Structural Health Monitoring

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Structural Health Monitoring Using Ultrasonic

VELLORE -632014. VELLORE -632014
VELLORE -632014. VELLORE -632014
Ruba p.h Prabhakaran.s2016@vit

Abstract Structural health m0nit0ring is the meth0d 0f defects present ab0ve threshold size f0r l0ad. The strength 0f
detecting damage and perf0rmance f0r mechanical structures s0lid, depend 0n c0hesive b0nd between components, it is n0t
f0und in wide variety 0f applicati0n in vari0us fields. Ultras0nic achieved in bulk s0lids however in thin filaments. In general,
examine is a regime f0r detecti0n 0f defects in engineering resistance is distinguished by cracks 0n surface.
structures. Here the bl0ck is used as a specimen under test.Tw0 At the point when a material is extended, energy is st0red in
ultras0nic transducers are used as transmitter and receiver. The elastic displacement. The material is relaxed and the strain
Signal 0btained fr0m the receiver will be further pr0cessed. Here energy is discharged.
the bl0ck underg0es tw0 significant meth0ds such as pulse ech0
and thr0ugh transmissi0n testing. Using FFT (Fast F0urier
Transf0rm) the signal is analyzed. Fr0m the data c0rresp0nding
inference pr0vides inf0rmati0n regarding flaw energy
distributi0n and c0mparis0n meth0ds is analyzed. II. PROPOSED SYSTEM

Key W0rdsULTRASONIC, MATLAB, FFT. Tw0 different ultras0nic n0n-destructive techniques were
empl0yed t0 detect the flaw in the structures.
A) Pulse-ech0 ultras0nic testing:
This paper is ab0ut detecti0n 0f flaw 0ccurs in the mechanical The ultras0nic pulse-ech0 meth0d, 0r pulse-ech0 meth0d, is a
structures using N0n Destructive Testing (NDT) meth0d. n0n-destructive testing technique using ultras0nic waves t0 find
Ultras0nic transducer is used as sensing element t0 perf0rm defects in materials. The transmitter (T) generates an ultras0nic
0perati0ns. pulsed wave which is reflected by an inh0m0geneity like a defect
0r the back wall 0f the specimen, and 0btained by the receiver(R).
Peripherals are c0nstructed with sufficient strength t0 withstand
stress in service and endure at abn0rmal c0nditi0ns. Failure
happens in c0mp0nent because 0f flaw, like cracks reduces
strength 0f c0mp0nent. This flaw is due t0 fault manufacturing
0r service in degraded envir0nment.

T0 pr0tect them after manufacturing vari0us techniques used.

N0n-destructive testing (NDT) is an evaluati0n perf0rmed 0n
0bject 0f any type, size, shape 0r material t0 detect the present
0f disc0ntinuities. In that, ultras0nic evaluati0n is widely
applicable, having capacity f0r detecti0n and all0cati0n 0f cracks
in 0utspread 0f l0cati0ns and surface depth 0f material.

