119759 Please Give
2 bedroom with open concept living
area, Drywall throughout, fresh flooring
1152 SqFt 3 Bedroom home,
Lovely Eating area, Fully Fenced
Yard, Massive Master, Many
2.5 Commercial Lots in Gleichen
on Main Street. This lot is in the Working 24/7 Integrity
and paint, redone kitchen cabinets, and desired area of Gleichen and
Newer appliances. Move in ready!! Updates, and Much More!! ready for you to build!! for You!!! Knowledgeable
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October 6, 2017 Strathmore TIMES Page 17

Standard Arena
lights-up town
Times Reporter

Over 100 community members from the Village of Stan-
dard and surrounding areas came together in a celebra-
tion of community pride for the unveiling of the Standard
Community members and elected officials celebrated several new projects completed at the Standard and Rosebud Arena in-
Arena re-lighting project on Sept. 30. cluding the newly installed indoor and outdoor LED lights and a new Zamboni on Sept. 30. Don Vander Velde (l-r), Alan Larsen,
The Standard and Rosebud arena has been a hub for Trent Sundgaard, Brenda Knight, Alice Booth, Martin Shields, Glenn Koester, Perry Ellis and Brandon Duffala.
ice sports and large community events and gatherings for Adelle Ellis Photo
over 45 years.
This year, the Standard & District Ag Society replaced
all the old incandescent and fluorescent lights inside of ELECT
the arena, lobby area, kitchen and dressing rooms with
LED lights.
The much-needed project was made possible through
the support of the Canada 150 federal government grant
as well as through CRISP funding provided by the County for our next

of Wheatland.
The kids running up and down here, thats what these
buildings are about, said Member of Parliament for the
Bow River Constituency, Martin Shields, who was present
at the open house. Theyre about our kids and our com- My vision is to see Strathmore progress as a result of
munities and so to work with the Canada 150 program to
get a grant to do what you can with lighting and building
innovation and strong municipal governance. Through the
a more modern place, it adds to the life and quality in the use of Town Hall meetings we will discover the wants and
rural setting and I think its important to maintain that needs of our taxpayers and thus help our community to
quality of life. evolve and grow.
Continued on Page 24

Program returns Quite simply put

Continued from Page 16 Strong government along with involved citizens creates
The technique has been around for thousands of years a great place to live and raise families
to maintain mental, spiritual, and physical health.
Gore will be facilitating the drumming program starting On October 16th I ask for your confidence and Your Vote.
on Oct. 11, Oct.18, Oct. 25 with a showing at the 12th an-
nual Hope Bridges Society Gala on Oct. 22. The program
will take place at the Hope Community Covenant Church.
For more information and to register, contact the Hope Best for Strathmore
Bridges Society at 403-983-3640.

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Page 18 Strathmore TIMES October 6, 2017



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OCTOBER 6, 2017

SPORTS The Animal tamed

at Lethbridge event
Times Reporter

Heading into his 11th professional mixed martial arts

fight, Justin Schmit didnt really know that much about
his opponent.
And it didnt really matter in the end.
On the last day of September, Schmit entered the
205-pound, light-heavyweight division in the Rumble
In The Cage 55 event in Lethbridge against the then 4-3
Sheldon Doll.
Wanting to seize momentum, Schmit tried to make
Strathmore products Bobi Edelmann (l) and Megan Lecavalier returned to the Strathmore Family Centre as members of the Uni- the first move, but got caught.
versity of Lethbridge Pronghorns for the feature game of the Strathmore Minor Ringette Association Kickoff Event Sept. 30. The
Pronghorns took on the University of Calgary Dinos, which also featured a local girl, Tassia Rushford.
The Animal (4-7) dove with both feet at Dolls legs,
Tyler Lowey Photos trying to take him to the ground and avoiding the fight
turning into a brawl.

Locals return for ringette Kickoff Doll, who stands 6-foot-2, skirted the dive tackle and
had the 5-foot-10 Schmit in a vulnerable position.
Then, in one quick strike, delivered an elbow that
TYLER LOWEY friends there and got more in- the left faceoff dot. The rebound contained a heavy dose of Nyquil to the sweet spot
Times Reporter volved with the community bounced right to Claire Hinse, behind Schmits ear, knocking him out
through their program, said who speared the ring and shov- Schmit was unaware of the constant pounding his
Former stars in the Strathmore Rushford, who is entering her eled it into the open net, putting face took until the ref stopped the fight at the 30 sec-
Minor Ringette Association got second year with the Dinos and them in front 5-4 with 4:34 re- onds mark of the first round. It was the third time the
the chance to perform for future is in the education program. maining. Animal has been knocked out in his professional ca-
stars of the program. I played for the Ice for 12 The Pronghorns had different reer.
The SMRA held their annual years. I learned to stake in the ideas, as Calgarys Kendra Hor- Watching the film hours after the match, Schmit
Kickoff event Sept. 30 at the program and got my first rin- vath shoveled in a loose ring af- counted seven or eight quality blows to his grill by
Strathmore Family Centre, as a gette stick in that program. They ter a shot from Ashley-Raye Miles Doll, before the ref called the fight.
way to welcome another season taught me everything I know and with 56.8 seconds remaining. Fighting in his hometown, it was Dolls second knock
of competition. its special to come back here After skating out the final min- out of his pro career and his third straight win.
Typically, the SMRA likes to and play a game for this crowd, ute, the teams shook hands, as Surprisingly, there was no serious damage sustained
hold an exhibition game, featur- said Bobi, who is in the kinesiol- there was no overtime. to Schmits face other than being a little tender.
ing a high level of ringette for ogy program. Bobi was the only one of the When Schmit came to, a field of doctors surrounded
the young girls in the program to Taking in the game were sever- three Strathmore products to fac- him.
witness. al teams across the Ice program. tor in the scoring, as she picked I was probably out of it for longer than the fight
This year, the University of Cal- Kids with their parents donned up an assist on the Pronghorns lasted, joked Schmit the following evening.
gary Dinos hosted the University Dino toques and waved Dino third goal. Collecting his thoughts, Schmit will now take some
of Lethbridge (U of L) Prong- banners. This was a great example of time to help out some of the younger athletes that train
horns, as three former Strath- We like having the parents how the Strathmore program is at Apex MMA gym
more Ice players took centre and kids come out to see how feeding girls into the next level Schmit will have to endure the mandatory 90-day
stage. exciting ringette can be, said of ringette, said Dinos second medical suspension, followed by an MRI and CAT scan
Following the pre-game skate Derek Innes, SMRA president. year Head Coach Ben Younger. before he renews his fight license.
and ice cleaning, Tassia Rushford This is always a great way to This was a great opportunity Right now, Im looking forward to getting Seth Buss
of the Dinos was joined by Bobi kick off our season and get ev- for us to showcase the sport at a into his first MMA fight, said Schmit. We have a couple
Edelmann and Megan Lecavalier eryone excited for the new year. high level and interest any local offers on the table, but we cant announce anything
of the Pronghorns, to address the The noise level was through girls to maybe come out and play until the contract is finalized.
crowd and thank them for sup- the roof and persistent from for our team one day. Buss is a 15-year-old Grade 10 student at Strathmore
porting the game. puck drop until the final buzzer. For the Ice, registration and High School. If he can finalize a contract, he would be
Bobis sister Katie is a fresh- The Pronghorns struck first evaluations have been complet- one of the younger fighters in the nation.
man at the U of L and a rookie and carried a 2-1 lead into half- ed, as the schedule is being fi- At 32, the ability to help develop the next generation
on the team, but did not partici- time, following the 23-minute nalized. Teams have started prac- of Strathmore fighters is just as rewarding as getting in
pate in the game. frame. tising as they prepare for their the ring himself.
The three young ladies are all In the second and final period, season openers in the coming Its also a lot easier on his face.
products of the Ice program and a flurry of goals took place, as weeks. It certainly wasnt my first beating; Ive broken my
enjoyed the special occasion of the lead changed hands three As always, SMRA plans to hold nose several times before. It happens, said Schmit.
playing in front of their home- times. their annual Laurie Morton Rupp Right now, I am just going to shift my focus, re-evalu-
town. The Dinos looked like they Memorial tournament Jan. 27 to ate things, get back to the drawing board and help out
Strathmore Ringette meant put the game on ice when Ken- 29 and will host the U12B pro- some of the younger guys in my gym.
everything to me; I met all my dra Younger wired a shot from vincials later in spring.


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Page 20 Strathmore TIMES October 6, 2017 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

Barrel racing series sprints to finish line

Times Reporter

The second season of the Double S

Barrel Racing wrapped up Oct. 1 at the
Strathmore Agricultural Society Rodeo
Ladies of all ages, from as far north as
Stettler and as far south as Lethbridge
will be hosting a showed up to compete in the two-day
final, Sept. 30 and Oct. 1.
The series held six double headers Rhonda Henry rides
this past summer in Strathmore and her horse Two around
in Indus. Typically, an event will host the first barrel during
around 150 contestants for the week- the Double S Barrel
end, but in the final, the field was cut Racing Series finale

on October 9 down to just over 80, with plenty of lo-

cal competitors.
Sept. 30 at the Strath-
more Agricultural So-
ciety Rodeo Grounds.
4 pm The finals were split into four divi- Tyler Lowey Photo
sions, handing out 10 prizes to the 10
102 Canal Gardens fastest riders within a one-second win- title with a time of 19.556 on her horse Haley Buck rounded out the local
dow. Tigger. competitors to place. She rode Spartan
Free for all who would Kelsey Hubley was the fastest local. Winners of each group received $375. to a 23.227 finish, good enough for fifth
like to attend. She placed fourth in the 1D group with Cash winnings were also handed out in the 4D group. She also took home a
a time of 18.944 on her horse J.C. to the next three fastest riders in each belt buckle as the most improved rider.
Holly Myers was the fastest rider on group. Riders who placed 6-10 took This was an amazing season. We
the weekend, taking the 1D group in home non-cash prizes. would like to thank Herb McLean and
18.551 on her horse Cruz. Pam Sinclair rode Magnum to a fifth- the Ag Society for helping us out this
The 2015 Strathmore Rodeo Queen
Like Us on Facebook!
place finish in the 3D group. Not too year. We would like to organize some
Shayla Gerencer captured the 2D group far behind her was Lisa Wheatley on events during the winter, we just need
Crossfire in 6th with a time of 20.842. to find a place to do so, said producer
Tristyn Erikson snuck in the top 10 Denise Sluggett. If not, we are hoping
with a ninth place finished on Santana everyone comes out next summer for
in 21.144 seconds. another great season.

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October 6, 2017 Strathmore TIMES Page 21

Warriors fall in final seconds to Oilers

TYLER LOWEY 0) Sept. 30 at Cochrane Arena. Ryder Many Grey
Times Reporter Horses got his solid weekend with a two-goal out-
ing in a 6-3 loss to the Foothills Bisons (1-1-0) Sept.
Their legs were tired as the final seconds from 29 at the Strathmore Family Centre.
their third game of the weekend ticked down. For the Warriors, this marked the first games of
A timeout was seen as a break a chance to the season with their captaincy set in place.
refocus for the final 55.7 seconds up one goal. Defenceman Chase Tewit was selected as the
But the Wheatland Athletic Association bantam captain, as one of the few returning players. Serv-
Warriors couldnt hold off the Okotoks Oilers any ing as alternates will be Lachlan Stewart, Hendricks
longer, and surrendered the tying goal with 14.3 and Domenic Ficaccio.
seconds left in regulation. We had Chase last year and saw him develop a
We should have won, but we had to settle for ton. He came in this year with more swagger and
the tie. They were a little disappointed in there. the rest of the boys look up to him. Hes solid on
Our guys were tired after a long weekend, but the blue line and it was an easy choice for us, said
Philip Raycroft of the Wheatland Warriors found himself in an Okotoks Oil-
thats just an excuse. We needed to put our nose to Brown. The other guys are all leaders on and off ers sandwich on his way to the net Oct. 1 at the Strathmore Family Centre.
the grindstone to finish it out, said Warriors Head the ice. They come in ready to work every day, they Tyler Lowey Photo
Coach Cody Brown. bring their best effort and they are all someone the
Warriors trailed 3-1 in the second and were in rest of the guys look up to. end, as they fell 3-1 to the Red Deer Parkland Transmission
danger of getting skunked on a weekend that fea- The Warriors are home for a pair of games this Oct. 1 at Kinex Arena.
tured three South Central Hockey League games. weekend, as they host the Olds Grizzlys (1-0-1) Connor Radke put the Braves up early in the first from
Browns crew battled back to take the lead, when Oct. 6 (7:30 p.m.) and Medicine Hat Hounds (2-1- Charles Goll. The lead stood for 27:11, until Red Deer (3-1-0)
Jarred Schrock jammed away at a tentatively cov- 0) Oct. 8 (1:30 p.m.) at the Family Centre. closed out the game with three straight goals.
ered puck by an Oiler defenceman. Nobody knew The defending provincial champion midget The Braves (1-2-0) hit the road this weekend, as they take
where the puck was but Schrock, so when it broke Chiefs took to the ice last weekend in a pair of on the Cranbrook BP Wings (2-2-0) Oct. 7 at Western Finan-
free, everyone was standing around as he took the games to open their season. cial Pace, followed up with a stop in Taber Oct. 8 to battle the
puck to his backhand and roofed his second of The Bow Valley Timberwolves (2-0-0) stunned Taber Golden Suns (0-2-0).
the season with 4:51 remaining in the third. Jerrin the Chiefs with a 5-2 shocker Sept. 29 in the Chiefs The Braves will return to the Family Centre Oct. 14 when
Hendricks and Philip Raycroft picked up assists. season opener at Cochrane Arena. they welcome the Lethbridge Hurricanes Red (2-0-1) to town.
Then, with less than a minute remaining, the Oil- The Chiefs trailed 4-0 entering the third, when
ers (1-1-2) called a timeout. Brown took that time
to review the basic mindset for being out there
Lucas Muenchrath netted the squads first goal of
the season from Cole Berg and Jared Kirkpatrick. Cross country
with an empty net. Twenty-five seconds later, Rylan Longmuir popped Strathmore High School Spartan runners Andrej
We didnt know what exactly (the Oilers) were in his first from Ty Skehar and Brady Skiffington. Halkovic (bottom, l), Jared Lausen and Micayla Koo-
going to do. We knew that they were going to pull The Chiefs bounced back with a sound 5-2 win istra competed with runners from Crowther Memorial
their goalie for an extra guy, so we reminded them over the Foothills Bisons Oct. 1 at the Bob Snod- Junior High School in a training session Sept. 26 on
grass Recreation Centre. Johnson Island. With the cross-country season being
not to get tied up with anyone, keep your head on
so short, the two schools teamed up for an afternoon of
a swivel and to find the most dangerous guy, said The Bisons (0-3-0) were among the worst teams friendly competition to help prepare them for the push
Brown. in the league last season, and the Chiefs (1-1-0) to provincials. The
For 41.4 seconds, the Warriors (1-3-1) were doing blew by them with a flurry of goals in the second Spartans won pro-
their job. period from Bailey Filkohazy, Stran Red Crow and vincials for the first
Corey Ross, who made a remarkable save on an Skehar, all within 1:15 of each other. time in school his-
Oiler three-on-one rush with five and change to Muenchrath sandwiched the second-period surge tory last season and
play, was trying to find the puck with a pile of bod- with one in the first and one in the third, as Ethan will aim to defend
ies crashing around the net. Rycroft stopped 16 shots for the win. their title Oct. 21 in
J.J. Pickell got his stick on the loose puck, saving Strathmore will get its first look at the defending
the game for his Oilers. champs Oct. 7 when they host the CBHA Black- Photos Courtesy of
It was a sour taste to end a less-than-memorable hawks (1-0-0) at 4:45 p.m. The Chiefs will also host Jerry Flaws
weekend for the Warriors. the Airdrie Lighting (1-1-0) Oct. 8 (4:15 p.m.) at the
Hendricks netted a goal and an assist, as the War- Family Centre.
riors fell 5-2 to the Bow Valley Timberwolves (1-3- Just one game for the peewee Braves last week-

JV Hawks take home tourney title Unit D,

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Times Reporter Strathmore, AB