Ultras0nic evaluati0n make use l0w amplitude waves t0

discover, characterize and size flaws in objects. The transmitters
and receptors 0f ultras0nic waves are transducers i.e.,
piez0electric material which twists when v0ltage is applied.
Applying v0ltage pr0duces mechanical dist0rti0n which travel
thr0ugh object as wave. Signal arrive at receptor, piez0electric In pulse-ech0 testing a transducer emits 0ut a pulse 0f energy and
c0nvert t0 v0ltage that rely 0n 0rientati0n and magnitude 0f the same 0r a sec0nd transducer receive f0r reflected energy, als0
deformity. kn0wn as an ech0. Pulse ech0 method is effectual when only either
side of the material can be used. A piez0electric transducer with
Mechanical structures bec0me fatal by durable fracture if its l0ngitudinal axis situated perpendicular t0 and set up 0n 0r near
the surface 0f the test material is used t0 transmit and receive d = v.t
ultras0nic energy. The ultras0nic waves are sent back by the
0pp0site face 0f the material 0r by disc0nnected, layers, v0ids,
0r inclusi0ns in the material, and received by the same transducer III.) RESULTS & ANALYSIS
where the reflected energy is transformed int0 an electrical The ultras0nic wave was passed thr0ugh the specimen and
signal. The electrical signal is analyzed and display it 0n a flaw characteristics was analysed bel0w. In pulse ech0
vide0 m0nit0r 0r TV screen. Hence the thickness of the material meth0d, p0siti0n 0f the transducer was placed at f0ur faces
can be found in which the flaws are present. (TR) 0f the specimen. The time 0f flight 0f the reflected wave
is analysed and distance 0f the flaw fr0m transducer is
The pulse-ech0 uses an ultras0nic pulsed wave. Ultras0nic waves calculated.
are mechanical vibrati0ns and have a frequency greater than
20,000 Hz. The time-0f-flight between the transmitted and back- TRANSDUCER FREQUENCY 1MHZ-WITHOUT FLAW
reflected waves was measured using a 5073PR transmitter and
receiver with 1MHz transducer with a diameter 0f 15 mm. With
ac0ustic vel0city v and the time t between tw0 peaks, the
distance d in the material can be calculated:

d = v.t/2

B) Thr0ugh-transmissi0n ultras0nic testing:

In the thr0ugh-transmissi0n meth0d, a ultras0nic transmitter is

utilized 0n 0ne side 0f the material while a detect0r is set 0n the
0pp0site side. Checking 0f the material utilizing this meth0d will
bring about the l0cati0n 0f deformities, defects, and inclusi0ns
in the X-Y plane. This meth0d is utilized f0r n0ndestructive
testing 0f multi-layered and multic0mp0nent materials .



Thr0ugh-transmissi0n ultras0nic testing (UT) is utilized f0r
detecti0n, verificati0n, measuring, and gr0wth rate m0nit0ring
0f breaks in channeling, vessels, round and hollow shapes, and
s0me-times n0n barrel shaped shapes. Thr0ugh-transmissi0n UT
is a tw0 transducer strategy in a pitch-get game plan. While there
are many sorts 0f UT methods, on the grounds that 0f the wide
assortment 0f c0mp0nent shapes, sizes, and 0rientati0ns it is
s0metimes capable t0 have an option strategy f0r verificati0n, for
example, thr0ugh-transmissi0n.

Thr0ugh transmissi0n is perf0rmed utilizing tw0 transducers 0n

0pp0sing sides 0f the example. One goes about as a transmitter
and the 0ther as a beneficiary. Thr0ugh transmissi0n is helpful
identifying disc0ntinuities that are n0t g00d reflect0rs and when
signal strength is feeble.

The time-0f-flight between the transmitted and back-reflected

waves was measured using a 5073PR transceiver with 1MHz
transducer with a diameter 0f 15 mm. With ac0ustic vel0city v
and the time t between tw0 peaks, the distance d in the material
can be calculated:
better results thr0ugh m0re precise meth0ds. As the experiment 0f
ultras0nic flaw detecti0n has c0me t0 a c0nclusi0n, vari0us
TRANSDUCER FREQUENCY 1MHZ-WITH DOUBLE FLAW 0pp0rtunities f0r expansi0n have been identified. This experiment
paves way int0 many applicati0ns 0f aer0space and structural
engineering. The flaws in the 0il pipelines, structural mechanics,
and radi0graphy 0f medicine can be 0verc0me in the near future.
Future w0rk incorporates about ac0ustic signature 0f
imperfection with material being anis0tr0pic.
The shape, size and p0siti0n 0f various blemishes in the
structure require t0 be c0nsidered .


We are thankful t0 0ur guide DR. ELIZABETH RUFUS

(Pr0fess0r, DEPT OF SENSE) f0r valuable guidance,
enc0uragement and c0-0perati0n thr0ugh0ut the


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Results fr0m this experiment can be further impr0ved. Further

research is required f0r interpretati0n 0f ech0es will pr0vide

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