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They were poised to host the trophy after tak- & Drinking Water Systems
ing the first set 25-19 against the Vauxhall High
School Queens; the Hawks dropped the second
set fairly easily, 25-17.
Thats when Taleah Ross, Hawks head coach, We are Looking to
needed to light a fire under her team.
Theyre a really coachable group. I dont think
many of them are used to a loud coach like my- RENT / PURCHASE
self, said Ross. After we dropped the second set,
I came out and yelled at them. They responded
well and we bounced back in the third set.
In the clinching set, the Hawks pulled in front Kim Kouwenhoven of the Holy Cross Collegiate Hawks reposi- anywhere from Carstairs to
and were never seen from again. tions herself for a second strike after getting her initial tip shot
They led 8-5 into the switching of sides, and blocked against the Heritage Christian Academy Hawks Sept. Vulcan and Calgary to Brooks.
led 14-6 with plenty of championship points in 30 at Holy Cross Collegiate Gym. Tyler Lowey Photo
Excellent rates subject
the bank.
After the Queens showed a little bit of resiliency carving up 11 of the Hawks 34 aces throughout
with back-to-back points, a botched serve handed
the Hawks the trophy, in not-so-dramatic fashion.
the tourney.
The Hawks opened the tourney without drop- to inspection.
Lots of work went into this victory this week-
end. We went through a lot of different things,
ping a set through the round robin slate.
They dusted off the Clear Water Academy Cru- Long or short term rentals.
broke down most of our drills in the games and saders 2-0 (25-18, 25-14), grounded the Heritage
I saw a lot of great things from these girls this Christian Academy Hawks 2-0 (25-13, 25-21), Please feel free to contact us at
weekend, said Ross. Im excited to see what the swept the Queens 2-0 (25-22, 25-19) and cooked
rest of our season looks like. the St. Josephs Collegiate Crusaders 2-0 (25-19, 587.226.0674
or 90macdon@gmail.com
Renee Stinson led the Hawks with 23 kills. Right 25-19).
behind her was Hannah Anderson with 21. The Hawks hosted the Foothills Composite
Stinson was also dominant in the service game, High School Falcons Oct. 4 at HCC gym.
Page 22 Strathmore TIMES October 6, 2017 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

Badgers flagged heavily during demolition streak

TYLER LOWEY The Badgers hammered the 0-4 Carstairs Tigers
Times Reporter 53-0 Sept. 30 at Crowther Memorial Junior High
School Field for their third-straight blowout vic-
Its tough to tell which there is more of these days for the tory.
Strathmore Community Football Association senior Badgers They jacked up eight touchdowns on the Tigers,
- penalties or touchdowns. but also committed 11 infractions.
We dont want to be taking this many penal-

Pass the Salt ties. Its the one thing we have really needed to
work on the past three weeks, said Badgers Head
Coach Sean Seafoot. We have been having really
good scores, but the penalties are killing us. When
we get to the playoffs, theyre gonna kill us even
WORK IS GIFT! also gives it meaning and
purpose. We are called to But working on discipline is a lot more difficult
Work. Work is gift. I confess be caretakers of Gods good than working on offensive line formation or kick
that proclaiming that work is creation. return coverage.
gift does not always roll off This includes taking care of Especially with a small roster that saw another
the tongue easily. There are the patch I have be entrusted four players leave the game with a variety of in-
Quentin Frayn of the Strathmore Community Football Associa-
days that I do not perceive with. Caring for my garden juries. tion Badgers sacks the Carstairs Tigers quarterback Sept. 30
cleaning the house and doing all the cutting and trimming Thats the challenging part; its a difficult thing at Crowther Memorial Junior High School Field.
the laundry as gift. and fertilizing is me keeping it to work on at practice, he said We tell them to Tyler Lowey Photo
When Im deciding what to in order. Cleaning the house stay disciplined, but that hasnt worked. And you
cook for supper or whether and yes, even deciding what can only do so much hitting in practice without fourth, but an illegal block brought his big gain
I should be cutting the grass to cook for supper gives life worrying about guys getting hurt. We lost John back to the Badgers end.
or painting the fence - gift meaning and purpose. Some Gibbons to a broken ankle earlier this year in a Seafoot has one regular season game remaining
tackling drill. Its a tricky thing to work on at this before playoffs, when he knows an undisciplined
is not what always comes work is more satisfying than
stage. game gives him no chance at beating the defend-
to mind. Sometimes I would others but using our gifts and
Making up for their lack of self-control was a ing Mountainview Football Conference champion
rather be reading or visiting talents to serve Gods good lack of tackling on the part of the Tigers. Innisfail Cyclones (3-0).
or hiking or biking. But work creation at home and in our Leading the way on the ground was Luke Henry, We simply wont win with this amount of pen-
is gift. various callings whether who scampered for four touchdowns, the longest alties.
Work gives us purpose. In that be teaching or plumbing being a 37-yard run in the first half. As a new wrinkle to the MVFC schedule this
Genesis we read that God or reading the meter or The Badgers (3-1) led 35-0 at half, and piled on year, the Badgers will conclude their regular sea-
took the Man and set him volunteering in any number of more with a pair of touchdowns from Brandon son against the Didsbury Dragons (2-1) Oct. 7 at
down in the Garden of Eden the available opportunities to Middlemiss and a touchdown from Owen Grill the home of the Calgary Stampeders, McMahon
to work the ground and keep serve is blessing. Thank you and a punt return touchdown from Quentin Frayn. Stadium.
it in order. (Genesis 2:15) God that through work we Frayn would have had another return TD in the Continued on Page 23
This is not just a statement of find meaning and purpose.
location, in which God places
the first human in the garden.
Thank you for the gift of work.
Spartans volleyball humbled in Calgary
It is a statement of purpose: Rev. Pamela Scott TYLER LOWEY Earlier this season, Cole Hintz split his crew up
the Creator who gives life Strathmore United Church Times Reporter depending on the tournament, but had the fresh-
men playing with the seniors at Western Canada.
After finishing strong in a pair of lower-ranked The guys managed to pull a win out of the
tournament two weekends ago, the Strathmore weekend, finishing 1-5.
BOW RIVER ALLIANCE CHURCH Spartans entered the deep end of the pool and They swept the Ardrossan High School Bisons
105 Main St. Carseland STRATHMORE SEVENTH-DAY took on some of the top high school volleyball 2-0 (25-18, 25-18).
403-934-9337 ADVENTIST CHURCH competition from around the province last week- We werent focused on the results this week-
Pastor: Kevin Enns Meeting in the Lutheran Church end at the Red Mile Rumble tournament at West- end. I wanted to get a feel where we were at as
office@bowriveralliance.com 112 Lakeside Blvd. 587-227-6956
Sunday Worship: 10:30 am Pastor: Donald Pierre ern Canada High School. a team and where do we need to go moving for-
www.bowriveralliance.com Services held every Saturday The boys and girls squads punched up, entering ward, as we get ready for zones, said Hintz.
Sabbath School: 10 AM the tournament as a 3A school, being matched up They forced a third set against the Orange, but
against other 4A schools from the area. fell 2-1 (20-25, 25-10, 15-12) and lost to the St.
(1 PET. 2:9) www.strathmoreadventist.ca
1207 205-213 3rd Avenue, Strathmore donald816@hotmail.com It was a little unusual to see us not come out Marys High School Saints 2-1 (25-19, 18-25, 15-6).
(Hilton Plaza) with any wins, but the teams were a lot tougher The Spartans were swept in their other matches,
403-714-2283 SACRED HEART CATHOLIC than the ones we saw earlier this season, said losing 2-0 (25-15, 25-19) to the host Redhawks,
Pastor: Sunday Adeola Holy Cross Collegiate School Gym
Sunday Worship: 10:30 am 709B - 2nd Street, Strathmore
girls Head Coach Randy Moncks. Last week, we 2-0 (25-23, 27-25) to the Bulldogs and 2-0 to the
Wednesday Bible Study: 7 pm 403-934-2641 could make some mistakes and get away with Wild.
www.rccgstrathmore.com Pastor: Fr. Wojciech Jarzecki them, but this time, if we made mistakes we got This was the first time we had everyone togeth-
Masses: Saturday 5 pm Sunday 10 am in trouble. er on the same team. It gave us an opportunity to
50 Maplewood Drive 403-934-2225 THE CHAPEL OF ST. MICHAEL The Spartans only won two sets in six matches. see guys in different spots, said Hintz. One new
Senior Pastor: Rev. Les Fischer (ANGLICAN) The nearby Chestermere Lakers handled the guy that stood out was Dan Mulder. He was go-
Youth Pastor: Rev. Kyle Lomenda Becoming fully alive in Jesus Christ ing up against 4A middles and held his own as a
Spartans 2-1 (25-27, 25-20, 15-7) and was clipped
New Office Hours: 106 - 304 3rd Ave.
Lower Level Aztec Real Estate 2-1 by the Rundle College Cobras (25-20, 17-25, Grade 10.
9 am - 4 pm Tues - Wed - Thur
Worship Service: 10:30 am 587-727-0649 15-9). The Spartans will pause over the long week-
Childrens Church & Nursery in Service Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 am Were a grinding team were not tall. We want end and resume tournament play Oct. 20 at the
Extending Grace - igniting hope to frustrate teams with our defence and ability to Magrath Smash tournament.
www.strathmorefullgospel.com HOPE COMMUNITY
COVENANT CHURCH dig out balls, said Moncks. We were always up In other Spartan news, the football team is set to
LORD OF ALL (NALC) LUTHERAN 245 Brent Blvd, Strathmore 403-934-2424 against it this weekend and we had to be focused host their first home game in more than a month,
112 Lakeside Blvd. 403-934-2374 Worship Service Sundays 10 am
the entire time or our mistakes were going to cost when they welcome the Brooks Composite High
Pastor: Dawn Nelson Lead Pastor: Glenn Peterson
Worship Schedule www.hope-community.ca us. Theres ways to beat these bigger teams, but School Buffaloes to the High School Field Oct. 5,
Thursday Evening 7:00 pm we are going to have to refine our skills. as the Spartans returned to Rangeland Football
Sunday Family 10:30 am
325 1 Ave 403-934-3543
The rest of the tournament didnt go so well for Conference action.
Christian Education The Spartans were last at home Sept. 1, when
Corner of 1 Ave & Wheatland Trail the Spartans.
For All - Ages 3-103
Sunday at 9:30 am Lead Pastor: Mike Wiebe They were swept by the Sir Winston Churchill they lost the season opener to the Crescent
Join us in Praising our Lord, Jesus Christ! 9:30 am Sunday School for all ages High School Bulldogs 2-0 (25-18, 25-20), fell 2-0 to Heights High School Vikings 23-6.
11:00 am Worship Service
www.strathmorealliance.com the William Aberhart High School Orange 2-0 (25- In their final game of the season, the Spartans
21, 25-21), were beat by the Mount Baker Second- will host the Medicine Hat High School Mohawks
403-901-0893 / 403-880-3171 ary School Wild of Cranbrook 2-0 (25-14, 25-16) Oct. 13.
Wheatland Trail & 3rd Avenue
Pastor: Elizabeth Karp 403-934-3025 and lost to the host Redhawks 2-0 (25-14, 25-20). The Spartans went 0-2 in a pair of exhibition
Worship Sundays 10:30 am Rev. Pamela Scott The Thanksgiving break will do us good and games lately and recently took part in a junior
Healing Room Monday 7-9 pm Sunday Worship 10:30 am
Now available at The Seed (our book nook)
hopefully we come back refreshed ready for the varsity jamboree Sept. 29 in Brooks. It was an op-
Babysitting Provided
Living Books and Products push to zones, said Moncks. I think getting hum- portunity for all the teams in the league to meet
Wheel Chair Accessible
phone: 403-619-9279 Loop system for the hearing impaired bled every once in a while is a good thing. It was at one location and help teach the game to the
Come Join us for a spirit-filled time good to see the top level, now we know where freshmen and sophomore players.
of worship
we have to get to when we get back into practice The short cross-country season began to heat
mode. up for the defending provincial champion Spar-
The Spartans will return to action Oct. 13 and 14 tans. The Foothills divisional meet took place Oct.
The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints for a tournament in Medicine Hat. 4 with the South Central Zone tournament sched-
60 Maplewood Drive | Bishop Cory Fisk | Bishop.strathmoreward@gmail.com The Red Mile Rumble marked the first time the uled for Oct. 11. The provinical meet is slated for
403-934-3612 | LDS.org | Mormonchannel.org Spartan guys squad competed together as a unit. Oct. 21 in Edmonton.
October 6, 2017 Strathmore TIMES Page 23

Kings knock off defending HJHL champions

TYLER LOWEY Faris and Ogle lunch this week, as those
Times Reporter blocked shots allowed Hnatowichs first
career HJHL goal to hold up as the game-
Its early, but the Strathmore Wheatland winner.
Kings are sending shockwaves around On the power play with just under six
the Heritage Junior Hockey League. minutes remaining in the second, Zach
To open the year, the Kings knocked Meadows threw a shot on net from be-
off their arch nemesis and the division hind the right faceoff circle. On its way
winner from last season. For their next to the net, Hnatowich got a piece of it,
trick, they put their body on the line and redirecting it past Vipers netminder Cole
knocked off the defending HJHL cham- Sears.
pions. We work on deflection drills at prac-
In a frantic final 2:16 of six-on-four ac- tice, but I also just threw my stick out
tion, the Kings hung onto the 3-2 lead to there and hoped for the best, said the
sting the Red Deer Vipers Oct. 1 at the 18-year-old Hnatowich. I knew (my
Strathmore Family Centre. stick) was below the crossbar, but I
The Kings had dropped three straight didnt know by how much. Im glad no
to the Vipers (2-1-0), being out-scored one challenged it.
15-7 over that stretch. Their last win As for what he did with the game-
against the Snakes came Nov. 21 of 2015, winning puck, the Chestermere native is
when the Kings clipped the Vipers 9-8 in keeping it in a safe spot.
overtime. I got the puck hanging out in my stall
Confidence is everything, and right for now, said Hnatowich. At least until I
now that dressing room is full with it, get a couple more go in for me. Zach Meadows of the Strathmore Wheatland Kings races Red Deer Vipers defencemen Declan John-
said Kings Assistant Coach Braden Des- Hnatowich has benefited from the red- ston for the puck Oct. 1 at the Strathmore Family Centre.
Tyler Lowey Photo
met. hot play of Meadows, who also picked
The weekend home series didnt get up a goal at the 3:09 mark in the second to try and ride this for a while. ily Sports Centre to tangle with the Co-
off on the right foot, as the Kings melted stanza. The Kings will look to continue the chrane Generals.
away a 3-2 lead thanks to a parade to the The two points against the Vipers went good vibes on the road against the Po- The Kings next home game is slated
penalty box and getting outshot 24-9 in along well with his two goals and one noka Stampede Oct. 7 at the Ponoka for Oct. 14, when they host the Stettler
the third period, as they fell 7-4 to the helper against the Thunder equaled one Culture and Recreation Complex. Then, Lightning (1-2-0) at the Family Centre.
Airdrie Techmation Thunder (3-1-0). solid weekend for the third-year Calgary they will travel to the Spray Lakes Fam- Puck drop goes at 8 p.m.
The script was completely flipped product.
against the Vipers in the third period. Already halfway to his career-high
Naturally, there was a schmutz of pen- in goals through four games, Meadows
alties in the second period, followed by claims he didnt do anything different in
an eight-minute delay while officials sort- the summer in preparation for his third
ed out the ordeal, but thats where the season with the Kings.
dysfunction stopped for the Kings. In fact, he hasnt changed a thing.
The Kings (2-1-1) still took four minors My only thing is I dont walk past the
in the third, but there was no retaliation, visitors locker room. I will go in through
behind-the-play, unnecessary nastiness the side doors, up the stands and back
that has haunted this team in the past. down the other, just so I dont have to
With 2:24 remaining, the Kings most look at the other teams dressing room Tryout time
reliable defenceman, Hayden Vander (before games), said Meadows. I dont
Bantam players hit the ice for Strathmore Minor Hockey tryouts on
Ploeg, got called for slashing. like looking at it. Me and (their locker Sept. 23 at the Strathmore Family Centre. There will be three male
Thats when the heart of this Kings room) just dont get along. teams and one girls team at the bantam level.
team was tested. Whatever his reasoning behind the Doug Taylor Photos
It all started with Brenden Moore bril- superstition is, Kings General Manager
liantly sliding on a two-on-one on Vander Darcy Busslinger should do whatever he
Ploegs delayed penalty call. can to quarantine Meadows away from
In the final minute, Cole Busslinger, the visitors dressing room to keep his
Jaks Faris and Keenan Ogle laid out and production going.
picked up booming blocked shots, to Whether its superstitions or hard
preserve the win. work, the Kings have played well against
Its exciting to see an effort like that, the big boys in the league and could be
said Chayse Hnatowich. It fires us up on a force to reckoned within the division.
the bench and makes us all realize how Were competing with the best of the
important it is to lay out. It makes you best right now, said Hnatowich. That
want to do the same thing in our next has always been the goal.
game. Its bumpin inside our locker room
Hnatowich might owe Busslinger, right now, said Meadows. We are going

Badgers set to play in McMahon

Continued from Page 22 scoring plays totaled 240 yards. He also
tacked on six two-point converts to boot.
The kids love playing there. Thats Cody Melnychuk chipped in with
the whole reason we go, to give them three touchdowns and Zach Rivers 17101AX0
a chance to play on that field, said hauled in a 28-yard touchdown recep-
Seafoot. Itll be my first time coaching tion to complete the scoring for the
there. Ive taken in many games from the Raiders.
stands and I played there with St. Marys The Badgers (0-3) won the fourth
against the (University of Calgary) Dinos quarter 6-0, when Riley Heysa peeled
before. But itll be a real treat for the off a 51-yard run to pay dirt.
kids. The Badgers will look to right the
Before the senior crew took over the ship in the Central Football League
field, the bantam Badgers were involved when they host the Innisfail Cyclones
in a blowout of a different variety Sept. (0-2) Oct. 7 at 1:30 p.m.
30 at CMJHS Field. For the peewee Badgers, it was their
They were on the wrong side of a second-straight road game and their
72-6 shellacking from at hands of the second-straight victory.
Lacombe Raiders. The defending Central Peewee Foot-
The Raiders (4-0) were simply bigger, ball League champion Badgers blanked
stronger, faster and rolled with a deeper the 1-2 Red Deer Steelers 18-0, improv-
roster than the hometown crew. ing to 3-0 at the halfway mark of their
Tanner Park took a handoff and sped season.
62 yards to the house 1:15 into the first Next up is a battle with the Innisfail
quarter, for one of his five touchdowns Cyclones (1-2) Oct. 7 at CMJHS Field.
on the afternoon. His yardage alone on Kickoff is slated for 11 a.m.
Page 24 Strathmore TIMES October 6, 2017




I told you! I dont have Alzheimers! Tailwaggers Dog Walking
Ben Armstrong Division 7 Now accepting new clients.
- Wheatland County Councilor What I do have is what
Pee breaks, group walks
The Standard Ag Society partnered with the Vil- I am very humbled by the fact that no- I call, Some-Timers. and in home pet care
lage of Standard to purchase a new Olympia ice one put their name forward to run for
conditioner for the Standard and Rosebud Arena, Sometimes I remember avaliable.
Councilor in division 7.
which they showed off during an open house on Call Melissa for your
Sept. 30. Councillor Brandon Duffala (l-r), Mayor and sometimes I dont!
Alan Larsen, Standard Ag Society president Perry Thank you to you the ratepayer for FREE consultation.
Ellis. Adelle Ellis Photo your silent vote of confidence. Please, if Now you know, and dont forget it! 403-901-5469
you have any questions or concerns about
Bright lights Wheatland County do not hesitate to call, MEADOWLARK CARE.com
email or text me. NOTICES COMING EVENTS
Continued from Page 17 403-934-5294
I try to respond to all communications US. Business planning, train-
Most of the lights in the arena are

Like Us On Facebook!
as quickly as possible and our staff at the ing and advisory services Wheatland Lodge
now controlled by infrared and motion
sensors which eliminates unnecessary County also will help in any way they are
able if it is within their power.
available. Flexible and af-
fordable loans. Call CF Wild Annual
usage which will lead to lower electri-
cal costs. The lights and their intensi-
Rose or www.cfwildrose.ca
for more information.
Fall Tea &
ty can also be controlled individually I would like to wish all candidates in the
coming election a successful campaign.
Bake Sale
through a smart phone which will be
useful for figure skating events and the
annual CanSkate carnival. Once more, thank you to the residents of GET YOUR October 14th
By using LED lights in the arena, the division #7 for your support. I have truly Become a Chamber Member Today! 2:00-4:00pm
overall brightness was increased by 50 enjoyed the last 25 years and am sure the
With different membership levels to suit the size of your
business, there are so many reasons to join the Strathmore
CLASSIFIED $3.00 admission fee
per cent which will be a benefit in all next 4 will be just as rewarding. & District Chamber of Commerce!
sports. Total power requirements are Membership Benefits Include:
ADS IN THE Bake Sale
Craft Sale
expected to be reduced by 40 per cent Thanks, Ben Silent Auction
Access to Chamber Health Plans
which will lower electric costs and Payment and Banking Solutions Door Prizes
Discount Programs 50/50 Draw
make the arena more environmentally Chamber Merchant Services Sweet Treats
efficient. Audio and Online Conference Services
It always makes you feel great that NOTICES Shipping Discounts
Great Rates on Home and Auto Insurance
COMING EVENTS Come out & Join us!
you give money, no strings attached,
and the community gets together and Join the Strathmore Chamber today, and discover
everything that membership can do for you! Hosted by: The Magical Moms Proceeds go
helps each other out and (makes a
project) open for everybody. The rural HOUSE SITTING For more information, call 403-901-3175,
email info@strathmoredistrictchamber.com, or visit http://
to the Alberta Cancer Foundation
communities never seem to disappoint
with all they pull together, said Alice SERVICES strathmoredistrictchamber.com/membership-benefits/.
At the Strathmore Civic Centre
Booth, Wheatland County councillor Comedy for the Cure Presents

for Division 1. I promise to treat your Pets with
Also unveiled were 22 more LED Patience, Kindness and Love
lights put up outside the indoor are- House/Pet Sitting available while you JEFF WALLACE A standup comedy show fighting
na which will eventually light a future are on vacation. References Available. cancer with laughter
outdoor arena. ACCOUNTING AND
The project has not been constructed Contact Lorraine: 403-361-1242 DOORS OPEN AT 7 SHOW AT 8
yet but is scheduled to be started in BOOKKEEPING SERVICES
50/50 - Cash Bar - Silent Auction
2018. Village of Standard Mayor Alan
Larsen told Ag society representatives What: Wheatland Crossing
403-201-2201 Tickets $35.00
For information email jvanbav@telus.net or
that the Village of Standard would like marshmans@hotmail.com
to be a part of the project that would School Council - AGM With a dedicated, highly trained, professional team
or call Patti Van Bavel (403) 934-9765 or
Date:October 17, 2017 that works closely with you, our main goal is to
see an open outdoor arena that can be Shelly Neal (403) 533-2263
take care of our clients through sound balancing
utilized in the summer and winter up When:7:00PM of their books. Offering full bookkeeping, payroll,
until 11 p.m. every day. Wheatland Crossing
Where: personal and corporate tax preparation for various
The third project on display was the
new Olympia ice conditioner. The Vil- School types of corporations and small businesses. Strathmores
lage of Standard donated some of their Who: Everyone Welcome Keeping your numbers in order so you CELEBRATION OF LIGHTS
CRISP money to the Ag society to help can relax, thats our job
purchase the new Zamboni to keep the Outstanding In Our Field
ice surface clean and well maintained. News
After the formal presentations and Western IrrIgatIon DIstrIct
Its our 10th Year Anniversary of the
Like Us On Facebook!
Box 2372, 105 - 900 Pine road, strathmore, aB t1P 1K3
speeches, children took the opportu-
nity to run around the empty arena
FORM 5 Christmas Park this year. Time has
Irrigation Districts Act
playing games with their friends after Irrigation Districts
85/86)(Section 85/86) sure gone by since we first opened.
enjoying a free dinner.
Local country artist Drew Gregory
was on hand playing his guitar and Light, Medium, Heavy TO CHANGE
Irrigation District toTHE
change theAREA
TAKE NOTE that applications have been received by
the Western OF
area of the District. Saturday, November 25th
singing songs to the eager crowd. AN IRRIGATION DISTRICT
Applications to remove parcels consist of: (Weather Permitting of course)
In a true community spirit, everyone
Mechanical Experts!
came together to celebrate and enjoy We also fix trailers (All Sizes) TAKE NOTE that applications have been VOLUNTEERS ARE
all the hard work that rural volunteers received by the Western Irrigation District
have done to create a more usable and
Inspection Station for the Provincial CVIP to change the area of the District. NEEDED FOR SET UP
(Commercial Vehicle Inspection Program)
efficient recreational environment. Commencing every Saturday and
You have to leave a legacy for the Applications to add parcels that consist of: Sunday, from October 7
kids, said Booth. This (building) will WENSTROM Name of Number of Legal Land to Opening Night.
be a legacy for years to come. EQUIPMENT Landowner Irrigation Acres Description
LANGDON 403.936.5801 Any person wishing to complain is required to submit a written complaint to the
Jason & Dawn 80 4;21;22;10;SE
Western Irrigation District at Box 2372 105-900 Pine Road, Strathmore, Alberta,
We meet at the Ag. Grounds from
T1P 1K3 within 30 days after the date of the publication of this notice. 10:30 am to approximately 4 pm.
If you have some spare time, please
Jim Webber, P. Eng.
General Manager
705370 50
Western Irrigation District 4;26;26;8;SE come and give us a hand. There is a
Wheatland County Food Bank needs Alberta Ltd. lot to do and the more the merrier.

3 VOLUNTEER DRIVERS Any person wishing to complain is required to If you need further information
submit a written complaint to the Western
Clean driving record please give Rose a call at
Irrigation District at Box 2372 105-900 Pine
Heavy lifting required Road, Strathmore, Alberta, T1P 1K3 within
(403) 934-5589 Work
Reside in Strathmore 30 days after the date of the publication of this or (403) 934-8191 Cell
notice. Proudly sponsored by

Please contact David McAllister, P. Eng, MSc, MBA
Administration 403-324-4335 General Manager
Monday-Thursday Noon - 4 pm Western Irrigation District STRATHMORE
3 wide version
October 6, 2017 Strathmore TIMES Page 25

TAINERS. 20, 40 & 53 40 BROTHER - Born March Estate of Bill Chabaniuk, 37+ colours available at Community Newspaper for locations in Alberta. Strathmore Station
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Retail store for Pools & Spas Sales 1,195,000. Cash flow over - Make money & save money job duties, sanitation, and safety procedures
$100,000. Priced at $250,000. Plus inventory. and ensure that those duties and procedures
with your own bandmill. Cut
Flower Shop Very busy SO008447
location with well-established customers, Sales lumber any dimension. In are followed.. Must possess great oral
well over $500,000. With strong cash flow. Priced at $310,000. stock ready to ship. Free info communication, excellent problem solving skills,
Awards & Promotional DEAD Trophies Retail OR ALIVE
business established & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw- and organized job task planning abilities. Must
some 40 years, sales $ 280,000. Strong customer base. Priced at mills.com/400OT. 1-800- also have the ability to work well with others in
$160,000. Cash flow $80.000.
Vending Operation
Canadian Prairie Pickers 566-6899 ext: 400OT. a fast-paced environment while under pressure.
are Priced
once$50,000. Owners motivated
again touring the area to sell 30
buying Standing and/or walking for extended periods.
machines. Some located. Great opportunity for some with full time job. ECONOMICAL - PRE-EN- Speak English, Read English, Write English
3 wide version Silver & Gold Coins
Call Bill Conroy @ 403-346-7755 GINEERED - Steel framed,
We pay email billconroy@maxwellrealty.ca
top prices Maxwell
for all Canadian and USA coins. Real Estate
We purchase Solutions
rolls, bags, boxes Ltd.
and jars of fabric covered buildings. How to Apply: By mail, in person between
coins. The Pickers also paying cash for coin collections, Royal Canadian Mint Sets and World Call 1-877-397-1594 or go 11:00 and 17:00, or
email: strathmorestationjobs@gmail.com
Coins. This year we are also purchasing old, broken or unused gold jewelry. to www.guard-all.com for a
a free, discrete in-home visit free quote.
call Kellie
117 at
3.75 778-257-8647
Poplar version
Street, Red Deer AB
As Authorized by MNP LTD.

12TH 2017 10:00 AM
PREVIEW: Wednesday, October 11th 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Blowout Sale! 20X23
$5,998. 25X27 $6,839.
Like Us On Facebook!
30X33 $8,984. One end wall
Franchise Pet Food store
INCLUDES: Tanker and
Sales 900,000, Highway Trucks
well established. Cash and
flow over included. Bonus drill/impact
$100,000. Priced at $175,000 Trailers, Qty of 400BBL Lined and Unlined
plus inventory. Strathmore Station
Tanks, ATVs, Forklifts, Shop Tools and driver combo kit included. Restaurant & Pub
Retail store for Pools &Equipment, Spas Sales PLUS 1,195,000.
MUCH Cash MORE flow over $100,000. Priced Check out www.pioneer-
at $250,000. Plus inventory. is hiring: 2 Full Time, Permanent
FOR DETAILS & PHOTOS VISIT: CenturyServices.com steel.ca for more prices. Pio-
Flower*A Buyers
Shop Very busy location with well-established customers, Sales well over
Premium will apply on all purchases. Subject to additions & Deletions. Complete Terms & Conditions on our website. Auction License 343285. neer Steel 1-855-212-7036.
$500,000. With strong cash flow. Priced LIQUIDATIONS
Awards & Promotional Trophies 403.294.9400 Retail business
| Century established some 40 years,
280,000. Strong GRAND customer
$160,000. TORONTO Cash flow MONTREAL $80.000.
MISC (general) NOC 6322
Vending Operation Priced $50,000. Owners motivated to sell 30 machines. Some Strathmore High School is currently seeking a full time
14.00 to $15.00 / hour for 35 to 44 hours / week,
located. Great opportunity for some with full time job. CRIMINAL RECORD? Why Educational Assistant for the 2017-18 school year.
plus 4% vacation pay
Call Bill Conroy @ 403-346-7755 suffer employment/licens-
Start date: As soon as possible
3.75 wide version
email billconroy@maxwellrealty.ca Maxwell Real Estate Solutions Ltd. ing loss? Travel/business
opportunities? Be embar-
The successful candidate needs to: Must be available for: Morning, Day, Evening,
Work well with a team or independently Weekend Shifts
rassed? Think: Criminal Par-
Work in and out of a classroom setting with
purge. File destruction. Free
students with severe needs/behaviours to carry out JOB REQUIREMENTS
Education: Secondary (high) school graduation
117 Poplar Street, Red Deer AB consultation 1-800-347- academic and life skill goals.
certificate. Completion of culinary or food safety
2540; www.accesslegalmjf. Supervise in a work experience environment
As Authorized by MNP LTD. PREVIEW: Wednesday, October 11th 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM program is an asset but not required.
com. Assist with personal care and grooming Experience: 1 year to less than 2 years
Cuisine Specialties: Canadian Specific Skills:
INCLUDES: Tanker and Highway Trucks and Trailers, Preference will be given to those with experience Prepare and cook complete meals or individual
credit? Bills? Unemployed? working with students with a variety of special needs
Qty of 400BBL Lined and Unlined Tanks, ATVs, Forklifts, dishes and foods, Prepare and cook special meals
3 wide version
Shop Tools and Equipment, PLUS MUCH MORE
Need money? We lend! If you
own your own home - you
and behavioral problems for patients as instructed by dietitian or chef, Plan
CenturyServices.com menus, determine size of food portions, estimate
FOR DETAILS & PHOTOS VISIT: qualify. Pioneer Acceptance
food requirements and costs, and monitor and


*A Buyers Premium will apply on all purchases. Subject to additions & Deletions. Complete Terms & Conditions on our website. Auction License 343285. Corp. Member BBB. 1-877- Applicants should direct their resume, including
names of references, to the undersigned on or before order supplies, Inspect kitchens and food service
403.294.9400 | Century Services.com west.com. noon on October 11, 2017. Only those short-listed will areas, Train staff in preparation, cooking and

4-6 feet, $35 each

EDMONTON GRAND PRAIRIE CALGARY HIGH RIVER TORONTO MONTREAL handling of food, Order supplies and equipment,
be contacted.
Supervise kitchen staff and helpers, Clean kitchen
Machine planting: $10/tree Mr. Kyle Larson and work areas, Manage kitchen operations
(includes bark mulch and fertilizer)
20 tree minimum order
Like Us 100 Brent Blvd.
Strathmore, AB T1P 1V2
Additional Skills: Prepare dishes for customers
with food allergies or intolerances

Delivery fee $75-$125/order on Facebook! Fax: 403-934-6694

Email: kyle.larson@ghsd75.ca
Languages: English
Work Conditions and Physical Capabilities: Fast-
paced environment, Handling heavy loads, Work
Quality guaranteed
HELP WANTED under pressure, Repetitive tasks, Standing for

extended periods, Physically demanding, Attention
3 wide version MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION! to detail Personal Suitability: Dependability,
Strathmore Station In-demand career! Employ- Client focus, Initiative, Team player, Judgement,
Restaurant & Pub
squeethezmost out of your advertising dollars
ers have work-at-home po- Flexibility, Reliability, Organized Transportation/
is hiring: sitions available. Get online Travel Information: Public transportation by taxi is
training you need from an available. There is no bus service available in the
3.75 wide version Banquet & employer-trusted program. area. If you live in Strathmore the location is in
Visit: CareerStep.ca/MT or
Place your ad in this newspaper Catering 1-855-768-3362 to start
walking distance

12345 wide
and province
with a combined circulation Service Manager training for your work-at-
home career today!
How to Apply:
Please submit a resume and cover letter.
of over 800,000 for only...
By email: strathmorestation@gmail.com
4-6 feet, $35 each
plus GST/HST
1 Permanent, Full Time GET YOUR
Value Ad Network By mail or in person:
$18 Hourly, for 44.00 Hours per week CLASSIFIED ADS IN!
380 Ridge Road, Strathmore, AB T1P 1B5
Machine planting:
Alberta $10/tree
Weekly Newspapers Association CALL 934-5589
(includes bark mulch and
toll free fertilizer)
1-800-282-6903 x228
Experience: 2 years to less than 3 years
email andrea@awna.com Requirements: Completion of high school,
20 tree minimum order safe food handling certificate.
or visit this community newspaper
Delivery fee $75-$125/order Skills and Duties: Basic Duties include:
Quality guaranteed Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate Now accepting applications
daily catering and banquet operations
for people who want to help us
3.75 wide version and implement operational procedures,
Control inventory, Ensure health and
safety regulations are followed, Negotiate
provide the best shopping
squeezthe most out of your advertising dollars
arrangements with suppliers for food and experience for our customers.
other supplies. Develop, implement and Starting wage: $12.25 - $14
analyze budgets. Ability to supervise 20 or
less staff in a fast-paced environment, under Send resumes to:
Place your ad in this newspaper

province wide $
and12345 pressure, while paying attention to detail. info@sobeysstrathmore.com
with a combined circulation
Standing and walking for extended periods or fax 403.934.4540
of over 800,000 for only... required. Cooking experience required.
plus GST/HST
Value Ad Network How to Apply
Alberta Weekly Newspapers Association In Person between 11:00 and 17:00 :
toll free 1-800-282-6903 x228
email andrea@awna.com 380 Ridge Road, Strathmore, Alberta, T1P 1B5
or visit this community newspaper By E-mail: strathmorestationjobs@gmail.com
Page 26 Strathmore TIMES October 6, 2017

Restrictions in walking/
dressing? $2,500 yearly tax
PROPERTY - Pigeon Lake, Al-
berta. Ritchie Bros. Auction-
LOTS - Bonnyville, Alberta.
Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers
Lake, Alberta. Ritchie Bros.
Auctioneers Unreserved
Alberta. Ritchie Bros. Auc- $205,000 DIRECTORY
credit. $20,000 lump sum eers Unreserved Auction, Unreserved Auction, October Auction, October 25 in Ed- tioneers Unreserved Auction,
cheque. Disability Tax Credit. October 25 in Edmonton. 25 in Edmonton. Gateway In- monton. 1670 +/- sq. ft. October 25 in Edmonton. 2 BEDROOM 2 BATHROOMS
Expert Help. Lowest service 1200 +/- sq ft home & shop. dustrial Park Ltd. 2.03 +/-, home. 1.2 +/- title acres WMJ Metals Ltd. 0.73 +/- ER TOPS - MAIN FLOOR IN- BUSINESS
fee nationwide. 1-844-453- 78.52 +/- Title Acres. Jerry 2.42 +/- and 2.4 +/- Title located in Rochon Sands title acres. Ritchie Bros. Real DOOR PARKING PLUS OUTDOOR
5372. Hodge: 780-706-6652; Bro- Acres. Jerry Hodge: 780- Estates. Jerry Hodge: 780- Estate - Jerry Hodge: 780-
kerage: All West Realty Ltd.; 706-6652; Brokerage: All 706-6652. Brokerage: All 706-6652; Brokerage: All LOOKING TO START OR EXPAND
MACHINERY rbauction.com/realestate. West Realty Ltd.; rbauction.
West Realty Ltd.; rbauction.
West Realty Ltd; rbauction.

PRAIRIE EQUIPMENT LTD. $339,900 We offer Business Development Loans and Business Plan
Assistance to Entrepreneurs within our region!
ment, backhoes, excavators, CIAL LOTS - Lacombe, Al- a publicly-traded company in Land. Logged but still many SPLIT - CUL DE SAC LOCATION
dozers, wheel loaders, farm CHINOOK III. 1 bdrm or 2 berta. Ritchie Bros. Auction- Calgary that acquires oil & trees. Approx. 8 - 10 km of 4 BEDROOMS- 3 BATHROOMS 403-934-8888 or
tractors w/loaders, skid bdrm. month rent free eers Unreserved Auction, gas fee title and royalty in- trails. Ideal hunting area. LARGE FAMILY RM - FORMAL 1-888-881-9675
steers, screeners, low beds. with a six month lease. Heat October 25 in Edmonton. terests at fair market value. High Prairie/Snipe Lake. DINING - HARDWOOD FLOORS wildrose@cfwildrose.ca
& water included. No pets.
Will pay cash! Any condition Wildrose Commercial Park, To receive a cash offer, call 780-523-1488. $195, 000/ For more information
running or not! 250-260- Please call for availability. 5.26 +/- and 3.04 +/- Title 587-293-4055 or visit www. quarter. One parcel. on what we do
0217. Call Keli 403-324-2944. Acres. Jerry Hodge: 780- prairiesky.com/Selling-Your- www.wildrose.albertacf.com
706-6652; Brokerage: All Royalties . www.StrathmoreTimes.com
2 BDRM, 3 appliances, wa- West Realty Ltd.; rbauction.
FEED AND SEED ter, heat, balcony, parking, com/realestate.
HOME - OVER 4700 SQ FT -

N/P, $975/month. Available BACKING ONTO CANAL & GREEN
with a classified ad. Only CUSTOM FINISH - BUILDER
$269 (based on 25 words or 3426. LOTS - Kingfisher Estates - OCCUPIED
less). Reach over 110 weekly Lake Newell, Alberta. Ritchie
newspapers. Call NOW for Bros. Auctioneers Unre-
2 BDRM, 5 appliances, wa- The Missing Piece to complete Your Big Picture.
details 1-800-282-6903 ext served Auction, October 25
ter, balcony, parking, N/P, in Edmonton. 12 lake front
228; www.awna.com. $1100/month. Available $339,900
now. Call Darlene 403-901-
and 14 lake view lots. Jerry Jonathan
Hodge: 780-706-6652; Bro- HARDWOOD FLOORS UPGRADED
HEATED CANOLA buying 3426. Peters APPLIANCES COVERED DECK Residential - Commercial - Industrial
Green, Heated or Spring- kerage: All West Realty Ltd..;
rbauction.com/realestate. Real Estate Associate OVERSIZED DOUBLE - DE- Farm & Yard - Bucket Truck Service
thrashed Canola. Buying: TACHED GARAGE - STONE
oats, barley, wheat & peas 403-870-4446 GAMES AREA - LOCATION PLUS !!
for feed. Buying damaged Two bedroom condo with www.StrathmoreTimes.com
jonathan@OrangeJigsaw.com Phone: 403-934-7188
or offgrade grain. On Farm 5 appliances and covered Email: jpjesco@efirehose.net
Pickup Westcan Feed & parking. $1,200/month +
security deposit. Incluldes all www.jescoelectrical.ca
Grain, 1-877-250-5252.
utilities and cable. N/S & N/P. $194,900 Serving Southern Alberta Since 1999
Seeds, A long time leader - 2 LARGE BEDROOMS - GRAN-
in Forage, Pasture, Native 1 BDRM, 3 appliances, wa-
& Reclamation grasses are ter, heat, balcony, parking,
seeking Alberta Dealers. Ex- N/P, $900/month. Available
cellent compensation. Con-
tact Lance Walker 1-800-
Nov. 1. Call Darlene 403-
901-3426. Stimson
661-1529. Email: lance. $350,900
walker@hannasseeds.com. OPEN DESIGN - VAULTED CEILINGS
mont, Alberta. 2016 and
2017 1st and 2nd cuts. Ap- WESTMOUNT DR.
proximately 300, 1200 lbs Sales, Maintenance & Set Up
1 & 2 bedroom $419,900
bales available (mix of alfal-
bungalow, bi-lvl Barb Wire - Wood - Chain Link
fa, orchard grass, timothy). FULLY FINISHED 5 BEDROOM
780-929-6235. & 2 stry units with HOME - OPEN DESIGN - LARGE Dale Stimson Shawn Stimson
parking, some TREED PIE SHAPED LOT 403-862-7790 stimdale@hotmail.com 403-585-2062
www.StrathmoreTimes.com fully renovated RELAX IN THE HOT TUB & ENJOY
& include W/D.
LOCATION LOCATION From $995. $259,900
rental. Warehouse for Please contact our 3RD LEVEL WALKOUT
lease. On Hwy #1. 3,200 Leasing Agent: BACKING ONTO GREEN SPACE
8,960 sq.ft. available.
Please call 403-934- Tamara Beautiful Furnace Replacement Repairs & Maintenance
Air Conditioning Certified HVAC Technicians
4164. 403-890-8197
Home $242,000
Plumbing Duct Cleaning


OVERSIZED GARAGE Our Team aT YOur Service!
5,000 square foot building CLOSE TO SCHOOLS & PARKS
plus attached chain link 120 Wildrose
fenced lot available Heath,
November 1, 2017 in Strathmore
Like Us on

Please contact Karen Dont miss out on this affordable 2-story

at 403-934-7239 approximately 1,500 sq ft. immaculate duplex in
Wildflower, Strathmore, which was built in 2015. GENERAL CONTRACTORS
This property has only had one owner with no kids, no pets, and no smoking. $314,900
The 3 spacious bedrooms upstairs, each with their own large closet, provide 4 LEVEL SPLIT WITH 3RD LEVEL WALKOUT

Individual Office Rental Available ample room for comfortable family living. The roomy eat-up kitchen has
room for 4 stools, which makes food prep and serving easy. There is also a
All Decked Out AB
General Contracting

spacious dining area for additional seating. The durable hardwood-looking

STRATHMORE laminate makes cleanup a breeze. The living room features a warm and
welcoming gas fireplace with a stunning wood mantel. The warm feeling
BUSINESS CENTRE continues throughout the home with modern short-shag carpet upstairs.
The private backyard is a great place for relaxing and entertaining. With two
$379,900 Kitchens, Bathroom Renos
129, Second Ave Basement Developments
large decks and natural gas hook-up for BBQ, this property is perfect for OPEN FLOOR PLAN WITH DYNAMIC
making the most of the outdoor space. The wide double detached garage
has abundant room for 2 vehicles along with additional storage space. The
GRADED APPLIANCES Additions, Roofing
Move your home business into an BE THE FIRST OWNER

low maintenance yard with no condo fees makes taking pride in ownership Fences & Decks
elegant office in downtown simple and manageable. Youll love living in this quiet cul-de-sac in a great
Aluminum Rail
Strathmore. Utilities include. neighbourhood with a park and walking/biking trails close by. Great for
Comes with the use of an
commuters with easy access to Highway 1; located on the west side of Vinyl & Composite Decking
town. This well-maintained duplex is a great place to call home. Neutral NONIE
elegant board room. honeycomb blinds throughout the home are included. HALL Bill Evans 403-901-8875 bill@alldeckedoutab.ca
Only $343,000 (no GST). Agents with buyers are welcome. AGENT Wes Breault 403-999-7097 wes@alldeckedoutab.ca
Call 403-934-5589 to view.
Call 403-614-2245 to view today! nonie.hall@shaw.ca
PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY October 6, 2017 Strathmore TIMES Page 27


Handy Kinda Guy BRO-TECH

FB Boersema & Partners Ltd. PLUMBING &
Painting Plumbing Hotwater Tanks Furnaces
Designers and Builders of Energy Efficient Homes
Small Renovations Renovations Hydronic Heating
Let us put YOUR thoughts on paper Decks & Fences Service Work Gas Fitting
New Construction Sewer Cleaning/
and build it to your satisfaction. Bathrooms
Certified I.C.F. Installers APPLIANCE
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Like us on Facebook
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Serving the Foothills since 78. Call BOB 403-861-7822
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Specializing in Insurance Claims
Your Complete Exterior Finishing Company
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K.M.W.Heating@gmail.com 403.934.5605
Aluminum and Smart Board Batons Strathmore & Area 403-870-2744 101 Slater Way, Strathmore, AB
Cell: 403-968-9211 Work: 403-934-4334
Fax: 403-934-4422 Email: toprowtom@telus.net Furnace Repair Gas Fireplaces
& Replacement Make Up Air
New Home Garage & Shop
Renos Hot Water
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Prairie Home Roofing Ltd. GET YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS
GENERAL CONTRACTORS Sales & Service Ltd Prairie Home Roofing
Agricultural Irrigation Sales & Maintenance Get the job done right the FIRST time!
Get the job done right the FIRST time!
Dale Stimson
403-862-7790 oasis.irrigation.ltd.@gmail.com
Prairie Home Roofing
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Siding, Soffit, Fascia, Roofing, Batten & Board
Triple M Exteriors is also looking to take
Cover Up Painting info@prairiehomeroofing.com
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Call Mike for a quote today at 403-820-1586 INTERIOR / EXTERIOR Commercial Residential
Email: triplemexteriors@hotmail.com COMMERIAL & RESIDENTIAL FREE ESTIMATES Power Washing Eaves Cleaning
Check out our website: 2
Mason Walstra Tel: 403-901-0092 0% off Disco
17 YEARS EXPERIENCE for Senio unt
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Over 25 Years Experience Free Quotes For more information Email mmdrill@mmdrilling.ca
Call Debi 403-901-0342 Website www.mmdrilling.ca
Have a Home Sweet Deck kind of day!!
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Page 28 Strathmore TIMES October 6, 2017 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

Check us out @ www.AztecRealEstate.ca
& follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Linkedin!

$74,000! 75x160 downtown lot
Just north of Strathmore
LARGE WALKOUT LOTS ALL BACKING minutes to town! Zoned R3
TO GREEN SPACE OR GOLF COURSE! 10 acres backing to Canal perfect for Roadway on 3 sides
that dream home! Located just north Perfect for multi-family
MLS C4106883 BEAT THESE PRICES! MLS C4084216 of RR 250 and Twp 250! development
MLS C4134895

1918 house on 1/3 acre
HOME $349,900!
REDUCED $369,900! Beautiful 3 bedroom in Gleichen
3 bedrooms 3.5 baths Basement is
BEAUTIFUL FULLY DEVELOPED 2 STOREY UP GRADED home bright with private entrance and
2+2 bdrms, 1 full bath
THROUGH OUT HOME THE LAST FEW YEARS! 4 BEDROOMS Oversized heated plumbing and electrical Beautifully treed lot
3.5 BATHS OVERSIZE MATURE LOT, HEATED GARAGE. 2 car garage MLS C4135599 for in-law-suite! Needs some TLC


situated in a quiet cul de DREAM HOME $110,000 $174,900
Beautifully maintained condo!
sac. Total of 5 bedrooms. on this beautiful piece of Land!! 2 bdrms, 1 full bath
Fully finshed. No neighbors 3.50 acres located Basement level is framed for
approximately 10 minutes from development
behind. Call Today for all Strathmore. Water and septic Perfect starter home or
the details!! MLS C4121913 approved by county. investment property
MLS C4135805

- $269,900 - $269,900
STUNNING, CUSTOM BUILT HOME WITH ALL THE LET US HELP! Immaculate 1088 sq.ft. half duplex
Located on a quiet street backing
Immaculate 1088 sq.ft.
half duplex
Located on a quiet street
4 BEDROOMS, 3.5 BATHS, CRAFT ROOM, 2 FAMILY We do complimentary onto greenspace backing onto greenspace
Open concept
Open concept with vaulted ceilings
ROOMS, FORMAL DINING ROOM. MUST SEE! Market Evaluations! 2 bdrms, 2 full baths
with vaulted ceilings
2 bdrms, 2 full baths

BUNGALOW TOTALLY bungalow with a rental GLEICHEN - $165,000
of land just waiting for you to
UPGRADED $389,900! suite. Invest and Immaculate 1352 sq.ft. home
build on! Plenty of room for your
AMAZING GOLF COURSE COMMUNITY earn money. 3+2 bdrms, 3 full baths
home and a shop. Water and
THIS HOME HAS 3 BEDROOMS PLUS $59,900 Lower level suite with
septic approved by county.
ALL ON LARGE LOT OVERLOOKING Call Ron Kaechele The adjacent 3.50 acres are also separate entrance
MLS C4134824 GOLF COURSE! 403-934-1097 MLS C4121900 available for purchase. Lots of upgrades!

GARAGE, AND 7.37 ACRES Stately home on huge lot. Were always getting calls RENOVATED -
$599,500! $189,900
Nearly 1900 sq feet.
4 bedrooms, 3 baths. for Rentals so... Located in Rockyford
Brand new carpet throughout.
A DREAM HOME. $394,000
Advertise your Rental Free* 2+2 bdrms, 2 full baths
Fully finished
QUALITY THROUGHOUT THIS Call Ron Kaechele 403-934-1097 *Dependent on space availability, first come first serve
MLS C4137750 METICULOUS ACREAGE! Detached garage

Spacious, modern, clean and
vacant, 3 bdrms, 2 1/2 baths,
RV PARKING $384,900!
attached garage. Trees, walk-out, Location, location, location!
deck, upgrades. Much more!! Custom built 1400+ sq.ft.
$260,000 bungalow

MLS C4130747
Call Ron Kaechele
Fully finished
2+2 bdrms + den, 3 full baths
PRICE BUILDER SAY SELL! LAND & BUSINESS - $236,900 Were always happy to share
REDUCED REDUCED $398,900! Beautifully
Gas, convenience, tire shop,
propane. U-haul depot. Huge maintained condo
market insight & run numbers
potential. Includes many Original owner for you so you can make an
3 BEDROOMS 2.5 BATHS QUALITY PLUS accessories. $345,000 3 bdrms, 1 baths informed decision!
MLS C4132422 AND BASEMENT IS DRYWALLED! Call Ron Kaechele 403-934-1097 Double attached garage

MEET OUR Robert Keith Ron

Sheila La Shaun
HOME Bassen
TEAM! 361-0390 934-5533 850-4593 333-8411 934-1097

Paul Ryan Shauna Tracy

LET US Kautz Kautz Kenworthy Larsen
HELP! 403


The Sign of Experience
Call 403-934-5533 | Were virtually everywhere!
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